Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12Liked by Jeff Childers

Something Uplifting this morning: 17 Year Old Student Refuses to Remove US Flag From Truck, Then a Bunch of Other Students Join Him, and Then: https://bitchute.com/video/yxXiYaipacIs [1:56 mins]

Still plenty of young patriots out there, we can and will take back this nation: https://bitchute.com/video/ABFrE9DxZYZ3 [7:29mins]

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. β€”Samuel Adams

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I laughed out loud when the principal sent a letter to the parents (after the other students showed up with flags hooked to their trucks in a show of support) saying they were pleased to inform them they were allowing the flags in the parking lot. πŸ˜‚ Hahahahaha. How is that for, we lost a he narrative but still want you to believe the facade that we make the rules you have to follow peasants. Ppfffttt πŸ’©

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Way. To. Go. Students!!! πŸ‘ πŸ‘

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Yea, now they all need to organize a boycott of the school next year during the week attendance determines federal funding. The school will discover who is really in charge. And then they all need to homeschool and never go back.

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AMEN! I so wish my DIL had homeschooled my 3 PA grands - she has her M.A. in elementary education - but she is a firm believer in the "merits" of the public education system--I no longer am!! Every home schooled person I have met is more self-assured, better educated and also has a deep faith life (mostly in the Christian doctrine).

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I, too, was a teacher pre-kids of my own. I was invited to learn more about homeschooling from another La Leche mom (not the same org nowadays unfortunately) and met so many parents who were former educators and principals that I looked further into it asap. Our boys have never been in school and we are just finishing up a 2 wk tour of England and Scotland for "school". So much more freedom to pursue our interests and desires.

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How wonderful, Heather! My DIL that I mentioned - has influenced their oldest - Hannah - to go to our PA university and enter the "public" education program. I am giving her material from Dr. Ben Carson that introduces pre K and K grade kids to the "founding of America" from a wholesome viewpoint and not from the ludicrous viewpoints of the "communist/woke" elitists in control of our various governments right now.

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Tuttle Twins has an excellent monthly magazine you could also gift the grandkids. And an animated cartoon series you can find on Angel Studios or youtube. Their book series is great too. And they have a history book now too. You could give any of these as gifts at any point ;)

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Give them both any book by John Holt and John Taylor Gatto. Gatto is particularly compelling as he was NY Teacher of the Year several times. Went rogue and started criticizing our education system and teaching off the beaten path. Which is what made him amazing. But teachers can open their minds to other teachers more than parents sometimes.

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SB - 2 thumbs up for HomeSchool!

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Love this! We started over 26 years ago and it was so dicey. But I was determined that I wanted to be with my kids.

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Two thumbs up for school choice SB.

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Ka-pow! that'd send THE message of the decade to the Union Thugs and Institutions of Community Indoctrination

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The β€˜allow’ part irritates me.

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Yep, I imagine that--"allowing" the display of the American flag in the parking lot of a public school in the USA. We wouldn't want to "trigger" anyone, would we?

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Ohh me too!! It’s part of why I laughed out loud. β€˜Oh YOU are going to β€œallow” it. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ πŸ˜‚

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He should be β€œallowed” or maybe encouraged to take a job elsewhere.

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They "allow" all kind of skanky dress, poor behaviour, violation of gender segregated bathroom use, see if they'd ALLOW a Bible or American Flag...in their school other than as things they mock and disparage. One child may get hurt feelings and one may bring a Commie Flag too, so NO ONE can bring a flag they put in their policy...how cowardly.

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Patti, isn't there a saying something to the effect of 'when the masses revolt and march against you, jump in front and pretend you are leading it'. Someone here will know the actual quote.Good job students!

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Palestine Flag on a car going by my house yesterday--near High School. I'm okay with that and would have had a positive conversation had i had opportunity. Lets see what Back to School this FALL looks like....this should be a Movement of USA and Trump 2024 Flags at All high schools everywhere, the Left likes to fly banners and inciteful flags at schools and so should Non-Leftists!

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Years ago when I lived in Houston, a bunch of (illegal) Mexican kids all walked out of school and marched down the street carrying the Mexican flag, demanding their "rights". It was during Obama's DACA debacle. My opinion is if you came here from another country and want to the benefits of our country, you must also be willing to accept the "burdens" (like working, paying taxes, following the laws) and renounce your allegiance to your former country. I mean, you LEFT that place because (insert reason here). The only flags that should be allowed to be flown at any govt-funded (ie, taxpayer money) facility are the American and state flag. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡±πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡¨πŸ‡±

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Sitting here bawling…a child…….

Isaiah 11:6 KJV: The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; ……………..and a little child shall lead them.

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Stunning is a word that is heavily overused in my opinion, CStone, but that word certainly applies to the second video.

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The second video brought me to tears. WOW, powerful!

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I was okay until Taps and the saluting veterans. Those did me in.

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Me, too!

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Tritorch - thank you for sharing that.

Yes. Stunning.

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I agree. I almost missed seeing it. I pray that the dedication of this boy fills all of our youth once again, dedication to God, honor, integrity, and freedom.

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It does.

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Imagine having to apologize to ANYONE over the stance of his feet. God bless this young man.

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Definitely an onion cutting moment. Wonder where that boy is today?

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Durn it! I was going to scroll on by until I saw your first line and gave in to curiosity. Now my eyes are finally dry enough to type this, and share with hubby.

Very moving account.

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And we are ALL 'little children' in our Jehovah God's sight!

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Had a piano student of mine assigned a speech in his 10th grade history class of someone he admired and why. He asked if he could read it to me. Of course, I said yes. He proceeds to read the gospel of Jesus and why he was his Lord and Savior. I almost started crying right there. (This is a great kid from great parents) I asked him what the response was. He said "well, the teacher gave me a 100" She better! I asked him what was the response from the class. He say "they applauded." There are good solid, Christian Americans out there. The MSM isn't going to report anything good because they want people to be scared, afraid and on edge to keep stoking the hate and prepare mankind for the rise of the Anti-Christ.

The Bible said God would have a remnant on the earth. We are out here. It is just going to be harder to connect. At least (for now) Substack and our friendships are what we have.

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Beautiful and inspiring TiredCitizen, this obviously was not in the state of Oregon, where the legislature wants to remove control of curriculum from school boards and place it under their control through the dept. of education. Whatever that is...

Recently I attended an event where the podcaster Joe Oltmann spoke. He is advocating every county have a "Gideon 300" group, a group of fearless advocates that protect speakers at meetings, especially school boards and city/county board meetings. When a speaker is told they are out of line (for reading the pornography from the text books for example) the speaker is surrounded by supporters and demand the speaker be heard. WE own the schools. WE are the government. PARENTS are responsible for their children.

Good reading is Judges 6,7 & 8, the strength of a few when led by God. Thus Gideons 300.

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Love that idea, of the Gideons!

Also, we should all now refer to the β€œDepartment of Education” as The Department of Indoctrination instead!

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Best news of the day. Thanks much!

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YOU are correct, WE ARE OUT HERE! This morning I had a wonderful one hour long conversation with a lady from a ministry my husband and I've supported for a few years now called ONE for Israel. I have been impressed that they contact their supporters regularly by phone and give us updates on what's happening with them. At the end of our conversation, we prayed for each other and she said, " Please stay in touch, I feel more than ever that we need to be connected with like minded believers" She included her personal phone number. THAT certainly made my day!

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It's really just about us standing up and saying "enough." All the black-pilled takes are incorrect, at best; self-destructive at worst. Notice how fast and completely this school backed down. "They" need compliance to win. It's the primary mechanism behind their carrot-and-stick world domination strategy. It's why they spend 70-80% of their time and billions of dollars trying to control what people are allowed to see, hear, and think. The regime is especially targeting young men, who are always the biggest threat to any regime. So, we need more of them to step up. Frankly, for their own sake and their own futures, they need to step up. They have much more to gain than they have to lose.

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Can you believe we're at such crossroads that a kid with an American flag displayed on his truck window triggers people? Pride in one's country is now considered an offense? πŸ˜ͺ

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Very much this way in white collar corporate America, where speaking leftist political ideas is considered normal and good...but to even suggest maybe a co. should focus on making money for its stakeholders is out-of-bounds. It's just not sustainable. And more and more I sense people getting fed up with it. Small smiles, sighs, and eye rolls, which give away a growing sense of exhaustion with this ridiculous situation.

As soon as we realize how many more of "us" there are than "them" - and I believe it to be about 70/30 at this point - all we'll need to do is start speaking up. Once obeying one's "superiors" becomes riskier or more painful than not obeying them, all this stops. The official policies will then change and this will turn around on a dime.

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Not a sticker, a whole flag flying from the back of his truck.

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

Exactly and very well put.

Bureaucrats (which is all a government school administrator is really is) get away with this stuff by pretending to exercise power that they don't really have. They will make a declaration, invoke some vague "policy" (that if written usually doesn't say what they claim), then expect people to acquiesce to their authority and comply. All it takes is one determined person to say no.

The dirty secret is that the thing a bureaucrat most fears is being being sued for their actions (it threatens their pension among other things). It's why they continually point to policies as they know if they are following the "procedure" then they have legal cover, period. Even if the procedure makes zero sense, provided they are following it then it isn't their fault (or at least legally it isn't).

But in cases like this they get out over their skis and claim the policy prohibits things that it actually doesn't. When called on it they fold like a cheap suit as they realize their legal protection just evaporated. I've seen it over and over in dealing with local bureaucrats. Find where they aren't following their own procedures and you've won.

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A friend was the new Executive Director of an adoption agency, which employed many social workers. They claimed that the law said she couldn't do [x] (I can't recall what 'x' was anymore). My friend also happened to be a lawyer, so she said, "What law?" There wasn't one.

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We’re all going to need law degrees soon

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

I saw this over and over with health department orders during covid. The actual order (written by lawyers) had loopholes and caveats to preclude legal challenges. However the press release (written by PR people) would misstate the regulations making them more onerous. It happened over and over. Things like religious exemptions weren't mentioned as an example.

They know most people will never read the actual regulation and just go by what they hear or read on the news (which is just the PR release). So they trick people into complying by making it seem like they have no choice. Then when challenged legally, they point to the actual regulation saying the PR release was only non-binding guidance.

The smart ones are sneaky and cover themselves like this. A typical mediocre school administrator tyrant though, usually doesn't have the foresight to do this, which is why they backtrack in a hurry.

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Similar in my location - if you actually read the order, you were allowed to not wear a mask if you had any "condition" that was made worse by it, and only govt officers were allowed to ask you what the condition was. Not many people know that.

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People also kept referring the regulations and mandates as β€œlaw” to intimidate people.

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State of CoVidRado issued all kinds of guidance and manner for employers to track and do medical analysis on employees...WTFk i thought, then waddayaknow at the footnote...NOT LEGAL GUIDACE disclaimer, even though produced by (and WELL PAID I'm SURE) a Law Firm contracted with the State. How Bout go Fk yourself for misleading, compelling and manipulation from a position of trust, and Lawsuits!!! BUT NOT ANY Pushback NONE. So get ready for a whole lot more next time they want to replay it on us.

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Imaginary Urban Legend Law, an unfounded and conspiracy-quack concocted propagandist law like a WALL OF SEPARATION, or a Church leader can't discuss politics or endorse candidates or they area for-profit organization for taxing. Mis Dis and Mal information.

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"...pretending to exercise power that they don't really have." When American get this through their perpetually distracted brains, things will change.

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Re "the thing a bureaucrat most fears is being sued for their actions..."

Fast forward/drag time play to 1:48:08 for some powerful information: https://www.brighteon.com/e84f1bfb-2da6-4237-b8d1-19c44cd46102

We all of us need to get the message [1:49:35] that, "Every elected official has a surety bond." The bond is essentially an insurance policy that the official will adhere to/not exceed the limitations of their office as spelled out in their contract.

Every elected official must also sign an oath of office. They do not legally hold the office until they do.

The woman who spoke to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (presenter in video is reading from a transcript), Michelle "Miki" Klann, has dug into these legal tools. She's not a lawyer. In fact, these legal tools all function outside the court system. Who knew? Her website https://bondsforthewin.com/ has great information. It's a pretty big stick. We each of us needs to educate ourselves - and others, my meagre attempt to help here - about these tools that are having an effect to disrupt and dismantle the system that has been taken over by bought-outs that have zero interest in The People.

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True and it's a problem, but a different one. I was referring to bureaucrats (unelected middle management types) who don't have such protection. And it's not them getting sued personally, but their organization being sued and for something they did. They cower in fear of being blamed this which is why they *always* want the security blanket of a procedure. Then they can say it was the procedure's fault, not theirs.

However, they often make up things that the procedure doesn't say. So the trick is to immediately request copies of the procedure (using a freedom of info act law if needed) and see if what they are saying is true.

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Agreed on middle management occupants that have a need to flex egos, in all likelihood because they feel powerless in other aspects of their lives. Not an excuse, only a presumption. Neither here nor there.

Yes, FOI avenues re these public positions. Important tool.

This πŸ’© is exhausting. But I'm in for the ride... in the only driver's seat availableπŸ€ͺ Appreciate your thoughts and insights on C&C board.

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Well said!!

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In my experience, school districts easily cave to parents, because they fear litigation.

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Agree wholeheartedly. School Districts collapse like a deck of cards when the word lawsuit comes up.

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The fear of a lawsuit and bad PR (when the members live and work with their constituents) make school boards run for cover!

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Yes, yes, YES!! THIS!!!

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I’m guessing that if it were a rainbow flag the student wouldn’t have been asked to remove it.

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That’s one amazing little boy on that beach.

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Around me Mexican flags are huge and fluttering from cars and trucks. One house has a Mexican flag flying over the US flag in front of their house. Northern Illinois. If there wasn’t a light on it on the main road I’d do a little β€œediting”.

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I’ll have to think about this. Our police are a very grumpy lot.

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Driving through a small Texas town about a year ago, I was shocked to see a massive Mexican flag streaming from the back of a truck beside me. I did what too many of us would do, and I’m ashamed to admit this. I did not reach out and rip that flag down. I did not spit on that flag. I did not salute the driver with one aggressive finger. I didn’t defend my country from hostility. With God as my witness, that will never happen again.

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Well, having pride in one's nationality is not a bad thing. My brother has a huge Swiss flag he flies occasionally. So what? We love America too. We fly our star-spangled banner as well.

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Sorry but I believe federal law says no other flag should be flown higher than the USA flag on a flag pole or similar situations. which is what I see. In the USA. Hang your swiss flag wherever you like otherwise.

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That boy is 21 years old this year; I wonder where he is and what he's doing now.

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I have a teen turning 18 soon who will register to vote as a Republican and will vote in the upcoming election. β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Thank you, TriTorch. That video gave me goose-bumps. Proud to be an American!

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That second video - oh my word!

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That poll that only 49% of dems see flag as positive is all we need to know about dem party.

I heard a news story yesterday that dems are losing the under 30 crowd.

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Second video needs to come with a warning - grab a kleenex!

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Thank you for sharing both of these TriTorch. I’ve passed them on. The parents of the child in the D-Day video must have done a terrific job in educating their son on the gravity and heartbreak that occurred there on D-Day.

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Thank you TriTorch! I’ve passed it on!

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Thank you Julie. Sharing resonating information with others is probably the most powerful tool in our arsenal.

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

Definitely! My husband is a history major and has taught me a lot about history which I didn’t get much of after high school because my degree is in nursing. He volunteers at the National WWI museum in Kansas City which is excellent. But my mom had 4 brothers who enlisted in WWII (the youngest was only 16 when he went in) and they all survived. None of them were part of the D-Day invasion. Thanks again for sharing these videos.

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That’s why β€œthey” block us, or try to, from doing it so much!

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The RNC needed to be cleaned top to bottom five years ago (when it was clear they were sitting on their hands doing nothing about the impending 2020 ballot harvesting), not eight months before the election. Here's hoping they can salvage something.........

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Personally, I think Trump needs to stir clear of hiring any family members around him.

I wish Scott Presler would run the RNC. He has single-handedly done more than anyone else. He's boots-on-the-ground out there, knocking on doors and hosting events.

For anyone who hasn't heard of Scott yet, check out these links:



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Scott is WONDERFUL. He needs a salary and all the money he needs. I don't think he would want to have the main job. It is somewhat of a ceremonial job not a real hands on one. Scott loves what he does. Give him what he needs and let him go. Ask his advice and use it.

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He has a proven track record he will go door to door and do the hard work. He DOES need to be paid by the RNC for doing actual work on behalf of the real voters. Give that man a spot at the table. He’s all action. No limelight. No coddling. No useless verbiage. A man of action.

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Yes! A spot at the table in terms of learning how he does things and why he is so successful and having others follow his lead!! His advice and experience is invaluable!

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I totally agree. Maybe a bunch of us need to email the RNC to make sure they at least offer him whatever he needs?

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There’s ALOT of good people out there. Trump just has to do MUCH better than last time!

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

Trump needs to stop bragging about OWS jabs and how wonderful they are. He tweeted another jab brag post a few days ago and he's getting a ton of backlash from his own followers over it. Bad move on Trump’s part. He also endorsed a Michigan rino never-Trumper republican the other day. Rand Paul had to call him out on it because it was so bad. I don't know who's giving Trump advice about these things but he definitely needs to re-evaluate.

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Was the brag post the one where he quoted Biden?

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Yes, quote below. He posted on X during Biden’s SOTU speech last week.

β€œThe Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!"

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That first part is what a lot of people have been angry about Trump saying, when he didn’t say it at all, just quoting Biden. The β€œYou’re welcome” part was the unnecessary and self congratulatory part that he would have been better off not expressing.

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Yes, Mike Rogers is horrible. I live in Michigan, and I'd like a good candidate for a change. Justin Amash and Peter Meijer are also supposed to run, but I'm not crazy about either one of them, especially Meijer. They were both Never Trumpers and voted to impeach him.

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Yes, they should run as Dems. A$$hats!

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Trump was in a den of vicious bipartisan wolves doing things never done before to a sitting president. I strongly feel he knew, but when the bullets are coming from 360 degrees, you do the best you can. If any criticism is placed it should be with the rhinos who helped the enemy. Brian Kemp comes to mind.

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Oh, please. He was a business owner who hired horrible people in his administration and the White House. He isn't going to come and save the day this go around. X22 Report keeps spouting that nonsense.

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There does not appear to be any cure for TDS. It shrinks hearts and brains by a full one third or more.

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He did very well for his *first* foray into politics. I am grateful he is *not* DC β€œbusiness as usual.*

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I saw Scott on a corner in Virginia Beach when he first started speaking out. I have admired him from the beginning. He loves this country!

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I agree. Since Lara took over I have been getting TONS of text messages asking for money. I always block them, but they keep coming. I will not give one more dime.

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I wouldn't give when Ronna was in charge because she wasn't using it for true Republicans, only for rinos. Since she is gone, many rinos are either retiring, resigning, or endorsing Trump. money now will go where it's supposed to go. I'll be happy to contribute to them now.

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What’s her experience for the job?

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NO DIFFERENCE, c'mon. And it's been off-putting since forever. I told my State Trump campaign director to his face how egregiously bad it is and it needs to be ramped WAY down.

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I'm experiencing the opposite. And they were downright offensive, too.

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I follow Scott and I've gotten the impression from him that he is working with the new RNC team. He's been trying really hard to get the RNC on board to use the tactics dems use, like ballot harvesting (in the states that allow it). Under McRino, she completely ignored him but I think this new team realizes he's been right all along. I really wish the RNC would get Charlie Kirk involved too.

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Consider this regarding Trump and family members…if you experienced as much betrayal as President Trump did in his administration, wouldn’t you consider family members too? I don’t have a problem with that.

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That is a good point (made by another poster too). I do understand that, just not very comfortable with putting several people from a single family in positions of power, as a general rule. I do get that it might be time for an exception in his case.

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I believe I heard Scott Presler say that the RNC has finally talked to him, now that Ronna's gone, and he's going to work with them.

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Oh I sure hope so!!

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Yes, I am supporting Scott Pressler's activities. He's really putting a lot of thought into it and doing the work the RNC wasn't doing. I encourage others to throw a few shekels his way.

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He is also on TS (Truth Social)for those of us who continue to steer clear of T

He is a true inspiration

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Their inaction in 2020 was shameful, but it was just a continuation of what they had been doing to Trump for 5 years at that point. I would say the RNC needed a housecleaning ~20 years ago, when it became obvious they lied about WMD and Iraq. At that point the (R) brand became toxic. Or, at the very least, 9 years ago, when they aligned themselves against Trump and decided to go all-out in trashing his campaign, his family, and his life. Trump resurrected their brand and they shunned him. Which shows complete disrespect for their customers. Sort of like Bud Light putting a tranny on their can.

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Ironic given that the Trump family is all in for Bud Light :)

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Sadly the RP of today is just the work of decades of destruction and takeover.

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Didn't understand why Trump didn't endorse Harmeet Dillen(SP?) last year over Ronna!

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I'm a big Trump fan... but even then I felt like there was something hinky about him pushing to keep Ronna around when it was clear she was absolutely useless. Nothing feels normal to me about any of this.

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Because they are told what to do. Did you see what Trump said recently about the fake injections? People need to stop worshipping the man.

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There's a big difference between worshipping the man and understanding that he's the only one running who stands chance of righting this country. At least he doesn't hate us.

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I agree. But from comments here and elsewhere, many view him as a savior that is going to save our country. There is only one Savior.

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Scanning comments . . . scanning, scanning, scanning . . . Nope. Nobody here is worshipping Trump. Can you suggest an alternative to Biden?

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Sorry you missed the point. Too bad

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Sorry you missed your nap.

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How about you go rest your tired bones. Take a nice long nap.

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So when you have nothing constructive to comment, you write a preschooler comment.

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I try to use age appropriate commenting, considering the recipient.

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What did he say?

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Many moves, I don’t understand. But I know I have a very limited perspective. Sometime later, things begin to make sense

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Agree except Harmeet promised to help Kari Lake and then disappeared. Never got an explanation.

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Maybe Harmeet was told the lie that KL would lay low for a couple of years ("promised a better job") so Harmeet decided to sit this one out.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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I always knew that the Two Parties (also parties of the Global West) were 'all in on it' as pertains the whole shady business of Woke Marxism aka Globalism because all Western leadership attended the front running coordination groups (Davos, Bilderberg, Trilateral, CFR, UN and so on). But now that that The Super Narrative (Woke, UN agendas) are in trouble, 'they' at the very top are hatching up something else.

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So if we READ about Marxism and the pantheon of its' founders we discover exactly how they purport to defeat the overpowerful, overwealthy, but idiotic and greedy Capitalist powers of the West (they had strategies for other cultures as well). WE are and have been immersed in and living this for 70+ years. Even when an Empire based on Soviet States Falls, the Revolution continues and refuses to be vanquished or reformed to a lesser form of aspiration.

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Well ... the NeoCons, after all, emerged out of Trotskyism. And Marxism is really, stripped down, the totalitarian rule of the very few over the many. The key tool is outright terrorism or the threat there to. To wit, bashing and beating sums up Marxism. Always beat up someone or some group ... and steal anything not nailed down. Marxism is a thug's philosophy degraded into ideology. But we are all Comrades ... right? And so that makes everything good.

I've been looking at Russia. You can tell readily from Putins two hour speech to the Federation Parliament that Russia is a highly socialized society and the state is most definitely the Top Dog. I've been looking at the Federation's tax structure. It is true that the top personal income rates are from 13% up to 5,000,000 p. and 15% above that. But that is less than half the story. There's 20% VAT (10 percent for some items like foodstuffs, for instance) and there are also other taxes for medical insurance, pensions, and so on. They add up ... and I estimate that at least about 30% total of income goes to the government. I still don't know how local and oblast taxes work. But there is no inheritance taxes. Gas for cars is taxed about 50%, but gas prices are still among the cheapest in the world. At my leisure, I am going to investigate more. Even so, speech and movement is freer here. The government is not into people's private lives like they are here. I don't know how to exactly put it, but I have hear it said more than once that people who moved to the Federation from the West mostly don't want to move back. I can understand that because everything is neat and tidy, polite, clean and hardly any graffiti and above all ... normal feeling. Morality is Russian Orthodoxy and therefore there are not San Francisco-like problems. Drag Queen Story Hour definitely is now allowed and ditto for extreme stuff like child mutilation.

So, it was 75 years for the Soviets. And 60 years for us from the Kennedy coup d'etat. Maybe more. Dates vary. Certainly 1913 was a key year.

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🧐 wonder what?

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Milie seems to be 'their' lead Front Man for positing the New Super Narrative multigenerational. The Apex Money Controllers know that the whole system is broken and has to be reorganized ... faith and credibility have to be restored. Maybe some of they old system stays, the old narratives like climate. But who really knows. And whatever happens is a shift that take time. High priority is saving a Western Monetary System. And I only can guess at it.

Milie tone is that of a remake of old Western Liberalism, plus lots of Austrian Economics chatter. Sometimes I think that they might want something that looks and works more like America from FDR up to Eisenhower ... but a little up dated. I don't look for a major dismantling of the Total Surveillance State, but some walking back. For example, the Weaponization of Everything has to cease and a real Rule of Law has to be restored for credibility.

I do notice that the Pivot or Roll Back going on appears to be across all institutions. It's like there is a March through the Institutions going, but in reverse. ???

I am not smart enough to know how this will all work, or if it will succeed ... or if in whole or parts. But these time immediate present seem quite a bit different than up to the time of the peak of the Covid Terrorism.

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Problem with the RP is that they have been "gone" for decades. People still think we have republican and democrat parties. We don't. The plan to infilitrate our country to take it down from within was instituted in the 1910's. Slowly but surely they moved into place to bring us to today. The USA goes down and the rest of the world falls like dominoes.

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Yes, and where is any sustained and prolonged resistance? Christian Churches and Universities? Catholic or LDS? The Tea Party? The Minutemen who helped border patrol? The Left only has to wait a couple years or start a different feint to get the fleas off their hairy back, or they infiltrate and take over contain and control. All the Michigan Militia groups of the 1990s (also made up by Clinton and Reno) were so absent that the FBI had to CREATE a fake militia and then instruct them on plotting a fake kidnapping as a pre-2020 Election surprise to help Dems and use as pretext to further erode freedom.

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Trump is still endorsing RINOs and targeting true conservatives. He will replace the fired staffers with ones who are probably much worse. The only qualification to be hired by Trump is fealty to him.

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The Republican town committees all over blue Connecticut have been being tossed and pressured. Republicans in my little town are in a struggle … we failed to flip our RTC board in January but we gained about 40% of the seats and are present at meetings. We have plans for next caucus.

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I’m also very concerned that the RNC chairs are still not getting legal teams together to challenge mail in ballots, voting machine integrity, 2 weeks to tabulate votes, and observers at vote tabulation centers. Bringing these issues up after the election will not work, legal challenges must be filed now. The RNC needs to have legal teams in place and a point person with a grand plan! Adjudicate Now to Win in November !!

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And ALL Ballots are destroyed after 2 years so that helps too

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"As a growing number of children across America are being diagnosed with multiple life-threatening illnesses, a comprehensive study has found that zero Amish children have been impacted by cancer, heart failure, autism, or any other chronic conditions."

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It's not just the lack of jabs, but I think a combination of factors including they work hard outdoors, they play outside, they eat real, homegrown/raised food cooked that day (the Amish don't have refrigerators), they aren't sitting around staring at any idiot screens (phone, TV, computer), and they aren't running to the doctor every 5 minutes like my mom used to haul us there for so much as a sniffle. I wish I had the ability to follow that lifestyle. It's a lot of hard work to be entirely self sufficient and live off the land.

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Agreed. Bet the Amish parents guide their kids as well, rather than trying to be their β€˜pal’.

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Sometimes I think it would be good to join the Amish.

Wife vetoes that idea.

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In Ohio, my daughter’s family is surrounded by Amish farms. I tell her if things get much worse, I’m coming to live with them.

There are a number of Amish sects with varying degrees of strictness. Someone said, no refrigerators, but some groups permit gas powered ones.

Of course, the local Christians are constantly trying to convert the young Amish away from their communities. I have mixed feelings about that. The Amish are very misunderstood.

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And she should. Have you seen the documentaries/whistle blowers (women) who report the rampant r@pe culture there? Super disappointing and yet somehow not surprising.

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Live the Amish life wherever you want. It’s the parents choice whether they want to teach them or be friends with them. Parents need to have to go to classes if their kids get in trouble.

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Sounds like pre-WWII America. Hard-nosed individualism, self-sufficiency, and the fear of God made America great. For all that’s admirable about the Greatest Generation, central planning and corporate hegemony isn’t working out so well. Big-time success attracts big-time blood suckers.

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Chemtrail are the only poison they have to deal with, far as I can tell.

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I’m from southwestern Ontario Canada and grew up around the Amish. Many around here have their babies vaxxed fully. They never question the doctor but then dr here are very pushy about vx. Twenty four years ago We were kicked out of our drs clinic and threatened to has children and family services called because of the abuse!!

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But that’s Canada. There are alot of Amish in the states, specifically WI., MI and MO and their lifestyles are better and healthier in many ways than the rest of the population.

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Florida Man - I’m guessing Amish kids also know whether they’re girls or boys...

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astragale, anyone who's worked around livestock of any kind knows that😏

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Haha. Yes! As Robert Malone says....those who think boys are girls should try milking a bull.

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Mel K had a recent interview with Barnes related to this. Barnes is representing an Amish farmer that the regime is attacking. They are trying to stop him from selling his product anywhere - not just the state he's in. Seems like an attempt to create a legal precedent related to control of the food supply.

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We should all support AMOS MILLER.

The globalists want to crush healthy food & natural medicine.

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C&C multiplier for Amos Miller? Ask Jeff? ...Avid C&C reader here but not a subscriber. Too rich for my pocketbook at the mo.

Amos Miller has a givesendgo: https://www.givesendgo.com/supportamosmiller

You're obviously up on the issue @Astragale. For others, more info on who Amos Miller is and what he's up against: Fast forward to 21: 08 - https://rumble.com/v4hhmai-mel-k-and-robert-barnes-going-on-the-offense-and-the-bigger-picture-of-the-.html

This comment is already on yesterday's board. A little late to catch the owner's attention? I know he reads comments but, maybe not so much backwards in time? Any ideas on how to snag Jeff's attention and ask the right question? Not saying I have the right question...

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Oh great idea HI !

The state/judge are trying to bankrupt Amos Miller by stopping him selling his food, so he could certainly use financial help. For the legal fees he’s incurring too.

****Mr Childers - will you call for donations??!! *****

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Paging Jeff Childers... Jeff Childers, please come to the comments section...

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There has been an ongoing attack on natural food suppliers and organic farmers for a

long time. They have tried to make anything to do with selling raw milk a crime.

They conduct SWAT team type raids on natural food co-ops and farms.

It is time for an uprising. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

Watch this documentary. http://youtu.be/J5ZKZshwOtw?si=CHCV4wSVaaBNfyEj

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There is no study on unvaccinated generally so Amish are selected. Do Amish kids get any childhood vaccines?

Non covid vaccinated kids from non Amish families who have nature as a playground not a computer console should have the similar good health.

Although, if Amish do not have childhood vaccines there would be a smaller non Amish pool with the same good health outcome.

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At a minimum, we need to β€œgo Amish” with our US elections. In person, small precincts, paper ballots, one day, counted at the precinct. And voter ID- Amish don’t need them as they know everyone local. But non-Amish are transient, so voter ID is critical.

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And Peter answered and said to Him, β€œLord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” And He said, β€œCome!” And getting out of the boat, Peter walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, β€œLord, save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, β€œYou of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, β€œYou are truly God’s Son!”

β€” Matthew 14:28-33 LSB

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I’m getting β€œDon’t take your eyes off of Jesus” as your message today, Janiceβ€¦πŸ’šπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’š

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Yes. Lots of messages here. Funny that Peter said β€œIf.” Who else would be walking on the water. Also, get out of the boat. Don’t doubt. Trust. And know that the wind and waves obey Him. What a Savior!

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This is an analogy for the American church today. They have been so bought off by the world system that they don't even have the faith to step out of the boat. Jesus' point to Peter was that as long as you have the faith to step out of the boat, He will be there to lend a hand when you falter.

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Also maybe Jesus wanted them to know He could walk on water. 🌊πŸ’ͺ🏼

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Believers are called to walk by faith.... just don't look down lol. Peter did pretty good.

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I just started to look at the Reformed Church in Russia. There are just a very few. So far now firm conclusions. They seem to continually refer to the Western confessions of faith.

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Mar 12Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œCISA head Jen Easterly said it is β€œreally, really dangerous if people get to pick their own facts.”

First presser question: What is a woman?

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Mar 12Liked by Jeff Childers

What I find humorous here is that she wants to be able to pick her own facts, basically implying she is not people. If she is admitting that she is not people then maybe the whole shapeshifting lizards from Nibiru theory isn't so far fetched after all.

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Isn’t that what lawyers do?

If there are facts favorable to their client, lawyers lead with them.

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yes and get all non-favorable facts inadmissible, dismissed, or termed non-evidentiary or other weakening of a facts' status or weight to be applied. Then withholding discovery is also a great tool, or just making it dam near impossible and last-second available. The nuances of it all, an approximation of justice is all we can aim for...like hitting a dartboard on the outer edge and proclaiming a bullseye, yet many other darts don't even hit the correct wall.

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Mar 12Liked by Jeff Childers

My Interview With Dr Jason Dean: Covid & Childhood Vaccines And The Blood

In this interview, I go into details about the metals in all vaccines, how they are used as polymer catalysts as well for surveillance technology. I explain the microplastics in the blood and how they are identical to self assembly nanotechnology sprayed via geoengineering and from the C19 shots.


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This whole thing makes me sick. I swear that the folks poisoning us through geoengineering, nanotech and "vaccines" are there with the Nazis in terms of being evil. At least we knew who the Nazis were and how much they hated certain people. These people now don't have the guts to show their faces and admit that they are attempting genocide.

I hope everyone here understands this comment is in no way saying that anything at all was good about the Nazi party. What I'm saying is they were as evil as the people who are killing us now are and they wore their evil as a badge of pride. The ones killing us now are hiding in the shadows.

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Yep. They are fascists.

They want to install global fascism so they can centralize all cash & power in their own small club. And they say, of course, that everything they’re doing is for the β€œcollective good” of us all.

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And its funny the so called 'anti-fascists' are doing the dirty work for the fascists.

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They are killing us now...

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At Least when your government OPENLY tells you and your family "You're a dam Jap, Dago, or Kraut, and we're taking everything from you and relocating you and your family to a secure camp for your own protection. Enjoy the free rent of barracks and cots, the barbed wire and guard towers and bayonets. We'll see how the next several years go and be watching everything you do and reading all your mail to keep you safe in your thinking and actions." God bless you and God bless America, now that's at least some honest tyranny--how Biden gets to dedicate the internment camp as a National Monument in Colorado is like spitting in our faces. Trump and Reps TOO stupid to have beat the Dems to the punch AS ALWAYS. Happy Juneteenth as Vivek said. Always reactive Never proactive, always on defense it's pathetic really.

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"Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense" Article From 2008 And Comparison To Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of C19 Unvaccinated Blood Now


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The good news is they won't need us to carry cell phones anymore.

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Dr. Ana is amazing!

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I don't think making the RNC an extension of Trump is a good idea, nor is hiring family members. This way, only Trump loyalist will get funding or be able to get support and people like Chip Roy or Thomas Massie, who have been critical of Trump, but are doing excellent work, will not. How is this any different than what the Clinton clan was doing? I don't think Trump or his family is a net-positive for the Republican Party and we definitely don't need the installation of yet another version of a family dynasty.

Edit: Trump supported Ronna for re-election last year when it was already clear that she's doing a really bad job. Harmeet Dhillon would have been a much better choice.

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Agree about the family members and about Harmeet. I have never liked dynasties or pseudo aristocracies/β€œroyal families” as a concept. There are enough competent people to choose from. You don’t need to involve nepotism.

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True, although it’s fair to say Trump can’t trust much of anybody outside of his family, and even there he needs to watch his back.

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That is also a good point. I just think it’s a bad precedent in general although exceptional times may call for different measures.

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I know, right? But then in my mind I immediately go to Julius Caesar, and before him when he was coming up, Sulla. Extraordinary times, extraordinary measures, and tremendous suffering.

Two points:

I support D J T, with criticism and wariness, nobody else has my support at that level.

I am coming to believe that a huge part of our collective disappointment/anger is driven by the unfulfilled hope & expectations, realistic or not, built upon possibly decades of lies, as well as the extreme discomfort we are very likely facing. And I do mean extreme, not just higher costs.

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That is why I am SICK of all the text messages I receive from them. They are like roaches. You block each one you get and 3 more are sent using different phone numbers. I have money in 2020 only to find out the candidates I supported didn't get a dime. Won't do that again.

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Consumer Protection regs says they only have to stop sending from the particular telephone number. Not have to stop sending.

Politicians and other scammers buy or hack thousands of telephone numbers so that one number you request to block from sending to you doesn’t matter to them. They just use another and another on you.

If Consumer Protection really wanted to protect consumers it would change to say that the ORGANIZATION has to stop sending you spam.

And would say that every website has to provide AT THE TOP of their privacy notice the swipe mechanism to get rid of all cookies. Not buried in a sub sub sub link somewhere. Not an email to no one.

Those are bipartisan House bills I could get behind. Maybe Florida will lead that charge. California will not.

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Citizen Initiative would pass if properly presented in any state..that's the only Offensive weapon we have..but time and $$$ needed to do them, and NON-Commie Lawyers, but i don't know any that aren't old, fake, greedy and mediocre

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What?? I get so many other texts and keep blocking, only to get more.

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Agree! Adding in family members only strengthens the β€œhe wants to overthrow our freedom” rhetoric. Dumb move. (Can you tell I’m getting discouraged?)

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Exactly. Both parties will then just become those dynasties that rev up the machine of graft. Trump just gave himself another x mark ❎ for me.

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I agree. Bad idea.

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You probably are right. And the RNC is not us and never was. And all of this is an extension of something much, much bigger ... and much more controlled from way up than most of us can imagine.

At the moment though, this is probably the best thing which could have happened to us. And it is perhaps a big indication of the Higher Apex Power of necessity having to step back from Woke Marxist Agenda and into something else.

My cynical view says that we are really pawns in the game. But also, how the pawns move in a chess game determines to a large extent the winning or losing of a game. I.e., if the pawns refuse to go along with 'the agenda', we then have the power to cause 'them' to have to shift The Game to something more to our liking.

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Yep. In the long run, the cure is no better than the disease when human beings engineer both. β€œWho will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 7:24-25).

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totally agree!

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 13

Did anyone see the Tucker/Cuomo interview? Boy I hope Jeff opines on this. I honestly had every single emotion watching this almost 2 hour interview. I still think Cuomo is Fredo and Tucker could have pushed back on him more - he was way too gracious. Cuomo is clearly leeching onto Tucker, it was grotesque. The one thing that struck me is how unintelligent Fredo really is. I'm trying to be nice here, but the fact that he has never heard the concept of the architectural movement to dumb down and make ugly our national buildings, schools and churches, taking the sacred out of our spaces to demoralize us -- honestly I was in utter shock that he actually never knew this in all his years in media. It just goes to show how far apart the propagandists have pushed us and how insular media really is. Link to the "beauty" of concrete buildings: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4WZixgNOSu/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

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I usually watch Tucker's videos ASAP, but have no interest in the Cuomo interview.

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I didn't either. But, the point of the interview is that we have stopped having agree to disagree conversations, and that the MSM as a whole, both conservative and liberal is set up to make sure we never come to any agreements about anything. And both of them agreed that the two party system we have now isn't working for the American people. (And establishment republicans are cutting off their nose to spite their faces and throwing us all under the bus - that's me talking, not the interview). I thought it was valuable because it further informed me that Fredo is the low IQ guy we thought he was, and I was able to make my own informed decision as a result of the interview.

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Verve ... this is right. This is a big part of it. And restoration of 'civility' has to be a big part of the Pivot away from broken Woke. And I think the Fredo part is right ... and so many of these people are in fact very low IQ. My reaction was the same.

Tucker is way, way smarter than many, many people can even begin to imagine. What is going on with him now is like watching Masterpiece Theater.

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Andrew and Joe Biden have a lot in common- IQ.

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Good points!

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Great comment.

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Here’s a take on that interview from The Conservative Treehouse, worth the attention of this audience:

β€œThat said, please pay attention to the prompted segment about Russia, as outlined by Tucker Carlson, that begins at 34:18 and runs through 37:55. If you stay with it until 46:00 it’s worth it; however, the important part is the key four minutes outlined above. Carlson frames the β€œwestern” or U.S-led sanction regime against Russia very accurately, and the consequences he describes for the rest of the world is accurate.”

And here’s a thread posted on this topic, from 2022:


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β€œAnd establishment republicans are cutting off their nose to spite their faces and throwing us all under the bus…” 🎯 🀬

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I know I’ll get zero support from C&Cers for saying this, but it was the wrong time to push zero exceptions for abortion. As I expected, push too hard and the pushback is even stronger. We now have abortion sanctuary States, more new laws that are adverse to our goals, and abortion on demand to the point of birth. Whether this would have happened anyway, IDK. And whether last option is ever used, IDK, but just having it on the books terrifies me. Think boyfriend not wanting to pay child supportβ€¦πŸ€¬Win the battle but loose the war…

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There’s an old adage I learned decades ago: β€œwhat you resist, persists.”

What’s really needed is a complete change in the conversation, which has been attempted from several quarters over the last three decades: focus on the attributes of family, and of community support; revitalization of community-based social support systems such as the churches and synagogues and sanghas, and service clubs. The worn but true phrase β€œculture of life” needs to be revitalized in the public square. And so much more.

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From your lips... ❀️

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That’s a valid point. It’s an outrage to compromise with fetus killers, but politics is an unfortunate reality.

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I suggest you reconsider. As noted by several commenters, the interview clearly demonstrates how much smarter Tucker is, and also how gracious he is even with people he disagrees with. It was a pretty ballsy move on Tucker's part to engage with "the enemy" and I think he came away looking like the bigger person. Tucker is thriving in his new role, while Cuomo limps along on a second- or third-rate platform. Almost had to feel sorry for him. Almost.

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Yes, kudos to Tucker as well as to Dr. Phil’s plan for an opinion-free news network. We need everybody we can find who will reach across the aisles to the Fredos and Alex Joneses so people can evaluate rather than shout down conflicting perspectives. I haven’t heard anybody on the left propose anything like that. And ain’t that America.

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"For you and Meeee! Ain't that America, somethin' to seeee! Ain't that America, the home of the Free!!"(sorry... couldn't resist launching into the John Cougar Mellencamp refrain - it just hit different today..)

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Well done! Maybe our fellow C&Cer John Cougar Misanthrope got us on that wavelength. (Oh-oh. Now I've got a Van Morrison earworm.)

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Totally agree.

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Ditto. I don't care to watch Fredo try to rehab his reputation. Too much like watching a snake recoil after it strikes. And yes, Tucker sometimes tries too hard to be fair and balanced.

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Agree. Not sure I want to waste 2 hours of my life watching Fredo.

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Fredo’s basement dive during his supposed vid infection showed exactly what he is. He berated the guy who called him out for not staying in quarantine. Fredo never had it. It was all theater. Now he is trying to be relevant. He needs to just go away.

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yes, but the Tucker interview will be the definitive interview that will allow those of us with half a brain to put Fredo in the can where he belongs.

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why would TC "interview" him? Its ridiculous, did Cuomo call him and pay him? what gives--the other 165 people on Tucker's list bailed out? Tucker should interview the guy who does his dry cleaning next week. Dam

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You have a point. TC seemed to keep apologizing to him for treating him so badly during Covid. I felt he was too obsequious to him. I thought that we got to see Cuomo for the fake sycophant that he is. People are now saying that TC is just another false flag limited hang out. Maybe he is. Who knows.

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I am still amazed people think chemtrails are condensation trails and airplanes fly in criss crosses!

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Con trails definitely exist, and not all con trails are chem trails.

But, they are certainly doing aerial dispersal and weather modification.

They have websites that proudly describe cloud seeding efforts to increase

snowfall on the mountains. They assure us that it is perfectly safe to have silver iodide

raining down on us, even though it is highly toxic. They have 'some' studies that say it is fine.

There may be other studies that show otherwise, but we will never see 'those' studies.

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deletedMar 12
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There tends to be a free flow of ideas on these threads.

I don't see biblical scripture being relevant to the discussion

either, but there it is everyday. Is that trolling?

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deletedMar 13
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I am very sorry to hear that this particular comment caused you

to endure an unpleasant experience and interrupted your enjoyment

of reading through the thread.

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I tried to watch it but I only lasted about 20 minutes. Cuomo is like Kamala. He may not cackle like her but everything he says sounds like a mishmash of total garbage. It takes him 100 words to say something that should take 25 words and even then, you'll still not get his point. He's definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed. Kudos to Tucker though, I think he’s trying to extend the olive πŸ«’ branch.

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I watched it most of it and all. I could not see the sense of it ... and I am still scratching my head why? I still thing that there is a multi-generational pivot going on ... and that the folks behind the pivot want want the old rats to leave the old vessel that is clearly sinking. And so, maybe the highest power that be is also engineering a new theme controlled opposition of the Left side of things. In positing this, I always have to remember that the Apex Power Center DOES NOT think as I do in terms of right and wrong. Nope! The Cretin Satanic Power thinks in terms of keeping all options open, forces in shifting balances, keeping control by moving pieces of the great shuffle board of their Big Game.

Just look at Tucker's material and what do you see? I see that Tucker is EVERYWHERE from the tippy-tip of South America to the Metro Stations of Moscow, from Texas and the border all the way north to Cuomo-Land. And it appears to me that Tucker is the ultimate winner of the Narrative Shifter of the Year Award ... and truly an Inside Man aboard the USS Pivot multi-generational. This is why I watch Tucker these days ... because he is the most visible tell on where the Apex Money Power wants things to go given the total melt down of the now defunct Collective West. Clearly the old plan is not working and something new is required if the big boys want an extended lease on life. And this is why we are seeing things we have never before seen, like the RNC's deck chairs being reshuffled. And by the way, all the loose losing cannons have to go, people like Nuland for example.

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Have you read any of Peter Turchin's work? It might provide some insight. When you have elites fighting amongst themselves, no one really knows how it will end. They don't know anymore what the end will be than we do because they are fighting for different things. I don't believe this is part of some master plan.

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Man is a factional animal, a political animal. Man plots, conspires, organizes, institutes ... and yes, plans. In fact, EVERYONE has some kind of plan for the day. Without planning, nothing gets done.

Globalism, Woke Marxism, Agenda 21/Sustainability ... these were all one big thing, a MASTER PLAN, run primarily by deception ... and originating from the very apex of the power structure. Regarding this, there were endless meetings, planning meetings (CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderberg, WEF/Davos, etc.). There were also endless squabbles. Having a Master Plan does not mean things always work out, that there are not bumps in the road, and that there are not mistakes made, unintended consequences, bad judgement call ... nor that such Plans are free from the seed of eventual, perhaps inevitable self-destruction.

People like Turchin are very, very smart. And it not to be said that one cannot learn something from people like Turchin. On the other hand, I can say this. If Vladimir Putin has a mind fashioned like that of Turchin, Putin could not have saved Russia not just once but twice. First from within. And secondly ... from without.

I do believe in priming moving and prime movers. And yet anyone can miscalculate ... and we see an abundance of miscalculation daily in the Collective West. Nobody knows absolutely how things will turn out. But some people know how to play the odds better than most people. And some of these 'odds players' as elite families have managed to survive and even prosper ... and for centuries. (Most of us, including me, don't row in this boat.)

I still stick that there is a Pivot away from a completely and irretrievably broken template in place for well over seventy or more years in the Collective West. I see it. I do not know how things will work out. This said, we certainly are capable of seeing patterns as they evolve and making tentative extractions, conclusions by evidences seen.

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excellent take on this.

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Thanks for saying. Appreciated.

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I haven't watched it. I want to, since Tucker did it, but not sure I want 2 hours of irritation.

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LOL Fla Mom, I watched it so you don't have to. All you have to do is read the C&C comments and now you will be fully up to speed. I never need to listen to another Cuomo interview again.

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I won't watch it. Andrew Tate was better. At least he finally admitted he is a muslim. And can someone explain why he (and Candace Owens - maybe it is a millenial thing) cannot pronounce a "t" in a word no matter how much you pay them. The Tate interview was good, but it was EXCRUCIATING listening to him talk. But now that he has confirmed he's a muslim - no thank you.

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I saw Cuomo on Patrick Bet David's podcast, he's awful and we really shouldn't give him air time

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I don't know Bet David, but I think the Tucker interview will put Fredo to rest. He will try to weasel his way back into the fold, but it won't work.

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Is this the firmer NY Governor? Cuomo is murderous filth. The blood of thousands is dripping off his evil claws.

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no it's his brother who was fired by CNN. And yes, the former Gov is as dirty as they come.

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His daddy too 😑

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He has always just been a tool, a useful idiot. Using his name and connections to get by.

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I just finished listening to the podcast version. My biggest takeaway is that Cuomo seems to have wanted to do the interview to get publicity for his lawsuit against CNN.... he said something about the β€˜real harms’ he suffered from being fired multiple times.

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Copy of my earlier reply buried in a thread within a thread on this topic:

Here’s a take on that interview from The Conservative Treehouse, worth the attention of this audience:

β€œThat said, please pay attention to the prompted segment about Russia, as outlined by Tucker Carlson, that begins at 34:18 and runs through 37:55. If you stay with it until 46:00 it’s worth it; however, the important part is the key four minutes outlined above. Carlson frames the β€œwestern” or U.S-led sanction regime against Russia very accurately, and the consequences he describes for the rest of the world is accurate.”

And here’s a thread posted on this topic, from 2022:


All that said, I attempted to listen beyond the above-mentioned clip, my low opinion of Fredo was not enhanced.

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Thank you - this is valuable input.

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This died suddenly story of Indiana mom age 41 is really heart breaking. The world is having a hard time believing Kate could have died suddenly or now be in a coma (and never actually went to any surgery - that was a cover). This mom Stefanie is very fit and the same age as Kate. Just like Gavin Newsome got the real (toxic) jab, my guess is so did Kate. if Pelosi and the elites did not protect Gavin, chances are good that Kate took the real thing. Absolutely devasting. and they are now saying Thomas Kinsington committed suicide, but for a week it was just he died suddenly, mysteriously. Then they changed the narrative. a new and different Kate will come out around Easter. https://abcnews.go.com/International/mother-2-dies-mysteriously-flight-back-dominican-republic/story?id=107864785

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Glenda ... and not only Kate but a whole lot of other of the upper echelon (front running political leaders). It appears that we don't even know the beginning of the story of how Covid Terrorism was run, just snapshots of the DoD, WHO, Gates Foundation, heads of certain agencies, places like Imperial College, etc. And that some high level people were not 'protected' could be part of the covering in that creating 'a protected class' would be conspicuous. But that upper elites (but maybe not the very top) were thrown under the bus would in itself create problems.

Covid Terrorism as a story continues to grow because all these injuries and deaths cannot be hidden. How it shakes out, this is hard to predict ... but it is not going to be good for the perps. They who ran the operation will at the very minimum have 'a control the narrative' problem big time. Why? Because the Terrorism results cannot be hidden as the flies, so to speak, continue to drop dead unseasonably. Inquiring mind will want to know because that is built in human nature.

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And while I will get bashed probably for this, but let's remember the shenigans about Catherine, Princess of Wales. They did a big PR push showing her getting some shot (was it real or not? Who knows). Now she hasn't been seen since Christmas, had surgery which kept her in the hospital for 2 weeks and won't be seen again until Easter. And Sundays' major photoshopped picture just caused further speculation. Why edit a photo so much of a mother and her 3 children?

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The photo was taken in November! I’ve been following this story closely and found the viral tik tok where a young lady found Kate and the kids in those outfit in November at a charity event, the same jeans and boots, but the sweater was white and they have photo shopped it to be black., among other changes to the outfits. Charlotte is wearing a thin cotton bracelet at the charity event and it is shown in the faked photo also, a thin bracelet like that does not last. Luis’s tooth was lost in November and has grown in now but they didn’t fix that!

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To be clear, they think Kate and the children took the photo that day before or after the charity event, while in those outfits. They can’t submit the real photo because it would show the meta data is November. By copying it they were able to change the media data to March 8 or 9.

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Also by the way, the charity event was a Toy drive, or toy wrapping event, so that’s why they were all dressed on the casual side. The name of the event and coverage of the event is available I found it based on the tik tok story. It was covered but they used photo shop to change the colors of the clothes so no one could link it to that day. That’s why the image was photoshopped so much. It was changes to the outfits mostly to hide the fact that the photo was not recent as they wanted us to believe.

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She will do a Tiffany Dover re-entry.

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A navy doc has come out on a video talking about just navy pilots and how many are sick and dying.

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Forgive my repost, but this broke my heart: β€œThe Navy has fired a dozen leaders but won't explain why A total of 13 commanding officers have been fired so far this year, including five in one week, the Navy said.” Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/A2s7rtAM5TUi9YqTUIt3lxA

Those who spoke up about the deaths were simply removed from their posts. After the death of a Navy Seal candidate who had just excelled during Hell Week, wrote to several people in positions of authority with specific suggestions on how to screen for those at most risk of SADS; πŸ¦—πŸ¦—πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” NO.ONE.CARED, at least not enough to buck the narrative. Thanks C&Cers, for letting me vent! πŸ™†β€β™€οΈ

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It’s a sad state of affairs. IF Trump gets back in he better take the decline of the military seriously!!!!!

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And how is he supposed to fix that???? Folks, Trump is not a savior. You need to open your eyes to the state of the United States.

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

lol. I’m tired with you! And I’m def not a trump supporter! I used the word IF for a reason. I have 3 sons serving so I’m hopeful the military will get better, but know it won’t. I went to my youngest son’s bootcamp graduation and there were 46 countries represented. I know what’s happening, just hopeful some timesπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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Scanning the comments . . . scanning, scanning, scanning . . . Nope. Nobody said Trump is a savior. What’s your alternative to Biden?

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Agree, but the alternative is to let the L continue the decline. Not that he can fix it, but…

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It’s the whole military but the video was just navy pilots. So sad!!!!

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Here is a story and video about the brave Navy guy, Ted Mace.


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Thank you Kathleen!!!!

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I could surely use that post if you want to share. πŸ’”

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Kathleen posted it

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could you please link that video?

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Here's a video...Navy guy Ted Mace warning about covid shots.


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thank you so much Kathleen - It's good to "see" you - hope we can meet in real life one day, maybe at the next Florida Covid Summit in November?

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Those masks look real, don’t they?

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

MI6 at its best.

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Enjoy your day of hiking Jeff! I’m sure you’ll experience amazing scenery!

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There are never consequences for these people like Cassidy Hutchinson who lie. Same for Brett Kavanaugh accuser, E Jean Carroll etc. no downside for them…. Only upside. 😑

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Adam Schiff lied to congress when he read Russia gate propaganda into the recent. Republicans made noise about punishing him….then silenced.

And why haven’t republicans been telling people that it’s legal for either party to question election results? And that democrats have done it 5 times, but weren’t called insurrectionists. Their silence is deafening on this.

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Hell, Harry Reid said Romney didn't pay taxes in order to discredit him before the '12 election. And then said "He lost, didn't he?" when questioned about it.

None of that is meant to cheer Romney, but look with what we were left...

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It’s infuriating!

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Althea Bernstein also.

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Just saw this: Boeing whistleblower found dead from gunshot wound after not showing up to testify https://www.yahoo.com/news/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnett-found-104622297.html

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"John Barnett worked for Boeing for 32 years. The company worked to destroy his life after he exposed safety concerns. I’m proud that my sister Rory worked to tell his story in her award winning documentary Downfall: The Case Against Boeing. Boeing killed 346 people out of greed. Let’s hope there is a genuine investigation of John Barnett’s β€œsuicide.”'

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boycott Boeing--they put a hit on him no doubt or did an offer he couldn't refuse so he took the quick exit. This is likely going to get more commonplace with Corporate-Public Partnerships and any whistleblower

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Very suspicious!

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As in, do they really expect ANY of us to believe that? πŸ’” I know that they all cut corners, but boycott Boeing seems like a good start. Cheers for Caterpillar!

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How much Boeing stock do the Clinton's own?

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Corporate skullduggery rears its ugly head. Just ask Philip Haneyβ€¦πŸ’”

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And nothing came of his murder either sadly.

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Sounds like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner needs to be avoided. 25% chance you won't have any oxygen if SHTF. Not good odds IMO. American, United, Air Canada and overseas carriers do have them in their fleet. Who doesn't in the USA? Delta. This article below gives a good background on Boeing - quanitity over quality scenario. It also points out what I witnessed in the 90's working for Delta. Delta had always promoted it's CEO from within the company, since it's humble beginnings as a crop duster business in GA. By the mid 90's that was done away with and they brought in a Proctor and Gamble [I didn't reasearch today but from what I recall] to be the new CEO. I'm thinking great, we have a soap maker here. Boeing has the same exact problem- hence their quality issues. It's all about the $$. Also around then, I noticed the big push for globalization. Then 9/11 and with TSA established it was loony land. Doing random searches at the boarding gate [they had already cleared security checkpoint mind you] and having to search thru dirty underwear was my queue to get the hell out of dodge. Which I did 20 years ago and never looked back. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/30/business/boeing-history-of-problems/index.html

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Looked to see if it was still on Yahoo; didn’t find it, but did spot this:


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Wow 😳

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Maybe they borrowed Hillary's hit man?

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"Hello, suicide hot line? I'd like to place an order."

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The Pope needs to understand, since Russia hasn't taken control of Kiev, Russia has lost! Ain't that right Benji???


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Since I am not Catholic, I pay no attention to what the pope says. However, were I to listen, it would be about religion and not politics.

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I *am* a Catholic and honestly it's not that productive to pay attention to what Francis says about religion either.

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Me too. Antipope heretic.

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We need more spirituality and less religion. I believe if more knew about King James and the Council of Nicea and the Protocols of Zion, we could move forward much faster! We have been taught lies.

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a known forgery

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And that doesn't change one word about the Bible.

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I will be taking some time for repentance, forgiveness and seeking God. It’s all we will have soon. Change can come.

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The pope needs to understand he should stay out of secular politics. Stick to the politics of the Catholic church.

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But that isn't why he was pushed into the position. He is a globalist hack who serves Satan. Wish more catholics would wake up.

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Yep. Who cares what the old Marxist has to say.

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Left is bent on "rolling back Reaganism" which includes "expunging Thatcher" and an "Antidote Pope to John Paul II" seems like they've nearly finished in all 3 areas.

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Politics is destroying the world. It’s ALL politics. I believe all must speak out. Life. Death. Can’t separate it, my dear.

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hahahahahahahahaha! πŸ˜†

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"...It was this looting policy which impelled Hitler’s regime to cut the proportion of the population to be supported through, first, euthanasia against the aged and seriously ill and, later, the `useless eaters’ policy of more generalized genocide.”....

Russian President Putin addressed this strategic problem from a related vantage point in a dialogue with participants in the World Youth Festival in Russia:

β€œThe countries of Africa now have such a cumulative debt which, by definition, cannot be repaid. Whatever you do, you can’t repay it. But such terms for their financial relations were formulated, and African countries were forced to take loans on these terms, as if the Western financial community did not understand that it would never be possible to pay this money back.

β€œYou know, there was a similar case in the history of mankind, in the history of Europe. After the First World War, the greedy rulers, the then greedy rulers of France and Great Britain, created such financial terms for Germany and imposed such indemnities and such conditions for repayment of debts, they believed, to the Entente states that it was by definition impossible to repay those debts. And this was one of the reasons for Hitler’s rapid rise on the political scene.”

So, if your concern is to prevent a return to the policies of Hitler, with the attendant danger of nuclear war, you have to stop the Schachtian policies which the City of London and Wall Street are hell-bent on imposingβ€”again.


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It’s always the same. Follow the πŸ’°. I’m waiting for that spark. Last I heard there were 700 trillion derivatives.

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

The world-wide derivatives market is the scariest thing I've ever seen...one gigantic pyramid. I was wondering if it was going to collapse 15 years ago. Between that and what has the "appearance" of another huge pyramid, the Bitcoin market, I'm stocking up on popcorn. Now I am NOT a financial expert so don't ask me to explain these markets but they are so HUGE, they scare the bugeebee's out of me. To me, Bitcoin has all the appearance of the infamous Tulip Bulb Mania as described in Mackay's, "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds".


Now I do own an very small position in cryptocurrency as a hedge but I know it could disappear overnight. The Tulip Bulb Mania lasted about 3 years and peaked when someone walked onto the trading floor, picked up a bulb and ATE it. The bubble burst. I look at Bitcoin and I have to ask myself, "What intrinsic value does Bitcoin have?" Honestly, I don't have an answer. Now gold, on the other hand, that is the epitome of intrinsic value which is why the fiat money globalists don't want you to own any.

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Bitcoin’s value, from what I understand with my limited lay understanding, is that it is:

1) permissionless. No bank can deny your transfers. No govt can drain or freeze your account.

2) strongest computer network in world history which contains proof of who owns each bitcoin. Basically impossible to hack bc of the computer power being put into bitcoin mining.

3) decentralized. No one person can make any change to its code or protocol.

4) limited in quantity. No money printer can dilute your value.

5) easy to move. Pretty hard to move $10M in gold, super easy to do the same via bitcoin. You memorize the keys to your wallet and technically take them anywhere in the world.

6) highly divisible. 1 bitcoin worth $72k today and can be divided in 1 million sitoshis or .07 cents per right now. Hard to divide your gold bar to buy a loaf of bread.

This is not a comprehensive list, but these abilities of bitcoin do have real and serious value. It isn’t tangible like normal assets. But neither is your bank account or IRA or any other current financial instrument most people own. You hope you can get physical assets in exchange for proof of ownership of the other financial assets, just like you do with bitcoin.

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After all that rambling, here is my conclusion. Bitcoin is a device that can be used to transfer wealth OR information securely. As a brand new innovation without precedent, the market for bitcoin is still going through price discovery. Volatility is very high and as such is a high risk speculative market. Sometime in the future, the uses of bitcoin will be understood, the supply of bitcoin will plateau and the market will then be able to establish a stable price point which should result in very low price volatility. This will probably come after a manic blow-off peak in price and then a dramatic crash back to reality based upon actual supply and actual demand. Right now price is based on speculative dreams and wild imaginations. But the bottom line is bitcoin is not money in the sense that it has intrinsic value. In and of itself, it does not have any tangible value. It is simply a useful "device" for transferring wealth. Just as the US$ has no intrinsic value, neither does bitcoin. And like the US$, bitcoin only has value to the extent that people are willing to accept them in exchange for tangible items like gold. Once that collapses, the dollar or the bitcoin collapses.

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

Yes, those are great attributes. It's the "not tangible" part that worries me.

"...You hope you can get physical assets in exchange for proof of ownership of the other financial assets, just like you do with bitcoin." And therein lies my problem.

Let me give an analogy. Historically, the US$ was a tangible asset. It represented a certain amount of gold. Beginning with the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, this began to change. (The Federal Reserve isn't even own by the the country's government like other central banks of the world. The Federal Reserve is a creature of the international banking system owned by the Apex money elite.) The last vestiges of dollar tangibility disappeared when Nixon closed the "gold window" for international trade. He basically said, "You can't have your gold, just trust us."

Now, the US$ is actually a debt instrument which represents nothing tangible. It's a lien on every American's productivity. We are literally born into debt. And our productivity is stolen from us through monetary inflation. The US$ is 100% "fiat money". It no longer has any intrinsic value beyond it's ability to be used to start a camp fire.

Now here's the problem. Every historical example of a fiat money system ends in an inflationary collapse that impoverishes the people. Why? Because it has no tangible value. Our bank accounts, IRA retirement accounts and other financial assets denominated in dollars are ONLY AS GOOD AS THE DOLLAR. Nothing objective of real value. My problem is, how is Bitcoin any different? What happens if a few nukes go off and the EMPs wipe out the digits that represent Bitcoin ownership? Poof - they're gone. I only have questions. I don't have any answers.

Bitcoin may be very useful to temporarily use to facilitate an exchange but how can it be a store of value without tangibility? I only have questions.

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Dam, shoulda bought in at Vegas 2005 or again in 2010...losers never try but i have some Vanguard and Blackrock funds!

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lol. I’m with you! I could never explain it, but I know it’s a real thing! We invested in assets, farm, tools etc. I have a cousin who is heavy into crypto but she’s a Qanon. We’ve had some really great conversations! At this point I just keep saying 24 is gonna be exciting to watch, have no idea how it’s gonna turn out but I know it’s gonna be fascinating!

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Interesting; gives evidence for the financial system, but not for "an entirely different concept of Man," which is in essence the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, etc., all set on loop-repeat.

"...nothing less than a new international security and development architecture based on an entirely different concept of Man will provide an actual solution."

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Mar 12Β·edited Mar 12

Putin is holding his cards very close to his chest. He is not even revealing how much of a "stake" he is bringing to the table. In this geopolitical game of poker, this is but a part of his opening calls in the game. The BRICS and the southern hemisphere are being organized into a challenged to the West's NWO and the Apex money elite behind it. And changes in the West are just beginning to take place in response to this.

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Where’s the βŒβ€¦πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©

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Dr VickyJennings - karmalized! Karma gets vax bully.

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It caused my brother’s death at the end of March that year, just a few weeks later 😞

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I am so sorry. πŸ’”

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Thank you. I keep saying it here and at every opportunity because I want as many people as possible to know that the lockdowns killed people too, and not just people with Covid either 😞

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So sorry! πŸ’”

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Thank you. The lockdowns allowed him to be medically neglected and none of the family could do a thing about it since no one was allowed inside the facility 😑

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Heartbreaking, and we now hear that same scenario over and over…and a few survival stories after families were able (very few had the ability) to remove their loved ones. β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

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It’s really such a travesty 😞😑 And of course the state board of health said there was no wrongdoing 😑

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Wow. Great article.

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