

- Updated post to make clear that Armenia is a predominantly Christian nation.

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My niece is married to a wonderful Christian Armenian. The Armenians are a very intelligent people who faced genocide from the Ottoman Empire from 1915-1917 and over 600,000 perished. I feel now, much like Israel’s tough stance on threats to their sovereignty, the immigrant Armenians will never stand down when being threatened by thugs and fanatics. Antifa didn’t know what they were facing!!

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Adds depth to the saying "Never Again".

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I wish those of Irish descent in this country would remember how it went when the Lord's and Ladies ruled over the peasants in the 17th and 18th centuries in Ireland.

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Having a bit of Irish in me I appreciate your comment.

Human nature is evil always, only by God's guidance can we be almost good. And evil seems to be prospering.

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The media got it wrong first, wasn’t really Jeff’s fault. the media is reporting it as Muslim Armenian parents

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If only they (the Mainstream Miscreants) could keep their villains "straight". Ooooops

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Just like the biased mass media to “give” Armenia to Islam!

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Thank you for the correction, Jeff!

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Was coming here expressly to know that Armenia is the oldest Christian community in the western world

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We forgive you! 🙏😀

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https://armeniatraveltips.com › what-is-the-armenian-religion-and-what-does-it-believe

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Yes, so is Ukraine, Mr. Childers. While Ukraine retains diverse rights for minorities, it is primarily Christian. President Zelensky is Jewish and like President Trump won election overwhelmingly.

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Yeah riiiiiight! Zelensky is as "Jew-ish" as the Nazi trans-humanist "Jew" Yuval Noah Harari or as much as Joe Biden is "Catholic".

Zelenskiy overwhelmingly "won" the election the same way O'Biden overwhelmingly "won" election in 2020.

Now, should we talk about what a great Christian Nazi Zelensky is?


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Yeah, you get your Putinoid anti-Jew thang on, Phil.

President Zelensky won election easily but hey Phil, just go ahead and talk dumb about what you don't know because reality doesn't fit your "neocon" world.

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Nothing to do with anti-anything, we're just looking at facts here.

How is it that the #1 and #2 countries that get USA money are both led by Jewish folks? What are the odds?

And both leaders have major crackdowns on Christianity, even as we fund them.

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Nothing to see here BFM. Just another self-absorbed neocon talking out of both sides of his mouth.

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There is no "major crackdown" on Christians in Ukraine. Ukraine is a Christian nation. If you are interested in facts, you need to start over, BFM.

It's bizarre so little basic fact is evidenced in some comments.

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LOL...Your cute slander aside, are really going to try to pretend that you don't know what a NeoCon is? Seriously? Because you are one and your pitiful attempt to deflect is laughable. You know what a neocon is because you fit right in with the folks at American Enterprise Institute and other mainline neocon think-tanks. You're ridiculous. (And I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt by not assuming you are AI.)

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I shall not humor you and your Ruscists neocon, Pukey further. Not today.

Ukraine should have never given up its nukes in 1994. It did so under agreement the sovereignty of its borders would be protected by the signatories: the UK, US and Russia.

France and China also backed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum.

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On June 12th the Ukrainian Air Force

Struck in primyorsk at the headquarters of the Russian army responsible for the “defense” of the entire southern half

Of occupied Ukraine.


Apparently Russians are better at getting out lists of dead generals within hours vs that strike that happened in

March and still no list 🤣

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Ask Sergey how the wars going.

Oh, Jim and his staff are dead.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Unjabbed & Unphased Pureblood Champion of the World:

Novak Djokovic just won his 23rd Grand Slam title at the French Open, earning him the greatest record in men’s tennis history.


(lefties: hOw IS hE eVEn aLIVe?)

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I admire him. He could have gotten a fake vax card.... that would have been the easy thing to do. He is a man of integrity. If more people had stood-up to the covid shot craziness this sh*tshow would have ended a long time ago. Instead, we are 3 years into all of this insanity. More and more people are dropping dead or getting weird/rare illnesses and turbo cancer is on the rise.

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I have such incredible respect for this Serbian - what a complete man of integrity,

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Agreed. Serbia is one of my favorite countries. Would be a good place to move.

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Serbia joined dozens of countries and almost all Europe in aiding Ukraine:


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And the One Trick Pony goes round and round and round ad nauseam.

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Hee haw, hee haw! Wait, it’s a jackass!

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A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s music video ONE TRICK PONY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/one-trick-pony

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That's so you can get your anti-Jew thing in, Phil. See, I'm helping you out.

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Serbian arms are already in

Ukraine. Huge amounts of 122mm rockets for grads are flying towards Russians

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Thank you Serbia! 🫡

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A faithful Catholic as he is wont do fake anything we either stand for God or we don't. There's no room for luke warmn. Novak is experiencing the fruit of his dedication to God and what an exemplary for all❤

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Catholic? I think he is Serbian Orthodox.

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regardless, he is LIVING his faith rather than just playing lip service to it as so many do.

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That's true. I just like to raise the visibility of the Eastern Orthodox faith because it is not as well known as Catholicism or Protestantism in the general population.

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Did you know that Ireland became "Catholic" by one vote at the Synod of Whitby. Prior to that? Irish Christianity that closely followed Eastern Orthodox traditions. https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Synod_of_Whitby

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I’m a Catholic convert who knows far less than I should, but I do know we are a ‘sister’ faith to many Orthodox.

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I agree!! Love seeing him win now!!

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You are so correct. We need courageous people to think about the big picture and the kids futures. They cannot do this kind of crap if the majority stick together. Time to step it up America and think of the children!!!!

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I just learned a friend has two forms of blood cancer at the same time. One is a turbo the other not. This person has the Johnson and Johnson and thinks it came from Covid itself. I asked straight out if he was vaccinated and he said he had the J&J. I said well it could be either or a combo of both since they discontinued J&J.

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At least he said what kind of vax. Some people are already getting private about it. 'uh, that's private info'. LOL sure wasn't last year!

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Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has spoken about the surge in cancer related to the Covid shot. Both Covid and the Covid shot are biological weapons. The accounts I've read have attributed turbo cancer, sudden flare-ups of cancer in remission, weird illnesses/conditions such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and Myasthenia gravis to the Covid shot and not to Covid. But who really knows?

After my friend's 25-year old son got the J&J shot he was diagnosed with myocarditis. Another friend had a decidual cast shed after her J&J shot.....it's supposed to be rare. Her OB/GYN told her it was from the shot and that he was also seeing an increase in miscarriages.

I am sorry that your friend is suffering. It is very sad that this has been unleashed on all of us.

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I hope he gets all of them this year! Wimbledon ✔️US Open ✔️. Let’s go Nole!

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How did he survive the winter of darkness?

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It's a mystery! Doctors are baffled!

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Exactly. Let him play.

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"Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" my aunt fanny !

Let's go Brandon.

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And FJB!!!

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Let’s go Brandon

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Many of us unvaxxed survived!

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Nearly all of us. Far more than the vaccinated group.

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Clearly better off than the vaxxed!

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Lmao!! Your name just made me laugh so hard! Omg dying.

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Not just one winter but two. It is a miracle (sarc) that we are even here. Corn pop said so. 😉

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Corn pop was a bad dude!

Let’s go Brandon

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Our local news anchor had to eat crow when reporting on the Victory of Novak Djokovic on last nights news !!!!!! I did my happy dance 💃🏼 to celebrate 🎉! Not just a Tennis 🎾 Victory ✝️❤️😊

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He will keep winning even against decade younger opponents because he is not clotted all up. Add his experience and top notch tennis skills and Djokovic is the GOAT!! Shame on the other vaxxed players who continued to play while he was excluded. That is why my sympathy for the vaxxed is tempered because I will not forget most went along with the segregation, discrimination and overall vilification of the unvaxxed.

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Good point, except you have to exclude those of us who woke up the nanosecond we saw others being vilified and bullied into taking the shot. That's really what my wakeup call was - I was never a huge pro vax person, but more of a live and let live person, each person has to do what's right for them health-wise. And there were people who legitimately couldn't get the shot because they'd already had a life threatening reaction to a vax in the past, and yet even they were still being bullied and excluded from society. That no exceptions policy made zero sense to me and showed me this wasn't about healthcare at all. And the continued forcing once it was super obvious that the vaxxed kept not only getting sick from covid (meaning it never prevented spread), they were ending up in the hospital and dying too - and yet those monsters kept pushing the shot. It should be super obvious to anyone paying attention that this isn't about protecting people's health.

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I am glad you and others were supportive. My experience was 3 people only. The rest - nothing.

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yup, very hard for some people to admit they were wrong. It's sad that this is largely a virtue we've lost as a society.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Lack of humility. Or in other words excessive pride 😑😕

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Jen, RunningLogic--In deep deep blue Oregon, Democrats never apologize or admit they were wrong, on anything. Their arrogant genes are over expressed, and the genes accounting for humility totally missing. They are doubling down on everything wrong.

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I believe it was a Belarus football coach who said he would not have a vaccinated player on his team because the vaccinated have 20% loss of strength due to the shot.

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I'm ready to see positive vax discrimination like this, with the bias toward the healthy people.

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Yes great point.

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“Character is doing the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay.” ~Michael Josephson

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Amen. This is exactly right!

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You know I watched him beat number 1 ranked Carlos Alcaraz, a young superstar, nice kid also. He would seem to have the advantage over the older player in the heat and grueling 3 of 5 match. But the younger player severely cramped up and really couldn’t recover though he took a couple medical timeouts. I hadn’t considered the jab being a factor til someone here mentioned it. I don’t remember before seeing young players cramp up so intensely before. This is the 2nd time this summer Alcaraz has cramped up and another young star, Holger Rune, also notably cramped up this spring in a match, which seemed so strange to me. 🤔 😞

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Why wouldn't he win? His gut isn't manufacturing spike protein, possibly ad infinitum, from the disastrous shots everyone else lined up for. He doesn't have myocardial injury, neurological consequences, or rouleaux of his RBCs. He's one healthy athlete in a field of damaged specimens.

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With all the fans yelling “ novax! Novax! Novax!” 😂😂

I’m mean... seriously

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YES! The resolve that he had to not give in. I hope he kicks butt for many years!! ❤️

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Thanks for the uplifting news!

Are you asking: 1) how did he die form covid or 2) why didn’t someone assassinate him? Or maybe both? : )

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"Dad energy is different that Mom energy, but often necessary and very effective."

Imagine if Moms4Liberty were enjoined by Dads4Liberty. Look out lefty school boards!

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I am currently reading Senator Josh Hawley's new book, Manhood. Senator Hawley approaches the topic from a biblical standpoint. The battle isn't so much between good and evil as it is between the culture of narcissism or, Epicureanism as he views it, and preserving basic societal constructs such as the family and the traditional roles of mother and father. In summary, Senator Hawley's thesis is that 'Dad Energy' is the antidote to most of our contemporary problems.

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I like Josh Hawley, but I believe Greg Laurie’s take: “Satan is primarily the one responsible for the gross perversion, injustice, violence. The devil has infiltrated politics, the media, religion and has brought about a delusion. But the clock is ticking for the devil. Satan knows his time is limited. His destruction is sure, he will be cast into hell to be tortured and he would like to take as many with him as possible. For now he is taking people captive to do his will , see 2 Tim 2:26 and is binding the minds of those who do not believe (2 Cor 4:4)

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I just said this very same statement about Lucifer today while talking to the office person at the new doctors' group I started using last year--they're "off the grid" and, therefore, have NO hospital privileges--even though all of the practitioners have gone through the required schooling, taken the Hippocratic Oath, and have their licenses to practice medicine. BUT NO HOSPITAL PRIVILEGES...I told the office person, "They're KILLING us ....legally". Her response..."It's NOT legal"---I told her I hope that REAL doctors who believe in "doing no harm" will start building their OWN hospitals that do NOT require listening to the CDC and taking Federal government funds..Her response is, "It's happening". That gave me some HOPE!!

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There used to be some real Christian hospitals. My daughter was born in a small RC one with a cucifix in every room, etc as was my husband. They went bankrupt around the same time CVS put all privately owned pharmacies out of business by opening up one every mile.

WE are an oligarchy of corporate and other influences, not a democracy. (Princeton study 2014; conveniently hidden from google searches)

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There are many compound pharmacies that are private.

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There are still "indy" practitioners and pharmacies--but you have to hunt for them and travel 50-60 miles each way. Most people don't want to pay "out of pocket" and travel long distances to get prescriptions filled. Thankfully--the pharmacies are usually "online" as well as B & M stores so your prescriptions can be shipped to you. Can't "ship" physicians to you though!

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That’s very encouraging!

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YES...these doctors/nurses are all Mennonites and they treat the Amish a great deal. You know...ALL of the Amish they treated for the Wuhan Virus (which were very few in number) did NOT go to the hospital--they were treated with Ivermectin and supplementation and they all recovered--NOT ONE DEATH!

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I took ivermectin for my second case of covid. It absolutely works- for me. No doubt about it.

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What state are you in?

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

They will have to do this and we need this if all that is projected comes to fruition like jab tracking and halting of transactions.

Where did you find your dr? I need a new one.

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He was a speaker at one of the FreePA meetings held in 2021 - FreePA is a grassroots freedom (medical and personal) advocacy group that sprang up in PA as a result of the draconian DEMONratic Gov. Wolf's mandates (we even had a special election in 2021 to make certain we would NEVER go through this again - the measure to prevent Governor's from extending the "Emergency Health" act for more than 3 weeks passed by a slim margin--but at least it PASSED (PRAISE GOD). I believe you just have to start asking around online to "Medical Freedom Advocacy" groups - perhaps the FLCCC group that is composed of many different types of medical practitioners would be a good "starting source", Lisa. HTH you in your search.

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I'm very interested in this issue. My understanding is that federal regulations make it very very difficult for anyone outside these huge hospital conglomerates to function legally. It is terribly unjust. I'm glad some are fighting to change this!

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I am sure if such a legislation passed in Congress it's because our legislators were "paid off" by the corporations who bought out all the "smaller practices" and "hospitals/care facilities" around the country. This all started in the 1990's and by the time I returned to PA from CA in late 2000--NONE of the smaller practices were available--they had all been bought off! IT IS A DISGRACE and a DIRECT VIOLATION OF OUR CONSTITUTION AND THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH.

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I also believe the devil's time is almost up and he is working maniacally to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible before he's taken down. Indeed this was foretold by Pope Leo XIII in 1884. He heard satan and God talking and Satan was given more power to destroy the Church. But we know that the gates of hell will not prevail against her. If anyone is interested in the other prophetic visions and miracles on this topic let me know and I can link them too. https://ucatholic.com/vision-of-pope-leo

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Yep, Satan wants family to dissolve and his leftists buddies are all too eager to help. People (even blacks) have been arguing for over a decade that the main problem for blacks is the loss of the nuclear family and no dads being around.

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I agree with that! I first heard that from Candace Owens, the beautiful and brilliant black conservative Christian!

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I just read that YouTube just banned Candace.

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Coincidence that Bill Cosby advocated for black fatherhood in marriage and was about to buy NBC before his Trump-like, never ending accusations and legal woes started? The same demonic people who are pushing perversity on us now, were behind the breakup and breakdown of the Black family and community.

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Youndon’t think Bill Cosby is a rapist and pedophile?

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I think that he may have done something bad many decades ago. I llalso know Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and other democrats have, but for some reason 🤔 hmmm..they never get hounded, accused, tried, or convicted. Why is that? Why do women come out at opportune moments after so many decades of silence to accuse a man? Who is finding them and paying them?

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Razorfist has an excellent video addressing the Cosby issue. He’s on Rumble , bitchute and last resort- you tube

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Josh Hawley seems to be using more secular words to get to same point without turning off non religious and irreligious.

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Perhaps that was his intent, but the wording, "It's not so much about good vs evil" is what I am referring to. It is 100 percent about good vs evil. I don't know a Christian that would try to down play that.

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Satan has been hard at work getting rid of dad for several decades now. He knows what their potential for the good of mankind is.

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Saddest thing; watching poor single moms of the ‘unfavored’ race trying to deal with middle school officials in regards to the mistreatment of their sons. Pulling them out to homeschool, though you knew the mom likely worked at least two jobs and had no plan. At least her son wouldn’t have to be terrified every day.

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True. But the moms aren’t saints. They are being used by the devil too. My child is 9, and Oddly; I am seeing a lot of DADs who do more of the parenting than the moms! I know of 2 moms who were barely involved until the child got older and easier. Moms who split right after giving birth and dads did all the work. A lot of these are older men (40 to 45ish) who got with young women (24 to 26ish) to have their first child.

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You are right. I didn’t mean to imply that there are no bad moms or that it’s always the mom doing the job alone. I would say statistically it’s more often the mom by far, but I’m no expert.

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We, supposedly believers in God’s power, allow Satan to operate freely. We have the supreme power at our disposal if we’ll only use it. It’s truly up to us; God won’t force it on us. If not us, who? If not now, when? If not, why?

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*Blinding the minds of those who do not believe

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What is a woman? Lefties don't know... but that's old news.

Lefties are also stumped by 'What is a man'? No idea!

Science is evolving at record levels these days.

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But in WHICH direction ?

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I guess that is what "transhumanism" is: neither male nor female. They want to have no distinctions. It's part of their plan.

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Yes, the current feminization of young men is the root of a lot of the issues in this country. A lot of good young men, but the amount of weak, feminized, fairylike young men is disgusting. So sad, because this is not how men should behave.

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It starts further back from that in the sexual revolution and “feminism”. Women insisting we can be like men and should go to work.

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I think a lot of men went right along with it thinking they would increase the household income and wealth. Now people think it takes two incomes just to make it through.

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In truth it does in some areas. But you can also sacrifice. Its a lot harder to make it for sure.

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I hope I didn’t sound discouraging to families who want the traditional way. I’m a huge cheerleader for someone to have an eye or an ear on the children at all times. I have 2 daughters who are stay at home moms and a new DIL who is gung-ho to become one.

Stuff is just stuff. This society puts far too much emphasis on owning stuff.

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I heard a rant on Chris Plante's radio show that he shared from some liberal woman on TikTok - she was complaining that it was impossible to find a masculine man who was also polite and chivalrous (that was not the term she used but can't remember exactly) who was not a CONSERVATIVE (perish the thought, lol). Plante said the rant has gone viral, so I guess a lot of tiktockers must agree. I have been out of the dating scene for a very long time but just observing young men in general I would tend to agree with her. Although I will say my son in law is a masculine liberal but I am not really sure he is as liberal as my daughter is, think he keeps his mouth shut to keep the peace.

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😂🤣yeah, I know a man or two who do that!

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Sixteen years ago I moved from a rural area to a big city. Family issues. The difference in male behavior absolutely stunned me.

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With 70% of kids in the black community, 23% of US children overall growing up in single parent households (don't know the breakdown but guessing predominantly the mother) vs ~8% of children worldwide - it appears that some how dads, and their dad energy have been neutralized/taken out of the picture in this country. I'm sure 'experts are baffled' but I blame the perverse incentives baked into the welfare system combined with the removal of God, and family as bulwarks of the culture for creating a huge dad energy deficit. On purpose no doubt.

So it's even more critical that those dads who have done the right thing by staying in their kids' lives to step up. Glad to see it happening!

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I watched the mass exodus of moms from the home in dismay. It went like wildfire! Then the divorces started.

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Thank you posting his book title. I’m almost finished with it tonight. And having my husband and son read it.

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What a thesis! He is one of my favorite senators! Shocking…. there are some honest good ones!

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Would you recommend his book?

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Yes. I also recommend his book, The Tyranny of Big Tech, that he published in 2021.

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Couldn't agree more.

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I am so glad the Muslims out numbered the pride and Antifa parade! Not all Armenians are Muslims many are Christians. I have old friend moved back to north California to be with his family. They are brave people. Armenia was invaded by Turks his family moved to Iran. Part flew out but he was left with his family during Shaw years. They crossed the mountains on foot between Iran and Turkey hiding along the way to avoid border patrol. He said there was a very heavy man in his group having trouble with the climb he kept slipping making rocks tumbles and possibly alerting patrol. The smugglers told him one more slip and they would shoot him before Iranian border control shot all of them. He said he’d never seen a fat man move so light of feet. Good people glad they stood up against this nonsense. Do what you want to do just don’t force it on me.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeez egad drat, Armenians are NOT Muslims, period full stop! 🤦 Their troubled history includes the outright *genocide* at Muslim hands, just a short century back 😢

🗨 The Armenian Apostolic Church [...] Part of Oriental Orthodoxy, it is one of the most ancient Christian institutions. The Kingdom of Armenia was *the first state* to adopt Christianity as its official religion under the rule of King Tiridates III of the Arsacid dynasty in the early 4th century.

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You are correct.


"As of 2011, most Armenians in Armenia are Christians (97%)[1] and are members of the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is one of the oldest Christian churches."


According to the Census of 2011, the composition of people identifying with religions in Armenia is the following: Christianity 2,862,366 (99%), of whom 2,797,187 are Armenian Apostolic (97%); 29,280 Evangelical; 13,996 Catholics—both Armenian Catholic Church and Latin Church—8,695 Jehovah's Witness; 7,587 Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Greek); 2,874 Molokan (non-Orthodox Russians); 1,733 Assyrian Church of the East (Nestorian); 733 Protestant; 241 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; 23,374 Yazidi (0.8%); 5,146 Pagan (0.2%); 812 Muslim; 5,299 people of other religions (0.2%); 121,587 no response (4.0%).

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Thank you for that, I was surprised and confused that people were taking about Armenians being Muslims.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

To be fair, it's Jeff who set the tone 😢

ETA Just dawned on me: 'tis dazzling illustrative that incompatible religions find 'emselves on the same side of frontline, in a raging existential battle against the evil perversion spreading like a plague.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

You’re right and that was a mistake on his part. Glad for the corrections here and I am sure if he sees them he’ll edit his post to make it right.

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I took Jeff to be pointing to the combination of two cultural systems, now reacting in tandem to oppose the new, secularist religion. I guess I missed it if he implied Armenians are largely Muslim, but that's a mistake I don't think he could ever have intended.

I think what we're seeing here is the stark, cold fact that those who have been through genocide are hardened in will as well as faith and that it is the softness resulting from comfort and wealth that has turned the largely Christian American culture into weaklings who espouse the church of nice rather than the one founded by the Savior of mankind who said at the time that He brought a sword, not peace.

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Perhaps some Muslim men were also there protesting, and were erroneously identified as Armentian. I saw an American Muslim man interviewed recently on some show, and he expressed the same kind of concerns we all have for what is going on and had started some sort of organization to combat it. Perhaps Muslims are waking up to the dangers to their community as well.

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That is certainly a possibility. I wouldn’t be surprised.

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This is beautiful. I did not know. Thank you for sharing.

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Yes! Forgot to mention that! Sad history but some may have converted. I thought my friend was Muslim for a long time. He looked it. Tall Arab like features fair skin he was super attractive. Thanks been a long time since I thought about him. May reach out see how he is doing.

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😂🤣Given that description, I might want to reach out myself.

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I heard back. He said he had many friends at that protest but he was not there. They going after the school board to stop the indoctrination. He has two kids in school grade 5 and 8. Says the stuff being taught is ridiculous. Says his family will come visit so maybe I get meet them all. I thought for sure he would have been at the parade protesting but no couldn’t make it.

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Very easy on the eyes and very manly sort of guy. It wasn’t meant to be. He had divorced a Cuban woman he has a son here. He moved back to Northern California after his father died. He wanted to be close to his people and wanted to marry his own kind. Oh well. Was a nice friend. I don’t even know if his number is still current going to see if should delete it out of contacts

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Ahh, 'forgot to mention that!' Must be no big deal then, just 'sad history' with no relevance in our brand-new brave world. Moreover, 'some may have converted' 🤯😶

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No I just simply forgot the history at moment since I have not spoken to my friend in a long time. I saw a movie as well. I just forgot. I am Cuban not Armenian read about the genocide in guns germs and steal but one has limited space for all the information one mind can carry sometimes you just forget.

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Happened in Spain many Jews and Muslims were forced to convert or leave or were killed. Not unlikely some have converted and there 811 Muslims per census provided by another c&c reader. So from from a logic perspective to say all Armenians are Christian is not technically correct as there are some may have converted for whatever geopolitical personal or survival reasons.

People forget the travesties Cubans went thru during the Castro revolution I don’t take it personally. They simply just don’t remember or where never told.

I was never educated on the Armenian genocide. I learned it on my own. Is it my fault or does the belittle history? I don’t think so.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

🗨 There’s no shame in ignorance, only in complacently accepting it.

Sure! 🙂

That said, grasping at technicalities is—technically 😏—complacency-adjacent.

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"Do what you want to do just don't force it on me." is kinda how this whole alphabet thing got started over 2 decades ago... just sayin'...

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But this new push has nothing to do with the freedom to be gay. It is a Marxist mindset to undermine the family nucleus. It part of the indoctrination for all us into Marxism. There have been homosexuals since the start of time. It’s just hasn’t been pushed on the rest of us. This is a Segway into something else having nothing to do homosexuals or the rest of the alphabet. Personally the rest of the alphabet is the problem they are part of mental issues no one treats or addresses. Just accepting the men as woman and woman as men and it’s not healthy for these people Bc still can’t be happy to be something you are not.

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Yep, heard that one, too. If that's the case, why didn't and why haven't the homosexuals who just want to be left alone tell the alphabet club to cease and desist with this nonsense? Why aren't they being more outspoken now?

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I believe the whole of the alphabet group (and aboriginal peoples as well) are being used to further an agenda that has nothing to do with their human rights. Once whatever the people behind all this have achieved their target goals, they will be kicked to the curb just like white Christians and other religions. Then everybody will be the same with the same human rights - none.

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Absolutely, just like the blacks are getting kicked to the curb. Democrats have been promising blacks a better life for decades and not much is changing for them. Just promises to get the votes.

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The advocacy is being pushed by the government, elite billionaires and pharmaceutical companies and hospital systems who are strategically positioned to make hundreds of billions on the backs of all these mentally confused and vulnerable people and kids

It’s not the small repressed trans minority- actually… advocating for the most part

Same as BLM

Much of what we see is well organized, highly funded psychological operation

Started by Clinton’s

Continued by Obama’s … and now Joe Biden … did u see the White House flags??

Government backed and funded agenda

There’s a lot of power and money behind this agenda

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That is very true, thanks for pointing that out.

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You are so right!!!! We need to stand for truth, no matter what! Don’t be mean or hurtful, BUT ALWAYS SPEAK THE TRUTH!

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Homosexuals will never have the effect on the nuclear family that Uncle Sam did. In the Great Society, (LBJ), poor families, many black, could qualify for government aid if there was no adult male in the household. These were the days when it was difficult for blacks to get decent jobs. Push the males out of the house and they would qualify for welfare, which most people desperately needed. Homosexuals were also horribly abused in our earlier history. In New York City the police would go to a gay nightclub every Saturday night just to beat them up. I think it was Stonewalls? One night the gays fought back... Homosexuals have had to fight for years just to get the freedoms that others took for granted. Sometimes I detect a veiled anti-gay bias on these threads. Somehow their sin is worse than other sins? Well it’s not. We all need to get the planks out of our eyes and look at the propaganda. They’re coming for Christians. Remember when Al Gore said they might help to help Christians to another level? I’m still waiting for that shoe to drop....

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Their sin is also not better than any one else’s sin. The scriptures are very clear on a man not lying with a man or a woman with a woman. Why would anyone want to offend God? Our lifespans go quickly by and then we go somewhere.

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The problem is the homosexual agenda forced their lifestyle into everything, into our faces, destroyed marriage and opened the door to what we have now. It’s all the related.

There are Texas small towns now that are forbidding Christians from CHRISTMAS parades and encouraging gay / trans parade floats. Not just big cities! That’s what the homosexual lifestyle led society to.

They must separate themselves from LGBTxyz or they continue to be part of the current problem.

My family and many friends are personally dealing with the tragedy this lifestyle brings so I speak from firsthand experience.

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Kinda like all the battles women have fought and are still fighting for equal rights. Only now, women also have to fight men who want to pretend to be women. The irony...

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And the men are winning!!!

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Dear Diana: Almost no Armenians are Muslim.

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Don’t think you are wrong , agree. My friend was not he told me the sad story. The Armenians try to marry only other Armenians to expand their numbers. You’d have to think some converted to survive. Look at Spain it was filled with Muslims Jews and Christian Isabella either made the Jews and Muslims covert or she killed them or kicked them out of Spain. My family back on the day converted to catholic.

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Absolutely! “Do what you want, just don’t force it on me.”

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Whoa! Armenians are NOT Muslim! They are one of the oldest Christian communities. They were celebrating Christ when we were still living in mud huts all over Europe.

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This sounds a lot like the new movie Covenant. Which was fantastic and moving! ❤️

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We’ve seen a lot of Christian and Muslim dads stepping up and attending Parental Rights rallies and protests here in Denver. The people, ALL people, have had enough of this ridiculousness. It gives me hope 🥰🙏.

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They will also be labeled as terrorists, watch. f.b.eye will arrest anyone who stands up for our children, who stands up against the gov steamroller narrative.

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They Can’t arrest us ALL !!!! Together we Stand , Together!!!!! 🇺🇸✝️

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That’s the aim exactly.

To remove parental rights- then kids are merely wards of the state and it’s much easier to indoctrinate them. Control them. Prey on them. The agenda is that dark.

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One funny comment I read, given it was Antifa and Middle Easterners brawling, the police were conflicted about whose side exactly they were supposed to be on.

Rich white trash Marxist college kids or ‘people of color’.

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The public school feedback loop: parents trust teachers and administrators they’ve never met & know nothing about, parents find out (too late) that the teachers are indoctrinating or harming their children, parents protest, parents demand said teachers change their ways so they can force their kids to spend time with the abusers... and the loop continues with each new issue. Ultra progressive indoctrination, covid regulations... Maybe all the “for liberty” groups can exercise real liberty and jump out of the loop. Many hours of wasted time fighting abusers to force your innocent kids back into their care. It’s not working.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

A long time ago I heard the head of a homeschool group say something that stuck with me: You can't put your child in government schools for 15-16 years+ and not expect them to think - to some extent or another - that government is the answer to most problems. That said, things aren't much better in many private schools.

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I agree. Many private schools have been turned into reform schools. Sadly, many of the kids in our local private school were kicked out of public school and brought the culture with them. Not surprisingly, many of them were expelled from the private school within the first year. Another great quote:

“We cannot continue to send our children to Caesar for their education and be surprised when they come home as Romans.”

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Love that quote! Probably what the one I heard was based on.

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I came here to say this! 👏👏👏

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Excellent movie regarding fatherhood, by the amazing Kendrick brothers:

Show Me the Father


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That's why it is so important for them to sideline and negate traditional men. They ARE a force to be reckoned with. 🥰

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And that’s a good question in fact where are the men, the fathers and husbands?

Do we even have those kind of men who would fight even physically if need be in defense against this wicked LGBTQIA+ ideology

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The old ultimate threat from stay at home moms by the 2nd week of summer vacation;

“Just wait till your dad gets home.’

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

God bless Marine Danny Penney for having the courage to protect others on the subway that day. He absolutely did the right thing.

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Marine not on active duty, not ex-Marine...and yes! God bless and keep him!

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"former Marine"

Once a Marine, always a Marine.

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Semper Fi, that’s a Marine!

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Oops, thanks for the correction!

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Marine veteran

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...Yep, not bad for a terrorist 👿

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A covaids meme:


🚗Car Exhaust,

🌨Climate Change


☕️Black tea

💊Herbal supplements

🛌Sleeping position


🥶Cold showers,

💨Air pollution,

🍇Eating same fruit





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Add: Day at the beach, growing your own food, tithing, petting your cat, dead cell phone battery, questioning Fauci, sailing, avoiding your booster.

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Also, grilling and gardening

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Those are pretty much instant death if you have long covid.

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Long COVID is looking more like jab injury. Coming out as another conspiracy fact...

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There's posters to this stack who note they are unjabbed but have long covid. I think we'll find they have something else.

But the jabbed are definitely showing 'long covid' style injuries.

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Folks can have chronic EBV and chronic Lyme. Why not chronic CO-vld?

Although I agree that most chronic co is almost certainly jab injury.

Also likely depends on the definition of long co. Are we talking about persistent symptoms for 1-2 months after natural infection (yep, two people in this household experienced that, with early treatment and no jab), or are we talking about months and months and months of ongoing symptoms? I don’t have an answer for that.

Seems some kind of mitochondrial dysfunction is probably a huge part of the impact of the cursed virus, for both natural infections and pHarmaceutical ones.

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Definitely secondary mitochondrial dysfunction from the vaccines

That’s a common known adverse effect in kids- who are vaccinate injured

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The virus is a bioweapon

Was meant to and designed to injure and maim… and it has

I think the vaccinated took the hardest hit- they got two toxins at once

But I know several unvaccinated people who also had terrible effects from the virus too

My unvaccinated uncle had a heart attack after his second covid infection… one unvaccinated friend has terrible tinnitus after multiple covid infections and excessive fatigue … my unvaccinated parents had the sickest winter I’ve ever seen… just one infection right after another … multiple pneumonias

Anyone whose baseline immune system wasn’t functioning optimally (for any reason) was at risk for problems- I think

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The so-called "virus" has never been shown to exist because never purified and isolated. The "bioweapon" narrative is a distraction to keep people "believing" in viruses, thereby ensuring that the PTB can roll out another one, enforce draconian measures to "stop the spread," and repeat ALL the insanity we just went through for three years. Rinse and repeat via the fake problem-reaction-solution dialectic.




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Wow! That boosts my lagging enthusiasm for downing all the supplements I regularly take. At 72, I seldom have the sniffles, but when I start swallowing all that stuff I wonder about my mental health.

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My daughter and son, also all 3 adult grandchildren had Covid. NO long covid. They are unjabbed. I know lots of other unjabbed folks who have had covid but no long covid either. The jabbed people I know, well, that's another story. And they keep getting covid over and over.

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I find that watering my garden does wonders for my communication with God and my health. He replenishes my soul as well as my garden as I sow seeds of trust in Him. I've never been one to shy away from singing hymns to Him as I garden.... For the Beauty of the Earth....This is My Father's World... There Shall Be Showers of Blessings... All People that on Earth Do Dwell... Joyful, Joyful, We adore Thee...

All things praise Thee, Lord most high:

Heaven and earth, and sea and sky,

All were for Thy glory made,

That Thy greatness thus displayed,

Should all worship bring to Thee;

All things praise Thee: Lord, may we. George W Conder

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I haven’t thought about “This is my Father’s World” for a long time, love that song and will now sing it while tending to my garden - thank you!

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There are some intense truths in that song...

And though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.

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Add: Life itself. The eartlhy part inevitably ends in death, and no amount of virtue-signaling will change that.

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Nicola Sturgeon is a friend of the WEF, so I think it's safe to say she is legit crooked:


This January 2021 WEF article praises Nicola for "impos[ing] the most stringent lockdown for Scotland since last spring."


She and Jabcinda served their purposes well and were cycled out for replacement tyrants now that their brands have soured.

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Wee Nicky from Scotland is 100% crooked. The £650,000 that went missing was a donation made by one man who stipulated it was to be used only for the Independance campaign that Nicky has been obsessively banging on about. The donor laterj queried where the money had gone and called police. The money has still not been accounted for. Add to that she went full on pro trans - decreeing that kids as young as 4 could self identify in school and teachers were not allowed to inform parents. One of the final straws was a male double rapist who decided to say he was a woman only after he'd been convicted and was sentenced to prison. There was uproar that a male rapist would be placed in a female prison as per Wee Nicky's dictact. That decision was eventually overturned but Nicky tied herself up in knots during an interview about it, trying to balance 'trans women are women' while essentially admitting that is B.S by preventing the newly minted rapey woman from entering a female prison. It was pure comedy watching her. She resigned shortly after and then the financial scandal blew up. And if you look at Wee Nicky and her equally crooked husband you will see that is a' 'marriage of convenience'.


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the purple dress is a giveaway...as are the purple tie for the men

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Wow is she ever fugly.

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A related might be: 'Homely as a Health Minister'

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Sturgeon is a useful idiot and tool who is now no longer useful and probably is a liability. I hope her and her family get everything that is coming to them. Nasty bunch.

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A good source of information on the corruption and malfeasance of Scottish politics is Craig Murray's blog.


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Armenians are not Muslim but rather Orthodox Christians. In the Caucasus region Armenian Christians are often in conflict with Muslim Turks. Yet in LA the presumptuous Pride plague has brought Muslims and Armenian Christians together.in combatting pederastic Antifa punks.

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Armenians are Christian and have suffered more persecution for their faith than you or I could imagine. One of the greatest Biblical theologians of our day is Rousas John Rushdoony 1916 - 2001 whose parents fled the horrific Armenian genocide of 1915 and whose family has a ministerial history going back to 320 AD. He founded the Chalcedon Foundation and wrote "The Institutes of Biblical Law." Along with his son-in-law Dr. Gary North 1942 - 2022, Rushdoony was a proponent of Christian Reconstruction and a strong advocate of Christian homeschooling.

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Muslims are also very anti- gay and anti- woke, more traditional values than most Christians, so does it matter if they are Christian or Muslim?

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Allison it does matter when the issue moves from gay issues to the subject of Israel. Most Muslims in the USA have tended to support the Democrats over Republicans.

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I think that is quickly shifting, since the Democrats have shifted away from blue collar workers and are now made up of all of the misfits and weirdos of the country.

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I live near the largest Muslim community in the US, Dearborn, and they are not happy with the indoctrination.

Dearborn school board meeting to resume Thursday after ending early due to disorderly crowd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgqbBUiV-dM

Many versions of Islam, which is Abrahamic, just as there are 33,000 different sects of Christianity, and Islam birthed Sufism, a mystical sect that worships God, the beloved, with dances of universal peace.

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Issue based alliances is more like holding hands against a common foe (here ideological), not dating. When there is a difference the alliance parts ways until the next issue. This happened in CA for Prop 8. It can and should be done.

Save our children.

Don’t touch our children.

Don’t re-educate our children.

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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend". And after united victory in battle, the old enmities often times disappear.

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Prior to the Sept 11 "attacks" allowed/enabled to be undertaken there may have been one current of Islamic American resistance in the 1990s against all the "progressive" push to tear down traditionalist culture then being spearheaded by the coat-tailing Clintons on their Ross Perot enabled takeover of the executive. Yes CAIR and the rest of the corrupted Commie-Islamie groups were and still are all for Marxist-Muslim power to unseat the Christian right, Catholics, Orthodox Jews, and tear down the Imperialist West at every opportunity. The fact is when the Marxists and neo Socialists target your family and children in this fashion ALL sane people need to have each other's backs and help in resisting the hijacking of our futures by the radical cultist CREEPS.

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Bless you William!

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Humza Yousaf -- That's a solid heritage Scottish name if I've ever heard one.

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You misspelled Hamish MacYousaf.

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good one...it's all so revolting

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My first thought Russell! 👏🏻

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Regarding the Armenian men's response to Antifa - Excellent! I'm very willing to believe that Antifa are paid mercenaries of the Democratic party. They are definitely terrorists and grandma Garland's DoJ does nothing to stop them. Unfortunately, return violence is the only answer.

I'm normally against violence as a solution to a problem. In this case it's not only warranted, but necessary. I will cheer whenever any Antifa goons are hurt or worse. They deserve anything that comes to them. Armenian men, thank you!

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“I'm normally against violence as a solution to a problem”…..says Attila the Hun. 😂😂

Sorry, I just got a good chuckle from that.

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"I dabbled in pacifism once, not in 'Nam of course."

-----Walther Sobchek

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When the justice system and law enforcement do not protect the citizens, then men will have to step into the gap.

What should be happening is for Antifa, BLM and the Mexican cartels (who traffic children and fentanyl) should all be declared "terrorist organizations" by the Government. This would empower law enforcement to hunt down and put an end to these organizations. Furthermore, this would empower the Gov't to enter Mexico and eliminate the cartels.

This is not happening because the Marxist Bolshevik's who took over the USG in 2020 are promoting these organizations as a proxy method to attack the American people. To defend ourselves, men will have to step into the gap.

This is exactly what should happen should Trump manage to get elected to office. Declare these organizations as terrorist organizations and hunt them down without mercy. Restore justice to society.

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I will add this. If you take a step back and look, EVERY single action taken by the Obama/Biden administration since Joe took office has been an attack on the American people starting with the cancelling of the Keystone pipeline on his first day in office. Every single action! The current administration is in fact a terrorist organization deploying third party terrorists/criminals as a proxy against the American people. This is where we are at and this is why they are so afraid of Trump.

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🎯 nailed it

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Trump is our weapon of choice and they are trying to disarm us.

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Laws are already being Broken, "Tourism" desigination would be useful, but Not required for Local LE especially Sheriffs to go after these satanic criminals, especially child trafficing.

We are already "empowered" to go after these criminals and give evidence to LE. If LE refuses to act then get new LE or become LE ourselves as needed.

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Amen brother. County Sheriffs and DA's have all the authority they need to go after these criminals. The real power in this country resides at the county level. In counties that need help, such as along the border, ask the local citizens to take up arms and deputize them as they use to back in the day.

Why is it that the USG decade after decade can militarily invade any country on the planet in the name of fighting "terrorism" and yet cannot defend Americans from the cartel terrorists going all the way back to Johnson's War on Drugs? It is because the American elites profit from the cartels and actually enable them through the USG.

But the border states do not need the USG. The states along with the county sheriffs have the authority to protect their citizens. The border states should declare an invasion, call up their guard and close the border with the assistance of the other liberty states. And why don't they do this? Why does Gov Abbott sit on his hands complaining about the Feds?? Because they work for the elites and get paid to do nothing!

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County Sheriffs could easily add 5 citizens under command of each of his deputies to increase his manpower. If the Sheriffs Fail their duty, then it's back to the 2nd amendment Militia, hopefully with some combat experienced NCO vets to lead their fellow citizens.

The Time for Quibbling is Over, We appreciate your voice for Liberty.

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What you said! There you go folks! Here is how to bring law and order back to your community and show the Feds we don't need them. It's interesting that in Dec 2021, DeSantis proposed bringing back the Florida State Guard militia. I don't know what has happened since but if enacted, Florida would be the 23 state to have a state guard, including CA and NY (go figure). Decades ago when I was living in the county of Santa Clara, CA I was a Honorary Deputy Sheriff. The county sheriff had a program of honorary deputies, unpaid civilians, who could be called upon when needed for assistance such as search and rescue.

The point is all the power in this country resides at the local level, state and especially county. There are plenty of former military folks in this country that could be called upon for this effort. Local law and order is our responsibility and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Get your sheriffs active or replace them.

As the Gen says, "The time for quibbling is over."

Addendum: We just had an election for mayor here in Panama City, FL and FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, a Republican was elected mayor. I attribute this to two things: The "Trump red wave" has awakened and red pilled many voters. Second, the previous Dem mayor sponsored a Trans Pride kiddie show in the city park. It wasn't publicized and many did not know about it but it was enough to get a lot of people out to vote that normally would not have. Sign of the times.

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They should be declared terrorist organizations instead of “ Moms for Liberty” or parents who speak at school board meetings?

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"Grandma" Garland's DOJ sponsors them, and funds their get-out-of-jail passes.

Please ... let's drop the "Grandma" label on Garland; it is an insult to loving grannies everywhere!

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More like Meritless Garland.

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In the linked interview, Andy Ngo said the police were protecting Antifa, otherwise there would would have been a lot of injured Antifa...

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Kinda like the bobbies protecting the "climate activists" as they block a major road?

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as "American" men are MIA, and AWOL. Perhaps the Muslims also "can save us" from the Wokesters!!! I Spit.

Is "Rome" burning??? DC is a Foreign Occupied NWO Coup city; Ask me if I care it it burns. This is Exactly how the Roman "Empire" fell. Patriot Citizens abandoned the Corrupt Core to more Honest Barbarians...... not claiming "right" or "wrong", just showing how history rhymes, imo.

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From my buddy in LA, where the Armenian diaspora is based: These guys have the cross and the 'Armenia' tattooed on them!

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They are the Dem’s army.

They don’t need an ideology just a pointer for their anger and violence.

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They certainly do seem like an unholy army of the night...

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But Elymas the magician (for so his name is translated) was opposing them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith. But Saul, who was also known as Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fixed his gaze on him, and said, “You who are full of all deceit and fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease to make crooked the straight ways of the Lord? Now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind and not see the sun for a time.” And immediately a mist and a darkness fell upon him, and he went about seeking those who would lead him by the hand. Then the proconsul believed when he saw what had happened, being amazed at the teaching of the Lord.

— Acts 13:8-12 NASB1995

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Elymas was fortunate that Saul only cursed him with blindness. Elisha in the incident with the youths from Bethel was less forBEARing. 🐻 (2 Kings 2:23-24)

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😂🤣😂I love that story! Those thugs sure got their just deserts. Or was it the bears that got the desserts, eating the’sweet’ little things up. Wonder if their mamas said, “They didn’t do nuffin!”

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aren't the Divine miracle afflictions as astounding as the healings? Saul himself BLINDED and hearing THE Voice that the others did not. The belly worms, the venomous vipers, the withered leprous hand, the worm that ate the sheltering gourd, generational death outside the land of Promise to the freed Israelites, indeed The Wages of SIN are difficult and unbearable yet our flesh and deceived minds crave it or toy with it as a toddler with a dangerous object, at so many levels much of the time. Lead us AWAY from Temptations and Deliver us from all Evil.

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PRIDE MONTH is forced on us in June, when most schools are not in session. There would be much more DAD ENERGY if it were a month earlier or in September. CRUSH the Child targeting CREEPS.

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*priDEMONth 😏

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Thanks for the DEMONstration

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A lot of schools are still in session until almost mid June. Perfect timing to push the agenda at end of year parties, egg relays, field days, track meets, etc. no real learning goes on in June, yet kids are scheduled to be there. Might as well teach them about inclusivity 😡 perfect timing.

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Yup. Disgusting. They are also going after kids so hard because surgeries and medications create unlimited revenue for Big Harma!! They want the small minority to become the majority!

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the stated desired 10+% hardcore homosexual population goals from the 1940s-50s by the activist intellectuals are becoming reality for the sex-gender Debasers of society; on the way to normalizing and then legally sanctioning most every sexual appetite and expression: multiple wives (male and/or female), sexfriends, concubines, lovers of all flavors ages and body types with unlimited exploration and sampling, reproductive termination rights without barriers, insurance coverages mandated for all physical and mental related sex-gender issues, limitless funding and forced acceptance against opposition; what a Loving "Movement". Fundamentally recreating the FAMLI (Fornicating Amorous Multipartnered Lovers Institute)

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I’m all for more “dad energy”!! Let’s go dads!!

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I am hopeful that parents, moms and dads, will rise up and unite. One thing rationale people can agree on is allowing our children to have safe, happy, and healthy childhoods. They are the future. United wins!!

Thank you, Jeff, for starting the week off with this great piece. Daniel Penny is a hero. I am so glad the C&C army had his back. Happy Monday to all.

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Is gender ideology now a state-sponsored religion?

They are forcing it on all kids in government schools and directly persecuting other religions with different beliefs.

What defines a state religion?

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Protestors burn pride flag at elementary school protest in California.

Protestors being investigated for hate crime... State religion?


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Why New Imperial Leader Alex Soros Is Far More Dangerous Than George Soros Ever Was

Open Society Foundation is the most dangerous political organization in the world, and it's about to get a lot worse.


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George Soros' son [Alex] has visited the White House at least 17 times since Biden took office, records show


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And no idea how many times he visited Pedo Joe's beach house in Delaware because there are no visitor logs.

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Excellent point!

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Also proudly displayed on his Instagram his outing to a 'spirit cooking' event years ago. If people don't think that all this demoncrats arent into satanism and the occult, people are naive.

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I had been hoping Soros would be gone soon, to answer to his maker. But of course there would be an equally evil son.

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sniper time

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"Deer Hunter" or the FIB/ATF will put you on the "List". But, At this point, What difference does it make??? We All should be "John Hancocks", sign your name Boldly.

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Catholics in Richmond, VA are on the FBI's list.

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It doesn't take much get an in-person 'interview' from federal agents at your home and workplace. Ask me how I know.

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Cause you’re special?🤪

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Evidently more than I realized. They had printouts of my social media, and didn't appreciate my humor.

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I was listening to a podcast with Dr. Harvey Risch and journalist Glen Jung discussing talks given at the third International Covid Summit at the EU Parliament in Brussels.

Jung asked Risch how the Covid messaging was in ‘lockstep’ with countries acted in unison. The question he posed was “who was the one pulling the strings?” Risch didn’t give a definitive answer.

I now believe it was the CIA. I’d like to hear what others think because I don’t think the🪳Fauci was smart enough to do anything but take orders.

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I can't believe that other countries would listen to the CIA.

It's gotta be higher up the food chain...WEF.

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Follow the money. Who controls the WEF and where does all the money come from? The "source" of all monetary creation is the Bank for International Settlements. So...who controls/owns the BIS? There's your answer.

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It was someone higher even than the CIA, but I don't know who. The entity that IS the head of the deep state.

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