Come and hear, all who fear God,

And I will recount what He has done for my soul.

— Psalm 66:16 LSB

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Thanks Janice

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OK, on fungus... I am no doctor and am not giving advice. Not because the FDA says I can't give advice, but because I can only relate what I have tried. Some of this is TMI, so skip if you are eating.

I have had problems with intestinal yeast overgrowth for years. I did not take care of it correctly and it made its way into my body as a systemic infection. I had rashes, itchy patches, felt like I had the flu, and was so tired. It was very debilitating. I don't do doctors and would not use a chemical antifungal, so rather, I started playing with natural remedies. I have found sugar, simple carbs, and junk foods made my symptoms worse. More of an alkaline diet has helped a great deal, and I've included things like apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Garlic is the bomb, though. That stuff really works for me. It obviously stinks, but I feel better so I don't care.

A lot of herbs and essential oils are anti fungal. Black walnut, goldenseal, garlic, cinnamon and turmeric to name a few herbs. Now on essential oils, I don't get into any of the foo foo stuff. These are strong extracts that are extremely chemically potent. (Everything has a chemical makeup, even if natural.) My favorite blend, which I make and apply to the bottoms of my feet, contains clove, cinnamon bark, lemon, eucalyptus and rosemary. Thyme and Oregano are also claimed to be powerful anti fungal and anti viral, and I have found this to be true for me.

Oh, and garlic powder in my socks - just the cheap stuff - got rid of my only ever case of athlete's foot in about 24 hours. It never came back. Garlic is just amazing stuff.

Between diet, herbs and essential oils, I have had luck dealing with fungal problems. Obviously they were not as serious as what is killing these people, but I have to wonder if anything natural might at least help them? I mean, if I was dying, I'd try anything!

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Your favorite blend wouldn't happen to be Thieves, would it? It's my go-to too!

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It is! Although I tend to add oregano and white thyme in small quantities, and then had to add lavender because it smells sort of like pizza otherwise :)

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Then you’d have hungry people gathering around you wondering where the pizza smell was coming from 😂

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😂😂😂 !!

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And since you like solitude that would be even worse 😆😂

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You know it!!! 😆😆😆

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Everyone should have Four Thieves, essential oil in their stockpile. Also goes by the name of Immunity Boost by Revive essential oil company.

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I buy my oils, organic herbs and tea from Mountain Rose. I blend my own concoctions. Yes thieves is amazing. Also frankincense!

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Also known as Good Samaritan oil.

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Where do people buy essential oils? This four thieves? I deal with osteoarthritis in my hands really bad. Getting very painful and swollen knuckles. My daughter deals with skin yeast outbreaks. Been trying many things (natural) for us both and nothing works. This thread is informative but now I’m overwhelmed. 😆 Not sure where to start. Wondering if Four Thieves would be a good place???

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

You should look into taking Boron. My wife has arthritis in her knuckles, and it will swell up and become painful. She takes 6mg (3mg morning / 3mg evening) of Boron a day and the swelling and pain are gone. Someone (can't recall his name) in Australia found that boron resolved his Arthritis. His was crippling which is why he went on the search for something that worked. He found that Boron resolved his arthritis, wrote a book, and started selling Boron supplements in Australia. They went after and shut him down and banned Boron. Some other countries banned it too, but you can buy it in the US. It has worked wonders for my wife. I add it to my smoothies. It also makes your bones and teeth stronger. Researchers found countries with the highest Boron content in the soil has significantly less issues with arthritis, bone breaks, and teeth. It's something you make want to look into. I forgot to mention that farmers used to replenish the soil with Boron before planting crops. They stop amending the soil with Boron years ago. It makes you wonder why.

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I just read some about Boron. Thanks for the information. I’m curious if you know what reasons they gave for banning it other countries? Anything that helps people outside of big pHarma they ban so I’m not surprised. Just curious their excuse. I will be looking into this.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

I finally found a couple of articles. They are making it more difficult to find information these days. Here are a couple of links below that discuss Boron. The first one lays out what happened in Australia and Boron. IMO, they banned it because it worked. Imagine being able to take care of bone issues and not having to see doctors or rely on toxic prescriptions. Poor food and diet led to illnesses and disease. There is no money to be made with Boron. Also, Boron will attack fungus in the body and kill it. This would have been something I would have taken to even fight the fungal infection discussed in this article. I also noticed someone else mentioned it in the comments below. I would have also started nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide. And I would also use MMS/CDS if needed. I hope this helps.



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People buy essential oils from different vendors. Some like Young Living or Doterra, but I find the company ‘Revive’ just fine and it’s less expensive. Here’s a link to some suggested brands: https://www.essentialoilhaven.com/best-essential-oil-brands/

As to Osteoarthritis, when you research the oils on the company’s website they mention which oils/blends are helpful for certain illnesses/conditions.

I have used the oils during times of the flu and they help me breathe better, reduce coughs etc. Four Thieves boost the immune system; frankincense and myrrh seem to be help arthritis.


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Thank you!! I will look into all this. Much appreciated.

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Love me some Thieves!!

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I use Thieves on my dryer balls. I must confess, I’m addicted to the scent, especially on our bedsheets. It’s also the only thing that removes any sour smell from clothing. We work hard and sweat a lot 😁

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I buy mine from https://bassfarms.com/products/triple-b-hydrating-cream%E2%84%A2

Great family owned business.

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Oooo, I like your remedies! I just started back on apple cider vinegar every morning in my water. I am leaning more toward taking charge of my own health. 😃

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My mother, back around 1960, read a book by a 'country doctor from Vermont', Dr. Jarvis, who touted apple cider vinegar and honey--she got my father to drink a glass of the stuff daily (which, surprisingly, he was willing to do); she only drank the vinegar, because, calories, you know.

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A Dr. friend told me his mother got off statins by taking apple cider vinegar daily. Just a shot.

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ACV is good for many things. I’ve used a couple of drops and distilled water as an eyewash.

It stops heartburn. You will never get kidney stones or gallbladder stones if you just put a spoon of ACV in every glass of water or liquid that you drink because it stops the minerals from crystallizing into stones.

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I found that book in a thrift store. I absolutely loved it. Still use ACV every day too.

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I would strongly advise you stop leaning and just do it if you want to be healthy. It's not just about living longer, it's about living better.

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Same also if I get indigestion

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Be sure to rinse your mouth out well with just water afterwards. Vinegar can be really abrasive to tooth enamel.

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I try natural first, always. food is medicine

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Which is why my waistline is expanding…

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100% food is medicine. I rarely eat out. Homemade all the way.

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I agree with everything you have written. For my chronic yeast problem I relied upon oil of oregano. It would keep me better until I again ate too many carbs which for the average American would not have been a lot of carbs. What has finally improved and maybe at this point a cure level for me has been many months of kefir. Lots of it. And even better I know get it from a raw dairy farmer with grass fed cows. I suspect a trial of chlorine dioxide would also clear up a fungal problem.

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Since July of '21, I've been buying and drinking a gallon per week of raw, Jersey, grass pastured milk. A farmer in Lancaster Cty (PA) has delivery program, so weekly I go to my local Lowes' parking lot to get it.

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We used to always get our milk from a farmer friend until it became an illegal activity!


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Here in bassackwards NC raw milk illegal. Grrr...

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Buy it for your ‘pets’ to consume.

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Perfect! We can outthink them any day of the week. Noncompliance/compliance.

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The raw milk I buy is labeled something like Food for Calves. In FL.

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I’m in FL and the law is the same here, I believe because I knew this is how people get around it here.

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What a great idea! Mama always said there's more than one way to skin a cat. Thanks!

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It’s so stupid.

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In the communist block of New Jersey, it is illegal to sell raw milk. Fortunately we can skip right across the bridge and buy it from the Amish. $5 for the bridge, $5 to park, and $8 a gallon. Still worth it. That white stuff in the grocery store shouldn’t be allowed to be labeled milk”.

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I’ve been trying to get a cow share locally, but no luck. Thinking about just getting a cow…

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Maybe I should clarify. A cow share is where the consumer buys in to “own” the actual cow. That way, it’s your property (by the quart or gallon) so you can skirt the establishment. I’m a n Michigan so that’s how we do it around here.

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Me too! After a colitis scare, I researched how to easily make my own kombucha and fermented veggies for gut health but I don't like kefir even though it is so good for you, plus I can only get it at the grocery. CD/MMS is so healing but it has issues with fungus/yeast. In the pdf book, they recommended using it with DMSO.

Here is my source for MMS/CD and the pdf book. I have posted it here a few times but it may reach someone new.

Free pdf book...


How to get it and a trusted source.


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Kefir 🙌🏻💯

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I had a recurring UTI and read that probiotics along with cranberry and lots of water might help. I had already gone the cranberry and lots of water route but once I started drinking kefir the UTI cleared up pretty quickly. So many amazing ways to cure our bodies without big pharma drugs!

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Yep! So true…

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

FW, I believe this is much more common than we know. Most doctors can’t recognize or diagnose it anyway, so you saved yourself frustration and expense there. You’re right about garlic, it’s good for so many things. I’ve heard it called ‘nature’s antibiotic’. My method is to finely dice a couple of cloves, put some on a spoon, then take a big drink and swallow without chewing, drinking it down incrementally, with a full 8-10 ounces of water. That gets it inside and helps avoid some of the smell. A side note here…do NOT buy cheap, imported from China garlic…organic, grown in the US.only. Most grocery store garlic comes from China.

The other great item for your arsenal, is Oregano oil. I take it in capsule form, Gaia Labs is a good brand. It’s an extremely hot and nasty tasting oil to get down, so capsules help. Epoch Times health had a recent article which also said that it’s a very powerful anti viral.

Thanks for sharing your success story, that’s one of the reasons I love this group!

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Garlic is really really easy to grow, and takes up very little space. I store it in mesh bags (onion or potato bags) in my attic where it stays dry, so doesn't mold. It didn't like being in my cellar cold room.

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Thank you for sharing the warning about garlic from China. Here’s an article explaining why: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/chinese-garlic-is-a-threat-to-us-national-security-and-a-severe-public-health-concern-senator-says/ar-AA1lhBzb

How many people know that garlic from China is grown in human sewage.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Thanks for sharing this, although the article ends by saying that human sewage is no worse than any other fertilizer. Which is probably just a caveat to get the article printed, much like anti-vax articles that end by saying it’s still safe and effective. Right.

I’m saying ‘no thanks’ to any food products that comes from China, garlic and tilapia are the two that come to mind. Read up on how they raise tilapia which is much the same as garlic, and then realize that it’s one of the main restaurant sources of fish in the US. Sickening.

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Same with tilapia. 🤢

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Great — now I know why tilapia is so cheap! ☹️ Of course, there’s no source indicated on the label. One more economical meal to give up.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Btw I love the taste of oregano - I put a dropper full in about 3 tbsp water, and so do my kids. It smells like pizza!

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For this reason also avoid garlic from Argentina--it is mostly actually from China.

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Yeast infections will cause high blood pressure, bloat, persistent sniffles, and so much more.

I find our local co-op has really good oregano oil.

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Good job! Methylene blue is also a possibility.

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Just finished my breakfast that included my methylene blue drink. 😋

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What is in your methylene blue drink? I'd love to hear about it.

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I use a vitamin c packet and 4 drops of MB. The vitamin c helps absorption and reduces any transfer to my teeth.

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My doctor and I discussed Methylene blue in the past but I have a history of angioedema. 😞 I hear it’s got so many benefits!

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Is it contraindicated? I’ll have to look in the literature and educate myself.

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Also I saw a post on dr. Mercola you need to be careful with dosage like anything you can over do it

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Exactly. Lower is better.

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According to my functional doctor, it is contraindicated in those with a history of angioedema. Let me know if you find out otherwise. I would love to try it.

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I’m using it the past week. 4 drops in morning coffee to start. A rash seems to be getting better. Requires careful handling as it’s an intense blue that stains anything.

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I put my glass in the sink when I add drops ; I’ve learned the hard way. When I make my own solution, I do it outside.

I put some in my face moisturizer. I experiment carefully. It is easily absorbed through the skin however no one wants to be a smurf.

4 drops is very conservative. But not a bad way to go. Always, use your own judgement.

: )

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I know nothing about that at all, so I will check it out! Thanks!

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Here is a link to Dr Yoho’s post. He does a nice job. He references Mercola’s extensive article and a regular smart guy with common sense, Mark Sloan. I bought his book and lend it out routinely.

I have been taking MB for over 3 years.

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Dr Linda, would you mind sharing what dosage you have been taking?

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I take 20-40 drops twice a day. Honestly, I pay attention to how much I pee out. I hate to waste anything. Many times I am under the recommended amount for my weight.

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Thank you so much! I’m completely unfamiliar with this product. I will research.

I’m the same re ‘wasting’ supplements, lol. Feel lucky re I’ve got it right when I’m not seeing it pissed away, so to speak 😉.

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Any recommendations for a reliable, clean source?

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Thank you! :)

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Right on. I used to put garlic and cinnamon oil on my the underside of his feet and put socks on,when he was sick. The soles of feet are thin and get into blood stream faster. my husband's foot problem was cured by foot soaks in water and apple cider vinegar. You rock!!!!

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My Vietnamese pedicurist recommended I soak my feet in white vinegar once or twice a day for 20 minutes to stop a toenail fungus. It cured the problem! He said you can reuse the same vinegar daily, "so you aren't wasting money."

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I love this gentleman. Two things stood out. 1. Use white vinegar. 2. Use the same vinegar each day, to save money.

It was gone in three weeks.

"We Vietnamese are used to toenail fungus.... and, we know how to treat it!"

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When I was young, I never had issues with my heels cracking even though I’ve spent a good portion of my life in public locker rooms, but as I got older, they started cracking until I began moisturizing with raw, organic coconut oil. Now, I use Buddha Butter, which also has coconut oil. No cracking. Buddha Butter is not cheap compared to coconut oil. Coconut oil has anti-fungal properties.

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Maggie think of me: Is it straight vinegar? And white vinegar comes as distilled. Is that what you are talking about? Or is there a white vinegar that isn’t distilled I should look for? I’m going to try this on my daughter’s toe fungus. I just wanna do it right. Thanks!

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White distilled vinegar! Works great!

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Inexpensive and effective!

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And baking soda.

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Hahaha I left out the word son....when he was young he got sick more than the rest of family.

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Thank you and thanks for sharing that remedy. That's awesome and you rock too!!

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You can easily make your own tinctures like an oregano tincture. Uses only fresh oregano and 80-100 proof alcohol (like vodka) OR apple cider vinegar and ferments for 8 weeks in a dark place, then strain then voila. Plenty of simple videos online. Oregano is but one immune boosting, natural antibiotic.

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We buy Everclear for tinctures and for the raspberry liqueur my husband makes. Here in PA Everclear is limited to 151 proof; in other states (Delaware for instance) it can be higher--190. Also impressive for flaming your Christmas plum pudding.

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Everclear for homemade limoncello too!

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I never would have paid attention to the av! What’s the benefit of higher alcohol volume in making tinctures? Also would love that raspberry liqueur recipe!

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Some herbs' properties are better extracted via high-proof alcohol, others' by water.

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Be aware that a tincture is NOT the same as an essential oil. An essential oil is much more volatile and powerful than a tincture; thus you'll often see advice that essential oils should not be used internally. They are not interchangeable with tinctures. I have a lot of experience with tinctures, not as much with EOs.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 11

Correct. One normally does not ingest “essential oils.” Oils and tinctures very different. Do your research!

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I use EO internally often. Only the best pure organic brands of course, and dose per recommendation. Never a problem. Love my Young Living Oregano and also Digize for tummy troubles. Put in a gel capsule first of course.

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Best advice doctors are supposed to follow is: First do no harm. Going to point of origination does more to prevent illness and disease than any remedy.

The most likely point of origination for fungal infections turning lungs into swiss cheese is masking, not the jab. Studies of masks, different types, different durations going back in time, 2020-2021 showed masks become live and active Petri dishes strapped across one's face. Dangerous pathogens like staph, strep, bacteria and *fungi* grow on the warm, most environment. That's inhaled and re-inhaled over and over. Studies in laboratories all over the world, including one at the University of Florida were released demonstrating the biohazard that masks worn as the general public was/are wearing them.

Those studies became targets of the censorship-industrial complex and were banned on social and mainstream media and/or redacted. Including that U Florida study.

The chef who perished was particularly at risk of harm from masking, beards and masks are the worst, a large Petri dish medium for dangerous fungal colony growth. And the outbreak in hospitals is unsurprising, mandates among staff to wear them. Yes, they were worn in hospitals before 2020, but only for limited interactions with certain patients, and mask safety protocols were strictly followed, adhered to OSHA guidelines on proper donning and doffing of masks, carefully putting them on and taking them off, worn for only short durations and then disposed of, not reused.

If the field of "evidence-based medicine" was an honest practice it would study the relationship of masks to mystery fungus outbreaks to discover correlation and causality. A much more likely suspect from earlier research than the experimental biotech injections. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the injection-caused reduction in immune system functions amplifies the danger in the mask fungi.

Such a study could end masking completely, the proponents claim they're safe, no harm to the wearer, courts uphold the mandates in schools and medical settings declaring the harm to be "de minimus." Studies showing deadly fungus swiss cheese lungs linked to masking would turn those "de minimus" claims into swiss cheese.

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My mom had to go to the ER one evening this week for a possible blood clot (it wasn’t, she’s fine!), and the doctor there was wearing a soggy-looking, baggy, obviously worn-all-day mask. It flopped around loosely on his bearded face when he talked. He seemed like a very nice, handsome man, but my opinion of his competence was severely impacted by his obvious ignorance of the actual science (as opposed to The Science™️) of masking.

It reminded me of the “helpful infographic” that was in the news back in 2020, (probably even on MSNBC) before it was verboten to question the righteousness of the face diaper. It’s still on the CDC website to provide guidance on respirators and facial hair. https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2017/11/02/noshave/.

My husband had a colleague, a PhD chemist, who took a job involving industrial chemical spills. The first time he had to go to the site of a spill, he was required to shave off his full beard on the spot before he could don protective gear and go any further onto the site.

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I'm an engineer who works with hazardous substances. We use real respirators, not those paper toy masks that are more harm than good, and the respirators don't seal if we have any facial hair (except for a very small subset of masks), and we have to be fit tested for our respirators. Plus, we have to under go yearly spirometry (lung function) test, to prove our bodies can actually use the respirators, because if the lungs don't have the power, the back pressure from the mask will cause problems for the user.

This paper mask stuff is maddening.

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I would perform those "negative air respirator masks" when demonstrating them to industrial mfg'ing workers who were exposed to "welding fumes" and "powdered plastics" in plastics mfg.'ing facilities so I am well aware of their NOT being used by people with "compromised" lungs.

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Then you know!!!

Our "leaders" threw away the science, in an effort to look like they were doing something, or just kill gullible and scared people, or both. Nowadays, I guess we can just treat the NIOSH rules like a buffet, "I like this one, so we'll keep it, but this one contradicts MY TRUTH, so throw that one away."

Bunch of murdering clowns.

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No one who infringes on our Constitutional rights is a 'clown'--they are TYRANTS....PERIOD!!

DEATH TO TYRANNY in all its forms!!

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I know you both thought it was an emergency, but I, personally, would've asked for a different doctor, unmasked, or gone to the next ER down the road, or the next one, or the next one, until I found one. These doctors are telling you with their facemasks that they don't know a thing about the human body, the world of microbiology we are perfectly designed to live and thrive in. Or they're telling you that they value their license to practice medicine more than your (or your mom's) life, so they will do what the incompetent/evil overseers say. Including harm their patients and themselves with their obedience. Neither of which bodes well for your (or your mom's) health.

Until they learn that people don't trust them with their lives anymore they'll continue to harm those they imagine they're helping. And, personally, I think they're all murderous bastards of the same lineage as Joseph Mengele and Victor Brack. Same allopathic model of medicine. Nearly 90% of them don't even take the Hippocratic Oath anymore, the "first do no harm" understanding of their practice. Egotistical, selfish, murderous bastards. With tragically few exceptions. Even those who acknowledge the cruelties their field engages in shrug their spineless shoulders and heave their yellow bellies in cowardice.

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Freedom, Fox, I agree with you completely. The medical industry has gone rotten. Avoid them like the plague that they are.

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I just had a total knee replacement yesterday and the only person who was wearing a mask was the OR nurse (until we got to the actual operating theater, then of course everyone was masked except me). I assume that the OR nurse had just come from the operating room, hence the mask.

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Proper, safe masking protocols require changing masks between patients, along with not wearing the same mask for longer than 20-30 minutes, as the moisture from exhale will accumulate and colonies of bacteria and fungi replicate exponentially to dangerous levels in times longer than that.

So if the OR nurse had just come from the operating room she was either transferring her prior patient's biohazard environment to yours and/or harming herself. Both being pre-2020 OSHA safety violations. She was a menace to your health in her mask.

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Mask was pristine! I think she had been setting up the room for my surgery.

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How did it go? I am getting one Tuesday.

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I think it went well. The surgeon was surprised that I could walk before the surgery, (there was no cartilage left in any part of my knee) and I walked out of the hospital on a walker about 2.5 hours after the surgery was over. Of course, all the extra pain blocks they put in have worn off, so today is pretty uncomfortable, but it is not as bad as I was prepared for. I think tomorrow is probably going to be the worst, but I'm looking forward to walking without pain in the long run.

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I feel the same way about doctors wearing masks. They don't know the common sense science, so how can they be trusted with the complicated?

Plus, like you wrote, they follow orders and we already know that is dangerous.

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Remember, the official medical guidance of the nation's leading medical organizations, schools and regulatory boards have declared that birth certificates should reflect the gender of the parent's choosing, a child born with a penis registered as a female if so desired. And advocates for "gender-affirming" genital mutilation of minor children, even over the objections of parents, if the child and a mental health sicko declare they want to be the other sex. AMA, ACP, Pediatrics approved. They also formally declared that natural immunity is a "new age belief system" as they proclaim that failed "vaccines" remain better and more durable protection against severe viral infection and death.

Doctors. They say this today. Individual doctors may not go along with it, but their licensing, accreditation and medical boards do. And in many states will sanction and punish those individual doctors who don't. Most go along with it, even if they know better. Spineless, selfish, cowardly yellow bellies or complicit idiots. Neither worthy of placing your life or the lives of your loved ones in their hands.

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I didn't know parents could choose gender at birth.

What the heck is wrong with the medical boards? They are wicked!

Evil says evil is good and opposite...

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Lovely description!

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In "days of yore" (pre SCAMDEMIC) healthcare workers wore face masks ONLY when in the O.R. and that was to keep the BODILY FLUIDS from the patients on the "table" from splashing all over the medical practitioners' faces! It does ZERO GOOD to keep out a "microscopic virus" or "bug"!! I will NEVER wear a face rag again!! NEVER!!! From time to time, they "may" have also worn them if they were suffering with an "upper respiratory" bug and still wanted to work while "ill".

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Yes and mask wearing is also linked to deaths from the Spanish Flu that was not a flu but a bacteria that most people died from. Mask wearing causes bacteria build up petri dish.

Fauci even wrote a paper about it saying that it was a bacteria.

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The Maskophiles WERE correct in that the guidance was; put it on, don't touch it, do NOT take it off even when driving alone in your car, dispose of it 1-3 times per day likely(?). The issue was--LIE to the public and discredit masking so as to acquire without some weird mask ration law, most or ALL the better quality masks for medical and emergency workers who are truly more disciplined and capable when using them. Then by Not locking down too harshly or onerously by promoting a campaign touting that the mass public should just placebo-kid themselves using any type cloth covering or cheap dust mask and keeping minimal suggested distancing. More harm than good came from this dishonest policy that was propped up with all kind of Fake studies and dishonest expert commentary that started in March 2020. Slow the Spread was somewhat accurate in that the pathogen was going to blast through and run its course anyway Fear-based political marketing demanded that we the public Demand something be done! (This was all ready to go and has been for decades)--spending $$$$, expending energy, crushing the economy and threatening Freedom was all choreographed and just dancing on the deck of the CoVid 19 Titanic and possibly running a bilge pump at 100 gal/min with the entire North Atlantic dumping in at same time; the iceberg won from the moment of impact and so did the Vid.....

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I understand what you're saying was the directives and the rationale for them. But I don't even give masks the credit contained in your statement that they ever provided any sort of protection, even the highest filtration ones some medical emergency workers use. No studies showed any difference in high or low-quality masks on infection rates, rates of spread beyond statistical background noise, margin of error.

And they couldn't have. All scientific studies of masking have never shown any effectiveness at preventing any airborne disease in over one-hundred years of research. Even studies of nurses and doctors in operating rooms masked v unmasked revealed no difference in infection rates of them or patients on an operating table with their insides cut open. Even if spittle sprayed into an open body, no difference in infection rate, with or without masks.

The *only* statistical difference observed, even in open surgery, was if a nurse or doctor was symptomatic, in the infectious stage of their illness. Asymptomatic spread was one of the biggest lies of the pandemic.

The beginnings of masking in medical facilities is based in the placebo effect, psychological. Patients feelings about the safety of the environment they are in while they are vulnerable in a population with other sick people. Visual pacifiers. And, admittedly, it is gross to think that a doctor or nurse could spit into an open body cavity. Psychological pacifier aside, mask don't work to stop the spread of airborne infectious disease. Never has, never will.

Note: The psychological impact of seeing masks in the general public was the primary reason they were chosen as Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPI). A visual cue to remind people that disease was a part of the microbiology of the planet so we would stay apart from each other under the theory that social distancing and isolation would "slow the spread." It didn't. Anywhere on the planet. But epidemiologists trained in behavioral science, the science of manipulating perceptions to modify behaviors, decided we in the public weren't taking their warnings seriously enough because we *suffered* from "optimism bias." To cure us of our idiotic optimism they prescribed the behavioral science Rx of "Fear Amplification." Aka terrorism. They demanded we become walking billboards of terror of an invisible threat all around us, masked faces trigger the amygdala fight, flight, freeze response exactly the same as seeing a snake, numerous pre-2020 studies proved this. So if you didn't wear a mask in public you became a threat because you counteracted the Rx of "fear amplification" by saying with your open face, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself." And authorities, the behavioral scientists couldn't have that. People have been punished for daring to say, "calm down, folks." That's all that masks are for and have ever been for, psychological effect. Absolutely zero medical, natural science efficacy to them with respect to transmission of disease.

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as far as asymptomatic spread; the timing issue comes into my thoughts---people (myself 3 times) would not be aware they were in contact with an obviously symptomatic person, and then whammy--start feeling symptoms themselves...thus postulating and buying into asymptomatic contagion spread narrative which was foisted on us (to go along with all the nonsense regs). This (Phase 1) bioweapon was so easily and rapidly spread like most all cold and flu which was its intended effect. Also ,there is obviously a short period where one developed a mild dry cough (not sure percentage 20%-30%?) during this 12-24 hour span one could be defined and categorized as being infected and likely spreading the disease as one wouldn't likely be self-isolating yet or not convinced it was anything other than an innocuous cold. This obvious predictable progression of the disease tended to have Medical guidance exclaiming; "Told you so!" and pushing the fear factor meter up as then we'd see visions of pneumonia and ventilators and death. The disease did what it did and really didn't throw any real surprises at us did it? Gvts. and Medicine and Pharma acted surprised and jumped at the opportunities presented, exploiting every step of the process while calmer heads did not prevail and indeed were lopped off.

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I've described the studies and natural sciences I've taken the time to dig deeply into, credible sources, especially pre-2020 (when it all became political) to share what I've shared, what I'm informed by from credible sources that public policy officials in the pre-2020 era relied on to set public health policy. Pretty much everything since 2020 is highly suspect and must be stripped of its political agenda to derive anything useful from.

In comparing our anecdotal's, lived experiences, I've not been sick since 2018. Not even sniffles or mild dry cough. I never masked nor took the bioweapon. I've stayed active and engaged with the public. I've even hugged people *after* they told me they had tested positive for infection and were isolating (PCR tests are 90%+ false positives). I went in for the hug intentionally while visiting, saying I didn't care, I wasn't afraid. My wife became ill after she went out with recently-jabbed friends. I cared for her for a week and stayed in close contact with her, not fearing. Though she was worried for me. I didn't care, I wasn't afraid. I've never been sick from it or anything.

I don't believe I'm unique or alone. Many studies of same household infection rates are indeterminate. In many instances there is a higher rate of infection in a household where one has been sick. In many instances there's been no spread in a household where one or more are sick, the others remain well. If you cherry-pick those studies they say what you want them to say, therefore they're indeterminate.

I believe my anecdotal and the indeterminate studies of household infection rates lend credibility to the terrain theory of infectious disease, moreso than the germ theory of infectious disease. I protect my terrain. By healthy habits and mental state; my mind doesn't short-circuit my immune system with stress, worry or fear, all factors known to weaken immune systems. But experts informed by germ theory can't fathom terrain theory, and assert it's quackery. While they get sick repeatedly, imagining they control the natural world of microbiology with their laboratory concoctions. Arrogant fools. Dangerous when given power to impose their theory on others.

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Thus fear produces more infection...? Mentally strong naturally prone courage are good immune defenses and can manifest physically--but laughter is good medicine, having family and friends (positive) relationships and contact are good medicine...this is stated by doctors so it is a recognized blend of pathogenic exposure, and the terrain theory. NO Wonder the all out assault on distancing, isolation, masking, church and restaurant closures, masking, non-visitation and limiting of contact and all the other exploited and leveraging of human emotion and psychology.

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what about washing your hands with soap to the tune of "Stayin Alive" or was it "Don't Worry, Be Happy"? Certainly studies must show this to be of some benefit. What about the active virus-pathogen studies on inorganic surfaces too--alive active and ready to infect for hours--this in and of itself would contradict most if not all masking benefits right?

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Washing hands with soap and water has more demonstrated benefit than any masking protocol. For bacteria and other non-respiratory pathogens. And is good public health policy for that reason.

That said, antibacterial and sterilizing wipes, spritz's are unnecessary precautions, and can even make things worse. Our skin is populated with microbiome, both beneficial and harmful parasites. The beneficial microbiome can break down the harmful organic pathogens our skin is exposed to in a very short time. Within just a few minutes touching something that is organically harmful is usually neutralized, and within fifteen minutes most biohazards are rendered inert.

When sterilizer is used it becomes an indiscriminate killer of all microbiome, good and bad. It takes awhile for new colonies of beneficial microbiome to populate the region, leaving that area unprotected. Our bodies are finely-tuned immune systems, designed and evolved over the ages to protect us from the microbiology of the environment we exist in (thank you God!). When we mess with it we harm ourselves. Simple hand soap is sufficient to meet the threats we face, gentle cleaners don't obliterate our immune systems, our first line of defense microbiome.

Note: This is why those gloves you see service workers use to handle money and food are terrible! They just spread pathogens around without the action of their natural microbiome to degrade them. Most risk from touching a surface that has a potentially hazardous pathogen on it is from face-touching before the microbiome has worked its magic, that under fifteen minute window. An inorganic surface, as you state, has no beneficial microbiome on it to render a pathogen inert.

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Perhaps pressurized individual SCBA, or an OR or ICU positively pressurized with a huge air change turnover HEPA filtered and UV lighted would be the only real impacts on airborne transmission reduction. The best example i witnessed in an outdoor parking lot was an E. European looking man took his mask off to then wetly explosively sneeze into his hand, snorting snot and wiping sneezing 2 or 3 times. Then put his mask back on...now how illustrative of human behavior and discipline that was...and the 6-50 times per day that Each human being on the planet did similar things...slow the spread is not possible in the 2020s among 8 billion souls.

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Slowing the spread isn't possible in reality. Deer, cats, squirrels, wildlife are repositories of the same pathogens we suffer. When a new airborne pathogen enters the environment there's nothing man can do to slow or stop it.

It's been another example of the arrogance of man to imagine we could hold back nature (like climate change). As if one man on a shoreline could hold back an ocean with his body and arms pushing back on the tide. Even one-million men on a shoreline linking arms can't. Nature is going to nature. Only arrogant man believes we are in charge.

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This very week; " El Nino is contributing to the impacts of climate change BUT drastic widespread action MUST be undertaken ASAP if we're to have any hope of minimizing destructive Climate Disruption due primarily to EXCESSIVE human use of Fossil Fuels."

Polluting and despoiling Nature is a blight, but shifting the $$$$ and energy economy to Green sustainable renewable based is a bit Like digging a hole but then realizing you have a dirt mound then saying, "dam there's a pile of dirt i don't want!, i'll dig another hole to put it in...dam there's a pile of dirt i don't want...." Every solution creates a new problem(s). And Nature may just flood, or wind blast, or open the earth beneath the sandbox we're digging in.

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The marketers of the disease response were so opportunistic and cashed in....gvt. contracts and expenditures poured out money; how much was spent on the Rosie-Riveter type marketing for testing, masking, distancing, vaxxing, boosting ? Safe and effective were inconsequential; Disruptive and Profitable were the true base aims.

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I have been on, and am currently on, a yeast free diet. Lots of garlic, onion, turmeric for help with inflammation. No sugar, grains. Has helped me dramatically in the past and I’m a month in to a three month cycle. I was born with a low immune system and infuse a human product of IgG monthly so I stay well. Used to take it weekly. I tried every two months and that seems to be a problem as yeast overgrowth/infection is common when the immune system is low. Natural is always best!

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I have to say, after years of suffering from inflammation and yeast overgrowth issues and spending $1000’s of dollars in remedies and naturopaths, my surprising remedy was eating carnivore. Within 3 to 4 weeks I knew I was going to be cured. Voila….I was and have been great ever since!

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Interesting! My husband was considering this diet. I’ve heard great things about it.

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It's hard to get a handle on the " all meat/ all raw vegetable" opposite recommendations for ideal health, as professional people I respect are in both camps. We have opted for a balance, and it is working for her cancer and my health. That said, the doctor who treats Dr. Robert Malone ( and a friend of ours. That's how we know) put her on a mostly meat diet after she was jab injured and got transverse myelitis. Plus the usual jab injured supplements

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For me and many other people, vegetables cause inflammation and it pains me to say so, because I love vegetables. Eliminating vegetables got rid of my issues. The way our foods are grown and poor soil quality are big contributing factors…so it’s meat for me. I really researched before I started and was well prepared.

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It IS hard. But it sounds like you've found what works for you. Excellent! I shared some thoughts about why "all meat/ all raw vegetable" diets both work...


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Mary, I liked your stack article very much. I also like classical homeopathy.

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Me too - the more meat, the better for me.

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Thank you for sharing, it probably took a lot of your time, but I so appreciate the possibilities and solutions to stay away from the mainstream health. I also just want to say I appreciate the caring people who share here on C&C. I too eat a mainly carnivore diet and my body doesn't like too much fiber and sweets. Blessings to all today, I mean it.

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I’ve also heard great things about the carnivore diet. The perps must know too or else why the attack on meat, particularly beef?

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YEPPIR - the "evil potentates" calling the "shots" right now want to WEAKEN "WE" the people so we are "ripe" for a takeover. Methane gas could be used to heat homes (bottle the farts of farmyard animals-a little humor here to lighten the 'load'--LOL!)_

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Ha, ha, good one - those “methane dispensers”, as old Bruce Cockburn used to sing about.

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Marie: where do you buy your meat? Just curious as to whether it's 'free range' chicken and 'grass fed/yard fed' beef and pork.

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I try to do that as much as possible but it’s not always possible!

I order my beef from a local farmer and buy “free range chicken” as well as eggs from free range.

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I've been considering "buying local" - but I'm retired now and living on just S/S and 2 small pensions--so buying "healthy meat" is really prohibitive. I "may" change my mind when the meat in the supermarket starts "disappearing".

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If you ever get bored of the sexy garlic fragrance, try Borax/boron in decent-sized doses, internal or external.

The government/pHarma axis took boric acid out of the food supply where it was happily, safely killing aflatoxin B1 (deadly black mould) and then demanded everyone call it poison.

It does about fifty other amazing things in the human body that we know of; far from being toxic it is extremely beneficial... basically the opposite of vaccines. That said, garlic is my fav. antibiotic along with oregano oil and I too have zero problem with the smell. Roasted garlic with evoo & salt is the best health food in the world!

A recent post on boron's woeful neglect in the world of vital health: https://ariaveritas.substack.com/p/disease-the-backbone-of-a-healthy

Earthclinic feedback: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax16.html#mc_120196

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Some places even banned Borax since it was good.

It makes a good bath soak along with baking soda and epsom salt and any essential oils you like.

Recall those micro worms under the skin that doctors said it was nothing? They itched and were felt crazy. Well borax and baking soda baths kill them. I forgot what they were called though.

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Morgellons? I've heard that too, it grossed me right out when I first heard of it. I used borax in baths and internally for years but I wrote a post recently on it, it does so much more so I've tripled my dose. Taking it internally is amazing, it's THE arthritis, candida and fibromyalgia cure, helps cure cancer, keeps the brain clear from degenerative diseases like Alzheimers and dementia and even binds with fluoride to be safely removed from the body and brain.

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Morgellons that's it!

Please inform me!!! What kind of Borax do you take internally? How to dose?

Arthritis and candida plagues more than half adults over 40 probably.

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I know, they've really done a number.

I wrote a post a few weeks ago (since reedited for brevity), incl. what to look for in Oz and US etc.; at the end is the original 'Arthritis Cure' document (I first learned from) in PDF. Dosages are detailed in the PDF, so it's a very important PDF to copy to desktop!

The authors (Walter Last's) studies were missing, so I started finding some to accompany his text but it turned in to its own article. His alone is fine, mine is study-based if people need specifics. Cheerio!


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Thanks Aria!

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MERCI BEAUCOUP!! Magnifique!!

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That looks like good stuff.

I got something similar for my husband and he notices a huge difference in how he feels.

Is this the same thing? https://www.healthrangerstore.com/products/concentrated-mineral-drops-8-fl-oz-236ml

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I just ordered some. After reading up on boron.

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Earthclinic looks like an amazing website. Thanks for sharing!

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It's a life-changer. No doctors in 15 years even for two births and a broken wrist. :)

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My mother would make me a "boric acid" eye wash in a little eye wash 'cup' (made out of glass) for me to "wash out" the infection in my eyes (I would get "styes" in my eyes (sounds like a humorous love song--doesn't it!!) and the boric acide wash would clear up my eyes in a day or two! I had NO idea that it was no longer sold.

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I used to get pink eye all the time when I was a kid and my mom drug me to our pedophile doctor. Then as an adult, I learned about boric acid for eye infections, like pink eye, and never looked back. The stuff is amazing!

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"Pedophile" doctor? I hope you're being sarcastic!! Anyway...just researched "boric acid eyewash" and they still mfr. it in a "squeeze bottle" that you drop into your eyes. I like the "homemade" eyewash better and that little, glass eyecup--I wonder if you can still buy them at a pharmacy? Yep--it worked for the "styes in my eye".

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Unfortunately, I am not being sarcastic (I usually am, though!) He was not my primary perpetrator, but his sexual abuse caused me to detest western medicine and everything about it. I never trusted anyone in the medical profession after that. The good news is, and it is good, that it got me into so-called alternative medicine as an adult. That was a great thing. And it most defintely saved my life during the scamdemic. No doubt I would be 6 feet under, dead of the jabs now. But, I probably would have found the natural path on my own without his intervention. He was truly a horrible person and I am going to celebrate the day he leaves this planet - I am certain I am not the only one he abused as he admitted as much. To this day, I trust nothing in "medicine".

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I cannot "like" this comment - I am HEARTSICK for you - I guess you didn't feel you could tell your parents about this abuse? I have several friends who were sexually abused as children by FRIENDS of the FAMILY--I just cannot fathom that "sickness" without some peoples' souls to do that to an INNOCENT CHILD!!

GOD HELP US - we are indeed reprobate and yet JEHOVAH loves us enough to send His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to save us from our reprobate souls!!

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Problem is the other unnecessary junk they put in to products... the number of studies I went through where scientists realise boron works like an incredible, magical substance and then "value-add" something toxic to lessen its effects did my head in.

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HOW HORRIBLE - but not surprising. Guess I'll 'pass' on getting some borax then! Remember the "Old Ranger" on TV and "20 Mule Team Borax" - it was a product added to your laundry detergent to "boost" the cleaning power of the detergent. It was always advertised during the "western series" sponsored by this product and, when the "Old Ranger" died, RONALD REAGAN became the spokesperson for 20 Mule Team Borax!! This is WAY BACK - in the 1960's--when I was a kid and teenager!!

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Thank you, Aria. I definitely planned to try the remedy shown in the Earthclinic video.

Thank you again .

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I just spent an hour this p.m. watching and reading about boron. Totally convinced. Went on-line and bought some liquid boron. Will arrive tomorrow. I have terrible osteoarthritis. My M.D. never said a word about boron. Oh and he wore a mask over this beard for two years. Doctors ain't what they used to be.

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Brilliant. So pleased to hear you're trying it. I'd love to hear how you go!

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This of yours is a good read--thanks for offering it. In last few months I have spent hours reading PubMed pieces on phytomedicine. For decades I've had a medicinal herb garden, but really more for fun than use. In October however, I decided to put these materials to use: tinctures of black walnut, echinacea, absinthium, oil infusion of calendula, dried coltsfoot---the jars occupy a whole 36" x 18" shelf. I made a salve of powdered black walnut husk, beeswax and olive oil for husband's nail fungus, and I have started to use it too. In January I began to question all the plants in my yard, and by gosh, it seems (from research already done) that every last one of them has some attested medicinal effect.

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I have a black walnut tree in the back pasture that drops TONS of walnuts. What all do you do with them/use them for? Like you, I also have been thinking about actually using the plants I have planted and the natural occuring "weeds" that grow on our property.

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Bees wax is great and their propolis is even better for healing/health.

I used to have bees and saved it for tea and tinctures.

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Just learned from a vet’s post about benefits of something like mallow; used to eat the tiny buttons as a kid. References appreciated!

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This is to thank all the C&C Army stalwarts who post such great natural remedies. A couple months back there was a thread about Castor Oil. I started putting it on a small, annoying cyst on my lower lip. It took a while, as I was warned it would, but the cyst is now GONE! I wish I could remember who exactly recommended that, so I could thank them personally. But you know who you are.

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I'm glad it worked! ;) my husband had a golf ball sized cyst on his shoulder we got to clear using it. It has healed very well! It was pretty gross when it ruptured tho. We were not expecting that! Yuck.

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Been there.

Ancient Egypt used wormwood.

First thing before breakfast as a tea.

On Amazon

Removes parasites.

Also eat bentonite clay.

See Dr. Robert Young.

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Have you done any posts on https://www.earthclinic.com/latest_posts.html mentioning these remedies working for you that might help others???

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I have not posted anything on earthclinic yet. I have read some of the site over the years, but that's a great idea to post there. Thanks!

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I have also found that site to be helpful... different things work or don't work for everyone - so its good if you tell people what worked for you...

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Had not heard of it, so thank you.

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You can search the post by ailment or remedy which makes the site very useful... I think the guy running it lives in Thailand...

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Big fan of raw apple cider vinegar

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Wasn't Joe Biden's speech the other night, where he claimed to be in control of his mental facilities, his way of saying he wants to be charged for improper handling of top secret documents?

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When you have to defend your mental acuity because of evidence to the contrary is that not in fact admission?

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Especially when you fail at defending your mental acuity.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

No, That's his way of saying "F*** Y** LOSERS!" He got off again because enough Republicans are in on the conspiracy.

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What is frightening is that his back up is worse.

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yep, "frying pan" and "fire" come to mind....

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That’s why - and it’ll never happen - I proposed a RDeS/DJT ticket. Insurance.

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excellent point!

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Sen Hawley made that exact point to Merritt Garland. Based on the report, Garland needs to either charge Biden for keeping classified documents in his garage and letting everybody have access to them or ‘25th Amendment’ him out of the presidency. One or the other is required.

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I love Sen. Hawley ❤️ Wish we had more like him.

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He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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He is a dull tool left out in the weather to become rusty. He isn't even near the shed. If you scratch off the rust you will see he is made in China.

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It's not him. I truly hope everyone here realizes that. It is actors playing him, and has been all along. They are mocking us again, as they did with their homosexual / transexual spouse president.

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That speaks on the literal side to me--as I have just finished steel wool-ing and whet-stoning 3 pr Felcos (made in Switzerland, not China)--one of which had indeed been lost in the weeds and stayed out past the time when the street lights come on.

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Steel wool is amazing. Also molasses is oddly a good rust remover 🧐

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But he is the brightest bulb in the quiver 🏹 🤠

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Botox Biden said that he is the most qualified person in the United States for the Presidency.

Well ok, we know that he has been in politics for a long time, if that is what he means. He is after all, pretty old.

However his cognitive abilities are sadly not there anymore and anyone and everyone can see that.

I saw a funny thing in the Daily Mail today. His people are thinking that maybe more makeup will make him look younger! He looks fine after all the cosmetic work (botox in the forehead), neck and face lift, hair transplant, fake tan, tooth crowns..and he is slim.

Don't they realize that it isn't his looks, it is his condition???

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I suspect the cocaine they "found" in the WH was his, the only thing that can help him fake it all.

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He is, in fact, the most qualified . . . vessel . . . for a particular purpose.

As long as "Gepetto" keeps praying to the "morning star, son of the dawn," perhaps one day there will be a "real boy" to run the affairs of the entire world.

With an iron fist.

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Sorry, I am not following. 🤔

Who is Gepetto? Who prays to the 'morning star, son of the dawn'?

I hope the real boy to run the affairs of the whole world isn't the AntiChrist. God save us from him.

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I think the reference is to Pinocchio, at least the Disney version.

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In the story, Gepetto "wishes" (prays) to a star. The bright star he prays to is Sirius. In occult circles, this represents Lucifer. The "real boy" is a creation of man that is ensouled.

Walt Disney, 33rd degree freemason at his best.

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If you are united with The Christ, He will save us!

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Angela, I respectfully disagree with you. NOT everyone can see that. The DEMONCRATS surely think he is the best and still capable. Even his VP is supporting him

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Maybe they can give him a fourth chin?

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That was my take too! 🤔

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Also his way of stating; "C'mon North Korea go for it!"

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Don't make him spell it out for us.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by Jeff Childers

Tom Haviland scored interviews with Dr. John Campbell from the UK and Steve Kirsch.

They discussed our embalmer blood clot survey and the the white fibrous clots.

Please share widely!



At the end of the interview, John Campbell gives a shout out to Rogan and Tucker - get Tom on your show! 👏👏👏👏

Happy belated birthday Michelle. I too have a twin sister to share my birthday with. What a blessing from God. 🥰

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Breaking News: Embalmer Richard Hirschman Confirms Rubbery Polymer Clots Grow Outside Of The Body And Were Found In a Deceased Child. Truth, Science And Spirit Ep 7 - Must watch & Share

...Since findings these rubbery clots now in children, we must get the word out there that these clots are nanotechnology self assembly polymers and we know what can help prevent their growth...


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I've been now and then keeping tabs on this story for probably well over a year now. And lots of folks will have a hard time connecting to it because it's Sci-Fi not just squared ... more like to the 32nd power. And it's like being on earth watching Roy Rogers and Hopalong Cassidy and then in the next split second finding yourself somewhere near the Crab Nebula. As to all of this, I am not sure that we all have anything even approaching a complete picture. But we now know new words and phrases such as -- gene editing technology, quantum dots, synthetic biology, self-assembling robots, and so. And whatever is going is hugely greater than just jabs = injury + death.

The notion that the National Socialists won the war ... that their means and methods were just imported and adopted, put to new uses ... maybe no longer just a quaint notion. In faction, I believe I see Dr. Mengele playing with quantum dots in the sandbox just outside my window. He appears to be filled with giddy glee.

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I have done the same and with the same reaction. The revelations have been very difficult to absorb. And I have been a sci-fi fan since middle school. (LOL... Only someone our age could come up with an analogy of Roy Rogers and Hopalong Cassidy.) The question I have not seen discussed ANYWHERE is where did this trans-humanist technology come from. Clearly, this technology has been in existence LONG before Operation Warpspeed. It would be tempting to believe that some "Grey" alien introduced the technology as a means to subjugating the human race. Apparently, there is a cabal inside the DoD that has this technology and planned their "plandemic" as a means of polluting the entire human gene pool with it.

I really want to know who developed this technology. Compared to the scientists who developed the A-bomb to drop on entire Japanese cities, these scientists may be culpable for the extermination of the entire human race. Where the h*** did it come from?

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"The double-helix model of DNA structure was first published in the journal Nature by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953"

"The first recombinant DNA molecule was made by Paul Berg in 1972 by combining DNA from the monkey virus SV40 with the lambda virus. As well as inserting genes, the process can be used to remove, or "knock out", genes. The new DNA can be inserted randomly, or targeted to a specific part of the genome."

The above from Wikipedia. And so 1953 and then recombinant gene splicing by the early 1970's. And then in the 1970's HIV 'suddenly' appears in a population which nobody particularly cared too much about. I can't authoritatively say, but it is something of a time line. And the 1970's was roughly a half century ago ... and plenty of time for the developing of things.

As to transhumanism? Can't say ... but it did not come out of the blue. Probably more DoD, Darpa ... ??? Maybe somebody here knows?

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The concepts are ancient and global; unlocking God's design and then "improving", subverting, perverting, it. The essential constructs of a human being (gene) manipulation and control was always the pinnacle of the quest, not for knowledge or healing so much as for supplanting the Natural design and workings of humanity as a whole and disrupting and re-defining what IS a person. HIV/AIDS was sold to us as a natural leap from monkey to man, globally it devastated millions, orphaned millions, cycled $$$$ into the CDC and Pro-Gay Causes and candidates and transformed education and society more rapidly as a result. Defiance of Nature and Its' God is the driving force but it's presented more casually and calmly as science curiosity, understanding and appreciating Design in Nature, preserving yet enhancing at same time. Gain Of Function and Directed Evolution; Providing Cures and Providing the Cause. They present it is a form of Peace Through Strength so that it could be funded and expanded 1940s-today. This justifies all they do-- a greater good endeavor that simple-minded Dollar Store clientele can't appreciate and so if unleashed upon the over-humanized world, a greater good is also served and no amount of inquiry or assignment of blame can curb this highest form of mission and vision to build the base for the re-creation of humanity.

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My interactions with the public are mostly nil because throughout the year I rarely leave the house and grounds. Today, I went to the Dollar Store and I was appalled. Here found humanity with very little standards in dress, appearance and I am guessing not much between the ears. I am sure that none of whom I saw today would understand a word of what you have just stated here. My wife goes out several times a week for groceries and whatnot and she is of a similar mind as to what she sees.

I was skeptical of the leaping monkey viruses back in the day. Even more so today. However, back in the Seventies, I was entering my third decade and my mind was more preoccupied by girls, among other things. And not so oddly, I give thanks for having at least learned something over the many years.

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Yup, they've been playing god with the genes for a long time. That's bad enough. But this nano-technology, synthetic biology that literally GROWS on its own in the human body and builds out infrastructure like circuits and chips and antenna and illuminating quantum dots that who knows do what that seems to have independent programming and movement... This is nightmare stuff that I haven't seen anywhere. Definitely, DoD Darpa is where I would start. This needs to be rooted out and exposed to the light. We have treason written all over the face of our Fed Gov't now.

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Well put Phil. We have met the Enemy and he is Satan.

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Recall the Georgia Guidestones. Those who rule over us want to kill everyone except for about half a billion. I always wondered how they were going to be able to do that. Even the Covid-19/Vaccine death rates aren't enough, in and of themselves. With this news I now think I can begin to see.

Well, who knows if this is the little grey men taking over the Earth with the help of the World Economic Forum Gang? Wheels within wheels. 'A mystery wrapped in an enigma inside of a riddle'.

If the whole Morgellons are real and sprayed and activated by HAARP and somehow this is all part of the Covid/Vaccine program, well I'd say kiss your ass goodbye because we have met the Devil and He is winning. I'm not sure the Jehovah Himself is up to dealing with this devilry.

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wait til the nano re-assembles itself and cellular structures into a Bodysnatcher type organism over time, replacing its' host body and tissues; " Doctor i'm just Not Myself, who am i and why do i feel so different?"

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In faction?

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Ok , I see now how ‘faction’ works. Great job with reality and fiction or myth.

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Yeah, Dave has a great way with words. Sometimes it's an adventure to read his comments.

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In fact....

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And John Campbell's latest interview with funeral director John O'Looney is once again. revealing and disturbing that such information is being dismissed. Truth WILL prevail.

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Nancy - “Truth will prevail”

It absolutely will.

”Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.“

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭26‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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I know it will. My prayer is from Psalm 27. And selfishly...especially toward the end from 11-14. To wait, in good courage and in strength of heart, and wait......and see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

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I’m watching it now and he just showed a picture of lots of white blood clots mixed in with even more regular clots. He didn’t comment on why there are so many of each. No wonder that person died.

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Thank you Laura Kasner , for all your hard work . 🤗👍🏼💥❤️🙏

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Thank you for sharing this, Laura. I know you helped with the survey!

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Behind every good presentation is the person who does the data collection and quietly does their job !! Kudos Laura K !! 👏🏻😘

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I watched that interview, the part that really got to me was the child having all those rubbery clots in them. This is like a real life nightmare unfolding before our eyes.

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It has been going on and on. Thankfully the dead children are saved. 😭

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Yes they're saved but they shouldn't be dead in the first place, its all so devastating.

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Thank you Laura, for sharing these. Read a couple comments. One outraged person couldn’t understand why pathologists, all medical doctors are pretty much staying mum on this topic. Not sure what vacuum that person resides in. There were many professionals shouting from their proverbial rooftops. At least until they lost their license to practice and publicly ridiculed as quacks.

We have a soon to be famous fellow C&Cer. Congrats Thomas Haviland. I feel honored to be in the presence of heroes like you, sir.

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Thank you Janice. I will be seeing Tom shortly and I will show him your comment. 🥰😘❤️

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"One outraged person couldn’t understand why pathologists, all medical doctors are pretty much staying mum on this topic. Not sure what vacuum that person resides in". Come now! It's simple. Currently there is no upside to speaking out. As long as there are only a few doctors they can be handled easily. It is only when one gets real numbers that overwhelm the Cabal's gatekeepers that we will see any major reversal.

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Love Dr. Campbell! He and Ivor Cummings are a delight to listen to and be informed by!

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Twin daughters here. I’ve always thought of them as a blessing. 🩷💜

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We have twin grandchildren, a double blessing indeed! 💙🩷

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Me, too! December 2022. Granddaughters. We've been allowed to see them once....😭😭😭😭 We don't share the same political or covid views...

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So sad when 'views' rob the innocents of the joys of family...my condolences...

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Thank you. It is heartbreaking. We do our best to maintain communication. Never would we have imagined this would be the case before we began to live it.... It has been the worst of times in the worst of times... Thank God we have our faith and another grandchild we helped raise who loves us.

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Me too--last June.

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JJ Couey on twitch really pokes holes in the controlled opposition


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deletedFeb 11
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On Rumble his title is Dr. John Campbell so perhaps he is. I was pretty sure I remember on his Youtube channel him saying he was a nurse. Maybe I misunderstood.

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Yes. He is a nurse and I believe he has a PhD

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Ah that explains the Dr. part. Thank you for that information.

It would be less confusing if they came up with a different title than Dr. for PhD, wouldn’t it?

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The more liberal AI gets, the dumber it gets. Just like humans.

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I mean, who didn’t see that coming?!

Oh, yeah! The dumb ones!

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Its why Elon bought Twitter - Alex Jones mentioned that and how he tried some AI Elon has been working on. Its way more accurate b/c Elon got rid of the bots and most of the trolls - thus, making Twitter a good way to "train" an accurate AI....

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Funny how that works

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Garbage in, garbage out!

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RunningLogic - I was talking to Tom Haviland just last night and he said that exact same thing. “GIGO”

You may remember that Tom is retired military.

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My favorite client said that to me once and in the context it was so reassuring and supportive, never have forgotten it.

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We say that in software all the time. We literally have to test for it because data (simple data, not AI like data) can blow up your code.

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Denver cutting the "municipal budget" to pay for migrants and then blaming it on Republicans is some real next-level gaslighting. That's like a doctor saying you just have anxiety and blaming you for your vaccine injury. Oh, wait! I am really tired of people saying this is incompetence. None of what's happened the past four years is incompetence. It's malice. If you still believe this is incompetence, I have a beautiful oceanside home in Arizona that you might be interested in purchasing.

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Exactly, and drives home the issue with faulty chain of reasoning that they are seeing with AI. The masses have been dumbed down.

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Is it on 10 or more acres? If so, interested for our kids…

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well planned malice.

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There are NO Republicans in Denver (extinct for 50 years or more), none really in Colorado either except the domesticated pet ones that the Dems have on leashes. The MARXIST MAYOR and ALL his friends and supporters have their counter-revolutionary target--the MAGA Republicans and Trump to blame for all their ills and money-doling difficulties. The poor oppressed white/rich Commissar Johnston would LOVE to provide MORE services not less; anyone NOT of that same viewpoint is by DEFINITION a fascist enemy of the Progressive State. Kyle Clark and 9 News are propagandist pukes as are iHeart media KOA, and all of the prominent local media. Look at Julie McCluskie and the Pro-Hamas Dems since Oct 7 too; terrorism, kidnapping, rape and child-killing are just fine if the justification can be made appealing enough for Liberal Progressives, they hate when 2 of "their" constituency groups (Race or Sexual Urge based identity) have a spat and they need to straddle the fence (uncomfortable No matter which gender or sex, or manifested biolological reproductive system one has).

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Hey! Who needs O’Keefe?!

Let’s do some Citizen Investigative Journalism!

Everyone take a partner or a friend and visit your nearest suspicious motel between 6:00am and 9:30am and see who’s eating from the breakfast buffet.

Take pictures of each other that show the likely suspects in the background.

Share your pics on Facebook.

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All the NGO “managers” I’ve seen on video are immediately hostile and default to call for Trespass. They are arrogant & without people skills. Immediately combative.

Even Congressman Tiffany gets the angry boot. It seems like their approach is “us against them”.

This will catch up with them if Congressman Tiffany follows through.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

I would like to see Congressional representatives or senators, since we are funding these NGOs and living quarters, have the ability to check in on them. The police shouldn’t be involved or allowed to escort him off the property.

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It would be telling if each of the congressional reps would visit living quarters in their district.

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Congressional reps: "Ewww! No!"

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They’ll probably need to subpoena and/or get warrants. NGOs won’t comply without force of federal law. They use local law against investigators so congress will have to step above local law enforcement. It could take forever.

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It’s so discouraging and infuriating!

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Yup. WE pay the police. Police protect illegal people and operation. Kick off the property the people who pay them. How does THAT happen?

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Yes and WE pay for the illegal immigrants’ lodging too!

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Seems like all the good conservative ones quit or were fired. Just like our military.

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IMO the question is, WHY are we allowing taxpayer money to fund the NGOs?

I'll vote for most anyone who STOPS that funding and the "green" incentives. 😡

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NGO are private companies or non-profits that execute at the direction of the Administrative Branch (President). The border spending is allocated to them to carry out activity on the border as the Administration instructs them to do it.

A key issue is what the Administration defines as border security. Their document linked below describes immigration “systems” and creating “safe” passage. That’s what the NGOs facilitate. Travel, lodging, benefits, cash cards, navigating paperwork, etc. Many think they are “serving” and have good hearts. But they are enabling lawlessness and individual suffering.

Also the link below mentions expanding legal options for those seeking asylum. The NGOs and cartels teach illegals what words to say to trigger asylum. The border patrol immediately processes them without a hearing (date should be set for some years in the future).

Much of what is in the link is pure lies. It says they reduced illegal crossing but that’s because they are attempting to give all crossing a legal path, therefore “illegal” crossing are lowered. It’s all word games but it gets real money.


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I understand all that. My comment was somewhat fatuous.

Aside from the Catholic and Lutheran charities, that taxpayers are funding Open Society, Rockefeller, Gates and other "foundations" in their quest to destroy our fragile Republic is abhorrent to me.

If they want to help those people, let them use their OWN money...

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is going to catch up to them anyway. whether Tiffany does anything or not

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You clearly do not know how to dress the part!

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Probably true. I meant all the videos I’ve seen from investigators.

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I wouldn’t be so quick to discount O’Keefe. When he got forced out of PV, he turned around and bounced back.

Yes, we can all be citizen investigators, but when you catch something really egregious or anti American, James does have the reach to make it viral. FB will likely quash your video like a bug on its windshield without a second thought. So good luck.

And rather than using your obvious phone camera, he has tech to hide that you are recording, making it also possible to talk to those involved.

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He offers cameras to people!

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What’s to quash? You’re taking a picture of your husband/wife at breakfast!

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And if you caption your photo with something like "We're in town because we wanted to see those ill eagles we've been hearing about--at the zoo of course!", it might just fly under the radar.

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Love it!!! 🤣

See, that’s all I’m sayin’: Creativity, Peeps!!!

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“Ill eagles at the zoo” 🤣😆

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Wonder why DEMS need the unvaxxed 20+ million illegal walk-in immigrants ?

To vote for DEMs?

To sabotage and collapse America?

To use as soldiers in WW3?

To replace the US vaxxed people ?

To be model citizens in the future 15 minute work camps ?

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And those helping these illegal walk-in immigrants feel so righteously virtuous.

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The helpers are signing their own "Useless Eaters" certificates.

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I wonder about this too. One thing you did not mention is their handlers might sell them to highest bidder maybe for their organs. Since they r unvaxxed. The thought is horrible but possible.

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Oh, you are right! And also, child trafficking.

“The horrors a child faces as a victim of human trafficking demand that we take action. A child can be sold up to 20 times per day, six days a week for ten years or even longer depending on when the abuse began…"


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Being disposed of soon after they enter?

No wonder I don’t see much evidence of them in these parts.

Grotesque all the same.

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I think it's mostly B) To sabotage and collapse America.

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All of the above

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You said it all.

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I forgot Child Trafficking.

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I’ve wondered if big groups of Tucson residents showed up each weekend or any day actually, that could only shed light on these hidden Hotels.

In James undercover videos last week he had Cesar (a citizen journalist) go in and talk to the “travelers” staying at the Ramada Wyndham at the Airport. Cesar got some good footage

Read the Google reviews for this Ramada Inn.

Words out. Been going on for a long time it sounds like.

Lived in Tucson but moved a year ago. In 2021 Fiancé had a coworker at the DMAF base say he saw those famous white buses pull in and put people on planes. This was at 4am.

Sounds like the base/military are helping move this right along.

Seems any authorities in Tucson wave it through and stand down.

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It appears that way.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Agreed, although his reporting has been great for me to see, 'exposing' the tyrants hasn't done squat. There have been no 'wins' by team reality yet, just more tyranny.

Exposing the criminals has been useless, unless there are some legal implications or people grow some balls and defend themselves, nothing will change for the better, just worse when they declare the next 'emergency'. Of course, there will be no legal action the tyrants are above the law because the majority of lawyers and judges are woke, the rest are sniveling pussies apparently, how many more examples do you need to see?

We are screwed.

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I felt this about the video of the executive admitting they do gain of function and then freaked out when he found it was an undercover investigation. Maybe the dude got fired, but where’s the DOJ, FBI, FDA, Congressional investigation? This is deep state at work.

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"...In case you were wondering, by “modalities of voting most used by Florida’s Black voters” I think Judge Walker means voting without showing a driver’s license and using mail-in voting options..."

Just to be clear, I don't think American voters, white or black or even rainbow, have any problem with voting with proper ID and showing up in person. OBVIOUSLY, only illegal migrants and immigrants and terrorists would have a problem!

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Judges saying people don’t need ID to vote are basically saying they want voter fraud. Second, they are saying they expect US citizens to participate in society without ID. Third, certain races are not capable of getting ID. I’m always shocked by their lack of shame.

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With the story on the Chinese illegals having lots of fake IDs, I'm wondering how the average poll worker will know the difference?

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The US is in a very dangerous time right now with demented Joe in the WH.

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We escaped Commiefornia and moved to our Boise home in January 2021. I was born & raised in Michigan and moved when, my then fiancee & now husband of 30 years, was stationed at NAS Miramar in San Diego. Because of my ties, I have continued to follow the politics of both states. When Robert Hur's Special Counsel Report dropped on Biden, I read the first 300 pages and beyond the need for the 25th Amendment to be enacted, my next thought was who will the Dems replace Biden with if this happens? My fear: Gavin Newsom & Gretchen Whitmer. An evil ticket who would continue to destroy this country by following the playbook that Biden was given by his handlers.

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That duo is a nightmare situation.

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I’m betting on Michelle Obama which makes the Tran agenda make sense. Combining the 2 sexes is their religion. Male-based of course.

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I am betting against. Too much baggage. But it's all really surreal beyond my comprehension. I do think that Biden will probably either go up poof at the conventions ... or a medical issue will compel a retirement. (Just idle speculation ... because ... what do I know? I wonder myself?)

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Michelle Obama is Kill-her-ee Clinton on steroids. Didn't work in 2016, won't work now.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

And this was always the plan. Hur didn’t speak out of turn or spontaneously. His was the seed to smoothly remove Biden from the ballot right on time. It worked well because it was a seemingly “indirect” comment concerning another matter.

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What do you think about Polis stepping in? My dad floated this theory by me (by the way, he’s 91 and can run circles around Joe Biden mentally). Polis is as liberal and woke as they come, but less well known nationally so less baggage. Also, he’s gay.

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Good on your Dad! :) Polis - yep, would also make sense and check another DEI box.

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Treasure your Dad! OTOH, not enough name recognition. MO somewhere on the ticket.

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But wouldn’t the lack of name recognition be a benefit? Esp in comparison to Newsome, for example?

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Good point, and agree on GN (using him as a decoy IMHO), but expect it to be MO somewhere on he ticket and she’ll win in a landslide, one way or another. 😢

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Ugh, that’s a horrible thought

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Doug Casey had an interesting prediction. If this happened, the Republican NeoCons, who all hate Trump, would vote Dem....................................

So, who’s going to be the next president of the US?

I’d say the odds of the Democrats running Biden and Harris approach zero. Biden is obviously senile, decrepit, and corrupt. And Harris is manifestly stupid.

So, who will they run? I suspect they’ll pick a leftist general, perhaps Petraeus. The military is about the only part of the government in which Americans still have any trust. And they will—incorrectly—assume a general can fix all the forever wars.


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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

I read this post at Lew Rockwell. I agree with almost everything Casey stated.....except: "These things will underwrite a huge political upset in this election year."

To this, I respectfully disagree. Regardless of who wins, assuming we even have an election, it will be the same song.....the same dance.....just a different partner.

America is headed over the cliff........which is the precursor to not being mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

Time to be bold! Proclaim the Truth!

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I also stumbled at the same sentence and even after reading the article, I still wasn't sure what he meant. Here is the full quote, "We’re looking at a potential financial and economic collapse. And, a social collapse, largely a result of wokeness, a putrid stew of socialism, entitlement, overt hatred, covert hostilities, and insane views on race and gender. These things will underwrite a huge political upset in this election year."

Later he said, "This time, I’m betting on the Democrats again because they’re much more adept at cheating... It’s a toss-up, but I guess that the Democrats will win. No matter who wins, there will be huge anger in the country... I just don’t see how it can possibly have a happy ending or even a non-violent one."

After re-reading what he wrote, it appears to me that he thinks there is going to be a "huge political upset" no matter who wins. His conclusion is that the anger is going to erupt in violence regardless of who wins.

I think this is the story of the Irresistible Force meeting the Immovable Object. The IF is the American patriotic movement. The IO is the Marxist control of the USG. My understanding of history is that once in power, Marxists will never give up the reigns of power voluntarily regardless of whether they lose the election or not. On the other hand, if the Dems win, the patriotic movement will understand that the Marxist coup is complete and the USG is in the hands of terrorists. If the Reps win, the Marxists will STILL not give up control. Either way, the results are a violent fight.

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I read the whole thing and mostly agree with Casey. But I think that Doug is wrong on the 2024 election. Milei and Davos seems to indicate that The Money realizes that it cannot save itself by doing more of the same. Insight into China was spot on. Not only is the misallocation of capital in China astronomic, but all China operates Deep State style which means that long term the CCP is already invested with the seed of its owe self-destruction. Of all major economies, only Russia seems to be first rate well run.

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Wow, great observations. If your conclusion about The Money is correct, then the question is will they be able to reign in their Marxist dogs in the USG. I only postulate, I don't have a clue.

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I don't have a clue either. All I can see are the developments ever since Musk/Twitter X, a new Super Narrative appears to be rolling out. And you see it everywhere. Even in the courts now. And so, maybe The Money is smart enough to not keep beating The Dead Horse which probably expired in 2016. We will know by the end of 2024 November where it is going by my best guess. The Marxist dogs may go away, or they might just get new names and learn new tricks. And the dogs? They all will still get a Milk Bone treat if they do their tricks right.

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Speaking of Doug Casey...where is Charles Knight? I read books 1 - 3 of the High Ground series, and then...nada...zip. And this was going to be (I'm talking to you Doug) seven books. Whatsa matter? Run out of yo' mojo?

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

🤔 somewhat similar journey here and wondering how you like Boise.

I've concerns that Idaho in general is not really red; I just read something talking about how there are closet Democrats who pretend to be Republican to get elected. (link here: https://idahodispatch.com/analysis-of-idaho-state-legislature-concludes-that-many-lawmakers-are-aligning-with-the-wrong-party/) Before reading that linked analysis, my gut told me something was off with Idaho being red--its governor and federal/state legislators/senators are rarely in the news regarding anything conservative other than banning abortion type stuff and working to ban some grooming books from school libraries. I'm wondering if Idaho is similar to how Washington state or Oregon were in the 1990s-2000s, before they got completely blue/left.

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Hi Cat! I share your concerns.

In the ‘22 election cycle here for Governor, approximately 30K registered Dem voters switched party affiliation prior to the election in order to vote in the Republican primary - which then guaranteed current Gov Brad Little as the GOP nominee. (There was a Trump-aligned candidate that would have made Idaho a much redder state. She then lost.)

So then, the Sec of State’s website was heard to have crashed when those same 30K voters went to switch their affiliation back the hours/day after voting in the election. 😡

I’m wary of Gov Little, and do like our AG.

For what it’s worth, we have wonderful neighbors, love our community in the foothills right outside Boise, and the city & state are beautiful. I’m praying politics and other blue state refugees like my husband & I, are here to enjoy the change, not be the change that negatively impacts Idaho.

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thank you Renee for your input. I thought I read that there was some pushback against last minute primary party-switching in Idaho (a bill perhaps) but I'm going off memory, so if that's true, maybe that will get fixed. I don't think that the switching should be allowed...

I've wondered about Little and because he's so under the radar (which made me question Idaho being red, seriously), so no surprise that he sounds like a RINO maybe like a Mitt light. I've not heard of the AG there doing anything of note to fight against the illegal/unconstitutional/dictatorial Biden mandates/EOs, which has also concerned me.

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As much as I'd love to believe that blocking O'Biden, Gruesome Newsom, et. al., would back us away from the cliff, I believe, based on my 4-6 hour/day researching, it would have little, if any, effect on the demise of our country. TPTB have worked for a century+ at their end game, passing their psychopathy onto their offspring and associates. Based on diverse swaths of input, it seems that we are actually past the tipping point and just don't know it yet. 2024 has the profound ability to prove to be a Rock & Roll year.

Buckle up....it's going to be a bumpy ride!

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TBH, I don’t disagree. I find myself on a weekly, if not daily basis, vacillating between your thoughts exactly & clutching at a hope in our future that humanity can pull out of this nosedive.

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Slo Joe's current backup is hideous.

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Be careful what you wish for. We don’t want to use the 25th amendment. If the 25th amendment drops Kamala becomes president and she gets to pick the vp immediately, before the election. “She” (the powers that be) will pick someone even worse for the country than the current duo.

Unless they want to prove a point for a few months that two “women” are running the country - Kamala and “Mike” Obama - the person selected as vp would be the next presidential candidate and Kamala would be pushed aside, having become useless to the new iron glove regime.

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Yep. Kamala picks Newsom as her VP, she gets pushed aside, and Newsom picks Whitmer to get a DEI ✅ back on the ticket. My thoughts & concerns manifesting themselves again.

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Will they dial up a new scamdemic? Maybe a false flag attack on a Taylor Swift show, or the superbowl? Imprison Trump for mean tweets?

Something so they can declare martial law and suspect the elections...

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All are possible scenarios.

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You misspelled satanicbowl. No worries probably autocorrect 😂

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watch out for the SUPERB OWL RITUAL on Sunday...many red lines to the occult calendar.

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Oh, knock it off.

You feed your own fear with that crap.

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Come on, we're having fun here.

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It's honest fun tinged with the elements of truth. We've seen the movie, we know how TPTB operate.

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We only have one amendment left and the most important one. Once it’s gone, however they do it, we are through.

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Overturn the 2020 just in time to give about two weeks of his second term.

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Even without martial law I definitely suspect the elections!

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Back someone who gets results, not his personality.

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Removing Biden as a candidate opens up many more false flag options. Especially options that blame his removal on MAGA. Removing Biden also covers up his Crimes and installs Michelle as the Savior.

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Yes and planned this way for a while. They just used Hur to announce it. Seemed more “natural.”

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The 20+ million illegals may not want to vote for Michelle?

All that work to give the walk-in illegals Biden T-shirts and taught them to chant "Biden, Biden" will all go to waste.

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The have become the new kids on the Dem plantation. They will do what they are told.

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He’s the Bidevil we know, though.

They are trying to move him out. I’d prefer him to stay right where he is until January 2025.

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Agree...it could be far worse if they try to remove him.

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The fact that he is not already replaced speaks volumes to me. Make them keep him! They have been telling us for 3 years he is competent don’t let them change their story now.

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They may be building a leftie clamor for a replacement candidate.

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“Make them keep him!”


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But as Jeff pointed out yesterday, the media is turning on him which is a good sign that he’s going out. Guesses as to the method would be interesting…my guess is that he’ll have a stroke.

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And they’ll blame it on the Republicans!

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They may be building a leftie “clamor” for a replacement candidate. Like they built the clamor for jabboost mandates.

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And with all the illegals, including terrorists, in the nation awaiting the word to ignite revolution.

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The only revolution they will invoke would be us finally standing up and killing them. Because that’s how that will go.

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So many better ways that could go.

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I fart in their general direction. (My homemade beans are way better.)

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

If the danger is due to threats from abroad I think China might be a problem, but if Putin decides to take out the deep state that threatens Russia(and us), hopefully the rest of us will be left alone. I am at the point thinking team reality would be better off with the deep state gone by Putin's efforts. I don't have much hope for Trump, most of the Republicans he will need are pussies and afraid of being called racist(or whatever).

The threat from the invasion from the south is or biggest problem now, Xi is sending more young men than ever, the US gov't is funding the camps and the migrations to the border as well as the welfare they get when they reach the border.

There isn't much hope, we are screwed.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Xi and all the illegal terrorists are a huge threat.

Not concerned in the least about Putin.

However, if NATO does something really stupid, Russia will have no choice but to defend its' sovereignty.

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Having Putin help destroy our 'deep state' that encompasses Europe too sounds sort of encouraging to me, although, I don't think the tyrants will go down due to Putin without launching every nuclear weapon they have, probably some of them at us in red states. I think they see Trump as a nearly equal threat, I have daily anxiety envisioning what they will do to keep Trump from taking office. I'm guessing they will do exactly what they have been doing for years, doing the very thing they accuse Trump of doing(or going to do), declare an 'emergency' and cancel elections, or at least the results.

I can't imagine they were stupid enough to commit all the crimes they have without being sure they will not face justice. I hope they were that stupid, but could anyone be that stupid? I doubt it, they are confident they will not be held accountable for their actions, there must be a 'fix' in somewhere, or maybe everywhere.

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I have to remind myself that the 'elites' don't think like I do, especially the onea at the very top who are the real orchestrators of the larger picture. And there are also different classifications of smartness. For example, the Apex Money is very, very cunning, smart and clever. But they must not be absolutely smart or else they would not be in the fix in which they find themselves. Of course, the Money may think they are smart enough to dig their way out, but we shall see about that too. Because there is the problem of relative advantage, and the also the problem that once relative advantage is lost (as in the eclipsing of industrial base), it may be very difficult to bring back ... and maybe not ever to the supreme advantage once seen historically.

I think the Commie Radicals of the Uni-Party thought that they were going to be successful in bringing in The Revolution, so sure that they threw all caution to the wind. In this, they might not be as smart as they themselves believed themselves to be. And if I see DJT the new president 2025, this will be my final confirmation that The Revolution is toast. That does not mean all will be sunshine and roses, it simply will mean that a New Incarnation of the same game rulers always play has been initiated ... and likely a new 'theme' running for decades into the future.

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I wish I was as optimistic as you about the 'revolution being toast' if Trump is elected. I think he will get enough votes, I think they will do everything they accuse(d) Trump of doing to derail the election results and a lot more. If Trump makes it into office my guess is there will be mass violent riots and the civil war will start when people on team reality get fed up with woke cops and local leaders inciting and allowing the riots. The MSM will show the riots and blame Trump is violating their rights to protest when police do their jobs.

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That's one scenario, sure. Pretty far-fetched. Sort of as if the idea is: "Darn we just can't get those Fly-over Country Deplorables to stand up to us, so we'll just give them the Despised One and then sic our Antifa Stormtroopers on them, and THEN they're give us our Civil War! Oh yeah, will they ever!". Hmm...well...

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You may be right ... or something like you say. This is a pivotal years. And one way or another, something has to give. Stasis never last forever.

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Biden is the deep states perfect patsy. A lot can be blamed on dementia’d old Joe.

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incredibly, woefully....true!

Never been weaker, imho. Where's that " I DID THAT !" bumper sticker, Brandon ?

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"Right now"? Right now??!

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Tucker's interview of Putin was epic.


But this CNN interview last year with Zelensky far surpasses it. :-)


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You mean the CNN-SNL skit? I keep spreading the video but no one believes it’s real. 😏

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BFM, my husband wondered if the CNN interview was AI. Any idea? It looks fairly typical to me 😂

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

The woman interviewing Zelensky talked like she is wearing a vibrator while she is talking to him. The whole thing is gross.

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For Pete’s sake! They needed to get a room.

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"Love Story" Ukrainian style.

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About the Zelensky interview, I could only think "oh geese!!!!! Give me a break."

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Interesting how Putin blamed the poles for starting ww2 and justifying Germany.

Blaming the victim…where have we heard that before?

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Oh he's so boring anyway with his long history lessons.

That's why the Zelensky love interview was so much more betterer.

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The thing is that most Americans cannot grasp the border, cultural and religious history of the area which is very important.

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Or how Ukraine pre dates the Rus.

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I listened to about 2/3 of it before I just couldn’t listen anymore out of boredom. I am planning to finish it, though.

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Tucker Carlson's five point takeaway: It is a quick point by point synopsis.

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And I, who seldom watch anything for more than ten minutes, was utterly fascinated. I felt like Putin was saying ‘You American's think you’re so important with your 250 year history. The world was revolving before you and will continue after you have self destructed.’

Russia is a solid nation with a real people with a thousand years of connectedness. America is a patchwork quilt, hastily constructed and coming undone. The world is changing and we are not adapting well at all.

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Thanks W.S. As for those above your post who were bored - well that's their prerogative. But I sure wouldn't go proclaiming it on a forum like this with serious people if I were them.

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Totally and well said.

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Not well said at all.

Russia has zero claim to Ukraine and if we want to look at Russia in the historical sense the only actual part of Russia they have a claim to is Moscow Oblast. The others are independent nations swallowed up.

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Not quite.

There's a lot of revisionism that Putin likes to push and lies, myths, and distortions.

A nation with a 250 year history is currently more powerful than one with "thousands of years".

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I’m not so sure about that.

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Why doesn't Putin sit down for an interview from someone with an oppositionist viewpoint instead of Hanoi Jane?

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Apparently he sat with globalist Chris Wallace. What more of an oppositionist do you want?

You’re being very unfair to compare Tucker Carlson with Jane Fonda. Her picture should be a dictionary illustration for traitor. She endangered our troops.

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So astounded by a Congressman having the police called on him for visiting a Ramada in hotel. Now we know nefarious activities are happening within those walls. It disgusted me the minute Prez “my Mind is going blank now” signed the Executive order to stop the border wall and just let our border be a free for all.

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The NGO “managers” all say the same thing and immediately go into aggressive removal of the person asking questions. Congressman? Do they even know what that means? They don’t respect US laws or our representatives. Who knows if the “managers” are legal citizens themselves.

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I was thinking he should have been a little more aggressive about asserting he was a member of US congress and asking if the person understood what Congress is, and what kind of light a congressional hearing can shine on those activities.

He could have referenced some hearings and questions that that have been posed to Homeland Security chief Mayorkas, for example.

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O’Keefe’s last week undercover work he shared on his OMG YT channel was insane

He had a citizen journalist get into the Ramada Inn by the airport. Cesar.

The entire hotel shut down now. Has been for past year I beleive.

The video uncovered so much of how Tucson and the BOS are funding much of this.

Good news

More citizen journalists/whistleblowers/insiders are stepping up and being armed with tiny little cameras

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Hmmm. New hotel opportunities for someone.

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Kind shows that Congress People don't count for much in the present landscape.

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Indeed. The people in our Republic are dismissed. Wake up folks.

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Denver becomes a sanctuary city and it took 6 years for them to be forced to divert tax dollars away from citizens to non-citizens.

That time gap is one reason they get away with it. People are short-sighted and easily fooled. So yea, the boogeyman Republicans did it.

At this point, both parties are to blame, but one more than the other. Liberals put in self-destructive policies and they can’t even see it.

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Oh, I think they see it. For me, the question becomes, why? And, who are they really working for? Obviously not their constituents or love of country.

You're correct about "both parties". It's an extra stab in the heart though when it's republicans doing it. Democrats are at least open about their intentions but many republicans stab us in the back by doing the opposite of what they promised.

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It feels like they are two “teams” that are well funded by outside groups and by tax dollars. Dems/Reps, two teams who appear to oppose each other but actually cooperate. They take kickbacks, bribes and participate in money laundering by passing funding bills which funnel money to companies they have finical interests in.

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They never, ever take responsibility for their own choices and actions. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault.

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EMFs increase fungus and mycotoxins by 600x.

What has increased exponentially since 2020? EMF, and now satellite phones are being released with a direct connect to space X.. Ditch the phone and ditch the fungus:


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The jab is increasing fungal infections due to immunosuppression as well .

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Pretty tricky, because people will catch all kinds of different sicknesses and cannot associate it with the Jab.

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Only because they bought the party line of safe & effective

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Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you really want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump 'Almost Certainly' Won In 2020

Over 43 percent of 2020 votes were cast by mail, the highest percentage in U.S. history.


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Thank you for your comments!

Trump won by millions of votes!

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@Just Comment I read that this morning; great article! Please repost it tomorrow so more people will see it.

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True - same goes for EMF - as our mitochondria/ oxygen levels are affected, this creates chronic diseases of all kinds, incl diabetes, obesity, adhd , anxiety to name a few. have you seen many people come down with this fungal infection?

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Had Marcons.

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WOW,didn't know what EMF is, had to look it up. Putting my cell phone away. Thank You for the information.

Good thing I am using an ancient computer.

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I think that was part of the design. They're going to be blaming a lot of deaths on many other diseases. It sure does make you wonder why they're trying to get all the nations to sign onto the WHO treaty fairly quick. Almost like it was planned.

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For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



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Ugggh Witchmer country 🤮

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Ok, semi-legal question. If the DOJ determined that Biden is mentally incompetent, would that present a good legal challenge to any and all bills and executive orders he signed?

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I agree with your thought, but would it need to start from Thursdays date? They couldn’t go back and say he was retroactively incompetent?

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Well, I think you would put the onus on the DOJ to determine that date. They refer to diminished faculties even in 2017...

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Happy good morning C&Cs 🌞☕️🐣

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No cure for mould ... HA! Laugh I nearly cried.

BORON/BORAX for Swiss cheese lungs, Candida auris and ALL fungal/mould issues.

Boron/Borax is not poison; boron could take down the corrupt medical system if enough people knew about it. Boron kills mould, fungi, mycotoxins including deadly Aflatoxin B1.

It's good for so many things, but for mould and fungal-related diseases it is excellent.

It is cheap, pure and unbelievably valuable. I use it internally and externally and even brush my teeth with it. It balances my teens hormones and my own.

They lied about the vaccines, they lie about boron's toxicity.

Borax (boron salts) for all fungal issues (and more)!



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Thank you for this information. Downloaded the file!

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Here is another good lecture on Boron and it’s amazing benefits. I posted yesterday but later in the day.


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Helps morgellons/ crosss domain bacteria too.

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I agree. I take Boron every day. I just replied to someone above about taking Boron for arthritis. It resolved my wife's issues with arthritis in her knuckles. If she stops, it will start to slowly come back after a couple of months.

Also, I would not rule out nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide. There are many doctors who use this method. Two days of nebulizing is what finally knocked out my case of covid after nearly 4 weeks. I would also try MMS/CDS if I needed to.

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Totally agree!!! Tysvm

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Interesting link!

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