The CDC links some strokes to jabs, maybe, you never know; the military-industrial-pharmaceutical complex; top vax official out; WaPo minimizes covid; Putin replaces top general; and more.
In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept. of Health lacked the authority to impose such a mandate as this power is reserved to the state legislature. Furthermore, the court found that the mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” as COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission, vitiating any rational basis for a mandate.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) financed this lawsuit on behalf of Medical Professionals for Informed Consent and several individual healthcare workers. Sujata Gibson, lead attorney, said, “This is a huge win for New York healthcare workers, who have been deprived of their livelihoods for more than a year. This is also a huge win for all New Yorkers, who are facing dangerous and unprecedented healthcare worker shortages throughout New York State.”
CHD President Mary Holland stated, “We are thrilled at this critical win against a COVID vaccine mandate, correctly finding that any such mandate at this stage, given current knowledge is arbitrary. We hope that this decision will continue the trend towards lifting these dangerous and unwarranted vaccine mandates throughout the country.”
God bless RFK Jr. and the CHD. Coming from a long line of rock-ribbed Republicans who couldn't stand the Kennedys, I'm amazed but also thankful to have him on our side. He is one of the good guys.
I heard RFK speak at a rally in CT against the pediatric vaccine schedule mandates for school admission …and the loss of our religious exemption in CT… he is a great man. Truly. May God bless him.
I believe the MSM and even his family consider him to be "misled" and an "antivaxxer" - but he is truly a warrior waging a courageous battle against MANDATED VACCINES--especially for children.
RFK Jr is a warrior for truth which means he buts heads on everything labeled BIG. Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Media, Big Food, Big Medicine, Big Government, etc.
No, our host comments under "Jeff Childers". I've been using "Jeff C" for about ten years on numerous blogs, and on half a dozen Covid substacks for the past three years. It's my real name and initial. Every so often I post a note here saying I'm not Jeff Childers, particularly if I say something that gets people riled up.
Besides if Jeff Childers wants to post on his own blog he doesn’t need to replace his last name with his initial. He says it like it is because that’s who he is.
While this is a great win, my first question is, do all the workers get their jobs back?
Or do the hospital and clinics still get to mandate it as a condition of employment? This lawsuit says, if I understand it, that NY dept of health can’t mandate it. But the hospitals, doctors and clinics are already now conditioned to require it. And THEY have gotten away with it. So is this a big win? Nothing is ever cut and dry and the legal jargon and word salads we are seeing make me question how this will actually effect the people.
THIS is what needs to go to court. This is what needs to be on trial. I’m tired of employers making this a condition of employment. All of these ridiculous MANdates started because the government started doing it. THAT empowered private businesses and crazy owners into doing it too. Now the govt is being reigned in, but the businesses are allowed to continue. This is wrong. It was ALWAYS wrong.
Vaccine Science and Public Health Law needs to be legally reviewed. Turtles all the Way Down. We are being lied to about our basic biology, esp. virology. I will say this, there is no better way to defeat a nation than to turn its own military against it. Our nation is suffering the equivalent of an autoimmune illness due to the illusion that biological "countermeasures" would ever be effective.
Shawn: Are you insinuating that lifelong, repeated vax's are the real culprit behind my arthritis?
I am a Boomer, and some of my earliest recollections of grade-school days are when the teacher passed out those dreaded Vaccination Permission Slips....
I am with you. I'm in CA and gave up a teaching job bc of the mandates. I feel like sending the new info to administrators and asking "STILL want to mandate those shots?" Because at this point if they are reading these studies they HAVE to see, they could be liable. Don't they?
“Those who are conscientious objectors to vaccination should, of course, have the courage to face all penalties or persecutions to which they may be subjected by law, and stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction.”
Yea that’s true too. I know Oregon threatened businesses with all kinds of threats of losing their business licenses and liquor licenses etc etc.
Somehow these businesses have to have a way to fight back agains the govt. I know there will be businesses who will absolutely require it even when they are no longer threatened. Those businesses need to go out of business. But until there is a law in place or a law suit won that says a private business cannot require a medical intervention as a condition of employment there will be owners who continue to do it and hide behind the govt to cover their a$$
And I’m tired of people (among them pro business Republicans) who keep saying it’s the right of these companies to do business as they see fit and if employees and customers don’t like it, they should just not work there or do business with them. Really? How is requiring a medical intervention part of “doing business”? They say it’s to keep employees and customers safe and healthy but first of all, there is no evidence it accomplishes that, and second of all, even if it does, how far can a business go with that idea?? Where does it stop? It is way beyond what they should be allowed to control.
This is a tough call BUT. Somewhere each and everyone us has to draw a line in the sand. That line is called No More.
The question is, how much abuse will people take until they the people put an end to the diabolic conditions being DEMANDED of us ... by government and those who are in fact and deed above the government.
Those 'above' are the CONTROLLERS. These possess seeming endless immunity from prosecution and operated with unlimited anonymity. Their imposed demonic demands and conditions are anti-life. And their only product is war, destruction and unlimited misery ... all bundled together.
indeed. NO one should be obliged to do whatever bodily mandates a boss puts on his employees. No abortion, no jabs, and why not have some ruling like in Europe, where you get a partly pay if you are sick? I fEurope can do it why can America not do it? And why do all the high ups get health care and the low downs have to pay disastrous amounts for insurance? We are not cars !
Truth be told--Ingrid--if you listen to the "directors" of the World Economic Forum (visit their website)--they consider "us" as "unworthy of life itself"--we are but PAWNS in their "grand chess game"!!
true. but that is nothing new. Workers have always been considered second class. Children of a lesser god. Remember all the times in history, where the poor and the oppressed were run under foot, looted, abused, enslaved, you name it. Any government that starts a war looks down upon the plebs, because no one sends their own children and grandchildren to war. A few exceptions - Alexander, at the head of his troops, a few others, even Napoleon went along. Now they make pleasure trips to countries at war, and the heads of these countries come on trips too, leaving their countrymen to die on the field.
When my husband who works for a major airline as a mechanic completed the very intrusive questionnaire/religious exemption form, he stated, "I get medical advice from my doctor, not my employer."
Technically they are!!! you can't discriminate against race, religion, blah, blah, blah and your employer has not legal right to know anything about your health status! I always thought even allowing employers to test for drugs in your system was illegal unless maybe you'd be working with heavy equipment?
And companies (mostly in healthcare) have required the flu shot for years, so that set a precedent. That’s how people defended this, by saying it was the company’s right to protect their workers and do business as they saw fit (even if that tramples on human rights and even if there is no evidence the intervention protects anyone). That’s why I think it needs to be explicit that no company or agency can require any medical interventions for employees or customers.
Agreed. I posted the same thing on another thread on here somewhere. That opened the door but they seem to allow more exemptions for flu shots and/or there are fewer people complaining about that since those shots have been around forever. But, need to get back to "things in my body as per my choice not anyone else's" i.e. my body, my choice applies to everything not just abortion.
Yeah I know but they still did it because people allowed them to 😕 Some because they were so proud of their jabbed status that they wanted to show how superior they were and others because they feared for their livelihoods… but allowed nevertheless.
Good luck trying to hire fired nurses back! I doubt if very many want their job back. Would you want to go back to work for an employer who just said FU?
No, as a Registered Nurse I wouldn’t go back. Too much corruption, collusion and, in many cases, malpractice has been exposed in the healthcare system and I want no part of it. Important tenets of healthcare have been kicked to the curb including informed consent, best practice standards, the patient’s bill of rights, respect for the inherent dignity of human life and the Hippocratic oath (“above all else, do no harm”). It’s been a heartbreaking realization but the current system is broken and corrupted and until corporations, individuals and the government agencies involved are held criminally accountable I see no signs that it will change.
Exactly. Just like the recent news that the military can no longer mandate the jabs. The military, shortly after the announcement, made sure to remind everyone by saying they can STILL determine treatment of its personnel under "combat readiness" guidelines. Anyone who's ever been in the military knows full well what that statement really means. In other words, if you're an unjabbed soldier under a pro-jab commander, good luck bud & budette.
While I understand what you are saying, how many judges remained silent because no case was brought before them? I kept asking where are the law suits? Where are the lawyers? In 2020 when it was apparent what they were doing, where was everybody? No law suits. No nothing. How can a judge stop something that never makes it to his court room?
Even Jeff put it out there that he would represent any church that was being forced to be closed by the govt for free! And not one church leader came to him looking for representation. So is Jeff a hypocrite because no one came to him? We know the answer to that one 😂
I agree, the judge isn’t responsible for people not bringing cases before him. The judges who threw cases out or who made ridiculous poorly reasoned judgments against plaintiffs who brought cases are, though. But in this case I see no reason to criticize him.
If you ever wonder if a scenario such as this one might feel like we are living in the Twilight Zone, here’s my confirmation that we truly are. When I was 16 I stepped into a hotel elevator alone with Rod Serling. I couldn’t resist asking him if the TZ he wrote about was real. He looked at me, smiled and took a drag on his cigarette and said, “yeah kid, it is real”.
Yeah--maybe that's why Serling left this world at such a young age--dragging on those cigarettes was "terminal". He didn't want to hang around for the "grand performance".
I get it. They don’t get their jabs back. They should’ve stood up and said no. Unfortunately, they have to live with saying ok here’s my arm. I’ll take my chances so I have a job 😞
Excellent question. I'm a nurse in NY and though I no longer work in a clinical setting (I'm actually in a med-mal law firm), my friends in the clinic setting would say that the hospital systems used the DOH directives as cover for their mandates. We'll see if they now reverse. Last I knew, staffing levels in our region are still quite precarious and the systems have been paying huge payrolls to keep enough nurses on hand. We'll see...
I was told just yesterday as I was leaving work, that my employer is recommending we wear masks again. They usually send out an email right around Friday at 5pm. Hmmm, I just laughed, because the masks kick the heck out of that virus. This is in Gainesville Fl. I have not seen the email yet, when I go back to work, if I have time to read emails, I will look.
If it's arbitrary and capricious for a government to mandate the shots, as the court held, perhaps that means it's also the same for private employers to require them?
Just read a post from the second smartest guy in the room Substack that suggests the new “revelations” dribbling out of MSM could be part of the plan to break down society with angst and anger so the WEF come swoop in and restore order. Apparently, this was gamed in a SPARS tabletop exercise.
This is fantastic news. Most major airlines still have the mandates in place. This is shocking considering the safety signals even the CDC is now admitting. Pilots flying hundreds of passengers per day and are still subjected to these mandates. New hires (mostly young pilots) are subjected to these mandates. This must stop for the safety of the crew and passengers. I hope and pray these are the next mandates to be lifted.
Not to mention people on the ground in the (hopefully not!) event that both the pilot and the co-pilot, who would be under great stress, both suffer a coincidence on the same flight! I don’t think I’ll be flying anywhere soon. Driving sounds like the better option.
In all seriousness, flying right now would scare me. I watched a short video this morning of someone saying that the elites are asking for unvaccinated pilots for their private jets. I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, the writing is on the wall and we need to really think about our own method of travel. It’s time to start hiring the unvaccinated.
I’d be interested in finding out if that’s true. I have a cousin who lives in Florida who’s a pilot for either a private plane or a charter service (is there a difference?) so I’ll see about sending him a message too.
Sorry Wendy but I don't think we are any safer on the road. Apparently there is an increase of unusual road crashes caused by medical emergencies. I think they call them vaxxidents.
Just this morning on I95 in central FL a big accident of a car ramming into the back of a semi. Either texting & driving or a medical ‘event’ would account for this. Who knows
Like you, I’m not flying anytime soon. I’ve read that airlines have a rule that disallows pilots to take any medicines that have been on the market less than 2 (?) years. But they violated that rule. Has anyone else heard this?
That will never happen, Wendy - and that is also another "devisive tactic" which will play into the hands of the evil agenda of the power potentates to DIVDE AND CONQUER!
This is great news as New York State has been one of the vilest in enforcing these anti-Constitutional edicts. They were always "arbitrary and capricious."
I agree. 😞 While we are licking our wounds and trying to figure out how to move forward the agenda has done the damage they wanted. Maybe not as much as they wanted because courageous people started fighting back….but the damage is lifelong and continues behind the scenes. They are still doing things we can’t see. We are always behind the 8 ball. They are always way ahead with their evil criminal agenda. 😔
I suspect this strategy of admitting things was table-top war gamed and this was a planned response on how to respond when damning information came out and the public began to react. I'm sure they also war gamed how to move forward and continue their nefarious plan to continue to seek their objective.
Well great, but can we make sure it doesn't take THREE freaking years and a lot of lost jobs before we come to conclusions that most of us have known the whole time, i.e. it is illegal at the core?!
“But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.” — Jesus, in Matthew 24:29-31 NASB1995
I am eager for that day but I have so many unsaved family and friends ... I know God waits for them and so I eagerly wait to see what He is doing in these days. I eagerly wait ♥️
Same here...Yearning to see Him and watch Him make all things new...and to be finally free from sin and death...but wanting loved ones to be right with Him first. Please Lord, make it so.
I had to worry about my bank account getting shut down by donating $150 to the FreedomConvoy but Hunter washes $50k of dirty Ukie cash/month and nothing happens?
I too found that similar number to be telling. Telling us all who really “earned” that $ from Burisma or whatever TF the name of that dirty Ukie company was. Big pappy joe slappin his paps in preparation for depositing it right into the ole bank boy-o. What a dump truck load of $h!t.
The Disclosure and Authorization Agreement is signed and dated July 27, 2018 - 18 months after the move in date, and perhaps 6 months after the move out date!!?? Am I missing something or are these legitimate discrepancies?
In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The court held that the NYS Dept. of Health lacked the authority to impose such a mandate as this power is reserved to the state legislature. Furthermore, the court found that the mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” as COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission, vitiating any rational basis for a mandate.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) financed this lawsuit on behalf of Medical Professionals for Informed Consent and several individual healthcare workers. Sujata Gibson, lead attorney, said, “This is a huge win for New York healthcare workers, who have been deprived of their livelihoods for more than a year. This is also a huge win for all New Yorkers, who are facing dangerous and unprecedented healthcare worker shortages throughout New York State.”
CHD President Mary Holland stated, “We are thrilled at this critical win against a COVID vaccine mandate, correctly finding that any such mandate at this stage, given current knowledge is arbitrary. We hope that this decision will continue the trend towards lifting these dangerous and unwarranted vaccine mandates throughout the country.”
We are off to a great start in 2023.
The Team at Children's Health Defense
God bless RFK Jr. and the CHD. Coming from a long line of rock-ribbed Republicans who couldn't stand the Kennedys, I'm amazed but also thankful to have him on our side. He is one of the good guys.
I heard RFK speak at a rally in CT against the pediatric vaccine schedule mandates for school admission …and the loss of our religious exemption in CT… he is a great man. Truly. May God bless him.
His book was a page turner!
Amen. Gratitude and Some progress.
Still, RFK is demonized as a Vaxx advocate or something
I believe the MSM and even his family consider him to be "misled" and an "antivaxxer" - but he is truly a warrior waging a courageous battle against MANDATED VACCINES--especially for children.
RFK Jr is a warrior for truth which means he buts heads on everything labeled BIG. Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Media, Big Food, Big Medicine, Big Government, etc.
Which is the classical liberal
I have seen this on other sites where integrity and honesty matter:
Its not left vs right.
Its not liberal vs conservative.
Its good vs evil.
Curious are you Jeff Childers? Jeff C
No, our host comments under "Jeff Childers". I've been using "Jeff C" for about ten years on numerous blogs, and on half a dozen Covid substacks for the past three years. It's my real name and initial. Every so often I post a note here saying I'm not Jeff Childers, particularly if I say something that gets people riled up.
Besides if Jeff Childers wants to post on his own blog he doesn’t need to replace his last name with his initial. He says it like it is because that’s who he is.
Thanks!! 😉
Looks like most people don't want to post their last name
While this is a great win, my first question is, do all the workers get their jobs back?
Or do the hospital and clinics still get to mandate it as a condition of employment? This lawsuit says, if I understand it, that NY dept of health can’t mandate it. But the hospitals, doctors and clinics are already now conditioned to require it. And THEY have gotten away with it. So is this a big win? Nothing is ever cut and dry and the legal jargon and word salads we are seeing make me question how this will actually effect the people.
That’s certainly a great question. I would like all companies and government entities to be forbidden from mandating any medical intervention!!
THIS is what needs to go to court. This is what needs to be on trial. I’m tired of employers making this a condition of employment. All of these ridiculous MANdates started because the government started doing it. THAT empowered private businesses and crazy owners into doing it too. Now the govt is being reigned in, but the businesses are allowed to continue. This is wrong. It was ALWAYS wrong.
Vaccine Science and Public Health Law needs to be legally reviewed. Turtles all the Way Down. We are being lied to about our basic biology, esp. virology. I will say this, there is no better way to defeat a nation than to turn its own military against it. Our nation is suffering the equivalent of an autoimmune illness due to the illusion that biological "countermeasures" would ever be effective.
Shawn: Are you insinuating that lifelong, repeated vax's are the real culprit behind my arthritis?
I am a Boomer, and some of my earliest recollections of grade-school days are when the teacher passed out those dreaded Vaccination Permission Slips....
I am with you. I'm in CA and gave up a teaching job bc of the mandates. I feel like sending the new info to administrators and asking "STILL want to mandate those shots?" Because at this point if they are reading these studies they HAVE to see, they could be liable. Don't they?
I’m sorry you lost your job over this but I have great respect for you (and everyone who held the line) and didn’t bow to tptb. Stay strong. 💪🏻
“Those who are conscientious objectors to vaccination should, of course, have the courage to face all penalties or persecutions to which they may be subjected by law, and stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction.”
No...they don't have to "see"'s Commiefornia home of the Despots.
Sad but more likely than not true.
DO IT! Michele.
I can see businesses being sabotaged until they are out of business if they continue.
I'm not advocating violence but knowing human nature, payback is a given.
I just read a number of hospitals have to close. I presume because most of their people went elsewhere?
Actually in many cases they were arm twisting employers to require it. Depending on state.
Yea that’s true too. I know Oregon threatened businesses with all kinds of threats of losing their business licenses and liquor licenses etc etc.
Somehow these businesses have to have a way to fight back agains the govt. I know there will be businesses who will absolutely require it even when they are no longer threatened. Those businesses need to go out of business. But until there is a law in place or a law suit won that says a private business cannot require a medical intervention as a condition of employment there will be owners who continue to do it and hide behind the govt to cover their a$$
And I’m tired of people (among them pro business Republicans) who keep saying it’s the right of these companies to do business as they see fit and if employees and customers don’t like it, they should just not work there or do business with them. Really? How is requiring a medical intervention part of “doing business”? They say it’s to keep employees and customers safe and healthy but first of all, there is no evidence it accomplishes that, and second of all, even if it does, how far can a business go with that idea?? Where does it stop? It is way beyond what they should be allowed to control.
This is a tough call BUT. Somewhere each and everyone us has to draw a line in the sand. That line is called No More.
The question is, how much abuse will people take until they the people put an end to the diabolic conditions being DEMANDED of us ... by government and those who are in fact and deed above the government.
Those 'above' are the CONTROLLERS. These possess seeming endless immunity from prosecution and operated with unlimited anonymity. Their imposed demonic demands and conditions are anti-life. And their only product is war, destruction and unlimited misery ... all bundled together.
indeed. NO one should be obliged to do whatever bodily mandates a boss puts on his employees. No abortion, no jabs, and why not have some ruling like in Europe, where you get a partly pay if you are sick? I fEurope can do it why can America not do it? And why do all the high ups get health care and the low downs have to pay disastrous amounts for insurance? We are not cars !
Truth be told--Ingrid--if you listen to the "directors" of the World Economic Forum (visit their website)--they consider "us" as "unworthy of life itself"--we are but PAWNS in their "grand chess game"!!
true. but that is nothing new. Workers have always been considered second class. Children of a lesser god. Remember all the times in history, where the poor and the oppressed were run under foot, looted, abused, enslaved, you name it. Any government that starts a war looks down upon the plebs, because no one sends their own children and grandchildren to war. A few exceptions - Alexander, at the head of his troops, a few others, even Napoleon went along. Now they make pleasure trips to countries at war, and the heads of these countries come on trips too, leaving their countrymen to die on the field.
Companies might start rethinking the jab as an employment condition once injured employees start filing lawsuits.
When my husband who works for a major airline as a mechanic completed the very intrusive questionnaire/religious exemption form, he stated, "I get medical advice from my doctor, not my employer."
I already admired you, fellow Oklahoman, but this about your husband bumps you up a couple more levels.
Tell your hubby I admire him, too.
And another key word would be "advice" ONLY.
Technically they are!!! you can't discriminate against race, religion, blah, blah, blah and your employer has not legal right to know anything about your health status! I always thought even allowing employers to test for drugs in your system was illegal unless maybe you'd be working with heavy equipment?
And companies (mostly in healthcare) have required the flu shot for years, so that set a precedent. That’s how people defended this, by saying it was the company’s right to protect their workers and do business as they saw fit (even if that tramples on human rights and even if there is no evidence the intervention protects anyone). That’s why I think it needs to be explicit that no company or agency can require any medical interventions for employees or customers.
Agreed. I posted the same thing on another thread on here somewhere. That opened the door but they seem to allow more exemptions for flu shots and/or there are fewer people complaining about that since those shots have been around forever. But, need to get back to "things in my body as per my choice not anyone else's" i.e. my body, my choice applies to everything not just abortion.
Yeah I know but they still did it because people allowed them to 😕 Some because they were so proud of their jabbed status that they wanted to show how superior they were and others because they feared for their livelihoods… but allowed nevertheless.
Good luck trying to hire fired nurses back! I doubt if very many want their job back. Would you want to go back to work for an employer who just said FU?
No, as a Registered Nurse I wouldn’t go back. Too much corruption, collusion and, in many cases, malpractice has been exposed in the healthcare system and I want no part of it. Important tenets of healthcare have been kicked to the curb including informed consent, best practice standards, the patient’s bill of rights, respect for the inherent dignity of human life and the Hippocratic oath (“above all else, do no harm”). It’s been a heartbreaking realization but the current system is broken and corrupted and until corporations, individuals and the government agencies involved are held criminally accountable I see no signs that it will change.
My RN wife will still work behind enemy lines, giving needed healthcare, spiritual support, and fighting the NWO in her hospital.
As I used to tell my Trad Catholic teens, I'm dropping you behind enemy lines to harass, and defeat Satan - the poor bastard.
May she be a beacon of light in the darkness of our current healthcare system.
I agree. I sure wouldn’t. But it’s more about stopping these evil tyrants from ever doing it again.
Exactly. Just like the recent news that the military can no longer mandate the jabs. The military, shortly after the announcement, made sure to remind everyone by saying they can STILL determine treatment of its personnel under "combat readiness" guidelines. Anyone who's ever been in the military knows full well what that statement really means. In other words, if you're an unjabbed soldier under a pro-jab commander, good luck bud & budette.
Yep. My sons been chomping at the bit to finally be able to serve. I’ve tried to warn him😢
And where was this judge when mandates were going down and people losing their jobs?
Unless newly appointed, he's a hypocrite if he didn't stand up before
While I understand what you are saying, how many judges remained silent because no case was brought before them? I kept asking where are the law suits? Where are the lawyers? In 2020 when it was apparent what they were doing, where was everybody? No law suits. No nothing. How can a judge stop something that never makes it to his court room?
Even Jeff put it out there that he would represent any church that was being forced to be closed by the govt for free! And not one church leader came to him looking for representation. So is Jeff a hypocrite because no one came to him? We know the answer to that one 😂
I agree, the judge isn’t responsible for people not bringing cases before him. The judges who threw cases out or who made ridiculous poorly reasoned judgments against plaintiffs who brought cases are, though. But in this case I see no reason to criticize him.
Exactly! I agree 100%
If you ever wonder if a scenario such as this one might feel like we are living in the Twilight Zone, here’s my confirmation that we truly are. When I was 16 I stepped into a hotel elevator alone with Rod Serling. I couldn’t resist asking him if the TZ he wrote about was real. He looked at me, smiled and took a drag on his cigarette and said, “yeah kid, it is real”.
Welcome to the fifth dimension.
Yeah--maybe that's why Serling left this world at such a young age--dragging on those cigarettes was "terminal". He didn't want to hang around for the "grand performance".
Jobs back? How do the workers who complied get their JABS back - back out of their bodies, that is?
I get it. They don’t get their jabs back. They should’ve stood up and said no. Unfortunately, they have to live with saying ok here’s my arm. I’ll take my chances so I have a job 😞
Yep. They were coerced and many felt they had to take it to feed their families. They still should have said no. Sleazy Joe's mandates were pure evil.
Excellent question. I'm a nurse in NY and though I no longer work in a clinical setting (I'm actually in a med-mal law firm), my friends in the clinic setting would say that the hospital systems used the DOH directives as cover for their mandates. We'll see if they now reverse. Last I knew, staffing levels in our region are still quite precarious and the systems have been paying huge payrolls to keep enough nurses on hand. We'll see...
I was told just yesterday as I was leaving work, that my employer is recommending we wear masks again. They usually send out an email right around Friday at 5pm. Hmmm, I just laughed, because the masks kick the heck out of that virus. This is in Gainesville Fl. I have not seen the email yet, when I go back to work, if I have time to read emails, I will look.
I hope you ignore it and hire Jeff if they try to force you. Fight back.
But I notice they are using “recommend”. Pppffft. Middle finger. 😂
Yeah, lol, but they are all mind dead.
Not in Free Florida. Don't comply and send the email to Jeff and Governor Ron.
I thought we were the free state. Maybe that employer didn't get the memo.
If it's arbitrary and capricious for a government to mandate the shots, as the court held, perhaps that means it's also the same for private employers to require them?
You would think!
Just read a post from the second smartest guy in the room Substack that suggests the new “revelations” dribbling out of MSM could be part of the plan to break down society with angst and anger so the WEF come swoop in and restore order. Apparently, this was gamed in a SPARS tabletop exercise.
And it is NYS. The worst state for freedom in America.
This is fantastic news. Most major airlines still have the mandates in place. This is shocking considering the safety signals even the CDC is now admitting. Pilots flying hundreds of passengers per day and are still subjected to these mandates. New hires (mostly young pilots) are subjected to these mandates. This must stop for the safety of the crew and passengers. I hope and pray these are the next mandates to be lifted.
And colleges!!! The mandates need to be lifted for the sake of the young adults.
Not to mention people on the ground in the (hopefully not!) event that both the pilot and the co-pilot, who would be under great stress, both suffer a coincidence on the same flight! I don’t think I’ll be flying anywhere soon. Driving sounds like the better option.
In all seriousness, flying right now would scare me. I watched a short video this morning of someone saying that the elites are asking for unvaccinated pilots for their private jets. I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, the writing is on the wall and we need to really think about our own method of travel. It’s time to start hiring the unvaccinated.
I’ll ask my unvaccinated pilot friend who is retired and now flies privately.
I’d be interested in finding out if that’s true. I have a cousin who lives in Florida who’s a pilot for either a private plane or a charter service (is there a difference?) so I’ll see about sending him a message too.
Sorry Wendy but I don't think we are any safer on the road. Apparently there is an increase of unusual road crashes caused by medical emergencies. I think they call them vaxxidents.
Just this morning on I95 in central FL a big accident of a car ramming into the back of a semi. Either texting & driving or a medical ‘event’ would account for this. Who knows
We'll never know... Why would they ever admit it.
Like you, I’m not flying anytime soon. I’ve read that airlines have a rule that disallows pilots to take any medicines that have been on the market less than 2 (?) years. But they violated that rule. Has anyone else heard this?
That will never happen, Wendy - and that is also another "devisive tactic" which will play into the hands of the evil agenda of the power potentates to DIVDE AND CONQUER!
This is great news as New York State has been one of the vilest in enforcing these anti-Constitutional edicts. They were always "arbitrary and capricious."
But the agenda has been moved forward with many already dead or injured or will have debilitated lives going forward. Where is the justice for those?
I agree. 😞 While we are licking our wounds and trying to figure out how to move forward the agenda has done the damage they wanted. Maybe not as much as they wanted because courageous people started fighting back….but the damage is lifelong and continues behind the scenes. They are still doing things we can’t see. We are always behind the 8 ball. They are always way ahead with their evil criminal agenda. 😔
I suspect this strategy of admitting things was table-top war gamed and this was a planned response on how to respond when damning information came out and the public began to react. I'm sure they also war gamed how to move forward and continue their nefarious plan to continue to seek their objective.
Not this side of Heaven would be my guess. Grateful for the wins that may save even more.
As we look at the NY Supreme Court decision, this must be seen as a precedent for more cases.
Ty Robert Kennedy and CHD. What stops the March of such evil? I’ll leave that for another. 🥲
In New York, the Supreme Court is the lowest (trial-level) court.
What about Biden's Medicare mandate for nurses? Is that still in effect? How will this ruling effect that mandate?
Alison Smith: ‘Biden’s Medicare mandate for nurses’? What is that? I’m not sure what you’re referring to...can you elaborate, please?
Link to CHD press release:
Amazingly, I can't find any "news" agency that said that CHD said that the NY Supreme Court said the "mandate" is "null, void, and of no effect."
I tried for more saids and quotes, but thought it might be a bit much :)
Yay woohoo hooray! The ice has moved, and the tide is busy turning 🤸 W00t w00t!
That is excellent news!!
Well done CHD !
Well great, but can we make sure it doesn't take THREE freaking years and a lot of lost jobs before we come to conclusions that most of us have known the whole time, i.e. it is illegal at the core?!
I wonder if hospitals have come under DARPA jurisdiction as long as there is a declared by the federal government "A State of Emergency"
No doubt the murdered are rejoicing in the afterlife.
Excellent! Someone needs to tell SCOTUS - especially Sotomayor.
if they only had know 2 years ago....
That IS BIG progress!
“But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.” — Jesus, in Matthew 24:29-31 NASB1995
I am eager for that day but I have so many unsaved family and friends ... I know God waits for them and so I eagerly wait to see what He is doing in these days. I eagerly wait ♥️
Same here...Yearning to see Him and watch Him make all things new...and to be finally free from sin and death...but wanting loved ones to be right with Him first. Please Lord, make it so.
I had to worry about my bank account getting shut down by donating $150 to the FreedomConvoy but Hunter washes $50k of dirty Ukie cash/month and nothing happens?
Paying ~$50k/month out of your $50k/month salary sure sounds like pass-through to me...
I love how he can live on 90.00/mo after rent.
His dad probably gave him “an allowance.”
How does he feed his nose on just $90 a month? Not sure that even covers one snort.
Yup that's what I just commented too.
He also got 4 million from mayor of Moscow, so that’s that
I too found that similar number to be telling. Telling us all who really “earned” that $ from Burisma or whatever TF the name of that dirty Ukie company was. Big pappy joe slappin his paps in preparation for depositing it right into the ole bank boy-o. What a dump truck load of $h!t.
Burisma is a Russian backed company that was created to deal with oil piped from Russia.
And he was paying it to Owasco PC, 🧐 Shady with a capital J.
Correct : (
The Disclosure and Authorization Agreement is signed and dated July 27, 2018 - 18 months after the move in date, and perhaps 6 months after the move out date!!?? Am I missing something or are these legitimate discrepancies?
Safe and Effective is not a lie. It’s two lies!