Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

covid meme:

"The difference between us?

You took the shot & wished I would die.

I watched you take the shot

& prayed you wouldn't."

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

I have long held the opinion that the Republic is far better off with DeSantis leading the way in Florida than it is with him getting taken out by the deep state in DC. Iā€™m hoping that the way this shapes up is that others states wake up and join Florida in pushing back against DC.

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Mike Johnson is such a disappointment.

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It's impossible to overstate the importance of Trump prevailing this November. The country is so impossibly far down the path of totalitarianism that even his victory is no guarantee that it can be stopped. But the pace of the changes have accelerated dramatically in recent years and it's not hyperbolic to say that this is truly our last chance to save the country.

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

ā€But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.ā€œ

ā€­ā€­I Peterā€¬ ā€­2ā€¬:ā€­9ā€¬-ā€­10ā€¬ ā€­NKJVā€¬ā€¬


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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

So I went to the Russell Brand video to find the bit about spiritual healing. I have thirty-six years of experience with New Age practices, having been taught reiki by my horse riding coach at age seventeen, in order to treat one of her horses that had a swollen fetlock. From there I practiced on my own horse. Then I got passionately into tai chi, breath work, visualization, manifesting, etc., etc., until God slapped the literal hell out of me during covid. It really, really hurt. There was tons of Chinese medicine stuff that all my teachers used and stressed. It's not based on biblical teachings. At all. It is not possible to blend true Christianity with any other practice(s). People, be aware! If you are a real Christian you are NOT to practice alternative faiths and, yes, there are definite spiritual aspects to all healing modalities, including yoga. I'm not a newbie in this arena, sadly.

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When is DeSantis going to ban the bio-weapon in Florida?

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Incompetence? Mistake? Seriously? Making cereal is not rocket science to General Mills. They are really intent on poisoning our children by any means possible.

Toxins Found in General Mills ā€˜Loadedā€™ Cereal



On February 1, 2024, General Mills launched "LOADED," a new cereal line with enlarged squares of popular cereals filled with artificially flavored vanilla creme, but tests reveal alarming levels of heavy metals in Trix LOADED

Trix LOADED contains more than double the EPA's allowable level for lead, 400% higher levels of cadmium, and up to 1,650% higher aluminum levels than EPA standards for drinking water

The European Food Safety Authority's weekly aluminum intake limit is nearly reached by daily consumption of Trix LOADED, not accounting for other aluminum exposure sources. Glyphosate and eight pesticides were also detected

Processed cereals are major sources of linoleic acid (LA), which may impair mitochondrial function and contribute to chronic disease

Bone broth is a nutritious alternative to cereal. Bone broth contains important amino acids that few people get enough of, such as glycine and proline, which are important for longevity and overall health

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Apr 11Ā·edited Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

So Dems voted AGAINST FISA but Media only targets Trump and the few Reps who opposed it?? C'mon disgraced journalism goes even lower. Yes, they abused the powers entrusted to them and have to sit in time out...get ready for these creeps to aid and abet whatever comes so they can strut around and say they warned us...sick, psychotic, systemically sociopathic

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Apr 11Liked by Jeff Childers

ā€œThe proper path through this treacherous quagmire is the path of humility and standing down. Get NATO and the CIA out of Ukraine. Quit poking the Russian bear.ā€

That would be a start. But we need to chase out the neocons and warmongers in both parties, throw out the congressmen who accept money from defense contractors and special interest groups, and yes this includes our beloved AIPAC, and start addresses our many national issues and problems. Going to war only serves the elites and impoverishes the rest of us. As a wise founding father stated: ā€œ Commerce and trade with all ā€” alliance with none.ā€

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Regarding the often addressed C&C subject of Trans, an important factor in the gender dysphoria equation: Bisphenols (plastics), Atrazine (Round-Up) and other endocrine disrupting chemicals alter sexuality even in the womb (by triggering aromatase to dominate the body with estrogen). So, Yes this is a social issue, but the corporate oligarchs would much rather have us fighting over pronouns than addressing the chemical root of the problem. Here is a 2008 PBS documentary (they have scrubbed from PBS website) about bisphenols (gov has since clamped down on Bisphenol A, but there are multiple bisphenols). And you can watch 2014 NPR Tyron Hayes, Silencing the Scientists (now taboo for NPR to admit) regarding "CHEMICAL CASTRATION."



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One gets the impression that Putin is trying to wrap things up in a hurry, you know, like before November.

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Power-packed today, Jeff!

Why, after two years, did Putin decide to cripple the infrastructure of Ukraine? That strategy gave Putin time to build an alliance with four American-hating countries under the weakest US president we have ever known.

Putin knew he could never win a war with the United States. He waited while we drained our military and weaponry and replaced them with bathroom-confused bloats.

He waited for decades until we had a bowl of oatmeal at the Resolute desk, and now Putinā€™s in a great position.

Excellent job, Joe.

And the media drones on about the orange man with mean tweets.

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About the FISA deal, can someone explain to me why 3 republican reps, who have been screaming the loudest about FISA abuses, didn't vote no yesterday? They are MTG, Massie, & Jordan. Is there something I'm just not getting? I think it was Massie that mentioned something about if the renewal wasn't passed, Johnson will put it back on the floor and bypass rules. In other words, he'll hamstring everyone. Am I missing or misunderstanding something?

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Jeff Childers wrote, "Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and South Korea ā€” each an ally the U.S. has committed to defending."

That's the problem and it's about as far from as "America First" as one can possibly imagine. Then you have people supposedly on our side (Lindsay Graham, Tom Cotton, etc.) that not only support this, but say that even questioning it is akin to treason.

Side note that Jeff Childers order is incorrect that Israel should be at the front of the list as it's what drives US foreign policy (though I don't think Jeff meant the order in terms of importance).

I have two draft age boys and they will never fight for this or join the military unless the US is directly attacked, and I doubt I'm alone in this. I will take every measure possible to hide them and support them if a draft comes down. They aren't going to die in some distant land for these War Pigs (great song by Black Sabbath BTW that is just as relevant today).

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Did anyone see the ad the Navy ran? I saw the photo on Twitter of a soldier holding a rifle, and the scope was on backwards. I guess some more DEI training at work.

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