Something empowering for you this morning: A young woman went to her mother and told her about the problems she was facing in life. She said she was tired of fighting and struggling and didn’t know how to keep going.

The mother took her to the kitchen and filled three pots with water. She placed each pot on a burner, turned on the heat, and put a potato in one pot, an egg in the second, and coffee beans in the third.

After a while, she turned off the burners and fished out the potato, egg, and coffee beans, and asked her daughter to observe them carefully.

The potato was soft and had become very weak. The egg, which had been fragile, now had a hardened shell inside. But the coffee beans had transformed the water into a rich and aromatic coffee. The mother then explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity – boiling water. However, each of them had reacted differently.

The potato went in strong, firm, and hard, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg had been fragile and had a thin outer shell, but in boiling water, it had become hard inside. The coffee beans, on the other hand, had changed the water and created something new.

The mother explained that we all face adversity, and how we react to it depends on us. We can either become weak, hard, or transform the situation into something positive.

The young woman realized that she had a choice – to be like a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean.


And something hilaroiusly on target: If the COVID vaccines were seatbelts: https://tritorch.com/COVIDSeatbelt [image]

Be well everyone.

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And a voice came from the throne, saying, β€œGive praise to our God, all you His slaves, you who fear Him, the small and the great.” Then I heard something like the voice of a great crowd and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, β€œHallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.”

β€” Revelation 19:5-6 LSB

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β€œMay God bless James O’Keefe and keep him safe while he does his important work.”


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I know I can be simpleminded but I am posting this anyway.

If a biological man can call himself a woman, why can’t an outwardly appearing white woman call herself black?

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I've said it many times... Our federal government has already been overthrown. It's been controlled by the Agencies since at least the Kennedy assassination. I assume something went wrong and Trump actually won the election in 2016 forcing them to take drastic measures. It was a coup.

They ousted Trump using the plandemic (because their other methods had failed). Everything since then has been to cover up their crimes. But I have no idea why they didn't assassinate Trump unless they think it's better to damage him and face him again so as to not risk facing a better candidate.

We are at war. We are in Civil War.

There is no way this ends with everything going back to normal. Either we expose the conspiracy, defeat it, and amend the constitution so it can never happen again or we have lost our liberty.

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My biggest laugh from this morning's stack came from Speaker Johnson's statement that "steady hands are at the wheel." πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Oh, πŸ˜‚ whew! Thank goodness our POLITICIANS are ON THE JOB.

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Feb 15Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff your fogged brain would top any of my sharpest moments!πŸ˜€

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Feb 15Β·edited Feb 15Liked by Jeff Childers

I watched Matt TAibbi's 1.5 hour video on Racket News yesterday. Very interesting if not a little hard to keep up as Matt's strength is in writing and not public speaking but none the less well worth watching. He puts out more info today. He mentioned a journalist with Columbia Journalism Review named Jeff Girth who in Jan 2023 wrote a 4 part series [24k word per Matt] covering the Feds and the MSM in how they went about all this Russia/STeele mess. I've read 2 parts and plan on finishing it. But Matt said it basicly went unnoticed. Jeff seems to be very specific in time lines of journalist and the articles that were coming out and it's very interesting but confusing as hell. Here's the link for Jeff Girth- notice 4 part series. While I am drinking my pot of jo I'm amazed I didn't blow it out my nose reading about that poor black child. In the southern US we typically say 'bless her heart' but most real southerners understands the meaning behind those words. LOL. I'm off to watch how good O'Keefe is at laying a plumb line now. Everybody have a great day. Jeff you don't have brain fog- FYI. Here's the link for Jeff Girth.......https://www.cjr.org/special_report/trumped-up-press-versus-president-part-1.php

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Wondering who's going to do something about the Crossfire Hurricane collision when they're the ones in charge. I hate to be a pessimist, but....so? Nothing is going to happen. Sadly.

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Feb 15Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, you are ON today!! If this is you with a fogged brain, you should keep taking whatever you are on 🀣, keep up the fantastic work as always!!

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Sheriff: "China has safe houses in every state in the US."

β€œMore Red Flags Than Before 9-11”: Ohio Sheriff Warns American People of Worsening Border Invasion


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When that bitter closeted loser in Chappaqua drunkenly blurted out "if he gets in we'll all swing from nooses" the first clue was revealed.

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β€œScare the public” then propose a solution. Best of all, the public never gets to know the details. The public will just have to accept the solution.

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My opinion is that Joe Biden should be executed for Treason.

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I appreciate Lara Logan. I may have missed something but I often wonder why Tucker Carlson hasn't taken the time to interview her considering that she and Tucker were both excommunicated by Fox, in her case for suggesting that Dr. Fauci had fascist tendencies.

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Obama and the DS will double, triple, quadruple down on covering up their Crimes against Trump and the American People. Unfortunately for America, the Obama/DS Syndicate believes the best way to β€œcover up” is to go on the Offensive. I hope we survive 2024.

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