
Several folks have commented that the twitter links are not working for them. Others say they are. I just tested the article and the links work for me. My best guess is this is a manifestation of the Twitter-Substack conflict somehow.

I may need to figure out a different way to link to them.

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Links are working fine on my end. And I'm using the Substack app.

Thank you for everything you do, for all of us šŸ˜Š

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I just tried the twitter links and they all went to a Poodle sitting in a chair.

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Mine did the same thing and it doesn't matter if I'm trying to open it up from my phone or computer via the article in my email or when I open it using my browser. Jeff, I surely do appreciate your responding to this! I don't have the Substack app....mainly because I have enough APPS....LOL!

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Poodle too in Maryland. I don't use app, just email to see C&C.

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They work for me from email. I do not have a Twitter account

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Must be a Texas thing (problem)...I even dowloaded the Substack app, and I still get the stupid poodle and "nothing to see here" message. Please, no worries, I may be the only one having this issue, and I know you have a million other important matters to deal with. Have a blessed day. I'll keep trying to figure it out on my end.

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Saw a terrifying video on twitter, can you explains n title 42?........https://twitter.com/michael_yon/status/1654131624253042689?s=46&t=G7zMpRIruCj0GKODfskV6w

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They work for me!

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TWITTER trouble site shows big problems starting around 8 AM https://downdetector.com/status/twitter/

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Twitter bounced me off my own account 3 days ago because it "thought" I was logging in from a different device. This was unique to twitter and all other accounts requiring passwords etc worked fine. Twitter could be glitching on it's own.

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They work for me on Android phone, reading C&C in Firefox.

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I was trying to access Twitter Space apart from this link so it's not the Substack connection. FYI.

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Hereā€™s one for you.

The Russian ambassador to the Black Sea economic forum stole the Ukrainian flag and the Ukrainian ambassador punched him a couple times and got his flag back.

Basically how the entire war has gone for Russia

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They worked for me first time.

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The first time it didn't work but immediately clicked and no issues. Via Andriod phone/email.

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Worked fine for me; I couldnā€™t breath watching it tho I knew all ends well. Wow!

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Dan Andrews is a nasty evil and I fully agree that sane Australians in his state should escape to Florida. He was one of the worst jab tyrants.

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We canā€™t all move to Florida šŸ˜­ canā€™t we just spread these common sense laws all the way to the PNW? Please! šŸ™šŸ»

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Agreed, why can't everywhere be Florida? I can move there only in my dreams.

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Local local local!! Start with the sheriff and other local officials like school board. Get a CDF group going. https://www.citizensdefendingfreedom.com/

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I Agree (frustrate look while feeling isolated in Oregon)

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John, I think there may be a coffee & covid group in Portland. I know two others in my southern Oregon neck of the woods. Thats a start. And there's an Oregon chapter of Children's Health Defense that through 5,000 voices are fighting HB2002, the child mutilation act, get abortion at 10 years old without parental knowledge.

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Agreed look at Ohioā€™s crap ā€œrepublicanā€ governor. We are doomed but I still have all my fam here. Somehow that troll got re-elected and we normal conservatives are furious.

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Iā€™ll second that!

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I'm naturally suspicious of people with two first names. Keeping an eye on you Dan Andrews!

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Sirhan Sirhan

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My father use to say beware of old men who wear bow ties and drive with a hat on. Never understood this but the bow tie wearers are a little suspect of strangeness.

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Bow ties are great. Iā€™m so glad I learned how to tie them in college. Iā€™m an orthopaedic surgeon, and I never ruined a bow tie by getting plaster of Paris on one when applying a cast!

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You def have something there.

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James Earl Ray

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Ricky Bobby

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Excepting Eric Blair and Ron Paul.

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And Paul Blair, the great Orioles centerfielder from the 60's and 70's. And let's throw in Hank Aaron while we're at it.

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Never trust a man with the last name of Kelly. One I met was a pedo, and the other a liar. Stay away from them.

And men who are not cowboys but wear cowboy boots.

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I'm more suspicious of men with a mustache, but no beard.

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Lee Harvey Oswald

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He was absolutely vicious during Covid. He enjoys power WAY too much.

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Dan Andrews is an evil POS. Parenthetically, what is it with Australian tyrants and their Elvis Costello eye wear? It seems to be a theme.

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Why do the people of Australia elect them?

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Maybe they don't. Think Trudeau in Canada.

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Good question..

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We donā€™t. Our state is very much a leftist state though. Many think he saved the day with his stupendous brutal lockdowns, but really there has to be corruption in the elections.

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If any Aussies read this Substack, it would be interesting to know how many sane Australians there are in Dan Andrews' state. There can't be very many, otherwise how did he get re-elected? Of course, the same question could be asked about how many sane Canadians there are in Toronto as it was that area (GTA) that overwhelmingly voted Trudeau back in at the election in 2021; quickly followed by the jab mandates.

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Exactly, and who voted the horrible Doug Ford back in as our Ontario premier :( that was unbelievable to me.

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Fraud? I prefer to think that than people are so demented that they actually voted for that insanity.

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These nitwits canā€™t be helping the Australian tourist trade.

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He has some bad news from an official report about massive government corruption needing distraction...

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jamie Foxx, the new Damar Hamlim?

I guess we'll see his first public appearance with 'Jamie' covered in loose clothes, sunglasses and a big hat. Later, we'll be treated to special interviews with odd cut scenes with 'Jame' saying a few words.

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

I don't understand all the secrecy. I can understand the initial hesitancy about releasing details while waiting for concrete information from medical personnel, but itā€™s been almost a month. People will eventually find out one way or another. I suspect he suffered a pretty bad stroke and he's incapacitated. They don't keep people in the hospital for a month to "run tests" unless they're in really bad shape.

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Jamie Foxx is not the important thing here. Most importantly, #ABV -Anything but the vaxx narrative must be adhered to. Tptb know he took the vaxx so they don't care. His time on earth is ending or has ended much sooner than later as the vaxx was designed for. Just how to keep the sheeple unaware for a while longer until it's too late to do anything about it like justice being served. That's all they care about.

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Totally agree. At this point they are scrambling for any fit of traction they can get, due tot he fact that the people at large are pretty fed up with the lies and obfuscation. Death may be the goal, but every Sudden and Unexpected death that goes public is a propaganda disaster.

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Hello Annie, what does Tptb mean? Thanks

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The powers that be.

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Thanks for the clarification - I really tried to figure it out - I've never seen this acronym before, cheers!

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

Idk how long it's been since you went to the hospital or where but i beg to differ. Everything is insane and Yes, they are happy to charge you room and board for a month of going no where else! You'll HAVE to check yourself out IF YOU CAN. Then there's the waiting for insurance approval for a year for ONE procedure!! It's NOT health CARE!!

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Dude is plenty rich and high profile. You think his (big pHarma) handlers aren't going full out to recover him?

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Good point, my based friend.

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Just curious - what does "based" mean in relation to your handle?

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Here's some decent takes of 'based'...


It's come to be used a lot by right wingers, like extra MAGA.

'Florida Man' was already so common on substack, so I had to improvise.

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One of the FBI algorithm search words for domestic extremismā€¦just sayin.

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Since no one has seen him, and they flew in his elderly parents into Atlanta(?) right after he got "sick", I'm going to go out on a very short limb and guess the only tool they need to use with him now is a shovel to dig a 6' deep hole.

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Hotel California. You can never leave.

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It's never been about "health" care. Getting people healthy has no return on investment. Now "sick" care is where you make the money. The medical industry and big pharma are extremely good at producing repeat customers.

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Iā€™ve said this my whole life. I think others are starting to get it, but not everyone. They donā€™t have a business if everyone is healthy. You cannot see a Dr for any reason without leaving with a prescription. And they will ultimately set you up with a couple tests and more appointments. Dealing with my parents and all their appointments is practically a full time job! I think itā€™s worse because half of us arenā€™t going at all so they need to make money off the half that are.

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I'm in Florida right now at my husband's father's condo - cleaning it out to get it ready for sale - not a fun trip but the weather is amazing so I'll take it. I watched "The Voice" live on Monday night and had to sit through all the commercials - it was torture! Three out of four are from Big Pharma. Did you know that the US and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that can advertise prescription drugs direct to a t.v. audience? It's true. When I watch and listen I can't believe that people would want to put this stuff in their bodies with all the adverse reactions, including death, they list for the product. Never do they talk about what you could do with regards to diet and lifestyle to relieve the symptoms of, psoriasis, e.g.; which can fairly easily be controlled/remedied through natural means. Big Pharma is not your friend. I wrote this song in 2008 - It's called "Pharmageddon" -https://youtu.be/NLC97MKw1ck -

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Pharma ads are disgusting! Especially on airplanes! Captive audience, screen in your face! Let's stop the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty before it gets worse!!!

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I mute commercials when my husband watches tv ( jeopardy was my favorite show but you can tell it is sponsored by Moderna now. The writing. So disgusted)

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I listened to your song. Itā€™s a great message to those who think pharmaceuticals are Godā€™s gift to mankindā€”not! My husband has been struggling with gut issues for a number of years and finally found some probiotics that are specifically formulated for people with histamine intolerance. So far, they are working, and his asthma is fading away. Hallelujah! I suppose probiotics are considered nutraceuticals?

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Love your song and video that accompanies it! Wish people could see THIS in a TV commercial.

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Great message in your song Melanie! Here's a link to an RFK Jr. interview that reveals his warrior stance on Big Pharma and the Deep State:


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How does one control psoriasis through natural means? Iā€™ve been trying for years without any luck.

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I saved my 80 yr old dad from back surgery that he was told he needed -- by a back surgeon of course. He's never had back problems. His back hurt when he went for walks, so he went to a back surgeon. I insisted that one of my siblings near my dad's home accompany him to get a second opinion. Listen. Ask questions. It ended up that an internist discovered via CT scan that he had a blocked vein in his upper thigh. It was opened up via out-patient laser-surgery a couple days later. He was out walking again within days. No back pain. No dangerous surgery which could have left him with paralysis, sepsis, or other iatrogenisis. Most people have been so programmed to turn over their personal power to the white coats

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I had significant pain in my lower back for years. Tests and scanned showed I needed back surgery. Finally, another test showed it was kidney stones and after that surgery the "back pain" disappeared. They are not only corrupt; they don't know what the hell they're doing.

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Think of it as 'maintaining sickness level' or 'improving one symptom, while causing other, perhaps worse ones to maintain a poorer quality of life...but not killing the patient of course.'

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Yes, I've been hospitalized a few times in my life and each time I couldn't escape fast enough (it's impossible to get decent sleep in a hospital) but I highly doubt people like Jamie Foxx are subject to the same hospital experiences.

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Itā€™s the old ā€œdoctors are baffledā€ scene.

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Theyā€™re just hoping people will forget and sometime in the future when itā€™s off everyoneā€™s radar theyā€™ll announce he died peacefully of natural causes and bury the vax injured dead body at the back of the line hoping nobody notices. Paleeese. They think weā€™re stupid šŸ™„

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I wouldn't be surprised if they never announce it. What do tptb care what you or I think? And they have no regard for us.

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Along these same lines, there was an article in a Buffalo newspaper last week about Kim Pegula (co-owner of the Buffalo Bills who suffered a "medical emergency" last year and is still "recovering") and a prayer meeting hosted for her ongoing healing. Apparently it took place this past weekend. She and her husband were insistent that to attend any games of the teams they own, shots were required. No one has given the official cause of her collapse, but we do know she suffered a massive heart attack at the age of 53.

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Ok so letā€™s work together and come up with a word or phrase that denotes the condition we are finding an increasing number of public figures in: That which exists between Medical Emergency and actual verified and acknowledged Death. Limbo is taken, and we need to be original in our branding here....

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Enter the Kaufman Institute for Medical Coincidence


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I love that the Tube is ok with this vid šŸ˜‚

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... I just watched it again. "... give your coincidence the attention it deserves..." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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I know! It is so so good! I came across it on a rumble site, but I wanted to give credit to the originator, who has it on YT.

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This is a great new 'post-covid' word for the sovereign few: Unjected


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Liminal space?

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Indeterminate Reclusion?

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Vaguely & Undecidedly ??

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State of Suspension?

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as in the patient is visiting a state of suspension?

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I think they are trying to find some rare genetic condition to say thatā€™s what caused his stroke. Otherwise, they know the Fox family will go for the jugular with lawsuits...$$$

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Iā€™ve been wondering about Al Mohler. He had pulmonary embolism. He lived but they diagnosed a rare genetic defect that predisposes him to clots.

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Like a Fox eh?

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Ummm.... that's something I want to stay away from...

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I think it would be great if our "leaders" just started killing each other instead of subjecting whole populations to mass slaughter in their wars. You bet Zelensky says he didn't do it!! Now he's shaking in his boots that a missile is going to come through his bedroom window any night now. Sweet dreams!

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

How can it. Heā€™s holing up in nice safe countries. Moving around like some in witness protection programs. 10 days in Finland? Sunglasses, hat and loose clothes.

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And multiple doubles, so who knows where he really is at any one time. Ot must be nice to float between Florida beach mansions and the picturesque snow of Finland and nearby countries.

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The new escape chute: Medical Emergency!!

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Finland is now beholden to Nato. It won't stop them finding him.

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Maybe heā€™s giving Finnā€™s lessons on how to extricate funds, (which includes his personal swag) from Biden and his cult.

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Yeah I know that.

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Finland is not beholden; Finland after decades of neutrality applied and is now a member of the the NATO defensive alliance.

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Whatā€™s Putin going to do? Attack Finland?

Simohayha would like a word with you.

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If I were zelensky I would be worried. He's becoming a liability. Useful idiots lose their usefulness and need to be removed. If he sees Hillary he better run. Arkancide comes to mind or a drone by the same people who blew up the pipelines heading his way. Corn pop and friends.

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And his recent semi endorsement of droning the Kremlin will win him few friends. Well sane ones anyway, while putting a giant TARGET on his back. He's safely in Finland now, but Russia has long arms. Remember the umbrella and ricin murder? Georgi Markov, the Bulgarian who died in mysterious circumstances was murdered by a poison pellet delivered by an umbrella...

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All true. Add to that the fact I wouldn't trust our own government to eliminate him. They have no problem disposing of "friends " and anyone else who stands in their way.

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BTW, the USG did this very thing when they sent a missile into Gaddafi's bedroom one night in an attempt to kill him. Even though he wasn't there that night, he got the message.

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It wasn't a bedroom, it was a tent in Libya. It was a response to a terrorist bombing in Europe of US troops.

Did you support the Colonel against America then too, Phil?

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Oh gosh, another supporter of Hillary's war on Libya. Libya was the most advanced country in Africa at the time, until the USA Terrorism Regime took them out, led by Hitlery Clinton at the State Dept.

This led to the massive black and muslim refugee migration to Europe, displacing much of the Native Europeans.

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Incorrect, BFM. I celebrate Reagan's wake up call to Colonel Gadafi. Peace through Strength.

Did not support the unprovoked attack with Hillary and other international oil powers against Libya in recent years. Completely erroneous and unnecessary.

Most of the massive migration to Europe was a result of the failed "Red Line" in Syria by Barrack Hussein Obama as some may recall.

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Also there is now a very much thriving real life slave market in Libya today... wasn't there I don't believe when Gaddafi ruled...also they lost all their gold, as they weren't a fan of using the ole green back... and lastly there's that matter of the Ambassador Stevens and the arms smuggling...

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Oh right, thanks for the corrected detail.

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Now that I think about it, the story I remember is that the missile was sent to his bedroom but for some reason he was sleeping elsewhere in a tent. But maybe I've got it backward. I'm not interested enough to research it.

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Thatā€™s why is staying in Finland.

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Incorrect, Zelensky is not staying but was on a visit to Finland and today is at The Hague in the Netherlands.

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Isnā€™t Putin so powerful they can take him in Finland? Why not?

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

Wrongthink cum thoughtcrime: how dare ya put 1337 and useless eaters onto equal footing / into same boots?! šŸ¤¦

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Maybe Putin could start that and die first.

Itā€™s a false flag, pure and simple

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

President Zelensky made a rare trip outside the country Phil to thank Finland for its military support of Ukraine against your hero's illegal, barbaric invasion.

So unless your KGB thug hero plans on attacking NATO and taking on all of Europe and the West, I think your wet dreams are limp.

Pukey tried to kill Zelensky many, many times in his 3-Day War. He failed.

(He also tried to kill dozens of top officials including the former heavyweight boxing champion, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko who held that title on and off from 1999 to 2013.)

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You don't say. He just happens to be on a "rare" trip when the drone attack occurs. What a coincidence.

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The "drone" made no impact with the building or dome. I've seen more action at a 4th of July fireworks. The whole thing looks very "staged" and barely deserves a response.

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We agree on something

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

President Zelensky has not left Ukraine often in over a year since he's leading a fight against Putin's illegal war of aggression. Was just pointing out your wish list is unlikely to be fulfilled in Finland or at The Hague today.

Putin is very good at killing people. He's killed people in Russia who dared to speak things he didn't like and also outside the country. The UK is still pissed what he did on British soil with an assassination attempt there. Recall:


It's what Putin and his KGB pals have specialized in over decades.

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Someone is lying.


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Just watched thisā€¦ oh my- āš«ļøbomb!


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3 days to Kyiv, right?

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This video is excellent in explaining the reality of that proxy war. Thank you for posting the link.

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Good Lord, Zelensky is a puppet enriching himself off the war. Putin is no benevolent good guy. Get it? Both sides can be bad.

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Biden is a corrupt, demented puppet of the Fascist Left here. Are you ready to surrender to the ChiComs today?

Not me.

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I bet you get your talking points straight from Neo-Con Central, Tony Blinken's office.

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Someone is lying.


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Yeah, Russia.

Have you gotten the Sputnik vaccine yet? Itā€™s safe and effective.

Why donā€™t you post the LPR volunteer, murz?

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Good morning WS.

There is nothing more noble than the šŸ“

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So. Youā€™re a lover of the corrupt Biden Family and the RAT party. And 6 yr olds use the word ā€˜horseyā€™ for their toys.

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No one is a bigger proponent of exposing the Biden Crime Family as any reader of Peter Schweizer's book would attest.


The book has been out for years. Try to keep up.

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Poland's government in the 1930s was corrupt and fascistic and flawed and perhaps even skewed against German or Russian minority groups while grasping for Western support; Hilterian or Stalinistic rants against them may have been valid on these points but would anyone suggest that would justify the dual invasion by the 2 largest most barbaric armies assembled? Vlad may eloquently preach against the corruption and rot of the West but let's correctly see him for what he is. Regime change is needed in Russia but for genuine peace and freedom, not to open it up to the Neo-globalists for exploitation.

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ā€œRegime change is neededā€. So howā€™s that worked out for us in the last, ohhhh, 60 years? How about leave it to Russia to deal with Russia? What exactly is Putin doing to you that leads you to call

For regime change? You libs think youā€™re so in tune to everything then you cause death and misery with your utopian virtue signaling decisions. Just shut the fuck up and let the realists run the country.

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hey and at least Vlad is pushing for an honest metals based currency too i give him credit for that move certainly. Liberal Utopias are hell for humanity according to all historical records that haven't been written by Marx and his neo-commie pals who shove class struggle and CRT nonsense. I'm no authority but wasn't Karl Marx primarily a non-credentialed historical fiction and fantasy writer and ultra-conspiracy theorist. Old, WHITE (Jewish?) occultist, a loser and outcast who hated humanity, living for nothing, a deadbeat and a moocher and (perhaps a racist?). He's the founding father of today's various Neo-Socialist factions who is looked to for truth and societal justice??? WTFlip?

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Vlad is pushing for digital currency and ID. Also heā€™s a massive covid vaccine supporter.

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China and Russia were smart. They rolled out a non-mRNA Vaxx.

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Who called for Russia's regime to be changed? You're barking up the wrong tree.

The Russian people can't even stand outside with a piece of blank paper without getting arrested, a return to Stalinism:


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Many nations were facing perilous problems including minority rumblings within their borders and Poland was among them. They actually faced down a Soviet invasion in the 20s. They then faced the dual attacks from the Hitler-Stalin alliance as you undoubtedly know in 1939-1940.

Russia is nowhere near moving toward any democratization as most of its population is sleep-walking in an apolitical coma and fearing the increasing Stalinist measures. People have gotten arrested for simply laying flowers at a public statue of a Ukrainian poet. You can be arrested for simply holding up a blank piece of paper. Such is the nature of Stalinist totalitarianism.


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And here in the land of the free you can be detained with no charges against you indefinitely. But yeah, big bad Putin.... He might be under your bed...

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You don't have to support government abuse of American civil rights here or Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine abroad. You also don't have to support the ChiComs and their theft of human organs from live victims.

It's okay to oppose it, all of it.

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Someone is lying.


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It's likely a politician, LOL. What is your take on this "menage a trois" with Putin, Zelensky & Biden? I'm really curious. Thanks

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A Putin-connected Moscow oligarch enriched the Biden Crime Family for over three million. The Big Guy extorted Ukraine in public sight right on video. There you have it.


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Why are Russians being so short on shells?

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So are you saying that they DO want macho macho man?

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Rear Admiral Topper Bottoms of the USS Rough Service!!

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I hope this will be Bud-Lited.

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recruiting numbers are down and I suspect they are being Bud-Lited by young men and women

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You gotta figure this Woke madness will hit peak and flame out. The damage is already severe.

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Given that it is likely a heavily gamed and promoted 5th Gen (Cultural) Warfare aspect....maybe that is the point?

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Good times breed weak men. What could be weaker than turning them into women?

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CCP is paying attention.

Between the US Navy going super woke, and Pedo Joe, invading Taiwan will be a cakewalk.

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The Village People makes more sense than a fat tranny.

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The Village People were gay not cross-dressers.

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How do you know that Navy guy isn't gay?

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Vax injury awareness needs to continue. You may be interested in this new, free, powerful tool for anyone to easily search VAERS and see summarized results.

You can search and visual results by batch number or symptoms, as well as location, age, vax date, days to death, and more.

Share with anyone wondering if their batch(es) had VAERS reports submitted and the associated symptoms or severity. You can enter multiple batch numbers at the same time.



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Just tried this...my first dose is not good...1,668 reactions reported including 39 deaths and a bunch of serious issues. My second dose is only 16 reports, no deaths, nothing serious

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

I sincerely hope you will be okay and stay in good health. šŸ™ā¤ļø

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Thank you! I wish I would've known then what I know now and never taken this horrible toxin. thankfully we did wake up in time to not get them for the kids. But yeah, I'm a little nervous about what we're facing long term here.

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There are protocols for people who have taken the jab and want to clear it. https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-prevent-vaccine-injury/

Epoch times has a number of articles on detoxing from it also.

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Good job keeping your children safe. šŸ‘ I know many in the same situation and they all said no way to their children getting it. Thank God šŸ™ā¤ļø

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I think it's time to consider a Multiplier for the legal defense fund of the Marine who permanently put to sleep crazed, schizophrenic, passenger pushing onto the tracks, resident-free Street person Jordan Neely on a New York subway earlier this week. The Marine is up against good ol' Alvin Bragg.

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Biden's entire 99 years worth of financial "dealings" needs to be forensically analyzed audited and exposed. He's as crooked as the sum total of the previous 45 administrations (that includes the whole presidential team and cabinet) lets even through in the entire Confederate administration of Jeff Davis too. He's sold Americans out for his power and pride and cash--his squinty face should grace the new fake currency they're forcing on us as soon as they collapse the existing fake one.

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I watched a video yesterday of a guy who applied for a job as a black lesbian female. He says if he doesnā€™t get the job heā€™s gonna sue them. What a world we have created.

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

I recommend everyone do that. Like when I moved to Florida some years ago, the DMV asked me my race and sex. The DMV lady would have had no problem putting me down as a black female.

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We took our dog into the emergency vet last weekend, Fulton County, and the intake form asked about covid symptoms and what my preferred pronouns were. Are you kidding? I almost put down a few choice words for pronouns but thought it better to just ignore it. It was an emergency for my dog!

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F*ck/you are my choice pronouns. Feel free to use them. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜„

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Musk's "Prosecute/Fauci" pretty good too.

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Oh I needed that! Iā€™m going to adopt those pronouns as my own. Funny how itā€™s the little things that make your day. Thanks!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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I saw a good pronoun meme: I identify as a conspiracy theorist. My pronouns are I/told/you/so.

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Lol. Or letā€™s/go/Brandon šŸ¤£

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That's a great one!

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I understand why you remained silent. When your dog or your kid is sick and needs immediate attention itā€™s not a good idea to antagonize them. But in the aftercare texts you will get that ask you about your ā€œexperience at our facilityā€, well, thatā€™s the time to unload. We canā€™t let this crap go unchallenged. Thatā€™s exactly what they want.

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As a practical matter, are the vets going to speak to you, the customer, in the third person? Isn't that the purpose of pronouns?

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My guess is if I were to put down the pronouns on the form they would see that and call me by them but if it were lefy blank, which is how I left it, they just called me by my name. Quite ridiculous.

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At the doctor's office they asked my race. I stated that I identified as black (I'm obviously not). Sex, they asked as they presented me with a list of options. Yes I responded. Then they left me alone.

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My favorite answers are:

NA, or Canā€™t You Tell by Looking at me? My little passive-aggressive messing with them.

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Lol I snorted my coffee. ā€œYesā€

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I had to do a business transaction on my son's account. They at first said that he'll need to put me on his account, but I was prepared for this and said, "I'm X". "OH, I'm sorry X" was the reply and the transaction continued. I might as well take advantage of the nonsense when I can! LOL

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I like playing around with these stupid questions. What do I ā€œidentify asā€ today. Feeling frisky, I might be a cat.

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And you can nowšŸ™„

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Yes you can be a FURRY šŸ±

Donā€™t worry

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Clown world - I'm 1/8 black. My grand mother was 1/4 black because her father was half black; my mother is 1/6 black so that makes me 1/8 black (I think, correct me if I'm wrong), so it's in my DNA. Can I identify as black and get reparations? Just asking... I really need the money right now - gas in really expensive in Canada. :)

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Right? I mean how do you even decide who qualifies? It isnā€™t like itā€™s clear cut at all. Whether you base it on skin tone or heritage/ancestry. Itā€™s just arbitrary.

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Sadly i hope he gets it and is sane enough to switch persona as frequently as is wise. Gotta do what you've gotta do to support your family. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø If he isn't insane then he's brilliant and we are nuts not to play too.

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If I was in the workforce Iā€™d do it in a heartbeat!!!

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A taste of their own medicine.

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What a brave Troll. We need more like him. Or her. Or whatever.

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Some Anglo legislator in one of the north central states....?, well he decided to identify as an indigenous lesbian of color just be difficult. How they hatred from the faux-rainbow community flowed.

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Everyday I am saddened by the evil that permeates society, and pedophilia is the worst. Have you seen ā€œSound of Freedom with Jim Caviezel, I think it was meant to be released in 2021 but blocked by many. It seems like that may be a film to get behind. Angel studios (Chosen) is trying to get it crowdfunded.


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Weā€™ve been waiting for that movie to be released. Havenā€™t been able to figure out what the hold up is - except TPTB donā€™t want it released so they are trying to bury it. It would seem that the funding should already be there since it was filmed and produced already, and supposed to have been released almost two years ago? Why do they need more money to release it? How does throwing money at it get it released? Seriously asking because I donā€™t understand the situation.

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This should be C&C multiplied!

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Love Jim Caviezel! Ever since Passion he's been completely dumped on by his industry.šŸ˜” Art mimicking life mimicking art.

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Where do you go to support it? What do they need money for, since it seems to be finished? To get it distributed to theaters? I'd love to support it. I heard Jim Caviezel talk about it several years ago, and he indicated that there were forces that were trying to shut it down.

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This is what I found. It seems that they will be streaming the movie and to allow many people to view they use the Pay it Forward model


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Thanks so much, AnnB. It looks like it may really make it into theaters, in addition to streaming.

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"Back in the day, they promised us that legalizing gay marriage would never EVER lead to crazy stuff like this. Normalizing pedophilia was just a silly ā€œslippery-slopeā€ conspiracy theory. Well? How about now?"

Yep. "Civil Unions" weren't good enough. They had to redefine a perfectly good word with historical meaning, marriage, to feel better about themselves. The transgender stuff today is directly related to this.

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

Yeah they didnā€™t want to feel ā€œunequalā€ (hence those stupid blue = signs and stickers) by having a different name, even though they ARE different in that they can NEVER have children without third party intervention. Even heterosexual couples who donā€™t want children can change their minds, and those who are infertile can have that change tooā€”how many stories do we hear about supposedly infertile couples who gave up trying to have a biological child and decided to adopt and bingo, soon after the adoption they were expecting a child.

I am not opposed to civil unions and actually think they should be open to anyone (not based on a sexual relationship) who wants a shortcut streamlined way to designate a particular person as their beneficiary, next of kin, etc etc in one simple ceremony. But marriage is different, and should be.

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AND if you talk to any ā€œolderā€ gay couple, I have friends that have been together for over 30 years another over 20, they will tell you they HATE being swept up into this insanity.

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The real beginning of the slippery slope was chemical birth control. It was not safe and effective and thus the need for abortion to push on with ā€˜sexual freedomā€™. Which has certainly by now revealed that it is slavery.

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

Yes. Once we separated the sex act from reproduction, the goose was cooked. I mean, how do we sterilize heterosexual activity and then somehow say to gay couples - whose sex acts are inherently sterilized - that what they are doing is wrong? The contradiction can't hold.

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Seems that society started to plummet downhill when back in the 60's the word "queer" was banned and the new word became "gay". Now it's back to queen, go figure.

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I is for intersex I believe. A very tiny portion of people who have a birth defect and both male and female parts and/or a deformity of the sexual organs.

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Those same drones that came for Putin can easily come for all of us. Why ditching our phones and WiFi is a step in the right direction:


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Came for Putin? šŸ¤£

Bloody hilarious or do you have inside information that Putin leaves his bunker to go for dead of night dancing atop the Kremlin?

Is he doing a Village People video?

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Yeah, not too sure Putin would have been the one opening the door when the drone politely knocked.


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I hear you....who knows. Sorry I just can't stand drones.

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Horsey is our resident Ukraine/Zelensky apologist. He'll nitpick to death anything remotely critical of Ukraine but mindlessly regurgitate obvious anti-Russian propaganda. Don't apologize when you didn't do anything wrong.

Hate drones too and you are absolutely right that carrying a GPS tracker 24 hours a day is crazy. If the government mandated it people would have revolted, instead they did it voluntarily as it makes their life a little more convenient. Like sheep to the slaughter.

I led a successful fight against a cell tower on every corner in our community, the cell tower companies tried to bully their way in through intimidation and legal threats. It can be done but you have to fight them on aesthetic grounds as local heath concern regulation is preempted by federal law.

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Brave former soldier turned Langley contractor. There are dozens of carbon copies floating about. Lots on ZeroHedge, but at least there you can hit the IGNORE button.

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Thank you for your work with that successful fight! It's so very interesting that the only way to fight it is on aesthetic grounds and not on health concerns!

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Jeff, thanks so much for sharing this story of yours. I'll be doing a series on solutions when it comes to fighting EMF - would love to be able to share your story as part of the series. Would you be open to me sharing/mentioning your story in my article? Would love some more detail if possible like town, or if you're concerned about privacy maybe just the state, year? If you have any more background info on this story I would love it. Thanks so much.

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Yes...no sorry! Drones, cell phones etc. are the Nazi's Valhalla. And we just go along our merry way. If they had this tech in 1939 many, if not all of us would not even exist today.

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Maybe Russia shouldnā€™t have invaded and fueled the rise of FPV drones

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The thing about false flags is they donā€™t actually accomplish anything

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ā€œZelensky was coincidentally (and safely) out of the office in Finland when the attack happenedā€

Anyone else remember how at the beginning of the Ukraine war propaganda blitz, the presstitutes made a big todo about Zelensky turning down the US offer to evacuate him from Kyiv? Per CNN:

ā€œZelensky Refuses US Offer to Evacuate, Saying ā€˜I Need Ammunition, Not a Rideā€™ā€ (https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/26/europe/ukraine-zelensky-evacuation-intl/index.html)

I guess heā€™s dropped the act now that this faux display of bravado has served its purpose.

I highly recommend everyone watch the following interview if they wish to machete through the Ukraine war propaganda and understand what is happening on the ground:

ā€¢ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OysQ7yQl_o (hereā€™s the bitchute link in case this gets zoinked: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gMkN2sZRIxzZ/)

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Wow, thanks for this. Makes you realize how in the fog of war, truth is the first casualty.

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Read ā€œOne Idea To Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propagandaā€ by Michelle Stiles, and you will realize how dead-on that statement is. The entire industry of Bernaysian public opinion engineering was invented to persuade the populace to accept a fruitless war that would require the plebs to sacrifice their lives for the prosperity of banksters and rulers.

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I think you may be on to something there...Gotta love how back in the day people like Bernays would just come out and say the quiet part loud or indeed in print.

ā€œYeah Iā€™m a eugenicist!ā€ Etc...

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It goes back more than a century: "Remember the Maine".

Great Bernays reference. Propaganda is still a must read.

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Convid scamdemic > Fraudulent 2020 election > Ukraine money launder scam > Transgenders Everwhere .... what's next?

All built on lies.

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Like how Russia denies there is a war and claims they beat Ukraine in February and declare victory?

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Thank you for the video. It confirms everything I've seen from other sources, all of whom were banned on twitter at some point and reinstated by Musk.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

ā€œWe leave it to Ukraine to decide how to defend itself, Blinken droned ominously." Blinken DRONED ominously LOLOLOLOLOL. Classic Childers.... Thanks for a great start to my Thursday.

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Meanwhile, Russia is on day 436 of its 3 day war.

Why canā€™t the brave stronk digital currency and vaccinated Putin beat Ukraine?

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 4, 2023

Nothing to see here but yesterday TWO track athletes, one in her 30s and one in his 50s passed away suddenly and unexpectedly šŸ˜•

That Gateway Pundit headline šŸ¤£šŸ˜†

Violent Left-Wing Insurrectionists indeed!

Great news about the FL law on bathrooms and changing rooms!

Minnesota: yup the slippery is real šŸ˜• Definitely need to keep an eye out for this kind of attempt in our state legislature and local government bodies.

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It's quite disgusting that Jeff and others are equating gay with pedophilia. Are these y'all's true colors?

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Then maybe dont put them on the same flag genius? Did it ever occur to you that the majority of people arenā€™t going to make the fine and occasionally superficial distinctions that yā€™all do?!

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Itā€™s true that some pro LGBTQ groups are conflating the two themselves (the whole Love is Love thing is an indication imo), but there are certainly plenty of heterosexual people abusing children too šŸ˜ž

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At least traditional marriages have been with us for thousands of years.

Homo-marriage... only a decade or two. And look how quickly it devolved into the BS we have now?

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Itā€™s not equating the two. I donā€™t think theyā€™re the same at all. But many people were warning that the push for gay marriage was setting up the push for other things including pedophilia being normalized. I donā€™t think regular gay people are in on it or okay with it, in fact many have expressed dismay at the way things have been going for the past 20 years or so. Iā€™m sorry you felt like I was conflating the two, it wasnā€™t my intention.

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May 4, 2023Ā·edited May 5, 2023

Did you really think that when one line is crossed, someone wouldn't try to cross the next line? Two different lines, both bad for different reasons. Often equated as the same by the left, not by the right. We know the difference between consenting adults and non-consenting children.

So save your disgust for those who want to abuse children.

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Frankly I'm done with accommodating homosexuality.

It's been the camels nose to open up all kinds of degenerate behavior.

Friggen Pete Buttigeg married to a GUY? And they can buy two boys?

It's a travesty and needs to stop.

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ā€œChildren are the future of humanity. They deserve to be loved and cared for. They are vulnerable and innocent. They should be loved in keeping with their purity. ā€œ thank you- youā€™re entire post needs to be shouted from the rooftops

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Fox blandly reported that Jamieā€™s medical status continues ā€” a month later! ā€” to be a mystery: Strange isn't it? A 'medical condition' that 'suddenly' takes the lives of hundreds, thousands of people, healthy or not, or puts hundreds of others in the hospital for days. Is never investigated as to it's cause/ origin. Scientist are baffled, in reality they are baffled because everyone knows what the cause is but everyone is terrified to say it in public. Kinda like in olden times when saying the world is round could get people killed.

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Baffling šŸ¤”

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How is he not on life support?

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mzlizzi - He very well could be on life support- no one has reported his status and "on life support" is as likely as any other status!

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