
Therefore be patient, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the soil, being patient about it, until it receives the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

— James 5:7-8 LSB


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Wow, I once got a like and a reply from Jeff Childers on the same comment and thought that was pretty good. But getting pinned and a like, Janice you have taken it to the next level.

Great verse as always, and thanks for bringing us back to the truth every day.

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The word of God got liked and pinned. Jeff is awesome like that!

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Janice is a rock star and stands on the Rock (Jesus). She has been our go to scripture girl from the beginning!

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Good advice, "Wait until you see the whites of their eyes to open fire." Gen. Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans, War of 1812. (supposedly his quote)

Sorry, I'm not a "Turn the Cheek" Christian. If the Founders, who were Devout Christians, had Waited on the Coming of the Lord ....

Si vis pacem para bellum and if/when confronted with Evil-Tyranny do not let your finger falter, Comrades.

If Nov 2024 Fails, then don't bother to get back to me. Trump was rumored to be the last, #45, US President. but Do Vote MAGA as if your life depended upon it, With Prayers, Because It Does..

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My interpretation of turning the other cheek is this: "I give you another chance!, one only. Then I'll be in FAFO mode, watch your ass!".

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Oklahoma! THAT’s the wind we need sweeping down the plain. Unless one hates God’s love, there is nothing offensive about any of these Biblical values “sneaking” into public education: don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t murder, don’t covet your neighbor’s wife or children, respect people’s property, treat people the way you want to be treated, and love your neighbor. If you’re wise, get to know and love God too. Nobody is forcing Him on anybody, so let's all chill out and grow up, OK?

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My mind is singing along to the musical Oklahoma with all these comments!!!😂😂😂

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Me too! Hahahaa! I'm already to "I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say 'No!' "

My mom took my sister and me to see "Oklahoma" downtown on Van Ness in San Francisco, when it came out in "Todd-A-O!"

See, back then (late 50s) California was amazing! Because the next (I believe) "Todd-A-O" movie that stayed around 3 times as long, was "The Ten Commandments" with Charlton Heston.

(cut me some slack... old people love dragging folks down Memory Lane) LOL

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I think I missed something. How did Oklahoma get pulled into this? :)

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This entire thread is giving me the giggles.😄

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I get more in the way of gas-cramps.

The pomposity here is effecting my gallbladder.

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I have a sneaky suspicion the only reason you read C&C is to share God’s word. The nerve! 😂 Did you miss Jeff’s final segment? You're near the epicenter. 'The woke radicals will not like it': Oklahoma releases schools' Bible guidelines (thehill.com)

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Oh duh. I skimmed the first part. Haven't had time to read it all. :) As for your sneaky suspicion, some days it is only to share some hope depending on how much time I have. And other days it is to read Jeff's entertaining and informative news capsule and share hope from the Word!

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Keep sharing! The Spirit is moving!

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Because Oklahoma's Governor just took a stand for the Bible and the Ten Commandments and directed that they be required in their schools.

(perhaps we're a little giddy for GOD! lol)

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I realized that was what Reasonable Horses referred to. Plus I live in Oklahoma. :) I just hadn't read the post yet.

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And don't boil a goat in its mother's milk.

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The fact that you don’t understand it, doesn’t make it nonsensical.

My older daughter and I have been studying about the health benefits of ‘grounding’. She said she had read that linen is conducive to grounding and so is wool. But if both are worn at the same time, there is a negative impact. She was reminded of teachings in Leviticus (I think) about not mixing fabrics.

There is far more about this physical world than we will ever know.

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I practice Grounding, or Earthing, every day by walking barefoot.

I understand how it works, and I don't think it matters if

I am wearing a shirt made with a cotton/polyester blend.

I 100% agree there is much that we don't know. I also believe that

there is much that some people do know or that people did know

that is considered fanciful by the modern scientific community.

I don't agree that there is any benefit in teaching the bible to school children.

I think it is going to resonate with today's children about as much as making them slog through Shakespeare's plays or reading Plato.

There are more important things to teach that have greater relevance in

today's society.

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Eternity is a very long time. Best prepare.

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What preparations should be made?

What should I pack?

What should I wear?

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Skimming the rest of this thread, I remembered seeing this quotation from Charles Spurgeon this morning. "We are foolish to expect to serve God without opposition: the more zealous we are, the more sure are we to be assailed . . . Every man to his post, ye warriors of the cross, and may the Lord tread Satan under your feet shortly!" All providential, obviously.

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You DO know, Tammy Faye... that muslims and Hindus far outnumber "christians" (messianic hebrews) by a large number?

Should they not be given preference in the world, as they believe even more strongly than most of your ilk? Why should a minority speak so loudly?

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Judge NOT... least YOU burn in hellfire for your snotty sarcasm.

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Well, you don’t know the Bible! It’s mesmerizing to the young! Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Joseph and his brothers, David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lions Den, Elijah and the prophets of Baal, Elisha and the Bears, Jesus walking on water and feeding the Five Thousand….so many absolutely fascinating stories for famished souls who’ve had nothing but the dregs of this world. Would you rather they try to figure out how many genders Unicorns have?

As for grounding, I sit barefoot outside sometimes, but also have earthing.com products; a full sleeping mat, a pillowcase, two mats for my recliner, direct application patches and even a pet bed cover for my anxious rescue dog, who will not go outside without me.

I was in a car accident decades ago, rear ended at significant speed, and have dealt with a lot of back and neck pain.

I was stymied for a time because my house, built in 1952, is only grounded in specific areas, not convenient for connecting my products. And getting an electrician to ground other outlets would cost a lot.

Then I learned about grounding rods, a very inexpensive option.

So I’m just getting started in earnest, and I’m excited about how well I’m sleeping, increased joint flexibility and reduction in pain.

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Do you think that relating a story about children being mauled to death

by bears for hurling insults at a bald man is a teachable moment

for school kids? What is the lesson? It seems to me the punishment

does not fit the crime.

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Pure mythology... you take the Garden, snake and apple myths literally? Jonah and the whale?

BTW: Who did Cain marry and have children with?

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Not "ANY benefit"? The social impact of Madalyn Murray O'Hair would disagree.

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Her son, William, spoke at our church back in 93. It was a very moving message of his salvation and deliverance from alcohol.

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"I was about 12 or 13 years old. I picked up the Bible and read it from cover to cover one weekend, just as if it were a novel, very rapidly, and I've never gotten over the shock of it. The miracles, the inconsistencies, the improbabilities, the impossibilities, the wretched history, the sordid sex, the sadism in it - the whole thing shocked me profoundly."

Madalyn Murray O'Hair

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Bryan... You could NOT be more wrong, or more deceived about the purpose of the Bible.

For sure, one of us is mistaken about knowing the ways of YAHWEH and choosing those ways.

If I am or Janice is ... then none the worse for wear, because we chose to try to follow the righteous precepts of a GOD that doesn't exist.

But if YOU are ... Yikes! The repercussions are ETERNALLY ghastly. What harm for you to look closer?

And on a day-to-day practical level... how can teaching youngsters how to conduct themselves according to the moral compass given us by the Creator be unimportant?

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Your god had a strange fascination with foreskins.

24 But it came about at the overnight encampment on the way, that the Lord met Moses, and sought to put him to death. 25 So Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and threw it at Moses’ feet; and she said, “You are indeed a groom of blood to me!” 26 So He left him alone. At that time she said, “You are a groom of blood” — because of the circumcision.-Exodus 4:24–26 NASB

24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him.

25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me.

26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. -Exodus 4:24–26-KJV

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We’re talking about wearing a fabric on your body that is connected to the ground. For sitting on the ground.

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I think most textiles are insulators,

unless you are weaving your pantaloons from carbon fiber.

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No, fool, you are not grounding if there is fabric between you and the earth.

Stick to spewing your bogus mythology and judging others.

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Leather soled shoes too! Bless you!

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Oh no you didn't!🤣

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Amen, Janice

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But a natural man does not accept the depths of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually examined. -- 1 Corinthians 2:14

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St. James day today! Well done, Janice. Right there with you.

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Jul 25
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Well, to be fair, that is a debatable.

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What was the comment? It seems it was censored.

Self-appointed Pastor of C&C, Janice, AKA "Baalam"... loves her mythology. I suggested she read Biglino's "The Naked Bible"... but alternative POV's are not her bag.

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Name-calling and ornery mischaracterization don't look good on your character. If you're into alternative POVs, try a more accurate version of the Bible.

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Why not change your wet panties and chillax?

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Paul Wallis - The 5th Kind.😁

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Looks interesting... much like Biglino... they both make the sheep squawk...

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He's frequently on his YouTube channel:


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Wallis, not merely a heretic but a most imaginative lunatic fiction scribe.

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"heretic"... LOL!!! What a clown you are.

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I'm sure you lost her right there when you said "mythology". One man's mythology is another man's presupposition.

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Or superstition.

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Tomato tomoto. Isn't that what all scientific theory rests on, unproven supposition? At it's base, all scientific theory rests on faith as much as any other belief. Call it by a derogatory term like superstition if you want, but in the end it is a faith in a particular view of reality that cannot be proven but neither can it be disproven.

All viewpoints begin with a particular set of presuppositions which can be debated. The use of derogatory terms to describe opposing viewpoints is evidence of an unwillingness to debate the merits rather than imposing a dogma.

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I don't mind losing the brainless sheep.

IF she were born in Iran... she would be wearing a burka and face covering (not a bad thing, in her case)... she would never admit that, which is pretty craven.

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At least you didn’t call me the donkey.

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Jul 25
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Nonsense. Biglino translates from the ORIGINAL writings that became the "bible", not from modern Hebrew.

...read it, before making an ass of yourself again.

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Wow! More name-calling! This thread turned into an ugly day in 8th grade 🤣

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I’m sure your compliments are taking everyone’s breath away.

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Mr. Portocalos would be proud of you

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How ironic will it be when the Herculaneum scrolls from an old Epicurean’s library confirm more Biblical truths?

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Or "LaExcrement"

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Something controversial about that verse?

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Jeff - I read your endorsement of Sally Saxon’s book - along with Drs. Viglione and Thorpe - The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond - What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us:

“Drs. Viglione and Thorpe are the real deal. From the beginning, when it was costly and risky to oppose the Narrative, these courageous doctors were asking the tough questions and pointing out all the Emperor’s wardrobe malfunctions. Along with lawyer Sally Saxon, their fascinating and informative book gives you a front-row seat to the “real” pandemic. Buckle up.”

On a recent flight home, I left my copy (intentionally) in my seat back pocket as I exited the plane.

The authors vital message at the end of this book:

“WHICH SIDE OF HISTORY DO YOU WANT TO BE ON? Which will you choose to be: a victim or a warrior?”

Perhaps we could all send a copy to a physician we know or used to be a patient of.

Planting seeds.

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That is a great book. I read it about a year ago & continue to use it as a reference. I have just finished another great book which I highly recommend: "Mao's America" - A Survivor's Warning by Xi Van Fleet. It is the story of a Chinese woman who is an American citizen & who has lived in this country for about 40-years. However, she grew up in China during the Cultural Revolution. She sees so many parallels between what she saw & experienced in China in the first 26-years of her life to what is happening here in the U.S. If I had the means, I would buy 100 copies for every library in America. It needs to be read by as many as possible, especially before the next election.

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Good thought, but you don’t have to buy copies for your library, you can just ask them to order it. I do that for many good books and they’ve never refused a request yet.

It’s a way to make sure excellent conservative books are included in the libraries database.

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Great idea!

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Good idea, Kathy.

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The library I retired from would order requests. They would first check the system of libraries we belonged to to see how many copies there were and then the hold history system wide of the request. The hold history pretty much made the decision.

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Debra - I’ve seen interviews of her. I cannot imagine how she must feel. 😢

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I have to tell you, Laura, that I often had to take a break as I was reading it - that is how deeply disturbing it often is. However, there is no denying that this is precisely what is unfolding in this country. As difficult as it was to process what I was reading, I knew it was important to persevere.

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Debra - it is during times like this we must cling to God’s promises. 🙏🙏🙏

For me, it calms my many fears.

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Any time you feel like giving up, think of her and Vera Sharav. They’ve both stayed in the fight for decades and so can we.

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My dad felt the same way, just sick about seeing the country he’d emigrated to and become a fierce supporter of, where he’d had the chance to live the American dream, becoming less and less free over the years 😢

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Anytime I hear the word "freedom" ..... especially the assinine phrase " we must preserve our freedom" , my blood boils at the irony of that completely false assumption ; that we are still granted that "inalienable right " . We are controlled in every aspect of our lives, to do what the power tells us to do, and how to do it . Or else . Even to the absurdity ( one of many ) ..... that one can not even grow the food they wish to eat , nor have the choice of what substances will go into their own body . "unfolding" is too kind a word . We have been in ever tightening chains for as long as i can remember . And i am not young . ( i was not going to comment anymore . let this be possibly my last ) . But i still squeeze out every inch of freedom i can find , as long as i breathe.

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You'll appreciate this... In CA there seems to be a mission to cancel everyone's home owners insurance and drive them into the arms of the state - the only insurance provider that will take them. My mother just died a couple weeks ago. We received a letter from her homeowner's insurance that the policy will be canceled on the eyebrow furrowing statement, "bushes in backyard need to be spaced the exact distance that the bush is tall" because "fire risk". So, you can no longer have a living hedge wall, apparently, and they will likely tell us to cut down the beautifully maintained elm tree my father planted because "too close to the house". Obviously, CA is forcing its population of homeowners to comply or... comply? There's no other option if you hold a mortgage. Fortunately, my mother's home does not carry a mortgage and I could care less if we have insurance but my siiisster gets all bug eyed at the mere mention of going without it. Both my brother and sister that live in this area have had their homeowners insurance canceled recently because "fire risk"... and their only option is the state program which is charging a higher premium. After taking care of my mom the last two years I am finally moving back home... so glad to get out of this soul sick state.

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Yes, exactly !! Find the least crazy place you can to try to live .

For me, I left the whole darn place behind long ago .

I do not regret it . But is a shame, as i traveled all over the States and so much beautiful land ( calif one of the most )

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I think Tucker Carlson also interviewed her.

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Epoch Times in American Thought Leaders interviewed her. It was heart wrenching what she went through and how our country is in the throes of the battle to stop the same thing from happening here.

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Xi Van Fleet's book is on my To-Read list. (becoming a very long list). I saw her interview with Tucker a few months back. It was a great interview!

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Here's another one to add to your list: "Climate Cult" - Exposing & Defeating Their War On Life, Liberty, & Prosperity by Brian Sussman. He really pulls back the curtain on all of this Climate Change nonsense.

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Are they pricey? I have to watch every dollar right now. That book sounds like a Book to share with my two grown Sons. One of them vaccinated my Grandson. I keep praying that this disclose will get here already!!! November is too far still. Thank you so much.

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The covid book by Saxon, Viglione, & Thorp is $18.99 in paperback on Amazon; $9.99 for the kindle version. Xi Van Fleet's book is $21.00 on Amazon for the hardcover (paperback not yet available); $14.99 for the kindle version. They may be less expensive on Thriftbooks.com.

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Also check eBay and AbeBooks for used copies of any and all books.

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If you get the Libby app & have a library card, you can get the Kindle book loaned for free. I’m on a 6 week wait list for it here in CA. Glad so many fellow left-coasters are interested!

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Susan.... Xi Van Fleet's book is an "e book" so you can download it onto your laptop, desktop or tablet computers. Check it out - I subscribed to the organization that promotes her speaking engagements, the INDEPENDENT WOMEN'S FORUM. Check them out as well!

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"The Pruvate Life of Mao Tse Tung"..written by his private doctor. Very revealing and explains a lot of today's situation. Good read.

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Thank-you for that recommendation. I found a book on Amazon with a similar title & am guessing that this is the same book that you referred to. The name of the book is: "The Private Life of Chairman Mao" by Dr. Li Zhi-Sui. I have ordered it.

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Xi Van Fleet was a guest speaker at our Conservative Women’s group recently. Her story is a wake up call to ALL Americans.

Link to Tucker Interview:


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This is not a recommendation from me, but you may want to check it out yourself and decide how to proceed:


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The author is a woman who survived the "Cultural Revolution" under Chairman Mao!! She is now a WARRIOR WOMAN living in VA and pushing back against the Marxist dogma that has entered our public school systems!! GOD BLESS AND PROTECT HER AND LIKE WARRIORS FOR JUSTICE AND TRUE FREEDOM!


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Thank for that info. I will look for that book. I read a similar book recently that may interest you (if you don't already know about it)- While Time Remains by Yeonmi Park a North Korean.

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I actually read that book. It was a riveting story. I also read her other book, "In Order To Live", which I believe was her first book. It was also a riveting account of what she & her family endured. These women & their stories of survival are so inspirational. They also have a much deeper appreciation for what America stands for & for what we are at risk of losing if we do not claw our way back from the damage that has been allowed to happen.

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Good idea! If we all sent 1 copy and 5% opened their eyes, that would be a good start. The 5% would then pass it along to open minded colleagues. It always starts with one. I'm going to start with my GP.

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Sally Saxon sent me a message that she wants to include Tom Haviland’s embalmer blood clot survey results in their next book. She included Richard Hirschman’s findings in this one.

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What about a Cliff's Notes style short version anyone can print, then have the C&C army leave them in every waiting room we encounter, medical or car repair or what have you? Let's get the word out!

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Would be fun to have QR code stickers that could be put on the back of bathroom doors everywhere to link that info. Technology is not my wheelhouse but if summertime could do it, I'd pay for a big stack and put them in every restaurant, airport stall, brewery, etc that I went to .

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Jennifer. I’ll work on making a document with a QR code to the book on Amazon ( even tho I hate promoting that site).

Message me on my substack with your email address


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How do I send it without making it public?

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You can do it thru my profile. Here’s how:


It will only be visible to me.

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I agree. It would be a huge start. ❤️

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My mother goes to a very highly regarded retinal specialist for macular degeneration. I asked him if he was familiar with a study of 1.5 million people which showed that the jabbed people had double the rate of retinal vascular occlusion. It is the second leading cause of blindness after diabetic retinopathy. He had not heard of the study. I asked if I could email it to his office. He said fine. Next visit I asked if he had had a chance to read the emailed study. He said no. Next visit I printed out the study and handed it to him.he said something to the effect of “ you never know about confounding factors” which I know that the study was very careful to rule out. He put the papers up on the shelf, and I guarantee it went in the trash. I tried! I will not give up. You never know who might be in the persuadable middle. Sadly, one of our bravest and boldest anti-jab Warriors, Steve Kirsch, seems to have suffered this terrible adverse event, and as of a day ago, he was blind in one eye. He was going to have an operation to see if they could restore any vision. I have not had a chance to check X yet today. Please pray for Steve.

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I saw that about Steve! 😢 Praying for him!

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Did he have the 💉?

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Like many, he learned how bad jabs are after taking them.

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Just the first two, he and all his family. But that was enough, as we are finding out.

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That is really sad about Steve. But you never know if it was something else not jab. My aunt started going blind 6 yrs ago before the pandemic. It wasnt long before she could see only shadows.

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The article she was trying to share with her moms eye dr was specifically about ruling out confounding factors... covid vaxxed had higher rates of this issue. Steve had a reaction after his second shot i think. Therefore, this is very likely related if many others are having similar issues in similar time frame. My son's seizures and encephalytic scream were deemed normal and yet rare by his doctors. Nope, just as I suspected, was definitely all vax injury. Surely if you are here at c&c you are not ready to gaslight the injured as readily as the doctors...

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I read the doctor's lack of interest being something like ' I treat one way or the other, so what does it matter'. 🤷😢

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Drugs and surgery.....or is it surgery THEN drugs? I'd have to check with Big Pharma.

A while ago, I read that if you have a serious accident, or need heart bypass (one of the most common surgeries performed), the US is where you want to be. Anything else, you take your chances.

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My veterinarian who I highly suspect got the jab and a friend that I know got the two initial jabs and at least one booster both had detached retinas. In 50 years I’ve only known one other person to have detached retinas and that was because she has type 1 diabetes and got pregnant without having her sugars under control. Anyway, I firmly believe the more frequent retinal detachment/tearing stories I’m hearing is related to the jabs.

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He may not even know how to critically review a paper.

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Can I get a link to the study

My sister since the jab has been diagnosed with Sogjrens syndrome Lupus and has had a retinal vascular occlusion!! This was a formerly healthy 64 year old woman!

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Kathy - what is particularly concerning about Steve's loss of vision is that he is three years out from his last shot (as am I, but so far, my husband and I are ok).

Steve wrote a stack some months ago about eye issues. He has had glaucoma for some time now (before the plandemic I believe).

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VA still offering covid DeathVax to veterans.

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It’s hard to “like” your comment Kathleen.

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It's the government. They have to keep that narrative going. They will never admit they lied and people died because of their lies.

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They are still dying. The after effects are just getting started.

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so very sad, but true.

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I look forward to the moment when the DoD medical experimentation on military personnel, FOR DECADES, actually becomes "common knowledge," much like the truth about Harvey Weinstein. While his conviction was overturned this past April, he will be re-tried in November....and lucky him, many victims who declined to testify in the first trial have reconsidered! The DoD has yet to experience the "Weinstein treatment."

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Oprah was Weinstein's BFF...Meryl too.

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Hmmmm...I wonder if they'd care to elaborate on their "relationship." Wait.....never mind.

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"Get your covid vaccine" still over the P.A. in grocery stores where I live.

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Kathleen I was at Walgreens yesterday. What fear mongering to get all kinds of crap (CONvid, Shingles, flu…). “Ask your pharmacist to help you with a vaccine schedule.” 🤦‍♀️

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And I bet that pharmacist won't tell people that the shingles vaccine has a FDA black box warning on it for developing Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

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DAMN! I didn’t know that Kathleen. My neighbor got the Shingles jab (no CONvid jab), and he got very sick!

I had the Shingles, not fun, but my body took care of it after about a week.

Protect your immune system everyone!


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The FDA black box warning is the strongest warning before a product is pulled.

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It’s more than the VA. [I’m a retired SNCO now working as a DoD civilian in Korea.] A friend just PCS’d here and had to take 13 shots in one day before the agency would release him to travel (Anthrax, Japanese Encephalitis, MMR, DTaP, Smallpox, et. Al.,). For the next three days, he’s never felt so sick in all his life. On two occasions his wife picked up the phone to call paramedics and get an ambulance to the house, but both times he talked her out of it — even in his delirium.

By dumb luck, I managed to PCS here just before COVID and before all this vaccinate-to-PCS nonsense started. And they wonder why nobody wants to PCS.

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Jul 25
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The important thing to know about the mRNA is that it will cause the body to attack its own tissue. The pseudo-uridine used to prevent the mRNA from being tackled by your own immune system, was recognized years ago as being Carcinogenic. It shuts off your body’s normal response to suspicious or damaged cells.

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Check with my doctor???? ROFL. I use allopaths to get the tests I want to prove what I DON'T have. After all this medical mess, I trust doctors even less than I did before!

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I go to a D.O., but he works in a ‘corporation’ of MD’s. He whispered to me one time that the walls in the patients rooms ‘have ears’. And that he has to be careful what he says.

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Oh my goodness. Whisper back to him, "Man Up!!"

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Austin, FYI, Quest Labs allow patients to self-order many, many tests.

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Ditto Labcorp.

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Yes, we need an all-inclusive name. In time it’s possible all “vaccines” will be formatted this way.

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They need to abolish mRNA across the world.

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Absolutely. At minimum, no mandating for anything except full disclosure on ingredients, actual effectiveness, all side effects and personal choice, with parents/guardians making the decision for their minor children.

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During the scamdemic, I referred to this open vaers site often, sometimes daily because I couldn't trust anyone with information in my home state of CA...still can't/don't trust leaders for obvious reasons. I was shocked by all the death and permanently disabled accounts. To this day, the numbers seem too small, obviously because most doctors would not report as V Injury. Its worth browsing the site.


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They need to abolish ‘ALL’ vaccines, as they are now formulated. Go back to the basics.

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I agree 100%. Coming from the military as a dependent, an Army Officer and Department Civilian - I had to take all their damn shots - I lined up, rolled my sleeve up and expected that the government was doing their job - they weren't, instead they were in bed with the SOB's at the cost of our wealth and our health. They will never get another "vaxx jab" in my body, ever again. What they are doing to babies and children is horrific abuse and for what, their eff'ing power and wealth!

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Jul 25Edited
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It’s unconscionable that we vaccinate pregnant women in this country. Look at Notes from the Underground by Mark Crispin Miller to see how many babies are now born dead or only live a few days. It’s heartbreaking and evil.

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A pro-jab FNP ‘friend’ said she read a recent study done in England showing those who do not get covid are genetically predisposed to not get it. 😳😳 I have not had it and am not jabbed. My blood and genes are Gold! 😄

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I planted a seed by buying and mailing a copy of Robert Lustig’s “Metabolical” to my primary care physician. It highlights the way modern medicine has abandoned true science. She sent me a thank you but I don’t know if she ever read it. Seed planted.

I then encouraged a psychiatrist to read “Brain Energy” by Dr Chris Palmer, which explains how life style changes and diet can do more for mental health than all the pharmacological treatments in the world. It agrees that for a scant percentage those drugs may be the only help but for the majority, changing diet alone could empty out most mental institutions in under a month. For over a year I recommended the book to him. Finally, yesterday, he finally thanked me for the recommendation and told me that while he hasn’t had the time to read it, it certainly looked very interesting and promising. Seed planted and tiny root protruding.

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Perhaps what everyone forgets when talking about sending people books, or leaving books to be found, is that no one reads books anymore. Many (most) believe themselves to be bright, intelligent etc (especially the GPs and other doctors) but they barely read the magazines they subscribe to. Truly, they are never going to read a book of any description, especially one that might challenge their beliefs or make them feel even slightly uncomfortable about what they’ve done over the last few years (again, this is especially true of the jab jabbing doctors and nurses).

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Yes. But that doesn’t mean we stop trying or believe it’s futile. I was reached by one such book, and I was almost unreachable. I didn’t read ANYthing or even watch the news. But that one book opened my eyes and saved my life.

Books are just one kind of seed in a loving box full of a variety of seeds.

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You could tape a crisp $100 bill to the dust jacket ... That technique has closed many a sales deal over the years.

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Marion - I was able to red pill my cousin with Edward Dowd's book, Cause Unknown. But he still won't talk to me.

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Hello Laura

Perhaps it’s a case of shooting the messenger with your cousin as a reason why he won’t talk to,you (what a baby!) Are you sure he read Dowd’s book? I do think some people can be red - or even black - pilled but they have to be ready and not scared stiff of what the poison may have done to them or their children. Some people simply hold it as a matter of honour that they won’t believe ‘conspiracy theories’ because if they can’t believe the BBC or NBC or any of the MSM well - that’s just silly, outrageous, bizarre, utterly ridiculous….They will never be reached, they will always have an answer, even if it’s just ‘you’re not a doctor/climate scientist/any kind of scientist at all.’ My sister-in-law (a retired nurse) told me that I should stop reading when I told her I wouldn’t be getting any of the ‘preventive’ ‘tests’ for cancer. She was, though, a chemotherapy therapy nurse….she’s hinted at, when drunk, that chemo harms people….anyways, yes, perhaps some people will read a book if it’s recommended, but there are many excuses as to why they won’t read (even those who say they ‘love to read!’). Usually they say they are much too busy (watching tv until midnight) but really they are too lazy, and maybe, nowadays, too scared

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Yes he read it because we have a conversation about it after I sent it to him. His own 30-something son had myocarditis after the shots. Docs told him it was from a tick bite, but they couldn't find the bite anywhere on his body.

Yes, I think it's a matter of shooting the messenger. He sided with my brothers who cut my sister and I out of their lives. I think he is ashamed and has too much pride to ask for forgiveness.

The fear is blinding.

My eyes have been opened as well as to the cancer screening scam and I would never seek treatment from an oncologist.

In a way, covid was a gift as it opened so many eyes.

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Juju- efforts like these is how we win this war between truth and lies. Bravo!

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So! Good Juju!

Later Jay

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Never stop planting seeds! They are gifts from God. He loves your obedience and will see those seeds get the Living Water they need! 🙏🏻

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I just ordered my copy! I'll send to my doctor next week after I read it.

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Love it Jennifer! I plan on highlighting the message at the end as to which side they will choose to be on and place a bookmark on that page.

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Great idea!

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Nicely done Laura. I will read it.

Have you read JFK Jr's The Real Anthony Fauci? I am not a JFK Jr fan except for the book where he, as an insider in the "public health industry" exposed it all. Its a good, but difficult read. Why do I know its all true? IN the book he asks anyone who he writes about to please bring a lawsuit against him if he is not telling the truth. NONE have.

Update: Just bought the Kindle version of "COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond - What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us".

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Daniel - I bought Bobby’s book but have yet to read. I have an entire library on the subject of the Plandemic. When I’m gone, I want my descendants to know I knew the truth.

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Thanks for helping expose the pLandemic. It must be fully exposed and people must be held fully accountable for this atrocity, truly a crime against humanity. In my opinion, even worse than the horrific holocaust. Millions needlessly died alone, around the world. Many more millions will die, and/or be hurt, and/or never be born. I know Im not supposed to think this but I hope God shows them no mercy at all. They deserve no mercy.

I still see virtue signalling people (many of them young) around my town, wearing masks. Maskholes, indoctrinated pLandemic crash dummies.

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We should start a bookstore "Books Banned by Amazon"

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Another excellent reason to stop using Amazon. Thrift books is a great online site.

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Also AbeBooks. Strong on used copies. Worldwide database, too.

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My go to bookstore for years. I don't need new. My kids are gonna hate me someday when they have to box up the books. I try to give away as many as possible. www.thriftbooks.com

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Yes CHop! It would be a long list!

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I started to read the book...then I stopped...then I started again...then I stopped again.

I was furious that the murdering psycho Fauci was allowed to operate for so long with his sick Dr. Mengele experiments.

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Yeah, as I read the book, I would go from rage to anger to sadness to frustration and even despair, learning what these dishonest bastards have done. Fauci the human cockroach (and a murdering psycho as you correctly articulated) may have thought he was above the law and maybe he will walk because of our legal system which now is anything but justice. But I am certain he will have final justice brought down upon him, and his thirst shall never be quenched.

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Kathleen - this is hard to believe (sarc), but Case Western Reserve University is giving an "ethics" award to Fauci in September. Someone started a petition to voice our opposition. I'm getting signatures.

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You certainly are a "witness" Laura!

if only those who hear do not close their ears. . .

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I bought it when it first came out just to support him in having written it. I have not read it, nor do I feel inclined to. I know all I need to know.

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AND RFK, Jr’s book has over 2000 noted references .

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Right Mary, very thoroughly documented.

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And he is a lawyer so he knows that whatever he writes has to be accurate.

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That book has more citations in it that any book I’ve ever read. Clickable links in the iBooks version are great.

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RFKJR has a brilliant mind.

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I would be on every single rabbit trail. It would take me forever to finish a book with clickable links. LOL!

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Jul 25
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Glad you asked. Because before he spilled the beans on the "public health system", he was deeply integrated and a part of the horrible public policy with his Uncle Ted of Chappaquidic (SP?) infamy and other indiscretions. But far worse than that is he is a liberal democrat trying to hide out as a moderate democrat. By liberal democrat, I mean big government control of all aspects of our lives. If I wanted that, Id move to Chyna. I want our Constitutional Republic fully restored and I want the Citizens restored as the Sovereigns as God created our country to be.

Does that adequately answer your question?

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Jul 26
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He is still a big government socialist and that is the last thing we need more of - why are you asking me to convince you of what you know to be true. As they say, you can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig. He should work as a lawyer holding big pharma responsible for their crime against humanity, and he should support Donald Trump so he can empty the government of all the other big gov liberals who think they they have the power to control our lives. Being a Kennedy doesn't make him any more or less valuable than any other liberal. It just makes him something the USA doesn't need, especially when we have President Trump, who should still be in office had it not been stolen from US in 2020. Changing the subject, tell me something Ty, was the 2020 election stolen? And be specific about why it was or wasn't. I do not want to hear about corrupt courts who would not hear evidence. Lets start with no ID and no chain of custody Mail In ballots....

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Took me a year to find someone to take my extra copy of the truth about Fauci .

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I sent a copy to my mom. Pretty sure she never read it.

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I think the majority are sick of him and his name. We live in a society that wants to forget the past.

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Won't the airline custodians just throw that in the trash or lost and found box?

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I think leaving it in the airport lounges or waiting area would be best.

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I always leave something at the airport, Usually, my Epoch Times newspaper.

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Ask The Gideons how they've gotten Bibles into tens of thousands of locations worldwide: They carry them in and set them down on a table. DONE.

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RJ - maybe. But what if someone reads it! $20 well spent.

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I ALWAYS choose to be a WARRIOR WOMAN - thanks for this latest helpful "reading material" recommendation!!

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"The Emperor’s wardrobe malfunctions." 😂 Excellent.

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I know people who used to leave bibles behind…this is a great idea! I think I’ll pick up a few extra copies and accidentally leave them behind…

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Worth a read:


Perhaps pompous Janice, "Mythology beyond me" can explain "god's" role in this disaster...

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Since you are so very intelligent, maybe one of these days, you can figure out that man has free will.

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Boom! There it is......

Later Jay

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Only a moron would believe that we have free will.

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You're here aren't you? Proof is in the pudding! You have a choice, after all.

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Only in the United States of America can you take down our flag in our nation’s capital, burn it, and raise the flag of a terrorist nation in it’s place.

What an utter disgrace! All those involved should be so thankful for their freedom. Try that in Palestine and you’d probably get your head chopped off.


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It’s vandalism and destruction of public property at best. Every one of them should be arrested and charged. But will they?

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No, they won’t. After all as Jeff said, “it was a mostly peaceful protest.”

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Meanwhile Grandmothers rot in jail for taking selfies on Jan 6.

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Well, to be fair, the grandmas were trying to overthrow rhe Democrat oligarchs (read "democracy"). The useful idiots in the keffias are helping them cement their power (read "defending the innocent" or something. Idk, they're all pinko commies so the messaging is muddled)

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Joe said last night that it was the worst something or other since the civil war!

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"mostly peaceful assassination attempt"

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What are their names. Funny that we will never find out like J6 Feds.

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And J6 political prisoners wandered in awe through their own House. Oh, the double standards...

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SS hires

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Netanyahu had the best line: gays for Hamas is like chickens for KFC.

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They still use chickens at KFC?

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Kentucky Fake Chicken now?? 🤔

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They call it KFC, they don't mention chicken anymore.

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True 🤔

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That is too funny!

I was in the drive thru at Der Wienerschnitzel. I ordered 2 chili cheese dogs 😋. When the DEI hire asked if I wanted to upgrade to BEEF, I drove off.

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Why? That's dumb. Everyone knows that their regular dogs are an amalgam of chicken, pork n parts. Beef IS an upgrade

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Lab grown.

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MAJOR LOL on this one. Thank you 🤣

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In Ontario Canada kfc only offers halal chicken and has taken pork off the menu…

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Did he truly say that???? GOOD for him!

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Hamas crazies replaced the BLM crazies.

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Probably the same ones, bought and paid for by people like $*r*s?

How do these young adults have the luxury of not working?? Many look older than college age?

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Yes, now we have the "New and Improved" Soros. Quite dapper but, I think, still a chip off the ole block. Chime in if you think megalomania or psychopathic tendencies are hereditary. I have misplaced my DM5 and can't find it anywhere.

Later Jay

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Perhaps inherited, definitely indoctrinated.

He is into satanic stuff (spirit cooking) on his Instagram account, so probably as demonically delusional.

He openly said, as reported in NY Times, that taking the reigns, he vows to be *more political* than his father. He doesn't look as smart, but money talks in this fake democracy, (but really oligarchy) country of ours.

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He talks like Kamala. Word salad w/ alot of "ums" or "like" involved. He sounds utterly stupid.

He "married" Huma after coming out completely gay. Who DOES that?

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“Beards” are so 1980’s. 😂

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I want to vomit every time the word 'philanthropist " comes after his father's name. He is, as are all who are demonically inspired, actually a misanthropist.

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The occupying protesters on the U campus in my town are finally being arrested and charged. The process is painfully slow, using facial recog, cross-referencing with social media posts, etc.

Only one, so far, is a student. The others are not affiliated with the U at all. Hmmm…

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More staged actors from Boston marathon.

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Waiting for nutcase Dr. Leanna Wen to show up.

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She is central casting for the next pandemic

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Hardly anyone brings that up! Kudos to you did you read Dave mcgowans wonderful expose?

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Love McGowans Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon.

Have you a link?


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all his stuff http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/newsletter-archives/?

and you might enjoy ken McCarthy if you dont know him https://www.brasscheck.com

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It’s all the same crazies, they just fly the flag they’re paid to fly in any given day

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They are probably the same people and hired by the same foundation.

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also agree

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Same demons. Probably hired from the same ‘actor-for-a-day’ ‘secret-service-for-a-day’ setup across from Nancy Pelosi’s office.

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Somebody on X has phone tracking of 200+ people who moved directly from Kamala’s Wisconsin rally to the DC protests. Absolutely paid “resistance” fighters.

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How do you know that it was not staged by Ray Eps?

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By Jeff’s write up this morning, it looks like Iran is financing these protestors.

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Soros, through his Open Societies "Non Profit" and it's octopus like tentacles which reach out far and wide (you'd be amazed at the number of orgs which are interconnected and financed). Jay Valentine and Omega4America.com uses their fractal technology to capture and visually display the interconnectivity of literally thousands of far left organizations.

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If the US can steal/confiscate Russian Billionaires' assets then why can't they do the same to Soros.....

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Because at least half of "OUR" government is deeply in bed with the SOB.

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Yes, I always say it..$*r*s!! 🤬

And the rioters are most likely being paid for this behavior. I am sure that our law enforcement and gvt knows.

They are all the same: paid, rudderless,Godless 'good for nothings'.

I remember when Antifa surrounded Senator Rand Paul and his wife in DC after an event during the Trump years. He said that he and his wife were almost killed had the

DC police not saved them.

He ALSO said " how are these people staying in the $400 a night, Mark Hotel"? I think I remember him saying that he was going to look into it. Almost being murdered by mob is great incentive, until...it's not.

Silence again. 😟

IMO, we are seeing time and time again, that there is great fear and evil in our government.

So much for Biden's lovely speech of how we are a country " not of Dictators or Kings, but of the people."

If the evil oligarchs are the people, then, yea.....

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There were photos on Twitter of the buses these rioters were bussed in on, and photos of them standing next to the buses after they got off of them. These are almost certainly paid protesters. My question is, why aren't there arrests of people who arrange this and who actually perform the damage to government property?

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Do you think the people have the courage to actually deal with the rudderless, Godless, 'good for nothings'. I don't think so. I think they keep waiting for someone else to come and clean up the mess for them so they don't miss their football game, etc.

I think they will try to steal 2024 election or s-Election (stolen Election). I don't know if President Trump has a plan to thwart them, I expect he does. What if he doesn't and they steal the Presidency, Senate, House... then what, what are you going to do personally if that catastrophe comes upon us. I ask sincerely.

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Iran, who has received pallets of cash from the U.S.

Those so concerned about any money to Israel, where is your outrage about

money given to Terrorists nations?

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I am angry about all the money we give to terrorist nations. I include Israel as one of the terrorist nations that we give unearned money too.

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Israel is no angel, however, the situation in the Middle East is not as simplistically black and white as Americans love to view politics everywhere as being!

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I wish people would open their eyes to the fact that, Israel has America by the short hairs. Almost all if our congress and Senate officials are beholden to them, and have seemingly more allegiance to them than those that they're supposed to represent. We have sent BILLIONS and billions of $$$ to them. AIPAC makes certain that that continues.

This is not the Israel of the Bible-- far from it.

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Oops, I should have read down, you beat me to it.

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Maybe Iran pays better than $*r*s?!?

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I doubt it’s Iran. We want to go to war with them so now they’re the scapegoat. Or maybe they are doing it. These days, who knows?

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Iran is now working with the Framing Bureau of Investigation? FBI

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I prefer to call them paid terrorists, regardless of where the Benjamins come from. One can make good bank getting bussed around the US and rioting.

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I doubt it. That’s just what people want you to think. Netanyahu is probably financing it with American tax dollars.

Look HERE, not HERE!

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I highly doubt Jeff, or most critical thinkers, believe that. They are paid resisters. A lot of rich kids from liberal areas.

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What I don't understand about all these riots, is why don't the authorities surround these rioters with water cannons, just blast the shit out of them. Being water-cannoned is a rough way leave a protest.

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It would be 'racist' to take on Muslims when certain somebodies in charge need certain votes in swing states. And another proof of how diversity can only strengthen us.

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But most of the rioters aren't even Muslims!

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But they are Muslim supporters, entitled to protection.

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Are they entitled to tear up monuments?

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LOL ypu literally made me LOL with “just blast the shit out of them”. Thanks for the laugh

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“There is a culture, a people, a religion, a systems of laws and politics that we are not allowed to criticize and it is not Jewish.

Israel and the Jews are routinely hated upon across all lines of media and on all social media platforms.”

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No way to treat your colleagues.

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I think there are EPA rules against that sort of waste. I'll have to check and get back with you.

Later Jay

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Did you hear in Netanyahu's speech when he basically said that? He told those holding signs for "gays for Hamas" exactly how they'd be treated if they did that in Hamas areas.

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SB; too bad ‘queers for Palestine’ no longer have any functioning brain cells and the message cannot be received.

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I thought it was illegal to burn the US flag? Clown world we live in when January 6ers are in jail and these ninkumpoops can get away with what they are doing in Washington

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Only in the United States of America would the members of the government show such servile support to the leader of a genocidal campaign.

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Which genocidal campaign are we talking about?




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🎯… and another…. what will the genocidal numbers be from the 💉💉💉

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Specifically Gaza, but yes, all of the above as well.

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Right now, the US has no moral authority to criticize genocide anywhere in the world.

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Maybe the US is an equal opportunity deployment employer?

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HAMAS in the Bible means ‘terror’.

And your utter ignorance shows you are on the side of those gutless terrorists. It’s disgusting.

Two thousand two hundred American soldiers were killed at Pearl Harbor, we went and killed 3.5 million Japanese, including 100,000 in one night. 2,800 Americans on September 11. We went and killed 400,000 people in Afghanistan and Iraq. We were not accused of genocide.

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Yeah. Maybe we should have been accused of genocide. Maybe we need to think back on our role throughout our history of interventionism and realize that we have hardly ever really been the "good guys." We are not the good guys here. I'm not saying that Hamas is either, but we really ought to just stop sending money to foreign countries and pretending that we know what's best for everybody else.

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As someone with easily verifiable Native American heritage, I’m pretty sure you’re living on stolen property. Will you give it back? It’s the right thing to do.

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Thank you, for shedding that light, C. Stone! I had seen it before, but failed to capture it for my arsenal.

The U.N. is such a nest of hypocritical, evil vipers, especially South Africa, who is trying its best with its own genocide campaign to destroy all white people in the nation.

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Libya was on the road to prosperity for its people, but we couldn't have that.

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"America is a golden calf, and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world's biggest welfare state that we will create and control.

This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly." -Netanyahu 1990

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That has been debunked.

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How about a link to a verifiable source for this quote that keeps turning up?

Or is it just slander from some diseased Hitler possessed mind?

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Was that the one against native Americans? We want our land back.

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You are foolish. You need to stop your MSM education.

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If this is re the Golden Calf and destroying America quote, and no matter who said it, it has the ring of truth to it. And unlike MSM.

At any rate, I can't make sense out of the post.

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That quote has been debunked. The Muslims are the ones who showed the demonicRATS how to ‘project’ what they are doing onto the other side.

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Again, no matter who said it (or made it up with false attribution), the quote is quite accurately descriptive of what is being done to American and Americans.

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daverkb, Please explain why you think ‘the Golden Calf and destroying America quote’ has the ring of truth to it?

I get that so many posts make it really hard to follow the thread. Maybe we need to use ‘handles/names’ when replying.

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Lol. I don't watch MSM. You ought to lay off of Fox news and the Daily Wire. They're no better.

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Fox News took money from the Biden regime to push the covid DeathVax and fired the people who refused to take the death shot.

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Rowan, no. You just gorge yourself on the teachings of your leader ‘Mohammed’, the pedophile you follow.

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I do not follow Mohammed. I do not think Islam is a good religion to follow. I do however think it is wrong to murder children, no matter what race or religion those children happen to be.

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CStone; ‘Tell it like it is!’

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Agree. And I have to wonder why certain Americans are so blind to foreign powers to seek to bleed us dry, tear our country down and leave us holding an empty sack. And all of this while Americans are under daily assaults for 'their' governments?

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Hansel and Gretel had bread crumbs to follow..... Follow the money!

Later Jay

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Welp, treason does come with the death penalty, and of that, they are guilty. Let’s get cracking!

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feels like the 60s all over again

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Yes it does! Yes it does!

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perhaps but I don't think so - the 60s involved practically the whole democrat party gone mad for months/years - this seems sporadic & not that widespread - but certainly the same feel - Chicago convention should be fun to watch

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Women and children getting their heads chopped off already without burning flags. 180, 000 dead civilians according to Lancet.

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Bard Joseph; You got a verifiable link for that, ( women and children getting heads chopped off; 180,000 dead civilians)? Pretty sloppy work that leaves many questions.

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Very inflammatory rhetoric.

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Wow! 😢

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When is someone in government going to find out who paid to bus all these people in--and they *were* bused in--so they can destroy government property? This is a disgrace

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Try being gay in Palestine, and you'd be thrown off a roof to your death.

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This makes my blood boil 😡

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For concise road map of how get got to messy state, reading Eustace Mullin's,

'The Curse of Canna',

It goes back to the year dot to give a complete historical revelation of the Canaanites,

The Synagog of Satan, and other 'bad actor's'.

It's a world wide conspiracy, that connects a great many dot's across Europe, America and the M. East.

This book goes to root of the global 'cancer'. Never was it more important that it is now.

For those wishing to get a clear background to why the world is in such a state - I can recommend reading Eustace Mullins's, "The Curse of Canaan" (1987/2020)

A demonology of history (1987) Republished @ 2020


Also from the Publisher @ >>>

https://omnia-veritas. com/shop/the-curse-of-canaan/ {close the Gap in link}

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Observer; I found this, which leads me to believe Hitler would have liked this book.

Am I wrong?

“Mullins was a student of the poet and political activist Ezra Pound. He found common ground with Pound in their extreme anti-Semitism. He states that he frequently visited Pound during his period of incarceration in St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Mentally Ill in Washington, D.C. between 1946 and 1959. Mullins claimed that Pound was, in fact, being held as a political prisoner on the behest of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mullins' most notable work, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, was commissioned by Pound during this period, and written in consultation with George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club.”

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Observer; before I invest anytime, just tell me, Would this book have held a prominent place in Hitler’s library?

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Glad to see this reference.

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daverkb; why are you glad to see this reference?

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Ha! Ha! That's an easy one. Some things make me glad. Some things make me not glad.

Just what makes you 'un-glad'. Now there's a real question.

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Have you seen this about the author?

“Mullins was a student of the poet and political activist Ezra Pound. He found common ground with Pound in their extreme anti-Semitism. He states that he frequently visited Pound during his period of incarceration in St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Mentally Ill in Washington, D.C. between 1946 and 1959. Mullins claimed that Pound was, in fact, being held as a political prisoner on the behest of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mullins' most notable work, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, was commissioned by Pound during this period, and written in consultation with George Stimpson, founder of the National Press Club.”

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If her handlers are smarter than Kamala (not a very high bar, granted), they will not let her venture into the sexual abuse liability verdict nor the felony verdict. All Trump will have to say is: "Yes, I was found civilly liable and convicted of 34 felonies. But as a practitioner of the art of weaponized justice Kamala, you know how the justice system can be abused by politically ambitious, amoral people to terrorize young black men, keep innocent men in jail, keep prisoners in jail after the sentence is complete so the state can get free labor and attack and jail political opponents. You think that's ok, but I don't and the vast majority of US citizens do not, and they know the true stories."

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Oh yes that’s perfect!!

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Good idea, except it needs to be something that the leftstream media can't truncate to sound as bad as possible.

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"it’s a free country, just ask any J6 inmate."

Please, will some creative person print T-shirts with this!

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You can actually buy the iron on's for t-shirts from Avery. You print it on your printer and then iron it onto your shirt. Avery even has templates on-line, but I'm not sure if you'd find anything suitable to use. So if you have a creative flare, go for it!

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Remember to reverse the image or it will be backward on the shirt.

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There's online t-shirt printers that make whatever you design and in any number, much better quality.

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The Amerikan Gulag…

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*political prisoner

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“The falsification of history has done more to impede human development than any one thing known to mankind.” - JJ Rousseau

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Eric! My man! Thank you for bringing up this amazing quote! Unless we know the TRUE history, we will continue to walk about in lies.

Hence why I wrote my book on history! To paint a different picture of just how things played out and how that affects us:


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Excellent comment. TRUTH

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Like a supporter of Palestine burning a flag? No evidence there.

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"A picture of an actual groundhog I took on our last vacation." Why did you take a groundhog with you on vacation? Family not available?

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Thanks! I broke out in laughter.

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me too!

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I bet the wifey and fam are no longer speaking to Jeff on account of him devoting so much time to we C&Cer fans, SO… 🕳️🦫

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And they get excluded from the vacation, so trouble is brewing at home for Jeff.

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And just like that, C&C now has our own in-joke about Jeff's imaginary feud with his family over the groundhog vacation...


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It's a scandal! I say we notify CNN.

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The dog was busy.

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Touche, sir! 🤣

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“This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground;”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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Since the public school system is secular humanist by mandate, the theory of evolution and the “Big Bang” should be countered with the opposing message of intelligent design and divine creation.

Since the scientific method cannot be used to prove the aforementioned theories, children who are not taught about the Bible at home deserve to know different viewpoints and the actual historical and physical evidence for creation. Allow public school children to think critically, to be able to form educated opinions as they mature, based on knowledge and evidence.

“Since what can be known about God is evident among them. For His invisible attributes, that is His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what He has made. As a result, people are without excuse.” Romans 1:19-20

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I actually received an “F” on a biology paper my freshman year of HS for including the opposing view of creation. I properly explained the evolutionist theory and then countered it with “but contrast that with the creation theory…”. My teacher was livid, hated me after that, and gave me an F for not understanding the content. My mother complained but as you know, it was 1980 and her complaint fell on deaf administrator ears. I had to absorb the F. Still got Salutatorian when I graduated, to the immense distaste and disappointment of our school’s superintendent, which he let deep from his pores when he gave me the news. See I was from a lower class than his daughter and her friends. I may have been naive and a bit clueless in some ways, but I knew truth and logic better than the adults in that building.

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Seep not deep*

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Good on ya Juju! like

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Counterpoint: the science textbook for my children's Christian school had both messages. I pointed out to my children that neither of these things were actually science but rather both are religious dogma. Nonetheless, one claims to be "science" when it clearly is not. This discussion would make a lot more sense to people if the scientism religion were labeled as such.

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"Oklahoma released guidance to all the state’s school districts directing them to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments into public school lesson plans . . . ."

Even though I am an atheist I support:

1. teaching the Bible in public schools;

2. displaying the 10 Commandments anywhere;

3. creche scenes —during the Christmas season— on public property;

4. school vouchers for religious oriented schools.

I do not purport to speak for other atheists, but all of the above are integral parts of our moral fabric and of our history. And, BTW, there is no Constitutional doctrine of “separation of church and state.” There is a prohibition against the federal government establishing an official church (or applying religious tests), but “separation of church and state” was a notion conveyed in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut. The supposed “wall of separation” is not in the text of the Constitution nor is it mandated by a fair reading of the first amendment.

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Another atheist here. I agree with you.

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Cristian who agrees w/ the athiests!!!

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I could never understand the issue people have with the 10 Commandments...religious or not.

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All of our laws are based on them.

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It's almost like the whole system starts to fall apart when you pull out its foundation. (Related side note: commies always attack Christians first. Usually violently and publicly. I think in every instance of a "communist" "revolution" they have come for the Christians first. Tells you all you need to know and why it's important that we not be gaslit about our system; it is almost entirely based on Christianity and Christian values.)

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This is because Christianity stands in the way of god-state worship. As a single fact, it is perhaps the most of all in overwhelming under-appreciation.

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I like that phrase: "overwhelming under-appreciation." I suppose it's also underwhelming over-appreciation?

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Yes. And I think it's like tennis. Either backhand or forehand, the idea is to get the ball over the net.

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Christianity was also the basis for building hospitals to care for the sick. It's impossible to understand our culture if you leave it out.

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The Godless EU (Brussels) has done just that when they *refused* against all pleas from high religious places, to include any mention of Christianity having had influence on them.

Every single country in the EU was Christian!

Speaking of Hospitals, they were founded by Christian monastics!

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And all the Ivy League schools began as schools of theology …. But are now so woke and will hopefully go broke, as they are now Poison Ivy schools.

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That's because churches had everyone's money and land.

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Which laws are based on the Ten Commandments?

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I think the core morals in the 10 commandments are common to most moral religions. And they're the basics of a peaceful society. Without those morals, there is no peace, just rule by evil and ruthlessness.

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I’m not a Christian but I hold those values and I’m all for teaching kids about the Bible.

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This is great info. Thank you. There is a huge difference between allowing schools or other government entities to use historically and legally relevant religious texts and establishing an official religion. We've been gaslit into thinking any mention of Christianity within a government entity means either the establishment of an official religion or that the door is open to all religions. Neither is true.

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“We've been gaslit into thinking any mention of Christianity within a government entity means either the establishment of an official religion or that the door is open to all religions. Neither is true.”


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I’m the furthest thing from an atheist but I very much appreciate this belief and support of yours.

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You may appreciate The Delingpod's recent program on Psalm 133. On Rumble. I appreciate those with common sense. In my town our local dance hall theatre is running a show called "Nut Cracked." No joke. A transgender star called Dume. They are taking a traditional family story and event and turning it into porn and grooming event. This theatre recently took big money and Ii knew it spelled the end of a great venue.

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Thank you, and thank you 👏👏👏

Why doesn't everyone understand the "separation between church and state"? If people understood and pushed back - IN THAT MOMENT - then many people would be set free.

As in the Constitution, it is written for the protection of The People, against government overreach.

Maybe that's why they stopped teaching the Bible and the Constitution. A dumbed down population distracted by bright shiny objects is easily manipulated.

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Thank you for being a critical thinker

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The point most of us miss in this debate is the historical reason for banning the bible in the first place. It's helpful to listen to the Yuri Bezmenov interview (YouTube or Rumble) to understand the it's necessary to do away with the "old" and replace it with the "new". That's why China banned Falun Gong. That's why we banned the bible, and more recently, why we're removing statues. The old must be purged to make way for the new. Once you get that, everything becomes crystal clear. This is nothing short of communist subversion.

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And worth noting that even the "wall of separation" quote was in the context of the *government* staying out of the church's business, rather than the other way around. (And was stated in contrast to England, where the monarch is also formally the head of the national Church.)

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Most people completely misunderstand the origin and true meaning of the separation of church and state. And liberals have gleefully run so far and away with that misinterpretation that it will take a miracle to re-educate the masses on the subject, even conservatives.

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Christian perspective: I am a Christian who was once very agnostic. I do not purport to speak for other Christians but I think it is a very, very bad idea for the "schools" to teach religion of any kind. The apparent majority of "teachers" in this age are indoctrinated into the religion of scientism and do not understand the Bible but rather are very antagonistic to it. The best that we can hope for is that they teach it as myth.

The Libertarian in me supports disbanding the educational system entirely. Short of this goal, it would perhaps behoove us to quit supporting their system and in fact file lawsuits of our own showing that their purported "science" is in fact religious dogma. Can't teach the miracles of the Christ? Likewise, stay away from the unverifiable scientific mysticism of: Big Bang, Evolution, Quantum anything, Health, new Physics. Also, they shouldn't be allowed to touch any of the politicized subjects: Literature (reading is different), History, the arts.

The taxpayer should not be made to fund his own demise. There are plenty of rich people that can fund their own indoctrination camps.

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Our relationship with Israel is troubling to me. The October 7 attack was horrific and barbaric, and Israel has every right to defend itself and relatiate against Hamas. However, I feel that many in our country care more about Israel than about the US, and the law that was recently passed making it hate speech to say things like, "The Jews killed Jesus," is dangerous and should never be law in a free country. Shame on our Republican legislators! AIPAC is one of the strongest lobbying groups in Congress, and Congressman Thomas Massie's recent interview with Tucker Carlson greatly disturbed me, as he discussed how many of our senators and representatives are compromised by the money they receive from this powerful lobby. I understand that this type of discussion has become controversial, and that's the most significant tell of all. We can support Israel's right to defend itself without approving everything they do. Unfortunately, the Right is now doing what the Left has always done: it's taking away the right to speak freely because they don't like the content of the speech.

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Jul 25Edited

Great comment. And let's be honest - the anti-Israeli protestors in the US don't give one whit about the Palestinians. They are just a useful cover for anti-Americanism which we saw on display yesterday.

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They are the crazy BLM replacements.

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And very well paid, I'm sure.

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Soros funding.

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Word is that Iran is funding them, but Soros might be too.

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Because BLM may have turned on the Dems. Or put in place by the good side.

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It's a shakedown. The Dems forgot to pay them off before rigging their own party's election. BLM used the compliant media to call them out. They will be paid and all will be forgiven in the name of "unity" or something.

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Probably just out of money since the founders stole millions to buy those mansions.

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Maybe I’m paranoid. The thought occurred to me they’re in cahoots with dems acting like this so when election time comes they’ll pose violent riots at major polling places causing it to be “unsafe” to vote in person hence mail in ballots.

Please tell me I’m a nut this can’t happen.

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Like the Black Panthers did in the Philly area for Onama, without consequence?

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I wish I could 😭

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I have to disagree with you here. I’m a Christian and have been for decades. I’m not a “sit in a pew every Sun., then go do you” kind of Christian. I LOVE the word of God and have an excellent pastor (a TV pastor of all things! 😝) who isn’t a “1 verse Charlie” and the rest is a narcissistic story abt his aunt and whatever… It is the WORD, in all its glory, and he knows it in all 3 original languages which changes the meaning of some of the “Fab 40” verses we Christians like to spout. But like Jeff, I digress.

The Word tells us that whoever supports Israel is supported by God. Whoever despises Israel is despised by God. Jerusalem is God’s favorite place and Israel is His beloved. I can find the verses if y’all want proof that it’s in there. (I’m on my porch without my bible or I’d already have done so.) God divorced Israel for a time but then took her back as His beloved. It’s a cool story and very telling of His immense love for her.

Anyway, He GAVE Israel to the Hebrew children right from the start and if you read back through history, Palestine is at fault. It has never wavered. The ones fighting for it now, who STARTED this war, are the ones at fault, and that is revealed time and time again if you only read it. Israel isn’t being a bully. They just know their history and inheritance and cling to it.

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I wonder what people going to do once they learn that they have been massively lied to about what's in Scripture, especially when it comes to 'Israel' and who is Israel. And more importantly, who is not Israel but pretends to be.

Here's a perplexing thing I was think about this morning. For example, many people have been told that they are hypenated Christians and believe it. And that got me wondering. What do we do with the Judeo-Palelstinians, some of whom are Christians but the many and most of them long ago converted to Islam under coercive pressure. And by the way, genetically the Palestinians are more 'judeo' than the Zionist Talmudic European of largely Turkic extraction. Most people don't know or understand this because they only understand what they have been day and night told for decades now, by the government and certain group groupings with a large vested self-interest.

You see, it's a big ball of wax bound together by a glue of lies. And yet people jabber on as though they know the truth ... and yet, truth in the Western World went on extended holiday decades ago, never to be seen again in Modern Times.

Now, should want another example of people knowing something dead to rights with dead certainty, think 'Covid'. Everyone and their brother knew 'the dead certain truth' on that one, and boy were they so happy to lock people up in houses, and also run people out of their business and/or their jobs. And this was most of the country.

When it comes to knowing, we are in one hell of a pickle.

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A cogent, informed comment. Thank you. ...And I'm sure I only know a handful of crystals' worth of the tip of the iceberg.

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Thanks! It's better to write in this manner than grab a cast iron frying pan and commence to bashing folks over the head with it. I realize the comment is 'the around Robinhood's barn' approach. But then again, I am betting that there are some people well informed enough to 'get it' ... and that is the audience.

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Yeah, wielding a cast iron pan is a waste of energy. It's a blessing to read a well-informed writer/reader - clearly thou hath done much of the /latter. I'm happy to acknowledge such, maybe maybe maybe to spur even one other to ask themself what the heck is this iceberg thing? Can't hurt? --

Carry on.

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Nice simple sweet presentation of the story in a nutshell.

The usual anti-Israel suspects on here have seen the scriptural documentation and reject it as no longer applicable. They think they are Israel. Replacement theology, as if anything could replace God’s beloved.

There are some new ones, quite vehement, that have popped up out of the woodwork, here to do their father’s (Satan’s) work.

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I am not denying that there may be foreign agents either funding or driving some of these protests. But I don’t like to put every single protester under the same accusation. I’m sure there are some people who are just horrified at tens of thousands of babies, women, and children blown to smithereens. And yes, I know that Hamas committed, horrible atrocities, and needs to be destroyed. I am sure there are some Palestinians who hate them too. They have sucked up any money sent in aid to help the conditions of Gaza, and the leaders are insanely wealthy, and yes, I know that they voted for Hamas, but it may be like Germans who didn’t like Hitler, or Russians, who don’t like Putin. If you make waves, your family gets killed. There are no easy answers in this horrible situation.

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Where are you getting your numbers about ‘tens of thousands of babies, women and children blown to smithereens’? Powerful rhetoric. Karen’s can’t deal.

Have you some reliable links for that claim? Do you know who is doing the blowing to smithereens? Do you have evidence?

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I see that there are at least three individuals here today that are lying (dissimilation, equivocation are also lying). Pay no attention to them, not even if they call your a Karen or a Doo-Doo Head. And you can tell who they are because they use the same old tricks. One of which is the old Either/Or trick of forcing people into choosing sides rather than engaging in critical thinking. That is, one is either for Hamas or for Israel. And there is no other option. And then, should one point out that he or she is against genocide in Gaza, well then, that person will be pointed out as being anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and anti Israel and therefore a real bad person. These days, it is very hard to be pro-Israel and still mention anybody else as having any right to anything other than what Simon Says.

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They are paid ignoramouses

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In the streets? Or in Congress?

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Most in our country have no idea how the people who lived in Palestine before the establishment of Israel were screwed out of their lands and homes. They have no concept of what motivates them to commit terrorist attacks, but it rhymes with "right to defend themselves".

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B Mark Twain’s quote

In “The Innocents Abroad”, after 1867 visit

“….a desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds…a silent mournful expanse…a desolation…we never saw a human being on the whole route…hardly a tree or shrub anywhere.

Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.

(The Innocents Abroad. P. 361-362.)

Full Twain quote from Lev Haolam newsletter

Of all the lands there are for dismal scenery, I think Palestine (Israel)* must be the prince. The hills are barren, they are dull of color, they are unpicturesque in shape. The valleys are unsightly deserts fringed with a feeble vegetation that has an expression about it of being sorrowful and despondent…. It is a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land.

*The name ‘Palestine’ is derived from the ‘Philistines’, a group of nonnatives who once lived in the region. Over thousands of years, the term Palestine would be used by the Romans, and the Crusaders and eventually adopted by the British, who called the entire region of Israel (including Judea and Samaria), Gaza, and Jordan- Palestine.

It was Israelis forced from their homes in Gaza, who were cheated in 2005, Oslo Accords. Easy to research.

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Yes, this.

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You may love Jonathan Cahn’s take on Mark Twain’s visit to Israel. He refers to Samuel Clemens, Twain’s real name, and ties it all into a fascinating bow.

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Gotta find that!

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I point out BS when I see it.

Israel and Judea were renamed to Palestina by Romans who wanted to punish Jews for their revolt.

Jews had a continuous presence in the land of Israel for at least 3000 years now.

Palestinian arabs are just arabs.

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When the U.S. forced Israel to remove all Jews from Gaza in 2005, the IDF was used to forcibly evict all Jews.

The Jews had established a thriving greenhouse grown florist industry that was known internationally. All of that was taken from them. The liberals said, “It’s good because now the Palestinians will have a ready made industry to step into and prosper.”

The Palestinians proceeded to tear apart the Greenhouses and sell them for parts. Then bitterly complain about being oppressed.

The Jews leaving Gaza in 2005 was supposed to bring peace.

One of these ladies talks about the greenhouses, I believe. These Muslims have witnessed first hand life with Israelis.



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You need to go back study some history. You’re wrong in your facts

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Well, this is interesting. Because someone just called you 'ignorant'. Just outright glorious and indomitably plain 'ignorant' ... and just came right out and said it! But just you wait until later in the day, because by that time you might have grown antennae and extra legs ... and by then you will be the biggest 'ignorant, stupid piss ant' in the entire universe. Fame for you, my friend, lies just around the corner.

Now, with the Middle East as with Europe ... nothing is 100% this way or that. But I strongly suspect from what little you say that you are pretty crisp on trajectories and which way things have historically trended ... and may be apt to go in the future.

As to our glib mouth ejaculating 'friend', I have a very strong suspicion that we are now right back in I'm Rubber and You Are Glue Land. To which I ponder, is there any hope? Or is it just 'the more things change, the more they remain the same'?

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By that logic, I should be bombing some people in Poland right now.

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The bill passed in the House is not a law and was delivered to the Senate shortly thereafter. It would have to be passed in the Senate as well and then signed into law by the President. It is unlikely to get there via the current Senate or current President. Its authority is meant to direct the Department of EDUCATION to consider whether an entity applying for federal funding has used antisemitic language to discriminate against Jews and making them ineligible for taxpayer money. It is not intended to criminalize speech. That would never survive a 1st amendment Constitutional test.

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Thanks for the clarification, Elizabeth. Even though it is directed toward the Department of Education, that in itself is chilling. And the language is likely to bleed into other areas and stifle free speech. The fact that so many in Congress supported it lends credence to this belief. Time and again, ideas are put forth that will never be supported by a Constitutional test; nevertheless, the fact that they are put out there as reasonable makes it more likely that people will accept in over time. No matter who or what this is directed toward, it is an attack on the First Amendment and should be considered so by everyone.

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I agree, hate speech law is a very slippery slope.

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Also, further context: this bill was passed in the wake of multiple university presidents being called before congress over actual harassment of, and attacks on, Jewish students, and who were then unable to give a clear answer to the question: "Is antisemitism against your university's Code of Conduct?"

It's pretty obvious to me that the intention was to put universities on notice that they don't get to waffle and ignore the issue when a group of students get attacked on the basis of their nationality or religion, unless they want to lose out on federal funding.

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And NYC had passed a law a few years ago making it illegal to say 'illegal aliens'...

How is that wokism working for you now, my beloved city of birth?😟🤷

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Yes, free speech is supposed to apply to the speech that you really don’t like. As long as it is not saying “go kill so and so”. What about all the comments people made implying that they wanted Trump taken out? How did they get away with that? THAT seems to be over the line.

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Where is it hate speech to say what you quoted? I’m Jewish and while I find that wrong historically and hateful you can say whatever you want

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John 10:18

“No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

Jesus words, in regards to his life.

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I killed Jesus. He died for my sins as though I were the only sinner, who ever lived.

There is no need to blame anyone else. I am responsible for the suffering and death of God. I knew the Truth, but rejected it.

But when I came back in total despair, He lifted me up out of the miry clay and restored me.

Psalm 40:2

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”

And I will love Him with all my heart, soul and mind forever.

Jesus is a Jew.

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Obviously. Every Christian believes that, like St. Paul, he or she is the "chief of sinners" and that our sins nailed Him to the cross. But this is not a theological issue; it's a First Amendment issue.

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And Jesus loves war and the murdering of civilians! smh

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Jesus preached salvation, peace, and love. He didn’t kill anyone. God will destroy his enemy. Jesus will return and destroy his enemy too. It is striking to me that people with strong comments and opinions like this have never read or studied the Bible. This ignorance is why the Bible should be taught in schools again. Most hate towards God comes from ignorance. “They know not what they do.”

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So. Johnny O When someone is shot, you blame the victim and the gun, not the gunman.

You have free will, just as these leaders of the RATs and RINOS and Conservatives have free will. Just as those who followed Mao, Stalin and Hitler had free will. Just as the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah have free will.

People had the free will to REFUSE to take the jab, and you are angry that someone you love took it and it harmed them. But that person had free will to refuse it. Yet you blame God.

I have many problems in my body right now, but I acknowledge that they are because of choices I MADE. Some made due to finances when I was young, some due to youthful ignorance and some due to old ignorance…..I don’t blame the doctor, I don’t blame God.

It’s time for you to look at who is really to blame for your hatred and willingness to blame a god you don’t even believe in for a bad decision made by a fallible human being.

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No. BUT He is and was fair.

He’s often portrayed as a rollover/doormat who is supposed to be only for peace but He is for TRUE peace.

Imagine someone breaks into your home while you’re away and begins squatting. This is legal all over our nation, BTW.

You come home to find many squatters taking over. They says it’s theirs. The courts say it’s theirs, but you’ve got the paperwork. You know for a fact YOU bought and paid for it. It really shouldn’t matter what the courts say, and it really shouldn’t be a matter of “keeping the peace”. Right and fair would be, get them OUT by any means, particularly if THEY began fighting against YOU with your own kitchen knives and guns! It IS your home and you DO (or should) have the right to defend it and defend yourselves even while it’s being OCCUPIED by others— no matter what.

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Johnny-O: 🤬 Please don't be offensive.

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That was sarcasm as Willing Spirit seems to think God loves the Zionist Israeli government which is a murderous one.

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My, my.

To the protestors on this comment, my take is you missed the tag "smh."

My take is full-on sarcasm is in play here.

Methinks @Johnny-O is not cheering on the Crusades or the Inquisition or any other religious justification across history for warring and murdering civilians. His intent is a disavowal.

Inasmuch as so many "conservatives" accuse lefties of swift-to-inflate-and-inflame a nonaggression into a mountain, my take on the protestors in the thread is an example of the same. Too quick to ire with incomplete reading comprehension. Yet another successful sowing of division that only serves "THEIR" (TPTB) agenda.

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Thou shall not kill. Innocent civilians are routinely targeted in Palestine, and it is wrong and sinful. Seems like something these devout Christians like Willing Spirit would agree with, but instead they justify such horrific actions. And then of course my other "sin" was to not be sure to point out that I think it is also wrong and sinful when Hamas murders innocent civilians as well. smh ;)

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https://www.christianpost.com/news/antisemitism-bill-sponsor-says-law-doesnt-criminalize-the-gospel.html: "On Wednesday (May 1, 2024), the Antisemitism Awareness Act passed in the lower chamber by a 320-91 bipartisan vote, with 70 Democratic and 21 Republican representatives voting in opposition. New York Republican Rep. Mike Lawler introduced the legislation and Democratic Reps. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey and Jared Moskowitz of Florida were among the bill's 61 co-sponsors.

The legislation would require the U.S. Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws. The IHRA includes denying the Jewish people their right to "self-determination" and labeling the creation of the state of Israel as a "racist endeavor" in its examples of contemporary antisemitism."

Please check out the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism: https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism. It includes this example of anti-Semitic speech: "Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis." There are other just as outrageous examples, as practically any criticism of Israel is outlawed as hate speech. Should this be illegal: "Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations"? According to the new law, it should be. Conservatives (a few!) were joined by liberals who felt (rightly, in my opinion) that it conflated any criticism of Israel with hate speech. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2024-05-07/explainer-the-controversy-surrounding-the-antisemitism-bill. "Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, a Jewish lawmaker who described himself as a 'deeply committed Zionist,' urged his colleagues to vote against the “misguided” bill because it “threatens to chill constitutionally protected speech.'"

Even if you are a strong supporter of Israel, every American should be appalled by this new law.

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To clarify, none of this is "outlawed as hate speech", rather, it the bill requires that (my summary) "if students at your university use any of these as a reason to treat Jewish students differently from others, then you have to make them stop or you could lose federal funding".

EG, it's meant to stop a group of protesters from telling a Jewish student, "we won't allow you to come onto campus because your nation is a racist state!" -- whether true or not, it's something which is totally outside the control of that individual student and therefore no basis for discrimination.

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Massie is the reason the Republican party is in trouble. Lobbiesm is bad. Period. Many lawmakers get hijacked by different lobbies.

Putting the blame exclusively on Jews and Israel is stupid and very harmful to all conservatives.

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Oct 7th was likely a false flag....

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remove 'likely'

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Average Israelis know October 7th was a Let It Happen on Purpose. Normally a cat cannot approach the barriers without an alarm being set off. The stand down orders were many and obvious. And if that weren't enough, no armed forces came in an official capacity for 8 hours. The only one that came sooner than that were acting on their own.

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I appreciate the even-handedness of your comment. Too often the discussion around Israel/Gaza/Hamas turns into overheated rhetoric. That rhetoric does nothing but fill the bank accounts of the DNC and the RNC and enable the MiC to continue to spend money it doesn't have stoking wars that don't need to exist...in fact, I'd say that's the whole point of this mostly manufactured culture war in the US. It's possible (and IMO true) that Israel and Hamas and the Palestinians are all bad actors, each in their own way. None deserve this much of our money, our time, or our attention. They're just not that important in the grand scheme of things. And, yes, AIPAC has to go. They wield way too much influence. (I'd bet you can even find their employees in comments sections like this one.)

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How many in powerful leadership positions have dual citizenship with Israel? That number is far higher than you think.

How does a dual citizen ensure loyalty to the U.S.?

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And yet you don’t complain about the dual citizenship of Canadian/American.

Interesting that all the hatred in the last several comments have ONLY been against Israel. The Bible told us this would happen.

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I didn't complain about them either. The comment I replied to was about Israel and the seemingly lopsided influence it has on American politics.

To respond to your accusation, I noted the Israeli dual citizenship after two seemingly unrelated vectors crossed my path independently at almost the same time. First, DC voted UNANIMOUSLY to make it criminal to say anything negative against Israel in violation of the 1st Amendment. Second, the federal govt had a clause in a disaster relief LOAN (not a handout) that the entire balance would be due in 30 days if the borrower said anything "bad" about Israel. Why on earth would that be in a loan agreement?

Now wouldn't that make you wonder why Israel is so protected? And if you very soon after incidentally learned many Congress reps had dual citizenship (I did not seek, it just showed up), wouldn't that be interesting to you and create questions? It did for me.

But you should take note, I didn't accuse anybody of anything. My test and focus relates to Americans demonstrating loyalty to America.

Now that you've expanded the conversation, I will politely and calmly say I would apply the same beliefs to any dual citizens, in that some method to ensure loyalty to the US is warranted. After all, the oath demands that.

How that might be enforced is another topic that I don't have an opinion on.

Try to give posters some trust, especially here at C&C. I, like most, stay in my lane and am thoughtful about most things. I don't have any reason to distrust Israel any more than all those critters in Washington. Meaning I don't really trust anyone in politics anywhere. So for me, the unique things related to Israel are... Interesting. Nothing more.

"Trust but verify.". Ronald Reagan

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" DC voted UNANIMOUSLY to make it criminal to say anything negative against Israel in violation of the 1st Amendment."

Citation needed. So far the only thing like this I've seen is the bill that prohibits *universities* from allowing discrimination against Jewish students, which is repeatedly getting misinterpreted as a criminal law against speech.

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They're are 0 Canadian duals in this administration, only Israeli.

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Are these Canadians in the upper echelons of our government?

Israel has more spies in the US than any other country.

AIPAC holds the puppet strings of our government and

meddles in our elections.

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35 Cabinet Ministers are dual with Israel in this administration. Myorkas, Garland, Blinken, just to name a few. Where does their loyalty lie?

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I absolutely believe that dual citizenship should not be allowed. You cannot serve two masters.

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I read that, "...serve two MONSTERS.". Sign of our times ..

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I agree Natalie. The US is far too embroiled in Middle Eastern affairs. Israel does not need or deserve funding from us; Palestinians may need it, but don’t deserve it either. Let them fight out their own deadly issues and ideologues without our help or interference.

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I didn't hear of this law, and hate speech does not exist. I would LIKE TO THINK anyone charged with that, the charges will go down in flames in a court of law...or at least at the SCOTUS level.

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I put a screenshot on Facebook of your comment.

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Pastor Ray McBerry of pinnacle baptist church in Georgia has excellent videos on this topic including:



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I wish I could "like" this more than once. Totally captures exactly how I think!

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"Biden grew a few inches while he was missing for five days…"


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That was his nose that grew another 6 inches.

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Pinocchio Joe

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His entire speech was full of lies.

I hope that he will find humility and repentance before the final journey. 🙏

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I feel like his final journey is imminent.

Where’s Billy Graham when you need him?

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Snow White to Pinocchio in a certain position: "Lie to me! Tell the truth! Lie to me! Tell the Truth!"

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You know, I normally don't like to consider these "wacky conspiracies", but DAYUM...

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Even the forehead skin is different. It’s weird for sure.

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It is called fresh botox and fillers..these are injections which mostly women have done to smooth lines and plump skin..also there are facials which also do this.

I have said this before: Joe must spend a good deal of time with these cosmetic procedure people. Add fresh tanning session to it.

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Not too much tanning though. Don't want to look like Orange Man. 🤣

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His bronzing is much better and full body. I think Trump just does something himself with his face. I read once that makeup people get frustrated with him because he has no patience in the makeup chair.

That is a good thing! It shows that he actually has work to do and care about, unlike poor vanity obsessed Joe.

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Ha! Didn’t think of that.

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agree, how many of him are there?

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It really makes you wonder. Weekend at Bernie's for real. I'm trying to remember...how did that movie end?

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Saw something online, a zoom in on Joe’s watch during his speech showed the wrong time. So probably not a live speech after all. I wonder why?

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Not live, but definitely him, and hugs with family (who were present off to the side), afterwards.

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Fairly good fake. He was still decrepit enough to be believable. Almost.

Edited to add…after looking closer at those side by side photos, the fake has narrower shoulders and a different shaped head.

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One of his fingers bending backwards was a pretty good tell.

Also, he usually has his hands fixed in a karate chop position, never with fingers intertwined and never really animated at all, in his public appearances.

AI is still having trouble representing fingers.

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I couldn’t see the backwards finger. I actually think it’s a body double and they probably used AI for the voice.

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I don't agree with you all, but as a peace gesture, enjoy watching this AI creation of Biden's speech. I *guarantee* a smile and chuckle!


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That’s hilarious! Thanks!

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Idk about his appearance/mannerisms, but the window and desk behind him is freaking me out. Look where the window pane hits his head, and the pictures hit his shoulders. They arent just a little off, its a TON

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I’m not sure about that as it might be accounted for by the camera distance. The “old Joe” is quite a lot closer to the camera than the “new Joe”. And of course they are going to move the camera as far away as possible to avoid detection of differences. But the head shape is obviously different and the new has narrower shoulders. I’m no tech expert by any means but I think we saw a combination of various technologies to present a believable character to anyone who isn’t really looking.

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He doesn't know any better. He's not a real boy. He's an actor without any conscience.

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Thanks for all the twitter links! Appreciate it

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At first I thought maybe Jill was in flats but the video clip shows she’s in high heels.

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I think that she has shrunk.

I noticed that also while she was sitting with her family on the side. As I have entered my 60s, coming from a very vain family, I notice the ups and downs our appearances have daily. Lose a little weight on a small frame (Jill and me also) and you tend to look shorter.

Gain a few pounds or eat a bit too much sugar or carbs, your upper and lower eyelids, as well as stomach swells.

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That was not Biden last night. Nobody can convince me otherwise. The fake one was too alive. Biden never walks that fast and his face is more wrinkled.

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It has never been (the REAL) Joe Biden.

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Zoom in while watching the video. Behind him, there is weird movement in only one window pane. His face also appears to shift a bit on his head.

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Fresh botox, fillers, hydrofacial, tanning sessions and rest helps put pep in the step.

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It was a mask, AngelaK

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I strongly disagree as I know about these procedures. ✌️

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I saw that too. Looked like the scrolling of the teleprompter.

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It’s not just that he is taller, the gate of his walk is different and he has arm swing. That’s not him!!

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His height is 6’

Jill is 5’7”.

Either she shrunk or he grew!!

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She is not 5'7". I believe that she has been 5'5" at best. and she is a small framed woman. When we lose weight. we lose height. Fact.

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What I found on search says 5’7” and could erroneous.

When we lose weight we lose height? Thats a fact? In all the decades I’ve spent in medicine this is a first for me

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I saw 5'6 on Google. I have found that they usually put someone an inch taller than they are.

When you lose a certain percentage if body weight your muscles weaken, and unless one really works out a lot, you don't stand as straight.

When you do not stand as straight without strong upper back and neck muscles you lose (not permanently) atleast an inch.

I used to study ballet and know all about standing straight, keeping neck upright and height. It is all about posture.

Think about when your parents measure you against the wall when you were a child... How they told you to stand as straight as possible for an accurate measurement.

Then there is Jill's age factor. Surely, as a nurse, you know that at a certain age many women start losing a little bit of height due to osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Jill is small framed and slender, and according to my female over 50 years old physician, these body types are the ones that tend towards osteoporosis most.

Jill Biden is also in her 70s, the second decade after menopause.

All in all for a woman her age she looks good.

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You can’t even claim aging just cause Jill to shrink a bit. Nobody loses 4-6” in four years. 😂

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He also got a great tan!

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Where is Joe ?

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There's a picture circulating that shows his watch with a different time on it. Probably a different day too. Lol

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One of the lesser known side effects of covid vaccines. Also gives you the appearance of a spray tan

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Lol..You mean, side effect of 10 doses of Paxlovid (according to his physician or quack doctor, chose the title). 🤭😉

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He also bounded up the big boy stairs to AF1 no problem.

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I’ve seen that post. I honestly don’t know what to believe. Also, his watch displayed 6:15, so the “reading of the teleprompter” was recorded? I thought his hands looked huge! And what about the bruises on his face?

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Sooners were folks who cheated by entering Oklahoma territory early to claim property during the Oklahoma land run. They snuck across the line ahead of time and pretended they got there first to stake their claim. Then we kicked the snot out of Nebraska in football for the foreseeable future. :)

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I just looked this up in our book of state histories. 😃. Love the resources that come with our homeschool ventures!

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I had a Sooner dog when I was in college…he’d sooner crap inside on the carpet than outside on the lawn!

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LOL, you and Nebraska would play a 6 game exhibition season against the rest of the old Big 8 in preparation for your annual end of season clash. I'll never forget looking in the Saturday morning paper as a kid and seeing the Sooners be favored by 55 or 60 against Kansas or one of the other conference tomato cans . . . and then covering comfortably.

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"To find out who rules over you, find out who Fetterman will put on a suit for"


("His Excellency" gets the suit, America gets sloppy shorts")

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I have a new term to introduce to the public: The Oligarchical Party — The true rulers of society…

Injustice wannabe rulers that is…


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Thank you for updating Gina’s story. I was a fan of her character in Mandalorian. It was awful when they dropped her. Yet another reason to despise disney.

I thought she was fired because she refused the covid poison shot. I might be delusional

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I believe her problems started with her refusal, but the post finished it.

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She wouldn't put pronouns in her Twitter profile either. Instead she put something like "beep/boop/bop" Also, she drew an analogy between the scapegoating of the unvaccinated and the scapegoating of the Jews in Hitler's Germany. That's what really got her in hot water.

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Yes, I remember it now!

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Good for her!

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Wow, I love this woman!

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She has a mind of her own, I love it.

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She is a tough cookie

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lol, like. beep, boop, bop

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That sounds right

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I know Elon Musk contacted her and provided for her lawsuit because she was fired for a Tweet. Musk- good guy?/bad guy? I guess we’ll see how it plays out.

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IMO -- Musk is trying to be the "good guy", but his opinion of "good" doesn't always line up with everyone else. (EG, climate change.)

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We will.

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I'd "Sooner" live in Oklahoma than in California.

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lol, like

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That's funny....Disney - aka: Child Groomer Central and creator of Hall of Genital Mutilators pretending to have worthwhile standards. The Ironic Kingdom.

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Fantasy Land at a whole new level.

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