Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That food pyramid confirms my suspicions they're trying to kill us. Fruit juices, cereals, and heavily processed non-fat yogurt, canned fruits? Maybe good choices...if you're begging for a diabetic diagnosis. Oh well, I'm off to cook up my breakfast. Eggs fried in real butter. ๐Ÿ‘

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Anyone else disappointed crickets and cockroach paste didn't have a strong showing here?

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๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿฆ—

Notice there isn't 1 real vegetable listed? Sweet potato fries & chips don't count. Are they preparing us for the end of farming?

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Someone needs to figure out who funded this study - the money trail should be illuminating.

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Well, not saying that these folks funded this study, but the Seventh Day Adventist Church has been behind a huge amount of the dietary nonsense like this. Search โ€œBelinda Fetke Adventist Churchโ€ or โ€œGary Fetke Adventist Churchโ€ for many links. Dr Gary Fetke is an Australian orthopedic surgeon who several years ago was forbidden from discussing diet with his patients, after helping many diabetics avoid amputation after adopting a low carb high fat (typically animal food heavy) way of eating. His wife couldnโ€™t understand the hostility toward her husband and began digging to discover what financial ties were driving those seeking to take away Garyโ€™s license. This is what she discovered. https://thefatemperor.com/why-the-war-on-meat-find-out-here-from-dr-gary-belinda-fettke-podcast-16/

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A lot of poor people in the south have supplemented their diet with watermelon. . . They're preparing us to be poor.

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I looked at the watermelons in Publix last week. Whole was ~$16.00. No argument that the 'powers that be' don't have our best interests at heart, but at those prices, I question that being the 'go to' for some folks.

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Jan 7, 2023ยทedited Jan 7, 2023

Watermelon is not a year-round food in the US. Wintertime? It's mostly coming from Mexico. Another reason this is a stupid food plan.

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No, just the end period.

Let the good times roll !!

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I had the same thought! ๐Ÿ˜†

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They will be in the Cheerios and Lucky Charms soon enough....

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I wonโ€™t believe it until Capโ€™n Crunch takes the helm. You know, an authority.

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Soylent Something...new color choice?

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There is a reason people ate bacon ever day and loved into their 90โ€™s, they didnโ€™t eat processed foods. Watch a movie called โ€˜That Sugar Filmโ€™ It is entertaining while being highly informative.

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They purposely inverted the food pyramid so we would be sick and need their Big Pharma Meds!

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Completely agree !!!

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They also got off the couch and worked. They ran farms and stores and did laundry by hand and walked almost everywhere they went. Of course, bacon is one of those processed foods.

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That isxwhat I love about city living, whether Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan or any of the old European cities: walking everywhere. Suburban life is killing us.

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Yep, my mom is 86 and eats 2-3 pieces of bacon every morning. She does like her Honey-Nut Cherios with it though. She explains that by putting blueberries and walnuts in it, she is making it healthier. ;) Thankfully, she has never had high blood sugar. When I hear what my grands and great grans used to eat here in the south (and lived into their 90's) I wonder a lot about the role genetics plays in our health.

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Cheerios are full of glyphosate. She needs to get organic cereal

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Agreed, but that is never going to happen. ;)

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I love your mom's rationale for her cereal! A little bit not too healthy treat, and a lot healthy add ons! She keeps herself happy and not feeling deprived.

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As long as itโ€™s not causing her metabolic problems.

There are plenty of Americans who just need to deal w the deprivation of eliminating such a high sugar breakfast (all that stuff, even the blueberries, except the fat and protein in the nuts, is seen by the body as sugar) and they would lose their extra weight and reverse their pre-diabetes quickly.

This idea of โ€œnot feeling deprivedโ€ ends up depriving a lot of folks of their good health and longevity. My own mother is one of those.

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True. Supermarket cereals are pure junk, save British Weetabix. However, blueberries are exceptionally healthy and for that reason, I eat a handful a day..only organic.

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Agree that this is not healthy, but 86 she is what she is. Even on her last blood tests she is not even pre-diabetic. Must have great genes.

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My mother loved meat. The past few years with us, we let her indulge her passion of cooking roasts as long as they were organic. She also loved eggs and ate one a day. She also ate cheese and consumed butter as well as our go to olive oil. She also loved bread and desserts. Besides high cholesterol (a family gene controlled by medication), she did not have any blood sugar or high blood pressure. Having just passed away at 88, I am grateful that she got to enjoy the foods she loved, especially since she died of gastric cancer and could not eat much of anything for 8 months of the illness.. Life is short. Eat healthy, be a faith filled person, laugh and love, and also enjoy the little harmless pastimes that make you ๐Ÿ˜Š. My mom did all of this. May she rest in peace with our Lord. ๐Ÿ™

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My comment acknowledged that for her, it apparently is not causing a problem. Good genes and probably fewer toxic exposures over the course of her life.

My comment was directed primarily at the hordes of folks who think no one should โ€œdepriveโ€ themselves, when the reality is that some meaningful deprivation would solve a lot of their health problems. The problem is that for some folks โ€œa little treatโ€ every day feeds the sugar/carb addiction, and thus perpetuates ongoing health problems. My own mother is one of these people.

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I feed her healthy the rest of the day, so I leave this alone. When mom is happy, everybody is happy.

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My grandmother was one! She lived until 99, and her 3 sisters were similar. My mother died at 95. None of them ever got any real diseases. My mother was still driving at 93.

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Thank you for the recommend, I will definitely watch this !!

Same message as the book Metabolical by Dr. Lustig, Absolutely eye opening!

Check this out!

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I will check it out. Thank you for the recommendation.

I watched the movie and gave up sugar the next day. That was 6 years ago and I have never felt better in my life.

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That is so inspiring!! ๐Ÿ™Œ I read Metabolical, and watched Dr.Lustig on YouTubeโ€ฆand have been off sugar 7.5 months ! I want to be saying the exact same thing you are saying 6 years from now !!! Thanks again!! ๐Ÿ™

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I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but I deleted sugar from my diet 40 years ago because of what my body did after every Christmas season with the homemade candy and fudge and all the sugar. One of the best decisions of my life! I just turned 67 but people think I'm in my 40's or early 50's. If you want to physically age quickly, eat sugar. It has a proven track record. I'll check out the movie and the book!

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So so impressive!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ I donโ€™t really enjoy breakfast food and as a creature of habit I would just grab a Cliff Bar and coffee every morning โ€ฆI had never looked, it has 17 grams of ADDED sugar !! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Not to be overly dramatic, but reading Metabolical was life changingโ€ฆ+ after having a terrible time with Covid (even though Iโ€™m not overweight)โ€ฆ.I was mad at govt., big food & big pharma ! Not eating sugar or processed food is my form of protest !! Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Yup that movie changes your life.

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Bacon rules

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Another excellent movie is โ€œFat Fictionโ€.

Additionally, the Weston A Price Foundation is an excellent source for dietary information, as well as for many other health related topics:


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Yes they are. I often check out their website and have literature from their organization.

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Dennis donโ€™t forget the book from 1956 โ€œThe Fat of the Landโ€ by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

Based on the experience of Stefansson and his fellow explorers in the Arctic regions, as well as the 1 year study done in the US on a purely animal food diet. Great info also about the history of scurvy

Sugar Film is one to watch as well!

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And steak. Donโ€™t forget butter steak ๐Ÿงˆ ๐Ÿฅฉ !

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Yep Dee.... have it all the time.

Brain fog left years ago when I stopped the Green Smoothie crap

Never have felt better and pre diabetes been gone for years

๐Ÿฅฉ for the win ๐Ÿงˆ

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I believe that cold pressed organic green juices are a great *adjunct* to a healthy diet.

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Yum! Sometimes....and this is because I LIKE the taste....I'll just cook up ground beef in a fry pan, crumbled up, mix in a bit of onion, salt and pepper, and then towards the end I'll mix in a bunch of butter. Delicious. I used to eat this as a kid in the 1950s and 60s. I also have eaten eggs cooked in butter and bacon every day for probably the last 10-20 years, and I'm not overweight and I'm very healthy with no meds at 73. No way I would eat the stuff on most of their chart! The recommended items are all full of sugar, too! But the sugar lobby doesn't want its product vilified.

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I thought the same! Idiocracy live and thriving at Tufts!

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But Brawndo's got what plants crave! It's got electrolytes!

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

LuAnne, Yes maโ€™am, I just finished my breakfast of eggs. Although I use coconut oil for frying, I use butter for scrambled. ๐Ÿ˜‚. Iโ€™ve always thought that their pyramids are upside down.

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Itโ€™s country ham, red eye gravy, and scrambled eggs for me! Whee! Oh and biscuits a sorghum. ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿณ

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Because they are!!

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Been that way for 40+ years - and even that original food pyramid apparently shocked the real scientists who worked on the project. They saw the released version and it had nothing to do with what they recommended. That base layer of "grains" wasn't even close. :(

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Iโ€™m not telling anyone to do this but I keep the fat from cooking my (uncured) bacon in a jar in the fridge and use that to cook my eggs (that I get from my chickens ) every morning. I have been eating butter, cheese, when I was a daily milk drinker I always used whole milk, for 30 years as an adult. Every year my cholesterol check passes with flying colors. Iโ€™ve never been overweight and I donโ€™t take any daily meds. When the whole no fat, avoid animal proteins narrative came out I just didnโ€™t buy it and went the opposite direction.

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Lisa, I remember when they started the whole low fat thing - they added sugar to everything or put some chemical in place of the fat. If it says low fat, I say no thanks!

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Low Fat means "No Flavor" - :-)

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Precisely why they added more sugar, especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup (a post war Japanese science discovery from what I read, purportedly unleashed in US markets as some sort of retribution for Nagasaki & Hiroshima, because they knew both it is highly satisfying to pleasure centers in the brain and how it affects the body. Maybe on some level the flaming destruction of food factories isnโ€™t such a bad thing after all) thus the obesity epidemic. Which is a boon to our/the/their for-profit disease care system. Dot . dot . dot .

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Sounds like you do your research too, Het--good for you! A young man that I was allowing to rent my spare bedroom 4 years ago--told me that "big corn" is much more rewarding financially than the "big oil" cartels of decades ago! I thought he was being "flippant" at first--but after doing some of my own research--I discovered he was "spot on". I don't buy anything anymore that has "trans fats" or "high fructose corn syrup" in it--and that is very, very difficult to do. Processed food is the "rule of the day" in our country and its precisely why we have SO MUCH OBESITY and ILLNESS and DEMENTIA!!

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Bacon fat is liquid gold!!

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I do the same thing with my uncured bacon drippings, and I use it to cook anything requiring grease that I'm not using butter to cook. One day I will have my own chickens too, but that requires a move out of my HOA run neighborhood.

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I have talked with several young people in my town (of about 11,000 residents) who have moved from a newer home or HOA setting to rural (farmette or small farm) for the explicit reason of being able to "grow our own food and have some chickens and livestock". These are kids in their 30's and 40's and I applaud their pluck. It's not easy farming - even on a small scale while earning a living in the "modern setting". But they can see what is coming down the pike and I always encourage them to share what they know with their friends and family who are still asleep (which by now--if you are asleep--it's because you WANT to be!!).

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Now--the "elite" call this a Ketogenic diet plan--go figure! IT'S JUST EATING WHAT GOD GAVE US and lovin' what we eat!!

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I do the same thing!

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How about our best ranchers from the Lone Star State STAMPEDING THE SWAMP WITH CATTLE - instead of truckers ramping through DC, I'd LOVE seeing thousands of TX LONGOHORN STEER stampeding the Beltway. Right up to Dirty Joe's front door - and blasting through the "big house" right up to the Resolute Desk and forcing Joe to admit the BEEF IS GOOD!!! I'm not a steak lover--but I do know that the enzymes in MEAT are absolutely necessary on a CELLULAR LEVEL for us to maintain OPTIMUM GOOD HEALTH.

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Hasta be Babylon Bee.

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That list looks like a whacky write up from a corporate office in the 70's

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A Cartoon of sorts!

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This is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen about food. This has to be a joke!

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Nope, this is how the sausage is made. The bullshit studies are put out so they can be cherry-picked cited in legislation and Govt actions. This has happened a billion times before ... esp. egregiously w.r.t. UN climate change legislations.

More recently, the ivermectin trials were initially faked for publication and later designed to fail by deliberate under-dosing.

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Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are proven anti-parasitic remedies for many decades. African citizenry have used them successfully to treat malaria and parasitic infections (from poor drinking water) and a virus is, as Dr. Robert Malone has oft stated, a PARASITE....I finally was able to get a script for human-grade ivermectin 2 weeks ago and then trying to find a local pharmacy that would "fill" the script was another daunting exercise. Finally got my 5 day protocol script which I am keeping in the medicine chest and will use it when and IF I contract this human-engineered coronavirus. It gives me some "peace of mind" to have that filled script readily available!!

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Sadly, the food pyramid has been messed up for ~ 40 years. It has not gotten better with time, especially as you start getting things like "ketchup" counted as a serving of veggies. :(

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The huge amount of grains in that pyramid is what led to the great obesity problem. They are so dishonest in our gvt! All for self interest. The low fat trend was also totally off the mark too. I guess they never heard the ancient Greek philosophy: in all things moderation. We are a culture that does not want to embrace moderation in any behavior anymore.

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And the veg oils!!!

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One thing that always amazes me about the old pyramid, people think eggs are dairy cuz theyโ€™re both at the top of the chart. I donโ€™t eat dairy, and I canโ€™t tell you how many times people have asked โ€˜can you have eggs?โ€™ OMG I just look at them and say โ€˜eggs are from chickensโ€™. The blank look is hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Got the same question once from a friend M.D.

Well, said I much like you did, oneโ€™s from a cow, oneโ€™s from a chicken.

There was a pregnant pause followed by, Oh I guess so.

(You guess, Dr.? Ay yie yie.)

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But that's what we have running the governments of the world now-- a HORRIBLE JOKE!!!

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No, actually this is not the first time this kind of ridiculous stuff has been published.

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Truth be told, I hardly EVER pay attention to anything "governments" publish - I have always been "wary" of "governments". Now... I consider the Federal version to be my ENEMY NUMERO UNO!

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Just gonna go ahead and call it, un-PC as this reads...these foods look like they are targeted at a certain demographic, I'll let you guess which one, to be pushed into a federally-funded school lunch program.

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Bingo - even charitable organizations, like hand2hand are basically wrecking kids' metabolic health. Factory food...makes sense, given factory schools. Sad!

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Love it. Factory education. Thatโ€™s the perfect term for our public education system. So obvious yet I missed it.

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I never considered that - makes perfect sense though, Michele! GRRRRR!!!!

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Fat? Poor? Liberal? All 3 is a safe bet... it really sucks because the kids who adhere to these diets are compassionate and are trying to help the world with their choices...

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Ever hear of German philosopher Johann Fichte? Chances are not! And about the only thing about him that people don't remember is that he famously said, "You are what you eat." As it is, Tuft knows nothing about 'you are what you eat' but I bet you dollars to doughnuts that they know everything there is to know about medically sanctioned grant money. And what they have to say to get it.

I think it was another famous French philosopher who said, "Let them eat Toast Wokies and Fruit Loops." But if you are worried about your medical health, it's better to forget about this advice because this kind of thing got her philosophical head chopped off. Settle instead for canned peaches, chocolate covered almonds and orange juice with calcium. Yum!

By the way, Tufts has a medical school. I bet it is an allopathic joke!

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Also they don't know this:Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.โ€ This famous quote is often attributed to Hippocrates.

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And another "bad joke" played out on humanity! Thanks for the philosophical "history lesson", Dave!

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I have eggs cooked in butter and bacon every single days. If I ate the stuff they are suggesting I'd feel sick all the time. And I'd be overweight

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Good for you - using your God-given critical thinking skills.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

In another year or two, the McCrickett burger will be in the top spot.

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How despicable are these despots calling the shots now!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew was a Muppet character from the Muppet show back in the 70s/80s


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Wow. They really DO think we are stupid. I keep hearing they think that and even knowing that itโ€™s hard to believe sometimes. But this is yet another bit of proof. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

Or, what if it's this...just the general decline of the work ethic?

Some low level propagandist is charged with creating 50 fake accounts, and they know their boss is only going to check a few. The low-level propagandist doesn't think we are stupid, so much as she just needs a paycheck and thinks her boss is stupid; she took the job just to get some income but she doesn't really care, it's a stupid job, and she just can't put in any kind of real effort in.

Well, yeah, I do like making up stories.

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In the vast majority of fake accounts and other chicanery, I think youโ€™re absolutely right! Itโ€™s just a stupid job done by the not too bright and morally bankrupt.

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Could also be someone unfamiliar with American culture, who doesn't know what would pass as a "normal" name -- so he looked up Doctors from old TV shows assuming that would work.

It's like those translated signs where you can see what they were trying to say, but didn't really understand the substance and got it hilariously wrong.

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Or they purposely used it, thinking readers in the UK wouldnโ€™t get it.

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Check some of the comments on this stack today.

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Just testing to see how many are still ...

Rev. 3:17-22 ...knowest not that thou art the wretched one and miserable and poor and blind and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich; and white garments, that thou mayest clothe thyself, and that the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest; and eyesalve to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I reprove and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.

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I know! I am a wretched sinner in need of a savior, sustained by the hope of eternity in Glory. That and nothing more.

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Was just coming here to post the same thing.๐Ÿ˜„

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This was so obvious I assumed it was a deliberate spoof or parody account.

But then, Poe's law applies: with these folks, parody is often indistinguishable from the genuine article.

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Jikkyleaks has a tweet about the fake doctors:

"They are absolutely affiliated with the UK's COVID nudge units coordinated by #brentscrew's Brent Lee."


These nudge units are responsible for some nasty stuff like the red and yellow signs in London that say "Act like you've got it, anyone can spread it"

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Remember his sidekick--the dorky "Beaker", Josh?

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Yep! Meep meep!

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YES! She's a literal puppet account.

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OMG, that's hilarious! Thank you!

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Wikipedia needs to update the doctor's bio to indicate that he is now a she, with an absolutely terrible attitude towards the suffering.

Oh yeah and she's in England.

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I think Wikipedia has a means for reader editing. You submit your edit and itโ€™s reviewed and either approved or not. Iโ€™m remembering something from years ago.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

Regarding Demar, โ€œspoke coherentlyโ€??โ€ฆ Is this the telephone game weโ€™re playing?โ€ฆbtw you canโ€™t speak with a tube down your throat but you can write a note which is what I think happened unless heโ€™s been extubated but I think that would have been announced. Also, you canโ€™t just wake up unless they let you by slowly reducing sedation meds to bring him out of sedation to see how he does, if heโ€™s aware, can communicate by blinking, grip hands, or write a note. It sounds like he responded well to this. Then they resedate you because intubation is no fun.

Anyway this is good news and continued prayers for a full recovery and the truth!!

UPDATE: HIS BREATHING TUBE HAS BEEN REMOVED! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/damar-hamlins-breathing-tube-removed-told-teammates-love-boys-facetime-rcna64628

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

It took some intense listening to realize it was his dad who said that the first thing Damar will say when he can speak, is "who won the game"? Also I noticed that the Bills were going to have a press conference and when I clicked on it showing the reporters waiting, a notice ran at the top that Damar had "passed away" and it was horrible. I had just been listening to another guy talking about how he was waking up etc. Suddenly the video was shut down. I still feel like this is a heavy handed controlled story. But maybe there will be a miracle at the end of it for the actual humans. * Update: 4 PM I just heard Drs in a presser saying that after they removed the breathing tube and he asked "Did we win?" this doctor said, "Yes you won. You won the game of life." (Insert face palm emoji.) These guys are having a real problem getting the narrative straight.

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Something fishy about this "He woke up" story. Don't get me wrong, I am praying for a miracle too.

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It's been fishy since they shut down info at the hospital that night. We had already seen too much.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

I didn't think of that ... that even this might be controlled in the dissemination of information game. Silly me! But that is the trouble with living in Commie Woke America (CWA). You have to go on a huge Fishing Expeditions to know anything at all.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

I hear you Ont, I hear you. I agree. And then President Biden calls the family? If there wasnโ€™t a possible vaccine injury involved would that happen? Seems odd.

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Honestly I can't even imagine Joe Biden doing anything unless he was told to. So who really knows? Ugh.

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And unless it would benefit him somehow!

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Jab Biden is the 10% guy. He has to protect the sales of the Sauce. Can't let the narrative slip away!

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If I was that family, the last thing I'd want to do is here from the moron in chief, Biden. Talk about damage control.

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Maybe it was a performative collapse but togetger with the intended consequences life just got in the way and the performative cpr was a bit too performative, hence the lung thing? Such a psyop would draw out then shame & discredit all the antijabs and support the narrative that vax injury is not a thing? We'll know if he emerges to rage against fake news etc. Or Occams razor maybe it was collidio cardio or whatever - I forget it already - with lung complications from over zealous compressions. Who knows? Nothing is as it seems these days, their is always a 'who benefits' angle.

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Yes! If ever a time called for being โ€˜wary as serpents and innocent as dovesโ€™. Continuously tasting the air for clues and always expecting the trap that must be evaded. Challenging and exciting on one level. More so than video games!

This is why I was immediately skeptical about the plandemic.

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Probably to give money and sign a none disclosure( is that what they call it)

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Thatโ€™s what I was afraid of. Pfizer or Moderna pay off. He will help more of mankind, especially kids, if he and his family speak out. It would place him in true legacy status. Potentially saving millions.

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What? Iโ€™m confused as I find no reports that he is dead. Was this a dream you had?

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Thatโ€™s crazy!!

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I have a feeling we arenโ€™t being told the whole truth about Demar Hamlin...his quick recovery to this point is just a little too miraculous...Letโ€™s hear from him in person and then Iโ€™ll believe it.

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It sounds too much like a script to me. Dude just had a couple of heart attacks and wakes up in the hospital and the first thing out of his mouth is "did we win?" PFFFFTTTTT.... I'll believe he's awake when he's on tv taking interviews telling his story. Until then, I'll remain praying, but skeptical of anything being reported from mainstream media.

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Kind of like that nurse who passed out on live TV following the shot - Tiffany Dover. No one has seen her live anywhere since, and her social media accounts, once active, are barren of any posts since that day. Got curious about this last week and did some digging. Some sketchy websites proclaiming her dead, and some saying that is misinformation. But weird she has not had one press conference since the episode. You'd think with all the internet chatter, the vaxxers would trot her out to prove that those saying she is dead are wrong. So she either changed her name and went into hiding or something bad happened to her.

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Someone said Steve Kirsch should spend his money on finding her! I agree!

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The famous photo of her in the group could have been taken prior to the jab.

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Yes, and there is deep fake trickery everywhere - easy button would just have her hold a presser, say a few words, and all the sleuthing and conjecture would go away. But she hasn't, as far as I can tell. Just one more of a thousand things that make you go hmmm....

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

Agreed. I think something Bigger will happen to take the focus off this story. It will disappear, just like Our Freedom!!!

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How about the purported VIOLENCE and INJURIES as an excuse to end FOOTBALL as a sport in the US. Do you think this could not happen?

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I understand that is being attempted.

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Anything Is possible.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

Yeah like a made for TV movie.

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I see it coming

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If Waynel Sexton makes an appearance, then for sure. 9 minutes

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Just read that Damar had a video skype first with individual teammates, then an address to the entire team. Praise God.

The vaccine thing is part of the story but the real story here is the power of a hundred million people praying for someone.

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Whereโ€™s the note? Whereโ€™s the video? Hoping for the best but Iโ€™ll believe it when I see it. So the buffalo bills tweet this โ€œDamar Hamlin FaceTimed into our team meeting today to talk to players and coaches.

What he said to the team: โ€œLove you boys.โ€ โค๏ธโ€ does that mean he spoke or he wrote another note?

This article takes it to mean breathing tube removed. Hmmmm.


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So heโ€™s been extubated and now heโ€™s a Chatty Kathy Skyping with all his teammates, I stopped believing anything the lying liars of the media report long ago! I do wish Damar a full recovery and I will continue to pray for him and his family.

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There's a big difference between questioning what we're told and immediately going to ridiculous explanations. So what's their long-term plan here, to prop him up in bed and bring in a ventriloquist? Maybe clone a body double?

I question everything also, but that doesn't mean dreaming up absurd explanations to buttress wild conspiracies with zero supporting evidence. That's as bad as people who unquestionably accept everything.

A prayer-driven miraculous recovery is far more plausible than this is all made up. Perhaps they are overstating his level of recovery, but anything beyond that is wild speculation with *nothing* to support it.

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The entire team is in on the conspiracy, okay. Maybe it's like Weekend at Bernie's.

Seriously, I'm on board with conspiracy theories as much as the next guy but there has to be some actual evidence. We demand critical thinking of others but don't hold ourselves to the same standard?

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Just wait a little while. Or sometimes a long while.

Was it Reagan who said, โ€œA lie travels around the world in the time it takes the truth to get itโ€™s shoes on.โ€

The truth will come out, but it has to be released and unmuffled first.

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I will believe he is recovering when I see him in person. Until then I will not believe the lying MSM. EVER.

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This is not the first time an NFL player has been seriously injured on the field. Pro football's troubled history of Injuries. - https://tinyurl.com/4fub53kh

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Was that a field injury? Seems more a case of the Suddenlies.

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Completely agree

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So true!

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I suspect some of those fake doctors are on his medical team. I could be wrong and pray that I am, but it seems unlikely.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

Also, every report I read says โ€œHis lungs continue to heal and he is making steady progressโ€

And my thought is, his lungs? I thought his heart needed to heal ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

I mean, I understand heโ€™s on a breathing machine but I thought that was essentially life support, not because his lungs were damaged.

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My thoughts exactly. Has no one in the media asked these questions? I guess that was rhetorical...

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Itโ€™s possible his lungs could have been damaged during surgery and/or the vent was turned up all the way because he was still struggling for air. This happened (still donโ€™t know what caused it definitively) to someone very close to me. Had an aortic dissection, nearly died. He was extubated but couldnโ€™t breath on his own so was re-intubated. By the third day, the vent on full power the last resort was ECMO. He was on for 8 days. Drs were sure he would need rehab, never be the same, etc. He went home a week later ๐Ÿ™

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Holy cow, great story.

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It is rather miraculous. There were a lot of people praying. Upon re-reading my comment, the point was to say the lung story may not be bologna and the confusion around it could be real. The confusion with the media reports seems as per usual though... It's sad to think that, "we the people," just don't get the truth from the MSM. Thank goodness for C&C and so many alternatives to provide better journalism!

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I know that caught my attention as well. Part of the narrative is either missing or just plain wrong.

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CPR if done right usually cracks some ribs. Itโ€™s not as glamorous as they fake it on TV. Not saying that is the โ€œlungโ€ injury.

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I saw one report that he had blood in his lungs ~ an unverified report, of course.

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Well CPR itself is violent. And now I remember they had him on his stomach to take pressure off the lungs. So youโ€™re right, something is going on there.

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CPR can collapse the lungsโ€ฆ as a result of the compression

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My sis has a friend who took the booster and a week later had a massive heart episode AND clots in his lungs. Almost died, had several heart episodes in the next couple days (hospitalized) but after a couple weeks recovered and came home. Major rehab needed BUT heโ€™s a lib and swears it had nothing to do with being boosted ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ thought it was some virus or parasite he caught.

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The players association (union) press conference with press reporters says there were 3 of the top US ER docs ON THE FIELD, attending.

But another report says an assistant coach did the CPR.

The SPORTS-press conference was very small.

Unfortunately I didnโ€™t save the video link, which in one of my many Substack free subscriptions.

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โ€œThe players association (union) press conference with press reporters says there were 3 of the top US ER docs ON THE FIELD, attending.โ€

Well, thatโ€™s an interesting โ€˜coincidenceโ€™. If true, that sounds miraculous right there.

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I have yet to see one Doctor be interviewed from the hospital by a reporter about his condition.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

I watched a livestream hour-long press conference from UC hospital yesterday afternoon with two of his doctors. They said Damar is not talking because he has a tube down his throat, but he wrote on paper asking who won the game. The doctors answered lots of reporters' questions, but you can tell the narrative is being carefully controlled. They totally avoided addressing WHY a healthy young athlete could possibly have had a heart attack like this. They emphasized that they are focused on the immediate present, not the future, in regards to his recovery. Also, the reporters asked very repetitive questions, which is not surprising.

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Crisis actors and staged events are the new normal.

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I saw a very short clip of that press conference and before I even knew what I was watching, I picked up โ€œstagedโ€ vibes.

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*visualizes Viking Guy at Hamlin bedside*

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Suspicious yet? This polished interview aired on the evening of the game. Does it sound scripted as forknowledge to you? - MSNBC - Sports Journalist Kevin Blackistone Interviewed on THE LAST WORD


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Fox pushing CPR this am and the fake narrative!!

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Because of my years of research on Gov. sponsored terrorism, I hold a private suspicion that the entire Demas Hamlin event was STAGED. Don't cancel me, Jeff

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what would be the purpose for staging?

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My tin foil hat says maybe they want to cancel football ๐Ÿˆ because they know something about the condition of playersโ€™ hearts and know thatโ€™s only going to get worse over time and they canโ€™t risk multiple incidents like everyone just saw. Weโ€™re being programmed to believe it is not jab related; itโ€™s just that horribly dangerous game.

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This is not the first time an NFL player has been seriously injured on the field. Pro football's troubled history of Injuries. It appears to me that Live Media made Damar's collapse sensational even before it was revealed to be related to a heart attack - https://tinyurl.com/4fub53kh

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Dr. Peter McCullough Debunks Media Conspiracy Theory Blaming "Commotio Cordis". (Advance to minute 8.)


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I agree ๐Ÿ’ฏ!

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Ya Iโ€™ve learned not to trust the media for anything, including the truth in this situation. IF he is recovering this quickly and fully then God deserves the credit for a miracle. If not, shame on every one of them for their lies and deception. Iโ€™ll wait until we hear from him directly. If that is ever allowed to happen.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

Iโ€™d like to know if heโ€™s still on the ECMO?

Bringing him out of sedation a little to test him neurologically is normal and it sounds like he responded by squeezing hands and writing a note, then they resedate him and start trying to lower the life support measures to see how his body responds to sustaining itself...if possible. Itโ€™s still a really long way to go but if he truly responded then itโ€™s hopeful.

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I agree. But doing all this so quickly? I just donโ€™t trust the media for one second. They are liars and deceivers. Iโ€™ll wait until we hear from him/see him directly.

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It is normal to periodically lower sedation to check for response. That doesnโ€™t mean any of the life support measures have been lowered.

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I wonder how THEY can make more money off this very sad situation, dead or alive. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ก My thought is is that's what THEY are talking about right now. AND I'M NOT meaning the family.

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They have raised over 7 million $ so far! For the Hosptal he is in. Saw this on Fox early am today.

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It is for Hamlinโ€™s favorite charity (like toys for tots), not the hospital.

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I know of a lady in our small town that was at a wedding in the middle of the conversation she dropped over it was a wedding where there were lots of nurses ( she too was a nurse) they revived her the next day she went home as if nothing happened

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Please provide a link that confirms he was ever on an ECMO? I have searched and could find nothing. I know search results are supressed frequently, so would appreciate assistance.

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Coffee & COVID Wednesday Jan 4, 2023

Need to ask Jeff for his source.

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Social media, too.

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It sounds too much like a script to me. Dude just had a couple of heart attacks and wakes up in the hospital and the first thing out of his mouth is "did we win?" PFFFFTTTTT....

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Yeah I'm calling BS on this one. Plus, doing morse code in hand squeezes is no easy task.

Dont get me wrong, I have deep sympathy for the lad, it's the narrative I'm ridiculing.

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I agree. Itโ€™s too slick. Was being blasted everywhere yesterdayโ€ฆ Even the radio.

It sounds like Kamala Harrisโ€™s storyโ€ฆ when her mother asked her what she wanted and she said โ€˜fweedomโ€™ โ€ฆ uh huh, yea right.

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It's like a hallmark movie! It's emotional so people don't use logic!

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I wondered about that as well, all the above. Of course I pray he and everyone else will recover. Maybe heโ€™s the miracle. Berenson did an interesting bit yesterday regarding speculation about Damarโ€™s situation. it was finally enough for me to cancel even my free subscription.

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When you run the numbers on Berenson's paid subscriber substack revenue alone he's pulling in over a million a year. Adding on top of that there are book sales and the secret twitter settlement (which people donated to fund). He's got quite a little enterprise going.

I have nothing against people making a living, I've got a job myself after all. But when people turn their activism, and other people's good-faith support of their cause, into a money making scheme, it's a huge red flag. There are plenty of them supposedly on our side on this issue besides Berenson. Dr Malone (who I've admired) is also making big bucks of his substack and only allows paid subscribers to comment`.

First it's an idea, then a movement, then a business, then a racket. The more widespread something becomes the more likely it's turned into a racket in my experience. Be careful where you send money.

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Yes, I quit Malone's stack as well as the 'paid subscribers only' comment restriction rubbed me the wrong way. I too agree that people need to make a living but there's a fine line between getting compensated for one's time and efforts, and feigning advocacy and public service but it really being just about the Benjamins. There's a local talk radio guy I really like, was one of the few early 'not getting the shot' advocates and was just a 'regular guy' kind of voice but did his homework. It's landed him a bigger audience these days and now he constantly shills his podcast, and his new substack that is subscriber only. Teases 'exclusive' commentary and the like. I'm not nearly as big of a fan today. I don't begrudge his success, but I do think ego does strange things to people.

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Chris S?

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Jan 7, 2023ยทedited Jan 7, 2023

Yep, I actually considered bucking up but he got so annoying promoting it on the air and on his podcast I decided not to. I'm contrary that way. Do you agree? Or are you a Harrumph Society member?

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โ€œ Yes, I quit Malone's stack as well as the 'paid subscribers only' comment restriction rubbed me the wrong way. โ€œ

Same hereโ€ฆ with Malone AND Berenson.

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The last time I checked, Berenson only allows paid subscribers to comment as well.

Whatever you think of Malone, I lost all respect for Berenson when he attacked Malone on Tuckerโ€™s show; a bushwhacking that had nothing to do with the topics being addressed. It was petty.

Berenson comes across as arrogant, rude, and narcissistic; a real turn off.

I subscribed to Berenson initially because of his crusade to expose the Covid fraud, but I came to dislike him after his unrelenting trashing of Ivermectin/ Hydroxychloroquine, his diving into political issues which promotes his very left leaning ideology, and the undignified public attack on Malone. Often comments he receives on his Substack are less than flattering, sometimes hostile, because of this (the Malone thing, his stance on Ivermectin, and his views on politics.) I think a lot of previous admirers of Berenson have become disillusioned with him. I have.

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Many of them now peddling their own Cures and Big Pharma drugs which got us into this mess!

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Is this Jeff Childers??

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Hi Sharon - I know it's confusing but I've been commenting on half a dozen Covid substacks for nearly two years under "Jeff C" which really is my name and initial. I've been using it on other places on the internet for ten years.

Our host comments using "Jeff Childers" and he's never complained about my screen name (that I know of). Plus I was using it elsewhere before becoming a regular commenter here.

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Thanks, "other Jeff C" - I thought Jeff Childers was trying to "go underground"--LOL!! I SO appreciate what he and his team in FL are doing to preserve our Constitutional freedoms and rein in the behemoth, evil Federal government. I now consider that particular government to be our enemy!!

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Oh heck no, IMHO. Jeff and C&C is my #1 substack,. Even if life gets busy and I skip the rest I never miss C&C. Not sure of his motivation, other than it's the right thing to do; as a Christian he felt called to push back, and this is his way of doing it. As someone who also bills by the hour (but not a lawyer) I understand being compensated for his time. And he is not outrageous about the 'ask', dropping it in every other paragraph and such as some do. I can't afford the $500 though but still allows comments from us freeloaders, and deeply appreciative of that. I do chip in for all the multipliers, though.

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Ditto, Donna!! I just deleted my MeWe.com account - went on that platform in January of 2021, after deleting my Facepoop account (was on there for almost 12 years). They suppression and tyranny and intrusion were just more than I could bear. I appreciate C & C so much and Atty. Childers is truly a grand researcher and patriot!

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I ditched FB for MeWe in Jan 2021 also although I still have the MeWe account. But an awful lot of over the top stuff and only got a handful of friends to follow me over there. Haven't been on it in a while. I did go back to FB though, I am involved in a lot of local and regional politics and sadly every candidate has a page and 4 political groups I belong to use it as their primary message board.

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What bugs me about him is his smug refusal to listen to people with experience in a field who tell him what theyโ€™ve seen and concluded. Like his wife regarding cannabis users and Dr Kory and others about ivermectin. I mean, at least give them credit for being more experienced and attuned to what is going on. His insistence on RCTs being done before he believes ivermectin is effective is very narrow minded and short sighted. He doesnโ€™t seem to understand that no one will do an expensive RCT for an off patent cheap medication. His refusal to take Tess Lawrieโ€™s meta analysis into account is also extremely frustrating.

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My intuition is that he found himself on the wrong side of one narrative and he was terrified that he would lose all credibility with the establishment and so to hold his place in the media, he decided to ride two horses. Never really works out.

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You may be right, probably you are. And that, I wouldn't respect. But on the possibility that he is shooting straight about what he really believes, I respect it if he is. Because even when I disagree with him, what I'm most sick of is people who lie to please the group they are in or the people paying them, as was done by so many throughout COVID.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

RunningLogic - My impression of Berenson is that heโ€™s a typical liberal, kind of like Steve Kirsch. They want to be on the right side of the vaccine issue, but theyโ€™re on the wrong side of just about everything else. There is a deep flaw in the reasoning and logic of liberals, which stems from the spiritual. They may acknowledge โ€œaโ€ god, but most donโ€™t know God. Thatโ€™s obvious with Berenson because he is Jewish.

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My impression of Berenson is he's typical Yankee and worse - a New Yorker.

That's more than reason enough to unsubscribe for this Southerner.

But it was his incredible rudeness to unnecessarily blindside Dr. Robert Malone on Tucker - accusing him of lying about his mRNA patent - that made me unsubscribe.

I can't stand Yankees, but I hate assholes even more.

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Did Alex get jabbed? I know Steve Kirsch ran out and got he and all his kids super jabbed up.

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My wife is in healthcare and we have taken ivermectin in the past. However, she spent time researching last weekend and concluded she will not be taking it in the future... I haven't gotten to discuss the details yet with her however.

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Strange. Others are finding ivermectin to be effective.

Posted yesterday, this shows IVM patients cleared up in 9 days vs 12 for placebo group.


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It worked for me. I also had HCQ and doxycycline along w Z stack. If it werenโ€™t for the vertigo I got for 10 days I would have been fine. 3 days of body aches, fever and extreme fatigue (my dog had just had a second ACL surgery so I was sleeping on a dog bed next to him on the kitchen floor ๐Ÿฅด) but no respiratory symptoms. Very interested in this thread ๐Ÿง

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Another dog lover!๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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Johnny-O didnโ€™t say it was not effective, he said something in her research made her decide they wonโ€™t be taking it anymoreโ€ฆperhaps a side effect?

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Once Omega became the dominant variant, the FLCCC protocol for early treatment had an update saying that HCQ was preferred. Itโ€™s easily overlooked on page 4.


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I found it effective the first time I got covid - it helped a lot actually. She also benefited from it. My wife is usually right about stuff like this so I'm interested to see what she has learned

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Keep us posted!! Good man that trusts his wife!!

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Could be gut issues like celiac, could be some drug interaction. HCQ cannot be taken by those on metaformin, no grapefruit w/statins, frex.

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Please keep us updated on details - it's interesting

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I used to give ivermectin to my border collie and sheep for parasites many years ago. It was standard practice back in 2006 and I followed what ranchers around me did. I stopped after a year because it made my animals feel sick.

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Please, do tell!

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Yes, too many other better substacks than his. Cancelled him a while back, although frankly don't even remember what is was over, haha.

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Yeah, when you're done with him it's truly over. For me it was at least a year ago. Maybe more. He used to troll his own subscribers. LOL.

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Oh wow. Iโ€™ll have to check that out. Iโ€™m not a follower but now Iโ€™m curiousโ€ฆIโ€™m looking for the piece you are talking aboutโ€ฆthe one I found wouldnโ€™t cause you to unfollow. What did he say? Link?

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Alex attacked the covid whistle blower Docs, and also disputes any IVM study showing it's effective. He really rants about IVM is useless.

Yet he is a bigwig in the covid blog biz.

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I think he wants to remain CREDIBLE AND RELEVANT! Being more Neutral keeps him on both sides of this whole debacle!!

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He could be quite brain damaged from not breathing for so long.

Having a permanently impaired survivor of the Jabs could be worse for the narrative than if he had just died.

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Based Florida Man

However, if he truly did write a note and squeeze hands, those are good signs.

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But, where is the note if it exists? Wouldn't that be flashed everywhere?

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Oooh good point

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Indeed. He had great care available to him.

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Update: reports say The breathing tube has been pulled and he attended team meeting via Skype saying โ€œlove you boysโ€

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It seems to have gotten a PA Senator elected!

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I agree. It sounds a little fishy to me. I believe it is a well-crafted story line. I hope that he is recovering, but if he doesn't, I wouldn't put it past the media to cover it up because that would really change the narrative. Kind of like the nurse who took the first COVID 19 vaccine on live TV and passed out; is she still out there???

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Someone said Steve Kirsch should spend his money finding her!! I agree!!

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Yeah, someone I follow is convinced this is CO and grooming the sheep for what is to come....

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Dr Peter McCullough stated just last night that Demar was put in a medically induced (reversible) coma to allow his brain time to heal... hmmmm.....

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Yeah it sounds a little like a soap opera "wakes from coma". Just open the eyes and start talking. Right.

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Or they are keeping him alive and feeding us BS until enough time passes (after the Super Bowl, perhaps?) that they can announce his sad passing.

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I was figuring theyโ€™d wait until after their first game on Sunday.

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Do you believe everything you see? I donโ€™t

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It's possible the whole thing was staged. But not clear why.

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MSNBC 1/5/23 - Almost GLEEFULLY....Buffalo Bills coaches, players speak out for first time since Damar Hamlin Injury - https://rumble.com/v246yzs-msnbc-buffalo-bills-coaches-players-speak-out-for-first-time-since-damar-ha.html

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Old news. That was the 5th.

But of course they would be gleeful!

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I'm seeing moves for nominating Kari Lake for Speaker of the House. Wouldn't that be a big boom.

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Thatโ€™s someone I could get onboard with!!! I hadnโ€™t heard that. Wow. That would be awesome. Thanks a lot though ๐Ÿ˜‚ I donโ€™t let myself get my hopes up for anything these days and you went and spoiled that. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Oh hell yes! Don or Kari or someone equally worthy! If enough of the Rep party can repent of their compromising, lilly-livered ways and actually get a righteous desire to defend the American public and attack the Bolsheviks in power, maybe we might have a fighting chance. If they won't take the battle to the Dems and RINOs on the question of House Speaker, then I don't hold out any hope for 2024.

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Something to think about: If the offices of President and Vice Pres should become vacant, say from an impeachment or SADS, the House Speaker is next in line to assume the office of POTUS. It's a shame we don't have an actual conservative party that represents the half of this country that has been disenfranchised since 2020.

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I keep thinking about this too. Third person in line.

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My crystal ball says donโ€™t place your hope in that basket. They are incorrigible.

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There is going to have to be some kind of watershed event to change our trajectory. Otherwise, I don't believe the Bolsheviks can be dislodged and the Fed Gov't is a permanent Marxist tyranny. The only question remaining is whether or not any of the States will draw the line and say, No more. Appears to me that we have already lost half the US population to their ideology. This momentum may just carry the US all the way to the bottom. When I look at historical examples of empires ending, I don't see a way out.

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Thatโ€™d be awesome!!!

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Did you see Matt Gaetz nominated โ€œPresident Donald Trumpโ€ yesterday? https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1611147186326351873?s=20&t=fHRVhSv80MzFgxZw_V6EYw

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I don't know how to get the Rep Party to do it but if the Don was named Speaker then we would start to see some real warfare. Get OBiden and Harris impeached and then slide the Don back into office. Then he could name Kari as VP and Ron as AG. What a dream team! If that were to happen, then I'd go for broke and name Jeff for Gov. Hey....don't spoil my dream!

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Yes, maybe we can get another operation warp speed!!

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BFM - Kari Lake! Wouldnโ€™t that throw them for a loop! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Yes, please!

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Really? Do you have a link possibly?

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Just chatter on twitter.

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Like they say, the vax wasn't brought in for covid.

Covid was brought in for the vax.

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McCarthy has been rejected 11 times. This is not the same as trying to kick a field goal, where persistence can develop your skills. Itโ€™s more like failing a driving test 11 times. He should give up before people get hurt. Or more like, someone rejecting a marriage proposal 11 times. Have some self respect dude and walk away.

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What bugs me even more is that he has apparently been saying heโ€™s โ€œearnedโ€ it??? How??? By being a stooge for the Dems??

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Folks make fun of the "holdout" republicans. I want to tell the disgusting rino's to STOP compromising and surrendering conservative and Constitutional issues. We've slept and compromised far too long.

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Exactly!! He voted with Dems 65% of the time!! Wears a Ukrainian scarf and pin!! Get the F...OUT!! And get out of the actual office, you havenโ€™t earned anything but our disdain!

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No, by being a stooge for lobbyist and power brokers that front run stocks based on what will be passed and when.

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Like it was Hilliaryโ€™s TURN for the White House. Delusional and deplorable.

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What bothers me are all the Republicans who are voting for McCarthy! If most people knew how the House has been running the last several years, they wouldn't want McCarthy either! Sadly, many people don't have a clue. It's become a back room deal organization where a small handful of people get to call all the shots and it usually favors the democrats. Yesterday, I watched Rep Dan Crenshaw (TX) call the holdouts "enemies" & "terrorists" for not voting for McCarthy. He was seething with anger. My heart sank because I truly believed Crenshaw was a good guy.

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I thought Crenshaw was a good guy for a while too. Then saw he was a young global leader graduate ๐Ÿ˜”

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He duped a lot of people. TX needs to dump that WEF pirate.

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You're probably right. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

He got pushback about his name calling and his reply was lame. He basically said people are too sensitive. Just more gaslighting by someone who I expected more from based on the fact that half of the nation's people, who simply questioned the narratives, have been called names for the last 3 years. Science deniers, anti-vaxxers, grandma killers, election deniers, conspiracy theorists, terrorists, far right extremists, insurrectionists...you name it.

SO YEA DAN, people ARE sensitive and YOU should know better!

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Three years? Hillary called us deplorables!!

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Eyepatch McCain

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Yes, Crenshaw fooled a lot of us for a โ€œlittleโ€ while. But it didnโ€™t take long for his true colors to come out.

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We don't have any patriots left except a few like Lake, Trump, DeSantis and Gaetz. The Congress is a totally bought and corrupt body. Simply put, we are suffering through the latter days of the American Empire and it's collapse. Comparisons to the collapse of the Roman Empire are appropriate.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023


I have a Classics degree with an emphasis on Roman history. We are so far beyond the Romans' moral degeneracy that it isn't even close.

Yesterday my wife and I drove down to the City to take our college senior daughter to the Van Gogh Immersive Experience (which was awesome, btw.) The whole thing got off to a bad start tho when the man examining our tickets was parading around in a chiffon dress, wearing blue eye-shadow and other obvious makeup.

So freakin' sick of trannies. Gross.

This Republic is over - mark my words, we will not make it.

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Oh my goodness! I'm in the FL panhandle (we call it Lower Alabama lol) and that wouldn't fly here. We're too red-neck. He would catch so much ridicule.

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๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚. L.A.! I was born and raised and lived half my long adult life there. I had forgotten that saying. Thanks for the memories! I love lower Alabama

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Iโ€™m not sure about DeSantis....

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Plenty of Patriots; just not in government positions of power. It is a tremendous challenge and life will get seriously interesting ๐Ÿค”

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How is the person who gave us operation warp speed a patriot exactly??

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Well if the jab is an effective depopulation tool and the majority of jabs have been taken by the democrats then Trump may have executed the greatest purge of marxist demons in history.

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It is laughable to think the democrats are marxists. They all support wall street and war, big pharma, etc. Both sides do, including yes Trump. This is the system, no matter who is in charge.

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You need to stop perseverating on a not at all useful issue for this very critical time.

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Eyepatch Mccain is as much of a traitor as the original the mccain.

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Crenshaw outed himself some time ago.

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Greenwald has Justin Amash on last night discussing this. It was quite good...

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Right! How ugly to be refused that drivers license and marriage proposal! Itโ€™s obvious he continues to think thereโ€™s something wrong with โ€œthemโ€ not him!! Oh goodness!

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They wonโ€™t let him quit, I donโ€™t believe he has a say. He is Their pick, bought and paid for and they canโ€™t afford to loose. Itโ€™s life or death. Heโ€™s got to be embarrassed but he wonโ€™t walk away. Just praying the brave 20 hold out! And of course no Rhino goes Dem. Political ruin but unfortunately money talks and They have a lot!

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Wondering if our โ€˜wonderโ€™ Governor has opined. Seeing as how heโ€™s got his eyes set on D.C. now and everyone knows it. Is he with the establishment or the 20?

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Hold out for what? In Qtardia, I see these people yelling, "Hold the line."

Do they not get that the Dems peel off a deal with six Republicans and that's it, it's over?

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Today is the day to finally sort out changes for an agreement. The Dems only need six Republicans to do a back room deal and put Hakim Jeffries in the Speakerโ€™s seat.

Anyone who thinks the Dems are not trying to pull that off is mistaken. 218 is the number.

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Anyone who thinks there's DAMN bit of difference between a Dem Speaker and the GOPe, hasn't been paying attention for the last 20 years.

Nancy or Kevin - just two different wings of the Uniparty.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

Obviously the Dems are REALLY REALLY WANTING a D'mRepub to continue their agenda. Of course.

What the Republican party needs is a good THRESHING and that can only be done by a strong dividing wind.

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I guess a Dโ€™mRepub was what we had under G.D. (Oops, I mean G.W.) Bush.

What a waste of breath.

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If you don't make some rule changes, declare victory and vote in a Speaker, you can land up with nothing and worse, a partly Dem-controlled House. Hoping today is the day to keep that nightmare from happening.

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They need six Republicans to commit political hari kari.

Not gonna happen.

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Sadly, with today's RINOs, it's _quite_ possible for that to happen. :/ Then they'll get all sorts of lucrative bonuses so they will be set up for life.

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Yep, a quick 2year stint in the House with its lifelong perks and insider trading possibilities will set ya up for life. No easier way to become wealthy and then cash out with your lobbyist buddies when youโ€™re done.

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And some elections are undoubtedly up for bidding now. If you can pay the cost you no longer have to worry about offending the base.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The funniest thing about today's fake doctor is that they literally used a MUPPET NAME!! The person who made the account didn't even *try* to come up with a realistic name, and that's hilarious to me.

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Me too! And not just any muppet, but an incompetent, overconfident and abusive one (poor Beaker!!). Very telling ๐Ÿ˜›

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I loved Beaker! I didnโ€™t remember the doctor until the wiki post. Well the fake doctor also kept in character ๐Ÿฅธ

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Beaker was so sweet and adorable! He deserved a better boss!

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While I truly pray that this young man (Demar Hamlin) makes a full recovery...there is just something about this story that reminds me of the bizarre Anne Heche incident.

Like some previous posters wrote...one of my first thoughts was that you cannot speak with a breathing tube in your airway. Also...if heโ€™s been in a medically induced coma, he wouldnโ€™t just spontaneously โ€œwake upโ€ unless they began weaning him from the meds (I believe). Then, the report that the first thing he said was โ€œwho won the game?โ€ also seems quite bizarre. The man died (twice was reported)...I believe that he might ask โ€œwhere am I?โ€ or โ€œwhat happened?โ€ IDK.

One last thing...it was reported that his uncle said he had to be revived a second time in the hospital...then that was recanted (why?) and shutdown from the media...again, my internal truth meter is off the charts like a 7.0 earthquake on the Richter scale! I hope that my โ€œfeelingsโ€ are wrong and Mr. Hamlin recovers fully!

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Just like the media to paint a false picture and expect we are too stupid to put 2 + 2 together and get 4.

You bring up legit scrutiny. Iโ€™m withholding all my celebratory comments until we actually see or hear from Mr Hamlin directly. Until then this is all media BS, again.

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Agreed... Cโ€™mon... awake... writing?!?!? Hamlin was put on ECMO...extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.... blood is pumped outside of the body to a heart and lung machine allowing the heart and lungs to heal... conditions ECMO is used is: Heart attack (acute myocardial infarction), Heart muscle (decompensated cardiomyopathy), Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis)...myocarditis... myocarditis.....plus being put into a medically induced coma (?!?) neither of which a patient can just spontaneously wake much less write!?! Geeez itโ€™s been awhile since I practiced nursing in the CCU and ICU, under a renown Ohio cardiac surgeon... idk... maybe lots and lots and lots has changed and there are miracle unicorn meds and miracle unicorn med beds and instant revival hyperbaric chambers not a available โ€œback in the dayโ€..... oh cโ€™mon... really!?!? I call highly coordinated media complicit organized for the public B...S.... this is more like the NFL and governments need to coverup their forced mandated killing shot version of the movie DAVE!!!

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I agree. When I heard he was on ECMO that quickly and that his young and healthy (allegedly) heart had been refractory to defibrillation, as a former ICU nurse I told my husband, โ€˜heโ€™s not going to make it.โ€™ And now heโ€™s awake and speaking?! Iโ€™ll believe it when he holds a press conference.

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May have been a sedation vacation- highly unlikely he could write but might have attempted to mouth some words... itโ€™s possible

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Additionally, the ambulance that took him off the field was sketchy. No hospital logos/branding, lights were not normal, etc

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Interesting question.

Ambulances are mostly private companies in our state, and every state has different laws about what are emergency, police and tow truck lights colors.

Maybe NFL has their own??

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Love ya man! Please keep telling it like it is!

"Today is the second anniversary of the Ray Epps federally-funded Capitol insurrection. Donโ€™t cancel me, Iโ€™m not suggesting anybody celebrate or anything. Iโ€™m just saying.""

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โ€œBut as for me, I would seek God,

And I would place my cause before God;

Who does great and unsearchable things,

Wonders without number.โ€

โ€” Job 5:8-9 NASB1995

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I really want Damar Hamlin to be ok. And I love how so many have put aside differences and come together to pray for another human being. I want it to be true, but something feels off...orchestrated. I know it's cynical, but why do I feel like some of these folks are angling to save the Super Bowl (because it's what Hamlin wants/do it for Damar)?... and that whatever bad news might come won't until after they "save football" and tidy up the narrative?

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Again, I was thinking the same thing. Billions of dollars are at stake with the NFL, and that's not counting sports gambling. I'm thinking we'll get little snippits of "good news" about Damar until the SB is played. Then who knows. The NFL has to placate the players and the masses for the time being. Just my opinion.

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 7, 2023

I donโ€™t think saving football is the narrative theyโ€™re worried about.

Football will be fine.

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Can we take a moment to realize what an amazing victory it is that the mainstream media is knocking itself out shouting "the jabs did not make Demar almost drop dead" ? A year ago it would have been us shouting about jab injuries and them ignoring us. This year it's "Me thinks he doth protest too much." Last week Rasmussen found that 49% of Americans think the jabs may well be killing people? I bet you 10 shares of Tesla stock that this week it's over half.

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Thank you Jeff for all your updates.

I can always count on them to be truthful ,to the point & with levity. Which btw needed badly these days in BIG doses. Hopeful for amazing outcomes.... but learning the hard way to put my hope in the LORD. Had a wise friend that would often say โ€œ it ainโ€™t heaven yetโ€.

Happy Friday Jeff & family we C&C groupies love & appreciate youโ™ฅ๏ธ๏ฟผ๏ฟผ

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Damar Hamlin would surely have passed if he'd been a normal schlep that collapsed from his heart stopping, like the thousands that already have. Many in their sleep.

But he had top quality medical staff just feet away that defribbed him and kept him breathing until he could be stabilized.

For anyone else? They'd be gone now.

I know the other vaxxed NFL players and all the fans that saw this have got to be quite concerned for their own health.

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Sadly, many fans are buying in to the "heart stopped due to the hit" theory - especially the jabbed fans. The mRNA shots can do no wrong! :/

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I had the same thought. Any other person would have been gone.

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โ€œIf Iโ€™m wrong, Iโ€™ll throw a party. And the whole Army will be invited. And weโ€™ll have something a lot better than cookies and homemade ice cream.โ€ Can we wait until February when Iโ€™m finished with Dry January? Pretty pretty please?

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This is the first time I'm hoping Jeff is wrong ~ ๐Ÿ˜น.

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Right????? ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜

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He's not wrong. The Supremes will vote not to hear it, 9-0.

Brunson is laughable.

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Brunson is not laughable. Look how far he and his brothers have gotten. See any โ€œtall building lawyersโ€ achieving what the Bronsonโ€™s have achieved so far?

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Jan 7, 2023ยทedited Jan 7, 2023

It is laughable. All the Supremes have to do is declare Joe Biden and pretty much all of Congress traitors, and they can do that by simply ruling for Brunson and their proposition that the Oath of Office comes with a "treason" clause.

If that doesn't sound crazy, you may've been sleeping during 8th grade Civics class.

And, as Jeff has tried to point out, the Brunson's haven't "achieved" anything on the merits of their claim, in fact they've been denied at every step of the way.

The only thing they've "achieved" is to properly file a petition for a writ of certiorari - a case to review a lower court. It hasn't been ruled on in any way. The Supreme Court has not reviewed the petition at all - that's what the Friday conference was for: to informally vote on WHETHER OR NOT to hear the case.

That's it. That's all they've "achieved" - the filing of a case.

On Monday, the Supremes will reject the petition along with all the other fruitcake petitions filed by flat-earthers, UFOologists, and other nuts who wasted thousands of dollars to ask the Supreme Court to do what it has no power to do.

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At least the Brunsonโ€™s have fight in them and arenโ€™t waiting to be saved by some jackass โ€œexpertโ€

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Donโ€™t knock flat earthers and fruitcakes afterall in todays world prestigious institutions proclaim men give birth

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Jan 6, 2023ยทedited Jan 6, 2023

I do believe I shall now indulge in a healthy, protein-rich meal of watermelon and Lucky Charms while I look up the meaning of "hagiographic".

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers


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I thought โ€œhagiographyโ€ was usually a religious biography, as in the life of a saint.

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Yes, exactly, in this case โ€œSaintโ€ Fauci ๐Ÿ˜†

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