Ah yes....I'll never forget that wondrous email (saved) that I received from The World's #1 Condiment Clinic on DAY ONE of the malodorous stink shots. They blathered on about 98.3% efficacy, safe and effective, blah, blah, blah....line forms here. (Lest we forget that a Pfizer exec. admitted that no testing was done at all.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ImuX6CU8ns&t=53s ...."We had to do something"....speed of science nonsense). But, apparently if you're Big Pharma, it's perfectly okay to lie your ass off in Florida and get away with it with a clear conscience because....hey, the law says so. Lovely. What are a few dead and maimed people along the way? Meh.

There are more pharmaceutical reps in Washington than the Senate and Congress combined. Boggles the mind. Pure insanity. But, of course, we're the "conspiracy theorists." As much as I embrace the term, I'm going to start using "Informed Contrarian." The do-do's have been systematically programmed to disparage the term "conspiracy."

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I liked Jeff’s term “conspiracy realist”.

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I identify as a conspiracy realist and my pronouns are "Told/Ya/So"


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Stolen 😂

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I got it off Zerohedge comment section so "re-stolen"

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😂😆🤣 Love those pronouns !!!!!

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Me too. That terminology has been around LONG before C & C. I've been using it for years, but I'm attempting to distance myself from "conspiracy."

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Makes sense to distance. Critical thinking is not a conspiracy.

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Critical Thinking INFORMED REALIST.... leaves no stone unturned in the quest for TRUTH, so help me God! 🙏🏻🕊️

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I'm in!

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True, but the conspiracies have turned out to be true.

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The Joke most of us have heard.

What is the difference between a conspiracy theorist and a conspiracy realist? -------- 6 months.

That should shut them up.

If they still look puzzled say emphatically but sympathetically

" Didn't you get the memo ?"

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My point exactly, they aren’t conspiracy

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The ARE conspiracies but they're NOT theory

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Sorry Dr Linda, I thought I was replying to Eric.

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I love informed contrarian, though sadly most will have no idea what “informed” is, let alone “contrarian”…..

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Informed Realist

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I’m going with Informed Realist!! Love it!

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Reality realist.

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Try using "Covert Operations Analyst/Researcher". Covert Operations are real things. The term "Conspiracy Theory" appears to take-off in popularity in 1948, for some odd reason.

By the late 1960's The Agency was advising people to use it, to damn and dismiss researchers who were close on their heels, regarding the Kennedy Hit. https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/cia/russholmes/104-10406/104-10406-10110/html/104-10406-10110_0001a.htm

And YES - Oswald was a CIA Asset, who worked at the U2 base in Okinawa, prior to being assigned to defect to Russia.

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I am a fact-ist. Oh, wait..that might come back to bite me somewhere. Maybe in my monkey butt.

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If only the " do-dos" would look up what the word means that they are using in the dictionary.

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That leaves you a realist.

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If I recall correctly, Whitney Webb calls it "spoiler alert"

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Don't you know that natural immunity is a conspiracy theory that only "new-ager's" believe in?

"What has often been depicted as conservative individualistic intransigence is in fact a stand-in for diverse groups comprising conspiracy theorists, white evangelicals, some historically traumatized communities of color, new-age believers in natural immunity and others who believe that vaccines are a con by big pharma to maximize profits. The list goes on."

No one wanted to read’ his book on pandemic psychology – then Covid hit

UK Guardian, August 19, 2021


Propaganda by propagandists. Aka, professional liars.

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I like saying researcher and only following people who clearly state when they are making a claim based on a hypothesis or prior patterns etc. One thing that I really respect about Jeff.

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Conspiracy Realist— smells like GOOD MERCH.

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BIG LIE believing Leftist Commies are the TRUE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS...what else would you term Marx and Engel's Manifesto about humanity and history, economy, and society than the WORST, most deranged and dangerous CONSPIRACY EVER proposed and advocated for upon earth in the last 1,000+ years?? Trash, garbage, refuse and Cultish teachings/ravings that have only enriched Tyrants and Thugs at the expense of human progress and civilization, ruination of nature and the environment, and a pile of corpses numbering in the hundreds of millions.

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Marxism is a philosophical sophistication of resentment and as Communism has always only been a forced fraud by monopolist pigs seeking to gain the unholy grail of permanent wealth by taxation

A black mirror exactly diabolical reversal of reality perpetrated by elitist parasites who always kill the host

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I could have not said it half as well; a Criminal Enterprise that seeks not just to rob banks but to own them, insure them, rob them, pay the claims, conduct the investigation, assign blame and guilt, charge and sentence potential and perceived enemies for the robbery, raise fees for all manner of services to all members forced to use the bank, non-stop monitor and influence the lives and behaviors and conduct of all members for optimum compliance and for the good of all. Expunge and revise all history to the current glory of the Bank and its ever-changing Roster of Board members. Religion may be tolerated but only as OPIUM for the masses as long as it is fully subservient and infiltrated well enough and it's god serves the Greater True God of Party Heads.

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Bullshit Analyst?

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Damn it, Janet. This is a family stack!😁

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Thanks for the laugh. There wasn’t much to smile about well, except Texas.

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thanks for the Rocky Horror picture show reference!!

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My nickname in college

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Strategic Bullshit Analyst.

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You can put that on your resume and you'll be offered more compensation.

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“Informed contrarian.” Love it!

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I am still so disappointed in how many naively believed in Big Pharma when the rollout started. Trying to be encouraged by how many are now starting to ask questions.

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Or have completely switched views. I have several friends that don't do anything with any vax any more without talking to me first. It's slow but Jeff is right, we are winning.

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My daughter has friends with a elementary school age children. Both parents are vaxxed and the kids. The mom was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year and the father was just diagnosed with Parkinson’s. They are both in their late 30’s early 40’s.

Big pharma and all governments must pay for what they did.

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Parkinson's keeps popping up. In our circle of friends and family: an 80 year old woman with Parkinson's and her 80+ year old husband with Alzheimer's, were doing relatively well, living independently, when they got jabbed in Jan/Feb 2021. Less than 2 months later they were living with their daughter, unable to care for themselves. She passed away at the end of 2022.

Male friend, late 50's, diagnosed with Parkinson's in May this year. It seems to be progressing somewhat more rapidly than would be expected. So much so that he took early retirement in September. His mother has Parkinson's, so they are attributing it to genetics, rather than the jabs. He has also developed sciatica - I just read somewhere that sciatica is on the list of adverse events list for the jabs.

Mrs. "the Knife"

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"Conspiracy Theory" was first used by the CIA.

The CIA won't like their propaganda word-power stripped.

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Well, that's the other reason. Screw 'em. I'm going with my own terminology. I'd hazard that a full half of the do-do brigade doesn’t even know what a contrarian is. Keeps the gerbil on the wheel.

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It's a toss-up between independent thinker and un-sheepified.

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Conspiracy analyst?

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Conspiracy truther

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One of Gore Vidal's finest!

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I have always been a critical thinker and advocate of common sense approaches--so that's my "label"--but I really don't need one!!

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Informed Contrarian has a nice ring to it. I’m adding that to my moniker-formerly-known-as-“anti-vaxxer”, now known as “pro-researcher”.

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Grateful for the documentary recommendation. We just finished watching and it is powerful. Thank you JC.

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I’d like to time-travel to 2019 and show leftists that Daily KOS headline, explaining that in the future, they will side with trillion-dollar pharmaceutical corporations over the common people while mocking those trying to achieve justice on behalf of the victims who have lost their lives and health to BigPharma.

They would laugh at me and call me a Deplorable, but maybe they would remember it a year or two later and perhaps they would be less inclined to commit all the horrible behavior I describe in “Eulogy for the COVID Kapos” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/eulogy-for-the-covid-kapos).

Never mind, what am I thinking. That would require the power of self-reflection and humility.

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I imagine things like this all the time. The scene usually involves something written - something concrete that we'll be able to point to later - but I don't think anything would truly bring to light the contradictions for most folks. They bury the cognitive dissonance very deeply and you only see glimpses of it in their often over-the-top emotional reactions.

(And I know something of this. I loved Obama, was so proud when he was elected - and when folks brought up his drone-killings of innocent civilians ... idk, I remember feeling uncomfortable, and thinking that maybe there were ugly compromises that politicians had to make that I couldn't really fathom, that "the other side" would undoubtedly been even worse. And then I would try to think about something else.)

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Well-said, Jasmine. The reason I know it’s possible for people to recover from menticide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step) is because I have done it myself. I, too, am a recovering progressive (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice), and shedding that and all other labels (except Apocaloptimist ;-) is the most liberating thing I’ve ever done.

Over two years ago, I performed a similar time-travel experiment in “Letter to a Covidian,” where I wrote:

“Think back to a couple of years ago—summer 2019, let’s say. What were you doing then? What was your life like? How did you feel about your past, present, and future? What did you care about? How did you spend your time? What were your core values? What would you think about how you think, feel, and behave today? That’s the person I want to talk to—not your present self. I’m sure your 2019 self would be fascinated to hear what your current self has to say—although I’d be willing to bet a few thousand inflationary dollars she wouldn’t recognize what you’ve become.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-covidian-a-time-travel)

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I for one is mad as hell and I am glad I didn’t comply.

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I waver back and forth between ANGER and SADNESS on most days. I listen to Gospel music some days and that helps immeasurably! I should listen to it EVERY DAY!

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I just discovered K-LOVE station and let me tell you, I would never in a million years have thought I would listen to these songs, but you are right, they HELP.

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I discovered the station K-Love at the end of 2019 during some very difficult times dealing with an injured parent and I can honestly tell you the music saved me from a deep depression and I have been listening ever since! I have fallen in luv with many of their artists, especially Zach Williams and got to see him in concert in FL in October. I wish more people would listen to the music. PS I’m a Jew and love contemporary Christian music lol!

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Do you remember how David (the future King of Israel) was summoned to King Saul's throne to "sing psalms of praise to Jehovah God" to ease Saul's mental "anxiety" issues. That led to him being a "favored member" of Saul's courtiers. It was Jehovah's "wise move" to segue David into the "royal halls" to people would be exposed to him in a powerful manner! OH HOW MYSTERIOUS ARE THE WAYS OF THE MOST HIGH JEHOVAH JIREH!

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Try hard rock on your anger days for a short time, could be therapeutic. 😀

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SORRY--hard rock just agitates my nerve endings and makes me want to SCREAM!!

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A good time to repost in social media especially in light of Texas AG Ken Paxton lawsuit against Pfizer....

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I take heart when I read YOUR missives as well as those of DR. NAOMI WOLF! Both of you were "firmly entrenched" in the "elitist/socialistic" mindset...and some "kernel of truth" must be implanted in your "hearts and minds" because you realized during this "season of madness"...that this is NOT what "liberty and justice for all" means! To be "locked down and masked" under the "guise" of "world health"--PURE INSANITY!!!

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Thank you, Sharon, and yes, it has been heartening to witness Naomi’s awakening. I have personally always abhorred the elites and was never part of that world (unless you count my time working in academia, but it was not as an indoctrinator, and I left before Wokeism infested everything). My transformation actually happened in 2017 after witnessing Benjamin Boyce’s documentary footage of Evergreen Spring and realizing how insane the left had become. My values never changed—I just realized I had been lied to about the left representing them as I describe in this piece:


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Thank you for the "anniversary" Substack link; just returned from a get together with a family member. Will read it tomorrow, Margaret!! Blessings abound to you and your household.

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I’d like to think that my 2019 self would have listened but I don’t know. What I do know is that now I can hardly be around my progressive friends and it’s sad. They’re lovely people who mean well and it’s hard to let them go, but maybe I have to.

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It's so hard. This is most of my colleagues, some of my close family, and a lot of my friends.

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Exactly (tears falling).

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Or just keep spreading the truth seeds!

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I think I read Letter to a Covidian at the time. It's powerful.

Thank you

Apocaloptimist :) Ha - I like that!

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Thank you, Jasmine! And yes, I immediately resonated with Apocaloptimist when I saw the meme for it—coincidentally, I first mentioned it in reference to Jeff :-)


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I am thinking I might still be a “progressive”. I just define progress as moving toward a world good for humans and not some technocratic nightmare.

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My own awakening came when I realized “progressives” now represented the opposite of the values they once claimed to represent, so while my values remained the same, I could no longer call myself a progressive. As I wrote in my two-year Stackiversary piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice):

“I used to call myself a progressive because I was anti-authoritarian, anti-war, anti-corporation, countercultural, tolerant of diverse viewpoints, pro-truth, pro–freedom of speech, pro–freedom of choice, pro-justice, and pro-equality for all.

“I stopped calling myself a progressive because I am anti-authoritarian, anti-war, anti-corporation, countercultural, tolerant of diverse viewpoints, pro-truth, pro–freedom of speech, pro–freedom of choice, pro-justice, and pro-equality for all.”

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Amen sister. Couldn't have said it better.

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If you're open to discuss any topic (political or otherwise) honestly and circumspectly without using expletives and hurling vicissitudes to your "opposing viewpoint" person--then you're definitely NOT a progressive, Permie!

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Philanthropath is now ubiquitous...apocaloptomist next? MAA the new Shakespeare?!?!🤔

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Haha, I wish I could take credit for Apocaloptimist, but I'm doing what I can to propagate it!

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My discerning nature immediately picked up on the deceit, arrogance and ineptitude of BHO and never once considered him to be anything but a placeholder in the highest office in the land controlled by the Marxists and leftists who hate America and wanted to start the destruction from within.

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My sentiments exactly! Never fell for the "hype" and change. I couldn't get past the arrogance.

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I didn't either. I know so many people that loved him and then got mad when he behaved exactly as he said he would.

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I didn’t vote for him but once he was elected I hoped he would do great things as the first. He squashed a great opportunity, an opportunity to become a truly great leader for all Americans. I couldn’t get past his manipulative way of speaking. Though some called him a great orator I couldn’t bear his way of speaking, he seemed mechanical & fake.

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Ugh! I completely agree. I cannot stand the way he speaks, not just what he says, but his demeanor and the tenor of his voice. Listening to folks carry on about his "brilliant orations" stymie me. Did I miss something, or did I catch his deceitful manner of speaking early on?

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I too could not listen to him speak without feeling a physical reaction. It was the falseness that affected me.

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He IS all of that and much more (a true plant of the Marxist regime that has infiltrated almost EVERY area of our lives in this once great constitutional republic!)

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As the first ‘what’?

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He's NOT black - he's a mixture of Kenyan and Caucasian bloodlines AND a devoted Marxist to boot!

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I hated him from day one...saw the word "LIAR" every time i saw his ugly face. and that man he's "married " to...🤮🤮🤮🤮

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I started off impressed by his sparkling freshness- for about a minute. After reading his book about his father, I started getting a creepy feeling about him (probably like people who actually read Mein Kampf when it first came out). At this point, I can barely look at him or listen to him, as he has proven to be so evil.

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BULLSEYE!!! You're right on the "mark"sist!!!

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I did some of this with Obama too. Overlook or try to find some kind of silver lining instead of acknowledging truth. I wouldn’t have done this for Hillary but I wanted so much for Obama to be a “good guy”. Yet I am still stunned with how many of my GenX liberal friends embraced pharma after many years of fighting them.

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yes and my fellow "new agers" who not only fell for it BUT ENCOURAGED OTHERS TO TAKE IT. "influencers.." how much were they paid? Starhawk, Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra..


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Jimmy Kimmel? Scot Adams? The list goes on. The CDC had almost $1 billion to "get the message out" and focused on influencers, TV writers and comics to mock the unvaccinated.

Now there's a FOIA I'd love to see

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And just to add one of many…that video of Dolly Parton singing ‘vaccine’ to the tune of ‘Jolene’…🤮. I still will never understand why so many people would follow medical advice from a celebrity. Makes zero sense to me.

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Newagers. "Newage" rhymes with sewage.

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Well arent you the clever one.

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oh, I didn't know about all of those :(

It's sad (and bewildering)

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Jimmy Kimmel has been a mean-spirited, punch downer for a long time. He deserves special treatment. Very...............special..............treatment.

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We will NEVER know!!

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It's shocking, right? What surprised me is that they felt that it was different with covid not just because they had been scared into submission but because the media had successfully convinced them that only MAGA/conspiracy-theory/sociopaths opposed this particular pharma product.

Once you've decided that the bad people have a particular position, you take a major psychological risk by even considering alignment with them, even if just on that one subject.

I think of it much like the way so many progressives Americans see the US flag. Conservatives think their anti-flag stance is because they hate the country, but it's a bit more nuanced than that. They hate what they assume flag-enthusiasts stand for, and they must distance themselves from that at all costs.

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I agree about being more nuanced. We leftists- of the past anyway- didn’t hate the country we hated what they now call the deep state was doing. We were called communist as a slur for pointing out the CIA acting badly. To me it seems like the whole thing flipped with the right understanding the problems with the deep state and the left calling them slurs - Nazi etc- for pointing it out.

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I remember BHO, too. I was standing in a 3-lettered office in 2013 watching Fox News (only CNN is authorized now) and BHO was quacking away. I actually said out loud, "This guy is dangerous." The guy standing next to me looked at me and asked what I meant. I wonder if he too, in 2023, looks back to 2013 and remembers what I said.

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It was obvious Jasmine. You clearly didn't do your homework on gay Barry Soretoro

and quite honestly, you helped screw us all.

You are painfully naive and willfully ignorant, please be careful because if it was adult behavior on your part, it is likely to repeat itself.

These are the facts.

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Some of those are facts, most are your opinions and assumptions. But one assumption in there is quite true: I did not do my homework. Now I do it like it's a full-time job :)

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Jasmine, just do the best you can. There will be others in our future that will call on us to go into overtime. I have arrived at the variation of what Ronald Reagan said, "Distrust, but verify". Start there, and then set out to prove yourself wrong.

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No J.

Everything I state is provable by research, human psychology etc.

There you go again, not doing your homework and wasting our time.

Know that you will get fooled again.

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The information was out there on BO. If ya had a cell phone or internet or radio it was out there. Sad too many fell for the snake oil salesman.

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Jasmine, I too have an active imagination. There's all the references, memes of the elephant(s) in the room that are never discussed. Picture this: A parade of elephants on main street USA where the elephants are wearing banners with all the buried truths with the question, "Can you see it now?"

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MAA - Your "Eulogy for Covid Kapos" Substack is brilliant!

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Thank you so much, Peace!

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Bravo, Margaret Anna Alice!

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I have this and made matching bracelets. https://a.co/d/gjNHOtB

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Russia is looking smarter all the time. I have a gay friend, quite accomplished and knowledgable in world events, who wants nothing to do with anything "Pride-related." She said the original nature of LGBT (a civil rights movement) has been hijacked by an ideology. And that ideology is all about targeting children: using them for medical experiments (trans procedures) and normalizing adult-child sex/pedophilia. I thinks she is Spot-On with her assessment.

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Isn't this true about most movements? The feminist movement, unions, equal rights, civil rights, etc? They all started out with good intentions and many made great strides but they all eventually got high jacked by radical loonies. These movements are like runaway trains that never find the end of the railroad track.

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It’s what the Marxist do divide and conquer

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I think it is very dangerous the think this behavior is only Marxist. There are predatory forces that hijack the best intentioned human impulses to the exact opposite. It can happen in churches and conservative movements as well. It behooves all of us the use discernment especially in areas that matter the most to us.

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CIA jumps in and funds these and gains their depopulation goals.

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Im a lesbian and co sign EVERYTHING your friend says. we are no longer (never were) willing to provide cover for the EVIL AMONG US>

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I went to a few pride marches in my 20's, (1990s)...and saw how the gay men were taking them over with increasingly less clothing on ; I laughed, and said, 'everything changes, and nothing changes'. Dudes still take over. It's their nature. I am of the same mind as your friend, I avoid all the rainbows and glitter.

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Same as ‘a woman’s right to choose’ has been highjacked by the muderous abortion up til birth crowd. And in some states legalized infanticide.

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You got that right. Happened here in Ohio. The people who voted for it had no idea they were opening the door to Hades ... were propagandized to believe they were "standing for women's rights." Not one of the people I talked to who voted "yes" even realized that the term "woman/women" was not even in the ammendment. It's gonna get rough here...

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Gayness and homo-pedophilia are two sides of the same coin and always have been, right back to ancient Greece.

The majority of gay men were molested as boys, and then frequently go on to molest other boys. None of them were "born that way". It's a fiction created to lessen the pain, but it is still a fiction.


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My two male gay friends, a couple for over 35 years, feel the same.

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Next on the lawsuit to do list...let's move to childhood vaccines and statin efficacy lies!

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Yes! Both are just evil.

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Don't forget the ever so tragic "food pyramid" and guidelines for allowable chemicals in US (only) food. Every other country bans the crap out of these ugly chemicals but hey! It's ok to poison people here in the US of A. I mean, there's a pill for that right?

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yes! save more children and oldsters' lives!!

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I still don’t understand why the strategy isn’t suing state governments and public health departments for declaring fake public health emergencies. These fake emergencies are what allowed school and business closures, record unemployment, masking (I lost a job for refusing), skyrocketing drug and alcohol abuse, suicides, divorce, and of course the coercion of a deadly bioweapon that has killed or maimed millions.

1) Fraudulent PCR generated fake cases and deaths. Flu disappeared and was called covid.

2) Suppression of simple, cheap, effective immune boosting.

3) Suppression of simple, cheap, effective cures.

4) Bribing of hospitals, doctors, politicians, and media to go along (all documented).

5) Developed and deployed an (already in existence prior to 2020) untested, unsafe bioweapon countermeasure.

Without the fake public health emergency, NONE of it would have been possible.

Here in Kentucky, Dr Steven Stack was hired a couple weeks before the emergency declaration. He had been a member of the World Medical Association working with the WHO and UN on global health issues. Until I exposed him, he was simultaneously employed by a company developing mRNA covid vaccines while also Commissioner of Public Health. He and Governor Beshear sent the governor’s personal security to my home to intimidate me. Dr Stack filed an EPO against me for trying to stop his crimes. Officers came to my home to intimidate me and confiscated all my firearms. After months with no 2nd amendment rights he dropped the case two weeks before I could prove he was a liar and a murderer. I have all my firearms and rights back but that murderer still draws a government paycheck.

That is just the very tip of my story.

This is good vs evil and more of you better start fighting or they will do this again to more people.

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Former North Carolina Health Secretary, Mandy Krauthamer Cohen, now heading up the CDC, is a political scientist who wears a white coat as a prop - like she did when she organized the Obamacare Rose Garden fake doctor PR event. And she was bequeathed a medical degree for her public health policy studies, never actually practicing medicine. I've shared her story with C&C's readers before, but for the uninitiated:

Mandy Krauthamer Cohen and Vivek Murthy led Doctors for Obama in 2008 and Doctors for America for passage of Obama care and the takeover of public health. This while she was a medical school student, not a practitioner.

Remember those "spiffy" white coats for the photo ops in the Rose Garden? Many doctors were doctors of sociology and psychology. Pretend medical doctors. Setting our nation's health policy.





Organizers of that Obamacare Rose Garden campaign stop were with the group 'Doctors for America." An organization that grew out of 'Doctors for Obama' that worked to elect Obama in 2008:

Doctors for Obama (Obama PAC) Leadership:


Doctors for America (Obamacare PAC) Leadership:


In both those organizations you'll notice a couple familiar names. The current US Surgeon General and new CDC Director:


Vivek Murthy, President and Co-Founder

Mandy Krauthamer Cohen, Outreach Director 2008


Vivek Murthy, National Co-Chair

Mandy Krauthamer Cohen, Executive Director 2009

Both Mandy Krauthamer Cohen and Vivek Murphy had very light medical experience when they led DFO/DFA. Both were recent graduates from top medical schools, hadn't even completed their residency's. Neither have any real experience practicing medicine, they've focused on public health policy, political science, social and behavioral sciences. Not medical sciences, natural sciences. Social political policy implemented through the practice of medicine, wearing white coats as props to imply authoritative understanding of hard, natural, medical science. When all they know is soft, social, political science. More proficient with words of manipulation than the practice of medicine.

And now you know why everything about health care and the pandemic response was wrong, failed logic and medical science. It's all be political theater. Like the fake White Coat Obamacare PR event in the Rose Garden. Same exact political actors.

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They murdered my daughter in law with remdesivor and a ventilator

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You might know my friend and attorney, Michael Hamilton, who is working on those cases nationally. If you don’t, I can put you in touch.

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I’ll share with my son

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Make sure to check out this website which is documenting these deaths and survivors plus they have support groups etc. I have a magnet on my car from them drawing attention to the deaths.


And another one I have posted(sorry for the reposting but there are a lot of comments every day so easy to miss links that people post) is the Children's Health Defense bus. They are taking stories about death/injury from the protocol on their bus tour.

Here is a link to their schedule


and some videos from their interviews.2 out of the 3 videos which show when you click the link are protocol videos.


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Thank you so much

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Legalized medical murder. It may become as commonplace as legal plunder, aka taxation.

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IKR? First, the commoners are cannon fodder. Second, they turn the commoners into wage and debt and tax slaves. Now we’re useless eaters good only to be culled.

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I'm so sorry for your family's loss 😢

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My complaint as well. When do we get to go after our local thugs?

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Many of us are working on it. I believe it’s just a matter of time.

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Do you have family to consider, Matt? If not...I pray for YOU at least to be held in the palm of our Creator's nail-scarred hands for His "circle of angel protection" from any future harm as you FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!! I LOVE your first name--it's that of my oldest son--means "Gift of God" (just in case you didn't know that!).

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Thank you Sharon. I actually did know that but learned it only in the last year. I am 53 and late to Bible study. Book of Matthew is also my favorite.

I am married 28 years and we have two incredible kids. They are the reasons I fight. Thank you for your prayers!❤️

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Knowing that you have a family to consider makes your courage even MORE PALPABLE!!! My "Matt" is 54 now....when you two were born...Matthew was in the "Top 10" for male baby names. Now....the Top 10 have these strange sounding names like they're "acronyms" or from "outer Slobbovia"--seriously!

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How does one prove they were fake? Go against the CDC? NIH? WHO? They are still not giving out enough into to PROVE they were making it all up. Maybe in time, sure. But we're not there yet. Probably by the time we are, we will all be dead.

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I just told you the basics. We know and can prove PCR tests were used fraudulently. We have the FDA and CDC documents proving the tests couldn’t differentiate between covid and flu. We have the inventor on camera saying the tests cannot diagnose illness and can find anything in anyone. We know immune boosting practices were ignored that would have saved thousands. We know simple effective cures were ignored and why. We know those cures would have lowered deaths 80% or more, thus making an emergency declaration impossible. We know masks don’t work and can prove it. We have comparisons between states and countries that did and didn’t mask and lockdown and we know masks and lockdowns made deaths higher. And on and on we can go…

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I for sure would like to see the “public health” officials pay for the damage they did with their fake emergencies and harmful recommendations and mandates!!

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Seriously, what is it about those positions that attracts such power-hungry, uncurious, anti-intellectual (doing their closures like jr high school girls planning outfits for the next day..."Are you shutting down the NFL? Oh, okay, I will too!") little dictator-wanna-bes?

Of the many people who physically backed away from me when they found out I was not jabbed, here in Kool-Aid-saturated Commiefornia, one of them was a retired public health nurse who will also no longer speak to me. I had thought we were friendly acquaintances up to that point.

TO THIS DAY, I see her on local trails and the last time she could not cross the street away from me she LITERALLY put her hands over her mouth and nose to walk past me.

For which I immediately said a prayer: Thank-you God that I am not living like that.

And I know it's asking a lot but will you please wake her up?

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Wow what a disgusting person she is! I guess praying for them is all we can do although I can’t help also wishing they’d get some kind of punishment here on this earth.

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I figure if she is walking around that scared after getting her miracle jabs, she's a bundle of cortisol-drenched nerves anyway and so on the energetic level, at least, she's gotta be deeply discontent in the here and now.

As angry and sad as the scamdemic has made me, still makes me, I'm so grateful I don't walk around afraid like that.

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Yes - unelected local officials that don’t have the right to infringe upon anyones civil rights. People need to resist & say NO never again to these imbeciles.

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I will not comply!

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Our PH person loved the power she was given as The Source on all things covid. She made a Fb post villifying non-jabbers and was quietly told to delete it. But she got to keep her title.

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Yup our person was similar and I despise her for it.

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They have already stated their defense. They play dumb.

Think about it and go through the steps in your mind.

Just like some of the Lefties on this stack

" I just didn't know "

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Pascal Najadi, son of World Economic Forum (WEF) cofounder Hussain Najadi, is calling on the Swiss authorities to arrest the leaders of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and GAVI, all of which are headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as Big Tech and Big Pharma executives, for injecting a bioweapon into 5.7 billion people

In 2022, Najadi filed criminal charges against Swiss president Alain Berset for misleading the Swiss people about the COVID shots

Najadi has also filed a civil case against Pfizer at the New York Supreme Court for harm done to him by the Pfizer COVID injection

GAVI, founded by Bill Gates, has diplomatic immunity in Switzerland, and its immunity clauses go beyond even that of diplomats. GAVI’s immunity covers all aspects of engagement, including criminal business dealings. They can do whatever they want without repercussions. GAVI is also completely tax exempt

Another Gates-founded and funded organization headquartered in Geneva — the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria — also has diplomatic immunity


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I thought this was a terrific post. I was going to link it; I am glad you did

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He's going after EVERYBODY! If everyone injured did this, it would be unstoppable. The uncle of a friend who was a very healthy older man was crippled when he got the shot that the hospital REQUIRED of him before they would perform surgery for a crushed disk and died 8 months later. The hospital refused to perform an autopsy for his wife so she paid $5,000 to have someone else do the autopsy. The hospital claimed his injury was because of the anesthesia. The pathologist said that was bull shit. He found mRNA in every organ of his body including his spinal fluid and the brain. Now she is currently in the process of being set up with a lawyer who can handle such a lawsuit. She is going after them.

BTW, the pathologist said he is swamped with people wanting autopsies and he is seeing all kinds of vaxx injuries causing death.

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I pray she gets justice!!

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Wow! Thanks for sharing this

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That was in CA.

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I pray God opens the flood gates for this lady! THIS needs to happen. People need to start going after these criminals. Wow. Thanks for sharing.

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Sooo...I guess we have to wait for JEHOVAH JIREH to bring Gates, et al to justice...for one thing--these human "varmints" won't escape HIS justice! It is SURE and SWIFT--"Get thee hence (to hell)...I never knew you"!!!

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civil suits are not good enough BUT it is a way to get there. With enough discovery, eventually there will be enough for criminal charges. That's the end goal. Until criminal charges are levied, it'll never be enough. They DO NOT CARE about paying monetary damages.

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An attorney posted this: "We have a legal system, not a justice system." If that is the case i.e. pharma, then it wouldn't be out of line for some grieving parent who lost a child to safe and effective, knowing there is no justice to go after the perpetrators of injustice. The system is rigged so there can never be accountability thereby no deterrent for immoral, ruthless, unconscionable behavior. It would be perfectly understandable. Just ask the 5000 parents who were denied justice in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings more than a decade ago.

I have felt the same, that some grieving Ukrainian mother who lost a husband, son or daughter to go after Lindsay Graham or Victoria Nuland or any of the war-hawk neo-cons who cheerleaded the slaughter of Russian-Ukranian lives.

If there is no justice then accountability will be found.

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The "Lady Justice" is blindfolded - meaning true justice is impervious to "influence" from outside "forces"...we haven't EVER had "true justice" on this earth--just a poor substitute. Better than anarchy and chaos!! Here's a remarkable essay written 3 years ago by a young, female attorney from the USA! She mentions a painting of Lady Justice that hung in the courtroom of the judge for whom she was clerking at the time...read her thoughts, friend! https://www.delgazette.com/2020/07/03/symbolism-behind-lady-justices-blindfold/

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Thank you Sharon of the Beautiful Evening.

I would be very interested in hearing more of Melissa A. Schiffel views in light of all that has transpired since she wrote her opinion in June of 2020. So much has happened, much of which of enormous relevance, censored and ignored by the main stream media. This leaves a significant portion our country blind to essential facts.

During the 2016 campaigns for President, only two candidates uttered "the system is rigged", Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. As we know quite well, every system, institution, government entity, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the entire federal bureaucracy is rigged, compromised and corrupt. Where is Melissa Schiffel on the awareness of facts that most of us at C & C are familiar. I would posit the C & Cers would be better at administering justice (or at least prosecuting) as many of us have been victims of justice denied.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." JFK

I wonder how many other states are like Texas where there is no carve out for pharma for Deceptive Trade Practices?

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Back in 2021, When I managed to get my neighbor to cross the ‘invisible barrier’ between our houses because she was scared by all of the--air --only to read her shirt, “Caffeinated and vaccinated”, I knew the brainwashing would take a lot of time to reverse...if ever. I’ve learned that many people will never return to what they were prior to 2019, and sadly that’s just how it is. I’ve closed a lot of doors. I look ahead with the Lord by my side and just pray for those people. Deception is everywhere and people are lazy and want to believe what they’re ‘told’. At this point, I don’t think they can mentally accept that their make believe hero bubbles aren’t real. Cognitive dissonance is REAL.

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Sadly, I just walked out of the door of my church--again. It’s down to around 15 people totally bowing to authorities and pablum messages. My womens sermon group consists of those who think the massive border crisis is just “fake news”. Plus all are vaxxed to their grey eyebrows. I. Just. Can’t. Do. It. Anymore. I sense Gods grace, presence and love more profoundly out in my conservation park I pray for correction if I am wrong about this but the modern liturgical history of this denomination will not accept change in any way. I feel masks are coming back also.

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Read your Bible! Keep praying that the Lord will show you the Truth, no matter the implications. You can really tell when folks filter Scripture through their fear, which is a symptom of love for the world.

Amos 8:11 (ESV)

“Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.

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There are places for you- don’t give up, keep searching. I finally (after multiple years of searching) found a congregation that simply studies the scriptures and believes in the truth of the Bible - Berean Bible Church. There may be one near you. Praying for you. God will lead you there. Also a great online resource for study by a teacher that really tries to just interpret scripture without the corrupting overlay of centuries of religious ‘traditions’ check out thenarrowpath.com. Everything is free- 1000s of great lectures on more topics you could imagine.

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Janet, you might want to watch Jack Hibbs’ church online. He is absolutely fearless in preaching the truth. I discovered him when my own church was closed during the lockdown.

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Julie, I agree with you about Jack Hibbs, he IS absolutely fearless in preaching the truth. He’s my favorite pastor to listen to.

A close second fav is Allen Jackson of Murfreesboro, Tennessee (World Outreach Church.) Both preach Biblical truth, and reject the world view that has invaded and corrupted many a church.

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Love Jack Hibbs’ courage to speak truth. Another bold pastor who isn’t afraid to speak up is Pastor Mark Kirk of Calvary Knoxville. I listen to him every week.

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I appreciate you recommending another pastor worth checking out. I will look him up for sure. Thanks!

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I also like Mark Driscoll, Arizona I think, Chris Hodges of Church of the Highlands in Alabama, Craig Groeshell of Life Church in Oklahoma, Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Texas, Jentzen Franklin from Tennessee, and my own pastor, John Lindell of James River in Springfield Missouri.

I listen to all of them. 🥰

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Get out Janet. There are good & great nondenominational Christian churches to be found. I found one last spring in my blue county ( a Calvary Chapel). Funny it’s only 1 mile from my home, I was inspired to give it a try after watching Jesus Revolution.

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Absolutely !

Always choices. Find your like minded ! You will be a much happier person even if it is more of a drive, it will be worth it!

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Ive always been a Gnostic. Praying in Nature comes naturally :) to so many of us~ humans are often a disappointment.

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Try Cross Assembly online. The pastor is a great biblical teacher.

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When our church put out a rainbow bench in front of the church and then a Black Lives Matter banner over the church door I realized I was done with organized religion.

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Don’t give up on organized religion just because the organization you were formerly with cracked. The devil wants you isolated.

Jesus designed the church to function as a group of people supporting each other and fighting the enemy as one.

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It's really psychologically shocking to see people this easily led to a state of complete delusion. I would never have guessed it would be so easy. I mean, there was literally no actual, real-world physical evidence for anyone to see or verify that "covid" was harmful enough to worry about. So, okay, the "experts" say be afraid. Maybe it's reasonable for people to freak out for a month or so until they can see it's not what the "experts" are saying. But, years later and they're still freaking out? And still clinging to this notion that the "vaccines" did something good despite mountains of evidence and growing lawsuits? It's kind of terrifying how easily zombified people are.

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100%. It’s bad enough to wake up to the fact that all our 3-letter agencies have been wholly corrupted and are never to be trusted again. To also be faced with the wholesale idiocy, impotence, and ugliness of our fellow citizens, including most in the medical profession, is a very hard pill to swallow.

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The loss of trust in the medical and educational institutions is going to have long-ranging negative effects. You really can't operate a society if half the population or more no longer trusts its doctors or its education system. And until those involved issue an honest and very direct apology for what they did - and some of them pay the price with their jobs and/or their freedom - I just don't see that trust resuming.

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Great round up this morning, worth the wait as always! 🙂 (I admit I do get impatient though and refreshed the page 134 times or so 😬)

Very interested to see where the Paxton lawsuits against Pfizer will go. I am sure that’s why they tried to impeach him 😡 I wonder if any other states lack the Pharma exemption and could also go forward with similar suits.

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Paxton has relentlessly filed many lawsuits in the past against the Biden administration ranging from illegal immigration, health issues, mandates, etc. His recent pharma lawsuit is definitely one of his finest. I personally think federal government thugs got to our Texas House Speaker (Dade Phelan), along with a few other TX rino House republicans, and convinced them (probably promised them something) to go after Paxton. Paxton was making too much noise. It didn't work. Not only because they're evil, but they're stupid too. Their prosecution of him during the impeachment trial was ridiculously lame. Just a whole bunch of hearsay. I think Paxton is on a war path now. He was dragged through the mud and silenced (judge slapped him with a gag order) during the entire ordeal while leaks to the Austin Statesmen (a leftist rag) was routinely happening (just like what they're doing to Trump).

Edit: there was some good that came out of this sham impeachment trial. The republicans that initiated it will most likely get voted out next election. Their district constituents are madder than hornets.

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Pray for the safety of AG Ken Paxton and his family! He has a target on his back. Also please reach out to your state AG’s and ask them to get on the bandwagon to join in this lawsuit on behalf of their state!

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I live in Texas and Ken Paxton is my AG but yes...anyone reading this that lives in another state where pharma isn't protected in their state's DTP laws, should reach out to their state AG.

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Bluer than blue in my state...wouldn't do anything other than get another check mark against my name

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I live in a red state but still probably have checkmarks next to my name by the feds.

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Yes I am definitely praying!!

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You may live in Texas as I do. I’m pretty involved with the GOP in my county and we’ve been trying to eject Phelon since the first time he got elected. He is the worst RINO that I have seen in any of the government offices all the way up to federal. Texas politics has been riddled with people like Phalen for several decades. He appointed Democrats to very important chairs in the house, who have held up many bills that needed to be passed, especially with regard to the gender mutilation and CRT in grade schools. A group from our county just set up a bus trip to go to his district and pass out flyers and register voters before the upcoming primaries. Thank goodness for Dan Patrick who held the line in the Senate.

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Those same 12 rino's helped him get the speaker position too.

It sounds like you are very active & involved with your local GOP efforts...thank you! I wish more people would get involved. While I live and enjoy life in a super red rural area, I'm fully aware how close our great state is to turning blue.

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By the way, it was more than a few Texas house Republicans. There were 12 they called them the dirty dozen.

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I wasn't sure how many there were. I just remember making sure it wasn't my district state rep that was in on this! Thankfully, he wasn't and is very supportive of Paxton. Twelve....😢

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Same here.

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Let's hope these voters that are angry NOW at the feckless "RINOS" have GOOD MEMORIES that will drive them to the voting booths to vote the vermin OUT of office!

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Yes I’ve followed some of what he’s done so far and I think your assessment of what happened with the impeachment and so on is spot on.

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I think Paxton would make a great AG for Trump. One can hope.

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I do the same each morning here on the West Coast! If my coffee is gone before Jeff’s post pops up I am ever so sad but wait I do and it’s never a disappointment. 🤗

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Me too! Cant get the day going...unless...

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RE: Myocarditis study: “The next steps may involve manipulation of the mRNA vaccine or delivery system in an effort to reduce these adverse events.”

How about “manipulating” the “delivery system” by casting it into the pit of darkness for all eternity? Oh, but then where would all the good little sheep go to assuage their irrational fears and get their government-mandated injectables?

Thanks for another awesome roundup JC, and have a great weekend everyone! Merry Christmas! 🎄

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🎄Merry Christmas indeed! 🎄

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Can't heart this comment enough!

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Clearly, many are the horses you can lead to water and you can make them drink. Again and again.

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Easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled.

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O God, I will sing a new song to You;

Upon a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You,

Who gives salvation to kings,

Who sets David His servant free from the evil sword.

Set me free and deliver me out of the hand of the sons of a foreigner,

Whose mouth speaks worthlessness

And whose right hand is a right hand of lying.

That our sons would be as grown-up plants in their youth,

And our daughters as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace;

That our granaries would be full, furnishing every kind of produce,

And our flocks would bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields outside;

That our cattle would bear

Without mishap and without loss,

And without outcry in our streets!

How blessed are the people for whom this is so;

How blessed are the people for whom God is Yahweh!

— Psalm 144:9-15 LSB

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My husband are planning on moving from Canada to Florida. Going through the process...legally...to get my green card. My husband is an American citizen. Apparently I need to have the Covid and flu vx and a host of others to move to the USA. I can apply for an exemption after i have had the physical exam but it costs a lot of money and adds almost another 2 years...we’re already a year and a half into the process. I should have just crossed at the southern boarder like everyone else is!

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or visit and overstay like everyone else ;)

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No you do not!

Contact me if you want more details.

They are bullshitting you and jerking you around.

Do Not Comply!

Have we learned nothing in the last 3 freakin years?

Do not come to US, you are 20 years behind still, maybe more.

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So sorry that we are like this.So crazy because you don't need those to visit.

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SO OUTRAGEOUS> lawsuit time again!

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OH NO! I have friends in Mexico here who are Canadians . they are like us. I think there are ways. if you come down here I can hook you up. or perhaps on facebook. dont give up!

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There are two safer (IMO) options besides MRNA. The Medicago vaccine is approved in Canada and Novavax is approved in the US. Medicago is a VLP (virus like particle) vaccine. Novavax is approved in the US. It is a protein subunit vaccine.

Neither of these vaccines turns your cells into spike protein factories. Neither of them causes your own cells to express spike protein. Both use an inert bit of spike protein with an adjuvent to teach your body to mount an immune response to spike protein. These technologies have been used in Hep B vaccines (which been have given to 24 hour old infants for years).

My 19 yo son was in a Novavax clinical trial with no ill affects (though he still got Covid). I was in a Medicago clinical trial. The vaccine made me sick for a few days but no lasting effects. I'm a nurse and I did not trust the new, never tried MRNA experiment- and clinical trials were the only alternative vaccine option at the time.

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You still can. Take a flight to Mexico and walk across. Take a bodyguard tho.

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Just leave by boat, arrive by boat, begin a new life here. Here where thee are ni mandates except don't vote uniparty. Otherwise we're kinda free.

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maybe wait a few months til these lawsuits shake out! file one of your own?

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try finding a cooperative doc. we do this w other vs cause its so hazardous to our animals' longevity as well. not gonna say more.

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Good morning. I was reading about this new "white lung pneumonia" being reported now in Massachusetts. Are they trying to make us believe this is related to the recent outbreaks in Chynna?

Here's a "heads up" - after weeks of no chemtrails and blue skies here in Illinois, Wednesday they were back at it all day, the sky filled with giant X's and trails from horizon to horizon. This, ahead of the storm system that came through Thursday and Friday. Are they also using these to spread more disease?

I know, there are still some who do not believe the "government" would do such a thing. But...........

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It sounds to me like the "white lung" thing is a combination of other diseases that already occur. They are just giving it a big scary name because elections are coming up. They have to scare us back into our homes SOMEhow.

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They don’t need to scare those in Michigan there are now so many voting obstacles to voting in person and they have made voting by mail so easy, (nothing required), there will be no reason to even try to vote.

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Yes, I read Igor's post on the Mass/Ohio pneumonia. Checked into the local MA paper link --that pediatrician--what a dummy! (IMnot-so-H O)

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White lung pneumonia is not new. Here is a case study from 11/2017. https://radiopaedia.org/cases/hemithorax-white-out-pneumonia-1?lang=us

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Puerto Vallarta. my former GF is sick. they sprayed the skies a few days ago. she is a total health freak, watches everything she puts into her body, exercises, etc.

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Yay!! Finally!! 😁

This morning I was reminded by Jay Bhattacharya that the teachers union actually SUED to keep schools CLOSED!!! You can see who they are most concerned about—and it’s not the kids!


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I felt very ashamed to be receiving my full (and quite generous) salary as a high school teacher. I had my hand slapped twice by assistant principal on orders of principal because I was actually trying to teach. I was told to 'dial it down'. I walked out in Jan '21 (after giving them two mos notice).

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I know there are still good teachers out there and I admire the ones who keep on trying to do the right thing against the tide. Kudos to you for sticking to your principles and I completely understand why you needed to get out.

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And I was able to---because in 2010 began to use the "over 55" catch-up clause for pension--had been socking away every dollar allowed. Just another place in which 'teachers' have bennies far beyond the average Joe. It's a scam. So I profited from it.

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What I can’t stand is not so much the benefits but the refusal to acknowledge them. So many teachers I know constantly whine about how bad they have it and how much more they have to work and clearly have zero idea about what people in other sectors do or have. You are definitely not one of those! Wish there’d be more like you!

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RunningLogic, a FB connection of mine whined on FB about having to buy supplies for her classroom (because she wanted to use expanded curriculum she had found and chosen, as far as I could tell). I responded with a meme in which a mechanic, perusing his huge, expensive tool set he had to buy in order to work professionally, is commenting sarcastically about how interesting it is when teachers so whine. My brother-in-law is a mechanic, so it irritated me to see someone who has cushy indoor work conditions and a generous retirement and other benefits complain about 'having' to pay for anything out of pocket. The government should not be involved in schools; it ruins everything.

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I agree.

I had a teacher acquaintance on Facebook complain about her yearly raise. She made a comment about people in the private sector getting more money every year for raises. At that time because of economic conditions in his sector, my husband hadn’t had a raise for several years. She was completely shocked when several people told her that no, people in the private sector don’t automatically get raises every year for a certain period like cost of living. She had no clue. Because she’s worked as a teacher for 15 years or something like that and has never done anything else after college.

Plus teachers get discounts at so many places that no one else except military and sometimes nurses get. That adds up!

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Sounds like you were one of the good ones who got purged out by choice. My husband did as well at the college level. Unfortunate as he received the teacher of the year award for the way he taught upper-level chemistry labs online simulating all experiments and instruments in Excel. Disgusting about what happened to so many!

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I think, at risk of appearing proud, that you may be on to something--I noticed that it was the highest performing students/or their parents who let me know the effect I had had on them. Latin.

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So happy for you that the students/parents appreciated you 💜

Now I understand perhaps why you chose the name you did - fabulous meaning!

I had 2 years of latin in high school - reading Caesar was not my favorite part in class, but I learned a lot! My high school had "language Olympics", where for a couple of days each year, language students would compete as "countries" of the language they were studying. Of course, those studying latin were always the smallest group. Our motto was "parvus sed potens". I have embraced this motto my entire life and it has certainly helped during the last few years. Greatful for my 2 latin teachers!

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Well, I chose that 'handle' because--got to have one in Latin, and I am a follower of the Christ.

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Teachers got shots before old people here in Oregon, and still kept schools closed.

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It’s disgusting 😡

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You are too fast for me! I got distracted : )

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😆 I kept waiting and refreshing my page over and over 😂

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I like your technique and patience. : )

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Thank you 😆😁 I just happened to have time today for once to keep checking 😁

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I somehow got on the DailyKOS mailing list, and keep it around so I can scoff at the 100% differing from reality headlines. I imagine it's written by inmates crowded around a computer in an insane asylum.

It's actually like the Babylon Bee, except they're not kidding...

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When I read things now I have to double check it’s not the BabylonBee. Clown world!

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LOVE Babylon Bee. its next to impossible to do satire these days, since everyday life is SO BIZARRE

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I get emails from MedPage Today. They are infuriating to read.

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Another outstanding roundup, Jeff. Thanks for covering AG Paxton's Pfizer suit as well as something very near and dear to me: commercial pilots (since I am one. . .). That said, there's a very recent incapacitation event that doesn't seem to have made the news yet, and it happened just a few days ago on 29 November. Please check out this link to Pilot and Doctor Kevin Stillwagon's substack covering this incident. It includes ATC audio of the incident itself: https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/another-pilot-incapacitation

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Thanks for posting. My father-in-law has had seizures as a result of the shots. Neurologist denies shots cause seizures. So exhausted from the lies!

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I bet the neurologist is not aware that the MMR vaccine causes seizures in 1 out of 640 children either.


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Probably not as everything is safe and effective....

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My SIL suffered from seizures after her booster last Fall and has been in and out of hospitals and rehabs 6 times ever since for infections she gets from being in the dam hospital! She has memory issues now and is only 65. Needs care in her home and is no longer the same person she was a year ago.

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So sorry to hear about your SIL. My father-in-law has also suffered the dementia issues. My mother-in-law also is starting with dementia issues. Hours after getting her 2nd shot we were on the phone with her and she couldn't find some words....witnessed "it" crossing the blood brain barrier as she has never had trouble before. Her progression is much slower than my father-in-law. They got the first 2 shots at different times and at different places from one another due to the "scarcity" of the initial shots. I have been trying to get my husband to get info from their vax cards so I can look things up. They stopped at 4 shots....4 shots too many!

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Please read / listen to Dr. McCullough & share with you FIL. Maybe his detox recommendation will help.

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I have already shared info with them.....crickets.....

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Another thank you for this link. I also subscribed to Dr Stillwagon’s newsletter. Maybe another MD’s straight forward truths can get to my family members who are MDs.

Hope you were able to avoid any shots.

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No covid shots here, fine lady. And I'm still alive, can you believe it? ;-)

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Wouldn't disgorgement of Pfizer profits be so awesome?!

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They are accustomed to just having to pay a massive fine,

without admitting guilt, and just going back to business as usual.

We'll see if this case is different.

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And where would said disgorged profits go? Odds are slim any would go to the vaccine injured, my bet is the federal government so they can spend it on climate change or other woke agenda ideas.

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