Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

These people need to stop using the word "transgender". Just like "vaccine" to describe something that clearly is not, the more this word is used, the more it will be accepted.

There is no. such. thing. as "transgender'. There is, however, mental illness for those who honestly believe it is possible to change their gender. I don't understand why there are people out there who believe that is possible. To quote Ellen Ripley from Aliens: "Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"

I will correct this comment on the day that one person, without the aid of drugs, hormones, surgeries, or anything else from big pharma magically changes from XX to XY or XY to XX. Then, and only then, will I accept this "transgender" nonsense.

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They should use mentally ill and or harmful delusion to describe belief in transgenderism. Other than that it is cross dressing usually a male cross dressing as a female. Sometimes for laughs and sometimes to gain access to an area they should not be at.

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I forget where I read this or who said it; paraphrasing: this surgery is only the second time a surgical procedure is/was used to cure a psychological problem; frontal lobotomy being the first.

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023

This is the young lady Jeff mentioned yesterday.

It is worth your time to listen to what she has to say now that she is "detransitioning." Her story is timeline of tragedy pushed on her by a mental health crisis gone wrong. I have less and less respect for the medical complex...


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Here is some of her story:

An anorexic pre-teen, multiple hospitalizations, cutting, suicide attempts, raped, impregnated... lost the baby due to the anorexia...more suicide attempts, hospitalizations, cutting....

then, "your problems are because you're a boy in a girl's body."

She's intelligent, educated and knows exactly what happened to push her towards the trans garbage! And she's suing!

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I write my own (albeit poorly written) substack and did posts on child abuse and this gender nonsense. I believe, if these people were honest, that 99% of them endured sexual abuse of some kind. It is all too common and is so sad. Good for her for suing!

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I concur! The young lady I mentioned describes her mother struggling with alcoholism at the same time she was suffering from anorexia, and feeling all the attention was on helping her mother... Both needed help obviously, but at the time she felt her mother seemed to her, to come first.... (not unusual for selfish teens). She has matured immensly and sees things quite differently now. What struck me was that the parents questioned everything but were shut down with lie after lie after lie! I am convinced that the medical doctors carrying out these "gender affirming" surgeries are seriously mentally ill! I hope every single one of them, the hospital executives, and ALL others in the medical and "therapeutic" field who approved, affirmed and pushed these treatments are sued to the absolute hilt! I feel certain that the suits happening now against Kaiser demonstrate that hospitals are just as culpable and therefore, THAT is why hospitals are stopping the surgeries on minors! I hope the more children and young adults who come out as detransitioning will lead to and will be more likely to stop this insanity!

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You left out one of the important factors that I heard from another young person in Englandโ€ฆ these confused adolescents get involved in on line chats where they are encouraged by, usually, adults to transition to the opposite sex.

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I had my own trip down the rabbit hole with cellphones and what they do to your brain during the pandemic. I became obsessed with makeup tutorials. I hardly wear any makeup at all but all of a sudden, I was obsessed. I would watch for hours and hours. I spent so much money on makeup, money I didn't have. Do you know what cured me? I looked around and realized I was still sitting in my house even though it was perfectly safe to go out. I decided that I couldn't be housebound anymore. Once I got active again, I stopped watching those makeup videos and all of that went away. I am a grown woman. What do you think will happen to a child or teen who has little parental guidance (as so many of them do these days) when they're given access to the internet? They fall down these rabbit holes and there are predators out there looking for them. In fact, I would say sites like Instagram and TikTok have predatory programming designed to identify these kids so they can be brainwashed.

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I am working to recruit LGB to the anti-trans cause.

Think about it, trans is deeply homophobic. Jonny age 10 says he prefers boys, THEY tell him "that's because you are really a GIRL". Instead of just letting him be gay.

Yes yes we want normal families, but IMO trans is a different order of evil.

In other news: Dems jail their opponents, Republicans hold press conferences and send angry Tweets

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Absolutely! The young lady referenced emphatically speaks to this as a HUGE RED FLAG! It is nothing less than sickos preying on young confused mentally unstable youth. It is one massive, endless lie of grandiose proportions! Wonder how many of the overwhelming number of "onliners" claiming to "answer and assist" these troubled young people are sexual perverts, pedophiles and the like....

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They seek attention and to be affirmed in their delusion. The consequences are terrible and theirs alone.

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This is clearly child abuse .

โ€œBut whoever shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.โ€

A society is judged on how we treat the most vulnerable among us.

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023

The same correlation as abortion... a society that murders its most helpless, innocent and vulnerable will not stand! Meanwhile Planned Parenthood is profiting (millions) from the selling of aborted fetus body parts, some from babies who are born alive only to have their body parts removed without anesthesia... There is no limit to depravity.

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And on minors no less. Disgusting.

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I think you may have heard it in C&C comments at some point because I think that is where I heard it. :)

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Excellent presentation! A well grounded, honest, thoughtful physician. Something rare these days...

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I think it was on that testimony with the one Dr whoโ€™s been studying itโ€™s for 50 years โ€ฆsorry forgot his nameโ€ฆ

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I recall reading a similar statement; wish Iโ€™d copied exactly as written. Something like ... gender dysphoria is the only mental health condition treated with radical surgery.

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I read a statement like this recently & wish Iโ€™d copied/pasted to have it exactly as written.

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You do mean "cure" in quotes, Dr.?

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They shoukdn't have used the word "cure". Nothing is cured, it's just messed up even more ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

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I heard/read that too

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and that didn't work out so well....

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Regular cross-dressers back in the day knew they were men dressing as women (or, in the case of the rare female passing as male, e.g., in the Civil War, vice versa). The modern type is still cross-'dressing,' but using hormones and surgery to do so, and these are the delusional ones - sadly believing the profiteers who sell these snake-oil modalities.

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Anyone wanting to learn more about why the are pushing Transgender should read a book called "Trans" by Helen Joyce. The movement is all about pedo's getting access to children. If your a female you really want to read this book.

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My uncle was a cross dresser. He only did it at parties, always playing it as a joke, but sometimes he looked absolutely fantastic. He never did it in public spaces and as I have said before, was the best dressed man at my Grandmother's funeral.

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My husband and his college buddies all dressed up as women for Halloween when they were in college. Ugliest group of women. Hilarious watching them try to walk in heels. ๐Ÿ˜… It was a fun joke. Certainly not what it has become today.

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Right? Dudes in dresses used to be hilarious!

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Yes! It was funny because everyone knew they were pretending and no one believed they were actually women.

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Remember the film "Some Like it Hot" with Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe?

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023

Who knew that the harmless Halloween costumes in the days of old were prophetic to todayโ€™s controversies? become an untouchable in todayโ€™s society? I literally canโ€™t name one costume my children wore that isnโ€™t deemed offensive by todayโ€™s leftist standards.

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May have gotten his jollies from it, but didn't try to turn it into a virtue.

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Im not so sure there aren't as many women trannies. I know many gay women, and most of them play that part of the male to a tee. In fact a few of them go above and beyond, taping down boobs, and just doing everything they can to appear male. What's the difference? Because they don't go for surgery, then they're just gay? Nah. Not buying it. It's all the same. Just now they are coming for the children.

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Just like nobody wants to admit they are guilty of a crime (a la the jails are full of innocent people), just the same way nobody wants to admit the are "mentally ill" or "delusional", and only the liberals want to empower them and call them "transgender"

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Libbies are mental and delusional.

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Mental or choosing evil, intentionally?

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Exactly. I think a person cannot be both severely mentally ill and evil at the same time. A mentally ill person can commit acts that are evil, but if they are truly insane, their acts are not a choice. Doesn't make them right. But, there is a difference between that and a person who deliberately chooses to be evil. I think most in DC right now are intentionally evil.

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I agree FourWinds. Words matter far more than people think. Our once rich, beautifully versatile language has been thinned out, watered down, made to be less fully expressive by โ€œNewSpeak.โ€ We must resist. I like to rebel using what are now called โ€œarchaicโ€ words; though, theyโ€™re nothing of the sort for many were common when my Dad and even my Grandpapa were young. It intrigues some people when I do it, but it definitely annoys others.

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Exactly. Fight fire with fire. Two can play the language game, and , I have honed my command of English all my life. The reason English is such a powerful language is that it has so many more words than most other languages, at least triple Spanish for example. It is possible to describe every nuance possible if you know your stuff. So know it and use it, and blast these bolsheviks back to hell from which they came.

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haha! Precisely, Roland! You definitely get what I'm saying here. And I love the last line in your reply. It's brilliant!

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023

Read (and memorize) Dickens. Listen to audio of "Firing Line" when Bill Buckley hosted it. Scrounge the thrifts for a copy of "The Thinker's Thesaurus" edited by Peter Meltzer and published by Norton in 2015. All three are great sources of words now deemed archaic, but which are actually more accurate (and oft times more compelling) than the microvocabulary we encounter today.

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Found some at abebooks and hpb.com. Thank you,

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Haha great tips! Iโ€™ve read Dickens, but definitely havenโ€™t memorized much of it at all!

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Youโ€™re a smart young woman Samantha! The left has perfected the art of changing the language using their most powerful tool, the US media. Hereโ€™s an exampleโ€ฆthey refer to abortion as pro-choice - my husband, whoโ€™s also a rebel, calls abortion pro-death. And heโ€™s right. Itโ€™s not a harmless choice, like whatโ€™s for dinner. No, itโ€™s the death of a child. And they get away with that by changing the definition of life itselfโ€ฆitโ€™s not a live person, itโ€™s merely a fetus, itโ€™s just tissueโ€ฆnot a baby.

They adroitly and consistently change the meaning and intent of words to fit their agenda, which not only alters the language, but changes the culture, the morals, and the very fabric of America. Itโ€™s been going on for most of my lifetime and they appear to be winning. So we need more rebels!

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I remember people who say they are pro-choice... it is still a woman with a dead child. The motherโ€™s body started changing as soon as conception happened. As soon as she realized she was pregnant, she thinks of her baby as a baby... and ways her life will chance. No one talks about the mental illness side effects of killing your own baby. Women may not say it out loud but she knows what she did.

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You are so right! My heart aches for the women who believed that lie and then must live with the consequences for the rest of their lives.

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I like that โ€œpro deathโ€! Iโ€™ll try to remember it

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023

Look at who (behind the scenes) is funding this movement of "transgender".. Follow the money. This is all absolutely orchestrated and I am pretty sure it is funded by the elitists who fund the WHO. The very same people / families who funded the gay / lesbian movement back in the 50s and 60s.

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yes, spelled out clearly as a powerful movement by pro Marxist Intellectuals (and Hollywood artistic culture recoiling against Gvt. oversight and censoring) and to fund and start wholesale change in society within the 1940s-50s, foundational to the de-Christianization Progressive Movement (Occult) in UK and USA in the 1890s and before

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I keep saying it: we can't allow the enemy to set the terms of the debate - yet we always do. For some reason, we allow the enemy to define the terms and lose the debate before it even starts. We end up in the back of the bus with the woke leftists driving. We don't even bother to get off the bus.

For example: the debate about "transgender" must be redefined as a debate about sex, male and female. Gender is an artificial construct for purposes of indoctrination. WE must set the terms of the debate. Deny their language as a lie.

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In Michigan, they're working on making it a felony to "misgender" someone. A felony. At the same time California is working to remove the felony charge from child trafficking. I'd say it's a clown world, but it's worse than that. It's outright evil. Let's think logically for one minute, which person causes more harm to society?

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They are trying desperately to normalize/decriminalize pedophelia before the public wakes up to the crimes against humanity that the cabal and their willing, or unwilling minions have committed. Remember 41 telling that famous female reporter that if the public ever got wind of what crimes they had committed, they would hang them all from lampposts.

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Words have gender, people has sex M or F. So 'transgender' is a confused word which has escaped its natural assigned 'at birth' linguistic category. Another words, words can mean whatever you want them to mean, just as the great Humpty Dumpty pontificated in Alice in Wonderland.

In Wonderland, it was self-evident absurdity. Today? And my! How times have changed!

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Orwell's "1984" should be required reading.

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Yes!!!! For all of this talk of "taking back the language" we need to start with this!!! Stop using "gender" when we mean "sex"!

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We could invent a โ€œphobiaโ€ term the way the left does when they want to cancel whole swaths of society.

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When a leftist calls me "transphobic", I say "maybe you're 'straight-phobic' " ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿค”

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That's a good one! I feel like saying that there's no such thing as trans, so therefore there is no transphobic. Haven't had the chance to try that one out yet, though.

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Thank you!

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Yes!! Every time we see "gender" used incorrectly, we need to correct it. Every single time. This is how all this filth got started.

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I once heard someone refused to use the term male/female or man/woman because (supposedly, in a wokie mind) this isn't absolutely aligned with biological sex. Instead, they used the terms "biological male" or "biological female". No one can argue with that.... well, watch the leftists/wokies try, but biology is biology.

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Adding to your point, I want to say to these people, โ€œbiological female..., you know thereโ€™s a word for that...itโ€™s called woman. Biological male? Thereโ€™s a word for that too and itโ€™s called man. Whatever it is youโ€™re trying to refer to, come up with a different word. These are already taken.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ™ƒ

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023

Part of the problem is that we can't even talk about this in the public square. All debate and critical discussion is treated as a threat to the public affirmation that transgenderism requires and is often curtailed or censored outright on the grounds that it "questions the right of trans people to exist." These spaz activists even claim that it constitutes "genocide."


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And that is by design. Because they cannot win the debate.

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These people were and are insane. Very good read there, thank you... you nailed it.

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Thank you!

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You mean gendercide? I remember once living in a large city I was approached by someone trying to find homes for a litter of kittens, in a big box store parking lot. Security immediately came and threw them out. I thought, where is the public square?

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The Public Square is not really open to the public. Now libraries are a whole different story.

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What do you think the potential of the library is? In my experience you can hold events if they don't charge and are open to everyone and there is a space. I've hosted a documentary screening and panel discussion at a library before. Have you imagined anything in particular? I'd love inspiration.

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But I bet they'd welcome trannies setting up shop there to spew their crap. Sick.

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Thank you. Homosexuality didn't come out of the DSM until the 80's. "Gender dysphoria" is a fad or a serious mental illness and we should frame it that way. You are either a sheep or you are bat shit crazy. Pick your animal.

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All about Depopulation: Trans surgeries, pushing LGBTPQ, early release of prisoners, defund the police, grooming Cartels, deadly street drugs, extreme weather, trying to start a WW3 ....

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Also, attacking our electrical grid, so that we won't have electricity to keep frozen food.

9+ substations have been attacked in North Carolina, Washington, and Oregon, ...



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Somebody on this forum has more data than I (please share if you got), but I wonder how recent power-grid attacks, train derailments, air-traffic blunders, and ag disasters compare to our less-recent past. No doubt, increased demand and aging infrastructure must be factored in, but this is the type of destruction a hostile military accomplishes up front with precision air strikes. Add to that illegal immigration got-aways and the covid/vax attack, and the effects look exactly like open warfare on a slow roll.

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Just ask the VP

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I honestly think she said that to say "Look! I even said 'depopulation' and these morons (demoRATS) are still cheering for me!"

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Donโ€™t forget abortion. 65 million. Gone.

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For the blinded who believe these treatments and surgeries are based on good research and outcomes, offer psychiatrist Dr Marion Grossmanโ€™s two-part video on Epoch Times thought leaders which succinctly outline the absolutely unscientific and harmful history of the transgender movement. Medicine and psychiatry are captured until the people object.

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I pre ordered her book. Even if you don't have a trans kid yourself, there is probably someone closer than you think. Parents are really caught unprepared and walk right into the trap that will make them help hurt their kids and potentially break up the family. Grossman wrote the book to help parents. Sasha Ayad also has a new book for parents.

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That is a great video! Her work is of utmost importance.

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As if big pharma's black magic can effect the transition XXโ†’XY (or vice versa) in any living human ๐Ÿ˜

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Think frogs...

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Right, it can't.... but I'll bet coffee and donuts there is someone who thinks big pharma can!

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Make it bucketloads of someones ๐Ÿคญ

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I'll bet they are working on it from that angle as we speak. It's called gain of function. Can we change a person's genome? Well let's try.

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just like alchemy will "trans" lead into gold

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...but modern alchemy called nuclear science sure will ๐Ÿ™‚

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perhaps disruption of genes and chromosomes via in-utero, formula, breast milk, or infant and pediatric vaxxination ingredients might be a good way to Fk with humanity on a large scale or under controlled experimentation

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I'm betting a lot of that is already happening. Ever read a can of formula? I don't think it's food. It's most definitely laden with GMO soy. And yes, an insane amount of "vaccines" with really, really toxic junk in them.

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'cept there can be no 'good way to Fk with humanity' ๐Ÿ˜‰

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True. My response to all this evil is โ€œBut God.โ€ He has this.

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Gender-Disabled as the State of ColoRainbow has now enacted ALL-gendered bathrooms for public buildings effectively nullifying (BANNING) male and female designations. It's for health, disability equality, privacy and modesty I can only assume. At least they require more baby-diaper changing stations. Why not feminine sanitary products, condoms, oral contraception, and Plan B pill dispenser in the restroom too for inclusivity and health. HB23-1057 Amenities For All Genders in Public Buildings

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Ask any woman who has raised a boy or visited a man's restroom if it is sanitary enough to use the toilet. Nope, not even close.

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I was at a restaurant last week that had only one "unisex" restroom - the first thing I did was check out the toilet seat.

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Microban Seats and seat wipes have always been needed as ALL genders are...not always tidy in elimination of liquid and solid wastes. Progressive barrier-bashing and designating us all as merely higher-evolved primate animal livestock human resources by having us do our personal business together and even publicly like a common herd is degrading our higher view of persons as made in the Creator's Image and displaying respect to each-other and maintaining propriety and order. Legalizing public nudity/exposure, self-touching, prostitution, and other base acts will be upcoming in the reach of activism and legal/State societal (de)evolution. Cultural change directed by the State and the ultra-wealthy and powerful perverts that have control of it and feed off of us as parasites although they like to think they are predators and we the prey.

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Even my guy friends say the men's bathrooms are the worst!!

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Like my deceased husband used to say, "When the snake's gotta go, the snake's gotta go. Hold on tight!"

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i called it from 10-12 years back when the first TransActive Boy in a MA High school wanted right and approval to use the girls' bathroom; knowing that progressive perversion always finds a way to win and take all. Tears at first then the full force of law by the end

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Itโ€™s absolutely maddening, WP! And where are all the feminists? I know there are a precious few speaking out, but hardly any. And for the record: I am NOT and never have been a feminist.

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When I was in college in the early 1970s, the feminist movement was just taking off on all the college campuses. Right off the bat I found the lot of them huge phonies and it was clear this was a political movement, not one that really cared about women's rights.

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Correct...to take it a step further, there is no such thing as gender in a human. It's a made up concept. That's why it's so "fluid" that the number of "genders" seems to grow every day. The whole idea that a person has a "gender" is imaginary, and therefore open to constant revision. And open to manipulation in the minds of gullible young people. It is an academic construct.

There is biological sex, which is an immutable part of the person (defined by chromosomes as you noted). And biological sex has certain qualities to it that correspond to differences in thinking, emotion, character, and thus family/social roles.

Then, there are gender roles, assigned to people by their societies and social circles, and typically assigned according to biological sex. Gender is something societies define, not individuals. That's what the left is trying to destroy: society's history.

BTW, there have always been people who don't want to accept or conform to those assigned roles: we used to call them tomboys and nancyboys. Butch lesbians or "fem" gays. But, the concept of gender as a thing a person has is pure propaganda, designed entirely for the purposes we are seeing today: to confuse and divide. To create a "spectrum" of "gender." To cause chaos and "subvert the nuclear family." It's all academic theory happening IRL.

Which brings us to the goal of the entirely made up concept of "transgenderism": Destroy society by destroying its fundamental building block by creating a caste of people who not only reject society's historical gender roles, but mutilate themselves so that they can never conform to those roles or have families. People confused into believing they need to make their bodies align with their mixed-up views about their "gender." A type of mental illness for sure. Propaganda-based mental illness. Weird times.

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Exactly. Like nearly everything nowadays, it's a "wedge" issue. Anyone who has chopped firewood knows the purpose of a wedge. It's there to split something in two. The leftist cabal knows that splitting society (answering the default thesis with an antithesis) will open the door to a new "syn" thesis. This is textbook dialectical materialism. Division is the mother's milk of a Marxist revolution. As Madge would say, "you're soaking in it"

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Sorry to be blunt but I really want someone to say to the men, "Show me your bloody tampon month after month, year after year and then we will talk about your biological sex." To the women, "Show me your jacked-off semen in a cup and then we will talk about your biological sex."

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That's the thing: they can never be what they want to be. Even if they look like a good facsimile, they will never be a functioning opposite sex person. Their demand to be "affirmed" is nothing more than a demand for everyone else to change their own world for the ill "trans" person to feel "affirmed." But, no matter what they do they will never be the opposite sex.

It's no different in any meaningful way from saying they want to be a dog and so doctors should chop their legs off at the knee, stitch on a tail, give them hair growth hormones, and all of us should pet them, rub their bellies, and feed them treats. Or saying government agents from space are spying on them, so we all have to dress up like men in black and follow them around. (When people say gay and trans are the same thing, these are two differences I point them to. I may not understand a gay person's attractions, but I don't have to alter the structure of my world for them to be able to experience gayness. And they can actually experience gayness, whereas a trans man/woman will never experience the real thing.)

Because it's so political, this is essentially forced political speech, which I believe is unconstitutional. IMO, employers are going to be royally screwed by all of this over the next 5 years or so. Pharma, government (though I repeat myself), and media will likely escape the lawsuits, but employers will not. They will turn out to have been the useful idiots re: covid, trans, etc.

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Right - these guys could not handle a real period, and why the heck would they want to?

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I have read that billions have gone into the โ€œtransgenderโ€ campaign to both normalize and celebrate it because the numbers are growing exponentially, due to chemical poisoning of our food and water. Monsantoโ€™s Atrazine has been proven to โ€œchange the sexโ€ of water creatures such as tadpoles. Big Agra has needed to get in front of this mass injury to paint it as anything other than deformity caused by chemically-induced endocrine disruption.

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Crystalizing. The pieces were there but the concept was obscured by the considerable mists in the brain, which I like to attribute to information overload but it might be age plain and simple. ๐Ÿ˜… This reasoning pulls it together. Thanks! (Hi ;)

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Yes same here. It kept nagging at me that everyoneโ€™s trying to sell this as โ€œmental illnessโ€ or social media influence. A teenโ€™s hormones? Give me a break. Youโ€™d have to go in there with a bulldozer where it matters to change that drive. Itโ€™s not just a โ€œchoice.โ€

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I know someone who is "transitioning". This is a very high IQ person who got lost in a maze of politicized propaganda during the pandemic. If republicans are against it, "trans" people and their sympathizers are reflexively for it. That's one of the more fiendishly clever aspects of the divide. It's similar to Fauci, who for some is worthy of votive candles and worship, while others rightly see the lizard beneath the surface. One's political attachment can completely obliterate reason and balance. The "trust the science" folks are decidedly anti-science when their core dogmas are challenged.

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On a slightly similar note, beauty is only beauty without "drugs, hormones, surgeries, or anything else" (including make-up).

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If genitalia do not define a man or a woman, how does removing them suddenly affirm their gender.? Ask a wokie that.

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Very good idea! I will try that one. I'm betting steam may come out of their ears.

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Yep, never wore makeup except a brief stint for a year in high school. Hated it. But, I'm not beautiful at all, at least by American standards, and don't care. I'd add that beauty is more of an internal thing - a person's soul/heart/spirit/personality can be absolutely gorgeous regardless of the exterior.

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And the opposite can be true as wellโ€”someone can seem outwardly โ€œbeautifulโ€ but when you get to know them, you start to see them as ugly because of their soul/heart/spirit/personality.

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Absolutely true!

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On a related note, stop โ€œgender revealโ€ parties. Itโ€™s not the gender of the baby, itโ€™s the sex of the baby. At what point in our history did the question change from โ€œwhatโ€™s the sex of the babyโ€ to โ€œwhatโ€™s the gender of the babyโ€?

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I think itโ€™s because people donโ€™t like saying the word sex ๐Ÿ˜‘

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By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days. By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient, after she had welcomed the spies in peace. And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight.

โ€” Hebrews 11:30-34 NASB1995

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You always share just the right scripture, Janice. Thank you!

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Sometimes the Lord prompts with certain keywords, so I search to find the right passage. Want to guess which word I searched for to find this passage?

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That was my guess too :)

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Good guess, but not for this one. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Drumroll pleaseโ€ฆConquer. Itโ€™s a good word!

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I'm going to say "Victorious!" I feel it has conquered... God has conquered, and we are victorious... sharing in that Victory.

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Amen! Are you familiar with Zephaniah 3:17? One of my favorites.

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Seriously, quench?

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Barak? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

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Good guess, not this time. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Thatโ€™s magnificent!

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And thank you to Jeff for letting us play a word game here. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Oh, wow. Now Conservatives are going to say, "Whistleblower is a gay, Democrat? Then anything he says is a LIE." And it's all going to go nowhere.


Conservatives don't give a hoot what you are as long as you're about Truth.

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He actually sounded principled which is rare in today's politics or at the irs.

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Actually I do care about who ppl are because THAT also tells what they think about The Truth. We need to stop saying that we don't care about details. I care about ppl.

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I agree i care about who people are but I think people different than me can tell truth. I donโ€™t just rally behind someone โ€˜like meโ€™ simply bc theyโ€™re โ€˜like me.โ€™ Hence why I was NEVER about to Vote for Hillary simply bc we have some body parts in common

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Iโ€™m with you. I personally think actions speak louder than words.

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When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. ~Maya Angelou (a wise woman elder, imho)

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๐Ÿ’ฏ% correct

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"If it werenโ€™t for double standards, the democrats would have no standards at all." - I say this ALL THE TIME!

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Or the host of this blog it seems

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Jeff focuses on whatever the pro Russian propaganda says without bothering to evaluate facts.

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Coming from the person solely focusing on the establishment MIC propaganda... That's rich ain't it?

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Are you saying Russias war is going well?

Theyโ€™re on say 512 now of the 3 day war.

Is it MIC propaganda that Russian soldiers executed thousands and raped a lot of women, children, and men?

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This is a game of chess Russia is playing against the US and the West. Russia could blow them off the map in five seconds.

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One wonders why this Ben (with one โ€œNโ€) is here? Surely not to listen and learn. No. Donโ€™t they know their views are from a dying breed? Very old fashioned and tiredโ€ฆ

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Because Iโ€™m

Anti Covid mandates. I kept

My job and refused to bend the knee.

Psst. Howโ€™s your 3 day war going? T

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Maybe you should find another venue to spread your views.

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Free speech ๐Ÿ˜˜

This isnโ€™t Russia.

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Jul 21, 2023ยทedited Jul 21, 2023

Thank you for showing why the Ukrainians kicked out the Russians and for a 14 year old article again confirming kicking the worlds largest army of rapists, looters, thieves, and murderers out

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When Ukraine was under Russian control almost 5 years before the revolution.

Ironic, isnโ€™t it?

The people rebelled against Russian control and tyranny precisely because of what they pushed.

Nowadays they are shooting child pedophiles.

Funny how the Russian army tortured, rapes, and murdered so many children and trafficked them to Russian families for money.

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Gonna be 110 degrees in NE Florida today. No complaints. Love it here. I can handle the heat. Blanket political insanity, not so much. Imagine, just imagine outlawing these bogus and deadly Covid jabs....classifying them as - BIO WEAPONS....a precise labeling. Dang, if that doesnโ€™t wreak of sanity! Hope DeSantis' presidential aspirations go up in smoke......for now.๐Ÿ˜ As we have seen a hell of a lot can be accomplished at the State level. Contrast Florida with the travesty/boondoggle we call California.

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Yes, I wish DeSantis would spend more time strengthening ties with other governors. Every State should follow his playbook on Statesโ€™ rights and powers in order for us to rein in the federal government. We need more local oversight, less federal: revoke the 16th amendment and keep our money in our Stateโ€™s local communities. We have paid federal income tax only since 1913: warmongers immediately dragged us into world wars/nonstop wars ever since. Cut the purse strings, shut down the federal bureaucrats. DeSantis is a prime example of how to do this. He could be MUCH MORE influential among the governors than in loony DC.

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I agree 100%.

If we stop funding D.C. then much of the insanity would stop. Defund the UN, WHO, 99% of all our agencies - only keep Medicare and Social Security - and here is the BIGGIE - MAKE ALL THE NGOS AND โ€˜FOUNDATIONSโ€™ PAY TAXES or just make them illegal entities.

The NGOs and Foundations are subverting our power as a citizen. The Gates Foundation gives away BILLIONS of dollars a year to their โ€˜favoriteโ€™ causes. And all these foundations give to each other to make it harder to follow the money. ๐Ÿคฌ

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Know why Forbes list of top 100 (500?) billionaires never includes any Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Paseurs, Carnegies, Hapsburgs, DuPonts, Sinclairs, and the like? They all hide their wealth in NGO's.

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Except there seem to be too few state governors willing to follow his lead. It is so disheartening when they have a clear example of how to do it. Did you happen to watch the Summit hosted by Blaze TV this past week (it is on YouTube)? If not, just listen to Asa Hutchinson - a supposed conservative, Republican governor - self-immolate as he tries to answer Tucker's questions. What a duplicitous weasel.

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KIM...yes... example... Karen Bracken substack organizing Tennessee citizens for state sovereignty.... EVERY STATE SHOULD BE protecting state constitutions and our God given rights to freedom... https://open.substack.com/pub/tncss/p/knox-for-liberty-freedom-festtn-informernew?r=697d8&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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You can get a governor who starts off really great, like DeSantis, and then someone or a group of wealthy donors or establishment groups get to them, encourage them to run for a higher office, like president, and they suddenly become beholden to those donors or groups who have a specific agenda they want pushed forward. It must be an incredible amount of money because it happens to so many promising leaders. That was one of the things that made DJT appealing He was beholden to no one.

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The majority of Americans didn't start paying income tax until WW II when the cry to support the war effort went out. True. Before that only a small minority ponied up. The cabal essentially buried the WW II cry to contribute, then burned into the mass consciousness that the income tax was an obligation and not voluntary. The deeper I went into this rabbit hole (including the journey through cognitive dissonance felt in every cell of my body) the more so many other scams/psyops suddenly burst into clear view.

Recommended reading: Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America by Peter Eric Hendrickson. He tells the truth, in excruciatingly legal-researched detail. Dense material, but readable. For me, it took s l o w digestion, with that cognitive dissonance factor irking me until I finally accepted the author's presentation (after a stab at due diligence, which I abandoned since the first oh, I don't know, dozen or so items checked out. I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the rest). The book is NOT available at regular retailers except perhaps at exorbitant prices. My local bookseller told me it was out of print. Not true. Buy directly from the author. His website:


Heads up, there is no payment portal at the website. I can guess why, along the same lines why the book isn't widely available. The author and his family have been persecuted for decades. You must send payment via mail. Info on the website. I have ordered at least 4 times, with better than expected delivery turn around every time, all pre-pandemic. Someone I recommended to bought a copy last year and had the same good customer service experience.

Just for grins, posted on the author's website, a recent testimonial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB8IUKpxqJ0&t=380s

So much to wake up to. Brightest Blessings.

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Do your research on "Christian" and know you're THEOLOGY. You'll be easily duped! If it sounds too good...

Creation science universities are very hard to discover!

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Have you seen the work of the Kolbe Center? Solid scientific analysis, but they donโ€™t agree with โ€œthe scienceโ€ tm. https://www.kolbecenter.org/

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Totally agree. I'm down with the heat. And Gov Ron should return home and keep making Florida great. Possibly 2024 will be Trump/Ramaswamay? (that name tho...)

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Agreed. I gotta admit RFK has garnered my attention. One way or the other he's going to play a significant roll in all this. He's got a firm grip on the geopolitical scene and the evil duplicitous Pharmaceutical industry. Who knows?.....If they get away with tossing Trump in the slammer I might change to D for the first time ever. LONG way to go.

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Be a little wary of RFK, though he is probably a lesser of two evils. He threw Momโ€™s for Liberty under the bus in a video for a town hall or something? Probably easy to Brave it. (Trying to break the habit of saying โ€œgoogle itโ€ cause that ainโ€™t going to get you stuff you need. I think heโ€™s fantastic for what heโ€™s speaking out against, but in that video he sounded just like a politician if you catch my drift.

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Although Brave is not yielding much of a wide variety of results these days. Iโ€™ve taken to using Yandex. Much broader array of information.

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Maybe 'somewhere over the rainbow' means one has to never say a bad word against the Sodomite Coalition ... and even throw the Mom's under the bus if need be. How low we have fallen when it's politically compulsive to feel one has to virtue signal support for The Great Abomination. How Egalitarian!

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I'm waiting to hear if he will address an earlier (2019) comment stating he is not for mandating medical interventions (including vaccines) UNLESS they are proven safe. In other words, he stated he is for mandating any type of medical intervention in the U.S. Would love to hear him denounce this as a mis-spoken sentence.

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There is no demonstrable proof that any of them are safe.... except for the covid placebos that they shipped out. Wordplay. Additionally, what does "safe" mean? 100% of the time??? No adverse reactions ever??

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No vaccine mandates for anything ever!! Freedom of choice to make our own healthcare decisions. And for those who want to argue that abortion as a healthcare โ€œchoiceโ€, it is NOT a healthcare choice, itโ€™s murder of an innocent life!

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Trying 'to look good' will always eventually get a body into trouble if it throws principle under the bus.

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I appreciate his honest and forthright views on the vaccines but his leftist views on many other issues are things I canโ€™t accept and would prevent me from ever voting for him. Even the thought of voting for a Dem makes me wretch; that party has done so much damage to our country.

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Take that back! Nothing can ever make me vote Democrat. The Democrats will never allow RFK to primary let alone run a campaign against Michelle Obama. Yep, thatโ€™s my prediction. Theyโ€™re allowing sniffinโ€™ Joe, a poor excuse for a human being, let alone president, to stay in power long enough to perhaps pardon Hunter. Then he will fade into the sunset - stage left. Mybelle will enter stage right for the 2024 election. Rumors have it that her VP will be even worse than she is.

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I keep hearing about Big Mike. Do we really think that she would run? Just a front for B. Hussein, donโ€™t you think? Would a BMO/Newsome ticket be viable? Of course, in my mind, thereโ€™s no way. But I donโ€™t think like the Dems. Thoughts?

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Hmm. Newsome, now thatโ€™s an idea. IDK. The Dims need to put up someone that is firmly entrenched in their warfare, for sure. Both of them are. They also need someone that can be said to be fairly squeaky clean; thatโ€™s why the introduction of BigMike (LOL). Hussein always said his administration was without blemish. Yeah, right, that we knew about! And he has always wanted another term. Voilaโ€™. Makes me sick!! But a thought occurred to me this morning. What if BigMike was found to have prostate cancer? Okay, Iโ€™m not a very charitable person, but it could happen couldnโ€™t it?

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Haha! That last bit cracked me up! Yes, I guess it could happen. Would fit right in with the warped culture of today.

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Over the heat in AZ. Another 116ยฐ day before the end of this stretch of 114+ยฐ days ends. Feels like 119ยฐ! Ugh.

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Ok Fla peeps. Question off topic... how is Jacksonville University... I wish neither of my kids wanted to go to college, but our daughter really does and Jacksonville is on her list .. trying to steer them towards more Christian universities hoping theyโ€™re a little better w less woke crap...

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I wonder if there's a based college like Hillsdale here in Florida.

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New College of Florida, now that Gov. DeSantis replaced the Board of Trustees to turn it into, in his words, "The Hillsdale of the South." But it's small and has always been an honors college, so getting in may be tough.

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Ave maria

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Oops! You already mentioned this one here.

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Pensacola Christian College, perhaps?

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Colorado Christian University

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How's her academic record (i.e., how competitive is she for admission to college) and what are her interests? Many formerly Christian colleges are that in name only anymore. You can look at the list of colleges that accept the Classic Learning Test in lieu of the SAT/ACT as a beginning list of less-insane colleges, but it's still not a guarantee. Hillsdale has become much more competitive since COVID, and it was trending that way before. Last year, the admission rate was 12%. New College of Florida, "the Hillsdale of the South," as Gov. DeSantis characterized it when he replaced the Board of Trustees, to turn it from a far-left college with declining enrollment into a real college, has always been an honors college for the liberal arts, and it will be relatively small for the foreseeable future, so admission may be difficult there, too. Grove City College doesn't take federal funds (as Hillsdale does not), and it's a solid college. For Catholics, Wyoming Catholic College is solid. New Saint Andrews College in Idaho is anti-woke, but is run by folks with whom my denomination has had doctrinal and moral disagreements (look up the varying opinions of Doug Wilson, its founder, for a flavor). There may be others with which I'm less familiar, but when we searched, our list was quite short.


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I only know about orthodox values of private Catholic colleges that arenโ€™t woke: Franciscan University, OH/Christendom College, VA/ Wyoming Catholic College and Ave Maria University in FL.

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I second Franciscan tooโ€ฆ

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I went to Palm Beach Atlantic and they had better professors than Florida Atlantic (I took classes there in the summer). PBAU also is located on the intracoastal next to Palm Beach snd is beautiful. I learned to surf there too. Loved it.

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Several homeschooling kids we knew went to PBA. Have heard good things; my only concern was the tuition $$. Our kid went to a public university in Florida and stayed plugged in to Christian groups.

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I am sure it is much more $$$ now than when I went there. Since I was pretty rebellious, my parents thought it was the best place for me. However, it is better than grooming and lies but it is $$$$.

It is everywhere... I am questioning whether the earth is round! It makes more sense that God made earth the center of the galaxy and He states He made the moon and stars for us so they very well may revolve around us. We definitely didn't go to the moon in that tin can and lost the technology to go back as they claim.

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Check out College of the Ozarks. Christian and they aim to graduate their students debt free. In Branson MO

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Ave Maria university

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Power of the purse. Who is paying? Also, maybe have her take some classes at a local community college to get some of the basics out of the way for less money, while she lives at home. Or trade school?

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My daughter graduated from JU in 2017. It's not a Christian university, but as a private and small liberal arts college, it appears less vulnerable to federal woke pressures. This was all before the craziness of the recent past though... and college is college, and you must always be rooted in unwaivering truths no matter where you go as Satan will always want to lead us astray, but my daughter loved her experience there and found some great friends in the honors program and baptist campus ministries.

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Great suggestions here!

I recommend student/self-funded college. โ€ฆRadical, I know. No loans. Scholarships.

Work. At least a few years before college โ€” working in the real world: Best college ever. No college unless a necessary (ie professional degree is sought)

The College of the Ozarks has the students work for their ed โ€” hence no bills. Great experience & priorities.

Hillsdale & Grove City are mavericks โ€” detached from govt system. (But NOT Fla weather! Brrr)

Covenant college is not mentioned, but also great.

Right about New St Andrews. Some great, some not so great here. D. Wilson & Son are problematic.

Work for first year or two, though, (โ€˜ceptinโ€™ Ozarks)

โ€”& take some GREAT online courses available for first classes at the same time.

But, Iโ€™m liking the sound of Fl New College! May be poss to get grades up if your daughter doesnโ€™t yet meet the standards.

Just my 2ยข here

Blessings & all the best.

(Life is an adventure! & she has more time and options than her present world can presents!)


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Colorado Christian University

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much prefer the FL heat from the NY cold! Would prefer to keep DeSantis as Governor, but (almost) anything instead of Brandon / Harris will do

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How much you want to bet the Anderson's had the same batch of vaccine?

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Would be an interesting study to see if family members who took their jabs at the same exact time with the same batch of poison had multiple injuries and/or deaths.

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That would be a fantastic study!

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A meaningful study

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Talk to Steve Kirsch about that.

Excellent thought.

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Well. You apparently can die of joy suddenly and unexpectedly. So maybe, just like her husband, she died suddenly and unexpectedly of sads.

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Causes of unexpected deaths according to big pharma media-

๐Ÿš—Car Exhaust,

๐ŸŒจClimate Change


โ˜•๏ธBlack tea

๐Ÿ’ŠHerbal supplements

๐Ÿ›ŒSleeping position


๐ŸฅถCold showers,

๐Ÿ’จAir pollution,

๐Ÿ‡Eating same fruit





๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’‰For Profit Big Gov/Big Pharma Potions

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Gardening too.

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I grew up in the 50/60's down South. My Aunt Mary and others referred to the US Civil War as "the recent unpleasantness".

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Bless their hearts. โค๏ธ

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I once heard that "Well isn't that nice" is a southern way of saying "I don't care", but I am not a southerner so I don't know.... but I have used it on several occasions.... especially at work. No disrespect, of course, but I don't know the lingo.

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& โ€œbless your heartโ€ isnโ€™t a compliment

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It totally depends on how it is used! It has both meanings! Good and bad!

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๐Ÿ˜‚ Agreed, but it can cut both ways. Context matters!

Sort of like a left-handed compliment. It goes along with a sweet southern lady could also be one with "an iron fist in a white glove."

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It can be heartfelt in Texas, promise!

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"Well isn't that nice" was a line used by Dana Carvey in his Church Lady skits on SNL in the 1990's I think it was. It was always hilarious.

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My hubbyโ€™s favorite, โ€œ Well, hmm thatโ€™s not the way I remember itโ€

๐Ÿคฃ I just love my southern darling โ€ฆ

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Just like "the Troubles" in the UK.

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Or as granny from the Beverly Hillbillies used the to call it- the war between the Yankees and the Americans.

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Southerners have this admirable way with words, don't they? ๐Ÿ˜Š

PS My guess is you'll love Poiema tales --> www.nojesuits.com ๐Ÿ‘Œ

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My fave Southernism from The Last Ride by Martha Smith about a presumed murderer Bill Powell in Nashville: โ€œMrs. Suddoth, who was in the middle of telling a story, heard the noise and looked back over her shoulder, just in time to see Powell emerge from the car. Without so much as a trace of emotion in her voice, she said, โ€˜Oh, Billโ€™s here. Heโ€™s such a good boy. I know he killed that man, but heโ€™s such a good boy.โ€™ She then went back to telling her story.โ€

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Haha! I love how they make it sound so mildโ€ฆlike it wasnโ€™t a horrible, deadly war or anythingโ€ฆ

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๐Ÿ˜‚"Denial" is a favorite coping mechanism.

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Love it!

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Like Ireland and "The Troubles."

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Over a hundred billion dollars to the scammers of Ukraine, yet Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks plea for you to send them MORE of your cash 'help the refugees' (ironic since more refugees from Ukraine went to Russia than any other country).

https://twitter.com/DebForTrump2024/status/1681843293590634496 <-- uhhg cringe warning!

----= Ukrainiacs are JUST LIKE Covidians =---





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Note Trisha Yearwood got her Jab AFTER already having covid. That's as stupid as getting a smallpox vax after prior smallpox infection. Zero sense.

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Not even to mentionโ€ฆthey have millions upon millions of dollars and are not bothered by inflation that is killing the rest of usโ€ฆ.so when will they write a check for 10 million to send to the refugees? I get so sick of โ€œcelebritiesโ€ telling US to send money we donโ€™t have because we are busy paying for food and gas and shelter. ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Just have to add Iโ€™m also sick of being hassled for tips via electronic payment and donations also same at grocery store!!! I NEVER give!

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Iโ€™m with you. The โ€œtipsโ€ are just out of control. Tip for doing your job? Nope! Tip for great serviceโ€ฆ.different story and my choice. And ya, every time they ask at the grocery store if I wanna contribute to some charity to buy food for kids or medical care for kidsโ€ฆI wanna say, I have my own kid to feed and my own kid to cover medicallyโ€ฆso nope! Plus I wanna addโ€ฆ.unless you can give me an itemized independent audit from that charity to show exactly who gets this money then I wonโ€™t contribute a dime.

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Exactly Sunnydaze!!

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It's been quite a while since all sense left the room in certain quarters ๐Ÿ˜

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Yes, these people have no sense whatsoever. And all of that is presuming she actually had "covid". With PCR tests with a 97% false positive rate, who knows? It's still insane, though.

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Iโ€™m amazed at how many people, even those who are suspicious of the jabs rely on the false PCR tests! As they say; baffling.

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The actual truth is 93% of the vaccinated has already been infected, yet you had dunderheaded doctors telling them they still needed the shot. That alone should have been a clue it was NOT about preventing Covid.

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Of course they were manipulated into getting the jab before the establishment finally acknowledged the efficacy of natural immunity

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Those with a minimum of knowledge knew that natural immunity is always superior to vaccination, but regardless, having already lived through the โ€œdeadly virusโ€ youโ€™d think theyโ€™d realize the vaccine was unnecessary, and since it was still experimental, choose not to be lab rats.

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*had, not has

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But she sure can cook!

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Sure that Trish and Garth have a couple of mansions to house those "refugees."

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They can help with food prep in her Southern Kitchen.

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They donโ€™t need to house refugees.

The Ukrainians need weapons to fight.

Europe is sending dozens of new tanks and howitzers along with more storm shadow and scalp missiles.

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How many Ukrainians have to die before your bloodlust is satiated?

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Imagine wanting Ukrainians to surrender to someone who is actively committing genocide and ethnic cleansing.

You would have been wanting the British to surrender to Germany during the blitz too.

Ukraine has to fight because if they donโ€™t the Russian goon squads and secret police throw them into torture chambers, deport them, and destroy their history and heritage.

Ukraine would cease to exist .

Thankfully brave men still live and fight and not cowards like yourself

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Bless your heart, Ben 2Ns

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Fighting evil is always right.


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May God grant us all discernment. Benjamin โ€” Take care.

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I believe garth and Trisha are part of the useful idiots tptb use to get others to do something harmful to themselves. Country music celebrities and cmt have been infiltrated by the Satanist.

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I believe the only way to get famous is to sell your soul and whoever controls the media/music/Hollywood industries are the satanists.

Their contract is with the chief commander as Bob Dylan said and many others.

We know right?

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It's clear that the powers that be are using them. They don't care that these celebrities, athletes, social media stars, perforners (all useful idiots) got the covid shots. Many in the celebrity circle have suddenly and/or unexpectedly died or have some new condition that suddenly appeared after the rollout of the covid jabs.

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I wonder about that because wouldn't they know? Maybe some MK Ultra'd? Or accept it is their time? Or maybe they become someone else?

I wonder about Madonna and her important role and she is now impaired? She sang that song repeating "not everyone is going" so maybe she isn't either... ๐Ÿ˜‚ Joke is on her I guess.

Lots of theories..but I know where I am going when it is my time.

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Not a dime from me. I think so much of this is media theater, but who knows? The media lies so much no one knows what is true.

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What??? The media LIES??? Since when???

and if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale!!!

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Speaking of the media, where are the nightly news reports from Ukraine like we were subjected to during the Iraq war and Viet Nam? Oh yeah, Dems are supporting Ukraine so the Big Guy's nefarious businesses won't be exposed.

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Well, 2 more people on my โ€œI donโ€™t care if I ever seeโ€ list. Dumb , dumb, dumb.

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Guessing itโ€™s probably a long list and getting longer by the day!

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Garth and his wife can write a check if they like... freaking idiots

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"Ukrainiacs are JUST LIKE Covidians".

Totally cribbing that line.


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Seems like the aid is working and Russia is being pushed back.

Ukraine has the GLOCs of the 15,000 man Russian force in bakhmut under fire control and Russia is retreating across Ukraine except in the north where they launched their own battle of the bulge.

Thereโ€™sDPICM waiting for them.

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Just happened to see this report of a sudden, unexpected death. "Elise was on the air with us just this past Friday. Her death is sudden and unexpected, leaving us all trying to understand how this could happen to our beautiful Elise, who was just 51 years old." https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/remembering-our-beloved-colleague-elise-finch/

I watched a portion of the congressional hearing yesterday. It was maddening to see two "congress members of color" go off on a rant about racism, stating that the two tier justice system is really white versus black. Their rants had nothing to do with the subject at hand! One was referring to events from 70 years ago!

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...so much "racism" they even got elected to Congress.

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The most racists I've encountered have been liberal blacks! Wow!

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Especially Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee who has 2 Confederate names!

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So you'd think they'd focus on the obvious "racism" of white Hunter and Joe Biden getting preferential treatment due to their "white privilege"

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Those two are just gibbering from the democrats playbook. Neither of them could cite specific historical accounts or details about anything.

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They have nothing else. Itโ€™s not surprising if you think about it. Theyโ€™ve been installed in their offices to bolster the leftist, radical agenda. They always throw in the race card when theyโ€™re up against the wall.

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They re fighting over future allocation of funds. They, like their white colleagues, do not care about your average black person either.

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The point is, the investigation is focused on the substantial evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens, not on skin color or allocation of funds.

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They don't care either way.

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Dems mantra yesterday was either Itโ€™s all Trumps fault or itโ€™s racism.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes, absolutely Jeff, Hollywood and other globalists/elitists always tell us what they have planned and itโ€™s happening right now with even more depravity right around the corner.

These weirdos are, definitely coming for our children.

My ten year old loves Barbie and desperately wants to see the new movie coming out. She cried when I mentioned that the movie is not appropriate for Christians. So NO, she may not see it.

I saw a CBN critique of the movie and according to the reviewer, the first scene opens with little girls playing with baby dolls and it all seems so sweet until the little girls begin bashing and whacking the baby dolls and talking about how they donโ€™t need to have babies. There are โ€˜transโ€™ or non-binary characters, fairly blatant references to homosexuality, and Ken is the villain in the story. I guess because heโ€™s a white, heterosexual male.

As parents, we have to protect our kids from these mind manipulators and MAPโ€™s ๐Ÿคขin Hollywood as long as possible.

I plan on protecting mine as long as Iโ€™m alive.

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Wow..thanks for posting. Definitely predictive programming. They did it with Handmade's tale. News stories of how glorious surrogacy is are now popping up all over.

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Oh no, hadn't heard this and I really wanted to see it. Thanks for posting this.

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Hereโ€™s the link to the review


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Thank you!

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Know a family... All jabbed. 26 yr daughter , HCW, began having seizures dec 2022. Random , no warning. Med tests show not epilepsy. Drs say it is stress/ anxiety... Dr assume probably had her whole life ( but never showed up til now?!... And she has some stressful events in her life before this) meds don't work, but hey there is this new psychotherapy to help people who have stress seizures! Took several months to get in cause they are so booked ( how many people need this therapy nowadays?!). It's really horrid. There is no warning before she gets them ... She has had as many as a dozen in a day. Has had one concussion from falling. Cannot hold a job, cannot drive , had to move back to parents home. I think it's the jab, but not something you can say or convince people of. This is a good Christian family... They follow the law, volunteer , want to do no harm to others. And got suckered into this. It's just infuriates me!

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Just terrible, that poor young woman. It may be out of your comfort zone but maybe you could share some FLCCC or McCullough protocols with the family as they continue to wait for worthless and ineffective appointments for pointless treatment.

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I would like too... But even gently asking did she have booster brings up " no it's not the vaccine!"

People get very defensive. And shut the conversation down quickly

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Two of my 4 kids previously had some autoimmune issues and then got the jab for themselves and their whole family, grandkids too :-( and now both have much more severe problems but โ€œI had this before I had the vaccineโ€ so it canโ€™t be that! Interestingly they are both in their early 40โ€™s (41&43). My other two kids are 49 & 53 and no jabs for them. The younger two are very liberal and the older two are very conservative. Makes me question if I raised them differently or if society just influences the younger ones more.

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My son also has an autoimmune disease. He was the one who suggested I do a โ€˜wait and seeโ€™ on the jab. No way he was going to send his immune system into overdrive with that poison.

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Much too hard to think they brought this pain upon themselves. My daughter's issue was not related to the vaccine (I think) even though she did in fact get the jab (against my wishes/she was an adult)

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Plus, they can use the FLCCC website to find a provider. It will make all the difference in the world to use a doctor who understands whatโ€™s really going on in their bodies.

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Good evidence that strict! Keto diet works for some neuro problems.

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That's horrible. It makes me so angry at the money grubbing media for not being the 4th pillar they should have been/should be to what the gov't was/is doing. I will pray for this family as I Can Imagine the pain they are experiencing. As a side note, doctor in my daughter's care said her seizure activity was psychogenic as well. That notion helped to kill her...

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Oh no! I am so sorry.

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I am so sorry for your loss

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Iโ€™m continually dismayed by so many Christianโ€™s utter lack of discernment.

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Agree. Stress reaction doesnโ€™t sound medically plausible. Strict (!) Keto diets have shown definite promise for some neuro sequelae.

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Question: 2.7 Billion in tax relief for Floridians? Where? How? When? Our property taxes have soared, home owners insurance has soared and nearly impossible to get, auto insurance rates have soared, and electricity and water are crazy high. Sales tax is still the same. Still paying way more than 3 years ago for absolutely everything. So Iโ€™m curious how we are getting 2.7 billion in tax relief? What am I missing? I must be missing something. And I realize insurance is different than taxes, however reading an insurance bill, it is peppered with misc taxes and โ€œfeesโ€ which are just another name for taxes of all sorts, along with water and electricity bills.

Donโ€™t get me wrong. Iโ€™m happy for the large debt pay off!

Just tell me specifically where the large savings happened. Otherwise itโ€™s a campaign tactic to look good without actually saving anybody anything. Itโ€™s easy to hide behind larger numbers than what our households handle monthly or yearly apparently.

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I just read a post by someone in the industry that this is just the beginning on insurance increases. Itโ€™s nationwide.

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Our homeowners (farm and ranch policy) plus insuring our business (on the property) just doubled because our previous insurer decided to drop our insurance, even though we had never made a claim. We struggled to even find replacement insurance, and were actually without homeowners for about two months while we were getting approved. It was unbelievable! What's going on in the insurance industry??? Fraudulent claims???

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Hi Jean,

Sadly, when an insurance company needs to reduce their aggregations i.e. the amount of capacity deployed in any one area/zip code/county, it doesn't matter how long you were with them or that you had no losses. I wish I could say differently. It is just about them reducing their amount of risk so they can continue on the ones they select. I am sure many people were in the same situation and were confused. Communication is not an insurance company's strong points. Your company should have given you 120 days notice so you could prepare. That said, personal lines is different than commercial lines.

Personal lines is much more regulated. Without getting into the minutia, state's Department of Insurance need to approve rate increases beyond 10% and usually the approval comes much later than when the increase was submitted, only the insurance company really needed 20% now. So, they are never keeping up. After the 2020 riots, floods, tornadoes, wildfires and hurricanes in the last 3 years, insurance companies are struggling to remain solvent. I'm not crying for them. I am only stating facts.

Add to the above that reinsurance costs (reinsurance is insurance for insurance companies - think Lloyd's of London) that have severely escalated in the last 8 months and you have a capacity crunch. Reinsurance costs have gone up an average of 30%. If you bought your insurance after 1/1/23, you probably have seen the increase already, if not, you will. For an insurance company, they either buy less reinsurance and are able to write less risks OR they buy the reinsurance they need and pass the costs on to us, the consumer.

You asked about claims. Yes, it is about claims, but that isn't the whole story. Cost of capital trump claims. Insurance is socialistic risk transfer. The many pay for the few.

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So I guess I should be happy that my homeowner's premium jumped some 25% instead of being dropped? Rhetorical.

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Could be from all the weather manipulation losses!

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that, and look what the SADS has done to life insurance claims

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That what we have had although we have a very modest house and vehicles!

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I understand that a lot of it is inflation. The supply chain problems drive up homeowner repairs, car repairs are much higher, and lawsuit claims are up. Also the reinsurance costs are way up.

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Iโ€™ve thought for awhile now that insurance premiums were going to increase because of all the excess death benefits being paid out? IDK ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ just my way of thinking ๐Ÿค”

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Also the risk of fires and payouts of devastated areas of massive fires caused a huge number of ins companies to cancel policies. CA being one.

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Is it possible the wildfires are a deliberate attempt to round up mountain dwellers and make it impossible to live outside the 15 minute people pod cities? I know I sound crazy but thatโ€™s where my mind goes on occasion. How can people live in mountain homes if they canโ€™t get fire insurance? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿค”

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Life insurance will go up, but that doesn't have a direct effect on P&C insurance.

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This is exactly what I have been thinking - death and disability payouts. Employers arenโ€™t going to be able to afford, or want to pay the increases in ADD/LTD insurance premiums, so the insurers are going to have to spread the pain around all their product categories. Like grocers do. Anyone else notice that a pint of isopropyl- AKA rubbing -alcohol has gone from $.99 to $2.48 in the grocery store since 2020? I very much doubt that the run on alcohol early in coronamania accounts for this exorbitant price today. The price of store brand butter has remained fairly stable though.

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I should add, my thoughts are pure speculation based on limited information.

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I am assuming they are counting all the 'tax savings' incentives they have that the vast majority of people don't actually take advantage of. You know, tax free energy saving appliances (most people won't be buying them unless the ones they have died), tax free school supplies (only those with kids going to school really benefit here), etc. The only real time I noticed a difference was when they had tax free gas for a month. It's ridiculous how much they tax you. Our founding father's have to be rolling in their graves, they went to war over much lower taxes than what we have to pay today. I'm all for no taxes, but at the very least you shouldn't be taxed (penalized) for making money.

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As part of your journey of wakening to truth you should know that most Americans, probably including you, don't owe federal income tax - tax on making money as you say. True. As you intuitively surmise. I went a bit lengthy above in comments to @Kim on this subject, recommending reading that will give you the in-depth researched truth. Here's a short testimonial from someone who studied the material and applied it. She holds up her copy of the primary guidebook in the video; you can see the cover/title/author.


Video is also posted on the author's website, where you need to go to get books (not available at normal retailers except for way, way too high of a price tag).


Filing an informed return will be met with resistance by the big bully agency. But there's loads of helpful information on the website to get you through the bogus challenges. Once you refer the low level processors to their own code (Title 26 U.S.C.) they have no challenges left.

No judgment if you/anyone is not ready to take their blinders off, staying subservient to the servant government, the government as servant being the arrangement the founders intended.


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I didnโ€™t pay tax on laundry soap and batteries for hurricane season. Pennies.

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Exactly! Pennies! And the gas tax that was supposed to save us a whole QUARTERโ€ฆthe gas stations jacked up their prices so that the whole .25 we were supposed to save-we didnโ€™t! Why must everything be such a scam ๐Ÿ˜ž

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It's probably all those special periods when you can avoid sales tax on certain items under certain amounts of money, etc., if you can plan your life around a calendar of such windows of time. I can't stand that kind of grandstanding giving-you-back-your-own-money-in-a-way-that-I-hope-gets-me-re-elected.

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Yaโ€ฆand saving on the sales tax if you go buy a boat! ๐Ÿ™„ Ya, cuz we can all afford boats and water craft and new cars. Whatever.

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Floridian here . . . our property insurance doubled this year and our kid's nearly tripled. That said, had another kid live in California for a number of years and they have high insurance rates too. Plus at least a 10% income tax, high sales tax, extremely high gas prices, etc. I'm not sure what the answer is.

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I donโ€™t have the answer either except dare I say under Trump this didnโ€™t happen. In fact we had more money back then.

Oregon is like California. Our property taxes there were super high too. Insurance rates same. Everything for us here in Fl has doubled from 2 years ago now. It was actually 2021 when we started seeing it go up. I know Michigans auto insurance is super high.

I know itโ€™s happening all over. But, what Iโ€™m asking is where is the 2.7 billion dollar savings??? Where? In what way? Who is saving? I hate the blanket statements that look good without any actual accountability for it. Someone needs to point blank ask DeSantis to explain where the savings is? But I digress. No one ever will.

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Reduce all government back down to constitutionally limited government. It would mean a benevolent end of The Empire. And the Terrorism government no longer could afford to terrorize 'the citizens'. The only other alternative is to declare bankruptcy which is already a de facto accomplished fact. The rest of the world already know that the US/Five Eyes can't pay its bills in real terms ... not other than transfer of wealth CB money printing.

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Remember the Carter-Reagan debates? When Reagan asked โ€œAre you better off today than you were four years ago?โ€ then won by a landslide!

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I think one thing that's happening is that it costs so much more to repair stuff now. Energy prices are super high and they factor in to everything that we do/consume. It's insane to me that people don't see this and just default to climate change as the reason. Agree that it would be nice to know where the 2.7 billion savings gets applied.

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BINGO! The cost to repair is many, many times what it used to be. Years ago when you needed to replace a side mirror on your car it was what? - $100 - $150? Now, if you want to replace the same mirror today with all the electronics, it is $1,300! This is part of the reason for increases. The other part is cost of capital and cost of employees.

News flash - there is NO climate change. I have been modeling insurance risks for hurricanes, flood, earthquakes, etc. for over 30 years. We have weather, not climate change. Think of climate change as a political idea for wealth transfer and not based on ANYTHING in reality. Climate change (political idea) does not make an area flood - rain does that. Climate change (political idea) does not bring on earthquakes - the shifting of the tectonic plates does that. US Hurricanes are caused because of storms off the African coast - not climate change.

Can you IMAGINE if political thoughts controlled our weather?! Humans are not that powerful. We can control our weather - well, unless we spray chemtrails and pollute all our water that affects our trees and wildlife.

These messed up globalits really do think they are God. Only the real God can control weather. We need to remind the globalists of that - every day!

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It was more clear to me than ever that this is just a transfer of wealth/control scheme when I found out banks are trading carbon credits on the stock market. Yup, see whoโ€™s making money on it and you see why they are pushing it so hard ๐Ÿ˜‘

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Completely agree. "Climate change" reminds me very much of the Covid insanity. Except it's even more amorphous which comes in handy for the-powers-that-be. It can be blamed for literally everything.

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Cost to fill up Jeep Cherokee tank week before 2020 elections under $30. Now over $45! Same car, same gas, same gas station! Whom do you blame?

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Jul 20, 2023ยทedited Jul 20, 2023

I think people grossly underestimate how much this costs all of us on a macro scale. And I 100% blame the Biden administration, who from day one, declared war on energy independence - all so they can usher in some sort of crazy-a** climate ideology for which we have no proof of concept.

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Only 10% income tax?? I think weโ€™re up to 25-30% here in Oregon. And I wonder where Al my paycheck goes toโ€ฆ

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I think 10% is the minimum. Ugh.

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The โ€˜feesโ€™ on your insurance bill arenโ€™t taxes. Those fees go to the insurance company and if you cancel, those fees are non- refundable. Regulatory laws are the reason these fees came into such prominence, of late.

Insurance premiums worldwide is on the rise. The property & casualty insurance sector for both personal and commercial lines was not profitable the past few years and they either raised rates or would have to pull their capacity. That is what State Farm did in CA. They pulled out of the entire state. Crazy, right?

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But donโ€™t worry, the communist state of CA is waiting for all those cancellations with the (un)Fair plan.

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CA is a strange state. They can't MAKE a carrier do business in their state if they don't want to. Shame on CA for not protecting their resident's property better and helping cause all these issues. Mechanical deforestation (not cutting down trees, but clearing out all the dead underbrush and tinder so as not to have a fire spread easily) is a perfect example. They stopped mechanical deforestation in the late 90's and now - massive wildfires. It is ridiculous and sad.

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CA has also been involved in geoengineering and cloud seeding projects since at least the 60โ€™s. The chemicals they apply to atmosphere dry out vegetation and create a perfect tinderbox for massive fires. My Shasta has seen toxic levels of aluminum and other metals in their snow. The beetles move in to the stressed trees and forest die off is the result of these risky environmental experiments. Reinette Senum (a former mayor in Nevada City, CA) is organizing a lawsuit to stop this. Check out her foghorn express substack.

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Ins companies have pulled out of Florida in large numbers. Itโ€™s hard to even get insurance. And like Jean said above, it doesnโ€™t even matter if you havenโ€™t had a claim in 30 years. They are dropping people left and right for no reason. We canโ€™t even GET new (lower) insurance unless we pay $1k for a new water heater that isnโ€™t even broke! ๐Ÿ™„ Thatโ€™s more than we would save even with the new water heater. Itโ€™s sooo bad. Shameful.

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Hi Sunnydaze,

I replied to Jean above.

They are dropping people in specific area but is isn't to penalize anyone. It isn't personal, even though it might feel like it is. It is simply about dollars - cost & profit. If it costs more money to deploy their capital in an area than another, they will pull out (like State Farm) and go play elsewhere. That is a very simplistic very, of course.

They want you to replace the water heater probably because it is older and they are concerned about flooding. It's not about if it is working or not. It's just statistics. I'd guess it is most likely now part of their guidelines and they have to adhere to them or they could get fined by the state.

Cost of reinsurance has been rising creating what we call as underwriters as 'a hard market'. Previously, we were in a soft market, especially with Trump as President, because interest rates were low and capital was easy to get. Now - UGH! It is like pulling teeth. I have my own issues with commercial reinsurance so, I feel everyone's pain.

If I can give anyone my insurance suggestions it would be this:

* Make sure you have an A rated carrier for your personal lines (homes, auto and umbrella). You want to make sure they will be there in the event of a loss - hence the A rating.

* Be careful when purchasing flood coverage from NFIP (FEMA) or a flood only carrier. You want to get paid for your claim. NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program is run by our government - enough said.

* Insure your home for the value the insurance company estimates. At renewal, ask for a copy of their 'Marshall & Swift Cost Estimator'. This is an industry estimator that calculates the cost of your home to rebuild. It will even calculate a pool, which have skyrocketed. Why would you insure it adequately? You don't want a co-insurance penalty at the time of a loss. Adequate insurance is key.

* Make sure you have an umbrella. Even if you only purchase $1m and even of you only have an apartment, get an umbrella. The cost is generally $500 on average if you don't have a lot of assets. The coverage has a 'duty to defend' you. You get the benefit of the insurance company's in house counsel. The cost of an attorney can be anywhere from $350 - $750 an hour, so it is worth it to have the coverage. An umbrella is coverage over your auto and home liability.

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GREAT tips Randi G, thank you for posting.

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Insurance companies have been doing this all over for years now.

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Took the words out of this Floridians mouth. What a great question. We lost our property insurance. UPC went out of business. Hunted around and think we found one that may or may not take effect in a matter of hours - just in time for hurricane season (which BTW seems to be heating up this year). Auto insurance rates went up bc of the fact that thousands of people are moving/coming to Florida - some without insurance - which increases our Uninsured Motorist rates. Everything else is because of sniffinโ€™ Joeโ€™s (Obama-in-the-basement-telling-him-what-to-do) policies. This administrationโ€™s time is coming to a close.

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Re: auto insurance rates. It is much more expensive to repair a damaged electric vehicle so the insurance companies are passing the costs along to the consumers. Happy Green New Deal to us. ๐Ÿคฎ

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Yes, heard a bunch of EVs in Cape Coral/Fort Myers were damaged beyond repair due to the hurricane. The flood waters hit the batteries.

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Yes. Also the cost to repair EVs after a collision is so high that many times the insurance company totals the car. The replacement costs then get passed on to the consumer via higher insurance premiums.

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This just blows my mind.

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Your insurance rates and cost of living increases have nothing to do with taxes. The dilution of the dollar by Trump/Biden spending is the cause of that.

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Our inflation is higher than most!

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Hmmm...ending mutilation of children by doctors maybe because they fear getting sued? Oh wait maybe the government can step in and exempt them from liability....you know like they did for big pharma in 1985 when they were being sued for vax damage to children?

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This surgery reminds me of lobotomies. That's the category of insanity it's going to fit into in 2070 and beyond, assuming we have civilization and records of what happened available.

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One thing is for sure, only my bones will be around in 2070

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And your bones will prove what gender you were.

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It is the insurance companies paying for it that ought to be getting the pants sued off of them.

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Yet these same insurance companies will fight tooth and nail on diagnostic tests/procedures that people actually need.

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and will deny any "experimental" drug therapy

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Oh yes and pull the rug out from under people who legitimately need pain medications to function.

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And the medical staff performing them lose their license FOREVER and the hospitals loss accreditation and federal dollars. Evil can be stopped if enough good people step up.

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๐Ÿ’ฏ this entire mutilation industry for minors will stop when those said minors become adults. And they still are screwed up. They are starting to sue the doctors, hospitals and counselors who lied to them etc. They ought to sue the teachers, schools and their parents too. It's not about doing the right thing. It's CYA and $$$.

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I read a portion of the article. They claimed it was because there was too much violence toward hospitals that were performing them. Sure . . .

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Don't give them any ideas!

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I find it interesting that it took Egyptian authorities to find the (obvious) link between Freemasonry and Satanism.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for the Spanish prank video. I really needed that. I'm still laughing and wiping tears from my eyes.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, the original BBC version of Utopia is also available on Amazon streaming, and it takes the story to a darker place. Personally, I like the BBC one more, but theyโ€™re both great in their own right.

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BTW John Cusack also played in the movie "Cell" that showed phones killed 90% of the population and ended with everyone left circling around a cell tower.... Just like videos of the animals actually doing now. Weird...

Maybe the are trying to tell us something...

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I truly believe they "soften the target" with these fiction movies. Get people used to an idea so that when it actually happens, people believe it more.

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It is called predictive programming.

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This is what makes me say hmmm, when you have people dying in a concert. What frequencies were being used and transmitted? I havenโ€™t jumped on the whole โ€˜graphene oxideโ€™ thing with the jabs, but is there something in some of them??? After the Danish study showing different adverse event rates around different batches, it makes me wonder if something is in SOME vials/doses/batches. Not enough in too many to make it too obvious, but something that reacts with certain frequencies. Then add in all the 5G towers and stuff and it makes me say hmmmโ€ฆwasnโ€™t there also something early on with the whole Covid thing and cruise ships with new 5G stuff, too. I just wonder. Thankfully, I am fully prepared to be wrong or right and I ultimately trust that God knows and I simply pray for the truth to be revealed in proper time and in the meantime protection for us all. Lord help us!!!

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5G is concerning

Frequencies can be healing/ positive and negative. They use the neg in music...

I haven't heard about the cruise 5g issue.

There is definitely bad stuff in the jabs but not all like you said. Did you see people were magnetic near the jabs site? Lots of vids on those...

God knows what is happening and I trust Him. We have it easy when you consider the suffering of others... especially the trafficked people/ children. God please give them rest.

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The evil cabal ALWAYS tell their future plans โ€ฆ they seem to literally enjoy it.

Event 201 ? SPARS? White Noise?

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Also, in the Kingsmen, Samuel Jackson gave free phones and killed people with them. Those who had implants were spared

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Good movie

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I just added it to our watchlist.

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I might try. Sometimes itโ€™s just too hard to watch.

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You have to pick and choose, based on what you can tolerate at any given time. I've bought the books written by so many during COVID, just to support them, but have read almost none for the same reason (though I've read extensively, just not the books).

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Iโ€™m not alone! I could barely get through the first couple chapters of RFKJrโ€™s book, of of Dr Maloneโ€™s; havenโ€™t even opened Ed Dowdโ€™s - for reasons yโ€™all describe. I like to retreat to historical fiction...or on AMZ Tom Clancyโ€™s Jack Ryan. We just finished watching the final season. And Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix. The more commercial/wealthy PBS station out of LA has the last season of Endeavor running on Masterpiece. I avoid all the woke stuff on all these channels/providers, selecting what I am sure will be โ€œgood guys winningโ€.

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Yes, we need some relief, some escape. I stopped reading my new copy of Civil Defense Manual a couple of days ago, which I'm otherwise very much enjoying because of how informative and helpful it is, because there's so much we have yet to do, so many aspects aren't that controllable, etc. It ends up putting a weight on your shoulders. I woke up last night, worried that one of the people who are trying to hack me and phish me were going to break in and attack me. I manage and post a lot on a politically-incorrect FB page for a political group. A group of Dems from another part of the state took particular umbrage all during June ("Pride" month), and I think a couple of them came to one of our voter registration booths I had advertised on the page. They were trans types, strolling around a festival in a tiny country town. *Tiny.* I wish I could change the channel.

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