Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Tennessee House Bill HB0726 (and Senate bill SB1092) call for nullification to illegal federal laws, executive actions, and federal court opinions.


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SECTION 6. It is declared that federal laws, federal executive actions, and federal court opinions must comply with the jurisdictional limitations of the United States Constitution. It is further declared that any federal action outside the enumerated powers set forth in the United States Constitution are in violation of the peace and safety of the people of this state, and therefore, said acts are declared void and must be resisted.

SECTION 7. The proper manner of resistance is a state action of nullification of the federal action.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Sanctuary states and cities have already nullified Federal immigration laws

so this should not be a problem for anyone!

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Unfortunately, it depends where you are and what type of a "sanctuary" you want:

2nd Amendment sanctuary measure struck down in Oregon


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I wish beautiful States like Oregon and California could take back their power from the crazy inmates currently running their asylums.

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Here in beautiful Michigan things have only gotten worse since the last election. Now the Dems have total control.

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I don't even know what to say about Michigan. The midterms blew my mind. No wonder I see so many Michigan plates in Florida.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

As a Michigander, what do you think the source of that is? Are there really majorities of people there now voting in Dems? Or is the voting system so corrupted the results represent those in power, not actual numbers of people?

I personally was very disappointed that Whitmer got reelected so easily. Is she actually popular there? What gives?

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šŸ¤” I thought with Whitmer (?) the dems already had control.

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Add Washington to that list. Inslee doesn't get alot of national media coverage for some reason but he's just as awful.

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Truer words never spoken! Preach Joy sister!

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Put JawGA on that list. Probably more insideous as Repubs& democRats Collude for prior sElection Results via the McChines & Drop Offs.

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Awesome. šŸ˜‘šŸ™„

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But the crazy "inmates" out number the "sane" by such a huge number, I can't believe it can be done.

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i suppose all the sane ca people already left Bandit. There are only some left that can not but stay because of other ties. I just read over 700000 have left already.

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Doesnā€™t it depend on who is governor of that state? Or CE of the county?My county I lived in Md was a 2A sanctuary county. My understanding was only if the party in charge upholds that or it means nothing?

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Comrade, Really??? Expecting Equal Justice from the JustUs Dept ??? Call the FIB!!! They will certainly help you out, (of your house in handcuffs.)

Of course hopefully you could be sarcastic, but Jeff still has faith in the Legal System as a Lawyer would. As more MD's "wake up" to the carnage of the VaXXX Bio-Weapon, so perhps will the Lawyers, as the DC Gulag continues to imprison and torture Jan 6 "guests".

Or 2022 Arizona sElection Fraud is swept under the Legal Rug along with 2020. That "Rug" will get too lumpy at some point .......


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More important, especially at this late hour of 'failed state' is to ALWAYS keep keep the truth of our positions smack dab in the public eye. Thus, the 'failed justice' system become an implement of power in our hands no matter win, lose or draw.

The Human Voice is the greatest of all weapons. If not, there would be no need for censorship and silencing. The great Protestant Reformation was largely won because the King and all of his men could not silence the reformers no matter how many 'laws' they passed to this object.

The Cretin Rulers in the span of one brief year have gone from skating on ice three feet thick to skating on ice mere inches thick. No one knows how all of this plays out, or what will be the cost in suffering at the hands of the increasingly desperate. But it is a least the beginning of the end of something.

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"IF" SAPA (2nd Ammendment Preservation) Laws contain No Penalities for LE Violating the Law then thes laws are toothless. Many Local Polezi are Eager Beavers to "Assist" the Federales due to $$$$ "Grants", and the "Big Boy" adrenaline rush of such activities.

GA has a toothless version being pushed by Rinos and applauded under the table by democRats. Florida??? TN ???


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I hope they will do this AND follow through.

South Carolina tried under Andrew Jackson, and it didn't go well.

I'm definitely no expert. I only learned about the SC and Andrew Jackson situation during our homeschool lesson last week!

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Copernicus, if you donā€™t mind my asking, what curriculum do you use?

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Sure! You know how we homeschool people love to talk curriculum!

For humanities, we are using TruthQuest History, which is more or less a giant book list of living books from which we pick ones to read. She has some commentary along the way about topics generally and time periods. For instance, right now we're reading about Indians in the eastern US in the 1800s, their encounters w the white folk as settlements expanded westward, and the Indian Removal Act of 1830 which forcibly removed all the Indians to land west of the Mississippi. (I couldn't help noticing that the government had blatant disregard for the Indian citizens then just as it had for its non-compliant, non-injecting citizens recently; forcibly depriving both groups of means of livelihood and ownership.). Anyway, the TQH author introduces the topic by wondering what might have been God's purposes in bringing the settlers to the Indians (the gospel), and how could both Indians and settlers have handled things better? The overriding purpose of the curriculum is seeing God in history. Looking at the two big beliefs of people: what do they believe about God, and what then do they believe about man and how man is to live before that God and with one another?

The book that mentioned the nullification doctrine is actually a very old book that was my great grandfather's: Our Country in Romance, published in 1921 and part of a four volume set called The Human Interest Library. It has been quite lovely to read, as the stories are written as stories rather than a series of monotonous facts.

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The one downside of this particular curriculum is there is very little hands-on stuff included, unless you consider notebooking pages to be hands on, which I don't.

Well Trained Mind (Story of the World) and My Father's World do far better in that department, but neither focuses exclusively on US history. And SOTW is not explicitly Christian so doesn't include that dimension, although it is certainly not hostile toward it.

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Copernicus, ordered Our Country in Romance.šŸ˜„

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Hahaha, thatā€™s awesome! Was it very expensive? It really is a neat book.

Now, there are one or two times so far that I didnā€™t necessarily agree w how they told a particular story (canā€™t even remember what it was, now), but all in all it is a great book. And full of vocabulary and sentence syntax that we hear no longer.

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ā¤ļø this is GREAT!! Thank you for sharing.

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This is excellent, thank you so much!! And itā€™s funny, my mom always used to say it was important to read older books and their accounts and perspectives on historical events. So this fits in perfectly!

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We've been appreciating the old Landmark Series of kids chapter books. I've found them on Thriftbooks and at our local Half Price Bookstore. They cover a host of historical people, times, and events. Our library carries some of them as well.

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I will look for those!

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Haha I learned SO much just by osmosis when homeschooling our brood. Itā€™s a safe and effective side effect!

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Haha, yes, definitely about one of the only side effects that I've ever enjoyed. šŸ˜‚

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Ainā€™t THAT the truth?

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Worse than Chinese backed, the WHO is owned by Bill Gates.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

Pot-A-to, pat-AH-to, IMHO.

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I understand the perspective, but Xi is constantly fighting internal dissent and people who would depose him in a minute if they are given a chance, handling a population that is on edge... Bill Gates answer only to himself and is ruthless.

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"but Xi is constantly fighting internal dissent and people who would depose him in a minute if they are given a chance"

You mean like Here in the USSA with a Feral DC Coup sElection Fraudulent Gov??? and we have gunz!!! the Chinese people are disarmed, with a well Paid Polezi & Army that demonstrated their "loyality" at Tiananmen Square?

OMG! the FIB did their JAN 6 False Flagged "Insurrection" and How Many Citizens have been Swept Up? 900??? Who really Knows???

We are Whistling Past the Graveyard.


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This is an excellent point. And I suspect that internal dissent in China is greatly underappreciated in the world at large and perhaps within China. It is true that China bought a huge amount of time by giving up on pure Communism. But The Problem remains and festers in the discontent of the Chinese masses.

The bottom line, as I am want to say, is that caging human beings like zoo animals is a bad business model for any government.

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While the "dissent" in the USSA is just "Underwhelming" as the Obamy-biden NWO deep State steals elections and marches Us into WW III, Civil Chaos and CW.

It's too late once We are "caged", comrade. Just saying, mainly disgusted at myself, nothing personal.

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This is interesting. Iā€™ve been wondering for some time who is is behind the WHO really. Do you have a source on this? It wouldnā€™t surprise me. I had heard Soros too.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

The biggest private funders for international health care initiatives are Gates and the Wellborn Trust. The WHO is dependent on them - both directly and through their ability to influence government policies all over the world.

A lot of this is documented in Robert F. Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci". If you read it, be prepared to be revolted, especially at some of the stuff Gates and the WHO have forced on Africa.

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Well, as in my tender years, this is the sixty-four thousand dollar question. Billionaires like Cretin Gates, Elon Musk, the social media platform billionaires are very much the Front Men. Front men for whom? For those who control the real money and wealth ... and certainly the constellation of the banker establishment elite is at the core and heart of all of this.

Even those who had fairly high positions in the Money Power Establishment cannot supply the answer as to who is at the apex of the Western World control mechanism. For instance, Catherine Austin Fitts who was a partner at Dillion Read says she cannot identify these people. Her term for these people is Mr. Global. Well! I have to admit. This failure to identify is highly unsatisfying as to accountability. But it is for certain that these very, very rich and powerful people long ago decided that there is safety in obsurity.

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My comment was who is behind the WHO. Not in general this whole debacle.

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The sense of my comment is that apex of power is always the same 'set' of people as are behind EVERYTHING that has gone on in the West for the last hundred plus years .... and much longer than that if we are to believe Carrol Quigley's The Anglo-American Establishment.

Of the high visibility people (like Gates, Soros, et alia.), these would not be permitted to persist if they were fundamentally singing off key.

I remember Franklin Roosevelt saying it was a few hundreds of people who were running the United States. The American Empire has greatly expanded things from FDR's day and time. Nonetheless, a relatively few number of people in the hundreds or few thousands drive the whole show. And nothing happens independently from those who control the money.

Yours is always a good question. And I hope that we all can end the horror nightmare now ongoing. Nobody should have to get up every day an wonder, "What horror next."

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Agreed! I've not had time to read all this yet, but James Roguski has a substack on this:


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Totally unconstitutional. No treaties signed by this mope, or any mope in his stolen position with other governments have any validity.

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I refuse to comply with any of Bidenā€™s horsepoop. I hope someone gives him a jab of bad batch.

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Or maybe a jab of horse poop šŸ˜‚

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šŸ˜‚ Best idea yet!

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unfortunately lousy thereā€™s precedent for president entering into treaty agreement without Senate involved. He bypassed constitution via a SOTUS decision years ago (i have to look it up) by appointing delegates. (Jeff Childers help me out here). In order to override, supermajority senate vote required. As of last week, only 17 Republicans signed.

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Idk what they are afraid of, but I know the constitution is the highest law of the US. Iā€™m standing on that.

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As Lysander Spooner once accurately noticed, either the Constitution was completely ineffective or it is complicit.

Choose either one.

It's all a huge fraud, in my opinion. See Legalman's podcast, The Quash to be blackpilled. https://player.captivate.fm/episode/930ffc92-9728-477a-b6ab-8fbe9e5e3308

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Iā€™ll watch.

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Good luck. The WHO overrides the USA constitution.

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Give in and up if you wish.

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I'd like to see him live long enough to partake in an execution for treason.

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And hereā€™s the article from Epoch Times on the same subject. Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies


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If this is not addressed by us, we are wasting our time

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"At times, one gets the sense that the FBI doesnā€™t exactly police organized crime, so much as the FBI -is- the organized crime."

You hit the nail squarely on the head, Jeff.

Thanks for another informational post.

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I found this line interesting too. I've been thinking about when the US government really went off the rails and started attacking US citizens, and I think it all ramped up after the FBI basically defeated the mob. Something about that victory pushed the FBI into crazyland.

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Yes, it rang for me when I read it too.

Truth.....scary truth.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

WRITE THE BOOK!!! ā™„ļøšŸ‘šŸ»

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I am already writing down the names of every single neighbor and family member that Iā€™m giving it to for Christmas.

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I wish I had to make a list. Damn near every family member, friend, and acquaintance I have is a jab guinea pig.

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All the more reason to give it to themšŸ˜ƒ

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Peeps who took the jab really donā€™t like hearing the truth. Itā€™s very scary like waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Yes, write the book!! It will make a great Christmas Gift!

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I love a sense of humor as well as what constitutes a valuable gift!

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Except your friends here!!

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All my fam is back in NYS, and they are jabbed to the max, because tv...

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Big family here and I was kind of hoping for a Fourth of July date for your book!

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if you're giving it away as a way to educate jab lovers then you're wasting your time....but hey you never know they might open their eyes.

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I think it is a little early to write a book on the pandemic. We need first to see a material change in both the narrative and government action at both the state and federal level. Then the arc of the book would have a more complete ending. Just my opinion.

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I respectfully disagree. It is never to early to expose the nonsense that is happening and has happened this far into this farce. The book may actually provoke someone in a place of authority to act. There can be more books following up later. For now, the more people that speak up and speak out, the better.

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Waiting will put the details as stale or forgotten. I forget much as I choose not to recall the lose. It must be documented sooner.

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It's never too early to write a book on the pandemic, while all is still raw & fresh! Just my opinion šŸ˜Š For it doesn't need to be all-encompassing, the urgency trumps comprehensiveness. First in a series mayhaps? šŸ˜‰

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We canā€™t wait for a narrative. Your book will help change the narrative!

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I was thinking the same thing. Although it isnā€™t too early to start the rough draft...

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it will be a while before it is finished. the real jabbyhappy won't change their minds even if a million books are written. they just run for more jabs. if not covid jabs then flu or measles or shingles or whatever. they just like needles I guess. On second thought why don't they go to an acupuncturist? or wait that might actually help.

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Until an ending can be written detailing the criminal tribunals and executions, there isn't a happy ending...

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That can be in the Epilogue for the second printing!

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I'm actually looking forward to a skirmish in and around dc.

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Do things ever "end?" Seems more like they evolve/morph...

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Yes. I think itā€™s far too early. I think we havenā€™t really yet seen what the evil beings will pull out to protect themselves. All the major departments appear to have been nearly completely purged of good people. No doubt a few good ones are still trapped and trying to make it to retirement by keeping their heads down. Even if they all stick their necks out now, I doubt they can make much of an impact, while committing career suicide.

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With such an attitude strictly kept, no book on real-world events would have been published, ever šŸ˜ It's always something pertinent yet to happenā€”hence the line must forcefully be drawn somewhere, unfortunately but inevitably šŸ¤·

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I think the best books/accounts of real-world events actually do not forcefully draw hard lines. Instead, they point out the roots of the past and the direction of the new growth into the present versions. Change/evolution is the constant dynamic.

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The hard lines you talk about have nothing to do with my pointing at the necessity to stop awaiting yet another event to happen, and just publish what transpired up to that point šŸ™‚

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I believe this purging began under FDR and a ā€˜man madeā€™ Great Depression. There followed some back and forth ā€˜tug of warā€™ between the two parties, with Republicans never being able to overtake the damage FDR caused with his 16 years in office. I believe itā€™s been and mirrors ever since the first George Bush (Papa miscreant-former CIA CHIEF) came into office. Weā€™ve not had a working 2 party system since the days of Reagan. And even then it was a deeply wounded one. The left has had plenty of time to purge.

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Correction: ā€œI believe itā€™s been ā€˜smoke and mirrorsā€™ā€

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I mean, he could make a Part 2 :)

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START writing the book bc it will take some time to comb through all the comments/articles/decide what you want to include, etc. The ending may be just around the corner and youā€™ll be ready for it!

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Yes, but change ā€œsoccer momsā€ to something like ā€œregular peopleā€. It hasnā€™t been just soccer moms or homeschooling moms + doctors, lawyers, and scientists who pushed back and made a difference. I am a musician and have done my fair share of pushing back, as have my engineer husband, my school teacher sister, and many others.

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And while in the end I do believe God is going to use the regular people to ā€˜right the ship of state, and I have deep appreciation for Jeff Childers and others, who have stood up;

I think weā€™ve only just begun to fight. This evil system was gradually built over several decades and I donā€™t see the enemy quickly being vanquished by human effort. Godā€™s effort is a totally different matter of course.

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Not decades, centuries. This goes back to at least the great fire of London in the 1600's

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And I so hope that I am unnecessarily pessimisticā€¦..

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Except for the potential (hopefully expected) intervention by the Almighty part. That Iā€™m optimistic about!

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1 Kings 19:18 (KJV)

Yet I have left [me] seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

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the people with brains

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Small edit: the people USING their brains. All of us know very smart people who bought into all the propaganda. It was shocking to me at first, and then deeply disappointing, as I'm sure it was for many.

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The more studied, the more gullible? Although many of my European family are just regular folks and ran in to it eyes open as well, even my usually VERY critical father. 5 jabs so far.

And the American govt just bought more than a million of novavax just in case we all want one again LOL

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It's weird - educational level and/or intelligence don't seem to have had any effect on whether or not people bought the propaganda. It must be something else....common sense? independent thinking? probably both, and sometimes maybe a basic distrust of authority, although that doesn't explain it completely either, in spite of what Scott Adams said. All I know is that there seem to be many ways people managed to figure it out on their own and intelligence and educational level were not good predictors.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

if it just were possible to teach common sense. but I think it is impossible to learn. Then again, my dad is usually the front man in common sense and now lost it completely. it is a mystery. I am as baffled as the scientists.

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lifting a hand. buying.

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Yes. Malone's, Dowd's and Robert F. Kennedy's are free ebook downloads just for this week (see Meryl Nass substack), but I know so many people who would read something funny and sarcastic and victorious, who wouldn't be able to make it through those. Go for it!

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Thanks for the heads up! No way I'll read them all in their entirety but I'll read some chapters from each

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Thanks for the free book heads up!

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Yes, write the book. You might want to write it sooner rather than later because I predict a huge influx of pandemic books in the next few years. The market might get saturated.

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Now is definitely NOT TOO SOON!

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For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesā ā€”all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

ā€” Colossians 1:13-17 NASB1995

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Thank you, Janice. I always appreciate the Biblical perspective (as I get angrier and angrier with the evil).

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Reading from The Valley of Vision this morning...

"Thou hast led me on and I have found Thy promises true,

I have been sorrowful, but Thou hast been my help,

fearful, but Thou has delivered me, despairing, but Thou hast lifted me up.

Thy vows are ever upon me,

And I praise Thee, O God."

Grateful for His words of truth.

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What I tell my wife - He better get down here quick, cause this is all going too fast to hell. The devil needs to be stopped, he's having too much fun at our expense :(

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Consider that the devil is being restrainedā€¦

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And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.

ā€” 2 Thessalonians 2:6-10

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God knew that the little girl in that picture 50 years ago would be here today to be an encouragement to others in this battle.

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What a sweet thought. Thank you for that. My dad was then a hobby photographer, so I think he was showing off his skills. I wonder if he wondered what I would be doing 50 years later! As a fascinating side note, he would have turned 101 yesterday!

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This is nothing compared to what the 3 1/2 years of Satans rule will be under the Tribulation! Armor yourself up.

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Better yet accept Jesus as Lord, acknowledge his resurrection, confess your sin and be saved. Believers are not destined for wrath of the tribulation.

If I'm wrong I will change my mind.

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Of course! And I concur. However it will be horrible for all who are here. The only hope is Jesus.

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Not just the government, but the deep black covert un-elected quasi-government operations.....ie, the military industrial complex and all the other industrial complexes that have manifested since Eisenhower brought them to the forefront. This is why trillions of dollars simply disappear from the government coffers. They operate on their own free will with NO congressional oversight whatsoever. They own this place.

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The philanthropathicā„¢ industrial complex not to be overlooked!

šŸ—Ø Philanthropic foundations once used their vast might to cure disease, promote art, and advance education. In the sixties, they decided to reform society. Result: catastrophe. ~~Heather Mac Donald

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Many of them involved with human tradficking.

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Senator Daniel Inouye - Shadowy Government in 20 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NuTwxq4Xa8

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I believe Eisenhower used his last (one of his last(?) address to the nation to warn about the levels of power that the Military Industrial Complex had managed to acquire.

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OK, exactly what is "it" you are referring to because I don't have a clue.

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As they say, systems of oppression are built to deal with opposition, they are not built to deal with non-participation šŸ˜‰

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alt+0153 results in ā„¢ šŸ™‚

[more intuitive ctrl+alt+T doesn't work in substack edit box, sadly]

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???? Please explain

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

??? Please explain what it is you need explained šŸ˜‚


ETA Oh, I responded to @ZackJohnston's ā†“ā†“

šŸ—Ø I still cant figure out how to put the trademark symbol on my best catch phrases!

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Yes, please do 'cause I am hot with anticipation.....

Later Jay

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ā„¢ You mean, like that? ;)

While holding down the Alt key, used keypad to type in zero one five three. Let go and voilĆ !

Thank you for this tip! (PC user here.)

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

Thereā€™re so much more voilĆ s to meet! Ā£ā‚¬Ā„ ā™„ā™¦ā™£ā™  ā™Ŗā™«

One of many their watering holes --> makeuseof.com/windows-alt-codes šŸ¤ø

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I wish Bruce Willis and his family strength as they go this grueling and sorrowful time. That being said, I called bullshit when they came out last year and said he is suffering from "aphasia", claiming that aphasia is a disease in and of itself. I (although not even close to a medical professional) knew that aphasia is merely an outward symptom of a brain injury eg: a stroke or a form of dementia. And since the Willis family never claimed he had a stroke, I was betting on dementia of some form, and Pick's disease was my top choice, which it appears he does have. My father in law died from Pick's and his first symptom at age 56? Aphasia. Interestingly enough, we didn't pick up on it for at least a year because God bless that man, he interacted with us all the time by laughing and nodding his head during our family conversations, as if he was completely engaged in the conversation. But it was a horrible disease and a horrible death - one's body eventually becomes completely paralyzed, including the ability to swallow food. My heart breaks for his family.

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Fetterman has aphasia. Nice big medical word for vaxx injury.

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And next phase after APHASIA is FLD - Frontal Lobe Dementia. No way can Fetterman do the job of Senator.....

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That is so awful

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Seems akin to ALS, another horrible disease

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief just yet! Yesterday's article in the Epoch Times entitled "Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies." There are no evil machinations to which these people will not stoop, with the intent is to circumvent our constitution!!

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Joe is quite the creative genius at selling out the country. So many ways! How this can happen in a constitutional republic is beyond me.

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It starts with the Republican Party undermining authority of their sitting president and accelerates when the same party colludes with opposition to fraudulently capture key electoral votes resulting in a non-military coup dā€™etat to unseat the first antiestablishment president since Reagan so the Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell types can continue to slurp up tax payer dollars for personal use.

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Good description of where we stand right now. We should all brace for the hardship coming for the remnant of the faithful of the world.

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Is it bc those representing us both in Congress & state legislatures are not holding the line against unconstitutional policies, mandates, actions, etc.???

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Ten yrs. ago I read Hinckley's Time to Change Corporations.

Found this update by Hinckley from last month: https://www.codeforcorporatecitizenship.com/post/time-to-change-the-corporation

Basically he says " Itā€™s time we stopped talking about corporate anti-social behaviour and started changing the law to make it stop." He suggests they're not going to do it voluntarily. So....

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Ol' Joe isn't in charge of anything. I lean more towards the 3rd 'Bama administration. Or the devil himself.

I'm afraid we passed the Ben Franklin 'A Republic, if you can keep it' point long ago.

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You're 100% right and any declaration of victory is woefully premature. Woefully.

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Gotta sadly agree with the horse dude here. Maybe a first?

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That article was the scariest thing I have read lately. Not feeling very confident in our Governor Kemp to shoot this down post haste! Can you imagine the next ā€œpandemic ā€œ response?

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The next plandemic response needs to be millions of citizens everywhere saying "hell no!" and not backing down from that.

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And Mercolas article on the next guy to replace Fauci apparently already talking another pandemic. ugh

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You are correct. This must be stalled and parallel to that, fought. Our Founders did not work so hard to write a Constitution so our soft headed leader could be managed to sign the sovereignty of our nation to a global power.

Crazy. Both Australia and Sweden say No! They can have Gates.

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It is treason. USA President's oath is to uphold the constitution of the USA.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The book is a great idea and it is needed now because we're not even close to cleaning up the mess that remains. There is no freedom until all mandates for any medical procedure is prohibited forever.

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"There is no freedom until all mandates for any medical procedure is prohibited forever."

100%, Scott.

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If Bill Gates and the WHO succeed in the treaty, there willbe nothing but mandates

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Mandates are not law and unlawful laws are not law either. Time more people understood that, grew some stones, and defended these basic principles.

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It shouldn't need to be "prohibited". As a sovereign individual, I have the last word on what medications I take. That supersedes our Constitution.

I do need to be ready to defend to the death my sovereignty.

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ā€œWe fight not for glory nor for wealth nor honours, but only and alone we fight for freedom, which no good man surrenders but with his life.ā€ ā€“ Bernard De Linton

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ā€œLife, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happinessā€

Liberty = freedom of medical decisions

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Write the book now, update later as needed. Books are records of our history, vital information.

I love books, I buy hardback whenever possible. God willing my grandchildren will have a library of education and history to appreciate. Along with some enjoyable (to me) novels.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers


US train just casually rolls off the tracks on camera. The solution? $200+ billion for Ukraine šŸ˜˜

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That photo of Slo Joe hugging(?) Zelensky says it all. That is what the US government represent....not the Constitution.

I hope people notice thi$..

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Watched 'Monkey Werx', a flight tracker this morning and he is skeptical about Joe in Ukraine. He said there has not been enough flights into Ukraine from the US to have all the secret service infrastructure in place for an international visit. Also, the presidents public schedule shows him in W,DC today and at 6:40pm (eastern) heading to Joint Base Andrews for a flight to Poland at 7:00pm.

I'm no genius, but I have been lied to too many times the past couple years to accept anything the government tells me as truth.

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I thought he was just looking for some hair to smell.

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Is Zelensky that short, or was he ducking? I canā€™t imagine what nasty breath ole Joe probably has šŸ¤®

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Can we distinguish between corporatist and capitalist? Corporations are the problem. Capitalism is not. Corporations accept that their mandate to profit at all costs includes human collateral damage. I heard yesterday that Wall St now runs the railroads and has eliminated all "inspectors", i.e., humans who would visually inspect the trains at the start of their journey. NS has the highest rate of de-railments and is owned by behemoths like Vanguard among others. And Mayor Pete is going to take them on? Hahahahahah.

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Apparently many trains have derailed lately I heard. Even a Metronorth Ct to NYC commuter train.

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I've heard there are over 1000 train derailments a year in the US alone.

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Yes - about three per day. That sounds like an awful lot of derailments! Sure glad all that infrastructure money is going to fix the train infrastructure. Let's get it down to zero average per day, like we would anticipate. I suppose we should be glad it's trains and not airplanes full of humans that are malfunctioning to the tune of three malfunctions per day?!

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Only if the trains that derail aren't carrying hazardous materials. šŸ˜¬

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Be sure not to compare oranges to grapes: the devil loves to hide in details šŸ˜

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Yes and when Buttigieg said that, there was no come back question like "what the heck are you doing about that, Mr. Infrastructure?"

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Oct 27, 2021 - Video shows tankers carrying ethanol derailing in Fairmont, Minnesota | FOX 9 KMSP -- Scary moments captured by Tracie Schumann show a train carrying tankers full of ethanol derailing in Fairmont, Minnesota on Wednesday. - https://youtu.be/YkcH2WP3mf0

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Do you have more details about this derailing?

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A year from now, we'll be told the following: 1. Yes, the vaccines killed, but not as often as you've been told, 2. Here are the various government programs we need to start to limit those deaths, and 3. COVID would have killed far more than the vaccines. Remember these people will NEVER abandon the vaccines, merely the arguments for supporting them. Remember when the vaccines stopped infection & transmission? But when that lie was exposed, NOBODY changed their minds about vaccines - for some reason, we still needed them even though the facts were precisely the opposite of what was claimed.

It's a religion, pure & simple.

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Precisely. And for some reason, seeing these docs, etc., "apologizing" not only makes me mad, but also gives me a sinking feeling that the past three years WILL just be swept under the rug with no repercussions whatsoever....there will be a brief period of apologies, followed by everyone acting like nothing ever happened. Totally forgotten, except for by those of us who lived through this madness feeling hunted and demonized. šŸ™

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And as malone says it is WWIII but its all 5th gen psyops

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Sadly, I fear you're right - after all, nobody suffered for WW1, so our history of holding our leaders accountable isn't promising.

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I hope you are being sarcastic. Nobody suffered for WW1?

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Nobody RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WAR suffered for WW1. I should have been more clear; thanks for the catch! (My point was that the leaders who led us into that mess should have been tarred & feathered, but - instead - nothing happened to them.)

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Ah right. Very seldom to people responsible for wars pay directly for bringing their people into the conflict.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, don't forget to include us "white hairs" who had lots of time to read and do some critical thinking;)

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So true! I think we older folks have been a valuable resource for those with young families and busy lives, who are just too busy to research. We (ages 70 and 72) are in a Bible study class with lots of young parents, so yesterday I informed them that the CDC has officially recommended the toxic shots be put on the childhood schedule. Unfortunately, I think there are still many doctors who will push that. We also got feedback from a friend who has begun reading Turtles All The Way Down, after I recommended it. She was stunned after reading the first chapter. She's now entering the "loss of innocence" phase that so many of us have settled into in the last three years.

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I am not the same person I was three years ago. Loss of innocence is a good way to describe it. And a bit edgier and intolerant of BS, and probably cold-hearted. But also strong and more confident. A mixed bag.

In March 2020 I was most unsettled by how this was going to change everything. I deeply sensed that the pandemic was going to go on for a long while and would have a profound effect on all of us. I wish I had been wrong.

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Same but loss of ignorance is a closer description for me.

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That's a good way to put it.

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Hate to seem like a "me-too", but ME TOO. At the beginning of the "two weeks" I started making yellow stars and trying to use them to educate folks about where we were going.

No one wanted to know, no one wanted to resist.

The music from "Aliens" where it all falls apart for the humans played continuously in my head.

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But sadly, there are many older people, like my parents, in their late 70s and early 80s, who have just bought the narrative. My mother says it doesn't matter because she's old. I'm horrified when I hear that, because hello? I'm still alive and so are her grandchildren.......

But thank YOU for taking the time to be informed and help the younger parents. It was so difficult at first to tell what was going on.

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We were previously in a Bible study class with people of our age. So many of them followed the narrative and we would see the results: two with pancreatic cancer (one of which probably won't survive it), lingering and repeated respiratory diseases and covid, etc. I tried to talk privately with some of them, as I was advised not to speak about it to the entire class. I've stated many times how disappointed I am in the silence of our churches and religious leaders. One of my pastors has been sick since early January and his doctors think he has an autoimmune disorder. I know he and his wife were vaccinated and I think the shots caused his problems. An elderly woman told me yesterday that she had not gotten the latest booster yet and I advised her not to, but she seemed intent on getting it and the flu shot.

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We have some shared experience Anne. Loss and injuryā€¦. In some cases I think they view their decision very politically with no expectation of problems. They grew up implicitly trusting their care providers and canā€™t fathom that they were complicit. And they only believe msmā€¦ and think everyone whoā€™s got a building or foundation in their name is just generous and beyond reproach. Now weā€™re apparently looking at another nefarious explosion in Ohio. Wonder when they will be moving to their 15 min cities. I can only pray and stay connected to family and informed people.

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No long term trials was the key. Absolutely no way to claim: "safe and effective."

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I am halfway through the book Turtles all the way down.Unfortunately not surprised about the extent of corruption.šŸ˜³

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Yes! A must read! I am halfway thru myself. I used to work in a contract lab in the 90ā€™s and early 2000ā€™s and would have been fired (rightfully!) if I had fudged or manipulated raw data. Itā€™s apparently the norm as long as the $$$ flows in. All at the expense of our health...utterly disgusting. Thank God I had the 6th sense to fight to avoid the cvd shots for my family - including switching Drs. How to fix this deep corruption though????

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Yes, reading that book stripped away any remaining trust I had in a profession I have worked in for all of my adult life.

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So true. Why do you think tptb want to take us out of the picture permanently? Aside from their idea that Social Security and Medicare recipients are too many for the systems to accommodate.

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Eugenics, perhaps, but I have no good explanation except that the whole thing is satanic. It's worldwide.

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Fifty two years since I've been paying attention.

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I've heard Putin make this claim: ā€œThe scientists hidden in the Ukrainian bio-weapons lab we captured are in Moscow right now, Theyā€™re disclosing everything.ā€

Well, we're waiting!

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God, I hope that's true. Putin is a patient man.

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More demonic than patient.

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I think those two are not mutually exclusive (demonic and patience)

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Can I ask your age? Just curious how it relates to your abject hatred of putin.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

It's not abject hate; it's position-based reality. I studied the region back to the days when I was first able to vote for Ronald Maximus the Great in his second term.

That was my first presidential vote. In fifth grade I read George Orwell's "1984."

In HS, I read "The Gulag Archipelago."

I'm not particularly fond of commies and KGB thugs.

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How do you like the American communists with their continuous ā€˜witch hunts, their kangaroo courts, their predawn militant raids, and D.C. Gulags; all employed against their political opponents. Before accusing the Russians of having splinters in their eyes, maybe we need to remove the logs in our own.

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Why can't we oppose both?

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This should get interesting. I spoke to a Russian thatā€™s been here 25 years. She said she will speak truth. The propaganda from Russia about the US was so wrong once she saw for herself, but now we are doing it here. Sheā€™s very upset with what she sees here in US.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

Last week here in NYC, a woman pushing a wheelchair with an elderly person stopped to scribble Z fascist propaganda in broad daylight. She was followed by someone taking video and trying to hide her face apparently fearful she'd lose her job.

Hundreds of thousands of men have fled Russia to escape Putin's military draft. Others are now stuck and can't get out. There will be some who love Russia World and genocide. There are Russians who can't stand it anymore. Some are applying for asylum now in Mexico.

Many Americans don't understand much of this. Nice water bodies on two sides have allowed that luxury. Water no longer provides such luxury.

Almost a year ago, Putin invaded Ukraine, "or something."

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From this report I can only conclude that human rights abuses are occurring on both sides of the conflict and the Ukrainian gvnmt is also not a beacon of light and democracy. Of course civilian population suffers under this armed conflict. This was before the war. Their gvnmt also violated human rights and didnā€™t punish the crimes so who are we sending money to exactly? This little detail doesnā€™t fit well with the current narrative. SMH

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Don't need your report to know Putin invaded Ukraine, set up torture centers, had people tied with their hands behind their backs shot in the head NKVD-KGB execution style, raping women and young girls and is implementing genocide targeting water, heat and energy of civilians.

You need a report for that? SMH

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So itā€™s ok to do similar things for one side but not for the other? I canā€™t say I like this selective morality. All the perpetrators of the abuses need to be punished

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Didn't offer any selective morality because I didn't buy into your allegations and moral equivalence as there is none.

Ukraine did not invade Russia. Putin invaded Ukraine.

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Actually you need to stop watching cnn or wherever you're getting that claptrap, and maybe tune in to some of the locals that are still getting out the message. The Ukrainian nazis are killing their own, for anti Russian optics, and you're buying it.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

I don't watch TV. I don't watch CNN either and the Putin Z Nazis are killing men, women and children in Ukraine.

Ukraine is not killing their people. Only a fool would suggest or say otherwise.

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The in-your-face fact that the collective West has become certifiably evil doesn't make Putin any more of a paragon of Truth & Good & Beauty šŸ¤·

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They really know how to manipulate us. Years of practice. Just ask Q.

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Source of that Putin claim, please? I hope it is true!

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Beware of false prophets, the enemy of an enemy doesn't necessarily a friend make šŸ˜‡

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

Public record in the UN last year; Putin sent in his mouthpiece to make the outlandish claim about poisoned birds being sent into Russia. Typical fodder for domestic consumption there.

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Feb 20, 2023Ā·edited Feb 20, 2023

Yeah, how much money will Putin put in for his Oliver Stone fake documentary? He has stolen billions out of Russia, many billions and put a billion into a palace for himself. The entire country is his playground.

Putin will only stage an event like this if he feels it has enough propaganda value. Last year, he sent his UN rep to announce that Ukraine bio labs had "sent poisoned birds into Russia" from these said bio labs.

It was all designed for domestic consumption. Then the Qtards picked up on it and went hog wild. Some of them are making a living off of it on Rumble. They've been babbling about those labs for months. Just like Qtardia's predictions about Hillary's arrest and being shackled on a plane to GITMO, none of it has happened.

How poisoned birds would leave a lab and decide to only fly north into Russia is fascinating. Stupid but fascinating.

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Look to our own Prez when it comes to abusing billion from tax payer... and we can throw in Congressmen and Representatives when it comes to corruptive abuse of taxpayers money.

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Dont bother with this character.. hes a government troll.

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Oh, Traitor Joe is an abuser and has many abuses. Biden extorted Ukraine and it's his fault Putin saw the green light he presented and turned the 21st century on its head sending planet earth back to the worst of the 20th.

Citation on any of this myriad of abuses doesn't make the global issues go away. It simply doesn't work like that.

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Respectfully, I'm not saying it is true that a release of poisoned birds happened.

However, it doesn't require much study of ornithology to get the gist that birds tend to migrate primarily north and south dependent on the time of year. One can simply look up at different times of the year.

Should I want to poison some geese and send them to Canada from a border state in the US, there is a pretty well established time of year that it would be fairly easy to do so. So to call it stupid isn't quite the putdown you seem to believe it to be. Unless you can show that he claimed that it specifically happened in the winter months when they would most likely be heading south.

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Respectfully, these rationalisations sound a bit like the loudly earnest 'we need more studies to show masks *do* work' after most recent definitive Cochrane report (not to mention it shouldn't have been needed in the first place).

You have the burden of proof presactly backwards; cue the Russell's teapot circling the Earth šŸ˜ Yet another hint: possible ā‰  probable.

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Then I reckon I was unclear, as I'm not at all making a claim as to the validity of the poison bird theory. I can't think of any bona fide reason to even attempt sending poisoned birds anywhere when one could simply use a drone, balloon, or human carrying a vial full of whatever. I think it is obviously propaganda.

Merely pointing out that the claim that "birds would decide to only fly north is stupid" is quite easily debunked by any thinking person. Which, to my mind, makes it its own propaganda.

Witcha 100% on masks. Same with natural immunity and quarantine. All things long known to have little to no effect on aerosol viruses.


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Nitpicking on inconsequential detailsā€”apart from bad opticsā€”is well-known digressive tactics from propaganda toolbox šŸ˜

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Duly noted!

It's just a shame when someone tries so hard to promote a position and herald themselves as arbiters of truth, and then undercuts themselves at the same time. On self reflection, I suppose I'm petty for enjoying pointing it out... my poor children.

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Not claiming you said anything but this isn't a science issue to bat around. It's propaganda; Putin propaganda.

Yeah, it was stupid because it was stupid propaganda.

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I agree. Sure would like to hear this if true.

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Protests outside of Pfizer HQ!! We need more of this and bigger crowds!


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Why go after health care workers? Well, that's what they did.

Don't you just hate it when you opposition uses the same tactics as you?

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They are still after us. The HHS still has a mandate for healthcare workers to be jabbed.

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They have perfected the art of gaslighting!!

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They can't TikTok dance their way outa this!

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

ā€œCoffee & Covid: The Book; how small-firm lawyers, independent doctors, and soccer moms saved the world.ā€

I like this idea. How about instead of ā€œsoccer momsā€, ā€œeveryday peopleā€ saved the world?

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Agreed. No offense to "soccer moms", but every soccer mom I knew heartily got the jab and argued for me to get it too.

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True and in my experience were the biggest supporters of school shut downs and masking.

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Agreed! Ordinary, awake, skeptical, concerned, fed-up... The soccer moms were/are huge jab proponents in my area.

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Or "angry moms"? Soccer moms have a negative connotation for lots of people.

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Not just moms. Lots of different kinds of people pushed back and made a difference.

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How about it doesnā€™t appear to be ā€˜savedā€™ yet? Looks to me like the enemy is having to spend some time regrouping and strategizing, but I canā€™t believe theyā€™re down for the count or anywhere close to finished.

I so hope Iā€™m wrong!

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Feb 20, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

You mention the huge contribution from "small-firm lawyers, independent doctors, and soccer moms saved the world." Much appreciation to all these folks!

Add the Canadian truckers.

They didn't burn & loot. They just made it clear that people had enough of gov't overreach.

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