That Vivek vid was a hoot. I'm stunned that Nikki Haley has pulled ahead of Vivek. She's Hillary 2.0.

Vivek does seem like a natural for Donald's running mate.

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She is frightening with her warmongering statements. Vivek has proven himself with long interviews that probe his beliefs again and again showing consistency.

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Yes, that and her whole "let's unmask all the anonymous social media accounts so the government can keep track of them" really sealed the deal for me.

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She doesn’t even use her full name. She has four names Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley

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I thought the 4 names were warmonger Neocon Khazarian stooge

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To be fair, that’s kind of a mouthful to say 😬

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🀣 that’s for sure. She’ll probably go after Substack next. You’ll have to use your real name πŸ˜‰

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She probably would hate if people started using her full name...therefore

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Kinda like Barack didn’t use his?

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So will Nikki get the ball rolling by dropping her own pseudonym?

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Yeah, considering that "Nikki" isn't even her real first name.

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She would have been a great GW Bush appointment; again Trump enlisted the WRONG crowd to truly MAGA!

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Has her affiliation with WEF been debunked?

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Her statements are so deranged (examples: "Israel doesn't need the US, the US needs Israel" and "everyone must prove their identity to the government before posting on social media for national security") that I find it hard to believe she really thinks this stuff.

More likely she's been coopted by the Intelligence Community and is now their mouthpiece. She went from being nearly broke about eight years ago to now being worth over ten million. She was well-paid to be on Boeing's board in a do-nothing sinecure position. There have long been rumors regarding her personal life and she very well could be compromised. She met with Fink of Blackrock literal hours before her recent statement on social media verification.

In my experience when people start saying insane things like her it's because they are doing someone else's bidding. Just being a neocon doesn't explain it.

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Jeff, EXACTLY MY FEELING! Say this or else! Excellent way to wake up those still sleeping!

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Nov 19, 2023Β·edited Nov 19, 2023

Yup. She says the right thing and her bank accounts get big deposits. She says the wrong thing and the incriminating photos come out. It's the only thing that makes sense as she sounds like a lunatic that has completely lost touch with reality.

Not to single her out as I'm sure there are many more just like her. But her "metamorphosis" has been so extreme as of late it's impossible to miss.

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Yes! I have noticed a pattern. Like I read this morning about a ¨lapsus linguae¨ of Bush saying that a big power invading Iraq with no valid reason OOPS, I mean Ukraine, blahblahblah.

Looks there is some sort of say-that-or-else-you-POS order policing those bastards right now. This morning also I saw a D Icke comment about what the BBC said about Israel which was not like them at all.

Let's get fat on popcorn and enjoy the movie!

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Β¨She says the right thing and her bank accounts get big deposits.Β¨.

Hopefully fiat phoney paper money! Hahahahaha!

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Nikki is a HUGE NEOCON - very dangerous!!

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Nikki and the rest of the GOPe have NO PROBLEM sending my son to fight and die for their corporate interests.

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We are idiots to have allowed "experts" to devise and craft and mold foreign policy and engage us in hostilities; it is OUR foreign policy and war powers. not theirs, yes naive people and OUR Congress can screw up but the motives and designs of the experts have made the violent chessboard of globalism what it is and Congress and the media instructed masses are relegated to be viewers and IED Fodder.

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Not just the GOPs, both sides are being "influenced". Wars, Diseases, Vaccines are all big money generators.

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That has been true for millenia - my oldest son enlisted in the U S Navy (against my protests)...fortunately it was during "peace" time. He served his entire hitch onbard the USS Arkansas (which has been mothballed now).

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

A friend of mine graduated from the Naval Academy in the 90's. He served one tour under Clinton, sickened that his boat was shelling Christians in Bosnia, in support of the Muslims.

That was enough for him, and he got out as soon as he legally could.

Be careful what you wish (and work your ass off) for.

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Risking your life for too.

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DEM Politicians are in the game as well.

Wonder if DEM politicians are even hungrier ? Because usually DEM supporters need DEM politicians to give them welfare and other Gov. supports.

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He hasn’t proven anything, except he is a β€˜slick’ pretend β€˜R’ version of Obama

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Keep listening, or go back and hear some of his earlier interviews. Very America first.

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He has recycled some of Obama’s speeches.

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Ramaswamy is young, smart, handles the press well and that is what younger voters want and might be a good VP for Trump, but I do not want him for Pres.

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*Everybody Sucks - 2024*

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Come on Cindi, you're in the comment section with smart Patriots. Come up with a better comment.

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Yep. Def don’t like her. During the debate she was ALL for as many wars we can start and than was like yes we need to be fiscally responsibleπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

Hilarious, right? Why can't more people see through this? The wars are WHY we have all the problems we have. Funding wars (to enrich the elite) is why our government keeps printing money, raising taxes, going further in debt, generating inflation, ultimately destroying earning power. And, to go one step further, the monetary policy that was a response to the war-driven indebtedness (ZIRP) drove the whole DEI/trans/defund-the-police luxury belief insanity we just lived through. Without companies and investors having "free" money to use, none of those things would have happened. It all comes back to war spending (with bloated social safety net spending a close second).

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It’s interesting that you just wrote that. Because I was just thinking we never see any politicians being held accountable for anything they get away with almost everything. What if 100,000 of us came out and just said we’re not going to pay taxes anymore like if the American citizen actually came out and band together with no pay in taxes especially if the government is going to fund IRS or more wars with a concept, huh?

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I mean, I think this is why the Uniparty rallies against any sort of populism or limited government movements or voices. Think of the people they've taken down: Assange, Trump, Taibbi, Tucker, Russell Brand. What they all have in common is that they've called out the costs and shady intentions of the wars.

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

Totally agree. Add Alex jones to that list. I watched his show liveJ6. He was telling ppl not to go.

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I forgot Snowden. It's definitely a trend. Criticize the MiC, especially how the wars are illegitimate and unfounded, and lead to economic hardship and corrupt use of war powers against our own people...and you get the hook.

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It's a toss up as to which was the #1 reason the Khazarian mafia despises Trump, his opposition to war, or his pursuit of pedophiles

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If we all stood together and said NO we would be running the country .... as we should be ... of the people, by the people and for tbe people!

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If only there was one person to unite all of us peons.

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Jeff Childers gets my vote for that position.

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That's a dangerous wish - sets you up for worshiping the "false prophet" - there is only ONE PERSON who can "rescue" all of us - the GOD PERSON, YESHUA - "EL SHADDAI"

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Our tax dollars are meaningless; whether we pay or don't pay has zero effect on the federal govt spending, as Pres. Trump's wildly inflationary CARES Act so aptly demonstrates.

They do not care how much money is coming in. It's irrelevant. They'll just pseudo-print more.

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Than why do we pay taxes?

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To keep us under their boot. To keep us struggling financially. To let us know we are on a long leash. In a word - enslaved.

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And I was just thinking that myself hahahaha

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War weapons are more deadly, will kill more people these days too.

Which will make certain people really happy.

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Deep Stater Candidate Nikki Haley needs to be culled from the line-up; ALL of her social media posts and emails from the past 20+ years need to be released (Russians if you're listening--or Snowden/Asange?) Vivek IS correct that a younger more energetic and empowered candidate would be preferable to Trump, ECLIPSING TRUMP; he was the advance man to kick their door down and get the hive buzzing; now we need to get our own swarm of populist everyday worker bees and carpenter ants to scour the swamp nests and root out the queens while taking down the scorpions and serpents.

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Dream on. You won’t find another man of Trump’s stature in a hundred years. Of any age. If you’re concerned about his energy, see if you can keep up with his appearances and speeches on the Rightside Broadcasting Network. He’s out there against all odds, carrying on the mission.

TCTH. 9/09/23

President Trump has something

β€œPresident Trump has something behind him, something holding him in the gap.Β  He has the power and favor of the purest truth around him, and he has the support of a grateful nation.

Massive numbers of Americans, far more than the corrupt system operators would like to admit, are standing with President Trump as our gloriously imperfect vessel to destroy all their schemes.

It is the most remarkable moment in history as one man stands the gap and fearlessly faces down the combined effort of decades of political corruption.

It truly is inspiring.”

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then let's see him call us en masse to action and plan (with Heritage) how to displace the cancerous cells in gvt. and how to de-Communize or neuter them, i won't put up with 4 more years of blindsiding, betrayals, leaks, conspiracies by Media and Deepstaters to obstruct and derail MAGA Agenda with posts about how persecuted he is...WE the POPULIST deplorable masses MUST be brought in to set this crap straight whomever the Pro-American GOP candidate may be (DeSantis, Vivek (RHINOs according to Big Mouth), or Trump). The Nov 2024 win will only be another minor delay to our common demise unless we Counter-Revolution these Obamaesque Fundamentalist Commie Transformers and the NeoCon Never-MAGA types that are the detriment to peace prosperity decency and sanity. TRUMP NEEDS DeSanctimonious, Vivek, Tim Scott, just like he needed/needs Ted Cruz, so great go ahead and talk down to them some as they are second rate Swamp Drainers but stop the exclusionary attacks as if the only face that matters is the one he sees in a mirror--it is pompous, juvenile and impractical, and serves to hold back the momentum and force that will be required to succeed in ending the Commie control and destruction of America (and the world).

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If you haven’t already, I suggest you find or start a local conservative think tank, action group. We certainly all do need to be active participants.

There’s a reason why President Trump is met by tens of thousands of supporters everywhere he goes, multiple times weekly. He is the momentum and the force. TDS takes many forms. Failure to see him as anything but orange bad man is just one of them. Maybe stage 1.

At least you don’t have it bad as this creep.


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I've never had TDS, just always wary of candidates and developers (LIKE any decent American is). I would loyally work on his behalf if opportunity arose and cringe every time i see him not succeed. He can enlist millions rather than put up the farce that HE is our champion and talk to us as though we're simply pro wrestling fans who want him to trash talk then thrash his current opponent and then brag about how great he is to us, his adoring fans. I am involved in local GOP efforts--both to try to get a pulse back into the comatose Colorado Party and to embolden us against the very real but sly and effusive threat of the Super Majority Demo-Commie Party encircling us on every front. TRUMP is a terrific draw and very relatable with the crowd (Bill Clinton in similar skill and appeal to a regular folks audience in his prime) but let's use TRUMP for real sustained and powerful countering of the Adversary rather than being his backdrop and he use us as a fan base for appearances or ego or hero-complex needs. Get the ARMY of Patriots Mobilized, trained and active for the next 50 years! VISION 2076

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Yes, it must take some talent to be able to fool so many followers to keep supporting you after unrolling the toxic clot shot. I guess he maybe is a good politician after all.

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Beware stage 4 of TDS. You don’t want to end up like this thing.


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It must be nice living in such a world of ignrance:

President Trump Awards Presidential Commendations to Operation Warp Speed Team

General Mark Milley

Secretary Alex Azar

Jared Kushner

Dr. Moncef Slaoui

General Gustave Perna

Dr. Deborah Birx

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Adam Boehler

Brad Smith

David Norquist

Chuong Huynh

Janssen Kimberly Taylor

David Simon

Rebecca Kurna

Jonathan Seals

Merck Daniel Wolfe

Christopher Houchens

Robert Johnson

Matthew Hepburn

Jason Roos

David Boucher

John Mascola

Barney Graham

Emily Erbelding

Mary Marovich

Richard Gorman

Christy Ventura

Joseph Chapman

Deacon Maddox

Christine Oshansky

Tremel Faison

Mike Angelastro

Carlo De Notaristefani

Anita Patel

Nancy Messonnier

Greg Hand

Meghan Pennini

Marina Kozak

Rachel Overman

Efrain Garcia

Amy Jenkins

Karl Erlandson

Sean O’Neil

Mary Homer

John Redd

Janet Woodcock

Kevin Bugin

Deydre Teyhen

Kimberly Armstrong

Tremel Faison

Mike Angelastro

Carlo De Notaristefani

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I forgot you tend to act like a beaten down Jr high kid when confronted with your asinine comments. I won't bother talking to you. Enjoy your QANONSENSE world

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I almost wish I was still in ignorant bliss...

At least with Trump there were no wars and UN and the economy was great...

I believe they (meaning elite) are all in the swamp, so at this point, I'll take the lesser evil.

In a nutshel... Our country was founded by masons and DC is satanic and a foreign property. The US is a corporation, and we are commodities with controlled fake freedom.

satan controls the world and always has... until God takes it back. I hope it is soon.

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Here is a ritual they do... What is the purpose? note their language... below/above, ship references as we live under maritime law, checkerboard, king solomon -jewish for what?... I do not know the meaning of their "play" but instict tells me it isn't good. All secrets and vows not to reveal these secrets or be disembowelled... That is not of God and how you recognize false prophets. They worship satan literally and many have no clue until they get in too deep.

As they walk around the fake dead dude in the upper left corner of the screen on one wall is a pentagram. Not a star. A pentagram, the point is pointing down for evil.


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What do you mean, β€œJewish-for what? That makes no sense to me.

I do understand that masons are Luciferians.

But I do not understand your reference to β€˜Jewish’ or why.

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I think that a lot of luciferianism is based on the talmud. All jews do not believe this and it is the extreme people that mixed it with judaism. Jesus even said they are the synogogue of satan and your father is the devil...Jn 8:44 and he was talking to the Pharisees who were the leaders of the jewish faith at the time and probably still are but leaders in a different way today.

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It was a jewish ritual prayer they were chanting you can see at the beginning of the vid and the description said it came from ancient talmudic teaching and I put a question mark because I can't verify it but the source said it.

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You think Donald Trump is low energy??? That’s the most ridiculous statement I have read in a while!

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that's an inference; he is amazingly energetic--the impetus to the engine of MAGA; the original Muscle Car; i'm saying he fumbled at the goal line in 2020, since then we've needed to step up into HIS shoes and invigorate this drive beyond simply applauding him, grasping his coat tails, making him do it all and thinking that is the key to saving this nation. Let's have a 1,001 Trumps getting to work NOW, not waiting wishing hoping that DJT can somehow win, somehow make wholesale and lasting changes when he drops into the writhing adder nest like Indiana Jones. DJT's tiny hand pinky finger has more energy than Biden's brain after an adderall injection--who said "low energy"?

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A commentator said we need someone younger with more energy. DJT has the energy of 20 young men.

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Ok true enough but why have ONE strong ox pull the wagon out of the ditch? AND HE's NOT 65 any longer...get the young team hitched up and Moving rather than simply watching DJT do his thing to incite TDS amongst his adversaries.

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LOVE the "insectuous analogy", William.

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Her kids aren't in the military.

They won't be coming home dead.

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But I think her hubby is.

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I haven't liked her since I first saw her at the U.N. She's too much like the ones we want to get rid of. I would never vote for her.

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I've never been a fan. She didn't like Donald Trump, but then she took her opportunity when he offered her a powerful position. She held her own, I guess. I knew I didn't like her when she turned on President Trump after 1/6.

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She’s Hillary in β€œ5-inch heels.”

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Polls are manipulated. Nikki is rino/GOPe donor class fav.

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She's McCain 2.0 warmonger class.

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"Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels"...gotta say, I thought that was pretty clever.

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It's her "brand." I'd say she is likely put out there just to be that "brand" so that other candidates can still be deep staters but less extreme than her. IMO, she is there to make others look moderate/sane.

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All the polls are fake. This will be proven on the night of January 15.

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When they steal the election again?

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I'm beginning to believe our government leaders are "selected not elected" as Dr. J.B. Hixson always says.

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Pennsylvania cheats all the time.

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Pretty sure some folks were actually found guilty in court of election fraud in PA and sentenced to prison time. I thought I read that years ago. If so, it puts the lie to the whole "safe and fair" elections narrative. Or that there was no evidence of cheating. I mean, if you're in prison for cheating...

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

Election cheating in PA is part of its DNA.

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I hang my head in shame about this truth, Kathleen. You know when I lived (for 4 years) in southern CA, the ballots were PAPER and you marked them with a pen and stuffed them in the ballot box--this is only 25 years ago. PA had 'machines' where I voted since the middle of the '60's!! Not "computerized" that get on the internet--but they were machines that were connected to the capital election bureau.

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They are not alone.

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Who they?

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The same people who stole 2020 and 2022. The same people who stole 300,000 votes from a PA Supreme Court judge. The same people who scanned multiple batches of ballots into the system repeatedly in GA. The same people who stuffed a ballot box in CT...

I don't know specifically who is rigging or elections, but they usually have ties to the government and the progressives, whether they have (R) or (D) behind their name.

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Seems like it usually comes back to the same handful of billionaire Malthusians/misanthropes like Rothschild, Gates, Soros, Zuckerturd, etc. Probably some are the brains behind it, while others are useful idiots who persuade other useful idiots down the chain to go along with it. But, at this point, we have multiple documented instances of cheating, with actual court cases and decisions against the cheaters. So, it's kind of hard for anyone to say the cheating isn't happening with a straight face.

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They'll say it anyway.

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It's more than DEMONrats and progressives messing with our elections - it's so many wealthy, powerful potentates that WE THE PEOPLE know NOTHING about pulling the strings to DESTROY the U.S.A. We are the last "beacon" of freedom/liberty for the "common person"--truly!! And these potentates LOATHE that!

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The thing that gives me hope when I consider statements like yours is that we outnumber the wealthy elites in the thousands of tens of thousands to one (maybe more!) There are so many more of us than them and there is strength in numbers. I think we lose sight of that. Money isn't everything. If it was, Buta Biberaj would still be Commonwealth's Attorney in Louden County.

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The MSM is propping her up. She’s what Vivek said β€œCheney in heels.” Vivek is doing a real service going around and blowing up all the talking points and introducing all the stuff that’s been banned for years, lol. Can’t censor a RNC debate!

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I agree. I really like him for VP w Trump

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Do people here not realize Vivek got rich on lipid nano particles, which are toxic as hell and one of the mechanisms of disease in the clot shots? Pure evil.

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how does he explain/defend his rise and monetary prowess?

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I think we can wait for hell to freeze over before anyone in media is going to question or put in bad light making money off of the covid death shots

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This is simply not true.

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Interesting. Have not heard this.

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Is anyone talking about this and would he do it?

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I don’t think so. Only us regulars saying so.

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I wonder how many democrats… nation wide… have been planted covertly on republican tickets… to infiltrate and disrupt the GOP?

I think it’s definitely happening. That’s the kind of dirty games the Dems run.

Look at Jan 6… where’s Ray Epps?

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Problem with Vivek as a running mate is that he doesn't broaden Trump's appeal, he would only attract the same people that already support Trump.

Historically the running mate offered a regional or philosophic difference from the presidential candidate (think George Bush for Ronald Reagan or LBJ for JFK) to attract more voters. Undecideds may not be crazy about the presidential candidate, but think the VP will be more inline with their thinking. It's all a ruse of course as the VP usually has virtually no power, but that's how the game is played.

Maybe the old rules no longer apply and it's more important to have a VP that isn't an active saboteur (like Pence was). But even then Vivek is saying the exact opposite of things he said just a few years ago, so he really isn't trustworthy.

Vivek is playing a role as Trumps' surrogate in these sham debates, and he's doing a great job at it (while not requiring Trump to be soiled by associating with these has-beens). That's his job, but he's not the right guy for VP.

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I do know that I was only able to vote for the traitor John McCain because of Sarah Palin. I had decided to sit that one out till that VP choice. Of course McCain had no intentions or expectations of winning. They just needed to boost the fundraising as nobody wanted McCain. Sarah was fun. I grieve for what the communists (Uniparty) did to her.

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Me too. I never voted for McCain; I was voting for Sarah Palin.

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You make valid points (heavy sigh)

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Also the fact that Vivek got rich of the dangerous and toxic lipid nano particles. Screw him.

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A cerebral, well spoken Conservative (Tucker?) we used to have a wide field of them but so many went NeoCon, RHINO, or just got old and died off. Pence had the aura but not the substance.

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Actually I somewhat disagree. He is appealing to the millenial and new generation of voters.

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Right- Vivek can have a more useful position in a Trump or DeSantis administration ( I mention them as they’re the only other candidates that would even consider Vivek for a cabinet position; secretary of Treasury?). A bp pick needs to bring broader value (votes) to the ticket. Vivek has addressed his pharma business in the past. It’s out there for anyone who wants to hear what he has to say.

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I loved the video, I appreviate the way Vivek boldly and bluntly talks about the issues. But there is still something about him I don’t trust.

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Good intuition. He got rich off of toxic lipid nano particles. Screw this guy.

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This morning I heard some poll that if the election were held today, Trump 40%; Biden 33%; Kennedy 13%; Haley 22% (I hope I got that right). Also mentioned is a Romney/Joe Manchin no label ticket.

No one is a hero for all. Neo cons war hawks Romney, Manchin, Haley. Will Trump ever repudiate his beautiful vaccines? And there's the pharma-Vivek connection. DeSantis gets a lot of Establishment Republican support which means he may not call a spade a spade. Kennedy gets attacked most recently as a defender of Israel or months ago as being antisemitic.

So where are we. I'm not sure that the powers behind the narrative will blow up the world so no truth or election takes place.

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You sure you didn't mix up the Haley and RFK numbers? I would be surprised if she even polled at 10%

I keep my hopes very low when it comes to politics, but I do hope RFK really shakes things up. I would love to see him debate the Donald...

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I think you could be right. I heard it on the radio and haven't been able to find it on-line. I would love to see every candidate take down MSM.

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Vivek is awesome and Nikki is a swampster. Edit: what he says is awesome. My apologies. I believe nobody and nothing.

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Vivek is a con

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Too smooth and polished for me. Right out of central casting and comes from out of nowhere. Vivek smells like Obama 2.0. You have to watch out for the Davosauros at all times. Maybe an attempt to get someone in there with Trump that will do what they want (again, like "The Biden") if they can manage to take Trump out, like they did last time.

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Vivek has been the same speaker/person for years. Ever since he came on the scene to hawk his book β€œWoke Inc ). He’s a brilliant & talented speaker - Obama was a manipulative speaker who had charisma- to some - but I could never stand to listen to him. Manipulative with no substance.

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Sadly, I'm not really surprised. As the narrative turns toward the conservative, a number of (R) voters are going to coalesce around a pro-war R candidate. The saber-rattling always gets votes. And there is a faction of the R base that views war in the Middle East as a good thing.

I'd say most people view war as a good thing when their "side" does it and a bad thing when the other "side" does it.

Same for all totalitarian policies, actually, as we saw with covid. Had Trump come out in favor of masks instead of refusing to wear them, I can guarantee you the D-controlled healthcare system would have been against masks. And many "conservatives" would have been shouting down people for not wearing them. Tribalism is human nature.

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He will probably be pressured to pick a female VP in todays political environment. The female block was the highest that abandoned him for Biden in 2020.

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Jeff, thank you for a great article that got me recentered. It seems like every time I dare to hope that things are breaking for the better the boot stomps back on my face. This is a marathon, not a sprint. It will take years to reclaim our constitution, but the needle is moving. Matt Gaetz and his small band of fighters really have accomplished amazing things with a handful of votes. I think we all get discouraged by the RINOs who never meet a democrat they disagreed with. C&C is a must read every morning because you put the news in perspective and you have amassed an amazing group of critical thinkers in the comments section. We aren’t alone. Onward!

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

The GOPe has laced our collective faces to the bottoms of their marathon boots.

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Nobody abandoned Trump in 2020. Any numbers you saw were lies.

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I mean, there were probably *some* people who voted for him the first time but then got convinced by the media that he was "evil" or an "insurrectionist" -- or who were too pissed at him for his handling of COVID. But he was already a "bad person" (according to media) back in 2016, so I doubt very many people could claim "I didn't know what he was like until CNN showed me how evil he was" as a basis for changing their vote in 2020 - it seems implausible that large numbers "abandoned" him.

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Do you have a crystal ball or something? You sure seem very certain about things you clearly cannot actually prove. To say nobody out of 10s of millions of people left him is just ludicrous.

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To say they did is ludicrous. And base it on what evidence? CNN? MSNBC? Killer Morning Joe and his sidekick, the lovely Mika?

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Exactly. Johnny-O is just spewing MSM’s talking points. He doesn’t realize he’s been had. I know of NO ONE who voted for Biden. I have seen a few hacks on here saying they abandoned Trump, but how do we know they ever voted for him? They’re obviously as rancid as can be against Trump......that has always stewed in them. They are plants in this discussion page, imo.....trying to stir the pot by acting as though they once supported him.

No. They didnt.

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Yeah, and Joe got 81 million votes... my ass!

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Yes, I've been "had" because I have enough functioning brain cells to realize that some voters certainly did not vote for Trump the second time around. Its called common sense. The mental gymnastics some of you can do - and you claim such ludicrous things with such certainty.

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Biden promised to not be a mean tweeter, to not bully anyone, to make us all behave and be nice, to end the pandemic and get back to NORMAL. Women Voters bought the false advertising yet again. IF the Culture and religion of the West has been wrong about LQBTQmRNA-STD issues for 2,000-6,000 years then let's get the reparations and affirmation-action machine rolling; gvt funded/endorsed for ALL their wants needs, demands and desires. Liberal women should want to right all of the perceived injustices, persecutions, shaming and systemic wrongs with other people's money.

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White liberal Karens.

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I have to admit, in my life I have def disliked Karen’s more than antifa!!!

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Despicable beings

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They really are. My sister and sister in law are Karen’s. Makes life miserable.

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Seriously? Try being original! And unlazy. I'm sure you don't even know how or when or why "Karen" became a thing--YEARS ago, no less.

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WTF is your problem?

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Candace Owen

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I vote for Kari Lake!

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Trump wouldn’t dare pick a smart guy like Vivek .

Just as Biden’s handlers needed to pick someone of Harris’ caliber to insure he wouldn’t look quite so dumb.

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Right!!! He must have excelled at all his toastmaster classes

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please don't fall for believing polls. Look at all the 2016 polls. Just like everything else in officialdom, pollsters are captured minions of the deep state.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Just this week I was at a grocery store picking up a few items. I was in the checkout line and the self-checkout announcement came on. I turned to the man ahead of me and loudly said, β€œI don’t use selfβ€”checkouts.” He said, β€œme neither.” I said, β€œI don’t work here and I like to support the people who do work here.” We had a nice chit chat and then he pulled out his wallet and paid cash for his groceries. I commented, β€œNot very many people pay with cash anymore.” He just smiled.

That’s how we do resistance. One grocery store line up at a time.

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Lorie - cash is king! Took me awhile to get used to it and I make way too many trips to the ATM, but it is now a habit. And local vendors appreciate it.

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Laura, hubs and I finally made a visit to a small local wine bar/restaurant. In looking at the menu ahead of time, the online menu stated clearly that quoted prices were for cash payment, which we always do to the greatest extent possible -- for everything. The message went on to say that a 3% surcharge would be added to the total if the customer opted to pay with a credit card. LOVE it!

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Yes...we have some local eateries that offering a 3% discounts to patrons who pay in CASH

CASH AT THE READY, friends!!

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Same here, and there are more and more of them!

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It's heartening, isn't it, RL?

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Yes and no πŸ˜† I personally hate carrying cash, especially larger amounts, but I’m also glad small businesses are pushing back!

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

To add to this, when a shop mentions they have to pass along the credit card surcharge I usually just leave the +3% difference in the tip with cash anyway. Make it really worth their effort to still accept cash.

Another thing to do is even if you do use a card leave some or all of the tip in cash. If that's rounded down or completely unreported by the recipient it's none of my business...

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My son works at a local popular coffee shop/cafe… when anyone tips on their card- The store keeps the money.

The only tips the employees get is the CASH left in the tip jar on the counter. I never knew that was even a thing… so now I always try to tip in cash for the workers. Not add it onto the bill… because you don’t know who is getting that tip!

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Wow that seems illegal?

At the very least it's misleading the customers as to where their tip is going....

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Look at Starbucks asking for tios on cards. UGH. despise it. I never tip like that unkess restaurant.

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That’s horrible!

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EXACTLY. you said it. My husband swears the shift gets it and im like really?! Do you really think that?! Give me a break. No way. Biz keeps it

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Great idea!

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

A few local, small-franchise gas stations around here cut the price 5 cents per gallon for cash.

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Yes, we're seeing that, too. I like it. :)

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Everywhere in California the cash price is ten cents less. . .

At my station, that makes people unaccountably MAD.

Go figure.

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A lot of stations do that in AZ

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SheThinksLiberty - yep. All of our restaurants are now charging extra for using credit cards.

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You must live in a great place. In Crazy-fornia we have businesses with signs posted on doors saying "No Cash Accepted." 🀯

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If Biden drops out in the final stages of the presidential race and they install Newsom as his replacement… WTH is gonna happen to this country? And you see how the Dems are using Newsom as a surrogate already. Trip to Israel, Xi going to San Fran to see Newsom.

I am Praying hard that’s not going to happen -but I think that’s where this will head… writing is on the wall.

Newsom could actually be worse than Biden… and that’s really saying something!!

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Newsom WOULD actually be worse.

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I refuse to patronize any store that refuses cash. Have not been to a Starsucks since they implemented that illegal policy. I encourage everyone else to do likewise. Will not patronize anywhere that requires an ID to enter the store ie. some Whole Foods stores.

People, if we don't start resisting, life as we know it will end . CBDC's are truly the end of freedom. FOREVER.

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I did not realize some "whole paycheck" stores require an ID to enter. WHY? I get it if someone is purchasing alcohol, but that is at the checkout, not just to walk in. If so, won't shop there. The only place that makes sense is for a liquor store.

And I don't think I've ever consumed starbucks anyhow.

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With all the group smash-and-grab robberies, I'd love to see occult RFID readers at entrances to certain stores. The problem sits with who is IN your store. I know, I know, it's overstepping, BUT I think that this, combined with self-closing doors and red-pilled law and order, would break the back of these criminals gangs.

Also, why aren't high+end bags, clothes, etc, fired with dye pacs like cash at banks is? A Louis Vuitton is worth way less coated in bright-red, SMELLY ink. I think rotting squid smell would be best.

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Ohio - lots of patriots here that know what's to come.

Can't help but wonder how many would change that policy if their customers dwindled. Hit them in their wallets.

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Driving by OKC's Paycom Arena yesterday, I noticed a big sign reading: "Paycom is a cashless venue" - as if that were something to be proud about.

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Same with Allegiant Stadium

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May be to let thieves know to not bother to rob them.

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No cash ; we’ll go next door

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The salon and dog groomer give a discount for cash. A 3% add on for credit card.

If no one uses cash any more, how will the drug dealers and other underworld lords hide their money?

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Which is EXACTLY why we will never have a cash free society. I have no doubts that the cartels do business with many government members.... and something tells me they don't take credit.

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CA outlaws this. Its silly. You have to say cash β€œgets a discount” not a surcharge for credit. This is from my SIL who runs a biz here.

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Interesting. I'll have to check the online menu again to see exactly how they phrase it. I do remember something about them saying that "increasing costs" as the impetus behind this (new?) practice of adding 3% to the prices.

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3% is what the owner has to pay the credit cards for taking their card. Cash saves him or her a good deal of money, ie: more profit.

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Stock up on cash from the ATM before there is a "bank holiday" or ATM "outage."

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Kathleen. Yep - did that many months ago. I don’t want to deplete that stash so I keep visiting the ATM. It’s kinda shocking how much cash you go thru. Especially when buying groceries. Aldi only has one line that takes cash. 😑

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Same, I have a stash as well but I don’t want to dip into it.

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I used the ATM over Veterans Day weekend. Out of 3 ATMs, only one was working.

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Kathleen β€” oh good grief!

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Read the books in The Wyoming Chronicles series. It starts out that China hacked the banks and nobody accepts credit cards or checks. It really makes one think!

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Dissolution (book ,1) by W. Michael Gear. I listened to them on Amazon Audible.

Eating in a restaurant last night, when the check came, it had a cash price and a card price. I paid cash!

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OK, I’m convinced. I’ll start taking cash out

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Bank local. Get to know your bankers. As I have said, we pay cash for everything we can. We routinely withdraw thousands of dollars from our bank to pay for expenses, and the people at one bank never blink an eye. Ever. the other bank , sometimes the teller will say something smart or prying, like what are planning to do with this, or are you going to have a good time. Even my wife has learned to respond "we are going to Vegas to gamble and hire hookers". End of conversation.

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I’ve bern with a local bank for 10 years. I am now diversifying into local credit unions as well : )

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Nov 19, 2023Β·edited Nov 19, 2023

That is what we're doing. Our long time bank is now owned by PNC. All of their long time employees departed. They lack customer service and support everything we turned away from many years ago. Credit Unions are safer and ours has great customer service!

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I have diversified to 2 credit unions and a local bank.

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All conspiracies aside, that's a good idea. I'm not saying the conspiracies are not a possibility. But, those aside, I can think of so many good reasons to carry cash. It's untraceable, there are potential discounts (some gas stations, some restaurants), and if the credit card system goes out at a grocery, you need it. We once had an outage that affected nearly the entire zip code - no merchants could accept a credit card. The customers at our store were livid, but we could not get them to work. And last, it's very entertaining to watch these cashiers try to count, especially the young ones. We had a girl at our store that could not figure out how to give 37 cents back to a customer. She didn't last. But, the next time our school district asks for a levy, I intend to go to a board meeting and ask them which moron handed that idiot a high school diploma when she could not count to 40.

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Yay Dr. Linda!!!!!

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I was there and then lost the habit during the PLandemic . So many stores were resistant to cash. Iust get back to it

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Renea - I refuse to do business with places that don’t take cash.

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Wise...here in Eugene, it was weird and because masking was so strict I stopped shopping at stores after getting kicked out. Which meant I either did on line or my husband got groceries on way home from work. ( He had to for his job so he just did it. He asked if he could shop for me because I was causing a ruckus and getting worked up.) I did find out that the law that says all businesses have to take cash is not really real? Or followed? I hope to do better when the next thing hits.

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Renea - Good for you for having the courage of your convictions!

I just looked at some bills - $50, $20, $5 and $1. They all say THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. It's not easy to see with old eyes (I used a magnifying glass). It's on the bottom left of the bills.

So I believe if you counted out the exact cash at a place of business and just walked out with your goods, there is not much they or the police could do about it.

I pray to God we ALL hope to do better when the next thing hits!

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I think, technically, they are allowed to legally refuse you service if they REALLY don't want to take cash, in which case you have just taken their goods without agreement which is technically theft. (I doubt very many of them would pursue a complaint, though. But if they were mad enough they might ban you in future.) Because they refused to sell you the goods, there is no "debt" to be paid so legal tender is irrelevant.

On the other hand, if you eat at a restaurant or hire a tradesman to do work (they have agreed to do stuff for you first, with payment after) -- THEN they cannot refuse cash, because there is an actual debt that requires payment. (Unless you signed a contract in advance that said "no cash", not that you would do that.)

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Good point. One of my usual stores that sells organic....ect...would take cash but would not deal with coins. ,🧐

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Must..oh my goodness...must

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Lust? Just do it.

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My friend, who’s not under any cloud of suspicion, went to his corporate bank the other day to withdraw under 1k in cash and they asked him what he planned to do with it. They said if they didn’t approve of his reply, they couldn’t give him the cash.

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I was also asked when I took out a large sum but they said they had to ask, but they not say that.

I told them I’m keeping cash alive so that we don’t go to CBDCs. I have no doubt they had no idea what I was talking about 😩

Maybe they would have if I said I was using it to pay someone for illicit drugs. πŸ˜‚

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I think he questioned them about why they asked and what might happen if he had no good reason. Luckily, they accepted his answer that he just likes to keep some cash around for emergencies, small purchases, and tips.

There was recently that whole outage with Stripe and other payment processors that stopped people from being able to buy stuff on credit!

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Change banks!

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So True! People PLEASE - USE CASH!

Use it or lose it! And if we lose it they will introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency - then they will know EVERYTHING about where and what you buy. Don't give them the excuse.

PS I too hate self-service and refuse to use it whilst making my objections very clear. We are NOT machines!

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And the cashier was so friendly…why would I want her job eliminated?

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Here in Florida, Publix is the largest grocery store chain and the state's largest employer. There are no self-checkout counters (none) and they readily take cash. They're incrementally more expensive, but the service levels are great (The staff are routinely excellent.), the stores are exceptionally clean and well-stocked. So, to your point, yes, why would I want that job eliminated? I enjoy the service and interaction -- and the fact that people have hard, but well-paying jobs with benefits.

P.S. Please see Susan's comment below re Publix. Evidently, I am wrong and have been about Publix having no self-checkout. We've not run into a single one across multiple counties, but Susan can attest that where she is Publix does have them. Sorry! My bad...

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Not true. I live in SWFL and every new or remodeled Publix has at least 6 self checkouts. And those checks do not take cash... Or give cash back. I prefer to pack myself but the checkers are faster than I am.

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Interesting! I stand corrected. Every single Publix I've been in in multiple locations across the Panhandle and parts of the northern tier have none. Plus, I thought I'd read somewhere where that was actually a policy...I guess not. My mistake.

Well, I guess I'll to stop spreading that misinformation! Somebody might come after me. ;)

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I shared a similar "interchange at the checkout" in a grocery store a few weeks ago. People are wising up--most of them are "older folks" because we have more time to delve into the TRUTH REPORTS of what is happening in the world. Young people are too busy to spend time reading Rumble podcasts and Substack essays--they have JOBS to sustain and FAMILIES to support and care for!! Soooo....it appears the TRUE SOLDIERS will be WE THE OLD FOLKS!!! Will give us a reason to get up in the morning--right??

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This oldster knows of an oldster ... ahem ... who just last week acquired *another* AR-15.

Can anyone recommend a reasonably-priced AR-15 sight? Asking for a (close) friend.

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I know of a person who knows another person who says his long lost brother in law's uncle has a cousin that builds them to sell.... I've not had any luck finding him though...

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You don't say.

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And β€œVortex are good if you want magnification, usually around 600$”

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My source: β€œFor sight I'd go with an aimpoint. The PRO is like $300-400 ...use it on everything 5000-8000 hour battery life at max power.”

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We the Olde Folke indeed have a big, and meaningful, job to do -- fight the big fight so the next gen can see what they will need to do, too. It is called leading by example. Pay as often as possible in cash, including tips at a restaurant, participate in local government by showing up at meetings and make comment (council and commissions) because voting is not enough, strike up friendly, random conversations with people when possible and welcomed, etc. etc. Olde Folke, rise up and get active, woo hoo!!

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EXACTLY - I need to work on the "local government" issue. But I've been speaking to people as the Holy Spirit leads me when "out and about". I find the "young 'uns" are usually more receptive to what I share--many of them are going "back to the land" as "genteel farmers" (crops for their own consumption). That is indeed heartening to me. KEEP THE CHINESE AWAY FROM BUYING OUR FARMLAND!!! AND BILL GATES AS WELL!!

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Also to educate your families. Older folks have also seen tough times. Many young ones have no idea

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I really think we need to keep our "wisdom" relative to the mindset of today's "young 'uns" - their hardships will be of a different nature than ours...and more cataclysmic!! I pray for their SOULS most of all!!

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We now pay cash for all our groceries.

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I always wondered if they use biometrics at those self-checkout screens.

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Walmart films you doing self-checkout...so I bet they do use biometrics.

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Since the early 1980’s most large stores such as Target began tracking and analyzing purchases. Everyone was originally asked for their zip code. Then the retailers began tracking via credit cards. But, the retailers were still missing the ability to parse cash purchasers’ and match a purchase last week with the same cash using customer this week. How did retailers fix this: the retailers offered a β€œfree” membership card for discounts. Permitting each person in a household to get their own discount card (these days each person has an app) provided the tracking of individuals’ personal shopping choices within a household.

Since the 1980’s stores have tracked when a woman is pregnant based on analysis of purchasing habits. The individual discount cards has provided exactly which woman in the house is pregnant. This tracking of purchases to determine pregnancy is so that the retailer can now market to that household for the next 18+ years.

This 2012 article talks about the Target tracking of purchases, but ends comparing cash purchasers to common criminals after just describing super creepy behavior by big retailers that are only foiled by cash use. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/amp/

All these years later, the cameras may do facial recognition when credit cards and membership cards aren’t used. But at least the big retailers have to work harder than they would if every customer used digital currency.

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It was illegal for stores to profile people and collect data, and base it on zip code (a violation of privacy.) But then along came the internet and people voluntarily turned over their data for mining

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Originally, the stores asked shoppers for their zip codes and clerks typed the 5-digit response into the registers. Shoppers were told that the store’s corporate office was collecting data to see if enough shoppers from a particular zip code were shopping at this store to make it worth building a new store in their town. The shoppers never considered they, the shoppers, were being tracked for types and quantity of purchases. The information was voluntarily given well before the internet came along.

Electronic computational power of constantly and automatically parsing the data to locate the needle in the haystack or answer specific questions is what has grown exponentially over the last few decades. People have frequently thought: well, I’m not doing anything wrong, I don’t know why anyone would care what I bought, there’s no way this information can be used to hurt me or those I love, and besides the store’s going to give me a discount. So, okay here’s my information. Only when a targeted marketing campaign shows up on the customer’s doorstep that gives away information the person hadn’t decided to share, yet (such as a woman being pregnant) , does any customer feel stalked or creeped out by these tracking practices.

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Why wouldn't they? It's low hanging fruit.

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Our Walmart has installed overhead cameras over each check stand?!?

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I pay with cash as much as possible. I print-out these slips (link below)explaining the reasons I pay with cash and give one to the cashier with my payment. Small businesses really appreciate it. They say credit card fees are exorbitant and cut into their profit.


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Nov 19, 2023Β·edited Nov 19, 2023

This is really awesome Alice!

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I do this on every trip to any store.

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I always commend the person in front of me using cash to checkout and thank him or her for helping stop the digital dollar which is only backed by your good behavior. Always include the cashier in the conversation.

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In the beginning of the scamdemic, I worked as a cashier at a drug/food/variety store in Columbus. A lady came to the register with a bunch of stuff, started huffing and puffing - clearly was annoyed - and said "You DO take cash and give change, don't you?" I said of course we do, did someone here tell you we didn't? She calmed down immediately and said no, Kroger had refused to give her change. I said, Well we here at (company name) are always happy for cash and we appreciate your business". I've seen her many times since. It's great to get new customers! I found out later Kroger would take cash in but put all coin-change on a gift card and people were mad, but I can't confirm that. When I used the self checkout, I had no issues getting change.

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That is so F’d up! I don’t want to use all my money at Kroger. I need it for rent, gas , etc!!!! BS

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Boom! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯


I say that I prefer people to robots. πŸ˜€

And yes to cash, although I find it hard to keep enough cash in my wallet to pay for all of the week’s groceries and still have leftover cash for other necessities. Guess I need to make more ATM visits. Haha.

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Thank you Bidenomics. 🀯 I can NOT beleive what groceries are costing me in my area.

Try feeding hungry teenagers today. Two bags of potato chips were on SALE… for $11!! One box of crackers we like were $8.50!! 😳 No more snacks at our house.

World’s gone mad.

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Teenage boys πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ where a Christmas-size ham last 2 meals ! 🀣😬

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Exactly. Same with me . Always cash, I also say "cash is king. no to CBDC's" every time I do. I Never use self check out unless there is absolutely no choice, and then I still try to involve the helper who is always there. One reason I avoid Home Depot. They have no dedicated manned check out lanes. I refuse to use self check out unless they give me a commensurate discount. They eliminated jobs to do that, and I am not about to take the Job of that cashier,, or in effect, become an unpaid employee for the store. Refuse, Resist. I have had people in the customer service desk offer to check me out because I have spurned "offers" to use self check out. We only have the power if we use it.

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Great chat at grocery store .... thanks fir sharing! Reinfirces hope! πŸ‘

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This is the way. Every time I praise cash and warn against CBDC's lately, the person does not even know what CBDC is, or if they have heard of it, they do not know about the "programmable" and "trackable" aspects. (πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ to that 2nd ignorance)

So just speaking up can educate and plant seeds of doubt...that will ideally grow into flowers of all-out refusal.

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When I’ve brought it up most under 40’s think I’m talking about CBD as in some exotic weed strain they can vape 🀦🏻

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Yes, I've gotten that, too!

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And the self-checkouts that video you?? No way, I'm not going to encourage that kind of overreach by using them.

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Vivek is not my choice for President but, he is bright. As far as handling a CNN anchor by verbally rolling her up in barbed wire was just short of genius.

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He is very good at taking on media figures (I feel like calling them journalists gives them too much credit πŸ˜’) and not letting them control the interview.

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Talking heads maybe? Lol

Media figure might be too generous πŸ˜€

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Probably is πŸ˜† That’s just what came into my head when I was writing it.

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OMG, you got to watch the interview with the sound off. Several times the CNN anchoress (gender is important) tries to cut Vivek off with questions. You can almost hear the CNN producer shouting instructions into her ear with questions to cut Vivek off with but Vivek just rolls right over her. She finally gives up and bows her head repeatedly in submission. It was like Jiu-Jitsu master Helio Gracie submitting his opponent.

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Totally brilliant

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Well, it was my laptop. I didn't have sound at first - LOL

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He would be great in Trump’s cabinet or even his press secretary.

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Tucker Carlson for VP or ...well......ANYthing, actually

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He is a born debater and I'm sure that gives him the courage to go after the media. He is absolutely fun to watch. I'm hoping it gives the other candidates more courage since he has paved the way by speaking the secrets out loud.

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I hope Desantis uses that bio lab story in his debate with sleazy Gavin in a couple weeks.

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DEFUND the CDC : California's Diseases-Chineses; detain interrogate and investigate EVERY SINGLE individual involved or near it; including Gavin NewSCUM

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But I’ll bet this is a β€œforeign policy” DOD matter...

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Wait, wait, are you sure we don't want to give the CDC a few hundred million for new headquarters?

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Yes, the ONLY REASON that they can't/won't do their job correctly is they are underfunded and overworked. Sounds like my laziest most disinterested employee who appropriates gas on company account and takes as many long breaks as possible when he thinks no one is watching.

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It annoys me there is even a debate without him even stating he is running.

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Seek Yahweh while He may be found;

Call upon Him while He is near.

Let the wicked forsake his way

And the unrighteous man his thoughts;

And let him return to Yahweh,

And He will have compassion on him,

And to our God,

For He will abundantly pardon.

β€œFor My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” declares Yahweh.

β€œFor as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways

And My thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven,

And do not return there without watering the earth

And making it bear and sprout,

And giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;

It will not return to Me empty,

Without accomplishing what pleases Me,

And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

β€” Isaiah 55:6-11 LSB

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Reminds me of a quote I give to my students every year.

" This is God's universe, and God does things his way. You may have a better way, but you don't have a universe." J Vernon mcGee

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πŸ’žYou may β€œthink” you have a better way. 😁

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Uncle J Vernon! I bought his β€˜Through the Bible’ (I think that’s what they were called) volumes twice. First, it was a well used set from a thrift store. I wore the covers off and later bought a new set. He always said he was not infallible, check everything he said against the Word of God. I learned so much from that dear man, and in such entertaining fashion.

I first knew him from the books, so years later when I heard a broadcast, I was stunned by that down home southern accent! Or was he a Texan? I remember laughing about it with my brother, and thereafter, he was our β€˜Uncle J. Vernon.’ May he joyfully stroll the golden streets of heaven forever and ever! I want to see him thereπŸ’•

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I grew up hearing J. Vernon on the radio at my grandma’s house. As a young teacher in the 70s, I found him on the radio as I drove to school. He often closed the program with a question from one of his listeners. One day, the question was β€œshould women wear makeup”? I still remember him answering with that southern drawl, β€œWell, if the barn needs painting, paint it”! A few months ago, I was driving and looking for a local radio station and I couldn’t believe it, but I stumbled on the familiar voice of J. Vernon. It’s nice to know that his program is still teaching God’s Word and encouraging listeners.

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I am a member of the Bible Bus. Love him.

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Is that a j Vernon mcGee thing. Years ago I listened to his radio program. I now have 3/4 of the set of his little yellow commentaries on my shelf. Slowly getting the whole set. We have a couple disagreements but only a couple 😏

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023

Yes, it is! There is a radio show (M-F) called "Through the Bible" that plays the recordings of J Vernon McGee going through all the books of the Bible over a 5 year period. People join the "Bible bus" as they join in on the reading of the scripture and listening to JVM's talking about the scripture. You can join anywhere along the route (so to speak). At the beginning of the show they often read letters they get from around the globe from people who have hopped on. They are often from places where being Christian is dangerous, but they listen and learn and became Christians as they listened. It is very powerful to listen to and provides a great source for prayer. They offer this cute little thumb drive in the form of a school bus with all the preachings on them. https://www.ttb.org/

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I my I did not know it was called that. Ya I listen to thru the bible back in the........late 80's and early 90's. I think his commentaries are the same words. I can remember his voice well

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Praise the Lord. Looking forward to the rapture.

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Don't be surprised when the Rapture doesn't happen until after the antichrist defiles the 3rd temple-2 Thes 2

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Matt, is that a wirehair or maybe a Griffon in your photo?

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Chocolate Lab

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Must be the lighting. Cute pup!

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Also. Don’t be surprised if we have to go through the whole 7 years. He protected Israel when the wrath fell in Egypt.

Also. We think of time in a straight line. We think 7 years, then boom......but the Book doesn’t tell us that it is a straight line to the Kingdom. I hope it is, but am finding that what we thought we knew was, very possibly, misinterpretation.

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So it is Written, so it shall Be.

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I love that passage. When I wonder why, when I worry, when things seem upside down...

God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.

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When the trumpet sounds, I am so out of here!😁

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"23 year old Taylor Swift fan dies from alleged cardiac arrest while attending her concert" (it was 81 degrees F)...


Media says heart attack, but the fans are blaming the Death Jab. Oh oh.

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Or Taylor's spell casting....if you have a teenager who wants to go to ANY concert...say no! They are not safe.

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I am amazed at the number or Christian parents who support, pay for or TAKE their daughters to TS concerts.

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Okay, please explain to me because I basically exist on a cultural cave and have heard of her but know nothing. I have two very Christian friends who adore her. One of them is giving their daughter a TS birthday party.

I’m not at all doubting you. Merely asking for information. Thanks.

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Have to agree with the others here.

Taylor Swift hoopla is the epitome of secular hero worship and a terrible role model for children (as is just about anyone involved in the Hollywood entertainment business). I could see allowing a kid's party to play *some* of her music but an entire party themed to her? It's a recipe for disaster.

What will that child think when Swift starts making pro-abortion statements, pushing transgenderism, or spewing vile comments about Christians? Why would any serious Christian parent encourage, or frankly even allow, their children to become obsessed with such a secular figure? It's an abdication of parental responsibility IMO, not much different from dumping your kid in school pushing homosexuality.

One can be a responsible Christian parent without becoming the caricature zealot that bans dancing and only allows Bible reading. But embracing, and even pushing, godless secular culture on one's kids is almost certainly something they will later regret.

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Well, this is my assumption as well about any mainstream highly popular entertainer.

I was a bit perplexed when my longtime, relatively conservative (in belief not practice per se, not in any sort of the β€œfundamentalist” sort of way) friend said this. I thought that perhaps I was just lumping TS in with β€œeveryone else” out of my ignorance.

They are going to see the movie (I didn’t even know there was one) and dressing like her various album covers and whatnot.

Guess I was right in my hunch based on comments here.

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You are lumping her in with everyone else, but there's nothing wrong with that. She is actively and by choice part of a really ugly business. When she first got popular she tried to avoid taking political positions. But the left came after her demanding that she pick a side, and she dutifully fell in with them.

The Bible talks about being in, but not of, this world. There's nothing wrong with listening to an occasional secular song IMO (though I personally try and minimize it with my kids, and mostly listen to Christian music) but actively embracing and obsessing over it is pretty clearly unbiblical. It's hard to not see attending a movie and dressing up and emulating a secular pop star as being "of" the world.

But more practically, whether parents like it or not kids look to these people as role models. I don't want my kids looking to anyone in movies or music as a role model unless they are overtly Christian in both words and actions.

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She is satanic

Any big star is in the one eye club

Sold her soul

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I hear this a lot - would really appreciate seeing the evidence!

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Very long (5 hours!) video here from a former freemason and music industry insider Altiyan Childs. He's a Christian now and goes over every aspect of how the entertainment industry is completely beholden to freemasonry and by extension satanism.


I didn't make it through the whole thing but watched enough that it completely affected my view of the industry (and it was already pretty sour).

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It is pretty much a given that if you are a top of the heap "A" lister in music or Hollywood, you have sold your soul to get there. Literally as the next poster said. Many people I have listened to or read over the years who are very familiar with Hollywood, usually worked there, have said exactly that.

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For a hair raising rabbit hole, look up what Lauren Boebert has to say about Gavin Newsom, Taylor Swift and next years October surprise.

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Do tell.

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Got a link? I can find nothing.

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I’ll try to find it. It basically says that Biden drops out and Newsom has a campaign event in Miami next October. Taylor throws all her weight to Newsom and Bam! Swift apparently got back the rights to her first 6 albums making her a billionaire. Now she endorses Newsom as her payment. There’s a lot more. I’ll look for the link.

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Emumundo--I think I heard something about what you said:

"Gov. Gavin Newsom Says Taylor Swift’s Influence on 2024 Election Will Be β€˜Profoundly Powerful’: She β€˜Stands Tall and Unique’"


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I still have absolutely no idea who this person is. She sings or something?

That aside, even though I am not religious in the least, even I find it really off to paint a giant statue of Jesus with whatever garbage was attributed to her. That's just..... really, really off. If I believed in sacrilege, I think that would qualify.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

By the way, G-d bless Officer Harper's persistence.!

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I would have been afraid to go into that building alone. Surprised they let her in. 😳

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Surprised they let her OUT!

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I'm surprised they didn't kill her.

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I was thinking the same thing. The flunkies must have been working that day.

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That was my first thought as well!

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I did have to wonder why they let her in so easily? And let her walk around the whole place?

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Reporting tells us there was a clear building code violation per the green hose being used improperly, the reason an annoyed neighbor made a call to code enforcement to begin with.

I can't know what the officer said at the door. Maybe something like, You're in violation of code XXXX? We're here to investigate -? ...If they close the door in her face, she calls for backup? Bad to worse for the perpetrators. No way they can cover up in the space of 5-10 minutes before law enforcement team (SWAT?) first knocks again, then if no cooperation forces their way in. ...Just trying to think it through "why they let her in so easily."

Not to mention the main character in the setup is a wanted fugitive from Canada. On the lam. Not his first rodeo. Appears his m.o. is to split before procedures begin. Do we know where this dude is? In custody? Bailed out by PRC? Fugitive once more?

I once heard Ed Dowd say he was able to figure some things out because all he had to do was think like a criminal. I'm sure I'm not adept at it. It's challenging, but since I've dealt with some personality disorders and trying to think like them (impossible) (and exhausting) I sure understand that they don't think like healthy, moral people.

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Yes, you could be right, it seems the likely explanation. It’s kind of odd that they didn’t have a plan for if they were found out though. That’s one of the reasons why I agree with Jeff about the idea that there are no supervillains. They don’t always think things through and often make arrogant assumptions about what they can get away with. They aren’t omniscient or so clever that they anticipate everything.

I agree, it’s hard to understand the way they think. When people say, I just can’t understand why people would do [horrible depraved act], I say, be glad you can’t understand it, because that would mean you would think like they do.

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I've been following this from the beginning. According to early stories, they let her in and seemed willing to speak to her. As I recall, the owner was perhaps in Nevada at the time. It's the weirdest story. The lab had recently been moved from another nearby city, where it had suffered a fire, I think. Very sketchy all around, nary a license in sight. I hope someone vigorously pursues the reluctant CDC angle. Bless Officer Harper's heart.

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Very interesting. I agree it definitely sounds sketchy all around. Maybe they were just taken by surprise and that is why they were so compliant. Indeed, bless Officer Harper for following up on this and not ignoring it!

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I wondered as well. It was a weird twist

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Right! The CDC isn’t paid to investigate shady labs. They are only there to appear viable so that Fauci can continue to fund his shady labs in other countries.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Add Kari Lake to that list. She takes no guff from MSM.

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Yes, I would like to see her as Trumps VP.

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Nov 18, 2023Β·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Maybe we should start a GoFundMe for the global government's epidemic of malfunctioning and/or mysteriously missing video cameras and select footage. Oklahoma bombing, Epstein, Princess Di, 9/11 Pentagon (Only 84 cameras in and around that area.)...We should really help them out. We're all in this together. Mask up for safety.......cretins.

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You fracture me

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You're lucky. One of the few specialists I have a modicum of trust in are osteopaths with orthopedic doctors a distant second.

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My father was trained as an MD on the GI Bill when he came back from WW2.

He always said, "Osteopaths are better trained and more effective." His own physician was a D.O.

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My Dr is a D.O.

He is in practice with a corporation though. He was threatened to lose his license when he kept rx’ing Ivermectin, so he left. He even listens to me when I talk about using natural remedies, lol. And he has tried a couple of them.

But to be honest, he is a friend and a fellow believer who comes, as often as he can, to Bible study. A thoroughly good guy.

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β€˜Was’ in practice with a corporation

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Wow, that warehouse in CA... I’d heard some of that but not all of it. And government officials are perplexed... perplexed I tell you... at the loss of faith in government institutions. It’s a true mystery.

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Remember that crash with a truck full of monkeys in Pennsylvania.

And the woman who tried to help got sick.

Wonder if she is dead.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Remember the train car of ammonium nitrate (explosive component) that went missing?

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Amazing how you can "lose" a train car.

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If memory serves, the car was still there, seals intact, with all the contents "missing."

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That’s almost or certainly worse

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β€œI thought I put it in my back pocket but it just isn’t there anymore, must’ve fallen out somewhere along the way” πŸ˜‘πŸ˜†

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"Where was the last place you saw it?"

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Petteridge Farm Remembers 😭

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We never did hear any follow up to that story, did we.

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No, we did not.

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This seems like a perfect situation for a special committee. Just how many more of these "labs" are out there?

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Aaaaaand still, nothing will happen. So it's in the public record - so what? All of our major institutions (criminal though they may be) march in lockstep with the vermin traitorous democrats/uniparty/marxists.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Another great edition! Many many disturbing items, but ending with Vivek is genius! Bravo to him! He is completely right. It made me laugh as she sat there speechless!

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Speechless and somewhat resigned and stunned simultaneously

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"Might it be a better strategy to hold off on commencing impeachment for now, keeping it as a β€˜plan b’ in case Biden somehow cheats his way into the White House again?)"

You mean like they've done for the last three years? I get where you're coming from, that there have been some gains, but we can't dismiss what's gone before either. And I always thought the definition of insanity was doing the same thing and expecting different results.

I don't have answers; I merely have lots of thoughts.

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β€œBuilding an airtight case?” If I may be blunt, who gives a flying f-ck about that? No amount of evidence will EVER cause Democrats to vote to impeach the dimwit. Not a single Dem Senator (or Romney, but that goes without saying) will cross the line, even if there is video of a Burisma exec handing a bag of cash to Bob Peters himself. Dems never screw themselves by crossing the party line, unlike Republicans, who’ve made an art form of it. There is no point in waiting to impeach.

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Yeah. Look at all the "evidence " to convict the J6 people. Travesty of justice but oh well.

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A Black-faced Biden butchering a newborn baby with a diesel generator running to provide (non-LED) lighting would only increase his support among his (de)base. They are cultists who hate America, Hate humanity, Hate God, Hate Truth, and want to get off on destruction and killing and chaos with rules and laws used only as weapons targeted against opponents to their satanic schemes. They are a wholesale cult of Communists; even the nice looking moderately spoken ones are but handsome haters who want a behemoth leviathan govt. and expertocracy to vanquish individual freedom and independence--gvt in EVERY aspect of your LIFE.

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I’m beginning to wonder if they’re even human, or are they what is talked about in this verse

β€œFor we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”(Ephesians 6:12)

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These people are sons of disobedience, and this is who they serve.

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Yeah, I think this point fell very flat. It's moot. They're not going to impeach him and we should really let that go. Get rid of all of them and then we can prosecute. Maybe? As I said, no answers, only lots of thoughts.

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I’m suggesting the House absolutely pursue impeachment, lay out evidence publicly, vote to impeach, thereby forcing the Senate to vote as well. Any Republicans who won’t vote to impeach are outed as the worms they are. Excluding Romney, who we already know is a worm.

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There's a ton of evidence out there already and it's made not a bit of difference. I think a lot of that has to do with the government, media and justice running interference. We have a proscribed set of laws and what to do when they're broken but this isn't just a matter of breaking the law; it's subversion of those laws and the very foundations of our country. If the foundations have been broken, should we continue standing on them? I don't know. I am considering maybe it would be best to round everyone up and sort it out later, kind of like what El Salvador has done. Believe me when I say I don't fully support that, but I'm trying to think my way through this thing that doesn't seem to have any good answers.

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Ask yourself this, would Democrats hesitate to push through impeachment? They didn’t with Trump and what did they have on him comparatively? Nothing. Actually less than nothing since much of the β€œevidence” was entirely fictional.

Republicans need to play the game by the rules the Democrats use. Impeach Biden, regardless of whether it will work. Any state that allows ballot harvesting, start ballot harvesting. Stop playing by antiquated β€œrules” that the opposition routinely violate.

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I don't disagree with that either. I've said the same thing over the last three years. Our "leaders" don't seem to have the stones to do it though. I mean, if they want to continue delving into his financial iniquities, go right ahead. But at least impeach him for what's going on at our southern border. But they won't do that either. So then what do you do? I think my mind is beginning to move on from legal remedies. "Our Constitution is made for a moral and religious people; it's wholely inadequate to the government of any other." We're not moral or religious anymore and our system of government can no longer protect us. It seems increasingly untenable to keep playing by the rules when the rules have been destroyed.

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I ask my hubby that all the time after seeing our prez put the trans flag higher than the US flag. How do we compromise w the other side? ESP after they told us we were subhuman? Etc.

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We don’t compromise. We eliminate them.

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they are actively working globally and locally to define what is good and what is evil; they will put the Laws written upon shifting sands and dispense rewards and punishments as they see fit, pride and power and perversion will be lauded. There is no compromise between Evil and Good, a bit of leaven works its process throughout the whole of society (as much as is allowed).

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And how do u or we plan on doing that?

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The same way people have eliminated despots and evildoers throughout history.

Do you not see that things are about to get very, very ugly, barring some miracle from God?

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I won't expect miracles from God for those who don't know Him, or for those who despise Him.

He can deliver those who serve Him wholeheartedly. Deliver FROM or deliver THROUGH. And if it's not His will to deliver, then those who serve Him wholeheartedly will glorify him by maintaining steadfast faith in His goodness, regardless of light and momentary afflictions.

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Lol. Not that it’s funny, but I’ve been seeing it for the past 25 years and all those evil doers just keep getting richer.

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"It's harder for a camel to get thru the eye of a needle..."

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Do you have any tees that address how bots should be regarded in these Orwellian times?

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LOL πŸ˜†

Love it!

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Here’s an interview with Jeff that came out a few days ago. He articulately describes his early cases in Florida against mandates. First in the country! Well worth the listen and thank you Jeff!!


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Thanks for posting this!

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If she wanted any kind of response, the code enforcement agent should have said that the lab looked to be the work of "those January 6th people."

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She should have said that all the workers were wearing MAGA hats.

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Moms For Liberty tee shirts too

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...and American flags all over the place.

To make them go nuclear, couple of Confederate flags.

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Shhhh. Our friendly C&C tee shirt bot will hear you!

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You know, someone had to take the place of Ben 2 N

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I find the t-shirt bot less annoying tbh πŸ˜†

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Vivek is def entertaining!!! I absolutely love that he’s willing to talk to anyone who will have him on their show!!!

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Totally agree, and he annihilates them. A born speaker, he can take anyone on. Thank goodness he's on our side. He breaks down the arguments for us to use, shows us how it's done.

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The CDC has been exposed, especially after the covid scam and now this bioweapon facility. No doubt they were fully aware of where it was and what it was doing. This explains why they were ignoring it, or attempting to! What a better way to release all these dangerous pathogens into the public. You know ole Gavin also knew about it. After the covid plandemic and the intentional withholding of all the toxic and deadly effects of the jabs by Pfizer and Moderna, etc., that they were aware of along with the FDA, they need fully prosecuted and their punishment by lethal injection of the jabs over and over again. They need the hot batches that so many unsuspecting children were injected with and continue be with the change in the childhood schedules. Both agencies are criminal organizations and must be disbanded, just like the FBI, DOJ, DOD, CIA, etc., etc.

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I'm not convinced the CDC knew about the lab - once they got a whistleblower phone call, why wouldn't they have put in the word to clear it out immediately if they were in any way involved. Still doesn't explain their refusal to look into it once they were notified! Inexplicable.

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I disagree!! I’ve read far too many reports on all the coverups by the CDC and FDA. You are giving them far too much credit. All of the three letter agencies are corrupt and covering up many, many crimes against Americans. They figured that a low level employee (in their eyes) wouldn’t be a problem. Thank God for their persistence, plus its California….one of the most corrupt states! The fact they covered up the toxic jabs side effects with the FDA and yet to have pulled them off the market should tell you everything you need to know! They are not trustworthy. Covid proved that.

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Another agency’s jurisdiction. Wonder which?

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