The trend on Twitter suggests that Biden will call for new Covid lockdowns and masking this fall, in coordination with the upcoming elections they need to steal. So I think the rehashed (haven’t we heard all of the misinformation crap before?) USA Today article is a WH plant to get the stupid people into buying that this is still a problem and to butter them up for the next round

One comment called the new strain, BS24/7 which sums it up perfectly.

I for one, will not be going along with this newest round of BS.

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The FDA approval of the revised shot, along with the Canadians expressing "deep.concern" over the "newest variant," while simultaneously telegraphing that they have a "plan" in case the US "elects a tyrant again" puts the dots in line for me. Plus Alex Jones has govt sources telling him masks mid Sept in airports, mid Oct on planes, Dec in lockdown again. Sheeple, we rarely get second chances to do the right thing. Don't squander this one.

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I so agree.... we the American people must not squander this "opportunity" to right the wrongs that were shoved upon the people 3 years ago! There is a saying.... the first time it is shame on you. The 2nd time it is shame on me!!! Let us stand strong against this tyranny!

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I have deep concerns, but not about a cold! 😂

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Fellow Canadian here - I will NOT be going along with any of the BS round 2 of any of it. Fool me once...I am hopeful that there will be a large number that feel the same way.

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I dunno...I live in dark blue Philly, and I couldn't even get a handful of people together to sort of *flash mob* stores and their mask tyranny. ( The mayor, Jim Kenney, is the guy that publicly did a literal jig after getting the city declared a sanctuary city) . The city forced masking and forced business to enforce masking *mandates*, under pain of stripping their licenses to do business, and he acted on it. Let people in without masks, buh-bye, to your business. And there are STILL dumbazzes not just shopping with the masks, but also driving, walking, waiting at bus stops. I'm losing hope.

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wow truly amazing. I have to admit even here in gainesville fl, I am seeing young people in masks. They just look retarded and that is what I think when I see them.

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Philly and most of I-5 Oregon dance to the same drummer.

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That is insane! People still wearing masks are too dumb or lazy to learn. Or maybe ashamed of their own face.

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I think some of the young people still wearing masks are doing so because of being self-conscious about their appearance sans mask.

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Our founding fathers set the example for us by committing their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to each other to establish this great nation for themselves and their posterity. This included "buh-bye" to their jobs, threat to their families, and even loss of lives in order to attain freedom for us. Do we Americans have the humility to turn back to God and the fortitude to resist tyranny with the depth of commitment they modeled?

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Don't forget about mask or vax which then became the vaccine passports, all before they they abruptly walked away from everything and now try to pretend it never happened. I lived through it and can never forgive them for what happened, so I finally moved out after 20 years.

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Masks are i.d. badges and a good indicator of numbers of sheeples. If it gets to be too much do like we did, move to a red state. Red states are more constitutionally mindful and less apt to accept the b.s.

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I’m pretty sure there is! Now! Finally!! Let’s hope so anyway! I’m watching the Kohlberger Trial right now. He is the kid who killed 4 Idaho Students back in November. His stupid Lawyer wearing a Mask throughout the whole day yesterday in the Courtroom. Only one!!!

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Maybe his lawyer is hoping no one will recognize him.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

They gonna roll up a sleeve to beg for a shot (safe AND effective) that was designed to fight a variant which will have already mutated at LEAST once since its creation. Bafflingly ignorant.

People need to READ.

People need to learn.

People need STAND UP.

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It takes effort to read and learn. Easier to just obey and keep eating “bags of fudge rounds.”

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Yes it’s a dam shame!

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Sadly, it'll be gene pool cleansing for those who trust without doing their own research

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That's right. And yes - sadly.

.....and as the cleansing is occurring, like-minded family members will gather, and suggest " thankfully he/she was 'vaccinated' - it could have been so much worse ".


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And the cleansing will continue, maybe some family members will wise up and save themselves but, you can't live for someone else, you can only do what's best for you

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They are rolling up their sleeves to be protected from something that exists only in a computer. There are no variants, only sequences created in a computer derived from random genetic bits put together. Everytime you ask for the computer to put together a sequence, it will be different from the last time, thus a new variant. All meaningless.

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I find it highly unlikely a second "lockdown" will happen. Maybe in commiefornia, and maybe with individual sheep, but I think even our governor in Ohio realized they did nothing but damage Ohio's economy. These people eventually must then admit that when they destroy the economy of a state, people and businesses go elsewhere and they lose precious tax dollars.

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I live in the destroyed state of CA and can say with conviction that Newsolini and his thugs never learn, dont care and are protected from it all anyway so .....

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Then there is Whitler in Michigan who faithfully does whatever Commiefornia does. However this will be much harder to do. The following states Supreme Courts already said unconstitutional. IE Mi, Pa, Fla, Az. Likley more but those are the ones I remember.

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Krazy Kathy Hochul in NY will definitely do whatever is requested. she was putting together quarantine camps for the first round before being stopped.

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She has not stopped as she appealed and lawyer Bobbi Anne Cox is still fighting it

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

Destroying the economy (along with the family) is one of the primary goals of Marxism. But I think you put your finger on it. It is going to come down to a division between the states like CA that go along with the OBiden regime and the states like FL that will say "Ain't happening here." The Great Divide is going to become obvious to everyone and the liberty states will be forced to make the decision to split from the USG. If we lose the 2024 election - again - the Divide will be irreconcilable. And mind you, if the Communists are backed into a corner, they will finally respond with violence just as the Feds did under Lincoln.

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I can see mandatory masking returning.

With Pedo Joe and that new idiot perky bimbo at the CDC...she is already pushing a new covid shot in the fall.

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It's simple. Do not comply, ever.

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The majority of Americans lost their moral character a long time ago. I see, once again, a minority refusing to go along with tyranny and the majority saying, “pass the potato chips and put the football game on.”

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

The new mandates aren't won't go over well.

There's too many of us that are done with it.

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Fellow Ohioian here....FourWinds I respectfully disagree that DeWine wouldn't do it again if given the chance. Remember the only way the state completely opened up was the day before his "powers" would have been taken away by what the Republicans in his own party passed? How many times did we hear his mantra that his responsibility was to save Ohioian's lives? And yet, in reality, he did absolutely nothing except lock down the state and conduct daily fear porn wine-with-dewine broadcasts. Yep....he'd do it again.

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You may very well be right. I hope not, but it certainly is possible. The question is how many businesses and people will comply? I bet not nearly as many.

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I hope I am not right. And, if it does happen my expectation is little compliance. It's all insane.

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And can you imagine the outcry when they try to mask kids again or, heaven forbid, close the schools?! I just don’t see that happening.

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Reading scores for 3rd graders are so bad now, last I heard in some states 2/3 can’t pass reading comprehension standards needed before going into 4th grade.

Kids age 2-10 are at a big learning disadvantage right now. If they pull off more masking and shutdowns they can harm another generation.

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It is *unconscionable* what has been done to the children! And their big siblings at college, too, for that matter ~ but at least they survived being tiny children on their first days of Kindergarten a dozen or so years ago (seems like several lifetimes) without being left in the care of MASKED adults! Utterly unconscionable, all of it. HEADS SHOULD ROLL.

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Agree!! The cruelty and evil of what they did makes me livid every time I think or talk about it!!!

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No problem- lower the standards. New York state could not get enough POC to pass the language arts section of the teacher certification exam. Solved by dropping this portion of the exam. Worse, - teachers excluded from the profession before the standards were dropped have since been collecting 6 and 7 figure settlements from the state. I read a while back that Oregon increased their hs grad rate by similarly lowering the requirements for graduation. The people disadvantaged will be those who suffer by hiring or depending upon these uneducated fools to be competent.

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Yes and even without the threat of another pandemic affecting schools, you have pointed out some daunting statistics and deficits facing our kids. I still think school choice should be an option here in my state. Then families will be invested in their choices and motivated to catch up and try harder. The good schools will get stronger and the chaff will fall away.

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Well, at least if they close the schools again, kids can't pretend to be cats and demand to use a litterbox instead of a toilet.

But seriously, if I had children, there's no way they would be near that corrupt and useless "education" system. They hired a cashier at work a few years ago who could not make 37 cents in change, but yet some moronic school system handed that moron a high school diploma. I plan to voice my opinion loudly about why I will never support a levy. If they can graduate an idiot who can't count to 37, what exactly are these kids learning??

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

Judging by the booster uptake many people have turned that page. My 3x vaxxed neighbor was saying she wouldn’t be taking anymore and even asked, “ Do you know how much money these pharmaceutical companies are making?’ Umm, yeah, I’ve kind of tried to tell you this from the very beginning. Everyone awakes on their own time. The only thing I’m concerned about is if they bring back the fear factor with doom and gloom, a deadly variant and cases ticker. Some people will fall for it again. I hope just a few.

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Next tactic I presume/wouldn’t surprise me is using the deaths from the original vaccine injured/dead as a reason to take the new jab.

Most people, even ‘smart’ academicians, are clueless. Unfortunately.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

I wouldn’t put it past them to use a tactic of this kind, a “new and improved “ and there will be some people who will buy it unfortunately. Regarding academics, I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched the Highwire show, but in the latest episode Geert Vanden Bossche said that the problem with academics that we currently face is academia is too narrowly focused, if one is a virologist he or she may not be knowledgeable about immunology or any other discipline, we need a multidisciplinary approach that can draw from multiple disciplines and that’s why it’s important to have a discussion. That was my opinion all along as well. I always stress that body is a system. We must have different scientists and doctors from different specialties providing their input because if net benefit of the therapy is not there, like let’s say it prevents/ minimizes X but later you die or get sick from Y as a side effect there is no much benefit down the road and this needs to be taken into consideration before deciding for whom benefits really outweigh the risks. He also said that a real emergency of international concern is dismantling WHO 😅 Couldn’t agree more.

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Sounds like the ‘silo’ effect in Washington, D.C. Different departments hold different data and never see what’s happening in other areas.

Plausible deniability for blindly following orders.

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I also believed/believe that other factors/experts besides physical health need to be part of the decision making - such as economists giving their input.

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We watch the Highwire and need to. We live in Ca.

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Damn, I need to fly in September, November and December and I hate masking with a passion. About 6 months before the mask mandate was overthrown, I was sitting in the plane and people were still boarding. The guy behind me, not even that loud, muttered that he "hates wearing these things". I have no idea how the flight attendant heard this, but the next thing I know she is marching down the aisle and tells him to get up and get his things as he is being ejected from the plane. He was wearing the mask the whole time. It is a federal offence to refuse to comply with commands from the flight attendants. If this was not the case, I would be objecting to the masking. As it was, I slow nibbled and sipped my way thru many a flight during the masking mandates.

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I will never get on another airplane as long as I live. Once they started the naked body scanners I said that was it, period. But now we have pilots dropping dead in flight and communist flight attendants doing what you just described, so no way ever again. Forget it. This is why I have a car.

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Me too. I drive everywhere, and have been since 2015. I won't give my money to these losers and be miserable just to save a few hours.

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Yep! Also, I have one of those old cars.... you know, the kind without GPS. I also have a dark smoke license plate cover. I pay cash for almost everything. I don't need or want anyone knowing where I am and what I am doing.... just because it's none of their stinking business!

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Not so much for September, but Nov and Dec, is winter driving over multiple ugly mountain passes that are frequently closed due to weather. If I drove it would be over 12 hours one way in good weather.

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I am fortunate that I have no need to ever board an airplane again.

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For what is worth there are fine mesh masks. You can still see the facial features behind them.

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Look up Fake Masks. They're great.

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Forget fake masks or you are still “ going along to get along”!!! We need to be brave and REFUSE to wear them. All of us. There is power in numbers.


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The past requirements were double layer face masks for airlines and the airlines I flew, inspected for that. I have a single layer large mesh sequined one I wore at dog shows when they required masking, most people, including the judges were wearing those so it was such a joke. I did buy a Fake brand mask and now I have to find what I have done with it if this comes true. So stupid to ignore real science.

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I had no idea there were inspections. Another shock to my system. Yes stupid.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

I wore them in my Drs office when I had to and smiled so they could see my teeth lol and no one said a word lol

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Thank you for sharing that. You made me smile.

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I tried a fine mesh mask once in the middle of the mask frenzy on an airplane. Got busted walking onto the plane. That one wasn't good enough. The mask Nazi made me put an "accepted" cloth mask on.

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Disheartening! Just like all the crap. I didn't think there was anything more that could crush me.

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Nope. Not me. I’m not masking. I’m not locking down. And I’m certainly not taking a shot.

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Or maybe they just need to hype up the new booster because the stock prices dropped


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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

This is true. I have had a short on Moderna since the beginning of the year and have a nice return on my investment. Although I never took any of the jabs, every time I see their stock price dip a little more it makes me happy on behalf of all the people who did.

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Could you recommend any material to learn about short selling as I understand it’s risky and requires the foresight to know when/ if the stock price falls. Although now, after knowing how damaging these products are, I don’t think I’ll be able morally to do anything with these companies but I’m sure there are plenty of other companies

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It is risky, and definitely is not something you want to dive into without some understanding of the fundamentals. It can also be expensive - you need to have the funds to cover your short if you end up with a margin call, the cost to carry is usually quite high, and usually isn't a long-term play like what I've been doing with Moderna. The only reason I felt comfortable with a long-term short on them is because they have a triple-whammy of never having had any drug okayed prior to the C19 jabs, all their eggs are in one basket (MRNA), and the ongoing exposé of side effects that is rolling out. This is not a move that I would make with, say, Pfizer. They are too big and diversified.

I would recommend going onto something like Investopedia in order to learn the basic ins and outs. Good luck!

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Say it isn't so.....

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The thing is that the leftist propaganda media has been constantly contradicting itself! They themselves said the vaxx didn't seem to protect from transmission and covid!!

The public has been so confused and brainwashed that the Soros media machines know that the memory of the average American is shot and that the msm can say whatever lie or contradiction du jour which they want and that very day, the public will accept it as gospel, and forget anything they may have read before.

It is insanity!

Yesterday my husband was debate sparring with an old friend and avid liberal. He said something about Joe. Liberal friend responded that it was made up. Husband said " Biden himself said it on television!"..

This is the sad state of today's democrat. They don't even know that they aren't even really following the classic Democrat party.

Ask them if they heard RFKJR speak (who is old school democrat, brilliant and logical) and their eyes go blank!

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His interview with Tucker was fantastic!!

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I know ! I was so enthralled I missed my hair appointment. LOL

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Not endorsing, just listening and taking things into consideration.


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RFK jr's zooms, the first with farmers, the second with media types were fantastic. He's quite sparse with speech but he gets his point across with beautifully. He's a wise man. I would consider voting for him.

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You like going all out for abortion rights and climate change? Kennedy does. In the scheme of the Universe I’m still asking the creator to explain this man.

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I like Rfk Jr. But he does not seem to be 2nd amendment friendly...that is his downfall. Yes I have heard him say he does not want to take peoples guns away....but, he said if he were president and a bill came across his desk that the dems and repub. Had voted yes to he would sign....would that not be against the 2nd? The answer is yes...

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Keep your eyes peeled to make sure he is for medical freedom - he has made a statement the basically stated he is for mandating a medical intervention if it were proven to be helpful rather than harmful. I'm waiting to hear him state more clearly he would never mandate anything. Go to Minute 24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZMmR0bocmg

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Voting for a democrat is insane and voting for Kennedy is stupid. Why? Well for one thing his first wife killed herself...wonder why? And he was and will always be an addict to

Heroin and SEX.. so go vote for him and just joking the ranks of people who love Biden and love jabs.

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He does heroin?? How do you know that?

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RFKjr- I can’t ascribe brilliant logic to a person who advocates slaughter of the unborn, no. So sorry. I really like the man.

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I you cannot trust democrats because the party is pro abortion, even the brightest Dem will eventually vote their party platform making RFKJR untrustworthy for now and the future

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Abortion is terrible but we have moved into equally bad terrible territory.. Paedophilia is on the horizon when trans surgeries are finally allowed on little children without parent's permission.

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And just like with abortion, the people pushing pedophilia and trans mutilations are DEMOCRATS. That party is just pure evil. I hope RFK Jr runs as an independent. He's morally compromised as long as he is affiliated with the party of Satan.

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Well that is why they undermine him, downplay him, mock him, and dont recognize him as one of their own.

He is an old school democrat like his father and uncle.

They dont exist anymore. They are now disciples of the WEF and Soros and the New World Order; basically the party of Satan..demon crats.

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You can't cede ground. Full stop. If we cede ground on abortion, we'll lose both the abortion and the trans debate. Never cede ground.

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I’ve tried having this discussion with one issue voters.

It’s fruitless, unfortunately.

And I’m not passing judgement, just facts.

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Fine comment until you got to the ‘but’. What do you think justifies that ‘but’?

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There is a difference between advocating and promoting abortion and taking a stance that you feel like government Interference is a step too far. I understand at the end of the day. It doesn’t change the outcome for some people, but there is a big difference in motivation.

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Agree...And 3 months is way different than 9 months like the demonic far left Democrats.

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RFK Jr did say he believed abortion should be allowed right up to birth. I don’t believe the unborn should be killed at any time but right up to birth is especially despicable!

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I did not hear such a thing from him (please see below).. I think that early abortion is tragic and a SIN in the eyes of God and my church, but you can never put yourself in another's shoes. A friend's grandmother in the 1930s was given a medication from her doctor which he then said would horribly deform the child when she became pregnant on that medication, so she had a back room abortion because it was illegal, and survived it, but said it was the most horrifying thing she ever experienced.

Late term is ofcourse utterly utterly demonic and outright infanticide. There is NEVER a justification for it.

Our culture needs to stop making

premarital anytime sex (hooking up) the norm as it has. if our culture doesnt change, no legislature will change that. Marriage and virginity need to be promoted over career and promiscuity. Raising a baby is hard work and expensive and it needs two parents and other family to help, like back in the day. Women move around for work, live far from family, practice premarital sex as a norm in place of old fashioned dating and courtship, and because of career and economic necessity, they don't get married until their 30s to 40s, and basically the recipe for more abortions is there. Our culture is upside down in its priorities.

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3 months of life is 3 months of development of human life. Man has no right to destroy it.

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I didn't say man does, but making it illegal will not stop it.

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

I found that if you confront the Dems on the 9 month abortion thing by not showing any respect for their opinions at all if they like it and saying "that is disgusting!" It shakes them up and they start pretending like it really doesn't happen.

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If it doesn’t happen, then why would they need to allow it under law? 🤔

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Do you think you would feel differently about the government (police, etc) getting involved if it was your helpless life being threatened?

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RFK JR. also believes in climate change. Just saying.

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All they have to say is the magic words “the science changed” and none of the contradictions matter anymore.

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I'm stunned at how brainwashed they all really are. They have no idea!

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BS24/7 😅🤣😂 Love it!

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U S A today is another CIA channel. Lots of them out there

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1. I don't give a flying frog what BiDUMB calls for.

2. I will not mask.

3. I will not lock down.

4. I will not comply.

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Who can believe this nonsense? At this point, people are making fun of the pro-maskers and pro-vaxxers. Entire platforms, like THIS ONE, have been more or least created because people had to flee controlled media just to talk.

Everybody in the world knows it was a hoax. The disease was 99.9% survivable.

All trust in authorities is gone. At this point you can tell a doctor to their face that you have completely lost trust in the medical establishment, and now realize that if they were ordered to inject Drano into your skull, they would do it.

You can shame people now.

If they push this bullshit again, we'll be nearing a revolution I think this time around. They are OBVIOUSLY lying. People had an excuse in round 1, they don't have one in round 2.

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This fall or Fall 2024?

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Not surprising they would push masks, etc again. I just went to an urgent care with bronchitis. The doc tried to give me a covid test. I asked why, so she could send me home until I couldn’t breathe? No, she said, covid is making the rounds again. I said no test, just treat me for bronchitis and she quit arguing. This was the first time in a while I was offered a covid test.

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Resist....its the only way to survive. Good for you

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Fall 2023...like a month or two away.

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This year

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I understand people may be saying that but it makes no sense. They do that and it drives people to vote Rep. They do it 2024 and it will hamper votes and make the steal.

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It appears Alex Jones announced this all by himself....I don't trust him

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Re: scientific dissidents, Michael Shellenberger, commenting on YouTube’s new policy that it will censor any “medical misinformation” that disagrees with the WHO or other local health authorities (like the CDC), said, “Imagine if YouTube had been around over the last 200 years. It would have banned criticisms of bloodletting, thalidomide, lobotomies, and sterilizing the mentally ill, all of which were recommended by official health authorities.” More Semmelweis’s and fewer Fauci’s, please!

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They are sterilizing the mentally ill, they just call it "transitioning" nowadays.

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Who needs Dr. Mengele when you can just convince people to mutilate themselves?

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which in my opinion requires the trans to "indoctrinate" children, otherwise they will eventually die off. Once the person reaches adulthood he/she/it is free to sterilize his/her/itself all they want

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Somewhere in the past couple of years, I've come to the conclusion that I no longer agree with the notion of, "You're an adult, do what you want."

Shame, embarrassment and scorn of selfish and self destructive behaviors needs to make a comeback if society has a chance to survive.

We need to encourage people to strive and struggle for things that undeniably improve themselves and those around them.

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I agree with you Mark, though at least adults ought to be able to make their own decisions. They should leave children out of their perversion.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Absolutely agree. Allowing humans of any age to destroy themselves isn’t good for society.

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I heard a stand up comedian do a skit about meeting a heterophobe at a pride parade "hey, don't bite the hand that breeds ya!"

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Funny thing is that many gay people hate them because they feel that they belittle gayness! It is a crazy alphabet soup out there.

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Which is why thinking people are moving or have moved to Rumble. Oh and there is bitchute although that one seems to me to attract stuff that even I am dubious about.

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Learning Rumble is a bit of an adventure. But once you map it out- it’s fabulous and fun!

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If you want to hear people blab. Does anyone realize how many of us out there hate listening to people talk? Just hate it.

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I share your feelings about that. But Rumble has sports shows, car races, skateboarding. UFC. And much more. It surprises me. It’s not at all limited to the ones you and I are both likely thinking about. Talk, talk, talk gives me a headache, though I appreciate that the voices are there for those who need them.

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Being relatively hard of hearing doesn't help, but if I listen to someone tell me something, i will forget most if it by the time they are done. If I read it, it's locked in. And then there's the fact that most of these folks doing their talks, are rather horrible at it. And my entertainment is pretty much limited to experiences, not watching others. I'm just an old prick.

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Me, too. I believe we’re entitled to be prickly.

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Great point!

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I can think of many alias names for Biden, but none of those listed are anywhere close to mine 😂

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Desantis 2024 on Instagram yesterday:



* with a photo on the bottom right of Hunter smoking a crack pipe*


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That point is one that can always be made in Trumps favor. He may have switched wives too often but all FIVE of his children seem to love him and there’s not a crack head among them! To me that says a lot about the man.

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The grandchildren are also wonderful!

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AND didn’t another son already die of overdose?

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Hunter had "Pedo Pete" as the identifier on his cellphone or laptop for those messages from Robert Peters...

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This is the 'good' and 'dignified' man the Democrats referred to? 🙄😢 (You know, Because Orange man is bad)

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Honest too! 😂

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.....thought it was "sniffy" - but maybe that's his dealer.

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I'm curious about Brandon/Robert's pic.gov email address. Only official government entities get to use a .gov domain. What official government entity is abetting his deceit, and crime?

Also, in the Ukraine headlines section the final source, Asia Times, is official CCP China news media and opinion. They ran this in April, 2022:

How media put US public in a state of Ukraine-Russia psychosis

Binary knee-jerk activism is far too common in American political culture

Asia Times, April 2, 2022


Foes will often tell you uncomfortable truths while friends tell you comfortable lies.

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pic.gov redirects to an Official website of GSA! https://www.performance.gov/about/

Performance.gov looks like word salad.

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GSA is one of a couple interagency agencies. Every contract, every expense for products or services runs through GSA contracting. Only certain one-time expenses under a certain dollar threshold are allowed outside GSA. Even DOD expenses run through GSA contracting. But by virtue of its sheer size it has lots of nooks and crannys it can bury expenses and details that are far-removed from the end-user. A great place to hide from oversight.

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Thanks for this info. Just because we are natural skeptics, it’d be nice if you included a link or links.

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Global Times is a sister CCP China publication of Asia Times. Also telling us truths when our own media was telling us lies.

Chinese official media also published editorials and opinions that warned us about changing governing systems (western liberal democracy to authoritarianism) in the middle of a crisis will make that crisis even worse. China, CCP China, said in so many words that in the middle of a crisis, "dance with the one who brung ya." Change governing systems in less stressful, dangerous times if you're interested in protecting lives:

COVID-19 reveals countries’ differing capacity

Global Times, April 22, 2020


""The key to improving state capacity lies in how to boost the leading role of their own governance system, not breaking away or subverting the existing one." "[Western countries] are subject to different systems and traditions that impede them from directly copying China. Even if they do, the effect will be just the opposite."

China told us that we had antivirals that would be safe and effective to manage CV. Like Ivermectin and HCQ?:

Something's Not Right Here Folks

Gobal Times, February 8, 2020


"Medical researchers are already discovering that certain existing anti-viral medications seem to be effective against this Corona virus."

"...whether or not a person specifically does have the Corona virus or some other viral bug presenting as pneumonia, the treatment is the same supportive treatment anyway."

So as far as media credibility about the US I give Chinese media more credibility than US big media outlets and official statements, I know, redundant. No doubt China lies to their own people about China, too.

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Haha! Good one! Let's go Bob Peters!

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How about it

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LGBFJB. aka Brandon

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Jeff for using “Bob Peters” throughout today’s update. Brilliant! You made me smile and laugh all the way through! He and many others are “super sketch”! 😂

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I plan to call him 'Bob Peters' forever, now, after calling him 'Brandon' for the last several years.

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Yep! Let’s Go Bob Peters!

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Pedo Pete.

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Pedo Peters.

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Made me laugh! Keep it going!

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I have found my new "sign in" name ( you know, the one they collect because they need a name)

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May have to list my names at Roberta Peters or some might think I'm transitioning. 😂

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Bobby/Bobbie/Bobbi Peters maybe? 😁

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Yes the real Brandon should be able to get his good name back.

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Excellent point!

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Yessss..I had to keep stopping to laugh.

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Same!!! 🤣😆

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Someone please explain it to me. I could see how Jeff was exaggerating it in the stack but I didn't "get" it. I looked up bob peters and it looks like he was a hockey coach?

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It’s a fake email name Biden was using to avoid FOIA requests finding his emails.

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I saw graffiti in Amsterdam last week by Anne Frank’s “home” where she hid from nazis, that said “the heroes of tomorrow are slandered today”. How true is that!! To our own hero, Jeff Childers, thank you for standing up!! Not sure we all would have made it thru without so many that stood up!

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Agreed! I discovered Jeff's Coffee and Covid in the midst of "the pandemic". It was/is the thing that started/starts my day with hope and truth... the very things being stripped away by MSM, common sense, etc. Jeff, you remain one of just a few that helps to bring light into these dark days! Please keep this going!

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Anne Frank is yet another story with a lot of fake info. Beware of these psyops.


"As it turns out, Anne's tale is rife with absurdities, logical problems, inconsistencies, and incoherent claims. Here, Japanese researcher Ikuo Suzuki deconstructs Anne's famous dairy, exposing the many issues lying just below the surface. In the process, he unmasks the truth: that the notorious diary was likely written by a middle-aged Jewish man who worked in conjunction with Anne's father, Otto, to foist upon the public a deceptive and highly misleading story of a young teenaged girl who perished in a German camp. "

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Wow I never heard about this. Love the sharing in the comments!

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Hear, hear!!!

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My favorite story here today was “Teacher Is Fired for Reading Book on Gender Identity in Class.”

Shows we’re headed in the right direction to stop this trans push that’s targeting the children!

Here’s a piece discussing the trans issue and our kids:


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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Proud of my Cobb County school district! ✊

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Proud of a 4-3 vote? Relieved is what I am.

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It’s everywhere. Check your local library. You’ll be disgusted at how many books pushing trans are in the children’s section! I’ve read through some of them and want to vomit, it’s so bad.

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I’m not saying I would ever do this, of course, but I think it would be great if those books just disappeared, somehow, off the shelves. Would it be a sin if it’s done to protect the innocence of childrens’ souls? 🤔

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Yes. That’s easy to do or can be shoved behind some books in the adult poetry section (around Wordsworth or some such. Nobody goes there much--I know as a retired librarian) ) if you just can’t bring yourself to steal them. 🤔🤔

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Haha great idea! I usually find them falling behind the stacks 🤫 whoops 📕💨

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Brilliant 💡

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You should probably ascertain if there are cameras now in libraries and security tags on each book. Shoot for all I know there may be GPS or location thingies on each book.

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Taking out all the books is an indication to the library that the books are popular and they would get budget for more.

Write letters and e-mails to the librarians and the central library against the books, using specific quotes from the books with pictures inserted in the body of the letter. That way an attachment with photos cannot be “lost.”

Write often.

Write about a specific book or author.

Get everyone you can to write, especially parents and grandparents.

The letters should be somewhat different (e.g. personal writing style) so they know actual people are writing.

Do not use profanity or threats,

Do not call them idiots or other names bc their brains turn off.

Reference their mission statement and show how it is contra to the mission and otherwise harmful.

Including to the human development period of sexual latency in childhood, causes hyper sexualization which obstructs intellectual development...

Use their own words to show they are in the wrong.

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Much better idea. Thanks for the concrete suggestions!

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"Disappeared" may not mean checked out... which I would like to make them disappear. But, you have very good suggestions here.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

Yes! If we want to save our culture, or at least protect our own children, we have to put some time and effort into it. Everything is local, that is the one sphere where you can actually have an effect. Thanks to vigilant, caring parents and grandparents, we have been making real, positive changes in my own school district and county. The actions CapIT suggests REALLY WORK!

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No the library knows the books are being destroyed, and not lent. So yes, weekly trip, destroy as many as possible without getting caught.

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"Do not call them idiots or other names bc their brains turn off."

Too late I think.

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Gosh I was thinking the same thing. Then I imagined someone picking all those books off the shelf and one-by-one re-shelving them in places where the sun don’t shine. Maybe on the shelves lost in all the books in the history section.

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I don’t know how this could be done. In every library I’m familiar with the children’s’ section is off by itself. Frequently even in a different room. It would be obvious if adults are entering. It’s sickening that we have to discuss ways to protect our children from this government-sponsored filth. And no, it would not be a sin to protect children if it could be done. The early Christian’s rescued the abandoned babies of Rome even though it was illegal.

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You're picking out books for you children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews. No shame in going to the kids section to pick out books for them. Then go to the adult section and pick out your own. Then stop by the history and poetry sections to see what's on offer as far as hiding places go.

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I like it!

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Or the tax law section.

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Oh, I am in the kid's section all the time getting books for our young person.

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I disappeared some for the summer so they couldn’t get ahold of them for their summer reading program. Unfortunately if not returned, they’ll just buy more. 😞

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Perhaps we should check out all these books, create a never-ending waitlist so they’re ALWAYS checked out & unavailable.

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Taking out all the books is an indication to the library that the books are popular and they would get budget for more.

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True. My director checks hold lists to see what was popular at our library and others in our system. There might be a program that does that also. I wasn’t a book buyer and never catalogued when I worked at a library.

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If done repeatedly, yes. If done once and lost, perhaps not.

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Our library will know if the book is never returned and patrons have to pay for lost books.

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They all would, but it would be totally worth it, imho.

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I always accidentally drop them back behind shelves that are against walls. They’ll find a lot of books in 20 years when they remodel and pull off the shelves off walls.

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That’s a rest idea

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I can’t imagine how sick a persons brain must be to get to the point they decide to write books about topic for children. It is predatory.

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Did you complain?

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To a liberal library board and liberal librarians would fall on deaf ears.

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In doing this, they have pushed homosexuality out of the trendy limelight.

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I'm glad for it, but note that it was on a 3-2 School Board vote. All the Dems have to do is flip one little seat, and it's back to grooming. If we don't get rid of government schools (through school choice laws, e.g.), we're always at risk of all the same over again, and guess which side has the tenacity and the organization to keep working for victory? Sadly, not yet our side.

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yep, people get riled up and then go back to their default setting. Unlike the left who never rests.

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Quite a few years back there were 2 young boys (both had older sisters) who wanted to wear dresses, etc. Neither family suggested to the boys that they might "really" be a girl (thank GOD.) One of the boys just decided after about a year of experimenting with different clothing options to stick with traditional boys clothes. The other boy lasted in that vein about 3 years. Both of these boys are in college now. I shudder to think what would have happened if they were young boys now. Especially in my very WOKE town...

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My daughter, a classic Gemini personality, (I dont follow Astrology, just saying) had 2 sides to her, the feminine and the not so feminine with a bravado usually attributed to males.

She is a happy grown woman today, mother and wife and super intelligent about what is going on in the world as she loves research, independent thought, and has a history degree.

Anyway, she literally thanks God that she grew up in the 90s. She is convinced the schools would have confused her into thinking she was trans back in her teens.

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Yes, thank God.

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Brad Pitt & Angelia Jolie's first daughter decided at about 5 she was a boy. She had 2 brothers and wanted to be like them. She cut her hair, wore boys clothes and called herself John for quite a few of her younger years. Her parents seemed to just let her go with it without any pressures one way or the other. Then she hit puberty and at about the age of 14 I saw her and she's now a beautiful young woman, wearing makeup and girls clothing and so on. So it was just a phase with this kid.

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This is much more common than most realize. I would like to know WHO decided it was a good idea to push children, who should be able to "experiment" toward such a narrow way of thinking? It's incredibly backward!

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I like the FB lawsuit! Let’s try to get some of their $$$

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It's about time they fire these morons for teaching children it's ok to get their parts chopped off. Evil.

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Re Oliver Anthony. Mentioned his turning down of megabucks to my WV-born husband. Husband wondered how long that would be the case... that it takes a certain kind of almost uncorruptible character to resist. Somehow, I suspect that Oliver Anthony might fit that description better than even he imagines.

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The good news is he will be getting all the proceeds from the iTunes purchases and other streaming platforms. He can stay independent. Tom MacDonald has figured it out. He clearly doesn’t need what they claim to offer. Hope he shares more of his thoughts by way of song with us.

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Like he said, there should be more music like his. We used to call them folk songs. They were soulful, thoughtful, relevant, insightful and spiritual in many ways. They were common in the 60s and 70s.

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And during the depression (no, I’m not that old, but my Dad grew up then - rough times, and he played the music of that time nightly on his guitar).

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Lot of that was commie crap. Big difference .

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He’s got 5 songs in the TOP 10 on iTunes, 6 in top 12. Yet none appear under the ‘trending’ tab. Hmmmm. Jason Aldean has the #3 spot and he’s not under ‘trending’ either. Hmmmm. Not sure how that ol trending thing works I reckon. At least they’re greedy enough to want to make a cut off his music and didn’t ban him. So that’s something.

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Golden shackles. They just want to control him. Offing someone is a lost resort.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

If he takes their money, they own him. They will tell him what to sing and what to say, so he makes money for them.

Stay free, Friend!

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They want to own his soul! Love that he refused!

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Exactly, makes me wonder how many musicians were affected in this way over the years?

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Most of them if not all. Every record label contract our daughter was offered was nothing short of their wanting to OWN her.

They wanted:

1. Her entire music catalog (what she had written herself as well as that from her partner/fiancee, any and all music prior to their offer).

2. Any and all proceeds made through her music production.

3. Managerial control of her entire music career including all income.

4. All decisions would be made by the label for when, where and to whom she performed.

5. All personal matters/decisions would be theirs to make for her.

6. All music she sang would be chosen by the label.

7. All clothing, makeup, hair, brands, vehicles, homes, anything she wished to purchase or own etc would be under their discretion. Where she would live, where she vacationed. Where she visited. Who she was friends with. Who she dated... What gifts she purchased and for whom.

8. What studios she could use.

Her soul... they wanted her soul. She said, "No thank you."

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I've read a lot of stories about various musicians trying to get out of the clutches of recording contracts they got into when young and naive. It's a very oppressive thing, but the internet has diminished their power somewhat.

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Yes and many recordings owned by the label never see the light of day. They will shelve it if they don’t like it.

Many bands have had to re-record their own music after they got out of the contract because the label still owns their masters.

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Many music stars walked away for those reasons! Taylor Swift lost her music but was able to buy it back a few years ago...for mega bucks. We were stunned reading those contracts! Not a single one was equitable or fair to the artist!

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Contracts, It's simply another level of slavery.

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That is true!

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Wow. That is slavery. Good for your daughter for saying no.

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Exactly. They would let him write and record his songs and then make sure they never saw the light of day. Then he would be banned from posting them anywhere or making a single dollar. Happened to some friends of mine when their label got taken over.

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I would never take a Penny!! Good for him!!!

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In an age when US Senators can be bought for $10,000 (according to Blackrock executive), it’s refreshing to see “an ordinary man” turn down 8 million because he can’t be bought.

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It would be cool to see a give send go for Anthony. If we all gave 12, 22, 222

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It would be cooler to see our tax dollars actually helping the Americans who need help. Even cooler if the elites didn't try to stamp on everyone around them.

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Buy his music.

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If he is receiving royalties from apple iTunes he is going to do ok. He seems to be working through his demons and clean up his life through music and doesn’t want more temptations.

On the other hand, $2-only donations would send him a message that the little guys are with him. We could suggest he donate the money to local food banks in Appalachia.

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Not so sure Oliver would be in favor of another free food program...

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He's making money on hs downloads, is he not?

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About 5 cents per 99 cent download. Apple is particularly horrible.

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I hope he realizes he can make 10x that amount if he stays away from people who will try to “mold” him into whatever they think will make him “successful”. I think he recognizes that he will lose creative control. But yeah, it takes serious stones to walk away from a sure bet like that.

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I would like to think his turning to God helped with that.

He posted this video a few days before his song came out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmxyMJd7IQ8


People talk about epidemics of suicide, drug use, homelessness – those aren’t problems – they are symptoms of a bigger universal problem. But we don’t talk about it. There’s not a lot of common sense any more. I had perverted my vision of what God was because I looked at THE RELIGION OF MAN as God and not God himself. There is a divine Creator who loves you. Sometimes it takes getting down on your knees and getting ready to call it quits before it becomes obvious that He’s there. But he’s always there you’ve just gotta look out for him, and listen for Him….Lord willing, this is just the beginning.

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Not bad thinking for a kid with a GED, eh?

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Seems like we are in upside down world for sure. The educated class has demonstrated a boatload of stupidity these past several years, and seem to be losing IQ points the longer they stay in school.

But yes, impressed with his wisdom at a young age.

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That 8 million is debt! It’s a loan and also goes to all the expenses to run the artists business, so it’s not all cash up front. The label takes everything artists earn until it’s paid back. Sadly the label also determines the expenses, so odds of an artist doing well are low. Big superstar status is a tiny chance. And they can terminate the contract anytime, but the artist cannot without label consent.

The label is a venture capitalists investing in a risky artist. They control everything.

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And as fast as they plug you in, they can pull the plug just as fast. Two of my favorite bands had their 15 minutes of fame and lost the battle to record company politics. One, the Rainmakers had several years of strong regional airplay, toured nationally, but lost support in the grunge era. They reformed in ~2011 and continue to play regionally and write and record. Their shows sell out here and they have a big following in Norway, for some reason, but most people outside the Midwest never heard of them or don't remember them. Intelligent lyrics and catchy tunes. Shooting Star similar fate. Saw them earlier this summer and ~5000 people came to their show in a country amphitheater an hour outside the metro. Both bands re-formed without big label support, and have other income sources, but continue to write and perform as they love what they do. I'll support those artists over the mass produced pablum all day long. Although I admit the lead singer downing a Bud Light on stage did take him down a few notches in my book. But their song, Last Chance, is an anthem that resonates today even more than when it came out in 1979. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=l5BqpvcWuyo&list=OLAK5uy_nfmk_1ywtk4s_76jIpU3_ybyEgxTx0Teg

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Whilst searching for the original upload, YouTube algorithm already promotes accounts co-opting the song rather than Oliver Anthony’s original account

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The originals are released by “RadioWV”. Search for that and the originals should come up.

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Yes, but Anthony’s channel will not appear in the search results beneath RadioWV despite having live performances of RMNOR and other musical recordings. Like this one 💕


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Seems like $8M is essentially the price Anthony put on his mental health and personal integrity. Wise, wise man. Trust he sees that clearly and that it helps him to appreciate his extraordinary soul. Not easy amidst a culture that "knows the price of everything", but barely recognises the value of a human soul.

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What a great Saturday round up. Thanks for all the work you do to keep us informed about our crazy world.

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Re: Canadian wildfires. Perhaps the supposed uptick between 2020 and now is the fact that we were so locked down that even the arsonists weren’t allowed to go camping in order to set the fires.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

When I look at the BBC chart of wildfires, my first observation is that 2015 (and prior) must have been a very bad year(s) for wildfires. The chart uses “recent” rather than a word like “ever” or a number of years ending in zero. Starting with 2016 in the chart is not logical without an explanation.

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That seems the “thing” to me also. A couple of decades would be better.

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It's like the Global Warming deal. They think 70 years of weather data can extrapolate to all kinds of doomy predictions. It's so silly.

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Yes. All models. Just like two weeks to flatten the curve.

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The seattle times has a graph of the acreage burned since 1982:


This is a very bad year, and it will set a new record, but not as bad as 2016 - 2023 chart makes it look.

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Admittedly I’m surprised the Seattle Times posted an accurate chart.

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Thanks for that. It makes sense that after a big burn it takes awhile for fuels to build up again.

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Good catch. I missed it.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

OK, let's apply a bit of deductive reasoning. All the years except 2023 follow the same pattern, a pattern that would be influenced by natural conditions that vary. We can assume these are natural. The CONSTANT 45 degree slope of 2023 beginning in May is NOT natural and could only be produced by intentional manipulation. Read that again. 2023 is completely outside the realm of possibilities in any natural scenario. What you are looking at in the slope for 2023 is massive human intervention.


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Fires started by way more than arsonists....all over the world...how evil and heartless these beings are

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the 5 minute video I saw yesterday on DEW's showed 4 fires being started consecutively in NE Idaho that were exactly equidistant apart.

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The Maui fires have some serious anomalies also according to some contacts of Dr. Robert Malone's in his blog yesterday. https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/deleteditems/id/AQMkADAwATE0NjMwLTQzYWMtZTAwADQtMDACLTAwCgBGAAAD5xo2xrBZr0GdqJMDc9%2BbrQcA1sJ7pzqQPkmliro7r5bCXQAAAgEKAAAA1sJ7pzqQPkmliro7r5bCXQAGcywjYAAAAA%3D%3D

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MAUI: Unique Sailboat Video Documents Lahaina Firestorm - https://tinyurl.com/z59nvpum

The Real Cause of the Maui Wildfire Disaster - https://tinyurl.com/yeyjvwx3

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The real cause article is great! Do you have a theory or evidence of what may have ignited the flames?

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Most likely accelerant in my opinion is a special weaponized version of thermite or nano-thermite but this doesn't explain how some structures seemed totally spared from any damage. It may be enough to know the high pressure area was the weather weapon needed to pull it off. I say this because of the creepy evidence of foreknowledge and deliberate bungling to trap victims from escaping and failure to sound the alarms.

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I think it's that there were apparently random variations in each year until 2020, when it was flat, perhaps because of the lockdowns. Since human-caused fires are also caused unintentionally as well as intentionally, though, it's suggestive but not conclusive that forcing arsonists to stay home was the reason. For this year, it's entirely outside the bounds of what would be expected in both timing and number, so something very unusual happened this year.

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Unfortunately, I'm still suspended from Twitter for a mild comment in my professional field of medicine and public health, so I can't see that.

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It’s a graphic from Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Agency showing that forest fires have been declining in .Canada over the last 30 years.

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Naw. They're just organized and in force now. Thinking back to the arson-by-drone story a few months ago, as recounted by witnesses.

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The "arsonists" forgot to work their climate change plans during lock down. One graph speaks a thousand words!

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Canada is a big place. I don't see 2003 mentioned when there were record forest fires in the Okanagan in BC. This may be surpassed by the current devastation occurring in Kelowna. Thid is naturally a very arid area, prone to fires. Also this year saw massive areas impacted by the suspicious fires which ignited spontaneously in Quebec. But global warming, for sure...

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This is today's Mercola post that covers the Maui fires. It includes a 12 minute 1nterview by RFK Jr. of Ed Dowd , a resident of Maui with good on the ground sources. Did not realize Ed is his co-treasurer for his presidential campaign. You will remember Ed as the man who widely exposed all of the excess deaths in the working age company insured population.

For anyone unfamiliar with Mercola, his posts disappear 48 hours after he posts them, so either read or copy and paste this if you are interested., Thank Biden making him public enemy #1 in the covid "disinformation" wars.


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You can also download the PDF for Mercola's articles. Please send to everyone!

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MAUI: Unique Sailboat Video Documents Lahaina Firestorm - https://tinyurl.com/z59nvpum

The Real Cause of the Maui Wildfire Disaster - https://tinyurl.com/yeyjvwx3

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THIS IS BRILLIANT!!! @JEFFCHILDERS PLEASE READ. Harold thank you for putting this together. This is way better than Mercola’s post. I don’t know if you saw it either, but Bret Weinstein interviewed a local Maui journalist who believes it’s incompetence and lack of preparation.... In your information I didn’t see anything about preparing or avoiding a catastrophe like this?

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The 60-80 MPH wind provided a "bellows effect" that supplied oxygen to the fire to cause extraordinary heat. This how blacksmiths heated steel to make horseshoes. Interesting how the sailboat crew spotted a tornado over the water. More to come. Subscribe for free - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/

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Bret and Jeremy are too quick to find excuses for the "officials" as the evidence is mounting it was a PLAN-FERNO.

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Maybe not - this was earlier on when it was recorded...

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We have family in Maui. Their house was/is fine but some neighbors lost everything. One of them said "Apocalypse does not begin to describe it". However, they have not reported on any land grabs or other b.s. happening.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

Regarding Biden's email shenanigans coming to light: This is what happens when you don't put your emails on a private server and then wipe it with a "cloth or something." (Especially if it's TS/SCI and SAP that you migrated by sneakernet.)

Edit: I should not have referred to President Peters as "Biden." It was disrespectful to be so informal. My bad.

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Rather than ULEZ cameras why not just have climate protesters glue themselves to the streets around the central zone? They'll show up for free, even provide their own glue, and are most often vegan so don't eat much and won't cost a fortune to maintain.

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Love your idea!!!!

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All of those wildfires sure look like they took a break in Canada during 2020. Lockdowns apparently prevent them too!

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The years 2021 and 2022 were below 2020. The chart is not sequential, but by number of fires. I believe the increase is directly related to weather changes caused by the Tonga Hunga-Tonga Hipiee(sp) eruption in early 2022.

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This seems encouraging. Georgia State senator moves toward impeaching DA Fani Willis. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/georgia-state-senator-moves-impeaching-da-fani-willis-trump-charges

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If This particular election cannot be questioned or challenged after so many (read nearly every) others were, Demsocialist losses practically demanded a recount with no consequences- WHY? NOW? It really stinks!

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They have become too brash and bold. A reset in who fills these roles is needed.

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Read this as “da Fani” 😁

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Thank you that was a good article about him.

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Idea for the Brits; take those face diapers and simply cover the nosy car-counting camera lens. No vandalism charges; just keeping them safe from the next COVID variant!😷

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Love it!!!

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