Great roundup of the important stories of the day, Jeff. Very informative post today.

Hats off to Chris Nelson for exposing the drag show. It’s sick. Why would parents bring their children and why would parents be there in the first place?! Who attends shows like this?! I was shocked to see a full auditorium. 😞

Looking forward to multiplier!

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They should interview the attendees to this event. Let them be loud and proud. And let us know who to avoid at all costs.

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The parent/caretaker attendees who brought children to this "show" should be arrested and charged. "Exposing children to sexually explicit activity is a crime in Florida." People who commit crimes should be arrested and charged, right? What makes these people any different? The parents/caretakers are even more guilty than the sickos targeting children, who should also be arrested and charged. And the owners of the venue should, at the very least, lose their license. They should ALL be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and receive maximum sentences. Looks to me like the State has a slam-dunk case.

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Looks like audience comprises overweight women. Police officers supporting the show in lobby were women.

Women have really gone nuts!

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The late Rush Limbaugh's undeniable truth of life #24: "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society".

I miss that man's prescient insight and humor.

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Agree and Leftism expands that pool to include the deviants of society into mainstream. When I was a young adult it was fun getting together with the girls and going out to group dinners. As the years passed it wasn’t so fun anymore but I must say the same thing for dating!!

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Newsflash: feminists never helped other women get ahead. Other women were viewed as competitors. I do acknowledge that the pendulum did need to swing to a more balanced position where women could make good money without having to marry into it. Now however the pendulum has over swung in the opposite direction.

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Interesting thing about the 70s Feminist Movement and how it came about. It has the same key players/goals in common with what's happening today, with the same end goal.

* The Rockefeller Foundation

* Central Bankers

* Minimize men

* Destroy families

* Get kids out of the care of their parents (indoctrination)

* More tax dollars paid to the government.

* End Result: Enslave humanity

You don't know what you don't know.


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Good points. Women can’t find guys to marry since women took their jobs and they certainly don’t want to marry an unemployed man. Children are pushed out to daycare at young age and then off to boarding school which is like a luxury orphanage.

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You said it. I didn't. But in fairness, men aren't doing much better. It's the predominance of emotivism, the notion that the truth is not objective but is a matter of preference, emotions. Since women tend to be more emotionally responsive than men, they may be particularly susceptible.

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I did indeed...I am a woman, I think I am capable of most things but there are some things I just don't think are appropriate or good for women to do. I will probably bring a load of crap down on my head for saying it, but we have over 50 years of personality studies that show men and women are DIFFERENT. It doesn't mean unequal. But we are NOT the same (thank the Lord). Of course, there are always exceptions, but the rule is generally true. I feel badly for men nowadays...they are treated horribly by our society, denigrated, and it makes me angry.

I work in a profession that has been overtaken by females...and most of them are incapable of realizing that boys like adventure and gross stories, and they will keep ordering books that are totally female oriented. Thank God my father was a reader..I have a great appreciation for books aimed at boys..otherwise they would not like reading and I don't blame them. If I could get away with it, I would order the entire Tarzan of the Apes stories, but they are so politically incorrect nowadays, I would be fired.

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I see this as the result of the women’s lib movement of so many years ago. There were some injustices to correct but it went too far. As most secular movements tend to do, without God’s guidance people invariably go astray. There is a God ordained role for men and women and when people live outside of a relationship with God, they miss the beauty and purpose of living in and fulfilling those roles. Instead of respect and appreciation for the differences between men and women, they assume an adversarial position which is a downward spiral culminating in much of the evil mess we see today.

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Spot on. Yes; there were injustices; but if women who were 'victims' of said injustices had sought God; and trusted in HIM to 'fix' the problem; things would be very different. Corrupt flesh trying to 'fix' other corrupt flesh only produces...or reproduces...MORE corrupt flesh.

It's difficult for me as an elderly Christian woman to understand why it seems so HARD for many of today's women (and lib men) to RELAX and LET each other walk in our OWN LANES. Cars on a highway crossing into the lanes of others causes accidents and death and injury. We do the same when we cross into the lane of the opposite sex. STAY IN OUR OWN LANES!

NO; we are REBELLIOUS; we want what does NOT belong to us. We want 'something else'; something God did not ordain for us. And we wonder why we suffer horrible consequences. It's really a mess.

I have GREAT respect for men who gladly carry the 'burden' of a man's role; and I also respect 'us' women who gladly carry the 'burden' of a woman's role. EACH is important. One is NOT better than the other.

I saw something the other day that broke my heart. It was a short clip; a young woman was speaking...she had a microphone in front of her so she either has a radio show or a podcast or something; and off camera I could hear other people; including men; responding to what she was saying. She said that she heard about a woman not too long ago who decided to go 'under cover' as a man. She had a voice that was a little low which helped; and with makeup and wigs, etc. she 'became' a man for a while and was out in society talking to many people; mostly women. What she found was shocking. She was treated SO BADLY by so many women; who of course thought she was a man; that she became so despondent that she committed suicide. How horrible. Of course the suicide was horrific; but what was also horrific is the knowledge that so MANY men out there are being ABUSED. BADLY.

Someone; a woman I know, shared something with me recently that I want to share; but it contains something rather unseemly; but according to the male family member who related this story to the woman I know; it's true.

The man said that he sometimes goes onto dating sites; INCLUDING SO-CALLED 'CHRISTIAN' ONES...and he's shocked by what he sees. He said that women now (Not all of course but MANY) 'DEMAND' things from men.

I thought I'd be sick when she told me what her family member told her. He said that there are women out there who have what they call the "666' rule....yeah...interesting name for it; considering how WICKED it is. They want their men to be at least 6 feet tall; make at least a 6-figure income...and here's the unseemly part...my apologies...but this is what's happening out there...they want their men to have...uh...an appendage that is at least 6 inches long. Yeah. They ACTUALLY TELL MEN THAT. If THAT isn't DISGUSTING enough; many of these women have a RULER tattooed onto their forearms....I'm thinking...you mean....if these women go on a date with a man...they make him....well; you know what. SERIOUSLY???? THIS is what FEMINISM has DONE to WOMEN and what it's done to MEN.

SICKENING. Those woman need their hinnies spanked; seriously. SHAMEFUL. DISGRACEFUL. DISGUSTING.

What man would WANT to BE with such a 'woman'?? They are NOT women. They might be females; but they are not women. That song "How LOW can you GO" comes to mind. Pretty stinking low; apparently. And we are not even at the VERY bottom yet. It makes me want to weep. Weep for the children. Weep for the men who are being lambasted; weep for us women who want NO PART OF THAT; weep for ALL of us.

This Scripture speaks clearly of such a state:

"Are they ashamed of the abomination they have committed? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; when I punish them, they will collapse,” says the LORD."

Jeremiah 6:15.

I've heard preachers talk about this; that our ability to feel shame; to blush, is an important litmus test for where we are spiritually. If or when we can no longer blush; no longer FEEL shame; WE ARE DOOMED.

Sigh. How far we have fallen; and have yet to fall. Unless we repent; turn to The Lord Jesus Christ; and ask Him into our hearts to be our personal Savior and Lord; en masse; we are doomed. Sigh again.

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How WICKED that man and it seems most of his family was/is.

Thank you for the link. Here's another one about him:


It has nothing to do with feminism of course; I've shared it only to show how MANY things he had....and STILL has...influence over because of the people who yet follow his ideologies. Sad.

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Ellen, you said it. Our half of the species is CRAZY.

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It’s interesting. In Orthodox Judaism (the most traditional denomination of Judaism), women are not allowed to become rabbis, women are not allowed on the prayer alter and women are not counted in the minyan (10 man requirement to hold prayer service). Women have other responsibilities but there is clear delineation of roles of men and of women. Looks like G-d was on to something and knows the natures of the 2 sexes.

Outside of Orthodox Judaism the less traditional denominations are overrun with women and it has not been for the better. The temple we belong to is overrun with bossy women in power positions and is now an affront.

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My father, a very active, involved, believer loudly protested during church meetings when the denomination began to allow women to take positions that Scripture had given to men only. (Yes, women had positions but not any that took men's scripturally appointed roles). His argument was, " if you allow this you can be sure that men will step away or be forced out of those very positions designed for and by godly men who were lead by the Holy Spirit." Boy, was he ever correct! I stayed in that denomination until prodded by the Spirit to move to the Biblically sound off shoot, where we remain. The former church had not adhered to Biblical teaching on how church leaders were to be chosen, completely ignoring sound doctrine. Elders were chosen by popularity... not based on their faith or biblical knowledge.

I teach Sunday school, have for many years. I have seen it all and, while no church is perfect, it is our faith that sets us apart.

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I've got the same problem in my "religion"...although the catholics held on to men only as priests, the rest of the denominations have been overrun with women rectors/ministers/whatever they are called.

It was NOT a change for the better. I haven't been to church in over 3 years because of our current minister....she's a she.

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My church, a conservative Lutheran church, (not the ultra-liberal Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, also known as ELCA) does not ordain women and reserves certain roles in the church, such as the position of elder, for men. There are a few denominations left that retain the God-given roles of men and women. I believe that conservative Presbyterians do as well. I remember that Timothy Keller was supposed to get an award at one of the Ivies, but it was taken away because his denomination doesn't ordain women.

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I am Greek Orthodox. I am so happy that we are still following the ancient traditions. Ofcourse, many women dont agree. I wonder if they think it out ibjectively or just go along with herd mentality.

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For Christians it is much the same. The Apostle Paul tells Timothy (in 1Tim) not to have women as teachers or leaders over men. Some women are easily deceived or swayed by every deceptive person that rolls into town (My words). I think women (maybe because of this tendency) may be more compassionate among other traits. Women and men compliment each other. It is hard to become as one when both possess the same skill sets. But Ellen put it far better than I. I just wanted to say that Christians also believe this. Most. Of course that is taking a powder too.

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There are multiple accounts offered by children raised by same-sex couples of unwanted exposure to all manner of inappropriate sexual material, including homosexual orgies. It doesn't sound or look like that place was loaded with children, so that would be one likely explanation.

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Children sitting on Santa's lap has become a Pedo meme.

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How awful.

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Apparently our very "progressive" mayor in Knoxville,TN attended the Knoxville show.There is actually no law on the books at this point that prevents children from attending such an event in TN. Supposedly one is to be attempted in the next legislative session.

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Regarding IgG4 it's not just repeated shots but the very nature of the mRNA vaxxes themselves. The artificial mRNA has been stabilized using pseudouridine so it isn't naturally broken down in a few hours like natural mRNA. Studies have shown it's detectable for at least 60 days if not far longer.

So unlike catching covid or a traditional non-mRNA vax, the spike protein antigen is present within the body for months on end. Now add periodic boosting and it's looks like it's always present. Our amazing immune system "knows" viruses don't act this way so it shifts into IgG4 mode to treat it as an harmless allergen rather than a pathogen.

It's the same old story since the fall of Adam and Eve of man thinking he's smarter than God. I guess we'll never learn.

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And what are we gonna do about the blood supply? The vaxxed blood has already killed a baby. No one has any idea of any other things caused by transfusions...but I will bet dollars to donuts whenever you get vaxxed blood, it is not good. Long term it is gonna be a nightmare.

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For a recent surgery, my husband opted to donate his own blood. I predict pure blood (non -vax) donation will be in high demand.

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Pure blood!

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How pure?

No vax and no virus! Almost a unicorn nowadays.

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Designated UNVAX donors. Done routinely for elective surgical procedures.

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Most hospitals are not allowing autologous donations...if you find one, great.

THere are gonna be massive problems with designated Unvaxxed donors...but

if they can seriously do this I am in. I will need to supplement my old age savings.

I bet this is gonna be lifesaver from an income standpoint for many of us old unjabbed.

And if Dr. Mercola is right, we all have too much iron, and periodic donations are good for us :-)

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"Our amazing immune system "knows" viruses don't act this way so it shifts into IgG4 mode to treat it as an harmless allergen rather than a pathogen."

I'm not smart enough to predict what will happen in the future because of this action (treat it as an harmless allergen rather than a pathogen), but my "spidy-sense" is really tingling about it. This will cause a really BFM (Big F*****G Mess) in the future, I'm thinking.

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Yup, you’re sure right about that!

My 42 year old cousin died today… he had a really terrible headache… then a heart attack. They found multiple brain bleeds. I’m sure he was vaxxed.

It’s the second ‘brain bleed’ this WEEK of someone close to me. And the second heart attack this month of someone I know.

It’s not normal.

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My condolences to you. And no, it's not normal.

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I am so sorry

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Or maybe the mRNA is a "Trojan Horse" for the genocide theorists? No matter Terrain or Germ theory, we (Medical) need to repair and rebuild the immune system. If all unusual antigens/proteins/cancer cells? are ignored/tolerated - maybe one explanation for increased cancer rates/deaths. Bottom line - treat/heal the immune system.

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We should know that humanity "playing god" has never served us well.

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The body (Terrain) has been poisoned into a long-term state of disease. There is no so-called "virus" involved.

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One can believe the general outlines of the terrain theory (as I do) and also agree environmental toxins harm it without going full tin-foil hat. I have to wonder if this "viruses aren't real" stuff is controlled disinformation to make vax-skeptical folks look like loons.

Plus it's completely irrelevant to my overall point, change "viruses" to "infectious pathogens" and the point stands.

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The “viruses aren’t real” proponents obviously did not get the alpha or delta version of Covid. I’ve had alpha and I’ve had the flu (most recently h1N1 in 2009). This was NO flu. Flu doesn’t leave bruises in a row up your shin for 6+ months. Flu doesn’t leave you with a disregulated vagus nerve and POTS for months after. This was lab created and don’t care what they label it, it sucked.

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I don't know enough to decide who is right about this argument but one thing I am convinced of is that this, whatever it is, is NOT from nature. Dr. David Martin has amply demonstrated that this "thing" is a chimeric man-made bio-weapon.

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The "viruses aren't real" proponents don't deny that people get sick (mildly sick or very sick). And I don't think they deny that *something* could have been created in a lab.

Sorry it sucked for you. Being sick is no fun :(

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I agree it does not have to be either/or. Also, who believes in terrain theory enough to allow a rabies bite or the intentional exposure to a similarly lethal virus?

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Rabies debunked - Dr. Sam Bailey explains how the scientific method of Rabies VIRUS isolation is skipped - https://tinyurl.com/2a777ear

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Gaslighting to suppress the growing popularity of Terrain over increasingly debunked Rockefeller Germ theory.

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I love your comments Harold but you are going to have to do better than slogans. Rockefeller (though being dirtbag on just about every level) didn't invent the germ theory as it predated him by centuries. What he did was promote it to the exclusion of the Terrain. Both can be correct.

The problem with all of this is that the "no virus" people hinge their argument on the vast evidence supporting the Terrain theory. They claim that since terrain is true then germ theory must be false. It's a logical fallacy (a false dichotomy non sequitur) indicative of shallow thinking. One does not negate the other.

The most likely explanation (and that fits most of the evidence) is that people with a poor terrain and more susceptible to germs. Rockefeller and his ilk ignored terrain as the cure for it (sunshine, fresh air, good nutrition, avoiding toxins, etc.) didn't make him any money.

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"Both can be correct."

This, exactly.

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Whatever it is, the evil forces know just how to weaponize either hypothesis and cause confusion and lead humans to death. More tribalism?

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100 %

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Not true. Virology is an unproven "theory" that avoids the scientific method and isolation

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Here's a question I've never seen adequately answered: Has the "covid" virus ever been isolated from an infected person? Inquiring minds want to know.

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What do you think happens when techs do pcr?

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I don't think so, but it keeps getting buried and perpetuated by every new study.

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Nope. Apparently there's not enough virus in a sick person to isolate the whole thing. Which is a bit ... weird.

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Thanks for the comment. It appears to be true that the degrading of the health of the organism leads to disease. And yet, there must be a reason why all this gene splicing is going on a bio-labs. Just as common sense.

As to, "I have to wonder if this "viruses aren't real" stuff is controlled disinformation to make vax-skeptical folks look like loons" from an above Comment, the enemy always seems to like to offer a choice of two mutually exclusive arguments, then stir the pots some ... and then provoke cat and dog fight all over the place so that 'we' on our side of fence can't come together effectively.

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I'm not fully sold on the virus question one way or another, but I know that one of the main people questioning the existence of cv19 is definitely not controlled opposition. He might be wrong but he's genuine.

I think it's an interesting issue, but calling into question the entire field of virology is unnerving for a lot of us (me included). Nevertheless, we should find common ground where we can! We need to work together and don't need to agree on every aspect of this mess.

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Virology remains an unproven theory lacking controlled experiments, proof of isolation and transmission. Virologist, Stefan Lanka proved a "virus" is not the cause of measles. In a controlled experiment, Lanka was also able to create a pseudo-virus from uninfected cells. - https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/germ-theory/stefan-lanka-virus-its-time-to-go/

"Dismantling the Virus Theory" by Stefan Lanka" - https://ourfreesociety.com/viruses/dismantling-the-virus-theory-dr-stefan-lanka.pdf

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It's Orwellian "Double-think" to embrace the vacillating brain-comfort of "both can be correct". It's like saying "sometimes the world is flat".

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Bs. Both are incomplete. As a result, both contain errors of omission, and therefore both can mislead.

It's like saying in "nature" or "nurture" theories, only one can be right. The reality is that it's not "either/or" it's "both/and". For nature vs nurture and for terrain vs virology.

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Long-term state of disease is an apt description of what is happening. 💯

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Will love to hear about the consequences to the company and the people behind the company for hosting minors at a sexually explicit drag show. Is there a way tompierce the corporate shield when protecting children? Thank you again for all your work.

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Yes, I am happy to hear that the FL bureau was ahead of this and sent the letter. I would not doubt that because of this there was at least one LEO in attendance to gain evidence. I would also suspect that if the company that owned the building or the drag company allowed children in after this letter was sent, they are probably being set up with money to have a legal showdown in the courts.

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Soros and puppet followers of his demonic new world order?

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I’m waiting to see if there are consequences. Or is this a deep state operation using the ‘Drag Queens’ to set up an easy ‘knock it out of the park’ for Ron DeSantis to swing at and enhance his image. They are using him in their attempt to eliminate Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.

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I am waiting too. Consequences are not favored in todays world. The government openly ignores the constitution, the legal system chugs behind and the fourth estate sold out. Are “They” Implementing a plan against Trump? Would DeSantis go along with it? Who knows. I want to believe in the good of mankind and the power of truth. There is a battle playing out and we have to figure out how to see past the imperfections of a leader - by his/her fruits should be known, but like you , one wonders if the fruit is plastic.

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Well, we have good reason for being suspicious because that's the way politics has always worked up to now. So there's that. But this situation is unprecedented. We've lost our Gov't to a coup - specifically a marxist coup. This is not politics anymore. This is a war. Free elections are over. Now here's my point. Until proven otherwise, I cannot believe Don and Ron do not understand the gravity of the situation and have no patriotic concern. Furthermore, the true opposition are the RINOs. The RINOs control the Rep Party and they will gladly throw the election to the Dems to retain control of the party. The only way this is not true is if Ron is a phoney. At this point, I cannot accept that.

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Yes, all these DeSantis moves that benefit hard-working, honest, decent people are just deep-state false flags. lol

Just maybe the guy actually is a hard-working, honest, decent person himself? Stanger things have happened.

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I am hopeful about DeSantis and thankful for all he has done.

At the same time, my spouse, an avid studier of Roman history, tells me about a time when the people wanted to roll back the horrible corruption and the Roman government conspired to have someone run who promised to do it. Peope were so excited about what he was promising that he won by a landslide and then he went on and multiplied the corruption even further because he was just one of the bad guys and they knew lying to the people was the only way to keep power. Since I don't have my spouse handy, I can't give you the name just now. I am only saying that it isn't without historical precedent if DeSantis did this. I also am hopeful he is the real deal. He seems to really believe what he says and comes across as sincere. I simply want give a perspective on where people may be coming from. Because it does sound out there!

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History is a great teacher. Sometimes I wish I could read minds lol

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Loved, "repeat injections of a toxic genetic antigen over a short period of time might not have been the very best idea they came up with during the pandemic."

Because it is so true. It can be lonely being a "Noah". I am SO SO Grateful my hubby didnt fight me on my wants for our children re: The Past 3Yrs.

Glad to see You Jeff, and many others have coped well during this season. Praying for all to keep eyes open and hearts loving bc the darker sides of this story hold the power to poison the heart beyond repair. (We've an 80/20 rule making an appearance HAHAHA.) Otherwise healthy ppl shunning society bc society made a big mistake, like 80% of society so the other 20% is too upset to be able to reason with, co-op with, partner to seek and achieve atonement from those owing and then work to repair/ rebuild what was broken. There's no rebuilding the lives lost, which only fuels that flame of destruction in the heart... Yes, sadly a side dish of mistake made during the commencement of Big Mistake, the 20% were vilified when, nay if, they spoke out.

Now the 80 gets hurt vax injury, with varying degrees, and the 20 throw their hands up. Apathy aka FU mentality takes root.

Keeping our heads in the game, and hearts beating The Good News becomes all the more important. Without such a beautifully made beacon, one will be lost at this sea.

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I agree. But the 20% should never forgive or forget so this crime against humanity is not permitted to happen again. A big majority of the 80% went along with it. They are part of the problem too. Forgiveness only comes when true contrition for your acts comes with the understanding it can never happen again.

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85% compliance in Canada.

Probably 50% of that 85% were coerced and threatened and buckled in order to continue working and participating in society. Like my son. He is 25 years old.

Beginning last October he was:

- Prevented from entering the fitness centre @ the Y or any other gym without a QR code. ("Vaccine Passport")

- Prevented from boarding a plane train or ship anywhere in Canada without a QR Code. ("Vaccine Passport")

- on November 8th 2021, when the US-Canada land border officially reopened, he (and I) could not enter the USA without PROOF of being "fully vaccinated". ("Vaccine Passport") and that USA CDC ban against unvaccinated foreign nationals exists to this DAY. Unvaxxed Canadians are still not permitted to drive, fly or sail to the USA.

- Denied employment opportunities due to offer(s) of employment being "contingent upon PROVIDING PROOF of being fully vaccinated againt Covid19". (Those jab stipulations for employment hold true TO THIS DAY.)

I could go on and on dear Annie, however you get the idea of how bad it has been, and how bad things STILL ARE for the average Joe (and Jill) in my neck of the Canadian woods.

#NoAmnesty 💔☠💉

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So enraging! Damn right no amnesty.

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Frustrating. Enraging.

Another very sad, very well attended funeral this morning. Another beloved family member died suddenly and unexpectedly.

The 2nd in as many months.

This one died of "natural causes" as well. "Sepsis".

His untimely death was, of course, "unrelated" to the fact that he lined up for 5 or perhaps 6 mRNA jabs since the roll-out began.

No one is investigating "why" this elderly but healthy and robust man's health went into a steep decline, or why his immune system was so thoroughly debilitated and could not mount a defense.

"Septicemia, or sepsis, is the clinical name for blood poisoning by bacteria. It is the body's most extreme response to an infection."

Others say "peritonitis" killed him but the fact is this: his 4 kids were lined up in the hospital hallway for a family conference when his doctor proposed "medications to make him comfortable and alleviate suffering".

That was CODE for: Death Comes Quickly Via Medically Induced Drug Overdose.

And in fact, upon their agreement? "Medications" (which ones?) were administered. 1 child was permitted to attend her father afterwards.

It took only 20 minutes for him to silently but comfortably draw his final breath, in her presence.

("Oh please just SHUSH!!! You're just upsetting everyone.")

True. I am.

(And dead is dead eh?)

Yes. It was a very well attended funeral, by all accounts. No "hurtful" questions shall be permitted, from family in the peanut gallery, on another continent.

God forbid eh?

I'll just shut tf up now.


#NoAmnesty ☠💉

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I try not to be totally enraged by all of this, but I never succeed. After all, this Medical/Health Terrorism is the biggest crime committed in the entire existence of all Mankind. It's as big as almost anything we have ever read about sinful Man in the Bible. This entire Terrorist Operation is an outright assault upon the righteous Law Order of God.

And please remember, what God created cannot be patented. But what is genetically modified can be. This alone is a rather GMO sobering.

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Check this out. Documented government plan for Covid 19 vax starting in 1969. It explains why no informed consent, no long term clinical trials. They changed all the laws requiring it.


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Ynona, what you describe is infuriating! I know (of) a Canadian man who travels extensively. He’s a native of Slovakia but took up Canadian residency when he couldn’t get US citizenship. Why that was, makes me question our country’s policies on citizenship going back several years…when they won’t approve a stable, educated, very intelligent, hard working family man. So he became a citizen of Canada, but divided his time between there and Florida. I know that he was vehemently opposed to the vax but he somehow managed to get out of Canada and take up residency in Mexico. I’m assuming he did this with a fake vax passport.

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Or he managed to slip across the US land border.

It's a crap shoot but good for him that he made it through.

If the US doesn't lift the ban against the unjabbed on January 8th 2023? Will make a run for it too.

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Best wishes to you! I’m praying that they lift the ridiculous bans!

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Me too. Thanks Freebird. (Hope to be a freebird again soon.)

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We must forgive. But never forget.

Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

6:9‭-‬10‭, ‬12‭, ‬14‭-‬15 NLT


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Forgiving does not mean absolution from misdeeds as force of law still applies, especially for serious criminal offenses. And one may repent and still have to face the consequences.

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🎯 Annie. 100%

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I too am so thankful I trusted my gut - and intuition that this “ miraculous” vaccine was produced way too fast for my comfort and I said no way - not for me or my boys and my husband thankfully was on board. There is still SO much being revealed - eyes wide open, head on a swivel, heart open & be grounded in strength through HIM.

*also - just saying I’m so very thankful for this community 😌❤️

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Then He sent them out [on a brief journey] to preach the kingdom of God and to perform healing.

Luke 9:2 AMP


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Well said. Poison

directed at the 20% should not be seep into the 20% further poisoning us. It’s a tall order, but needed. Yet Atonement must be made, even “only” if by public mea culpable and enacting strong anti mandate laws along the lines of Florida.

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PS - what a huge price has been paid to discover a big weakness in our laws and republic.

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>> I wonder what the experts will buy next? Repurposed rat poison? Injectable disinfectant?


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Guttermouth, this was perfect.

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Just a mere mortal grasping at the light. :)

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Really want to give this comment 27 million likes!!!

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Warfarin and MMS?

So clever Jeff.

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Wow! Wen as the official bellwether of the establishment. If you believed the medical community, cdc, the government and all your celebrities and social media influencers that the shots were safe and effective - you have got to feel like a giant tool. Confused, used and abused with some happy to comply with being effed with. Wow! I would be so mad right now if I had complied.

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No, I think I beg to differ....most of my friends, the Covidiots, went along and are still going along with the party line...they don't have the capacity to think or to realize they have been lied to. They figure it is just the science is evolving...no cognitive dissonance at all from what I see. Still glad they got the jabs, have wiped the entire past 2.9 years from their minds...they are actually blissful because they think we are back to normal...and that they helped.

God help me, but this is what I am seeing.

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Yes, Duchess, this is a lot of what I see as well I do have new vaxx free friends but still it is SO lonely from all more older friends and from family. We are so far from the truth being known. I have never been more sad for my country. Not even the Vietnam War which I marched against as a teenager. Now those people that I marched with (including the Quakers) don't really have to faintest idea about the lethal gene injections and are taking them themselves and even their children. And agreeing to silent meeting in person only if everyone is masked. So for me to go to Friends (Quaker) meeting is like joining and corroborating in a dystopian nightmare. It makes me so sad and so angry all at once. Not conducive to any sort of meditation.

Meanwhile in my classical music world my heart breaks (I'm a pianist). Here in Massachusetts classical music is a last hold out. To go to some concerts you have to prove vaccination. All the musicians, in order to be allowed to continue their work, are fully vaxxed. I don't think many of them have researched enough to know what it means. And musicians are athletes, just a different kind, and their bodies have to perform at a high level. Now I see how we musicians are at the mercy of our fickle and scared audiences. Fortunately, as a pianist, I don't earn my living as a free lance musician or a symphony member but I make music with people that do. It's all so heartbreaking .

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It is becoming more heart breaking as more truth is revealed. My children/grand children aren't finding the truth and I don't know how to expose it to them without being further rejected and without what little is left of relationship is being destroyed.

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I have experienced the same in relation to my child (with small grandchildren). Early on, in June of 2021 I tried to share with him what I had learned from, at that point, Dr. McCullough and, especially because my son and his family live in Sweden, Sucharit Bhakdi. I was trying to ask my son to consider and just to wait before taking the first 2 C19 vaxxes. I also was even more terrified about the possibility of the C19 vaxxes being given to my 2 grandchildren. At that point Sweden had not halted all C19 vaxx for children under 12 though Sweden did eventually halt it for children earlier than most any other Western nation. I did not succeed in stopping my son and his then wife from getting the double vaxx. And my sending the information resulted in my son having one conversation with me and then saying he didn't want to discuss it again. And did not talk to me for 6 months. When he next talked to me it was to say they were coming to visit to the USA but in order to stay with me they needed me to get the C19 vaxx. I tried to figure out how to get the "vaxx" in a way that felt possible to me-in the end I didn't get it. My family that lives in Sweden traveled to the US in early 2022 and saw me for 5 hours only... So not getting the C19 Vaxxes was one of the hardest decisions of my life. But things changed. My son is now soon to be divorced from his Swedish wife, he asked me to come to Sweden to help him during this crisis, and says he will now not take any more of the C19 vaxx. What was especially strange is that neither of my grandchildren have had any of the childhood vaccines by parental decision. So I know that the group persuasion and unquestioning belief in the C19 vaxx was very powerful in Sweden. No vaccinations are mandated in Sweden-it's all by societal pressure. I am grateful that my grandchildren's schools stayed open and there were no masks. I find it truly beyond belief that schools & parents here in the USA fell for masks and school closing. Abusive of children to have to wear a mask.

I will be hoping for you that somehow time and change will create a similar opening to the truth with your children and grandchildren. I tell this strange story to show an example of how powerful the force of "mass formation" really is.

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I will be hoping for you that somehow time and change will create a similar opening to the truth with your children and grandchildren. I tell this strange story to show an example of how powerful the force of "mass formation" really is.

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“Science is evolving” is just one of the most annoying and idiotic statements from people over the last three years.

How about “science doesn’t know,” or “scientific knowledge takes time to acquire, and sometimes we get it wrong,” or something else.

“Science evolves” is a big excuse for going along with whatever the flavor of the day is without having to actually stop and reflect on what is both known and not known or to be honest about the limitations of science.

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Duchess, my only question to you is this:

Why is it that you still consider "the Covidiots", as you call them, "friends"?

That's a serious question. Would love to know.

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Most of the people we know, work with, are family with, etc. can fit the description of covidiots. They simply dont have the time or inclination to bypass the mass media which used to be a legitimate source for information a few decades ago.

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All the people I currently know, who haven't already cancelled me, are not "Covidiots". They are partisans. (Dissidents.)

I continue to send relevant data to "fully vaccinated" family members. Daily.



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💬 Wow! I would be so mad right now if I had complied.

If, the Spartan if 😉

But ok, let's play the counterfactual game. At this late (hi)story point, mad you'd sure be! Mad as H-E-double-hockey-stick at non-compliant for forever marring your festive bliss 😜

🗨 The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. ~~Gustave Le Bon

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Sir Elon is trolling hard on Fauci.

"Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife 🧐"


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Fauci's wife's bio:

Dr. Christine Grady is married to Anthony Fauci, an American immunologist and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health.


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And came into the position when the former occupant tried to hold Fauci to account for, what was it, problematic HIV drug trials in African children, or something?

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Whatever happened to public indecency laws, exhibitionism laws? They rate movies for kids still but not these freak shows? Sheesh, I had to lie about my age to get into the theater to see Midnight Cowboy....then again, I rode my dinosaur to the theater that day.

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I still think we gotta keep focus on Bill Gates. If we let him keep skulking around in the darkness, marshaling his forces, for the next global onslaught nothing else we accomplish will matter much

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Agree 100%. Who will rid us of this meddlesome priest?

Am I going to burn in hell for praying to God to take care of it?

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Nope. It's called maledictory prayer of which we have examples for us to follow in the Psalms.

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I will go find a good psalm...

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Absolutely. King David regularly prayed for the destruction of his enemies. So we can call down God’s Justice on Gates, Soros, et al.

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You know, if the church ever woke up and the pastors started actually preaching again and whole congregations started praying as David did, I believe we would get some answers. Sigh...

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I’d always heard it called imprecatory prayer. But yes, the psalms has examples.

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COVID is a doorway drug to worse inhumanity unless we stop it.

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The biggest twitter files are coming next week. The fauci files. They are starting to change the narrative because of ALL the files dropped this week and the big ones next week!

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Once again, thank you! I have 2 great cups of coffee reading C&C news & read Topol (yes, I subscribe to the irrational, ideologue enemy) later, with a stiff Dewar’s rocks...

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Wen is offering too little, too late. The 3x jabbers are especially at risk. And the non-jabbers will keep getting exposed to the jabbeds’ illnesses, which will infect many of the non-jabbed too. Keep your immune systems well-supported, friends. Get sunshine & fresh air. Open your windows every day at home, even briefly, to reduce/dilute airborne particles. Stay strong.

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It is so amazing to see important and undeniable truths bursting through the dam of lies regarding covid and the jabs. I'm excited to see what happens in 2023. I feel like it will be both wonderful and terrible. God's word never fails us.

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Jeff, you asked “I wonder what the experts will buy next? Repurposed rat poison?” The answer to this question is yes, there is a widely used medicine, that is repurposed rat poison - Warfarin (blood thinner). I don’t know if it is still being used.

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That's why I laughed when the FDA idiots made their ludicrous statements about Ivermectin being "horse dewormer," so stop taking it "y'all." As if medicines for humans have never crossed over to the animal world and vice versa. Corrupt morons.

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Ivermectin is prescribed for human scabies.

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And, River Blindness (Onchoceriasis). Hubby diagnosed a case at UF 5 other Ophthalmologists missed. Ivermectin to the rescue!

A little sidenote here...the WHO convinced the Nigerian govt to take Ivermectin off the shelves in Nigeria... "because the people may be using it to treat Covid😤..." Done purposefully to push the vax, because the population takes Ivermectin prophylactically and were NOT getting Covid.

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Is it still off the shelves in Nigeria?

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I sincerely hope not. I'll ask our Nigerian friends and try to let you know.

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Whoa! Coumadin (warfarin) was taken off the market in 2020.

"Why was Coumadin taken off the market?

This action is voluntary and is not the result of any quality, safety or efficacy issues regarding the product, but rather due to an unexpected manufacturing issue that cannot be resolved. The discontinuation of this product in the U.S.A. happened on April 24th, 2020."

I find this hard to believe. It was manufactured for how many decades?, and suddenly has unsolvable mfg problem?

My guess is it was taken off the market due to the cost to insurance companies of ongoing monitoring, plus greater profits to Big fPharma for new drugs.

And man is that timing suspicious!

The big advantage of coumadin is that, unlike the new drugs, in the event of an overdose, it has an antidote.

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Wait, what?! It’s off the market?

Probably so that all the new, on-patent blood thinners could grab the market share that cheap, very old warfarin had. If it truly is off the market.

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My uncle was on it for years. I am surprised it is off market now.

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Oops, my last sentence disappeared.

The advantage of coumadin is it has an antidote, so mistakes can be fixed. The new drugs have no antidotes.

Ok, yesterday google returned only "off market" articles.

This am, the 1st article That turned up adds "generic is still available."


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My mom took it up until 6 months ago when her doctor changed her to Eloquis. I wonder what that is made of?

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Eliquis is hugely expensive (still on patent). Warfarin is obviously cheaper, but has a long history of being difficult to maintain in the right range in the bloodstream, leading to adverse events. I'm now suspicious of any claims made about new drugs, though, for obvious reasons. If you ask, docs who prescribe it will likely just spout back what the FDA allowed on the label, or perhaps some published data since it came on the market, but with former editors of medical journals saying that maybe half of all published studies are erroneous in some way, whether intentional or not, it's not comforting.

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We must find out.

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I don’t know about you all, but for so many things to go wrong in trying to treat a simple virus, seems like it could only be on purpose. So far, nothing they have come up with has been positive. And almost all of it is deadly.

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I am curious if you have seen the Twitter posts of Tom Czerniawski which lay out the entire scheme by our government (and then some), including development of an "antidote" to Sar-CoV-2 prior to its release.


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One of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read. And I didn’t even read it all. Saving it though. It will definitely inform my prayers. God help us.

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OMG, this is such a good summary...

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I know! More than I have seen before, and that is saying a lot, all set forth in very easy to understand language

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Will someone please comment on the *last* tweet in that thread, with this:

@threadreaderapp, please unroll

Thanks, on behalf of those of us still suspended from Twitter

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Oh, no, this isn’t true. Nobody could possibly have known that in August 2021. 🤦‍♀️

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?? The people creating it certainly did. Long before that.

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