Jan 25, 2023Β·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The local library keeps better track of what books I've taken out than the government does of their classified documents. I think the government should contact the library system to manage their classified info.

"Can I have your library card Mr President"?

Edit: I even get email reminders of auto renewals and even when they're due. It's amazing new technology (sarcasm)

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Speaking of libraries, I can remember after 9/11, the Federal Government was going to start tracking library books checked out by citizens as a way to keep tabs on potential terroristic activities. Berkeley, CA lost its mind over this civil liberties infraction. Fast forward 20 years and these same people can’t share implement a vaccine passport system fast enough. The times sure changed!

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And don’t these Berkeley-ites wear muzzles 24/7?

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Berkeley resident here. And yes it’s about 60/40 masked indoors and 30/70 outdoors. Still. Library, federal offices, city college - all mask mandates so 100% there.

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Something I read ages ago is that β€œclassified” materials are only classified so that the American people are kept in the dark. Our enemies surely already know all of our secrets.

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I absolutely believe that is the truth 🀨

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I worked at a library. If a new hire couldn’t put materials in the correct spot they were out. We tested them before. It’s a real pain to try and fill a hold order for the next day and go home at closing if the books aren’t there. Argh.

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One of my favorite jobs ever was shelving for one of the librairies at my college. I had an almost photographic memory of where all of the different books and scores went. I got to be very fast and efficient and it was very relaxing and zen for me 😁

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I was a cashier at Publix when I was a kid. 40 years later I still remember a lot of the codes for fruit and veggies. Of course I can't remember my phone number, but if you need a Publix banana I am your gal.

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Y'all prompted me to look this up, because 4011 is the code for bananas at Ingles, here in N.C. Turns out it's the same in all grocery stores, I guess. I learned something new today thanks to you people πŸ˜„


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My second job as a teen was at the Grand Union right when the scanners came out. I could have sworn bananas there were 3999. Maybe they had not standardized it. High five to anyone working at the Grand Union on Dixie near Killian Dr. in Miami and Publix just S of the Falls on Dixie In Miami. Totally of topic, but since there are so many awesome Floridians here. I love Ingles. Best small town grocery ever. Plus food is stored there. Haha.

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Love it!!

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Let's play fruit and veggie codes!!!!

What's the code for Haas avocados???

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It is "fun," I do the same in my kid's schools as a volunteer. I thought I was just weird.πŸ™„

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I did this for many years too! Loved it!

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It’s so soothing 😁

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Maybe we’re both weird πŸ˜†πŸ˜ My supervisor offered me a circ desk position several times and was always bemused when I turned him down πŸ˜† (but also glad, because I was good at my job and no one else wanted to do it 😁).

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β€œ...where all of the different books and scores went.” What are scores in a library?

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Music. It was a library for a music school.

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Excellent thought. This reminds me of my visit to the library this week. Looking in the fiction for Oke, sliding past the Mc's I saw so many R authors after McR. I mentioned to the young lady at the desk but the care meter was low. I suppose it will be of more concern if someone is asking for Nora Roberts and she is nowhere to be found in the Rs. Maybe our National Archive folks just had a confusion with Mc or such. And maybe Rand Paul is correct that we label to many documents classified.

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You could pull all the mis-shelved books and put them somewhere else. The floor, a table, a chair, then they'd care...about having to do the extra work.

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Oh, yeah! Do it!!!

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That is a most excellent point.

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When I was hired by IBM in 1977, they had 4 levels of documents: unclassified, Internal Use Only, IBM Confidential and Registered Confidential. The Registered documents were stored long term in a central depository and had to be signed out so they could be tracked down if necessary. They had to be kept on premises and locked in a special drawer in your desk when not in actual use, secured with a key the hardware stores would refuse to duplicate. You had to have your key on your person if the drawer contained a registered document.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Good to hear about Harriet Hageman! Keep on pushing girl:)

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a lot of great Substacks to get Harriet up to speed

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Doomsday clock now run by solar panels and windmills...so it can no longer be trusted to keep time. The doomsday virus is run by unmitigated and unsubstantiated fear and does not exist other than inside computer algorithms and the "nuked" minds of pretend scientists.

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5 of the most unappealing people around. 😝 We as a species are doomed anyway if they represent the knowledgeable. It reminds me when a covidiot asked me aren't I afraid to die because of this pandemic? I said if it meant not being around and listening to people like her, I'm okay with it. She was triggered and horrified. πŸ˜…πŸ˜… these loons. So much mental illness openly displayed.

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Are we doomed? Well pretty close. History, real history ( Not some woke play dough version of it) demonstrates the eventual collapse of every system tried, most every society invented. There are a few surviving long term cultures, yet in general the earth is strewn with the skulls and bones of broken civilizations. In the many struggles to understand this, perhaps consider this...https://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt

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The more complex a system is, the more it will fail.

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When cars started getting more high tech, my dad always said β€˜just more stuff to go wrong’. Actually I think he said it about a lot of things, not just cars.

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Your statement reminds me of the biological concept that generalists survive while specialists fail. By fail, they are the first to die because they 1) can only do one thing & 2) their small specialized environment is destroyed.

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Occam's razor redux.

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One should also add the more morally bankrupt, the more certain destruction.

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I am of the belief that we are well on our way to societal collapse...history tells us these things- like you said. Real history!

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I agree. Just finished reading a book (late bronze age) 1177BC. It demonstrates that this has happened before.

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Humans ultimately continue to do the same thing over and over in perpetuity.

I live coming from a place of gratitude, but am not blind to what is happening. We will ultimately destroy ourselves- no war needed.

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Doomed? Maybe ... and history as you suggest points that way. So the odds favor yes doomed ... and that we may only get mitigation in a long downward slide. However, there's value in fighting back ... and keeping a flame burning no matter how thin the flicker of faint light becomes.

The Soviet Empire fell. BUT ... when I see Russian shops today, particularly food markets/grocery stores, they are to be envied. And nothing bland about the offerings. And my poor wife, she all always comes back from the grocery saying Kroger didn't have this and that, Walmart didn't have this and that ... and why can't they keep any eggs in, or something like that! In America the Home of the Free and Brave (allegedly!).

THEY really have suckered us and laid us low. To which I say, NEVER GIVE IN TO IT!

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Damn Straight! They planned it, it must be a failed attempt.

It’s really impressive just what DeSantis has done βœ… in Florida. Read today they may mandate masks again… why? Bullies. No need at all! Individual choice.

Must get mandates off our #pilots, #military and become #energyintpendant.

No time to roll over… #electionintegrity #electionmanagement starts now

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At my church masks are recommended & encouraged, not required. I am one of 3 people last Sunday not masked. Very sad!

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Seriously? Where do you live? I'm in Florida for the winter and hardly any masks anywhere.

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πŸ™ˆ hold fast. πŸ™πŸΌ

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I agree, never give in. In the article here I think the only real path to hope is laid out decently. I don't see any other way.


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I read the whole Substack thing re absolute power. The writer appears to be libertarian in his orientation whereas the Colonial Americans who settled the eastern coast of the North American continent were overwhelmingly Calvinist Christians. In testament to this fact, it has often been noted that eighty percent of the signers of the Declaration were Calvinist Christian, product of the Protestant Reformation and its various confessions of faith. The difference noted here between libertarian and Calvinism is night and day, and controlling. And it would appear to be a sound conclusion that their can be no dialing back to the American Republic now totally lapsed as there are no Christians left to do the dialing. Just ask any American what the difference is between unalienable rights and civil rights and the answer is likely to be, "I am not sure I know the difference."

In light of the above, the most which we may expect absent the Religious Belief system of the founding stock is to have some relief from the worst aspects of functional totalitarianism. And in any event, real relief would necessarily entail the implosion of the American Empire as the lust to Empire always seems to inspire a dysfunctional madness in the ruling classes.

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I do not disagree with your focus on the early settlers of the colonies. I would make some support for the idea that, as the US evolved towards the Declaration Of Independence, there was definitely a far more ecumenical development of thought that manifest in very strong separation of powers, and very strong protection of "inalienable individual rights to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness. There was also a strong protection from religious rule. ( I am asserting that libertarian ideals are a very strong factor in the founding principles of the US)

I hope there can be a dialing back from the strong central government ideals. I think it will be necessary. I agree that many safeguards have been ignored, and the federal government has become dominant with states ceding rights to the feds, the congress ceding rights to the Executive, and to endless three letter agencies, and the federal has began to surrender rights and power to International political organizations. I see a great weakening of the US, with a likely collapse of the Petro dollar. The "Absolute Power" post presents the idea that there is a hope in developing a deeper understanding of human happiness, and only when humanity matures and learns how to behave, so to speak, can culture thrive.

All the best...

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"Play dough version of history." Love it!

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Sheryl, I write a very simple substack. It is not a news feed and will never flood an in box. It currently has three kinds of posts.

1. Occasional insights that I.M,V, are not talked about as much as they should be.

(Such as The change in COVID policy and tracking in 2023 versus 2020, and why prophylactic treatments for COVID are more effective in practice, then in studies, and how this further highlights the vaccine failure.) (so far one post)

2. Philosophy that works, and why. Some consider philosophy to be impractical. This is sad, as philosophy is the MOST practical. Everyone LIVES their philosophy, as this is simply how one thinks about life, and the desires that drive one's life.

(one post so far,https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

3. A comprehensive, yet consolidated overview of a relevant subject, intended to give an overall rational and supported perspective that is most likely to convince a rational person to, at a minimum, honor a perspective different from theirs.

( A single post on Climate Change, the science the theory, the politics)

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Sounds very interesting. I will have to go over there this weekend and take a look.

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Nothing can work on a cursed earth where people are trying to govern themselves without the creators direct input.

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🀣🀣🀣 That is hilarious, excellent response! πŸ˜†

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Thank you for that... I actually laughed today! πŸ˜…

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Gorgo, spot on! πŸ‘

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The "Virus" is / was/ & will be another PREamble to the VaXXX, the actual Bio-Weapon that has of Yet not acheived it's Goals according to the SS Pfizer Panzer General ......


Moar Results will be unveiled at Morgues & Funeral Parlors to occupy your thoughts & prayers.

However this is only One of the NWO Eggs in it's Basket of Travails for the Livestock Humans. The Glorious Gorious Spring Offensive of NATO-USSA-UN-NWO to overthrow the Tsar in Russia is being "staged" presently. Overthrow the Tsar Again??? Well, not quite exactly the same as 100 years ago, but hauntingly similar tto those that Know history Rhymes.


Communism was a World-Wide Revolution, Remember??? Nope, that was 34 years ago that Russia ditched the Communists, and the FDR democRats Again, openly became Bolsheviks.

You may study these and more links at genearly.substack.com or continue down the road to oblivion. "Free Will?" and "Too Little, Too Late" spinning through Time.

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Kill Gates already fessed up that a new, improved plandemic is in the works with way more lethality!

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Fertilizer for our farmers. DeSantis is wise. No sales of land to #China. They will have food, we won’t. Also, a large animal lab is on the books in central Fl with china purchase. Gov. Says NO! We must get better at No!

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The Ukrainian "Egg" is more problematic. How do We remain "vaccine free" from WW III?

How do the vaccinated and unvaccinated mitigate radiation? Or more probable, Without Electricity, How many can survive in the 1880's Again?

Population Reduction by ANY MEANS. Think Evilly to Understand. Links explain, if read

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"Plandemic, now with *new* lethality!"

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Nicely well-said. And in the repetition of history, it was the big cities, the ultra-woke cesspools of 'advanced Progressive thinking' which was the Vanguard of horrors yet to come with the fall of Tsarist Russia. And how similar was 19th century Woke intellectual climate in St. Petersburg and Moscow before the revolution to all of what we have had to endure in the fall of America.

And yet history is ironic, it was the Red Army which saved Russia. It took the Man of Steel to keep the whole show running. And now, a different Tsar has saved Russia from being Woke dismantled and consumed from within. And was it not Yeltsin who said famously to Putin, "Save Russia".

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Russian History like American History is such a study of Contradictions, Yet "Why" Americans and Russians must never be"allowed" to Understand each other, by the Bankster-Corporist American-European Elitists Who Funded the Bolshevik Soviet Revolution.

Another World War will certainly "clarify" the situation. SARCASM


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Jan 26, 2023Β·edited Jan 27, 2023

Hard to understand unless the NeoCon agenda of total world domination is taken into account. And speaking to that, it's has been at least from the 1970's onwards American doctrine to attempt to control the Eurasian Heartland as a means of dominating the entire Eurasian Land mass. Breaking up Russia into a dozen or so 'independent' states is just a part of this objective, a big part. Destroying Russia is key to isolating China. Resource deprivation of China, constraining access to key commodities like oil and gas, figures large in this plan. But it is madness. It is insane. And it is the perfect cement, the perfect adhesive to cause the rest of the world to have to throw in together. No one wishes to be swallowed up by a diabolical monster gone awry. Meanwhile, everything in America disintegrates with Americans facing deprivation of all manner ... of Liberty, of food, of jobs ... in fact, a total strangulation by deprivation. And this does not even begin to consider the biological warfare unleashed upon us and the rest of the world. To say its all a mess is a massive, a vast understatement.

I really did not understand the obsession with Russia, Russia, Russia which came onto the scene with a fury once Trump won the presidency. Upon reading some Zbigniew Brzezinsk and related materials, it all became clear. Again, this is yet again something else 'they' forgot to tell us.

And yes, as you say, lots of contradictions. And oddly, the Americans, the Europeans, India and the larger part of the rest world could have better in isolating or constraining China by trading with Russia. Of course, for such a thing to have happened would have meant no 911 and no twenty some years of unending non-stop American manufactured wars. But no! It's full speed ahead to ruin with no off ramp.

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Consider that the rather insane PTB were desperate to keep Trump and Russia apart. Trump was successfully establishing bi-lateral and tri-lateral trade agreements around the globe. Rational Sovereign nationalism was on the rise, and Trump was leading the way. If you missed it look up Modi's visit to the US, and Trump's visit to India. Astounding energy and praise. Trump had dragged China back to the table. Canada as well was being forced back. Mexico was cooperating on immigration, and trade. As you note, if Russia had been enjoined into this pattern, the globalist WEF plans would have been in the dust bin of history, where they belong.

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Jan 28, 2023Β·edited Jan 29, 2023

Certainly, India was wary of the United States, and yet Trump opened the door with India and smoothed the way for a more 'normal' relationship in trade. That is all gone. And certainly, looking back, it is far easier to see that 'taking down Russia' was a key element in the NeoCon plan for One World Hegemony. This goes back at least to the Zbigniew BrzeziΕ„ski era of policy theorizing, and in a more active phase with the 'opportunities' presented by the disintegration of the Soviet Empire.

Many of the MAGA crowd have elevated Trump to a kind of Restoration Sainthood. Everyone likes to have a hero. And everyone would like to dial back to 'a better time' so to speak. However, it is more instructive to understanding that we employ a process of discrimination as in ... and orange is not an apple. So what is Trump not? He is not Radical Woke He is not Globalist by factional turn of mind. And therefore, not an ideologue. Rather, he is pragmatic. He likes to build things. He likes to make things work. And he appears to genuinely like people ... and apparently has helped more people than I have fingers or toes to count upon. Most of all, Trump like things to make sense and just plain work. And Trump seems to understand that 'things working' means working for everyone, countries included ... and not just for the avaricious one or two percent. Otherwise there is no social glue to keep things together.

From the Radical Crowd's perspective, Donald Trump chief sin is that he is reactionary. That is, Trump would rather the United States be more like it was say mid-20th century. To the Radicals this would be like putting the car into reverse and spinning the wheels. Progressively speaking, BACKWARDS ... whereas in point of fact the Radicals want third or fourth gear, full speed ahead ... and with no off ramp.

This, as to the above, is admittedly a rather off-handed eccentric expression. But I submit. One will never even get close to the bottom of things unless one jumps outside the box of mental containment. And this has been the aim of my entire life ... to jump outside the box, to break the bondage of all the insipid mind control day and night thrust upon us.

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As to an Off Ramp .... I suppose Each of Us has to CYA just as our pioneer ancestors did to protect their families and kin. Location is one key. I have two new neighbors here in rural NW GA, one from Phoenix, AZ and the other from Vero Beach, Fl. Just getting Out of High Density Population areas. btw, I am still a "newcomer" here after 8 years. Local People are friendly, but generational, with extended large local families, almost tribal.

Mankind is so interesting, my "immediate" family is scattered over 3 states.

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Fyi you may want to revise your first paragraph bc the first link was edited to sound like Pfi was trying to reduce the population by 50% but the video actually said reduce unavailability (cost) of their products by 50%. Starting at 2:00. This is a false flag video to make us look dumb.

However, that Pfi wants to get their hands on the billions of the population who don’t have its products (largely escaped c jabs and are not dying from COVID bc they don’t have the jabs) this is a red flag!

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Thank you for the correction and clarification, and for getting on top of the story. It is as you say Red Flag with so much happening at once, the Fog of War is certainly swirling about. Take care.

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The Doomsday clock is downright silly. Only people like those dreary pessimists in the photo actually take it seriously!

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What they needed was reeper costumes on one side and the other wearing melting flesh costumes. You know, to really drive it home and own it. Maybe a few crows pecking out the eyeballs would be the maraschino cherry on top. Just spitballin'.

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Like that idiot guy in Florida who wore a grim reaper costume on the beaches in 2020 πŸ™„

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I hadn't heard of him so I went and had a look. Branch Covidian Dan Uhlfelder who owns a house on a private (until the unwashed all laid out on the sand during COVID) beach up in the panhandle.

He looks like he is heading out in his burka to do some fieldwork. So glad you mentioned him. Made me laugh.

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Covid sure brought out the idiocy where it was plain to see! πŸ˜†

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Some of people in all sorts of "masks" and "hazmat" costumes (astronauts, etc 🀣) in public, at Walmart! I still laugh thinking about the lady who had a scrubby sponge TIED to her face with a shoestring! 🀣🀣If that's representative of human society, we were doomed along time ago!

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Yeah, he's out my way east of us in Santa Rosa Beach. Demented.

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It's like the Punxsutawney Phil show in PA every year. Leave it to rodent to determine our fate!

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At least you are not married to any of the dirge singers on that panel. If I was on that panel, I would have have Eddie Money's Two Tickets to Paradise being blared during the announcement.

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Getting ready to head to the movie set of Outbreak- I mean the doctor’s office. Follow up from workman’s comp. Had an MRI yesterday in the same town. No masks. No plexiglass. No vaxx questions on the intake form. These two offices are only a few miles apart. It’s night and day. At this point it’s all performance art. I’ll once again be told I must sit in my car if I won’t strap on a face diaper and they will call me in when the SturmbannfΓΌhrer in charge decides I’ve been sufficiently humiliated and punished for my attitude. I’d change office but because it’s workman’s comp, I must use the doctors they say.

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When I saw every retail outlet the cabal permitted to stay open have those plexiglass shields, it confirmed with 100 % certainty my early belief the whole thing was a monstrous scam. Who used those before? Somebody just happened to have gigantic warehouses full of them, enough for every store, all at the same time, just in case a plandemic was declared.? As George Carlin said contemptuously, common sense is anything but common.

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I always make sure to peek around it so we can hear each other.

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Omigosh, I did the same thing! I'd go around the plexi and pull my mask down (when they were required) and talk to the person. The funny thing is, no one ever told me step back around and put my mask back on.

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❀️ I'm in ILL. I never wore a mask and got run out of places like Farm and Fleet and GFS and Rural King. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« At CARLE medical ASSO. I wore a silk scarf and pulled it down when i wasn't confronting a nurse. The Dr nearly died when i refused to use it in the exam room. πŸ€£πŸ˜›

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Thanks for your courage.

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I lean in as close as I can ….

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My hearing has been going down hill (😁) so I take off my mask, put my head around the plastic super protective wall and raise my voice a bit..I CANT HEAR YOU! which usually results in the mask-wearer pulling theirs down and speaking to me like a normal human. Its a great experiment and so fun to watch.

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Yet again proving how asinine and nonsensical all of these supposed mitigation measures were, they said Covid supposedly spread more when singing or speaking loudly/shouting and yet with the masks no one could hear each other so people had to raise their voices to make themselves understood πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

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Lol πŸ˜‚

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You wear a mask still (or ever)?

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Ha! Well I never wear one and won’t but in the crazy medical offices here in CA they are ALL still muzzled up so I will pull that trick in those settings

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I do at the pharmacy on the local Air Force base. But I try to use the local mom and pop pharmacy even though it’s costs $ out of pocket.

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I bring Clorox wipes for the door handles and chair and the iPad I have to register in on. Mask on my chin until nazi nurse yells at me.

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Its funny how those practices went by the wayside. Remember the cart collector guy at the grocery store who had to wipe down all the carts? And yea, those pin pads are so gross. But we still have masks and plexi screens 🀣

I guess the other stuff is too much work.

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& I would walk the opposite way of the stupid arrows on the floor.

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I had a couple people / patients tell me β€œ that’s a good idea β€œ . Common sense over fear….

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Those antiseptic wipes abrade my skin.

When I was asked to use antiseptic lotion, I refused and asked for plain soap. They all waved me to the rest rooms. :)

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I was in Costco Friday, in Fresno, CA and all the plexiglass barriers were down. My asthma and dermatologist offices no longer require a mask. But, I have seen an uptick in people wearing masks while shopping. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ™„πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«

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Renee, here in Ca too. Same exact thing. Gone everywhere now but ppl wearing them more again!!!

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I just think CNN or The View watchers. πŸ™„

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Fresno, any relationship to Urbana Champaign University of Illinois? Chinese community perhaps? Exchange of elitist? I'm SURE of it.

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And I STILL see commercials to get your jab to be safe for the holidays. Just yesterday. Christmas tree and all. And I virtually never watch traditional channels so that tells me it’s still on like donkey kong.

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Yeah! Whole warehouses of everything! No shortages of plexiglass, masks, head shields and really, how fast at warp those 'vaccines.' I first noticed it with masks ... masks by the millions and zillions. Like warehouses of masks. And I asked, for example, how did all those eBayers SUDDENLY get unlimited access to masks to sell? Not there yesterday, but here today? Ah! It just must be the MAGIC of supply chains!

And again, to illustrate ... how is it possible that 2 airplanes could destroy 7 buildings in New York on a sunny fall day? Carlin was right! Common sense is anything but common.

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.... and to throw gas on the still smoldering political arsonists mandates fire... the Brandon administration was actually appealing the April 22 ruling to reverse the transportation masks mandates... β€œas a matter of life and death!” !?!? 🧐 https://youtu.be/sHy5iriY6mY

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Yah but I'm under Fat Man's rules who dominates IL thru Chitgo's Mayor and Dick's Turbin while he rubs bellies in DC.

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What ever happened with that appeal?

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Not to mention, liquor stores and strip clubs were considered β€œnecessary β€œ but churches closed.

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Jan 25, 2023Β·edited Jan 25, 2023

My wife's Seattle employer installed Plexiglas shields in every nurse's cube. The office manager came round to ask her "So - what do you think about these COVID mitigation shields?" - expecting my wife to be thankful for the "protection" from getting COVID from a patient.

"I think they're complete bullshit," my wife replied flatly.

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Bravo for the Wife! And congratulations on getting a first class Good One!

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Susan, I went to the local hospital last week to get a scan. They require masking. I do not mask. I walked in and they yelled at me to return for a mask. I said "I have asthma and do not wear a mask" and they let me go. Now, when I sat down in the waiting area the fellow test takers set a boiling cauldron up in hopes to set me into it. The staff left me alone, but the maskers (everyone was masked except me) talked loudly about me in a startlingly terrible way and went to the desk asking that I be disappeared from their sight. I wish I could say I was humored, but they preferred I die rather than sit unmasked 10 feet away from them so I took them somewhat seriously and hustled to the car when I was done.

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Jan 25, 2023Β·edited Jan 25, 2023

I'm in Florida, thankfully, but for a time one could not go anywhere without a mask. As the legality of masking fell and people began to poke their necks out of their comfy little turtle shells, I went into Publix one day brazenly bald-faced and while waiting for the Deli Clerk to finish making my PubSub, this Karen had the audacity to make a stinky comment about me endangering the human race by exercising my God given right to breathe. I turned to her and loudly challenged while staring directly into her beady little eyes, "Yeah, lady, I am not wearing a mask. I am not wearing panties either.. What are you going to do about it?" While loud cheers erupted from behind me in line and the Deli Clerk burst out in laughter, the lady turned bright red and just stood there in complete shock sputtering. It was VERY satisfying to say the least and I left with a smug smile and a delicious sandwich to celebrate my victory LOL

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You encouraged people like me to go maskless at Publix. Once I got used to it, I didn’t care at all. I noticed a couple more people doing it after I did. I was even thanked by a deaf guy in the produce department b/c he said he only read lips! πŸ˜” I just wore my AirPods on the noise cancelling setting. I took a deep breath and made β€œshopping a pleasure” again. If anyone said anything I wouldn’t have known. Plus they’d have to get awfully close to me to get my attention πŸ˜‰

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That is the most uplifting comment. People need someone to be brave and go first. People forget about the strain and isolation deaf or hard of hearing have endured these last couple years.

There was a man walking thru Walmart face stark naked when the masking furor was in full swing. He paraded in the front and along the main aisles up and back with head held high. He was getting grief, but he remained maskless. I stopped wearing one after that. But I felt the need to reply to any comment which I think was not the best move. It made me a little bitter. Thankfully I am back to normal me.

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"Normal" is so much better than "bitter" - smile!!

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Good for him! And good for you!! I have several friends who did the same so I’m wondering if you saw one of them hahaha!

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Love the "Airpods" idea, Lizard--good for you!! Encouraging others to exercise their God-given bodily autonomy is indeed a privilege and a pleasure!

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Hahahah! I love it!

Yeah, I never actually wore the mask the entire time either. I got lots of looks, but that comment from her was the most brazen and the poor lady was rendered speechless. I am not normally so spicy, but she struck a chord with the nastiness of her comment and I struck back.

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Quite understandable - the more I think about all the madness that has transpired the past 3 years--the more I am convinced it was all PLANNED ahead of time an orchestrated beautifully--thanks to the hierarchy of Klaus Schwab's nefarious WEF group and other power potentates around the globe. WE THE PEOPLE must PUSH BACK!!

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LOVE IT - you're my kind of people, H.P.!

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I'll bet those people made you feel proud to be an "American" since they truly personify what it means to be...American.

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WHOA! Did you let these people know that asthma doesn’t affect your hearing?

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They were trying to bully and shame me and I suppose get me kicked to the curb. They wanted me to be intimidated and had it been a year or more ago, I would have masked up. When you are mask free your face can communicate "you are a bunch of idiots and I don't give one sh*t what you think". Or at least mine can. I am terrible at pokerface.

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They should have taken you back early and made all the covidiots wait longer.

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I think they did! I was the next person called. They were there before me. So funny I didn't think of it! Probably smart because they had their knives out.

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There’s plexiglass at the front desk of the OBGYN office but then you get to the back and everyone is all up in everyone’s space. It’s theatrical nonsense. I’m so glad my primary care doctor never bought into it and never required masks.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Note to self: don’t wear red to a bull fight.

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What a barbaric sport!! They need to outlaw it if they already haven’t.

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All sports have their roots in barbarism. It's what men do to learn to protect their families. You want men to have a little barbarian in them.

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Indeed I do.

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If I lived in Colorado, you'd have my vote.

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wow...so many dirty jokes, so little time before court :)

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You naughty girl. Get in there and fight! I would say I'm rooting for you but I don't want to conjure up more jokes!

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It is barbaric but so is government outlawing anything they want to for any reason....I do not need the government to keep me safe or not offended.......remember those words Life and Liberty so if you are dumb enough to play chicken with a bull so be it but then again I wouldn't ride a New York subway for no amount of lottery money as that is a big death wish just waiting to happen.

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Safer with the bull than in nyc.

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Ditto, Tucker was on a rampage of little pleasures being pulled… no reason … Or crazy one: vaping, menthol cigarette… it’s starting a price gouge for them now…. Eggs, natural gas stoves , fresh air.. (masking).. slippery slope… even pilot flying with less strict heart scores!

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Another barbaric sport: did I get one of the fatal Jabs? https://howbad.info/

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She hasn't thought this through. After all, who would enforce her law but men wielding force willing to do barbaric things?

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That poor bull was probably killed afterwards.

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Steak: it's what's for dinner.

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You, my friend, embody real manhood.

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Try a powdered milk rub and air fryer. Delicious!

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Yup- I saw the whole segment- not a new event. The bull was injured and trying to get away. Eventually he was corralled and got put down.

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That is so so sad.

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It WAS killed--right there at the bottom of the stands, then craned out! This all happened 10 years ago.


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That clip did look familiar

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No! Most exciting thing I ever watched in spain!

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Jan 25, 2023Β·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Great round up this morning!

β€œNot like that awful Trump person. Plus, orange.” πŸ€£πŸ˜† That and the Goldilocks Trump/Biden/Pence comparison were my laugh out loud moments today!

The Doomsday clock β€œscientists” look like. a bunch of melodramatic morons. So unserious, despite their exaggeratedly solemn demeanor πŸ™„

Thanks for the movie rec, maybe we’ll go and see it this week! So nice to have a fun, non woke option!

Loved the analysis of the doctor misinformation law, the Seth Rich situation and the classified documents!

Very promising initiatives from DeSantis, I hope other states take note!

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β€œPlus, orange.β€œ

Childers, You’re Killin’ Me Smalls 🀣

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Lol. Surprised they aren’t all wearing masks🀣🀣🀣

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Then you wouldn't be able to see the grim, somber expression on their faces.

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True. That was very very important, so people would be appropriately terrified πŸ˜› Seriously, I think the middle school drama club probably has better acting than that πŸ˜†

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Hee, hee, hee...

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Right?? To add to the melodramatic effect!

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Don’t forget about the bacon wrapped figs 🀣🀣🀣

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Stop it, I’m trying to forget them because it’s making me hungry πŸ€€πŸ˜†

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The first Puss in Boots was fun, plus they had a series we used to really enjoy. Good, family entertainment.

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I'm digging the revamp of the FL teacher arrangements. Here's another victory:

In Iowa, the Based Gov Lady signed a new law: "allows any Iowa family to use taxpayer funds to pay for private school tuition β€” at a cost of $345 million annually to the state once fully phased in."


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Great, although be ware that taxpayer funds nearly always come w taxpayer (government) strings. A great private school that we sent our kiddo to for awhile changed a bit once it began accepting state voucher money. Had to start using the state testing, and despite assurances that instructional time was not diverted to teaching for the test, I personally witnessed kids’ library time being used to teach them how to use the keyboard etc for the test. Friends who’ve had kids there both pre and post changes attest to the subtle drift over time.

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I home schooled both my boys and I would simply have them take the ACT or SAT test each year to document their progress. Another benefit, by the time they were ready to apply to college, taking the test was a no-brainer.

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Good for you! The government schools are trash!!

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Great idea.

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Excellent idea! Thank you!!

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I get this argument but I also think we need to stop referring to this as government money. It’s taxpayer money. I shouldn’t have my taxes confiscated to pay for an education that doesn’t meet my child’s or my family’s needs and priorities. As a homeschooler, I am penalized financially because I have to buy my own supplies and books and so on, I can’t deduct them from my taxes and I can’t use any school services even sports participation even though I pay for it. I pay for school that I don’t want and then have to pay again for either private school or homeschool (admittedly much cheaper but still…). I don’t know why we can’t change the framing of this to be that parents have the right to choose what their child’s education should look like and they shouldn’t be penalized for not taking the default public school option. It really limits options for many people.

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Yes, I agree that β€œgovernment” money is a euphemism for our money. I don’t like it either.

When I was calling state lawmakers about bills that would offer state-funded savings accounts/expense accounts to homeschoolers, I made sure to say that we do not want β€œtaxpayer/government money” rather than simply calling it government money.

Unfortunately, until we have more folks who acknowledge that β€œgovernment” money really is OURS and just that its confiscation from us is no justification for controlling how WE then choose to spend it, I think we have to play this game.

One of the recent state bills being proposed would require curriculum to be approved by the state treasurer, for homeschoolers who accepted the money. And students to be tracked for ten years (following graduation, I think, or something).

So until we can decouple them reprehensible tentacles of bureaucratic control from our confiscated money, I think we have to reluctantly content ourselves with saying goodbye to that money. And look at it as a contribution to the education of our fellow neighbors’ kids and so on. I mean, even people with NO kids pay taxes that end up funding the schools. So, honestly, they have a say, so to speak, as well, in how their tax dollars are being spent. And they may want greater oversight of homeschoolers using their tax money.

It’s complicated, and truthfully, government ought to stay out of the education business altogether. There are plenty of churches and other groups who would rise up to help families educate their kids if there were no free public schools.

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Yeah I get what you are saying. The mindset has to change and it’s not going to happen overnight.

And although I see your point about neighbors who don’t have kids wanting oversight, I think that regardless of where the money comes from, parents should have the ultimate say on how their own kids are educated. It’s hilarious to me, in a dark humor sort of way, that my skills as a homeschooling parent can be challenged at all when you have plainly incompetent teachers being paid by the taxpayers to teach children, and yet it would almost take an act of God to remove those teachers from their positions. We get individual teachers and even entire schools that year after year are worse than sub par, and yet because those teachers have government issued credentials, they’re protected from any real consequences.

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Yes, absolutely, parents should have the ultimate say. And yes, it is quite stunning that our capabilities as homeschooling parents would be questioned when the big box public schools are routinely under serving many of their students. Even the private school where we were initially ended up being poorly suited for kids with learning differences or who don’t fit the stereotypical school mold.

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Kids should learn to use a keyboard and take tests. They are life skills, unfortunately.

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I agree.

However, third graders do not need to be giving up library time for the state.

Also, the point was that the school claimed no instructional time was given up for testing-related instruction. Yet it was.

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That's fantastic! I know a number of people in FL are working on something like this as well.

My wife and I homeschooled our kids 25 years ago. There are many people who would homeschool their kids if they got some of their own tax dollars back to help with the burden.

I know in CO they were trying to use the health (what a misnomer that is) dept mandates to force mask and other madness in private schools. So there's still much to be done with the entrenched bureaucrats infested in the substrate of the US's socialist school system.

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Just be very wary of what strings will be attached to that money.

As you know, homeschooling can be done pretty inexpensively.

In my state, we work very diligently to keep all government/taxpayer money away from homeschooling, as we have worked hard to obtain and preserve the amazing amount of freedom we have in our state.

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I agree. In my state, there are public school-homeschool partnerships. Homeschooling participants get so much free stuff: music lessons, horseback riding lessons, even community college. Hard to refuse, but I did refuse it in my homeschooling. All of those things come with a price, and you do lose some of your freedoms, like having to mask when in partnership-sponsored classrooms and more. Any help for homeschoolers must be in an indirect way so that the government is not giving them money, or you can be sure there will be strings attached.

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My nephew did homeschool and it didn’t cost a dime.

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They didn't buy books or pay for lessons? Join any coops? This all costs money.

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Nope. They sent him the computer lap top and books and labs. No coops. My sister and mom tag team taught him through the program he was in up until his sophomore year. Then he went to public school to finish up because she moved to a small community w/o a messed up school system. He is set to graduate this spring. Right on time.

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I am from Iowa, and have many facebook "friends" who still live there. They all had the "public money for public schools", "no vouchers in Iowa" etc. slapped on their profile pics. I think almost everyone in Iowa works in some way for the school system and they don't want any competition to upset the apple cart. I will expect to see "wailing and nashing of teeth" on my feed today.

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That’s a big problem, in many places, so many people have a vested interest in the public schools (because they or one of their family members, or both, work for the school system) that they make decisions accordingly and those are not necessarily in the best interest of the taxpayers *or* the students.

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Illinois sucks but we have THE BEST homeschooling laws in the country!! πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™Œ

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Same with Michigan. There is no better state in which to homeschool. Of course, now that the Democrats control every part of the government, that may well change. I know there are forces trying to require registration for homeschoolers and other requirements.

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Indiana also has a very good environment for homeschooling, few rules and restrictions.

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Are you kidding? That's awesome!

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Very impressed with Gov Kim Reynolds.

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They are trying to move to vouchers in Utah too which is shocking. They are starting with a small group of kids in crap schools and plan to expand. They packaged it with a raise for teachers. It is also a right to work state. I'd love to see the union go byebye and have more money in the hands of good teachers. Schools are abysmal here, but at least they were quick to rip off the masks. They did not abide that nonsense.

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So awesome ! She’s a real patriot!

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This is great, my state allows up to a certain income level to do that, and they even increased the max by quite a bit a few years ago. But we were never able to take advantage of that because there was also a requirement that your child had to spend at least 1 year in a public school before you could be eligible. Why should I waste a year of my child’s education when I know that a particular school isn’t adapted to his needs or our priorities?

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The first years are the most important. What right do they have to make that demand. Very frustrating.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

After hearing about the Pence documents, I mentally pictured every politician immediately running home to do a thorough deep clean of every square inch of their homes, garages, attics, basements, sheds, pool houses, guest cottages, vacay homes, and country club lockers. 🀣

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I’d like to see what Pelosi and Schiff have πŸ€”

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The evidence of Trump's collusion with RUSSIA!!!🀣

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Lots of shredding and toilet flushing going on. πŸ˜‰

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Imagine the stash the Obama have!

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They probably don’t even care, no one will touch them πŸ™„

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But Obama would be allowed to have it because he can declassify. I would be more concerned about Hillary!!!

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Sitting around the fancy fireplace in their outside spa area.

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You forgot their need to check the mistresses' closets.

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Ok.... I'm a very simple minded woman and I can't understand why no one else is thinking all this is a stinking plant and FBI CIA G.S. is "the mother root", I guess because no one else is so simple minded. ?

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Oh I haven’t ruled anything out. I don’t trust Pence either. Just gonna be interesting to see where this goes…if anywhere πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

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Jan 25, 2023Β·edited Jan 25, 2023

I think it's all staged. The Trump "raid" included. The Biden "scandal" was built on that, then add in the "honorable" Pence? πŸ™„

It's a giant, on-going false flag to distract and divide us more!

The ONLY THING ANYONE SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT IS THE COMING CBDC, when that's instituted, we're ALL SUNK! If you don't realize with CBDC, WILL come a mandatory DIGITAL ID, if you ever want to use any of your money. Rev 13:16-17

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What is CBDC? I’ve heard a lot of end times terms like NWO and such, but not that one.

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CBDC = Central Bank Digital Currency.

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Ohhhhhhh duh. Ok πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ thanks!

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What I suggest is the FBI should finally take a look at the Anthony Weiner, Seth Rich, and Hunter Biden laptops. You will just hear another no there, there.

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Did Pence’s lawyers have security clearance? If not, he just compounded his previous errors.

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Hey, an encouragement to all those making calls and emails to local lawmakers!

A particularly odious bill was before one of our state committees, a definite non-medical-freedom bill. Fully supported by our RINO WEF Governor and his state health department (let me hold my nose while I type those words).

We The People called. And emailed. And called again. To the committee chair and committee members. It’s easier to kill a bill in committtee than once it is out on the chamber floor.

Guess what?!

It has been taken off the agenda!!

This is remarkable and is only a God working for the people thing! Our lawmakers rarely listen to us mortals. Even though we are a state of largely conservative constituents, our lawmakers are mostly very RINO and nearly ALWAYS side with the big corporations and bigger government rather than with We The People.

So, keep making those respectful phone calls and writing those respectful comments by email, wherever you live. And, PRAY!

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Yes!!! I have been emailing a lot lately but hadn’t heard the news yet! Thank you for sharing! It’s definitely encouraging!!

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We still must watch because they may try to sneak it in.

Also, I kinda try to not overtly announce where I live. I have alluded to it sometimes but then usually go delete those comments later in the day.

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Jan 25, 2023Β·edited Jan 25, 2023

Yes agreed.

Fair enough, I will delete mine πŸ™‚

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Thanks! Awesome!

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UGH. I wish I believed. Nothing works in CA!

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Well, prayers for CA. I really believe this is God moving the hearts of the lawmakers here. Our gov would be delighted for us to model ourselves after CA, I am certain.

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Which state are you in?

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I prefer not to say.

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Ron DeSantis is indefatigable. He is courageous and stays on point.

Has anyone considered the Deep State, permanent Washington? A few shows ago Tucker Carlson talked about permanent Washington and the Deep State and how effective they have been at taking out presidents who were becoming inconvenient: JFK, Nixon, Trump. They probably already have their sites on DeSantis as someone who will be dangerous to their power. It bears watching.

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Wrong. DeSantis is DS and Walk Street approved! His money is from few huge donors and he will likely generate the same excitement as Scott Walker and Jeb! before their races really got underway. I'm glad for DeSantis setting the bar high for states, but big Walk Street bucks aren't free, and he'll be owned by someone besides the voters if he's president.

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Thanks for the report from Mar a Lago, and the reminder that TDS goes both ways.

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TDS is a two way street!

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Seth was almost certainly just one more body in the trail of bodies littering the path of the Clintons.

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He was clearly arkancided.

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There's a solid reason for all those "Clinton body" jokes, or the term "Killary".

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Also, props to Harriet Hageman for not inundating me for additional donations after the initial one. Yes I supported her campaign as the odious Cheney needed to go, but so many of these politicians take your one time demonstration of good will and squash that good will with non stop requests for additional donations. Although the #1 prize for that does go to Mark Kelly - my D mom donated to the Giffords PAC and then began getting weekly mailers from Kelly's campaign in AZ, even though my mom lives in MO. I pick up her mail pretty regularly, and even she admits her D party junk mail is through the roof.

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It happens anytime you participate. I did some trump surveys and then it never stops.

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Oh yes, the RNC was 'using' Trump's name for one fund raiser after another in the Summer and Fall although most of that was text messages for some reason, just kept hitting delete and block. I give to candidates not the party. Except in my county as I can influence that one.

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You were lucky. I finally had to put her requests for money into spam to get them to stop. Phone calls too.

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Well I did snail mail a check vs using an app or website. That may be what saved me.

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I found that annoying also.

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All of this controversy over documents like this is the era before Xerox, smart phones with a camera, and scanners? Do these over-zealous prosecutors of out of favor politicians not realize that these paper documents could be in other forms - like in homebrew basement servers or stored on phone cameras (pre-hammer and bleach bit?) I have yet to see any explanation as to why these paper records are such a big deal? Are they walking out with electronic devices in addition to the papers?

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At this point, EVERYTHING feels like theater.

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" pre-hammer and bleach bit?"

LOL...I saw what you did there.

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Yeah everyone seems to have forgotten that one. Wiped the server? You mean, with a cloth? They really do think we are stupid.

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I keep thinking the same this, Donna.

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Speaking of vice presidents, I can't wait until it turns out that Mr. Gore and Mr. Cheney both have boxes full of classified documents. It would seem fitting.

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AlGore is more likely to have a box full of donuts.

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Considering all the money he has scammed from his global warning hoaxes, you'd think he would be in better shape and not look like the bloated pig that he is.

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Can I like this comment multiple times daily for the past 20 years? SO much pork in his world. And donuts. And whatever his condescending a$$ washes it all down with. Thanks for letting me vent. I’ve never said anything like this before out loud (or in writing). What a relief!

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...more like empty BOXES, strewn about his living room....

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That's a lot of real estate!

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Probably a box of videos of An Inconvenient Truth since he’s so full of himself πŸ™„

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Glenn Greenwald asserts that way too much government information is classified. Discussing the JFK files and referring back to the Edward Snowden leak, he said that much of the Archive was boring, like how NSA employees get parking credentials or how to apply for vacation days. What he says here is really important, though a long explanation:

"And what does this show? Something very important.

It shows that the U.S. security state regards everything they do -- everything they do -- as presumptively secret. That's not how that's supposed to work. Classified information. We're supposed to have a government that is presumptively transparent. We're supposed to have access to everything the government is doing, except in those rare cases when they need to make it secret for legitimate reasons, like troop movements or to protect things that are genuinely sensitive to national security. I don't even put this another way, a kind of broader and more principled way. I think this is a crucial point to understand. If you think about it this way, it's a reason why I talk so much about the U.S. Security State and the dangers it poses.

If you think about a healthy society, and how a healthy democracy functions, we would know -- we, the citizenry would know -- essentially everything that our government is doing. That's why they're called public servants or the public sector. It's supposed to be public and open and transparent. We're supposed to know what our government is doing because they're doing it with our money and in our name, and it's supposed to be a democracy, which can only happen if we know what our government is doing, so, we can make informed decisions.

And by contrast, they're supposed to know basically nothing about us. That's why we are called private citizens. Our lives are supposed to be private. So, we should know everything that the government is doing and except in those rare cases -- when they have a legitimate right to secrecy -- and except in very rare cases -- like when they get a search warrant because they can prove that we're likely to have been involved in a crime -- they're not supposed to know anything about us. We're supposed to be private citizens and they’re not supposed to keep dossiers on us.

And yet what we've learned is that is completely reversed. The U.S. government has built an almost impenetrable wall of secrecy around it so that even the most banal documents or the oldest documents, from 60 years ago, are kept secret so we know nothing about what that government is actually doing and, at the same time, they know everything about us. They track our movements. They track our telephone calls. They surveil our conversations, all without warrants. That was the point at the start of the story. That is all continuing to go on.

So, think about that power dynamic where we're supposed to have power over our government, they're supposed to be our public servants, but -- because we know nothing about what they're doing, because they hide it all behind a wall of secrecy, and they know everything about what we're doing since we're subject to mass, indiscriminate warrantless surveillance -- the power dynamic has completely reversed. And that to me was the point of the Snowden story and it's the point of this latest refusal of the CIA to release all of the documents that are required under the Law of Release and instead releasing just enough to make us think that they're complying with this process, five years after the law required the full disclosure of the entire archive."

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πŸ’₯πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» ... Greenwald piece... β€œwe're ( we the people are) supposed to have power over our government, they're supposed to be our public servants, but -- because we know nothing about what they're doing, because they hide it all behind a wall of secrecy, and they know everything about what we're doing since we're subject to mass, indiscriminate warrantless surveillance”....

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Yes! The great Mark Steyn said this on his Jan. 13 show. Pray for his full recovery!

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What happened to Mark Steyn? I love him.

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He had 2 heart attacks in France, is not cleared to travel yet. He was having subs for his Friday Club land Q and A, did the show on the 13th but not this last Friday. He is also having problems with that cretin Michael Mann of hockey stick fame, who is legally harassing him. Go to Steynonline.com for updates! Pray for him!

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Thank you, Karen. I will certainly pray for him and check out your link.

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No! What?

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Very well said!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I completely agree on all points.

They are keeping as much secret as possible because the less we know, the more difficult it is for us to put two and two together. It’s hard to solve a problem when you are missing elements of the equation. If we don’t know about the banal things, there is even less of a chance we’ll ever know about the more important things πŸ™

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Great point!!!!! Not to mention that much of DC leaks like a sieve when it behooves them to do so.

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Good point. Strategic leaks of information that serve their purposes.

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Or leaking mis/dis/malinformation. One of CIA's bag o' tricks.

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Ooof: Bill Gates: Vaccines in our food supply solves the problem of vaccine hesitancy.

(In the same way slipping a roofie in a girl's drink solves the problem of sex hesitancy.)

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Explosive chips in your brain solve the problem of wrong think. Kill switches in your car solve the problem of limiting unauthorized travel. Eating grass and insects solves the problem of a strong populace that might fight back. Aren't you glad government is working to solve all these problems?

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Where - what?

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Yes- I wish Childers would cover this. This is and the CDCB are the biggest concerns IMO. And what are we to do about it us little peons who have no space/property.

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Billy boy needs to be put in his place. He is the definition of fascism. No one in the government has raised a finger. Why?

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You know why. πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

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Great analogy (though very disgusting to imagine 😝).

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