Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This is like Idaho C & C! : Amy, pharmacist in Boise, ID, refuses to give Covid Vax because she is a conscientious objector and does not want to be responsible for what could happen. This article is actually hilarious, to me at least, as it is told by way of the trials and travails of a dutiful fellow just trying to get his booster (and maybe do a little trolling of Amy). Amy is a hero, and I hope she doesn't get fired over this, though I am sure she is quite clear in her decision.


Idaho Attorney General RaΓΊl Labrador on Thursday announced that his office filed a motion to dismiss charges against a Meridian woman, Sara Brady, who was charged with trespassing in early 2020 after using a public playground that was closed because of COVID-19 concerns.

Right before she was scheduled for a jury trial. The Mayor was pissed. She is an organizer for medical freedom.


When Sara Brady was arrested in 2020,I was appalled. I had recently torn down Caution tape from the strangled play equipment where I lived in Salt Lake City at that time, so my kid could play. Others had played with us, spontaneously, unbelieving that our kids truly were to be prevented from playing. When I posted what had happened to this woman on a popular social media platform, my former hippy and health-conscious community lay into me with a visciousness that was traumatic for me. "Good that they arrested that mother! She could hurt people by bringing her children to the park!"

"Wait till it is your kids who are dying!" (yes this was said to me.

This was a real wakeup moment for me. My group of formerly loving friends, who used to dance and hug and all of us be good to each other, soon ganged up on my online, when I shared my older child was suicidal after being forced into the torture of remote learning in isolation, banging his head against the virtual wall of confinement. "your kid was probably just crazy anyways. Be resilient!" The stonings we endure for our fidelity to our children and our liberty!

The fact that this Idaho woman, who dared open up the playground to children, was arriving at a jury trial just now in February 2023, and also managed to lead a medical freedom movement, highlights for me just who my true peers have been through all of this. Sara Brady worked hard, and endured much, exactly where it was needed, and this kind of person will not quit. People like us are not able to play along. I am so grateful to everyone like her and glad for every stone thrown our way that is waking us up to just how strong we need to be.

And the best of all:

February 16, 2023

IDAHO, USA β€” Two Idaho lawmakers have introduced a bill to charge those who administer mRNA vaccines with a misdemeanor.

Sen. Tammy Nichols, R-Middleton, and Rep. Judy Boyle, R-Midvale, sponsored HB 154. It was introduced in the House Health & Welfare Committee on Feb. 15 by Nichols. According to the bill text, "A person may not provide or administer a vaccine developed using messenger ribonucleic acid technology for use in an individual or any other mammal in this state."


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Our school district, next to which we live, started taping off the multiple playgrounds on campus in March 2020. Every time I would go to the campus for my daily walks, I proceeded to tear the tape down and sure enough, it would be back up the next day. They locked all the outside tennis courts and basketball courts too but I just told my son to climb over them and use the facilities (he got quite good at free throws in the spring and summer of 2020). After being yelled at multiple times, a custodian finally told my son, "I don't care, kid. Keep playing." When I shared with friends that I let my son go and play at school, they cautioned me: "I think Covid can live on surfaces for a long time." My response: "Are you kidding?! Sun and wind fractionate that virus within seconds." People were absolutely irrational. Reason does not penetrate fear or virtue, as it turns out, and people really loved themselves some virtue signaling during Covid.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Than you for opening your playgrounds!

In Salt Lake City there is an amazing water source in Liberty Park (ironic). Tons of people come there to fill up water hugs because it is so tasty and good. It is a vital source of free water, in addition to saving many people and children from heat overwhelm. First it was taped, and everyone kept removing the tape. Then a chain link was placed, and we all would cut the zip ties and get to it. Finally they literally cemented it closed. It almost made me want to throw up to see that beautiful and beloved source of water taken from us. So disgusting. When I tried to bring it up on Nextdoor, you know what happened.

There was a hotline for reporting Covid violations. Someone of course did a foia, and al of a sudden al of those petty and mean voices were exposed to daylight, names and all. People upset to even see kids playing basketball in their neighbour's yards, because surely those kids are not from the same family. People attacking businesses as an avid hobby... And all of them saying that crappo about doing it because they truly love their neighbors, just like Christ taught us.

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Oh, my goodness! I continue to be astounded when I hear about the events which took place during Covidmania. Yes, we had neighbors who would question the number of cars in people's driveways especially during Easter in 2020.

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Insanity. It was a wakeup call for me to see how easily people I considered normal, and friends, boarded the hate train. It's still going on with this LGBTQ movement. I've always had gay/lesbian friends but I'm tired of the equality/hiring push. I am not putting my sexual preferences out there for everyone to see - it's sick. And this "white" hate movement is really pushing my buttons. So, see, their agenda is working. Soon we will all hate each other. I'm praying a lot: morning, noon and night. Basically all the time. And proudly wearing my cross and attending church!

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So right my friends, prayer is our best, most powerful weapon in this spiritual battle. Their efforts to create division are extremely effective. The white hate movement pushes buttons for a lot of us. I actually saw an ad recently instructing white parents to sit their children down and talk to them about β€œwhite privilege”. I don’t watch much TV, and that’s why. It’s probably the major tool in fomenting that nonsense.

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My youngest son often asks, "what am I supposed to DO about my skin? I can't change it!"

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This is the way, Kathy! Fight these battles on our knees, as my friend says.

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Tom Macdonald - The System - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OshNahVo9-c

Classic Divide n Conquer. Let the people In-Fight, while the Aristocracy Plans For more Control and Resources for themselves.

We the People!!!

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Hello, COVID hotline?

I think my next door neighbors may be harboring Jews.

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Hello, that store served food to someone who didn't have a mask.

I saw people hugging. Do something!

People are passing each other the trails, running without masks!

I saw someone smile at me. This is terrorism!

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Pretty much.

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I really wish all of you sane, freedom loving people could move to a Red state. We live in Texas, our son in NE, and some grands in SD. And of course we had some craziness initially, mainly wearing mask and distancing. But very few of our schools were closed September 2020. My grandson is 17 now but in 2020 when he was just 14, in small town NE, he was barely fazed by covidmania. He went to school, played sports and hung out with friends as kids always do. Kids in red states weren’t nearly so adversely affected by covid, unless they had crazy parents who were β€œall in”.

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We are in constant debate about this in my home, Freebird. We keep our eyes out for property in other states. Right now I have one child remaining at home. He is a sophomore. I have certain red lines which will trigger an immediate withdrawal from his current catholic boys school - mandated Covid shots and/or transgender insanity. He actually asked me about homeschooling this past week because he is exhausted by the wokeness of school mostly from teachers (the students, encouragingly, have had enough). Mostly we are just trying to figure out where to go - even deeply "red" states have some terrible legislatures that can't seem to get much done even on what I think are "no-brainer" issues like protecting girls sports or preventing mutilation of young kids with "gender-affirming" surgeries.

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023

I also sent my teen to a Catholic school. I was shocked by how woke and progressive it was, and overly Covid diligent. I was not allowed to enter the school nor have face to face conversations because of masking. I had really hoped that it would express more independence. Unfortunately, this one was also trans affirmative. Only one long time teacher did not use pronouns and I heard students expressing much unhappiness about that. I was very happy when my son chose to leave and finish out as a homeschooler, and is now taking college classes as an ungraduated homeschooler.

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NAB, I can’t imagine how hard that must be. Would home school be an option for you at all? I’ve heard of home school groups or co-ops, in which parents share some of the responsibilities. My daughter’s neighbors home schooled their 3 kids all the way to college, and they did something like that. They often had organized field trips, and in some communities even sports programs are available.

Yes, it’s a constant, continuing battle against woke ideology in every state. But the red states definitely fared better in handling covid. And that’s ongoing. Someone on here recently posted a website that showed which colleges required vaccines- for all colleges in the nation, it was an amazing picture of red state/ blue state divide. The only state I noticed with a fairly even mix was PA. But here in Texas even the crazy liberal University of Texas in Austin doesn’t require them! I was surprised at that.

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πŸ’¬ beautiful and beloved source of water taken from us

You couldn’t dream up an action with deeper symbolism. Or is it a prophesy? Just a dry run(*) of real stuff to come πŸ€”


(*) fully intended πŸ˜‡

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Thank you for at least trying with Netxtdoor. I can imagine, however, the response, alas. Crazed times. Just crazed. Speaking of water, it occurs to me that you might enjoy this one:

The Day 12 Free People Opened a "Closed" Beach

Theresa Buccola, September 17, 2022


Video Description: "On the 4th of July weekend in 2020, Carmel CA, politicians went mental and threatened the people with jailtime and fines for being on beach. I went out there anyway and was arrested. We, the People submitted a single Notice of Violation to 5 local tyrants when they did it again for Labor Day and made them stand down. It was epic."


MAN IN BLUE SUNGLASSES: Hey one thing I forgot to mention. They had caution tape up there so we tore it all down. And people were thanking us for reopening the beach.

BEARDED MAN: You can't use garbage to take out free people. You can't keep free people from the beach with garbage. They left all their garbage and they didn't didn't clean it up, man.

MAN IN BLUE SUNGLASSES: The police litter unfortunately.

BEARDED MAN: We have to clean up after the police. They're trying to strip our freedoms and our fresh air and then they trash all of the beach, man, and this is where your taxes are going.

MAN IN BLUE SUNGLASSES: That's right, that's right. Look at this beach, look at all these people. [camera makes a 360 showing people on the beach and in the surf] Look at this. This place was practically empty when we got here. We still have people coming down.



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My husband is on nextdoor for business purposes. He always says "what a bunch of whiny libtards and loons on this site." Not all. But the ones that are, he charges double as a sort of "loon tax." Lol.πŸ˜‰

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Thank goodness I don’t need Nextdoor for business. In our rural community it’s mostly lost dogs and ads to get your shot! Pretty much worthless. I look at it about once a week πŸ™„

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This makes me so happy! I am saving this to the Heroes file, where I go for encouragement.

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Utah, USSA btw Mittens Romney and his brother Mormon Senator, Harry Reid Approve. Oh, excuse me, Harry is yucking it Up with his brother Shiat-Senator McShame in the Demonic DC afterlife.

Is it just me, Or did the Mormon & Catholic & Protestant Church Hierarchies SELL OUT to Trannie Dancing Perv Satans???

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023

Many did, for sure. All in an effort to "be nice." And wasn't Harry Reid one of the most vile people ever to hold office? I mean, really. Though Joe is giving him a run for the money given his recent comment about lynching. Vile. Vile. Vile.

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To my way of thinking the most vile has stiff competition (Reid, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC and the squad).

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Those mean spirited people can never be forgiven and never forget their behavior. They are on par with nazis. They would have cheered me and mine forcibly being sent to camps.

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They Still Will. human nature has not turned away from evil.

At least we "Know" how they operate, But does that translate into Our "Resistance", "Rebellion", and their or our "Reckoning" ???

I can only "know" to prepare myself mentally & spiritually for that grim reality. Then if it doesn't happen ..... "Oh Happy Day"!!!

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In Illinois the state parks pad locked their outhouses!! Ppl brought TP and left it after tearing the doors open. Thank God for committed outdoors (wo)men!!

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I use to live in Illinois, but I now live in Hellinois!

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also known as illinoid

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I spent my first 51 years in Taxinois. I escaped in 2017.

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That happened here in Wisconsin too πŸ’©

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And in Michigan. Evidence upon evidence of how they all did the same thing. All planned

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I remember driving to Florida from Pa (April 2020) to visit my dad who was dying. All the rest stops along route 81 were closed in PA, and a few other states. We had to go through a check point at the Florida state line and our car had NY plates since we had just moved. I still can't believe it

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District 103 in Illinois did the same thing. They had large misleading signs posted β€œPLAYGROUND CLOSED”. Those of who don’t stand for getting bosses around especially with a $20k property tax bill, read the small print visible only within a few feet β€œduring school hours”!

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Walmart had "Masks Required" wall sized banners with exceptions in very small print at the bottom and EVERYONE could have qualified and not had to reveal their medical history but they didn't, except me. Then the store manager sketches me and tells me that the city health dept is monitoring patrons and charging them extra for anyone that wasn't masked!! I left. 😑 LIAR!

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Stop shopping there. If everyone did, the situation would straighten out in a couple of weeks.

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That's what Walmart's online store solves. Same prices as off the shelf, and usually fast free delivery.

If they want to jag around with their customers, two can play the game.

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Why does anyone shop at Chinatown. Sam Walton is turning over in his grave seeing what his progeny have done to his empire. I have not spent $100 in Chinatown in man life, and hope to die that way. Walmart has Destroyed small and medium sized businesses in this country, and when I hear people say they or their kids cannot fine jobs, I ask " do you shop at Walmart". When they say "yes', and they always do , I tell them if they want to know why, look at the mirror. Same thing with Amazon. We buy nothing there. Cost more? Often. More trouble ? Yes. but if you want to live on your feet instead of dying on your knees, Stop shoping at Walmart and Amazon. If you bought what you needed, instead for what you wanted, the extra cost would not happen.

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πŸ’¬ I just told my son to climb over them and use the facilities

That's why skate parks filled with sand trumped all 'em tapes & locks 😏

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This also disgusted me. I used to live at Venice Beach, and I saw a photo of the beautiful skating park filled in. I used to roller blade there. So upside down the minds that allowed that evil.

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Which was more surreal - the filling in with sand of the skate parks or the officials going after people out on surf boards?

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I used to witness police sweeps on homeless. I saw people tazed for no reason, threatened with lies and insults, have their belongings thrown in the trash, loaded into prisoner wagons. This helped me realize that anyone can be a target, and just about anything can be done to them, and the normal people just feet away will keep themselves from seeing what is happening. We have a lot of work in our lives to be able to see around us and have integrity. I really love the stories of Jesus. It is hard to learn to mature in that kind of way. It is clearly ridiculous to call a surfer or a child playing a threat to public health, but once you see that being used as a mental justification, it gets easier and easier to literally see what is happening around us.

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I remember seeing a guy meditating on the beach getting accosted. At that point, it feels of vital importance to go outside and be a common sense healthy person.

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Yep. There was a lone paddle boarder that was arrested! Absolute insanity!

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023

May we have both in this 'more surreal' category? Pluheeeez?

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Why, yes we can!

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Oh the solemnity of remorseless inevitability πŸ™‚

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People getting curfew tickets. Parking in a public lot for watching the sunset. in Los Angeles.

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I always notice your name because of that lovely moving icon. It’s spectacular! 😊

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So what you're [really] sayingβ„’ is you don’t notice my abundant profound insights?! 😭

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I notice them! You make the most interesting comments! And what does that little image say btw? It’s quite unique. 😊

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🀣 Ty! That's soooo much better! πŸ˜‚

It's The Point what flies over my head, while eyes wistfully trace its trajectory.

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The public schools should be considered as hostile actors until proven otherwise. Too many do not have the children's best interests first.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

oh Nichole is my hero! -- I saw this unfold in real time back then and thought what integrity she has. People with a moral compass true North like her gave me hope and the strength to resist being worn down, threatened and mocked by (now former) friends.

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Thank you for all of this information. Many of us never hear the stories in each state of the fight that continues to steal, kill and destroy lives. There seems to be a pride factor on the shoulders of many of those who support this government experiment. Many people will never admit they were duped by the government officials, medical industry and media. If they did, it might make them look stupid. They would rather die than look stupid.

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Thanks for sharing…. It’s absolutely bizarre to me how normally loving free spirited ppl can be so manipulated by fear. I do not have the kind of courage or stick to it like these brave ppl have and I admire it and it encourages me.

I don’t understand why it ever has had to be one way or the other they say they are for inclusion funny their reactions don’t feel very tolerant haha

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Thank you Runemasque!

We moved to Idaho in Oct 2021 (from Commie Oregon) and we have been fighting hard to Keep Idaho IDAHO ever since. Leftists are trying mightily to turn Idaho into WA, CA, IL, NY, OR and other failed states (sadly, we learned the hard way that this socialist/ communist/ Marxist trend also includes corporate-captured establishment Republicans).

Most Idahoans are awesome, but many suffer from apathy and believe-the-media-itis that led to the loss of elections by freedom-fighter candidates, especially during the all-important Republican primaries that mostly decide Idaho’s election outcomes. Fortunately, Tammy Nichols and Judy Boyle made it through the primaries, along with several other quality people who are writing freedom-forward bills. Our job as Idahoans and Americans is to cheer these legislators on, regardless of what state we live in. See list of Idaho bills at https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2023/legislation/minidata/

For more perspective on Idaho’s efforts to remain free, check out Gem State Substack, The Idaho Voter’s Substack, and the Idaho Freedom Foundation, linked just below:

β€” https://gemstate.substack.com/

β€” https://theidahovoter.substack.com/

β€” https://idahofreedom.org/

You don’t have to be public in your courage (public is often best but can land you in jail these days). Keep talking with family, friends, and neighbors. Share good media news, websites, and Substack posts via text and email. Write, call, and meet with your legislators and local officials. Attend (and testify at) city council and board meetings. Be active at the local and state levels where REAL change β€” AND real damage β€” begins.

Courage is more contagious than Covid misinformation! Do not be timid and do not underestimate the power of One.

Thanks to all on this Substack (and, of course, to Jeff Childers) for having the courage to stand against tyranny!

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Please share in these places good and powerful things going on where you are. I am collecting heartening stories of courage, stories of what people have suffered, good strategies that can be learned from.

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Consider writing a substack about this!

I recently encouraged the friend who now writes Idaho Voter’s Substack (https://theidahovoter.substack.com) and regularly share Gem State Substack (https://gemstate.substack.com/). It’s so cool for me to personally know and help these two smart, freedom-loving people.

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We had to leave Utah when the lockdowns destroyed our livelihood, which required lots of people contact. We considered moving to Idaho, but went to MN where family is. I very much admire the freedom movements in Idaho and Utah and get so much inspiration from them. Thank you for being so clear about what a person can do, and sharing what others are doing. I wish to see lots of coordination between states and local groups as people discover good strategies to make good out of the crazy stuff happening.

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You are so welcome! Really sorry you had to flee Utah β€” so painful to leave a place where you have roots. I hope you are doing well in the cold north country of MN.

I love helping people see solutions to all the problems that surround us! Every state has freedom fighters β€” even Oregon (Example: the grand jury effort by Dr. Henry Ealy and Oregon Senators Thatcher and Linthicum at https://www.americaoutloud.com/a-grand-jury-investigation-of-redfield-walensky-azar-becerra-moyer/).

Here’s another great solutions-oriented website with practical ideas everyone can implement: https://globalwalkout.com/

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Maybe east Oregon can merge with Idaho. Seems a move is underway.

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Yes, definitely a move afoot. Both state Legislatures (OR, ID) plus US Congress must approve. A tall mountain to climb! While driving from Western Oregon as we fled to ID, we noticed a real distinction once we hit the eastern end of OR β€” more like being on another planet!

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Saved it to look at

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Thanks for the great Idaho info and links. I passed it on to my Idaho family who just moved there from Cali.

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You are so welcome! Encourage your family to get active. Any complacent newcomers breathing a sign of relief as well as the complacent old timers who don’t notice what’s happening can reduce our freedoms! We must stay vigilant every day! Tell your family β€œwelcome” from me!

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Please consider joining forces with other like-minded people in your area. I am a member of a group called Focus on America. Our group encourages Americans to be informed members of their communities, recruit and develop candidates to restore God-given, constitutionally guaranteed liberties, and to replace elected officials who do not represent their constituency or American values.

Remember, every individual has strengths. Start small and work together. There are a lot of people that fill the same way that way we do. Many are just isolated, gas-lit, and/or shut down.....and often feel alone. Start coming together, share information, work together, help one another.



Video from October meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiKu8IwthXQ

Slides from October meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PCflBodlVSnZjC8CBO5Nyh59EAsVNWrX/view

Video from November meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ2ARyo_xfQ

Slides from November meeting: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xj0vPTg5ePFm3nCaEWiYO-4tOEYuZrVr/view

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It’s hard. Because most of us move to certain states to get away from tyranny. Than what happens is the Karen’s get into higher positions and take over. We just wanna be left alone and they just won’t leave us alone.

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Yeah, I think many of us realize we can't just 'be left alone' any longer. The other side is relentless, we have to protect what we have, be it good schools, good laws and politicians, a good sheriff and police force, good public places that don't push an agenda. We've got to pay attention now, don't we.

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Same here also in Salt Lake. My soapbox was Next door but I didn't last long. Suddenly, a lot of doctors, pharmacists, nurses, pharma execs started showing up in threads who have never posted before or since to encourage everyone to not do their own research and trust the science. Safe and effective

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, Nextdoor was particularly toxic during the early months of Covid. Our local version was filled with teachers commenting "follow the science" and "kids should not be in school - it isn't safe."

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Yes, there was that whole narrative that the kids would kill the teachers. Look at how that depressed the outlook of so many children. Isolated, suddenly expected to do well on disconnected computers, and bearing the responsibly for the deaths of teachers and grandmothers.

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So long as Randi runs the unions and as the NEA dictates curricula, [public] schools are not safe. Accidental truth spoken by your teeachers!

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Yeah, mine called me a grandma killer because I told them to DO THE MATH and see that Covid was nothing and don't be idiots on the masks.....lol. Would have been amusing if it wasn't so bad. So many people were like, even if masks don't work, it's a simple thing to try to protect people......walking into a gas chamber is pretty simple too!

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Bots. No known vax for that yet.

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Ironically, it would have been more appropriate to arrest people for being indoors and dragging them outside where the virus does not spread.

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Judy Boyle is a product of Helen Chenoweth, God rest her soul. Freedom fighter for sure...and she won by a hair. She represents real Americans.

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I might have to source Idaho beef!

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Our neighbors here in Idaho are those ranchers. Cut out the middleman.

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She’s a hero one day that man will see that.

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It’s awful that you e had to go through an online tar and feathering. Glad you are here with like minded people!

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Those are awesome!!! We need these kinds of things everywhere in this country (or at the very least, in red states!). Thank you for sharing, it’s so encouraging!!

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There's been several releases of highly toxic, cancer-causing chemicals lately.

A convenient cover for vaxxine turbo cancers.

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Or perhaps a method of speeding up those cancer deaths. Something was planned, given the change made to the toxic effects of vinyl chloride a couple of weeks prior to the train wreck. Honestly, it appears most Americans are sleeping through a war on their own soil.

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Are y'all aware of the "coincidental" rollout of "MyID" digital medical information program in East Palestine just two short years ago?

I wonder if the folks who designed the program might just cut to the chase and have that ID tattoo'd as a QR code on our foreheads. It'd look sooo much cooler than a simple 666.


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Seems that both are viable and effective.

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Signs of the toxin getting into the upper stratosphere and raining down in Maine.

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A lot of good comments under this post - β€˜Inside Job’: CDC Changed Toxicity Info on Vinyl Chloride Days Before Derailment. The CDC edited the toxicology profile for vinyl chloride just two weeks before the train derailment in East Palestine


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Holy cow - this would be "incredible" - if not for all the "stuff" we've seen over the past few years.

Great 'find'.

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it caused a sizable vein to pulse on the side of my head for a good hour yesterday, can't remember how i got it to stop, but just another level of awareness I guess

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Cancer MOONSHOT! JUST ASK POTATO HEAD -Vaxxes are carcinogenic - Problem - Reaction - Solution....scumbag!


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And you so right, BFM - they have put so much CRAP out there - and NO REASON to think there isn't more to come (in fact, we can count on it ! ) - and there will never be any way to definitively determine, to pinpoint, cause of death.

"Convenient cover" ...... I believe that translates to FOREVER BAFFLED .

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Nickel and diming civilization into the grave.

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Saw a graph that showed they voted 71% for Trump in 2020. Nope. Can’t have that! Believe anything.

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That was my first thought too. How convenient.

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That thought has crossed my mind also.

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They always have another evil move to coverup the the deaths and damage they’ve caused.

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The chess game they are playing follows a plan that has been in the making for a long time - they think several moves ahead, "we" are constantly playing "catch-up".We have to find a way to level that playing field.

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Vax and boost the ba$tards. Repeatedly. Then bathe them with phosgene gas.

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Getting to the point where your POV sounds more ..... palatable - all the time. And like the best remedy.

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Good point!

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Totally agree.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Like or dislike her, Roseanne Barr will have the last word. She has made it her mission. They cancelled the heck out of her and she’s not going to let them go unpunished. Comedians are our last best hope for waking people up!

Saw a recent comedian at a school club fundraiser. He went there with a few Covid jokes. I was loving it and laughing, most of the rest of the crowd, tentatively laughed, cause you know, you have a persona to keep up at the school. Me, I couldn’t care less! Truth is truth!

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For a comedian I I recommend JP Sears and his videos on Youtube or Rumble. He’s one of my favorites. Throws water on all the woke and ridiculous governmental garbage out there.

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The best comedy challenges the status quo and ridicules the ridiculous. Not enough of that these days!

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Absolutely, just think George Carlin!

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For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

β€” Romans 15:4-6, 13 NASB1995

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DeSantis still has not announced whether he is running, despite delightfully taunting antagonistic reporters. I sincerely hope he does not for two reasons (I know we all know he’d make an EXCEPTIONAL President! His time will come!).. 1) he’s not done with Florida yet - his courage and integrity is legendary and giving other Governors the strength to take necessary actions to protect their citizens, and 2) if he does, it will be used to create massive division (as so aptly reported here) amongst the people. We need to stand united. We are so many and they are so few. United and organized, we can achieve anything!

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How would DeSantis (or anyone else for that matter) get elected with Dominion voting machines still in use, and election fraud still being committed all over the country (and world in general) by the same people who committed election fraud in 2020, and got away with it?

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Exactly. DeSantis put strict voting laws in place in Florida and we had a red tsunami. I do believe there was one nationwide, but with dominion machines and voter fraud at work, the red wave was obscured from public view.

As Jeff keeps saying, it starts local and moves out concentrically to broader areas. Governors are crucial to their respective geographical areas and DeSantis is leading the way.

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Unfortunately, the World Economic Forum has already put their people in Governor's offices all over the country (Newson, Inslee for example) and kept them there via election fraud.

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Careful. Research DeSantis / Libby Locke.

Hold no man in esteem, none is without fault.

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This is what happened in the recent Oregon Governor election. For the first time in decades there was a chance for a common sense Republican Governor but a well known Independent candidate threw her hat in the ring and divided the vote. The Democrats held on to their 40 years of running the state into the pits of hell deeper and deeper.

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Well said!

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump . Mar 28, 2014

Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!


This is the Trump we want back!

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Isn't there some story about how Trump was actually going to convene an investigatory panel into childhood vaccines at the beginning of his presidency, but somehow got dissuaded to do so? I don't remember the details, but I seem to recall this being the case.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

He actually was going to create a commission and had spoken with Robert F Kennedy Jr., of Children's Health Defense, et al, to lead it.

It was to be a "Vaccine Safety Commission", and it seems Pfizer stepped in, with a large "donation"........ and "POOF!", away went the commission and the extraordinary RFK Jr.

Great piece, in terms of what we are now experiencing? Relevant as hell, here's a link:


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And yet we're somehow supposed to think Trump isn't beholden to outside influences and give our unquestioning support to him and him alone?

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My thoughts, Trump is not God. He can't fix it all especially when they tie up both his arms and legs and then put a muzzle on him. Ever since he chose the political path, his life and the lives of his family have been in a constant state of turmoil. To think that Trump can fix what 50 years of demonic Democrats (and some RINO's) have done is not logical. He is just a man and only one man with many faults too. Again, just my thoughts.

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Absolutely. Everything you say is true. Remember, I voted for him twice. He is a disruptor and boy, did he disrupt. But I truly don't know if he has what it takes for the next stage of battle. This is taking nothing away from him. Honestly, as long as people like Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell hold so much power in the GOP, it really won't matter who is in the Oval Office. If they want to hamstring someone, they'll join forces with Dems like Schumer and do it. We are in a really tough spot which is why the focus is becoming more local. Maybe that is the way.

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You voted for him twice because you’re a more decent human being than β€˜W’ and the rest of the Bush clan, who said they voted for Biden.

If you’re truthful and this is not just an β€˜influencer’ post.

I would guess you never were a supporter.

None of us, Trump, included knew how deep and ugly the swamp was. He knows now. He doesn’t waste effort and if he didn’t have a plan, he wouldn’t run again. And don’t give me baloney about his ego. If you or I had accomplished in one lifetime, what this man has done, we would be entitled to an ego as well.

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And clear thinking thoughts, too!

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Trump’s continued support of his beloved β€œWarp Speed” will not be forgotten. I pray he doesn’t run again!

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And honestly, I think at the end of the day he got rolled, hard. That's what is really hard to accept. For all his worldliness and "Art of the Deal" experience, the Swamp won.

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Where were you during that nightmare? Sure, easy, peasy, Trump should have just been able to fix this vicious, demonic Global attack in a day or two πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚. It’s not over till the fat lady sings. The swamp has not and will not win in the end. Not because of President Trump; because of almighty God.

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I’m sorry, he’s already announced his running weeks ago. Maybe you should pray harder. But sometimes God tells us no.

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LOL. Had to laugh at that one. Good one ;)

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Already is and will continue, unless he has a vaxident.

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Yeah. THAT's right......... I recall being quite surprised that he had let himself be bullied, and fooled one might assume, by these a*holes.

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Again, where were you during that storm straight out of hell, that you now pop your head up and imply that it was a matter that any competent person should have managed well and oh, so quickly?

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I also remember seeing a video clip of BG telling Trump that workin g with RK jr. wouldn’t be a good idea or to that effect.

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BINGO β€” Jan D. just NAILED it! That’s exactly what happened β€” there’s a video clip of Satan himself (Bill Gates) bragging about it…!

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Thx for providing the clip.. just creepy.

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Steve - Good video!

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EXACTLY right. He was sitting lazily in a chair, as I recall.. with his ever-present smirk pasted across his smug-ass face.

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Spot-on n Kovi…here you go β€” https://rumble.com/v119dhj-april-16-2022.html

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Thx Steve!

Gates - so many think him a savior - but he never throws money around unless he feels it will benefit him financially somewhere down the line.

His donations are but investments, disguised as altruism.

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I believe that Bill Gates convinced Trump to drop the vaccine committee. He’s been allowed to be too pervasive in promoting vaccines with his money. Talk about crimes against humanity, he (and fraudci) out does Russia any day of the year.

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To me actions speak louder than words. Fauchi is evil and trump hired him. I’ve never seen him back away from not β€œfiring” someone.

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Trump DID NOT HIRE Fauci. Fauci has been at the forefront of the NIAID and NIH for 50 years. Read the β€˜Real Anthony Fauci’ by RFK Jr and get schooled in his history. He is all about the money and the control.

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What the heck? Truump did not hire him! He was in office for YEARS at NIAID!!!

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No offense, but I hope you’re not right. I can’t believe that Trump could be persuaded by that evil weasel to do anything. Look at the two of them. Both came from money. Trump’s father gave him a million dollars to go build a future. He did and has provided thousands of jobs for many people. He has done no harm. With Gates, his return-on-investment has been depopulation.

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Gates is behind the β€˜decade of vaccines’ and is heavily invested in pushing them, resulting in his doubling of his money during Covid. He and Fauci were behind the secretive sterilization of women and girls overseas via vaccinations, without their knowledge. In the name of eugenics.

Unfortunately Trump listened to some of the people he shouldn’t have. Fauci, Birx, Redfield and Gates.

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Check out the video link above, Bites. Bill Gates is uniquely evil, IMO.

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He appears to have listened to Gates. I’ll somehow try to dig into that. But at that time I believed in vaccines also. I had gotten the flu vaccine every year until Covid. I’ve gotten the shingles vaccine, pneumonia vaccine, tetanus shots. I started hearing about how the senior dose flu vaccine was actually making seniors sick. But I always got the standard dose. That’s over now! NO MORE VACCINES. Stubbornly, it has not changed my mind about Trump’s decision. Nothing short of Divine Intervention would have made any difference. The fix was in. Big Pharma AND Gates (you could tell he was proud of his coercion) had a plan.

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Bitesandpieces - someone linked this clip of Bill Gates saying he advised Trump away from the commission with RFK Jr. https://rumble.com/v119dhj-april-16-2022.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

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I’ll check it out. TY

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I remember the big push about vaccine injuries and autism. They were using kids as lab rats during that time and must have had a lightbulb moment and decided to step it up a notch or two.

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"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." -- Lysander Spooner

Now replace constitution with Trump. Even if he were to suddenly revert back to this guy, why would we believe him?

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Excellent point by Lysander. All constitutions and bill of rights etc are only as good as the population they β€œgovern”. A people that will not govern themselves will inevitably be governed by tyrants. This seems to be where we are at again-but almost worldwide this time. Pray that we awake and return to self-governance and to responsible God-fearing leaders. And that it doesn’t take violence to effect this!!

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Absolutely. The founding fathers understood the necessity of a moral society. They would laugh off their own ideas were they presented today.

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Watching with interest (from Canada) the events at a certain American university right now...it seems early to call a β€˜revival’ but one can hope...the works of men are not an adequate solution for our present darkness...and it is undeniable that such things have happened in previous dark times!!

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Very similar to the Jesus movement of the 60's-70's in Los Angeles beach communities. The late Chuck Smith Calvary Chapel.

People sense the times, and are searching for the answers government can not give. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/asbury-university-revival-college-kentucky-going-viral-tiktok-rcna70686 C&C also covered this.

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So much of what ails us today can be explained by trying to fill a God shaped hole with anything and everything but God. We're all guilty of it to some degree. πŸ˜”

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A moral AND a God-believing citizenry. The founders knew we needed both for this one-of-a-kind social experiment to succeed.

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Where does morality come from. Would man be naturally moral? Morality comes from God and the covenants He made.

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Morality is ingrained in the beings who He created in His image. Atheists hew to a moral code, even as they deny its source.

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Except that the same could be said of all forms of government. They are run by human beings with human desires and agendas.

There is no way to set up any kind of government that doesn't eventually break down that I can think of. So we must look at what has worked best. And quite frankly, this system of government has brought more prosperity and advances than any other in world history.

A return to God would be an excellent start. Also, it was never intended that our government would be so big and peril; the Founders feared this and tried to prevent it ("a Republic ma'am, if you can keep it") but we've been taken over by communists and the original vision of our founders was corrupted. That's not on them. That's on every American who sat back and allowed the corruption to occur.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It would be remiss of us not to invoke the copybook Reagan's quote 😊

πŸ—¨ Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

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I have no reason to believe we'll ever get that Trump back. He had his chance.

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Trump wasn't my first choice in '16, was the only choice in '20. The left- cabal -deep state- satan, whatever you want to call "it" made sure the election was stolen. Emboldened "they" did it to Kari Lake also.

Voter ID, no machines one day voting. That's the start to reclaiming our former glory.

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Add sudden infant syndrome to the list

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Sudden infant death syndrome I mean. Babies don’t just die during the night. Coverup for vaccines

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Does anyone know if Trump’s youngest child Barron does actually have some level of Autism? Heard that but never verified

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My midwife had this happen to her youngest child!

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So many cases. My cousin had triplets, they got the vaccines and now has three autistic triplets, two are non-vocal.

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Wow, can’t imagine, how horrible.

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Please look into the program JB Handley used with his son called: S2C (Spell to Communicate).

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My grandson is vaxxed and now two years old and doesn’t make a single word. Not even mom. 😑

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Oh I’m so sorry!

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Early intervention is important. Have his parents watch The Truth About Vaccines video series. It’s a good starting point for many people because they can β€œwatch” it. Find help to heal his gut microbiome.

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This is absolutely heart-breaking.

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Also, FEMA is finally headed over to East Palestine, only after Trump announced his intention to visit and the numerous others who had already visited documented and publicly reported just how bad it really is.

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Oh! I had not heard this. Well, good to see Trump can still get the bureaucratic apparatus moving. JD Vance has been on the issue but I think if it hadn't been for Tucker, no one would be talking about this.

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I was about to post this exact information!

Funny how the WH is watching Trump so closely that they reversed course suddenly after his announcement. He evidently still has clout.

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Trump lives rent-free in every dem-socialist-communist brain. Everything that happens they refer back to blame Trump.

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Head of EPA is traveling to Africa for a 7-day trip on "climate change."

Reported this morning on Bannon's WarRoom.

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The guy who refused to drink from an offered glass of water in East Palestine.

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Maybe Africa will keep the delegation

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'Senator' Jabberman is in the hospital yet again? Imagine how much worse it'd be without all those shots.

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I feel really bad for him, actually. I don't mind beating up on people who can fight back, but this man is just a carcass. And what is the deal with these Lady MacBeth wives? I mean, between "Dr." Jill Biden and now Fetterman's. Just terrible women.

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023

I believe any human being who has had such a terrible stroke would be significantly clinically depressed. Add to that the fact that as soon as he could stand and move, he had his "marching orders." No rest, no true rehabilitation, just jump in the mad race to be elected as a shell.... When my father suffered his first stroke and had to re-learn the very basic of things, like naming objects....which the progressed to learning to read and write over the course of an intensive rehab and therapy schedule he was depressed. A man of great faith, former Naval Intelligence and with an IQ of 200, it was no easy feat! It took my dad long hours of practice to regain a sense of normalcy.

Fetterman, on the other hand, has had piece meal rehab. He's surely mega frustrated on top of clinically depressed. Those two things cannot go away on his current path. He's locked in to a machine that uses him as a puppet. He is completely lost. My heart breaks for people like him, who allow themselves to be sold to the highest bidder for his presence only. His brain isn't healing, he's being abused!

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Yes to all you wrote, Maggie.

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Wife and Democrat abuse to further their own personal agenda, instead of caring for another human being.

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This is the perfect description of the progressive Democratic party as a whole.

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You know - he had the opportunity to bow out of the race - and likely KNEW that was best, for him AND his constituents.

I want no one to have to suffer with awful "vaccine" harms, as he and many are now - but he made the choice to continue on, and we can be sure MANY Dems pushed him in order to grab that Blue Seat, EVEN THOUGH they also knew, beyond a doubt, that he would struggle.

Sympathetic ? Yes. With limitation? AbsoLUTEly.

He should be devoted solely to getting his health back - but chose this path, instead. Sadly.

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I question if he had any real competence at all - even during the campaign. I mean, as a nurse, I would contact APS if I encountered this situation because the family so clearly was not looking out for his best interests.

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Fetterman or Biden?

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Hah! Both!

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.....Let's not stop THERE, y'all !

THAT train be runnin' ALL NIGHT LONG.

BOTH sides of the aisle have scheduled pick ups.

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She wants to take over his Senate seat because of his health. Remember my comment.

BTW, she was an illegal alien.

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I believe that was the plan right from the start of Fetterman's campaign.

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Yes...the wife is a crazy socialist.

She makes AOC look sane.

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This might be the most depressing comment of the entire thread :(

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President Biden on Thursday (in Oct 2020) said John Fetterman’s wife Gisele would make a β€œgreat lady in the Senate” in an awkward stumble amid questions over the Senate candidate’s health after a stroke.

β€œJohn, thank you very much for running, I really do appreciate it,” Mr. Biden said at an event in Pittsburgh. β€œAnd Gisele, you’re going to be a great, great lady in the Senate.”


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Yes, it was all planned.

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wow wow! how can she fill it if he dies or is out???

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PA governor can appoint his replacement.

That is why PA cheated in the 2022 election.

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Given that people who are physically and psychologically functional face untold horrors when dropped into that federal snake pit, I can't imagine how Fetterman lasted even one month without a mental collapse.

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He's getting paid.

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Yes, true. I mean, he needs to resign (is he even capable of mentally understanding that?). Sadly, with Shapiro as PA governor, we'll just get someone equally bad.

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The governor of PA can appoint the replacement.

It will be Fetterman's wife.

Remember my comment.

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This made me laugh out loud! 🀣

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Given that the government ALWAYS lies, I can't help wondering if Fetterman's problems are physical, not just mental. I wonder if the powers-that-be think that "depression" is the most palatable thing they could announce to the public.

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DoD still trying to figure out the balloon's pronouns.

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Myself, I use Amish pronouns, Thee and Thou.

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Good name for a band: The Amish Pronouns.

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Perfect. I can see it now............

Come See Our Show :

No Cell Phones, No Booze, No Motor Cars - Not a Single Luxury.

Come and SEEEE the Show ! It's Rock and Roll !

Sorry, slipped into an ELP haze for a moment.

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You threw in a bit of Gilligan's Island there.

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023

Yeah...and then somehow went further down Memory Lane to ELP's Brain Salad Surgery album..... you know it ?

lol. oh my. psychedelic Sundays...... well, and Saturdays...... ok, MOST days.

The good ol' days. You know - BEFORE Schwab and fauci and "dirty rain"......

ok, back to reality (bytes).

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Oh my! I remember Brain Salad Surgery. I have not heard their name in 40+ years!

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Thou makest myselfeth laugh.

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Yes, these are my favorites too!

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That acid rain hit us in CT too! Local CBS had the same story about midwestern dust!! The WEATHERMEN all got the memo!!! Just like ' Chemtrails'!!! Ps... My eyes burnt for a week!! Weird gunk on our cars!!

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I would love to see someone take a sample of that stuff and put it under the mass spectrometer and see what it shows. There has to be a scientist who has the equipment to do that.

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023

Go read what Texas Linsley just pisted on her dubstack. Scary as can be if she is correct.

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share some????

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I saw that. Scary!!!

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Somebody should have that fallout analyzed.

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I saw the news story about CT down here in MD. Didn’t know about Maine. We had rain here in Baltimore the other day and my throat was horribly irritated all day. Couldn’t figure out why. Now it’s making sense...

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I hope you feel better!

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Greta doesn't give a shitski.

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I saw photos of a car with gunk on it after a rain up there. So were car paint jobs damaged from this acid rain?

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It was yesterday and it was pouring sideways like a tornado Warm and crazy wind. Our car was in a garage. So I don't really know.

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I’ve said from day one:

Joe is a communist

Those (alleged)balloons after the China one were fake to distract from Bidens agenda

They need to put Commie Joe right beside Flopperman in the hospital.

Now. Poor Ohio can’t get funding but Ukraine can? Can’t the people see what’s going on yet? Hello? Is anyone home???

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Suddenly after Trump announced he was heading to East Palestine the WH reversed course & IS getting fed $$. (Our $$ but I’d rather it go to help our own than sending it overseas)

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Trump??? OMG!!! The Real President ???

A Feral DC Coup Government has Consequences when Citizens are Sheeples, just saying that Our Founders would have been "in the field" by now. I know it's Not 1775, but I also know We are Not our Predecessors either.


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So true. Times have changed and not for the better in that regard.

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That fracture in Trumps base already exists due to the Vaxx.

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Seriously, what is wrong with Trump?

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Pig headed.

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Trump was "cured" of covid by taking hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin? then he was told by TPTB to tow the party line on operation warp speed or else.........

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No, a whiny, terrified, dependent, mentally ill populace made it clear they would sink the country if somebody didn’t relieve their gutless fears immediately!

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I bet they threw everything but the kitchen sink - monoclonals, steroids, anticoagulants, antivirals - at Trump when he got sick. I was really worried about him when he announced he was + because he is not in great metabolic health. One of his great moments as President was when he appeared on the WH balcony and said, "Don't be afraid of this virus! Don't let it control your life!"

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No, Regeneron

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Mostly that fracture exists in Never Trumper’s heads. My man, DJT, is doing just fine, thank you! Despite your wishes.

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Sounds more like wishful thinking on your part.

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For them to admit Fetterman for "depression," he would have needed to present a risk of severe harm to himself or others. He's either experiencing suicidal ideation or it is a cover up story for a medical hospitalization.

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Excellent, excellent point. It is almost impossible to get an inpatient psychiatric bed.

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Only the best of care for our Congress Critters...

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If that was the case Martha a hospital is the last place they'd send him!

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Well, anyone could be depressed after all this. Poor man. He's especially sensitive. Give that man another vaccine, STAT!

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Can’t find those pesky flying objects we shot out or the air? No problem, just tell the FBI that it was used by some Grandma for the J6 protest. They will go to the ends of the Earth, and probably Mars too, to bring it in, you know what I mean boy? πŸ€ͺ

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It took some digging, but here is the official apology from Dr. John Campbell to his 2.5 million followers, how he arrived at it and where he formally states to stop the COVID-19 vax campaign.


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It has been really interesting to watch Dr. Campbell's evolution. Obviously started out as a big proponent of Covid policy and the vaccinations, but overtime and especially in recent weeks, has been seriously red-pilled. You can almost watch his disillusionment in real time as he explores the emerging data and media stories. Some really want to hold him in contempt, but I have a soft spot for him. He, just like millions and millions of others, trusted his government. Not everyone who went along with Covid is inherently evil.

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It takes a lot to admit you were wrong; especially in our current environment.

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Too little too late.

How many people took the covid death shot because they listened to him?

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I share to raise awareness not to garner compassion; people become aware in different ways. I also believe that the shots (from ingredients, to amounts, manufacturing/storage/administration practices) and individuals are all different, and that we shouldn't assume it means a death sentence for anyone who took it. While I do believe there should have been more questioning and thinking on his behalf, at least he is not hiding in a corner. Instead he is trying to be vocal about what change should come about. This puts him at risk, just like many before him have. I'm glad he has the humility to apologize and the guts to formally make a statement to stop the shots especially when he has such a large following.

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Feb 18, 2023Β·edited Feb 18, 2023

He is no different than SO MANY - and wanted only to provide the best medical advice he could, based on what turned out to be lies and, pardon me, but " The Misinformation " of the Experts and our respective governments.

He is a man of science, and I appreciate his willingness to be open-minded to the fact that the "narrative" was seen to be taking on water over time.

He is a good man - those who choose to blame him should perhaps look closer to home, first.

The people deserving blame are well known to most of us - he ain't one of 'em.

Come and get me if you choose - But this is a man seeking to help his fellow man, and he did so using the advice and "best medical information" made available to him - much of which, unfortunately, turned out to be horseshit. ON PURPOSE !

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If we crucify those who get red-pilled later than we have,how many medical professionals, who are also coping with their own failure to see what was going on before people were harmed, will just fall silent? In the Abrahamic faiths, there is always a path to redemption. And if we armchair judge the genuinely red-pilled, not the cover-up, minimizing, amnesty crowd, we are sabotaging progress towards ending all of this.WWJD?

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I believe you are suggesting we must focus our attentions on addressing the root cause - and not permit ourselves to be sidetracked by distractions along the way, as we need all the help we can get to destroy the beast, at its roots.

If so, I'm with you.

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Agree, he was lied to every day everywhere, as were the people he was advising.

I have been called brainwashed, insensitive, and not "following the science", even to this very day and WHY I'll keep sharing ... they are still in harms way that they will be continue to be misled. Friends since childhood getting mad that I was questioning the narrative. I don't ever expect an apology, I was only trying to help them ask questions. They will go their way and I'll go mine, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

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Lee, this is a crap situation. Created by some very evil people - and if you try to use those very words to those same ppl. you refer to, the pro-narrative folk - you'll be told you are off your rocker, you need help.....and if they have their way? In years to come - you'll be hauled away to seclusion for your beliefs.

Good on you to keep at it. I just lost a brother, 3 days ago - and if I even SUGGEST that his (root) cause of death is this shit "medicine", their wrath will rain down upon me. But based on what I know, I have my opinion.

Keep on keepin' on, as they say !

I have read much of the same material you have addressed - there is SO much out there, though - difficult to keep up - and you're on it. Screw the spammers and trolls.

Thank you for your efforts - we need all the help we can get!!

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A question is worth 1000 words.

Unless, you threaten my Absolute Rule for power and Resources, and my mob;

Then: You Infidel!

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Agree completely, n kovi. Frankly, I have far less patience with people like Ben Shapiro and Mike Cernovich. As far as I know, Dr. Campbell never called people "dopes" or tried to shame skeptics or admonished them to "wear the damn mask."

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I agree to a point...but he is not a man of science.

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How many out there KNOW the truth - or are VERY skeptical of the narrative - yet are STILL pushing the shots ??

There is no argument here, no winner....just sadness at this horrendous debacle.

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I do not hold contempt either, I just wish more people would have tried to think and question, before act. Explained in more detail here: Good people divided and an explanation of why - Here is my effort to understand why people with good hearts have reacted quite differently


Also: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/are-you-a-risk-taker

It's why I believe we need to communicate respectfully to those we know who aren't inherently evil about these atrocities. If we don't communicate respectfully or in a non-condescending way, we won't get through.

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Yeah, glad he came around...but just too damn slowly.

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It took him, what, like 2 years?

How many people were injured or died?

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I wholly agree. Moreover, if people took a little effort, there were plenty of other medical professionals and scientists warning about the shots. People who were involved in censoring should not only apologize, but be held accountable.

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God is going to judge accordingly. HE knows how many people died or were injuries because people followed like sheep and administered the death shot. People who were intelligent enough to get a medical degree.

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They are completely roasting Dr. Campbell on the internet. "He is only a nurse not a real doctor" are the comments from peers. The naysayers will continue in their pride at the price of death for many.

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You know - he is NOT the only one calling for a pause until "peculiarities" can be further investigated. An MP in the UK has spoken out, Members of the European Parliament have as well..... there are some great sound bites out there.

A bit too quiet in the US, oddly.



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This is not awfully new - maybe a month old.

If I remember correctly, Kristian Anderson was in on the early fauci emails and had messaged that it appeared to be lab created ..... but subsequently coerced by the fauci team, and his story soon changed as they worked to kill the "lab leak theory"....

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He’s a nurse with a doctorate. Not an MD as everyone touts. Calling him Dr. is so misleading

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Understand where you're coming from. But, had he ever claimed to be a "medical" doctor, your point would have teeth.

In fairness - he has a Doctorate, and only ever claims to have been a Teacher. If anyone assumed he was a "Medical Doctor" - THAT is on THEM - but NOT on Dr. Campbell.

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Agreed. It makes me think of "Dr. Jill Biden" LOL!

Dr. Campbell has way more medical knowledge than I do so I tend to think he is advising far better now that he has found out more of the truth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber)

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Lol - I was thinking the same! But that comparison just didn't seem fair to Dr. Campbell - for whom I have respect, whereas jill biden......

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Dr. Mr. Sir, whatever it may be, most if not all truckers had more forethought to question more or use common sense. Hoping no one gets too lost in the titles.

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It does seem like world events are accelerating, which I take as a positive sign. The cabal is playing their final cards in a desperate attempt to hold on to power. It'll probably get even uglier for a bit but we are winning. What an incredible time to be alive!

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Amen. The Lord STILL has all the power and authority in heaven and on earth.

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I just said that yesterday...acceleration is the word I used as well. It is bat shit crazy out there. Like I have said, I have offered myself up for a trade upon this Earth with Moses or Elijah. But, here I still sit. I know the end game and that God wins, but gosh...I never thought I would be in on the end times. My existence here is by divine providence, but what the heck should I be doing???

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Sharing the gospel. We are in the last hours of birth pains!

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Moses when advising the Pharaoh told him to stockpile the graineries. Might be prudent to have excess food for not only yourself but perhaps others.

I'm not betting that God is going to pull the curtain down on this shiat show; too many lessons yet to be learned by too many people.

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Joseph did that long before Moses, but point well made!

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Agreed! I never thought I would still be here on earth during the End of Times too. I simply cannot keep up with all of the craziness that is going on. SadieJay and Carolyn are both so right. The events and incidences are exponentially occurring.

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Amen Sadie. Amen. Bat shit crazy

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I agree with your thoughts. It’s likely to get quite a bit uglier as the desperation accelerates.

But like it says in Revelation, God shortens the time of travail, else no one would survive.

It is exciting!

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The Russians won taking Berlin in WW II. What was the Cost??? It wasn't in money, it was blood.

Victory isn't given to anyone. I agree with you & hope the NWO USSA "desperation" doesn't take the toll the Russians paid in WW II.

There are "Cards" yet to be played. Boy Scouts before their Wokester Demise had a motto.

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