My initial legal analysis of Bragg's indictment; TSA ends jab mandate, sort of; Bavarian jab injury program explodes; Australia quietly admits Astra jab not safe; your Wednesday video; and more.
👋 Wisconsin Mom here! Really disappointing results in my state last night… Mention anything to do with abortion rights (or marijuana legalization) and the liberals come out in droves to vote. And while they’re at it, why not ruin everything? Also voted a Lib trans activist clown onto our local school board :( Those childless, baby aborting, child mutilating people want say and control over what MY children learn?? Absolutely infuriating.
🗣 Where are the Conservatives?! Many people I spoke to hardly knew there was an election, not to mention an important one and what it was for. Gotta hand it to those self righteous, smug, Ukraine flag bearing Liberals- at least they are passionate about their beliefs… Apparently Conservatives just like to sit home and complain I guess. The Republican Party has become complacent, voters and representatives alike. We got out voted and out spent. Until something important to them is threatened (gun rights perhaps?) we will continue to be the losing party. Time to step it up Conservatives! Better figure it out for 2024! Or by then it might already be too late.
The media did a great job of making sure people did not know there was even an election in Wisconsin. I don’t live there but I had no idea.
And you are right, I see from my surrounding people that most of them don’t care. Conservatives. Christians. People just can’t be bothered to care. By the time people start to care…it will be too late. I think people started caring when Trump came on scene and then 2020 happened and it deflated people. Everything since then has continued to deflate people. Instead of perseverance and courage and fight….we spoiled rotten Americans just gave up, laid down, rolled over and tried to go back to whatever we thought was normal. We have no backbone as a people. Sure, a few of us do. Not nearly enough though. Our neighbors just wanna go to work and live life. They don’t even see that by their complacent, don’t give a crap attitude WE HAVE SURRENDERED.
I am going to my first city council meeting tomorrow. I wrote them all a note asking them not to give a permit to a drag show in the park. One wrote back a polite note (I think she is MAGA) and another woman was not too polite. I guess she wants to permit them. So it is on. I don't know if it will rise to the level of Donkey Kong, but no telling if I get my back up.
When I was writing my note I did notice that there are many synonyms for nasty. Made me laugh. I also noted that many christians prefer to just pray and have no action. Like it is improper to act. Maybe I am wrong. Someone suggested I read "Live not by Lies". Maybe it has spurred me to act. I am only 1/3 the way thru, but energized.
I sent emails to a town in Tennessee where I don’t even live to get the city council to vote no on allowing a gay/trans parade through the town. I heard back from one member who was voting NO to the parade. I have no idea how the others voted. Yet.
Faith without works is dead!
Shame on all of us who “pray” and do nothing else. I put pray in quotes because it is fashionable to say “I’m praying for you”. But how many even actually do it! “Praying” is the easy way out and I’m not sure how many of us actually even do that. I’m glad God is the one who will sort that out. I’ve been guilty of using the words without action in the past and came to a place where if I didn’t mean it, if I knew I wasn’t gonna pray then I stopped telling people that I was or would! End hypocrisy. Period!
Now, for me to say “I’m praying” actually means I am!
I am with you - if I say I am gonna pray you can count on me doing it. A few years ago I thought my prayer life was getting a little well, not very worshipful in attitude. Praying in earnest for others, especially those who ask or who annoy me (haha) has made all the difference.
And AMEN to faith without works is dead and praying without direction for yourself regarding anything evil? Pffft. You put it so much better than I could. Thank you. without faith is dead as well. I worked heart and soul for so many years with nothing to show for it. I did not pray, I just worked. Raptor, Sunnydaze, you are making me think.
No maybe Michael. You are right! Works are evidence of faith. An outflow. They don't earn you a spot in heaven though. THAT is faith alone in Christ alone!
Dig into your Bible Michael and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. He will.
lol,I would hope it does.Prayers do matter.Prayers can focus the mind,provide strength and perseverance.Pretty much what people need right now, especially the children.
Raptor, that was me! Yes. That book is convicting. I am trying to figure out how to best put my new conviction into action. The Church has been neutered in our culture. Absolutely neutered. And when she had a chance to stand for something during the pandemic, she rolled and showed her soft underbelly to the State. I take no joy in stating that fact. Jesse Kelly, a radio host and political provocateur says it might have to get a whole lot more painful for people to be finally shaken from their complacency. I think praying is a good place to start, but I know my prayers now include asking for discernment and how I can best effect change.
P.S. GOOD LUCK at your meeting! Pray for the Holy Spirit to be with you.
I don’t think its ever going to get better. Truly. Not trying to be pessimistic but the final ruling nation will be in Europe. The antiChrist will rise from that area. Then the great tribulation. Then Christ returns. I’m afraid the glory days of USA are truly over. I don’t have a specific source. I’ve heard this over and over in sermons and readings.
There is a chance for revival. I totally see what you are saying and share some of those thoughts sometimes. I felt optimistic in 2016. I felt somewhat optimistic when there was a renewed thirst (and new thirst) for churches how actually tought what the Bible says (including books of prophecy). So there is that. Things might be a lot better if Christians were not acting ashamed in their love for their savior. Nobody will ever ask me the reason for my hope, if I am not openly rejoicing in the fact that I have a holy God. Meanwhile the world and her nations will come and go. There will be many antichirsts. Don't let that become your focus. God has a plan, it is perfect and we win in the end. So before He comes to slay with the sword of the spirit, we can use it for His glory! As for the pastor who might say the glory days are behind us - remember when Obama said he was going to manage our decline? That is no way to lead and neither of them know the mind of God. So, until they come and take you away on a stretcher, get that sweet chin up and leave those doomsmen in the dust.
Thank you for that suggestion! I am going to be passing it around hoping to light a fire under some of my Christian friends. I do think it is going to have to get a lot more painful. How painful? More than being locked down, masked and having basic rights taken. I saw more people get mad over egg shortages than being quarantined. I always ask for discernment. I think He delivers. So thankful. Bless you NAB.
I went to the dentist today and was reading that book while I waited for him. He asked me about it and snapped a pic of it. It dawns on me that he may put me on the "difficult list" for it, but I think that he actually wants to know more about it and might read it. I think he might have been shocked at my blunt description of the book.
And this is how it is done. One person at a time in the most mundane of places. I got to witness to a woman once at the playground when she saw me with my five children and asked me how I managed to do it. I mean, we got into deep discussions about the Catholic church's teaching on openness to life and self-sacrifice. It was amazing. G-d does open doors for us.
My husband is really good at turning polite conversation toward God. Lady in Walmart checkout complaining about hip pain? He puts her in front of him and assures her that if she is Christian she will enjoy ever lasting life in the perfected body God meant for us - and we have Jesus, God's most incredible sacrifice to thank for that. I hope to see you without your aching hip one day". I stood there dumbly watching her face listening to him.
I am far better talking to kids about Christ. I live in a state where they go to a temple to worship another God so I have to be clear about who God is and who Jesus is. I still cannot manage to talk to my neighbors. One day I will get there. I admire your chatting with a woman who has so much in common with you and clearly has a need for something more than what she has.
I think thats another way to influence others is with the books we read and share.
I am often afraid to say anything. A few weeks ago I talked to a mom at the park about things as she asked me why my kids wasn’t in preschool. Told her about the hpv shot and she is one who seems open but uninformed!!!
Do you read The Forgotten Side of Medicine substack? He has written some really interesting pieces about HPV (he is a doctor who remains anonymous). Your kids have a good mama. : ))
I should ask. Haha. It is a good question. I did ask them (if they are Christian or LDS) if they are ore afraid of what the woke mob thinks and may say about them or what God would think of what they do. Men dressed as women wagging their genitals at little ones. Not a good look for the LDSers or the Christians (unfortanately the LDS I think might care about how it looks than the Christians here.. Of course some are not LDS or Christian. I included a question for the humanist.
Yep. Exactly right. Give most people their McMansions, their new cars in the suburban driveway, their internet porn, and they'll go along with whatever their televisions and their social groups tell them to believe.
I live near Ft Loudoun and the history there is immense. The fort was built to support the French and Indian War (poorly named since it was the Brits vs. the French using Indians to fight their war). The people that work there, at the park, are very knowledgeable. It was there that I learned that many of the men that fought in the Revolutionary War were forced to fight or risk tar and feathering and/or the loss of their property and their families. The founding fathers have a mixed history and had different reasons for fighting against the royalty of Great Britain. They struggled with Romans Chptr 13 but rationalized the fight against the King. Many of them were very wealthy and didn't like being controlled by the money from Great Britain (in a sense). However, when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, to address the crisis from the panic of 1907, creating the Federal Reserve banking corporation, it would appear that everything the founders fought for was lost since the wealthy from Great Britain (supposedly) control the Federal Reserve and reap the rewards of the interest it collects on the fiat money it has loaned to the US Federal Gov't, aka 'We The People".
As far as Christians voting, I was taught as a child that I had a moral obligation to vote (meaning I also had to educate myself as to the best candidate possible). Is that not held up anymore as a standard? I know that I imparted that to my kids, and every election day, they all came with me to the polling place, so I could vote, even if we had to walk to the polls. (A side benefit of homeschooling!) I know churches are afraid of losing their tax-exempt status by mentioning voting, but what about being a leaven to the world?
We just had this conversation with our kids..they need to be involved if there is anything of a country left to save by the time they are 18. My dad always said you have no right to complain if you don't vote and get involved.
I did the same with my children. Two are grown and out of the house. They seemed to completely turn their backs on what I had taught them. Over time, it's come out that what I taught them stuck with them but they've been very reticent about letting me know. It's very strange, since we all support the same candidates and have invigorating conversations about politics.
But remember, if voting changed anything it would be illegal. We are reaping the results of allowing 3000++ card carrying Nazis to have new lives and identities in positions of influence, along with thousands of cultural Marxists who started the long walk thru institutions.
The green new deal is virtually word for word the 10 planks of communist thought. The EU, GB and the US are socialist at government levels, and now woke, but, thank the Lord the people are pushing back, it's going to be much worse. My family are missing in the US, I pray they are safe. Love and prayers from Yorkshire.
He was BEGGING people to get out and vote. Why was the national GOP not involved in this race? Another reason it needed new leadership but instead they chose complacency and comfort in keeping Ronna McDaniel.
I’m in Florida but have know about it for a while. @ScottPresler #ThePersistence has been almost screaming on twitter trying to wake people up about it.
Those are some of the same who are furious at President Trump for not carrying their sorry azzes on his back all the way to the Promised Land. After all they “voted for him twice”. (A dead giveaway that he wasn’t their choice for the primaries, by the way.)
Willing Spirit, I say that I voted for Trump twice, when I did in actuality also vote for him two more times in the primaries. In other words, I would caution against assuming anything (based on myself) about someone saying they voted for Trump twice. Saying I voted for Trump four times (to include my primary votes for him) never entered my mind. For the 2016 election, despite having voted for Romney in the prior election, I was a registered Democrat. I officially changed my party affiliation for the 2016 election so that I could vote for Trump in the primary (those are the rules in my state - Pennsylvania). For the record, I will vote for Trump again if I ever have the chance.
Your so right about what happened after 2020 election!! The fact that they stole the election made me pissed when people started saying Trump 2024!!! But they were deflated because they freaking gave up! Just like if the dr tells you that you have Cancer, most people just give up!! Beats all I’ve ever seen!!! I’ll be darned if some quack would make me believe that!! Unbelievable! God Bless you all!!
That’s what I am seeing as well.Americans have handed over there problems for someone else to fix cause they can’t be bothered.It’s nice being a winner.Who does not love a winner. I prefer to look at the looser and see how they come back and keep going.That’s the person I admire.Expect to loose,embrace it.They only truly win if you don’t get back up after each fight.
Yes I figured, and understand why you made that comment, but I still think we need to separate ourselves out from those CINOs (conservatives in name only)..
Part of the problem is that we conservatives are overwhelmed with all the problems that need fixing. I’ve volunteered full time in the election integrity field for the last 12 years and am frustrated how little progress we’ve made. We don’t have money or power and it’s such an uphill battle. I still vote and donate to candidates but I’m constantly tempted to quit and just have fun like everyone else.
My MSNBC-watching friend in California was all hyped up about the WI judge election. I had never heard about it. I read some mainstream news but avoid BlueAnon outlets, which were apparently pushing it as a crisis. Dems sent millions in donations from out of state.
It’s very discouraging, I felt my heart sink when I saw the headline about those election results 😕 Honestly if I saw a school board turning leftist, I’d pull my kids out. Parents need to protect their children from this nefarious agenda at all costs.
It’s amazing to me how brainwashed liberals can be about abortion.
I’ve been there, and trust me, you don’t want your kids rubbing up against that environment everyday. I saw two outcomes, kids who try to become like the majority (minority) culture to blend in and not be bullied, or the ones who cower and just try to survive every single day by being small and less noticeable.
Both are devastating to their futures.
My heart bleeds for these kids! Many of them are from single parent households; usually raised by moms with multiple jobs.
In NC schools are paid based on the child count for the first 20 days of school. No change in funding unless there is a large change (over 10%?) in student population.
I think eventually homeschooling will be either illegal, or accompanied by so many mechanisms to undermine it that it won’t be an option. In Germany and several other European countries it is illegal. They’ll take your kids away if you try. In other countries it’s allowed but must follow the centralized curriculum which is heavy on our “new western values”. Our country really is under attack, and it’s the kids they’re after to finish the job. We need to keep fighting though. Ps, at my ladies group yesterday I told them about the grandmothers who went to the drag queen story hour early and took all the seats. They thought that was neat but no one there would ever do it themselves. We are TOO COMFORTABLE!
Well they all came early. The library director tried to make them leave but they refused. It’s a growing grassroots organization called . Very pro family.
Yup, we definitely need to be aware of any encroachment on our right to homeschool! You’re right that it is outlawed in many countries or severely restricted (and some states even load a lot of requirements onto homeschooling parents too).
That's why school choice laws are so important. Then the families get the money, to use for any valid educational expense. Competition will do to government schools what needs to be done.
I’m afraid the colleges have been turning out that kind of low standard teacher for decades now. There are exceptional teachers, who still manage to be good, but I think they’re rare now. Having worked in a big city school system, I am saddened and fearful for the children.
I know quite a few teachers and while the ones I know mean well and seem to truly care about children, they are not very “smart” in the sense of having discernment and broad historical and cultural knowledge and are prone to being easily manipulated unfortunately 😕
They also have money pouring in from somewhere.When you go on, type a zip code it is all there in plain view.Old people with hundreds and thousands of donations. Many earmarked for critical out of state elections.I find it impossible that this has not been known.I get it-from their point of view the end justifies the means. BTW when I put in zips from previous places I lived there were names of people who I either knew or knew of.I am sure this has been done in a compartmentalized way that no one will ever be found accountable.It truly is staggering when you look.
James O’Keefe just released video of the whole Actblue scam…’s happening all over. My point exactly in other comments….they’ve been cheating for so long in so many different ways we can’t even comprehend it. We are still just now finding out how they cheated in the past. We haven’t even begun to catch up. It’s discouraging to say the least.
If your state GOP is anything like my state GOP, the Party cares only about clinging to its own power, ordinary voters be dammed.
Wr have a municipal election coming, and our GOP couldn’t garner a single true or even close to true conservative. In fact, two of the candidates’ platforms include increasing contracts to minorities and/or increasing crime penalties in lower income parts of town because crime causes more of an impact on the victims there. Or something like that. So down crime pays not as much if you take it out to the suburbs, apparently. When did differential consequences for crime or contract awards become a GOP idea??!!!!
I’m disgusted.
I have texted various neighbors about specific legislative bills this session, and mostly I hear back nothing. I am selective in what I send… these folks appear to be likeminded but clearly have no comprehension of what is at stake.
It is definitely trying and discouraging.
Also, never forget the role of SELECTION fraud in elections nowadays. ☹️
Its kind of like the frog in the pot of water that is slowly heating up. He remains comfortable until it's too late to respond. People do not appreciate their freedom.....the cost of what was paid to obtain it......or the price required to keep it. We have too much stuff and care only for ourselves overall.
Wait until the Ball drops on all the lies they missed from the deep state!! That will wake them up! They are planning a scare event! Something to wake up the masses. You know all is baby boomers are Retired, some still work, well most everyone I know still works! Why don’t they use us the ones who knew how to raise kids, the ones who wouldn’t take any crap from and school, the ones who pretty much Graduated High School, the ones who knew how to Garden and Can, the ones who knew how to be conservative like washing out zip lock bags instead of throwing them out, the ones who put bread bags on kids feet when we only had rubber boots, we sit home 70% of the time, we could be doing so much for our Children and our Country! Our Vets, Schools, so much!
I use that frog in a pot analogy for folks in my home state of CA that don't quite see the big picture but keep being frustrated by the craziness that goes on there. It's amazing what freedom our family felt the very moment we crossed the state line out of there. It's so sad because that was home until it wasn't any longer.
Ugh it’s so frustrating 😞 I also have lots of so called conservative or moderate-conservative friends who don’t seem to want to do anything to change things or move us in the right direction 😕 They just want to keep their heads down and focus on their own lives (which are admittedly not always easy but I wish they’d realize how much the big picture affects them and that speaking out can make a difference).
It doesn’t have to take a lot of lots would do a little. I mean, take 20 minutes to call a group of committee members so your kids are protected from stumbling across explicit materials in the school library, for crying out loud!!!!!
For instance.
Or so you can remain free from medical tyranny. For another example.
I’ve made the calls and send the emails. My friends? Wide awake ones who are Christians. Nope. They see no point in fighting and see no point in trying. They won’t send emails or make phone calls. They will do nothing. It’s so discouraging. They know the truth and see the truth and yet will do nothing.
I think that since the overall cultures war started in the 90s, when groups like the American family coalition were fighting with information to boycott advertisers, it just got worse and worse. Hollywood's response then to the activism against television sexual content (quite mild when compared to the soft porn everywhere in entertainment we see today) was: "We will push the envelope further". They did, and they continue to, and no one can fight them. Even Tipper Gore (!) tried getting some warnings on music labels to protect kids, and couldn't. Ofcourse everything is available now online, and not selling or renting to children is a remnant of a pre-internet past.
My point is: no matter what we do, we cannot win the fight. Many of us have tried in different ways over the past 40 years and it only got worse; MUCH WORSE .
I am afraid that we have almost lost the war entirely, with only small successes of regional battles keeping it going.
You aren’t wrong. The crazy thing is, I know how this ends. God wins. There is life after this world is done. And yet, I still feel the presence of God in my life saying FIGHT. So until I hear otherwise….I will fight in whatever way I am able. And it is discouraging to know we are fighting a losing battle. However, if this life is all about what comes after, then I’m not about to give up. We don’t know when this will end and God wins. I have a duty to my family and my country to keep fighting until I breathe my last. Then my fight is over.
This is so corrupt. That votes are weighted is criminal, but that they can be weighted based on the voter’s demographics is chilling. Don’t count on sane candidates winning ever again with these voting systems in place.
This is a recording from Behind the Curtain Election Integrity Conference held in TN on March 11th. It's interesting to watch speakers Clay Parikh, Mark Cook, Bennie Johnson (and others) expose the problems with our current system. They are all geeks and love computers but they all agree we need to go to hand counted, paper ballots that are serialized. The counting needs to be done at each voting precinct and it needs to be recorded for transparency.
Just think, they could record the counting of the vote and then let a group of school kids review it to double check it. That would get kids involved/interested.
👋 Wisconsin Mom here! Really disappointing results in my state last night… Mention anything to do with abortion rights (or marijuana legalization) and the liberals come out in droves to vote. And while they’re at it, why not ruin everything? Also voted a Lib trans activist clown onto our local school board :( Those childless, baby aborting, child mutilating people want say and control over what MY children learn?? Absolutely infuriating.
🗣 Where are the Conservatives?! Many people I spoke to hardly knew there was an election, not to mention an important one and what it was for. Gotta hand it to those self righteous, smug, Ukraine flag bearing Liberals- at least they are passionate about their beliefs… Apparently Conservatives just like to sit home and complain I guess. The Republican Party has become complacent, voters and representatives alike. We got out voted and out spent. Until something important to them is threatened (gun rights perhaps?) we will continue to be the losing party. Time to step it up Conservatives! Better figure it out for 2024! Or by then it might already be too late.
The media did a great job of making sure people did not know there was even an election in Wisconsin. I don’t live there but I had no idea.
And you are right, I see from my surrounding people that most of them don’t care. Conservatives. Christians. People just can’t be bothered to care. By the time people start to care…it will be too late. I think people started caring when Trump came on scene and then 2020 happened and it deflated people. Everything since then has continued to deflate people. Instead of perseverance and courage and fight….we spoiled rotten Americans just gave up, laid down, rolled over and tried to go back to whatever we thought was normal. We have no backbone as a people. Sure, a few of us do. Not nearly enough though. Our neighbors just wanna go to work and live life. They don’t even see that by their complacent, don’t give a crap attitude WE HAVE SURRENDERED.
I am going to my first city council meeting tomorrow. I wrote them all a note asking them not to give a permit to a drag show in the park. One wrote back a polite note (I think she is MAGA) and another woman was not too polite. I guess she wants to permit them. So it is on. I don't know if it will rise to the level of Donkey Kong, but no telling if I get my back up.
When I was writing my note I did notice that there are many synonyms for nasty. Made me laugh. I also noted that many christians prefer to just pray and have no action. Like it is improper to act. Maybe I am wrong. Someone suggested I read "Live not by Lies". Maybe it has spurred me to act. I am only 1/3 the way thru, but energized.
Way to go Raptor 👏 👏 👏
I sent emails to a town in Tennessee where I don’t even live to get the city council to vote no on allowing a gay/trans parade through the town. I heard back from one member who was voting NO to the parade. I have no idea how the others voted. Yet.
Faith without works is dead!
Shame on all of us who “pray” and do nothing else. I put pray in quotes because it is fashionable to say “I’m praying for you”. But how many even actually do it! “Praying” is the easy way out and I’m not sure how many of us actually even do that. I’m glad God is the one who will sort that out. I’ve been guilty of using the words without action in the past and came to a place where if I didn’t mean it, if I knew I wasn’t gonna pray then I stopped telling people that I was or would! End hypocrisy. Period!
Now, for me to say “I’m praying” actually means I am!
I am with you - if I say I am gonna pray you can count on me doing it. A few years ago I thought my prayer life was getting a little well, not very worshipful in attitude. Praying in earnest for others, especially those who ask or who annoy me (haha) has made all the difference.
And AMEN to faith without works is dead and praying without direction for yourself regarding anything evil? Pffft. You put it so much better than I could. Thank you. without faith is dead as well. I worked heart and soul for so many years with nothing to show for it. I did not pray, I just worked. Raptor, Sunnydaze, you are making me think.
No maybe Michael. You are right! Works are evidence of faith. An outflow. They don't earn you a spot in heaven though. THAT is faith alone in Christ alone!
Dig into your Bible Michael and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. He will.
lol,I would hope it does.Prayers do matter.Prayers can focus the mind,provide strength and perseverance.Pretty much what people need right now, especially the children.
Raptor, that was me! Yes. That book is convicting. I am trying to figure out how to best put my new conviction into action. The Church has been neutered in our culture. Absolutely neutered. And when she had a chance to stand for something during the pandemic, she rolled and showed her soft underbelly to the State. I take no joy in stating that fact. Jesse Kelly, a radio host and political provocateur says it might have to get a whole lot more painful for people to be finally shaken from their complacency. I think praying is a good place to start, but I know my prayers now include asking for discernment and how I can best effect change.
P.S. GOOD LUCK at your meeting! Pray for the Holy Spirit to be with you.
I don’t think its ever going to get better. Truly. Not trying to be pessimistic but the final ruling nation will be in Europe. The antiChrist will rise from that area. Then the great tribulation. Then Christ returns. I’m afraid the glory days of USA are truly over. I don’t have a specific source. I’ve heard this over and over in sermons and readings.
There is a chance for revival. I totally see what you are saying and share some of those thoughts sometimes. I felt optimistic in 2016. I felt somewhat optimistic when there was a renewed thirst (and new thirst) for churches how actually tought what the Bible says (including books of prophecy). So there is that. Things might be a lot better if Christians were not acting ashamed in their love for their savior. Nobody will ever ask me the reason for my hope, if I am not openly rejoicing in the fact that I have a holy God. Meanwhile the world and her nations will come and go. There will be many antichirsts. Don't let that become your focus. God has a plan, it is perfect and we win in the end. So before He comes to slay with the sword of the spirit, we can use it for His glory! As for the pastor who might say the glory days are behind us - remember when Obama said he was going to manage our decline? That is no way to lead and neither of them know the mind of God. So, until they come and take you away on a stretcher, get that sweet chin up and leave those doomsmen in the dust.
Thank you for that suggestion! I am going to be passing it around hoping to light a fire under some of my Christian friends. I do think it is going to have to get a lot more painful. How painful? More than being locked down, masked and having basic rights taken. I saw more people get mad over egg shortages than being quarantined. I always ask for discernment. I think He delivers. So thankful. Bless you NAB.
I will be praying that!
I went to the dentist today and was reading that book while I waited for him. He asked me about it and snapped a pic of it. It dawns on me that he may put me on the "difficult list" for it, but I think that he actually wants to know more about it and might read it. I think he might have been shocked at my blunt description of the book.
And this is how it is done. One person at a time in the most mundane of places. I got to witness to a woman once at the playground when she saw me with my five children and asked me how I managed to do it. I mean, we got into deep discussions about the Catholic church's teaching on openness to life and self-sacrifice. It was amazing. G-d does open doors for us.
My husband is really good at turning polite conversation toward God. Lady in Walmart checkout complaining about hip pain? He puts her in front of him and assures her that if she is Christian she will enjoy ever lasting life in the perfected body God meant for us - and we have Jesus, God's most incredible sacrifice to thank for that. I hope to see you without your aching hip one day". I stood there dumbly watching her face listening to him.
I am far better talking to kids about Christ. I live in a state where they go to a temple to worship another God so I have to be clear about who God is and who Jesus is. I still cannot manage to talk to my neighbors. One day I will get there. I admire your chatting with a woman who has so much in common with you and clearly has a need for something more than what she has.
I think thats another way to influence others is with the books we read and share.
I am often afraid to say anything. A few weeks ago I talked to a mom at the park about things as she asked me why my kids wasn’t in preschool. Told her about the hpv shot and she is one who seems open but uninformed!!!
Do you read The Forgotten Side of Medicine substack? He has written some really interesting pieces about HPV (he is a doctor who remains anonymous). Your kids have a good mama. : ))
Hey would they permit a blackface show?
I should ask. Haha. It is a good question. I did ask them (if they are Christian or LDS) if they are ore afraid of what the woke mob thinks and may say about them or what God would think of what they do. Men dressed as women wagging their genitals at little ones. Not a good look for the LDSers or the Christians (unfortanately the LDS I think might care about how it looks than the Christians here.. Of course some are not LDS or Christian. I included a question for the humanist.
Good luck tomorrow
Tell them you want to host a Stripper Camp for kids.
You can use curtain rods for stripper poles.
Great comment!!
Yep. Exactly right. Give most people their McMansions, their new cars in the suburban driveway, their internet porn, and they'll go along with whatever their televisions and their social groups tell them to believe.
Bread and circuses.
I’ve given up on the majority of Americans.
Don’t forget it was 3% who fought in the Revolutionary War. They made the difference.
My 7th Great Grandfather, Arthur Middleton, was one of them. He was a Signer to the Declaration and his signature is next to Thomas Jefferson's.
He was captured by the British and taken to a POW prison in Fla. His picture is my avatar.
You will probably love this article:
I think it was a bit higher than that, but yes, it was a minority who wanted to dump England.
I live near Ft Loudoun and the history there is immense. The fort was built to support the French and Indian War (poorly named since it was the Brits vs. the French using Indians to fight their war). The people that work there, at the park, are very knowledgeable. It was there that I learned that many of the men that fought in the Revolutionary War were forced to fight or risk tar and feathering and/or the loss of their property and their families. The founding fathers have a mixed history and had different reasons for fighting against the royalty of Great Britain. They struggled with Romans Chptr 13 but rationalized the fight against the King. Many of them were very wealthy and didn't like being controlled by the money from Great Britain (in a sense). However, when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, to address the crisis from the panic of 1907, creating the Federal Reserve banking corporation, it would appear that everything the founders fought for was lost since the wealthy from Great Britain (supposedly) control the Federal Reserve and reap the rewards of the interest it collects on the fiat money it has loaned to the US Federal Gov't, aka 'We The People".
We can’t though. We have to be ready to help the ones who freak out after the disclosure that’s coming!
Easy to do, but please do not. Faith moves mountains and sometimes even humans, right?
Those who reap the benefits are unlikely to bite the claw that feeds them.
As far as Christians voting, I was taught as a child that I had a moral obligation to vote (meaning I also had to educate myself as to the best candidate possible). Is that not held up anymore as a standard? I know that I imparted that to my kids, and every election day, they all came with me to the polling place, so I could vote, even if we had to walk to the polls. (A side benefit of homeschooling!) I know churches are afraid of losing their tax-exempt status by mentioning voting, but what about being a leaven to the world?
Yes, voting is being a good citizen but if the vote is rigged then we have to fix that first. (Not sure how.) After all, they “vote” in N. Korea too.
I agree, but if good people do nothing, (not even vote) evil triumphs.
We just had this conversation with our kids..they need to be involved if there is anything of a country left to save by the time they are 18. My dad always said you have no right to complain if you don't vote and get involved.
I did the same with my children. Two are grown and out of the house. They seemed to completely turn their backs on what I had taught them. Over time, it's come out that what I taught them stuck with them but they've been very reticent about letting me know. It's very strange, since we all support the same candidates and have invigorating conversations about politics.
But remember, if voting changed anything it would be illegal. We are reaping the results of allowing 3000++ card carrying Nazis to have new lives and identities in positions of influence, along with thousands of cultural Marxists who started the long walk thru institutions.
The green new deal is virtually word for word the 10 planks of communist thought. The EU, GB and the US are socialist at government levels, and now woke, but, thank the Lord the people are pushing back, it's going to be much worse. My family are missing in the US, I pray they are safe. Love and prayers from Yorkshire.
My 3yo comes with me to vote and gets a sticker to see importance of voting!
Follow Scott Pressler...
He was BEGGING people to get out and vote. Why was the national GOP not involved in this race? Another reason it needed new leadership but instead they chose complacency and comfort in keeping Ronna McDaniel.
RNC is not with us. (Especially Ronna McDaniel!)
And Mitch McTurtle
Exactly. Where was Ronna McDaniel for these elections? MIA.
Exactly! If Harmeet was running the RNC, I bet that WI would have been well-funded and the election well-promoted to registered Republicans.
I had no idea it wws happening either until it was over
The Party may have been constrained by its own rules regarding technically nonpartisan races.
The persistence?? Haha I have been and didn’t know that was Scott Presler! He’s done a great job. Senator Ron Johnson too 🙌
He is tireless!
He's on Telegram, which is where I follow him.
He was in Wisconsin all last week (and perhaps longer), knocking on doors, placing signs, speaking on radio shows.
I'm not sure how he manages to keep going, even in the face of defeat, but he does, and with a cheerful heart!
I’m in Florida but have know about it for a while. @ScottPresler #ThePersistence has been almost screaming on twitter trying to wake people up about it.
I don’t do twatter. I used to follow Scott but I dumped twatter a long time ago.
You should come back. It’s so much better now with Elon Musk at the helm.
He might be on Gab too I think? Just in case you are looking for an alternative.
Those are some of the same who are furious at President Trump for not carrying their sorry azzes on his back all the way to the Promised Land. After all they “voted for him twice”. (A dead giveaway that he wasn’t their choice for the primaries, by the way.)
Willing Spirit, I say that I voted for Trump twice, when I did in actuality also vote for him two more times in the primaries. In other words, I would caution against assuming anything (based on myself) about someone saying they voted for Trump twice. Saying I voted for Trump four times (to include my primary votes for him) never entered my mind. For the 2016 election, despite having voted for Romney in the prior election, I was a registered Democrat. I officially changed my party affiliation for the 2016 election so that I could vote for Trump in the primary (those are the rules in my state - Pennsylvania). For the record, I will vote for Trump again if I ever have the chance.
Fixed: Selection Event™
Your so right about what happened after 2020 election!! The fact that they stole the election made me pissed when people started saying Trump 2024!!! But they were deflated because they freaking gave up! Just like if the dr tells you that you have Cancer, most people just give up!! Beats all I’ve ever seen!!! I’ll be darned if some quack would make me believe that!! Unbelievable! God Bless you all!!
That’s what I am seeing as well.Americans have handed over there problems for someone else to fix cause they can’t be bothered.It’s nice being a winner.Who does not love a winner. I prefer to look at the looser and see how they come back and keep going.That’s the person I admire.Expect to loose,embrace it.They only truly win if you don’t get back up after each fight.
Bread and circuses.
Then every thing they are doing to deflate US is working.
Correction, THEY have surrendered. But totally agree with the rest of what you said.
I meant “we” broadly. As I said “a few of us do” have backbone. But I should’ve phrased it better. Thanks!
Yes I figured, and understand why you made that comment, but I still think we need to separate ourselves out from those CINOs (conservatives in name only)..
Part of the problem is that we conservatives are overwhelmed with all the problems that need fixing. I’ve volunteered full time in the election integrity field for the last 12 years and am frustrated how little progress we’ve made. We don’t have money or power and it’s such an uphill battle. I still vote and donate to candidates but I’m constantly tempted to quit and just have fun like everyone else.
Datagal - Thank you for hanging in there! I know that's tough! And, I like the play on words in your name!
My MSNBC-watching friend in California was all hyped up about the WI judge election. I had never heard about it. I read some mainstream news but avoid BlueAnon outlets, which were apparently pushing it as a crisis. Dems sent millions in donations from out of state.
ditto. Not a clue.
Love LI 👍🏼 It’s one of my daily reads, especially the “Blogs I follow” list.
It’s very discouraging, I felt my heart sink when I saw the headline about those election results 😕 Honestly if I saw a school board turning leftist, I’d pull my kids out. Parents need to protect their children from this nefarious agenda at all costs.
It’s amazing to me how brainwashed liberals can be about abortion.
I make my kids listen to artist Tom MacDonald. I also ask them to tell me about the news.
Kids: daddy, the new lies ALL THE TIME.
job done.
LOVE Tom MacDonald's music!! 🔥 👊 My 7 & 10 year old kiddos like his music, too! 😅 We also really like Five Times August's music.
Good job, Dad!
Thank you for introducing me to this artist !
You are welcome. 100% independent artist, the establishment hates him, as he Dismantles all their propaganda & crap.
Pulling kids out would save everything, i think. But they still get your taxes. 😵💫
I’ve been there, and trust me, you don’t want your kids rubbing up against that environment everyday. I saw two outcomes, kids who try to become like the majority (minority) culture to blend in and not be bullied, or the ones who cower and just try to survive every single day by being small and less noticeable.
Both are devastating to their futures.
My heart bleeds for these kids! Many of them are from single parent households; usually raised by moms with multiple jobs.
Yes but they can’t indoctrinate your kids at least. And keeping a huge staff for an almost empty school isn’t feasible.
In CA schools are paid per diem per child. No kids, no school. That’s why it’s hard to start charter and private schools.
I think schools got paid for zoom school during cov time as if all of the plant maintenance and in person costs existed.
In NC schools are paid based on the child count for the first 20 days of school. No change in funding unless there is a large change (over 10%?) in student population.
I think eventually homeschooling will be either illegal, or accompanied by so many mechanisms to undermine it that it won’t be an option. In Germany and several other European countries it is illegal. They’ll take your kids away if you try. In other countries it’s allowed but must follow the centralized curriculum which is heavy on our “new western values”. Our country really is under attack, and it’s the kids they’re after to finish the job. We need to keep fighting though. Ps, at my ladies group yesterday I told them about the grandmothers who went to the drag queen story hour early and took all the seats. They thought that was neat but no one there would ever do it themselves. We are TOO COMFORTABLE!
LOL!!! Love it!!! I hope those grandmas brought books to read or scrolled through their phones and not give any notice to the "perfmance".
Well they all came early. The library director tried to make them leave but they refused. It’s a growing grassroots organization called . Very pro family.
Credenda - thanks for the link.
Love it!!
"grandmothers who went to the drag queen story hour early and took all the seats. "
Credenda! That was brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. You must have attended West Point. That's one of the slickest moves I have ever heard of.
Later Jay
Yup, we definitely need to be aware of any encroachment on our right to homeschool! You’re right that it is outlawed in many countries or severely restricted (and some states even load a lot of requirements onto homeschooling parents too).
Our state requires reporting of vaccines (and request of exemption if needed.)
That's why school choice laws are so important. Then the families get the money, to use for any valid educational expense. Competition will do to government schools what needs to be done.
They don’t get state funds for your kids butt in the seat tho
Yes that’s how it’s calculated in many if not most places. With extra funds for ESL and special needs students.
It’s amazing to me what they can get away with!!!
They will get rid of any good teachers and make the school desperate to hire low standards.
I’m afraid the colleges have been turning out that kind of low standard teacher for decades now. There are exceptional teachers, who still manage to be good, but I think they’re rare now. Having worked in a big city school system, I am saddened and fearful for the children.
I know quite a few teachers and while the ones I know mean well and seem to truly care about children, they are not very “smart” in the sense of having discernment and broad historical and cultural knowledge and are prone to being easily manipulated unfortunately 😕
This is happening in CA! Parents are pulling kids out. Not mine, but one of our local Sds has gone crazy bc a LGBT+ PTA head is pushing agenda.
They also have money pouring in from somewhere.When you go on, type a zip code it is all there in plain view.Old people with hundreds and thousands of donations. Many earmarked for critical out of state elections.I find it impossible that this has not been known.I get it-from their point of view the end justifies the means. BTW when I put in zips from previous places I lived there were names of people who I either knew or knew of.I am sure this has been done in a compartmentalized way that no one will ever be found accountable.It truly is staggering when you look.
James O’Keefe just released video of the whole Actblue scam…’s happening all over. My point exactly in other comments….they’ve been cheating for so long in so many different ways we can’t even comprehend it. We are still just now finding out how they cheated in the past. We haven’t even begun to catch up. It’s discouraging to say the least.
Isn't there a contradiction here, though:
"Look, we're figuring out all the ways they've been cheating! Let's be discouraged!"
No. The good news is we are figuring it out. The discouraging part is we haven’t been able to figure out how to stop them.
Maybe Pouring in from freshly laundered US Ukraine money?
All three!
If your state GOP is anything like my state GOP, the Party cares only about clinging to its own power, ordinary voters be dammed.
Wr have a municipal election coming, and our GOP couldn’t garner a single true or even close to true conservative. In fact, two of the candidates’ platforms include increasing contracts to minorities and/or increasing crime penalties in lower income parts of town because crime causes more of an impact on the victims there. Or something like that. So down crime pays not as much if you take it out to the suburbs, apparently. When did differential consequences for crime or contract awards become a GOP idea??!!!!
I’m disgusted.
I have texted various neighbors about specific legislative bills this session, and mostly I hear back nothing. I am selective in what I send… these folks appear to be likeminded but clearly have no comprehension of what is at stake.
It is definitely trying and discouraging.
Also, never forget the role of SELECTION fraud in elections nowadays. ☹️
Its kind of like the frog in the pot of water that is slowly heating up. He remains comfortable until it's too late to respond. People do not appreciate their freedom.....the cost of what was paid to obtain it......or the price required to keep it. We have too much stuff and care only for ourselves overall.
Wait until the Ball drops on all the lies they missed from the deep state!! That will wake them up! They are planning a scare event! Something to wake up the masses. You know all is baby boomers are Retired, some still work, well most everyone I know still works! Why don’t they use us the ones who knew how to raise kids, the ones who wouldn’t take any crap from and school, the ones who pretty much Graduated High School, the ones who knew how to Garden and Can, the ones who knew how to be conservative like washing out zip lock bags instead of throwing them out, the ones who put bread bags on kids feet when we only had rubber boots, we sit home 70% of the time, we could be doing so much for our Children and our Country! Our Vets, Schools, so much!
I use that frog in a pot analogy for folks in my home state of CA that don't quite see the big picture but keep being frustrated by the craziness that goes on there. It's amazing what freedom our family felt the very moment we crossed the state line out of there. It's so sad because that was home until it wasn't any longer.
Ugh it’s so frustrating 😞 I also have lots of so called conservative or moderate-conservative friends who don’t seem to want to do anything to change things or move us in the right direction 😕 They just want to keep their heads down and focus on their own lives (which are admittedly not always easy but I wish they’d realize how much the big picture affects them and that speaking out can make a difference).
It doesn’t have to take a lot of lots would do a little. I mean, take 20 minutes to call a group of committee members so your kids are protected from stumbling across explicit materials in the school library, for crying out loud!!!!!
For instance.
Or so you can remain free from medical tyranny. For another example.
I’ve made the calls and send the emails. My friends? Wide awake ones who are Christians. Nope. They see no point in fighting and see no point in trying. They won’t send emails or make phone calls. They will do nothing. It’s so discouraging. They know the truth and see the truth and yet will do nothing.
I think that since the overall cultures war started in the 90s, when groups like the American family coalition were fighting with information to boycott advertisers, it just got worse and worse. Hollywood's response then to the activism against television sexual content (quite mild when compared to the soft porn everywhere in entertainment we see today) was: "We will push the envelope further". They did, and they continue to, and no one can fight them. Even Tipper Gore (!) tried getting some warnings on music labels to protect kids, and couldn't. Ofcourse everything is available now online, and not selling or renting to children is a remnant of a pre-internet past.
My point is: no matter what we do, we cannot win the fight. Many of us have tried in different ways over the past 40 years and it only got worse; MUCH WORSE .
I am afraid that we have almost lost the war entirely, with only small successes of regional battles keeping it going.
You aren’t wrong. The crazy thing is, I know how this ends. God wins. There is life after this world is done. And yet, I still feel the presence of God in my life saying FIGHT. So until I hear otherwise….I will fight in whatever way I am able. And it is discouraging to know we are fighting a losing battle. However, if this life is all about what comes after, then I’m not about to give up. We don’t know when this will end and God wins. I have a duty to my family and my country to keep fighting until I breathe my last. Then my fight is over.
Lots of fraud in our elections.
Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers –
Watch this:
This is so corrupt. That votes are weighted is criminal, but that they can be weighted based on the voter’s demographics is chilling. Don’t count on sane candidates winning ever again with these voting systems in place.
This is a recording from Behind the Curtain Election Integrity Conference held in TN on March 11th. It's interesting to watch speakers Clay Parikh, Mark Cook, Bennie Johnson (and others) expose the problems with our current system. They are all geeks and love computers but they all agree we need to go to hand counted, paper ballots that are serialized. The counting needs to be done at each voting precinct and it needs to be recorded for transparency.
I could not agree more. Hand counting with witnesses is the only fair way to do it.
Just think, they could record the counting of the vote and then let a group of school kids review it to double check it. That would get kids involved/interested.