That Fauci pic looks like he was photoshopped into a 1980’s kitchen. Something smells and it isn’t the back of his fridge where his heart is rotting.

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Yeah, the very idea that a man with an 8? 9? figure net worth would have such a kitchen is only slightly less credible than people normally wear a suit and tie at home. The Beatles photo on the fridge is a nice touch, but even that is a tell: How many 82 year old men still have pop memorabilia from their youth?

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I'm wondering if the fridge magnets are are a PR person's "staging" prop?!? πŸ™„

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They forgot to include pictures with people. That, or he has no connections with humanity.

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He only has photos of himself. Remember his talks from his home office during the height of the scamdemic? He had several photos of himself hanging on the wall, on bookshelves, anywhere he might look so he can gaze at himself. Gag me.

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Several is an understatement! His walls were covered with Fauci paper πŸ˜‚

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He has a great deal of buddies in the demon world.

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He has no connection to reality.

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Really!? The dog TORTURER has a dog photo(which actually looks like the front of a greeting card)and dog paw magnet on his fridge!? This monster is NOT a dogs best friend!

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Ask Alissa Heinerscheid. You may have discovered her new employer.

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Alissa Heinersscheid is the lady who has taken a leave of absence from marketing Budweiser beer. Her campaign didn’t go so well, SO…

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Nevermind; got it. Bud Light genius

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We all know Fauci would have pictures of himself on his refrigerator!🀣

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

There IS a Trust Science magnet on the door. It’s kinda hard to tell if it is elfman or pedoGates.

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My fav is all the pots and pans in the dish rack. Good grief how dumb do they think we are.

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Perhaps he hired the same firm Budweiser hired.

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Hey doorknob,

Man you know NYC apartment rents ??? Pricey stuff I hear.

Later Jay

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If Fauci can’t figure out how to

live better on an 8-figure salary, no wonder he can’t figure out MrNA.

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I think that 80s time capsule is a VRBO rental in Pinehurst, NC. Looks just like the one we stayed in earlier this month.

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I was thinking the same thing, and the suit? Prepping for his funeral?

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LOL πŸ˜‚

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Are you serious or tongue in cheek?

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There are some differences between our rental and the place pictured in the photo. But it's super close. Our rental was only 900 square feet total. There's no way the highest paid federal worker in the government (ie., Fauci) lives in a tiny cracker box like this pictures depicts.

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Yes... all that money and we're supposed to believe he's in a tiny kitchen with white appliances? Um, yeah, sure......

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Between him and his NIH β€œethics” chief wife, they hauled in plenty of moola to fix it.

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Imagine the offshore account that are NOT on the books, so to speak.

I hear Pfizer pays well.

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Incredible no one dares mention her role anywhere........

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Like just about all the spin control these days, the attempt is so laughably bad that it works against the narrative.

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Works on my state senator, and my husband's therapist too. Both avid New York Times readers, and both getting ready to roll up their sleeve for the 6th shot πŸ₯΄. I saw my state senator last night, at a listening session with our new DA in Boston, and my senator looks like he's withering away from the inside, physically. Very emaciated looking. Almost like he has some sort of cancer but, as yet, undiagnosed. I can't help but wonder if it's those damned injections. πŸ’‰πŸ’‰πŸ˜·

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Yeah there seems to be alot of that goin'round

Mom and StepDad, had to have at least 3 shots.

Now he has full blown Parkinsons, went in for surgery and now...yup cancer.

Give the massive spike in both those diagnoses.....one does have to wonder.

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Absolutely - it is very sad. My brother-in-law dropped dead suddenly - 18 months to the day after his second Pfizer. The autopsy said he had a massive bleed in his chest, probably due to thrombocytopenia. He was never diagnosed with thrombocytopenia prior to his sudden death. I was just discussing the autopsy report with my husband's primary care physician and he said two things : The autopsy report is incomplete, and I don't agree with you on your concerns about the shots. I think they are completely safe and effective. πŸ’‰πŸ₯΄πŸ’‰πŸ˜·

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They are either deep in the realm of delusion or they are on the take....either way...no thanks.

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So retarded. One can find hundreds of articles on PubMed now. I guess he can't use a keyboard. VIT & VITT are well established. Here's 1: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8898788/

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Both, I'm sure. Intellectually arrogant might as well profit at the same time.

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Poor deluded medical proffession or raking in the pharma bucks?

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Now THAT is mind bending! Just WOW. These docs are SO vested and so self-assured about their "intelligence", they will never come out of their delusional zombie state.

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How can this doc say both things, one doesn’t follow the other? 🧐

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The gas lighting on steroids makes me feel like I'm going insane sometimes. Then I come here and I feel better. A little.

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I don't need anyone to tell me what the cause is. I know - there is no doubt. Massive turbo cancers along with massive neurological disease, even in the same victim, occurring all the time. We all know.

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UCLA Medical is building 'new' medical facilities in a cities near me. I bet I know what they going to treat there.

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Funny thing a friend of mine just signed on to another hospital in the area for a extended contract in the oncology dept.

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β€œJust because we don’t have the evidence doesn’t mean there are no effects” -sorry, I don't know the author but so apropos.

Later Jay

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Agreed. The Cat is out the Bag...

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NY "end of" Times

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The cancer of the jabs are eating the insides of the compliant.

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OMG, I didn’t know 6 shots were available! I’m having fits because my daughter in law, two grandkids and her parents had 4 shots! She needed a wheelchair to get around Disneyland recently because her knees hurt too much to walk and her father had a brain bleed. My son had 2 shots and had a heart problem. I flat out told him to knock it off, that the shots are a bioweapon. He finally heard me and won’t take more shots.

Daughter-in-law absolutely can’t figure out what’s going on and the shots are never mentioned. πŸ˜”

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I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank God you got through to your son. The president of our condo board in Florida told us he got AFib after his second shot. His doctor told him it was from the injection.

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Apr 27, 2023Β·edited Apr 27, 2023

The sixth shot is a so called bivalent booster, approved just last month πŸ™„https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-authorizes-bivalent-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-booster-dose

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πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ Insanity

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If that's his kitchen then I'm the Queen of England. Pu-lease. That little rat is living in a mansion off profiting from murder and I guarantee you there is no dish drainer within a square mile of him.

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That’s probably his mansion’s guest house. Liars deceive; that’s their essence.

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The white microwave says it all …

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Do they still make those in white? Massievly staged, ultimatly rediculous.

Or massievly rediculous and ultimatly staged.

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πŸ’― fake

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Yup. In the 80’s I wanted white cupboards too. But now my old dark ones are in style again.

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

"Exploring Fauci's many facets" via sigmoidoscopy. Video at 7.

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Barf-worthy link. Bleck.

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Yup. That’s it. His heart is still rotting in the moldy Tupperware container by the pasta dish.

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And the bottle in his hand is empty.

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023


[Hereby my hate on 'stack policymakers happily goes on, for flagrant negation of inalienable human right to pix in comments πŸ˜‡]

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Can you say AI generated image?

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omg Janet....you made me LOL. Nice mind pic. Haha!!

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If you are the same Janet who replied to me comment yesterday and shared the title of a book.... thank you so much. I have ordered it!

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Fauci doesn't have a heart to rot, only thing he has is an evil mind.

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Did you see the "frig magnets" on the old frig door? What a crock!! And the "FAB FOUR" was one of them (of course, the Beatles are universally beloved--even by a new age "Dr. Mengele" like Falsci!!)

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

β€œby Jiminy, it even looks like the good doctor just finished doing the dishes!”

In freaking suit and tie. He looks like be belongs in the Donna Reed show.

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He would have looked better doing it in a prison jumpsuit.

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Sadly orange may not be is color

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Orange is the new black. πŸ˜‰

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Can we get into trouble saying that (smiling). Is that woke racist?

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I hope so. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

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I’m clutching my pearls right now. Sorry that’s a noose I’m clutching. My bad.

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Maybe I’m thinking of the Beav’s mom. πŸ€”

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My thoughts went to Beaver as well!

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

Cockroach, in kitchen, pouring self a Momosa, before early morning interview on yacht of a lesser endowed roach.

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

(My reptilian brain: "Mmmmm ... mimosas.")

Too bad I'm fresh out of champagne, dammit.

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I have champagne...and orange juice... Covid and Mimosas anyone?

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I try to never be out of champagne : )

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Like a boy scout, always be prepared!

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Donna Reed would have kicked his sorry butt off the set!!!!

"Only REAL humans on this, my set!"

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Seriously, I thought he was a β€œFather Knows Best” impersonator. Actually he’s dishonest enough to be a drag queen, and heaven knows we’ve had more than enough story hours!

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Carl Betz WOULD have worn a tie, but NOT his suit coat while drying Donna's dishes.

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In my area of devout covidians, they are still clinging to the masks work, the shots work and everything they did in the scamdemic was for the greater good. Oh and to save granny. I say about 90% will go down with this ship and continue to believe in their religion of fauci and covid. 😐

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When I got a pedicure last week, the woman next to me was N95’d except when she swigged from her water bottle. My throat was dry, I got a tickle and eventually had to cough. Mrs N95 yanked a small bottle of hand sanitizer from her purse and frantically applied it to her hands like she was warding off The Evil Eye. I wonder if she saw my smirk.

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My husband "crop dusts" aka farts around the maskers. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ He is waiting for them to sniff and smell it. And say something! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„ His reply would be "I guess that mask don't work. " πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Gotta find amusement with their absurd masks.

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Omg Annie🀣🀣🀣🀣. That’s is the definition of appreciating the smaller things in life!!!!

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I love my husband. πŸ₯°

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Ok, who but a guy can fart on demand? 😝

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I know. Really. πŸ˜… But they can. πŸ˜…

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🀣 All that practice in junior high 🀣

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Such childish humor. And freakin cracking me up! πŸ˜…

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Believe me. My husband doesn't need to fart on demand. It's a 24/7 way of life for him. And me. πŸ€ͺ

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Prank fart spray should work

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There's probably a fart app on the phone too.

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🧐 wouldn't have the same impact without masked moron smelling through their useless mask.

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Anyone with a mask my husband can't help but deliver one of two lines...calling them "sheep" or "drinkin the kool-aid"

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Brilliant! Innovative act done with good cheer. Rush always said conservatives are happy but liberals are not & always grumpy. Liberals don’t/can’t appreciate humor at all.

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sanitizers = endocrine disrupters

stoopid sheep.



EDCs can cause reproductive, developmental, and sexual behavior dysfunctions, leading to detrimental results in animals and human beings.

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The results are plain to see. I can’t imagine living life constantly terrified of something so small it’s invisible.

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took me 1 minute to search that and post here. I'm sooo tired ... 😁😴

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At least they’ll have trouble reproducing...

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LOL, ouch. Savage πŸ’˜πŸ˜‹

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Thank you for sharing … We are bombarded πŸ˜—

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Getting hit from everywhere. More natural stuff, and lessen the other stuff at least in frequency. At some point, PubMed will be worthless, as I see some conclusions in papers dated 2022, actually claiming Covy Vaccination was necessary to stop Covy19 infection. That clearly bypasses, recovered & natural immunity, and any preventative measures. Scientists pffft. $ in pockets. Narrative Scientists, more like it.

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During the Covid years I was wishing I had a new superpower, to be able to sneeze whenever I wanted. Would have led to a pile of dirty underwear.

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I always want to ask them how they survived up until 2020.

It is a terrible illness for them ( the irrational paranoia), and I feel sorry for them. I don’t know that they can recover from that. Whereas as with germs we are designed to be exposed to and then fight off.

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I so keep wanting to ask them WHEN do they think it will be safe to not wear one!?

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I suspect the answer is β€œnever” because they were so traumatized by the Covid fear porn. They transfer the terror to everything else that could be in the air they breathe. If it was me, I’d seek out a trauma therapist.

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

For an airborne β€œvirus.” πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ It really did push some folks over the edge.

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Omg. I’d NEVER be able to keep a straight face. And I’d definitely cough more just to be sure my throat was cleared🀣🀣🀣

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I admit to having some trouble getting my cough under control.

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When I cough in public I just mumble about smoker’s cough, amazing how people body language changes!

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These people are completely bonkers 😳

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A coworker came in yesterday and was getting ready to put on her mask. No mandates here, just stupidity. I was in an exceptionally bad mood, which means I can't keep my mouth shut one bit, and I started talking about the German study from Monday's C&C. She said she kept getting sick. I told her those stupid blue face diapers increased Co2 and could slow down cognitive function, etc., and those things don't do anything to stop illnesses. She looked confused but then volunteered that she didn't have any jabs. I was shocked (in a good way) and said good and smart for you, now please don't wear that thing. Well, about 10-15 minutes later I saw her on the sales floor and she had the stupid thing on. I just don't get these people. *loud sigh*

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Wow! Give her links to C&C and the covid blog. Hope it frees her mind completely. Get some oxygen to her brain. Of course, people use masks to hide behind. Maybe they don't like their face etc. More of a mental or psychological issue.

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I agree with Annie but also would add links to Stephen Petty’s presentations as well as information from Megan Mansell and Kristen Meghan.

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VA Pittsburgh hospital still demands veterans wear a mask, or they are denied medical care.

How is that humane?

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Finally, our local military hospital has rescinded their mask requirement.

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far too long. We don't have one in place here

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They really want to kill of the veterans, don't they? Kind of like the older folks, "they" see killing off veterans as more money for b.s. like promoting hacking genitals off kids. That and the veterans actually DO stand up and fight, something none of them want. Sick!!!!

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I thought that was illegal.

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Apparently not. Signs all over the hospital that you must wear a mask to receive medical care.

They hate us.

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Maybe find a lawyer like Jeff and sue them! The VA def said u don’t have to wear a mask!!!

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Guess Pittsburgh didn't get the memo.


We require all entrants to wear a VA-provided procedure mask. For information on visitation, please see Operating Status. Contact us before you visit: For some needs, we may be able to provide care by phone or video."


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Just ridiculous!!! My daughter works for the VA and about a month ago the memo came down the pipeline. Sorry to hear it!

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Same here in VT

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Ditto in Massachusetts. It’s pretty isolating to live among so many atheists and leftists. Although we have a Bible-teaching Pastor who often says that some of us β€œneed to stay behind enemy lines”. Coupled with a small, truth-minded church, this eases the pain.

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My area is just the opposite VERY red, but I have a friend and fellow church member who still clings to the Democrat Party. She was all in on the masks and jabs and saving granny. Otherwise she is a faithful Christian. I don't understand the compartmentalization of her thinking.

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I hear that Cheryl!

The Majority of churches in my area have BLM signs and fraudulent rainbow flags on their buildings. Since BLM is a Marxist organization and for a long time they declared right on their website they were for the destruction of the nuclear family. Combined with how alternative lifestyles are condemned in scripture, all they espouse to believe is blatant hypocrisy, and antithetical to the Christian faith. Cognitive dissonance perhaps.

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Not cognitive dissonance. False believers. They truly cannot be real. That is false faith and false β€œprophets”/teachers.

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CD on steroids! I've been calling them out, methodically, especially my elected officials. The least I can be is a gadfly!

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Not really preaching The Gospel. Those "churches " have been infiltrated.

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Those kind of people know very little about either religion or politics. Their religiosity is self righteous virtue signaling, and their political views lean to socialism, which is what Dems have long been about…they’re for the little guy, the underdog etc. That message appeals to the shallowly religious.

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The message appeals to the weak.

Life is full of obstacles. Overcome or find someone who can help. Give back to the helpers what gifts you have.

Improve oneself, help others, don't drag anyone down.

Pretty simple really.

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Life is full of choices as well. It's all a celestial game played in the physical. That doesn't mean "don't play", but play to win, then go home.

You are correct, imo. Pretty simple really. :-) All the best

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I guess I should be more sympathetic since they are truly wretched creatures. When you realize how fearful they are, factor in the lack of oxygen from excessive mask wearing causing brain atrophy, their blood is clotting up from the shots - 😳 why am I surprised?!

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I always take it as 'if they are wearing a mask, it means they have taken all other measures to ensure their demise and their breath alone is probably a toxic cocktail. Best just keep that mask on, so I know who to avoid!'.

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A psychologist said they are advertising their mental illness.

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it's unfortunately - Self-suicide by mask and poison.

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Great point Annie! πŸ™πŸ»

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Daughter: I’m working at home for you.

Me: I’m going out

Daughter: I’m wearing my mask for you.


Daughter: I’m getting vaccinated for you.

Me: I’m not f*&$#@* getting vaccinated.

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Please tell me where in MA you are finding some sanity. I'm surrounded here by the Boston by avid NYT reading covidians πŸ₯΄πŸ˜·πŸ’‰

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Visiting Boston right now and one of the historic churches on the Freedom Trail is flying both a BLM and a transgender pride flag. We did not take a photo. But all the immigrants we have met who work in hospitality are very friendly.

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Sums it up. A cognitive dissonance is definitely in the air. The minority freak flag. Transgender Black Lives Matter in our faces, but most of us are not about that. Still a lot of masked covidians at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston yesterday though. Not as bad as last April, when I renewed my membership after letting it lapse for 2 years.

I told the woman at the desk that I was back because they had removed their mask and injection mandate. She immediately responded to me that if I needed to go to the hospital for covid, she wished I would be denied treatment. I laughed at her and walked away, but then a few weeks later I reported her to HR. Haven't seen her again. Hope they fired her.

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Maine is a polarized state to be sure.

Here's the deal: The Covidians that have been ensnared in the trap of politicization re: the pandemic narrative and all it's trapping are not going to change. They will schlurrp up the next one and the one after that until they simple drop dead from the bio-hacks.

Sad but very likely to be the case in the near future. How much energy does one have to expend. Surely the protection of ones own and tribe is worth it, but beyond that?

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Wonder how close you are to my area (metrowest)?

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Finally the last mask holdouts in my church have given up their masks. For months, about ten have insisted that our pastor don a mask when he gives them--the first table--the Lord's Supper. (He does not believe in masks but does it so as not to offend them.) Then he takes off the mask for the rest of the congregation. For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, all of these people have given up their masks and take the Lord's Supper with the rest of the congregation. Also, my vet has finally allowed people to enter without masks.

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I tell anyone who dares ask me to wear a mask " I refuse to participate in this masking theater. " They never push back.

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Masks have become idols and the Bible does speak to that.

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How do u stand living there? Lol. You’re a stronger person because of it!

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I fluctuate between high amusement and disgust. It has strengthened my faith and ties with my family. We are stronger for it.

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Lmao. I’m so with you!!!! Both disgust and true amusement and be-wilderness!!!

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I had to take my Dad to the cardiologist yesterday. For the first time we did not have to wear masks! PA and staff were, I really wanted to say β€œso now your not believing what Anthony Fauci says?” Maybe 10% effective??

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We had to wear masks last week at the cardiologist. Not in the medical building, but in the office. I'm sure the receptionist saw my eye roll as she pointed to the box of masks. I really believed we were past this.

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I keep a fabric mask in the car, so I can mention how dangerous the surgical masks are...

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The interesting thing to me is the left seems to be doing a fantastic job of sabotaging their own voters.

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

I agree! Just yesterday went through a drive thru and the person was wearing a mask!! WTH?! I thought this thing was over. Never mind if they never worked!!

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Honestly when I see someone in a mask I laugh at them and shake my head. Prob not helpful but God didn’t grace me with a very understanding personality, minus kids. But adults get no leniency.

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Smile bigly. 😁 They hate happy mask less people.

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Same in my Virginia city. I still see a large handful who won't give up the masks, many are still testing every time anyone in their household gets a cold, and the majority still think all the covid tyranny was for the best.🀦

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It is a testament to the power of mass behavioral programming.

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You should probably move, Annie!

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We are looking to move in a year or two when we retire. In the meantime I plan to be an unvaxxed pain in the butt for these covidians. It should be easy peasy. I will be alive and well with a big smile on my face. 😁That will show them. πŸ˜‰

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Same in Boston MA πŸ₯΄πŸ˜·πŸ’‰

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Blue states might have less virulent jabs. 4.2% serious effects (including deaths) from 20% of jabs in the 200M people who jabboosted.

(β€œA report from Schmeling and coworkers using Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine found that 71% of serious adverse events came from 4.2% of doses (high risk batches) β€œ

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Is it me or does it sound like war is about to break out everywhere.....?

Why are Americans the last to accept that evil is everywhere. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies like so many want to keep believing.

It so obvious the plan. Take down America, it’s sad to look back and realize that’s been the plan all along. But it’s now being put into motion. Never in our wildest dreams would we have thought this to happen.

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β€œWhy are Americans the last to accept that evil is everywhere. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies like so many want to keep believing.”

Too much Tell-a-Vision and Move-eyes have kept most Americans ignorant and blind to what’s really been going on for the past 70 years or so. I should know because I’ve been a participant. πŸ˜” But, there’s still hope. β€œRepent, therefore, and be converted, that your (Americans’) sins may be blotted out so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”—Acts 3:19

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Normalcy bias. We have not had a war on our soil since the War between the States ( It was n NOT a civil war. Look up the definition) . Clif High pointed out in his video yesterday we have been subsidized by our military being used as an enforcer to steal the world's resources to subsidize out best in the world standard of living. Therefore, there is absolutely no way to know what anything actually costs. As he said, it could really cost a million dollars for a Tesla .Now that that is all coming to a screeching halt, we are about to find out the real cost of everything. That is why Americans have been so horribly complacent. Let has been far too good, far too easy , for far too long. Tough times make hard men. Hard men make good times. Good times make soft men. Soft men make hard times. I don't have to tell you which part of the cycle we are in. The normies are about to find out the rainbows and butterflies are gone.

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thank you, I concur.

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The enemies are in our house.

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Wars and rumors of wars..........

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This is exactly what I was going to say. Clear end times.

Lord may my child believe before you return!

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My daily, hourly prayer for our children...

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Exactly! I think a lot of this may be theater, but also "war" may not necessarily mean war in the classic sense, in my uninformed, non-religious opinion. I could very well be wars on common sense, wars against free thinking, wars against questioning the narrative, etc.

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Psychological Holocaust

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But it is all rainbows in the US! πŸ˜‰ LGBtq++++ rainbows πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ that is!! πŸ€­πŸ™„πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‘

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But there is a Take Back the Rainbow non profit now.

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 27, 2023

That’s cool. Now that they have stolen my rainbow I’m disgusted every time I see it. Now I love the modern BOHO rainbow. That was my girls 2 yo party! ❀️lol

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They’ve ruined a beautiful natural phenomenon

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And Gods symbol! It was His promise to mankind that He would never send another flood.

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After watching the RNC's new AI video that simulated a 2024 win for Biden and all the horrors to come maybe people will wake up before the election. I'm not sure about AI but I guess it is fighting fire with fire.

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Tucker has a heart of gold. A friend is helping to throw a fundraiser for people with disabilities and he agreed to be the guest speaker a while back. It's such a small town, most couldn't find it on the map. Name a big name person who would do something like this knowing there is no big publicity for it. You can't.

I feel broken... as broken as I felt when I woke up the morning after the 2020 election and found out the swing states had been shut down overnight and the numbers had dramatically changed. I feel like 2024 is already sewn up for the Democrats. Whoever is supporting their causes had the ability to shut down the economy and basically the world over a flu virus. I feel powerless against the crowd that has nothing but ill will and hate for someone like me and those of you reading this.

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Me too.

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When Clinton was elected, I was so depressed. The next day, I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh's show. He was actually uplifting, not spiritually, but politically. Maybe Tucker will become that next voice to encourage and educate. Yes, the left is full of hate for everything we believe in. Knowing this, we still can have supernatural hope and wade into the political battle to salvage what is the good, true and beautiful.

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Everyone should watch Tucker's speech at the Heritage Foundation last weekend. It was wonderful and gave me an ever greater appreciation for Tucker.


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Fantastic, Speech! I watched it twice and shared it on various social media accounts. I wouldn’t be surprised if that speech was the reason he got canned!

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I loved it.

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You are not alone. I wish everyone was aware of all the kind and generous things Trump has done. His Apprentice TV show was all about raising money for charity. Just live each monument, not looking back or forward to recapture your joy! 🫢

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I feel you! And I feel the same about 2024. If for no other reason than so many also have no hope and dont believe so they will not go out and vote. If that even counts.

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Right there with you.

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Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong & courageous Do not be afraid or terrified of them for the Lord your God goes with you He will never leave you or forsake you

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Oh....and this popped up today. Timely.β™₯β™₯

β€œ3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.

5 Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:

6 Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:

7 Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The Lord looseth the prisoners:

8 The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous:

9 The Lord preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.”

- Psalm 146:3-9 KJV

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They want you to give up. To stop fighting.

Get close to God. God wins. If you are on His team, you win too no matter what happens. And ...

Watch Terminator 2.

Or Independence Day.

Or any underdog movie.

Volunteer at the local GOP precinct to make calls with a script.

Clean up voter roles.

Be a ballot counter or observer.

So many things to do! 2024 is sooner than we think!

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I am right there with you. Especially, as this day here in Idaho started with beautiful blue skies, then the spraying started. Now it is a gray sky thanks to geoengineering. Man will be evil. It is awful out and they aren't trying to hide it AT all anymore. The warfare is real, but our God is mighty, vengeful and jealous. We need to all be on our best behavior...that includes having faith. Which is super duper hard today. Every angle, every corner we turn to, has an arrow sticking out. I would turn to nature...but even the outside is being manipulated. Who does 'man' think he is anyway??? I can't wait for the Lord to get 'em. β™₯

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In our homeschool this week we read about President James Polk's lust for California and his commissioning of General Zachary Taylor to take troops into disputed (?) territory for the purpose of provoking war with Mexico. He did, it did, and we got California and New Mexico.

It was rather disheartening to realize how quickly our great country descended into selfishness. I know, I know, it wasn't perfect at the beginning either. But, the leaders generally were motivated by a desire to live justly and freely before God rather than merely trying to gain wealth etc for themselves.

And now we continue provoking war and destruction the world over, it seems. So sad and certainly not what the majority of Americans want.

We need a revival in our hearts. Lord, please.

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Copernicus, I applaud your personal sacrifice and herculean effort to educate your children at home. Our family made the same investment. A 10x return. You are doing your part in creating the new civilization that the US needs.

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Thanks for your encouragement.

There are days when I occasionally (rarely) consider how much easier certain aspects of my own life would be if the young human was off at school all day.

But, one of the perks of having a young human who is not served well in a traditional classroom environment is that sending the young person back to that environment is not an option. πŸ˜„

Also, we would not have the family time together that we get to enjoy now that we homeschool. Nor the flexibility on days like today when the young person doesn’t feel quite up to doing school but will happily listen to read alouds or watch some good educational movies. Not really sick enough to ditch school altogether but not quite up for doing the hard work, today. ☺️

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I homeschooled my eight children. I know that there were people who thought I was over-protective and weird (because they said so to others). In reality, I was less over-protective then many of my critics. My kids had the time to read and write and draw, sing in choir and act in plays, hike in the hills surrounding our house, hang out at the park with friends and just "be". All of this while still keeping up a 4.0 GPA and being ahead of their publicly educated peers, even to the point of helping explain chemistry and math to their friends in public school. Was it easy? No! Was it worth it, absolutely. There were times, we declared a holiday and had a day trip. (Actually, that might have been a mommy mental health day!) If we could go somewhere for the price of gas, pack a picnic lunch and away we went. And the kids turned out well. None of them pine for the missed experience of going to school, and in turn, are homeschooling or planning to homeschool their children. It is worth it, even on the "not-the-best" day.

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My homeschooled son did take chemistry through a homeschool organization that arranges for high school classes to be taught by various homeschool moms. His chemistry teacher had a chemistry degree and worked as a chemist before having kids. I wonder how many traditional schools have actual chemists as the chemistry teacher? Anyway, he was asked to tutor a public school friend and he was appalled at how easy the public school version of chemistry was and that the student still needed assistance.

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Yep. My daughter was actually tutoring a kid in AP Chem and she was in regular chemistry course taught through homeschool support group exactly as you mentioned. It turns out that when her teacher compared the course syllabus to the state standards, she had been teaching them the AP standards. Unfortunately, there is no A+++ on a school transcript, so my kids never were academically credited for their hard work. They do have a fantastic understanding of chemistry though!

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I was always amazed in college. We covered all the 2 years of high school French in one semester in college. Now, French is not quite as important as Chemistry but the same lack of education exists. Probably evident in other areas too.

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Homeschooling is a must. It trains your children to think for themselves. Everyone CAN do it. We might all do it differently but a child’s mind is too precious to turn over to the State to shape in any way it wants. Keep up the wonderful job you are doing! One day your children will thank you and homeschool their own kids. And others around you will see the beauty you are living and will want to do the same. β™₯️

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

Never feel bad about raising dragon slayers when there are actual dragons πŸ₯°

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It hard to enjoy coffee reading about that despicable, disgusting, deplorable gremlin fauci.

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He is truly a rat in a suit.

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The world is going to hell in a handbasket. I’m so glad I’m old.

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I'm old-ish, so whatever for me, but my heart aches for my teen children. It's truly painful to think about their future.

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I am also old-ish, but I have grandchildren who need protecting. Nieces and nephews also have children. I'am not saying that the parents are not up to the task, they are quite capable, but the larger the community of normal folks that the kids grow up around, the better the chance they stay strong in their faith. If people thought I was a momma bear, just wait until they meet grandma bear...

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Yeah as a "dead-ender" who does not adhere to the "single lifespan model" I feel it's worth continuing the struggle, to spread knowledge and to counteract the diseased thinking that is used as the utensil and purveyor of malice.

The notion that the uber-wealthy dynastic sociopaths are eager to cull and bio-hack the population is becoming less far-fetched by the week. The sooner the younger generations can see that, the greater the chance of them being able escape the near total control of this matrix. As noted above, they are being led to slaughter.

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Oh I know. I worry constantly about my 30-something kids. There doesn't seem to be any way forward. No jobs. No future. It's awful. Thanks for reminding me. (that last bit is sarcasm)

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Same. I have 3 yo

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My dad says the same and so do I. I can feel it: I have my whole life - I will not live more than a few more years. I can't explain it but have always known it. I am not sad, angry, or resentful. I'm ready to get out of here when the time comes. I am SO glad I am at the end of my life. I've lived long enough and completely enough and feel like there's nothing more left to do. I'm at peace.

I worry about my nephews and nieces and their children. I worry about their children. I don't want one of them coming home one day from the cesspool known as school and announcing they are amputating body parts. I don't want to see them turn into compliant sheep. They aren't my kids but it still hurts at the idea.

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Me too Trilby!

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How about a multiplier for True the Vote and Kari Lake who is litigating voter fraud in Arizona?

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"Did they use an army of trans smugglers that nobody wanted to pat down?"

BAhahahahaha! LOL!

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Chupacabra - that is hysterically the best description… your ability to humor and amaze me continues! This word is used in Mexico as an evil scary boogeyman which faux chi is!!! TouchΓ© my friendπŸ™Œ

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Bill gates has come out and said there will be another pandemic in 2025. So there’s that.

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They're coming for the kids. Catastrophic Contagion is the name of the tabletop held in 10/22 at Johns Hopkins

Severe Epidemic Enteroblahblah Respiratory Syndrome (SEERS) is the name of the disease, which this time will target the young.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Rev. 2:18-29 And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like a flame of fire, and his feet are like unto burnished brass: I know thy works, and thy love and faith and ministry and patience, and that thy last works are more than the first. But I have this against thee, that thou sufferest the woman Jezebel, who calleth herself a prophetess; and she teacheth and seduceth my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her time that she should repent; and she willeth not to repent of her fornication. Behold, I cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of her works. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he that searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto each one of you according to your works. But to you I say, to the rest that are in Thyatira, as many as have not this teaching, who know not the deep things of Satan, as they are wont to say; I cast upon you none other burden. Nevertheless that which ye have, hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and he that keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give authority over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to shivers; as I also have received of my Father: and I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.

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They always tell us what they are gonna do.

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Isn't there some Cosmic Law that dictates that?

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Yep, it's a 'free-will loophole' that gets our consent since they told us ahead of time and we didn't do anything to stop it.

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Kinda like having to invite the vampire inside?

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If this is indeed a fact, then is there something we can do now to protect our children from this….coming pandemic?

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He's puts the "False" into the phrase false prophet

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Unfortunately he called Covid too. In October 2019 he said there would be a pandemic also.

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Gee, I wonder how he did that?

He didn't "call" COVID, he released COVID.

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Good point

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He didn’t β€œcall” it, he planned and facilitated it. He was part of the COVID 19 simulated exercise. We just lived it played out.

He is part of the simulated exercise for the next plan-demon-ic just finished. He wants to see if attacking the heart of the nation - our children - will force people quicker and farther into submission, surveillance and jabs.

Do not succumb to fear.

Force transparency, spread facts.

Be part of whatever election and legal action you can even in little ways.

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He is a pig! He needs to shut up and go back to the hole he crawled out of. Maybe send him to Sudan. They'll know how to handle it.

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So what is Billy Boy investing in? He bought into mRNA early, always seems to own the mandated solution.

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Robert Redfield, former CDC director and a scoundrel, according to RFK's book, said in an interview that "The Great Pandemic" is coming in a couple of years as avian flu, and it will kill children.

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The children shot up with the bioweapon β€œvaccine”

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The WHO and Bill Gates say it'll be called "SEERS". Look up the reports on Gates' speech at the WHO confab about a year ago.

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Lara Loomer tweeted yesterday that she thinks it's going to be Ebola and Marburg, based on government contracts being given out for Marburg testing and ebola vaccines.

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Time will tell.

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Evil always overplays its hand because they are so arrogant, this is case and point.

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I recommend everybody request their library purchase:

Turtles all the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth

Author: Anonymous

Publisher: The Turtles Team

Date: July 16, 2022

ISBN-13: 978-9655981049

My Collier County, FL library has it but no other libraries where I have a card has it.

I happen to have a Sacramento public library card so I requested they purchase it out there. I got the following response πŸ€ͺ:

β€œThank you for recommending Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth to the Sacramento Public Library. This title does not meet our collection criteria, which can be found here:

https://www.saclibrary.org/About/Our-Governance/Policies/Collection-Development-Policy β€œ

Or pick any other books published in the last year of which your library may be avoiding or unaware!

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"Does not meet our collection criteria..." Maybe you could paste in some photos of drag queens and fat men exposing their buttocks, and the liberry would accept a copy. For their children's section.

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My library in Las Cruces NM has the RFK Jr book but only in audio format. I guess they don't want it soiling their shelves or something. Ditto with Ed Dowd's book which is ridiculous since the most important content is photos and charts/graphs which don't exactly lend themselves to audio. And no chance they would ever get the Turtles book. I purchased all three, to show support for the topics and the authors. I held my nose and got them from Amazon, because their standing in the Amazon bestsellers lists helps drive sales. I'm otherwise trying to boycott Amazon but when it comes to books they own the space.

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Put in the requests for them to purchase the hard copy books anyway! Remember it starts local. This is something we can do that takes just a few minutes for each request. It will expose somebody to it even if they refuse to order it!

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My library has it! I think I did make a request for it in the last few months. Glad it's there!

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I will look into the libraries around me in Lehigh Acres and LaBelle. I have an extra copy of Kennedy’s book on Fauxchi I can donate...

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Unfortunately, our public library has biannual sales to get rid of donations it doesn’t want so it wouldn’t work here. But I do like the idea of making purchase requests. I’m always ready to poke the bear.

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Never know! Maybe someone who can’t afford the book would be delighted to get second hand & maybe they’ll help get the word out. I gave a copy to my hairdresser and told her to please pass it on.

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Great idea thanks. I try to request important conservative books of my library to help balance out their collection.

Wondering, since they wouldn’t order the Turtles book, do your libraries have the RFK Fauci book?

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Apr 26, 2023Β·edited Apr 26, 2023

Yes all 5 of the libraries I belong to across the country have RFK’s Fauci book.

Another one worth requesting is: "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 by Ed Dowd.

Some of my libraries have it, some don’t. I’ll see what Sacramento says about that one! If anything it’s a way to expose liberal librarians to books of which they’ve probably never heard.

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Maybe we can send ilhan Omar to Sudan. She should understand what's going on and speaks the language. Maybe the entire squad. Clean up the USA and have them taken out in a germ bomb. Win win for everyone!

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It's really the only sensible thing to do.

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Excellent idea!

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Thanks for a little good news Jeff. Hope the Germans and the world wake up to the fact that we've all been jabbed in a way, as even the unvxxd blood shows clumps and metals. Why simple solutions like grounding can help us put our blood in formation:


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I attended a conference this week in California. A woman from Long Island who boosted several times lamented now she is so upset she got the shots and also had all her kids β€œvaccinated” as well. She said her husband has three clots, her sister-in-law is full of clots and people all around them are dying. She worries about cancer and just not waking up. The narrative is changing because these issues can’t be ignored any longer.

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But it was the masks that caused it. 🀨Sarc. My husband said to me that it is so good not having to worry about ourselves and our kids like so many of our covidian friends and neighbors. I feel for their children who had no choice. Good luck and God bless the rest. πŸ™β€οΈ

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I worry for my spouse and adult kids who didn’t want to know why I was at first hesitant (and now adamant). They might even be holding their course because they absolutely do not want to hear β€œI told you so.” It will never come from my lips if they would only wake up.

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That must be hard to bear. πŸ˜”

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Thanks for sharing that Tonya. It truly saddens me so much to not only hear about the pain, but also the suffering as people are now terrified. Cleaning the blood with beets, chlorophyll and grounding out into the Sun as a way to detox metals can definitely help, and we all can do it. Then there's bentonite clay, zeolite, etc. But Sunlight and removing unnecessary EMFs is no 1.

Curious: Is there any kind of detox protocol / exercise/ diet you like to do or have heard that's beneficial?

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Ketosis, fasting, sunshine and nattokinase.

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Great combo. Haven't done natto, but thinking about making it myself with fermented soy beans

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Been taking nattokinase for a few months and the lingering post covid headaches disappeared. No way to know if it is coincidence but will keep taking it.

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I wonder if it would help smell/taste loss. I haven’t tasted anything since October 24, 2022. (Delta variant, thanks DARPA)

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Does natto negatively impact a person on a blood thinner?

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It can. You might need to look into it more for correct dosing.

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I use Natto...my heart doctor is Dr. McCollough. Covid actually causes some heart issues in me (crazy high blood pressure ...mine is normally around 116/80) that passes after about 3 weeks. McCollough says he gets it too. Covid is a bio weapon and we need to never forget that and always treat it with ivermectin, HCQ etc. Don’t take it for granted.

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EDTA is also good for detoxing metals.

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FLCCC has a protocol for post-"vaccine" injury.


Dr Kory also has a telemedicine practice focused on "vaccine" injury and long covid.


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Thank you for all these links. Information is the ultimate "supplement."

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Roman! I'm just learning about grounding and hadn't made the connection to help with covid/vax blood issues, since it thins the blood. Makes perfect sense! Are you saying in your grounding stack that you think grounding indoors with anything that plugs into the wall is actually harmful? If so, that's the first I'd seen that. All so confusing!

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Thanks so much Peace...yes most households have what's called dirty electricity, as the AC current doesn't have a proper ground, and attracts stray current from the environment. This is based on the work of Samuel Milham. To be safe I would ground outdoors. You can also turn the power off at night in the bedroom at least- and sleep on a bed with a wooden frame. This will go a long way to reduce the dirty EMF. I hope that helps answer your question?

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Re long-term vaccine side effects: We simply don't know. They were only deployed on a wide scale beginning just under 2 1/2 years ago. You could add perhaps 6 months to that if you include the extremly dubious testing population. Prior to that? There was very little (not to say zero) research done with the mRNA tech. What little I've read about isn't very positive; that's precisely why mRNA was a moribund product until the Covid-19 bonanza hit. All this is to say: long-term effects cannot be known until a long term has passed, which will be many, many years. For all those who took these experimental shots, I wish them the best. But there's good reason that earlier vaccines were tested for many years before being approved. In any event, I suspect the damage done to the public's trust in public health, government and pharma, is irreversible.

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Subscribe to Substack: 1) Sasha Latypova’s Due Diligence and Art and 2) Katherine Watt’s Bailiwick News.

NOT vaccines. Bioweapons...all the DOD /DARPA contracts are there.

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I don't dispute the second assertion. The first claim is much harder to prove. There is, in my mind at least, a very thin line between academic virus research and a bioweapon.

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β€œβ€¦long-term effects cannot be known until a long term has passed…” Bingo! This is what I’ve been screaming for over two years when people kept hounding us to jab our kids.

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β€œThere was very little (not to say zero) research done with the mRNA tech. β€œ

There are 19 years of research on mRNA as a delivery for vaccines. Never successful. Every animal died that it was tested on. That’s why Malone let the patent lapse. It was innovative but dangerous, not for human or canine consumption.

Pfizer and Moderna picked up the technology and ran with it. Right to FDA’s arms and to the bank.

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I sincerely hope that trust is irreversible. ENOUGH already.

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ADE, and yeah....that one did it for me.

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