"This is laughable, the President of the United States just said J6ers are terrorists who should be burned at the stake. And Epps gets a slap on the wrist, probably including 12 months pay on the FBl payroll. They are gaslighting you to your face and laughing about it." —Cardinal Fang

In case you missed this: Air marshals are only Flying with innocent people who flew into or were near the Capital on Jan 2021. They are literally ignoring everyone else including known wanted criminals, but if you were near the capital on Jan 6, they are on any flight you take. https://bitchute.com/video/V5F4w0HTRD8K [2:46mins]

"...we're following folks from January 2021. We're not out there doing our regular missions where we're out there looking for the bad guys."

This is an outright naked coup by the government against the people they serve (us).

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rom: Police State in Slo-Mo

by Jeff Thomas

For many years, I’ve forecasted that the US will evolve into a police state; that it will begin slowly; then as more and more freedoms are removed, the creation of the police state will accelerate.

We’re now seeing that acceleration, as more and more Americans are detained, questioned, and having their property confiscated than ever before.

As an example, recently, some 20,000 travellers in and out of the US were stopped, often at random. Typically, their baggage was searched, their documents photocopied, access codes to their electronic devices demanded and their files copied. In most cases, no explanation was given, but they were advised that if the search was refused, they would be detained indefinitely.

The following year, the numbers of people detained rose by 50%, to 30,000.

It’s important to note that the travellers were not threatened with arrest, which suggests that the authorities were working on the basis that the Patriot Act of 2001 allows all of the above activities—without cause being given, without a warrant being obtained, without access to a phone call or legal representation being allowed, and that the individuals in question may be detained, indefinitely...

Remember, the 30,000 above were just hoping to reach their destination with no trouble from anyone. A generation ago, they never would have tolerated such a violation to their rights. But now, they submit and accept whatever they’re told to do...

The object here is not to prosecute anyone; it is to teach people to submit. This will be important later on.

What we’re witnessing is a loss of freedom in slo-mo. Just as Germans stood by and accepted Kristallnacht; just as they stood by and watched the Berlin Wall be built that would close off their freedom of migration, the great majority of Americans ultimately will stand by and watch the last of their freedoms be removed, because they’ve already been trained to submit to whatever indignities and restrictions are placed upon them.

After World War II, Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller was questioned as to how he and other Germans could possibly have simply stood by and watched as freedoms were removed, resulting eventually in total domination of the German people. He said,

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Pastor Niemöller was able to make the above statement in 1976, as he was one of the few survivors of the concentration camps...

Historically, the end-product is always the same. The final acceptance that you’ve waited too long to leave the increasingly oppressive country—and that you’ve been successfully locked in.

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This was originally written during the era of 9/11 boogie-man terrorism. For the purposes of modernization, please replace any instance of the word 'security' with 'bio-security', and any instance of the word 'terror' with 'virus'. None of this theater has ever been about safety. It has only ever been about control.


We no longer know the meaning of freedom. We have traded away everything to a false prophet. We refuse to see that belonging to a government is a fate far worse than any terrorist can reap; than any madman can sow.

The word of a terrorist has no power over us. The government's word is law.

In the name of security we will lose our security. In addition to the terrorist we will have the relentless uncompromising gaze of the government.

The power of the people is born from its freedom, and it is the people who must be the guardians of that power. It is from our freedom that we draw the authority to force our government to abide its boundaries. Through the guise of security we are slowly allowing our government to relinquish that authority, and ultimately, the government will know no boundaries.

Once we allow our freedoms to categorically run dry, we, as a people, will no longer have the authority to stand up to our government.


Those who would trade essential liberty, to purchase temporary security, deserve neither and will lose both. When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

-Ben Franlkin+Thomas Jefferson

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I wrote this on January 10, 2021:


When you hear a proposal for a change in policy, procedure, or the law, and the basis for that change is 'safety,' ask yourself (and then also ask the person or group proposing the change), "Will this 'safety' measure reduce my liberty?"

We often are quick to agree to measures that will make people more safe. Who can be against safety? However, not only must we assess whether the proposed action will actually have the result we wish for, but we must also assess the costs, not just the potential benefits, of a proposed action. All of the benefits must be weighed against all of the costs in order to make a reasoned, sound judgment.

It is easy to point to, say, a person shot by another person and call for gun control measures. It's concrete, the victim has a face and a name. Or business shut-downs to make people 'safe' - there's that person in the hospital, or who just died.

Liberty, on the other hand, is more difficult - it has no physical form, it can't be seen in and of itself, and people may try to define it differently. But it is the basis for our entire form of government. The more of it we trade for 'safety' or other tempting-sounding alternatives, the more likely we make it that we cannot recover the form of government described in the Constitution nor the liberty it is meant to help guard. That is a tremendous cost, against which very few, if any, claims of 'safety' can stand.

In their Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, our Founders tell us what the *only* purpose of government is: "[T]o secure [our] rights, Governments are instituted among Men."

Fine, but then government can simply adjust which rights we have, in order to help make us safe, right? No! And why is that?

Where do rights come from?

Fortunately, our Founders told us that in the Declaration, too:

"[A]ll men...are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...." To endow is to give or bestow, so our Creator, God, has given *all men,* all people, *certain* rights, meaning "sure" or "guaranteed" rights, that are unalienable, that cannot be taken away; they're in-born.

So, can government "adjust" our rights? No, because government didn't grant them to us. Not even the Constitution grants them to us; God did. Government doesn't have the authority to take them away.

Our Constitution, a compact between states, only grants a few enumerated powers to the federal government. The rest, it says, "are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The Ninth Amendment makes clear that we have rights they didn't even write down: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." So most power was retained by the states and the people retain all of their rights. But bit by bit, for one "good" reason or another, we have been trading our liberty, our rights, for various things, one of which is 'safety.' But how safe will we be when we can no longer control the government? Governments murdered over 100 million of their own citizens in the last century, in the Soviet Union, Communist China, Nazi Germany, and elsewhere. Those governments had all gained power at the expense of the liberty of their citizens.

James Madison, in discussing the checks and balances designed into the Constitution, wisely said, "It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."

Benjamin Franklin, advising the colonies in 1775, the year before war broke out, against an agreement allowing the British Parliament to alter internal colonial legislation, said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Our Founders took that advice to heart. To keep their liberty, they risked all safety and declared war on what was then the greatest military power on Earth. They risked everything, concluding their Declaration by saying, "[W]e mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

We should do no less. Never make that trade.




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That's excellent and right on the money Fla Mom, thank you. Two quotes come to mind:

“No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”

―Gideon J. Tucker

"When someone declares 'people will die' as a justification for curtailing liberty, the correct response is, 'what are you suggesting - that liberty isn't worth dying for? That those who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms made the wrong choice?' ―OldMugwump

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One thing I read awhile back but which not only shocked me but which has stayed with me is something like this"A great many people would choose security over liberty." Since reading this, I've given it a lot of thought and it does seem to be true for unknown numbers of our fellow citizens. Over at least the last couple of decades, they have been nudged into being fearful of a lot of things in life, and if they perceive the government as being protective of them and providing security, they are more concerned with that than with keeping their liberty. All those (especially younger people) with massive government benefits is one example.

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"Keeping people hopeless and pessimistic - see I think there are two ways in which people are controlled - first of all frighten people and secondly demoralize them. An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern. A tiny percentage own 80% of the wealth and it's incredible that people put up with it, but, they're poor, they're demoralized, they're frightened, and think perhaps the safest thing to do is to take orders and hope for the best." —Tony Benn

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Damn girl...your post should be “required-reading” for EVERY citizen in our country...!!

You made my day -- 100% spot-on...nicely done...!

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“The Constitution has its place, but the Declaration of Independence is where it’s at. Judge Hand might just be right when he says no constitution can restore liberty to its rightful place in the hearts of men and women, but the Declaration?”

Can’t argue with that — THANK-YOU for sharing.

PS — I give you permission to go from “rarely do this” to “Steve gave me permission to do it more often!”

More required reading IMHO — thanks again for posting this gem!!

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You should “do this” more! This was a bullseye moment. Thank you for sharing it here. It needs to be shared far and wide. We the People need to understand the foundations of what our forefathers actually said and did. This is certainly not taught in school. They don’t want us to understand this. 🎯 Because if we did…2020 scam never would have been allowed to happen.

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Excellent. “We don’t have ‘Constitutional’ rights. We have natural rights.” That’s a fact. The Declaration of Independence provides a litany of how the violation of natural rights is immoral, unsustainable, and intolerable. Natural Law says that whatever is immoral *should* be illegal, but Liberty and Humility don’t draw such a strict line. Therefore, we’ve declined back to the Law of the Jungle: Whatever benefits ME is legal because only the “fittest” can survive. For a “moral and religious” people, that is an intolerable lie. We need to answer these questions: What are we going to do about it, where do we start, and when do we get started?

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Thank you!

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I was in utter astonishment this past summer when, upon having to submit to violation of our 4th amendment rights against search in order to enter our state fair, my mother - who raised me AND who taught my younger siblings at home and presumably taught them the Bill of Rights, replied to my consternation with, “well, if it keeps us safe, then I’m okay with it.”


Firstly, such searches do not keep people safe. I wanna see the study that proves they do.

And more importantly, I don’t wish to give up my freedoms.

Of course she also is the person who said that if the government tells us to wear masks and the masks aren’t hurting anything, we should just submit. The whole Romans 13 thing. I was not pleased about that either.

Thank God she has remained firmly opposed to the poison shot.

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That’s exactly how people respond to me when I complain about the TSA process at airports. X-ray of our entire bodies, shoe, belt, and coat removal, X-ray scans of our personal belongings, etc…none of this theater keeps us safe, people! And look how now everyone just accepts this as ‘normal’.

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I took a trip from Florida to Idaho, through Atlanta. I have a nice knife that I carry and forgot to take it out of my purse. As we were sitting at the gate in Sarasota (after security), I look down at my purse and my eyes get big and I nudge Hubs and look down...which of course he doesn't get and has to ask loudly WHAT!!!??? I take my purse and shove it in his face. Needless to say, I felt pretty safe in the air that day because the good guys had a chance of fighting back with my knife onboard.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

My flying days were over after TSA was installed and I went through my first interrogation. Since I'm not a criminal I won't be treated as such. The dangling carrot of travel as my reward isn't worth it.

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You can get around TSA searches by paying an extra fee. It's called TSA preapproval. I was approved almost immediately for it when I applied so you gotta wonder how much of a background check they did.

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One of the many v reasons I refuse to gly commercial these days.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

I remember back in 1973 my husband and I flew off to France where I was going to school for a year. We had 2 quite large military type duffle bags with all our things for the year in it, and we were at that time able to lug them onto the plane as carry-ons and stuff them in an overhead bin (which was considerably larger and higher than they are now). No one anywhere checked or looked into these bags at all.

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Masks are harmful. One friend almost died of pneumonia from wearing a mask at work. A student, who was 18, had a root canal from wearing a mask all day at school. Another friend lost two teeth after 3 surgeries to deal with an infection that kept coming back. And then there’s the toxic levels of CO2, the difficulty for the hearing impaired to “hear” what people are saying, the language delays for children who can’t see their teachers’ faces, the social development interruptions for babies and toddlers who never saw a face outside of their homes….. I could go on and on.

Masks ARE NOT HARMLESS. I will never wear one again.

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I agree. Masks worn routinely by ordinary folks outside of the OR are dangerous.

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I have a coworker who has permanent lung damage from wearing the nasty things.

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I’m beginning to consider Romans 13 in a different light. God created all, and He gave us free will. Therefore, ANY human condition is consistent with the faulty exercises of free will we inherited and fail to remedy. We have the entrenched-elite and corrupt government we “asked for.” Therefore, this government is “instituted” by God through our misuse of His permissive will (our free will) and to our own disgrace. But that doesn’t mean it is consistent with His perfect will and should be tolerated. I take the clearest point—that government does not carry the sword in vain—in light of this fact: we the people are the only legitimate government. When the time is upon us for wielding the sword, let’s not wield it in vain. In a free-will revolution, our Founders certainly did not.

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"But in that obedience which we hold to be due to the commands of rulers, we must always make the exception, nay, must be particularly careful that it is not incompatible with obedience to Him to whose will the wishes of all kings should be subject, to whose decrees their commands must yield, to whose majesty their sceptres must bow. And, indeed, how preposterous were it, in pleasing men, to incur the offence of Him for whose sake you obey men! The Lord, therefore, is King of kings. When he opens his sacred mouth, he alone is to be heard, instead of all and above all. We are subject to the men who rule over us, but subject only in the Lord. If they command anything against Him let us not pay the least regard to it, nor be moved by all the dignity which they possess as magistrates—a dignity to which no injury is done when it is subordinated to the special and truly supreme power of God." - John Calvin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book IV, Chapter 20, Of Civil Government, A.D. 1536

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Very interesting. Thanks for typing this out.

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I live near a small town where a murder occurred last summer. Before that there hadn't been a murder in this town in 30 years. It happened on a running trail and there is speculation that the person murdered had turned state's evidence against some drug dealers or shady characters they associated with. Anyway, the local sheriff has now installed cameras on the trail "for our safety". This for the first murder in 30 years and not one person spoke out against it. People will literally submit to just about anything if they think it is for their own good. COVID proved that.

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I hope people know what to do with that camera.

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There were spy cameras placed all over London recently, and the angry locals smashed up of nearly all of them.

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Now, here's a conundrum. There has been a rash of thefts in our open subdivision. Young men hooded and masked, with a pickup car riding along on the street running from house to house, breaking into cars stealing what they find - they stole a BMW also. They're bold and brazen. They steal anything including bicycles ridden off in the early hours; they steal Amazon packages and other delivered packages. The Ring cameras you might think as crazy actually can identify some repeat offenders. We here don't think of the cameras as silly or an invasion of privacy. And we don't peer at our neighbors. There's a no solicitation rule here but it isn't obeyed, and we have no idea who might be knocking on our doors. Did you know that crimes like breaking into cars escalates to home invasions? There are some single women living alone and we're - they're - not standing by and letting it happen. I don't know how you protect your homes or where you live. If you don't need our kind of surveillance, I'm happy for you. But I'll bet you lock your doors. A lot of us have put up signs signaling that what they can steal isn't worth dying for. You see, we take our 2nd amendment rights seriously in Florida with a "stand your ground" law, she said, kindly meant.

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What little corner of hell do you live in? Granted that many may not be willing to escape their current place of residence, but I live in a small rural community and as the song goes, 'try that in a small town'. Lots of hunting people around here with lots of guns and good marksmen. Just sayin', get out while you can.

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How about all the ring doorbells and the security cameras on peoples homes!

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I refuse to have one. They creep me out.

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My neighbor told me she uses hers to watch what everyone is doing on our street. She is really crazy.

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Many have installed those trying to catch package thieves... I don't have a Ring, but rather a Eufy, to try to prevent package theft. On the bright side, the video it takes is only stored on the camera, and I don't subscribed to any cloud "service."

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One instance can be blown to international proportions. Then the Israeli-led Congress will act to save you from it assuming you will accept less privacy and more taxes.

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A friend has cameras all over her house, inside and out. She spys on her kids and then talks to them via Alexa. They'll do well in the surveillance state! Breaks my heart!

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Austin, ewww. I had a female friend whose husband worked in another state, only coming home on occasional vacations or something. They had a computer set up in the kitchen right inside the door. When I walked in, on an invited visit, my friend said, "Hi, Ed," to her husband. I looked around, and there was no one. I guess she had some way of knowing he had logged on to their two-way commo system through the computer. They/we had a brief conversation. It happened each time I went there, and sometimes they spoke to each other at other times as well. I could see how it would be helpful for a long-distance relationship, with her at home, home-schooling their son and the two of them taking care of their small farm, but it did seem odd at the same time.

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With the "importation" of millions of military aged men, you may have need someday to resort to the ultimate "equalizer". Locked doors will not deter violence.

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When they are saying, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall in no wise escape.

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I think of that passage often. First, during the covid madness and now when governments use those words to justify tyranny and an immoral society.

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Every time I see the word ‘safe’, I know it’s a bad thing. My safety is my responsibility; no one else’s.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Every time I hear or read, ‘stay safe,’ I shudder with anger. It’s used ad nauseam since covid.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Yes. But it really ramped up after September 11, 2001. Covid19 is just their next big step.

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Maybe you should end your conversations with "take risks". I think I am going to start saying that ;).

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Our Founders have left us a wealth of information and examples of how to re-secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity...

I'm thinking I really need to pick up my copy of the Federalist Papers and start reading again. Any other suggestions?

I've had this thought before. I read McCullough's "1776" and was really impressed with the way these men looked at these challenges that came in establishing our Republic and their ability to lay out in logical fashion which was the right way to go.

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GG, the Anti-Federalist Papers. They were much more prescient about human nature and what would happen. Have tissues. They sear me.

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I read the Federalist Papers too young and should revisit it. Might have been here among C&C comments, but “The Common Law” by O.W. Holmes came in on my radar and piled onto my “Read This” list. I'd love to dig further into biographies and autobios of the Founders. Ben Franklin's is a little gem. It's not about law. It's about character, which is far more important these days.

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Patrick Henry and the other anti-federalists who opposed the new constitution that centralized gov't. The Federalist Papers were pro-constitution.

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Ironic, isn't it? First jump out of the gate, human nature wants to establish authority over itself and everybody else. The Constitution is an impressive shot at doing that. Christ's teachings work better, and most of the Founders knew it.

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Liberty is a positive function. It is an Originalism that cannot be customized.

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Liber being the root of the word in Roman times means 'THE FREE ONE".


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Fla Mom ... Excellent ..... I will share and hope that everyone else will do the same! Thank you.

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Very well said!!!!

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Magnificent writing

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👏👏👏👏 Well done!!!

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Sobering but I see it. We allowed the government to “take care of us in retirement” via social security, the poor became dependent via welfare programs, our health became dependent on Medicare and Medicaid, and a variety of health insurance plans. CoVid was the final acceleration to this end…I see no good end….

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You got it LMWC. Every time we outsource a responsibility to the government for the sake of convenience we become their dependent and weaker as a result. The people of old were resourceful, skilled, and as hard as stone. Many kids today can't use a can opener: https://bitchute.com/video/dxA9zUt67NG8 [1:27minutes]

As our abilities recede government fills in the gaps. This degradation can eventually only lead to one place: bureaucratic wolves feasting on citizen sheep. I encourage everyone to take a few minutes and read this: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/diary-of-the-end-of-the-world-and

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We view life on this earth as too precious. As we have become more modernized, we have lost the work ethic and God’s plan to be the Light of the World. It becomes “all about me” and “what I deserve”. We no longer see the reality of death. It is not with us every day. We do not live in the communities we grew up in, therefore we do not see the progression of friends and relatives aging and dying. There is no mourning or celebration of lives well lived. Impermanence is the practiced art.

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"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose!" - Jim Elliot

We've been taught backwards.

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“There is no mourning or celebration of lives well lived.” This!

Since covid erupted its evil head, I’ve noticed a lack of funeral services or opportunities, to come together, to mourn the dead.

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That is beautifully written LMWC, thank you.


I'd say wish me luck, but i'm through with wishing and with luck.

It's on me. Finally, things are on me. On all of us. No more convenience no more rescuers no more sacrificing self-reliance and growth for comfort and a Skinner-Box with a screen. We are back in our element: stronger than ever and getting stronger all the time.

Grown-up at last. —https://tritorch.substack.com/p/diary-of-the-end-of-the-world-and

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Agree! They now only have to threaten to take away our 'benefits' to keep us in line.

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Good stuff, TT. Much truth here and on your stack. Those kids with can openers reminded me of a Waylon and Willie tune that says, "Somebody's gonna get hurt before you're through." They'll go hungry too if they can't open a can, raise an ear of corn, or harvest something running or swimming out in the natural world, assuming they can endure the natural world.

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What's the fabled line about good intentions?

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“ What's the fabled line about good intentions?”

Hell if I know. 😉

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Ahhh....The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. (True)

Now u doo! hahahah

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Since the 9/11 Theater was deployed and the word "TERROR" was invoked and now the involvement status quo lie. I changed the way I can only forever think about that word. I read it only now as a giant red flag I call "ERROR" !

Remove the "T" and what are we really dealing with? Error, a planned one.

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A planned Error, that is genius randall. Absolutely on target. You just permanently changed the way I see that word as well.

Early on I recognized and wrote (and later modernized once COVID hit): Words like "pandemic" and "terrorism" are keywords used by politicians and pundits to manipulate the populace, in the same way and for the same reasons i use the word 'milkbone' to manipulate my dog.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

How many times did you see and hear the words WAR ON TERROR? The next day.

Maybe as many or more times as the same hypnotic phrase SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!

9/11 was my day of total enlightenments of "IN GOD WE TRUST" (In .Gov we trust)

But Building # 7 was my Devils Food Chocolate cake with Maple Nut Ice Cream Dessert!

When Silverstein was caught live by a late coming to the scene reporting team, he said the following Dumbass Vomit of Bullshit: The fire was too great to put out(it wasn't) I talked

with the NYFD Chief and asked him to just PULL IT! Meaning for the NYFD to demolish it!

That is indeed an entire episode of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. Drop a high rise within the hour in perfect free fall?

That is all the proof I needed that this was indeed a NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA PLAN.

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And then Silvertongue went on to collect his bribe/insurance money and sue for even more and win. How does a person do that and feel no guilt/shame/remorse? I believe there are people that walk around that have no soul and instead their bodies are controlled by malevolent spirits. How else can these things happen... They are the true zombie apocalypse.

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I now see the sabotage in decisions made by governments that guarantee failure and chaos. The inevitable consequence of these decisions are meant to cause the people to cry out for one global leader with a strong hand.

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It's a script:

E pluribus unum: One from many.

Obdo ab chao: Order from chaos (thesis + antithesis = synthesis)

Novus ordo seclorum: Establishing a new order of the ages

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." -James Warburg

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“...these decisions are meant to cause the people to cry out for one global leader with a strong hand.”

He’s coming. We know him as the anti Christ.

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What’s discouraging is how well it works.😒

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Funny how there’s only a few of us, even here,that realize what this means, but are afraid to say it. And I get called a troll, or “ that’s just what they want, don’t fall into that trap”! Got news for all you darlings. If ten thousand showed up in dc prepared for war, you would see what a paper tiger these cretins are. Granted,we can’t call for that, because ray fucking Epps brothers will be the first to acknowledge. But unless you live in a broom closet, our only way out is through.

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There is a growing bipartisan grassroots army of Citizens for Self Governance over 5 million strong who have united behind the U.S. Constitution, namely Article 5. Some very intelligent individuals are in support of it, and we have unpaid volunteers in all 50 states.

Please join us by signing the petition and volunteering to help!


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The biggest crime IMO - yes bigger than covid b/c it paved the way for the outrageous covid attack - was giving the CIA and intelligence apparatus the powers they were given "to fight terrorism." It circumvented our rights as citizens granted in the foundational documents of this country and turned our own intelligence agencies against us. And yet, so many here and elsewhere still hold to the falsehood and repeat the propaganda that the Republicans are "conservatives" and different from the Democrats. It was the Republicans + Democrats who brought all of this on us, including the covid response. The Bushes = CIA. HW literally ran the CIA. Republicans and Democrats are two heads of the same totalitarian state beast. The sooner people wake up to this, the sooner we can start to fix the problem. Cheering on CINO Republicans is not going to help.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

I'll see your biggest crime and raise all in: geoengineering. I think anyone thinking rationally would have to agree that, no matter what the cause, if there's no viable planet to live on, that cause is meaningless. Today's interview of Dane Wigington (geoengineeringwatch.org) by Mike Adams (brighteon.com). https://www.bitchute.com/video/4AjqkiB8sLBQ/

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I agree. Thank you Bushes

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Exactly right. The security state was brought in by 911 which itself was a CIA/Cabal event for that very purpose.

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It goes even further. They have told us every lie under Heaven.

Liberty Biblically is freedom from the flesh. If, by the Spirit, we put to death the deeds of the flesh, we have true liberty. If one daily picks up his cross and reckons himself dead, with his life hidden in Christ Jesus, there is nothing left with which a government can threaten him.

They have corrupted liberty to mean "Do what thou wilt." Their corrupted concept of liberty includes the "liberty" to kill those whom one finds inconvenient, and whom one deems by their fleshly estimation to "not be human" (made to bear the image of Yahweh God.)

What they fear and hate is those who have put to death the deeds of the flesh by picking up their cross. Those whose lives are hidden in Christ.

They fear because there is nothing with which they can threaten such a person. And such people no longer "need" their provision.

They hate because they know that they are cravenly grasping to fulfill their desire to continue in wickedness for eternity with no consequences. The Gospel shows them what they are and what they could be, and they will have none of it.

2 Corinthians 2:15-16 (ESV)

"For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life."

We are not to be troubled by these things. The fact that we were told in advance that they would take place serves to strengthen my faith.

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A beautiful piece of writing.

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"Do what thou wilt." is a the Marxist ethic and is satanic.

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Brilliant, thanks for sharing.

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How would you recommend us respond when faced with this airport scenario? Serious question.

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Mark Twain sums it up. If enough people did this John, it would end:


It doesn’t matter what the press says. It doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. It doesn’t matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. Republics are founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe in. no matter the odds or consequences.

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No. You move.”

—Mark Twain


More solutions here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/dancing-doctors-unclean-lies-unchained

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Love Samuel Clemens! He would fit right in this C&C community.

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Hear, hear!

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911 was the 'New Pearl Harbor' ... and by THEIR words (PNAC). The real Terrorists planned, instituted, aided and abetted ... and then covered up the damning hard evidence of their crime (of which there was plenty), their treason and murder and flagrantly ignored anyone with hard eye-witness accounting contrary to The Narrative. 911 was the launch of the Totalitarian Terror State which in inimitable lying fashion declared the War on Terror (they always project and gaslight!). Only the declared war of the Terror State missed the target ... itself. And ever since, there has not been any Liberty, real administration of law and justice. Nope! THEY took everything. There is no longer anything else left to lose except one's self respect ... and only that by a refusal to resist.

In this great resistance, let God's commandments be our guide. It's all we have left unto ourselves.

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And that is the bottom line.

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TriTorch- thank you. This is the crux of everything: ‘they’ only do to us, what we ALLOW them to do to us. I wish more people would see this. The Patriot Act was, and is, an awful thing, stripping us of so many rights! Instantly, cameras went up everywhere. Every time I complained about this to anyone, I always got the same response: ‘what’s the problem? I like them, they make me feel safer.’ They just don’t get it. And never will, I guess. People don’t seem to realize the power they have, if they would only resist what I call ‘bad’, or ‘wrong’ rules. I still think it’s only a very tiny percentage of people who get this.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

These people have a collective mentality. They have lost all concepts of individualism and innate human rights, the basis of historical Americanism. Never would an American have tolerated and suffered such oversight and management of his life by anyone, much less the government.

But neither do Americans believe in the God of the Bible anymore so their god is now in the "collective" that will take care of them. No longer is there any faith or trust in a Creator's providence or recognition of our own responsibility for our own lives. Now man as the collective is god and there is no higher form of the collective than Government.

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Such people have been brainwashed into being afraid of almost everything, including words. They live in a constant state of fear, which was most clearly seen in the maskoids during the worst of the scamdemic. Then the Marxist/Totalitarians in the government use a well known tool of "nudging", in which they implement tiny, seemingly harmless measures to lock us down just a little, and people either don't even notice or they believe it sounds reasonable. On and on it goes, until we are suddenly aware of all the liberties we have lost incrementally. Many people are never aware of this, to them it has all gradually become normal. Furthermore, they would deny we have lost liberties. For them, safety and security is more important than that scary liberty.

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"Slowly at first, then all at once" - Sundance @ CTH

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Yes it’s always slow because that is far more effective. Lots of Germans didn’t necessarily “accept” Kristallnacht. By that time, there was already a network of toadies and informants in place. My grandfather objected when he saw the windows of a Jewish shop shattered and a Nazi sympathizer heard what he said but not who had said it. He had to slip away from the crowd for fear of being arrested—even then. The system had already been set up to quash any dissent. That’s definitely a good reason to make sure we keep our 2nd amendment rights. The Nazis confiscated any guns even antique heirlooms and hunting rifles.

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Yeah. When the time comes, they are going to have a BIG problem with Americans. There has never been a more heavily armed populace. Just came back from the local g store, to fill in some gaps.

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Thanks for this. I copied this content and forwarded it to my audience. Definitely, a clarion call to repeal the Patriot Act.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

In 2012, as we discussed the illegal alien invasion that was flagrant and unabated even then, I mentioned to a young colleague that the US border would eventually be closed.....not to keep people out but to keep people in. He laughed.....

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The FIB Swat Teams have been very effective on anymore Jan 6 type gatherings of Citizens. ATF is eliminating FFL's (retail gun stores). DHS is Sponsoring an Illegal Invasion.

HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, is Eliminating Carbon Based life Forms (YOU) via VaXXXes.

DOD is Pantygone-wokester cluster f'ck, DOInJ is the Stazi, IRS will be visiting the Normies.

Si vis pacem, Para Bellum

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A very interesting read. I have relatives who fly often. In fact, have 3 international trips planned for this year. Can you point me to the source of that article by Jeff Thomas? I'm sure they would like to be prepared. TY

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Ooops...I'm losing it. That wasn't the one you were asking for. Got to close some windows.

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Oh dear. Can you locate it? My cousin is probably wondering WTH?

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Sorry, that article was an essay written by someone at International Man so I don't think it's available anywhere else. Best thing would be to just copy my post and send it.

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Ah. I did send the post. He said he was interested in finding out more. Perhaps to confirm the contents? Thanks. He’s on his own now.

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I'm on Doug Casey's mailing list for his "International Man".....


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Thanks. I sent it off to him.

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Thank you! You are 100% correct. And we just sit here like ducks on a fence.

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Our first clue about Ray was the fact it took like, umm, forever to file a charge on his ass.

While more than a few tons of audio/video just keeps him showing up as a "major dude".

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Also, he was on video clear as day urging people to go into the capitol, and he should have been one of the first arrested. Yet they went after others who were identified by phone records as having been in the area. Epps' so-called arrest and prosecution is an obvious sham.

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Yeah they began arresting people that weren't even there 🤯🎯 unreal eh?

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Was he a plant by 3 letter orgs? I haven’t followed

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Seems he has been rooted out, then protected greatly. I'd bet 99% informant then.

And for sure as hell now, after all his mug shots on persons vids. So, you decide.

He had his day in court. Can not be accused and tried for this again.

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Yes and it was not his first rodeo.

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They are targeting folks who just flew into DC 1/6 and who weren’t even at the rally, for ex 1 guy who flew to DC that day for a funeral!

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And I see no one rushing to stop it. I don't understand.

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I know what you are saying ... and I understand all of which is contained between the lines. The great positive is that a huge preponderance of people are now lodged at some level disbelieve as to 'the authoritarian' ruling over us ... probably more so than we presently are able to imagine. Low vax uptake is a huge signal as to a shift in blind obedience to The Big Lie. Disbelief is a weapon of a sort. It erodes confidence and no system can long persist once confidence is gone.

I found it interesting that the 50th year celebration of the Soviet Union's inception was by reports much under-celebrated. Events were planned but the enthusiasm was largely absent. And yes, it did take another 25 years of churning before the Soviet Evil fell. And as to enthusiasm, it is now the same for the Fourth of July. I don't watch any of the thin soup public 'celebrations' nor go to parades if there are any? But my celebration is in my heart for the old values, and I am sure to hang on the iron railing outside the front door the Appeal to Heaven flag in remembrance of the Higher Law of God which was the basis back then of the American Republics.

There will be a lot of suffering and misery along the sad road of fallen America. It is already written. We must endure and never give in. In the end, the evil always burns itself out. I wish I could be more encouraging, but best to prepare for The Long Hard Road ... and always stick with a firm foundation, a Faith in God and the counsels of Scripture. In the mean time, resist in by any means at hand.

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I have been contemplating our sad road for many years. It's kind of like a death, honestly. There are stages of grief.

I know God is in control. He is a God of miracles so sometimes, I get a flash of hope. I worry about my children and grandchildren. I worry about the rest of the world - like, I don't think most people understand how much of the world's welfare is tied to the US. But I just come back to God is in control. He wants us to love Him and love others. So that is what I will do, regardless of the circumstances. I struggle with the loving others part sometimes, but I'm a work in progress.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

James 1:2-4 (ESV)

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

God is being merciful in testing us now, while things are easy. Better to find out now whether we are lacking in faith and obedience. In the event that things take a severe turn for the worse, we don't want to be found lacking in oil in the fourth watch of the night.

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Obviously we are ALL waiting on ‘someone (else) who will”

“If not me, then who. If not now......when?”

Hillel the Elder

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The last box. It’s all we have. Get used to it.

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Hilarity Rotten Clintoon called Trump voters "Deplorables" just a short step to JoBama's "Insurrectionists". I Wear Each Label Proudly.

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Agree ! Our government has shown their true colors and it stinks 🦨

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The government serves only it’s own

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When you look at the extent to which they are hunting down people who were merely in the general crowd that day, what will be next? Will they start hunting down voter registration records to try and figure out who actually voted for Trump....if there is any way to do that? Or start combing through everything on the internet to see who even discusses Trump in a positive light? At this point, who knows what is or what will become possible. Very frightening. The internet and social media makes this a very different ball game from everything prior to the internet.

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On or shortly after the day of Mr Peter’s swearing in, after hearing about the 17 EOs he immediately signed and some of what he subsequently said, I looked at DH and said, “he’s declaring war on the American people.”

Now I know that war was decades in the making. Living our best lives and getting right with our Creator are most vital priorities at this time.

Tri, I saw your comment at El Gato’s post: exactly.

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FH, one of the democrat national campaign logos for the 2020 run was D20, or 'Death to America' with America in a sniper's crosshairs:

https://tritorch.com/degradation/D20DemocratLogo2020DeathToAmerica.jpeg [image]

(The baphomet and words were added after the fact to decode it.) The open border alone will accomplish this, but when you add everything else they've done to the recipe... We need to work fast and relentlessly to undo this catastrophic damage.

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That's different. The last I heard, all the air marshalls had been reassigned to the border to process more illegal invaders. Thanks for the update.

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Good to see you back!

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Thanks, TriTorch! Good to be back!

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

Sad story: I was volunteering yesterday and a lady asked for prayers for a friend. The friend has something wrong with her pancreas, needs to be transferred to a bigger hospital, but can’t be until she is stabilized from all the blood clots which are not being controlled by blood thinners.

The friend has a one year old baby, who needs her mama. 😢

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That's awful. It's only the 10th of January and the covidians are sick with covid and pneumonia at the same time. I know of 15+ people who are infected. All vaxxed. Fevers of over 101 degrees. They have to mask up for 5 days when they come back in the office. So I am gonna start asking them "what good are those shots since you keep getting covid and other stuff AND you still have to mask up?" Thought all these shots were to flatten the curve and get back to normsl. 🤔

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And it doesn't seem to be calming down. I thought a year ago that all those shot would've seen any problems they were going to see by now but nope, turbo cancers still occurring, blood clots and heart issues are still occurring, even in people who only ever got the 1st two shots at least 2 years ago.

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Do you remember how, must have been in early-mid 2021, a meme went around "Funny how a respiratory virus in 2020 became a cardiac issue in 2021"? or words to that effect. And then that originally respiratory virus turned cardiac issue, turned neurological issue, now oncogenic......It's like a fashion show, with every year a new clothing trend!

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Agree. It has ramped up in intensity. Several coworkers are constantly sick. They recover from one thing to get another. Ambulance and medic sirens everyday. 🚨 I am not a germaphobe but I feel like my work is the sick waiting room at the doctors. Good grief 😔 ☹️

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My insurance dictated doctor office is way behind, staff out regularly with illness.

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its a time bomb. if you dont ACTIVELY DETOX you dont know what you are going to get..

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That was the crux/carrot of the con and they sold it successfully, more's the pity.

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I am not vaxxed and for the first time, I am home with covid. on my 7th day..it started with 102 fever and headache, moved on to weakness, seemed like it was over, got my appetite back on day 5, but then on day 6 I got nasal congestion and nausea. I feel like I did when I was pregnant..little appetite because everything kind of disgusts me.

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Hopefully you’re taking all the things recommended for the past 3+ years? Org black seed oil 1tsp 3xday helped me more than anything.

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Whew I need to read up on that. Who has a clean solid source for this? So many supps are not quality.

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I like dr mercola’s

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Natural Grocers

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got Ivermectin??

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For me, that too is a drug and I hate drugs and their side effects. Vitamin c throughout the day.

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AngelaK - this might be helpful info for you to ponder:

Hydroxychloroquine is made from QUERCETIN. Ivermectin is made from WORMWOOD. Both these can be found in available supplements, tablets, capsules, or liquid. They offer some protection if you cannot get (or refuse to use) Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, says the physician.

Hydroxychloroquine, Quercetin and EGCG (EpiGalloCatechin Gallate) are all zinc ionophores. Meaning they all transport zinc into the cells. 

Quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore (PubMed 2014), the same mechanism of action that hydroxychloroquine has via helping zinc pass the cell wall where it might halt viral replication.

This zinc ionophore activity of quercetin facilitates the transport of zinc across the cell membrane. It is known that zinc will slow down the replication of coronavirus through inhibition of enzyme RNA polymerase (PubMed 2010).

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Thanks for this, Citizen A! Saving!

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AngelaK - Of course, besides Vitamin D, you should consider supplemental zinc.

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Nasal rinse..ie netti pot. Very helpful.

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I avoid drugs too. Very high doses Vit C. NO acetaminaphen. I used colloidal silver and ibuprofen only when the aches were too unbearable.

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I've been taking 5000-10000 Vit D, 1000 Vit C, and 30 mg Zinc for a couple of years. No Wuhan shots. When I got it, it was very mild - headache, cough, sore throat - and gone in a few days.

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No aches. Thank God!

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Lisa, How do you use colloidal silver?

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This is flu, they can call it Covid but it is flu. Had it back in the ‘70’s and it was awful. Read up on the 1918 Spanish Flu, same deal. If everyone would have just taken a breath instead of those stupid jabs, it would be all over! Now we have spike proteins leaking on us from the boosted (even the non-jabbed are sick)🙃🤗😇🙏God bless us all and feel better C&C Army❣️

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Do your best to stay healthy. I take a lot of vitamin d now. I feel like I am working at an infectious sick ward not a regular work place. Constantly washing my hands and opening doors with a paper towel. Window is open in my office.

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Thanks! Vitamin d3 daily! I am generally pretty healthy but this year we were extremely physically stressed at work (a super busy luxury retail season with too few workers and increased hours and tasks)...others on my team got sick, and the exhaustion wore down my immune system as well as the fact that I was losing weight from all the running around. Losing weight is a good thing, but initially it weakens the immune system.

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I take 10,000 iU’s of D3 every day too, but this year has been rough. It didn’t help that we all went back to the office full time and are packed in like sardines with no ventilation. What’s going around my house is viral, but it’s not Covid. My daughter was tested for it this morning. This is the first time since January 2020 that I’ve called in sick for more than 2 days. Thank God I have plenty of sick time saved up. My daughter, the 2 grandbabies, and I are all sick with this crud. It is miserable!

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The whole family sick. That is tough. Feel better soon. 🙏

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I’m getting over something similar but i don’t use PCR tests. This has lingered.

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Same here. Not jabbed. Day 7, feeling better overall, but lingering wet, strangling cough and sinus infection. Started with fever 102, then hovered between 100-101 next two days, muscle aches, fatigue, headache. Used IVR, homeopathic cough syrup, teas, etc. much better today, but cough is lingering.

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Angela, hang in there! I, too, was nauseous when I had covid last spring, after thinking the worst was over. At the time, I thought the nausea could've been from the Ivermectin that I took, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it *will* go away, don't despair. I found something called "Queasy Drops" on amazon (I think they're in drugstores, too) that actually helped. They are hard candies, all natural.

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We started to get nauseous after several days of Ivermectin. Went away when we stopped. I think Ivermectin does its job to slow down viral replication in the first few days then it’s all about keeping inflammation in check.

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Thanks! Will check it out.

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I had Covid over Memorial Day 2023 and still have some taste issues. I have to use salt and hot stuff on my food to just taste it.

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Not all people with pneumonia are Covidians. Father of my SIL had pneumonia recently. Her whole family refused jabs.

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My SIL’s father recently had pneumonia. The hospital told him to get a Covid shot, which he did, then sent him home but he was back in the hospital the next day. Turns out he has stage 4 lung cancer. My niece flew home from England (hubby is in the Air Force) and my nephew, who lives in Colorado, flew home to Texas because they don’t think he’s going to last very long. I need to tell my brother about the ivermectin study. I just hope it’s not too late.

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Was the ivermectin study about cancer coming after the shot? I believe I missed that

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It was in the October 2nd Coffee & Covid substack article. It’s titled “Obstruction:”

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

My triple vaxxed brother just visited me and was coming down with yet another cold. I immediately started using my povidone-iodine nasal spray a couple of times a day as a possible prophylactic and never caught whatever he was getting. I made up a bottle of spray for him and he at least seemed eager to use it. I have used the spray for at least 2.5 years every time I either felt like something might be coming on or if I was around sick people and so far, I haven't caught a single thing.

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I swab with Povidone almost every night. Little dab on a q tip keeps the nasal passages clear and kills anything viral lurking in there. I got sick right after Christmas with fever, headache and body aches. Downed pure Vit C powder in warm water and ate nothing for 24 hrs. Felt better the next day, off to Maui the fourth day. No residual anything.

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I am glad you stayed healthy and your brother at least was willing to listen to you. I hope he feels better and stays healthy this year. 🙂

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Too many of these kinds of stories. I truly hope she is ok! Positive thoughts and prayers coming that direction.

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SO many sad stories. It's overwhelming sometimes. Makes me so angry at the people who both brought this on, and who refuse to see this for what it is.

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Each Wednesday we have our Fellowship dinner at church, every week we are praying for more fellow members with cancer. Many members took the jabs and are now seeing unbelievable cancers.

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These stories keep on coming. Actually this new variant, (I think it’s called JN-1) is going to be virulent but not infectious. It will affect the jabbed in large numbers but will not be a serious problem for the unjabbed. The unjabbed have a good immune system to fight it off. As you know, the jabbed and boosted have no such help and will continue to get sicker and sicker. Keep them in your prayers.

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So so tragic and evil. Prayers up for your friends and all those suffering from “ the science”.

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Yikes. Very sad. My heart hurts for the baby.

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got ivermectin?

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any IVERMECTIN around?

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Try Substack of 2nd Smartest Guy in the World. He includes a vet source in every post that I’ve used successfully. Look for his discount code.

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What!?! That demon horse wormer!?!

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funny lady!

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This is kind of funny, but my son was dating a vet tech. She knew nothing about ivermectin and covid, but when she got sick with what appeared to be covid she took the horse version of IVM and got better immediately. She knew about the weight dosage for animals, so she easily figured out how to dose it for herself.

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Just “identify” as a horse and you are good to go. 🐎

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deletedJan 10·edited Jan 10
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I wonder if it doesn’t go back to JD Rockefeller. Maybe the FDA was captured before it was created. Maybe it was a captured govts way of hiding their actions in an unelected bureaucracy.

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In the late 1800s until the early 1900s, there were medical schools catering to women and black men. Seeking to 'standardize' medical education, a man named Flexner was recruited to make recommendations. The result is that many of the schools couldn't afford to make the changes and closed. https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/john-rockefeller-how-he-took-control-over-modern-medicine/

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I agree!! I believe it goes back to Rockefeller and no doubt the FDA was captured before it was created. The FDA had never been credible and we learn more and more every day just how bad they are.

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I think it might be safe to use drugs which have been around long enough that their patents expired, as there is no longer incentive to hide any damage they cause. Plus, of course, they're likely relatively cheap.

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But are they watching the manufacturing? Plus, some of the side effects are just an accepted part of life.

My daughter sent me a list of the bodily harms of both ibuprofen and acetaminophen. They are not healthy and we don’t even associate them with the drugs.

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Of course there are risks and side effects, and one might choose to take or avoid the drug according to the expected net benefit. But my point is that one probably can get this information and make an informed decision. As to errors in manufacture, I don't know that this is any more of a problem for old drugs than for newer ones.

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My concern is I believe that the majority of all our meds are manufactured in China, including aspirin.

Sheesh, do we not make anything in this country anymore? Or any other modern western country? Almost everything (not just meds) I purchase is made in China; electrical appliances, household goods, clothing, baby and pet supplies, etc. It’s all trash and ends IN the trash in short order. I’d gladly pay more for something that would last for several to tens of years instead of having to replace it in a few months or even weeks. 😡

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Exactly. When I started my sleepless menopause, I told my doctor I didn’t want hormones like my mom who died of breast cancer. He prescribed a barbital and said my grandmothers probably took it. It worked and no cancer.

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My mother took hormone replacement for years and died of ovarian cancer. No known family history of that disease. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. I refused to take them.

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No coincidence. Wise not to take it.

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If it’s FDA APPROVED it’s probably bad. If it’s NOT approved by the FDA, it’s probably good for you ... Such as: food supplements and superfoods such as hemp seeds and black seed oil. NB: Solgar has been purchased by Monsanto so they’re off my list.

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Solgar used to be a good brand. I didn’t know Monsanto bought them. Off my list as well.

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It’s getting harder and harder to stay healthy ... All the good brands sell out eventually but that’s the way it is.

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Highly recommend looking into a rife machine

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It's super expensive - probably outside the realm of the average person affording it. And it's questionable, at best. Does nothing, at worst.

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Depends on how serious you are about your health. If I had cancer I sure would try it!

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I am not aware of a rife machine. Tell me more!

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This is a skeptical article. I have a friend who practices natural medicine. This is an Interesting concept to combat cancer.


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Perhaps 1992 is a good cut-off when they started pharma “user fees” to the FDA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescription_Drug_User_Fee_Act

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Goes back to the Flexner report!

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, many people aren’t aware of what is happening to this Minnesota family for J6. They tried to save Roseanne Boyland (edited to correct her name from misspelling as Rosalind Boyd) who most people don’t recall being killed by the Capitol Police murderers or even know who she was. This is a link to their story: https://alphanews.org/minnesota-mom-slams-two-tiered-justice-system-ahead-of-familys-j6-trial/. Her three sons and her veteran husband are all being tried. They need our prayers. It’s sickening what our Country had become and what they have done to innocent Americans tied to J6, while BLM, Antifa, and all the Hamas supporting people are doing all kinds of insurrection and destruction and nothing is done!

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Actually the young lady killed was named Roseanne Boyland. I knew her. She was a friend of my daughter. Everyone called her “Rosie”.

It saddens me that her death has been forgotten. Most people think that only Ashli Babbitt lost her life that day, but Rosie died that day too. I doubt that her family will receive justice in this life, but the certainty that her killers will one day receive what they deserve is comforting. Until then, we should fight for the innocent people who are now being persecuted and held as political prisoners. We should also fight for justice and “the rule of law” that has been our bedrock principle since the founding.

Our country cannot survive a two-tiered justice system. It’s THAT important.

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I completely agree! Thank you. I’ll correct her name in my comment. That has to be so heartbreaking. I’ve never forgotten her once I heard what they did to her and it makes me so sick to realize they did all this purposely for their narrative and continue the attacks on those still held unlawfully as prisoners. Now they want to go after people they think in their corrupt little minds are J6ers who weren’t even there! God be with us and give us strength!

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I just watched a Tucker Carlson interview with the producer a film called "Uncensored: The J6 Timeline". Roseanne Boyland was discussed at length in this film. This was the first time I knew what actually happened to her.


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5 people died that day. Not one was attacking anyone. Not one was a cop or fed.

The only cop deaths are after the face mostly from suicide and one cop who was pepper sprayed by friendly fire and died the next day.

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And now to kick not sand, but s h * t in our face, the unelected government announced they planned to go after lots more J 6'rs, , even those who weren't even there that day. (so how are they J 6 'rs??)


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LGB-FJB keeps flogging J6 in his demented speeches. The left has nothing but that to run on so you can bet they’ll keep going after people & shrieking about it

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Exactly HOW do you define a J 6'er who wasn't there that day?

Anyone who didn't vote "Biden?"

Anyone who is good enough at math to know that a random sum of votes shouldn't have a fingerprint of human involvement?

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And there are strangely similar laws being proposed in many states to protect election workers from harassment. Even in red states. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-releases-information-efforts-protect-right-vote-prosecute-election-crimes

This is happening even In allegedly conservative states. So please be aware of what bills are showing up in the Election committees in your state Houses and Senates. Call the committee members to vote no and/or ask the committee chairs to refrain from hearing the bills. Much easier to defeat in committee than on the floor.

Follow your state election integrity groups on Telegram or Twitter or FB.

Seems “they” are angling to intimidate US from questioning their methods and procedures.

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OMG! I didn’t see that!

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It feels hopeless.

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This is horrible! I had not heard of this poor family, so thank you for spreading the word. I can’t imagine what they are going through. To me, this looks like a great opportunity for a multiplier. Maybe we can at least keep this corrupt administration from bankrupting them. 😢

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Yes, I’ve been praying for them since I heard about it. I can’t even imagine what they are going through and I’ve had it with our corrupt agencies. Yes, the problem is the DOJ keeps stealing the money from the J6 victims that is raised according to various articles I’ve read. That should be unlawful if it’s happening, but nothing is being done lawfully under this administration.

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So infuriating!

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More like this too. Rotting in prisons deliberately located as far from where their families are.

Cruel & unusual punishment?

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Good grief. They never stop do they?

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No, they don’t! This story about this family has been well hidden. I just learned of it last week. It makes me sick to see what this poor family is going through. So many people really don’t know the full truth with what the Feds did to attack peaceful Americans that day.

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I truly don’t understand what is happening to our country and to our legal citizens . This is awful ! I hadn’t heard of this family but I have heard of Rosalind Boyd.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

It is and at this point prayers are the only answer as there isn’t anymore justice with this corrupt administration. It still sickens me what they did to her!

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I like the idea of a multiplier for the Minnesota family!

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This makes me absolutely sick. The injustice of it all is hard to believe. It looks like Nazi Germany!

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The nigger that beat her to death received an award. Js.

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And what the Capitol Police has done to torture, maim and injure the J6 Americans in jail can never be forgotten.

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This comment reflects very poorly on you.

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wow. seriously? no one monitors outright racist comments? this reflects badly on COffee AND COVID and I have sent so many people over here to see Jeff's brilliant analysis.

and you let this SLIMY TURD post?

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The term is apt. The slimeball isn't even from America.

And he has enjoyed the limelight of shooting the young lady, smiling in interviews.

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I remember the story of Roseanne Boyland / Rosalind Boyd but was astonished how little coverage was given to her murder. People I’ve talked to have never heard of her.

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So sorry to hear about this! 🙏🙏😢

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We need another pep talk, Jeff. It is becoming increasingly hard to see any light at the end of this tunnel. The Ray Epps Jr. sentencing was just another huge finger given to us saying, “we control everything!” We will decide who lives and dies, who is prosecuted and who is frightened into submission. We have more access to events as they are happening, and yet more censorship and subterfuge then I would ever have imagined. We are the modern version of Nazi Germany. If not for my reliance on God, I would surely feel the walls closing in and I weep for my grandchildren….

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Especially because some Gestapo at DOJ stated they will be prosecuting folks who were at the Capitol but never even went inside.

Telling you...that smartphone will end up being a boot on people's neck.


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You are so right. If a few decades ago Congress tried to pass a law requiring everyone to wear a government tracking device there would have been riots in the streets. Instead we did it voluntarily out of convenience. Hard to believe this wasn't part of the plan all along.

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It was all part of the plan!

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I still refuse to own one and never will. The next time you are out anywhere there are people, see how many are glued to their screens and/or talking on the stupid things. No one can wait in a checkout line any more without playing with their darn phone. No slavery for me, thank you very much.

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Yup. We refuse to own one. It is most definitely the key to their control over us, and better yet, we pay for our own enslavement. They cannot implement carbon credit scores or social credit scores or CBDC's unless everyone has one.

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People look at me like I went full on Amish when I tell them I do not own a smartphone.

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It doesn't matter, You posted on an "Insurrectionist" website, comrade. No one escapes. Go Full Rebellion, like John Hancock with his signature.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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Not True, if you desire to Eat, or Travel except by foot. Only One Thing has Tempered the Actions of Us or perhaps .... Others ....... is the Threat of Force Applied.

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Doesn’t matter, your car lets them know where you are, and if that doesn’t work, practically everything is on video anyway.

Our car insurance company spent a couple of years promoting a device you can plug into your vehicle. Great deal, if you got one you’d get a discount on your rates! 🤪My guess is they dropped that because your vehicle gives them all the info they need anyway.

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But wait... didn’t they say geofencing was unreliable when 2000 mules came out? 🙄

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Geofencing is fairly reliable. They use now it for time clocks / punch in/outs for payroll. It’s only unreliable when they need debunk something that goes against the narrative.

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Faraday bags are good. Put it in any time you don't want it eavesdropping or tracking and you aren't waiting for an important call or something.

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Celeste Solum is up on the fencing

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I agree with you 100%. I have my faith in God, but that doesn't mean that I don't worry about my children and what kind of world they will be living in.

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

Pay $4.99 a month for David Nino Rodriguez' Nino'scorner TV and go watch the interview with Mike Kling. He made a number of compelling arguments this is all theater. Not saying I bought it all, but he did make a lot of sense .

And go back and read a post I did 2 days ago. We need to overcome our fears and stop letting them manipulate us.

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It's already easy to see this is theatre. When you've spent over a decade looking into everything, things become obvious. It's a show full of harmful and deadly distractions. They're buying time for a reason now. Something big is on the horizon.

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Fear is truly the only weapon, I think. Look how many people are still terrified over this "virus". They are very easy to spot - at least one face diaper if not more.

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"What?" causes "OUR Fear"??? A FIB Raid??? Feral Justus???

Every "Fear" is a Gradient of Compliance to Tyranny, just different Fears for different people.

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One of the biggest causes of the fear is the unknown. It is why I strive every day to keep learning what is really going on

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Being Pre-pared Regardless of "what is really going on" is my advice for what it's worth.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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"Theater" is mind controlled propaganda. The Gulags await, Bolsheviks are quite predictable.

sElected democRats are Bolsheviks, sElected rinoRats are Quilisings, Both are NWO Mother WEFers.

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I like it . Quislings. How many of these smart phone addicted dweebs even know what that means, and the Origen?

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Roland - Can you go ahead and repost from 2 days ago (on today's SS)? It's difficult to go back through the hundreds of posts. Thanks!

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Become a Happy Prepper can help.

We can will ourselves to laugh and be hopeful and joyful, plus we then spread that happiness and laughter around for others.

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Yup---I can either wring my hands in worry, or use them to prepare for whatever may come (and certainly use them clasped in prayer)

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also Clasped around the Grip of my rifle...... after prayer of course.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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James 1:2-4 (ESV)

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

In Gods mercy, He has given me these events so that I can know where I fall short in carrying my cross. My life is hidden in Christ Jesus. Fear and anxiety are of the flesh.

Romans 8:13 (ESV)

"For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live."

When I experience fear or anxiety these days, I know I have work to do with Him. I need to walk in the knowledge that when I depart this life, I go to glory!

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The Problem Is The Weeping. Fear & Crying never, ever won a war. Cold Fury is my recommendation. Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Resitance to Tyrants is Obedience to God, imo.

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The last sentence resonates deeply.

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Read about near death experiences. Those people all see the light the light is going to be there for anyone. Who knows the Lord please remember eternity is our home. These may be the last days and if it is, we’re not gonna fix all these problems, but we are going to invade the eternal consequences. All those who are causing these problems will not.

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

I cannot state this more strongly. Except for several types of cancer, ie. skin and uterine, , cancer is systemic. You cannot have it removed by removing tumors. Furthermore, chemo will not kill cancer stem cells, the most potent of all cancer cells. Cancer is a symptom, not a disease. And cancer is cancer. Any doctor worth their salt will tell you that. There are no "kidney cancers" or" lung cancers" or" pancreatic cancers." The cancer industry makes bogus differentiations by saying the ratio of cancer cells to healthy cells varies in tumors, (it does) , so each is a different type of cancer. No it's not. Until you cure whatever allowed the cancer cells to be created and multiply, you ain't fixing nothing.

Major caveat. I have No idea if any of the turbo cancers can be cured by any means. What I wrote above concerns only cancer not induced by injecting who knows what toxins into your body. TBD.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

After an abnormal lab result last year, I did a lot of reading on prostate cancer. Turns out most prostate cancer surgery is "elective". Prostate cancer is fairly unique in that it's debatable whether most cases are even really cancer.,

as most people think of it. Most cases are diagnosed solely on PSA blood test. 90+% without surgery never spread systemically or cause problems beyond enlargement. They are benign and not life threatening.

However, a large industry has built up around surgery for treating this common cancer. Urologists are incentivized to do surgery because it's lucrative. Men and their wives hear the word cancer and it's very easy to convince them removal is the safe approach. They don't realize that incontinence and impotence commonly result, to say nothing of the risks of surgery (as Austin found out, reportedly).

Most men would do fine without the surgery. I have not heard if prostate cancer rates have gone up post-jab or if more cases are malignant. It's quite possible that Austin's prostate CA was a typical benign case and that Austin characteristically and foolishly listened to mainstream doctors without doing any research when they told him "get that prostate removed!"

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Hey Jon thank you for your comment. My husband (49) started seeing a pcp 2 years ago and she ordered "routine" blood work that included a PSA. Well the level was elevated to about 5 sshe referred him to a urologist who brought him back every 3 months to test his psa. It would sometimes trend up, sometimes, down never going above 6. After a year he told the urologist he wasn't coming back anymore and then all the sudden it was a big emergency that he should get a biopsy. I, being an RN, and having my eyes pried wide open since Covid (really even before then) started pouring over research surrounding prostate levels and cancer. I see no good reason to proceed with 12 bite random, painful, and degrading biopsy that only samples about .3 % of the entire gland, and if it did bite cancer it could possible spread it, as they actually punch through the colon wall to do the biopsy. I discovered that the only thing reliable about the psa is to let you know if you do indeed have a prostate! My husband trusts doctors and was ready to do it but I ssked him to wait until i could do more research and make a more informed decision. I had him ask theburologist if they would do an MRI first as that what some of the people in the groups I was researching suggested. He said that they needed to do the biopsy first, then the mri if needed. One of the most basic principles I learned in nursing school was least invasive to most invasive so that was a red flag for me. Anyway, I still have the guilt factor and the thoughts of " well what if it is cancer?" He has no symptoms and no family history. I have been in prayer seeking God's answer to this thing. But it's comforting to see comments from other people who realize what a scam alot of the medical field has become.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

I have had multiple friends diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer. Two removals. One subsequently had holes the size of quarters burned into his colon (he had incredible pain tolerance ) and became incontinent. He BTW was the finest man I ever knew that I wrote about two days ago, the one with no fear that stared down the entire corporate leadership. Took 10 agonizing years for him to die, a very proud hermit. I was one of the very few ever allowed to see him. The other removal led to constant problems, ending with cancer in his bladder, lots of procedures, then removal of his bladder. For the record, my dad had a PSA of 27 for at least 15 years. Multiple biopsies, and infections every time. Died of pneumonia/kidney failure at 93.

Never seen a single credible cancer book that said prostate removal was recommened. it is very slow growing, and something else will kill you first. But yep, so many men fall for the surgery scam, the equivalent of the mastectomy scam.

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My husband just came out the other side of a cancer scare. All his bloodwork etc. is as perfect as can be. His PSA is done yearly and has slowly gone up over the years from about 1.8 to 3.4, although after the 3.4 it went down to 2.9. Last June at his yearly he got a DRE and the doctor felt a hard lump and wanted to do a biopsy. He demeanor clearly showed he thought this was cancer, despite the fact that there were no other real symptoms or indications. My husband insisted on an MRI and it came back showing a substantial mass of some sort. The MRI gave it a 5/5 prediction that it was cancer. So he wanted more opinions. First to our family doctor, and he said he didn't think it was cancer based on his long years of experience. He recommended a urologist in a nearby town so he got an appointment with him a couple of months later. This was an old school doctor, probably in his 60s, and we quickly learned he was one of the good ones whose thinking aligned with ours about the pandemic and the current idiocy of his profession. He did a very careful, thorough DRE that my husband said was actually painful, unlike the oh so brief ones his previous urologist did. The doctor finished the exam and said quite confidently that "you don't have cancer". However, since my husband had had the MRI he felt obligated to do a biopsy to make sure. Long story short, he did the biopsy and he was negative. He also said that had my husband NOT had the MRI, he would have simply advised waiting and watching rather than a biopsy. We're relieved now, but we had 5 months of worrying about it.

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Yes I thought the same.

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Agreed. In my non-medical opinion, cancer is most definitely systemic. Hacking off or cutting out body parts is not curing anything. I remember once reading about cancer being a survival mechanism that the body used to deal with toxins it had no other way to handle.

A former work colleague of mine cured himself from stage 4 pancreatic or liver cancer by changing his diet and his mindset. He tried chemo first and just got sicker and sicker, then went to diet changes. Last I heard it was still gone and I hope he was smart enough not to take big pharma's poison. I am with you and don't know if anything helps the cancer created by the non-"vaccines".

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Exactly! Chemo doesn’t kill cancer- it usually makes it come back, even worse than before. That’s why they only measure survival rates in a 5 year timeframe. So I guess CAR-T is much the same.

Even though so many at the ‘top’ chose to exempt themselves from that vax mandates, I can only hope that Austin and the other guy were vaxxed, as examples to their underlings. It would mean that they are now reaping the ‘benefits’ of the shots with turbo cancer and heart problems that they forced on their own military. Or maybe it’s just KARMA biting them in the arse for developing these bio weapons and coercing millions into taking them. Serves them right. Hope they’re happy.

Fed. Fed. Fed is all I can say about Epps. We all know it and now they’ve making that clear with this sham. Biden just a keeps giving us the middle finger.

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5 year chemo survival rate in the US , from a massive study, is 2.1 %.

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Dr. Paul Merrick (SP) stated that cancer grows based on what you eat. It’s a dietary dependent growth that fails when it is starved. Keto diet, for example, does not properly feed cancer cells and they die out. This makes more sense to me than all the other medical magic being peddled to us.

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Yes, I've read about this as well. Americans have long been damaging their immune systems with how they eat, thus creating conditions for cancer to proliferate. I long ago read that we all get cancer cells but that a healthy immune system can destroy them. The typical American diet is truly horrendous.

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I tried telling my brother who passed at 49 after a 10 year battle with colon cancer to cut out all sugar and processed carbs. He said no way he could do that. What does it tell us that a glucose IV is used for a pet scan? Tumors take up the glucose and light up to show if the cancer has spread. Tumors love sugar.

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Yes, seems simple enough 😀

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Check out fasting in this regard. Once you push your body into autophagy (meaning “self-eating”), the immune system literally turns on cancer cells, junk and trash/debris cells floating around in the body and eats them. The first time I did a 7-day fast, I had a little keloid on my shoulder, which had developed after a skin cancer biopsy, peel right off.

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I'd suggest there is no "cure for whatever lets cancer cells multiply". IMO, cancer is one of the pre-programmed modes of death for humans. It is a design feature, not a flaw.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

When you think about it, cancer is a pretty strange thing. It's entirely dependent on non-aerobic glycolycis for energy which is extremely primitive and inefficient compared to aerobic respiration (i.e. oxidative phosphorylation) that normal cells use. You would think something so devastating had evolved some super-efficient way of sustaining itself, but it's the exact opposite.

I like the theory that it's an evolutionary "last resort" method to sustain life gone haywire. For whatever reason the body has determined that normal complex cellular activity is no longer viable, so it reverts to an extremely primitive life form just to keep going. It would explain why it so often shows up in areas subject to chronic trauma, such as prolonged decades of inflammation.

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Your comments vastly exceed my knowledge level .... but a possible parallel is a comparison of primitive man's survival techniques with those of we moderns. We have "evolved" hundreds of high-tech ways to kill our enemies ... our Neanderthal predecessors simply whacked their foes over the head with a club or a rock.

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I was trying to imagine what cancer is in a different way, and this came into my mind. We are mortal. We are finite. At best we can take up our lives as valiantly, of good courageous, looking for what work may be nobly seen to be ours in this imperfect span to which we are given and give. When we are inevitably touched by life, and so gladly we should allow, we take for ourselves the suffering and imbue it with hope. We hold it close to us, embracing as best we can, in hope and sorrow. This life will be the death of us, and we shall not and should not expect to come through untouched.

It seems abstract, but this was my contemplation on cancer. I had a terrible bout of bad health last winter. I did not diagnose and took a spiritual and cleansing approach. It appears to have decisively helped. I thought about cancer, not as a physicality, but as a very helpful wisdom that can truly help me understand my place and role in this life.

Sometimes I also think of swamps, so fecund, full of decay as much as of life, and yet having profound healing and cleansing power for the water. The water is like blood almost. I sometimes think we're like that. Beautiful crucibles to hold life and death, to transform poison and evil into good (from God), ever imperfectly and suffering willingly the ultimate consequence.

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Ive been told Ivermectin can stop it in its tracks. also RSO Rick Simpson OIl

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Fenbendazol is the most effective thing we found, and it is just a more narrow spectrum version of Ivermectin

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It took 60 years for “science” to understand the mechanism of harm engaged by Thalidomide. The mechanism of harm was altering production of proteins inside human cells which lead to the various malformations suffered by babies impacted with Thalidomide. https://www.dana-farber.org/newsroom/news-releases/2018/after-60-years--scientists-uncover-how-thalidomide-produced-birth-defects/

Covid19 shots alter protein production in cells. So.

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

There is an arrogance at work here that is off the charts. First, these people believe they understand every intricacy of the impossibly complex human anatomy. They confidently declare something as safe and effective when they have no idea how a drug interacts with 99.99% of body's complex processes that they didn't evaluate.

On top of that they have a god-complex. They view the body as a broken down machine that only their brilliance can fix. They ignore that the body is a masterpiece of creation that will usually fix itself if given the right tools (proper diet, sound sleep, avoiding toxins, etc.) and they get out of the way.

There are some genuine medical miracles that actually cure people such as antibiotics (though they were abused and have now created another set of problems). But so much of modern medicine is simply turning off the symptoms caused by a garbage diet and lifestyle.

Check out Tracy Beanz post here about how her husband lost 155 pounds in a year, and put Multiple Sclerosis completely into remission by simply eating a carnivore diet. Truly life changing stuff, his doctors are amazed. His before/after pics are incredible.


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Jeff C, the Tower of Babel story, over and over, and the Garden of Eden, too. Human nature is unchanged and unchanging.

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Amen to that. When I first started reading the Bible seriously, the thing that jumped out at me was how it perfectly described human nature despite being written thousands of years ago. Just as God never changes, apparently our fallen nature doesn't either. Just repeating the same arrogant mistakes over and over.

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I recently was reading the narrative of the construction of the tabernacle. Over and over again, I encountered the phrase: "The work of a skilled craftsman."

Then it dawned on me. WE are now the tabernacle!

These jabs are not the work of a skilled craftsmen. They are "strange fire" just as in Leviticus 10:1.

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And the Greeks called it hubris.

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Those who choose to take it do have their part in buying into the delusion of medical salvation and the claim of godlike powers.

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@Jeff C:

You will like this. A couple years old but excellent info: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VTrkdHmCauaq/

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

Checked out the linked article and the bullet point summary at the top made me roll my eyes:

- Defects linked to disruption of key protein involved in fetal development

- Finding will help guide development of new drugs

Not "finding led to soul searching regarding the devastating impact of unintended consequences". Or "finding humbled scientists into recognizing there is much about the body they don't understand". Or "finding points out the danger in rushing drugs to market when side effects aren't fully understood".

Nope. The finding will help them develop more drugs. It's worth noting that Thalidomide was pushed on pregnant moms for morning sickness. I don't mean to downplay the unpleasantness of that condition, but it's not like it was prescribed to cure their cancer.

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Oh, I understand, but just like Jeff points out in the C&C, researchers got published the knowledge that the mechanism of harm for Thalidomide was altering the protein production in the cells. Most research is funded by Pharma, so the researchers always comment on future medicine possibilities to keep the funding flowing.

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I still remember it being on the cover of LIFE magazine when I was a kid

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Thalidomide created by a former Nazi.


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With Thalidomide: 50 years passed before an apology and 60 years before scientists figured out the mechanism of harm. I guess now we know why Pfizer and the FDA wanted the studies sealed for 75 years.

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Even more reason why people should have said "no" to the covid death shots.

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Bingo! Gotta get more of those damaged to die off to reduce corps' legal damages.

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Thank you for that link--an interesting read.

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Thalidomide created by a former Nazi...because they have murder in their DNA.


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My mother had multiple myeloma in 2017 and they prescribed thalidomide. Costco 3400.00 a month. An unsafe drug in most countries in the world and in the 70’s or thereabouts 7.00 a bottle. My mom said 34.00 that is a lot. No, 3400.00 dollars. To what end. The head of a prestigious endocrinology dept on the west coast told me chemo drugs only extend life for an average of 4 months, at what cost to the person.

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

So amongst all the sadness and etc in the world, I wanted to bring this up. I watched Sound of Freedom the other night. Being an abuse survivor, I thought it would be too difficult to watch, but I am glad I did. The point of that movie, IMO: one person can make a difference when they stand up for what they believe in. I also saw a review for a UK movie called One Life, which is about a man who relocated Jewish children before WWII because he knew what was going to happen. As the reviewer put it ("The Critical Drinker"), sometimes things aren't handled by pounding a fist on a desk in outrage. Sometimes they are slow, methodical, and navigating red tape. He's right. Without seeing the movie (yet), after seeing the review I'd say the point is one person can make a difference. As I was almost asleep last night, I was remembering Schindler's List. One person can make a difference.

As Jeff has said several times, we can't wait on Superman. But small things add up, and one person can make a difference. Even if what we do against this evil does not produce results, it's better than trying nothing. Further, we don't know what affect the ripples from our attempts will be. Today I refuse to give up. Other days I am more depressed about the whole thing. But not today, anyhow.

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Thank you!

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Well said. Thank you for the reminder.

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Long ago I was a teacher. It never ceased to amaze me how at the end of each academic year at least one student I thought was tuned out the entire year actually "got" some of the core important big ideas I was trying to teach and was using them in daily life. Just "modeling" what you want others to understand can be very effective.

Small story. Been having to go to physical therapy for a few weeks. After two visits refusing to put on a mask "required" by my county, the receptionists no longer ask me to wear one. I love smiling at everyone wearing masks hoping they will have the courage to take them off ever since I decided in Summer 2022 "never again" any fear-porn masks for me. Masks, tests, jabs, and lockdowns. I'm done with them all. Do not comply! ;)

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Thank you FourWinds! I really needed a pep talk today, and yours was inspiring!

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You are not alone. There are patriots everywhere. Join Convention of States. https://conventionofstates.com/?ref=57705

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It was bad enough discovering that our health care system and election system were corrupt and co-opted by our enemies.

Finding out our justice system is equally destroyed is terribly discouraging. We are truly on our own.

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We’re in the midst of a spiritual battle, but we’re not alone.

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Yes, it is a spiritual battle. So many refuse to see that!

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It is frustrating that so many people can’t recognize what’s happening, especially when their “leaders” confront them with the truth. Remember Biden’s “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” speech in Philadelphia (September 1, 2022)? It boggles the mind to understand how people could listen to that speech and see what an eerie spectacle it was and not figure out what they’re up to. 🙄

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When the "selected" leadership talk about the soul, whose Name are they taking, and in what manner are they taking it?

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Remember, Pfizer just purchased Seagen, and what do they do? They produce drugs for hard to treat cancers. Albert is so sure, he made the claim that 30% of the population will get cancer. He's so concerned that he paid 49 million for a company only worth 14.9 mil. He knows.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

Correction to your post. It was purchased for 43 BILLION. He's much more concerned about cancer.

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Thank you for the correction.

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

Also, I don’t think President Trump’s tricks are working any more.

Did you guys notice that when he released his summary of vote irregularities, he called on the “republican” Senate to address it?

He knows the senate is D. He was counting on the media losing their minds over the “error” and bringing attention to the report. They have, unfortunately, wised up and are so scared of drawing attention to that report, they’re willing to pass up a great opportunity to mock him. Unfortunately. That report needs some attention.

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I wouldn't be so sure these are tricks. There seems to be other instances that he is "slipping" mentally. While it is certain his advisors have told him to tone down the rhetoric and bombastic nature, in recent appearances his age is starting to show as well.

I love the guy, but given what needs to be accomplished over the next 4-5 years, is someone who will turn 80 in the middle of that is the best choice?

Not trying to discriminate - nature is what it is and we all lose our capacities as we age, and dramatically so after 75.

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Saw a recent clip of him going after slow Joe and noticed the same thing, looked like he'd lost a step in his delivery. His usual perfect comic timing just wasn't quite there. Was hoping he was just having an off night.

That being said, I'll be thrilled to have anything close to his mental acuity at that age so it's not a knock on him personally. But I do hope he's up to the task.

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I can't imagine what 7+ years of constant accusations, made up investigations, and bogus criminal charges from every direction, must do to a person's mental & physical health. Most people couldn't take a tiny fraction of what he's been put through. I sometimes pray he can find some little bit of peace here on earth before he dies but something tells me he will fight until the very end.

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I watched the Piers Morgan/Jordan Peterson conversation regarding Mr. Trump. Worth a look.

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Which is why we love him

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I can’t even imagine the stress, the strain and the heartbreak he’s endured since Nov.2020. He has the entire force of the DC swamp, the corrupt DOJ and FBI, the deep state and the Soros-placed DA’s and judges going after him day and night since the moment he announced his candidacy in 2016 and it’s only accelerated since then. A human being can only handle so much abuse before it takes a toll. I urge everyone to pray for President Trump and his family and for our nation! I personally have never seen such dark days in the USA.

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His beloved mother in law just passed away. Curiously, he carefully skirted around what her sudden bad illness was (on New Year’s Eve)and also no mention today in her death announcement by Melania either.

When my mom died last year after a cancer diagnosis, I felt it was very natural to share that. The human mind generally needs to know a reason in order to wrap itself around and the heart needs to know in order to garner empathy and sympathy.

Is that just me? 🤔 Is it now culturally trendy to not share anymore, or does not sharing just scream: covid vaxx induced injury?

If so, it seems even Trump is aware of this in the secrecy behind Melania's mother's short illness and death.

(I believe that her parents, like him and the rest of the family were vaxxed).

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Melania has always been a very dignified and private person. Her parents are Slavic, I believe. It may be customary to not list the cause of death in the culture they were raised or simply their choice. When my late husband died in 2002 I didn’t list the exact cause of death in his obituary, just that he died after a brief illness. I think it’s an individual choice and not right or wrong either way. She seemed like a wonderful person and I’m sure will be missed.

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I’m wondering how many advisers he needs, or trusts. How many would you have after this.

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I think Trump has passed. That bothers me greatly, but maybe there will be less contention soon.

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I noticed that error, too. Didn't think much about it, chalked it up to typical Trump lack of attention to detail. House, Senate, whatever!

But you may be right it was intentional. But actual facts about the 2020 election are Kryptonite to the mainstream media. Ignoring that report would come very easily to them.

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We have lost all sense of real journalism at the gov’t’s behest!

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Interesting take.

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

I thought all of the leaks from the Fauci "testimony" were pretty short, consisting mainly of the words "I", "don't", and "recall". :/

Not really surprised by the Epps outcome. Justice has long since been removed from the picture - at least in the sense of being truly impartial/fair. :(

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Fauci will someday see if "I don't recall" works on God.

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Love it! I worked in specialized Geriatrics as an NP! I would have had many red flags raised about competence!!

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A friend suggested that the only “elective” surgery associated with prostate cancer involves a pump and a stiffened appendage.

Could Austin have been trying to make Willie wonk again?

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There are actually 3 types of elective surgery for prostate cancer. If you don't arrive in an ambulance, it's elective.

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Exactly. Surgery is elective or "planned" when you have some time to debate surgical options. In this case, I think he likely "elected" to undergo robotic assisted prostatectomy which tends to be less invasive than the traditional radical prostatectomy used in years past. While less invasive, it does carry the risk of post-op complications like the ones Austin apparently experienced.

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I don't care who you are, that's funny!

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Spot on; 80% likely. Not 100, but 80. Ever since they shut down Epstein Sex Trafficking Island, "Lord" Austin's DEI Paradise, he has had…difficulties. Penile implant surgery went bad, post surgical infection, doctors scrambling, what to do, what to do...

They kept Soviet-style quiet (nothing to see here - information is like food, only some get) because they didn't want to lie then get caught prevaricating details, but now the cover-up is nicely in place.

There probably is some truth to Brandon not knowing anything until after the fact. Low IQ Austin went in for "elective" surgery and then things went south. Actually never mind, of course the pretend President's entire team knows exactly when any one of their people is seeing a doctor for more than five minutes. PsyOps Central. Paging Dr. Orwell!

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My thought exactly!! Minus the willie wonk humor lol I’m just not that funny. Of course he’d want to keep that secret. He would’ve expected to be in and out (oh my gosh the unintended pun) the same day, then got infection followed by sepsis and all plans of secrecy began to deflate. Pun intended.

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Appreciate both word games. Thank you.

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I read the Emperor of all Maladies by Siddhartha Mukerjee, excellent book on the history of cancers. It was turned into a PBS documentary that I never saw, but the book is worth the read! It isn’t as dry as the Gene, which chronicles the genome and he talks about gain of function moratoriums over the years. Dr. Mukerjee is an oncologist in Boston, I believe and it’s interesting that he’s not made any comments since turbo cancers have made its rise in medical circles. I always want to encourage everyone to eat healthy as I agree with those in this substack that have said cancer is a symptom of an underlying health problem. The thought is mitochondrial dysfunction. I’ll leave it at that.

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That DoD Secretary flounced around the planet wearing masks plus plastic head covers. Mr. Paranoia 101. Likely got multiple real jabs, then blood clots, maybe turbo cancer, his prostate PSA # shot to the stratosphere and he so panicked deciding on surgery. Then infection and sepsis. Or maybe the entire prostate story is all just smoke & mirrors for something far worse. Hard to have sympathy for him after he forced mandatory jabs on all his civilian and uniformed personnel. Ditto his US Marine Commandant. RIP. "Prayers" for their recovery.

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Ewww 😝

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

The elites are desperate to avoid death. They are throwing all kinds of experimental therapies at the rest of us who are also desperate to escape death. The equivalent of sending your fat sister out on the icy pond to see if it will hold you.

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Never heard that one before!

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

" Oops. I’m already out of time and I haven’t even gotten to what’s been leaking out of the top-secret Fauci interviews. We’ll have to get to that tomorrow. "

.......... 👉 tease !

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

The late Suzanne Somers did CAR-T for cancer therapy in 2023 before she died in October. Her husband called it a lube job for her immune system. She felt like crap after it and she continued to decline. So sad.

Here’s the video where she mentions it on Jun 30, 2023:

📸 Watch this video on Facebook https://fb.watch/punooqmGja/?mibextid=v7YzmG

And here she is May 5, 2023 looking a lot better:

📸 Watch this video on Facebook https://fb.watch/punGnXyH9n/?mibextid=v7YzmG

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Pay for a caterer and get burnt hot dog rolls!

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Do we know if she got the jab?

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Jan 10Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm not sure why we are giving any credibility to what the government is reporting about Austin. There's also been scuttlebutt that he was killed as collateral damage (a bonus if you will) by Russian special forces on Jan. 3 while going after the Ukranian military leader. Regardless of whether that's true, why are we suddenly believing a MAJORLY delayed report about Austin being hospitalized? He's part of the deep state. Do we really think he was jabbed? I'm not buying this right now. It's WAY too fishy!

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We need proof of life photo.

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