This gives us an opportunity to really get under their skins with mockery. They can’t admit it’s the experimental injections, so they’re constantly having to make up nonsense excuses.

Global warming? Cold showers? My favorite so far was the student who suddenly and unexpectedly died of excessive joy after passing a test.

Mockery is well deserved.

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New one I read this morning for a Malaysian actress named Queenzy Cheng who died from a burst brain aneurysm…wait for it…her blow dryer is the culprit. Apparently that high heat setting can cause the the blood to circulate faster and burst the aneurysm! πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ SO….

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Just when you think the lies cannot get any more absurd.

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'And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not fitting'. There is no extent to which ppl will continue to delude themselves. The gospel (truth) is the only way out. NOT THROWING STONES HERE---I was about as reprobate minded as you could get... until one night I cried out "God...I'm done, I've been a dumbass, I will do anything you tell me to do, I'm afraid but I'll admit everything I am ashamed of...help me" I found him to be of his word and gentle and very real...events began to happen.

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Yes!! God so loved the world that he allowed most of his human creations to be injected with a nasty poison that will likely wipe most of them out via death or disability...

Big Religion... a scam much like Big Pharma, Big Legal, Big government, Big Welfare, Big MIC...

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Speaking from ignorance is the easy way out, Dude. In order to understand why things are the way they are in this world, you need to read and understand the Word of God....the Bible. There is a reason the world is in such a mess, and God names it and provides the solution if you would only take time to see...... Genesis 3 is a great place to start.... especially vs 15.

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Yes and your bible-thumping churches were among the first institutions to capitulate to the Beast. Complicit to the max.

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Speaking OF ignorance, MsBitchy... YOU are delusional.

Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible", if you are not paralyzed with fear... you will wake up and no longer be a pompous turd. JUDGE NOT, fool... or burn in hell... right?

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The WHO workbook emphasized recruiting β€œfaith leaders” to promote the jabs, and of course, they must be jabbed themselves. Someone posted the link to the whole wHO document, complete with suggestions for fake sympathy phrases. Almost sorry I looked...

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2 churches I was involved with turned out to be VERY WOKE. .. as woke and misinformed as the world, I left. Franklin Graham had 3 moderna's and was in heart surgery for pericarditis 3 wks after booster! his neice had 2 heart attacks Jan and April 2022, his nephew was in ICU with covid. Thier organization was HUGELY pushing this agenda I've never heard one word from them connecting any dots or trying to help/warn others from their misfortune. THAT tells me they are deceived and deceitful... $$$ corrupts

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Ah... good point! Not a shock though... eh?

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Here's the link, obtained by Judicial Watch under FOIA:


Don't say I didn't warn you! My head was about to explode!

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Do you have that link?

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so reject "big religion" (I do mot deny it exists.. it surely does. Consider the current "pope" and his antics) I and many others I know have done. Find a community of believers who hold fast to God's Word as written.

for your amusement go and learn about a guy named John MacArthur, a pastor of a largish church in Los Angeles. And the Jewish synagogue round the corner which backed him up. They took on the City of Los Angeles and WON. My own church caved, and ended weekly meetings. Sad... VERY disappointing. But I've since found another that did NOT cave, and am quite content there.

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the bible is Big Religion?

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Read Biglino. then we can talk. Don't be such a imbecile. The 'bible' is just a massively edited/made up book used to control masses of low-IQ sheep (like you?)

Meantime... ask Joel Osteen, mega-"preacher" about his $700 million bank account.

Then watch a few Tammy Faye videos.

Yes, Big Religion is a scam... the Catholic church is wealthy beyond imagining and false "pope" Frankie is as corrupt as the Biden Crime family...

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You shouldn't talk about things you don't understand. You should be ashamed but you aren't.

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Not so fast there Dude. Don'tt go blaming God for decisions men made. We all have the freedom to learn for ourselves.

How many of us read about the cruise ship in Tokyo Bay early on as the disease was first testing its wings? Three thousand souls aboard. Covid 19 broke out aboard, the ship was ignominiously towed to a far corner of the Bay and quarantined. The press were all wailing abut theghost ship we'd soon learn about, everyone aboard, dead. Yes, there were many cases aboard, but only around 150 deaths if memory serves. Nearly all of those were amongst the elderly all with signficnt comorbid factors. Nowhere near the high toll in New York and Wshington State "Nursing hng" homes at about the same time. The press were strangely silent in reporting on the final outcome.... anyone else reading the numbers would easily recognise the fearmngering of the press and the mainstream "medical" establishment. It just did not support the death/fear narrative, and so quickly slid down the rabbit hole.

The way the shots were fast-tracked (anyone who wanted to know could have read up in the standard, rigourous, protocls for tsting and evaluating any new drug or injection. Or raed the utter failure of the mRNA technology to ever cnfer immunity for any disease. It was all out there.

What would have hapened if an hundred million Americans had trusted their own reaearch and memory of past epidemics, and considered the hysterical doomsaying over AIDS, Ebola, H1N1, Avian Bird Flu, etc etc, dozens of examples, all gonna kill us all, and ended up being a big fat nothingburger? NO ONE really was FORCED to take those shots, There was always a way out. Let them fire you. Go sell hamburgers in the street, drive for Uber, sell your oversized mansion and rent a dive. So many traded their health and security for vain promises from historically ubtrustworthy "sources" (press, government, Phautchee and Burcks, CDC, AMA, and refused to heed the few truthtellers as they gradually got shuffled off the main stage and into the shadows.. many of those voices are still with us, and current;y finding their voice. Like the ones preseing the evidence referenced in this piece. That has ALL been out there since before the beginning. What, you expected God to take out a full page in the "newspaper of record" advising against the shots, or simply knocking dead every government agent promoting the deadly lies? Nope. HE does not operate that way. It is incumbent upon YOU to learn. How differently do you think this would have gine if an hundred million Americans had simply stood firm and said NOPE. Not until this new shot has been fullytsted according to the existing protocols, then has an established track record of efficacy? If 100,000,000 Americans had simply refused to roll up our sleeves, what COULD they have done? Two thirds of our military and government service would have been out. No airline pilots, few practicing doctors, we HAD the opportunity to choose but sat there. Dont blame that on God. Blame it on the lazy and cowardly.

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I honestly fell off my chair. It was so absurd that I had to screen shot the obituary.

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Oh no, Janice. I never think the lies cannot get more absurd.

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There I go thinking like a normal person again! :D I just know I better not take hot baths or showers or stand too close to a heater since I have an aneurysm in my chest!

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Ha! Ha! Very funny! And also, what a nice smiling face! And God preserve His people from Evil!

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I guess we have to laugh in order to keep our sanity. My personal favorites are the oblivious investigators.

β€œBeloved news anchor Emily Matson, who worked at Erie News Now for nearly 20 years, has passed away suddenly at the age of 42. The cause of her death has not been disclosed.”

NY Post: More information about Matson’s death, including the cause, was not immediately known.

People: According to Deadline, she was 42. No cause of death was revealed.

Microsoft: The cause of her death has not been disclosed.

Wait! She was hit by a train! Oh wait! There’s more! Investigators later emphasized that the evidence supporting the ruling of suicide was β€œunquestionable.” This, despite the same News Now running her story detailing how excited she was to celebrate Christmas.

As Jeff would say, β€œShut up.”

Reminds me of poor Surgeon Kelsey Musgrave, found dead beside a hiking trail with no apparent cause of death until news the next day that she was β€œpartially buried” in a collapse. What; they didn’t notice that on day 1?

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And with ski season just getting underway, look out for stories of trees jumping out of nowhere into unsuspecting snowboarders’ paths, and those dastardly tree holes that seem more deadly than in decades past.

Despite progressively more effective measures to prevent hypothermia, it will miraculously be assigned as the COD of those found after having gone missing.

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Wait! Kelsey was killed by a crossed eye bear staring at her which scared the life out of her. This happened on while Kelsey was on hiking trail and while Kelsey was attempting to dry her hair with a hair dryerr plugged into a dead tree. The bear was enraged because the hair dryer would not work. Both the bear and Kelsey were fully vaxed and so this unfortunate happenstance should have never of happened at all. Maybe Kelsey should have just left the hair dryer at home?

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I'm constantly reminded that all lies come from the same source.

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And the Matthew Perry story that he had a high level of ketamine but going in a hot tub can also cause cardiac arrest...

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That medical examiner is corrupt or was threatened or just incompetent.

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I’d say a mixture of all three.

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Seriously, his last infusion of ketamine was a wk & 1/2 prior. It doesn’t make ANY sense.

I just can’t participate.

I guess they’re just betting on the ignorance of the public or the strong desire to believe the lie- or both.

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β€œstrong desire to believe the lie- or both.”

Haven’t we met countless, and I mean countless, people who won’t face the truth about the covid lunacy?

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They can’t, otherwise they come face to face with the deadly outcome of there willfully ignorant and apathetic choices. For themselves and their families

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Well....they treat us as if we are morons because there is no one to call them out. The media, who used to be our voice, is owned by them. The Soviet Union treated their people the same and got away with it for 70 years.

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Yep! Did any of you catch Jeff’s post awhile back on the school that was closed after students fell ill, and investigators (oh those crazy investigators!) found, wait for it, high levels of carbon DIOXIDE. No such thing in an unenclosed space. I didn’t comment at the time thinking it was a typo, but you are so correct - the media counts on the stupidity of the masses. Or... My hope is that, like the Emperor’s clothes, once the narrative can be questioned more openly the dam will break.

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The public was already groomed to think it was a possible OD. Thats all it take for 99% of them to not question his cause of death weeks (months?) later.

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I was reading thru comments on one MP story yesterday. β€œWhere are all the anti-Vaxxers now?!” πŸ™„. Time for that idiot to get another booster. Ya just can’t fix stupid.

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I can answer the question: still alive!!

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Alive and just fine, thank you. πŸ€—

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The ketamine was infusion therapy, a common treatment for depression. The buprenorphine is also a prescribed drug to support recovery. Evidence that he was working on his mental health is used to smear him and point away from the β€œheart issues” part of the story and logical extensions of what that means.

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Yep. 1000% I said shot. Others all said drug overdose. UGH

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One needs, I would think to question the MD that gave the last treatment and was a prescription given to Perry for home use? Sounds like hot tubbing was freq , were there precautions given to him? Can you ketamine and hit tub? 2 weeks post last treatment and now succumbing seem a little strange...

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In that case, most women should have died long ago.

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I would have never made it past the 70s.

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Oh my goodness yes! Blow dryers and then hot rollers.

It’s so funny, I have to blow dry my hair into a style or else I have flat lifeless weird fuzzy curls, not beautiful natural curls! πŸ˜‚ Oy, and the next day, really horrible.

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Not counting the massive amounts of aqua net hairspray to keep my turd curls holding up all night. πŸ˜… My lungs should be clogged. Lol.

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Ha! 🀣 And Dipity Do!! I’m sure it had no chemicals!

Man that Aqua Net stunk!

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Hahaha! So true for many!

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Dippity Do and beer cans for rollers! πŸ€ͺ

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That’s insane. Apparently Creative Writing was a favorite class among our class of scribblers and stenographers.

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CDC may link hair dryers and carbon monoxide. Finally the cause of the excess mortality is found!

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Omg that’s ridiculous. They really do think we’re that stupid.

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Sadly, some are.

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Yep, it’s just sad.

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Here's a headline to add on to Cheng and "another one":

"Malaysian singer Queenzy Cheng, 37, and Taiwanese singer Ko Chen-syun, 20, die suddenly in separate incidents".

The 20 year old was reported to die of "cardiovascular disease" - found dead at work in the restroom.

Can't make it up!


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Oh my gosh! I went to the Straits and then found more and more recent deaths of 20something actresses etc. One died from β€œfalling down the stairs!” 😲

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Her hair dryer caused the aneurism? Too much EMP emissions? πŸ€” Squirrel 🐿️! Don’t look at the underlying cause...nothing to see here...

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I was just going to write this! It's unbelievable isn't? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ What will they think of next!

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Oh Lordy! Hadn’t seen that one!

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I can see it coming... The Hair Dryer Ban! To save lives, of course...

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I just read an article about the dangers of spinach!! Too many oxolates. Causes kidney damage and more!!! Poor ole Popeye!!

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There are fakebook doctors all over the place convincing people of this! I drink green smoothies packed with spinach and my friend said I needed to stop because too many oxalates. I was floored. What?! She was concerned for my kidneys. So I started researching. Sure enough the online docs are pushing this. Since when is too much spinach bad for us??? I am confused now. Are they putting fake psyop docs in front of all the health crazed of us and trying to manipulate what we do to stay healthy??? I’m seeing a ton of this. Don’t eat this. Do eat that. Eat this and it will lower your cholesterol. Don’t eat tomatoes cuz they are packed with lectins. Leaky gut causes everything wrong with your body. Eat that and it will detox your liver. Do the carnivore diet to cure cancer. No do the plant based diet to cure cancer. Ey yi yi! I can’t keep up!

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Sunnydaze, it is proven beyond doubt that they want to control, manipulate, denigrate or ban anything good for us, esp if it’s actually effective & cheap. During WuFlu, no one in β€œauthority” recommended sunshine, fresh air, exercise, vitamins / supplements, community w/ others, much less Iver & Hydroxy. Instead, masks that restrict breathing (& worse), β€œsocial” distancing (oxymoron) & only the poison jab would do. They told us to stay home, stay indoors, & closed gyms, parks, playgrounds, beaches, churches, restaurants, schools & even hospitals to all but almighty covid. They would not allow gatherings for weddings, funerals, parties, graduations, arena events & locked up nursing homes & hospitals & people cruelly died alone.... They forced people of all ages to stand outside in terrible weather to get into stores. But they kept open strip clubs, abortion clinics, big box stores in on the scam & paid hospitals extra to put patients on vents & give Midazolam & Run-Death-Is-Near.

Just reading the litany astounds & infuriates me all over @ what was done to us, & worse, that so many went along w/ all of this INSANITY

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No argument here. I’m just saying I think they are exploiting the desire to eat healthy now. So many are on to their poison foods and chemicals on our food. So I am realizing they are infiltrating us with β€œgood” doctors online who are saying things and leading healthy people astray. It is an information war after all.

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Absolutely agree. I’ve heard there are efforts underway (Canada?) to try to regulate &/or make scarce over the counter, cheap vitamins & supplements. Pharma doesn’t want people to know there may be very cheap & effective cancer treatments in Iver & Fen-Ben.

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I think it’s happening here to. I heard not long ago that the FDA is trying to get NAC pulled off the market. Of course they are. 😠

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I agree that 'they' will come after nutraceuticals next because 'they' don't want us to have access to anything healthy or preventative.

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Canada passed legislation to hamstring the natural supplement market. FDA in the process of restricting homeopathy now and vitamin/mineral supplements in the future. Soon chiropractic and acupuncture will be illegal. Doctors are in my rearview mirror. When my massage therapist retires I’m going for a long swim

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Big P has wanted supplements off the market for decades, we fought and we won, now they are at it again.

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They highly regulate supplements in Europe. My daughter had to really look for zinc etc.

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Yep. Discourage anything that might interfere with their ability to tell us we need their drugs

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Far TOO many People will say ANTHING for MONEY and POWER.

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I think the pain in my neck from the whiplash, getting jerked around by msm, etc. is almost gone. IVM, HCQ, baby aspirin, spinach in a smoothie did the trick! ;) ;)

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We all need to never again comply with any of these ridiculous rules/mandates. It β€˜was done to us’, because we allowed it to be, by complying. No shots. No masks. No business closures. No distancing. No vaccine passports. No allowing anyone to tell us we can’t gather with friends & family. No being blocked from visiting/advocating for loved ones in hospitals/nursing homes. Never again!

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We personally didn’t comply from the start. In fact we made a life changing cross country move right smack in the middle of all that. May-July 2020. πŸ˜‚ Some thought we were crazy. Hahahahaaha. We just lived life normally. And God has blessed the move and we love it. I can’t imagine where or how we would be if we had stayed in the place we were financially, spiritually and physically because we were too afraid to live life.

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Same here. We took off with kids and grands for a couple weeks vacation in Yellowstone in September/October 2020.

Not too crowded and that was pre Biden so gas was still cheap and we were all prospering.

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We personally didn’t comply either but we live in the sane, red part of a very blue state.

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Good on you, glad you posted this. Blessings!

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If I may ask, where did you move from and to? We have talked about moving so much!

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And be prepared to go to war against them if need be. There can be no compromise and no quarter in our fight to re-establish our freedom that our God given rights entitle us to.

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I agree but in California and Quebec they are saying any newly built home have to be electric so they will regulate us into submission how could home builders use gas when the contractors would be fined or lose their license

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Yes, some of them are still trying to push Vax passports! Listen to Turfseer’s mega-hit PASSPORT TO HELL.


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What astounds and angers me still is that so many went along with the con, no matter how bizarre things got. JUST SAY NO!

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In short, they want us all dead.

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Another stellar idea for a T-shirt! Here is my link....ho-ho-ho

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I say eat as naturally as possible and don’t listen to the β€œexperts”.

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Agree and have been saying the same thing for years now! It is quite unbelievable:(

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Add liquor stores to your list. We couldn't go to church, but we could pop down to the booze store and stock up!

Mrs. "the Knife"

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agree to both you and Cindi. When Gardasil was fast tracked for girls (I have 3) I researched it and found how dangerous IT was, and told my girls who were all teens around that time, you want it? YOU go get it, I wouldn't handle it if something happened to them cuz of that. When the vax came out, my red flag was already raised cuz of the Gardasil issue. Then I realized, many docs, scientists, and highly paid and hard working people were willing to lose their jobs and licenses to put out the truth! I told people, if they want to know the truth, listen to those guys. Do the opposite of what the government and "authority" people tell you to do, aka, don't be a lemming!! Anyone remember that game, the head lemming was the leader, if you went over the cliff, all the others would follow to their deaths as well! So, moral of the story: DON'T BE A LEMMING! lol listen to both sides if you can handle it, but in this day, listen to those who are being persecuted (best is to listen to God) but in the case of man, government is the last people we want to listen to imo.

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I completely stopped reading these scare tactic stories & articles many years ago. I know the basics of healthy eating and I completely rely on how I feel, physically & emotionally (diet can definitely affect emotional well-being). Remember years ago when they said eggs were bad? How about when they pushed margarine instead of real butter? Just check out the yogurt section at the grocery store. There are a million options but try finding a full fat, non-flavored single serving size container. Almost nonexistent in my neck of the woods.

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Cholesterol is brain food. We need it. But they demonized it along with so many other foods, even as they push big pharma products.

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Yes. The last thing I worry about is cholesterol numbers. What a farce. Invented to sell (toxic) drugs.

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I’ve been dealing with this high cholesterol. I refused their statins or anything else and told the doctor I’ll take care of it on my own. She’s left me alone. Hasn’t even told me it’s time to check my numbers. πŸ˜‚ I eat better now and exercise. Growing my own veggies too. Research told me exactly what BFM said. β€œCholesterol is brain food”

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My father was on statins for many years because of "high cholesterol". They even had him cease eating any high fat foods. He ended up dying from Alzheimer's. And guess what they're saying now about statin induced Alzheimer's? 🀬

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This is a hard one to convince people on

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Based, I first read that phrase as, "they demonetized [cholesterol]," which they have actually tried to do - "no eggs, whole milk, or fatty steaks for you!"

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I agree with this! My friend who told me about the oxalates has information overload. She’s afraid to eat anything at this point. She’s finally taking a step back to renew her mind because that’s where the battle is at this point. We had a long talk yesterday about all of this. I think they purposefully paid some of these online docs to say things against the narrative to draw us in. Then they hit us with stop eating so much spinach it’s bad for you. They know how to manipulate our thinking. All you have to do is look online at comments and see the followers who are no longer eating a ton of food that used to be good for you. Now it’s limiting what food they can eat. Anyone think starvation by choice might be on the depopulation agenda? πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

I JUST planted about 10 more spinach plants and some lettuce too πŸ˜‚ I don’t plan on stopping that food train.

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Spinach is a super food in my opinion. Now, I guess if someone ate loads & loads of spinach day in & day out, it might have some negative affect but this could be said about anything or everything. Moderation with variety is how I roll.

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Exactly! I was putting a handful of spinach in my smoothies maybe daily for a few weeks and then 3 times a week or so. Everything in moderation. Some things not at all. But everything else in moderation. I’m now hearing oatmeal is not good to eat and doesn’t lower your cholesterol. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ probably because people are waking up to the statin scam and won’t take them anymore.

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I think you would have to eat an enormous amount of spinach for it to have a negative effect which would be impossible because your body would give you a signal that that’s too much and spinach is not the only thing you are eating for goodness sake. I think it’s nonsense too. Just listen to your body and if you feel good keep eating all that spinach. Very simple rule to follow if it’s a real whole food that God created then eat it, if not then we may need to think twice.

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The first question that should be asked when reading any article or visiting any website that is pushing for some food/diet/supplement/etc. is "What is in it for them?" If they are selling something directly then it becomes pretty obvious. The sneakier ones are just trying to register clicks and interactions, or interaction time which boosts their ad revenue. They usually begin with some version of clickbait like "This famous doctor reveals secret to..." Take any of this diet advice with a large grain of salt...coincidentally I sell large grains of salt...lol

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It's like studies ... first question we should ask is " who paid to have the study done?"

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This lady’s story touches on the β€œnot being able to eat anything”

Good stuff

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You are so right. I had to diligently search the aisles to find a yogurt not contaminated with sugar or screaming, β€œnon or low fat.”

So, I finally bought my own yogurt maker. Very pleased with it!

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Make your own? Good idea. Thanks!

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I like the β€œBear Yogurt Maker, Greek Yogurt Maker Machine with Strainer and Timer Control, Stainless Steel Inner Pot, Automatic Digital with 2 Glass Jars 1 Quart for Home Organic Yogurt, Cheese, Fruit Wine.”

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I love FAGE whole milk yogurt. I add my own honey and walnuts and banana. It's great. I figure that God put the fat in the milk for a reason so why should I want to take it out.

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That is what I say when I dump heavy cream into my coffee. It is the best. And I still lose weight. Imagine the horror of all the frankencreamers, hearing me say that.

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Love it! Fat doesn't make a person fat. Fat satiates the appetite so people eat less when eat fat.

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Have you ever tried Zoe yogurt? Thickest, fatest, super low sugar content delightful yogurt ever made IMO.

I wish I liked walnuts in yogurt. My husband adores the combo. He looks so happy eating it.

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And now several children are sick from lead poisoning in applesauce. What? ..the cinnamon? How does cinnamon get lead in it. I had to do some sleuthing. Most important thing ..really is know what your eating and where it comes from.

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I hear you on the yogurt!!

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When my sister in law was at Moffitt for leukemia, they wouldn’t let me share my healthy smoothie, might interfere with rejection meds but she had cases of ensure, full of sugar. That was ok. ( she passed away 6 weeks after being declared a success)

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