- Updated post to make clear that Armenia is a predominantly Christian nation.

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My niece is married to a wonderful Christian Armenian. The Armenians are a very intelligent people who faced genocide from the Ottoman Empire from 1915-1917 and over 600,000 perished. I feel now, much like Israel’s tough stance on threats to their sovereignty, the immigrant Armenians will never stand down when being threatened by thugs and fanatics. Antifa didn’t know what they were facing!!

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Adds depth to the saying "Never Again".

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I wish those of Irish descent in this country would remember how it went when the Lord's and Ladies ruled over the peasants in the 17th and 18th centuries in Ireland.

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Having a bit of Irish in me I appreciate your comment.

Human nature is evil always, only by God's guidance can we be almost good. And evil seems to be prospering.

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The media got it wrong first, wasn’t really Jeff’s fault. the media is reporting it as Muslim Armenian parents

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If only they (the Mainstream Miscreants) could keep their villains "straight". Ooooops

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Just like the biased mass media to “give” Armenia to Islam!

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Thank you for the correction, Jeff!

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Was coming here expressly to know that Armenia is the oldest Christian community in the western world

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We forgive you! 🙏😀

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https://armeniatraveltips.com › what-is-the-armenian-religion-and-what-does-it-believe

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Yes, so is Ukraine, Mr. Childers. While Ukraine retains diverse rights for minorities, it is primarily Christian. President Zelensky is Jewish and like President Trump won election overwhelmingly.

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Yeah riiiiiight! Zelensky is as "Jew-ish" as the Nazi trans-humanist "Jew" Yuval Noah Harari or as much as Joe Biden is "Catholic".

Zelenskiy overwhelmingly "won" the election the same way O'Biden overwhelmingly "won" election in 2020.

Now, should we talk about what a great Christian Nazi Zelensky is?


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Yeah, you get your Putinoid anti-Jew thang on, Phil.

President Zelensky won election easily but hey Phil, just go ahead and talk dumb about what you don't know because reality doesn't fit your "neocon" world.

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Nothing to do with anti-anything, we're just looking at facts here.

How is it that the #1 and #2 countries that get USA money are both led by Jewish folks? What are the odds?

And both leaders have major crackdowns on Christianity, even as we fund them.

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Nothing to see here BFM. Just another self-absorbed neocon talking out of both sides of his mouth.

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There is no "major crackdown" on Christians in Ukraine. Ukraine is a Christian nation. If you are interested in facts, you need to start over, BFM.

It's bizarre so little basic fact is evidenced in some comments.

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LOL...Your cute slander aside, are really going to try to pretend that you don't know what a NeoCon is? Seriously? Because you are one and your pitiful attempt to deflect is laughable. You know what a neocon is because you fit right in with the folks at American Enterprise Institute and other mainline neocon think-tanks. You're ridiculous. (And I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt by not assuming you are AI.)

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I shall not humor you and your Ruscists neocon, Pukey further. Not today.

Ukraine should have never given up its nukes in 1994. It did so under agreement the sovereignty of its borders would be protected by the signatories: the UK, US and Russia.

France and China also backed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum.

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On June 12th the Ukrainian Air Force

Struck in primyorsk at the headquarters of the Russian army responsible for the “defense” of the entire southern half

Of occupied Ukraine.


Apparently Russians are better at getting out lists of dead generals within hours vs that strike that happened in

March and still no list 🤣

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Ask Sergey how the wars going.

Oh, Jim and his staff are dead.

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Unjabbed & Unphased Pureblood Champion of the World:

Novak Djokovic just won his 23rd Grand Slam title at the French Open, earning him the greatest record in men’s tennis history.


(lefties: hOw IS hE eVEn aLIVe?)

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I admire him. He could have gotten a fake vax card.... that would have been the easy thing to do. He is a man of integrity. If more people had stood-up to the covid shot craziness this sh*tshow would have ended a long time ago. Instead, we are 3 years into all of this insanity. More and more people are dropping dead or getting weird/rare illnesses and turbo cancer is on the rise.

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I have such incredible respect for this Serbian - what a complete man of integrity,

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Agreed. Serbia is one of my favorite countries. Would be a good place to move.

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Serbia joined dozens of countries and almost all Europe in aiding Ukraine:


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And the One Trick Pony goes round and round and round ad nauseam.

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Hee haw, hee haw! Wait, it’s a jackass!

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A man takes the virus as his bride. Watch Turfseer’s music video ONE TRICK PONY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/one-trick-pony

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That's so you can get your anti-Jew thing in, Phil. See, I'm helping you out.

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Serbian arms are already in

Ukraine. Huge amounts of 122mm rockets for grads are flying towards Russians

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Thank you Serbia! 🫡

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I agree!! Love seeing him win now!!

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You are so correct. We need courageous people to think about the big picture and the kids futures. They cannot do this kind of crap if the majority stick together. Time to step it up America and think of the children!!!!

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I just learned a friend has two forms of blood cancer at the same time. One is a turbo the other not. This person has the Johnson and Johnson and thinks it came from Covid itself. I asked straight out if he was vaccinated and he said he had the J&J. I said well it could be either or a combo of both since they discontinued J&J.

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At least he said what kind of vax. Some people are already getting private about it. 'uh, that's private info'. LOL sure wasn't last year!

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Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has spoken about the surge in cancer related to the Covid shot. Both Covid and the Covid shot are biological weapons. The accounts I've read have attributed turbo cancer, sudden flare-ups of cancer in remission, weird illnesses/conditions such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and Myasthenia gravis to the Covid shot and not to Covid. But who really knows?

After my friend's 25-year old son got the J&J shot he was diagnosed with myocarditis. Another friend had a decidual cast shed after her J&J shot.....it's supposed to be rare. Her OB/GYN told her it was from the shot and that he was also seeing an increase in miscarriages.

I am sorry that your friend is suffering. It is very sad that this has been unleashed on all of us.

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Jun 12, 2023
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Catholic? I think he is Serbian Orthodox.

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regardless, he is LIVING his faith rather than just playing lip service to it as so many do.

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That's true. I just like to raise the visibility of the Eastern Orthodox faith because it is not as well known as Catholicism or Protestantism in the general population.

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Did you know that Ireland became "Catholic" by one vote at the Synod of Whitby. Prior to that? Irish Christianity that closely followed Eastern Orthodox traditions. https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Synod_of_Whitby

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I’m a Catholic convert who knows far less than I should, but I do know we are a ‘sister’ faith to many Orthodox.

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I hope he gets all of them this year! Wimbledon ✔️US Open ✔️. Let’s go Nole!

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How did he survive the winter of darkness?

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It's a mystery! Doctors are baffled!

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Exactly. Let him play.

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"Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" my aunt fanny !

Let's go Brandon.

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And FJB!!!

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Let’s go Brandon

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Many of us unvaxxed survived!

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Nearly all of us. Far more than the vaccinated group.

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Clearly better off than the vaxxed!

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Lmao!! Your name just made me laugh so hard! Omg dying.

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Not just one winter but two. It is a miracle (sarc) that we are even here. Corn pop said so. 😉

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Corn pop was a bad dude!

Let’s go Brandon

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Our local news anchor had to eat crow when reporting on the Victory of Novak Djokovic on last nights news !!!!!! I did my happy dance 💃🏼 to celebrate 🎉! Not just a Tennis 🎾 Victory ✝️❤️😊

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He will keep winning even against decade younger opponents because he is not clotted all up. Add his experience and top notch tennis skills and Djokovic is the GOAT!! Shame on the other vaxxed players who continued to play while he was excluded. That is why my sympathy for the vaxxed is tempered because I will not forget most went along with the segregation, discrimination and overall vilification of the unvaxxed.

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Good point, except you have to exclude those of us who woke up the nanosecond we saw others being vilified and bullied into taking the shot. That's really what my wakeup call was - I was never a huge pro vax person, but more of a live and let live person, each person has to do what's right for them health-wise. And there were people who legitimately couldn't get the shot because they'd already had a life threatening reaction to a vax in the past, and yet even they were still being bullied and excluded from society. That no exceptions policy made zero sense to me and showed me this wasn't about healthcare at all. And the continued forcing once it was super obvious that the vaxxed kept not only getting sick from covid (meaning it never prevented spread), they were ending up in the hospital and dying too - and yet those monsters kept pushing the shot. It should be super obvious to anyone paying attention that this isn't about protecting people's health.

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I am glad you and others were supportive. My experience was 3 people only. The rest - nothing.

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yup, very hard for some people to admit they were wrong. It's sad that this is largely a virtue we've lost as a society.

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Lack of humility. Or in other words excessive pride 😑😕

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Jen, RunningLogic--In deep deep blue Oregon, Democrats never apologize or admit they were wrong, on anything. Their arrogant genes are over expressed, and the genes accounting for humility totally missing. They are doubling down on everything wrong.

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I believe it was a Belarus football coach who said he would not have a vaccinated player on his team because the vaccinated have 20% loss of strength due to the shot.

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I'm ready to see positive vax discrimination like this, with the bias toward the healthy people.

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Yes great point.

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“Character is doing the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay.” ~Michael Josephson

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Amen. This is exactly right!

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You know I watched him beat number 1 ranked Carlos Alcaraz, a young superstar, nice kid also. He would seem to have the advantage over the older player in the heat and grueling 3 of 5 match. But the younger player severely cramped up and really couldn’t recover though he took a couple medical timeouts. I hadn’t considered the jab being a factor til someone here mentioned it. I don’t remember before seeing young players cramp up so intensely before. This is the 2nd time this summer Alcaraz has cramped up and another young star, Holger Rune, also notably cramped up this spring in a match, which seemed so strange to me. 🤔 😞

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Why wouldn't he win? His gut isn't manufacturing spike protein, possibly ad infinitum, from the disastrous shots everyone else lined up for. He doesn't have myocardial injury, neurological consequences, or rouleaux of his RBCs. He's one healthy athlete in a field of damaged specimens.

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With all the fans yelling “ novax! Novax! Novax!” 😂😂

I’m mean... seriously

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YES! The resolve that he had to not give in. I hope he kicks butt for many years!! ❤️

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Thanks for the uplifting news!

Are you asking: 1) how did he die form covid or 2) why didn’t someone assassinate him? Or maybe both? : )

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"Dad energy is different that Mom energy, but often necessary and very effective."

Imagine if Moms4Liberty were enjoined by Dads4Liberty. Look out lefty school boards!

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I am currently reading Senator Josh Hawley's new book, Manhood. Senator Hawley approaches the topic from a biblical standpoint. The battle isn't so much between good and evil as it is between the culture of narcissism or, Epicureanism as he views it, and preserving basic societal constructs such as the family and the traditional roles of mother and father. In summary, Senator Hawley's thesis is that 'Dad Energy' is the antidote to most of our contemporary problems.

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I like Josh Hawley, but I believe Greg Laurie’s take: “Satan is primarily the one responsible for the gross perversion, injustice, violence. The devil has infiltrated politics, the media, religion and has brought about a delusion. But the clock is ticking for the devil. Satan knows his time is limited. His destruction is sure, he will be cast into hell to be tortured and he would like to take as many with him as possible. For now he is taking people captive to do his will , see 2 Tim 2:26 and is binding the minds of those who do not believe (2 Cor 4:4)

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I just said this very same statement about Lucifer today while talking to the office person at the new doctors' group I started using last year--they're "off the grid" and, therefore, have NO hospital privileges--even though all of the practitioners have gone through the required schooling, taken the Hippocratic Oath, and have their licenses to practice medicine. BUT NO HOSPITAL PRIVILEGES...I told the office person, "They're KILLING us ....legally". Her response..."It's NOT legal"---I told her I hope that REAL doctors who believe in "doing no harm" will start building their OWN hospitals that do NOT require listening to the CDC and taking Federal government funds..Her response is, "It's happening". That gave me some HOPE!!

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There used to be some real Christian hospitals. My daughter was born in a small RC one with a cucifix in every room, etc as was my husband. They went bankrupt around the same time CVS put all privately owned pharmacies out of business by opening up one every mile.

WE are an oligarchy of corporate and other influences, not a democracy. (Princeton study 2014; conveniently hidden from google searches)

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There are many compound pharmacies that are private.

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There are still "indy" practitioners and pharmacies--but you have to hunt for them and travel 50-60 miles each way. Most people don't want to pay "out of pocket" and travel long distances to get prescriptions filled. Thankfully--the pharmacies are usually "online" as well as B & M stores so your prescriptions can be shipped to you. Can't "ship" physicians to you though!

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That’s very encouraging!

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YES...these doctors/nurses are all Mennonites and they treat the Amish a great deal. You know...ALL of the Amish they treated for the Wuhan Virus (which were very few in number) did NOT go to the hospital--they were treated with Ivermectin and supplementation and they all recovered--NOT ONE DEATH!

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I took ivermectin for my second case of covid. It absolutely works- for me. No doubt about it.

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What state are you in?

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They will have to do this and we need this if all that is projected comes to fruition like jab tracking and halting of transactions.

Where did you find your dr? I need a new one.

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He was a speaker at one of the FreePA meetings held in 2021 - FreePA is a grassroots freedom (medical and personal) advocacy group that sprang up in PA as a result of the draconian DEMONratic Gov. Wolf's mandates (we even had a special election in 2021 to make certain we would NEVER go through this again - the measure to prevent Governor's from extending the "Emergency Health" act for more than 3 weeks passed by a slim margin--but at least it PASSED (PRAISE GOD). I believe you just have to start asking around online to "Medical Freedom Advocacy" groups - perhaps the FLCCC group that is composed of many different types of medical practitioners would be a good "starting source", Lisa. HTH you in your search.

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I'm very interested in this issue. My understanding is that federal regulations make it very very difficult for anyone outside these huge hospital conglomerates to function legally. It is terribly unjust. I'm glad some are fighting to change this!

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I am sure if such a legislation passed in Congress it's because our legislators were "paid off" by the corporations who bought out all the "smaller practices" and "hospitals/care facilities" around the country. This all started in the 1990's and by the time I returned to PA from CA in late 2000--NONE of the smaller practices were available--they had all been bought off! IT IS A DISGRACE and a DIRECT VIOLATION OF OUR CONSTITUTION AND THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH.

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I also believe the devil's time is almost up and he is working maniacally to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible before he's taken down. Indeed this was foretold by Pope Leo XIII in 1884. He heard satan and God talking and Satan was given more power to destroy the Church. But we know that the gates of hell will not prevail against her. If anyone is interested in the other prophetic visions and miracles on this topic let me know and I can link them too. https://ucatholic.com/vision-of-pope-leo

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Yep, Satan wants family to dissolve and his leftists buddies are all too eager to help. People (even blacks) have been arguing for over a decade that the main problem for blacks is the loss of the nuclear family and no dads being around.

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I agree with that! I first heard that from Candace Owens, the beautiful and brilliant black conservative Christian!

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I just read that YouTube just banned Candace.

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Coincidence that Bill Cosby advocated for black fatherhood in marriage and was about to buy NBC before his Trump-like, never ending accusations and legal woes started? The same demonic people who are pushing perversity on us now, were behind the breakup and breakdown of the Black family and community.

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Youndon’t think Bill Cosby is a rapist and pedophile?

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I think that he may have done something bad many decades ago. I llalso know Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and other democrats have, but for some reason 🤔 hmmm..they never get hounded, accused, tried, or convicted. Why is that? Why do women come out at opportune moments after so many decades of silence to accuse a man? Who is finding them and paying them?

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Razorfist has an excellent video addressing the Cosby issue. He’s on Rumble , bitchute and last resort- you tube

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Josh Hawley seems to be using more secular words to get to same point without turning off non religious and irreligious.

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Perhaps that was his intent, but the wording, "It's not so much about good vs evil" is what I am referring to. It is 100 percent about good vs evil. I don't know a Christian that would try to down play that.

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Satan has been hard at work getting rid of dad for several decades now. He knows what their potential for the good of mankind is.

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Saddest thing; watching poor single moms of the ‘unfavored’ race trying to deal with middle school officials in regards to the mistreatment of their sons. Pulling them out to homeschool, though you knew the mom likely worked at least two jobs and had no plan. At least her son wouldn’t have to be terrified every day.

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True. But the moms aren’t saints. They are being used by the devil too. My child is 9, and Oddly; I am seeing a lot of DADs who do more of the parenting than the moms! I know of 2 moms who were barely involved until the child got older and easier. Moms who split right after giving birth and dads did all the work. A lot of these are older men (40 to 45ish) who got with young women (24 to 26ish) to have their first child.

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You are right. I didn’t mean to imply that there are no bad moms or that it’s always the mom doing the job alone. I would say statistically it’s more often the mom by far, but I’m no expert.

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We, supposedly believers in God’s power, allow Satan to operate freely. We have the supreme power at our disposal if we’ll only use it. It’s truly up to us; God won’t force it on us. If not us, who? If not now, when? If not, why?

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*Blinding the minds of those who do not believe

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What is a woman? Lefties don't know... but that's old news.

Lefties are also stumped by 'What is a man'? No idea!

Science is evolving at record levels these days.

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But in WHICH direction ?

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I guess that is what "transhumanism" is: neither male nor female. They want to have no distinctions. It's part of their plan.

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Yes, the current feminization of young men is the root of a lot of the issues in this country. A lot of good young men, but the amount of weak, feminized, fairylike young men is disgusting. So sad, because this is not how men should behave.

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It starts further back from that in the sexual revolution and “feminism”. Women insisting we can be like men and should go to work.

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I think a lot of men went right along with it thinking they would increase the household income and wealth. Now people think it takes two incomes just to make it through.

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In truth it does in some areas. But you can also sacrifice. Its a lot harder to make it for sure.

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I hope I didn’t sound discouraging to families who want the traditional way. I’m a huge cheerleader for someone to have an eye or an ear on the children at all times. I have 2 daughters who are stay at home moms and a new DIL who is gung-ho to become one.

Stuff is just stuff. This society puts far too much emphasis on owning stuff.

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I heard a rant on Chris Plante's radio show that he shared from some liberal woman on TikTok - she was complaining that it was impossible to find a masculine man who was also polite and chivalrous (that was not the term she used but can't remember exactly) who was not a CONSERVATIVE (perish the thought, lol). Plante said the rant has gone viral, so I guess a lot of tiktockers must agree. I have been out of the dating scene for a very long time but just observing young men in general I would tend to agree with her. Although I will say my son in law is a masculine liberal but I am not really sure he is as liberal as my daughter is, think he keeps his mouth shut to keep the peace.

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😂🤣yeah, I know a man or two who do that!

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