Mar 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff and c&c army- I want to thank you for giving me moral conviction not to mask up yesterday for my 2yo doctor appointment. I have masked up at the dr until now out of fear of reprisal/they would not see us. But after seeing my anti-mask warrior friend not mask at the same office last time in combination with the support here I went bare faced and it went great! I have tried a few times in the past only to be given a mask by a "helpful" employee but this time no one batted and eye. I know I need stronger moral conviction in general if we're going to fight this growing satanic movement in society. A small but important step for me. Thank you all for your moral conviction and sharing it here in the comments. You are doing great work! God bless you all!

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Andrea - good for you!

Recently, a friend had surgery, rehab and follow-up appointments. Each time I was with her I didnโ€™t put on a mask. Not one person challenged me.

We MUST ALL have the courage to say NO!!!!!!

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Amen. My veterinarian requires it. I am unmasked and the rest are wearing face diapers. My go to response when asked to mask is "I refuse to participate in this masking theater. " They don't know what to say.

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Funny cuz our veterinarian never was masked and remained open during the entire pandemic, seeing patients in exam rooms, unlike other vets around here. I knew there was a reason I liked him.

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My vet said that he couldnโ€™tโ€ฆthe dogs didnโ€™t respond well !!!!!! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

And thereโ€™s your sign โ€ฆ lol

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I always remember what a fellow dog lover told me years ago, "D O G is

G O D spelled backwards"


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The people at my vet are now unmasked, but the humans still canโ€™t go in. Iโ€™ve never met the doctor. They call you on the phone later. I was happy to see faces this time when they came out to the car.

These people are so damaged I donโ€™t know that they can recover.

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I would find another vet that doesn't capitulate to the masking theater. Also, I want to be in the room with my fur baby when she's being examined. Years ago, we went to a veterinarian that sold their practice to different vets. Our first visit with the new owners, took our brand new puppy back to the exam room for his first shots and told us to wait in the waiting room. That was our last visit there and we found a more compassionate veterinarian.

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It may be pressure from insurance companies. But still, requests to mask need to be addressed with a no, and leave if you have. Enough people do that and the idiot drโ€™s will start losing too much income.

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Depending on where NoWay lives--there may not be "another vet" close by. But I would definitely look for an alternative if there ARE other vets in her area. My vet stopped with the "masking" requirement in 2021. God bless him--he's a "bleeder" because he takes anti-clotting meds for heart issues. He won't hold my little Maltese rescue, Colby, anymore as Colby as "fear/reactive" issues which we've been working with him on for 5 1/2 years. He bit the vet the last time--and the vet told me on our last emergency visit, he won't be holding Colby anymore to give him his shot (rabies). I don't get "vaccines" for Colby anymore--he's been vaccinated quite enough, thank you. Rabies are the "law" in PA--so we have to "do" that one.

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Consider that many vets have discovered it's much easier to treat the animals without the helicopter parents being present. Many vets became vets to help the animals, but really don't care much for the owners of said animals. Just sayin'...

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I don't think most can. They took to this scamdemic like fish to water.

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Perhaps the animals should be running the show...they are always rational.

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Wowzers! Where do you live?

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Northern VA area. This is a specialty vet, so not any other options. Iโ€™m sure she is nice, if I ever get to meet her lol.

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That's because "they are asleep in their psychosis" being "hypnotized" by the propaganda swirling around the world. Truly...if those of us who are "awake" did not have the HOLY SPIRIT living within us--we would be one of "them".

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Good point. It's a little known fact that grace is required for wisdom to be present.

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Thank you! I've done the same and have never been challenged except by whiny friends and family who think I'm being rude. ๐Ÿ™„

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I think it's important to get the word "unhealthy" in there somewhere.

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

FYI - the next time you're out shopping, look for a bar soap or toothpaste that DOES NOT contain titanium dioxide. I struck out looking at major brands.

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Mar 23, 2023ยทedited Mar 23, 2023

I buy mine online from Uncle Harryโ€™s Natural Toothpaste. It does have a teensy bit of lead in the clay itโ€™s made from but Iโ€™ll take a chance on that.

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My vet participated in Mask Theater and made pet parents wait in their cars for over a year. It's back to normal now in the vet practice, but some pet parents wear masks! WTH?

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Poor pets living with their mentally ill owners. ๐Ÿค’

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Perfect! response.

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There are a few of us doctors in the hospital who donโ€™t wear masks , nobody says a word and actually causes the other folks on staff to take it off ....I always smile at them . ๐Ÿ˜

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I went to an Urgent Care facility a couple of weeks ago. Everyone was sitting along the walls (no chairs in the center of the room) about 10 feet apart....all masked up. The receptionist said I needed a mask. I said, "No, I don't." She said it was mandatory. I mentioned that the CDC says the masks don't work and are not required. She said it was "their" policy and they wouldn't treat me without it. I left and went to a REAL doctor.

It's pretty sad when the CDC sounds more cogent than an urgent care facility.

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"show me where it says that in writing"

Usually shuts people up.

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Yeah, i just fear catching some other nefarious coof, not covid per se. The medical professionals (?)... credit the CDC... If you look inside the CDC, its a bunch of boobs who couldnt get a real job...

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Ongoing masks requirements by health care providers destroys any trust a person may have had in the competence of the providers.

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Sadly, the waiting room probably clapped in unison after you left... ๐Ÿคฌ

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That is what we all need to do!

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You may have important reasons to stay with that doctor, but for me they'd have to be of 'life or death' importance to make me ignore that I am paying money to get advice from an unscientific bully ("fear of reprisal"). The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons is a place to start, when looking for a more rational health professional.


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It's not the doctor but of course the hospital system that they are affiliated with (which most doctors have to- I lost my independent ob in 2020 when her office couldn't keep afloat against big hospital, so I get it). She has a number of great qualities/ skills that has helped us immensely including being a ped that will accept our no shots for the kids stance.

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I go to an internist who's practice includes 10 other docs and is also a member of a hospital system. They claim the hospital system forces the mask usage. But we all know if all the docs in this practice said a firm no, that same hospital system would not fire all those docs.

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Yeah. They rely on people including doctors to submit or cave.

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There might be midwifery practices nearby that are more rational, if you're not a high-risk OB patient. 'Alternative' type health professionals are looking really good these days, compared to the standard allopathic docs, and I say that as a retired allopath who used to roll her eyes at the alternative types.

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Alas my DO was also fired after having his religious exemption denied by the CATHOLIC hospital system๐Ÿ™„ we have a good Chiro. I do a lot of my own research now and try to do as much as I can at home with natural remedies, vitamins and homeopathy but sometimes I still need an allopathic doctor. I'm so glad that you are on team reality! We need more allopaths like you!

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Agree. Take care of your health and your family. Msm medical community doesn't.

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Exactly. Your way is my way. I want to get lab work done but still trying to figure out who to go to! I love my obgyn personally but I know she is entrenched. :( Will prob never see her again.

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There are independent labs that will do blood work without you having to see a doctor.

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Thank you! And in my own ignorance, until two years ago, I had thought Chiropractic to be nonsense. My ignorance, you will note.

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I have had 3-4 major pain problems (back and neck) over the last 40 years and every time I went to the Chiro guy, they fixed me right up...no drugs and at a reasonable cost.

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Me too! Went to a chiropractor for the first time last year.

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Peds who will accept non-vaxed patients are rare these days!

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Bc no vaxes no bonuses from insurance companies.

Insurance Companies have scales showing payments (bonuses) to compliant doctors.

Childhood vax schedule is a biggie. Complete it in entirety in dictated time frame & voila! Big payout per each patient.

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I've heard that it is best to avoid pediatricians and just find a family doctor/general practitioner who is less tied into the vaccine superstition and the kickbacks from Big Pharma for jabbing kids. Of course, that's if you can't avoid taking them to a doctor at all.

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Is there a resource page for pediatricians (or family internist) practices for No-Vax patients. My son just had a baby and needs a doctor in NC - Charlotte area. They got dropped by their first doctor because they are worried about vaxes for babies.

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I would suggest they join a local "crunchy" moms group. They will likely know. It is very hard to find peds who do not require immunizations since insurance companies made it a value based care initiative.

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I had a medical appointment a few weeks back and finally spoke frankly but very politely to the check-in person about their rule that I had to mask up. She was masked, of course, and unhappy about it herself and understood why I didn't want to-- but said the medical center's rules will remain until the end of 2023. If you need their help you kinda have to comply. At least my own mask is fake and very breathable!

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Haha. I have one of those too. Unmask. I breathe normally. I sat in the car reading last week when hubs had an appointment at a hospital. I wonโ€™t wear one inside. I had my coffee and a book plus soft music. Much nicer than sitting looking at bad art on the wall for an hour and having masked humans surrounding me.

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You mention a 'medical center,' so perhaps it was for an in-patient admission or a procedure only available in a hospital, and perhaps there is no such institution near to you that does not mandate stupidity.

On the level of out-patient care, however, the point of looking for a rational, scientific health professional, instead of just the one you go to who mandates stupidity, is to avoid a health professional who mandates stupidity. That would scare me silly; stupid in one thing, stupid in another? My sister found an excellent doctor via the AAPS, and I'm sure others have, too.

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Look, it's care for a "massive infection" in one eye. I flailed around for weeks tying to find the eye doctor who could diagnose it, who specialized in "massive infections." Eye docs come in so many varieties and you need to find the right diagnosis and the right doctor. I don't care for the medical center he works in, but I give him props for curing my infection and restoring my sight. So I have to comply in this rare situation.

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Exactly. I wonโ€™t let my health or the health of family members suffer because of stupid rules.

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It does turn into picking and choosing your battles. I go to one of the best vets in our area and we have to mask up. My dog is more important than me getting into a battle. The practice used to be his but as he's going to retire soon he sold it to a corporation. Their rules. I hate it. So do they.

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Did you happen to use eye drops before you developed the infection?https://nypost.com/2023/02/01/cdc-warns-against-eye-drops-linked-to-death-infections/

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Nope. I know what you're referring to but no. My infection was a viral one.

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Where are you located, if I might ask? We know Ophthalmologists who will see unmasked patients. Glad you were taken care of! Eyes are one area where it seriously does matter who you see....

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I agree with you FL mom. Its also how dumb can you be to actually believe these things do squat but make you sicker. That for me is the main reason to bail. They canโ€™t be that bright as Drs and they prob push bogus methods like mass pharma and surgery.

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Thank you!

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deletedMar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023
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Lol! Where I live, a lot of farm and ranch folk doctor their own animals, and themselves, often with animal medicines.

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That was cool! Wish I knew someone like that.

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Better Call Saul was a surprisingly good show, for anyone looking for a "binge-watch".

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What gets me are the signs that say something like this: โ€œUnvaccinated clients MUST wear masks !โ€ Really? And how are you to know? We are just to comply voluntarily ? Itโ€™s hilarious if not so maddening ๐Ÿ˜ก My dermatologists office sported this sign. Im sure it is the hospitals policy where his office is located, but NO! Just NO!

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Yellow star.

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That comment makes me think it would almost be worth sporting a yellow star shaped mask into an office... or put one on when told they are still mandatory!

I did not wear one in WA state in for my blood draw or annual medical check up- they only handed one to me & I just walked to my seat. However, the Mamography clinic told me I HAD to wear one to be seen!

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Those are old signs from 2021 when the CDC made the hideous recommendation that assumed you were safe if you got jabbed. A few months later the CDC, after seeing that Vaxxed people were still getting Stupid 19 backpedaled and St Anthony (the Science) suggested everyone start wearing 2 or even 3 masks. To this day people still believe that they are protecting themselves and others by doing so. The great irony - at first the only people taking them off were those of us who werenโ€™t jabbed and you can bet that everyone still wearing them is completely up to date on their boosters. But donโ€™t ever try to suggest to a mask lover that what theyโ€™re doing is useless and even dangerous. More than anything else they take it personally. They trust the science and nobodyโ€™s going to convince them otherwise.

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And all these mask-wearing-lovers are probably the ones spreading this fungal respiratory infection that we've been hearing about . It is so unhealthy to keep wearing a mask. Most folk don't take proper care of their masks or keep wearing the same paper mask over and over again. YUCK.

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Paper ones have tiny particles that one breathes into the lungs; I think Iโ€™ve used that type all of 2 times for very short spell.

Besides they are made in China!

Masks are ridiculous; depriving wearer of needed oxygen & loading them w/ overdoses of carbon dioxide.

Maybe their brains are damaged now & thatโ€™s why they donโ€™t โ€œget it.โ€

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I even sent the recent Cochran mask study to a mask loving friend hoping THIS would finally wake her up. She said thatโ€™s one persons opinion ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿฅณ They are beyond hope.

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The entire point of Cochrane meta-analysis is that they are LOTS of "opinions" aggregated together! SMH.

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The Cochrane report was an analysis of many studies! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

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That is such BS. Also because they are the ones who are more sick and spread more! Grrr!

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Best Buy had this kind of discriminatory sign at their doors for a while. It's the reason I'll never shop there again.

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Best Buy finally just closed their store where I live. I'm a hands-on (eyeballs-on) person. They NEVER had anything "in stock". You could order it online and be delivered to the store. ๐Ÿ‘ŽI wanted to SEE what I was purchasing before putting out a couple of thousand bucks! ๐Ÿ˜ซ

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It's a fig leaf to assuage the sheep's irrational fear.

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I have refused to wear a mask since the very beginning putting it on my chin so that the natives wouldnโ€™t freak out until May, 2021 when I took it off altogether. (If you recall the original orders were for Vaxxed only, but nobody ever asked me). Iโ€™ve avoided medical settings until recently - my wifeโ€™s dad was in the hospital recently so when I checked in for visitation I simply handed back the cheap paper face nappy they offered saying Iโ€™m allergic to them because they make me look stupid.

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LOL! I am so using this response when I go in for my mammogram on Friday.

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I learned the art of lying about the age of 5. Just ask me how much I weigh and you'll see I can still pull it off with a straight face. :)

(This is also why I ask for God's forgiveness every day.)

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Get rid of all your fear...365 times we are told to not fear...the Bible tells me so!

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Great to read this - especially since you are in front of your child. I have been spending a lot of time (unfortunately) in the doc office and in the hospital (getting tests, so in and out). In the hospital round 1 every single person in the place except me was masked. Next time there was me and another person. Now there are a few. Each time they ask me to fill out a care evaluation form I talk about how the CDC even says masks are not useful and how I feel they are an effective wall between patient and caregiver in that they reduce human to human compassion and communication. Hope they figure it out. It's only been... years. I also have started asking workers to change their mask before treating me. They are dirty and bacteria spreaders when they exhale.

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Good for you Raptor! That is so beautiful and respectful but honest!!!

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This is great, love your approach!

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Thatโ€™s awesome, Andrea! ๐Ÿ’ช

If I am forced to wear one in medical facilities, I wear it very sloppily, so they get the point, that this thing is useless and I could care less.

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Same here when I "have to"! They know. We know. We all know we all know and yet the craziness continues.

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I tried that in Lake Nona VA in Fl, was with my husband getting his hearing aids checked. Had mask below my nose so I could breathe and darn if the nurse came in exam room told me I had to pull it up. I let her know that the masks were useless at this point but I capitulated due to husband needed to get through this appointment for his hearing aids. Also while waiting in waiting area 2 elderly gentleman wanted to get their Covid boosters :(

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The VA does not flinch on face diapering. Wear it or else. They know their audience is captive.

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The VA even put out a news release indicating that masking requirements would be relaxed.

They lied.


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Get something beaded, like this. Completely breathable. No one will question you because you'll fit right in with the mask freaks who wear them as fashion statements.๐Ÿ™„ The only time I've worn a mask was when forced to recieve urgent medical care.

Sparkly Rhinestone Mesh Mask for Women


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I have something similar, without the beads, but I do like this look for when I have to muzzle up. :)) Thanks!

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Last time I accompanied someone to her medical visit I had a candy cane in my mouth. When I was told to put on a mask I said, "I'm eating". Blank stare. No response. From now on I'm taking candy canes with me everywhere.

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Reminds me of the older video of the guy on the plane who ate during the entire flight to avoid having to mask up:) Clever of you!

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I love it. Back when I was only semi-bold, I used this strategy with lollipops.

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Oh I love that, brilliant! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ

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Thatโ€™s awesome. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Andrea - that's awesome. Good for you for standing up!

I recently went to Quest labs for blood draw. I went in barefaced (as I always do), and the phlebotomist (who had her mask down below her chin) asked me if I had mask. No.

She didn't pursue it, but boy she really nailed me badly with the needle! I had the WORST bruise on my arm for 2 weeks! Coincidence? Her way of "punishing" me for not having a mask?

I'll never know...but I made sure to file a complain with Quest.

Ironically, upon leaving the lab. About half the folks in the waiting room didn't have masks either. And this is in crazy Commiefornia.

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Interesting! I've often wondered something similar in regards to having scalp stitches removed- I wasn't masked, but the Medical Assistant that "removed" them was masked, she was NOT friendly to me at all, and she left three stitches in! ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿค”

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Mask are useless. Itโ€™s an indirect way of the government to try to shut us up. It did the opposite for me, it pissed me off more as it should everyone else.

Masks did not shut us up, they made Jeff and the C&C group find our voices. We need to speak LOUDER & PROUDER than the uprising of the gender-bending community.

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When you think about it, we are breathing the same air all day and night. To be effective, if that was even possible, you would need to wear that stupid mask every minute of every day for the rest of your life. This is the silliness of the whole thing.

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Every time I see a masked maniac, I'm automatically repulsed by this horror show. It is a crime against humanity. These people have gone out of their minds, and the doctors that go along with this are all accomplices to this crime!!!!

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I feel like this too, I saw a few people post mask pics theyโ€™d taken while on a plane going on spring break and I was astonished and repulsed that people I had a certain amount of respect for up till now could be that stupid. Shaking my head.

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I went pretty much the whole pandemic without wearing a mask. I had tried to wear one at the outset of the pandemic. It lasted for about one minute :-) It was too difficult to breathe so I yanked it off my face.

However, I wouldnโ€™t go into places where a mask was required. I never tried to force myself into places that required masks. Glad to see youโ€™re developing strength! Itโ€™s not always easy to take that first step.

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I recently had to mask at a hospital to visit my BIL. As soon as I got into his room, I took off the mask and not one nurse said a word.

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I had to chime in on this "mask" thread. Long story short, in Sept. my 81 year old husband fell and broke his collarbone due to internal bleeding. We had to go to the ER. While they were doing all the preliminary stuff and getting him settled they tested and it was negative. About an hour or 2 later supposedly another test said positive. Everyone in the place masked up within seconds and segregated the room but no one ever told me to mask up. It had scam written all over it. He did pass away from all the various health complications and I told the doctor "Don't you dare put down his cause of death as covid." He never mentioned covid on the death cert.

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Debra - my heart goes out to you for your loss. Prayers for you.

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Debra- so sorry! Prayers for you!

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Iโ€™m so sorry Debra ๐Ÿ˜ž So heartbreaking ๐Ÿ˜ข But good for you even in your grief that you were able to see through their scam and insist on no Covid for the death certificate!

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Andrea, good for you!! I never wore a mask the entire time, sometimes the only one in a building. If given one, I would say no thank you or put it in my purse. As hard as it is, when you know you are on the right side of an issue, you will live so much better with yourself and start standing up for other things, even when it's tough.....which it always is. Remind yourself that you are the kind of person you want in the world, and those types will also start coming your way. It feels good to be awake.

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Anybody else seeing the events between China and Russia building to form fulfillment of biblical end time prophesyโ€ฆ. While the USA who is not mentioned in those end time scenario's, continues to slosh through the garbage that is men becoming women, men having babies, giving the alphabet minority foreign policy protections, grooming kids, hiding crimes against humanity, continuous loop of election theft, and on and on the garbage piles?

It almost looks like the world is continuing onward to fulfilling biblical prophesy while America is stuck in a drainage ditch with no where to go. ๐Ÿค”

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Spot on. The last few years, the US has become completely unrecognizable to me. I'm thankful being a TX resident but I know it's probably all temporary.

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Definitely! We love watching Cornerstone Church and there is an upcoming talk next week about this very thing. Pastor John talks about the things going on in this world and end time prophecy all the time. Below is the copied email if anyone is interested.

โ€œIt seems that every time we turn around, we are faced with unsettling news. News of war, sickness, and corruption. We are watching Scripture unfold right before our eyes. Could you have ever imagined that we would be living in a time with so much global chaos? And yet, the Bible warned us this very thing would happen.

Join Pastor John Hagee for a special virtual, โ€œFrom Here to Eternity.โ€ Pastor Hagee reminds us that as we contemplate the future, we will discover that prophecy produces peace and hope in the heart of every believer. How can we focus on hope or live in a state of peace when all around us chaos reigns? Find out this answer and so much more on Tuesday, March 28th at 8pm CST on jhm.org/watch, Youtube.com/HageeMinistries, Facebook.com/HageeMinistries or on the Hagee Ministries app available on ROKU, Amazon Fire and Apple TV.

It is easy to get swept away by human emotion but rememberโ€ฆwe serve a General who has never lost a battle. And while we are battling so many things right now, we must arm ourselves with the knowledge found in Godโ€™s Word that we might show ourselves approved. Invite your friends and family to join us for this virtual event and learn from Bible Prophecy.

We are closer than you think to hearing the trumpet sound.โ€

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So very true. We must remember that God is Sovereign and is in absolute control. We must continue to trust in him till the end.

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

I remember Main Street in the 1950's. I was a child. There was a trolly that went up down Main

Street. The steel rails are still there to this day, buried under layers of asphalt. Stores were all local family owned. The supermarket groceries were chains, and there was a Fuzzy Wuzzy Woolworths and Sears. The rest local. The Fourth of July was very patriotic and plenty of fireworks. We felt free, only we did not know how deep into the Deep State NWO crap we already were as the Woke World Crap really had not begun to get into the states and local level until the LBJ loser presidency.

Last night I went to a band concert at a HS auditorium in Roanoke, Virginia. The band looked kind of sloppy in their appearance. The program was a 'melting pot' portrayal of music by ethnicity and I heard the word 'diversity' several times. At the beginning they played the national anthem. At the end ... America the Beautiful and Stars and Stripes. These left me sorely empty. Because I knew it was a pretense. It was really pretending we were America the Beautiful. The brutal fact is that we are now a terror state, and also a terror empire. It hurts. It hurts the more because I love the idea of America as it once was. And I still believe in Patria. Because I know that the land which does not love home, however conceived, is a barren expanse.

Today's C & C. Yes, country after country is walking away from Insanity USA, EU ... and all rest of it. We in the collective West are now isolated. We are stupid looking and sounding, and a collection of failed states. The silver lining is that Insanity always fails ... because just that. It's in the end just too Insane to bear. And in a last gasp, finally disassembles itself.

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wow, I can really feel this...my view of the world prior to 2020 was aligned with your main street 1950's description. I know it no longer looks like that obviously, but I very much believed in the American dream. All of the fallout from Covid shattered that worldview and my view of my fellow Americans as generally good people. As hard as it's been for me to come to terms with the fact that everything is different than I thought it was - and my future is not going to play out as I expected it to - I am still growing increasingly frustrated with Americans who steadfastly refuse to let go of that viewpoint and wake up. Because for those people who believe the shots are safe, covid was a virus from the wet market and our gov't wants the best for us, I just have no more patience.

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If there were no God, I do believe I would be quite desolate. And also, I am now very old and that makes a difference in that there is not too much 'they' anymore can do to me. And that makes it far easier to not ever, ever give in to their perfidy.

Interestingly, and having penetrated through the veil of the 911 fraud, I already knew that there was no longer anything left of the American Dream. And I knew as early as 2006 that there would be, absent any 911 criminal prosecutions, another disaster looming ahead. But there was no way I could foresee the immensity of the next disaster being engineered and to be perpetrated on a planetary scale. All those videos of streets devoid of humanity still haunt me ... and to think that the Cretins could achieve ruin to such startling effect? Well then! Our mirror of self-image was brutally shattered. And the clatter of the debris field? Somethings one never gets out of one's mind. And I can understand well, empathize with the anguish. As to patience? Maybe not with the Evil Ones. But with ourselves? Our new patience is our ability to endure.

There are still lots of questions to be answered. For one, it appears that a lot of the leaders of other non-West countries were taken in covid and still to a large degree are incognizant to the deeper agendas hidden at nano-level within the venomous jabs. And what will the dying West do with an abundance of bioweapons on hand and a myriad of delivery systems? And will a self-suiciding dying West in a final pathological temper fit attempt to drag the rest of the world into its own self-engineered grave, the one of its own insolent making? Such times the world have never before seen. And who would have believed it?

Hope does, however, spring eternal.

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I like your perspective! I do envy you the ability not to worry so much though. I think if it were just me, Iโ€™d be fine. Iโ€™m just over 40 and these days with young people falling over left and right this already feels like a long life. Itโ€™s my young kids that Iโ€™m stressed over. If I can think of a way to keep them safe, Iโ€™ll better be able to relax. We have joined a church and now attend every week, so thatโ€™s one positive from this!

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Mar 23, 2023ยทedited Mar 23, 2023

Hi! Understand ... with the kids. And hard to let go of even when they become adults. For me, it was so hard to understand that it was 'not all on me'. And being a women, you probably understand that men like to be Mr. Fix It in charge. But nonetheless, the old saying is, "Man proposes, God's disposes."

The book that help me most was the Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol. 1 -- R. J. Rushdoony. It focuses on the Ten Commandments, but it's really much more. It's really a good way of knowing what Christianity was before Christian orthodoxy got trashed in this country by the churches (nearly all save a very few).

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Mar 23, 2023ยทedited Mar 23, 2023

OMG, you've read Rushdoony? You're the first one I've run across who has. Learned sooooooo much from him and those he worked with. He use to publish a monthly Christian Reconstruction journal that went for I don't know how many years. I bought all the back issues used and the new ones and read them all. If only I could retain everything I read.

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Thank you! This is very helpful :-)

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Mar 23, 2023ยทedited Mar 23, 2023

Jen, I think of those like you so often! We were fiercely protective of ours, knowing the assaults we were up against in the 90s & 2000s. But itโ€™s a hundred-fold now. I highly recommend, if youโ€™re not doing so already, that they do not attend public school. Find a group of homeschool moms & dads. No tv. Very limited movies at home & screen those scrupulously. Know and trust their friendโ€™s parents. My own standard is a church that doesnโ€™t use a worship team (few & far between), because itโ€™s a good measure of seriousness and how far theyโ€™re capitulated/conformed to the world. Avoid megachurches. As a family, read the bible every day & pray together โ€” about everything! A homeschool group will have other great resources for you. Eschew the public library! Read Great books!! (Veritas book catalogue & Charlotte Mason to start) Even with older children, read great books aloud as a family. Teach them what you know. Have fun as a family! Raise animals. Teach truth and love and wisdom! Pray, pray! Pray!!!

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Mar 24, 2023ยทedited Mar 24, 2023

Thank you!!! This is so helpful! All of these are great tips. We have found a wonderful home church. I agree with you about the mega churches...they are so far off messaging...somewhere between pandering and outright ill intent themselves. We used to go to a very large one in Atlanta and the day he said we need to tithe 10% of our gross income to him or stop taking up space in his church (while simultaneously joking about going to black tie events with the Obamas) was the day I left and never came back. We have a lovely small church now, though, thankfully! And the kids are loving it. I just finished reading Mama Bear Apologetics. Have you heard of it? It's a great read for all of us interested in keeping our little cubs on track and in tune with God and not swayed by these worldly influences. They tied so many things together for me that we see in society that are really all designed to tear apart the American family and lead to communism...seemingly innocuous things you wouldn't even think about. And I loved how the focus of the book was teaching our little cubs to think critically for themselves so that when they're faced with these things without us, they know how to handle them. Oh, and on the schools - definitely on my agenda to look into Christian Classical Schools that they are close to opening here in Charleston. Our public school system is getting more and more radical. We flipped the board and now it's just a constant screaming match between the 4 liberals and 5 conservatives and because they're much more loud, they often shout down our side. It's a bit frustrating, so I am very much continuing to look at options like Classical Christian and even including homeschool.

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My wayward millennials were led astray by a โ€œChristianโ€ College into the social โ€œgospelโ€ & on to worldly wokeness. I listen to them but speak back Christโ€™s truth, for now, & I know itโ€™s rejected, but weโ€™ve a good & mutually respectful relationship. I pray that He will restore their faith โ€” and the eyes to see and the mind to think...

My hope lies in this: He promises to complete the work He begins in us โ€” he began in them.

My hope patiently awaits the plan of our Sovereign God.

There is so much scripture hidden inside these daughters, memorized over the years and also learned via the great hymns & Psalms of the faith โ€”Watts, Toplady, Wesley, Newton, Handel & more โ€” hidden in their hearts, waiting to burst forth again. In His time.

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โ€œ Our new patience is our ability to endure...Hope does, however, spring eternal.โ€ Amen.

Trust, love God. Love your neighbor, speak truth. Fear not.

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Maybe one George Orwell?

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Orwell's real name was Eric Arthur Blair and was born in India in 1903. He died a age 46 in 1950. And that's already 73 years ago. And for sure, a lot has happened since then. Even so, Orwell probably would have believed it. But the scale and scope of it? The absolute god-like reach from above and below? I wonder?

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Didn't know that. Died the year I was born. Yeah, the global scope of it.... Well, actually, from what I understand, it's just the Western world from Aus to EU sans Africa, India, Russia and China. Is that right?

Still, the scope of it informs us that this goes waaay beyond our political leaders. And the fact that the word-for-word narrative is literally parroted on the same day all through the west. If I wasn't a post millennial, I would be expecting the "Rapture" any day now...lol. I am inclined to believe attorney Todd Challender's contention that the NWO and genocide is a child of the Rothschild family, the Vatican and the British Crown using the Bank for International Settlements to finance the whole thing and literally buy the whole world through unlimited money printing. Actually makes sense to me when you step back dispassionately and connect the dots. Under girding these three organizations is the fact that they are all heavily involved in Satanism. It's hard for a normal person to comprehend that Satanism can be their motivational force but there it is. I never wanted to look at it before but I believe it now. I have only taken a glance at it. I'm afraid that if I looked too long I would be like Pippin looking into the Palantiri...lol.

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Interesting to me are all the people, who are not DS at their coreโ€ฆnot on the payroll, and yet they spew the talking points of the DS that have been ingrained in them. Those are the people eroding America. The DS pushes the agenda and gives every opportunity for it to thrive on our soil, yes. Behind their curtain is Americas destruction.

Itโ€™s the people who are rolling with the agenda that baffles me. Itโ€™s the people that are helping to disassemble the country. The DS canโ€™t do it alone. They need the population to push their agenda. Politically correct was so damaging to the people. And in turn is eroding the America you remember. Itโ€™s so sad.

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Madness is delusion. And delusion is various. We are baffled only because through some device or another, we have managed somehow to elude the worst of snares laid out for us. And seeing shafts of a true light of day, we are incredulous that such Evil of unimaginable scale could possibly be afoot.

But still, it is quite baffling. And although some of the curtain has been pulled aside, there is still much that remains hidden from us as to all of this Evil plotting decades in the making. I cannot entirely make sense out of it. And most likely, we still face even larger storms.

I am grateful to have lived in better times. And somehow, people will go on as they always have done before in the face of great travails.

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At 72, I like to mentally use Lord of the Rings, which I read as a teenager, to frame some perspective.

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My own thoughts, beautifully said.

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Right? I find this baffling. Why are they so invested in the narrative? Is it because they're utterly terrified of the alternative? It's much safer just to be nasty to people who dare question it, and in your head you pretend all is well? I agree with you these are the folks eroding America. It's important to remember, they're probably also dangerous...they're very susceptible to mind control. If you think of the Milgrim experiments, I mean it was shocking that 70% of people continued to shock the patient to the point of death just because the authority figure told them to do it. Now after watching their horrible behavior during covid for the last 3 years, it's not shocking at all.

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Jen, Thereโ€™s much I want to say by way of encouragement. And your perception is sound. The Milgram experiment is a picture of what weโ€™ve witnessed, all right.

I think the mentality received from peers, the news, the govt, etc. have them thinking WE are the brainwashed (and great unwashed ๐Ÿ˜‚) dementos. We are the science, the fact deniers. The epitome and most egregious is seldom mentioned in the list of fake news. It is NPR and PBS. They are by far the worst purveyors of false info & influential opinions out there. Take a look at their news, & tune in next time you have a moment. It should become clear how such evil can sound right and intelligent and good to so many influential people. Itโ€™s ubiquitous in urban centers & much trusted...

I pray that God will protect your family and grant you wisdom, strength and peace.

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Remember when Political Correctness became a thing? That was the beginning of the end. I was pretty happy with life but PC woke me up because I knew what it meant.

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Well said, daverkb.

In your words, I feel your frustration - and I feel the same . They have taken a great country - not perfect, but GREAT - and royally eff 'd it up. Not accidentally, and THAT'S the worst part - but intentionally.

Let's hope you're right, and insanity fails. โœŒ

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I like to keep reminding people that in spite of all the different Gov'ts and all the revolutions the French have gone through, the French are still French. The same will be true for Americans. Long after this current Gov't has ceased to exist, Americans will still be here and we'll still be American. Count on it. The Gov't is not America. The people are.

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Wow, you really said it all. Apparently, you and I are about the same age.

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Hi Phil! Yup! Turned 74 yesterday! Being such of age, and indeed, we has some pretty good times what with bikes and baseball, baseball cards and marbles ... and just plain going wherever we dang well pleased. And nary a sole overly worrying over us.

We did have some good times!

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Hahaha... Yes indeed. Good times. The 50's and 60's were the best, minus the never-ending wars the Gov't is always getting into. But domestically, the best times. Parents never worried about the children because perverts weren't tolerated...by anyone. (A very intolerant and beautiful society.) My mom didn't expect to see me until dinner time. LOL

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Mar 23, 2023ยทedited Mar 23, 2023

Hail fellow geezers! 1950 here...Itโ€™s valuable to know how things were! Tell it! More of our childhood. And how you could see a doctor of your choosing when & how you chose, for example (and the Hippocratic oath was taken seriously) โ€” and the cost was reasonable; you just paid. How honor was a thing.

(Full disclosure hereโ€”Dick was my beloved husband; at home with the Lord almost ten years now and so greatly missed. I was saved & married lateโ€”had 2 girls at 39 &41, hence their youth (as mentioned in the above post.

Well, a geezer nevertheless!)

Happy Birthday Dave!

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Housecalls !

Remember those relics of the past?

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Mar 23, 2023ยทedited Mar 23, 2023

Off in the morning on the bike with the baseball bat and glove and/or the fishing pole - and back for dinner ........... and no one worrying over where we were at.

Now? Afraid to let a kid outta sight. Dif times indeed.

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Happy Birthday to ya!

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I just made a similar comment down yonder! Exactly! There are so many non-stories that take the place of reality and people fall for it. Drainage ditch of the world, you nailed it.

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I just read the article you sent me about how there is a bill in Israel now to jail anyone who discusses the Gospel in Israel. Two years of you talk to a minor! Things are heating up!

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Wow. being a Christian is quickly going to become unpopular and will weed out the true.

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Wow, I hadnโ€™t heard that.

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If you read the Bible you will learn that Israel will accept Christ and come to him with repentance and mourning in the end. For whatever reason it is Godโ€™s chosen favorite place on Earth. The apostle Paulโ€™s words expressing the yearning for the conversion of Israel are heartbreaking.

And right now the Catholic Church canโ€™t even convert itself, much less Israel.

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Yes, every single Israelite!

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deletedMar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023
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Are you Catholic?

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Catholicism is NOT the โ€˜religiounโ€™ that Yeshua instituted. The Catholic Church, just like ALL denominations are Corprations.......money, money, money, money.......and the are corrupt corporations at that......possibly the CC being the MOST corrupt in the world. Do some research

Yeshua came to LIVE OUT the Word. He is the โ€œWord made fleshโ€. One of the things he absolutely hated was โ€˜religiousโ€™ people. He taught us how we ought to live.

Bowing to idols is idolatry. And idols are worshipped in Catholicism. Prayed to.

And God has blessed every President who has stood WITH Israel.

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OMGosh..I am Eastern Orthodox. I am so sick of hearing the Protestant (not Anglican or Lutheran) narrative of misinformation about my Catholic brethren, as we are very similar. It is offensive and uncharitable and unChristian. Lord have mercy!

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deletedMar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023
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Most Holy Mother of God, pray unto God for us! โค๏ธ


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John Iโ€™m sorry but Israel is jewish. Who will soon believe Jesus is their savior

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The word catholic means universal. Catholicism teaches Father, Son, Holy Spirit which is the Trinity. All congregations that believe and teach this, One Triune God, are all Christian denominations which means Christ followers. Catholicism is a denomination of the church not THE church. The believers are the church. Islam is one of the religious denominations that does not teach Christ and is not a part of the church. No denominations are less or more in the eyes of Christ.

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That's a very accurate summary of how I see things, yes. The only real question for me is will we race to end times before they succeed in getting us into our planned digital cages? That's been my worry lately with all this digital currency talk.

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I am not going down without resistance. I am putting my faith in The Lord. Screw everything else.

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Padre Pio; Pray, hope and donโ€™t worry.

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We are already in โ€˜end timesโ€™

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I never cease to be surprised that people in this community had the good sense to question the government narrative about the coof and the "vaccines" (and often pat themselves on the back for having such good judgment), yet somehow seem to swallow the government propaganda that "Russia and China bad" and the biggest danger to the world. If they lied to about the coof, what else might they have lied to you about?

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I havenโ€™t swallowed any propaganda about Russia and China bad. Iโ€™m just stating a fact. I donโ€™t believe anything this govt says.

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You have been given no reason to. Just sayin'.

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Dr Mike Yeadon has not been far off the mark since his first warning 2 1/2 years ago that "Your government is lying to you". This is a link to his most recent warning this week.


We are clearly being herded into Phase 2. The latest report from the UN/IPCC that the "zero carbon" agenda needs to be moved up by 10 years is the next stage of the plan - travel restrictions; end of gas/oil (I refuse to call them fossil fuels as they are not); ratcheting up of climate fear porn; climate-driven "viruses" etc etc.

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And the Russians and Saudis are definitely anti alphabet people especially trannies. So our formal foreign policy is not going to encourage any rapprochement.

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America is the laughing stock of most of the world right now.

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Yes, we are definitely in the last days and it is amazing to see this all prophesized by the Holy Bible. According to a study of the Book of Revelation that I am just completing, the United States isn't in the end times scenario because we are one of the first countries wiped out (the western hemisphere will be the first to go, all to culminate in the final battle for Jerusalem!

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I read that too, some time ago. I think it was Joel Rosenberg....

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This sounds really interestingโ€ฆIโ€™m going to have to incorporate this into my studies. It sounds like a great study youโ€™re doing

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Agree ๐Ÿ’ฏ Sunnydaze! The US is sinking morally, economically and culturally so quickly that itโ€™s hard for me to believe. My eyes are fixed on above, waiting to hear that trumpet sound and the sight of Jesus waiting in the clouds. My hope is in God and His perfect plan.

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Not all traditions believe in the rapture, but we all believe that

'He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead'. (Nicene Creed, 325AD)

I think hard times will be upon us and/or our progeny.

The rapture sounds good though. I am not denominationally prejudiced. May it be so!

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Sewer. We are in the sewer awash headed downstream into the abyss. But alas humanity was always headed that way. If we could only keep from swallowing it...MASKING!!

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....exactly what I see happening....end time prophesy being fulfilled. I do not feel as though America is stuck in a drainage ditch...all eyes should be looking upward..๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ The Time is Near! Keep your eyes focused on Jesus!

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Amen ๐Ÿ™

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But at least this country will go down looking OMG fabulous!

Smh. :(

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I'll just refer you to a little book, "The Great Tribulation" by David Chilton. If nothing else, it will make you think.

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Exactly Sunny!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Just here to say before reading todayโ€™s post that I KNEW it would be titled โ€œFUNGUS AMONG USโ€!!! I thought about it last night.

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Not, โ€œHumungous Fungus Among Usโ€?

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Same :)

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At our house, 'fungus among us' is immediately followed by 'malaria in the area'

But according to this blog, that can now be 'Marburg in the area'

not quite so poetic, but that's life

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Your kids must play the online game Among Us? Mine does.

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that saying comes from generations back in my hubs family

glad it is getting play in the gaming universe

cultural literacy

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That move by GSU to thwart covid truther Steve Kirsch reminds me of this 'MIT Tech Review' hit piece on Steve Kirsch. It's an outrageous load of fake science and low-blow personal attacks.


You can see the author did zero research as he blindly accepts that all the hcq/ivm trials were failures (mentions some 'FDA citings'). The personal attacks are endless: "He's exhausting to talk with, brash and interruptive" "a good snake oil salesman" "thinks his wealth makes him an authority" "Kirsch, relies on heartstrings to smooth over a lack of data." etc. You'll never see someone like Fauci described this way.

The author includes: "As a health care journalist, I started off firmly in the wait-and-see camp on mRNA vaccines. Thanks to the volumes of data and information provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators, as well as large numbers of trials from independently funded research groups around the world, I now trust that theyโ€™re safe for the vast majority of adults.

I also think it makes a lot of sense to look for pre-existing drugs that can help treat covid symptoms. Over the next few years, millions of unvaccinated people are going to get covid; itโ€™s vital to try to mitigate their suffering, as well as lessen pressure on the health care system."


LOL never addresses that more vaxed people are hospitalized for covid than unvaxed people. Never cites VAERS or the 35K vax deaths. Just shoots the messenger. This is what normies are reading these days.

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They think it will ingratiate them to the powers that be.

But remember the guy who told Stalin about the plot by his inner circle to assassinate him? Stalin promptly executed the guy.

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and they called Stalin ....... "Uncle Joe". LOL


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Yup. Happens every time.

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Tptb hate toadies.

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โ€œThanks to the volumes of data and information provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators, โ€œ

๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ™„ What a tool. Idiot.

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Yep, no conflict getting safety data from the company that stands to make billions from their product. Or the regulators who are being paid billions by said company.

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Either he a liar - or what you said.

ZERO other options exist.

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Donโ€™t you love the fact that this compassionate person wants to โ€œmitigate the sufferingโ€ of the unvaxed? ๐Ÿ™„ Yeah, suffering fools like him.

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โ€œHealth care journalistโ€ ๐Ÿ™„ Says it all.

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Wow what a sleazeball (the writer in MIT review, not you!) I will give the man credit, however; as with any skilled deceiver, his arguments is a half-truth. For example, it's true that the mRNA jabs are safe for the vast majority -- presumably by the metric that virutally no one dies immediately after taking one. No need to inquire about longt-erm deaths or adverse effects. In fact, is there even any reputable data on such? Funny it's so hard to come by, considering the jabs were a rushed job that disregarded virtually all traditional safety steps, and yet have been given out in billions of doses. Also apaprently unmentioned is that the mRNA jab is singularly ineffective in its stated purpose (preventing disease or transmission) even by the relatively poor standards of other vaccines. The guy writes as a hired gun for pharma. It's dismaying what garbage most media emit these days.

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I saw that article, and I admit, it shook my faith in Steve a little :/

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Steve will offer $1,000,000 to anyone who will openly debate him and is able to prove that his faith has been diminshed. ๐Ÿ˜

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Or that drugs already exist to treat "COVID"

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Just when I think youโ€™re going to run out of tragicomical ways to capture the rapidly accumulating diedsuddenlies, you come up with โ€œdivided by zero.โ€

Jeff, have you had a chance to watch Tess Lawrieโ€™s savagely poignant performance of my poem?

โ€ข โ€œMistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)โ€ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

The response has been breathtaking and even caught the attention of InfoWars:

โ€œA powerful poem chronicling the last three years of tyrannical COVID measures and vaccine mandates is going viral.โ€ (https://www.infowars.com/posts/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-for-justice/)

โ€œMistakes Were NOT Madeโ€ has been trending on Twitter for three days in a row thanks to many prominent figures tweeting (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a/comment/13753764) and retweeting it.

We are tipping the balance toward justice by spreading the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made and presenting it in a way that is even accessible to normies.

This was masterfully filmed by Mark Lawrie, the director of my number-one red-pilling video:

โ€ข โ€œA Letter to Dr Andrew Hillโ€ (https://rumble.com/vwfia3-a-letter-to-andrew-hill-dr-tess-lawrie-oracle-films.html)

Tess and I would be immensely grateful if you and the C&C Army could take up the baton and keep this trending for a fourth day in a row. If people just want to retweet, they can use my original tweet or any of my subsequent ones where โ€œMistakes Were NOT Madeโ€ is mentioned:

โ€ข https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1636362867531472901

It is also available on YouTube and other platforms for embedding and sharing:

โ€ข https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUXNL-A3Zg

โ€ข https://rumble.com/v2dnlle-mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-for-justice-by-margaret-anna-alice-read-by.html

โ€ข https://odysee.com/@MargaretAnnaAlice:e/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-for:0

โ€ข https://www.bitchute.com/video/nwZvDNcEwEgm/

People have already started translating my poem into other languages and providing subtitled videos. In addition to my usual translators (e.g., the Finnish version is here: https://rakkausplaneetta.net/virheita-ei-tehty-hymni-oikeudenmukaisuudesta/), volunteer translators from the World Council for Health are working on translations into 30 languages.

The astonishingly viral response shows that people are thirsting for truth, accountability, and justice, and this is the video that has the potential to spark a Grand Awakening around the world.

Please help us spread this to as many people on the planet as possible ๐Ÿ™

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I admit to laughing uproariously at โ€œdivided by zero.โ€, but then, to myself, qualifying that I wasnโ€™t laughing at the dead person, just the words used to describe. Gotta make myself feel good about myself.....even if Iโ€™m not a โ„๏ธ.

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Yes I laughed at that too but couldnโ€™t help but feel bad after even though I was also NOT laughing at the person who died, itโ€™s horrible and tragic but this is a case of if you donโ€™t laugh, youโ€™ll never stop crying. Dark humor has its place.

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I shared it on more than one platform on social media. Excellent; thank you.

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Thank you, Fla Mom! We are grateful for the sharing. The momentum is truly amazing, and we are trying to keep it going until the message is unignorable.

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MAA - "Mistakes Were NOT Made" is an awesome work - thank you!

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Thank you MAA! Heartbreakingly wonderful and I have shared it with everyone I know and asked them to share! Will be watching for more from you!

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Thank you so much, Bgagnon, and we're looking forward to completing the next chapter of this project!

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This is a God given Masterpiece worthy of praise and spreading.

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The above is To Margaret Anna Alice

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Actually as I wrote a post about back in the dark ages it is less than zero, lol.

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Standing O for your eloquent words!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป God is smiling!

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Love the poem transcript and the embedded YouTube video here by New World Odor.


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Thank you, Sydney! Yes, New World Odor did me a great service by embedding the video, which has already reached nearly 422K views! He wants to get it to a million (https://twitter.com/hugh_mankind/status/1638623896617230339) ๐Ÿ˜

Here is the original, hyperlinked text as I published it on New Year's Day:

โ€ข โ€œMistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justiceโ€ (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

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Margaret Anna, this is exquisite. As statement, it will stand memorable for all time. I salute you!

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

@Jeff - If I've understood correctly, there are bills going through many (all?) state legislatures that are framed as standard UCC updates but in fact ban Bitoin and pave the way for a CBDC.

In Tennessee it's SB479 but the equivalent is being proposed in other states (I believe it was passed in Montana but vetoed in S Dakota).

Any thoughts (or lawyers you would trust who could take a look)? We can all start making calls to our state legislators but I want to be sure of what I'm looking at before urging action.

Edited to add this link to the conversation (and I'll link it below as well). It's from pro-bitcoin policy folks who are very pro financial freedom - about as much as it's possible to be! - and actually like the UCC bills ๐Ÿ˜œ: https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/in-attempt-to-stop-cbdcs-states-are-rejecting-ostensibly-pro-bitcoin-legislation

Food for thought.....

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Kristi Noem just vetoed such a bill in South Dakota. I have not always been happy with her, but she's very strong on this issue, as well as food security and all the issues with China. She was on Tucker a few weeks ago talking about her veto.

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I have the same thoughts about our governor Natalie. I havenโ€™t always been happy with her but God forbid the alternatives we could be stuck with.

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Here you go. https://open.substack.com/pub/tomrenz/p/the-tyrants-are-passing-state-laws?r=1try77&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

This is terrifying and we need to figure out how to stop it. Per Ed Dowd the plan is get rid of all backs but the big 4/6 and then it is much easier to institute CBDC. Havenโ€™t slept much lately!

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Good post - this IS terrifying, and their plan IS in motion, and it is the thought of many that we'll see more banks falling - in similar fashion but likely without the 'bailout' - and as you suggest, will then be much easier for the couple of banks, alongside the government to control the transition to CBDC - ED Dowd explains this quite well in several videos - here he is with Kim Iverson, a few days ago:


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Thank you! Peter St Onge is pretty clear about this overall strategy as well but I wanted more info on the state bills. I'll go to the link.

Folks, state legislators seem to be much more responsive than fed ones. It's worth digging around to find if/when this is on the books for your state and getting on the phone.

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From Renz's Substack, here's the link to see what the bill number is in each state. As usual, the UCC language ("better laws, stronger states") is very misleading and many state senators and reps might vote for it on that alone.


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Their language is always misleading ๐Ÿ˜• Bunch of snakes.

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This would be a great topic to direct the C&C army at state legislatures. Even Texas has one of these bills in work.

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I believe Missouri does too--at least as far as defining what "money" is to thwart a digital currency takeover.

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Yes, Missouri does have a bill in committee that would legalize only CBDC as our state currency! Dangerous!!

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I believe South Dakota vetoed the bill with this sneaky wording in it. I'm hoping Nebraska will too. Tom Renz has a short video about this. Sorry I'm most likely spelling his name wrong

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Itโ€™s definitely good to be aware of these bills so we can take action!

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

yes! we just need to understand it enough before contacting legislators.

The list of states that I saw were all red states

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I added this to the original post: pro-bitcoin policy folks who are very pro financial freedom - about as much as it's possible to be! - and actually like the UCC bills ๐Ÿ˜œ: https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/in-attempt-to-stop-cbdcs-states-are-rejecting-ostensibly-pro-bitcoin-legislation

Food for thought.....

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Agree, we need to educate people on the dangers of CBDC. Last night, Ted Cruz tweeted about a bill he is introducing to stop itโ€™s introduction at the Fed level and all the replies were just typical partisan bashing of Cruz personally or saying he was against Bitcoin. Goes to show how clueless people are - which will just make it easier to successfully intro CBDC.

I jumped in with this reply. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ


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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

It's maddening to read those replies. People can't tell the difference between CBDC and Bitcoin even though they're polar opposites and many idiots will start to embrace CBDC just because Cruz is coming out against it.

C &C friends who haven't yet looked into it: Bitcoin is decentralized money. No CEO to blackmail, no board to corrupt, no headquarters to shut down, no marketing agency to bribe. There are btc-based companies who advertise, but the protocol itself is permissionless and censorship-resistant. You should do your research: it's not private unless you follow privacy practices, and it's not yours unless you hold it yourself in your own wallet. (Don't buy it on Coinbase and leave it there! If you leave it on an exchange, you have the promise of Bitcoin rather than Bitcoin itself.) The best part about getting even just a bit of it ($100 worth, for instance) is that you'll find yourself entering a wonderful rabbit hole and contributing to a world in which the state doesn't have a monopoly on our money (and therefore on our transactions). We're fast heading toward a situation in which the Fed govt has a monopoly on violence, money and information, and Bitcoin offers a nice ray of hope.

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I thought that botcoin was not a physical/material currency.

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Correct - it's a digital currency. Just not a centralized one - no one's in charge of it, but anyone can run a program (a "node") to validate the transactions. So it's actually highly regulated, but by bitcoin holders or anyone who wants to validate the blockchain (not by governments or banks!).

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I wish I could remember exactly, but Dr. davidmartin had said there was an executive order that actually JFK signed that made it legal for the government to seize anything over a wire and that would mean bitcoin. As well as an executive order Biden signed, but I donโ€™t know which one.

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Interesting - thanks! Bitcoin can't really be seized once it's in your own possession unless by individual threat of force (as in "give me your secret code because there's a gun to your head"), and you can even avoid/delay that with something called multi-sig storage. Not that I put violence and threats past the IRS! but once you have bitcoin in self-custody, no one else has access to it so it can't be seized in an account or in transit the way most currency can.

But I'll keep an eye out for this. It's depressing how much power the state has has been slowly gathering over decades (and how we've gotten used to it and rarely question its authority).

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Itโ€™s almost hilariously ironic that these democrats and leftists are on the side of big banking as well as big Pharma now ๐Ÿ™„ Theyโ€™re ridiculously easy to manipulate ๐Ÿ™„ and donโ€™t have any real principles, clearly.

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As a (former) life-long Democrat, I have found this staggering. It's now a pro-corporation, pro-bank, pro-war party. Those are all the things that made me suspicious of the GOP in earlier years. Now I'm just suspicious of politicians, period, and I'm dismayed at how gullible people have been. I think most folks - whatever their political leanings - do have principles, but the propaganda is well done, and those who listen to it think that they're following their principles โ˜น๏ธ

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 23, 2023

I agree, good comment. And tte propaganda is indeed well done, but people are also very good at convincing themselves they are adhering to their principles when something else is actually going onโ€”it is benefiting them in some way or they are just afraid of not following the crowd and being marginalized because of it.

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yeah... sigh :(

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Ron DeSantis also mentioned working on an anti-CBDC recently.

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Tom renz had a list and some talking points on his substack .. Iโ€™ll see if I can find it

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I added this to the original post: pro-bitcoin policy folks who are very pro financial freedom - about as much as it's possible to be! - and actually like the UCC bills ๐Ÿ˜œ: https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/in-attempt-to-stop-cbdcs-states-are-rejecting-ostensibly-pro-bitcoin-legislation

Food for thought.....

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Noem vetoed it in SD. I believe it has to be adopted by every state to go into effect. I'm sure there'll be an unconstitutional workaround any time now.

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DeSantis held a press conference, No to Big Brother's Digital Dollar https://news.yahoo.com/florida-gov-ron-desantis-wants-155336839.html I'm trying to figure out what to do with my inheritance, which is in CA, so soon they'll make me stand like St. Sebastian, with syringes shot like arrows at me by rainbow clad glaze eyed public health zombies, to get it out, and sign in blood that I will salute the CCP, and behave like a good little social credit slave, so I was thinking a Florida bank or credit union, but then I wondered what about banks that have branches in all states, what happens to CBDC then? CBDC is worse because under the Mothership being called down by Jennifer Pritzger, who wants to be probed no doubt, the WHO and IFR are about to take our bodily autonomy and connect that to digital IDs and CBDCs.

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Richard Dawkins speaking against trans wackos... very encouraging. Along with J. K. Rowling, who they're fighting desperately to cancel. For some reason the trans juggernaut is the most sacrosanct sword to destroy society. If you recall, Alex Jones was finally cancelled for speaking out against the trans shows for school kids.

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One of my favourite Dawkins quotes:

[G]enes are going to be predicting that sweet taste in the mouth, and orgasm, are going to be 'good' in the sense that eating sugar and copulating are likely to be beneficial to gene survival. The possibilities of saccharine and masturbation are not anticipated...

-- The Selfish Gene, p. 57 ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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deletedMar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023
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You have to correct Catholicism first. Check the new wording the imposter โ€˜Popeโ€™ Francis added to the catechism in regards to the death penalty. Pope JP II seriously weakened use of the death penalty and the impostor has attempted to abolish it altogether. No, a Catholic nation would not give them the death penalty. What brand of Catholic are you? Iโ€™m not recognizing the Catholic Church I know in your comments. The one I know is seriously ill and should not be advising anyone.

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The Vatican is a den of Communists and Free Masons and sick perverts. A true den of vipers in utter contempt of God. I envy you the opportunity you have in Texas. And I pray for the day when the True Catholic Church will rise from the ashes to be the True Bride of Christ and take its rightful role in the world.

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Please add following to topics for Covid Litigation Conference.

Lawyers need to know that mRNA technology โ€“ of all kinds, not just covid shots -- has serious, fundamental flaws in light of existing medical science, established by Nobel-Prize-winning studies and captured in medical textbooks for decades. This is explained very simply, in the short lectures by Dr Bhakdi MD, refโ€™d below. Attorneys need to take the few tens of minutes needed to understand this science because it will enable them to sue any MD, pushing mRNA shots, for malpractice/incompetence, using existing irrefutable evidence.

References =====================

===== Short Lectures by Dr Bhakdi MD:

* โ€œAll mRNA Vaccines will cause harmโ€ ( https://rumble.com/v21ppz6-all-mrna-vaccines-will-cause-harm-prof.-dr.-bhakdi.html ) (~13-mins for basics)

* CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ ) (~28-mins, but has much more on Bhakdiโ€™s background/credentials and spike protein pathology in vivo).

===== Summary of Dr Bhakdi MD Lectures (by a non-MD)

* Antibodies, made by body in response to mRNA message in these jabs, never get to airway surfaces where they must be to prevent respiratory infection. (so, covid shots could never have prevented infection in the first place)

* The mRNA in these jabs, cause the cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which automatically finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by โ€œcomplementโ€ (killer system #2 of human immune system, which is triggered by antibodies). (so all mRNA shots are dangerous)

___* Blood vessels are damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (that expose surrounding organs to damage, with damaged heart/brain cells not being replaced)

___* Sudden death, and most other mRNA shot injuries, can be explained as the result of the mechanisms noted by Dr Bhakdi

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I told family that other shots may have mrna in it. Don't take anything the doctors recommend is the only safe course.

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No more vaccines of any kind for me and my family.

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I saw a new GP and she tried to sell me tetanus, shingles, and I got a chance to address the covid shots. She did not want to hear it. I said: No Confidence in the treatment, the producers, or the regulators.

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My doc keeps trying to push the shingles vaccine on me, even though I already have had shingles. No thank you. I have my yearly physical this afternoon, which should be interesting.

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Excellent suggestion, John.

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The โ€œPublic Health Deep Stateโ€ needs to be obliterated.

Anyone interested in the lengths our own government goes to deceive and kill us:

WARNING - may cause one to be even more infuriated than one already is.


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Also a good case is made that OK City bombing was a forerunner of 9/11 with similar tech for bringing the building down, plus too many other "coincidences".

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Yes. And more:

Everything Thing is a Rich Manโ€™s Trick


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"State Department Spokesman John Kirby โ€” obviously engaged in some kind of public self-humiliation ritual โ€” explained yesterday that the alphabet sex rights are now a โ€œcore part of our foreign policy.โ€"

Right. Just ask the Taliban.

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NATO continues to be less and less relevant as they go down the Woke path.

I don't think the West will win another significant military venture even again.

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Wonder how muslim citizens feel about this ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿค”

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I think the Biden administration, indeed all the Democrats, ARE the fungus.

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Take a look at the map in the video. The fungus was found in the deep blue states of Illinois, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey in 2016. It then spread via the migratory routes of those fleeing the consequences of poor political ideology to infect less expensive, more freedom loving states. Things that make you say, "hmmm."

Cue David Attenborough voiceover, "drug-resistant fungi of this type require immune-compromised hosts to transport them to new environments. Here we see how this non-native invasive species rides with the species politicus leftus as it migrates to more resource rich and lower tax lands. In this way two contagions propagate: drug-resistant fungi and destructive political ideologies."

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Illinois is only blue mostly because of Chicago. Shove it into the lake and the color would change. I live in a bright red illinois area. Dems get NO traction here.

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Yes, but you still live under the big fat thumb of Prickster all over the rest of the state. No escaping the blue politics or the taxes. We escaped 2 years ago from my home state and havenโ€™t looked back.

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Mar 22, 2023ยทedited Mar 22, 2023

Pritzker's big, fat tentacles are plenty far-reaching these days - he is a HUGE supporter of much of this transgender woke nonsense whose stench permeates far and wide. I'm sure Admiral Levine is an admirer, and 'it' has much to say on the subject:


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Yup. Heโ€™s gross in so many ways. Heโ€™s got to go. Trans is a mental illness. Itโ€™s clear as me as my on the spectrum grandkid goes through a transition. Should NEVER have been allowed. I despair.

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Can only imagine the 'gut-wrenching' that you are feeling. Such an odd thing, and they want to see it (EXPECT to see it!) normalized?

What IS normal is for a kid to grow up with some occasional 'angst' over friends and friendships, puberty, and romance ........... but this? I dunno.

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Levine is what happens when you let a man out of the kitchen and off of the Quaker Oats label.

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Except St. Louis, Peoria, Springfield, and Urbana/Chinese. Colleges and churches all the same.

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"chubby DA Alvin Bragg"

Chubby = morbidly obese land whale with its own moons orbiting it.

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Love โค๏ธ it!

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On the subject of Trans - ive yet to see ANY of these identity politics appointees in the Biden administration , or any other position, produce anything of signifcant value....i seriously believe the sexual deivancy is a form of mental defect, that wanders over into other sections of the brain and causes mayhem and poor decisions (Re: Sam the luggage thief) . The guy mentioned in the article is right, its the very tip of the tail wagging the dog. In my own rigid, ex-mil instructor point of view, no one should hold any position in our government that affects us all, thats party to any relationship outside the traditional and biologically correct relationship of Man-woman. Sick of the pandering to this group of deviants while our world burns down around us.

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Yes, if your mental illness causes you to question reality, you should not be in any political/government leadership!

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Not that long ago, ANY present or past history of needing psych drugs, to include for ADHD, or for that matter, being homosexual, was automatic bar to enlistment in the miltiary. My how times have changed.

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Interesting fact about fungi. It won't grow in high sulfur soil. Thus the cure for skin infection is adding sulfur to a skin cream. Pfuck pharma and their lies

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That's true. When I was stationed overseas many of us got tinea versicolor on our skin. We were told to put Selsum Blue on the affected areas, keep it on about 5 minutes, and then rinse it off. The original Selsum Blue has Selenium Sulfide in it.

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When I was in elementary school and junior high, my friends and I used to use a self-made combo of sulfur powder (purchased at the feed store) and Vaseline on certain skin lesions on our horses. I never knew why, lol, it was just 'the done thing,' and it worked.

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they often use DMSO on horses wounds, which is sulfur and i use MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) for many things both internal and external

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I'll have to look this up for more details on how to mix up something. That sounds worth trying.

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Oh โ€ฆ so itโ€™s ANOTHER opportunistic infection of the IMMUNOCOMPROMISED. "

As an engineer, decades of experience teach you to anticipate unexpected adverse outcomes. And always have the next product to fix that opportunity in the pipeline or buy a company that can fix it. Good to see our pharma mafia is running like a top notch bioengineering business!

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Re: fungus stories making the rounds.

For fun this weekend, watch or rewatch Contagion, World War Z, Outbreak, etc..

Weโ€™ve been primed for this stuff for so long and we didnโ€™t even know it. Now we do.

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The Last of of US....on netflix recently...a woke mini series about a zombifying civilizational ending fungus

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This is why we donโ€™t watch any new shows or movies. They all seem to be full of propaganda.

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Yes, they are called a โ€œmessage pictureโ€ and instill certain ideals into our subconscious. Can you guess what those โ€œidealsโ€ could be?

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Latest press release from the CDC:


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