Today's my first Father's day as a father. Feels good. Happy Father's day to all the other Fathers out there.

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Awesome! By God’s grace and strength, stay in it for the long haul. Seeing my five daughters (all adults now except one) and two sons love and respect their dad is amazing. He’s not perfect, but he is trying to be different than his absent, alcoholic father. Happy First Father’s Day!

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Those are the best kinds of fathers: not perfect, but trying their best. Your husband has broken that chain his father suffered with, THAT in itself is admirable and no wonder his daughters love and respect him!

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Happy First Father's Day!

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Exciting!! Enjoy!

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Have a wonderful, restful day Jeff! Thanks for all you do.

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Thanks Jeff, same to you!

I look forward to your posts every day — required mornings reading. Your humor and insight make my day!

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His is just about the only news I can read!

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Happy Father's day to Mr. Childers. Our modern day Thomas Paine with more common sense than all the politicians in Washington and the deep state combined.

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And to you Jeff! Thank you for all you do! We so appreciate YOU!!!!!

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Happy Fathers' Day to all men who are in the most important role/job of their lives. Thx for being there for your kids, nephews, nieces, neighbors, church family! Enjoy today!

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Thanks! You Da Best!

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Happy Father’s Day, Jeff! :D

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Happy Father’s Day to all the dads 😁

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Happy Fathers Day Jeff and fellow C&C Army dads!

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Thank you and likewise, Jeff. Appreciate all that you’re doing.

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Well done, Jeff. And many more to you. And with God's affirmation if still possible, to all of us.

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Thanks and to you also.

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Thank you for all you do and God bless you good health to continue.

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Happy Father's Day to you Jeff! Enjoy your day doing whatever makes you happy :)

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Happy Father's day!

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