I can’t fathom how “drag” is somehow less offensive and demeaning than “blackface.” Both feature people not part of a particular group making fun of that group.

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Similar to the cries of Cultural Appropriation if we dress up as cowboys and indians.

But men acting as women? The ultimate appropriation to steal a whole gender class...

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Also it is not enough for the Florida department of education to call that school. They should spend an unannounced week at that school and school district to see what else those groomers are up to. That district is rotten to the core. Don't trust the administration and teachers to not go underground with their perversion.

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Excellent. Bust these groomer networks.

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That is an excellent idea!

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There is an old saying something about a rolling donut.

Maybe that's what the drag guys want since they don't like real women except to play on their sports teams?

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

From urbandictionary.com, a Donut is An individual whom is extremely stupid. Lacks intelligence and common sense. Somebody who does something incredibly stupid. An idiot.

“Drag and Donuts”

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Maybe why Homer Simpson has that donut association 😆

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mmmmmm donuts

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Wow, who knew?

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I love the definition.

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Really...THIRD YEAR...Orlando’s Boone High School...

A “Drag and Donuts” event set to be held at a Florida school for a THIRD year has been canceled, officials said.

An LGBTQ student club at Boone High School in Orlando planned to welcome guest Jason DeShazo...He was scheduled to dress in drag and share his “story as a queer person” on Thursday, March 23, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

The annual after-school gathering wasn’t going to be a drag show but instead was an “opportunity for the students to hear a positive message of acceptance and love,” an Orange County Public Schools spokesperson told McClatchy News in an email.


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This is the problem with high schools today… the kids are graduating with zero actual job skills

And this is where they’re spending time, every and resources… it’s stupidity

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Parents are not parenting either - another serious issue in our country!

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It’s my opinion that parents have lost their nerve to parent their kids… no one wants to say no to their kids about anything anymore.

And as a result, a huge percent of kids are completely infantilized.

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What kind of "love" are they promoting? Sure isn't the love mentioned in Scripture--even "eros"...it doesn't qualify--it's PLAIN PERVERSION...pure and simple.

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Yeah. Clear out that school. Groomers in control.

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Annie, you'd have to clear out half that city: Groomers in control.

So, is there any reason anyone with half a brain can't understand the importance of clobbering the Reedy Creek Improvement District? From my perspective, there was subversive power and agenda afoot that was allowed to fester and thrive.

Later Jay

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Since when has lgbtq become an academic extracurricular activity? Teens don’t need to have that placed front & center at their school. They have enough distractions as it is with sex as it is at this age. Or is that the point of the clown show drag queen hour.

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It’s not an academic course and shouldn’t be an extracurricular activity in schools! But it shows that the mission of public schools is no longer to educate students in core academics, critical thinking or the sciences. The goal is to indoctrinate and influence young people to their perverted ideology and to sexualize children at a young age. They want a godless culture where there are no traditional values, no moral absolutes and no standards for behavior. Furthermore, it’s an assault on the traditional family structure.

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It really burns me that a man can dress up like a woman and get paid for it. But no one is paying me to be a woman. I know that is not a fully baked comment but you get what I’m saying. : )

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Women perform in stage in various capacities as well... We just aren't trying to humiliate and groom entire swaths of the population while performing.

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"Fully baked comment" 🤣♥️

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And what if as a woman you’re kinda cute... bigger slam! I demand reparations.

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Here here

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Maybe women need to start saying “Why are you appropriating my gender???” to these people!

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They do, but are muzzled by posts being quashed.

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In person, at the events. Like the Left does. But leave when asked, or be ready to be arrested for trespassing, if the law would support that.

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Seems woke prosecutors will enforce only those laws that support their ideologies

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Friendly amendment: "sex," not "gender." Sex is the biological term.

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That said, I think I’d feel funny about saying “why are you appropriating my sex” because of the dual meaning of the word 🤪 as semantically correct as it might be.

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Yes you’re correct of course.

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Friendly amendment, Based: "steal a whole *sex.*" 'Sex' is biological, and there are two. 'Gender' is grammatical, and they are masculine, feminine, and neuter. Guess who appropriated that word and turned it into the circus we see today. Take back the language.

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I also think the fondness for stupid names for biological terms is reprehensible. Boobs for breasts. All the names for penis. I use biological terms. It’s weird because it’s almost a foreign language to most people.

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Agree 100%. Take back the language and use appropriate terminology. It takes some of the air out of their balloons.

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And women are okay with that. Well, the big mouthed liberal ones anyway. I wrote stack about this. You can read it here. I have honestly had it with these women, both with v-jay-jays and with twigs and berries.


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It's all about the "global agenda" of the WEF - the "stakeholder" philosophy where corporations are now "graded" on their ESG policies (Environment/Social Equity/Governance). If they don't go along with the WEF's ESG policies they are "downgraded" on the various stock exchanges and their stocks will plummet. You see...it's not about "trannies"/lesbians/homosexuals/non binary/queers--it's REALLY about 'POWER AND GREED'. It's what "runs" this evil-minded world in which we all live (for now anyway).

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They are nasty.

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Hey, be careful not to mix up your biological sex (not sure what that is in woke-speak today) with any of the 657 possible genders! You might inadvertently misgendisexify “them” 😉😂

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Great point!!🙌🏼

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Okay, maybe it's offensive, but I think it's a hoot.

I was in a very woke neighborhood the other day, buying some organic stuff in the food co-op, when in walks some guy in make-up, blowed-out hair, and high heels. That's all I could see out of the corner of my eye because I refused to look at him dead-on as he was so obviously BEGGING FOR ATTENTION, flailing about, using his higher register as he tried chatting with everyone in his sing-song "look-at-me-aren't-I-interesting-and-shocking" voice.

I was like, "No. You are not getting any attention or any validation from me. You will become invisible to me. Plus, you could NEVER outdo my ability to be a natural woman--or even come close. Just try to call me homophobic or transphobic. Just try you little character-acting weasel."

I know he was trying to engage me. I know it was bothering him that I blocked him. It was fun.

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Ignoring outrageous behavior is best for sure, because they’re obviously seeking attention. But I stopped shopping at ULTA, the women’s cosmetics store, because they put their trans employees at the checkout counter where it’s hard to ignore them.

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Same here, ok fine do a drag show in some venue, people who want to see that sort of thing can pay to attend, I don’t care. If someone finds that entertaining, fine. Not my cup of tea, personally, but I’m not going to stop an adult from seeing them.

But where I draw the line is when they start saying that they ARE women, as real as biological women, just because they think they are and dress up in this wildly exaggerated way. They are not women and never will be. They are men dressing up as caricatures of women. Which is what my problem was with Ulta’s advertising. I don’t care if these people want to buy makeup in the stores where I am shopping or even if the company wants to advertise to that very small niche demographic. But stop calling them women. That’s just pandering and it is insulting to real women.

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I stopped as well. I wrote several letters and got bovine poop in return. Finally told them: you are erasing women for this very small section of our population. You obviously don’t want me as a customer.

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I did the same and got the same canned response.

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We went to a Rodizio brazilian steak house last weekend... and yes, they had a trans visiting the tables. Managment must have gone out of their way to find and hire them, because I'm pretty sure that is not a place they would typically frequent. I kept wondering if they were paid more than the other servers to be there.

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If the goal is to build a "woke" clientele and alienate the rest, pushing them to make an alternate choice for the next 'dinner-out' venture - seems like a sound business decision.

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I would have left…

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Me too. I also wouldn't have paid the bill.

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Dinner AND a show!

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Apparently, quite a few independent coffee shops are doing this, too. Bummer, because some of these places were nice to do work in.

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Management thinks it signals virtue and goodness. It signals weakness and being out of touch to me... and I end up frequenting such sources less.

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We have alternatives and once the bottom line is effected....

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Me too. Plus I can’t find cosmetics in there anymore that are all natural/ chemical free.

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Same with Sephora who employees gays and trans, and MAC, who put makeup on customers. 😩

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I never feel comfortable or confident that someone (and this goes for women makeup artists too) with garish makeup will be able to do a subtle look on me. I’m always afraid I will end up looking as clownish and exaggerated as they do.

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It has always bothered m me e that the top hair designers and make-up experts seem to be men. Frankly, honestly, and bluntly I don’t need a man to tell me how to be a woman. If it’s someone I care about I might be interested. But as the old Leslie Gore song goes: you don’t own me.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

Oh there are lots of great women makeup artists!! Bobbi Brown, Carmindy, Charlotte Tilbury, Trish McEvoy, to name a few! 🙂

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My Sephora does the same with trannys at the checkout counter.

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Once again...yes!! I was so pissed I had to write about that one. And the video! BS. I put the link in an above comment.

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Oh, it was a hoot... until they decided to bring it into elementary schools. The push back is their fault because they took it too far.

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right? I never had any issue whatsoever with it. They want to dress up? Fine. It's nothing to me. But you bring it around elementary school kids and do suggestive dancing & gyrating? Ok, now we have a problem. Think of the reverse...do we allow women strippers to walk into elementary schools & have the kids tuck dollars into their g-strings?

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Another great analogy!

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You say that but apparently you've never seen a large breasted man, or woman, in a see thru tight fitted t and idk what else it had it didn't have but it was revolting no matter who was wearing it! It was a peep show on the street! But no matter this is a progressive town, we r college smart. Very smart. Out the b smart.

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Drag was a hoot when it was on the stage as political satire and insightful hilarious comedy like presented for over 40 years at the famous Esther’s Follies, Austin TX... the Follies a spin on Saturday Night Live... repeat.... a hoot on stage in a comedy club where we freely expect to ~l a u g h~ at the extreme disingenuous ridiculousness... foisted on young impressionable minds is far cry from “not funny”... it’s obviously part of the deconstruction of family, morality and respect...

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"Was" a hoot. It will never be that again.

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Many years ago we had an annual chili cook off (fund raiser) at work. One year a bunch of the male employees dressed up like women. We died laughing at the hairy legs and ridiculous makeup, but it was also a dying of embarrassment moment! It was funny then…but that was a far cry from perverse exposures in front of children!

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Been to Esther’s Follies twice, hilarious. It’s like back when SNL was funny.

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Sort of La Cage Aux Follies

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

They definitely have their own mini-mass formation psychosis going on.

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I don’t think it’s funny in any way; it’s disgusting and disgraceful and a reminder of how depraved our culture has become.

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Which is why I chose to ignore him and not feed that beast.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

THAT is what I would have done as well (ignore it). To each - its - own, but not in my face, please.

And if I would have my kids with me ? I'd be shielding their view .....and if conversation was directed at my kids? NOW I have something to say.....

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"Remember, Johnny. We don't talk to Pretend People." (Never engage!)

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Yeah. THAT'S not what I would have to say.. lol !

But ....... "pretend people" - that's GOOD !

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They are Pretend People! They are NOT women and can NEVER be a woman! If I ever encounter one in a Woman’s 🚻 Restroom I have plans to tell their “phony man butt” to leave the premises!!

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I had my middle school daughter with me. I wanted her to look at the crazy man dressed like Bo Peep to reinforce how mentally unstable and mockable he was.

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interesting car ride home ??

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Nailed it…It’s totally abt ATTENTION!!

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At the Atlanta Ballet last weekend, a big man was dressed in an enormous frilly, pink Bo Prep looking outfit, complete with bonnet, gloves and purse. Either desperate for attention or lost a bet. Everyone ignored him.

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You sure that wasn't Rachel Levine our esteemed surgeon general (🤮) ? He's known for dressing up in that exact outfit...

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🤪 Can't be sure, but no entourage, so unlikely to be Fake Admiral Dick Levine.

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Yeah he looks a bit like lil' bo peep, I can see that - and NO DOUBT he looking for something he has lost. But I believe it to be - his marbles.

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Stay away from obviously mentally unstable things like animals foaming at the mouth and men dressed as babies.

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Where are the men in the white suits when you need them?

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"or lost a bet. Everyone ignored him. " TOTAL GOLD!!!

Later Jay

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Mzlizzi...perhaps we should respond like my neighbor did when some guy in a raincoat came up to her and flashed her in a Publix grocery aisle...she backed up, took a look and started laughing loudly. He turned around and fled!

Or...acknowledge him/her with a smile and say, “you’re Mama must be so proud.”

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Same thing here. I was in the self checkout at a Krogers and a 6’5” guy was made up with huge false lashes, full makeup, but regular clothes. He kept trying to engage. The sad part, he was there with his two 12-14ish sons like they were one big happy family buying ingredients for dinner.

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😭 child abuse!!!

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But this is how insidious the schtick is. Kids can’t help but stare. This why I sometimes wonder if engaging and offering a psych consult referral would be better. The interesting thing is kids don’t see them as men trying to be women. More often it’s - what’s wrong with them?

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Vulgar.. But I must.. I guess you cocked blocked him! Or it. Some days I just want to pull my panties off and show these freaks what a real woman looks like! Amirite?

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

You know. Men can basically shove their junk in childrens faces with no repercussions. A woman on the other hand who would do the same would be in jail faster than a New York minute. I'd keep your panties on. 😆

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Don’t forget Sharon Stone! Just sayin.

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I did forget. But....that was art. 😂

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And what exactly do we call this crazy we are watching? I promise I’ll keep my panties on! Lol

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OMG....you guys are killing me. ♥

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The difference is they expect us to take them seriously in clown costumes.

It is discriminatory and offensive to exclude women from their own spaces, and for a guy in sheep’s clothing showing women how much better physically s/he is than women.

The extremes bring the opposite side of the spectrum to the center. Happens all the time.

1960s “bra burners” were caricatures and changed laws.

1950s “coat hanger” fiction changed laws.

Kinsey’s fantasy (& child molestation) book with prostitutes and pedophiles as his “subjects” created statistics out of whole cloth, on which abortion stat voters still hang their hats. His “facts” on early child sexual experiences were conducted by pedophiles on babies and children.

ABCD++ want to move the goalposts to allow any cravings for anyone in any clothes or skin. Destroy the person, destroy the family, destroy resistance. I feel for the confused who are being manipulated into further mental distress. And when they realize there is no going back...

The LAMBDA guys and festishists are salivating, though.

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Nailed it. Progressives at work. Progressively stepping into the pit of hell, one decade at a time.

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I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. I do not take them seriously in their clown costumes. I just basically said that they are nothing to me.

Trust me, no man excludes me from my own space. And no man is able to show me how much better he is physically from me in any female/feminine way.

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They are appropriating us and who we are. Where is the outrage?

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The outrage appears to be on the "other" side .............. maybe the dems should just move out - california looking to regain a few folks, I understand:


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Interesting that we had the Washington Redskins change their name, the Cleveland Indians, the University of Illinois had to say goodbye to its mascot, Chief Illiniwek - but now, somehow, THIS is championed ? Protected, even. Please do "shove it back" somewhere.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

And apparently Vox bans any comment on any of its myriad of sports sites that uses the name Redskins.

So for example if I wanted to write about a player on the team during the era the team was the Redskins….can’t use the team name.

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A nearby school mascot was the Redskins and a few years back they did a building project. Much of the crew were Navajos and instead of being offended they LOVED the fact that the Team was called the Redskins. They considered it an honor.

This political correct crap has got out of hand.

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It's the self-loathing whites who champion the ethnic cleansing of non-white cultural references. Almost as if they're the racists.🤔

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Spot on.

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Yes. And if you are not allowed to past about a team name in its era then isn’t that an attempt at rewriting history which we usually ascribe to pol pot or mao?

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And I always thought chief illinewek at the u of I games was honoring a warrior.

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Are they gonna rename The Apache Helicopter?

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He was.

Was a great tradition.

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That’s the entire point! The revolutionaries want to erase our past. It’s a brave New World. Chinese who lived thru that purging are trying to warn us.

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My wife went to china for work, several years back. The people still revere mao. brains are washed or indoctrinated.

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I guess that would be similar to the bs " no dead-naming " craziness - rules for the 'woke'.

That. Is. Sad.

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Once Redskins, always Redskins for us after 20 years in NoVA. Have all our team jerseys & memorabilia safely tucked away.

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I remember way back when Marquette quit its team name warriors for golden eagles or some such. Warriors is a noble name. That it is a catholic college I guess shouldn’t have surprised me.

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Prayer warriors are good ones too

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And the Illini can't even defend themselves, they're all dead. Died during the Indian wars. 😑

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Looks like that on the football field, as well.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Absolutely true. Drag ridicules women and demeans women often using exaggerated stereotypes. It is exactly the same as blackface. This point needs to be made more often as part of the protest movement objecting to drag for kids events. People would not be so tolerant if they were aware of this.

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It does. Our country is full of out in the open mentally ill people. From maskers to trannies to identifying with animals. I can't help but think that these clot shots may put a lot of them out of their misery in the near future. God help them all. 🙏

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And, sadly, there's a nationwide paucity of genuine "treatment" for these people. The foxes took over those henhouses (Medicaid money farms) years ago. My daughter, who struggles with gender dysphoria issues, had a therapist for a few months last year who proudly let us know during a therapy session that she, herself, is "non-binary." I remember thinking, "What the hell does that even mean?" Fortunately, my daughter was "dismissed" from this therapist's practice because she missed two appointments. Kinda goes along the same lines as "with friends like these . . . "

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I often wonder if “non-binary” doesn’t mean a “nothing” or an “anything.”

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They want to bounce between genders, and be "Gender Fluid". It's a control mechanism to Affirm their new identity. ASA says its a mental disorder:


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You know I wonder how much it has to do with environmental estrogens, or social media. When I was a teenager, back in the Paleolithic, we all wanted to be androgynous, David Bowie-ish, but it was something internal, and mostly about not wanting to be like our parents. My sister was a major tomboy, hated pink, didn't want to play with dolls. None of this was medicalized or pathologized, and we changed, as teenagers do. Turned out my sister was an actress, ended up in theatre and in Ringling, and then running a circus program. All the young students were from what she called "the island of misfit toys," theatrical kids, clowning kids, creative kids. The significant thing was their uniqueness, which might've involved traditional male or female thinking or behaviors or sexuality. I think it is just really profitable but psychologically devastating to freeze these children when they are growing up or

trying to.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023


This is info and psychological warfare.

There are huge funds behind this agenda to split people and families apart and cause in-fighting, so we all DO NOT gang up and fight 'the system' ... the powers that be.

I get ads for "how gay are you?" rainbow flags and survey type stuff in YouTube all the time. I've been married for over a decade. Can't they look up my data and know I'm not their Segment. Duh.

Sorry if u don't like Baloney maloney - but this is a good article https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/5th-gen-warfare-terms-and-tactics

Red white and blue are the colors that unite us.

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snippet from 5th gen war:

The goal is to disrupt and defeat opponents by creating new cognitive biases.

The most effective 5th Gen warfare strategies employed by those lacking integrity are not purely based on pushing false narratives, mis or dis information. The most effective strategies mix truth with fiction, and act to increase confusion and disorder in the thoughts and minds of those being targeted, so that they are not sure what or whom to believe.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Tom MacDonald - " Brainwashed" (3:52) (nsfw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCBNwGHPZ2M

Tom MacDonald - "The System" (3:17)


Tom MacDonald - "Snowflakes" (3:42) (nsfw)


If you can get past His persona; rough-edged and anti-establishment, his songs have deep meaning, and call out all the BS. His songs all have over 15 million views.

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Yes. You are 100% correct. It would be interesting to see their reaction to having this woke transgender- drag queen ideology reversed to depict them as grotesque clowns that they are, discriminating against and insulting the natural beauty and unique biology of a woman that can conceive then give birth to another human. Let the woke & the rest of the world out there know it’s their version of blackface.

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The typical retort is that drag is different from blackface because it somehow "celebrates" women. But if you think about it: What was so offensive about blackface? It made fun of black people - that's pretty much the bottom line. Womanface does not celebrate women any more than blackface celebrated black people. Womanface makes fun of women. Full stop.

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Even back when I viewed it as fun and harmless... I never thought it was celebrating me - a woman.

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Yes, years ago it was just something a bit silly and good-natured. Remember the burly guys who dressed up as ballerinas and tried to dance swan lake? Hysterically funny! It was just an innocent way of spoofing. But it’s so dark now and the objectives are different. It’s about the kids and training them to accept a false view of reality. Some people claim that the ultimate goal is to help usher in transhumanism. I don’t know but nothing surprises me anymore.

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Years ago my husband and I found ourselves at a bar near a college campus. Apparently they were having a drag show that night. The ultimate winner was this little guy who dressed up as a granny (complete with a walker). The crowd ate it up! Because we all understood that drag is a parody. The “real” drag queens were soooo pissed off! They were furious to have lost to the granny. They were angry that someone who didn’t take drag *seriously* beat them all. I must admit that I LOVED their pearl-clutching angst. :-D

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I remember the comedian, Flip Wilson, as a ‘female illusionist’. He was funny. The illusionists of today are pitiful.

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Yes!! Geraldine. Flip Wilson was an amazing comedian. Or Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire. Or the entire 'Birdcage' movie. All hysterical! Because they never took themselves seriously. Sure wish we could go back to the days when saner heads prevailed.

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Flip was a great comedian and if you really want to go way back, there was “Uncle Miltie” (Milton Berle). My dad used to roar.

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I was a two year old. The War was only 6 years prior. It was a different world.


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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

I never went to those shows, something in me just felt a tremendous turnoff... I often feel it was the Holy Spirit protecting me.

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I think the appropriate response to that assertion is “How? How exactly is it celebrating women?” I doubt they’d be capable of giving any good explanation.

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It's worse than blackface. People who were donning blackface weren't pretending they were actually black, weren't demanding that everyone recognize them being black, and weren't demanding that blacks who objected to their costume praise their "blackness".

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Excellent observations.

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Excellent point.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

I never thought of it that way! But you are 100% right!

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Jim Olson-yes, exactly! But seeing this complete refusal to engage with any reason, logic or critical thinking (on which succeeding in education used to be based) - in favour of coercion "just because" (as in my workplace currently, where managers are selected for this automaton- like logic- blindness and simply state their authority and what you "must" do in a new diktat, even when you make a clear, reasoned and logical case based on a health condition for eg, and their logic is not only illegal in the discrimination laws but also patently flawed as it's not applied consistently, making their appeals to "health and safety" completely redundant) - the ability to make a reasoned, logical case has been not only demoted but thrown out.

Just coercion because " I say so" and rising authoritarianism is in vogue, since it was officially "authorised"- & those to whom it appeals got the taste for it, I guess.

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You strike at the core of it. Absent reasoning, and all of the skill and knowledge it takes thereunto, what is left? An empty shell of a human being? And thus the non-thinking automaton becomes wholly dehumanized.

As I read your rather nicely crafted comment, my mind wandered to Transhumanism and Singularity. With 'augmentation', as they like to say, what is left of the human being and his humanity? Especially once the words 'programmable, hacked and/or other-directed' are taken into account. And by the way, stripping everyone of their humanity is intrinsic to the whole damnable Tyranny/Control Model being imposed upon us.

When I was young, appearance counted a lot in getting hired. How one looked and acted, carried himself, counted for much. Why? Because an employer used that as an indication of judgment. Moreover, employers wanted someone who could 'think on their feet'. A non-thinking person was not wanted. But what do we now get with Woke? A very compromised pre-programmed person. And in the World of Woke only the Woke of the Moment counts and none of the damage done to the long term viability of a civilization is ever considered. Instead, everything is only an automated means to a dubious end. The Ukraine Debacle is a prime example of nothing thought out. No off ramp. No reverse gear. No contingency plans. No consideration of consequences of things ... things like sanctioning, the theft of assets qua future investing, not to mention things like the blowing up of pipelines with the whole world watching.

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I always thought old-school Drag shows were to celebrate women. I think back to that 90s movies "To Wong Fu, Thanks for everything Julie Newmar" or "The Birdcage".

These days it's all sexual perversion. The drag queens are all gross, ugly men who get their jollies enticing little kids.

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How does drag celebrate women though? I don’t get that assertion, makes no sense to me.

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It doesn't - it denigrates women AND men...that's always been my thinking. Never thought it was "entertainment" and NOW...it's just plain desperately DISGUSTING!

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Maybe in an "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" kind of way?

In which case, that I would say, "Whatever you're imitating is not what I'm about."

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Yeah imitation is a stretch 😕

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Those shows got their drag foot in the door.

Evil creeps in a little at a time so it goes unnoticed and unchallenged, until it rears its ugly head.

That happens with pretty much everything...food, morals, music, TV language/sex, clothing, pedos, medical, schools/curriclum, false history...

We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. 1 John 5:19

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Actually...I was never a fan of cross dressing or drag--considered it to be gender bending and not that entertaining. But...to each his own. HOWEVER...the caveat for ME is NO DRAG SHOWS IN SCHOOLS or DRAGSTERS giving "talks" to children under the age of 12. It's ludicrous--a pastor couldn't give talk about Biblical subject matters--even "bible clubs" are discouraged now! Our moral decay is SO apparent!!

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It's always been about sexual perversion. But back in the day, drag was a performance not an assertion that the dragster was an actual woman.

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Best analogy ever!

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I love this angle- that drag is misogynistic. Never thought of it that way!

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It's because blacks are super special, important and sacred people and women are not.

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Bingo! An endangered species as well.

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Still, Mrs Doubtfire was a fun family movie. RIP, Robin Williams - you were the best.

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Doubtfire was posing as a woman so he could be a part of his children's lives--post divorce.

Totally different scenario, Norstadt!

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He absolutely was.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Drag is, indeed, "womanface."

It makes many women extremely uncomfortable and feels insulting.

And for the record, I never liked blackface, either. It seemed really disrespectful .

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I guess drag isn't considered "racist" - but it certainly IS "equitable"!!

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We C&C followers, supporters & enthusiasts appreciate you in this battle between good & evil. Praying for your full armor of God to engulf you & yours this weekend. ♥️🤍💙.

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Amen to that!

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Yep - stay safe, enjoy the camaraderie. You are in good company, INDEED !

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's definitely not over. My 18 year fire career is over. WA state ended their mandate, most departments have started bringing people back, however City of Redmond WA(home to Microsoft world HQ) has refused to bring any of the 300 years of combined service people back. We all had approved religious exemptions and she still fired us.

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I’m so sorry. I also live in Washington state and lost my job not because of the federal mandate but because the company I have been with for 25 years decided to mandate it. I’m very familiar with the fight over the Redmond fire department and so disappointed with, how woke and crazy the state has gotten. It’s such a beautiful place but we really need to change the political culture here, and we really need to get rid of it Governor Inslee. I can’t even listen when he talks, he makes me feel sick, and he will never acknowledge how bad these mandates and jabs have been or what he’s done to the state. God bless🙏

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Sadder yet is how many people think he's doing a good job. I sometimes read the comments section in some Seattle Times articles. Makes me sick.

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Same with the Biden polls. All the polls I've seen show Biden's approval at 40 to 45%. This cements my belief that there is no "going back". If the average person really is that divided, then the only way forward is a division or separation of the blue states and the liberty states. They can keep the Feds and good luck trying to fund the Bolshevik Feds after the productive liberty states pull out.

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I feel the same about Gov Newsom. Sick. Nauseated. Cant listen

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That woman is crazy and I'm so sorry. Exactly who does she think will show up qualified in your place? These covidiots are ruining society.

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I think that’s the point?

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My wife thought I was hyperbolic to claim 'ruining our society' is their goal.

Now she begrudgingly agrees. Evidence is clear.

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I am sort of like your wife, except I thought 'ruining.' However, and since covid, I now 'begrudgingly' think 'extinguishing' ... as in wiping out vast tracts of humanity. And I echo your the "evidence is clear."

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I’m sorry. The West side of Washington is still under the Covid spell. So much needs to change here. I just returned from a trip to Montana and Idaho and as soon as we came into Seattle the mask’s started to show up.

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A spell is accurate. The aggression and hate is strong there. We had to move. Our kids were getting it the worst from people knowing I refused, kids couldn't even ride bikes outside w/o heckling.

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It takes inclement weather to find out who one's "fair weather friends are." Don't make the (IMO) mistake of forgiving them. They've done you a valuable service by showing their true colors.

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Just like the Nazis and Bolsheviks. Used children and enormous peer pressure to get people to fall into line.

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That is awful. What they have done to our country is awful.

Biden and his band of merry wokesters has divided us, just as planned.

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Wow Scott. That is just horrible. What great state did you move to?

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That is so horrible! People are insane.

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Oh my... God Bless, hope you found a safe haven.

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If the clot shots work as intended, a couple of years will clear out the place. Then you can move back.

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You said the quiet part out loud. 👍👍👍👍👍👍

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We live in CA and we stayed in Montana for 3 months fall of 2020. We spend every summer in Montana. ID, MT and WY stayed normal through all of the craziness. When you leave the "left" coast, people act normal and are not fanatical crazies! Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, except Spokane and Bend, are just like Montana and Wyoming. We live in a rural part of CA, so it was not as bad as some parts of CA. Still some masking here as people are walking outside. Or riding in cars. 😵‍💫 The fly over states give us hope that maybe there are still normal people out there! I am blessed to be able to take my kids away from here in the summer. And we home school, so that helps too. They get to see that people can live and not be afraid all the time!

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I’m sorry, Scott.

Perhaps this is an opportunity, from God, to be placed in a better position?

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100%, it's not easy loosing a career I fought for, but I firmly believe God closed that door for a reason. With that there must be a new door that will open.

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Absolutely. He led you to that decision. If he led you to it, he’ll bring you through it. It may not be in your timing but continue to have faith.

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I can say with certainty that your skills would be warmly welcomed in South Dakota.

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Funny, South Dakota has come up a lot lately...Would live to hear more

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Check out our governor-Kristi Noem. I don’t always agreed with her but our state stayed open. Western South Dakota is more conservative and we have truly vicious winters in the eastern part of the state. For those of us with critical thinking skills the “pandemic” never affected our lives very much. Snowflake city government in Sioux Falls really tried but we ignored them.

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Hi Mary. I live in Western SD too. Moved to the Black HIlls two years ago.

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I live in the Black Hills, Scott. Beautiful area and very friendly people. The western part of the state is the best.

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I truly feel for you. Over a shot. Most firefighters went into the field because they love it and fought to get in. My husband tried to get in for 8 years and never got a FT. Only seasonal. So I know that walking away is like a passion dying. :(

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Yes, I fought hard for it , worked hard at it. Then they took it away. Silly

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I hear you Scott. I wasn’t fired, I left my nursing job I loved after 18 years on principle. The religious exemptions was pure hypocrisy & as a person of faith, I had to prove it to THEM by writing a 9 page dissertation on why I believe it violates my beliefs & faith in Christ ? On the way to my decision I watched the healthcare field start to crumble into something other than caring for others. That isn’t who I am. I was blessed to be retired Air Force, as well as my husband and he supported my decision to get out. God Bless you and as the false narrative of covid withers on the vine I hope everyone fights with a vengeance to get your jobs back. We’re going to need all the pure bloods !

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God Bless you for your faith and courage.

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A new door will Open, keep the Faith.

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If you all ever get a legal motion going to address this let us know here, as it will be supported.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you, we have a strong faithful lady that has taken on the fight for all of us. She's exhausted, one of the only lawyers in WA willing to fight, she is representing all of us. King County Courts had their own mandates which makes it difficult to argue with an open mind and ear.

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Perhaps try to reach Jeff on this, and he can maybe do a support drive.

So many have felt powerless by these events.

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I would love to just hear his take and try to assist our lawyer. She is under drive almost daily, I feel for her.

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Is she attending the conference this weekend? I’m sure that kind of networking and support would be very helpful!

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Under attack

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Hi Scott, FYI, the three dots give an"edit" feature. Essential for us fat fingered folk on smart phones.

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I'd love to hear more about her efforts, can you give us a link? I am just craving info on any cases that are fighting for justice.

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Not sure if there is a link. She works for PJI, pacific Justice institute, her name is Tracey Tribbett. She is a warrior. Lost her husband, single mother with a a burning desire to protect others...The courts have made her represent us individually vs as a group (so far) so she is being pulled thin...I will ask her if there is a link or info people can look into the fight.

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I love PJI, I'll look her up and see what I can find. I support them, too, so that means my money is helping her, too, which is super encouraging.

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This substack, from David Zweig’s Silent Lunch, is about injustice in Santa Clara county, northern CA:


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Oh, Calvary Chapel of San Jose, of course! I've followed their cases and prayed for them for 2 years. Every church that stayed open experienced huge growth because they were so needed. I wish I could share the photo of Jeff at the Idaho conference. He's in front of a backdrop with his quote "Churches failed at their first opportunity to minister to those possessed by the Spirit of Fear for the first two years of the pandemic".

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These are the people that should be sued. Hopefully this covid law convention will get the ball rolling.

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That is horrible. I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to go through because of these idiots. I hope you can get restitution for this travesty some day! I felt like the tide is turning.

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Scott, God bless you. I live in Redmond. I grew up here and stayed. Living here through Covid was the darkest period of my life. I emailed the city about one year ago asking them how they can be so cruel to fire firefighters, especially knowing that the vaxx doesn’t stop transmission....no response of course. I would like to support you; where can I give or how can I help? I would happily show up to public meetings to comment. If you and your family want some new friends, my husband and I volunteer!

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I’m sure a less crazy department will hire a you. After firing a bunch of their firefighters, Bellingham recently offered all of them their jobs back. Trouble is, Ferndale (just north of Bellingham) allowed vax exemptions so they hired all the fired Bellingham firefighters and now Bellingham is short staffed. I don’t feel very sorry for them either. Just saying.

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Thank you for speaking up regarding this. I believe that all state employees will be required to take 2 shots and 1 boost as of July for King Inslee. As a school district employee (also in KingCo) we have been mandated thanks to OSPI and fortunately I was accommodated, but I know it’s only a matter of time before the Administration will see me as being expendable and not ‘essential’.

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In light of all of the syrupy “heroes” rhetoric regarding health care workers and school employees, this is even more disgusting.

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First week of February they dropped the mandate. I'm happy you were accommodated

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If this is what it takes Scott? Then so mote it be:


#StormTheBastille 🔥

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Wow! Fantastic!

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Wow. This is just disgusting and shameful. I’m so sorry Scott!

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Scott Carlson...I wish for you a governor like our wonderful Ron DeSantis. Florida is indeed blessed.

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Has anyone filed a lawsuit against them?

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Yes, we have filed. So far the courts keep kicking it back.

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What if she goes?

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I don't think the Washington state employees mandate has ended. Am I wrong?

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It has ended, it was lifted a few months back.

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But, they aren't rehiring the people they fired? Happened to a friend of mine, and he got a new job in eastern Washington, but lost his pension after working over 20 years for the state.

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Some Departments have started rehiring, most actually. Redmond said they would not bring anyone back that was terminated over the vax. Said the mandate lift lift is only for current and future employees not those terminated...the saddest part is the ones who took the jab in fear. Now the mandates lifted but they can't get rid of the shot, it's a lifelong decision and they are angry

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The new Fifth Circuit ruling must help your case.

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Sue them.

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That is sad for him, glad he landed somewhere else though.

Most places have started to rehire. Redmond refused. Mayor said the mandate lift is only for current and future employees not for terminated. She's evil

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Is it bad that my first thought after hearing her stance is that I hope her house burns down and no one is there to save it? God forgive me, but it is really hard not to think that these people’s decisions should come back on them somehow!

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Check me if I wrong, but didn’t the ‘peaceful camps’ in downtown Seattle end when they started showing up on her doorstep?

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I attended drag shows in Columbus, Ohio in the mid 90s with a pair of close, gay friends. They would start after midnight at a bar in downtown. The performers clearly put a lot of energy, time and money into making themselves look like women, and at first glance, I really couldn't tell they weren't. Mostly the height and large feet and hands gave it away. Most wore full length gowns and tried to look classy. One performer wore a 1 piece swimsuit for one routine, but it was not revealing. No one was exposing any parts. No one was overweight. There wasn't any bad makeup, gaudiness, sexualized moves, and there sure as hell were not any children there. Even a show like that, even though there was no trashiness, would not have been a good place for kids. I can only imagine what a drag show would look like now (I have no desire to go) but judging from videos I've seen, they are trash and sexualized fetish shows. I think the real question is why would the adults WANT children at those shows? Who wants to perform explicit acts for children? Answer to both: they're pedophiles.

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I think they ushered in these drag shows and desensitized people to trans whatever…. By keeping it “classy” (says with sarcasm) …. Until it wasn’t. By then, they had already swung the pendulum in their favor. Now they are showing up everywhere and we can’t figure out why. Take it back to the 80’s and 90’s (and much further back) and then it’ll make sense.

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Great piece on the "drag queen" phenomenon by Christopher Rufo in City Journal:

The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour


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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

oh wow, some of that is really hard to read. I just can't believe that people have thoughts like that. I felt nauseous reading it. We have to do everything we can to stop any and all of this. I mean, do they hear themselves? It's a "culture of oppression" to protect children from adults who want to have sex with them. Gross. Just gross.

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Exactly! People need to realize that there's a lot more to "inclusivity" than meets the eye.

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That was so disturbing that I couldn’t finish it. Skimmed. If it is that hard for us to read about it’s beginnings imagine what is actually happening with more than just mere words. Blah. I don’t need to imagine that filth.

Reminds me (but no correlation as I am not okay with kids having access to pornographic books) of the school boards that refuse to listen to the filthy books being read aloud that they are ok with the kids reading on their own. Criminal.

It also reminds me of abortion and if people really wanted the know the origin of something they would take an honest look at Margaret Sanger and see why she championed abortion. It’s shameful.

But it’s better to plug our ears so we can’t hear the truth than to face the facts of these things. None of this just appeared out of thin air. It started somewhere. Like I said, I couldn’t even finish reading about where the drag stuff originated.

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Thank you for including this link, Martha. Though extremely gross, it contains the proof of what normal people instinctively feel when exposed to such perversions.

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Excellent article! Thanks for sharing it.

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In my opinion it was never classy. The only possible redeeming thing about the early trans is they didn’t try to push this perversion on children.

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I didn’t actually mean classy. I used quotes to try and say it sarcastically and to add to what the original poster said. I edited it to add sarcasm because nothing about this was ever right or classy.

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I hope this comes out right - it's hard sometimes in writing.... From where I sit (and this is only my opinion) I have no problem with adults doing what they want to do providing no one is getting hurt, everyone is actively consenting (meaning they aren't just doing something because they're so drunk they have no idea what is going on) and *everyone* involved is an adult. However, I am absolutely disgusted and infuriated by any type of sexual or even slightly suggestive acts or displays around children. That is the lowest class of a person that does this and they need to be in jail or worse. The drag story hours and perversion around kids would NOT have been happening even 10 years ago. It's wrong and it absolutely should be 100% illegal. There's something wrong with parents who take their kids to these things. As a survivor of sexual abuse, this whole idea of exposing kids to anything sexual makes me irate. Perhaps early shows like the ones I saw lead to a slippery slope - I don't know. I do know that what is going on now is wrong.

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Well said. The only problem I see is tracing this back to its inception the whole goal of live and let live, was supposed to lead to the children. It’s their sick evil depraved minds that will never let it stop at live and let live.

Read Martha’s post above authored by Christopher Rufo. It digs into the birth of this depravity.

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But how do you decide when "No one" is getting "hurt"? No man is an island.

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That can't be my determination - it has to be the determination of the participants. I just don't see a problem with consenting adults (adults only) doing what they want with their lives. If an adult male wants to dress up like a girl and whack his parts off - as insane and completely mentally ill as I think that is - that's his business. I think it's totally messed up if he has children who have to witness that fiasco, but where do we draw a line in the sand or do "we" even have a right to? It's not an easy answer. I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would define my absolute refusal to go anywhere near a doctor for over 30 years as harming myself and harming family because my life "might" be shortened as a result. Should someone have the right to tell me I must see a doctor because someone might get hurt? I certainly was/am accused of harming others for three years by refusing to stay home, to mask or use sanitizer, and refusing all tests and jabs, not to mention calling it the "scamdemic". My actions had consequences: I lost a job opportunity and all but one family member, plus all friends. I was called a lunatic, dangerous, evil, and even a murderer once. You're absolutely right that no one is an island, but I also support peoples' rights to make their own decisions.

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Classic incrementalism.

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I agree, take it back to Tootsie and Mrs. Doubtfire and leave it there.

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Matt Bracken, whom I follow on Gab, reminds people what the Weimar Republic was like shortly before WWII; a lot of similarities, along these lines.

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Every parent who takes a kid to this should be arrested for child abuse.

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Just as soon as the FBI finishes investigating parents who speak up at school board meetings!

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Yes! I am still so mad about this. Did you see the Moms4Liberty leader speak before congress yesterday? She was amazing!! I really hope it has an impact. She covered very well how many of us are feeling. The actions of the FBI this year around school boards is way over the top unacceptable and they need to be completely dismantled if this is how they want to spend their time instead of arresting child molesters, which is what they should be doing.

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Fourwinds, you stated, “even though there was no trashiness”. The whole idea of it is trashiness

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I respectfully disagree - compared to what I'm seeing online for these drag shows now, this was nothing like it. Not even in the ballpark, and everyone knew this was an adults only thing. I'm not defending it, but it was completely different from the stuff I have seen in videos, the exceptionally few times I have seen them to be outraged at children being present. I honestly don't get the idea behind wanting to be in drag at all, but I went to support my two gay friends I was with (who were in the closet) and I just didn't get it. It was interesting, but I never really got it.

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There are so many queer bars in Columbus now, and queer flags flying all over Columbus and suburbs that one feels one is living in San Fran. You gave 'em an inch and they took infinity. Did you frequent Club Diversity with your friends also? And attend the Queer Parade the have every year?

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This why old theology Protestantism never tolerated freak queer behavior. Doing so makes a city inhospitable. And raising children in such a depraved environment?

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Have you noticed the absence of "old theology Protestantism" these days? Supreme Court Justices? Presidents? Anyone? Bueller? Our country's form of government was founded on the Presbyterian form of government, and a huge proportion of officers in the Revolution were Presbyterians. Calvin Coolidge may have been the last of his kind in public life.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

When Obama termed America a post-Christian society, the alleged Christians of the country were all indignant, very angry. But Obama was right. Let me give you an example. My wife and I were around five years in a little Virginian country Baptist church. Very nice people ...BUT not once did we ever study from the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 or the Catechism (1693). And we barely knew what this was other than something we had never seen. And we never heard anything about adoption, justification and sanctification. Didn't not even know that these existed. No church history. No reading of historical documents. In short, deader than a dead anechoic chamber. Once I read R. J. Rushdoony's Institutes of Biblical Law, vol. 1 and Edward Gibbon on Church history, my jaw nearly dropped off. I now realize that most of what passes for Christianity in America is in fact largely heretical. And if they who profess and yet are invincibly steeped in ignorance, if these have even have an inkling of what I am getting at, then most of these 'Christians' would be in fits of anger.

From what I know now, Christianity in the America is now a profession of the blind leading the blind. And if there ever was a verse applicable to the state of the present day American Church, it is Hosea 4:6. And the part of this that anguishes me the most these days is the abandonment of the children to a most squalid culture ... and so bereft of a wholesome Christian upbringing both in faith as well as in studied letters.

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Your words are music to my ears brother. I extensively read good ol' RJ Rushdoony when he was alive and learned so much. And it is so true you never hear of the bedrock Biblical doctrines of adoption, justification and sanctification. I don't even remember hearing them in a PCA church I use to attend.

Hosea 4:6 is THE prophecy for our time and it is heart breaking....

Hosea 4:6 NKJV

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

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Sadly, Presbyterians today don't even know what you are talking about.

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Lawzy mussy, Phil, you know there isn't one group called 'Presbyterians!' We're not called 'the split P's' for nothing! People in Orthodox Presbyterian Churches know exactly what he's talking about, and more, as do some in some Presbyterian Church in America congregations. I can't go on about other Presbyterian denominations, as there are too many and I'm not familiar with all of them. I agree with you, far too few Presbyterians do know what he's talking about, though.

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I love it when I get corrected! I did attend a PCA church for awhile. They were pretty solid...mostly. Before that I attended a small Reformed church. Very conservative. Nobody's perfect. The American church has lost so much knowledge since our founding. We really need a revival and not the hand waving kind.

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Someone said of Orlando 'it's nothing but fags and tourists'. LOL

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I thought that was Key West 🧐🤣

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No, it was actually quite rare that my friends (a gay couple) went out to things like that and I never went on my own. I honestly can't remember the name of the club that even happened in but it may have been Vine Street or The Eagle. We only attended one parade and we thought it was over the top and an unnecessary spectacle. Neither guy in that couple ever talked about their sexuality, rights, or anything else. They just happened to be gay and just wanted to live their lives, not parade or boast about their sexuality. I've lost contact with them, but last I heard, they are still together since 1990. But you're right, Columbus is a very gay friendly city and I see a lot of flags.

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Yes, I used to know a 'woman' who did drag, but she was older, she was like a mother hen to that particular gay community. And it was all done within the community--no desire to be 'normal' or share with the rest of the world, especially no desire to share it with children. It was definitely an adult scene, with clever insider jokes or double-entendre patter. Kind of like a Bugs Bunny cartoon!

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Except Bugs Bunny used it as a disguise to get out of sticky situations where he was in danger, not to titillate.

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LOL, trust me, this 'woman' was not capable of titillating. Seriously, he was more like a mother figure to these folks.

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Let the godly ones exult in glory;

Let them sing for joy on their beds.

Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,

And a two-edged sword in their hand,

To execute vengeance on the nations

And punishment on the peoples,

To bind their kings with chains

And their nobles with fetters of iron,

To execute on them the judgment written;

This is an honor for all His godly ones.

Praise the Lord!

— Psalm 149:5-9 NASB1995

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All the "kings" and "nobles" who think they are something have another thing coming!

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On a political note, I think that DeSantis is not going to attempt to challenge Trump for 2024 as some fumbles have caused a big gap with Trump having a huge lead now.

I'm actually relieved and prefer to keep Governor Ron focused on the state.

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I believe DeSantis leading governors and states against the federal monstrosity is where he will be at his most effective. I get the rinos want to stop Trump. DeSantis should say thanks but no thanks to lying Paul Ryan et al. As for a later future run for president, I would support him.

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For me, DeSantis is too wobbly on his Ukraine remarks. Personally, I need someone to stand up to the NeoCons, the termite plague hollowing out Western World. All it would take is 'not in our national interest' and move right onto building up this country into a decent place to live and work and raise children. And in C & C today? Drilling for oil and pipelines sounded pretty good to me!

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Yes. The correct answers by any pres candidate is 'no more overseas interventions, and drill baby drill'.

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I believe you make good points. DeSantis seems to be a good governor and might best serve the nation in the near term by continuing to turn Florida into a good example for the nation. IMO he recently disqualified himself for president in 2024 by caving to neocon pressure and spouting the old "Russia is just a gas station posing as a country" trope. He said that in February 2021 and then didn't seem to talk about Ukraine until recently. (I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that this was because he realized that he didn't know enough about the subject to knowledgeably opine on it publicly.} Given his recent statements, I have concluded he currently lacks necessary understanding and backbone. I hope he grows more "character muscle" fast.

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This really set me aback too! And how stupid is it to use a trite clown trope as in 'stupid is what stupid does'. And as to Russia, the alleged 'gas station' appears to be dancing circles around the Great Woke Empire whose only expertise lies in blowing up pipelines ... and not in building them!

And your second point regarding being out 'out of his depth' on policy considerations also hit me like a ton of bricks. I figure that the Cretins will run circles around the clueless ... and we certainly don't need more of that.

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Is Paul Ryan still around??

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Yes. He is on the board of Fox News. Swamp creature and traitor. He did everything he could when in office to advance the uniparty agenda including working against Trump. He is the biggest reason for my concern about desantis. He endorsed Desantis which in itself is not a problem. Just I don't trust Paul Ryan at all. He's a traitor.

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And let Trump go do what he does best - be the bull in the china shop and break things! Only break them more bigly this time!

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The election of Trump blew the minds of the uniparty. And the republican wing of that party doesn't want him back. He can rip them new ones and further break them down.

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exactly! Bull in china shop lets go!

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Best comment ever !!! 🙌🏼

Trump IS the bull in the elite “good ole boys (and girls)” china closet !

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I agree as I think "State Rights" are perhaps the most essential weapon in fighting the WEF crowd.

DC is already Mordor on the Potomac, yes?

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Mordor indeed!

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Love what DeSantis is saying about CBDC. Voted for Trump twice but truly cannot stand him now. The jabs at DeSantis anger me deeply. I went from being 'meh' on DeSantis in 2018 to believing he's the best governor I've seen in my lifetime, having lived in Florida for over 20 years. We need real competence in leadership, not some fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants management style. I won't forget everything DeSantis did to mitigate covidianism. Nor will I forget everything Trump did to tee it up.

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I can get this...I was kind of split until recently I saw that he funded GAVI when he pulled us out of the WHO. Wow, so let the fox directly into the hen house, then. GAVI is Gates organization, how could he have not known better than to give him 1.6 billion of our tax dollars?

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Good grief seriously 🤦‍♀️

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right? I was seriously very sad when I saw that because I DO like Trump quite a bit. He fights hard for us, I know he does. But this...I mean, Gates is evil incarnate. There is nothing good about that man.

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Keep researching

trump. I voted twice for him also. But after so much reading I see him as just an actor in the Hegelian Dialectic. He also did much evil.

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As POTUS, one has to mitigate through issues and cannot always get a win-win. I am thinking many times the choice is between the lesser or two evils.

When I get sideways with Trump decisions, I ask myself, would Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton have made a better decision given the circumstances?

We can’t definitively know the answer...but I usually end up backing Trump. His record for good domestic and international decisions overall is the best of any POTUS we have had in my lifetime...unless we can bring back the other actor...Ronnie Reagan.

The Covid bioweapon disaster was a first for any POTUS...who would have done better fighting the Deep State?

We’ll never know.


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I respect some of the things Gates personally did. I admit I haven't read his biography. Yet I know that he and his fledgling Microsoft can take personal credit for Microsoft BASIC, one of the better operating systems of the late 1970s. That's why it was found on many of the very earliest home PCs in the late 70s early 80s. Gates's and Microsoft's later success can largely be laid to luck; in 1981 IBM picked his as the OS for their not-yet-released PC. It wasn't even their first choice.

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yeah, my issues with him are not so much about his Microsoft days, and more around his trying to reduce population, testing vaccines on African countries for years, messing with our food supply, bribing politicians to get our tax dollars, and then of course everything related to his adventures on Epstein Island. And I think he's working on hatching his next scamdemic right now.

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Curious! What was IBM's first choice ... and why did they not go with it?

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As POTUS, one has to mitigate through issues and cannot always get a win-win. I am thinking many times the choice is between the lesser or two evils.

When I get sideways with Trump decisions, I ask myself, would Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton have made a better decision given the circumstances?

We can’t definitively know the answer...but I usually end up backing Trump. His record for good domestic and international decisions overall is the best of any POTUS we have had in my lifetime...unless we can bring back the other actor...Ronnie Reagan.

The Covid bioweapon disaster was a first for any POTUS...who would have done better fighting the Deep State?

We’ll never know.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

Well DeSantis definitely did better in Florida. Granted it’s not on a national scale. But he was still in an executive role. He proved to have an amazing ability to analyze data and course-correct when he needed to.

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Maybe, better, in what way.? Also DeSantis he did not have all the three letter agencies including the FBI and CIA, plus every RINO, plus the judicial system, and the MSM, all gunning for him and his family, and associates.

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Remember history correctly, though. DeSantis was following the advice of his then Surgeon General, a true lefty, as are about 99% of everyone in Public Health. Who closed the beaches, for example? Was that counties or cities? I think it was close to November 2020 or so before DeSantis started really realizing, or at least acting on, the truth, and he had Kristi Noem as an example of someone taking the constitutional stand.

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Another fact, that I only remember because I moved back to Palm Beach County in JULY 2020 - when we got here our beaches were open. I distinctly remember it because I live across from the beach and the very first night my spouse and I spent in our new home - we walked over there.

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It was around spring break that they were closed, if I remember correctly. At the time, I said it made more sense to close the hotels and open the beaches.

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And he let that surgeon general go, and brought in Ladapo, right? He showed way more ability to course correct than Trump ever did. To this day I’ve never heard Trump express course correction on any Covid policies. How do we know he wouldn’t do the same exact things again? Don’t shoot the messenger- I voted for him twice.

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True, and he's done far more than that, once he figured things out. I'm not in either 'camp;' I voted for Trump twice and for DeSantis twice, and I'd be happy to see either Trump or DeSantis as President. Though I'd feel cheated out of DeSantis' last two years, and Trump was cheated out of his last four.

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I voted for President Trump twice and he gets my vote again, dead or alive. RDS has earned all his titles, especially the Ron DeSanctimonius one. Chris Wallace was first to label him that after the gag worthy political ads his campaign put out for a very short run before the widespread reaction caused them to be pulled.

RDS=GWB at best or Mittens Romney/John McCain (McStain) if the intention of the GOPe is to deliberately lose.

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Same here. I’d like to see their little feud disappear into the night with DeSantis focusing on Florida. There’s a lot more problems here than just protecting our rights and medical freedom. A LOT. He needs to stay focused on making Florida great by dealing with the insurance issues, healthcare in general but also the non-existent care and lack of support for people with special needs/disabilities and their caregivers, the education system and getting the schools here elevated, red tide is a big one I’m hearing more and more about, just to name a few. Don’t know what all the answers are for these issues, but they are getting worse everyday that he does not address them. 🤷‍♀️

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The feud is not really Trump vs. DeSantis. It’s Trump vs. the GOPe. Too bad DeSantis elected to align himself with the Globalists. He seemed to have potential, but that’s looking more and more like a media mirage.

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Just one problem with that. If DeSantis is aligned with the Globalists then he has become a traitor to them by opposing the Gov't owned CBDC scheme. This is a lynch pin in their plans to subjugate America. Don't pay attention so much to what is said but rather to their actions. With this action, DeSantis has openly declared war on the Globalists and I can hear the grinding of teeth all the way from DAVOS because they know he can cause the liberty states to close ranks and follow him in a frontal assault against the Nazi/Bolshevik Neo-cons occupying the seats of power in DC. He is the Nation's Governor.

Trump is our President in Exile and the point man America will back to challenge the illegitimate usurpers in the White House who took control of the apparatus of power through a fraudulent election coup in 2020.

There are two fronts to this war and the enemy desperately wants to convince us that our enemy is each other and keep us divided against each other. This tactic will fail. Both Trump and DeSantis by now are fully aware what is involved in this war and who the real enemy is. This is not an election campaign for office. This is a war for the survival of a nation against a Nazi/Marxist enemy that has taken the hill and now occupies all the apparatus of power in this Gov't. Do you see the difference? Trump and DeSantis do.

Understand, we cannot win the election in 2024. The Dems control the elections and the ballot rigging will be even more thorough than in the last 3 election cycles. Have we learned nothing from 2020 and the 2022 Kari Lake "loss" in Arizona? They control the elections and the courts are AWOL. The problem the NWO Globalists have is the Constitutional Republican structure of the United States. This is not a top-down autocratic gov't. Per the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, ALL POWER resides with the States and the people thereof. The Fed Gov't only has such power as is specifically delegated in the Constitution to the Fed Gov't by the States WITH THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE. If the States close ranks behind the leadership of DeSantis and Trump, the Neo-con Globalist Nazis will lose their control and will be routed from the City on the Hill they now occupy against the American people.

We must stand united and gird our loins for battle.

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We NEED Desantis to keep Florida free. And I’m from Alabama saying that. Wish our Grandma Ivey would take some pointers.

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I could be wrong but I don't think DeSantis had any intention of running for POTUS. I think he may have just been using this opportunity to build national recognition and standing. Intentionally or otherwise, he has established himself as the Nation's Governor and is in the position of leading the liberty states and governors against the Marxist Feds. He has already done this with the FL bill banning a Gov't controlled CBDC from FL... AND calling on other states to follow FL's lead.

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BTW, we should realize this is EXTREMELY significant. The CBDC is *key* to the Bolsheviks' plan to impose TOTAL surveillance state control on all Americans. With that control, not one penny can be spent without their approval and such control can be used to completely control what we do and say. If they don't like what you are doing, they simply "turn off" all your money so you have zero access! The CBDC is their key lynch pin.....that and getting rid of the First and Second Amendment freedoms. They have done a pretty good job of negating the First Amendment rights. The only other thing standing in their way is the Second Amendment and the American people....and all their guns. Thank God there is A governor that is intentionally taking this fight "head-on". Now it is time for the other liberty states to follow suit.

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I hope you’re right Phil! DeSantis would fit that role beautifully! And leave the conservative ticket to Trump with Kari Lake as running mate.

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Eh. I like KarinLake but I personally don’t think a woman should be a VP.

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I hope that’s correct and all this feuding non sense is just noise to distract us more and cause more infighting. We really do gotta pull our heads out of our arses and stop falling for their deceptive tactics. The media blew DeSantis up and pitted Trump and him against each other. It’s unfortunate that Trump drove it home and DeSantis started to play ball with him. But was that merely part of the game? Who knows.

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I agree, BFM. DeSantis’ polling numbers have been going down in the past 3 months. DJT’s majority will be a daunting task to overcome. DeSantis is not as well-known in the rest of the country. He will gain more visibility as time goes on at which time he will become a force to be reckoned with. Meanwhile, I hope he declines more donations from the RINOs in the uni-party. They are as disrespected as the Democrats.

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I’ve seen it before, but after reading the Twitter comments below Jeff’s clip, it appears the left hate DeSantis, and it would escalate just like their hatred of Trump. But, is that hatred going to apply to any candidate who is conservative and not a Rino?

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The left hates everybody including themselves. They are nothing but hate.

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Probably an accurate assessment. The only difference in the scale of hate is just how conservative the candidate is.

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BFM, we all hope for that!

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I hope RDS can see his political career will be over if he can’t rein in that burning desire.

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Another negative for DeSantis…RINO Carl Rove is putting his ”considerable” weight behind DeSantis.

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Really??? What fumbles? Do share

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I may need a state to escape to eventually. Iowa is supporting his doctrine of lessor magistrates to push back tyranny and that is the next state west of me so there is that.

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Iowa has a noteworthy governor.

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"Next DeSantis explained that China is the biggest threat to American interests, not Russia:"

Yet clearly Trump and Russia were the biggest threat to the WEF agenda. Trump had China dancing to his tune, and the USA energy independent.

Trump didn’t know enough virology to be able to single-handedly defeat Fauci, Birx, the CCP, the Democrats, Big-Pharma, FBI corruption, The Lancet, and the CDC. Especially true while he was fighting two impeachments. and the entire media and deep state, and numerous other lawsuits. But his gut instinct to shut the border was spot on. His instinct that those who spoke of HCQ were right was accurate and brave. His withdrawal of funds from the culpable WHO was better than any other western leader.Also he advocated States Rights, and did not advocate forced injections. Trump did over trust, yet he was desperate to keep his global economic success going, and was watching it being destroyed.

The US GEBs (working closely with the European GEBs, - Greedy Evil Bastards) appear to be maniacally desperate to harm Russia, precisely perhaps because Putin won’t play their One World GOVERNMENT games. And Trump was a beacon to all nations to also not play their “Rule the World” games, and exercise strong self interest. Keeping Trump and Russia apart appears, in retrospect, to have been the deeper benefit of the “Russia Russia Russia” manufactured attack on Trump. The number one goal was to remove Trump and an independent nationalist USA, and two, aligned with that goal, keep the nationalist US and nationalist Soviet Union apart, punish them, and you crush Nationalism everywhere.

Trump’s economic success, and beacon call to rational Nationalism made his removal necessary, made Covid 19 ( almost certainly a man made manufactured crisis) necessary. And Trump’s success was massive and growing! He had China begging for talks they had at one point refused, India was fully aboard, Mexico was cooperating, Asia was cooperating, Eastern Europe was cooperating, anti "indiscriminate immigration" ideology was growing, bilateral and tri -lateral trade deals were rewriting global trade, with the number one economy and super power in the world, a strong USA. Canada was being dragged , against their will, to the trade table. Even North Korea was bowing to the Trump doctrine. It took Covid 19, two illegal Impeachment attempts, and “Russia Russia Russia” to stop Trump, and the world from getting on board his train of rational Nationalism.

Controlling a nation is so 20th century passe, just as corporations are global, ruling the world is so tantalizingly close. Breaking a few eggs to make the One World Omelette, now means destroying National Sovereign ideology. Trump's desperation to fight this, and an unfortunate trust in "science" led to the vaccines. His continued support is somewhat unfathomable. Yet I tend to support those they hate the most, and they hate and even fear Trump. Trump even had "Climate Change" correct,


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Russia a threat? I am secretly hoping Putin sneaks in on a 3rd party ticket come 2024. The DC Swamp would really see a house cleaning. Died suddenly might take on a new meaning.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Many speak of Putin, as they do of Trump, a compliment of them, along with a disclaimer of the "obvious" flaws. (Trump is rude and egotistical, Putin is a killer) When I watch Trump, yes, I understand the criticism at times, yet so often I have seen him deliver amazing speeches, and stay as cool as a cucumber in "doing the job" situations where he respectfully listens to folk in complicated emotional situations, that he opened up to public recording of. (Something for obvious reasons "Hiden Biden" never does) Trump was fearless of the press, taking them on daily. His "You are fake news" was classic directness. His indefatigable battle against the deep state was amazing, The details of how he fought the legal system, the left, the RINOS and turned Mexico's resistance to support on illegal immigration, was astounding and will full, finding solution after solution.

I do not know if Putin is a cold blooded killer, or if he is a "William the Conqueror" type killer, that actually built a nation in a very violent time. Were the "Oligarchs" Putin attacked, wealthy WEF backers? I do not know. I do know his speeches are sane, calm, informed, and mostly accurate with some political elements. And as Trump said, he is clearly trying to support his nation.

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Putin also wrote a Constitution for Russia. And at least once a year has an hours long news conference where he answers the press's questions.

I think he is a Nationalist and I do admire that.

I grew up and had a family during the cold war era. I read much about Communist and the USSR. I remembered that they would " bury us from within ".

Putin isn't the USSR.

And the USSR didn't bury us from within, the Nazi's did. They are pervasive in the Deep State, and in other governments.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

You say it right. The Federation is not the USSR/CCCP of old. And Putin has said, nobody wants to go back to all of that. And nice to see this comment.

The irony of history is that we beat the NAZIs and then become them, and actually exceeded them in becoming a Marxist hybrid ... largely Fascist but with Communist elements blended in. And so, the Old Ones who said that in winning the Second World World we actually lost? These were right! It took me a long, long time to figure how this came to be so. I still find this most astonishing! And it was the in fact nothing less than the overthrow of what was left of the Old American Order.

Why does everyone expect Putin to be a Boy Scout? Why do 'they' call Putin a killer? But not the Woke Five Eyes/EU/NATO Empire? Which has killed millions more of people in endless wars, color revolutions and so on? Maybe Putin should be ashamed of himself that he has so 'under-performed'?

There are always these assertions. But so seldom a proper weighing of things out.

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Your thoughts provoked me to think that the only way for the Old (Traditional) American Order to be protected would have been to stay out of those European wars that became I and II. Clearly, this is why the founding fathers warned us to trade with all and have alliances with none; and further warned us to stay out of the never-ending European wars. So much wisdom lost.

There is no going back. We must figure out how to move forward.

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Excellent points.

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Until Trump denounces "his beautiful vaccines that saved 100+lives" and acknowledges there's a fricking WORLDWIDE GENOCIDE occurring because of those jabs, I can't support him. It's past time to stop defending his current actions as being mislead, or tricked or whatever, there's plenty of evidence (and data) right before our eyes. One of his recent tweets, he mentions EVERYTHING that's going wrong with this country, EXCEPT the JABS! Why is that??

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Do you not realize what he was up against? Sigh. I grow weary of never trumpers.

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Many of us are neither 'never trumpers' nor 'always trumpers'. Mostly, we try to make evaluations which make sense by reasoning and by proper placement into historical context. So given a planetary campaign of unprecedented genocide and terming the bioweapon delivery system '[his] beautiful vaccines' ... well then, there appears to be some massive cognitive dissonance going on here. And there is something amiss here because Trump knows how the Fake News works and there they were ... the Perfect Parrot Covid Chorus all chirping it out in unsettling unison. I cannot forgive him this. At the minimum there could have been halting resistance and a sowing of doubt.

I acknowledge the truth of Trump's accomplishment as per much of the commenting. And without doubt, a Trump 2020 win ... and we might not be arguing over the neat little NeoCon proxy war, the Ukraine Project. So yes, there is another side to the continental divide. And sometimes, one just has to make due and make best as one can or may. Nonetheless, aiding and abetting the genocide is going to stick as stain in the historical record yet to be written. And it ain't going away. And somebody is going to write it all down.

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Dave, thanks for having the cognitive ability to put to words my own intuitive instincts. Thanks to the last three years, the biggest plague of our day is "massive cognitive dissonance"...enough to drive some people mad.

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DJT is playing 3D Chess and most people don’t understand the game. I’ll take Trump any day over another lying RINO like Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush or Lindsay Graham or someone who is controlled and bought off by the WEF.

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"But but but!! Orange man bad! Orange man made mistakes we can never forgive! Orange man isnt perfect! We can never forgive him of that! Orange man is still playing the game that WE dont understand, so: Orange Man Bad!"

It IS exhausting.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Uh, don't assume things you don't know. Besides voting for Trump TWICE, I also campaigned for him and attended rallies and parades. So, I'll reiterate - IF he was tricked, mislead, etc, etc, WHY does he STILL tout "HIS beautiful vaccines that have save 100+M lives" and not even acknowledge the massive DEATHS and MAIMINGS that are now occurring? Why can't anyone answer THAT QUESTION??Talk about cognitive dissonance...

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I agree with all that you're saying. He did so many good things that I really respect him for. But I am still confused about the refusal to denounce the jabs (maybe he has a reason I don't know), and I am very confused about the funding of GAVI. I can't figure that one out.

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Now I need to research this GAVI deal. Hard to keep tabs on guys...

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Especially after saying this in the 2015 debate but then hiring big pharma goons to head up the FDA and HHS. And nothing came of the Vaccine Safety Commision he talked about having with RFK Jr. 🤔🤔

"You take this little beautiful baby, and you pump — I mean, it looks just like it's meant for a horse, not for a child, and we've had so many instances, people that work for me,” he said. “ Just the other day, 2 years old, 2 1/2-years old, a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back, and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic."

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I think that in hindsight Mr Trump will be recognized as one of the greatest Presidents If we survive as a nation.

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Again, your insights are on point.

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He's a threat to the neo cons. Very interesting to read Putin's speeches.

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Agree! I read the Russians and I have to say, they make sense. All we have in the West are clowns spouting gibberish ... by and large. Like the Andromeda and pipeline explanation.

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I'd never thought I'd ever see the day that a US citizen would consider a Russian Czar for President. It speaks volumes of the state of US captured politics.

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Yes, indeed. A largely un-Woke place. No Drag Queens running amok. No empty food shelves. Maybe not a perfect place and no place is. And yes, it speaks volumes.

Mr. Blue Sky, where did we go wrong?

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From the sources I’ve read, Trump was told about the planned lockdown. There was no way he could stop it - the bioweapon had been unleashed on us already. The only mitigating action he could take was to believe the vaccine would “flatten the curve”. He was told that; we were told that. If you remember, after he got the virus he got HCQ and monoclonal antibodies. He recommended HCQ and for the people not to be afraid. He made the antibodies free to everyone. The way the people reacted with such fear was much more than the DS expected. They piled on after that. That was not his doing. Everyone had a choice to do what they believed was the best for them. The criminals took over.

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Spot on!

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Amen David, you put it all together. (I would edit Soviet Union to Russia.)

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“Trump's desperation to fight this, and an unfortunate trust in "science" led to the vaccines. His continued support is somewhat unfathomable.”


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While being chased by the Hounds of Hell moment by moment the sharpest of minds have to focus on survival for the moment. When has President Trump had time or opportunity to sort this all out? Who does he Trust to give him the Truth?

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hey Jeff. Another great update. It sounds like Paris is literally burning to the ground too. Is anyone paying attention to that one?

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's Putin's fault.

Macron overruled the legislature to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64... in order to raise the money to send weapons to Ukraine.

Looks like the People have spoken and don't want to spend their glory years working to pay for more war. Good on them.

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Nice to see a country have the guts to revolt.

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Nothing will happen there to change things. It never does. Maybe some very targeted and minor concessions but when most of the workforce is employed by the government, they end up having to go along.

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Yeah. What a bunch of big babies. For the life of me I cannot understand why the “Parasites” are protesting raising the retirement age while their government funds Nazi trash in Ukraine. I totally cannot understand their displaced aggression 😂

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I seem to remember decades ago frequent reports on the lavish vacation time and various other envious perks enjoyed by Europeans. Well, it’s been several decades since American workers could retire at age 62 with full S.S. benefits. Is it still age 67 now, or has the government been able to raise it to age 70 yet?

Good luck to the French people.

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Oh but they’ve been revolting about that same issue for decades. The weeks-long strikes way back in 1995 were a backlash to the same kinds of measures. The government workers, especially in certain very protected and advantaged sectors, didn’t like that they were going to be more aligned with rules for the private sector workers.

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I heard about them protesting cause the government raised the minimum retirement age by two years. But I didn’t hear on the news. I heard from a friend whose husband is there now cause of it.

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Apparently the French people when they start at work, agreed to lesser pay for an earlier retirement and more pay at the end, that’s why they’re ticked off. Also, the leader of France just decided to pass this and not put it through there parliament. I’m not sure what their government is called.

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Heck, it kinda sounds like the government we have, with a single demented guy signing all kinds of executive orders, shutting out the congress and overstepping the power given him in the constitution.

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Don't blame the current office holder(s). A social welfare state (e.g. government paid retirement, health care, etc.) sounds wonderful in theory. But it's larely based on a sand "foundation." In fact, it'll slowly turn to quicksand. Here are some problems the architechts ignored: longer life spans, lower birth rates. Mass immigration was thought a partial remedy, but turns out most of those incoming aren't going to refill the treasuries as well as was hoped.

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If Congress would stop raiding the SS fund and giving money to people who don't deserve it (not paid in) Social Security would've been fine.

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Government sponsored Ponzi scheme is what my boss coined it as we were talking about it earlier this week. Spot on.

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Refill the treasuries? 😂🤣😂🤣😂

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That is awful. It should always be for the new generation entering the work force not the ones who already agreed to a term and have already started working. I wish I could say more so you can understand my comment better but the US is paying folks to be in Paris for “some reason” and not folks you would think.

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It's the new WEF style of government. It's quite popular these days.

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it's called a JOKE

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Yesterday dell, big tree pod Catherine Austin Fitts on she was discussing central bank digital currencies and also what was going on in Paris

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El gato malo had a really good but scary substack today on this.

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im so tired of communists and transvestites dominating the news

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me2...can't wait for the pendulum to swing WAY BACK to puritanism....we need a good dose of that

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Oh no not for me. Eww. A hard pass on that. Those people were as much pretentious fakes, with their legalism and tyrannical rules, as the woke are today, in their own way. It was more about control than being godly, despite what they claimed. Although I do agree that their purported values of patience, hard work, perseverance, reasonable modesty and especially personal responsibility, would be nice to see at the forefront again.

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Jeff you wouldn’t consider suing Viking cruises for denying unvaxxed people access, would you? Is this considered discrimination? For some reason this company continues to discriminate despite knowing covid vaxxes are not safe and effective, they do not stop infection nor transmission, they cause serious adverse events and deaths. With this info in hand, has Viking been bought and paid for? Nothing else makes sense.

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I had a group of friends take a Viking cruise last year. They all came home with Covid. Yep, that vax requirement sure did protect them all!

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And I bet they still didn’t put 2 and 2 together??? Or did it wake them up?

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Ha. My sis who disowned me (but apologized last year) blithely relates every time she gets Covid now. Or tests positive. She is still “positive “ after almost 2 weeks. She had Covid before jabs and argued that natural immunity is bogus. 🙄🙄. Luv her but geez.

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A dozen of my fully vaxxed and boosted family members have suffered from covid twice now. They keep saying how much worse it would have been if they had not been vaxxed and boosted.

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Doesn't this cause you to lose faith in humanity? It's stunning how easily

people are brainwashed.

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It does cause me to wonder about them. Of course they think I don't "believe in science."

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They keep saying how much worse it would have been if they had not been vaxxed and boosted.


The brainwashing worked well on them.

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Last week, I asked some stupid people how they KNEW their child's vax (chickenpox) made their bout with chickenpox less severe. The answer I got was, "science!". I told them to read Turtles All the Way Down.

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What I don’t get is, how can you prove what “would have” happened? You can never know that. It’s pure faith.

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Some "vaccine"! Safe ,effective and non functional.

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No, at least not that I know of but I live in a different part of the country than them now so I only have frequent contact with one of the group. I think he knows but that conversation has become off limits. I am certain he has a vax injury. The condition was treated but I sense he just doesn't want to talk or think about it anymore.

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Just desserts, IMHO. At the midnight buffet.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Trek Travel is doing the same thing. They want their guests to “feel safe”. We were happy to give our money to another travel company.

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Just curious- how do they “verify” your vaxx status? The little white cards are very very easy to duplicate and no way to check... my son “may or may not” have used a homemade card for employment with one very large corporation run by a mouse in Orlando. They had an independent company verify an uploaded photo of a vaxx card. Same card got him in and out of England in Jan 2022. Also both sons presented “cards” to attend the symphony in 2022- volunteers checked everyone’s “cards” to have entry.

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Well, they could run an EKG and a stress test. If you fail, you're probably vaxxed and boosted.

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Test for clots.

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deletedMar 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers
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My 92 yr old MIL's feet swelled up like loaves of bread and turned BLACK after her first jab. She couldn't feel her feet anymore. At first, they were afraid her feet would need to be amputated, but they actually got better with a bunch of different meds. She developed heart issues requiring meds and blood thinners. And guess what? The same EXACT thing happened after shot #2!! But, of course, all the many doctors are "baffled". Actually, we're amazed (but happy) she's still alive but she's declining for sure. Longevity runs in that side of the family, tho. She was perfectly healthy and active prior to the jabs. Other fam members are popping up with various health problems Luke seizures, heart problems, kidney problems and non-healing surgical wounds. All of these are attributed to "getting older", like "getting older" is a now disease itself. 🙄 We are the only non-jabbed and we've been totally ostracized, and mocked for the last 2+ yrs and our health has actually improved in the last 2 yrs. Just "baffling"...

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We took a Viking cruise in France years ago. It was pure awesome. I really hate how these places are so insane now. You can't fly, go on a cruise, or even return to the USA without a Death Jab. Or putting up with pilots and drivers that could stroke out at any moment.

At this point I'm content with trips around Florida. From Daytona it's 7 hours to Pensacola or 7 hours to Key West... so much to do in between.

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You can definitely fly overseas and return to US with no jab if you’re a U.S. citizen. And hopefully for everyone come May.

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So the jab requirement is for visitors. Thanks for the correction.

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Yup for non citizens.

Unless you intend to take up citizenship here illegally and make the border crossing with cartel backed coyotes. Then you don’t need the vax.

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You had me scared there for a sec. Planning a trip...

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Yep. Just dragged heavy suitcases through 8 miles of corridors in Miami airport yesterday to complete customs rigmarole.

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Consider giving your business to a travel company that isn’t discriminating against the unvaxxed. The upside is that the companies that keep pushing the vax narrative will eventually go out of business. Let’s face it, their clientele will be dwindling as they die off from the vax and boosters or become so unhealthy and injured that they can no longer travel.

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Yes. Vote with your wallet. Screw the vaxx mandaters.

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Not a lawyer, but my understanding when the employer mandate actions were launching was they can make any corporate policy they like. That said, if they have a policy that harms people, especially employees, they are also legally liable where Beijing Biden and "Rochie" of CDC are not.

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I hate that argument though. They CAN’T just make any policy they want and this idea needs pushback. They can’t require every female employee or customer to have sex with the boss for “health reasons.” They can’t ban people who have a lowered immune system function because they might catch and transmit disease more easily. Which they have as much proof of as for the jabs’ effectiveness. It’s just that vaccines have become a sacred cow and too many people assume that it is reasonable to require them, even in the absence of any evidence that they do what they are supposed to do (see flu shots).

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Your last sentence explains it all. Vaccines have become the sacred (cash) cow that NO ONE can speak against. That makes you as bad as a racist or semite, in their eyes. I'm surprised they have coined a better derogatory word than "anti-vaxxer".

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They did discriminate against non vaxxed employees. . That's where they can be sued.

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Viking can suck viper eggs. I’ll never step foot on their decks.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Seriously, why would you want to travel with people who might suddenly and unexpectedly keel over?!

Just the fact that they require their employees to be jabbed is enough for me.

This page looks so yesterday--they really need to update it to get with the times: https://www.vikingrivercruises.com/why-viking/health-and-safety/health-and-safety-program.html

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Wow, you're right, that's a terrible web design. I would at least expect to be met with a pic of a huge cruise ship sailing into a beautiful fjord or some attractive scenery. And there's no doubt about how they feel about the vax AND testing! 😕

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My neighbors went on, I believe, a Viking cruise. They had to be jabbed to get on board and yet they were tested daily. More than half the boat tested positive and they left all of them at a port and sent them to a hotel. Believe it or not, the very next day, everyone who was kicked off tested negative! Imagine that! However, they were not allowed back on the boat and yet the cruise stopped testing the remaining passengers. I felt bad that my neighbors could not continue their trip, but they're also a big proponent of the jab. So....

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So they kicked them off and just left them at some random port? That's nuts! 😡

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Why would anyone want to be around the jabbed? Just saying that I doubt there would be much common ground in conversation.

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I wouldn't give my money to a company like that. With jabbed being more likely to get ill (from anything/everything now due to their diminished immune systems), I have no desire to fraternize with a group of jabbed folks, especially in a confined, isolated space such as a cruise ship.

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I would LOVE to see lots of lawsuits for these remaining covidiot companies.

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There are still places that require proof of covid vax. It’s maddening but I figured better know who to avoid.

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Mary Ann Dowrick...SUE VIKING...yes! My thought on that is the Viking crowd are mostly of an older age and probably scared to death of Covid...but PA LEEZE get over it.

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all "cruises" must be banned FOREVER

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That is probably EXACTLY what the WEF wants. Eliminate ‘frivolous’ travel for the plebeians - especially airlines that will be shut down because vaxxed pilots will die or be grounded- while the global elite gets to do whatever they please and fly around to all of their worldwide mansions in their private jets with UNvaxxed pilots. Not sure I agree with that happening. I don’t want to be one of their slaves.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Yes, the ultimate goal for the ones left after the great culling is 15 min cities with constant AI surveillance and a social credit system. These things are not conspiracy theories. Their plans have been documented time and time again, online (Rockefeller Foundation Lock Step 2010 , et.al) and books, like Klaus' Covid19: The Great Reset.


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Their mandate may be to be less likely to be sued for getting COVID on board.

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Looks as if Biden and the other (is that Justin? or Emmanuel?) are about to move into a hot kiss. Note the greater "personal space" distance between Putin and Xi.

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The West is run by soy boys and 80 year old pedos. We're due for a full reboot.

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Totally agree

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It's called the globohomo world or clown world. Very apt description. Followers of evil.

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Globohomo world. That’s a new one!

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I thought the same thing. Why do you need to get that close to each other's faces?? Gross.

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How about a little social distancing guys? Geez.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

😂😂😂😂Can you even imagine having to smell creepy Joe’s breath at that proximity?🤮

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And a mask too. Can't stand their faces.

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Hair sniffing?

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Same here! It looks creepy (but par for the course for these two creeps 🙄)

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All those hollyweird types kicking off from Jab deaths... Before covidmania, I don't recall all these specific and graphic death details like dying from a 'torn aorta” or “spontaneous brain hemorrhage.” It's really pretty creepy. Had an argument with a family member about how long the Jab can stay around in your system before it's 'gone'. He though it was just weeks. Seems you can have problems even a year after your shots.

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Waiting for the politicians to start dropping. Oh, wait………🤔.

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I like the "clean up " these clot shots are doing. 😉

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There you go again, Annie, making me laugh out loud.

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I have a hard time attributing ALL of these to the jab. Those folks live unhealthy lifestyles with a lot of stress (real or imagined). And 60+ is old if you're not taking care of yourself. Could easily be we're just hearing about screenwriters and producers and folks we'd never otherwise hear about because we'll click the link.

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Nope, that's how it works now. They got to claim every death was due to Covid, so now we get to claim every death is from the Jab.

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Sad to say my conversations with those who have both been jabbed AND had the cvd infection and now have trending medical issues are saying their current problems are infection sequelae rather than jab side effects. So I’m concerned that vaccine harms will be blamed on the virus and the remedy will be harsher restrictions and increased mandates.

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Like 'long covid'. Oh, it's not your 4 jab shots?

No no, it's not those shots. Long covid.


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it's all the death vax UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE

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I don't think anyone is attributing ALL of these to the jab. But it's important to keep the possibility of it being the jab top-of-mind.

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Yeah, at these ages it could be anything but certainly the jab could’ve hastened things. But we’ll never know because no one will actually investigate.

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It’s hard because anyone over 50 who dies unexpectedly will be assumed to be old and about to die anyway. And maybe years of bad living or genetics did cause their death? But I also know these shots had to have at least contributed. They can’t be deadly to a 20yo but not a 70yo. It is likely BOTH. My 71yo bro in law fully jabbed and boosted just died with 4 blocked arteries and kidney failure. Because he was a T1 diabetic most of his life, no one is questioning all those shots he took. I’m sure this is very common.

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The Oscar’s used to have a video of all the Hollywood folks who had passed away that year so it might be easy to compare. Idk if they still do that cuz I haven’t watched in years.

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They had it just a week ago or so. Apparently, the video wasn't as long as it should have been:

"A teary John Travolta couldn’t distract from Oscars’ In Memoriam’s missing big names."


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I think they still do the “in memoriam” section. It will be much longer this year I’m guessing

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Or 2 years. Or 5 years.

It doesn’t have to be a turbo something to take your life.

Watch for that was rare before 2021.

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This administration has been a DRAG on our country and they just “donut” understand.

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Your puns will make you a star, buck.

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I spilled my Coughee on that one

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Did you just Dunk' on Jeff?

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"The case builds on the principle that employers shouldn’t be able to mandate medical procedures that aren’t specifically related to the job."

My concern is my daughter's job is Occupational Therapy, and historically (hysterically), those employers all require flu shots... which are turning to mRNA tech. And they still have the CV-19 jab mandate on the books, although they're not enforcing boosters.

How do we get ALL medical procedure employer mandates banned everywhere??

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How about refusing to comply? An independent contractor should be independent. If enough people refuse the employers will need to bend. Employers need employees.

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Substitute "specifically" related to the job during contracted working hours.

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They can’t even prove that taking the shot reduces incidence or transmission!

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Jeff you are so right. Every one assumed the fed fight was over. We just were allowed to travel again late February. Well after the passing of the NDAA removing the requirement. Huge win but the fight for freedom is not over F4MF is still trying to do great things in the fight for freedom. Their mission is not over with this win. It only helps fuel their fire. I know you multiplied them once but if you did it again to celebrate this and give them momentum to keep fighting for freedom that would be awesome!

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Here's another athlete forced to retire at the ripe old age of 20:


Notre Dame mandated vaccines, incase you were wondering.

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I pity the quarterback having John Raymond rushing from his blind side.

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