Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I would like to see the Venn Diagrams of both the Religious and Non-Religious and Vacc'ed vs Not Vacc'ed

In the time of the greatest pandemic fear frenzy, when I paid someone to deliver my groceries 25 miles from the store and promptly wiped them down with the precious 6 lysol wipes we treated like gold, I went to a Mennonite Bakery which was near. As we went up to the window we were amazed none of the children had masks, none of the adults. Through my own fear badge of non-courage I asked the father how/why/who/what/where. IF its your time to go, its your time to go the father calmly explained.

Dont forgot this is the Tapas app phase of existence. If you are a true Christian; why fear any chance to reunite with your maker. If making a decision based on fear or your own mortality, rethink that decision...reflect on the big picture....true faith is courageous.

I have always been in awe of the Faith shown to me that day. It was a great lesson out of many lessons during the pandemic. I have tried to live less scared for myself and my family. I have tried to make less decisions in which the focus is about our time on this pre-cursor to the big game.

Science fails to recognize the single most

Potent element of human existence

Letting the reins go to the unfolding

Is faith, faith, faith, faith.

-Serj Tankien

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I always thought I was a Christian, but it wasn't until the plandemic, that I reconfirmed my faith, on my knees, asking God's forgiveness, and stating that Jesus was my Lord and Savior. Changing the way I lived. I saw the writing on the walls, so to speak. It was fairly liberating, to know that no matter what, now, I have no fear of death or plague. I am not in a hurry to die, but death is now just the big sleep to me. I knew I was a good person, kind and generous, but that is not enough. We are seeing what has been prophesied and it is unfolding in front on our eyes. God bless and keep us all.

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Nikki - I had a similar experience - pre-Covid I would describe government with '3 i's': Inept, Incompetent, Inefficient. But in general, well-meaning and aligned with the citizen's interests. Post-Covid, the 3 i's still exist, but now there is a 4th - Immoral. Just plain immoral and fundamentally EVIL.

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I have to agree with you 💯

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Me too.

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Nikki, I experienced the same thing! And it was/is liberating. Jesus released me from captivity. I’m free!

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Amen. Agree 💯. Same here. I was blind but now I see. It is liberating and joyful. ❤🙏✝️

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God brought it all front and center for me too! Put people on my path that showed me to live without fear. We had some tough times and I kept telling my husband, “We will be taken care of. I am certain of it.” He looked at me like I was nuts. 😆BUT THERE IT WAS FAITH. Sounds strange, but I am grateful for the last few years.

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I have almost always thought of "death" as just the segue into the REAL life of being in the blissful and peaceful state of awaiting the return of Jesus Christ the Lord of heaven and earth to UNITE the particles of my earthly "tent" with the ETERNAL SOUL! I also believe that the "eternal kingdoms heaven & hell" exist in tandem to the physical realms we know and study. It's very, very intricate for our FINITE minds to comprehend the INFINITE--but I am at peace about my "passing over". It's just the beginning of FOREVER!!

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Yes, 100% the same.

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I agree with the Mennonite dad, when it is your time, it is your time. God knows the time of your conception, birth and death. I've heard of too many totally freak accidents over the decades and too many utter miracles to believe otherwise.

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The Amish that live around us were the same way. Their stores were never shut down because all were considered essential. They never wore masks.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

When you say 'religious' does that mean Christian? Or a long recognized religion? The reason I ask is that it appears to me that the maksers/vaxxers are under the influence of a new religion, which I don't have name for, Covidian or Wokism don'y seem to encompass it all. They rely solely on faith though.

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This, too. There's no question that the leftist/wokist ideology has a highly religious bent, complete with an anointed priest class, but entirely bereft of spirituality.

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What’s interesting about it all is how most of them either decry religion or make fun of it even as they religiously worship their own woke “god”.

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I don't think they realize that they are worshiping ...

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Oh, no, they don’t see it at all. It’s rather hilarious and somewhat alarming, but it is par for the course. Blinded by their own hubris.

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I had not thought of the spirituality part, I agree with you. The part about being poorly judged(by society in this case) seems present too, maybe its the 'false prophet' type thing we have heard about?

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False prophets of the needle?

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More cult like than religious.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

The only new religion they are under is Designed Fear for Profit.....at least to me.

Read this news, feel out of control and scared for your existence, so that by clicking on the banner on the right (Or take this silver bullet medical injection pandemic fixer) of the page you can take control of a transaction, and pretend...fleetingly.....to take back control of your life and this world. Wash Rinse Repeat.

And NOW a word from our sponsor, to give you a piece of control (for a small price) in this crazy world!

The only true remedy for fear is context. God given context and Faith.

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I just told my husband about the ceasefire. He said media’s axiom is ‘If it bleeds, it leads’.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

I remember reading (a couple of years ago now) about how Google's foundational documents (like pro-Forma, business case, etc) was Julian Assanged by another guy....and remained up for like a week until all traces of it were "dissapeared". In it was a study from the English Tube which was titled "Environmental Stress and Consumerism". What was found is that on a packed train consumerism jumped 30% (vs riding in empty trains) in terms of financial transactions from the train passengers themselves. The stress of being packed and NOT in control leads human nature to push for temporary financial control by executing transactions, where you are temporarily in control. Think of the 80's the cliche's of shopping spree's when one's life was stressed out. Its the same basic nature. So the news pushes you to feel out of control, human nature pushes you to find an outlet of control, which in our day and age is consumerism. I have had no luck tracking it down since but it explains a BUNCH about where we are in terms of being told we are NOT in control nearly 24 x 7.

I, for a LONG time, was concerned about the population control evil that is often brought up around here concerning the pandemic, but with recent news stories have fallen back to good old Greed being the culprit. Medical Patent Oklahoma Soonerism and getting caught with hands in the GOF cookie jar caused a RUSHED coverup and horribly designed "antidote". Fear was pushed, tribalism (aka Dr Seuss sneetches with needles instead of tattoos) fanned for profit levels that never could of been dreamed of before. To me it has changed my own worldview of religion, science and runaway capitalism in medicine. This shouldn't be a partisan issue.

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Faith and the realism that what we have been taught from every institution has been lie after lie. If you have lived long enough, you can is the patterns which are all meant to create fear and have people not living using their own sovereignty. Martha Stewart does not tell me anything but how to and you must and blah, blah, blah. My choices are what I like, not what the experts think is trendy. Buy, buy, buy....trends in clothing, interior design, etc. is all about purchasing! We make people rich by being stupid.

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I am with you. I have started spending more for higher quality so they will last me decades instead of a year or two. Seriously, I have a college sweatshirt that is nearly 40 years old. Matter of fact, I’m wearing it today. I have a long-sleeved shirt from high school that I still wear in the winter. I also have shirts from a few years ago that are falling apart. I’m tired of spending $30 for a shirt that 2 years later needs to be replaced. It’s a rip off. I don’t care about fashion. I want comfort, class, and durability.

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Same. Two to three dozen natural fiber clothing items, in classic designs, hand washed in many cases, curated(sort of?), some 40 years old. Ironing required. Remember the first permanent press fabrics? Late 60's, early 70's? Perfectly awful hand, drape and styles to boot. It should come as no surprise that it's chemicals that are used to treat fibers or finished garments to render the convenience of wrinkle-free. Formaldehyde was the original chemical; now many formaldehyde derivatives. Read: carcinogenic or suspect.

Related: heard a story in recent years of a mom that mentioned a clothing item that might need to be ironed; teen child responded, "What's ironed [mean]?" Ouch.

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I have clothes that were my mother’s. They are still in fabulous shape. I also have a dress from the late 1800s that was a distant relative. It’s a very fine, white cotton dress with tatting. The ancestor tatted.

I keep looking for 100% cotton. It’s hard to find anymore. Nearly everything contains some synthetic fiber.

There was a meme going around social the past couple of days about how it used to be you had 10 minutes to escape a burning building. Now, because of all the synthetic fibers in our furniture, etc., that burn hotter and faster, you have 3-4 minutes.

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Not surprised on longevity of heirloom clothing.

As one who sews since two weeks of lessons in mid '60s "day camp" before that was a term, (other week-long program was charm school 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣in the basement at Sears, OMG! It didn't take! Haven't thought about that in decades.) even natural fabrics on bolts are treated these days. Mostly sizing, and recommended to be washed before cutting and sewing garments. Still... Yep, always check fiber content on garments. Don't buy much anymore.

Haven't flown since plandemic craziness, but another space where I consciously always wore natural fibers, just in case. Keep it in mind.

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Hear, hear!

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EXACTLY - I never understood the "mass hysteria" of "following" certain celebrity figures. I enjoy some of their performances--but you wouldn't catch me attending a LIVE CONCERT and jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs (even when I was a teeny bopper). They're just CLOWNS AND MINSTRELS--the lot of 'em!! Performers!! And they're paid a hefty bunch of "green back dollars" once they hit the "big time"--but that makes them very, very "fortunate"--not credible!!

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we are minimalists and are looking to go further minimal.

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Neopaganism. Comes in many varieties. Self is often the golden calf found at its altar.

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but their faith is not in the King of kings and Lord of lords!

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Yup. All hail the pharma gods. Aka - Satan

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I call it @Spike Covidianism.”

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Yes! For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain! Philippians 1:21

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Yes. Same with the Amish and Mennonite community in Lancaster County PA. I visited there to shop unencumbered by masks and hysteria. One asked me if "the English had lost their minds." I said yes they did. The mindless fear and lack of critical thought of nearly all my friends and neighbors blew me away. They were and are still fearful that they are willing to give up freedoms. I am fine if they want to screw over themselves and their families but will never forgive nor forget their willingness to screw over mine.

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The Amish don't have TeLIEvision and were the first

group in the US to achieve "covid herd immunity" in the summer of 2020.

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They also don’t vaccinate and their elders don’t get shingles bc they’re exposed to kids with chicken pox which renews immunity continually so shingles don’t happen. Our elders get shingles bc there is no ongoing immunity to the chicken pox virus w/o any ongoing exposure to it.

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Churches were closed in response to government and societal pressure and fear tactics Those who run such a church don't believe what they preach.

"And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write... because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked" Rev 3:14,16-17

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Funny/tragic story:

The church we used to go to had the musicians pre-record hymns to be replayed during zoom services. One evening, my friend and her daughter were at the church doing their pre-recording, all the lights on. This was in the late fall of 2020 in the Seattle area, so it was already dark outside at 5:00. Someone was driving home from work and saw through the windows people singing and playing instruments without masks on and alerted the governor. The pastor got a letter from the governor’s office reminding him that people were not allowed to gather, or sing without masks on. After that, the musicians had to WEAR MASKS WHILE PRE-RECORDING THE HYMNS. Even if there was only one person in the building, or as in this case, two people of the same household. The decision was based on the verses about “avoiding even the appearance of evil”. SMH

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My opinion Bryn is God used this man made hysteria to separate the wheat from the chaff. 'Who truly trusts Me and who doesn't'. The church and leadership that doesn't trust in the God they ascribe to are struggling to this day.

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And the pastor agreed to that dictate? I guess he missed Paul's instructions about being bold in one's faith.

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He did! He responded out of shame and excused it with the verse about avoiding the appearance of evil. We had stopped going there because, even in the summertime when the weather was beautiful (it doesn’t get hot much in Seattle) we couldn’t even have maskless services outside with people spaced out.

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Our church closed at the beginning but then our pastor found his spine. You would not believe the number of people who were so offended, they left.

It seems like a lot of people found reasons to leave the church in 2020 though. So.

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With absolute respect to everyone who is, I am not a religious person. I believe in a Creator and know I'm not the creator, but nothing past that. I did not take the poison and I am fine. However, I too believe that when it is time to leave this material world, it is, and nothing but hte Creator can change that.

I'm not sure someone's spirituality or lack thereof made a difference during the scamdemic. For me, I believed that nature heals itself in time, so if there was a pathogen, we would find a way to overcome. But, I also believed the entire thing was a scam. I believe the power of the mind is more than we can possibly understand and our belief in healing or sickness does affect us physically. I'm working on a post on psychogenic death, placebos and nocebos - they are a real thing. Of course I'm not discounting the intervention of faith or the Creator, but I also feel a lot of man-made reasoning saw us through this orchestrated plan.

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Excellent. Regarding your last point, yes...On the one hand, OK...supposedly there's a pathogen out there that makes some people sick. OK...If I get sick, I get sick -- but somehow knew along all I wouldn't -- and I didn't. Faith was it? Maybe...

OTOH, the numbers were so absurd it shocked me to see people falling for them. Are you freakin' kidding me??? From a known loser at Imperial College who got mad cow disease 100% wrong, we're going to listen to this guy? 2 million dead in the U.S.? Is this a joke???

Instantaneous, back-of-the-envelope 𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 demonstrated the absurdity of such a claim. So. For 2 million to die, how many would have to get infected? Of those, how many would have to become symptomatic? Of those, how many would become seriously ill? Of those, how many would have to become hospitalized in order for 2 million to die??????

The only way that that might happen is if, in fact, we were dealing with a biological weapon. But no...we were assured of this pathogen's natural origins...and that no medicines existed to treat its symptoms.

A complete shit show nonsense story that the majority ate up like candy while willingly trading away their freedoms and insisting that everyone do so. Unforgiveable.

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Yep, with you 100%. It is and was a complete sh!t show, start to finish, and they are still making it one, milking it for every last bit of control they can get their grubby paws on. I also agree it is unforgivable. I will not forgive or forget. Ever.

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You are so close to the Truth, FourWinds. The Creator of all is the creator of the mind also. That fact drives people like Yuval Harari crazy. He and others want so badly to become like Him, to replace Him. They spend countless hours developing robots, AI, in vitro conception and artificial wombs. Remember Dolly the sheep and cloning.

Since the beginning this has been the battle, in the garden Eve was asked "did God truly say...", the tower of Babel, and more. In the last days we are told knowledge will increase. Notice we were not told wisdom will increase.

Keep researching and you will suddenly stumble upon the truth. It's just more difficult for some of us to accept it.

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I am not particularly religious, but I do believe there is a higher power. Some 30 years ago, my sister died as a result of a car accident. She was young and healthy. The hospital she was taken to did nothing to save her. It was at that moment I realized when it’s your time, it’s your time. There is nothing anyone can do to save you. Had she been meant to be alive, she would still be here. I miss her every day.

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Yup. Decades ago two younger siblings dead in their 20s, here one minute, gone the next. Another at age 50, but expected due to illness. Dad at 54, also anticipated. Step dad, 58, sudden, death the first symptom of coronary artery blockage. Infant niece in the '80s, "SIDS." I suspect childhood vaccine proximity there but can't bring myself to introduce the idea to the covidians. A grandnephew stillborn two years ago to unvaxed parents who both work surrounded by covidiots. Not to mention friends &c.

It's a short trip for all of us. Even if one is a centenarian. We're talking about eternity here. I can't even conceive a scale of hundreds of years comparing a human lifetime, no less eternity.

There's WAY more at play here than the materialism western civilization has trained us in. This perspective the blessing in the experience of complex trauma. There is a reason for everything. IMHO, including the current manufactured KOS. Whole other discussion.☮️

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My father was an atheist, but, after my sister’s death, he couldn’t believe that someone so full of life would just be snuffed out. He started to believe in an afterlife.

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Quite possibly a "reason" for her so soon exit. -?

I mostly hit daily -some I miss- with a prayer of heartfelt gratitude to the souls of those who have exited the planet in conjunction with these toxic jabs. Other "side" effect debilitated and finally killed patients from various pharmaceuticals, too. You know, the "side" effects rattled off at 100 mph at the end of pharma ads, many of which include death, most egregiously from medication-induced suicide. These souls have all done an immeasurable service to humanity. Doesn't lessen the pain of surviving loved ones, and certainly doesn't excuse corporate behavior, just allows me a rationalization, a reason, to the degree I'm able to grasp such why they had to go. I believe people are waking up and that a shift in consciousness is underway toward what is acceptable, desirable, and worth fighting for for a renewed society on the planet, coming in the 21st century. 10,000 miles up view. 2¢

So sorry for your pain. But what a tremendous shift for your father.

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Didn't the Christians in the last plague actually help their neighbors instead of masking up, staying at home and staying out of church? Our church helped for about a month and we volunteered at every opportunity but then crickets. We've heard from them maybe 3 times over the last 3.5 years. No question of why someone who was very active in church never came back...

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The first piece of propaganda put out by media and government was “#stayhomestaysafe”. Propaganda works works wonders in getting people to do things against their and their communities best interests.

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Clarify- re covid…😀 propaganda has been going on way b4 covid

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The battle of the F Words: Faith over Fear.

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I recall going for a walk with one of my Christian friends early in the “pandemic” and analyzing the different reactions - my husband is not a believer of Christ but is a true ”Science” believer and so I saw the distinction first hand in our responses. The data would be fascinating to see even though I’m pretty sure how the results would look.

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I would like to see this data also, but I would like to modify the word "religious" with "spiritual." I do not identify or associate with any known or organized "religion," but I believe in a higher power and consider myself deeply spiritual. (And, unvaxxed.)

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"Religion" is man's attempt at explaining God; putting Him in a box. I prefer to speak of my faith tradition as a "follower of Christ" or Christ-one.

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Oftentimes nowadays people are “spiritual” but have no connection to the God of the Bible. So I’m never sure what that means.

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To John Bugni and Oregon Kathy, you guys state where I am. Religion will not 'save' anyone, only a personal relationship with Jesus the son of God will do that. Prior to His miraculous birth and short stay on earth it was faith in the unseen God of creation that assured eternal life in Heaven.

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If I told you that I align more with Gnostic sects of Christianity than traditional sects, would that help elucidate?

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If you told me that I would ask why you would believe in this sect called Gnosticism rather than true Christianity.

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I believe that Gnosticism is more reflective of what Christ was really trying to teach.

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COVID did not scare me as much as the reaction of people to it (with no supporting science) and how many turned against their own family when it came to whether you chose to vax or not. It scared me that I might be forced to get it.

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Exactly!!! I was actually scared of being arrested for inviting a friend over for dinner.

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Yes!!! That is what scared me too, didn’t think we’d ever get past it. I still can’t believe what people did/said.

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I have tried to internalize this. It usually makes sense. From Living Life Backward by David Gibson:

Ecclesiastes: an invitation to be a person who realizes that living a good life means preparing to die a good death. Want to live well? Prepare to die. Know that the breath will vanish and enjoy the fleeting glory.”

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Science has failed our Mother Earth (love System of a Down).

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I trust in Jesus. I have submitted myself to Him. His will be done. It has taken all worry out of my life. I try to prepare for what is coming as best as I can but the rest I leave up to Him. Viva Cristo Rey!

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

More good news: Charleston, SC, a city described as 'moderate' elected a Republican mayor William Cogswell, for the first time since 1877! https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/this-city-elected-a-republican-mayor-for-the-first-time-since-1877-post-5537511 The race, although non-partisan, was described as boiling down to many of the same issues facing many cities: crime, infrastructure and 'rapid development' (which I assume to be massive apartments and more 15 minute city development). Cogswell won by ~600 votes.

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We are moving to SC. Cannot tolerate my libtard area. It is like Sodom and Gomorrah. I will not look back as I feel I will turn into salt or be tainted

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Good for you! Where are you escaping from?

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Phoenixville pa. I finally told a friend that I feel alone here. It's because of the last 3 years. I cannot reconcile with it. The behaviors and beliefs of many around me, especially those I thought I knew, are opposite to mine.

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I totally understand that feeling! I escaped from California in late 2021 for the same reason. I was the only one among my large family that didn't get the jabs. All my friends except one got vaxxed. I moved to Florida and it's amazing! Like minded people all around me! I wish you all the best.

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Wow what are the odds?

Last summer I was briefly (remotely, from Oklahoma) participating in a men's Bible study from Phoenixville.

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6 to 1 in last local election for the democrats. And these democrats are very far left.

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My son lives in Charleston! They were so excited over his election!! Things are changing and for the better!!

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Great news! But by a thin margin!

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Everything in the news is a lie.


Also, childhood vaccines cause most diseases.

Infection by injection.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

It’s possibly the biggest, most successful psyop of the century. Chemical injections to stay alive. But which really cause disease. Who could ever really question science? All vaccines are useless and worse- all are poison.

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Reading Turtles All the Way Down by Anonymous. Childhood vaccine trials apparently use existing vaccines as the placebo arm of the study (instead of a saline injection)… that’s how they are able to claim “safe” bc there are adverse events associated with the “placebo”, so the adverse events of the vaccine under study look to be no more than the “placebo”, therefore it’s safe. And that’s totally legal, but definitely unethical.

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Infection by injection, I like it. We need t-shirts/bumper stickers/etc

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Ssshhhhhh! That dude/tte will show up hawking those next! Kinda like beatle juice. Say the "t" word too often...


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“The this jab and shove it!”

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Cancer in kids starts under six years of age....mmmm.

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It can but usually doesn't.

Didn't you read the SV40 disaster a couple weeks ago?

Big Harma is not your friend.

Be skeptical, it might save your life.

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The most recent news is that babies are developing cancer before they’re born. The fetuses, from their jabbed moms.

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Ive wondered....what nurturing protective gene is missing from a mom who would take any injection while pregnant? Dr's take pregnant moms off of alcohol.....off of cigarettes....but push injection of chemical toxins? Or is the demonic induced fear of the unknown greater than protecting the life within?

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Psy-ops and $money$

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They encourage moms not to eat processed foods while pregnant too! Just SMH!

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Saw that on Maki’s stack...absolutely heartbreaking!

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True dat

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Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” So they removed the stone. Then Jesus raised His eyes, and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I knew that You always hear Me; but because of the crowd standing around I said this, so that they may believe that You sent Me.” And when He had said these things, He cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth.” The man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

— John 11:40-44 LSB

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Ah yes, Janice!

“For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.” Our hope lies in the knowledge Christ conquered death.

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Amen. He removed our grave clothes and wrapped us in eternal life.

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And from this knowledge should come our courage as Christians.

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"And as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all remain alive!"

I have The Messiah burned into my brain right now. Another concert tonight.

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By the way, Handel’s work is simply, “Messiah.” Lose the THE.

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And if he had not said “Lazarus” every dead person would have come forth!

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Good Lord that made me laugh. I bet the Lord got a chuckle out of that too.

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If you watch The Chosen, we will get to see this played in Season 4 this February!

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I can't wait for that!! I absolutely love that series. I bought in in 2018. Then as I am watching the rolling credits after season 2, it lists my name amongst hundreds of others who crowd funded this. I seriously thought it would go nowhere at the time, and I had just had it with shows that were so foul. It wasn't much and I had no idea my name would be on screen after the season, but there it was. So great to be part of that!!

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That’s awesome Sadie. I remember watching season two, which had such a powerful ending with the sermon on the mount. And then I watched an extra about the filming of it, I believe they said that it was filmed in Texas and it was freezing cold that day, but they had over 2000 people show up as extras for the filming. Can you imagine how they felt in being a part of that?! Just thinking of that final scene can still bring tears.

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That is so great!! I love that and would have gladly frozen my assets off to be in that scene!♥

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😂😂 wouldn’t we all! And I think that hardship made it all the more meaningful and memorable for those who were there.

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Thank you for that. I had nothing to give but have benefited.

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Regarding Christmas - A weary world rejoices...

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I love this simple line…a weary world rejoices.

The words from the old hymns are so powerful and meaningful. Here’s one of my favorites, reading it lends new meaning to the words. It also references the weary world.

It came upon the midnight clear,

that glorious song of old,

from angels bending near the earth

to touch their harps of gold:

"Peace on the earth, good will to men,

from heaven's all-gracious King."

The world in solemn stillness lay,

to hear the angels sing.

2 Still through the cloven skies they come

with peaceful wings unfurled,

and still their heavenly music floats

o'er all the weary world;

above its sad and lowly plains,

they bend on hovering wing,

and ever o'er its Babel sounds

the blessed angels sing.

3 And ye, beneath life's crushing load,

whose forms are bending low,

who toil along the climbing way

with painful steps and slow,

look now! for glad and golden hours

come swiftly on the wing.

O rest beside the weary road,

and hear the angels sing!

4 For lo! the days are hastening on,

by prophet seen of old,

when with the ever-circling years

shall come the time foretold

when peace

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I also love, from Oh Holy Night,

“...Til He appeared, and the soul felt it’s worth...” Brings me to tears each time!

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One of the best parts of Christmas every year is to hear Mr. "the Knife" sing O Holy Night a cappella! Brings chills and tears every time.

Mrs. :the Knife"

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It really does slow it down and make you think about the words.

Words are the most powerful weapon in the world. If only we knew how to use them......

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They sure don’t write them like they used to! Such depth and beauty.

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Isn't that for sure! I like some contemporary music, but it can't hold a candle to the old hymns for depth and beauty.

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Thank you for a lovely reminder of my youth.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m in SW Florida, seeing much the same. The stores are mobbed, Sarasota Circus sold out, fireworks every Saturday night and traffic out of this World. People have a renewed Spirit.🎄🎅⛪️

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Kinda the same around here. The stores seem much busier than they have been. Went to a local monthly flea market this weekend and the crowd seemed fairly steady.

I just can't wait for FJB! to f it up.

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Christmas transcends all the machinations of man and reminds us of our eternal hope in Christ. Hallelujah!

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🎼 🎶 O Holy Night

What a beautiful celebration of our blessed hope - Christ our Savior is born ♥️

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I'm looking forward to a new and glorious morn.

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Amen - we do!

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Twilight Zone:

Imagine if you will, A virus so smart

It attacks every four years during presidential elections.

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There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the ridiculous limits of his knowledge. This is the dimension of governmental sciencistic dogma. It is an area which we call the Masking Zone.

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Husband loves jokes and to share them with me---I have just sent him yours as his 'joke of the day' (we used to watch Twilight Zone together regularly)

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I loved Twilight Zone; the original of course.

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Except the creepy dolls, ventriloquists, and clowns, otherwise I love that show 🤪

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My fav episodes were “To Serve Man,” “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” (woman having surgery to repair her ‘hideous features’ only we find out she is gorgeous), “Kick the Can” where the elderly become young again, and the one that creeped me out the most, as a child, “Room for One More Honey.” That last one haunts me EACH time I get on an airplane!

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

And only attacks conservatives! (It didn't, but I've read red states seemed to have a higher rate of death by "vaccine")

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I choose hope and light. Sitting in an airport right now observing the isolation and loneliness. I make it a point to say good morning to everyone. The reactions to such a simple gesture are amazing. It doesn’t cost a thing, but has the potential to make a huge impact. People need people. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I complimented a checkout clerk at Target one time.

His face lit up like a Christmas tree with joy.

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For years I have made a point of making compliments to colleagues, strangers--your tie, your haircut, your smile--don't think I have ever received a negative response.

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So true! I have never gotten a bad response. I especially like to compliment a grungy girl for her crazy colored hair because she really does want to be noticed and I feel like they do it for that reason but I bet they get no feedback. Every time I do it, the girl lights up. It's usually brief but it happens. 💕

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Ditto, even when their choices are not to my taste, which of course never escapes my lips. Works wonders.

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I do this as well. I try to focus especially on people that look a little unhappy or just tired. It makes people smile and I hope it puts them in a better mood than it seemed they were when I first saw them.

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It really gives me such joy when a compliment comes tumbling out of my mouth for a random stranger. I am truly a shy person who would prefer to hang quietly at home doing homebody things. That said, the Holy Spirit always inspires me to reach out to others at the most interesting times because I have taught my children to ask Jesus to go before us and show us ways to bring light to others every day. And it always winds up blessing me with their smiles or happy eyes.

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I do that often with people. It's fun and feels good to see them happy. I used to be shy. Now I'll walk up to a perfect stranger and tell them I love their dress or something. It's a genuine compliment.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Everyday all the time! On our island, if you don’t start out with “Good morning” “good afternoon” or “good night” you don’t get a response .. I carry that with me everywhere

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And a smile 😁 is such a beautiful gift to give to someone, especially a stranger…and it’s free. In the darkness of this era we tend to forget our humanity, making it even darker. As Christ taught: Love your brother as yourself, and treat others as you wish to be treated.

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I never used to, but I talk to everybody now. In stores, out on my walks, wherever. Not once have I had an indifferent response. Every single person, after a brief disbelief at being engaged with randomly, has lit up, warmed up, and talked. People are starved for what used to be so normal it was taken for granted and it's been let to wither. Like getting involved in local concerns, nobody's going to do it unless we do! Talk to everyone, especially those you'd normally have skipped over in past times because they look weird or whatever :) People need to be loved, and if you knew me in real life you'd know how strange that statement is coming from me. I'm not a people person, but the last few years have opened my eyes and my heart to how dark and sad our fellow travelers have become, and how simple it is to shed just a little light around.

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Yes indeed Miss Teacup. Fellow travelers. 😊

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My daughter and I compete how many compliments we can give out when together!

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The world needs more people like you! Have a Merry Christmas and keep sharing the love!!!

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Jeff, in yesterday's post, you said, "moving the chains down the field is exactly what we need to do to win."

My husband, who is a wee bit black-pilled, said there is no way to win.

This got me thinking about people's definitions for winning. His definition is jail/capital punishment for perpetrators. For me, in addition to punishment, I would want to see history books recognize what really happened in all this mess.

Jeff, what is your definition of winning? Justice is obviously a part of it, but does your definition include other aspects?

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Winning = Stopping it from ever happening again.

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seems like "winning" must include taking all profits from this PSYOP and giving that money to the injured and deceased folks families...gotta be done

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I've said that time and time again. Not only is is compensatory, but given that poverty is a fate worse than death for some of these perps: punishment.

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Also to those who resisted. Lots of pain and suffering - standing alone against this evil injustice.

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Here are my thoughts worth 1cent. What I have noticed is that yes...history does repeat itself. It seems that when you give the world 2 or 3 generations of time, somehow they forget or facts are so faded that they hardly believe. They lose track and then crap happens again. I am 58 and teaching middle schoolers, in our conversations about history, I am sometimes shocked at the things they have never heard of. Or how skewed. How do we lose track of kings and then find them buried under parking lots? How do temples where atrocities happened get buried for generations to be found so long after. How do modern people not know that the land of Israel used to be the home of the Jewish people. ((Regardless of what is happening now) how does information get so lost. We can win for now, but will we write it up and pass it on so the next people will remember?

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One problem is that, when history repeats itself, all too many people say, "No, no, no, it's DIFFERENT this time."

But one must keep on keeping on trying despite it all.

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Yes..one of the reasons I love teaching history.

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We would be much better off as a nation if there were WAY more teachers like you!!!!

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The past is prologue.

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The Fourth Turning is an excellent book on history following a spiral pattern. Every 80ish years we pass through a “great and perilous gate of history”. Generations shaped by their life events interact to create a tinder box ripe for a spark. As society enters a gate, the outcome may be uncertain but there will be CLEAR winners and losers - no compromise or half measures.


Strap in and buckle up 💪

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1865 and 1945 were the ends of two of the most direction changing wars in out history. Might 2025 signal that kind of end?

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There is nothing new under the sun.

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I have found that almost without exception people prefer comforting lies to uncomfortable truths.

That explains a lot.

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Agree. All I know is the left must be completely Biblical history illiterate. Even the Muslims know the Bible better. The Jews controlled Israel long before Muhammed was even born.

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Mohammed and Islam was a roman catholic psyop to take Jerusalem.

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Hard job because much has been altered or removed,..bells, church organs....

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Information gets lost when "news" sources are compromised by the unelected and history is canceled for profit.

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It is worth noting that modern day European Jews are not semites or descendants of biblical Jews.

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Judaism is more of a religion than an ethnicity, historically speaking - though it does naturally tend to follow ethnic lines (since they don't seek to convert anyone to join them).

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I was under the impression that Ashkenazi Jews were from the biblical lineage. I would imagine that of the total population of Jewish people in Israel, it would be a case by case basis to know their exact DNA. Almost 2000 years since the fall of Jerusalem. That gives a lot of time for the ethnic Jews to intermix with others. Part of my point was people either not knowing or some don't care to know.

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Read some supposedly researched history recently that, if true, points to the Khazar tribe of 14c-16c (I forget timeline - bad form, apologies) eastern Europe as the seed of Ashkenazi jews. (Also bad form not including links. Info is out there on the webs.)

The Khazar tribe were [what we now recognize as psychopaths/sociopaths] in significant proportion thieves, murderers, plunderers, rapists, sadistic in nature. Neighboring tribes/geopolitical entities hated them. These Khazarians, the claimed Ashkenazi jews, are of Turcic and some other local/surrounding genetic eastern European origin, not a drop of semite blood in them. The argument in the history is Ashkenazi jewry was created by propaganda, a claim, nothing to do with genetics. The Ashkenazi are the origin of the Zionists, the political faction that schemed and garnered support from like mindeds to plunder and kill Palestinian peoples for establishment of a homeland. Like mindeds such as (from USA, though most post date the war in 1947) Kissinger, Brzezinksi, Wolfowitz &c, all the way up to the current warmongering psychopathic globalists. I'm no great student of politics or history but if true, this political landscape rather fits the shape of a missing puzzle piece.

No argument with your point about mixing of ethnic Jews. Just mainly, from my intrigue in reading as reported above, a comment on the modern state of Israel's origins. No answers, just curiouser and curiouser from the 10,000 miles up perspective, where there are no lines on earth masses dividing up territory. China had to build the Great Wall; otherwise, no visible border.

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A lot of revisionist history being taught in schools. It’s awful the way things have been distorted.

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Not when imbeciles are allowed to destroy it, or change it.

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Diligence and intelligence and patience all required

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....and two more words:



......folks need to try it on, for size.

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I think we humans forget too easily that *we* can't do things like that, really. The hand of God is on everything - everything! Our job is to be faithful in good times & bad (and discern what He is asking us to do.... which may very well be "trying to stop this from ever happening again" ). I am a firm believer in the hand of God on history. "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good". We may never know (completely) the "who, why, what" of the past few years this side of heaven. Our world was trending *very* evil (has been for decades, if not longer). A group of friends & I have been praying all along for evil to be exposed, and *then* for wisdom on what we ought to do once the evil became obvious...

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Well said! You have exactly the right perspective!

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Yes, yes, and yes to this !!! 🙏

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I think that “trend” is past the point of no return. God’s plan will come to fruition eventually and I believe that time is coming soon. I think the world will wax worse and worse, we may have little wins here and there, or some that seem like we have only to be undone, but overall I think we are going to continue down the path toward the end of the story and the new beginning--eternal life with God, for believers and eternity without Him, for the rest of humankind.

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Since the Garden, actually.

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Winning is having Jeff Childers on your team!! Everything is better with Covid and Coffee insights. And we all learn how to fight in the best possible and effective way.

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"Revenge is mine, saith the Lord" which should be the case, but it sure would be nice to see some people come to justice, to give us hope. But again, the ONLY hope is in the Lord. I've answered my own mind gymnastics.

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The Bible is clear. God expects us to have a just society and to rule with justice where the penalty fits the crime. This is not revenge. These are two entirely different things. Ours is to enforce justice based on God's Standards. But rest assured, God's perfect revenge will be meted out by His judgement.

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But that’s no excuse to do nothing. God expects us to act, as we listen for his direction. Expecting God to do it all without our involvement is why many people just sit back and watch it all burn.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

I have to say it: Winning is when I see those inside the DoD and the CIA who are responsible for developing and deploying this bio-weapon/plandemic against the American people AND the cabal (which I could name) who are controlling them hanging from long ropes on prime time TV for all the sociopaths of the world to see! That's winning. And that would be justice.

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Offit explained. “Why would we want to put children in harm’s way again?”

Like they did in 2020 and beyond? Winning is stopping that guy, and his ilk.

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It has been observed that history is written by the winners. That is why it's important that WE win - or this history will never be known.

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Amen, Jeff!

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What? They shot our archduke and we are just supposed to take it?

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I have to agree with your husband. The only way to ensure this never happens again is for the people responsible to go to prison and or hang. Anything short of that just encourages them to keep doing it.

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We hung a lot of Nazis. It stopped THEM from repeating their crimes. Didn't stop others.

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1) how many Nazis escaped to S. America or were actually invited to the USA?

2) I cannot believe there will be another Nuremberg because

a) Nuremberg was brought about by the WWII victors--heads of state, heads

of military

b) now the criminals ARE the heads of state, heads of military

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When I referenced the Nuremberg code violations of the current regime on other media, I was censored for "inciting violence."

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More came to America than were hung at Nuremberg.

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Exactly. AKA George Soros and Klaus Schwab.

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Spot on. Like my husband said when people were blowing themselves and others to kingdom come, there will just be some other person willing to step into the shoes of the 'martyrs'. It is a never ending cycle of evil and the only one who can really stop it is God. Little victories, one day at a time and never stop being ferocious.

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100% Agree. That is how, historically, it has always been done. Why deviate? Guillotine time. We must heed history.

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In addition to technicalities of preventing it from happening again (ex- state constitutional amendments or ballot measures prohibiting the executive from using emergencies to limit personal/medical freedoms), covidians should feel ashamed they ever held those beliefs (forced masking and vaccinations, calling someone’s job non essential). Also punishment for those that orchestrated this… I know this may not occur on earth though.

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"I know this may not occur on earth though." Very true.

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But. It must. We did it to the Nazis. And they are STILL alive and thriving. They live in the WEF, WHO and especially in the UN. The un-elected useless ‘body’ funded by the USA mostly. Klaus Schwab. PUSHING his German accent. He is a son of a Nazi. They are pushing their Fourth ‘Industrial’ Revolution.

That is a lie. Schwab wants a Fourth Reich.

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Space weather from the Sun causes Earth's magnetosphere to be "pulled" , putting pressure on volcanoes and the ground underneath. On top of that, our magnetosphere has been weakening by 5% per decade.

Here's a good source I follow for Space weather news:


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Variations in sunspot activity, which connect to solar flares, have been linked to climate change; for example, the Maunder Minimum, and maximums. Variations in solar radiation have also been linked to climate change.

You can find these discussions in a thoroughgoing deconstruction of climate-change alarmism in The Menelaus Gambit: https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/climate-change-alarmists-ignore-how

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Thanks for sharing this wonderful resource Christine!

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So - man-made weakening of the magnetosphere is something that we have to fight NOW with our tax dollars, right? ;-)

(And no argument that space weather from the sun causes craziness here on earth - still dreading a huge flareup that causes wide-spread havoc.)

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Agreed! Give us your money, and we'll save the Earth from the Sun. (: The Sun loves taxes!

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What about the geoengineering habits of HAARP? I’m hearing that they are god-like in their abilities to make the earth and the weather respond.

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I found the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria suspicious. And I definitely find the "fires" in Maui, Paradise CA and the forest fires in Canada to be suspicious as well. Especially so for Maui as the US Airforce base on the island houses the govt's DEW weapons.

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I lived through four years of fires in CA. I can tell you firsthand that after many years of drought, the fires occurred during high winds that fanned the flames into firestorms. The high winds were unusual for Northern California, although I experienced them every year of my youth in Southern California. But Sonoma County experienced a similar fire in 1965 that burned through the same areas - the difference was there weren't thousands of homes and businesses built in the fire's path back in '65. This was long before HAARP and the "space lasers" postulated by people who never show evidence of these devices.

Of course, those areas have been built back up since 2020's fire, just like people along the Russian River rebuild their homes after the periodic floods that occur there, rather than moving to higher ground. Part of the madness that is Cali.

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I am sorry you had such an experience!

I feel the fires California, Canada and Maui experienced are far from normal. Here is some of the information on the subject I found helpful.

This is an interview with a fireman arborist.


This interview takes the fires in from a world perspective. If you are not familiar with Catherine, she is a major fund analyst.


Lastly, an interview with two CA firefighters


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They definitely have an effect, but nothing compared to the magnetic induction/ force caused by the Sun.

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People place far too much "faith" in the ability of mankind to affect the planet (case in point, geoengineering). Most people really don't appreciate just how huge the Earth actually is and how little even the biggest human actions are in comparison.

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The arrogance of humanity. To think we are capable of affecting weather. Lol. There's a tin foil hat I won't be wearing. And I wear many. Know a lot of pilots, and not one has flown a craft loaded with the goofy photos yall put up with electors of chemicals on them. Not one.

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Maybe there’s a typo, but what do you mean by “electors of chemicals”? And who is suggesting that an aircraft would be loaded with “the goofy photos”? I’m sorry, I don’t understand, but I do see what geoengineering.org is showing us about the activity of HAARP.

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Electors and the Internet is full of photos of the insides of these supposed aircraft spraying humancides all over. None of them real. And as I said, funny that no pilots have ever come forward and said yeah I sprayed chemicals at 30,000 feet. But I've definitely heard of

Ice crystals coming off jet engines when the weather is right. I'll give the government credit for being Incredibly evil, and corrupt as hell. But I won't give them credit for creating weather. With chemicals. From aircraft. We aren't that good. Not even close.

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Ejectors. This new galaxy phone sucks yikes. And I can't even edit.

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I know for a fact the Air Force does weather manipulation.

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I know a pilot who sprays it for the military.

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Read up on HAARP.

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I gave it a couple hours. I wear many tin foil hats. Pretty sure that one is made out of unobtainium or something. Lol. Sorry lass, but I think you're right out-of your mind, along with all the other otherwise intelligent people here that buy in to this hokum.

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You haven’t done enough research. Or for that matter watched the sky enough. There’s even a company called Weather Modification, LLC that flies planes over the US. Keep researching.

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So you are comparing cloud seeding to mysterious poisons spread from aircraft to control humans? OK. Yes there is such a thing as cloud seeding. But contrails in the sky are not cloud seeding, and they aren't anything but ice crystals formed from condensed jet exhaust. Wow.

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If y’all are not reading Roman’s Substack, you’re missing out!

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Thank you so much Ann!!! I appreciate your support. Let us know if there are any topics you'd like us to take a deeper dive into?

Thanks again - have a wonderful day.

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I’m subscribed on YT. Some commenters to the channel are wacky but SO support his theories in his videos and adjusts based on new evidence. What is surprising to me is the steady stream of new evidence from experts and amateurs.

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Quite unsettling - but I believe they're saving lives and changing minds day by day, just by all the info they put out. Thanks for sharing that. Cute dog !

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I've been following him for some time, and although he is a bit gloom and doom, I think his science is pretty accurate. The timing is a bit up in the air, but it's coming, no doubt about it. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

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Good to know - thanks for sharing that Maggie - amazing the amount of info Ben compiles.

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"Spot" on. Get it? Cheers from a fellow observer.

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You're in a safe "space" here ha.

Hi Bill! Cheers. Good to meet you here.

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Yes, been watching his channel for almost a decade I guess. I get tired of the earths’ doom and gloom any day now kinda like Iran nuclear program. Any day now for the last 25 years

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I hear you...well hey, it's year 26 now (: so something has to give.

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Love that show!!!

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5% per decade means the end of the world in 200 years? Wow

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“For the life of me, I have no idea what the Pope has to say about climate science. His involvement makes one suspect that the whole climate thing might be more fairly described as religious instead of “scientific.”

Yes. As a practicing Traditional Latin Catholic, I sadly and prayerfully acknowledge the infiltration of the Church. One grace from God is that this attempted overthrow of the Faith will not succeed and a countermovement is growing stronger each day.

We have clergy speaking out and unveiling the evil. Thank you, Archbishop Vigano, Bishops Strickland, Schneider and others, Cardinals Burke, Mueller, Zen etc and multiple voices from the priesthood. These men might be removed from their positions, by Francis, but their voices ring out more strongly.

God is allowing the tares to grow with the wheat. Painful and frightening to observe but His triumph is foretold. I will not be forced out from the faith of my fathers even if God moves His Church underground.

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👏 Amen! Every time the Pope removes someone, it uncovers the truth a little bit more.

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As a Protestant on-looker, I have wondered whether there was a new Reformation beginning inside the Church. This time, not to split off, but to return to God and His word.

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Amen. As a sister in our faith, I agree completely with you. There is nothing that will keep me from my faith. I find that all the turmoil is strengthening the faith of many and creating a thirst to even understand our faith better. Our Women’s Bible Group is huge and vocal.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

You know, I read your daily blogs and today, after reading maybe the first seven or so paragraphs, I started thinking that really smart people don’t go into journalism. Really smart people do what you do and condescend themselves into filling the vacuum corporate media creates. Thank you! How can we coalesce people like you and others into a media force that will actually do the job the Fourth Estate is supposed to do? You, The Free Press, The New York Sun, groups trying to make up for the huge slack intentionally left by the bought, narrative -supporting media, how can a truth-telling media empire be started?

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A long overdue but of praise for the journalistic expertise of Jeff Childers. Thank you.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

I’m thinking that Substack is where all these writers are. I wonder if there’s a list of their best writers.

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I check out the stacks my favorites are subscribed to and check those out for a while...and read the comments - other stacks get recommended all the time (it’s how I found C&C)

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I just stalked your profile and subscribed to few stacks you follow 🤣.

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I tell friends I look at Substack the same way I look at a newspaper/magazine rack, it offers a great variety to choose from.

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But you’re all people who get that they’re being lied to. Average person isn’t invested enough to hash through the media hooey to get the real deal. Need something easily picked up by casual media consumers.

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A long overdue bit of praise for the journalistic expertise of Jeff Childers. Thank you.

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It is already started and growing like a rolling snowball. Substack, many independent Wordpress blogs, and more commercial efforts such as Breitbart News, WION, YouTubers such as Thomas Sowell, Dane Wigington and Hillsdale College, plus many indies on Rumble: THESE are the new independent media.

To those who argue that there's too much to follow, would you prefer that we went back to the days of Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, all hearing the same script and never challenging it?

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I’m all for medical freedom & getting rid of vaccine mandates for children & anyone else, but 2 thoughts:

1) There should be “exemption PERIOD”. Not for only religious reasons, not for only medical reasons. Bodily autonomy & our God given right to say N-O should be enough

2) With all of the 3rd world illegal aliens & their 3rd world DISEASES flooding over our borders, it wouldn’t surprise me if there are upticks in formerly-eradicated or rare (in the States) diseases. Of course, that will NEVER be blamed on our coddled illegals; as w/ everything else nowadays, legit American citizens will be blamed for refusing the jabs du jour

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Ohio allows medical, religious AND personal exemptions.

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Yep, none of my 7 grands in Ohio have any kind of vaccination!

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Yep, but the schools sure make it seem like you don't have a choice.

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They can try that, but what a joke. They know the law, they just want to push their nonsense.

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This has led to a lot more people homeschooling as they’re able. It’s a growing trend. Of course the powers that be do everything they can to make it so expensive to live that there’s no one left at home to homeschool and kids are sent to public school out of necessity. That needs to change too.

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I love that. I don't have kids and never will, but if they ever try to push the b.s. death jabs again, I'll go straight for personal reasons.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

If there’s an “uptick” in diseases, it’s because we’re being poisoned to make a point. Vaccines never prevented any type of disease- EVER - so I wouldn’t worry about them coming over via “illegals.” If that were even possible you would have seen “outbreaks” in their countries of origin- which is not happening. You think they live lifetimes free of “disease” in their countries, then magically get measles on American soil? In a country where 99% of the population is vaccinated against it? Stop buying into the BS propaganda.

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The illegals don’t have to be vaccinated at all - for WuFlu or anything else & they were never subjected to WuFlu jabs as US citizens were mandated in many cases. Of course we’re being poisoned by everything in food, water, air we breath & then manmade released “viruses”. I’d say you’re buying into BS propaganda. What do any of us really know about outbreaks of any type in 3rd world countries?

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

You can bet we’d hear about “measles” or “polio” or any other outbreaks anywhere in the world to keep the psyop alive. We don’t.

Second, the fact that they have not been injected should tell us all that it's not important to be vaccinated---and if it were, our gov't would most certainly enforce vaccination for the public benefit. More likely, they need these immigrants to survive to vote, disrupt, drive us deeper into poverty/destroy the middle class and even to be available to create strong, anti-American forces that will kill us on our own soil should that become necessary.

And what do the mandates have to do with anything other than political strategy? It has nothing to do with efficacy or safety of vaccines. Are you suggesting it’s not fair that the govt didn’t also poison the illegals? Ok…..

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Agreed - we'd hear it till the end of time if they were bringing actual diseases with them. And mandates are nothing about health, only control. This whole scamdemic was nothing but a control show.

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I’m reminded of the M*A*S*H* episode where a sniper is firing on the hospital camp. Hawkeye says, “I don’t know why they’re mad at us. All we did was bring them smallpox and white bread.”

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Wait until people realize smallpox was invented again by two University scientists in Canada. They were funded by their government and a Canadian pHarmaceutical company is developing a vaccine for it.

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Initially some states had philosophical vaccine exemptions… which is what I’d also like to see come back… beyond the religious or medical exemptions.

It’s basically a person saying I disagree with the ideology and the ‘science’!

Bring back philosophical vaccine exemptions!!! 🙏🏻

Paul Offitt is stooge for the pediatric vaccine schedule because he’s made millions off his vaccine patent for rotavirus… which has directly harmed kids. And that’s who they quote as an expert. It’s outrageous!! Conflict of interest anyone???!

The pediatric vaccine schedule has harmed generations of kids. 1:6 kids now has some form of developmental issue… let that stat sink in!! We have crippled two generations of kids… who will have great difficulty growing up to be fully contributing members of society.

I also see this as a future national security issue.

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One thing to bear in mind is that vaccine damage is generational. We are now getting into the children that are being born to the people who were first affected by the 1986 indemnity act. The children born today are not only getting their own cellular damage from the vaccines, they are also receiving their parents cellular damage as well, and the damage that their grandparents received from their few jabs! It's going to be one heck of a nasty snowball effect...

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Yup. Epi-genetics.

And I’m seeing a new form of pediatric disordered speech… sure looks new to me.

“Vaccination, instead of doing good, works considerable mischief by giving rise to many new diseases. Even its advocates cannot deny that, after its introduction, many new diseases have come into being.”


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I wonder why there aren’t “medical” exemptions. Doesn’t that seem like the first exemption that should be allowed?

(But with the person being able to decide, not having to go to a doctor for it.) During Covid a doctor’s declaration that a person should not get the jab wasn’t even honored, which was unbelievable.

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The majority of states and colleges still allow a medical exemption… but good LUCK getting an MD to stick their necks out for your kid to write them. Takes a special MD with a good soul to agree to it- for all the same reason we’ve seen in covid… they’ll strip an MDs medical license if they write too many pediatric vaccine exemptions. I have been in advocacy for years in the realm of childhood chronic illness… and it’s really difficult to get them.

CA was limiting pediatricians to writing five medical exemptions in their whole practice… if your kid was kid #6… they were SOL… and in NY state… they were refusing to approve medical exemptions for kids to attend school … there was a big case… absolutely outrageous… the NY state medical board over-road the child’s doctor and refused the medical exemption- even when the child was having over 100 uncontrolled seizures a day… so many NY parents fled to CT schools as medical refugees after NY state pulled this crap… for CT to then pull the religious exemptions here …

This issue of pediatric vaccination is AS BAD… if not worse… as the covid vaccines.

24 hours of public testimony in CT occurred against the mandate… one family right after another … and then no more testimonies were allowed. People were denied the right to speak. I protested in Hartford, CT during covid when they pulled the religious exemption. Bobby Kennedy was there and spoke. It was a a huge disappointment. They knew it was wildly unpopular and they did it anyway. The state of CT didn’t care.

The outcome was any child in the CT school system was ‘grandfathers in’ under the religious exemption… but no new kids would be allowed to enrolled in school using a religious exemption…. Which tells you this is NOT about health. It’s about control.

And I met families at the state capital… that will have to leave CT/move… Because their older children are enrolled in the school system and are now grandfathered in… but younger siblings… not in kindergarten yet, will not be afforded the same right.

It’s outrageous!!!

NJ held onto their religious vaccine exemption during the same period.

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Truthseeker - thank you for your advocacy on be half of the children in CT. That had to be so heartbreaking to see so many citizens involved in trying to keep their rights get blitzed. The politicians had made up their minds and just allowed citizens to speak but they were determined to not listen to a word their citizens had to say. Sickening!

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That’s exactly correct. Thanks King Ned Lamont … we will not get anywhere here in CT until he is sent packing.

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There are 15 states that have philosophical vaccine exemptions, at least according to a cursory web search. I'm sure pharma is working on whittling that down.

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States like Maine did away with the philosophical exemption and the religious exemption in one wave of the hand …

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Offit for profit not only profited, but he also started a nonprofit: Autism Research Foundation. So if it has been proven hands down that vaccines don't cause autism, why would a vaccinologist be compelled to start and organization like this?

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Like the conscientious objectors back in the days of the VN war.

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Rape (something forced inside your body against your will) is illegal; …the government has become our rapist.

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It does feel like rape. Though I did not get vaccinated, I was harassed by leadership. And for those of us who have been raped, it triggers you. I will never trust military leadership again.

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I will never trust anyone in leadership in this country again, period.

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🙌 I totally agree! Any reason, is a good reason, if you don't want a vax.

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Like “my body, my choice”….

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🎯 Bingo!

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Yes, exemption period--no reason needed.

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With over 260+ vaccines in the pipeline prior to the plandemic, States were working to eliminate the three allowed exemptions: Philosophical, Religious, and Medical. The first to go was always the Philosophical Exemption. Hellinois did this and was working towards the elimination of the Religious Exemption to keep up with California. Thankfully this never happened and many students at Loyola University were never forced to take the experimental jab.

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If I understand correctly, I think SCOTUS had ruled that "any sincerely held belief qualifies as religious for the purposes of constitutional protection" (such as secular-humanist beliefs held with the force of a religious conviction). Though, good luck with getting success on that basis unless you're willing to sue over it.

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The ironic part will be when our betters become infected from the illegal help they hire to nanny and cleanup after their children. Whoops!! Blame the Far Right!!

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Those are "philosophical" exemptions. About 16 states had them as of a few years ago.

"Philo"s root meaning is love (I was told it's like brotherly love when used in the Bible). "Soph"s root meaning is wisdom. So they are actually exemptions based on the love of wisdom!

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Speaking as someone who did trust "the science" for vaccines prior to 2020/2021, I can understand people being afraid of Measles or such after decades of people getting traditional vaccines against them. I remember in the 2010's some nearby mega church (prosperity gospel) known for being very anti-vaccine had an outbreak after some missionaries returned from overseas. They dropped their position after that. So - I can see people being afraid.

Of course, we have a _very_ different vaccine schedule than what most of us grew up with. I got my 3-4 or so as a kid but before the vaccine makers were protected from lawsuits. The schedule today is beyond out of control - and some proven harmful shots are still on some of these "mandatory" schedules - like Gardisil.

For the states not allowing a religious exemption, CT is a recent addition to that. They did away with that shortly after the mRNA shots started coming out. :(

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

But that’s not how disease works. An outbreak among the members of one group that never affected the general public? Sounds like a targeted poisoning done to make a publicized example of what happens overnight to people who don’t like vaccines. It’s ludicrous.

The crazy thing is it was always only media hype. Measles also has (has always had) a 99%+ chance of full recovery and the so-called vaccine never prevented anything. But you can’t convince people who have been reading the lies in every newspaper and childhood textbook for decades.

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Had the measles 2x and chicken pox. It was great! I got to miss school, sit at home with my Grandma, play with my dog, and watch TV. (Except with the measles. NO TV! So I read and played games.)

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If there is an outbreak of measles, they will blame it on "anti-vaxers" for political reasons. The more likely explanation is "irregular migrants" or illegal immigrants (or whatever is the correct term). How many of them are up to date on their vaccinations? As a legal immigrant, I had to have arms full of shots to enter (MMR, DPT and more). In 2021 and 2022, when they were pushing the covid jabs as saving us, but at the same time letting in (literally) uncounted thousands across the border with no requirement for jabs, I knew something wasn't right.

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During one outbreak of the measles it was found that it spread through people who had been vaccinated against it. The media didn’t mention that of course and they blamed it on the unxaxxed.

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There is a vaccine version of many of these diseases which is different from the natural one. The vaccine version can be passed from a recently vaxxed person to the unvaxxed by shedding. They lie about that too and say shedding doesn’t happen but there’s proof of kids who weren’t vaxxed getting the exact version found in the vaccines.

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Thanks. That’s what I tried to say, but you explained it much better.

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The vaccines spread the so called disease…

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I also had all the real viruses back in the day. Plus when I was in boot camp, I contracted the measles again. Yes, I am in my late 60's. I do know the horror of pregnant women getting measles, just glad I was born before the pharm industry took over.

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Someone named Michael Kelley left this comment on a Paul Offit Substack (Offit accused Dr. Ladapo of endangering Floridians): "What is it they tell doctors during their first year in med school "everything you read in these books will be obsolete in 5 years?" That's not because the science changes so quickly, it's because the medical industry constantly requires new revenue streams to continue to generate enormous profits. The pharma industry has proven time and again they will act in a way that damages public health and trust for the next get rich quick medical fad, because they know the profits will far outweigh any fines. Like transitioning children. That's Mengele medicine." I think Kelley is right. Someday we'll look back at the era of vaccines and wonder why we weren't taking care of our immune systems instead.

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My ivermectin-prescribing family doc has said that many treatment protocols he was taught were either useless or dangerous, are now approved and supported. And the inverse is also true.

Proof that science, like pharma's pursuit of profit, is never settled.

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You’re so lucky to have a doc who is willing to prescribe ivermectin. Rumor has it there is one about 50 miles away from where I live.

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Might be worth your time to follow through. Pre-election 2024 should be an interesting period in the "virus and vaxx" games.

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We may have to find him. Yes.

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The pHARMA monsters are pushing gardisil on adults now--not content to injure just children. I see the ads all over. Beyond sickening.

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It also makes me sick to know that the US and New Zealand only two countries that allow Big Pharma ads on TV. It's funny to watch all the smiling, laughing people while the narrator spews all the side effects. Then there's the HIV ads. It's all disgusting!

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That was Bill Clinton who changed that decades-long ban on pharma advertising. They've been gearing up for a long time.

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But advertise good, pure aged Kentucky bourbon on TV? OHHH NOOOOO!

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Remember, the MSM (including Fox) get 75% of their ad revenue from the pharmaceutical industry. Objective information will not be found on these outlets.

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It's enough to put one off of ever even thinking about wearing a Trilby!

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When the HPV vaccines were fairly new, they explicitly said it was important to vaccinate kids before they became sexually active because vaccinating people after they were exposed to the viruses in the shots would increase the risk of cancer.

They have forgotten that now, haven't they?

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CT.. Kinda like they knew what was coming!!

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With the invasion on the border and no panic regarding COVID or them not having their standard shots were the last little bit that convinced me that our government is not worried about our health... it is all about being bought and paid for by pharma.

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Remember they changed the definition of the word vaccine. The mRNA jabs are not the same as the measles, polio or other vaccines. Not defending those but they are not even close to the evil science experiment that the covid jabs are.

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I too had about 3-4 as a kid and I also had measles, rubella, (German measles), and chicken pox as did my siblings and most of the kids in my elementary school. No one died. If you’re a kid who is otherwise healthy it’s just an annoying, contagious, vacation from school. My kids had chicken pox as well. Read Dissolving Illusions.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Just spent the weekend in Nashville and Franklin TN. We went to a sold out screening of Christmas Vacation last night. This was the 5th sold out screening in a week or so. About half the attendees were dressed in various costumes from the movie- Eddie, Mr and Mrs Shirley, Clark W Griswold etc. it was quite a raucous event w everyone parroting lines and singing along. People are definitely ready!

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Fabes55 - I also just spent the weekend in Brentwood and Franklin TN!! The joint was jumping - wish I'd known about the Christmas Vacation fun!

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Per earthquakes, the four gas giant planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are on one side of Earth, the sun is on the other side, the first time since 79AD. Their magnetic fields will have an effect on Earth; one might conclude an increase in earthquakes and volcanos is likely. BTW, Mount Vesuvius blew in 79AD, no way to know how many others did too in that time frame.

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There ya go again, relying on historical facts to arrive at a reasonable conclusion.

You must be a rayciss patriarchical cisgendered individual. I'ma gonna call Christopher Wray.

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There is so much "nice" happening all around unexpectedly. My husband and I were in Richmond on Friday to see our son's high school band perform for the governor's tree lighting ceremony. It had been raining, we were running late and we wandering all over trying to find a place to park. In short, I looked like something the cat dragged in. Governor Youngkin and his staff couldn't have been more welcoming and accommodating to make sure everyone who wanted to get their picture with him did. No rushing at all for me, the last person in line. And he and his wife were so nice. Such a shame Virginia only allows one 6 year term.

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