Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

covid meme:

"The difference between us?

You took the shot & wished I would die.

I watched you take the shot

& prayed you wouldn't."

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yes, but it went further.

We were persecuted and yet we are the ones who must try to understand why they did that, and to forgive them, despite them not caring about our experience of being forced to live as a pariah.

That was the toughest part of resisting: Knowing up-front, that's how it would end.

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Another instance of, “forgive them, for they know not what they do.” We have to remember that they were sheep, blind sheep. Following Fauci, media, their own doctors and medical professionals. The persecution part of it makes forgiveness harder, but still necessary. And our seeing and knowing the results helps us to have compassion on their ignorance.

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I recalled that the Bible is a book of Law. And that Law requires remedies.

Forgiveness is not Biblically squishy. Forgivenss is not unconditioned. And Forgiveness also requires repenting.

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and restitution. NEVER forget restitution. FOUR TIMES what was stolen, repaid to the victim.

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You are right! Only at seventy-five I have already forgotten FOUR TIMES whatever I thought I knew.

Good reminder!

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"'"This crucial truth has been hid from you.... https://groups.google.com/g/west44/c/r43bOoYM0AE?=68

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You’re right Dave, and did Jesus not say, “forgive us our trespasses (sins), as we forgive those who trespass (sin) against us? The repentance issue is between an individual and God. I’d love to see Fauci repent, although I doubt that will happen. I’m content to leave them to God’s justice, because I know that justice will be done, in this life or the next.

”For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.“

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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I rest easy, each day and night, knowing this.

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Upholding God's Law is not squishy. And glorification of God includes upholding and affirming God's Law as per the old constitutional oaths. Glorifying God also includes upholding God's Law in Romans 13 fashion.

Strictly speaking, we have Christian/Believer duties which the Fallen Church casts an eye away from and in the opposite direction.

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The most important Bible story for peops like you is Jesus throwing the money changers out of the temple. "Forgive" them to yourself if you want, but these people must be held accountable, or we will relive this atrocity like Ground Hog Day.

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IF (notice: IF) we confess our sins, He is patient and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

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Confess and repent. But we still don't skate free if an offense requires redress/restitution and/or punishment.

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Dave, my view of God’s amazing Grace is just that…amazing. We just had a Bible study in which we looked closely as the law, and how important it is for us to repent (meaning to turn away from) our sin and confess it. At which point God removes it from us as far as the east is from the west, another verse says this,

”Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out,“

‭‭Acts‬ ‭3‬:‭19‬

My favorite parable is The Prodigal Son, do you recall the wonderful grace shown to the prodigal when he returned to his father? He was given a ring and a robe and a celebration! His father didn’t require restitution or impose a punishment…..Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!

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"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.”

- Thomas Aquinas

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Aquinas! I like it!! And he’s right!

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We are referred to as sheep in the Bible.

But some follow the ‘hireling’.

I, for one, follow the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd loves His sheep and gave His life for them.

The hireling does not give a fig for the sheep.

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You will be offended by this, but my contention is that putting your infant into a "daycare" center is the same. The employees care for the "clients' only as far as their paycheck lasts.

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CStone - I’ll second that comment!

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It does make you wonder from the rise in medical drama shows from the 90s on that glorified doctors and the medical establishment if that wasn’t planned also. To create a false trust and glorification of doctors so people blindly follow their advice?

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I so agree with that…. Who knew the doctors were being paid for every shot? Yes, so many believe every word a doctor says. We have become wiser and wary. Forever changed.

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You are a much better person than I am, I am not at the forgive stage yet.

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California- I doubt that I’m a better person, probably just one who wasn’t hurt as badly as you were.

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I sat right there in my sister-in-laws living room while she said she didn't want to be around "the unvaccinated". She said it with such loathing that all that was missing was her spitting on the floor after she said that. Meanwhile, I just sat there, the same as I had always been. Unaltered, unadulterated and quiet...because Hubs asked me to not say anything. His family is so very nice and jabbed and mine are assholes and unjabbed. Bah! All this BS has truly brought out everyone's true character.

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We were asked to leave my fiancée's daughter's house at her granddaughter's 8th birthday party when it was revealed that we weren't jabbed. The daughter and her husband don't allow "the Unvaccinated" into their home - even family. I couldn't believe it. It was an hour and a half drive from our place. We came bearing gifts and food. We were escorted out 45 minutes after arriving, and haven't been able to be part of our granddaughters' lives for two years. We're left wondering what those girls were told about their evil grandparents and why we had to leave so soon. It was the most unpleasant experience in my life - I would've rather been slugged in the face.

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Just awful. Gives me a heavy heart.

We were disinvited from my BIL's yearly thanksgiving day get together because we were not vaccinated.

The worse part about it is that my FIL is likeminded but asked me to lie so he could see my kids.

I refused.

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How horrible! I’m so sorry you and your fiancée have had to endure that. Many of us have strained relationships with relatives/friends now, but to lose a daughter and granddaughters? 😢 Please keep reaching out to the granddaughters. Hopefully something will break through eventually.

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That is beyond horrid. This division wrought by this man-made pandemic is truly evil and Satan is very glad that it is happening. And the fact that it continues to this day, cursing families and friendships and holy places really brings to light how strong we truly need to be. I am so very sorry for your loss.

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I am so sorry. :( Jesus warned us of this.

Luke 12:53 (NIV) - "They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

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Thank you, Debra. I will review that passage for its context.

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horrible. so sad! so sorry!

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Oh my! Doug, that is truly heart breaking to even think about, much less live out with no warning. Not just the initial banishment from the family home, but the ongoing separation from the kids and the grands is unthinkable. I do hope that one day restoration can come upon your family.

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Thank you so much. Being the "step" Grandpa, I have less investment in the situation -- although I had enough time with the girls that I fell in love with both of them. My sweetie is the one feeling the loss most acutely. This is the SECOND time her daughter has wronged her. The first time, her daughter purposely estranged her mother for 16 years. We've never figured out why. They were reunited when the daughter had her first child, and we'd been part of those girls' lives for going on ten years when the whole vax issue came up.

That incident occurred two years ago this month. The following month, my mate was very ill on Mother's Day - we didn't know it was Covid at that point. I texted the daughter and told her that whatever her other issues were, her mother was very sick and would love to hear from her daughter on Mother's Day. Never heard a peep. That sealed the deal for me - there's NO excuse to be that cold-blooded, regardless of your silly disease paranoia. You can't catch anything over the phone. There's very few people that I've hardened my heart against, but that woman is one of them...

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Ugh! Pierced right through mom's heart. I know I would be devastated. As long as we have breath we will have our children in our hearts - as long as mother and daughter have breath, there could be a reconciliation. But past history would lead me to believe that mom won't be holding her breath. A season of life to branch out and move deeply into some meaningful outreach that will touch mom's heart. Blessings!

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I wonder what would have happened if you had broken out in some loud guffaws at her expense. That’s what I want to do now so much…but it probably showed what was just seething under her surface and broke free when she was given the “power” to discriminate.

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I stayed silent for my husband's sake. If it was me, well, I am not known for keeping quiet when something needs to be said. I am not mean, just forthright and honest. And I will never do something that I don't want to do. Even my kids know it. So...it was for my husband and his family that I do this. Because I love him. Now that it has all blown over (haha) nobody even mentions it. So ridiculous.

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Yes, the blessing of showing people's true character. It is actually a gift.

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I have a very hard time listening to the BS. Honestly, I would likely loathe her. Sadly, I think I also would feel like she got what she deserves if she is harmed or died. But I know that’s not the right attitude.

I am so thankful my family were all against the vax and all mostly did not fo it.

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Or not...

Sorry.. I'm not ready to forgive yet. Nobody has apologized to me yet for calling me Hitler or Grandma-Killer. So no forgiveness.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

I definitely understand the sentiment. I would not count on any apologies whatsoever.

This is exactly why the authorities made it a moral choice. By doing so they bypassed cognition for the normies.

By default, this made for an easy jump to portraying those who took the "wrong" moral choice as those who were unable to empathize or to think about what was good for the "common good" (which btw is always a fallacy - there is no such thing) - when in actuality we were the folks who were empathetic

Simple but brilliant.

How would you feel if you made the wrong moral choice because you offshored your thinking based on a psyop?

I wonder how you'd feel if you found that out after you thought you were morally superior? You might not want to know....let alone admit it.

This is why there will be no apologies. I think that must be "accepted", but that doesn't mean we must remain close to these people.

I have reconciled with a few people but it will always be between us...it'll never be the same.

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You reconciled... Meaning you re-embraced them after they stood against you. This is not an accusation; I've done it too, with a couple of people. They have never admitted they were deceived or brainwashed into their choice, or acknowledged my strength of character for sticking to my guns in the face of incredible pressure. Therefore, our "friendship" has been revealed to be one of historic familiarity, not one of deep loyalty. The one who called me Hitler may be too embarrassed to ever reconnect. There have been half-hearted gestures, but never even a meeting over coffee to discuss Covid...

Anyway, I get you re: accepting that there will be no apologies. If they didn't have the strength of character to stand their ground in the first place, they probably won't have the strength of character to admit they were wrong. I can still pray that they gain that strength someday.

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we are 100% on the same page. you just explained it perfectly

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Why, thank you!

Peace to you and yours, Brother!

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I too, did NOT accept the incredible pressure being pushed on one and all. I’ve lost friendships and my family and I are and always will be strained.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

I think it is a natural process in life...the older I have gotten the less BS I put up with and hence, there are fewer ppl in my life once I realized their narcissistic BS... Actually I grew intentionally and they probably won't. I was quite naive myself and went along with them far too long, but I awakened. 'Covid' just made the process quicker at exposing them and much easier to see in real time. If they're too stupid to stop and realize it was THEIR behavior that has lost them friends/relationship, then so be it. Jesus shook the dust off his heels a-plenty and I'm guessing that phrase was included for a reason. HE ALSO SAID, GET BEHIND ME SATAN to his own mother and cohorts. He called them satan! Called them out on their narcissistic BS, essentially 'stop it or we're done here'.

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I just recently learned that one I worked with for over 30 years accused me of being weak, spineless in fact, for refusing the jab. Blew me away.

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I think they were deflecting their weak character onto you.

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I bet that was painful. 🙏🏻

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I call that 'projection'...narcissists(ppl who aren't awake) project onto you what they are or what they are doing themselves.

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For me it was not a matter of strength of character or higher ground. I have a=enough of a mdeical background (four years pre-med science in university) so I had enough knowledge to KNOW absolutely the pintificators and cntrollers were wrong, DEAD wrong. it was not a matter of morals, it was truly a matter of science and I knew absolutely these "decision makers" on our behalf (how THOUGHTFUL of you dear sweet paw la TISH ins...) were lying deliberately when they chanted "follow the science". I KNEW the "science: and thus KNW they were lying.

HOW stupid did hey think we were, collectively?

Bat soup in the Wuhan wet market? Roll me another one, chump!!! ANYONE knowing anything about virology OR cooking will know that i n order to make SOUP the meat, of whatever sort, must be heated to at least 150 or 160 F in order to cook and break down the proteins in the meat tissue. The biology side asserts, no possibility for error, that any microorganism cannot tolerate a temperature abot about 140 or maybe 150 for any length of time without ALSObreaking down, along with the proteins in the meat. Thus if it was soup in the market, it was NOT virus in the market. Can't have both, no way nowhoe. 'Also having studied asa above a thing called "popultion biology", the statistical patterns exhibited by any life form within environments of varying "pressure" for or against propagation, the one incident the press made much if at first then totally ignored was the Princess cruise liner on Tokyo Bay. Covid broke out, she was removed to a far corner of the bay and isolated. No one to board or deboard. The press moaned WOE ARE ALL OF YOU, predicting all but maybe a handful of the 3.000 souls aboard were doomed to certain death. I think he total number of deaths was somewhere around a few dozen certainly no more than fifty, and the great majority of those deaths were amongst those very old and wth multiple comorbidities. About half those aboard actually contracted the disease, nearly all recovered fully within a week or two, some were quite sick but recovered fully. Funny how "the press" were quiet as churchmice even when those board quietly went ashore and boarded airplanes back to their home countries and the ship herself quietly steamed back out of Tokyo Harbour to wherever her home port is, with no more fanfare than the last time she steamed back home prior to the Covid nonsense.

And they expect me to bow and scrape and slap that mug nappie on whenver I poke my nose outside, or even when I am in my house alone? Nah. Their whole cover was blown.So I scrupulously ignored every mandate and suggestion as to how to "survive" the madness.

I had also had, over many years of plying my usual trades, learned firsthand that those N 95 masks, whicj I have used esensively for decades, cannot possibly prevent passage of a viral particle with a range of diameter between point zero two six to point zero five eight microns, since that same mask regularly passes dust, sand, paint particles in excess of 2,000 microns when painting and doing bodywork. Why didn't they mandate I put a piece of chain link fence over my bedroom window to keep the mosquitos from flying inside and giving me malaria?

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Very well stated! The framing of friendship based on history not loyalty describes several of my relationships. Those I thought were friends proved not to be trustworthy. I am glad to know that now. One of the ‘blessings’ of the vid?🤷🏼‍♀️

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I suppose... It's a bit lonelier now. But it's better to know who my true friends (and trustworthy family members) are. Covid definitely stripped me of my illusions and reminded me of the value of integrity.

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Well said. Thank you.

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deletedApr 11
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so sad. but it sounds more like garden variety propaganda than anything fashion based.

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I’m a tournament bridge player, barred from playing for 3.5 frickin years! I was the only one in my club! Oh they finally let me back last summer, but I remember! With friends like that….

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”. MLK, Jr.

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Proud of you! We did the same in my family. No way was I going to let them masks my children.

We left it all behind and moved to Florida in May of 20'. Unfortunately I have 3 offices in very blue cities. The ONLY time I wore a mask was to board a plane. My employees were told not to come to work with a mask on. If they chose to wear a mask they could work from home. I also refused to mandate vaxx. In fact I told them to think long and hard about it. Only around 10% out of 800 employees decided to take the juice.

Virtually everyone kept coming to the office and we were sitting ducks for the authorities to fine my business. I wouldn't change a damn thing.

I will NEVER forget the silence of all the other business owners. Never.

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You ‘walked the walk’. Your employees were fortunate to have a critical-thinking boss. No doubt you saved at least some of them from serious health issues. Well done!

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I wanna work for YOU!

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Super-Duper Like! Go Ryan!

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Wow! Good for you! 🤩 It’s hard not to bear a grudge but I sure wish them good health (which most no longer have 😔)

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You go RG ! Proud of you , your a great Dad , husband and business owner.

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Good fpr ypu Ryan being a great employer, mandating CHOICE and encouraging staff to think really hard. Never mind staying open and risking fines. So many lost their jobs and income.

What kind of business? We might want to support your business.

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Ryan - You will never know the lives you saved by not only not mandating, but asking people to make informed decisions. No masking was a wise a bold move. Kudos!

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That is seriously impressive! Thank you!

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My sweetheart endured the same treatment from her line dance group. Out of a tight-knit group of 12 women, she was the only one who abstained, and then paid the price. At first she was asked to mask up, and her first thought was "if you're all vaccinated, what do you have to worry about from me?" But then she was progressively shunned by more and more of the group - even her closest friend in the group shined her on. Before all this, they all loved her and she was very admired within the group. She wouldn't have anything to do with any of them now, even if they invited her back. That bond of trust and respect has been broken.

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oh so sad. my entire family no longer speaks with me (except one niece) and I am just fine with that.

Family now means smart people - family of choice.

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I’m sorry that happened to her. I lost a close friend due to all this nonsense.

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I walked away from two groups when the masking b.s. started. One sporting, other musical. Weekly activities for over 30 years for both. Never went back to either one but for a couple of toe-dips with one and then a big "nope." Spent a lot of 2022 and 2023 trying to find new regular activities with new people. Hope your sweetheart found new and nontoxic people in another dance group.

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I love that quote Katherine J.

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"You might not want to know...let alone admit it." That is exactly right Ryan. We need to forgive others mainly for our own reconciliation with God. It's the only way to let go of the bitterness. But it is so true that "it'll never be the same."

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Apr 11·edited Apr 12

to forgive means to GET THYSELF UNTANGLED FROM THEIR WEB OF SATAN! So that you can singularly hear the voice of God that you naturally had b4 you were f'd up by those speaking and doing satan over/onto you. We will never find Jesus in the MOB...it is found by extracting yourself from those who aren't directing you toward your best. The church can be the worst and most offending ppl b/c there are so many wounded in one spot! (hurting ppl hurt ppl) I love the idea that you need to find God yourself and in your bible BEFORE you find a church, or else you'll just be indoctrinated into their BS lies, like you have 'to forgive', which to them means make excuses for their sick behavior and give them amnesty, it's like a dysfunctional family who gaslight you for trying to become healthy. HELL NO....shake the dust off, learn the lesson and you can now recognize the BS next time and not get taken advantage of.

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preach. there are about 1.8 billion Christians who need to hear your message.

they were a terrible failure, when needed most, during the c19 calamity

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Matthew 24:9 (NIV) - Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.

2 Timothy 3:12 (NIV) - In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,

1 Thessalonians 3:4 (NIV) - In fact, when we were with you, we kept telling you that we would be persecuted. And it turned out that way, as you well know.

Matthew 5:12 (NIV) - Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

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I think the majority refuse to believe the truth and therefore, have nothing to apologize for. We know.

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Here is question.

If a blind man murders another in cold blood, is he any the less guilty for having been blind?

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At least 6 million Jews were sheep led to slaughter. I imagine at least that many in the world (actually many more) will suffer death due to the killer shots. There is such a thing as righteous anger. Jesus demonstrated this a couple of times when the criminals and thieves where in the temple.

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I remember reading about a Nazi soldier once and they asked him how he could do what he did to the Jews. He said they were conditioned to think of them as not human, they believed this and believed they were the enemy. And so, makes it easy to kill them and not feel anything and in fact feel obligated to eradicate them, morally obligated if you will. He said to this day (the time the article was written) he still feels no remorse and thinks what he did was justified. I think this is where we are at too.

My best friend and I can talk about everything, and used to talk about everything but not covid. Being a healthcare worker, she is still conditioned to what’s she’s been told and what she experienced. But she hasn’t looked outside the box of what was really going on. It’s put that slight rift in our friendship that I don’t see resolving until she can truly see what’s going on. It’s really entirely too sad the damage caused.

Division is one of the devil’s most cherished evils he brings upon us though and we can’t let him win.

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Yep, I know of what you have described.

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RemovedApr 11
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Bots could at least try to use correct grammar 🙄

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Blocked and reported.

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I blocked Kate h also.

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Forgiveness of others is a gift we give ourselves.

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I've read some authors recently referring to it as "groupthink." While there is certainly groupthink among the elites, ruling class, and establishment bootlickers, it's gone way past groupthink across the boards.

Groupthink usually allows for dissent, to at least hear it if not actively consider it. Groupthink typically doesn't start out with calls for silencing people, imprisoning them, and in some cases, calling for their deaths just for holding a different view.

Just adding this b/c it seems like "groupthink" is going to be the next establishment-approved narrative to try to wiggle out of the justice they have coming to them. Until they admit they were wrong and apologize, they really don't have anything of value to say.

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In elementary school now there is a lot of this BS that was just starting when I was exiting grade school of “collaboration” with peers, where you have to sit in a group and always work together on stuff. To think now it was/is probably a conditioning of sorts to discourage individual thinking and encourage group think. Students very rarely work or get to think on their own and lessons are engineered to get kids to think a certain way instead of just think.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

We are expendable. We are livestock in in 'their' eyes. Livestock to be milked, sheered, cut into the meat remunerative to 'them'. We are despised, ridiculed, mocked and cancelled out as though we have already been liquidated by them. They love to eviscerate us, especially our minds. They spit on us and our God. They wish death to us at every twist and turn.

In a just world, there would be an accounting.

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Well isn't this exactly what happened to Jesus?

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Actually, come to think of it! You are spot on!

Yup! Anybody who gets in the way of this or that is plowed into a pit and covered up by a bull dozer ... or hung on a tree.

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Like watching teenagers throw a tantrum. You know how it's going to end. You know they're going to be embarrassed. You know they're going to embarrass themselves and you. You know they're going to say things they wish they hadn't said and can't take back. You just hope they don't hurt themselves or someone else.

I kept hoping people would wake up. Like, seriously, how can someone fall for an obviously faked CCP video of people dropping dead in dramatic fashion, Hollywood style? How could people not see that everyone they knew had gotten it and virtually none of them died from it? How could they not see that we've never had an effective flu or cold vaccine, so how could one be developed in like 3 mths?

The hardest part for me is realizing what a huge real world difference there is b/w people on the high end of the common sense curve and people to the, uh, "left" of the center of that curve. Real world intelligence.

And of course, the difference b/w the faithful who didn't have government posing as a god to them and those who look to government as their god.

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all the highly educated in my family and friends got it and blamed me.

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You should demand they thank you for helping them strengthen their natural immunity, lol.

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We have absolutely no obligation to forgive them.

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We went to the lake for fresh air.

They blocked off all the tables and grill stations to prevent access.

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Our community removed all the lounge chairs and tables from the pool deck….so we brought our own and partied with our neighbors who weren’t afraid 🫡

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The pickleball courts were closed so neighbors drew the court lines on a nearby road and played there with a portable net.

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Covid lock downs made a world like the underside of Stranger Things; all dark and cruel. I truly hope most people will fight to keep that from happening again.

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My governor wouldn’t allow us beach access, boats, churches, schools, hobbies, garden supplies, and paint aisles were blocked, but by golly, the liquor and pot stores and titty bars were open!

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Hello, fellow Mitten Dweller 😊

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Every other sink in our State Park restrooms was taped over.

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I'll bet cutting that tape would have been treated as a crime akin to cutting Texas' border razor wire...

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Haha 😂

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🤣 such insanity we endured!

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Or closed altogether. You can guess what happened with all the homeless. So.

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Our parks were closed.

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I remember that. They put yellow tape around a park. We got our food to go from our favorite Mexican place and went under the tape and ate at the picnic table. Such rebels. Sticking it to 'the man' every chance I get.

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That’s just awesome! I love it!

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Filled skate parks with thousands of pounds of sand, arrested lone joggers on the beach, arrested lone paddle boarders, and more. This was NOT done for our safety!

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Have they removed the sand from the skate parks yet?

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Criminally insane.

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we swam in our pool and ignored the whole thing. til they BLOCKED OFF THE POOL. then I left.

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👍🏻 It is often remarked that liberals can’t meme. There’s a good reason for that: a good meme requires knowing the truth and exposing the lie. Liberals refuse to see the truth and hide from the lie.

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And have no sense of humor.

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Yes. Or irony. Completely lost on these people all of a sudden...

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I ( in public "education") noticed this some 20 years ago: those considering themselves "liberal" had no sense of humor.

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SO true Florida Man!

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Just saw another commercial on tv that showed Bill Gates talking pushing new vaccines on babies and children. His money is pushing Harmon us all.

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Gates is going about his miserable, lying life acting as if he played absolutely no role in events of the past 4 years and he is still the vaccine king. I can't imagine what he is thinking, although criminals learn to have zero conscience about anything.

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one hell of a top 100 dandy song waitin to be written right there.

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Very good Based. Right along the lines of the statement Golda Meir cited 'We can forgive [the Arabs] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with [the Arabs] when they love their children more than they hate us...'

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Nice, until you remember she was one of the architects of the current GENOCIDE. not a nice lady.

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Their deception was planetary 🌎 I know judgement and vengeance is reserved for God. To forgive without any acknowledgment of their crimes is an affront to justice and cause for them to stage their next event on the world.

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for sure broad sweeping, but poignant all the same.

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We care more about the health of their children then they do.

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And I have been praying (for how many months?)for the healing of those who took the shot.

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So many friends and acquaintances took the jab and many of the boosters and are now, sadly, paying the price. These are young people - at least younger than me - have many different forms of cancer that were heretofore never seen in people in their 40's and 50's. Very sad.

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I love it. So true. Thank you sharing.

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

I have long held the opinion that the Republic is far better off with DeSantis leading the way in Florida than it is with him getting taken out by the deep state in DC. I’m hoping that the way this shapes up is that others states wake up and join Florida in pushing back against DC.

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He can accomplish so much more as Governor.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Federalism - the principles our REPUBLIC were founded on - agrees. Policy should be set by the states and enforced as needed by the central authority. NOT the other way around.

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I've said it for a long time. All we've got are state's rights and the courts (with honest judges!) In my ultra blue state I was at a child's birthday party right after the abortion decision went to the states. People were actually crying. I said, wouldn't you rather maintain states rights? Is that something you want to lose? Got only one interesting discussion from a young person. The rest were emotionally driven.

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and I just saw Trump and Kari lake said the Arizona Abortion decision goes too far. there is sanity in the Balanced view of life. thanks DT!

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

AJ, you interacted with some products of three generations of government school education. Sad.

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And 3 were MD's

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Not surprised. Most go through school as box tickers learning only what they need from "authorities" to pass tests.

I have yet to "get over" a pre-med in a college chemistry lab class who spiked reagents to screw the grading curve his way which forced over 70 of us fellow students on later lab sessions to waste 2 weeks of lab work. He was caught once everyone's lab notebooks were sifted by the lab manager to see when and where our lab work went sideways.

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Right ...he is setting precedence for the rest of the states

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After this term can he move to another state and do it again?🤣

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Someone wrote that his job as Governor is just 2 terms.

Can he leave for a term with a new Governor, then come back after that?

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I wish he’d come to California, not that our corrupt electoral system would ever allow him to be elected.

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Run for Senate?

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Wish he’d move to Oregon after his term is up and run here.

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Stand in line, Barbara! 😂😆😄❤️ (I hope you know that’s a joke, sort of!)

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But if he comes to Oregon, we get both coasts covered, you know. Then it will spread inwards. Yep.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Keep Portland weird, Barbara.;)

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I can’t stand that phrase! The Portland I grew up with was completely blue collar, ex-logging, hardworking families. Then the “weird” people came in and coined that phrase to redefine the city…it was never weird before that. Just an old, run down city that needed a facelift. Wait, thats now too isn’t it?

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Oh man! It can't get any weirder...or can it?

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Hubs works as an electrical engineer on a fishing boat. Brand new one just built and finished it's first season in the Bering Sea. The D candidate for WA state governor is touring the boat today. His company forced the jab mandate, so it figures they are kissing up to the D. I asked him yesterday if anyone at his company has dropped dead yet and answered with "No, unfortunately .But they have all gotten really really fat." Yep. Just like 80% of the population.

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After that, on to VT!!

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I doubt he could tolerate Oregon, especially Western Oregon: politically and climatically.

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That’s exactly why we need him

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But he would be oh so good for Oregon. There are a lot of fragile egos that need some bruising.

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

I was thinking the same. I see legislation in Kansas modeled after Florida. Local local local. Hopefully other states are doing the same.

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Yeah but that commie governor we have is blocking it every time she can. She HAS TO GO or this state will never get it together.

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Yes we still have some work to do on Rinos in Kansas to really get that veto proof majority

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You are absolutely right.

He truly is leading the nation, in a sense, from Florida. He is showing other Governors ‘how to do it’ as are those state legislators and his entire administration. He is teaching the mayors and city councils in Florida and other states. His example to other, weaker leaders is helping them to grow a spine.

I did not want him as President. What he’s doing in Florida is showing how a Republic works.

Thank you for pointing that out.

Who know but that he was, as in the book of Esther, sent “…….for such a time as this?”

God can use bombastic men like Trump, but He also uses quieter,

more ‘steady as she goes’ men like DeSantis.

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God, I wish this would happen in California! But I think we'll have to go through the big earthquake before we realize en masse that Washington DC will never have our backs. When we have to rely on our own resources to recover, we'll realize we never needed those assholes. We came closer to that realization with the wildfire "pandemic", but somehow it wasn't enough to jolt this brainwashed populace back to reality.


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Or the Dominion voting machines that vote for us 😂

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Vote for you. Not vote for you. :)

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

I love California geographically and all that it has to offer, and it would be hard to leave it at this point in my life as I own my home and financially it would be difficult if not impossible to uproot myself and go to a different state. I am 74 and my husband is 77, yet I would love to leave if it were financially possible. However, I am grateful every day that I live in the foothills of the north and far from the sick blue cities, and I can escape the idiocy that goes on in the cities as we have none of that where I live. Life is normal here. Can't escape the gas and power prices, though.

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Well, those prices have raised elsewhere too - maybe not as much as here (Thanks, Gavin!).

I've lived in Sonoma County for 37 years, and I love this area. Hate the politics. But I'm close to mountains, the ocean, rivers and San Francisco (which isn't the positive it was when I moved here, I'll grant). This area went from small town agricultural to bedroom city wacko liberal haven with crappy roads, rampant homeless AND soaring housing costs. It's ridiculous how much people pay to live here, considering how poorly-managed it is.

I love the foothills - my cousins all live in Gold country (home to Kevin Kiley). If my sweetheart were more cold-tolerant and I were more heat tolerant, I'd find my way there. I love the fog and the redwoods. I'm glad the rest of California (away from the coasts) is Red. It gives me some hope.

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I'm praying for other states to join the pushback, too.

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The more Florida succeeds, the more it makes the blue state failures stick out.

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true, with Trump as President, he will have more support. as it is now, only the states that want federal control are helped by Congress & those that don't are hindered...

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I agree. I think he will make an excellent president one day, just not now. The battle right now is in need of a battle hardened general who has been in the belly of the Deep State and knows their strengths and weaknesses and he’s just not there yet, but I think will be.

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100%!!! Later Jay

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After he finishes his term, he should move to another reddish state, establish residency and run for governor there. That would be some 4D chess. 😏

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I was going to post this exact sentiment, Lon, but you stated my feelings exactly already. DeSantis is a good guy, right where he is.

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True- although I would really appreciate DeSantis approach to getting us out of Ukraine and diverting a disastrous show down with Russia/China/Iraq/etc.

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I am in agreement with you --completely.

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Lon, 🎯! “Republic is far better off with DeSantis leading the way in Florida than it is with him getting taken out by the deep state in DC.”

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How much theater are we buying into?

If DeSantis was really pushing back against the Feds, he would have banned the bio-weapon, that is destroying American's lives every day, a LONG time ago.

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I hear you, but I also know that tptb are trotting out all sorts of “studies” showing the safety and effectiveness of the jabs. Not an easy fight. Agree with leaving that fight to L

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Dr. Ladapo.

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Mike Johnson is such a disappointment.

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I suspect he is being blackmailed.

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Isn't ALL of Congress blackmailed to some degree?

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Or, they cut him a deal and he's in on the take. Let's face it, he was swept into the leadership position overnight (I think literally overnight?) and out of nowhere. He was on nobody's list. All of which is extremely fishy and deep state-y.

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Haven't run across this Stack before. Thanks for sharing. Lots of interesting content there.

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Let’s see Mtg in there.

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LOVE HER. she must be the only one besides Rand Paul who is not being blackmailed.

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Yes, that seemed obvious at the time and it has played out exactly as predicted.

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Sure looks that way. Politics has so little to do with principles.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

Short reel and interesting. Now that RFKJR is a viable candidate and has actually been interviewed on CNN and other mainstream media, I see the faces of his interviewers in *gulp* moments: intelligence like neither Trump nor Biden, and exposing truths never heard before...finding out that he is not a 'kook'.

To me, they look depressed after hearing him, not smirky or combative at all. He is exposing truth which is depressing, and even these liberal loving msm idiots must know that the country is in bad shape. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5mqc3pR0vQ/?igsh=aXRkYXlpZmNwMDhq

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His climate change stance is frightening. His VP pick was at Agenda 21 meetings. That's a big YIKES!

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Yes I know, sadly..she has the big bucks. However, who else has called out these big entities who control politics ? I like Trump, but even he has not.

I am not advocating for him, but listening to him is eye opening and refreshing.

This country is broken in so many ways.

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PS He calls himself an environmentalist. Difference.

He cleaned up my home state's Hudson River from the corporation pollutants being chugged into it.

I do believe to a good extent that our environment is very important for future generations.

I despise plastic water bottles and plastic pollution. There is an island the size of Texas in the north Pacific made up exclusively of plastic water bottles.

This has nothing to do with crazy climate change politics.

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he's an ENVIRONMENTAL LAWYER. he knows the difference between corporate attacks on the environment- and CLIMATE CHANGE weaponized for Social Control

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He has some very radical ideas about environmental protection and climate. His vp choice is a big enough red flag for me.

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He is right only on vaccinations.

Everything else isn’t just ‘left if center’ he is a big a Gloabalist as they come.

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Does this mean you support the forever wars and US hegemony? RFK does not.

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except Israel. he's just fine w the genocide and baby killing going on there.

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Yes, a true Gentleman and definitely a long game strategist.

Later Jay

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Great point. Unfortunately that sentence is why he will never be elected. Gentlemen with honor and integrity will never be elected. Those attributes are a liability in today’s climate.

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Hopefully people have seen full interviews with him. He is a social liberal and he endorses all the handouts that the left pushes including reparations. I agree with him on some things but he is definitely left of center.

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Perhaps his brilliant intellect, incredible historical research and recall, is, as well.

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RFKjr was on Cartoon News Network!!

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Just got that! Yes, he left her speechless.

I thought it was Communist News Network, having been taken over from

Clinton News Network. Lol.

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I have often thought the only way to get that far in government is to have NO principles.

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I found Tucker Carlson's not-quite-tongue-in-cheek remark in his Marjorie Taylor Greene interview about the hidden lives of D.C. denizens quite telling. We've heard the stories about Mitch, Lindsey, Tom Cotton, and others. ("He who is without sin among you ... ", aside). It would not shock me to learn that a self-proclaimed God-fearing conservative like Mike Johnson has a penchant for dressing up in stilletos and that some three letter agency employee has a photo or two. Perhaps that's why he was put there, as Tucker and Greene also seemed to suggest.

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Wait. What's the rumor about Tom Cotton? Aw, come on. Can't I have one person to whom I look up to in the Senate (though must admit, the shine wore off on Cotton a while ago)?

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Some have suggested that Tom Cotton may not be the staunch Christian, family-oriented heterosexual that he portrays himself to be. Watching him over the years, I could see that.

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Overall, I like Cotton, but he has definitely proved to be a RINO. However those negative comments about him are totally ridiculous and offensive.

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In today’s world, if Johnson showed up in a skirt, he’d get high marks from the left 😖

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I like your post, and I love your handle!

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Thanks and likewise. Every "Doug" I've known was a solid, straight-shooter.

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Yes I agree but if he’s such a committed Christian then he should come out with the truth however horrible it will be and humble himself to God because in the end what he is doing to the American people to protect himself will be shown to him at judgement and I doubt he will be able to humble himself then because it will be so heinous. Pray for him to realize what he needs to do.

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Yes, and pray for indifference to the consequences of doing the right thing. Some types of proof that “there is no one who does not sin” probably call for more than courage (1 Kings 8:46). Humiliation is humility on steroids. “Here’s your Abby, one day walking to the mailbox, anticipating her Sharper Image catalogue. What does she find instead? She finds heartache, Mitch. The death of love and trust. Imagine her one day opening that. Go ahead. Take a look. Devastating” (The Firm).

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He's compromised!

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Or threatened.

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Or paid

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I have thought the same thing. "We will kill your entire family if you do not do as we say."

What does a man do? Honestly, do you sacrifice your whole family?

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Or just another actor/pawn in the scheme.

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He’s seen the light about somethings and realized the c&c folks are simply

Blind and naive

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Says the blind man.

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The blinnd mann with a meann streak.

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Another substantive analysis!

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Bennie von Two Noodles!

You do realized that you are sounding really Stupid again! What you sent to me earlier, although creamed out with utter BS, that was far better thatched together this of the day! (And I am actually worrying about you! Because I think you are losing your grip!)

Also, I've been thinking on your case further. And I think that you should go join the Russian army. You would, of course, would have to give up the high heels and the Barbie outfit, but at least they would make a real man out of you ... instead of the simpering, whimpering puss you are. And you would feel much, much better about yourself!

Also Dear Noodles Two, if the people at C & C are so blind, naive Stupid, then why do you hang out here? Is it because you somehow 'feel at home' here?

Bennie Two Noodles. We actually do love you! And this may surprise you! And it is out of our brotherly and sisterly love that we suggest that your retire to the Horse Farm. Think of it! You could be with Horsey. And you could eat all the clover and hay your want, and get into the asparagus patch and even nibble on the edges of thatched roofs. Why you could even troll, troll, troll your little boat gently down the steam to your hearts content ... and you would not have to worry about looking Stupid to other people!

Think on it some! Your life could be so, so very much better!

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I came here because I'm against the covid mandates. I started subscribing in 2021 when Biden made it clear they were coming. I refused to bend the knee to the mandates and ignored the harassment by the DOD and laughed at it.

I go to southern Baptist Church, graduated from a Bible college with a degree (including in Bible studies), and voted for Trump 3 times.

This is really weird dude. I'd suggest going outside and touching grass or something.

I wouldn't be accepted by the Russian army because I'm actually competent at my job and they need yes men, not competent people.

You, on the other hand....

Don't forget to get your sputnik shot. It's Putin approved.

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lose the homophobia and Id totally sign on to this post ;)

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Ha! Ha! My wife was Miss Super Lib when I first met her some twenty-four years ago ... and she laid the homophobia thing on me as though that spoken word would have me quaking wussy-like in my boots. I had to explain to her what the word actually meant and that I had no fear of homos. And that their practices just disgusted me. That was even before I had a clear idea as to what the Bible had to say about sodomy, catamites and perversion in general.

Maybe you see homos coming out of the wall. I don't. In fact, you surprise me and I would be quite startled if others read homos into any of the above. (Maybe I should have started this off with, Dear Abby ... perplexed here in Roanoke!)

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Divisiveness is dumb, especially at this time in all our lives.

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EVERYONE in Congress is a disappointment. People need to stop hoping for any type of ‘hero’ or ‘savior’. Congress is corrupted beyond repair.

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FISA Reforms? a LEADER would make that bold and upfront for all to clearly see, not snivel and whine and claim something has been addressed that in truth HAS NOT been. He'd want to exert strength and take the credit, FAKE leadership with mis-dis-and mal-conduct. The claim NOW is that among the proposed amendment reforms-- is a requirement for a WARRANT. Media saying that this is what Trump and MAGA maniac Reps actually stupidly defeated and that when this thing gets passed later with zero warrant requirements it'll be their fault.

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And we wonder why no one good joins the elected government positions.

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Good people can't get elected. They don't have the money, therefore no backing, to speak of, because they cant buy the votes. Good people are also honest and will admit to errors when found, politicians will lie and blame others.

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It seems like to get elected you have to compromise your ideals to get the money and support, and it's all downhill from there.

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Amen, CMCM, amen!

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I’ve told everyone a thousand times. Those that seek office,are generally horrid creatures.

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That is true, and it’s why we the people should have been searching for good candidates (not those seeking power), approaching them and asking them to run, then supporting them and working to get them elected. It’s what the tyrannical left does with corruptible candidates, which is why our “elected” officials are so foul.

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Interesting facts from RFKJR:


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He’s a globalist. And you are on here campaigning for him. He is a Globalist.

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Genuinely asking: how can you be against the big pharma companies and be a globalist? Globalists and pharmaceutical companies seem parasittically entwined with each other.

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He’s big into the Climate crap, anti gun pro abortion.

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No climate; environment.

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I am not campaigning for him. His brilliant, statesman like interviews are worth hearing for *information*.

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And he picked about the farthest left VP he could find, other than a black man in drag

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My likes keep disappearing on here. Has that happened to anyone else?

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I don't understand where our one bill-one subject plan went?

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Looks like just another traitor.

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Yeah, he's a huge fan boy for the security state and the establishment as well.

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Compromised for sure. Agent of Israel and the deep state (but I repeat myself…)

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That was a foregone conclusion--it is why he was ushered in.

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It's impossible to overstate the importance of Trump prevailing this November. The country is so impossibly far down the path of totalitarianism that even his victory is no guarantee that it can be stopped. But the pace of the changes have accelerated dramatically in recent years and it's not hyperbolic to say that this is truly our last chance to save the country.

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Truth has become stranger than fiction. And, yes, we need DJT to win. I truly do not think there will be a United States of America if he doesn't. I don't have to like him. I can think his haircut looks dumb. I can think he's a narcissistic blowhard. None of that matters more than the existence of the United States of America. It's obvious Obama (via the reanimated corpse of "Joe Biden") wants to bring the US project to a close, and has made incredible progress toward that goal across his now three terms.

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Dan Bongino spoke about this issue a couple of days ago. He laid out very succinctly how the current regime is already operating as a totalitarian state...


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It’s important to remember that EVERY politician is a narcissistic blowhard.

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Oh, I agree. I actually think every politician (national scale and above; less common at the state or local level) is either a narcissist or a sociopath. The trick is to figure out which and vote for the narcissists. At least they don't want to send everyone into war to die for them. And their narcissism will likely extend to their "tribe," meaning they're less likely to do things to destroy their own country and people, since those are part of their identity. Sociopaths have no tribe.

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I agreed but vacillate... I do agree, Trump appears the best stop-gap until we can springboard a solid candidate. He did add $6-7T to the debt and there is that "Warp Speed"-thing which makes me ponder how he will side with the CBDC issue. That is still lurking about waiting to test us all again. That is a "shot" no one should take! Will he side with US or with the FED and their agents, Central Banks?

Later Jay

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Vivek (believe it or not) taught Trump all about CBDCs. Trump had not really understood what they were about. Trump stated, at a rally, that he would never condone them or allow them them in the U.S.

Can't remember the rally, watched it on YouBoob.

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I couldn't have said that better.

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I hear you but, sadly, I do not believe the Dems will allow a Trump victory. The Dems are in charge and they count the votes. Also, they are completely unconcerned with “getting caught”. The cheating in 2020 was blatant and provable but they suffered no consequences, and anyone who called them out was publicly mocked and excoriated. It is laughable to think the Dems are concerned with any meaningful consequences this time around either — no matter how blatant the cheating. Who’s going to come after them? Merrick Garland?? Will the MSM “investigate” and call them out?? Or (more likely) will the media cover for them like last time??

I would love to be wrong, but the treachery of the Dems coupled with the enabling dishonesty of the media will be difficult or impossible to overcome.

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers


An election will not save us. Nor will any human. We have deleted God from our government, from our education system, from our healthcare, etc etc etc. It’s time to turn away from those lies, and welcome Him back.


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Repentance is the only way we get our nation back. The Father doesn’t even ask ‘everyone’ to repent (thought He would love that….) He only asks that those who call Him Father/Savior repent……then He would heal our land. But the apathy has a stronghold.

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And what is repentance? Changing the way you think. And to put it into election terms, society needs to change the way it thinks. Do you think we are there yet?

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I am with you. But there could be amelioration ... and that's with knowing that things just getting better is neither salvation nor full sincere repentance.

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Amen!! We need to repent and turn back to God! See Nineveh in the Old Testament. This eclipse was a message from God!

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How can an all powerful omnipotent and omniscient god be deleted from anywhere? If he/she is omnipresent and all knowing, where has he/she gone away to?

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God can’t be deleted as He is the Creator and sustaining power of the universe. He is no longer honored or feared by our nation’s leaders and their apostasy will be their (and our) downfall.

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And I believe that a majority of the Republicans are as guilty of this as the Dems. Look at the crap going on in Congress! There have been no major accomplishments at stopping this runaway train that is running roughshod over the American people! Biden defies the Supreme Court and nothing is done to stop this craziness!!!! The Speaker of the House appears to side with the liberals all the while are 34+trillion dollars in the hole, our once great military is being completely gutted, and our own government is putting law abiding citizens in prison!!!! Good grief!!!!!!

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Yes. I believe most of the republicans are compromised and therefore unable to speak out for fear of disgrace and losing power. Just one more reason I do not believe Trump will be allowed to win.

Too much at stake for too many powerful people in government and media.

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They are compromised and further, I think the majority of elected representatives don't like and can't identify with their constituents. They see us as necessary burdens to be born in their acquisition of power.

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I too believe this to be true. But the ones speaking clarion call loud, they are the ones when know that are clean.

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It seems like a number of years back Congress ceded all their legislative powers to the Executive branch so they would not have to make and pass laws, and therefore they would. not be held responsible for bad outcomes. All their focus is on getting money and getting re-elected. Congress basically does nothing of value any more, and it has been that way for much longer than we may realize. The President with his multitude of executive orders has taken over a lot or even most of the role of Congress, so he now has powers he was never intended by the Founders to have.

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It’s the Uniparty!

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That's because it is a show for us idiots. Nothing is happening unscripted.

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I felt that way too until Trump ousted Ronna McDaniel and took over the RNC. I have more hope now than before that happened. We still have a long way to go though.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

You are extremely correct.

No matter who votes, FJB! will receive 6,000,000,000 votes. The vast majority of people (alive) on Earth will be voting for FJB! The mandate has been made and set in stone.

I pray that he will not win in any manner. May God help us!

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Sadly I have to agree with you

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I know! I know!

But I have to pause and think that some of the people don't think like I do. Very often, perhaps in the Trump case, they have been playing a far longer game than I would have thought to do. They very cleverly set things up in the long game.

I am not going to speculate, but I would not be at all surprised if DJT were the next Prez of whatever Wizard of Oz 'country' we have become. And if not, then prepare for the impending Hell Hole to enlarge big time.

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I fear you are right. The Dems are acting as if they don't even have to win elections anymore.

Even if Trump were to win by such a landslide they cannot hide the cheating, they will do it anyways. And if somehow Trump DID win, would they really allow him to just walk back into the White House?

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The answer to your question: No. They would find a way, up to and including assassination. It’s what happens in all tyrannies. The Dems, IMO, have consolidated enough power in the Deep State (CIA,FBI,DOJ,congress and the media) to do whatever they please.

And they know it.

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Hypersonic missile proliferation is best evidence of foreign policy "expertise" at its best.

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So we've got all the smart people working on AI but nothing on supersonic missiles or their defense. We are truly in la la land.

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Thanks to DEI - which is nothing other than a psy-op injected into America's business system by hostile foreign agents - we don't have the best people running much of anything. The people running the various co's and programs of importance are either DEI-forced hires or "leaders" who are aligned with the DEI psy-op.

Therefore: AI that erases white people, planes that fall apart mid-air, trains that haven't been updated in nearly a century and fall off the tracks, military technology geared to fighting wars that no longer exist, unabated attacks on infrastructure, and so on. And somehow the avg person continues to be oblivious to all of this.

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One of the original DEI ‘gifts’ just showed off her prideful moronic self during the eclipse.


Only by the grace of God has our nation survived thus far.

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Maybe Rep. Lee went to the same schools as Sen. Hank Johnson, Jr.

Sen. Johnson, regarding adding 8,000 Marines and their families to the Island of Guam: "Yeah, my fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."

I honestly don't know how Admiral Willard kept a straight face.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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Yikes. She's stupid. And a liar who tries to lie her way out of people seeing her stupidity for what it is. I mean, yikes.

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Double yikes, indeed!

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I firmly believe God's grace has left the building.

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I think it’s all that’s still holding us together.

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One of the symptoms of a death by a thousand cuts.

Later Jay

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Yes, but also ... I'm thinking that politicized AI is going to be a Joke Farm which far eclipses the antiquated 'fact checkers' and the Joke Media. Some of the answers from AI my wife gets are simply unintentionally hilarious.

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The whole Google AI thing really raised my eyebrow. I mean, there is no way, absolutely no way, that Google leadership didn't test that product before launch and didn't know what the result was going to be: the world laughing at it and them. They basically sabotaged their own brand. So, why did they do it? Did they do it to publicly expose the DEI rot they felt stuck with? (I am pretty certain the C-suite at my employer gives lip service to DEI, fully hating it, simply b/c it's a requirement for every major RFP.) Were they "encouraged" by someone to expose it, stoke public outrage, and speed up the pivot? IDK, but no way does a co. release a product that expensive and important w/o testing it and knowing how it performs. But, yes, AI so far is unintentionally hilarious...and also hilariously poor at writing.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

There is good food to think about here. And a lot of truth.

For example, I follow the mining sector some. The executive staffing follows the Government Script because they have to. But sometimes something slips out or one just reads between the lines.

Just the other day, for example, in interview some legendary North American mining leaders were talking about how long it takes to get a mine up and running in North America, especially Canada compared to African destinations. Reading between the lines, one has to know that this kind of discussion always gets back to the Woke political rot and fraud (including carbon, fossil fuels, climate, Sustainability nonsense.) These leaders of mining were basically saying that Canada, for example, is going to be a third world country if the nonsense is not reversed. And all said sort of New Speak dancing around.

Another amazing fact is that many Canadian pension funds had up to 72 percent of their portfolio invested in China (maybe in other places) than in Canada where they could have gotten equivalent rates of return on investment. To say the least, these guys were disgusted that flying around to exotic places, living it up ... was more important to fund managers that building up their own country. Well, there you have it.

And the problem with investment whether it's the EU or North America, is that it is across the board structural disincentives and central planning induced malinvestment, misallocation. But one thing that came out of the interview was that Australians were much, much better as to investing in their own country (this the land of total lock down and jab mania ... and go figure.)

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The difference between AI and hypersonic missiles is that AI is a much more useful weapon against the biggest enemy of the deep state: "Christian Nationalists."

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I doubt that's what is really happening. When you see major gaps in logic, it is usually because the ruling class mafia is telling a story and leading us by our noses to doom.

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Why would one necessarily categorize the AI folks as smart? Personally I use AI mostly to write clickbait (something I cannot bring myself to master)

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I worry what happens if he does win. Do we really believe Biden and the deep state will just vacate and let him walk back in? (another thing they were all afraid Trump would do)

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I hate to say it but if God's plan is the destruction of our nation there is no stopping Him.

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"What I think is happening is that Russia has been carefully preparing a global anti-NATO strategy for two years now, and it is now beginning to pull the trigger."

OR.....this is the next step of the operation to convince us all that we are enemies with countries that in fact, we are likely working with to achieve the globalist agenda, while they pretend not to. The BRICS alliance goal? To appear as opposition, but in fact work as a believable threat to North America and Europe because world domination is not possible until we are destroyed.

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Every nation is out for itself. Even in NATO! Look how many decades the USA paid the lion's share of its costs. Most nations will knife any others to get any advantages anytime.

Its August 1939 again when Germany pivoted to conquer France after it inked its secret deal with Stalin to carve up Poland, Baltics and Finland so Germany would have just a one-front war in the west after it invaded Poland instead of a two-front war. Then Germany attacked Russia in June 1941 when it thought like Napoleon it could beat Russia. Was the German/Soviet 1939 pact carving up Eastern Europe any different at heart from the earlier German/UK Munich Agreement carving up the "Sudetenland?" Or NATO getting Sweden as a member this year while still trying to get Ukrain eto be a member to encircle Russia?

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

”But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.“

‭‭I Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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Now, if only ‘His people’ would repent. He promised if we would, that He would heal our land.

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

So I went to the Russell Brand video to find the bit about spiritual healing. I have thirty-six years of experience with New Age practices, having been taught reiki by my horse riding coach at age seventeen, in order to treat one of her horses that had a swollen fetlock. From there I practiced on my own horse. Then I got passionately into tai chi, breath work, visualization, manifesting, etc., etc., until God slapped the literal hell out of me during covid. It really, really hurt. There was tons of Chinese medicine stuff that all my teachers used and stressed. It's not based on biblical teachings. At all. It is not possible to blend true Christianity with any other practice(s). People, be aware! If you are a real Christian you are NOT to practice alternative faiths and, yes, there are definite spiritual aspects to all healing modalities, including yoga. I'm not a newbie in this arena, sadly.

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Amen! I tried to explain this to a friend recently about yoga and she told me I was blowing everything out of proportion. People open spiritual doors in their lives and then wonder why they suffer consequences. Being aware is the first part of spiritual warfare, but sadly, many people who call themselves Christians don't even think it exists.

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I went to a yoga studio that began each class with a chant. Each ‘student’ was encouraged to learn this chant. I remember thinking it was bizarre to repeat sounds in a foreign language not knowing what was being said. When asked what the chanted sounds meant, a vague response referring to successful practice was given. I stopped going. Just did not sit right with me, lotus or not!😆

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I agree that all the Namaste mystic bs is bad. If you're just doing the poses for movement and stretching, what is the harm?

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I have not experienced any harm spiritually from using yoga poses/routines for my overall strength and flexibility. I am aware of spiritual warfare and the biblical armor of God, as a deeply committed Jesus follower. I listen to beautiful worship music during these routines and am very edified.

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I call it gym yoga verses studio yoga. I am a strong Christian and I teach yoga at a local gym. I do none of the spiritual stuff in my classes.

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I would argue that Western medicine began with cadavers, and lots of grave-robbing and dissection, and Chinese medicine began by looking at energetic patterns in the body, and since we are made in the image of God, there are many as yet unrecognized aspects of being in us that Western medicine doesn't recognize. Some of the New Age practices are creepy and occultic, just look at the woman in the cage and the whorling mass of bodies in the Bank of America murals, for which you can get a "mindfulness app" attached to them, but Midwestern Doctor and the FLCCC recognize alternative modes of healing, and one interesting thing, I find, is that Carolyn Myss, an energetics teacher, says victimization can become a power one wields over others, but it traps your energy, so it cannot stretch towards the divine. I thought Dr. Lapado was brilliant, and he has a new book, Transcend Fear, and I've heard him say that the vaccines are anti-Christic. It might be that someone with some interfaith theological scholarship could identify which practices are genuine and which are psyops intended to trap people in occultism and fear. IMHO.

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I can only issue a warning about these things, having a fair amount of experience with them. Heed it, or don't. But be absolutely certain that the path you are on is the right one, because we are responsible when we lead others astray, and we will be made to answer one day for our actions and our beliefs. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He can free you from confusion, but you have to let him, and you do that by realizing there is nothing you can do to help yourself, so you confess that and ask him to save you. No theologians, scholars, or scientists required. Thank God!

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I don’t think alternative treatments are necessarily “ alternative faiths”. As long as you give credit to God for healing, and see yourself as His instrument, I don’t see why they couldn’t be compatible with the Christian faith. Don’t you think that there are some good Christians that practice mainstream medicine? Or God-fearing surgeons? Perhaps you just found a stronger connection to your faith as you grew as a person. But whatever the reason, I am glad that you feel a stronger connection.

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Russell Brand is one of theirs.

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While I totally agree with you about the new age stuff and Reiki, the more I understand about the body, the more convinced that Eastern medicine is onto something. As I’ve learned about the electrical charge of the body (this is a very real thing and super cool & interesting) and the fascial planes, I’ve come to understand the concept of “energy” flow isn’t a quirky as it sounds. I’m convinced it’s just another layer of how God intricately created us and the missing component in Western medicine.

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When is DeSantis going to ban the bio-weapon in Florida?

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When is the VA gonna stop offering the covid DeathVax to veterans?

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Unfortunately, Dr Joseph Sansone who has been fighting to get this injection banned just lost in court. Very discouraging. But he’s a fighter and will appeal. Hoping at some point, DeSantis will address it. After all, Floridas surgeon general was just speaking with Brand about it per today’s Substack, right? How do WE THE PEOPLE put pressure on DeSantis? Is there a multiplier WE can do to put this in DeSantis face?


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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

“These vaccines are just products from hell,” Dr. Ladapo said darkly.

I'M . JUST . OVER . IT !

How many children have to have their lives ruined or killed before DeSantis gets off his hands and does his damn JOB?! BAN THE BIO-WEAPON ALREADY!!

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Yeah well we still have red flag laws too. So he does things that seem to rile the leftist beast, but things like banning the clot shot, or getting rid of red flag laws are just too common sensish

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers


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I'll be happy to see that happen but he better not expect forgiveness from all the people who lost a child/family member/etc because he was too politically afraid to do his job and ban the bio-weapon years ago!

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Woa let's slow down on the antisemitism.

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Also, there's too many Whites in America, according to Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer's chief scientist.


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Filed under : EverySingleTime

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(One of the things they say to discourage criticism, since all 3 Jab CEOs are Jewish).

See more in this discussion "Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla on His Family Story and Jewish Roots"


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Yup, Bourla is both Greek and Jewish.

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You people have to get over your Jew hatred. It’s disgusting

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Noticing isn't hating.

Or are you saying that they are incorrect...?

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Robert Sapolsky, a neuroscientist at Stanford, who writes lay books on the immune system and on human behavior, who is also an atheist and does not believe in free will, wrote a lot about how 'us' and 'them' manifests (tribalism), says that when "us" and 'them' hits (and it is now the sine qua non https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine_qua_non of the psyops being leveled against us), that if the "them" is envied, the hatred and projection get much much worse. I sometimes wonder if the Chinese are pushing the Jew hatred, since Ashkenazi Jews and cold climate Asians have the highest IQs in the world. Something is after the intelligent, the creative, the innovative, and men have the highest IQs (and the lowest), but whatever is dumbing us down, putting the compliant and the incompetent and the dumbest in power, seems to be succeeding. I know to even discuss this is to touch the third rail lol.

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Though we only have to look at how Israel handled COVID and the injection products to realize that high IQ does not equal wisdom.

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This is among the reasons to keep fluoridating the drinking water. Why do you think there is such hard push back when the idea to eliminate it is floated?

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Trots out the hyperbole

Lays in wait with victim card…

Up next:

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Everyone in the Medical Industrial Complex seems to be Jewish.

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Just as there is a remnant of Spirit filled Christians in the world there is a remnant of true God-fearing Israelites in the world. Our Shephard knows the hearts of all of His chosen people. Israel is filled with hypocrites and imposters just as America is filled with the same kind of Christians. God will uphold His promise to Abraham.

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Meanwhile, UF continues to offer it to students, faculty and staff.

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Isn't that interesting! They can stop the DEI crap, but not the Jabs?

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Understood, but he’s doing important work, and IMHO, he should leave it to Dr. Ladapo to do that heavy lifting. If you haven’t noticed, tptb are still supported by an immense amount of literature supporting the S&E rhetoric. Pick your battles where it will do the most good. The jab fans would then just trot across the nearest border (and I really hate to say this - if they’re that indoctrinated, I’m loosing a little bit of empathy.)

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Respectfully disagree. By staying silent, he enables the enemy. When people are being killed, you don't hesitate. You defend them by any means necessary which is exactly his God given duty as Governor. You don't stand by while people are being murdered. Nothing is more important. By exposing the bio-weapon (and he hasn't even done that yet), telling the Feds to pack sand and banning the bio-weapon, he would elevate the debate to national attention where the truth of the bio-weapon murder campaign for profit can be exposed. By being silent, he is complicit in all the death.

Ladapo has no political authority. The Governor's job is the heavy lifting.

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Agree, but perhaps it’s my new pessimism showing through. Sunnydaze just posted that Dr Joseph Sansone just lost in court. I can testify that somewhere in the neighborhood of 85-90% of docs (who speak out of course) are still 100% in the pro-jab. Add the “scientific” articles “proving” the S&E mantra, our court system, and I’m out of hope.

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Agree. It is a "David vs Goliath" situation. My frustration is that everything that has been done has always been accomplished after the program was a fait accompli. The lockdowns were ended only after it was politically safe to do so; the mandates were ended after they were largely effective in forcing the injections; and now the bio-weapon will be banned only after it is meaningless because everyone has been injected that didn't outright refuse and uptake has dropped to almost zero. In effect, whether intentional or not, it was all theater.

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Please explain how he could ban a “medical intervention.”Could he ban the jabs by executive order and then wait for the inevitable lawsuits?

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In a word, yeah. There were plenty of grounds from the beginning to ban the shots which were from the get-go "experimental" and under ALL recognized law, domestic and international, could not be given to the general public nor is it legal ON ANY BASIS to disregard the absolute requirement of informed consent. The medical intervention was never vetted by clinical trials and as such were illegal for general use. Those three facts alone were sufficient basis to ban the shots from the beginning.

All political opposition, such as it was, was theater. The entire program was funded by the UNLIMITED Gov't power to print money because the American people are enslaved to the international banking system via the Federal Reserve. As a result, ALL opposition from the top levels of Gov't right down to your local doctor and hospital were BOUGHT OFF. They all enriched themselves off the blood of the American people. The few that opposed the plandemic were silenced by the MSM and harassed by the Gov't. Surprisingly, Alex Jones is still alive though they are still after him now. I have not seen any evidence of anyone in political office whose opposition was anything more than theater.

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Thanks! I always appreciate your political savvy!

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Incompetence? Mistake? Seriously? Making cereal is not rocket science to General Mills. They are really intent on poisoning our children by any means possible.

Toxins Found in General Mills ‘Loaded’ Cereal



On February 1, 2024, General Mills launched "LOADED," a new cereal line with enlarged squares of popular cereals filled with artificially flavored vanilla creme, but tests reveal alarming levels of heavy metals in Trix LOADED

Trix LOADED contains more than double the EPA's allowable level for lead, 400% higher levels of cadmium, and up to 1,650% higher aluminum levels than EPA standards for drinking water

The European Food Safety Authority's weekly aluminum intake limit is nearly reached by daily consumption of Trix LOADED, not accounting for other aluminum exposure sources. Glyphosate and eight pesticides were also detected

Processed cereals are major sources of linoleic acid (LA), which may impair mitochondrial function and contribute to chronic disease

Bone broth is a nutritious alternative to cereal. Bone broth contains important amino acids that few people get enough of, such as glycine and proline, which are important for longevity and overall health

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Haven’t had any cereal in my house for over 4 years. Since all this COVID crap I’ve done deep dives on what’s in our food 🤦🏻‍♀️ truly horrible!

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I’m with you. No store bought cereal. It’s easy and much cheaper to make your own granola.

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My buddy who got diabetes a month ago has since done the same deep dive and now he is a raving fanatic about our food supply. Through strict diet and fasting, he has already gotten his numbers down to the point that his amazed doctor says he is already only pre-diabetic. He has not taken any drugs.

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Yes, and with time restricted eating and the supplement berberine, he could probably become totally normal!

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Right. His goal is to completely reverse his diabetes and be completely cured in 6 months.

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Totally doable if he follows the advice of Dr Shawn Baker or Dr Ken D Berry

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He probably has seen them. He has spent many many hours researching the subject. One Dr he really liked was Dr. Jason Fung. He's on youtube.

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That’s fantastic!

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Had a friend in Argentina who was a bisinussman. He invested in cereal companies at one point, and told me cereal was so profitable you could walk away from the company after two years if you wanted. And that's just legit cereal, not adulterated cereal

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Well, if the kids weren't fatally harmed by the vaccines, Big Ag will get them with breakfast cereal.

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RFK Jr talks about big Pharm and big Ag on many occasion. Interesting reel today on who supports both political parties.


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Cereal companies have been poisoning children for over 80 years. The Quaker oats company and the govt health agency got together and poisoned all those boys with some sort of radioactive crap in their oatmeal to see if the protein from the oats would be good. Orphans and feeble minded young boys had no way of ever knowing.

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Everything sold in the aisles of the supermarkets is poison. But only what is sold along the walls. Better yet only buy fresh from your local framer’s market

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The contamination of our food supply is all part of the plan. If you don't grow it if you can, buy local, know your food source, or read labels, you are screwed, and not too bright. It's so obvious they are working on the slow kill to supplement the fast kill, even a blind man can see it.

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We changed the way we eat, what we buy, and where we buy. I started growing my own veggies last year. It’s challenging in Florida with the heat and humidity and lack of good soil, but I’m super glad to have gone down this road. We found a local butcher for our meat supply. Just buying a hog from a customer who raised his own and let us know they gave it no hormones, vaccines, or any injections at all to alter it in anyway. I wasn’t thrilled about pork, but without all the added chemicals and stuff I’ll eat that before I’ll eat what they are selling us in stores.

A family member was diagnosed with Celiac disease a few years ago, which is what made me learn to read and interpret labels. HUGE eye opener. That’s what made the changes real. And the false advertising is rampant. You cannot trust ANYTHING they declare on a product.

I thought I would be miserable tearing away from all the store crap, but there has been such LIBERTY and FREEDOM in what we eat and it has been fantastic and I’ll never go back to chemical laden products.

We aren’t perfect in our eating but it’s been a 180 degree turn we are thankful for.

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keep it up. You won't regret it. We just went to a local restaurant that is serving humanely raised meat, and I think we might be able to convince him to start cooking in coconut oil instead of soy.

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Sunny: Just wondering, would raised beds for veg gardening be an option?

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Yes. I did all containers last year to get started but for this spring plant added two raised beds. I still have all the containers in use too 🫣.

I went to a local place and got a yard of what was supposed to be organic soil, but was more like a mulch of some sort. I didn’t realize it until I got it home. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I relied on the lady in the office to tell me the best soil to fill my beds. Big mistake. I’m now battling with not enough nitrogen and some imbalances in the soil. I tried to amend it with black kow manure, worm castings, blood meal and compost and it seems to be helping. Still not great. But once I amend that for the fall it should be great soil!

Was that more info than you wanted. 😂 A simple yes, I do raised beds would’ve sufficed I imagine. 😂

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I added “mushroom compost” to my beds on the advice of a very green-thumbed friend. It is actually aged horse manure 😂

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I hear a lot of talk about mushroom compost. Didn’t know that’s what it was 😂 I do notice one bed has mushrooms coming up all the time. I hear that means the soil is good 🤷‍♀️

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IMO, all of commercial cereal is non-food garbage.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Which all goes to prove that General Mills is not a real general. He is a liability. But obviously, and from this little bit of scribbling, not eating this crap for over fifty-five years has done nothing for my IQ enhancement?

(This also is probably the DeWife viewpoint.)

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Well, I had to edit the spelling of viewpoint. But that at least reinforced the comment of IQ!

Hey, just checked. Gold new high today. And silver up, up ... back at and around the previous high.

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Incompetence is the party line because mistakes are pretty believable. But you are correct, every single move is planned, strategized and executed--there are no real mistakes.

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Sharing this!!

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

So Dems voted AGAINST FISA but Media only targets Trump and the few Reps who opposed it?? C'mon disgraced journalism goes even lower. Yes, they abused the powers entrusted to them and have to sit in time out...get ready for these creeps to aid and abet whatever comes so they can strut around and say they warned us...sick, psychotic, systemically sociopathic

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I am convinced the media is what needs to get shut down. The media is controlling the people with all their lies and manipulation. Until the mainstream media is dismantled nothing can change!!!

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There is the reason,right there, that if we end up in a revolution, their equipment needs to be the number one target. Tough to lie when you can’t broadcast.

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It would help tremendously to get the drug commercials off the TV.

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It’s obvious who owns the airwaves. And we don’t usually watch live tv, just when my husband watches college baseball or something. It’s ridiculous all the pHARMa commercials there are.

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Seems that’s all there are. Oh and clothing stores with fat gay ugly models, all brown. It’s gotten ridiculous.

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Yes, they are itching to blame Republicans/Trump for the next terror attack in the US — and there will certainly be one — even though it was Biden who welcomed the terrorists in. Guess what? The media will do a full court press to shore up the dem narrative. Of that you can be certain!

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

“The proper path through this treacherous quagmire is the path of humility and standing down. Get NATO and the CIA out of Ukraine. Quit poking the Russian bear.”

That would be a start. But we need to chase out the neocons and warmongers in both parties, throw out the congressmen who accept money from defense contractors and special interest groups, and yes this includes our beloved AIPAC, and start addresses our many national issues and problems. Going to war only serves the elites and impoverishes the rest of us. As a wise founding father stated: “ Commerce and trade with all — alliance with none.”

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There needs to be a complete and utter shutdown of campaign (contributions ) bribes. Because all those bastards do in dc from day one is worry about getting re-elected. And that’s due to pay for play. How we allow this to continue is beyond me.

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Agree 1000%

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And attack the roots of the chronic disease epidemic. We need transparency there.

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Russia should leave Ukraine first and set the example.

Ukraine is not Russia.

Maybe, idk, Putin can follow

The treaties he signs? Not hard

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Gee, if we didn’t invade Ukraine first,maybe he would leave. But after we built all those bio weapons labs there, installed a fake government, and created a playground on russias intimate border,I’m thinking Putin has the patience of a saint.

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For a guy that seems to know all things Russian, you sure don’t know a

Lot of what’s right. You go, soldja boi.

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We never invaded Ukraine. Russia did and Russia did it in 2014.

The same "bio weapons" labs that exist in Poland, Russia, Belarus, Kazahkstan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan?

"Russia's intimate border" ends at the international border that Russia agreed to in writing..not where they think it is (in Poland to the west or in Alaska going east).

Russia already had Nato nations on their border since the 90s after they launched invasions in Georgia and Moldova and after the "War to stop nato expansion" they now have even more including a territory they still claim that is under Nato protection-Finland.

The Russian puppet campaigned on closer ties with the EU then changed his mind after a phone call from Putin. Where did he flee too when the Ukrainian parliament was going to charge him?

He fled to Russia with his billions of dollars in stolen funds.

I suggest you get the Russian covid vaccine. Putin has the "patience of a saint", you say. He says the Sputnik shot is the best ever and truly safe and effective (as some here say).

Roll up your sleeve, Tovarisch.

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Great moniker!

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What is hard is your ability to use the few grey cells you have between your ears.

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I'm using them now.

I suggest you try.

Only Russia gets to break treaties..I know.

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No. The USA leads by example. We don't wait for others to do the right thing first.

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The USA is not in Ukraine and we do not have armies there.

At any time the war can stop if Putin wants it to.

Any time.

Why doesn't he?

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Or none of this is even close to reality. It's the story we are told. We still believe the media, even when we say we're smarter than that. The gov't story is that they are enemies --that Ukraine bombed the theatre and so Russia is retaliating.

"What I think is happening is that Russia has been carefully preparing a global anti-NATO strategy for two years now, and it is now beginning to pull the trigger."

OR.....this is the next step of the operation to convince us all that we are enemies with countries that in fact, we are likely working with to achieve the globalist agenda, while they pretend not to. The BRICS alliance goal? To appear as opposition, but in fact work as a believable threat to North America and Europe because world domination is not possible until we are destroyed. It has to be played out like this--shots fired, retaliation, then escalation and a slow build of the story until it is entrenched.

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Regarding the often addressed C&C subject of Trans, an important factor in the gender dysphoria equation: Bisphenols (plastics), Atrazine (Round-Up) and other endocrine disrupting chemicals alter sexuality even in the womb (by triggering aromatase to dominate the body with estrogen). So, Yes this is a social issue, but the corporate oligarchs would much rather have us fighting over pronouns than addressing the chemical root of the problem. Here is a 2008 PBS documentary (they have scrubbed from PBS website) about bisphenols (gov has since clamped down on Bisphenol A, but there are multiple bisphenols). And you can watch 2014 NPR Tyron Hayes, Silencing the Scientists (now taboo for NPR to admit) regarding "CHEMICAL CASTRATION."



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Yesterday some actors' child was celebrated by her parents for her gender change and new name.

Every time one of these overpaid moronic celebs does something like this, the media covers it so that the power of persuasion can further its diabolical ideological cause.

And no offense to Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner, who is conservative, but his sex change launched this movement in the culture.

(Not to be unkind, Could any man remain in his right mind living with those Kardashian women?)

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Was just saying this to my 26-year-old son yesterday. People from this generation have no idea how big Bruce Jenner was to people of my generation. He was literally everywhere. When Bruce Jenner says it’s normal to be a transsexual, it really makes an influence. Please take time to read the Cass Report. It’s getting almost no press in the United States but it’s taking down the gender industry in Britain.


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Interesting but 16 is too young for hormone medications.

I still believe this is, like a good percentage of teen lesbians and homosexuals, culture and trend driven.

One lady on a social media post from UK said that when some boy claimed that he was changing genders, a person came in to talk to his class about it, and ever since. her daughter has claimed each week to be something different. Clearly they think all this stuff is somehow 'cool'. They are still immature children.

When I studied psychology, the fathers of psychiatry said that you must pass each stage successfully to go on to the next and become a well adjusted adult.

They are not allowing this confused stage to be explored the way adolescents through the millenia of the world did..with proper role models of each gender...and with God, family, and religion.

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Great point!

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Alex Jones warned that Atrazine turns frogs gay.

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Not exactly gay. It actually turns male frogs female.

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LEFTISTS used to be on top of this crap.. now they literally eat it up

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Eat it up? Leftists create and enforce most of it!

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One gets the impression that Putin is trying to wrap things up in a hurry, you know, like before November.

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Putin’s history lesson for Tucker sounded like an insecure guy saying, “I’m not an ignorant thug.” The rest of the interview sounded more like, “I’m not irrational. Take my national security concerns seriously before more people get hurt.” Unfortunately, the Biden admin cares more about its Ukrainian money-laundering slush fund.

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Putin basically said this is why we did it (the history lesson), we're not going to stop b/c we consider it a life/death situation for Russia (NATO encroachment and the fact that the West is not run by its elected officials), so either work with us to settle it peacefully or prepare for a life/death fight. Apparently, our narcissistic deep state leaders decided to do neither.

The best the US can do right now is back away from this and let Europe fight their own war. They're the ones who wanted this, let them take it on their own for once. I still think that's what we're trying to do, but time will tell.

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Dems are Pro-Terrorism; they want more Hamas, ISIS, and Nordstream II style attacks globally and here in the States. IF NOT they need to Vote Kennedy for pres and None of the Available in all downballot items. Putin is now daring NATO and US-CIA to throw all-in to Ukraine while the saber-rattling from N. Korea and IRAN and Houthis intensifies and China covers his rear. It's going to get really ugly...where are the Peacenik Leftists?? Oh right, they're chanting "Death to Israel, Death to America!"

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More specifically, they are pro-chaos. When there is chaos, grown-ups need to step in and exert control. So the recipe is simple: sow chaos where it otherwise doesn't exist (sexual revolution, feminism, gay rights, transgender, climate change) and step in to manage the chaos later on. The left has as its constituency a rag-tag coalition of the aggrieved. They create the grievance, nurture it, and position themselves as the solution to the aggrievement. See how easy that is? Totalitarianism is the answer to all of the problems they create. History doesn't always repeat, but it surely rhymes.

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This is coming from the top down. The globalists are now using the Democrats as useful idiots. They have used Republicans in the past as well, in different ways. When we put all of our energy into fighting within the two-party system, they always win. We have to find some common ground. I agree with you on the planned chaos. I believe that the globalists want to take down all western democracies.

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why i always draw it back to Anti-Theism, nature and existence are to be mastered, not to ameliorate our condition or promote harmony, but as petty, capricious, pretend-gods to exert power and impact; whether evil or benign as form of rebellion to the Creator and Nature.

Evil is defined as Anarchism and Chaos, willful disobedience and wrecking of order as if this will actually resolve problems and end grievances; a False gospel that requires an Anti-Christ ruling with iron rods of fascism to implement a harsh and despotic order over earth and humanity.

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Leftists love a good war.

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The victimization is a boon to growing their political, economic, and social power

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No joke. And do you know the biggest benefit? They get to dissolve the financial crisis due to the great wars they create. The super-wealthy only get richer in the process.

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The Uniparty loves war. Let us not forget going to war in Iraq under False pretenses. The same people always get rich.

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Power-packed today, Jeff!

Why, after two years, did Putin decide to cripple the infrastructure of Ukraine? That strategy gave Putin time to build an alliance with four American-hating countries under the weakest US president we have ever known.

Putin knew he could never win a war with the United States. He waited while we drained our military and weaponry and replaced them with bathroom-confused bloats.

He waited for decades until we had a bowl of oatmeal at the Resolute desk, and now Putin’s in a great position.

Excellent job, Joe.

And the media drones on about the orange man with mean tweets.

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As an invading force, I imagine you do whatever you can to NOT take out the infrastructure. Or at least to damage it as little as possible. When you win - as of course Putin expects to do - the expense and time of completely rebuilding the infrastructure is something you would hope to avoid. But there comes a time when it’s clear that it is the fastest, most effective way to end the conflict, so you pull the trigger - literally.

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It has to end, one way or another. Zelensky has made it clear he is going to cut and run, but he's gathering as many

$$$ crumbs as he can from Joe before he retires to a waterfront fully armed mansion before he does.

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Can’t wait to see how long he lasts here in Florida. lol. You those target signs that can be seen from space?

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Bingo! 👍🏻

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Excellent observation, DLW - I thought so, too.

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I also wondered if the timing was to spare the citizens of Ukraine from a winter without power/heat?

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Good point. It makes sense Putin would want, in theory, to make himself look human when he eventually takes Ukraine to avoid a revolution. Zelensky will most probably be looked at as the villain since he never gave an inch and wiped out a huge swathe of the population, being mostly men.

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Slow and steady wins the race. Anyone who has read The Art of War saw this coming. Too bad Joe can’t read (as evidenced by his failed teleprompter attempts). Or think. Or walk. Or climb stairs. Or ride a bike. Or speak. Or find his way off a stage. Or…or…or…

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About the FISA deal, can someone explain to me why 3 republican reps, who have been screaming the loudest about FISA abuses, didn't vote no yesterday? They are MTG, Massie, & Jordan. Is there something I'm just not getting? I think it was Massie that mentioned something about if the renewal wasn't passed, Johnson will put it back on the floor and bypass rules. In other words, he'll hamstring everyone. Am I missing or misunderstanding something?

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I wonder if the IC offered a lifetime carve out from FISA abuse, to any Republican, most notably Speaker Johnson, In order to renew FISA?

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I think all the rules are just machinations to confuse and fool the people.

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No - you're exactly correct. There's some strategic concern that a straight rejection of the rule would allow Johnson more freedom to accelerate the next FISA alternative. That's how Massie explained it in his Twitter feed.

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Jeff Childers wrote, "Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and South Korea — each an ally the U.S. has committed to defending."

That's the problem and it's about as far from as "America First" as one can possibly imagine. Then you have people supposedly on our side (Lindsay Graham, Tom Cotton, etc.) that not only support this, but say that even questioning it is akin to treason.

Side note that Jeff Childers order is incorrect that Israel should be at the front of the list as it's what drives US foreign policy (though I don't think Jeff meant the order in terms of importance).

I have two draft age boys and they will never fight for this or join the military unless the US is directly attacked, and I doubt I'm alone in this. I will take every measure possible to hide them and support them if a draft comes down. They aren't going to die in some distant land for these War Pigs (great song by Black Sabbath BTW that is just as relevant today).

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Absolutely right. (Fortunate Son by CCR is great too) Anyone considering joining the military at this point has to be literally insane. I want to see the warmongering politicians and Lockheed Martin executives and their children on the battlefield and then we can talk about drafts.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Just look at what the US has been involved in over the last 25 years; Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and now Gaza (in either a direct military or support role). Every single one of them was supported by Israel, and specifically the Likud party, either directly or indirectly. Virtually all of the Neocons are of Jewish ancestry (usually Eastern European) and are allied with Zionist Christians that have turned the modern, secular state of Israel into an idol. All cheered on of course by the weapons manufacturers who need to sell arms.

And what is the end result? Thousands of US soldiers killed, tens of thousands maimed, hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed, and at least ten trillion dollars wasted. And in just about every case (except Serbia), the results have been a disaster with things in those countries being worse than ever. But Israel loves the chaos of their enemies, Zionist Christians get some twisted enjoyment of cuckholding to "God's chosen people", defense companies rake in hundreds of billions, and generals retire and take in millions as defense consultants. That's where we are.

Not my kids, no freaking way.

Edit: See this tweet from Cernovich in response to Joel Berry's insane (and frankly heretical) defense of Christian Zionism:


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Absolutely. We've been totally subverted.

They're so powerful that it's becoming illegal to criticize them.

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If we are attacked, it will be with the help of our own military. So you keep those boys trained and at home.

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Same here. Sadly, my younger son (22) votes liberal and can’t seem to grasp that a draft might send him off to fight for Ukraine. I would pull money out of my 401k to send him off to college (again) if I had to, to keep him from fighting in any stupid war that we have no business being in.

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Yes! War Pigs! Although I do like actual pigs!

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Did anyone see the ad the Navy ran? I saw the photo on Twitter of a soldier holding a rifle, and the scope was on backwards. I guess some more DEI training at work.

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

I am sure the generals are all sharpening their stiletto heels…

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...and checking their pronouns.

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You make it seem

Like the USN lost 20% of the Pacific fleet to a nation without a navy including a flagship.

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I saw it and was disgusted.

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That was the Captain of the USS McCain!!!

There are a butt load of things wrong with the photo, the stock is above his shoulder, the scope is on backwards, his hands are all wrong for firing, he's got sunglasses on and holding the weapon about 2" from his eye.

If it's not comms of some kind then our Navy is screwed. MNCPO(ret)

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What struck me was that they allowed a white man to be in an ad! The replacement was 4-women (can’t recall if any were white). I know nothing about rifles but they acknowledged the scope was backwards and commenters called out many more things

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Looks like a BIPOC hand on his shoulder. ;)

What I found funniest is someone likely handed him that weapon knowing the scope was on backwards and the lens cover on. Then, several layers of public affairs sailors looked at it and let it go to mass media. More than one sailor knew that commander is an idiot and wanted the world see that. Not as bad as Vietnam War era "fragging" of bad officers but close because that USS McCain destroyer captain's Navy career is dead.

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I looked pretty close at that, and I don’t see a backwards scope.

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"Cmdr. Cameron Yaste, the Commanding Officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG 56), was recently photographed shooting a 5.56×45mm M4 carbine with the optics installed backward.

The now-deleted image and press release on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service website featured Yaste shooting the M4 with the Trijicon VCOG scope installed backward while pointed at a giant target balloon."

In addition to an improperly mounted scope, other sharp-eyed shooters noted:

- he was "looking" through a scope with his left eye (i.e. the wrong eye for a right-shouldered weapon)

- the scope's lens cap was on (meaning he wasn't seeing a damn thing)

- the gun was on automatic fire setting (as can be seen from the multiple casings in the air)

- the gun was discharged by its user WHO COULDN'T SEE WHAT HE WAS SHOOTING AT

All of those facts are disgraceful.

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They deleted it as they knew they fuburd hard.

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