

— ChatGPT was wrong (again), 14 sigmas is not 2.2 trillion standard deviations but more like a 1 in 2.2 trillion chance. It’s still improbable to impossibility, but the vocabulary was wrong.

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You should have just said that 14 sigmas is the probability of a snowball fight breaking out in hell And of all the snowballs still being perfectly intact after the fight.

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I am retired from Aerospace Manufacturing, Statistically speaking 99.73% of data points fall within +/-3 Standard Deviations (6 Sigma) from the mean (Normal Distribution Bell Curve) or 3.4 Defects per million opportunities. 14 Sigma would be like comparing Parsecs to Inches.

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I had to look up what's a parsec. I'm really at best just a basic math person.

So in this analogy, am I correct in understanding that 14 sigma is the parsec and 6 sigma is the inch?

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3.26 light years versus an inch...! 😳

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Yes you are correct I can’t imagine 14 sigma.

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AI isn't always that intelligent.

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I call AI: Augmented Information

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Jeff, I love that you update errors. Another reason rags like the NYTimes are disappearing.

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I had a guy tell me yesterday that according to the CDC only nine people have died from the Covid vaccine, all from extremely rare blood clots. I told him excess death percentages have risen all over the world since the vaccine rollout and I've read and heard of countless vaccine harm stories. He didn't believe me. I finished by saying, "I guess you're free to believe the CDC at your own peril." He didn't like that very much and called me a liar for questioning the CDC data. Some people seem to be on the path to endless boosters. Ignorance is bliss, until it isn't.

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I don’t engage anymore. Have had big discussions with others here about trying to open ppls eyes to what happened and is still happening. I think the jab literally does something to the part of the brain that helps common sense. I’m so over seeing that glazed look if you talk about the jab.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My long-time friend yelled at me for not getting injected and made a big deal of kicking me out of our book club. I had lunch with her recently and she was frail, sickly, and kept one hand in her pocket to hide the trembling. Oh, and her husband has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. At this point, all I can do is pity her and pray for her.

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Two of our very good friends, a couple with whom we have traveled, shared life with, and who live on the next block over, x'd us out in 2021, wouldn't even acknowledge us when they drove past. One of them recently came to our door and apologized for their behavior, cried even, saying they had had "covid psychosis" and asked us how we knew it was a scam. We were shocked, to say the least, and accepted his apology without hesitation. A small part of us wonders, however, if they will develop "psychosis" again when the fear machine cranks into turbo gear, as we know it will. They exemplify how even loved ones will side with the "authorities" when the shit hits the fan.

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I don’t think I’ll ever get an apology from people. BUT I have had friends say they’ll never get a booster so, I guess that’s progress. STILL it would be nice for someone to admit I was right. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Here’s a hopeful story. My FIL begged my husband and I to get the vaccine and to give it to our three kids. He was relentless. ‘He loved us, wanted us to be safe, and we needed to get it…’

We refused to give in.

After the first two shot series he fell down an entire flight of stairs… huge black eye, couldn’t stop the bleeding, almost needed an ambulance. But he continued on and took not one… but two more boosters… and proceeded to have fall three more serious times… but that last shot… she felt bad enough that he said that was the last one he’d ever take. And now understands the risks of those vaccines.

And out of the blue- he’s joined a Bible study group and found God.

For me

It’s hard not to see this as a call back to God… and who is awake and listening and who will be called to HIm?

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

My FiL still refuses to see me and his three unvaxxed grandkids. They will likely never see him alive again. Very sad. At least he has Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid to keep him company.

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Gives me renewed hope. God uses even evil for His own purposes. Oh, that we would see the goodness we receive as from Him, and not from our own ingenuity, for our own glory.

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That is very encouraging and thank you for sharing that. Yes many are coming back to the Bible in the Lord but many are dying and are suffering horribly and now they’re putting it on the Childrens vaccine schedule. Anyone who knows scripture knows Jesus warned us about the last days would be perilous.🙏

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That is so encouraging! I remember Jeff taking about many of these kinds of stories and emphasizing how God uses everything for good! So we need to stay hopeful and steadfast!

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reminds one of Jonah's Nineveh. At least he found God and that will help him in the long term.

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Funny ypu say that. I believe my brother being injured and the covid crap has him searching for God!

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PRAISE GOD from Whom ALL blessings flow!!

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Agreed, hiwrver I am living on small wins. My veterinarian was at my place a week ago. I adore this my man. We butted heads on the covid poison several times. He told me his doctor told him no more shots. I take that as a win. All could say was “it’s about time”. I wanted to say “it’s possibly to late”.

My Brother who had 2 three years ago threw multiple clots to his lungs and survived. He started taking NAC and lumbrokinase about a month ago. Did that prevent death; I chose to believe it did. I take that as a win as well.

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Now try and convince your veterinarian to stop jabbing cats and dogs!

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Those are both wins. At least people are waking up.

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I love my vet also but he bought into the whole Covid thing. The office finally stopped requiring masks but when he's there they're back on. As much as I prefer to see him I won't make an appointment with him until he stops. Thank God the other vets there are sane.

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They won’t because they can’t deal with it. That the wrong government did this to them and they fell for it. I’m the only one in my family who stood firm and outspoken about this jabnot being good. I think my family has woken up I pray so. I told my granddaughter if she put that toxic Covid jab in my granddaughter, I would disown her. And I meant it. So far as far as I know, and can see she has not taken her, nor anyone else in her immediate family.

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I'm very impressed that you put down the law like that with her - most grandparents feel like they are being held hostage and not allowed to say anything for fear of never seeing their grandchildren again - you flipped the script - way to go. You kept your power. What's the alternative? they're going to keep you from the kids anyway, and continue to use threats for other issues down the road, so it's a lose-lose no matter what you say. So you are entitled, as the matriarch of the family, to say your piece. This whole covid jab hostage situation reminds me of something my late father said-- he was a judge. He saw so much mayhem in the courtroom and he reminded me on several occasions growing up that if someone had a gun and was trying to force you into their car, you just run for your life - because they're going to kill you anyway. You at least have a chance of getting away with a gunshot injury and surviving which would beat the alternative. God bless you.

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To disown your granddaughter over the vaccine is overly drastic in my eyes! I am sad for your judgmental attitude!

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One grandmother is worth two MDs. ~Dr Robert Mendselson

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Will NEVER happen, Gigi--I just lost a gal friend I had for over 14 years - I had NO idea that she resented remarks I made about her getting the jab and booster (her hubby died from the Wuhan Virus so she said that's why she got the jabs. I begged her not to get any more "boosters") He had compromised lungs from fighting fires and contracting viral pneumonia several years before he passed. She just X'ed me out very nastily a few days ago! I was heartsick--but now I'm just turning her over to our Creator God for His mercy and guidance in her life.

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That’s all w can do!!

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I don't think an apology is necessary. What I look for is a clear acknowledgment of the actual facts. Someone that changes from anti-vax hater to admitting aloud they stopped getting jabs and/or were harmed is not going to go blindly into the next round, even if they don't say it aloud or apologize. They are NOT going to forget they were deceived and harmed...

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I know of a doctor who had the audacity to think out loud amongst his colleagues- questioning the vax. (Waaaay back). He said they’d always talk about what works, what doesn’t, share stories, collaborate, etc.

They shut him out! And to date never apologized.

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We can’t expect to!! It’s horrible!! We are so divided!!!

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You know you are right. You can sleep well! 😊

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I had a friend recently tell me “ you were right” she wished they hadn’t taken the shot. Her husband is a retired CARDIOLOGIST and almost died from heart failure.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

I have a neighbor who got 1 jab and 1 booster. He said he regrets getting it. He now has a hole in his heart, and he says he has been waiting for surgery for over a year as there is a shortage of heart surgeons!

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Wow! That doesn't happen often. You handle it well. That happened to my husband. A conservative friend who regrets getting the shot and admitted it was out of fear. She told my husband he was right to not get it. My husband was shocked to say the least.

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The fact your friends acknowledged they were wrong and offered an apology to you is huge. I hope you forgave them and I really hope you guys can rebuild the friendship. They even took it a step further and asked you how you knew it was all a scam. I hope you pounced on that! 😁

I lost a 25 yr relationship with a friend when I suggested to her both the virus and the jabs were being used to scam us all. We were having, I thought anyways, a calm friend-to-friend conversation and she stood up, walked out of our house with her husband in tow, and I haven't heard a word from her since.

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Yikes. Well

I didn’t CUT people

out but I did choose not to see and engage with people I knew were scared or buying it. Sad.

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That is not what friends do. I am happy when people show their true colors like that and glad to have them out of my life.

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WoW!! Bet she now knows you were right but can’t eat humble pie.

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Wow. That's a pretty commendable turnaround. It sounds to me like they won't go back to "covid psychosis" after such an awakening. They did the work and humbled themselves. It's the ones still in denial I am leery of.

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We have a good doctor friend who I argued with over dinner about a year and a half ago. He kept telling my husband, brother and I we weren't very smart for not getting the shots no matter what study or stat I gave him. Four days later he called my brother apologizing b/c a doc in his practice was in the ER bleeding out withing moments of getting his booster.

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Oh wow. And yet, I bet he didn’t speak out about any of this and the reaction was kept hush hush 😕

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And all the ER docs kept repeating, “Correlation is not causation.”

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Oh wow. That’s astonishing, you actually got an apology from them! Maybe there’s a chance they won’t be taken in next time. Praying their eyes have truly been opened!

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We pray, because if it ever happens again the friendship will be fini.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Note to all link-posters here on C&C: Do us a favor, help eliminate click-tracking: Highlight and delete ALL letters and numbers STARTING WITH the "?" symbol in your links. The link will still be hot BUT the tracking tools will be blocked.

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Including the ? mark?

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Wow! Thanks for that info! C&C commenters are great sources of information. Thanks to Jeff for the platform to share info!

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wait and see. Still waiting for an apology from my psychotic friends, probably won't come. My hairdresser, thankfully, thankfully, gave up on the psychosis when his compensation check did not come, and reopened early. Out of must!! and let me unjabbed, unmasked, right back in (although a few times he still wore his) I think those who are still not awake will zombie until death.

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Glad to hear of ypur friends change. It makes me hopeful far

more will remember

the lie when it comes again!

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Wow. That is a one in a million event. I am so happy for you that someone in your sphere woke up and apologized to you.

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That is a good description of what happened to lots of people. Remember that the PTB brought in psychologists to study how to make the propaganda more effective and scary and then the media pushed it on people for 2 years straight and some people just got too scared and believed everything they were told. Lots of people really thought that if they got infected they would die or end up being ventilated. But yeah the real test is going to see how many people are aware of what the parasite class did to them.

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Chris - Someone may have already asked this as I’m late reading the comments today. I can’t help but wonder what awakened them. This gives me such hope.

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Well Laura, he didn't really say, other than that they fell for it all, hook, line, and sinker. His family is no nonsense, conservative. Hers is batshit crazy libs, so I'm sure that was the root of it and he went along. But they cut us out, and one other couple we all hang out with, too. wholly and completely. That other couple (very dear friends) did not get an apology, but are playing nice and being friendly again. I'm not so sure the wife has awakened, sadly, truth be told. But we rejoiced when he came to our door after such a long separation.

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They may they may not except it again. They’re planning the next pandemic and unfortunately, there is a good portion of Americans who will fall for it and people in the world. It is sad I think it’s mostly godless.

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I call it demonic

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My old pal called me a pussy two years ago for refusing to take the shots. Now he regrets taking them. I don’t bother reminding him of that unfortunate remark, which I ignored at the time to save our friendship.

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You took the high road. That is hard to do.

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Wonder how Keith Olbermann is feeling these days as he reflects back on his vicious tirade toward the “vaccine” hesitant? Same for that pinhead Howard Stern.

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Who really cares what either of those lowlife male Kardashians feels?

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Or Jimmy Kimmel. Huge douchebag.

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Stern is too far gone - a complete OCD germaphobe psychatric basket case. He's so gross and has done so much damage to society over the years, he would never have become so famous if the radio conglomerates had had any decency standards. The man is absolutely juvenile and disgusting.

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"reflects back" - oh, good one!

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He was projecting. People who took the untested brand new tech shots did so because they were scared out of their wits. Literally.

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Huh. I would have said obeying the government is more deserving of that particular insult.

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I'm sorry about ur friend. I tell ya, not one of us have regretted not taking it.

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Sad. I had a friend tell me literally that if we hung out together “you might kill me”. And her husband.

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This where you clearly see people who have no critical thinking skills in place

They reveal their own ignorance

If THEIR vaccine worked for them.. they would be protected

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Amen to that. The 1st year of this scamdemic my mind was blown away. I realized all my friends and neighbors were not who I thought they were. We had 2 different ways of thinking and believing. Even now I maintain a distance. Politely friendly but I can never go back to before.

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So true. Have no desire to reconnect with any of them. I have a "best friend" I've known since KINDERGARTEN who scolded me for not getting the jab and sent me bogus, flawed, small sample studies about how I was going to get psychosis if I got Covid and was not protected by the jab. Psychosis! I finally had a hard look at our relationship -- she was always scoldy, she was always agnostic/atheist, she always behaved as if she was superior to me (Swarthmore undergrad/Harvard grad school, spoke fluent Mandarin)... who the hell wants a friend like that? Why did I care about these pseudo intellectuals and why did I surround myself with people who I could never freely discuss my thoughts and deeply held beliefs? I'm well educated, married 30 years and raised 2 outstanding children who are well known in their fields. And why did she always forget to wish me a happy birthday, when we basically just text each other once a year now? Is it that hard to be residually kind?Like bottom of the barrel effort to remember someone's birthday once a year by text? Hell no. I looked through my contacts on my phone and social media and deleted them all, one by one. Recently she wanted to reconnect and visit me - I haven't seen her in 15 years, but I knew it wasn't to see me, it was to get a free place to stay in Florida with her uber liberal family. Nope. No way. Nobody's got time for this anymore. And life goes on with more purpose and clarity.

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It still hurts, but we have to move on and keep the door open for reconciliation.

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I am surprised by the lack of intelligence and basic critical thinking. It is disconcerting to find out your friends are…I am not sure of the word here. But not what I expected.

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This is such a great point that so many(including myself) forget in discussing with jab happy people who are pushing back.

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Had a friend who effectively told me the same thing. I replied you have a better chance of killing me, since you have had the "safe and effective" vaccine, and therefore shed more of the virus than me.

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Actually a recent Cleveland Clinic study showed the more Covid shots you got, the more likely you are to test positive for Covid—so you would be the one more in danger.

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Meanwhile, I had shedding problems. Bleeding in menopause. But they deny it’s real .

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

My shedding problem was a brain hemorrhage and stroke hours after hugging all of my newly vaxed friends at Church. I was 38 at the time. It happened in 2021.

I have never gotten back full feeling in my left side, and probably never will at this point. I haven’t stopped hugging those friends, nor will I…they need those hugs more now than ever, as many of them have degenerated health wise pretty drastically since their shots…Parkinson’s, VAIDS, 500+ blood clots in one poor lady, and much more.

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You are the first shedding case like this I have heard of. I am so sorry and will pray for God to be glorified in you, however He sees fit....I do pray that it would be a healing in your body. But, oh, the love you have for your friends is such a beautiful thing!

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I had a period of fear. Had to get over it. Still helping my elderly family .

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I’m so sorry you went through that 😞 Horrible.

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Same here. But now her and her family always get covid and other illnesses repeatedly. Her 2 year old grandson has no functioning liver. Both parents vaxxed and I am sure he got all his childhood vaccinations. It's sad but they don't see the connection or they know but are in a deep state of denial.

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My 'doctors', daughter and son-in-law were injected. She has autoimmune hashimoto's and he needed a heart Cath (which revealed nothing), and was given a statin just in case. They then injected my grandchildren, 2 and 4. Between the shedding from their parents and their own infection injection, they are mostly sick all the time. Odd illnesses for their ages...mono, for one. Yet, I am the unvaxxed idiot. Yes, they are REAL doctors!

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Awww. Your poor grandchildren. I pray for their health and happiness. 🥰

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Like your "I am the unvaxxed idiot" comment. Stay strong and love the children

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My wife has repeatedly told my daughter NOT to vaccinate our granddaughter (10 months old). Fortunately she listens and has even found a pediatrician who agrees an infant doesn't need such things. I pray for your grandson

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

The difficulty for these folks may be that recognition of the connections requires a denial of many of the foundational beliefs of modern life in our so-called developed nation.

For secularists and some folks of faith, that is a giant and intimidating step to take. Add in their own personal investment in jabs, and they may be unable to take it.

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Annie, what a sad story. I think we will all have many more to relate.

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Agree. 😔

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yes, well the Zyclon B was effective at delousing but what normal non-genocidal, person would have guessed the deadly side-effects? Chemical and bioweapons used against masses of civilian populations who can not conceive of such a thing while the depraved serial killers in charge carry it out like pest control

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I’ve been so blessed that through the Covid wars my eyes were open about not just Covid vax but ALL CHILDHOOD vaccines 💉. Example: was at a pumpkin/ Mum patch to pick out some Mums and the grandma said her daughter was taking her babies in for their ( scheduled )vaccines and I got sick to my stomach. That would never have happened before. I pray for those little ones .

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Same here. We have 5 month old twin grandbabies...I've shared vaccine info with our son and pray the babies will be spared injuries from whatever vaccines they decide to let them have. Breaks my heart to think of them being harmed.

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Wow these comments are so sad :(

Covid really changed people, either for the good or bad. It is a clear line down the middle....

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much like our country, Dems vs Reps

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Or authoritarian vs non authoritarian.

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Good vs Evil

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

"Brain fog." "Prion disease." "Mass Formation Psychosis."

We were told in Romans 1 that God in his wrath gives the unrighteous over to a debased mind.

Satan knows scripture better than we do. That these effects are "features" of the recent medical "unpleasantness" is no accident.

Many who participated in the recent experiment to prolong their life seem to belong overwhelmingly to a certain sociopolitical persuasion.

Agnostics and atheists will cling to any "mundane" scientific explanation that allows them to continue to deny their Creator.

There but for the grace of God go I.

Repentance is available to all of us.

Edit to add that I in no way mean to imply that those who took the jabs are automatically agnostics or atheists. We ALL act out of fear at times. We ALL are contending with the flesh.

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Read this today from a Christopher Rufo interview with a physician from a children's hospital which also relates to some of the points you made here...

"One of the things I’ve been thinking about is what puberty blockers do to children. This medication is called a “gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist” and it comes in the form of monthly injections or an implant. And because it simulates the activity of this hormone, it shuts down the activity of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is this almond-sized structure in your brain, it’s one of the most primal structures we have, and it controls all the other hormonal structures in your body—your sexual development, your emotions, your fight-or-flight response, everything. But it shouldn’t be described in such cold physiological terms because your hypothalamus is not just a hormone factory. It’s this system that allows you to stand in awe of the beauty of a sunset, or to hear the sounds of orchestral music and to stop whatever you’re doing and want to listen. And I always think that if someone were to ask me, Where is it that you would look for the divine spark in each individual? I would say that it would be somewhere “beneath the inner chamber,” which is the Greek derivation of the term hypothalamus. To shut down that system is to shut down what makes us human."


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Pure evil...

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I know I’m in the same boat with others. It is very sad. I don’t think people can deal with the fact that their own government has betrayed them. Those of us, especially if we’re a Christian faith had discernment, at least a great deal of us who used it. We don’t put our trust in government, but God.

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And still no apology from her, I assume?

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I can relate to every word. Why is it so hard for people to see?

That is what prayer can do. More often than not, there is no point in speaking into it. God bless you for your graciousness, Ann.

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Well, that is more restraint than I would be able to exercise!

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Oh the hand trembling! I know several jabbed with the hand tremble. At least 5.

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🙋‍♀️ It's like war. So many died a injured and what we thought were long good relationships lost.

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Sorry Ann!

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my former best friends dismissed me for not getting the jabs. They now try to get back but friendship lost this way is hard to get back into. Mostly because they still blame people like me for the ongoing virus. If I (and all the others) had gone immediately the virus would have stopped then and there, just like biden said. The virus stops there. No matter how many times you send them the Pfizer doc where it says NO the jab does not stop infection or transmission or even sickness - some people believe in Santa till death.

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Do you have a copy of this Pfizer doc? Is it the insert for the vials?

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Here's the testimony from the European parliament testimony stating they did not test for transmission Oct 2022. I believe all the Pfizer docs can be found on dailyclout.io https://rumble.com/v1nm010-pfizer-director-admits-they-never-tested-whether-covid-vaccine-prevents-tra.html

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

it is on their website as far as I know, that is where I read it. I do not thinkit is in the vials, I saw an undercover clip where a pharmacist took a blank page out of the vials! Also, Bourla said it in a clip that was on Youtube at the time. Have not checked if it still is

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It's like they HAVE to defend that decision they made...they can't live in any other reality.

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They can't undo injections. It's tough to realize you were fooled into probably harming yourself, even worse if you harmed your kids.

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Yes! Who in their right mind could face it??!! 🤔🤭😝😭

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They live in cognitive distortions …

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That would be a great title....for something 🤓

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A band?

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Sounds similar to a 'medical coincidence'. Love this:


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That’s so true. When I sent my sister and brother an article about a study that proved the vaccine causes harm my sister immediately texted me accusing me of trying to stress her out about something she can’t take back. I just wanted to keep them both from getting more shots because my sister was planning on it. And I think she does still get them.

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And there are those detox protocols...

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Maybe it's a lost cause, but I keep trying to wake some people up. I haven't had much success. People who are 3+ jabs deep barely give me the time of day. Most of the folks that took the initial two jabs and stopped, now know something is wrong and will not take anymore.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

If someone tells me they have covid, I let them assume I am vaxxed too. I ask them if they got the vaccine. They say yes and even volunteer if they are boostered. Then I say well you have nothing to worry about. I am hoping the irony of being vaxxed and infected with covid sinks in.

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Yoi would certainly think that reality would set in, but then they shift to "atleast I am vaccinated which protects me from severe Covid and hospitalization." It's like automatically repeating a party line.

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And I always say “Did you know there’s not ONE study showing these shots prevent severe disease?” Blank stare

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too much koolaid and MSM watching

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ONLY Long CoVid in all it's horrible mutant variations kills and injures, the mRNA vaccine injuries are so very rare that they've stopped being bothered even tracking them (like tracking adverse Tic-Tac reactions). That's NOT a Chinese phone App Trump donors.

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It is the strangest phenomenon...they just keep getting covid. And yet the lightbulb never goes on! The rest of us sit here all healthy and they never even think to question why we're not sick?

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I've acted dumb in the past too when covidiots tell me they just got covid, but no more. I intend to ask them why they got the polio vaccines, and tentacles vaccines. Whatever their answer, I am going to say "so you didn't take it so you would just get a milder case of polio or tetanus?"

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"Oh it was never intended to prevent covid, just to prevent hospitalization and death."😒

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Good reply.

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That would be over their heads.

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Just curious, didn’t they ask you if you were Vaxed? In this situation it appears they didn’t, but what would you say if someone would ask you if you were Vaxed? ( I’m not judging, just curious 🙏🏻)

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

I tell people I never bought in to the covid hysteria and did not get the shots. That usually stops it there. People assume, in my area, you are vaxxed. I just don't enlighten them.

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I'd like us all to stop using the term "vaxxed" and its variations. This isn't a vaccine.

Thank you for your time.

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I reply by telling them of the flu shot in the late 1970's that was recalled for causing deaths. I have had the flu and it was a "welcome" reason to stay in bed and rest. I also relate how all the demoncrats, including our hyena VP, had said they would not take the vaccine that was developed during the Trump years! Now Brandon is calling for a "vaccine that works". Doesn't that mean the ones we have now don't?

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It's not nice to say but at this point if you are still all in on the shots keep taking them, darwin is waiting.

Yes I'm cold. and tired and fed up with all of them.

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Yeah, I don't blame you. I'm tired our people cheering on our civil rights being stripped from us. They are fools. I hope more wake up from their stupor, but at this point, I highly doubt it.

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Thx. My stepmother (jab fanatic and retried Toronto municipal health bureaucrat) has probable uterine cancer in addition to the jab induced (admitted from her hematologist) thrombotic something-or-other (aka pre-lukemia) from last year. Yet she's still going to get the new jab...?

They literally would rather die that not follow the rules.

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I'm really sorry to hear it! I'm stunned that so many highly-educated people continue to take the bait hookline and sinker. It's pure insanity. I never thought I would witness something like this in my lifetime.

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Show your ticket and papers then board the train in orderly fashion so that you may be safely removed from the area under threat of climate change, crime, food shortage, and other problems, be polite to the security guard when de-boarding, maintain your information on your paperwork and luggage, get in line to the processing desk then a quick shower and you can re-join your family for your safe public-private partnership housing, and new normal.

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what happened to the "my body my choice" slogan for abortions?

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That only applies when you’re talking about an inconvenience called a fetus 😑🙄 Only *they* don’t actually get a choice about *their* bodies 😕

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I hear you. I took 2 shots without really looking into what they were (or were not). Woke up when they started to say you could take one of these and one of those or two of these, but in the USA-none of those (AZ). None of that made any sense to me as there was zero data on safety and efficacy at all! And the idea of injecting all military and healthcare workers seemed to be a pretty unsafe idea from a safety of our country perspective. There is so much good info out there, but one needs to be courageous enough to look and have the mental fortitude to acknowledge that your govt and public health may not have your best interests at heart (as well as the “beloved” Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). What I really fear now is that Canada as a nation is too far gone down the Marxist path with no hope of any of our political parties to actually uphold our constitution. It appears that too many have ceded too many of their rights consensually (or that somehow they never even believed they had any rights) to turn the tides. Will someday I be able to claim political refugee status in Texas or Florida?

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I think there are a lot of people like you and appreciate you sharing your story.

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I'm with you. Anyone following the COVID, climate or child sex abuse agenda can go get boosted. And I make no apology for it. I don't think it's cold, it's realistic and considerate for others.

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Totally agree. Just talked to a guy only bc he brought it up, and I was able to tell him about flccc. Whether he looked it up🤷🏻‍♀️.

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Glad you were able to tell him about FLCCC. I have told a few friends about the protocol. They know getting the vaccine was a mistake and will not get any more.

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For many of us who didn’t jab, all is forgiven or at least forgotten, as we reconnect. They won’t believe that even though they all got covid, some were very sick, that I am just the lucky one.

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I’d like the job back that I lost for refusing the jab, and will accept an apology when I get it back plus...

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Proof (again) that folks who believe in "luck" are not critical thinkers, and do not understand root causes.

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I just got home from a lunch with 8 women friends. I and one other unjabbed friend have learned not to talk about Covid among the rest, all jabbed, because it simply doesn’t do any good. One brought up today that her DIL who works at a large assisted living facility, that runs the gamut from only assisted to 24 hour nursing care and rehab to memory care. They have 3 cases of Covid and she was told she had to mask up again. This lady said to us, I hope it doesn’t spread. I guess I kind of blew my “not talking about it” policy, by questioning how do they know by the old tests it’s the new variant? And if masks didn’t work before, which obviously they didn’t, why would they work now? But I just got a blank look. My job doesn’t rest on wearing a mask, so I will not comply, but I understand those who’s job does. They know and they’re coming for the schools next.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

My wife is a member of a group who has done visiting church services in nursing homes for most of a decade. When the first bioweapon was released, the home operators banned visitors. After the second phase of the weapon (the jabs) was rolled out, the operators allowed visitors who were jabbed and masked. By early 2023, the jab part of the mandate was dropped, but not the mask part.

My wife had thyroid cancer, a total thyroidectomy in 2020, and (what I call) medieval radiation treatments (which together have not stopped the return of the cancer, BTW). Her breathing is compromised, and wearing a mask is not just uncomfortable, but potentially risky.

Well, The Regime got what it wanted: One less Christian offering free social outreach to needy and lonely older people.

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It’s just completely disgusting 😡

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What a loss 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Watch this! Melatonin has properties we didn’t know about. This doctor explains!

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I will not forgive and forget anytime soon, and the latest attempts to ramp up the masks and jabs simply reinforces why.

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Yet they supposedly “believe in” science 🙄 What do they need luck for then??

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I will not forgive and forget anytime soon, and the latest attempts to ramp up the masks and jabs simply reinforces why.

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In my view, the people who offered up their arms to the jab had something missing even before they got it. For me it’s called discernment, research and intestinal fortitude. Daily battles with conflicting information and conflicted opinions. Family members and friends afraid to express their opinions about the whole thing was the strangest part of this. Although I am grateful for Governor DeSantis’ leadership and the brilliant Dr. Joseph Ladapoe as top health administrator, I still have an issue with DeSantis having the official Florida law changed to accommodate forced vaccination mandates and removal of the non compliant from their homes. Until that is out the books I will still have to give him the side eye.

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“Family members and friends afraid to express their opinions about the whole thing was the strangest part of this.“

Not strange if it avoided being excommunicated.

On the other hand, the jabbed were very vocal and emotionally brutal as only family can be to each other, either by shunning or relentless pecking.

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Is just coincidence that Dr. Lapadoe is the only healthy looking public health official that I've seen? All the ones in the media eye look like cadavers and ghouls.

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"discernment, research and intestinal fortitude" DRI. Is that related to DEI :)

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The opposite.

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Desantis leaving the Statue of SB2006.381.00315 4a b is a HUGE elephant in the room. I wish more people realize this. I give him the glaring eye for this. I find it extremely threatening. the threat of the pandemic treaty wouldn't bother me as much if this wasn't on the books and I have a clear stance, bring more than one body bag as you will not take me out of my property nor will you force me to have a jab of any kind

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Totally agree about it all!

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I try not to engage, Christy. Sometimes I can’t resist the effort … and then, after the failure or negative response, I realize its bad for my own emotional health.

Prayers for them will be my response.

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We RV full time from military base to military base so we meet a lot of new ppl. I barely talk to anyone bc I don’t even find it worth it. Wish I could have a normal convo but I really could care less about sports, TikTok or the latest TV show. Lol. Not a life of the party person. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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"There are none so blind than those who will not see!"

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Three Stooges: "I can't see, I can't see"... "Why can't you see?"... "I got my eyes closed, nuyk, nuyk, nuyk"

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A co-worker who is an avid watcher of mainstream media mentioned that young people dying is more common than we thought it was. I have tried to open her eyes so many times over the years, I just changed the subject and didn’t argue about it. But it still haunts me. Why would we just now notice this and then just casually say this is how it’s always been? No curiosity or alarm. If the media says it’s fine, then it’s fine. If the media says be hysterical, then it’s time to be hysterical. It’s very scary.

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Like walking zombies! They just don’t eat our flesh, but just as dangerous!

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My sister expressed shock over all the athletes dropping and I said “you’re noticing it too?”...I was able to say it’s the shots and not much else, but a little spark was finally lit (she won’t allow any discussion on masks though - they for sure work LOL)....but for the most part, I don’t engage either unless someone gives me an opening as big as she did

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The hardest is the close family. Thank god my kids grew up w a batshit crazy mom. Lol

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It's their religion. I have a few in my own family and it's very sad. I pray that the scales will fall from their eyes that they might see and believe the truth.

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It seems to have increased their fear also, if that's possible. Yesterday I saw a woman, alone in her car, with a mask and gloves on. What could her car possibly have been doing?

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I’d say they need some Jesus in their life, but I know too many Christians who revel in this fear.

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Lol! 🤣🤣🤣

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You’re nice. I never engaged in it until I could see someone was doubting it or questioning. Not worth my energy.

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At first it was w family. Half still think I’m bat shit crazy which is ok w me, as they complain about all their health issues.

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Not just the jab - the Dem party does something to the brain. When I sense there is an opening, I tell my 'victim' to think of the Dem party as a gentrified neighborhood where everything that was good about the working-class neighborhood has been co-opted by the wealthy. Those swanky sweatshirts tech wear must cost the same as someone's mortgage or apartment payment.

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Yep. If I get dem vibes I politely leave the convo. Used to think they just think that but forget that now!!!!

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I have experienced this as well and wondered the same thing. Since leaving NYC it's a topic that comes up far less thankfully.

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Yes Christy, I also have seen that glazed look many many times. I quit trying to talk to these people. 🫤

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It’s mind blowing to me, but I can see that glazed look and then I’m done.

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Ha! I have a covidian friend (ironically her name is Christy) saw her at a gathering, she smugly walked up to me after knowing I was very sick with the "Delta " in Dec 21. " don't you regret not taking the vaccine " she said. I told her "no " I did research and don't like playing Russian Roulette. Got the old glazed look and she walked away. Since then she and her jabbed up kids have had several bouts of the scary virus!

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Lol. She’s a bad rep for our name🤣🤣🤣. The ppl I knew who took it r having way worse than the scary virus so she’s lucky.

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She had breast cancer and some gastro problems too. But I'm sure it's not related 🤫

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My latest daily covidian encounters: a client got covid, vaxxed and boostered, and she's so sick. She said she had the flu years ago and this was way worse as it has been going on for 3 weeks. I never had the flu that long. It seems like something worse like body's immune system is not working. 2nd - a young man in college thought he was having a heart attack. Here upon diagnosis it was an air pocket outside the lung. Supposedly you get from an injury. He wasn't injured lately. 2 years ago he got vaxxed though. They gave him instructions to rest for 2 weeks. Now he got a call from the doctor saying they wanted to do further investigation of his lungs etc. He told his mom that if something was really bad he would be dead already. His mother was telling me all this. She then asked me that it is probably nothing and everything will be alright. I am doing my best to keep my face calm. I am nodding my head in agreement while inside I am screaming "why ask me since I am unvaxxed and don't follow the science!?" At that moment I knew that her and her son know of the vaxx side effects. I felt so bad for them. God help us all because this is a daily occurrence for me as I am in a heavily vaxxed area and the rare, hereditary, turbo etc things happening is awful.

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I've seen quite a few people incure side effects from the vax as well. The obituaries are filled with young or younger people who died "unexpectedly." I've known numerous people who have died "unexpectedly" from anuerysms, blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. I have a buddy who was just diagnosed with lung cancer and he has rarely ever smoked. Cancers of all types are on the rise. The CDC just conveniently ignores the all-cause mortality excess death data. People are covering their eyes and plugging their ears, because they just want to wake up from the nightmare and know that it was just a nightmare.

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I just found out about two health "gurus" in my area. One is a personal trainer. He worked with clients in the morning and dropped dead mowing the lawn in the afternoon. He was 43 with a three-year-old. Another is the head of a popular weight-loss company that lots of people have used to lose weight. I heard that he had a heart attack a while ago and was on the heart transplant list. Then just in the last week, he had to go off the transplant list because he was found to have some kind of blood cancer. It's just so awful. I worry so much about my family members who got the jab.

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That's awful. 😔 I'm am fortunate that none of my family including my brothers and sister and their families are vaxxed. This entire scamdemic brought us closer together. But I do have some friends and my kids friends who are vaxxed. I fear for them. 🙏

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I have the completely opposite. Everyone in my family got jabbed, except me. When I asked my brother why he and his family took it, reply was just "It's just easier" Oh good grief!! It's just mind-boggling.

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I get so sick of hearing “I had to” well you didn’t but because you did, it made it harder on the rest of us! Power in numbers!

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A couple of my siblings are vaxxed and concerned, one because he trusted the doctors, another because without the vax, her cancer surgery stalled. (Can you say coercion?) Both of them are worried about their guinea pig status. A couple of my kids also took the shot, reluctantly. No Boosters! Still, a little nagging worry in the back of all our minds...

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The FLCCC has a cv shot detox protocol as well as one for covid detox.

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I hope all stays well. 🙏 🥰

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Yes, unfortunately these stories are all too common. It is very sad. It's absolutely infuriating what these immoral scumbags have done to society. They have no conscience or moral compass. Their "Great Reset" is looking more like a nightmare each and every day.

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More and more a nightmare ... yes, every day passing. And things like 'fires' in Hawaii look more and more like they are part of the Reset which is really Great only for profit and control. It's all the same thing. And the new concentration camp is the 15 minute cities with lock-down cells your home.

I have been watching some of the Lahaina footage. I now regard Lahaina as a non-normal event ... a part of something not good for us. I came across this video. It's real slick and uses all the right words. It's not made by a stupid person. I can tell this from the professional tightly constructed feel of it. BUT IS IT NONETHELESS CORRECT IN ITS ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS. AND A FAIR STATEMENT AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON.


As I watched it I keep thinking, "Yep, that's pretty much how I feel!" And I bet a lot of C & C folks feel close to the same.

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The fact they turned off the emergency warning system and turned off water access tells you all you need to know. Pure evil.

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Why Are There So Many Fires? Dr. David Martin Unveils What He Thinks Is Behind It


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My sister never smoked but has spots on her lungs. She is at least twice jabbed and has worn masks sometimes 24/7 for days because of testing positive. Has had C many times, I don’t know if she will get the connection, but half of our family is jabbed and they are doing worse than unjabbed. Bro in law cancer, other sister rheumatoid arthritis at 53. 80 yr old parents I fought to keep from getting jabbed, doing well.

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My mother was jabbed and boosted and died of turbo stomach cancer. She was dead within 4 months of her diagnosis.

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😞 so sorry for your loss

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O Alison, I am so sorry

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I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 it really is horrible.

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Gone too soon. Sorry for your loss. 😔

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Your family is a microcosm of the big picture. Plus anecdotal evidence all in one.

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Blair, If I could politely correct you, The CDC just purposely ignores the all-cause mortality excess death data. All this evil was done on purpose.

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Agree. I told my husband I am not looking forward to this fall and winter as it is normal cold and flu season. God help us all. 🙏

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Yes, the fear factory will amp up the fear factor with the latest scariant and updated sacred miracle elixir cure once again sending people into a pandemonium. Many people have such depleted immune systems, that routine illnesses will be anything but routine.

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“Scariant” - a really good one!😂

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Thanks Susan! I can't take credit for it. I've seen other people use it. 🤣

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Me too! Because 'they' have huge narrative failure problems of 'their' own making, some of which were sanely (for once) highlighted in the Tucker/Orban interview and as seen by millions of people.

I am thinking that 'they' really do need a huge item of distraction in order to swamp the leaking Memory Canoe. I keep wonder what it will be and I have a sneaking suspicion that it will not be a boring rerun, but something new and exciting, and packed full of energizing fear and terror. What could it be?

Hope I am wrong!

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I want to make it clear I have not decided to push back at the covidiots for spite, or to show I was right, but in the dim hope they will see enough to be open to taking some of the remedies that have been shown to help. I'm trying to save the idiots I know, not shame them.

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I have mixed feelings.

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Indeed, rolandttg, many are waking up to their conditions and THEN seek help from the people who poisoned them! They fear the remedies because the remedies don't come from the doctor they trust(ed).

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The people coming in to the ER with covid this time around all have been jabbed and have had covid multiple times already! Not sure why are think the ER is the place to get checked. They aren’t sick just feels like the flu. I think it is out of disbelief their precious jabs are failing them again 🙃

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I always tell ALL about the FLCCC protocols and Peter McCullough’s which address the spike protein from COVID infection or mod mRNA shot. It’s the hopeful help to clear it. They then bump into all the protocols for prevention and treatment. No point in arguing. Just send help which we all need!

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I just can't keep my mouth shut any more. My dad was admitted to some rehab place and they asked him about the "vaccines", and he said no, he had one friend die of turbo cancer and 2 more of strokes. He was on the bandwagon in the beginning, but not now. So there is hope. Thus, I don't shut my mouth about how evil and dangerous big pharma's clot shot is. Incidentally, the person asking the question (when he said no to more jabs and his reasoning) said she understood and could not offer her opinion... which she did by saying she couldn't. Lots of people waking up. Keep talking.

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A young woman I know has been getting severe migraines...got all the tests, found nothing (of course) her allopathic doc didn't relate the shot, but told her NOT TO GET ANYMORE BOOSTERS!! Great news!

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Obviously that doctor doesn’t live in British Columbia, Canada because he could have been fined, jailed, have his business property confiscated and list his license to practice medicine for giving that advice against the public health recommendations. It is the actual law. And he himself is not allowed to practice medicine unless he subjects himself to whatever injections or treatments the govt (which has taken over the medical regulatory boards) tells him to (not only CoVid).

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He knows. Just too cowardly to give voice to what he realizes.

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Oh that doctor could get in trouble for saying not to get any more boosters I bet.

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My dr told me that “.....the walls have ears”

They have to be careful what they say.

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Wow. At least he acknowledges the tyrannical medial system since he admits he has to be careful what he says. He probably has regrets too since he cannot have the freedom of treating patients as he prefers.

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I related a similar story regarding my veterinarian somewhere in this post. : )

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smart and thinking doctor

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Relative finally had relief (after 15mos of severe daily M HAs) after starting strict keto. About 5mo into it, still nearly HA free, but can’t seem to slip up on adding much fruit.

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I'm glad there is some hope. I'm glad your dad did not take the vaccine. Thanks for your encouraging words. You're right. We need to be vocal regardless of how it's recieved.

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Kindly vocal, just the facts, just to help.

This link was posted here earlier today. altho I wonder about the definition of some of the 10 elements of dignity, it is a good read to take to heart and understand the lost so they can be reached.


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This is great info! I have saved it for future reference. Thank you! I greatly appreciate it!

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good for you! They do enough cancelling as it is (RFKjr comes to mind), we shouldn't cancel ourselves

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the Addiction machine and suicide pushers are all part of the population quashing push as well. It's get you anyway they can effort.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

🗨 I have yet to meet in my life someone who allowed a fact to overwhelm a belief.


PS A good primer—Do’s and Don’ts—how to reach those still reachable --> reachingpeople.net/dos-and-donts-in-conversation 🔥👌 Includes many a piece of actionable advice, backed with sound psychological insights 🙂

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Thanks for the resource, Daiva! I greatly appreciate it!

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@Daiva that is a great resource. Thanks so much for posting it!

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Interesting thanks

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That was a very interesting read!! Helpful too! Thanks!

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I think the quote matches more of my experience, they believe and that's it, end of discussion. Their attitude -"Fauci(or govt) said it, I believe it and that settles it".

To any of the people I know the belief in the covid narrative is a religion, they don't question because they are afraid of judgement. I have heard of people converting to a different religion, but not because someone pointed out the absurdity of their beliefs but because they came to the conclusion themselves.

It's great to hear stories of people that gave up on their belief in the covid vax, I am not expecting the same from the people I know. The strange part for me is that I don't know of a single person that has any health issues that could be attributed to the vax. I work at a company with over 1000 people(I'm just a contractor) and I have asked a few of the others I know are un-vaxxed and they say the same thing, none at work or anywhere else. I have asked several relatives and acquaintances, same, nothing. I'm pretty sure it's happening but I am only able to experience the vindication vicariously.

BTW, we were notified the masks are going to be required again, whenever they deem necessary. The notice was to establish a zero tolerance policy and to declare there are no exemptions for anyone because the CDC says there is no evidence of any harm. I'm guessing they aren't entertaining any evidence that is not from the CDC.

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If there are zero adverse reactions nor illnesses, heart issues such as turbo cancers etc, you could live in a placebo bubble area, either geographically, medically, or by batch.

It has been established that there are 4 intentional toxicities among the c*v needles - placebo (0 injuries/deaths), mildly toxic, medium toxic, highly toxic. One of the Scandinavian countries was exposed this year for knowingly allowing the 4 levels to be used in its people as part of the needle experiment.

A person’s experience tends to color his/her concept of the “truth.” i.e., “if it didn’t happen to me it is not true.” That’s why it’s good to be aware of what is being fed to “c*vidians” and being involved with groups such as this to understand others’ experiences.

Interest in finding and knowing the truth has been sucked out of many people with the introduction of the concept of relativism (relative truth) - “my truth is not your truth, but all are truths.”

There may be many personal experiences, but there is only one truth. Not my truth, not your truth.

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I hope you are right about the bubble. My wife got jabbed, no boosters though. The second jab was enough for her to 'take the risk', as I was accused of doing from the beginning. I didn't have any hesitation to tell 'friends' and neighbors to "F.O. dumb shit", my wife cares if people like her though, hopefully her tolerance and kindness won't kill her.

I'm in great health, but most jabbed people I talk to quickly wish I was dead. They don't like hearing 'the truth' or at least not my truth. I usually spurt out, 'get your booster' as they are walking away wishing they were strangling me.

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I personally know at least 3 males of varying ages that had heart problems after the shots. And friends of friends with strokes. Several cases of rare turbo cancers in people I know. No conclusive links to the jabs because no one will look for any 😕 But way too many of these kinds of issues compared to previous (pre vax) years to be just a coincidence.

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I agree that there are way to many 'coincidences' compared to pre-vax to be a coincidence. I'm mad at the govt and the covidians for pressuring so many people to get the jabs that didn't really want it. I'm also disappointed so many complied with people they didn't know in opposition to people that care deeply about them that were telling them not to get it, implying at the time that friends and family were the uncaring evil ones not the govt, corps, or covidians. I'm still resentful and have lost something for the compliers that shunned me. I don't know if it's trust, or respect, or what I lost, but that behavior has caused loneliness for too many people. I want an apology from the govt and the work places. I know it won't happen.

I'm glad the ones I care about seem fine, but as shitty of a human it makes me, I wish I knew some covidians personally who suffered a miserable, lonely death. Since I haven't got to feel that satisfaction, I like to hear stories from others when its a jab pusher that dies, or suffers. When I hear about people that just complied it makes me more mad than sad. Hopefully I don't have to experience anything happening to the ones that just complied.

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Oh I definitely feel much the same way. Especially this part:

“ I agree that there are way too many 'coincidences' compared to pre-vax to be a coincidence. I'm mad at the govt and the covidians for pressuring so many people to get the jabs that didn't really want it. I'm also disappointed so many complied with people they didn't know in opposition to people that care deeply about them that were telling them not to get it, implying at the time that friends and family were the uncaring evil ones not the govt, corps, or covidians. I'm still resentful and have lost something for the compliers that shunned me.”

It’s definitely taken a toll in so many ways 😕

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My sister got two shots....had a heart attack and a stroke. She said she wasn’t going to get the booster.

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The CULT Mantra (part of current one anyway--look to frequent updates, deletions, and alterations based on daily narrative-shifting). CoVid proves evolution, we can learn a lot from China, alternate medicine and treatments are harmful, Russia and Trump STOLE 2016 election, Decriminalizing lessens Crime, Less border control is actually more beneficial to everyone, Climate Change Emergency CAN NO longer be denied, Sexuality, gender, attraction are to be celebrated in all their forms, Book Banning BAD, Internet censorship GOOD. Feel free to Add to the list it's quite long and exhausting.

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This is excellent, straight forward, easily applied information. Thank you for clearing cobwebs from info learned long ago but not applied. 👍🏻👍🏻

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This cleaning lady is d-lited to hear of her broom's reach 😊

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I lost internet connection while trying to look at the Do’s and Don’ts. Anyone else having issues these past two weeks? It’s almost always when I am on Substack.

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Thanks, I will be using

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They're under a spell...an establishment spell. Break the spell and you break the cycle. As long as they continue to rely and trust in the establishment then they will be forever lost. Casualties of their own making. Hitler was welcomed...hypnotizing millions.

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I just refer people to what happened during the OXI years. FDA guy was bribed and the government given a one paragraph opinion about the drug to shove it thru the channels. Who was the one who said to beware of “we are the government and we are here to help”? I have to take a deep dive whenever government offers me anything now.

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It was Ronald Reagan who said “Be afraid of the guy who says “I am from the government. I’m here to help.”

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I think the exact quote was “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.”

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Not sure of the quote you are looking for but this one seems close:

"Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem" — Ronald Reagan

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Ironically, to fill my time during the early pandemic closures, I binge watched the“Dopesick” miniseries. It was eye opening and set the stage for what was about to happen to us.

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You're absolutely right. They are under the "establishment spell" and it's a very seductive spell indeed.

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On a different but similar vein..(no pun intended) after telling my husband's Dr that he won't be taking statins, and she said she was marking us down as ' diaagreeing' on that issue, I just received a letter from insurance company yesterday trying to convince us to reconsider taking statins. Mind you....he had heart surgery, but no cholesterol tests.

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I have had doctors trying to put me on statins for years. I have never taken them. I take CoQ-10, fish oil, and red yeast rice. I try to eat a sensible diet with many fruits and vegetables and keep my weight down. It's not easy. I managed to get my cholesterol down to about 190 and have high counts of good cholesterol and low counts of bad cholesterol. I'm glad I didn't take statins, but to each their own. I'm not surprised the insurance company tried to convince him otherwise. What a racket.

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Low cholesterol is at least as "dangerous" as high cholesterol. I went down that rabbit hole awhile ago when I discovered low carb. The Great Cholesterol Con is a great read. Average total cholesterol is 220. So, they lowered the target to 200, so they could sell more statins. 190 is getting into danger category, so be careful with that. Cholesterol is essential to life itself.

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back in 1985 our local hospital was offering free cholesterol screening. My grandmother in law had very high cholesterol but was checking it regularly. My MIL a bit lower but didn't want to get it checked (hated needles). Since my wife's family had a history of high cholesterol, and her father had died of a massive heart attack, I suggested we all go and get our cholesterol levels checked. They were (numbers about, I don't recall exact numbers), GMIL 450, MIL 350, wife 250, me 150. My MIL refused to stop eating eggs. In fact she ate one a day until she passed in January this year at the age of 88 (of stomach cancer, unrelated to covid). Wife (also unvaxed) started taking statins about 5 years ago. Recently (two months ago) she stopped them as she was having various issues and wanted to check them out. Today her doc called that her cholesterol is up to 200 (mine is at 100, HDL at 40), and wants to see her asap! If I'm not mistaken the guidelines keep coming down. Maybe the pharmaceutical industry is driving the guidelines to get more people to take statins?

Incidentally, GMIL stopped using olive oil in favor of margarine back in the 60's because supposedly olive oil was bad for your health. That myth is now debunked. I wonder what other myths they are forcing on us

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Jean, thank you for the book recommendation. My total cholesterol is always around 220. So very average. And every doc I've gone to has heavily pushed me to statins. I absolutely refuse. I look forward to reading the book.

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Everyone should read Dwight Eisenhower's story and what happened to him when he was able to lower his total cholesterol to some crazy low number like 150. It didn't turn out well for him, needless to say.

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I am reading Putting Your Heart In Your Mouth right now, and have The Great Cholesterol Myth waiting in the dock

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Ya we are working on his diet. But everything I have learned about the importance of having cholesterol for brain and cell function tells me they want people to lose their cognitive abilities.b

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I do much the same as you except when my Dr recommended statins and I said no, she then suggested red yeast rice, saying it had some beneficial effects that were similar to statins. I did try it but it upset my stomach so I stopped very quickly. Later, I demanded that she do the more detailed cholesterol test that analyzes your LDL particle size. Mine came up the ideal fluffy Type A particle type. Since my HDL is always nicely high, and Triglycerides are low enough, my doctor was satisfied with me not taking statins since there is also no heart disease in my family. I'm glad I never took any statins.

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Red Yeast Rice is essentially a statin.

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That's good to know! Someone recommended I take it and I suppose it has helped.

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Working with his doctor, my husband stopped taking his statin. A month into doing this, we, too, received a letter from our heath insurance company stating how important it was to fill and take the prescribed statin. Also, I rarely see allopathic physcians. If something comes up, I usually see a natural doctor. Our health insurance company is always sending me letters on how important it is to get a yearly physical. What? To put me on prescriptions? To get the jab? To get the shingles jab? No thanks.

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we are their bread and butter

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I've told a couple of doctors that I will not take statins, end of discussion. There's nothing they can say that would convince me otherwise. Too many bad effects from them and still not convinced that they really help.

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Brains need fat. If we medicate people to stop cholesterol then we are damaging their brains. The problem is not cholesterol, it is the fixer. The question they need to address it why are the arteries damaged and on need of fixing. They blame the firemen rather than the arsonists.

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interesting analogy

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Wow....are doctors reporting to the insurance companies now?

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I had a parent tell me at one of my kids games that they think the reason why all these athletes are having heart attacks is because of the energy drinks

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Wow! He/she probably read that in the Washington Post. 🤡

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Or heard it on NPR.

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Of course! Energy drinks have only been around for three years…🙄

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Does koolaid protect?

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Not for the Jim Jones crowd.

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Yes, I know a number of people who immediately go to the CDC to check for the "facts" 😂

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They still haven't figured it out. And most of these people are "educated."

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Indocucated :( Or edutrinated :(

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To be fair, I did look at their initial mortality rate estimations for this novel coronavirus back in 2020. When it listed estimates far below 1% for all age groups, I realized that this was nothing to be overly concerned about and more political than health-related. Sadly, I think if Trump wasn't the president at the time, this would have been treated the way it should have and nothing would have happened. (The _other_ consequences wouldn't have been nearly as good, but that one would have been wiped away like so many email servers...)

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Whoa! Wait a minute. Back the heck up! Are we even on the same planet? First of all, the so-called CV was a weaponized, gain-of-function, chimeric pathogen, NOT a "novel coronavirus", created in a laboratory funded by our DoD and then INTENTIONALLY released around the planet as part of a psyop to simulate a pandemic. The purpose of this psyop was to panic the world and especially the American people into taking their trans humanist, genocidal death shot.

I appreciate the lure of fantasizing how things can get back to "normal" but it's time we open our eyes. That's not happening. The difference between having Trump in office or Hellary in office 2017 - 2020 is NOT that the "coronavirus" would have been handled as a normal flu! If Hellary had been in office AS PLANNED, she would have thrown us into a total dictatorship by declaring martial law and by now we would be completely subjugated to their New World Order, complete with Chinese Federal police enforcing the regimes dictates on us. Thanks to the American people, Trump's win threw their plans for the American people into a cocked hat. As a result, we now have a slim chance, but a chance nevertheless, of defeating these satanic worshiping Bolshevik pedos in 2024.

Seriously, I can't believe anybody here does not understand this. The reports from Ethical and Ed Dowd point to the fact that the CIA's Deagel report is on target to reduce the population of the US by 68% by 2025. That means the US population will drop from over 300 million to under 100 million by 2025. We can anecdotally understand this by the accelerating trends of disease, disability and death caused by VAIDS (vaccine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) as pointed out by Ethical and Ed Dowd:





A new study shows covid injections cause VAIDS in children


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For those who have a hard time conceptualizing this - and I am one of those - factor in the fact that the shot is sterilizing nearly everyone that took it, especially the children. Our reproduction rate was already in rapid decline. Now this is going to crater our population. Listen closely to Ed Dowd. He talks only in terms of the facts and understates the consequences. Everyone already sees the problem of a labor pool that has seemingly shrunk overnight. Businesses cannot find employees. This is going to get progressively worse and it will begin to break down our economy.

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Trump the 2016 SpeedBump. Reduce the native populations and/or shift them, also bring in large groups from elsewhere...just like Assyrian, Babylonian, Incan Empires (Indian Removal Act) to uproot peoples from traditions, gods, lands, to fracture them, divide their loyalties, weaken local leadership and resolve, and make them less powerful and cohesive in resisting against the Empire and those profiting by the process.

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Yes. A very genius, diabolical plan from the pits of hell.

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Justified by godlike overlords for the good of the herd and the realm. God makes people, People make slaves.

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I totally get it. Thanks for posting this. God help us all!

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Peter Schott -If Trump weren’t President and up for re-election they never would’ve released the bio weapon. Then none of this would have been necessary.

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Hillary was supposed to win.

Bet they would have released the bioweapon if she was in office...

...for martial law to be instituted.

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I don't think they would have needed that excuse. They'd have found some other reason for it. Things would not have been better under her, but they would have been different.

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If Hillary was elected, we would have had war with Russia.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Sunnydaze, I'm sorry but are you and the eleven likes serious? When I first read your comment, I thought you were just being sarcastic. Do you really think the Democratic Party instituted a world-wide genocide just because they lost an election and for the purpose of discrediting Trump? You really believe the Democratic Party came up with the CV, the vaxx and the genocide plan on the spur of the moment? Seriously? You really believe they are the one's in control?

Wake up! This whole plandemic/genocide has been in the works for decades. The so-called virus was created by the USG DoD and they had the death shot ready before the "virus" was even released. The whole purpose of their plans had nothing to with any particular election. It had everything to do with a plan to bring the US into the NWO and to reduce the world's population to less than 1 billion. In other words, to kill off 7 billion people. This is not being controlled by Hellary or the Democratic Party. They are just useful Bolshevik idiots.

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Politico Phil… My comment was in response to someone else above. Peter Scott above made the original comment that said if Trump wasn’t President it would’ve been handled differently. At the time there was no other comment and it made sense. Sometimes these threads get so long it’s hard to know who was saying what to whom. I didn’t make that comment to be a stand alone belief. I know they created it a long time ago and the globalist agenda etc etc. You are correct. I do think the timing was good to implement it though. The D’s aren’t calling the shots, I know that. It’s way bigger than an election….but taking down the USA is part of it and Trump was standing in their way for the USA specifically.

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OK...glad to hear it. I think the point is the weapon was released in spite of Trump, not because of him. Their plans had matured and time is running out on the empire. It was use it or lose it. They have shown their hand and now it is open warfare.

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I agree. But the idea came from hell. Hell is the puppet master of the DoD. Trump winning just delayed the implementation. It was an act of Mercy. Mercy ALWAYS flows before Judgement. He gave us time to repent. For many, if not most, repentance didn’t happen. I think the trans movement may have opened some people’s eyes.

But judgement is omit way. Soon.


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One way or another for sure. We can never forget God's Providence in the affairs of men. Perhaps Trump was more than just a brief respite. Perhaps Trump threw the timing of their plans off enough to give us a chance to defeat them. With the failed election of Hellary, they missed their chance to impose their entire program on America all at once while we were panicked with no chance of fighting back. One way or another, Trump is a monkey wrench in their gears.

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I was one of the likes. We all knew there would be a false flag event to disrupt the election. I thought the quote referred to that. It wouldn’t have been necessary to release the virus if it didn’t look like Trump was going to win again.

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"if Trump wasn't the president at the time, this would have been treated the way it should have and nothing would have happened. " That does not explain the same extreme response all over the world.

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You’re correct. That one fact......that it is worldwide.......seems like a plan to me. As though leaders all over the world wanted people to die.

And elections worldwide were sabotaged, and it would appear, by OUR government, as they were here.

Ephesians 6:12. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places”

Almost as if the angels in the abyss have been loosed ‘for a season’. Something has changed in the spirit realm. I can feel it.

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It’s called Satan’s Little Season. His demons are loosed temporarily prior to the end of the age. A great surge of evil in all its forms, all the while the Great Shepherd continues to call his sheep into the fold. It seems to me that a lot of people, even non-believers are feeling this intensification of satanic energy, even if they don’t recognize it as such. Flee to Christ, our only true refuge.

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I agree with most of what you said. Only thing is, we have always had to wrestle against demons. This is something ‘more’. Something more malevolent, more diabolical and more evil......stronger. Right now, it appears we are dealing with the demons bosses......fallen angels .

Remember when Daniel prayed for 21 days and Michael, the archangel said he had to fight the ‘princes of Persia....and had to have help from Gabriel?? Those were the Rulers in High places......fallen angels. They are on another level and are more afraid of what’s coming. They are desperate. But we have been made MORE THAN conquerors, through prayer.

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The brain fog, prion disease, etc. provide a "mundane" explanation for the debased mind of Romans 1. This would have been anticipated by the enemy, who knows scripture better than we do. Knowing that people would be "given over," the enemy would want a pre-planned reason for agnostics and atheists to continue to reject their Creator.

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Same, it’s an eerie feeling

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MaryLS…my thought exactly on reading that comment. Trump was actually quite irrelevant in the implementation of a worldwide scamdemic.

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How about Soros and his billions?

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Nope! It was a trifecta. And that's three (3) things. 1) Coverup for banking, for the liquidity crises which began in late August 2019, 2) implimentation of the Covid Health Terror campaign -- also multi-purposed, and including population extermination, and 3) provide the pretext for Great Reset Build Back Better funding in order to bring in one world high-tech Commie totalitarianism (and finish us off!)

The Fakedemic did achieve it initial aims. But it appear that blow back will bit them in the ass. And it will be both the Health Terrorism exposures plus the Sanctions Failure fallout leading to all theBRICS Plus stuff (multi-polar world, dedollarization, an isolated West, etc.).

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Not sure how you concluded things would have been treated the way they should have been if Trump were not president. This was a globalist bioweapon project spearheaded by the deep state DoD. Do you honestly think anyone else as president would have stopped this project? Could have stopped this project?

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More thinking that when this all first started going public, the majority of politicians were saying things like "no big deal, live life" and ripping Trump for trying to put in some basic safety measures. And if we _had_ just kept living our lives, nothing would have happened.

If Hillary had been in office, I think things would have played out differently, if only in the sense that she would have been the savior, no matter what she did or what happened. We've had far worse viruses unleashed in the past and never had these reactions, but the overplayed reactions were definitely more political. To me, it seems that once the Democrats realized they could use this to get Trump, it escalated far more than it would have if we'd had Hillary in charge.

As for stopping the overall project - not really disagreeing there. I just think things would have played out differently if only to not tarnish the Clinton's good name. (man that was hard to type w/ a straight face)

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😂😂. I’ll bet that was hard😂😳”Clinton’s ‘good name’”😂

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Yes the intentional POSTURING by Democrats and Reps in the know about initially keeping communities and travel open, the "unknown"s and ever changing data and science of the disease, the don't mask, face covering, N-95 double masking evolving narrative, the Leftist rampaging after St. Floyd was assassinated by a White cop, the Vaxx hesitant statements by Biden and Harris during the 2020 debates that shifted into Mandates after they secured their takeover in Jan 21, Trump was incidental to the plan and easily brushed aside and co-opted as needed; and provided a great scapegoat for initially denying (it's a hoax), then not disclosing info (January 2020), then not being draconian enough in locking down the nation and causing all the death and harm that ensued. A Hillary overseeing of the US Operation of CoVid Global would have had other flavors added but the outrage against Anti-Vaxx Racists and MAGA Maniacs would have been even more shrill and the ends still accomplished.

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They wouldn’t have had to stop the project because all of the other traitors agree. They would just force it down our throats with their sleight of hand ,media captured mind control.

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You mean the "Center for Disinformation Control"?

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I went to lunch with an old friend this week. She totally distrusts the medical establishment and all their drugs, BUT she has gotten all four recommended jabs. ???? It IS a religion.

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I had a friend who would eat nothing but organic.

She was one of the first I knew to get the covid death shot.

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I shake my head at the cognitive dissonance.

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That sounds more like your friend was successfully psy-opped on the jabs.

Religion would be buying into most everything proffered, not just one aspect.

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She loves ALL vaccines!

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The worst was I was volunteering at a school event and the one idiot dad says ok let's go around and say who is vaxxed or not - 2nd person said Thank God I got the vax - I got terribly ill from it, so very sick (and I'm like YES she awoke to the Sham!!} OH NO - she says by how badly I reacted to it - it shows how much my body needed it. By the time it got to me I said Oh I better respond to this call! You just can't fix stupid. I do get concerned the flouride is muffling peoples brains - like they kind of want to go there and think about it - but aren't able to - because of the flouride (bio weapon) numbing the brain.

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I'm curious if these people have God in their lives? Humans are wired for God--we need something to believe in. Atheists, agnostics, and the "spiritual" seem to fill that void by embracing a knowing and loving government and they get offended if you imply the govt is wrong or is not looking out for their best interest. Or it's just lazy thinking--they don't want to think for themselves, they'd rather be told what to do, how to feel.

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It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.

~Mark Twain

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That's the CDC's story, and they're sticking to it. It's ridiculous that they act like they have thoroughly investigated every single death reported (over 17,000 reported to VAERS in the U.S. and territories), and determined that only those nine were caused by the shots.

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You're right. It's ludicrous. They are criminal liars. I'm amazed that some people still trust their data. And doctors still constantly quote "CDC guidelines."

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yet in 1979 only 12 deaths were enough to withdraw the flu vaccine!

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In that case, Guillain-Barre Syndrome was the main culprit. With these new products, there are so many different serious adverse events. GBS has been causally linked to the Janssen shot, which seems to be the fall guy for serious adverse events. Many of them involve bleeding/clotting. They knew that this was an issue even before the rollout, and had evidence of it in the first few months of widespread use.

Here's something I put together in June of this year.

A Timeline of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis and COVID-19 Vaccines

2020, before any of the shots were authorized:

"A 25-year-old male with no past medical history and no concurrent medications experienced a transverse sinus thrombosis on Day 21 following vaccination. On Day 9 the participant experienced symptoms of fever, myalgia, headache, fatigue, abdominal pain, congestion and rhinorrhea. He tested negative for SARs-CoV-2 during this acute illness. Aside from headache, his symptoms improved. On Day 19 he experienced a tonic colonic seizure. A CT scan without contrast demonstrated a cerebral hemorrhage. On Day 21, a transverse sinus thrombosis was reported on a venogram. The participant underwent a thrombectomy as well as stent placement for stenosed right sigmoid sinus on Day 22. On Day 23 repeat venogram showed the presence of a new clot in the transverse sinus. A second thrombectomy with venoplasty was performed. Treating clinicians reported observing rapid thrombus formation during the two thrombectomy procedures that was consistent with a clinically hypercoagulable state. In their assessment, the transverse sinus thrombosis most likely occurred days before the participant's clinical presentation with a seizure; the seizure was reported to be a consequence of a secondary bleed caused by elevated venous pressure from the venous flow obstruction. Workup for hematologic and infectious causes of the thrombosis did not reveal an etiology. This event was initially thought to be related to the study product by the investigator and prompted a study pause. After thorough investigation and expert consultation no clear cause of the event was identified; however possible contributing factors, such as preceding infection and an anatomical anomaly, were suggested. The investigator’s brochure and informed consent form were updated accordingly, and the study pause was lifted. The investigator and Sponsor’s final assessment of this event was that it was not related to the study product."


Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting

February 26, 2021

FDA Briefing Document

Janssen Ad26.COV2.S Vaccine for the Prevention of COVID-19


2021, shortly after the shots were released to the general public:

*Dr. Gregory Michael, 56, an OB-GYN at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, died after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke apparently resulting from a lack of platelets.

(Not attributed to CVST, per se, but still a brain bleed.)


*In January and February, there was 1 report of CVST received by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System in each month, both after Moderna shots.

In March, there was 1 report after Janssen, 1 after Moderna, and 2 after Pfizer.

In the first 12 days of April, there were 2 reports after Janssen (including 1 death, received on the 12th), 3 after Moderna, and 2 after Pfizer. A pause was announced on the 13th, pending investigation into 6 cases which also involved low platelets that they were naming as a new syndrome - thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS). They had discovered that these cases did not respond to the usual treatment with heparin.

During the 10-day pause, VAERS received 38 new reports of CVST (J-17, M-8, P-12, Unknown-1), including 2 more deaths after Janssen shots. Yet they claimed that the condition was extremely rare, so the benefits of vaccination outweighed the risks, and resumed the use of the product.

CDC/FDA press releases announcing the pause (April 13) and the lifting of the pause (April 23):



2023, reports to VAERS of CVST, TTS, strokes, and other thromboembolic injuries:

*CVST - 215 cases, incl. 9 deaths

*TTS - 25 cases, incl. 3 deaths

*Cerebrovascular accident (stroke),  Ischaemic stroke, Hemorrhagic stroke - 4,984 cases, incl. 529 deaths

*Any of 200 types of injuries involving clotting or bleeding -

16,807 cases, incl. 1,198 deaths

2023 and beyond, the people responsible for so many injuries and deaths have not been - and will likely never be - held accountable. Meanwhile those harmed by the shots and their surviving family members have not been - and will likely never be - justly compensated for their injuries and deaths.

The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) has only compensated 4 out of over 11,000 claims, only for anaphylaxis and myocarditis, lowest payment-$1,032.69, highest payment-$3,957.66.



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I’m back to seeing people in N95 masks OUTSIDE in my area… these people have been brainwashed by the media.

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I can’t help but think some of these people are tired of living and this is a way to exit without any personal blame.

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Agree. They don't have it in them to exert themselves for whatever reason.

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I'm an RN and work in a rural hospital. I recently had a previously healthy patient who was diagnosed THIS YEAR with a heart attack, stroke, Parkinsons, and diabetes. The patients I have with cancer used to be rare, not anymore. Newly diagnosed type two diabetes, common. Gallbladder removals seem common, as do appendicitis/appendectomies. The instances of a-fib (atrial fibrillation) in my patients are, if i had to guess, up 70% from before 2021. I had an anemic patient who received a blood transfusion, and went into newly diagnosed a-fib less than 24 hours after the infusion. Strokes are much more common than pre 2021. Weird skin infections definitely up, my manager just sent a call out to nurses who are interested in wound care to please step forward because our wound care team needs more help. Remember, this is a small, RURAL hospital, with 12 beds.

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Wow! Thank you for sharing, Rachel. I'm sorry you are having to witness so much tragedy and carnage. Your testimony lines up with some of the health care providers I have talked to. I spoke with an emergency lifeline helicopter team last summer and the nurse told me he has never had so many emergency calls for cardiac arrests and strokes. I know two people who have had aortic aneurysms in the past year; one lived and one died (44 years old). The stories just keep piling up each day. I can only imagine how hard it must be to deal with as a health care provider. Thank you for all that you do.

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I second this comment. Well said.

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Thanks, RunningLogic!

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I came into this world naked, and by God, I'm going out paddleboarding naked.

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I don't understand why he had to be naked. They could have found his regular clothes, left on the beach, while he was wearing swim trunks paddle boarding.

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That’s because you are a normal person. These people, like the Obamas, are definitely NOT normal.

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oh for heaven's sake.

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I agree, Alison. Definitely NOT normal in any way, shape, form or fashion.

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Agree. Maybe they found a jacket or shirt he had taken off and tied around his waist. I'm not sure what the evidence is that he was naked?

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I had the same thought, Jill.

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Yes, a lawyer jumping from "found clothes " to "found naked" is disappointing.

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Ssshhh.....You'll spoil the fun.🤫

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I would guess he had been wearing one item of clothing: swim shorts, most likely. So that's one item of clothing, and conceivably, if the shorts were loose, they COULD have come loose and fallen off as he was struggling in the water. Just saying...

But who was the second person who had supposedly been seen with him????

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It does look like this second person should come forward to clear the air for this man and his family. Unless there was something nefarious going on . . Nah!

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My thoughts exactly

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That's a great point.

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This is what I think. Going beyond that is a bit much.

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I could cause multiple heart attacks if I attempted to be anywhere in public naked, and it wouldn't be because I look good.

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I hope not for the same reason bathhouse Barry's chef did. The perversions of the so-called elites. I don't think much would shock the Vineyard peeps.

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Swimming naked in the dark is one of life's great pleasure, actually, no matter what your political or religious persuasions.

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Not since "JAWS." 😬

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Yes. But paddle boarding is… a bit more exposed…

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haha. too twooo.

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or more bits to paddle..humm!

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working on a good "moon-tan". Don't knock it till you try it! Besides, he planned on returning to his clothes

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Skinny Dipping... I remember how great that was ... high school days ... out in the country in a big lake on a hot summer night with friends 🤫🤫🤫🤫

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I didn’t think it was in the dark...

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Bet he was dead before he hit the water.

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Was there no water in his lungs?

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Don't know...I don't remember seeing the autopsy results released.

...and, you have to wonder if any findings were squashed.

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“A nude Tafari should’ve stood out like a sore thumb, or a sore whatever was sticking out. You know what I mean.”

Spit your coffee moment of the day ! ☕️

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LOL I tried not to picture "A nude Tafari should’ve stood out like a sore thumb , or a sore whatever was sticking out" ...

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Raybans ....Check.


Calm breeze....Oh yea.

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Eric, I am trying to implement a strategy of reducing my digital engagement by not "liking" comments on-line, but you just had to post this today.

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"I must break you."

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Why not throw caution to the wind? We are probably already on some government ageny's list just for voting anyway.

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And why is this news just coming out now? Wouldn’t the recovery people have noticed, hey this body has no clothes on, and noted it in their report? I’m leaning towards, he was paddle boarding in his trunks and they found his shirt and flip flops on the beach.

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Came down here to say the same thing. "Found clothes" is not the same as "wasn't wearing swimmers".

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American humor, it's how we survive the bad times!

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"this nude paddleboarding business doesn’t add up..." along with the jabs and deaths, fires, senators' behavior... nothing adds up...

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Pelletier showing up in Lahaina just in time for the fire.

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Just in time since pelletier did so well in the last crisis...

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Life saving "Stretch String to board" accessory sold separately.

(makes search and recovery a snap)

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Might have gotten wrapped up in his "exposed rudder." Could have dragged him down or cut off his circulation. Death by wanker knot.

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Hahaha...wanker knot 💦👍

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I’d like to find out who was with him? Have they talked to anybody about what happened? Never mind the clothes.

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You will never know especially if it was an Obama daughter.

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This made me smile today.

Thank you!

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Martha’s Vineyard has a well established nude beach called Gay Head (no known meaning to anything of a sexual orientation as far as I’m concerned… Aquinna is the Native American name). It’s a beautiful beach with clay deposits and interesting formations. Also nude sunbathing and bathing in lots of smaller private beaches. But can’t speak to nighttime nude bathing or paddle boarding which sounds kinda odd.

I know this because I spent many summer vacations (more than 20 years) at Martha’s Vineyard (until my group decided in 2021 that only jabbed could attend… sad story).

I think the more interesting part of this latest development in the Tafari Campbell story is that the Secret Service made the first call. I suspect that one of the Obama girls was with him when he keeled over due to SADS, they panicked (understandably), the SS saw it happen since they are always nearby and stepped in. Then the girls make a fast retreat the next morning.

Personally I suspect this was a case of SADS, and the rest is just interesting color commentary and speculation.

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Wo during if possibly he changed into a wetsuit?

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Here is an interesting quote from Michael Eades substack (the arrow #138):

"Our middle son just returned from a two week golf trip to Ireland. He went with a fraternity brother from college to celebrate their 50th birthdays. Soon after they got there, they came upon a bunch of young Ukrainian men in a pub. They tried to strike up a conversation with them about what was going on in Ukraine, but the Ukrainians became uncomfortable and said they were going outside to smoke.

When they left, the bartender told our son and his friend that young Ukrainian men had fled from Ukraine and were hiding out all over Ireland and other western European countries. He told them that the Ukrainians were getting their room and board paid for, along with about a $600 per month stipend. Our son asked who was paying for it. The bartender said the EU.

In each place our son and friend stopped in Ireland, the hotels were filled with able-bodied young Ukrainian men on the lam. Which I can understand. Who wants to be cannon fodder? Especially if things are going as McGregor says they are. But why on earth would the EU be paying for them to hide out.

This is the first I’ve heard of this. Our kid witnessed it all over Ireland. He had trouble finding rooms and getting room upgrades on the ones he had because all the hotel rooms were filled with young Ukrainians."

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That Russian video directed to the Ukrainian soldier was spot on. It can be applied to our service men and women. Don't fight for a regime that at best doesn't care and most likely hates you and wants you dead. Depopulation.

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Probably the EU is recognizing them as "refugees" from Africa. They are letting in 1000s daily, lately, from other news I saw in Italy. The EU pays for all refugees, as far as I'm aware. Just a hypothesis....

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That makes zero sense. Would love to find out more about that.

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Very interesting..

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We had several hundred Ukrainians here locally. Oh wait, they were here for training on the Patriot missile system.

By the way, Macgregor is a liar. Feel free to ask about his other predictions and why Russians are running from the battlefield :)

A million Russians fled Russia to avoid the draft.

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Since you’re so well informed, please explain the EU support of these men. Ukraine is part of an international psychosis and sadly, you’ve bought into it.

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Bought into what "pyschosis"?

A free state is fighting to avoid genocide at the hands of a vaccine mandater.

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You mean the draft that didn't end up happening because they got so many volunteers? Misrepresentation doesn't help anybody. Russia ain't running out of men before Ukraine does.

(And TBF, yes, a bunch of guys did flee because they thought they would be drafted, but "a million" tingles my skeptic sense.)

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The USA was attacked in WW2 but still had a draft despite a lot of people volunteering.

The thing about the "Russia ain't running out of men before Ukraine does" ignores realities. Ukraine won't run out of men. Russia will.

What happened in 1917 that took Russia out of WW1, again, and why is putin avoiding a general mobilization? He knows the answer and already had one 1917 moment when his private, neo-nazi army turned on him. He doesn't want another where the populace revolts like 1917.

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1) I didn't say Russia will never reach the point of a draft. If NATO declares actual war on them I'm quite sure they will. I just said that they haven't YET had one due to the numbers of volunteers, contrary to the implication of your post about men fleeing to escape an expected draft

2) I totally don't get what you're saying here. You seem to be saying that Russia, a much larger country, will somehow run out of men before Ukraine, a much smaller country, despite even the most optimistic estimates that battlefield losses are at best equal, if not in Russia's favor. On what are you basing this? NATO forces being sent to fight under Ukraine's flag? 90% of Russians suddenly being raptured by Jesus? Seriously, explain yourself.

3) Based on reporting during the Wagner uprising, the bulk of the country was supportive of Putin and was even digging up the highways to stop Wagner forces travelling to Moscow. And it looks like everyone just saw what happens to people who try it ("oops, your plane no fly any more!") So revolution doesn't seem to be in the cards just now, absent something major like the US managing to assassinate Putin or whatever.

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Couple things:

1) Russia is already doing a draft. They are handing mobilization notices and bringing on another 20k men every month. That is barely helping them to keep their heads above water and they are still being slowly pushed backed in Eastern Ukraine and the south.

2) People have a mind of their own. Normal Russians are willing to be pro-Putin until they have to put on a uniform and run with a rifle into Ukrianian mine fields without preparations and zero training. It was only a few days after the first mobilizations happened in the fall of 2022 with the Ukrainian victories in Kherson and Kharkiv that the first mobilized russians began dying.

What happened to the Tsar in 1917? Heavy casualties in 1917 were one of the causes in starting the revolution.

Your theory only works if people are mindless robots.

Putin has been drafting people from outside the power bases heavily which is why places such as Buryat and Tuva have death rates per 100k 50-60x what Moscow does.

3) The countless pro-Wagner demonstrations and people waving and taking photos with wagner photos as they took the military headquarters in Rostov on Don shows they are more popular than people want to admit. So popular in fact Putin had Prighozin killed.

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It's clearly futile to expect logic or reasonableness out of someone like him.

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I am pretty logical and reasonable.

People trying to justify why putin is on day 557 of his 2 day war are hilarious.

All of Ukraine was supposed to have been undergoing purges and mass executions right now which aren't happening (at the hands of Russia's FSB and Rossgard goons).

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

We are 35 minutes from steinhatchee and I gotta say, I love our small town. I bet I saw 50 pictures yesterday of farmers out on their tractors moving trees and helping their neighbors. When something traumatic happens you gotta count your blessings! Jeff’s right, it could’ve been sooooo much worse!

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Not sure how many caught it, but there happened to be a snippet yesterday on Twitter between Adam Corolla and Tucker Carlson about Obama... and how it was not hidden in 2008 that Obama engaged in an alternative lifestyle (and drugs) with a man named Larry Sinclair. Tucker said the media ignored this because they were told they would have no access to Obama if it was reported. Excuse me as my mind wanders when I hear the words "naked chef".....

I couldn't help but notice that when Tucker mentioned Obama's alternative lifestyle in his second Twitter post after getting cut from FOX... there was no blowback from the Obama camp. I'm not a lawyer, but this has to mean they don't want to pursue anything because things will have to be revealed in discovery and such, right? I will always marvel at how protected that man is.

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The Tucker /Corolla chat was fantastic as usual. Well worth the time to listen.

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Agree! For those who haven't heard it...here's the You tube link:


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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

The clip is from about 11:30, but preceding it is a more important observation that we would all do well to take the heart, in our own lives, and as we consider the lives of those who are fed by the federal government, in and around Washington DC.

Tucker has been working in political media in DC since 1991. He says, with regard to his early support for the war in Iraq,

"Part of it I was young and stupid, part of it was... I felt vulnerable. I had three kids, a mortgage; do you really want to pick a fight with everybody? When you're 31 and you're just trying to pay tuition and keep your sh*t together?

It's an age thing, to a certain extent...

My kids are grown; why would I ever lie [now]? I am just in a different place. It's not that I lied intentionally before, I didn't; however, I think I did not allow myself to think certain things because they were too counter-narrative. Everybody I knew, the world I lived in in NW DC, everyone works either directly for the government or is a parasite on government, effectively, including people I loved, and know really well. And the media is too, by the way. The media is reporting on government, but it is also dependent on government [for stories]. In 2008 it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having 'sex' with men..."

To reiterate, in DC, everyone works either directly for the federal government or is a parasite on government, effectively. They will not bite the hand that feeds them.

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Thank you for this link! I’d only seen clips on Twitter.

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"Where there's smoke ... ." (Pun possibly intended).

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It is where my mind went. O is a horrible human being and I would be surprised if he didn’t have something to down with the chef.

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I don’t think Obama cares we know. Remember his recent letter defending all the LGBTQIASS+ “children’s” books, and how formative this type of literature was for him?

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But let all who take refuge in You be glad,

Let them ever sing for joy;

And may You shelter them,

That those who love Your name may exult in You.

For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord,

You surround him with favor as with a shield.

— Psalm 5:11-12 NASB1995

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The chef’s clothing. I wear my swim suit under my clothing and remove my clothing before heading out onto the water. I am not naked. Did I miss a report that the chef’s “naked” body was recovered? I am with you on the heart attack/jab injury angle but can’t help but wonder if the chef had too much knowledge.

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I agree about wearing swimsuits under clothing. I'd think that Jeff, life long Floridian, would be familiar with the practice.

I'm withholding judgement on the reason for the chef's demise. Paddle boarding at night isn't a good idea because you can't see what obstacles are in the water.

Imagine riding your bike at night, not at a high speed and you hit a big rock with your front tire. Odds are, you're going flying over the handlebars. Same concept with paddle boarding, only much more likely to be flung forward.

If there's something else solid in the water in your path, it's entirety possible to hit your head hard and be concussed or knocked out.

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The virus is just a virus. Fear is the disease. —Unknown

Fear is not lack of Courage. Blind Obedience is lack of courage. —C.G. Jung

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Call me nuts, but I think it's a parasite. Too many anti-parasitic drugs and herbs that have no anti viral properties work too well on it.

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There certainly is strong evidence pointing to this. The powers that shouldn't be HATE ivermectin.

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they work on cancer too. My wife swears Fenbnedazole was the #1 treatment that helped stop her cancer

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Interestingly, biologic dentists swab and look for parasites during your cleaning appointment. I went to my appt earlier this week and he told me that he’s finding parasites in the cultures of patients and referring them to functional health doctors. It would be interesting to track those positive parasite tests and vaccinated individuals.

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Exactly. I bet there would be a pattern.

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I'm guessing that would go hand-in-hand with reduced immune function.

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The veterinary parasitic drug(wait for it!) "Panacur- C" has been around for over 20 years (white box with blue lettering *)-- dissect the name people--- they've been laughing at us for a long while.

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Look up cross domain bacteria, also known as morgellons. Man made parasite ...

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OMG.... I told our friend, who is an internist, this same thought when both HCQ & ivermectin seemed to work. He said it was good thinking, but no it's not a parasite. Call me nuts, too, but I do think this does have some parasitic qualities.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

🗨 cognitive carpet bombing [...] as panic accelerant to separate people from their wits.

h/t the baddest cat; for paraphrase ↓↓ on Jung's quote as well 🤸

substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F97f4b288-9e02-4ba0-a4b5-81b9ce26f3e5_720x720.png (ungodly link aesthetics, I know—yet the pic redeems 😇)

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I read that sub from the bad cat. It was great!

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The first quote is reminiscent of Churchill’s famous quote.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Working in a rural community as a home health OT, I have had multiple patients in the past year who developed blood clots in the lungs and all of those had the injections. They all blamed the jab or at least suspected it as the cause. Yesterday I prayed with a sweet 70 yr old who has been in great general health but “suddenly” developed cancer - of the brain, breast, and lungs. All at the same time. She had 2 of the jabs. She tried very hard not to cry telling me her diagnoses.

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Exactly the vulnerable people we were supposedly protecting are the ones who have suffered the most harm.

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It’s unconscionable 😞😡

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God bless you for truly caring for your patients enough to pray with them. I had two medical staff (one nurse and one wound specialist) who prayed with me when I was in the hospital for two months with covid almost twi years ago. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated their prayers. I know that after 2 days of Remdesivir and 35 days on a ventilator, that God’s grace and the prayers of many are the only reason I survived and still get to be here for my husband and kids.

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Oh my gosh, wow! 35 days! There were a few horror stories in my community about people admitted into the hospital and never coming out due to the fatal protocols.

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It truly was a miracle!

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God is sovereign!

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Hurricanes, brain freezes, infection rate data, naked death struggles, sudden deaths, Ukraine psych ops, and Texas trying to be Texas. You covered a lot today, well done.

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“Florida got absolutely flooded by Hurricane

Idalia which means we have to send another $10 billion to Ukraine”

-DC Draino 8/30/23

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I saw that... Biden is tying the relief money to Ukraine money. To get one, have to send the other.

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Medicare requires my doctor to schedule check up appts a few times a year and the questions are always the same.

When the nurse asked 'did you get your flu shot this year' 🙄, I responded a bit more boldly than I used to: " No, I don't do vaccines" I said.

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My daughters pediatrician calls us several times a year to get us to come in for a well check (she is 17). I ask why are you calling? For a well check appointment and to get caught up on her vaccines. Sorry, we don’t do vaccines anymore, I tell her. Well then she will be dropped by this practice. Ok, we can go to an urgent care center for an illness I guess.

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They’ll want to get her off their rolls so their numbers look better for the government/pharma bonuses- which are based on % of patients vaccinated.

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This is absolutely true! 🤬There’s a sliding scale of bonus $ based on % of “fully vaccinated” in their practice. And now that the C shot is on the childhood schedule, help us all. True for adult groups too, but a tiny bit less pressure; they won’t drop you…yet.

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What a contradictory world we live in..didn't our esteemed President just say that he would be asking for funding for a "covid vaccine that WORKS"???!!!


Please share how they spin it!!

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What a caring doctor. Sarc.

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“Put that in writing, please.”

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Oh they will. When my pediatrician fired me (I refused a COVID test on me, I was there for an appointment for my child) she absolutely did fire me in writing

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Good idea!!

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At 17 they are still pushing vaccines, wow! The last vaxx my millenial adult children had was 13 years old: hep b. (versus today at birth! 😡🙄). My daughter was never asked by any doctor to do the HPV while she was between child and adult doctors, thank goodness!! We knew nothing about the danger of vaccines back then..

Her friends who were 2 years younger did get the HPV vaccine.

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My older two girls were offered the HPV back in early 2000s but my pediatrician knew that we are conservative Christians (hopefully not promiscuous) so she didn’t push that vax. After the last three years I’ve decided we are completely done with vaccines, no shingles vax, no HPV for youngest, no meningitis vax, no annual flu vax.

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Same here...I have influenced my daughter and grandbaby has none.

I have to laugh how vaccines are kind of like when you initiate a greeting with 'hello how are you' with many people: " Have you had your covid vaccine? Have you had your flu vaccine yet?"...🙄🙄🙄

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I am guessing the next question would be, Do you have one or more STDs? Are there any boundaries remaining?????????????

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The CDC and Planned Parenthood are working hard to make everyone think STDs are no big deal, everyone gets them!

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Whoa! That's ... I'm at a loss for words!🥺😳🙄😲

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Some folks in certain age groups think it is some kind of bonding conversation.

As for the covid vaccine, I dont think I know anyone who didn't bring it up almost immediately back when it came out! If it wasn't asking, it was stating that they got it.

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I made the decision to only take my kids to the ER or urgent care when WA state decided doctors had to kick me out of the room to talk to my children as soon as they turned 12.

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I keep waiting for Medicare to require injections to stay on their insurance. If they look at my chart they will see I am “overdue” for all the shots they recommend.

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🙏 no...

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Then I will have no insurance but I don’t see any covered practitioners anyway so it wouldn’t matter to me.

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That is my insurance and thanks be to God, it is really here for me and my husband in all the tests and health needs of entering this age group. I have a medicare advantage plan and there are so many specialusts and really good hospitals here in south Florida that take it. The only caveat is getting a referral first from PCP but that really is no big deal.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The paddle boarders clothes... I bet they found his shirt and shoes, and he was wearing a swim suit or shorts. Nude just seems even too bizarre for this story.

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Bathhouse Barry. Nude is not that unusual in the Bathhouse world.

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Huh, I had no idea. Interesting.

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True, but typically not outdoors on a public lake in a high-class neighbourhood.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I'm happy to tell people I'm American by birth. Texan by the Grace of God!...Yeah, our legislature often comes in a little bit behind Florida but between these two BIG states, we partner up to be a pretty big bit better than a LOT of alternative residential areas in this ol' "republic"...I wonder, CAN we keep it? One little difference is the private property sanctity in Texas and the laws saying you can pretty much do anything you need to in order to make the situation right against anyone trespassing without a warrant...penal statute 9.42 if you want to see it in official black and white

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“Never ask a man where he is from. If he’s from Texas, he will tell you, and if he’s not, well, you don’t want to embarrass him.” --Will Rogers

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I've never heard this quote! I'm a native Texan living in FL. My husband rolls his eyes when we've naturally started a conversation with someone and they turn out to be from TX. It's like Texans innately find each other 😉

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Amen! I'm in Harris County and am so happy about these laws.

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Too bad Texas didn't include Climate Change along with Covid, in their new laws. Because it is expected to be the next rational for lockdowns.

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But why did the state impeach the AG Paxton?

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

First - glad FL wasn't hit too hard by the storm. I know some were a little concerned about that, but looks like it was all better than anticipated. Great news about the governor's reminders on how to potentially deal with looters as well. :)

I've been following the Texas laws and there were a lot of good ones overall. They didn't go nearly far enough in shutting down _any_ ability to enforce jabs as part of employment, especially for our medical people, but there was a lot of progress. I know the ban on "family-friendly" drag shows hit some businesses a bit harder, including one local-to-me establishment that recently closed up shop after trying to come back from one such event last year. Strangely, they just weren't able to get a lot of business after they outed themselves as groomers and invited the local Antifa thugs in to defend them. We won't miss them.

I really haven't seen too many people I know in TX lining up to put on masks again or get their next mRNA shots. Most I know are done and ready to push back hard if anyone tries to get those going. There are a lot of "do not comply" posts and sentiments among my friends and fellow church members.

I wish I could say the same for my family up in the NorthEast. I suspect that they'll line up for the next shots and happily don masks soon enough - and grouse about those people who don't want to wear a mask. No amount of facts seems to be able to overcome the media programming of the last couple of years. :(

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I don’t know where you’re from Peter, but our city, Amarillo, allowed a drag show at the civic center last Christmas! Most of the town was appalled. Between that and many other horrible decisions, that mayor and city council - the whole city government, was overturned in the last election. Thank God for that and we’re praying for better leadership going forward.

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You are fortunate the vote counters did an honest job

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Yes, we are! Although I believe it would have been hard for them to cheat on this one. It was a landslide, for the mayor certainly. Unlike the DFW area, I can’t remember the last time we elected a democrat for mayor, but that doesn’t mean they’re all conservative by any means. The last one was a typical RINO politician, apparently there to fill her pockets.

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We're in the DFW area. This was a private business, but we had Antifa thugs in the streets, someone up on the roof of a nearby parking garage, and general unpleasantness. The owner never tried to hold a "family friendly" show again and did try to start up a variety of things to indicate "look - I'm a good guy who wants to contribute" but the reputational damage was there. Some people patronized the business but not enough to keep it going in our area. Sadly, the city council didn't want to step up enough to kick that business off of their backing of a local event. The business withdrew that support, but would have been better if the council had said "we don't want your money".

Not sorry to see them go and glad there are now actual laws going into effect to stop that nonsense.

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I thought PANTY-FA was just a Seattle area phenomena I guess the snowflakes have spread they're probably not the tru communist devotees that originated the PANTY-FA group

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NYC here. I'm seeing an uptick in masks, but even the borderline-insane covidians (or maybe not so borderline) in my building, who were the overwhelming majority until less than a year ago when the mask requirement was finally (reluctantly) lifted, are not masking up. And, I'm not hearing the anxious conversations about "case counts" either. Same on the subways. So I'm hoping this idiocy is finally becoming too much even for the most brainwashed. Sadly, I can't say as much for many in my family 😢.

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You’re a rare breed in NYC, Grandma! I admire anyone who can go against the grain in that climate.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023

Thanks! It was hard for the first 2 years or so, but it's getting easier. I'm running for local office--again, ran last year too--and the difference is extraordinary. Last year having people scream at me and call me a murderer was all in a day's work. Now, even the most brainwashed are (usually) more circumspect and polite, even hesitate to openly express why they are opposed. Progress, especially considering I'm in an especially woke district.

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You’re doing what it takes to make a difference - God bless you!

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