With the insanity of the MOST healthy person in the world, Novak Djokovic, being discriminated against because of his sane health decisions...


Reminds me of this guy, who's speaking to the latest CIVIL RIGHT... medical liberty!

Dr Ahmad Malik @DocAhmadMalik

I wish all the woke, BLM, stand by 🇺🇦, diversity & inclusion advocates would also recognize and support the largest persecuted minority of our times, the unvaccinated. Many are still denied study, work, health and travel because of their choice.

That's what you call equality.

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It was with great delight that I read Gov DeSantis letter to the demented resident even though Biden probably doesn’t know what he says or does on any given day. I admire Djokovic’s example of standing firm against the vax mandate at a great cost professionally.

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What Djokovic loses professionally, he more than makes up with his highly visible integrity.

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And he has his health.

Beats getting a case of the Suddenlys.

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I can’t help but here that in the voice of that obnoxious woman in “Office Space”.

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We need 10s of thousands like him, in the public eye! So sorry so many caved; it is a poor reflection on the people of our times. Too few are willing to stand up for what they believe in. I hope and pray that his courage and integrity are CONTAGIOUS!

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Biden is the fall guy. As in

“sorry citizens, we broke the world in our COVID response, caused more excess death then anything going back to WWII, broke international supply lines, caused plus 1.75 million that could to take EARLY retirement, put almost plus 2 million on DISABILITY, and for some reason since the viral disease WE made with China snuck into the world, about .75 million excess citizens died, and then our vaccine proved to be neither safe or effective, and over one million excess deaths happened, many of them working age. ( But hey, look at the bright side, our labor market is tight)

Anyway it all happened, including 200 billion to Ukraine, because of Joe Biden. You see, he has dementia, a horrible disease, and its not anybody’s fault. Please vote for us, and we will give 50 billion dollars in grants to study dementia, because we are THE SCIENCE party”

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Biden is too brain demented to have done all this. It's the people in the shadows behind Biden who are responsible. I wish more people in the media would focus on this one thing: Who (or which group of people) are the ones actually making Biden's decisions?

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The shadow people own the media so don’t hold your breath. MSM is useless.

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Yep, the fall guy. The media is complicit in this, so dont expect much...

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Sleazy Uncle Joe still knows how to shat in his pants. That's pretty much it.

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What gets me is heard last night they want to save 200B in 10 yrs on Medicare. They just spent that 200B on Ukraine in the LAST YEAR.

So much for reducing the budget and the debt.

Take away from seniors in this country and send it to Ukraine for the military industrial complex.

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Not to mention his destroying Europe's supply of natural gas to heat homes and power industry....

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yup, I saw another sign today that they're going to sacrifice him...apparently a bipartisan committee are going to investigate the family finances of both the Bidens and the Trumps. So they can go after Trump while seemingly acting like they're being fair and checking out their guy too. Biden is the fall guy, no doubt.

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They have been "going after Trump" with the entire deep state for over 6 years.

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That's the Great Reset in the process of happening! Makes the WHO very happy.

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He’s a great role model for our kids. And they need more of them today.

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So, go ahead and cancel me. At least I won't be dying any time soon from taking the Kill Shots.

"Good luck" to those who did.

Always "Trust The Science" and believe everything that your government tells you. Would they lie?

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Now that some of the smoke has cleared (for most) and the Boot is taking a brief respite from the Neck, it's pretty clear that the Shot is not what it was advertised as....to say the least. So, anyone lining up this go-round is just too stupid to matter. I know, I'm mean and bad...

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When "One Boot" lifts, Another Boot Descends, Comrade. CYA. all the best

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He's right !

Anytime they lead with a "left" - better watch out for the "right".

I'd love to think you are correct, and perhaps some of our victories, small and large, are indeed very meaningful.......... but DON'T let up on the gas.

"THEY" still chasing your rear end.

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Yeah, I’m no “Gang Affiliated”, dont buy the bipolar duopoly, but thanks for the reminder.

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No, you’re honest and have an ACTUAL grasp on reality. We cannot do anything for those that follow blindly. We can have compassion and empathy.

And Jesus said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34

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I was shocked to actually hear an ad on radio today to “get your booster”. Just in case, you never know…. WTF?????

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Janet, you mean “boost-a” with the Fauci voice! By the way, where the hell is he these days? Argentina?

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Probably down in the Caymens counting all his money.

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I think he’s going to be on the “radar” for awhile.

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Djokovic, could kill somebody's grandmother

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With a well placed shot. Clearly, he is dangerous.

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Speaking of well placed shots, how's about them spring boosters?!

Who want's to bet on the "official" numbers on will injectees?

What was the last one .... 13%?!

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The covidiots in my area may not be getting covid boosters. But they are lining up for shingles shots, flu shots and taking paxlovid. Ya know. For covid. There could be more shots or meds that I am not aware of. It's a madhouse I tell ya! 🤪

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It’s sickening; literal and figuratively

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they took all the shots mentioned above in one day........didn't even space then out

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They may have. I know if their doctor says to to it, they do it.

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My God…they’re going to “slaughter”. It’s absolutely frightening to see. It breaks my heart.

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It parallels Joe Biden’s approval rating.

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Transfection. They are still trying to kill the unvaxxed. Do not mix with the vaxxed.

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take ivy every week

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Burdock root is mine...Ivy is a friend too!

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Does Admiral “Rachel” Levine have grandchildren?

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I hear commotio cordis can be caused by tennis balls. Just sayin'

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😄 haha. Yeah. Save granny.

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I am so glad that my children flew to come see granny (my mom who lived with us) despite all the warnings. And guess what? Nothing bad happened. Thank God.

She died in January at age of 88 of a 7 month long bout of stomach cancer. My children who were extremely close to her (as she practically raised them with me) now have no regrets. They visited often from end 2020 onwards and mom didnt fall for the vaxx rhetoric! None of us did. We are a family of amateur and professional researchers!

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I’m glad your clan is united. I am the weirdo in mine. Although, some are coming around.

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Much love and respect to all Truth Seekers!! ❤

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Weirdos unite! My mom, brother, and sister all drank the kool aid. My hubby and my kids did not. Have a couple cousins who did not partake. Definitely know who the black sheep are!

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Same here...weirdo in the broader family. Me, my husband, my two adult children and 2 of my 3 grandchildren all refused the vax. Everyone else in the family fell all over themselves to get the vaccines and were very disapproving of we 6 of my family who said "absolutely not". Of course, now my other family members are starting to wonder about their choice.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

My family, my sister’s family & my husbands family never wore masks around each other and our elders(who have/had co morbidities). 5 of us unjabbed. Sadly the rest are. Non of us unjabbed got or passed Cvd to anyone. Only my father died in 2021 from his previous ailments, never got Cvd even though was in and out of hospital.

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The latest from Project Veritas:

The Assistant Superintendent of the East Meadow School District is recorded saying that for educators to get away with indoctrination, certain topics must be taught without the knowledge of parents.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

Dave Casamento, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, East Meadow School District: “Here's the thing with DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] work -- if you push too hard doing the work and you get this pushback, it will be decades before you can do the work again. So, it needs to be incremental.”

Casamento: “Every district [in Nassau County] is doing it [DEI] covertly. Except for the black population.”

Casamento: “They [parents] honestly believe that systemic racism does not exist. They don’t understand why we have to talk about LGBTQ issues. Or have books that have LGBTQ themes in them.”

Casamento: “Politics is basically my job now. I am political in every conversation I have. I never thought I’d be at this point in my life. I am, and it is what it is. If you can do the game, you can do the good work.”

Casamento: “My sexual identity was always a part of my work because I believe in making connections with kids.”

Casamento: “So, the conservative movement will say -- and I got to tell you, I am not opposed to this question: ‘Why do we need to sexualize kids at a young age?’ After the pandemic, we had an explosion of trans kids, and I’m like, ‘How could this be?’”

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When my kids were looking into homeschooling their children, I thought they were nuts, but this was WELL before that virus was unleashed. I'm now grateful my children were attuned as to what was going on in the schools. They have great support from both sides of their families. I know it's very rare, but we ALL agree there's a problem with the schools, we all agree we've been lied to about CV19, we all agree the jab was a scam and we all chose to take a hard pass on the jab. However, two of the in-laws got the jab to keep their jobs. They felt they had no choice and they hate that anyone is forced to take it. My kids KNOW how blessed they are that both sides of their families are on the same page.

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Our schools are cesspools of age inappropriate sexual material as well!


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I have emailed Project Veritas and told them that until James O'Keefe is completely reinstated, they have lost my confidence, my viewership and my money. I unsubscribed from their newsletter. Buh-bye!

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I understand. For some reason it keeps coming to my mailbox and I opened this one, since we are having school board hearings about this issue right now. All I can say is, I support James O’Keefe totally but if anyone is doing valuable work in these dark times I will listen.

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The ongoing deception, agitprop, hypocrisy (hypocrite I see) and the baseless belief in "salvation by society" comes from the "Schools of Higher Criticism" which promote "liberation theology" and "critical race theory." The "process" being used is called: "The Delphi Method." TDM starts with a pre-determined outcome and works backward to achieve the desired end. And all ends justify the means. A huge underlying the process is the principle of: "learning against learning" where a false reality is created to replace reality (truth). For simplicity sake, the end goal lis H+. H+ is Trans Humanism, no longer human, augmented, supposedly immortal, the promise of the Nacash. Continuing this train of thought one can only conclude that our battle is not merely in the flesh but ultimately spiritual (Ephesians 6:10-20, within every parable, Psalm 82, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28).

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Anyone that claims 3 year olds are sexual beings and need professional sexual care is exhibiting what used to be called Munchausen's, now known as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another..... FDIA. Schools doing this behind a parent's back should be investigated and the teachers required to have psychiatric evaluations.

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That's Equity - not Equality. 😉

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Because science, as an unvaxxed US citizen, I can fly to the USA from overseas and play a tennis tournament, but Novak can not.

Make it make sense.

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Perhaps he could walk over our wide open southern border. Vaccinations have never been required of the 5 million + folks that have come over since Brandon, I mean Biden, took office!

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“Last month, the investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article on the newsletter platform Substack”

See what they did? The NYT simultaneously insinuated that Sy’s article lacked credibility because it was not published by a mainstream outlet *and* got in a dig at Substack, a growing thorn in the side of prime-time propagandists like them.

Here comes the boomerang effect of ten thousand more people joining Substack now that they know Sy Hersh is on it 🙌 (I’d make it a higher figure but doubt that many people read the New York Times anymore.)

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So true about the boomeranged effect.

Nowadays, if someone is bashed as a tin foil person, I pretty much wanna look them up and find out for myself what they have to say. 😆.

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😂 Exactly. Those are the heroes I contrast with mainstream straddlers in this piece:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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It pure TragiComedy at this stage: The Legacy MockingBird Media is kinda like a one trick pony. They dont seem to be able to maneuver so they just double down which then has a 'spinning the tires in the mud' effect.... Keep diggin bishes.

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Exactly! same!

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I stopped reading the NYT long ago. Besides being wrong on almost everything, its pomposity turned me off.

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The amount of slicing and dicing the population into stories such thin slices of bread, you can no longer make a sandwich out of any of it. Any of it.

The paper that’s only fit for the bottom of pet enclosures at this point.

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It actually has an even better use in the garden! When you clear your flowerbeds and vegetable gardens put down layers of the NYT and any other newspaper before adding mulch. Weeds won't grow through it for several years. Last time I did this my gardens were weedless for 3 years! Trouble is, I used to raid everyone's recycling bins on trash collection day but newspapers are scant to non-existent these days...

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This is a great tip! We’ve been looking for something to put down

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I've used cardboard boxes also. We order from Chewy.com and we were tearing down the boxes and I thought how great these would be in my flower beds. Works fantastic.

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We are always happy to have news papers, they are all insane, to burn in our house warmer. Thankfully we don't pay for it!

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Often known as 'WoodStove Recycling'...

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I used to read it when I visited my daughter in NY. The Sunday one once in awhile but i just read the fashion, home, cooking, books and travel then throw the rest out or give that part to my daughter for her cockatiel cage.

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And I worked the Sunday crossword.

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I still get the crossword in my local paper. It’s lefty, too, but has some good stuff in it.

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The boomerang effect clearly shows that the majority of people are NOT accepting what the MSM is pushing. Kinda like when they cancelled Goya foods, but their products were hard to keep on the shelf right after. The MSM sure makes it look like the majority is woke, but perception is just a trick.

Their tricks are exposed and not working like they used to.

Does anyone know of a list of these good companies we can support?

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I don’t know of a national list, but look to see if you have a live local group near you. I have one in my area and a small group of people have put together a list of local businesses who are like-minded and refuse to buy into the narrative. Everything from contractors, local grocery, various services... are all listed for our local area.

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I need one of these!

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I just happened to have bookmarked “Good Companies to Support” at


Leans towards a conservative bent and I wouldn’t mind seeing this list grow.

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I subscribe to the NY Post. The left says that they are a National Enquirer newspaper. I have yet to see any "aliens meet with Trump" type stuff. They love Ron and hate censorship. They are weak on 2nd amendment though.

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My younger daughter who lives in Brooklyn chided me last year for sharing an article from the New York Post — “We think that paper is kind of sketch … “ — and then proceeded to counter with an article from Teen Vogue … 😂😂😂 … love her to pieces, but she is so unaware of the irony …

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Had to drop the NY Post because of their anti self defense(gun control) positions.

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Very true. Multiply Hersch’s substack readership.


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Done deal. Thanks

Later Jay

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“Newsletter platform”, like it’s not Real Journalism.

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Narrative media

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The Streisand Effect.

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Anyone who reads and believes nyt is delusional.

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“Trust the Intelligence”

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The Lord utters His voice before His army;

Surely His camp is very great,

For strong is he who carries out His word.

The day of the Lord is indeed great and very awesome,

And who can endure it?

“Yet even now,” declares the Lord,

“Return to Me with all your heart,

And with fasting, weeping and mourning;

And rend your heart and not your garments.”

Now return to the Lord your God,

For He is gracious and compassionate,

Slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness

And relenting of evil.

— Joel 2:11-13 NASB1995

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Thank you again. There's no better prescription for heart trouble! ♥️ Also no better treatment for community health than 'repent', 'wash with water', 'come near to Me', and 'obey My Word'.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

How do I love Governor Ron DeSantis?! Let me count the ways 😀😍🥰😘

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22 years as a policeman and they take away his pension! Outrageous. Where's his lawyer????

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Maybe we could “Multiply” him?

Seems a worthy cause.

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Where is his attorney? Maybe he can't afford one.

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Where was the union?

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Many unions haven't done right by their rank and file. They should have striked and walked out on the the first mandate. Instead they caved, took their bribes and allowed members to lose their livelihoods.

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Unions have not been about protecting their members for a while now, it seems.

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Or ever. Why are the Democrats so pro Union? Easier to control people in groups.

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And get money from them.

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Just look at the airline industry, not backing up the pilots.

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Counting their cooperation money from the government, I’m guessing.

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Well if he was smart he may have declined the union because he did not support where the funds were going. That was me in the educational system!

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He can’t afford the union either.

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Good point..!

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I'm sure he's got a lawyer working on it on a contingency basis. He's going to get a LOT of money. Don't fear.

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Also, where are the senators he helped?

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Nowhere to be seen because he wore an evil, scary MAGA hat. They are so like a gaggle of 8th graders, so worried about being seen with one of the uncool kids.

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They didn't want his help because they knew their leader wasn't really afraid. Already sent out an email... "Act afraid for your life, we have everyone under our control."

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From the Jesus Revolution, I love this tremendous nugget of truth. “The truth is quiet. It’s the lies that are loud.” Boom. Lies begat lies and they have to get louder to convince. Too many people knew exactly what happened on J6. The truth will set you free….

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I think that will be my birthday request, that we see it as a family

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Loved that movie. ❤

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Happy early birthday Jeff! We'll miss you on Friday.

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Bring warm clothes or your Visa card! It’s snowing here and I’m five hours south!

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Rumors are that DeSantis knew weeks in advance from Garland that Trump was to be raided by the FBI. BUT he didn't warn Trump (which could have been Obstruction of Justice). Trump getting hemed up would open the Presidency for DeSantis... Who knows. There's also signs Trump knew about it anyway.

And you hear 'Soros and Jeb! support DeSantis'. Who cares! It's just distracting noise. (They) will try to cause lots of division. I'm just ignoring it and watching what DeSantis does policy wise, which has been all good. Also Trump's sounding more spicy, so I'm hoping 2024 is the era where medical rights and scaling back govt becomes a focus.

Trying to stay hopeful.

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Medical rights and our sovereignty are under attack by the WHO. If participating countries , including the US approve the amendments we will have one world government. Republicans leaders are attempting to stop them , but will it be enough?

We need to stand up as a country and leave the WHO .

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We need to stop funding WHO…

Hope & pray that Johnson’s recent bill will impact the outcome . Lastly, Saint Michael the archangel defend us in battle be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And, do thou oh prince of the heavenly host by the power of God cast into hell Satan & all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

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See jamesroguski.substack.com. RejectDigitalEnslavement.

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Amen and Amen!

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Absolutely! Amen!

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Well Trump tried to defund them but Turnip Brain reinstated the funding 😕

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Turnip Brain....I like that one!

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Cottage cheese brain?

Turnips are actually rather wholesome and solid.

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Turnips show zero signs of intelligence, just like cottage cheese. But cheese has culture, which the Resident does not 😛

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

SCOTUS held in Covert v. Reid that even a ratified treaty cannot violate the US Constitution, and in particular the Bill of Rights. If that is true of treaties ratified by 2/3 of the Senate, how much the more true must it be of mere executive agreements.

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oh I hope you're right. And I pray that if this day does get here that they try to enforce their illegal mandates on us and turn us into a biosecurity state that we have enough strong souls to withstand the pressure and not comply.

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How about good old fashioned Gandhi action - peaceful defiance. Hell it got the British out of their hair!

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I am waiting to see what happens with the Lee County Ban the Jab Resolution. See josephsansone.substack.com.

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Me too. Emailed the Florida representatives & DeSantis

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My guess is that Trump was expecting them and kept his house clean. Notice that the same thing happened to Biden and the cases were paralleled? It showed people that there is inequality between the political parties. Looked like a psyops to me, like a lot of what is coming out now...J6, etc. We can only speculate and trust God because something very strange is happening.

It could be to quell the mass psychosis, which is good, OR maybe to keep the peace while they set us all up anyway.

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Divide and conquer is quite popular these days.

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It’s what abusers do.

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I hear that on Biden's desk there is an Executive Order, to change our nation's motto to just that: "Divide and Conquer".

............. and a new $2 bill, with an image of Admiral Rachel Levine on it.

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That would be very disappointing, if true, that DeSantis was given the heads up on the raid and didn’t warn Trump. It seems all the other politicians who were raided including Biden were given a heads up.

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That was a psy-op as was the Biden and Pence "raids". DeSantis is smart enough to know the laws and abide within them. Remember, he is a JAG. Brilliant man who knows better than break the law. We have to think clearly; not let our emotions rule our lives.

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And after the raid, DeSantis was missing for five days. Once he reappeared, he made some weak kneed statement about the naughtiness of the FBI. He did not mention this was an unprecedented attack against a President, did not say Trump’s name.

We are presently benefiting in Florida from the GOPe’s need to increase DeSantis’ name recognition and ‘so called’ conservative creds across the country. He is what they believe will bring MAGA to an end forever.

They are delusional, but we’ll take the push for conservative values, irregardless of the motivation.

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Ron DeSantis=George W. Bush.

Just ask !Jeb

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IF you actually listen to the videos of Soros and Jeb commenting of DeSantis, their words are that they believe DeSantis would be the most formidable candidate against the Democrat. Their was CLEARLY no endorsement. Just Trump bloviating and lying as usual because his narcissistic self can NEVER share the spotlight. He is a false god who never can share praise,make a mistake, or needs to repent because he has NEVER been wrong; his words, not mine! #DEATHVAX pusher! NEVER FORGET!!

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I sold in the NYC building trade and met Donny briefly a few times ( before he was POTUS). You're right, he's never wrong. And if he was, someone else took the blame.

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You know better than I. The limit of my distant observation period is 40 years; I observe behavior hasn’t changed. Fans scoff at my observations. What do I know about anything? Maybe not much but I’ve learned to trust my spidey sense. And, my, my, there was no resisting the biggest stage of all, was there? I also understand he’s in the maternal bloodline so the possibility of US prez existed all along. Your first hand observation appreciated.

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Orange man bad alert!

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Orange man is bad! Look at the WHOLE picture. Spending like a drunk. NEVER WRONG, DEATHVAX!!!!!! He was a DEMOCRAT until '16, financed Democrats, runs with them, family are all Democrats! Wake up!!!

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Angela....True about Trump...What we can deduce from Soros is, he meant he wants DeSantis to run to divide the Rep votes like Perot did. It really didn't matter because what did Bush do? Never forget Bush either...

This is an information war. Look at what MSM is lying about Ukraine and probably has about other wars to pilfer tax money over decades. War is profitable.

I agree not to trust any man including Trump. However, the MSM manipulates what we see. Trump also said take ivermectin/hydroxy/bleach(MMS/chlorine dioxide) it is your choice, so it is contradictory.

It seems they are using CGI and doubles for Biden. Do you agree? If so, why wouldn't they use it for Trump or anyone else?

We can't believe anything we see or hear, but only draw conclusions about the facts we can decipher.

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Yes, ABSOLUTELY agree on everything you said! Trump also fought DeSantis and Kemp when they opened up their respective states. I was proud of them for doing it anyway. Their are a lot of CIA psy ops! Do not believe your eyes. They are showing you WHAT they want you to see. Do your own research, PRAY for wisdom and decernment. 🙏🙏🙏

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We know very little. Trump calling out DeSantis seemed a bit sus, but maybe to boost him as a hero or cause a MSM storm. They keep us guessing and give us peanuts.

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The problem isn't who supports RDS, the problem is who's *supporting* his run against Trump, continuing their deranged fight against Trump's policies and the will of the majority of Americans.

Do you think Wall Street bankrolls presidential candidates without expecting anything in return? "You gotta dance with whoever brung you."

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The vast majority of conservatives are done with TRUMP. He is TOO toxic, old, and narcissistic. Conservatives do not spend money like drunks!

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We’ve learned a lot these past three years. Still waiting for someone duly elected to represent we the people to comment on the excellent research being presented at bailiwicknews.substack.com.

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"You could run western Ukraine for a week on the gaslighting just in this article alone."

BWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you SLAY me, snark king! Brilliant post. So glad God put you on the planet for such a time as this. Happy early Birthday!

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I’ve been told europe is freezing and England is eating squirrels now 🤷🏼‍♂️

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LOL...he's been told... Squirrels no less! What happened to the rabbit stew?

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Where? Who's got squirrels? We should be so lucky!

And as for a tomato...

Meanwhile, our UK average heating bills have gone from £500 to £2,500 a year.

Who can afford to even live anymore?

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That’s insane. The Germans are putting in wood burning stoves and paying to put guards on their woodpiles. That’s no joke.

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You are right, it's no joke. I've just put a lockable door on my woodshed - my woodpile is worth its weight in gold nowadays. I've even started scavenging for old pallets and every time I hear a chainsaw I follow the sound to see if there are any pickings...

But it's all part of their CO2 nett zero plan to reduce emissions whilst freezing us to death (which won't make the slightest bit of difference to the planet...). Meanwhile, the UK Govt are threatening to ban wood stoves in smoke-free areas and fining users £300 - now that is insane!

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So sorry to hear it. Are they advising you to just put on another jumper? Is Charles feeling the chill? Our legislators tell us to turn down the thermostat and watch our carbon footprint amongst other things. They in turn fly around in their personal jets. The hypocrisy of the western powers is beyond the pale. We are all reaching the precipice.

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You are SO right! The restrictions don't apply to the rich and famous. As for bloody Charles and his parasitic family; they have one of the biggest carbon footprints of all - An environmentalist? My arse! It is so way beyond hypocrisy: "Do as I say, not as I do."

And if there is a precipice, I hope all the elites get tossed over first to give the rest of us a softer landing!

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Visiting daughter and family in Portsmouth in early Nov---SIL put little girls to bed with a hot water bottle--he didn't do that in 2017, same month, when we last visited there. I grant, Portsmouth is on the Solent (and their house very close to water)---but it's also at the southiest of the country

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I thought that Tucker Carlson performed a magic trick, live on TV last night.

He cackled and chortled about how Charles Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Mitt Romney threatened him about showing more of the footage from January 6. And then Carlson showed . . . no new footage from the Capital on January 6.

I guess that is how you get on national TV. You laugh at threats to censor you, and then go along with the censors.

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Yes Jeff C-C. I observed the same. Plus,

Where is the footage of the smoke bombs that the capital police threw into the crowd and the beating of Rosalind Boyland? Why not release the 44,000 hours of to the public so we can crowd source them, like Naomi our wolf is doing with the Pfizer documents.

Like El Gato Malo is calling for for all future scientific examinations.

Tucker has not done us any favors here in my opinion. And of course neither has McCarthy

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I wouldn't say he hasn't done any favors - I find the objections raised by the likes of McConnell and Schumer to be instructive. They are definitely in panic mode.

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Why is it so hard for Republicans just to stand up and say out loud that the Great Banana Republic Election of 2020 was a fraud ... and that J6 the cover-up was fraud to cover up election fraud? Why is this not trumpeted day and night? The deafening meekness seem a bit Uniparty-ish to me.

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Because a lot of them were either in on it, or directly benefit from it.

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It's touching to see them like this. They just keep ramping it up....kinda like diggin a hole.

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J6 release is a distraction from WHO agreement to take over “in case” of another medical emergency like monkey pox. Monkey pox was declared a global emergency by WHO master Tedros.

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POLITICALsteria: Best January 6th Tapes Memes (Tour de Farce!)

- January 6th the musical, taking a stand (literally), FedEpps, Elon Musk’s take, so many double standards, the media's take, unanswered questions, what really happened and more January 6th tapes memes!


POLITICALsteria: Best January 6th Memes (Happy Insurrection Day!)


ELECTIONsteria: Best January 6th Memes (The Neverending Story!)


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Please say it’s not true! I never thought Tucker would cower to stooges like Schumer, Romney and McConnell.

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Tucker is another mystery. He's on Fox and maybe the only reason why cable people watch Fox. And yet he works in a major controlled opposition media outlet. And yet Tucker tells more Truth than anybody else in the dying Legacy Media. ???

Maybe it's always good to have an iron in the fire in case a volte face escape exit is required by those who live Behind the Curtain (think the Wizard of Oz)? Maybe this is why Elon has stepped on the stage? No firm conclusion here. But it is always good to keep 'maybe' and 'what if' in mind given that everything runs on deception. Meaning that we the people are in part 'managed' by keeping us in the dark and confused ... and moreover, disarmed by doubt.

However, I do like Tucker very much. And for whatever reason, Tucker takes things further than all the other meek pieces of crap combined. It would be very, very bad for us if this piece were ever removed from the chess board.

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He's a limited hangout artist. It's fine to show the Q Shaman footage now that Jake has almost finished his prison term and the getaway car is safely away from the stolen election.

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Maybe the most unlimited limited hangout on the legacy media circuit? And without a doubt the counter-offensive to Great Banana Election of 2020 has been appallingly dismal ... and like filling up the belly of the Titanic with concrete in order to help sink her faster. However, who else do we have within the Belly of the Beast? And if not exactly a battleship with all 16 inch guns blazing, I do appreciate the Tucker Carlson contributions.

As always, a certain calculus must always be performed. That is, what are the limitations imposed by an electorate more than one hundred and fifty years dumbed down, boiled like a frog into an largely uncomprehending stupor? All I have to do is listen to what comes out the mouths of my uncomprehending relatives all jabbed up in order to have a full dose of 'stupid is what stupid does'. And then I ask myself, what are the limits imposed by the electorate from without upon politics the art of the possible? And then I have to conclude that what DeSantis has done with Florida is truly remarkable. And I have to including Tucker Carlson in sowing doubt of the official narratives of covid, J6 and so on ... as being extraordinarily helpful.

And as always, I'll take what I can get where I can get it.

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Uh huh. Limited. Hangout.

He confirms what we already knew after it's mostly irrelevant. And apparently it's good enough for most people, so nothing changes. Institutions are safe. Whew.🙄

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That's one way of looking at it. But we, the typical C & C reader, are not the target national audience. It's other people who either don't think so well and/or don't know how to look into things. We need these very dense people to become less so. And so there is value in just moving the needle some so as to cause a shift in opinion. Our enemies were good at moving the needle (although their lies are now catching up with them).

It's like the family. The ones who know how to do certain things have to help the others, and especially the younger ones coming along.

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I am uncertain if there are other motives behind like tucker and McCarthy. Maybe to appease the general sheep masses, when one of the government lies becomes too obvious to hide.

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Other motives? How would we ever know? The best we can do is spot and analyse patterns ... and also bring to bear what we can know. For example, if mRNA, then not a vaccine (and something else is going on).

Two other examples: 1) if DeSantis in Florida, then the rest of them in other Red states are not doing their jobs and are a part of the problem. 2) If Trump can build a MAGA movement, then the rest of them are Uniparty Rhino Tiddly Winks Players and pretty much useless to us.

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I give Tucker a small applause. He did throw his hat in the ring and will be the subject of much derision; that alone deserves some applause. Whoever said he is at the mercy is correct. He has producers who follow the owner's direction and give him just enough rope. And maybe Murdoch did tell him to cool it a bit. One thing is good. Even Schumer was stupid enough to advertise it. He almost invited the liberals to watch Tucker's show. Luckily, Tucker did a review of the previous night's video clips. Eyes may have been opened. We're not hoping to turn everyone around; there will always be hard-wired idiots but one step at a time, one step at a time.

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My husband said what’s the big deal we’ve seen all this footage before? And we have off mainstream media.

Tucker thought the vaccines were just fine until recently and Sean Hannity still does. 🤷‍♀️ follow the money.

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What we saw on the MSM two years ago was what the Democrats cut and pasted together. If you follow the back channels, you may have seen snippets of personal video showing a diffferent story. That was a lot more telling. In fact, I remember seeing a video with a person wearing an Azov Battalion insignia (Ukrainian Nazis) on his jacket inciting the crowd. (This is deep state involvement.) But we have to give credit where credit is due in this case. Just on the basis of the criminals on the other networks whining about not getting equal treatment was worth it. I too stopped watching Tucker, Sean, Laura, all the Fox gang the day after the 2020 election and only watch when I think necessary - like the J6 coverage. Even if Fox is still compromised, they still have a large audience. Not everyone gets OAN or Newsmax. Or can watch on the internet. The normies have to be exposed to the truth step by step.

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I give him a big applause because he’s the only one who has pushed back against the Murdoch regime at Fox. He’s taking a lot of flack for doing what he has. Look at how quickly Shawn and Laura and the morning crew caved and kept their mouths shut from Nov. 2020 on. And I haven’t watched any of them except Tucker since then.

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Fair enough.

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Tucker really lost me at Covid fright '20. He may be right about alot but has he apologized for losing his grip and GOING ALONG WITH THE NARRATIVE? and then this, where he does the narrating about what he, or someone close to him, saw. 😛

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff,. Thank you for Your long hours in publishing coffee and COVID. The insights, conclusions, and humor are both informative and uplifting.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The more they push Djokovic, the more he becomes a role model to athletes around the world. He is waking up thousands of your h athletes everywhere

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I think they want to keep the delusion of vax making any real difference going but they don’t realize that by doing this they only make people more aware of their absurdity.

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So infuriating. People can see with their very own eyes that the J6 event was mostly peaceful. And yet, upon watching the evidence, they somehow have been so brainwashed that they can not see for themselves the evidence plainly presented to them, believing somehow that this plain evidence is being misconstrued.

What is to be misconstrued about an unedited video of police standing aside and welcoming peaceful visitors into the building?

I don't get it.

The issue isn't how Tucker or anyone else is misrepresenting the evidence. The J6 committee did that for us already. These whiners should be directing their fury toward THAT group of miscreants and liars, not toward Tucker and McCarthy. But I suppose that then, the whiners would have to admit that they have been duped, lied to, that their omniscient and benevolent and virtuous politicians aren't so omniscient or benevolent or virtuous after all, that perhaps, just maybe, they are being lied to in other ways as well, and well, eventually their entire house of cards might collapse.

I think I am going to find McCarthy's phone number and give his office a call to thank him for releasing the tapes. We need more of this true transparency.

Here are McCarthy's phone numbers:

DC Office 202-225-2915

California office 661-327-3611

As much as I am not a fan of McCarthy, maybe we should unofficially "multiply" him with phone calls supporting his release of the tapes.

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And I would add that we should contact our representatives and demand they facilitate the release of the tapes to the public at large.

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Yes. I have a liberal but supposedly liberty loving congressman. I always like writing about serious matters like this. Even though he stopped responding a while ago.

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My biggest question, besides Epps, what other FBI operatives were in the crowd? Did the facilitate the damage to the Capitol? Were the Capitol police told to cause chaos? Why were the lines of communication shut down? Alllll of this to eliminate Trump?! Makes me want Trump back in even more now.

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Pelosi's extreme hatred of Trump. Provoke, round up and incarcerate all supporters with total disregard to their rights all to get revenge, put them all in goologs just like they did to the Japanese and China is doing to the Uyghurs. Notice how liars always over exaggerate their innocence. People who tell the truth do it simply.

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Typical Bolshevik operator ... the end justifies the means and even the abolition of Truth, the Good and a moral rule under God. Thus, 'government' is rendered a clown show fraud.

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Was Lt. Byrd told to shoot Ashli Babbit so that they could say Jan. 6 was deadly?

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Thanks for the numbers! I am not a fan of McCarthy either but was thinking the same thing. I’d like to encourage him to get more courageous in his responses.

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It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome

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My mom suffers from that. & Fully boosted of course.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023

Tucker mentioned that a lot of footage was just hours and hours of empty rooms....obviously the tapes were running even if no one was in a room. It seemed clear that most of the unrest occurred outside, so I'd like to see more footage of all the outside activity. The footage inside the capitol was a big nothingburger....people just milling around, many of them in awe of the place and taking photos and selfies, but nothing dangerous looking. Even if the capitol police were not ready for what happened overall, inside the building shows the police to be relaxed and unworried about the crowds milling around.

It's worth remembering that the MSM and their collaborators only wanted to show the bad behavior of a group of people outside, and they didn't seem to want us to see the people peacefully walking around inside, harming no one. The MSM clearly wanted to further their narrative that everyone present was behaving badly like those outside who obviously WERE behaving badly. I'd like to know how many bad actors there actually were outside. Most of the scenes were tight shots, so you couldn't really tell what the numbers were.

And what about Ray Epps? He is on camera inciting people to go inside. He he appears to be untouchable. Well, most of us know whose payroll Ray Epps was on.

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I just unsuccessfully tried calling the two McCarthy numbers - DC Office just rings and rings. California office has no way to leave a message. Not during work hours, but usually I can leave a message for legislators. Hmm. Copernicus thanks for the handy phone nuymbers, though.

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Hmmm, that is indeed strange.

I called the DC office, and it rang quite a few times before answering to voicemail. I suppose you could try again today or tomorrow, or find his email contact form online. I usually just search the pol's name + contact to find what I need.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The response to Tucker Carlson's foray into the video truth of January 6th left little doubt that our Rhino republican leadership is on the same left leaning liberal team as the democratic leadership.

Did anyone else feel Tucker's January 6th coverage was subdued in response to the yesterday's attack on Fox?

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Yes! The Unitparty again. And God help us. And Pthalocyanine may be right in 'made to back off'.

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It’s just fine, the undercover FBI officers dressed in Maga gear, complete with Red Hat. But a police officer trying to blend in to reach a desired location in the capital to save senators, well....that’s not good. Trump should hire this man as part as his detail. Wouldn’t that make a great ending to his story?

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Tail pinned on the Donkey right where it needs to be. Kind of says it all.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Watched Tucker both nights. The second night seemed "off". Not as much dramatic footage, time filled with other stories that there was no time for the night before. I hope FOX higher ups had nothing to do with it. It might have just been me, but it seemed like night 2 just didn't give the punch that night 1 promised. Who knows?

Black man shot by a cop - "Release the Body Cam Footage NOW"

J6 video footage - "Releasing it to Tucker Carlson is an Existential Threat to Democracy and will tear us apart."

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agree he was made to back off

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Seems like it.

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