Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I was visiting visiting family last week. My 20 year old niece is having her 2nd baby soon. Her doc keeps hassling her about shots for their toddler and upcoming infant. Fortunately, despite her pink hair, tacky tats, and a nose ring, she (and all my family out there) are anti-vaxxers.

Somehow, despite everyone being low-rung class, high school drop outs working at restaurants and day cares, and being big cig smokers and nicotine-vapers, they are very suspicious of the shots. I was very impressed they didn't fall for it.

They are planning to buy a single-wide trailer and get down to one income so she can home school the kids. Again I was so astounded by decision making acuity regarding keeping 'the state' out of their business and being independent. We're going to help them as much as they need.

There is hope for the future!

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That is great news! Hat tip to them for being awake about vaxxes and education! 🙌

Of note, we’ve stopped vaxxing our dog too and now are getting harassed by the vet through texts, emails and now a voice mail that we’ve missed the “well” checkup, and 2 vax injections. I rolled my eyes. The vet must be desperate for money since all of us pet owners are waking up too.

Cash cow - $0

Awakened pet owners - $hundreds

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We stopped vaxxing our pets about 9 years ago. They are 13 plus yrs old and still go for the long 1 hour walks in the morning. They obviously have some issues but we manage them with natural remedies that my sister makes in her kitchen using naturally wild harvested plants ...

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I’m getting a puppy this spring and will use the no nonsense advice from vet Dr Karen Becker on Dr Mercola’s website.

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What is the advice per rabies vax?

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I am not an expert, but when we decided on what went into our animals like dogs and say... rabies:

Is she likely to get it? If she is an indoor dog or a dog you have in your yard or out in the public on a leash, she probably will not encounter a rabid animal. If she is roaming the countryside or guarding a flock in a place where rabid animals are more common, she would get it.

When we lived in Florida our dogs got heartworm med. When we lived in WA where it is not a risk, she didn't get it.

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I agree with you. I have 2 little lap dogs who are always on a leash or inside. I am not gonna vaxx them. I was told that I should because you never know....a rabid bat could get in my attic and then somehow fall into my house and infect my dogs. NOPE, NOT BUYING that scenario.

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Also? when I lived in NY, I did heartworm in the summer and stopped in the winter.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Below is Dr Becker’s advice; you don’t have to have a Facebook account to view.


You can get a rabies titer.

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What she says here is incorrect regarding cats (dogs are a different matter). Cats are NOT required to get rabies vaccinations in all 50 states. I live in California and this is not a requirement here; many other states also do not require it. This seems like a useful site: https://rabiesaware.org/#infomation-by-state

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Here's the current laws for pet vaccinations.


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Bad laws were meant to be broken. Your vet gets one and done. So should our pets.

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That’s what I want to know too.

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Sunnydaze - this might be helpful. Veterinarian Dr. Dym was recently interviewed by Del Bigtree:


I can't recall what he said about rabies shots for dogs as I only have cats - I will never have our indoor cat get another injection as long as she lives, nor will she get her yearly exams. We've been scammed about our pets all these years too. Trying to get my hubby on board about our two outdoor cats too. I do believe he will opt for a titer blood test before they get another rabies shot.

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In our state of PA it is a law and if my dog would "run away" and they find him/her--I would have to pay a $500 fine for NOT having my dog vaccinated for rabies. That is the only vaccine I will now put in my furriend.

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I will checkout laws. TY

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I think that’s the one vaxx animals should definitely get.

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Yes, if rabies is a risk in your area. The last case in my county was decades ago. So my 18lb house dog is at very little risk. And they give the same dose to a little dog that they do to a 150lb mastiff. It’s wrong.

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If they already have one, leave it at one. Not sure on whether or not to even take it to begin with....how likely is it your pet is going to get rabies in the first place?

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Depends on your area. It’s non existent in mine, so I’m not doing it.

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Yes, I've listened to her interview with Dr. Mercola, it's awesome. Good luck with your new puppy!

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I found out about Dr. Becker through another "furriend" person while walking my Maisy in a township park. I followed her advice for many years and still check out her website from time to time. Is she still "partnering" with Dr. Joseph Mercola (whom I also follow his holistic advice and buy some of his supplements regularly).

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Yes, she is partnered with Dr Mercola.

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Wonderful! Thank you, Pamela.

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Pamela, I might also be getting a puppy this February (they’re due this week 👏🏻). Would love to avoid the shots!

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Me too.

What breed are you getting?

I’m on the list for a Schnoodle. 😊

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A corgi. It will be my 4th and I’ve never had two at once. I’m very excited!

I’m not sure I’ve seen that combo, I wish we could share pics here, but we’d never get through the comments 🤣

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Thanks for sharing the info on the info on Dr. Karen Becker. I get all of my vitamins and health supplements from Dr. Mercola.

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I enjoy reading the latest health articles from Dr. Mercola.

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We have indoor cats. Other than their original shots, which we had no option to forgo, they haven’t been vaccinated. We did the same with our first group of cats as well. That was 24 years ago. When I was growing up, no one vaccinated their pets and they lived long and healthy lives mostly outside as long as they weren’t hit by cars or caught by coyotes. (I grew up in the country.) And most of them had neither issue. The last cat my mom had lived to be over 20 years old . . . Outside. 100% vaxx free. These vaccines are as much a cash cow for the vets as they are for the medical doctors.

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My Precious a tuxedo blue will be 23 next week. Only had her kitten shots. She has been indoors always. Only give her Dr Bills (Amazon) health and joint supplements all natural since 16 which I believe has given her more yrs. 😻

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I will have to check that out. And how amazing! 23 is a long, long life for a cat. ❤️

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I have an 18-year-old outdoor cat. (I am out in the country.) She grows a fur coat each winter and takes shelter in our enclosed pole shed from time to time. She was a great mouser in her younger days. And I never had a problem with moles or voles in the garden, come to think of it. She maybe received 1-2 rabies shots over her entire lifetime, around the time we had her fixed, I guess. Other than that, mother nature is her vet.

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I wish the puppy-buyers would adopt instead. Millions of healthy animals are killed each year due to lack of good homes. Shelters are overrun & town shelters must euthanize to control space. The best animals are those whose lives you save. They love you unconditionally & are grateful forever.

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I started rescuing my canine furriends (Maltese is my preferred breed) in 2010 - up until then, I only had a dog during my first marriage when my 2 sons were toddlers/babies. That dog was HUGE--half collie and half St. Bernard--and it was my husband's idea to "take it" from one of his co-workers who was trying to unload the pups. Poor guy - he never was trained--my husband had NO ken for dog training and I was totally busy caring for my 2 babies. Now...I adore Maltese and rescues are the only ones I could afford, as breeders charge upward of $1,500 for each puppy (no guarantees either that they'll make it to adulthood).

RESCUING IS SO WONDERFUL - and you're so right about MILLIONS of unwanted furriends being killed off because they were abandoned by their "people".

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Absolutely agree.

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And I wish those who think they need to kill their babies would instead place them for adoption

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That very noble Julia, but I can’t afford the vet bills or the heart ache of an over vaccinated and desexed too young dog. I’d NEVER get a shelter dog due to their idiot policies. Those shelters really damage dogs with their one size fits all approach.

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This is the exact protocol that we have used for over a decade. 1 DHP vaccine @ 16 weeks.


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Smart. Any thing for fleas? I won't use the toxic collars or "meds". I rather hate the little buggers!

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Our dear friend who is also a breeder recommended/ suggested Ivermectin. We give it monthly. No fleas or ticks.

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Internally or topically?

Also, just fyi for anyone reading this, there are certain dog breeds where a small percentage react badly to Ivermectin. It's a known issue. My inlaws miniature collie died from vet-prescribed Ivermectin because she turned out to be one of those dogs. It can be tested for, I believe

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Liquid... put it on a piece of sourdough bread... munches it right down

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Any idea how much for a large cat? Great suggestion, BTW! Thank you.

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We bought a bottle of Ivermectin 1%, 100% sterile solution at a local vet during covid. (You can buy on Amazon as well). Also bought sterile syringes. The dosage we were given was 1mg per 10lbs, 1x per month. Draw it out of the bottle and put in a treat that will hold the tiny amount of liquid, such as bread.

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I will ask. I did notice heartworm meds for cats is ivermectin..

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On the rare occasion, my papillon had a few fleas, the vet recommended that I bath him in the basic blue Dawn. I had my doubts but it killed the fleas on contact!

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I have a Pap too! 🩷

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Thank you for the suggestion. The problem is the bathing part. I do use Dawn and water on the flea comb. Bath, bath, bath.

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I've used dr bronners unscented soap for decades for flea control in texas. any safe human product will be safe for dog. lather up leave on for 10 minutes or so. rinse off. rarely have to do more than twice a season.

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Another good idea. But bathing a cat is perilous. Especially my 12 pounders! Hmmm, how to do this...Thanks!

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Hello SQ, I had my 20+ pound Maine coon cat come back to the house, one day covered in black goo. I put a winter coat on, two layers of jeans, thick, socks, and gloves. Got my shampoo in a cup, Got the water temperature right in the shower, towels laid out, went outside and grabbed the cat, into the shower we both went. We both came out of the shower soaking wet. He was clean and I was unscathed.

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I thought rabies vaxx was law in every state. I dont for my cats, because they are strictly indoors.

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Bad laws were meant to be broken.

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How do you get around the registering and having to have the rabies vaccine? I would love to stop vaxxing my sweet boy, but worry about the registering part.

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I’ve never registered my animals in 34 years. My cats are 100% indoors. My dogs are watched. I don’t let them run wild.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

I haven't vaxxed mine in years. I got the mailing to and ignored. I had to take one in a couple of years ago because of face welling. They think a hornet stung my dog. Then they wanted to vax. They said it was time for a rabies vax and I declined. They pushed it and I made myself very clear the 2nd time. Then they tried to push the one for boarding and I let them know I've never boarded a pet in my life. I do think these vaccines are harming our pets just like they harm us.

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It’s the reason imo 50% of all dogs get cancer.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

I believe it. And it makes even more sense now that these elitist scumbags don't want us to own pets. Plus, they want to cull a massive number of livestock because muh climate change. The same manufactures of human vaccines also make the ones for pets. No money to be made if both are healthy. My last 2 Dalmatians I had years ago died from cancer about 15 years ago. I was always up on their care. That was so painful when I had to put them down, I didn't even want to ever have another pet. Then I went through years of my own medical hell due to military injuries. I didn't even want to be here anymore. I remember waking up beside this little puppy my wife brought home. That dog helped me get through a lot and she's lying beside me now. She's getting cranky in her old age but she's always been here for me. She's now getting old (14) and I'm not looking forward to this one leaving either.

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Cats, too. They’ve started vaccinating in the tail because it’s easier to cut off if a cancerous growth happens. We used to have a homeopathic vet in the area, but I haven’t take either of my cats to the vet for probably 7 years now.

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I believe it. When my son was a boy he lost his companion in life - his 4 year old golden retriever that got cancer. And we thought we’d been doing the right thing taking “Chewie” to the vet for shots. Makes me sick. My son went through some rough times when his dog being there could’ve made a big difference in his life.

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We live across the street from a vet and I cannot believe that they are pushing flu shots for pets. I can hardly wrap my brain around it.

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You are not expected, nor desired, to wrap your brain around it. Only your pocketbook. From a non-pet-owner.

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Good point...just blindly do as they say.

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Oh ya. When ours was 6 months old we took her to obedience training day schools. In order to go she had to have a flu shot (2 shots spaced apart)!! I was so mad. But I also wasn’t awake to this garbage like I am now. So she got the “flu” shots only so she could go to the classes. The place that did the training was great…. But we quit going because they were also bat $hit covid crazy and still masking up and making everyone else mask up. After the training we said no more and quit going. Knowing what I know now about the pet vaxx scams I would never have gone there, never done the shots and would have found somewhere else.

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I'm glad we know better now...that's one of the positive things that came out of COVID...the curtain was pulled back and we saw what was behind it.

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Getting a pup in Feb (maybe if all goes well with the birth, etc) and I have plans for puppy school, didn’t think about a flu shot. Heck, they don’t even know what this new flu is, how can they demand flu shots?

Just like covid and human flu shots, bad shots for the wrong strain is my guess.

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I trained my dogs in obedience classes (many years ago when vaccinations were not required) and showed in AKC obedience trials. (Funny how there was not rampant illnesses with unvaccinated dogs at big dog shows and training classes back then, huh?🤔)

Although being in a class has advantages, to avoid injecting your dog I’d consider finding some good training books with pictures which would give you all the techniques needed for success. I suggest that you research and buy a couple of books now and study them before your pup arrives. Just an idea if other options fail you.

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I didn’t know a long time ago that dogs weren’t vaccinated, just assumed everyone did that in the last 30+ years 🤔

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The wirehair is an unneutered male, zero problems he has no aggression, and the corgi female is spayed. Should I get a male? Leaning towards male. Two bitches can be bad.

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I’m pretty good at training having done a lot of amateur level agility and I have a excellent list of 17 things to do for 17 weeks (something like that) I’ll print out it out now, good idea.

I think some of the pups will stay local, so we could have playdates, and we have a GWP and a 11 year old corgi girl who will help a lot with training.

Rabies, titers, yes aware, but the others, I better do a bunch of research! Thanks!

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there are lots of excellent trainers that will come to your house and teach both you and the pup . prices are variable. be sure to find someone (usually a woman) who does positive training. all reward all the time. and keep in mind that you are asking your companion to learn english. so try to find someone who can teach you their language as well

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Yes, we had one who would come to our house, but sadly he is retired. I’m sure there are others, but what I like about puppy classes is the socialization with other dogs.

Walking around town and Home Depot are really great opportunities for socialization too, but it’s mostly with humans.

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Double check with the puppy school. Not all of them will require it I don’t think.

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Will do! I hope you’re right!

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That would be the new “mysterious respiratory outbreak in dogs”

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The head of Pfizer ...Bourla is a Vet.

There is big money in those jabs!

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When I say pushing the shots, I mean it's literally on their street sign.

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I heard a comedian recently use the line “whiter than a $1000 vet bill”. Great stuff

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Vet bills seem to have become more expensive than people doctors.

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A vet would see a 30% drop in their income if people stopped vaccinating.

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I wonder if the same is true of pediatricians and "well" visits.

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That's crazy.

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Stopped vaxxing my cat when she was about 2 or 3. She just celebrated 19 1/2 years! (94 in people years) She survived a stroke early this year. I credit not being vaxxed for her longevity. Thankfully, my vet is ok with this.

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Yes, all my previous kitties lived till 18 or 19. Maybe just baby shots. They were really well trained and went out during the day and came home at night.

My current two are six and have only had baby shots. They don’t go out. They have stronger instincts as they were barn kitties so I don’t let them out cuz I don’t trust them to come in. Lots of coyotes and owls here.

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I also stopped vaccinating our indoor cats. All our past jabbed cats had serious illnesses- diabetes, cancers, kidney failure, etc. EXCEPT the cat we never vaccinated (he was allergic). That cat lived 22.5 years!

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And I would call THAT a legit clinical trial.

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My daughters beloved cat died last night at age 4. Turned out the cat had heart problems and threw a blood clot. WTH? I’ve also known animals that had breast cancer and other cancers. How does anyone think this is normal? That Overton window needs one big push. The emergency vet bill was over $4,000. and my daughter is heartbroken.

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I’m so sorry for you and your daughter. It isn’t normal. They want us to think it is. They’ve been successful until we started waking up. We need to push back now.

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I'm so sorry, wow.

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We're right there with you! No vaxes for our dogs for the last 7 years.

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And Sunny there’s actual research studies by DVM’s Dr. Ronald Schultz and Dr. Jean Dodds showing ONE core DHP (distemper/hepatitis/parvo) at 16 weeks last nearly ALL dogs their entire lifetime. Rabies is another scam. Your vets get ONE. But our pets are supposed to get 1 at 6mos 1yr and then every three years to be legal in most states. The case of rabies in my county was decades ago, so my dog has never had one. If you don’t register your pet, it’s easy to fly under their radar. She’s almost 7 and super healthy. She’s never needed a vet. I brush her teeth every night too and they’re still pearly white.

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I love that! I agree with the register part too. My dog has teeth issues. I’m working on brushing them but she will have nothing to do with it. Trying to find ways to deal with that so we can avoid any vet needs. Just started giving her marrow bones to help. Any tips to the brushing issue you wanna pass on?

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So I dont need to booster my 13 year old for rabies? She is protected? (had all the rabies shots and 3 year boosters until now).

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After losing 2 dogs to cancer, I stopped as well and began feeding raw ground meat instead of dry food. My oldest just turned 17 and looks better than ever.

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Can you tell me more what you feed? What ground meat? What else do you include?

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I can get ground venison, bison, elk at my local Sprouts, HEB, and Target. Those seem to be just full of protein-super healthy smelling. I also use human grade ground beef, turkey and chicken. I used to cook for them, but they really thrive on the raw meat. I do supplement with some dry food-plain old Beneful when they act "still hungry" and soak that with some bone broth.

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Omg same. They tried to scare me into a rabies vax for my 12 yr old indoor cat 🙄🙄🙄 like I’m that stupid.

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stopped all vet visits,20 + years ago, including heartworm 'meds' and flea treatments which warn the person to avoid any contact with powder, shampoo etc. but I'm going to put it all over my dog and then let him lick himself? think not. all an animal needs is a healthy immune system provided by non toxic dog food (by products mean the tumors that are trimmed off people food) lots of time with their human pack and outside exercise. I very reluctantly do 3 year rabies shot only because a dog w/o can face prison time and compulsory shot.

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The only shot we are getting our golden retriever pup is the rabies vaxx!

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I'm proud of you too!

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I’m glad people are taking matter in their own hands. Hopefully more docs and vets will realize that siding with corrupt CDC may cost them their business. We truly need to have market forces reign instead of forcing people to use these products.

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I have 2 different family members who do the vet trips. One kitten almost died after shots....but they kept on vaxxing. Both dogs have the most health issues, one requiring several hundred dollars a month of medications. I have no doubt that they are a part of the endless cycle of the Vet wheel of Fortune.....you make the vet a fortune while u go broke.

We don't go to the doctor unless we are extremely sick and natural cures aren't working. We definitely don't take our pets unless something is broken, bleeding, or life is on the line. Our family, both the people and pets, are healthier from just avoiding the doctors.

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I would love to find one to give an exemption. I can’t even find a good human doc though. 🤯

I just watched a vet give a talk on rabies shots. And the example used was the exact breed I have. They are prone to heart issues anyway and by giving them yearly rabies vaxxes we are increasing the rate and ages they will start having these. 😔

Luckily if I can’t find a vet to give exemption we have already decided no more shots. Period.

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Home remedies and raw feeding have saved me from even needing a vet. Colloidal silver for eye or ear infections and D mannose with urine test strips in case of UTI and brushing their teeth makes for a pretty healthy dog.

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I JUST got colloidal silver for us. That’s good to know about the eyes an ears too for my dog. I haven’t introduced the raw food diet simply because it will gross me out. But I’ve been contemplating a partially raw diet. She does currently love eating my raw veggies out of my garden. She eats cucumbers, cabbage, green peppers, and carrots. She comes and stands right next to me when I’m cutting up the veggies and waits for her turn. 😂

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Do it! I feed our dog 1 lb raw chicken legs and 24 oz of rice/beets/carrots/sweet potatoes/apples/green beans/coconut oil, basically whatever I have on hand. She's a 75lb lab mix. She had seizures earlier this year and the vet told us she needed an expensive med, we decided to find her a good multivitamin and switched to raw food. We won't go back to processed. I grind and mix her food if we can't feed her outside, otherwise I just toss it all in her bowl. She always picks the chicken legs up and moves them somewhere else if they're whole. Kind of a problem if inside..

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You dont need it yearly! Many vets are adhering to the 3 year shot.

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Virginia has 3 year rabies shots, I guess they are all the same dose and some states decided it would last more years.

A vaccine that works does not need to be given constantly….

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Our friend/breeder says one rabies....if any.... She also recommends against the vaccines due to an "astounding increase in maladies." She also recommends goat dewormer for dogs... Our daughter has a holistic vet in the Tampa area who agrees with the breeder and writes exemptions for vaccines. We are going to start using her because, she will answer her phone and will save us much grief and $$$$$!

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Should I get a rabies booster for my 13 year old pap? The three years is up. I have a baby grandchild now and a the 5 pound dog is very jealous. What if she bit her?

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Even animal medicine is corrupt. 🦮

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The Dems are really opening eyes, aren't they?

I have a cousin who has always been far-left. I've always been far-right. I'm pretty sure she's the one who has changed the most, but we see eye-to-eye on so many things now. It's very strange.

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I'm seeing the same. On this last family visit, my TDS-infected sister is now neutral on Trump and 'immigration'.

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A close family member is still nutzo on everything, Except now, acknowledges the effects of Hunga Tonga and no longer rants about climate.

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Hey! Progress is progress!

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Baby steps! 😁

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Do you have any good links to info about Hunga Tonga? I tried to explain it to some carbon climate change cultists in my circle of friends, but it was too “far right” for their brains to comprehend!

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Here’s one:


Wattsupwiththat dot com is a great site for all things climate!

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Thanks! I will check that out!

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So volcanos are political now? 😂

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THAT IS progress!

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Congrats! Wish mine was .

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I love wearing this in front of Dems: t.co/jhM0aRfLef


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That’s not strange that’s a Miracle!!!

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that's awesome! best to your niece I hope she has an easy labor and healthy birth!

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Great news. ❤️ In my area the more educated fell hook line and sinker for the narrative.

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Recently watched Plandemic III and they talked about this.....the more educated you are the more likely you were to believe the narrative because you are entrenched in and believe in the system. Not everyone, just more likely.....

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I suspect that is the "younger, more educated". Many of us older-and-more-educated were wise to them from the beginning :)

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I think it is just a way for it to make sense. How could these very intelligent, educated people get so taken?

It wasn't an absolute statement that All educated people believed the narrative.

Just the more educated, the more entrenched in academia, the more likely you are to have been deceived.

I am 60 with a masters degree. In the very beginning, I "trusted" our government .....until they started not making sense. I was also retired and lived in the country. I wasn't enmeshed in any world.

I HAD very intelligent and well educated friends who bought into it all and still believe......hence, the HAD friends. I think those that live in the academic, medical, and government world....especially in big cities ....got swept up into believing.

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Yep, had friends. 🥲 I definitely need a new group. Saw a Facebook post yesterday of my comfortable middle class (Portland) suburbs friends, mostly college educated (all from high school and we’ve stayed close, through I live three hours away. Anyway it was sad to see their faces, and particularly the hostess of the gathering, she thinks I must read different news than what she reads. It was very insulting to hear that, but that is one of libs’ textbook responses when you try to express your opinion.

Anyway, mostly ex-friends now.

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I was teaching at a college and none of my former colleagues will speak with me. I left that job over the mandates; they all stayed. We all have Masters degrees--some a PhD--but I was the only one who had also worked blue collar trade job for many years as well. Teaching at a college was new for me--lol, not a very long detour! Back to the trades!

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Just out of curiosity, was it your doing of their doing that you now have to write in the past tense about them being your friends.

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Idk about that for me. Here’s why I didn’t take it cause I had many as a child and my daughter had many also. Someone I know said she was going to have a normal life at the beginning of Covid because it would take too long to make a vaccine. When it came out a few months later, I was suspicious and started reading about vaccines and how there were developed, etc. . My daughter had already worried about vaxxing her kids, but you know how doctors are. They tell how your kid will likely to get sick if you don’t. Now their pediatrician won’t accept unvaccinated children. Anyway, now we don’t trust docs or vaccines too much.

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That pediatrician is a quack. Run from them. Good riddance to them.

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Values money over patients’ health and well-being.

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She won’t take them back. Last shot eldest child had was DPT. She was sick afterwards, so I hope that’s it for shots. However, I guess we’ll take rabies if any of us were bitten by a rabid animal because you are damned either way.

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Yes and no. I am 62 and my peers, especially the medical community, believed. Still do.

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:( I'm sorry. That is unfortunate

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I agree! I would venture to say that the "elite coastal college" educated are the worst. They don't appear to actually learn anything remotely resembling critical thinking at those universities.

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🙌 Thank-you!

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Almost all more educated my age, late 30s, 40s, with quite comfortable lives in my network as well as all those relatively fit, super scared retired people in their late 60s and up, fell for it.

It is my theory, but I haven't explored it deeply, that (a lot of the) people who don't fall for it, have had experience of significant abuse in the past. It is true for those in my network at least.

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Well I never fell for it and don't have any abuse in my past. I am convinced I was just born with a rebel gene. I was a tomboy but when our Catholic elementary school banned nail polish and lip gloss as inappropriate for young girls I used my allowance to buy clear nail polish and lip gloss just so I could try to get by with it. When I was 5 and wanted some candy and mom said no, I drew a bunch of pictures and sold them to the neighbor's and then was walking to the store to buy candy when one of the neighbors brought me home. My mom was busy with a new baby and my sister who was 2 YO at the time and had no idea what I was up to. Lots of little examples that I guess prepared me for the shot resistance.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

I've always been a person who questions pretty much everything. I may have a good B.S. gene or something, too. My 3 siblings and their spouses and children (all adults) fell for the scam immediately. I was skeptical of everything from the first month of this scam, and I started researching everything. The more I read, the more skeptical I became and I determined pretty quickly that no way would I get the jab. I'm happy that my husband, my two children and all their kids and spouses also took the same attitude. I told a lot of things to them as I found things out, but mostly they figured out on their own that it was a total criminal scam. I mainly filled in many of the dirty details for them.

So why was I a skeptic, but my 3 siblings were sheep? Hard to say, we grew up with the same two parents in the same family. (I'm 74, my siblings are 65, 70 and 78). The only big difference is that they all were lifelong lefties and I wasn't. I've had to also conclude that none of them questions much of anything. The government must be right!

They thought I was foolish and rebellious 3 years ago, but now not so much as none of them plan to get more vaccines. They don't talk about it, though. Too embarrased, perhaps?


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I love this story!

Rebel, artist, entrepreneur!

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Haha! Okay, rebel genes count too!!

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My 'red pill' was the allegations of WMD in Iraq and subsequently seeing the evidence that the official narrative about 9/11 was full of omissions and blatant avoidance of evidence contrary to the commissions' reports. On the backdrop of the JFK assassination story. There were so many indications that the C19 'pandemic' responses were at odds with prior practice in every facet that skepticism was the initial and enduring personal response for me (and fortunately, for my wife as well).

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It is my theory, but I haven't explored it deeply, that (a lot of the) people who don't fall for it, have had experience of significant abuse in the past. It is true for those in my network at least.


You hit the nail on the head.

Abuse or contentious relationships issues with AUTHORITY figures(mother father or teachers).

With these life experiences, they are naturally mistrustful of those in authority..and in this case with good reason!

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Not really just young people, plenty of 60 plus well-educated are covidiots.

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Orwell said that the educated are more believing in propaganda.

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Sometimes people are "more educated" BECAUSE they don't want to be seen as stupid. They become practiced at regurgitating what they're told without critical thought, and are awarded letters that they can put after their name.

Then they claim they "believe science" that they cannot articulate.

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I'd say u r on target

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Interestingly, early data showed that the two demographics with lowest C19 vax uptake were young Black males and PhDs.

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Another thing I have observed is that avid tv-watchers seemed to gravitate towards following the "party line" to take the jabs. I've not been interested in the tv since I left home for college many, many decades ago.

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They sure did, like my niece who is a nurse who doesn't even talk to me anymore because she knows that her "I just got my vax/booster" posts on facebook have fallen on their face... My nephew, her brother, on they other hand, was already a big fan of Joe Rogan and didn't fall for the "popular narrative"... and he still talks to me... Go figure... Cheers Y'all.

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They resent that those they think are ‘beneath’them were correct.

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This is all so interesting….who were we? Four years ago?!

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I know who I am now. I finally broke and told a friend that I am moving because of what transpired these last 3 years. How people I thought I knew fell for all this. This is a scamdemic. This was brought on by a conversation where she mentioned all the illnesses, cancers and deaths. She is vaxxed and boostered but never was over the top in her interactions with me. I did tell her these are the result of the vaxx. If she doesn't believe me, to ask all those inflicted their vaxx status. She was surprised for sure.

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Same in my area. The more educated fall for the credentialed influencer’s false narrative. Especially doctors. Common Sense and independent Critical Thinking have disappeared, ever since Covid. It’s nearly impossible to red pill friends and family. All I can do is pray for their well being.

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It makes you wonder what good is their medical degrees and to pay so much for this "knowledge."

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All my artist friends too. I’m very lonely in that world as the only awake one.

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An artist friend who didn't get vaxxed said there were higher suicides and depression among the artist community due to the lockdowns and then the vaxx. Performance and interaction is at the heart of being an artist.

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Interesting. I bet it’s worse in the performance arts. But even in 2D and 3D art where there are plenty of introverts, the lockdowns have probably affected them too, making them worse off. I’m a combination introvert/extrovert so yes, I miss the art crit groups and gallery life. But hate being around the libs. Yuk! That certainly can cause depression.

And yes, there are extroverted 2D artists, just look at Instagram and all the demo videos! I love them, but not gonna make videos of myself 🤣

I’m hoping they’re not the ones we should worry about. Unless they link ‘likes’ to their egos…

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The musicians were really affected.

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Maybe part of it is the pressure (self-induced or not) to conform. Some know it’s wrong but go along anyway, most I’m sure are brainwashed.

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That’s my impression too. Most of my former colleagues, all with at least one college degree, bought into vaxomania whole hog. No questions asked. One even texted me all excited about getting jabbed when it was first unleashed. Yes, all excited, like somebody had given him a new pony. Common sense and independence can be educated right out of some people. My redneck friends, on the other hand and despite the empty beer cans in their yards and overflowing ashtrays in their living rooms, read the world rather well. They sneered at Fauci and Co. from the get-go because they are skeptical of “experts” like “that doctor who looks like a weasel.” They don’t scare easily and would die rather than get coerced into doing what the government tells them they should.

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Congratulations! Seriously! My college indoctrinated son and wife can barely wait for the next “well baby” appointment to get her fully “protected” so she may participate in society. 😭 I was extremely Amazed they let me (apparently a health hazard) anywhere near her. My son told me that anti-vaxxers are uneducated high school drop outs. I felt like yelling “I graduated from high school you A** hat!” I had no doubt he was including me, but I ignored his comment after a glance from my husband. More like the UN-brainwashed!!

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There is an study showing those with advanced degrees are actually less likely to follow the cdc schedule. That was accurate until Covid anyway.

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This is awesome but the best part is “we’re going to help them out,” if only all of us were willing to see the opportunity and help each other out. Kudos to you, may God bless you as you do.

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My wife and I met in our 30s, so we didn't have chillens. We both blew it with our selfish life choices. We'll have to live vicariously through those who are still having kids with our money and moral support.

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Baby sit, giggles and hugs still needed. ~~~Never had kids myself, but taught SS toddlers and all that, for their little minds and personalities. Such fun

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That’s wonderful of you. I’m sure they will appreciate your kindness and generosity.

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Same and loving life as we were able to retire early🙌

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When the baby is born, I hope someone follows the nurses when they take it to weigh and check vitals. They have been known to vaccinate without your consent or get them mixed up with another baby. I followed mine wherever they went. I no longer trust any healthcare providers. The newborns don't need a single shot of their poisons.

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Exactly! New parents do not let that baby out of your site for a second!

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Or better give birth at home or a birthing center

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That's the way to go. Get an experienced midwife. Many did it during covid and I sure as hell don't blame them.

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My children changed pediatricians because the old one was insisting they vaccinate their children for COVID. They are also looking into homeschooling because they don't want their children indoctrinated with the latest stupid (and destructive) socialist idiocy.

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Hire a teacher that’s sick of the wokeness… start a pod… it’s what all the cool parents are doing!!

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Depends on state laws whether you can pay a teacher and still be considered homeschooling. 😉.

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I'm not in this situation, so creative thinking only goes so far. That said...

Maybe an arrangement such as no contract, handshake only. Class time video recorded for the information and safeguarding of all parties if it ever came to disputes - hopefully never for folks in the game together.

Service recipients (adults, not the children) directly pay bills of deliverer of services to an agreed upon level, a form of barter. E.g., recipients pay service deliverer's home energy bills, car maintenance and insurance bills, grocery bills, etc. Paid directly from a recipient's account to the deliverer's electric/gas company account, car insurer's or car maintenance shop account, etc. Or purchase visa or master card prepaid gift cards that the service deliverer can use - it's a gift 😉, a gratuity, for a licensed teacher that has time to give for something they love to do :) :) Sit at a table with one another and figure it out in private.

Report1040ing wise, if questions come up from the bully agency, there are ways to legitimately speak to the questions. Everyone needs to educate themselves. The income tax on what are in common parlance called wages is a scam. We're all learning what the gov't truly is and that they cow us with fear. On so many fronts. Income tax is just one on the list. See https://losthorizons.com for the beginning of an education on that topic. Website owner is also an author. His foundational book is Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America.

There is momentum toward building parallel systems. Successes can be shared with discretion. FB probably isn't a tool of discretion &c. Just sayin. Be wise. 2¢. As said, I'm not in the category of having to make child rearing decisions. Or, I hope never to be again: that would mean some tragedy had occurred. ...From my armchair for the reader's consideration.

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I’m only pointing out that in many states, homeschools have a particular legal definition. And parents need to be aware of that and intentional as to how they navigate that. HSLDA.org is one good resource.

And yes, creativity ABOUNDS in the homeschool community! Absolutely.

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I know zip about the legal landscape for homeschooling, in any state. Since a lot of us are aware about what's "legal" in other arenas (see Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova) my point is resistance re "legal" is doable. "Parents need to be aware... and intentional as to how they navigate that." 100%! Thank you for posting the resource! Creativity, not conformity, is huge, fundamental, in turning this societal ship around. We're on the same page, I think. 😉💪

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Really? I wouldn’t think that.

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HSLDA.org describes state laws and is a good resource.

One state I know of requires the schooling to be parent-directed (does not explicitly define what that means) and states that there can be only one employee (or something to that effect) which is the parent. Or something like that.

I’m not saying it cannot be done. But it requires attention to the state laws so that one is not legally setting up a legal “private school” which then is subject to state laws which if not followed will set you up for adverse legal consequences.

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We have formed a PMA with about 5 pods, maybe that’s the way

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I am learning the same boldness of the moms utilizing the services of our pregnancy resource center, speaking up to their pediatricians on behalf of their young ones. Praise the LORD! Of course I am not allowed to bring up such topics. They volunteer the info!!

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I wish my family was as smart and had rejected the jabs, there are only 6 of us who carry the "smart" gene in our family, the rest have not a braincell to be found, most are educated and 2 were teachers while 1 works for government during election times. I guess me dropping out of school made me the smart one, LOL. We don't jab our cat and our dog was only jabbed for kennel cough because she worked with other dogs everyday training puppies, she's since passed from osteosarcoma at 6 1/2 yrs old, we were crushed. Thanks Jeff, great post.

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LOL…..Well of course now we are seeing those “teachers” scamming for everything against innocence and decency. ~~~After bou.koo years at Univ campuses, I’ve always said, “Don’t be so open minded your brain falls out.”

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Only one “smart” one in mine.

Sometimes it’s like watching a movie you know has a tragic ending and you can’t tell the people to stop or get them to safety.

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That is great news for you and your family. I am going to send the PDF of the mask study to my daughter in law. Thanks to her putting fear in my granddaughters hearts for my lack of “proper protocol” they don’t want to be near me. I would not be surprised if they aren’t still masking up. I pray God protects them from the long term effects of masks and the shots🙏

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Your comment just reminded me of this, maybe from a couple of years ago; it had me close to tears when I saw it….the story related by a mother, who told of adjusting her six year old daughter’s mask, upon which the child burst into sobs, saying, “No, no, Mommy! I’m going to die from the air!” !!!

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Now we’re in a new phase of psychological stress on the young….my niece was recently caught crying by my sister. “Are you and daddy going to die from the vaccines?” Breaks my heart.

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I remember seeing a young masked boy cower behind his masked mother as I passed them on the sidewalk. I pray he will not remember the trauma from those days.

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Still see masks on the wanderers in Barnes and Noble, even this past Sunday. Hard to believe.

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I rather think that B+N attracts a certain clientele....

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Too lazy to find an indie bookstore = too lazy to do their own research,?

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Saw 3-4 older people in Costco yesterday masked up. No children thank God. But I live in a fairly conservative area. I think we need to address the need for masks for immuno compromised people like cancer patients. Are they really necessary for them? I try not to give them side eye. Most appear to be slo mo killing themselves. So... pity. A year ago, I was talking to children about how it would be nice to see their cute smile, but I couldn't cuz... mask. Now, that mental illness has subsided. Progress!

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On a recent cruise we saw ppl wearing a mask while out on deck with the wind blowing surrounded by the deep blue sea. It blows my mind.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

NEW FRONTIERS + Back to basics/ common sense/ non-consenting= Success as a realist. A+ "We Won't get fooled again!" (make a #1 hell of a song wouldn't it) Hahah

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Excellent song for anyone stung by these modern psyops!

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Oh Yeah....Rock on....".till that train runs out of track." Lynyrd Skynyrd. one Just for you BFM

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God bless them for taking good care of their children and God bless you for helping them!

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Very kind! I wish everyone well and the children to rise above and realize love is more valuable than money. Maybe a search of nose rings and their association with slavery might shed some light on the why would you ever do that to yourself...slave?Animal? Our kids have to get educated on the fact these things are for mental control, not fashion...just saying! Grace!

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Thank you . Your post is indeed uplifting. Gives me hope for my own child.

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This gives me hope

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I called on Your name, O Yahweh,

Out of the lowest pit.

You have heard my voice,

“Do not hide Your ear from my prayer for relief,

From my cry for help.”

You drew near when I called on You;

You said, “Do not fear!”

O Lord, You have pleaded my soul’s cause;

You have redeemed my life.

— Lamentations 3:55-58 LSB

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One of my most favorite passages.

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Love this.

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GREAT NEWS ABOUT MACKEY! How much did it cost him in attorney fees? There should be a statute that requires the government to pay attorney fees if they are found to violate a person’s free speech. Also a statute for attorney fees if self defense is successfully argued and found by a jury. Was there a multiplier for Mackey?

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Um, but if "the Government" pays attorney's fees, we all do. I don't know the better answer, but maybe there could be a standard before they make the person go through all that? I don't know. We need to put a STOP to "frivolous lawfare", and in this case I think the costs of the stay should come out of the judge's pocket, based solely on what I read here.

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We're already paying for his prosecution/persecution.

I do think the way to go with these is fundraisers. But at some point, they're going to lock up more people than can be funded. I don't know what the answer is but the government has unlimited resources.

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Yes. It’s us.

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Unlimited....until the rest of the world stops buying our debt. Then it's game over.

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I SO think we should multiply Mackey. He is a very brave soul. And watching interview with Carlson seemed a bit downtrodden. Could use a boost!

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I donated to Mackey. I thought it was through C&C but perhaps another site. Not sure.

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Those rats streaming out of the tank might be the second worst thing I've seen all year (any photo or video of Joe Biden in the same room as a prepubescent child being the first).

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It's a 2s9 nona, an airborne self propelled mortar. The rats went in it because the exhaust is warm and Ukraine is very cold right now.

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The same reason Biden actually shows up at the White House from time to time.

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No other facility in the world is child, I mean biden proof.

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I like your comment, Benn

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It seems the demoncRATS have infested the entire world. Nasty bunch of disease ridden creatures.

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lol perfect

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mice do the same in my car right now :(.

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Toyotas had soy covered wiring and still may do so which is why the rats love to eat the wiring and cause problems.

I think other makes had it too.

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Rats! 😵‍💫😳

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Anything with Joe Biden is worse.

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Yea, I had to say "no" to watching that video. NOT going there.

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Same. That is the stuff of nightmares.

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It’s like the Sherlock Holmes adventure of the Giant Rat of Sumatra! Or was it Sinatra?

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Imagine the smell of all that rat poop in tere! :(

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Smells like the DNC

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Giant rats, tiny toy blue gun?

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If Germany has no interest in defending Ukraine then why are we? The whole Ukrainian thing is nothing but a money laundering scam for the DNC and the Washington swamp. Billions of dollars are sent over and after Zelensky and his cronies take their cut (bet it’s more than 10%) they send back millions to Democrats and some RINO’s (McConnell and the like). That is the only reason we are wasting billions of dollars in Ukraine.

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Not the only reason...trafficking and drugs are the US means of raising money. Anyone who thinks the money is just from taxes...ukraine is the home base and supporting it protects and enriches many at our expense. What are we doing over there in the first place? Wars...endless wars...enough!

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Amen to that. That’s why we need RFK jr. He gets it and will stop the insanity that the Neocons in DC are doing.

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No. He is all for the climate change agenda.

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CStone --and in favor of government control of power grid? He is a horror. Great on vax, but he is still a dem.

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And reparations...and voting in lockstep with Dems...

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He's the only one I know of that has discussed geoengineering. After watching him interview Dane Wigington, I was unable to determine if he'd do anything about it. Here's the interview: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/us-presidential-candidate-robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-dane-wigington-is-climate-engineering-real/

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No he isn't. He is become aware of the scam.

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You should actually listen to him Cstone. He’s not a climate nut like used to be.

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Yes I would second that. It is the one issue I want to hear more on from him. If he is in the climate change religion then he fails my test. I at this time do not think he is there.

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And pro choice and anti gun, I do believe...

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reality speaks--Government control if the power grid? Best learn more--good on vax but still a dem.

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I read recently Zelensky bought 2 yachts worth millions. Need we say more.

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Germany pledged another Patriot battery and is sending more IRIS T systems to Ukraine, so I don't think Jeff's info is correct.

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Well, we gotta remember that Germany was on the wrong side in two rather sizable wars in the 20th century.

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You are wrong, USA and England was on the wrong side

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And that means they can never, ever be right or on the right side again, right?

After all the USA cant because we elected Biden?

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That’s nice. Germany should be leading the aid not the US.

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The biggest donor has been the Baltics, Poland, and Czechia.

First to send heavy, lethal aid while everyone else was sitting around dithering.

Per capita the USA is not in the top 5.

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Per capita? Really? Tell you what, why don't you just post the supporting statistical charts delineating where all the support is coming from in total dollars. What? You don't have the data? OK. When they get around to actually asking me for my individual donation, I'll be referring them to you. I have better uses for my money than to donate it to some Nazis on the other side of the world.

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Pay walled. Percentage of GDP? LOL Meaningless. Every dime the imperial USG "gives" in "foreign aid", including Ukraine, is a theft of the American people. What's worse, most of what the USG does only foments war and death for the profit of corporate/statist interests.

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I don’t give a damn about per capita. We have given far more and we have zero interest in Ukraine other than to protect the money laundering that the DNC is engaged in. Ukraine is as corrupt as they get. We promised Russia 30 years ago not to move NATO east and yet we moved it closer almost to its border. Just because the idiots in DC failed to honor their promises to Russia does not mean I have to defend that corrupt government. Time to go home. Tell the Germans and everyone else we have given you trillions now it’s your time to step up if your concerned about Russian aggression.

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A little reality check. According to your website you referred too the United States has given 18 billion in 2022. This far exceeds to total of the rest of the world and it doesn’t include what was done in 2023 nor does it include all of the so called non military aid we’ve wasted.

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We should have never sent them a dime, NN

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It's possible the giant rats are the end product of more Fauci experiments in the many US bio labs in Ukraine.

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I had a similar thought. Except, my thought was they're building up for a story of how a rat bit a person and passed along a rat virus that Pharma will miraculously have a jab for.

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Yeah. Ukraine/Dr Moreau’s lab where the demonRATS are created. The many feces of Biden/Fetterman.......

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OMW!!! Now that is priceless--the movie title, I mean!!

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Yeah, I was definitely thinking created in lab. No telling what caused those rats to grow so large and no telling what they are carrying.

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Getting rid of, or at least lowering the feral cat population probably had an effect on the rat population.

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I did hear Clay Travis making comments on the radio that when he initially took a position in the US Virgin Islands that he and his wife came home to a rat so big that he wouldn't go near it. His story was hilarious but the rat sounded as big as the ones mentioned in the C&C today.

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Eewww, right? Aaaccccckkkk

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Giant rats or toy gun?

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Photoshopped gun. Look at the lack of shadow the muzzle should be making.

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The video is a great depiction of the Demorats in DC if Trump wins.

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Doutbful, they even have giant rats in Russia.

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We have enough in Congress and the White House.

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Those DC rats have evolved and walk on two legs.

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Dc has huge rats too. I’ve seen them myself

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I guess Fauci didn't program the rats to stay only in Ukraine.

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Since he has nothing to do with rats and more to do with a lot of food being left around and unharvested…yeah

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No. He just tortures beagles in his labs.

Fauci has the face of a rat. Maybe these rats are his progeny.........

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I'm pretty sure the picture is photoshopped. The muzzle of the AK47 isn't casting the shadow you would expect.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“aft blowholes”

I’m stealing that!

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Yet another gem from Jeff.

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Me too!!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

There's a list going around of 11,000 politicians who got exempted from the Jabs.

"When you do a mass experimentation on the population, you exempt yourself. Same as the draft."

"Evil people always support each other; that is their chief strength." ~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Still waiting on the actual list tho...


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According to the link +18 million people were exempted -

10 million* of which are undocumented/illegal aliens plus 1/2 million homeless.

The remaining 7 million are Congress, congressional or White House staff and employees, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.

You could also add thousands of organization exempted in CA, who are his donors.

*The link stated 2 million undocumented as of Sept 2021. The total is 10 million to date and rising daily.

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Actually the illegals are all turning to their home countries right now to get the money coming to them in their own hometown. The ones I saw yesterday in a long line all had suitcases with wheels on them. All dressed the same, all had the same haircut. There is no way they walked all that way looking like that. Thy are all enlisting in our Service. We are at such a low Military number right now, I thought Trump you are amazing. If anyone still thinks that Biden is in control with all the talk about Trump on MSM and in news publications you have to be blind not to know the white hats are in charge. The black hats are gone! Trump is ready to show his face again and tell the world that he won in 2020!!!! Hallelujah God has been in control! The war between God and Satan has been successful!

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Congress exempts itself from all kinds of things....like ObamaCare. And their pensions never get raided. It's a sorry lot running our country, save a remnant of decent men and women.

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I doubt it's that big. A lot of them legitimately believed in the shots.

But then again, every city councilman, sheriff, state senator, etc is a "politician" so maybe it's right. I didn't look into it.

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Your naïveté is stunning. Or are you just totally brainwashed?


It’s disgusting.

But then, perhaps you’re AI

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Where am I wrong?

There are probably half a million politicians in the USA by my off the wall guesses.

11,000 not getting it isn’t that big of a deal when the majority bought it.

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You think it’s ok then.

Good to know. Disgusting, but good to know. You revealed a lot about yourself today. And it’s all disgusting.

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wow not surprised.

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All the politicians, pharma, post office... there were all types of groups that had an interest in the jab that did not have to take it. It is a disgrace.

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Fascinating how racist some on the Democrat side view Black and Latino voters, claiming they are too dumb to tell a meme joke apart from proper voting procedure and also claiming they are either too dumb or too lazy to get a photo id, and of course these dumb and or lazy people all vote Democrat.

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I get a kick out of the white neo-libs when they "apologize" for the privilege of having "white privilege". What arrogant trash they are!

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Their apology should be "We apologize for having to think and handle all affairs for our brothers and sisters of color because you know - white privilege. Don't worry though . We are evolved and progressive so we will take care of you." They are soo racist. They believe they are doing the people of color a favor.

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I would never use the phrase "people of color" with a straight face. It's a negative identity that only indicates being non-white but says nothing about people's actual heritage/racial background/ethnicity, e.g., black, Chinese, Mexican, etc. Because all non-white people are just all basically the same and natural allies against the evil white oppressor.

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I was using libbie talk.

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“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Robert L Peters

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"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

Robert L Peters

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The racist things Biden says that the media ignores...

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Considering the esteem they seem to hold black people in that might be a compliment.

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The DemocRATS don’t hold them in high esteem, they view them as an easily manipulated block who will vote D no matter what.

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And during election season the Dems engage in what some black community members call “Drive by campaigning!”

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Sez he, “You ain’t”!

Sez we, .”How quaint!”

A man of the people, you see?

Defending “Our Democracy(TM)!”

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the problem was a white guy was trying to play them. sure Dems can play redneck trailer dwelling Trump voters that's no problem, but the race thing taints anything that's aimed at Dems--THE Party for minority victims.

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C.S. Lewis: ". . . those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Giant rats and bedbugs have been infesting the White House for a few years now.

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I heard they moved in January 2021.

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Can anyone tell me why we hate Russia now?

I mean historically, I get it, as they were Socialist and Communist....but now, with entire swaths of America actually more left than Russia, what exactly dont we like about them? Spare me the Putin IS a WMD (2004 called they want their CIA narrative back).

I feel like somehow, through slight of hand, the left and war mongers have weaponized the institutional Cold War baggage that we all carry like nostalgia and kinda drawn it over the present country while they hate Russia because its overly Christian and willing to let their poor have the benefit of cheap energy.

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Well first off, we have to hate something external, otherwise people might hate the corrupt bastards that run the country. Second, the population must constantly be in fear of something as that makes it easy to control people. Third, Russia is majority Christian and white, a double whammy negative in the diversity sweepstakes. Fourth, despite Putin being "literally Hitler", he does seem to actually care about the Russian people as living standards have dramatically improved under his rule. Fifth, we have a huge foreign policy blob that knows nothing else, and requires an enemy to justify it's existence. Sixth, the military industrial complex requires an enemy to maintain it's lucrative arms business. Seventh, people like Trump don't reflexively hate Russia so it can be used as a cudgel against him. Eighth, it's a convenient excuse ("Russian misinformation") to use government censorship tactics against regime critics. Ninth, Russia is an energy powerhouse and the intelligence community/multinationals would like an American puppet running the place rather than a Russian nationalist. Tenth, Putin won't toe the WEF line and is seen as an obstacle to their agenda.

That's off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more.

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Putin is pro-biological science -- 2 sexes only, recognize deviance for what it is, as opposed to the liberal West's celebration of deviance as being a positive aspect of culture.

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But against any free speech that might be anti-him. Look at what is going on with Navalny. Do not be deceived. He is a wolf in wolf's clothing.

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Compared to what? The lives of the average Russian have improved immeasurably since he took office and stopped the western-backed oligarchs from looting of the country.

There's a reason he's extremely popular at home. Most people care more about feeding their family than mouthing off.

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I would be willing to bet Navalny is tied to the US permanent state....it's all kabuki theatre.


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You overlooked their refusal to kowtow to the pro-LGBTvwxyz line and child sexual mutilation. We know that is implicit in them beinv genuinely Christian but stateside our “Christianity” no longer has that clear coherent moral focus.

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Excellent question. There is no reason to hate Russia. People there want to live and survive the same as anywhere else. Like in the US, it is the government that fosters hate.

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The Russian government literally is committing genocide in Ukraine.

Pre 2014 most Ukrainians had a positive view on Russia. That changed when Russia invaded and it is the polar opposite now.

I wonder why?

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Just ignore the 8 years of genocide in the Donbas after Obama’s brutal coup in Ukraine. No Ukraine didn’t have a favorable view on Russians there and it’s why they started killing their own citizens. Apparently for you Putin just woke up one day and decided to invade Ukraine ‘unprovoked' of course on his way to conquer Europe.

Americans are so propagandized they wouldn’t see the truth if landed on their laps.

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There was never any "genocide". Was it Ukraine that shot down MH17? No, it was Russia.

A total of 14,000 died in the way. around 5,000 civilians and the remaining were Russian and Ukrainian military. Some big "genocide". Russian was the most common language spoken across Ukrainian command freqs.

That's the same line Russian used in Moldova and Georgia in 1990 and 1991 when they invaded. Sounds familiar, huh?

Putin never woke up that way, he was always that way.

Ukraine did have a favorable view on Russia until they invaded.

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Didn’t Victoria Newland and company spark that war? Watch Revealing Ukraine on Rumble or Bitchute. You won’t find it on YouTube

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Nope, nobody started it except Putin realizing he couldn’t shoot enough protestors and his lackey couldn’t stop the Ukrainian equivelant of congress from impeaching him so he launched his war to keep Ukraine out of nato.

Did nuland invade Ukraine or did Russia?

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I'm positive the CIA and / or Victoria Neuland was involved in a color revolution in Ukraine in 2014, unseating their duly elected president. It's been all downhill from there.

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"duly elected". Do you think Biden was "duly elected" also?

he was a bully and used his secret police to murder protestors and once the Parliament brought charges against him he ran with his billions to Russia.

He was never arrested or forced out. He ran because he was a coward.

Compare that to Zelenskyy who refused to run.

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Thanks for the update! Putin is no saint, but the US bureaucrats got their nose in too deep

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The Ukrainian people kicked out their russian puppet and became free..just in time for Russia to invade and violate the Budapest agreement.

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That’s what RFK Jr. said on Rogan. He had quite a long story about the history between the US and Ukraine. Don’t listen to Benjamin No Nothing.

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"Benjamin know nothing".


But hey, Ukraine is losing, right? Meanwhile Russia can't accomplish their original goals.

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Rewriting history?

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When Russia took parts of Kharkiv oblast before they were stopped outside Kharkiv city they put all new textbooks in Children's schools with a Russian centric theme. Russia, not Ukraine was there home.

And in fall of last year when the AFU (Armed forces, Ukraine) broke through Russian lines and went on an orgy of violence and death against Russian forces the Russians ran away so fast they left behind some of those teachers.


They're going to prison for a decade or two.

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Oh really? Is that what concerns you, never mind the US Dept of Defense democide of tens of millions against the American people and the world - which you work and shill for?! You're as squishy as a certain cockroach I will not name.

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I'm actually pretty skinny with some muscle. Hardly squishy.

Thank you for helping me keep my job, by the way :)

I suggest moving to Russia, they need more replacement men after drafting 20k a month to maintain the lines.

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I think a lot of it is still remnants from the Cold War, and the ramped up propaganda in the past 5-10 years...the shit libs hate Putin because he personally elected Trump don't you know? :)

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As they have been taught - indoctrinated - to believe.

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Who has the Football??

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Hey, don't forget to get your Russian sputnik vaccine. It's Putin approved!

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Don't forget your operation warp speed vaccine! It's Trump approved!

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I refused to get that which Is what brought me here.

It's caused too many problems in healthy folks like me.

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Quit being a jerk and telling people to get the poison death shot

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By the way: The Italian and French donated SAMP-T Air defense system OR the newest Germany patriot system went active over Odesa yesterday.

A Russian SU24M was shot down.

Another bad day for Russian aviation.

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How can it be a poison death shot when Putin says it's safe and effective and he's gotten it twice himself?

How dare you insult Putin's anti-WEF/WHO/NWO woke legacy!

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I don't know. I don't. Putin makes more sense than Biden, that is for sure. All kidding aside, I think "we" (as the media says) hate them because they aren't going along with all of the stupid narratives.... woke, LBT-alphabet soup, climate b.s., etc.

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Putin is more coherent but brain damaged due to his covid jabs.

Biden has been senile for a decade, atleast.

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And he was evil in the decades before.

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Both, yes. And Biden was more coherent 20 years ago, but not by much.

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Why did he blow up factories of Vaccines then?

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Bahahahaha. You believe he blew up factories of his own creation that he touts as being safe and effective?


“ President Vladimir Putin on Monday dismissed foreign criticism of Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine and said he would get the jab himself on Tuesday.”


“ MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday voiced hope for a quick approval of the country's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine by the World Health Organization, saying the move is essential to expand its global supplies.

Speaking during a video call with Francesco Rocca, president of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Putin said receiving the WHO's vetting is necessary to spread the Russian vaccine more broadly around the world, including free supplies.

“We intend to expand such assistance,” Putin said.

The Russian leader also argued that WHO's approval should open the door for Russians and others who have had the Sputnik V vaccine to travel more freely around the world. He said about 200 million people worldwide have received Sputnik V.

Putin was vaccinated with Sputnik V in the spring, and last month he received a booster shot of Sputnik Light, the one-dose version. He also said he took an experimental nasal version of Sputnik V days after receiving his booster shot, adding that he was feeling fine and felt no side effects.”

He’s not going to destroy something he pushed so hard for.

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The US always needs a boogeyman.

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The CIA sure do!

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I heard it was because Russia won’t kowtow to the FED/ central banking system. They want to financially break them to bring them into the fold.

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And also because they refuse to bow down and worship the LGBTvwxyz agenda.

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I also don’t know how that happened. During the entire Cold War we emphasized that it was the government, not the Russian people we were against. We celebrated Russian culture etc. Moreover, now China poses a much larger threat. This vilification of Russia only helps the Chinese.

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War is the the health of the state and even though the USSR has been gone for 30+ years, the imperial USG needs to maintain an adversarial relationship with the Russians to justify the continual rape of the American people to support their military/industrial complex of graft and corruption. Thus the shills that they deploy against social platforms to cause confusion and division.

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I’ve been asking the same question for a couple of years.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Show me the money and I'll show you the science. People mistakenly believe scientists are these altruistic characters that dedicate their lives impeccably chasing science, when that could not be further from the truth. First recognize the question - what is a scientist, it's a pretty loose defintion and a title assigned more often than not by the media. The second is that scientists more often than not are chasing money, not science. I learned very quickly in grad school upon going from a "hard" science of engineering to a "soft" science of natural resources to be massively skeptical of any science. The first question to ask when looking at any study is who funded it? It will almost always reveal the conclusions of the study without even reading it. An enormous amount of money is chased by academics that must publish to make their massive salaries and egos, and they can be easily bought because of it. Add the incestuous peer-review process to get published and there you have it - $cience. The best example of this is climate science, when government agencies dump billions into climate science, what do you think the natural outcome is? It is of course furthering the cause, and need to study more for more billions. Show me a mask study and I'll show you a massively funded government health care bureaucracy with an obvious political goal that granted the $.

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P.S. If we don't divorce the term 'climate change' from the term 'geoengineering', we will continue to fight among ourselves. People have to realize that mankind barely affects CO2 and 'climate change', while mankind is 100% responsible for 'geoengineering', which is affecting everything on the planet in one way or another.

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Funding is why we have the Ken Caldeiras and the David Keiths of the world saying things like, “if things don't get better soon, we may have to try geoengineering” when they both know geoengineering has been in effect since the end of WWII. Bill Gates is heavily involved. I ask, is anything Bill Gates is involved with good for humanity? Here's information on the cover-up these “scientists” are involved in: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ken-caldeira-david-keith-and-carnegie-science-face-of-the-criminal-climate-engineering-cover-up/

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There are no prestigious medical journals any longer. You cannot trust any of them.

Giant rats? What has gates gotten into now? Is this going to be our new food supply?

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A little chili powder and you won't know the difference.

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Hold the cilantro . . .

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They were fathered by Fauci. Look at his face. He is a teeny-tiny man, but has the face of a big rat.

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I want to see a picture of Fauci next to an AK-74 for scale.

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Bahahhaha! You win for today🤣😂🤣

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He really does!!

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are we sure the giant rats are not democRATS LOL

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

If anything will literally put me over the edge it would be the invasion of rats...or even mice! I have an extreme phobia to these demonic creatures, probably passed on to me from my mom, whose childhood home was infested with mice. She can recall the terror she felt when she saw them crawl through a crack in a wall or under a door to this day and she’s 93 years old. As a result of hearing these stories, all of my siblings and I are also terrified of rodents. I’ve passed that on to my children as well! Please, Jesus, please come and take us home before the rat invasion!

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"Please, Jesus, please come and take us home before the rat invasion!"

Don't know why, Julie Ann, but that just cracked me up! 😂😂😂

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It did me too. But I have to agree with your prayer, Julie Ann. Rats remind me of the tales of the Black Plague. (Shivers.....)

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I saw a blurb about the 2nd Court granting the stay. That's good news, but the man shouldn't have to spend any time in jail for what's obviously a joke/satire to any reasonable person. I saw a couple of blurbs in the article pointing to similar things from anti-Trumpers, but strangely - they aren't arrested or in jail for encouraging people to text in votes for Trump.

I appreciate the details for the mask study, but for the "true believers", that will never be enough. Strange that it didn't take any facts at all for them to start wearing masks and demanding that everyone else wear one as well, but when actual facts come out they always demand more and more. Sadly, there are still some people at my church who wear a useless cloth mask to service every week. I figure there's got to be more to that somewhere, but they seem to have been hugely affected. Oddly, it doesn't stop them from walking into a pretty full room and sitting down surrounded by people not wearing masks - just that they wear them every week. :( (And not even the whole family - a couple in the family don't wear masks and they're fine.)

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Yeah, I'm in Northern CA and the # of masked just boggles my mind, every day. There will be no 'showing them a study'. There is no pointing out the MYRIAD logical flaws of mask-wearing, nor the actual physiological harms. They are lost, the we can always hope.

Plus Aetna insurance Co (one of the only one left here, thanks CA regs!) is now requiring all their providers to require masks again.

Conclusion I have come to is: you know how we say it was never about the science, it was always about the control?

Well, for some, it was always about being controlled. That was what THEY wanted. Still want.

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