☕️ EXCESSIVE ☙ Saturday, December 16, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
There was some movement on the excess deaths issue this week — and maybe a crack in the news embargo. Today's post is a lively discussion of our unmentionable excess deaths problem.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Saturday! Since the Childers family is headed toward a few days of holiday traveling, I hope you enjoy this pre-recorded Coffee & Covid to tide you over and open up the comments. Today’s topic: Pierre Kory’s Hill op-ed on the great mystery and forbidden topic of our time: Excess Deaths.
💉 Possibly the most incongruous and truly baffling component of living in post-pandemic America is the media’s assiduous avoidance of the fact so many of our friends and families are dying at insanely-high rates. It’s obvious to everyone except people who don’t want to see, and apparently, the media does not want to see.
Which is wild because normally the media loves a terrifying mystery death story even more than Arthur Conan Doyle. And this is the terrifying mystery death story of all time, like Arthur Conan Doyle multiplied by Michael Crichton. Oh, what a wonderful time reporters could have! Just imagine all the hair-raising quotes from experts of all kinds, all the morbid models about overwhelmed hospitals, the endless questioning of who could be next, the political goldmine of comparing rates of mystery deaths between red states and blue states, and so on.
But nevermind! As far as corporate media is concerned, there are no excess deaths. Say it with us. For reasons about which we can only speculate, corporate media has a cognitive blind spot. Media acts more deliberately clueless about excess deaths than a teenager in a household with a new puppy and a “he who sees it cleans it up” rule.
Still, there’s nothing surprising about that. But it was surprising when last week, The Hill smuggled out some truth by running an op-ed penned by heterodox covid doc Pierre Kory and investigative journalist Mary Beth Pfieffer, both of whom bucked the official narrative during the pandemic and have roundly criticized the shots.
The dynamic duo’s headline posed the ultimate provocative question:
The headline was intended to be triggering. Covid fetishists believe nothing is bigger than covid. Albeit provocative, it’s true. The excess deaths scandal is bigger than the covid scandal, and the covid scandal is already as big as the planet Saturn. In fact, that headline may have asked the most important question of the century.
(Note: if The Hill keeps this kind of thing up, I may have to stop relying on it as a primary source, since for fairness I prefer to rely on sellout corporate media sources and use their own words against them. The Hill’s agreement to run this op-ed smacks of even-handedness. And then there’s the Hill’s excellent YouTube show, ‘Rising’, which is also surprisingly fair.)
The op-ed began quoting FDA boss Robert Califf, who — with thousands of scientists at his beck and call, not to mention a mammoth, multi-billion-dollar budget to hire more scientists — you’d figure the FDA’s boss at this point would have some idea about what might be causing what Califf described in a recent tweet as a “catastrophic major decline” in American life expectancy — it’s dropped a whopping three years, giving up a century’s worth of gains.
Here what Dr. Califf tweeted:
Califf is obviously not a keen intellect, but I will give him credit for bureaucratic understatement. At least he finally said something.
Let me break it down for the FDA. What you really want in life expectancies is for them to be increasing, not decreasing. Wrong direction! But the drop baffled the head of one of the largest health agencies in history, since he’s not allowed to think about the one thing that is most likely involved. So Califf did the safe, political thing: in successive tweets, he went on to blame We the People for dying earlier — in spite of everything they’ve done for us — because of our atrocious habits, like smoking, driving gas cars, and snacking on junk food.
It’s our own fault. And I guess now we need the FDA to save us. Around and around it goes.
Califf described it as catastrophic. What’s catastrophic is how badly public health has failed in virtually every conceivable way, as the numbers indisputably prove. The more money we give them, the faster we die. It might not prove causation, but it’s a heck of a correlation.
It’s not like we haven’t gone along with their program. Americans consume 55% of all prescription drugs in the world. We’ve trusted public health a LOT. In 2014 — long before the pandemic — almost 1.3 million Americans went to the emergency room for adverse drug effects, and around 124,000 died. Yet we continued trusting. I mean, just look at the vaccine situation. We have something like seventy-two childhood vaccine injections now.
You’d think gobbling up all that medicine public health is pushing would eke out a few more months of life for us. At least! But no.
There’s an army of medical fetishists who haunt Twitter, constantly popping up in the comments like ghouls leaping out of a foggy graveyard, denying without evidence there are any excess deaths at all. They usually toss out graphs of the CDC’s “adjusted” figures, which are wrong and misleading. The CDC misinformation is easily disproven, and Kory and Pfeiffer quickly dispatched those complaints by publishing official OECD and insurance statistics evidencing the shocking excess of deaths in the U.S., especially — and this is a critical fact — especially among working-age people.
According to Kory and Pfieffer, through September of this year, +158,000 Americans have died than over the same period in 2019. That’s more than died in a bunch of wars, put together. It’s more than a whole town. It’s a small city, wiped out in the first nine months of the year.
And it’s worse than it looks. Deaths this year should have been well under 2019 rates, since so many sick and elderly people died in 2020-2021 from ‘covid,’ leaving fewer frail folks to die in 2022 and 2023. Which means the current excess is even bigger than it looks.
Shocked? The CDC was. For some reason, three months ago in September, the CDC — the FDA’s sister, mega-funded public health agency —suddenly stopped updating its website tracking excess deaths. The website now blandly advises that its updates have stopped; it doesn’t even try to explain why. It doesn’t say where you can get the same information.
Why? Because Science. Shut up.
Next, the authors described how insurance industry trade mags are lately running headlines that are off the chain. It’s the biggest story of our lifetimes, completely invisible to corporate media. You have to go to trade press to find it. For example, here’s an October 2023 headline from Life Insurance News:
The “continuing surge” is causing “concerns.” I’m not sure what they meant by putting scare quotes around ‘excess mortality,’ but at least they’re covering the story. Although overall excess death numbers appear in some of the CDC’s adjusted figures to be slowly trending down, the Life Insurance News article quoted some industry experts who’re alarmed that if you deep dive the ‘adjusted’ CDC numbers, we might not have seen the worst of it yet:
Other (insurance experts) aren’t so sanguine and point to statistics from the U.S. Center of Disease Control that show mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories. For example, younger adult mortality rates are up more than 20% in 2023, the CDC said. Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages. And even as COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.
Some observers think the industry has been slow to grasp the burgeoning problem, relying on old industry models that say “mortality rates always give back, and have for nearly 500 years,” according to one senior executive.
I look forward to seeing what Dr. Califf will call it next year, once life expectancy drops even more. What’s past catastrophic? What new scapegoat will public health release into the media wilderness to distract everybody from the one thing all these extra dead people have in common?
Britain, suffering similar rates of excess death, has been unable to avoid political blowback the way politicians in the U.S. have been able to, so far. The Brits started an official Covid Inquiry this month, and it’s hot news in Great Britain. The British public is not sanguine, they’re fretting about a whitewash. Here’s a sample headline from the UK Telegraph this week, from an op-ed calling the country’s supposedly independent Covid Inquiry a “sham”:
Nobody who’s sane attributes the continuing excess deaths to covid-19 anymore, or even “long covid.” That ship of blame sailed long ago. Potential culprits suggested by Kory and Pfieffer include lockdown policies (like deferred medical care) and of course, they hint at the vaccines, although the authors studiously avoided jabbing that point too finely:
Vaccines were given to more than 270 million people, among them babies, pregnant women and workers under employer mandates. The therapeutic’s “warp speed,” emergency use authorization must be part of any post-pandemic analysis, in light of more than 1 million reports of possible harm to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and a new Yale University study validating a chronic post-vaccination syndrome.
We are so close to the dam breaking, or the tipping point tipping, or pick your favorite metaphor. Meanwhile, the excess deaths aren’t stopping, and the undeniable fact of their grim testimony beats any silly nonsense the public health agencies can crank out these days.
💉 This morning I accidentally stumbled across a new place they might be hiding sudden deaths. Can someone dig into this a little? Search for carbon monoxide deaths. There seems to be an whole bunch of them:
After all, carbon monoxide is the silent killer! Maybe this kind of thing happens all the time? It especially seems to be happening to travelers and students, based on the news reports that I saw.
Meantime, keep your CO detectors powered up and your fresh air circulating. You can’t be too safe these days. And have a wonderful weekend.
Take it away in the comments! I’ll be back in a few days, and I’ve got some stuff in the pipeline to keep you from terminal withdrawal.
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This gives us an opportunity to really get under their skins with mockery. They can’t admit it’s the experimental injections, so they’re constantly having to make up nonsense excuses.
Global warming? Cold showers? My favorite so far was the student who suddenly and unexpectedly died of excessive joy after passing a test.
Mockery is well deserved.
Jeff, excess deaths are DEFINITELY still happening in 2023. For the second year in a row, I am currently running my "Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey." Some early responses are in from USA embalmers:
1. 132 embalmers responding so far
2. many embalmers with over 10 to 20 years experience
3. each embalmer averages about 100 embalmings per year
4. over 70% of embalmers are seeing the large and unusual "white fibrous clots" in 2023 (that first appeared for most in 2021)
5. embalmers are seeing "white fibrous clots" in an average of about 20% of their corpses in 2023 (down a little from last year's average of about 30% -- makes sense, less people getting jabs now)
6. over 80% of embalmers are seeing evidence of "micro-clotting" in 2023 which appears as "coffee grounds" or "dirty blood" in the drainage of corpses (most have never seen this prior to 2021)
7. seeing "micro-clotting" in an average of about 20% of their corpses in 2023 (was 0% prior to 2021)
8. seeing traditional "grape jelly" clots in an average of about 40% of their corpses in 2023
9. prior to 2020, saw traditional "grape jelly" clots in an average of about 25% of their corpses
10. about 15% of embalmers have noticed a rise in infant deaths compared to pre-Covid (some embalmers suspect that the hospitals may be hiding infant deaths by disposing of the bodies themselves)
11. those embalmers seeing increase in infant deaths say that it's up about 20% in 2023 compared to pre-Covid years
12. age stratification looks like a "normal distribution" with the clots (any type) appearing most in the 66-80 year-old group, but seeing an increase in all age groups in 2023 when compared to pre-Covid years.
BOTTOM LINE: Embalmers still seeing A LOT of clotting issues in corpses in 2023 compared to the years before the jab! Waiting for more responses to come in. Survey will be completed in January.
-Tom Haviland, Retired USAF Major, thomashaviland@sbcglobal.net, (937)-431-0801