☕️ DOGE DAYS OF THE COLOR WAR ☙ Friday, December 27, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
A war against MAGA is underway, and it is disguised as a Civil War against DOGE. But who's really behind it?
Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Five days left until 2024 becomes a memory. History will decide what kind of record-breaking year it was, fine or foul. The Childers family is hitting the road today for our winter vacation, for some reason seeking colder weather than is available in the Sunshine State. It just makes returning that much sweeter. Today we explore what the Washington Post is calling a MAGA civil war. It’s a much bigger story than it looks.
Elon and Vivek accidentally chewed through a high power line yesterday, and social media has been on fire ever since. The battle lines of a fierce war between conservatives are shaping up. Today’s post focuses not on the debate’s issue, but on the character of the debate itself — and how this is MAGA’s first major challenge from the deep-state. Then we’ll discuss ways to fight back and hold recent gains rather than pop! like the Tea Party bubble.
Corporate media was beside itself. Rolling Stone ran its giddy story late yesterday afternoon under the headline, “Musk, Ramaswamy Face MAGA Uproar After Saying Tech Firms Need Foreign Workers.” But where did the ‘uproar’ really come from? Was it really from Elon and Vivek, or did it originate in some security state skunkworks?
It all started yesterday when Elon tweeted about H1-B visas. He should know, since he owns a handful of companies that depend on the visas. Elon’s perfectly predictable point was that as a tech owner, in his view there is a shortage of top engineering talent among native Americans, and so in the short run it would make American companies more competitive if they have temporary work visas for engineering hires.
In other words, Elon was advocating, at least in part, for the legal immigration of highly qualified, very productive people, from Elon’s perspective of owning a tech company.
Based on the ferocious response, you would have thought Elon called for opening the borders even wider, or for mandatory mint flavoring to be added to all commercially sold ice cream, ruining it (of course), or something even worse, like saying UFO’s don’t exist. Familiar conservative accounts tore Elon a new one, calling him woke, stupid, and nappy-headed, and screamed he should be deported back to South Africa on the first available flight. More than one conservative influencer demanded Elon be immediately ‘fired’ from his volunteer job with the Department of Government Efficiency.
It was the best news ever for corporate media. Finally, an immigration hammer to hand conservatives so they could beat each other to death. Here’s how Rolling Stone gleefully described the burgeoning red-on-red controversy. It began with Musk’s original comment:
In 2016, Trump did argue on CNN that the H1-B Visa is bad for workers, unfair, and should be ended (Clip: 0:24), but he’d used it before, because businesspeople must use the visas otherwise competitors will get an advantage. More recently, Trump has signaled that students graduating from American universities should automatically get a green card (Clip: 2:05). Trump did not weigh in yesterday.
Bottom line, Elon’s honeymoon is officially over, and the wedding party must swim back to the mainland through shark-infested waters. Elon’s stock with some MAGA types had clearly fallen below zero yesterday. Buying and freeing twitter? Who cares! Funding the Trump campaign? So what! Swinging Silicon Valley to MAGA? That’s old news! Elon favors H1-B work visas!
Now, you might think the argument over H1-B work visas is a pretty wonky and thinly sliced issue. You might think it is hardly the issue to torch the MAGA movement over. Stick with me. There’s a lot more to this, and it is dark.
Next, seeing his fellow DOGE-er being savaged in the comments, and noticing a lot of people were misunderstanding Elon’s point, Vivek Ramaswamy decided to spring to Elon’s defense. He landed right in the lion exhibit. Vivek uncharacteristically botched an obviously correct point about American culture not valuing STEM or academic achievement, not when compared to other cultures like Asians and (he should’ve omitted this one) Indians.
Vivek should have just said the American educational system has been hollowed out by wokeness so there are currently more good STEM graduates available from cultures that haven’t gone woke yet. But he went just that much further and things went sideways.
What followed next was some of the ugliest free speech you can imagine, with apparently respectable conservatives throwing around anti-Indian tropes so repugnant I won’t repeat them here. Think gas stations and motels and Apu from the Simpson’s and you’ll start to get the idea. People accused Vivek of racism, complained he smelled like Indian spices, and accused Vivek of wanting to replace Americans with his extended Indian family.
I wish I were exaggerating, but I’m hardly scratching the surface.
At some point in the afternoon, euphoric corporate media began piling on, triumphantly reporting the glorious Fall of Elon at the hands of “his own supporters.” It was the one time media failed to defend legal immigration. If anything, in its glee, corporate media even hinted darkly that H1-B visas might in fact be the worst thing ever, finding common cause with disgruntled anti-DOGE conservatives. Headline from the Washington Post:
Corporate media is so happy today.
🔥 For what it’s worth, I’m skeptical of H1-B visas. But nearly all Silicon Valley CEOs think they are critically needed, and I have no reason to doubt Elon’s good faith. So the issue deserves intelligent debate and inspection.
But, and this is a big but, H1-Bs seem like the least of our immigration problems right now.
I am not terrified of long-standing, well-known legal immigration. I am terrified about the unmonitored illegal immigration that is happening right now, as I write this, as our porous Southern Border continues to be overwhelmed by wave after wave of anonymous migrants, waves that we know for a fact include hardened criminals, serial killers, pedophiles, and terrorists. And I am deeply dissatisfied by Biden’s quasi-legal tricks like giving millions of aliens automatic asylum status, cash cards, and a free iPhone.
Given everything else going on at the moment, you’d have a hard time getting me worked up about legal immigration by productive people who’ve achieved post-graduate degrees and want to help American companies develop competitive, world-leading technologies. I get that DEI policies are punishing American engineers, who are being passed over for “diversity” (and probably also to save money, although how much is more debatable.)
The practical truth behind Vivek’s ‘culture’ comment is that most young foreigners in the U.S. on work visas are willing to work 14 hours a day. Why not? What else do they have to do? Meanwhile, native Americans have been browbeaten into “maintaining a work-life balance” and want to work 40 hours a week or fewer. Since both parents work in most American families, Dad can’t be off working all the time, since he needs to leave early to take Taylor to her dance recital. No judgment; it’s just the truth.
So this seems like a perfectly legitimate argument to hold. Should we erect legal barriers to stop single foreigners from competing against married American engineers? Should American companies be required to prove they’ve exhausted native-born options before hiring legal immigrants? Maybe. A reasonable discussion among people of good faith working to make a better country would be a fine way to handle it.
But … who wants to hold a time-consuming, intellectually demanding ‘reasonable discussion’ when you can just cancel your enemies on social media with slurs and zingers?
And that, dear friends, is how they are getting us.
The deep state’s favorite tool is the color revolution. A ‘color revolution’ is the non-kinetic military overthrow of a foreign government. It begins with the deep state destabilizing an entire society, resulting in massive protests, riots, and factional violence. This produces anger at the undesired foreign government and makes it unstable. When the targeted government finally falls, U.S. security and military personnel are ready to move in and establish a new, U.S.-friendly regime in the ashes of the government the people who live there democratically elected.
All the deep state needs is some sore issue, some disagreement that splits people down factional lines, a social nerve to be pressed down on, and a narrative to weaponize. It could be ethnic tensions, economic disparities, political corruption, billionaires, social grievances, or immigration policies. The key is finding raw material that can be stoked into an inferno. The agencies exploit these social divisions with scientific precision, pouring fuel on the growing flames through targeted misinformation campaigns, selective reporting, and strategic leaks.
Once peoples’ emotions are inflamed, the U.S. security state covertly funnels vast resources into NGO’s, protest movements, influencers, media, and opposition groups, ensuring that the small embers of discontent are fanned into a conflagration of widespread chaos. By the time the target government is overwhelmed by the crisis, the stage is set for intervention—framed, of course, as a noble act of peacekeeping or democracy-building.
This all occurs top-secretly, via classified operations conducted under the guise of supporting "freedom" or "democracy." The cycle culminates in regime change, with the new government always prioritizing U.S. strategic and economic interests. Local interests are completely irrelevant, don’t make me laugh.
The deep state ran a color revolution strategy against the Tea Parties, and look what happened. They’ve been trying for years to start one against MAGA, but so far they’ve been unsuccessful.
Yesterday, they finally had a breakthrough.
Never forget that the deep state and its revolutionary toolbox are amoral, in the same way that sharks and coral snakes are amoral. It’s a kind of amorality that always produces evil. The government justifies these tactics by claiming color revolution is cheaper and less destructive than waging kinetic war using missiles, tanks, bombs, and space lasers. But they know what they’re doing is wrong, which is why it is always kept secret.
They don’t care about anything except power. They don’t care about you, me, life, death, or even their precious jabs. Remember this summer, when we learned the Pentagon got caught pushing anti-vaccine propaganda in the Phillippines while it was mandating the shots at home?
The quantum of official evil is nearly indescribable. If the Pentagon truly believed the vaccines saved lives, then they intentionally doomed countless Filipinos who believed the Pentagon’s anti-vax propaganda (not to mention others outside Phillippines to whom the Pentagon’s propaganda leaked). On the other hand, if the Pentagon knew the vaccines did not work, then knowing that they still forced our U.S. service members to take the shots anyway, along with the unnecessary risks.
It’s calculated hypocrisy. This is how the deep state operates—playing both sides of every conflict, every crisis, every debate, as long as it serves the ultimate goal of consolidating power. They don’t just manipulate narratives; they manufacture them. When caught, they simply pivot, bury the truth under layers of mind-numbing obfuscation, or dismiss critics as conspiracy theorists. It’s a game of plausible deniability, where the human cost is nothing more than a line item on the geopolitical spreadsheet.
In the Philippines, the propaganda wasn’t just a one-off mistake—it was a deliberate operation, coldly calculated to overthrow a government that was becoming too friendly to the Chinese. And it worked. The new regime is enthusiastically pro-American and anti-Chinese, and it already allowing us to build more military bases there.
🔥 In spite of a brief limited hangout resulting in momentary media exposure, no general has ever been outed as the architect of the Pentagon’s vaccine horror show, and none ever will. That general, who ever xe or xhe was, got a promotion, because the operation was successful. The Pentagon even defended it:
But they’ve still kept the details of their anti-vaccine program a secret, because they know it was wrong.
Destabilize here, impose control there, and ensure that ordinary folks foot the bill and settle up with their blood. The Pentagon didn’t care whether their conflicting actions destroyed trust in public health systems, led to fatal covid cases, or fractured communities. Why? Because trust, community, and truth itself are all expendable when weighed against their obsession with dominance. The collateral damage is real, measurable, and tragic, but for them, it’s a price they’re always willing to let others pay.
These same tools of chaos and control used to topple foreign regimes are increasingly turned inward to manipulate American politics. Social media platforms have become weapons of mass persuasion, deploying algorithms to amplify divisions, burying dissenting voices, and elevating approved narratives. What the deep state perfected overseas—disinformation campaigns, psychological operations, and narrative control—it now deploys domestically under the guise of protecting democracy from "misinformation" or "extremism."
The color revolution is a form of psychological warfare, the digital evolution of the CIA's dirty tricks. For one example, in the 1950’s the CIA ran an operation in the Phillippines to kidnap rebels, slaughter them like cattle, and make it look like vampires (which the Filipinos called ‘answang’):
Was it moral? Who cares? It worked.
For a more recent example, consider the country of Georgia. Georgia is a quiet former Soviet satellite located on Russia’s southern border and along the Red Sea’s eastern coastline. So naturally Georgia has been and continues to be the target of recurring NATO operations to install a friendly government that will allow a strategic U.S. military presence.
All this year, Georgia has been rocked by social unrest, the latest victim of the Proxy War. Three weeks ago, the New York Times ran a story headlined, “Protests Erupt in Georgia as It Pulls Back From Pro-Western Path.” The sub-headline explained, “Thousands of people took to the streets after the government said it had suspended talks on joining the European Union.”
Early this month, the BBC ran a similar story headlined, “Georgia’s moment of truth: Protesters demand Western path not Russian past.” Not the Russians! It’s just another US vs. Russia proxy fight.
The problems began back in the spring, when Georgia’s parliament passed a very wonky law requiring NGO’s to disclose foreign funding sources. In May, the Carnegie Foundation (a necon think tank) immediately recognized the proposed “sunshine” law as an attack on the West: “Georgia’s Foreign Agent Law Could Presage a Geopolitical Realignment.”
I’ll leave it to you to figure out why Carnegie thinks more transparency for NGO’s hurts the West and helps Russia.
The falderal over the NGO law destabilized Georgia and led to massive protests. The Kennan Institute, another neocon think tank, ran a story in May headlined, “Georgian Democracy Is Under Threat.” Not again! Behold, some Georgian student protestors with a sign conveniently printed in English for Western media:
The wave of protests against the NGO transparency law was mostly fueled by students. Of course. You might well ask why college students would care so much about a pro-disclosure law requiring Georgian NGOs to disclose their foreign funders. Don’t scoff, by the time the deep state finished with them, Georgian students believed the minor paperwork requirement was literally destroying democracy.
Here’s my prescription for the next two years. First, as I have always said, conservatives should focus on local, local, local. The poster boy for this strategy is Scott “The Persistence” Pressler, who single-handedly swung Pennsylvania for Trump through local voter registrations. The best part of Scott’s story is his early work, before Lara Trump assumed leadership of the GOP, and Scott labored away largely on his own.
CLIP: Scott Pressler describes how he did it and how you can too (8:08).
But second, if conservatives want to avoid getting Tea Partied and losing Congress in the 2026 election, we must develop a strategy to defeat the deep state’s color revolution tactics. I will work on this tirelessly next year. But it must begin with cooler-headed conservatives dampening the flames of controversy whenever the deep state discovers a political nerve and starts pressing down on it.
We can all help be cooler heads. Also, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Call out the deep state tactics for what they are. Don’t silence or cancel anyone, but encourage conservatives to always assume the best about other conservatives, especially our former Democrat friends, and debate issues in good faith instead of rancor.
As one of my old mentors used to say, we should resolve disputes by holding arguments instead of having them.
The H1-B debate will continue today. Can we show progressives a better way to resolve internal disagreements? Can we shut up corporate media’s mockingbirds and make them depressed again?
I guess I’m encouraging the C&C army to flex, by each of us making at least one small effort to help the controversial H1-B discussion get on the right track, which is the track of logic and not emotion. It doesn’t matter which side of the H1-B issue you favor, or whether you hold a strong opinion at all. What matters is not demonizing people with different opinions, but instead working to find consensus or compromise if possible.
I’ve run long again, so Have a fabulous Friday! Scoot back here in the morning for a vacation-style roundup of the essential news and commentary that you need to get through the weekend.
Don’t race off! We cannot do it alone. Consider joining up with C&C to help move the nation’s needle and change minds. I could sure use your help getting the truth out and spreading optimism and hope, if you can: ☕ Learn How to Get Involved 🦠
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I'd like to point out that we wouldn't be in dire need of issuing H1-B visas to recruit scientists and engineers if we had a department of education that actually cared about children...or better yet not having a DOE.
I am of the firm belief the day they stripped tether-ball and outlawed kickball on recess playgrounds was the first day they started a slow stripping of their souls. At first in trickles...and then all at once.
Just like everything else that is de facto controlled by the state. During covid they were exposed as hollow, self-serving individuals (and the "guilds") that put their interest over the very children they are supposed to educate and have ready to adjust to the "real world".
Today's kids don't even have recess. It's simply a time when they are allowed to use their smartphones unsupervised. Yet we wonder why so many children have problems and are on prescribed drugs these days
For those who haven’t yet read the uplifting sequel to my mom’s medical mystery saga, I wanted to make sure you saw the special shoutout I gave to the C&C Army for your prayers solicited by TriTorch. What followed was a seemingly miraculous series of synchronicities that may just have saved her life:
“This truly felt like a Christmas miracle, and perhaps it was, thanks in part to hundreds if not thousands of people around the world having joined in prayer to support my mom, with special gratitude to TriTorch for the following poignant prayer request at the Coffee & COVID (C&C) community.”
• “A Christmas Miracle: My Mom’s Medical Mystery Adventure” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-christmas-miracle-my-moms-medical)
Heartfelt thanks also go to Pierre Kory for catching my mom’s misdiagnosis, saving her from a potentially injurious (or worse) course of cipro, and Mike Yeadon for weighing in with his compassionate expertise.