Media ignores Portland attacks; Chinese scientists editing Ebola DNA to make it easier to transmit; corporate media freakout over fast food inflation; and Iowa joins Texas against Biden; and more.
& I couldn’t go into restaurants because “someone” decided I was unhealthy because I wouldn’t take a jab .. unhealthy like religion is a cover for control
You mean Media and Education; come to Coloraido's High Country where the religious boogeymen are 5-15% of the population, and the close-minded, judgmental, hypocritical, moderately educated, progressive secular-cult is controlled and fool themselves that they are not.
I never got the poke in my arm, never will, and I went into restuarants ahd ate whenn I wantd to. Got kicked out for no mug nappie by paranoid owners fearing their Knot Sea City goobermint would shut them down if they let the likes of me in. I just went up the road and probably had a better meal. Haven't been back to that paranoid town since then but if I do I will avoid HIS joint. His pizza had been decent, but his boot resulted in my discovering a treasure of a Thai place a few blocks away.
They have always wanted to be the nanny government; controlling how we spend our money, where we spend our money, what we eat, how much we eat is none of their business!
It seems like the stupidest, most inept people love to be in government and tell everyone else how to live their lives. I'll never understand people who want to control everything about others.
true religion (faith in Jesus) is never about control. Itis about YOUR freedom to choose. The jabs were never about anyone's freedom,but all about control, you are correc about that. Nothing like true
Bu the bye, almost all of the folks I spend a lot of time with ARE people of faith,and of the several hundred in that category I know only TWO rolled up their sleeves. It appears sofar, like they both got their shots frim the same bottle of placebo.. clear liquid nobody home in the bottle. YAY!!! Had they the choice put before them now there is no way they'd roll up their sleeves.
And next we will raise price of alcohol 🍷 because it’s unhealthy… and then GAS cars .. oh no, they are just banning them .. see where this is going .. 🙏
The only thing about the fake meat issue: I need to know what meat is fake and which is real. I can easily take it from there, but it appears that in some cases, at least, the manufacturers aren't telling us all we need to know to make that decision.
Regarding “gas cars” here in California my hubby & I are in the market for a new lease for small suv - the only deals are on electric vehicles ! Meanwhile gas prices are up to $6 a gallon again
100% Renewable by 2035(?) in ColoFado--still mining coal--just training it further out of state or shipping to China to be burned. Our State's Big Energy Corporations just PAID Extortion Money to the Dems and Gov. Polis for "exceptions". These Neo-Fascists all need a day of reckoning. Making big bucks on both sides of the energy "transition" and cycling it back to friends, associates, entities to keep the spoils system and Progressive Action fueled up and working for decades to come.
Terrific comments. All around disaster which prices us out of international competition trade-wise. And all forced by government laws and subsidies. The centrally planned Marxified economy is like a submarine without blast tanks to bring bring it back up to the surface.
These next months until the 'election' are going to be ugly. HOLD FAST. The weevils have a lot of work to accomplish before November. I speak failure to them and their hubritic plans. No, it is not a real word, I just made it up. But it certainly fits those jerks.
I'm so glad I still have my 1994 truck! Although CA registration for a 30 year old truck is still close to $300. I'm so looking forward to the day I can flee Commiefornia.
I watched a show on Netflix that was called Dragon Day (2013). EMP, Chinese take over of America, people in the mountain areas faring better and the magic year of the vehicle was 1976 or before. Anything made after that would not run.
So we really need to get a new transmission in the '67 Firebird. I hate to think how much we'd spend keeping it filled with gas. When the gauge shows 1/4 full, it's time to get to a gas station fast!
There’s a dealer in Idaho who has great prices. It’s been a bunch of years but they even flew my husband over from Oregon to buy a truck. Don’t know if they lease but you might just look into it. Turn it into a little road trip. Of course you still have to register in CA. Dave Smith Motors.
In the UK ours is the equivalent to $12 a gallon - most of it being fecking tax! Daylight fecking robbery! And our Sales Tax on practically everything we buy is 20%. What do they do with it all!!!
And where would we go? There’s no guarantee that the states with more freedom will remain that way, especially if they keep taking federal funds.
In our tiny little spot we are away from urban areas, have access to water, are not subject to awful insects most of the year, can grow food 10 months out of the year, and it rarely gets cold enough to worry about freezing pipes. And we have good neighbors.
On the other hand, the damn gubmt restricts so much of what can be done at local and state level…we constantly look at each other and 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Lol! Sadie Jay, sounds like you're driving HAL from 2001 Space Oddesy........" I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that ".........better watch your back!😬
Here in South Florida during the Lockdowns…they canceled school & religious services $ closed beaches.. but allowed the strip clubs to stay open 🙁… we didn’t follow Gov DeSantis in several south east counties
And mushrooms…the press is now pushing the mushroom narrative…saying they bring relief to stressed and overworked women, including stay at home moms🤦♀️.
You couldn't pay me to eat fast food. Made from the most toxic crap imaginable. And as far as the unimaginable, while I have read it here and there for years, it is becoming commonplace to read or hear someone saying multiple FF chains are adding human "meat". Even stores in their ground meat, and believe it or not, sports drinks. WTF??? Anderenochrome and organ harvesting leftovers. It's sick enough I could definitely see the cabal doing it. No proof, but this dude is not going to find out.
The best thing I ever did for my health is to stop *all* fast food and dining out period. I make almost every thing I eat at home using fresh ingredients just like my parents and grandparents did. Yeah, it's a bit of work, but the rewards when it comes to my health are priceless. When we dine out we have absolutely no control over what is in the food we are eating. At least when we make it at home we can make an informed decision on what to use in our products. Bread recipe is 4 or 5 ingredients when made at home. Most manufactured bread has a dozen or more ingredients in it. And "Wonder Bread" has (if I remember right) 49 ingredients. Stay away from processed foods and you won't need the shots, surgeries, pills and crap that this system keeps trying to make us take!
"Yeah, it's a bit of work, but the rewards when it comes to my health are priceless."
For years, we have canned our own peaches, pears, applesauce, pickles, jams, jellies, etc. We know everything that goes into each batch and have modified recipes to lessen or eliminate sugar, ie applesauce = apples, cinnamon, and nutmeg. One year, after canning 20 boxes of peaches and 10 boxes of pears, we calculated how much we had spent on fruit, lids, gas to get to the orchards on the other side of the Cascades, etc., divided by how many quarts of fruit we canned, and ended up with a grand total of $0.75 per quart. You cannot buy a quart of peaches at the store for that price! And there is not all the added sugar and chemicals! And it just tastes better!
In fact, one family member's kids simply will not eat the store-bought stuff. We miscalculated how many boxes of fruit we needed to can one year and ended running out before the next canning season. She bought the canned peaches and pears from Costco - her kids refused to eat them! She ended up having to donate it all to the local food pantry.
Fla Mom, sounds absolutely delicious! I make bone broth from leftover roasted chicken & turkey, but haven't tried canning it. Is there any special tip you would recommend for someone canning bone broth for the first time?
I can broth alot. Start w/ everything cold. Fill jars, wipe rims, pressure can at 10lbs (for my altitude) for 30 minutes. Allow pressure to come down naturally (20 min). Done deal.
It was so easy! I use the hot pack method - hot jars, hot broth, pressure can at my altitude for 20 minutes pints and 25 minutes quarts. All the usual instructions apply.
So do I. I bring my own filtered water as well. I live in Florida so if I go out to eat, I usually get something like boiled shrimp and a side of vegetables.
Excellent. We are very much the same way, though we do eat out occasionally, but only after talking with the owners and verifying what we are getting ie. humanely raised meat , organic products, no seed oils, etc. Ditto anything made. Know two bakers who make organic products, and on the rare occasions I buy any processed foods, I do a thorough ingredient check. Fast food is a hard "never" . I cringe every time I see the crap almost everyone has in their grocery carts.
About a year ago, I was driving in the Florida Keys and there was a restaurant that had a sign out in front that advertise that they did not use seed oils. That’s the only time I’ve ever seen that.
Olive oil will often be mixed with canola for profitability, especially now that olive oil has reached very high prices due to a shortage (I believe weather related?) We know this Greek born fellow whose family owns an olive grove in Crete and sells us EVOO by the tin directly. In this past year. he has had to raise the price quite a bit.
Mediterranean restaurants here are not using the same quality of ingredients they do in Greece and Italy.
This all highlights the importance of regenerative agriculture. As we heal the soil, what we produce on and in the soil is much healthier-the phytonutrient density is markedly higher! Consumers need to request regenerative products!
How do we know vitamins are safe? I used to take vitamins but the "good" ones are expensive and how much do we actually absorb? Most of them have sold out to big pharma.
Consumer Labs tests supplements for lead, etc. as well as how much of the element or vitamin is in the product. This is a membership organization; it's not perfect as they are pro-Covid vaccine. But at least they actually test what's out there so members can choose the best brands. They also test some foods such as olive oil, etc. [I'm not affiliated w/them--just a member for the last 5+ years.]
Arrrrgh! We think we are trying to do the right thing and when I read this it makes me sick. I have been having a twitch under my eye for the last 3 weeks or so. Trying to eliminate the cause, like no caffeine or taking B vitamins. Seriously. I am at my wits end with all this.
I make my own sourdough and use flour imported from Italy. There are three ingredients in sourdough: flour, water, and a very small amount of salt. It is not difficult to make. If you have an interest in making sourdough, I highly recommend Mary Rose at Homestead on YouTube for instructions.
Same with us too! I will only go out on the rare occasion of socializing. I like knowing that what we have cooked is from quality ingredients. Foid is becoming so expensive both at home and out, that I eant to know that I am doing something beneficial for my health, not detrimental.
Everything in the supermarkets these days is pure junk.
Exactly right. Quaker Oats with Peaches in the UK has 14v ingredients, and no chemicals. US version has twice as many ingredients, and chemicals start at the third ingredient. Also, many banned chemicals and substances in the EU are allowed in the US.
I buy Flahavan’s Irish rolled oats….grown, milled and packed in Ireland…1 ingredient: 100% whole grain Irish Oats. It’s delicious and if I can find it in MO. it has to be available in other states!
That's what we do. And baking our own bread from freshly ground wheat and other grains is very satisfying in multiple ways. We know exactly what is in it, as God intended it.
Our FDA needs a serious overhaul - this is ridiculous. My cousin lived in Ireland for nearly 10 years when she moved back from the states she pointed out the difference of ingredients / sugars in the exact same food product such as a box of Cheerios - I was shocked!
This country puts sugar or corn syrup in everything, like frozen pizzas even! The rest of the world finds even our sweets grossly oversweetened. (I have tried chocolate candy bars from Russia and Japan and they were not as sweet, but delicious nevertheless).
When I bake cakes, I always reduce the amount of sugar the recipe calls for..because in most cases, it is too much.
The American food industry has conditioned the American palate to crave sweetness. No wonder so many are sick. We are one of the most unhealthy countries. RFKJR often reminds us how when we boomers were young, we were a healthy country.
The US grows way more corn than it needs, due to the
Farm Bill, and most of it is not fit for human consumption.
There is tons of the stuff sitting in silos.
A majority of it is processed in to High Fructuous Corn Syrup and is one way or another in 90% of the 'food like products' in a US Supermarket. The rest is used as animal feed. The problem is that cows are ruminants and can't digest corn, so they are undernourished and sick all of the time.
The added ingredients are to make the food item more addictive. Just like cigarettes/nicotine products. Nicotine is not addictive. It’s the added crap that makes them addictive, but they blame it on nicotine.
I lived in England for 10 years. They BAN ingredients we have in Everything! Also Subway cannot call their sandwiches “Bread” because of the ingredients!! 😳
They shouldn't be able to label their tuna as "tuna" either. DNA testing found no TUNA DNA in their tuna salad. Subway denies the claims saying it was just processed so the "tuna DNA couldn't be identified". I think I remember hearing it was a probably a cheaper fish like tilapia and/or a bunch of soy. Subway also got sued for advertising the "foot long" sandwiches that were only 11 to 11.5 in. 🤣
I read the percentage of meat used in Fast Food was more than what cattle could be accounted for, so I’m with you. Even if the rumor is false, I’ll be healthier for not eating at the Golden Arches.
I read years ago that the meat they use is not real or something like that, and that while you may feel your belly full, not one cell in your body has actually been nourished!
It is difficult to find organic, non-gmo, no soy, no corn chicken feed. I usually can find a combo of not containing some but not all of these ingredients. My chickens love to free range, so that helps.
Agree! We have taken to ‘fermenting’ our organic chicken feed so that the girls get even more nutrition and it goes farther. Funny thing is, when they see me coming with the jar of fermented goodness, they get very excited!
Yep...I got on the Tesco website a few weeks ago to see the food ingredients on their products. Most of it is just FOOD. Imagine that. Nothing that starts with an X.
People would be healthier overall if they stopped eating fast food. In this context, perhaps higher fast food prices are good.
& I couldn’t go into restaurants because “someone” decided I was unhealthy because I wouldn’t take a jab .. unhealthy like religion is a cover for control
You mean Media and Education; come to Coloraido's High Country where the religious boogeymen are 5-15% of the population, and the close-minded, judgmental, hypocritical, moderately educated, progressive secular-cult is controlled and fool themselves that they are not.
I never got the poke in my arm, never will, and I went into restuarants ahd ate whenn I wantd to. Got kicked out for no mug nappie by paranoid owners fearing their Knot Sea City goobermint would shut them down if they let the likes of me in. I just went up the road and probably had a better meal. Haven't been back to that paranoid town since then but if I do I will avoid HIS joint. His pizza had been decent, but his boot resulted in my discovering a treasure of a Thai place a few blocks away.
They have always wanted to be the nanny government; controlling how we spend our money, where we spend our money, what we eat, how much we eat is none of their business!
It seems like the stupidest, most inept people love to be in government and tell everyone else how to live their lives. I'll never understand people who want to control everything about others.
true religion (faith in Jesus) is never about control. Itis about YOUR freedom to choose. The jabs were never about anyone's freedom,but all about control, you are correc about that. Nothing like true
Bu the bye, almost all of the folks I spend a lot of time with ARE people of faith,and of the several hundred in that category I know only TWO rolled up their sleeves. It appears sofar, like they both got their shots frim the same bottle of placebo.. clear liquid nobody home in the bottle. YAY!!! Had they the choice put before them now there is no way they'd roll up their sleeves.
And next we will raise price of alcohol 🍷 because it’s unhealthy… and then GAS cars .. oh no, they are just banning them .. see where this is going .. 🙏
Yeah I think it needs to be a matter of informing people and then letting them make their own choices and accepting the consequences.
You must be one of those darned cranky ol' Constitutionalists!
Guilty as charged lol 😂
That’s exactly how I felt about the fake meat issue -only you expressed it better.
The only thing about the fake meat issue: I need to know what meat is fake and which is real. I can easily take it from there, but it appears that in some cases, at least, the manufacturers aren't telling us all we need to know to make that decision.
Unfortunately, in the current climate, the taxpayers “accept” the financial consequences of poor health choices
No of that is in the Constitution.. we’ve strayed so far ..
Regarding “gas cars” here in California my hubby & I are in the market for a new lease for small suv - the only deals are on electric vehicles ! Meanwhile gas prices are up to $6 a gallon again
How is mining coal bad, but mining lithium not bad?
Electric cars will be an environmental disaster, as well as dangerous if the power goes out and you need your car to escape something disasterous!
Like CA wildfires…just sayin’…
100% Renewable by 2035(?) in ColoFado--still mining coal--just training it further out of state or shipping to China to be burned. Our State's Big Energy Corporations just PAID Extortion Money to the Dems and Gov. Polis for "exceptions". These Neo-Fascists all need a day of reckoning. Making big bucks on both sides of the energy "transition" and cycling it back to friends, associates, entities to keep the spoils system and Progressive Action fueled up and working for decades to come.
I used to live in Colorado. Was there 40 years. Five years ago I moved to Florida. No looking back. They ruined it.
Terrific comments. All around disaster which prices us out of international competition trade-wise. And all forced by government laws and subsidies. The centrally planned Marxified economy is like a submarine without blast tanks to bring bring it back up to the surface.
These next months until the 'election' are going to be ugly. HOLD FAST. The weevils have a lot of work to accomplish before November. I speak failure to them and their hubritic plans. No, it is not a real word, I just made it up. But it certainly fits those jerks.
The new word is clever ... and it fits the shoe!
unless they find a new easy was to steal the election AGAIN!!!
Hubritic jerks.
I'm so glad I still have my 1994 truck! Although CA registration for a 30 year old truck is still close to $300. I'm so looking forward to the day I can flee Commiefornia.
Semi - free Florida is awesome
I watched a show on Netflix that was called Dragon Day (2013). EMP, Chinese take over of America, people in the mountain areas faring better and the magic year of the vehicle was 1976 or before. Anything made after that would not run.
So we really need to get a new transmission in the '67 Firebird. I hate to think how much we'd spend keeping it filled with gas. When the gauge shows 1/4 full, it's time to get to a gas station fast!
There’s a dealer in Idaho who has great prices. It’s been a bunch of years but they even flew my husband over from Oregon to buy a truck. Don’t know if they lease but you might just look into it. Turn it into a little road trip. Of course you still have to register in CA. Dave Smith Motors.
I heard Montana also has great prices on cars and other vehicle types. My neighbor flew all the way there to buy one and saved over $3000.
Do they sell regular cars too?
Hey Sarah, Only $6 a gallon! I'll take it!
In the UK ours is the equivalent to $12 a gallon - most of it being fecking tax! Daylight fecking robbery! And our Sales Tax on practically everything we buy is 20%. What do they do with it all!!!
$12 gallon? OMG, it's worse than I thought. What thieves they are.
I share your pain. Not of looking for a vehicle; of living in California. Harder every day….
And where would we go? There’s no guarantee that the states with more freedom will remain that way, especially if they keep taking federal funds.
In our tiny little spot we are away from urban areas, have access to water, are not subject to awful insects most of the year, can grow food 10 months out of the year, and it rarely gets cold enough to worry about freezing pipes. And we have good neighbors.
On the other hand, the damn gubmt restricts so much of what can be done at local and state level…we constantly look at each other and 🤷♀️🤷♂️
Could it be time to move?
But a used gas car. And keep it as long as you can!
I have a new VW and I hate it. Our 2002 Dodge pickup lets me DRIVE it and doesn't second guess everything I do.
Lol! Sadie Jay, sounds like you're driving HAL from 2001 Space Oddesy........" I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that ".........better watch your back!😬
Right??!!! Haha
Do t those replacement batteries cost several thousand dollars?? Last.i heard was $4000.
They’ll leave liquor and pot alone, because a drunk and stoned population is easier to control!
Here in South Florida during the Lockdowns…they canceled school & religious services $ closed beaches.. but allowed the strip clubs to stay open 🙁… we didn’t follow Gov DeSantis in several south east counties
Clearly they were concerned about the important stuff! What a clown world we’re living in!
And mushrooms…the press is now pushing the mushroom narrative…saying they bring relief to stressed and overworked women, including stay at home moms🤦♀️.
Oh, good grief! What next?!
Speaking of oil watch that it’s only 10 minutes long
or better yet watch the Youtube movie - Climate- the Movie
Socialism/ asked.
They have almost doubled too
Already been done and done and done...
You couldn't pay me to eat fast food. Made from the most toxic crap imaginable. And as far as the unimaginable, while I have read it here and there for years, it is becoming commonplace to read or hear someone saying multiple FF chains are adding human "meat". Even stores in their ground meat, and believe it or not, sports drinks. WTF??? Anderenochrome and organ harvesting leftovers. It's sick enough I could definitely see the cabal doing it. No proof, but this dude is not going to find out.
The best thing I ever did for my health is to stop *all* fast food and dining out period. I make almost every thing I eat at home using fresh ingredients just like my parents and grandparents did. Yeah, it's a bit of work, but the rewards when it comes to my health are priceless. When we dine out we have absolutely no control over what is in the food we are eating. At least when we make it at home we can make an informed decision on what to use in our products. Bread recipe is 4 or 5 ingredients when made at home. Most manufactured bread has a dozen or more ingredients in it. And "Wonder Bread" has (if I remember right) 49 ingredients. Stay away from processed foods and you won't need the shots, surgeries, pills and crap that this system keeps trying to make us take!
"Yeah, it's a bit of work, but the rewards when it comes to my health are priceless."
For years, we have canned our own peaches, pears, applesauce, pickles, jams, jellies, etc. We know everything that goes into each batch and have modified recipes to lessen or eliminate sugar, ie applesauce = apples, cinnamon, and nutmeg. One year, after canning 20 boxes of peaches and 10 boxes of pears, we calculated how much we had spent on fruit, lids, gas to get to the orchards on the other side of the Cascades, etc., divided by how many quarts of fruit we canned, and ended up with a grand total of $0.75 per quart. You cannot buy a quart of peaches at the store for that price! And there is not all the added sugar and chemicals! And it just tastes better!
In fact, one family member's kids simply will not eat the store-bought stuff. We miscalculated how many boxes of fruit we needed to can one year and ended running out before the next canning season. She bought the canned peaches and pears from Costco - her kids refused to eat them! She ended up having to donate it all to the local food pantry.
Mrs. "the Knife"
I just finished canning a few batches of beef and lamb bone broth, from our cattle and sheep we raise.
Fla Mom, sounds absolutely delicious! I make bone broth from leftover roasted chicken & turkey, but haven't tried canning it. Is there any special tip you would recommend for someone canning bone broth for the first time?
Mrs. "the Knife"
I can broth alot. Start w/ everything cold. Fill jars, wipe rims, pressure can at 10lbs (for my altitude) for 30 minutes. Allow pressure to come down naturally (20 min). Done deal.
It was so easy! I use the hot pack method - hot jars, hot broth, pressure can at my altitude for 20 minutes pints and 25 minutes quarts. All the usual instructions apply.
Same. And when I travel I pack a small cooler with healthy food so I don't have to experience the culinary horror of fast food.
So do I. I bring my own filtered water as well. I live in Florida so if I go out to eat, I usually get something like boiled shrimp and a side of vegetables.
Excellent. We are very much the same way, though we do eat out occasionally, but only after talking with the owners and verifying what we are getting ie. humanely raised meat , organic products, no seed oils, etc. Ditto anything made. Know two bakers who make organic products, and on the rare occasions I buy any processed foods, I do a thorough ingredient check. Fast food is a hard "never" . I cringe every time I see the crap almost everyone has in their grocery carts.
I’ve never found a restaurant which doesn’t use seed oil, even tho’ all the other boxes check. I’d sure like to.
There is a trendy, small , somewhat expensive, but
deliciously innovative healthy restaurant chain founded by Dr. Andrew Weil (many of you will be familiar with him) called True Food Kitchen.
They recently announced that they will only be using avocado and olive oils, and NO SEED OILS.
If you live in a metropolitan suburban area, you might have one close by.,to%20stand%20by%20that%20today.
Thank you!! I always ask about this and explain the reason to the server, who then heads to the kitchen to check.
Maybe they’ll catch on.
Yay! There is a True Foods in Kansas City! I can’t wait to check it out! Thank you!
About a year ago, I was driving in the Florida Keys and there was a restaurant that had a sign out in front that advertise that they did not use seed oils. That’s the only time I’ve ever seen that.
It is extremely tricky. A few use olive oil, fewer still butter. Usually have to do things like order grilled or steamed to avoid any oil at all.
Olive oil will often be mixed with canola for profitability, especially now that olive oil has reached very high prices due to a shortage (I believe weather related?) We know this Greek born fellow whose family owns an olive grove in Crete and sells us EVOO by the tin directly. In this past year. he has had to raise the price quite a bit.
Mediterranean restaurants here are not using the same quality of ingredients they do in Greece and Italy.
Yep. I’ve always asked that butter be used instead of oil. Can’t see the food prep, so can only hope they do it. :))
Me too. And unfortunately bc even organic ingredients are somewhat nutrient deficient, I still supplement with vitamins etc
This all highlights the importance of regenerative agriculture. As we heal the soil, what we produce on and in the soil is much healthier-the phytonutrient density is markedly higher! Consumers need to request regenerative products!
How do we know vitamins are safe? I used to take vitamins but the "good" ones are expensive and how much do we actually absorb? Most of them have sold out to big pharma.
Consumer Labs tests supplements for lead, etc. as well as how much of the element or vitamin is in the product. This is a membership organization; it's not perfect as they are pro-Covid vaccine. But at least they actually test what's out there so members can choose the best brands. They also test some foods such as olive oil, etc. [I'm not affiliated w/them--just a member for the last 5+ years.]
Arrrrgh! We think we are trying to do the right thing and when I read this it makes me sick. I have been having a twitch under my eye for the last 3 weeks or so. Trying to eliminate the cause, like no caffeine or taking B vitamins. Seriously. I am at my wits end with all this.
When I get that, I am deficient in magnesium. There are many types, but I seem to do ok with citrate.
When anything acts up I start taking my MMS. It has always helped.
perhaps we're just getting old?
there's always something breaking down on me...often for no explicable reason.
i guess that's the bargain of living
Stress is a common cause of facial twitches.
My issue with eating a healthier diet is the glyphosate on the wheat and produce. Still, it cuts back on the toxins we ingest.
I make my own sourdough and use flour imported from Italy. There are three ingredients in sourdough: flour, water, and a very small amount of salt. It is not difficult to make. If you have an interest in making sourdough, I highly recommend Mary Rose at Homestead on YouTube for instructions.
What time is dinner? Will be there shortly.
Same with us too! I will only go out on the rare occasion of socializing. I like knowing that what we have cooked is from quality ingredients. Foid is becoming so expensive both at home and out, that I eant to know that I am doing something beneficial for my health, not detrimental.
Everything in the supermarkets these days is pure junk.
We do quite a bit of our entertaining for socializing at home
Also USA food is far nastier than Europe versions. Example: McDonalds fries in America have 14 to 18 ingredients, but in England just 3.
Lots of other examples:
It's best to make your own...
Exactly right. Quaker Oats with Peaches in the UK has 14v ingredients, and no chemicals. US version has twice as many ingredients, and chemicals start at the third ingredient. Also, many banned chemicals and substances in the EU are allowed in the US.
I buy Flahavan’s Irish rolled oats….grown, milled and packed in Ireland…1 ingredient: 100% whole grain Irish Oats. It’s delicious and if I can find it in MO. it has to be available in other states!
When I occasionally buy pasta I only buy imported from Italy brands. Ingredients: Semolina wheat and water. None of the additives the US has to add.
Or we can make our own in a few minutes. But then, who knows what’s in the flour these days! Wish I could put a wheat field in my back yard. 😆
You can buy organic wheat berries online and grind your own flour.
That's what we do. And baking our own bread from freshly ground wheat and other grains is very satisfying in multiple ways. We know exactly what is in it, as God intended it.
Our FDA needs a serious overhaul - this is ridiculous. My cousin lived in Ireland for nearly 10 years when she moved back from the states she pointed out the difference of ingredients / sugars in the exact same food product such as a box of Cheerios - I was shocked!
This country puts sugar or corn syrup in everything, like frozen pizzas even! The rest of the world finds even our sweets grossly oversweetened. (I have tried chocolate candy bars from Russia and Japan and they were not as sweet, but delicious nevertheless).
When I bake cakes, I always reduce the amount of sugar the recipe calls for..because in most cases, it is too much.
The American food industry has conditioned the American palate to crave sweetness. No wonder so many are sick. We are one of the most unhealthy countries. RFKJR often reminds us how when we boomers were young, we were a healthy country.
I remember watching the documentary "Food Inc" years ago. It pointed out that just about EVERYTHING is made from corn, even some packaging!
'King Corn' is a great documentary to watch.
The US grows way more corn than it needs, due to the
Farm Bill, and most of it is not fit for human consumption.
There is tons of the stuff sitting in silos.
A majority of it is processed in to High Fructuous Corn Syrup and is one way or another in 90% of the 'food like products' in a US Supermarket. The rest is used as animal feed. The problem is that cows are ruminants and can't digest corn, so they are undernourished and sick all of the time.
FDA: forget about an overhaul. Needs to eliminated. Completely.
Where's the Argentina chainsaw guy when you need him?
Burn it to the ground imo
Fries should have three ingredients: Potatoes, residual cooking oil, and salt.
Fast Food Industry, please explain your need for the dozen other ingredients you use.
The fast food industry feels no obligation to explain anything. As with all corporate entities, they have one primary goal: profits. The end.
Yes, profits, but while avoiding governmental regulatory interference.
The added ingredients are to make the food item more addictive. Just like cigarettes/nicotine products. Nicotine is not addictive. It’s the added crap that makes them addictive, but they blame it on nicotine.
This is a leg of RFK Jr.’s platform. You won’t hear the CROGs (couple of really old guys) talking about this.
I lived in England for 10 years. They BAN ingredients we have in Everything! Also Subway cannot call their sandwiches “Bread” because of the ingredients!! 😳
They shouldn't be able to label their tuna as "tuna" either. DNA testing found no TUNA DNA in their tuna salad. Subway denies the claims saying it was just processed so the "tuna DNA couldn't be identified". I think I remember hearing it was a probably a cheaper fish like tilapia and/or a bunch of soy. Subway also got sued for advertising the "foot long" sandwiches that were only 11 to 11.5 in. 🤣
that is so bad it's funny! I hadn't heard about either the "bread" or the "tuna". jeeesh.
Yeah, we didn't find out about it until they hired Megan Rappahoe as their spokesMAN. Haven't been back since!
I read the percentage of meat used in Fast Food was more than what cattle could be accounted for, so I’m with you. Even if the rumor is false, I’ll be healthier for not eating at the Golden Arches.
I read years ago that the meat they use is not real or something like that, and that while you may feel your belly full, not one cell in your body has actually been nourished!
I think Mickey D’s USA fast food has been serving us some “Whoppers” with their ingredients?
Well, they save the ends for beauty products. Ask Sandra Bullock.
Even the salad dressing is a toxic soup, so ordering “healthy” food at fast food places is no better.
Yes, agree. Their salads in France were always amazing.
And for breakfast! I now put arugula or other greens on my eggs.
Too bad soy is now in chicken feed. Even small producers have to use the soy grains. It’s exorbitant not to.
It is difficult to find organic, non-gmo, no soy, no corn chicken feed. I usually can find a combo of not containing some but not all of these ingredients. My chickens love to free range, so that helps.
Agree! We have taken to ‘fermenting’ our organic chicken feed so that the girls get even more nutrition and it goes farther. Funny thing is, when they see me coming with the jar of fermented goodness, they get very excited!
Chickens are next on the list. Kinda cold here in the winter though.
Yep...I got on the Tesco website a few weeks ago to see the food ingredients on their products. Most of it is just FOOD. Imagine that. Nothing that starts with an X.