Dec 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff - the excitement in your post today is exhilarating! You can feel how much you want to scream all of this from the rooftops! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and for all you have done to get it to this point. This is what we have been waiting for. Praise be to God. He said He would be with us. We just had to wait for His timing. ❀️

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Glad C&C is Jeff’s rooftop and we’re all here to witness!

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Yes! C & C is the BEST place on the internet! ❀️

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πŸ’¬ in a swift, bold, and politically electrifying maneuver, Ron DeSantis just became the world’s political leader of the Covid Accountability movement. Sort of like Julius Caesar

πŸŽ†βœ¨ Hurray-ay-ayyyy! πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

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Going after the mRNA juice will win DeSantis the WH and rightfully so. While I love Trump and what he was able to accomplish the fact he’s remained silent in the wake of all the deaths and injuries is disappointing to say the least.

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Well, ASSUMING that we have some meaningful election reform between now and then.

Lobby your county clerks: we want paper ballots, hand counted, day of in person voting.

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

That would take a state legislature; county clerks have no power to change election procedures.

BUT I 1000% agree with your premise: we have to stop the steal.

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Depends on the state.

In my state, county clerks could use paper ballots if they choose to.

Agree re the in person voting etc will require state legislature intervention.

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In Oklahoma we have paper ballots that are fed through an electronic scanner that is unconnected to the internet. The ballots are deposited into the locked and sealed scanner box.

After the polls close, a bipartisan team observes as the precinct official seals each box, and then it is transported to the county election board under tight security. There a paper receipt is generated from each box, showing the vote totals recorded.

BTW, write-in ballots are illegal under Oklahoma law, and if you mark outside the box next to your choices, the ballot is rejected by the machine. So far as I can tell, there's never been a challenge to the scanner / counting boxes.

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Ya’ll need to stay vigilant to keep it that way.

I wonder though what the tech gurus would say even about the scanners. I’d bet there is a way to program them to flip votes, if someone wanted to do that. Say, flip every 2nd or 3rd vote for candidate x to candidate y.

Still, at least you have paper and what sounds like good accountability.

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I vote for chads...

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We have the same system in our county in Missouri.

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Copernicus, Brunson Supreme Court case could change things in a hurry.

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The Supreme Court has already made the date of J6 for their case!! See the connection! J6.

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We will not vote them out

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Agreed. He can’t admit that he was wrong on some things and had a part of it. It’s his undoing.

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While I would vote for DeSantis in a minute for President (I voted enthusiastically for him for Gov!), I am increasingly convinced you can't cure the disease that is Washington from within (read Balaji's The Network State). It will collapse under it's own weight, much like the USSR did 30 years ago. This sidestepping of federal government that Florida and DeSantis are doing is the way! DeSantis can probably do more good for the world in this role creating a semi-autonomous governance zone, than he ever can in the swamp.

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I will vote for Trump or DeSantis. Whomever wins the nomination.

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Amazing people will still vote for Mr. Operation Warp Speed. You are basically consenting to the madness by doing so.

And yes, I understand the big bad democrats lesser evil BS. We have to quit participating in this corrupt process which ultimately legitimizes it. Focus on local...

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

I think there's more nuance to this than you are letting on. Trump did what he was supposed to in government which is facilitate the path to a solution. That was the good part. The result was terrible. I suppose you could blame him for the result, but at that point it is out of his hands. I do not blame him for it.

The part I hold him accountable for is for suggesting to get the Vax, which DeSantis also did, btw. But as others have said, neither mandated it. So, I guess it is up to each person to decide if that is unforgivable. Interesting that you're willing to forgive one but not the other. With this recent news, DeSantis jumps ahead in the Covid/Vax column.

Edit: Correction, Trump didn't mandate any lockdowns. He had no opportunity to mandate the vax. I have a hard time believing he would have, but I don't base my decisions on speculation of events that didn't happen. Anyway, wanted to be transparent about my mistake.

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I agree with you that there is more nuance or complexity to this. I write this not to convince you as you have demonstrated great thought about this. Instead to share my nuanced view for others that may be undecided. I cannot put Trump and Desantis in the same column for suggesting to get the vax. Desantis did so for a very short time, upon the advice of Trump and others he had (up till then) trusted and until he had the data and experts share differing opinions. Trump is the one that started Operation Warp Speed and had, at the time, several experts on the team with differing opinions. He did not listen to their caution to slow down because it was too tempting to his ego to go with the flow and listen to the bad characters. This has always been one of the weaknesses of Trump. He has a penchant for hiring the wrong people. I give Trump slack for trusting the NIH and CDC because we did not know the level of their corruption. I do not give him slack for continuing to suggest the jab up into this year, pivoting only when many of his supporters booed at rallies, not when experts were coming out with concerns. Trump never lifted a finger for people like me who had to decide between a job or the jab. I do forgive them both, but that does not mean I will forget Trump's conduct during the primaries or general election.

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

Thanks for giving a deeper explanation. I agree that Trump has shortcomings with who he hires and trusting the wrong people. I do think you're guilty of assuming his motivations in this case, though. Anyway, I appreciate your point of view and have considered these things.

I'm still firmly willing to vote for either one at this point.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond. I am so glad the C&Cers can talk about our differences and still come back together for the very important cause of COVID accountability.

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Again, do you not understand that Trump was severely limited in who he could choose?

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kudos for your ever-so-civil back and forth with Sheryl T2 - you guys schooled us on how we can agreeably agree to disagree:)

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The level of corruption in those agencies was indeed very very well known. None of the politicians should get a pass. Anyone with half a brain knew what was going on... Screw these people

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My, my you seem to have been privy to a lot of information about President Trump’s thoughts and actions during the horror show.

I followed him closely. I saw a man whose heart was broken that the beautiful economy he had built and against which the Left had no defense. My heart was breaking with him. He tried to quell the panic, but it could not be done.

We have the world we deserve. DeSantis is a well supported globalist playing his role, along with Elon Musk to calm the peasants down. Those of us who produce are valuable assets to be managed.

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Give me a break, I am tired of hearing the excuses for Trump, and i voted for him twice. Your whole argument falls apart with his initial and continuous embrace of the Covid vaccine. Always the same excuses from his apologists. If he was such an anti globalist and a genius than why couldn’t he recognize the problem with the vaccines. All the bad appointments he made that hurt him and yet he never learned even until his last days in office.

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Wow!! Thank you!! Someone to back up my shocking comments!!

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Boy, do I agree with everything you just said about Trump. The thing I thought was most effective for him as a leader, is also one of his character traits that makes me cringe - he’s petulant and spiteful which made him unpredictable to foreign leaders who weren’t too willing to β€œpush his buttons”. Same quality was easily exploitable by those he trusted.

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Do you know who is working with Trump right now Side by side for 6 years? No you don’t. Putin, Xi Xi are his good friends. They are working together to take them down! Trump will not leave one of those Bastards alive that broke our Country! He also has Bolsonaro! How about 209 Countries are all on the same page right now and are all working together. Now where are the unpredictable foreign leaders? And who is in Control?

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β€œ Trump never lifted a finger for people like me who had to decide between a job or the jab.”

Trump had nothing to do with this. He was out of office at that point. Biden mandated the vaccines. Please stop blaming Trump for everything. He would not have mandated the shots.

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This is an excellent analysis. I agree.

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How about DeSantis is controlled and he has been made to do this? We don’t know that do we? No we don’t. So many are being controlled by the white hats.

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Very well said and objectively thought out. πŸ‘Objective analysis is what todays citizen lacks on both sides of the political spectrum. Emotionalism rather than logic has gotten the best of us thanks to a media which encourages it.

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Thanks, Angela! I've had to practice at it and still sometimes fail. It's easier to do on the internet. In real life, emotions win out a lot more often.

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Whatever happened the Pres. Truman's "The buck stops here" sign?

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Oh wait, I was thinking about locking down, not the vax. Good point. Trump wasn't for locking down and leaving it to the governors.

Is it safe to assume you think he would have mandated the vax had he been in office?

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He said he would not have mandated it.

Also a little side note - People forget what was going on (what we were seeing in the news etc. at the beginning of the pandemic. Now who was responsible for that brilliant psypos - different rabbit hole.)

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Paul Ryan supports DeSantis ...has DeSantis rejected Paulie the RINO?

Think long and hard about Ronnie D.

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Yeah. Watch out not to step in the slime left by the swamp creature, lyin Paul Ryan.

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Some people have very short memories and you have to wonder what they were doing during that nightmarish time.

Did they really vote for Trump twice?

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Lol, β€œhe took bad advice”. That is one of a leaders main jobs is to appoint good officers and sort the good advice from the bad. He failed badly in this on Covid and several other areas.

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You can’t blame Trump for clearing hurdles. He didn’t make the gene therapy, he didn’t test it, he didn’t approve it. He also wasn’t the one who hid and tried to destroy other treatments that worked. He actually talked about those and got destroyed for it. The common sense lacking majority in this country would have eviscerated him if he had delayed any work on a "vaccine". And based on "vaccine" uptake numbers the common sense lacking are the majority unfortunately.

The only thing he’s guilty of is not talking about the problems these injections have created.

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I remember back then thinking that there was no way science could make a safe vaccine that fast. I also remember those who are for the jab now were saying the same thing back then. But little did I know about the Speed of Science and how effective psyops are when social media and big tech are involved.

But ya know, we were always at war with East Asia. Or was it Eurasia? I can't remember. ;)

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I thought the same. A neighbor worked for Pfizer for over 20 years and said noone in the family took it because they knew this was too soon.

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That makes me sick! So many whistle blowers from Pfizer that Project Veritas had videos of!! Not one of our government took it either! Why the hell was it so pushed by everyone else in Biden fake camp?

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Oh, gosh, guys! Are you not aware that they’ve been planning the pandemic for decades? That vaccine was made years ago! There is no possible way they made millions even billions of doses in a few months.

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So true about the treatments which should have been used - he was mocked for mentioning them…..

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It’s really obscene how easily the psyops people sucked the brains out of the public. All anyone had to do was minimal research to learn how effective these early low cost treatments were. Instead they led themselves and their loved ones to the slaughter. Along with prosecuting the hell out of Big Pharma, let us not forget the hospitals that got richer from COVID treatments and deaths. The whole β€œCOVID” scene was about power, control, money AND death.

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I have to agree with you in this one

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Trump left the swamp in charge. He definitely deserves a lot of blame.

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PDJT did not MANDATE the JAB.

THE DEMS DID and deserve to go the way of the WHIGS!

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Good point. There was nothing wrong with him wanting to find a cure to something made out to be like the black plague. By the mercy of our God, it wasn't. He did say last year thatbhe didnt think children should get it. Obviously his family, like my social circle, had no issues thank God, so it is hard for him to relate. Especially since he thinks that this was a high point for his legacy. (As a final point, he doesn't seem like someone who does research for himself. He relies on others). Objectively imo.

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Yes. He doesn’t do his own research and consequently some of his advisors steered him the wrong way. They were planted there to distract.

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I think Ivanna's death should be a wakeup call for him.

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I was seeing photos of her for a few years before. She was in horrible health. Peehaps the shot contributed, who knows?

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PDJT did not mandate the Jab, BECAUSE he WASN'T IN OFFICE when the jab was released.

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Do not Judge until you know the Truth! Because with that comment, you don’t!

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

Love Ron, but no R is getting 270 via MI/PA/GA or AZ. The Ds will never let pure voting in those blue counties that control the machine!

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Raffensburger in GA wants to institute rank choice voting. If that happens GA will be permanently corrupted. Look at what just happened in Alaska where 60% of the state is Republican. You think they really wanted to keep Murkowski? Too easy to rig ranked choice voting.

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Rank is the key word there.

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Ballot Harvesting

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I read that Murkowski was the one who brought ranked choice voting to Alaska

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Smart move. With ranked choice voting the third or fourth tier candidate can win. Remember too that there are multiple elections to eliminate the field of candidates allowing many opportunities for vote counting fraud and ballot manipulation.

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This GA voter believes ranked choice voting is really RINO pension insurance.

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It favors Democrats. California has it, and now Alaska. It's a disaster. Alaska is 60% red and yet because of ranked choice voting their new congressman is a Democrat. And, they got Lisa Murkowski. Enough said.

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Murkowski is one of the few mostly sane centrists in congress. We need more people that are willing to cross the aisle in either direction. Good for Raffensberger.

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There is something seriously wrong with a system that elects a democrat in a 60% republican state, like happened in AK house race. Democrats love ranked choice for a reason. Raffensberger loves to get praise from the left.

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Rank choice voting will allow RINO's and moderates to stay in office. The only way to void these maggots are closed primaries.

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Kemp has been gone since right after 2020 election! That is not him. He may look like him. But if you take two pics side by side of him, I promise you will see the difference. One pic pre 2020, and one right now. Do that with Biden, Clinton, obummer, Kamala, and see what I see. No way the same!! We are seeing Clones and Doubles!

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It's more likely to be Botox.

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I think the Dems just killed their party, or is it their party who just killed the Dems? Whomever is still standing in a year or three will be fewer by far, and much less likely to remain loyal, because poison jab and dead family members. Folks are only so dumb, mostly.

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Not necessarily. They have mastered vote corruption and have it down to a science.

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And most of them are jabbed and slowly dying. So.

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This is so true...I feel so discouraged on our ability to do anything until we can fix the cheating.

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Gop kills their party daily being weak

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

The concept of the 'chess game' as presented by 'ultimate controllers' is an interesting one. Many analogies are made, games to occupy between dogs and cats, cokes and pepsis, chocolates and peanut butters (not race dependant of course)...but having 3rd and 4th and maybe 5th parties seems not an option, and the top 2 are frequently dysfunctional. Few I trust identify as one of the top 2 parties. I am now a Librarian.

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From a political perspective (and everything has one whether we like it or not) this squarely places DeSantis as the anti-Trump with respect to the vax. Trump has championed himself as the father of Operation Warpspeed though he has not said much on it as of late. DeSantis is throwing down the gauntlet, implying not only that Warpspeed was an error, but that it was potentially dangerous, corrupt, and ineffective.

Sooner or later Trump will have to address this as just not talking about the vax just won't be enough. DeSantis is taking a direct shot at Trump's vax legacy albeit indirectly, but it's a big deal that Trump won't miss. I'd like to think DeSantis' motives are purely sincere (i.e. exposing a dangerous product and corruption) but I have to wonder how much he's thought about this.

As Jesse Kelly says the primary isn't a coronation, let the best man win.

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There is no way Trump can continue his present course and win.

1.He would have to turn against the jabs. But the jabs are his proudest achievement and he'd have to admit he was wrong.

2. He doesn't like to lose.

1 vs. 2 is like immovable object meeting irresistible force. Which will win out?

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President Trump does not have to admit he was wrong about the jab because like the majority of Americans, he outsources his medical decisions to Big Med and Big Pharma. He was not in the lab mixing chemicals for the jab. The whole world was terrified of this scourge, and governments all over the world were desperately trying to find a solution. President Trump took advice from all of the so-called experts, including the CEO’s of many major pharmaceutical companies. How could he know which solutions would prove to be helpful or that some would be harmful? His expertise IS NOT IN healthcare. It’s easy for vultures to look backward and try to fault him.

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The big guy gets paid to make good decisions, not make bad ones and blame it on others. Or defend bad decisions claiming they were actually somehow good.

I like Trump as much as the next guy but people are going to have to come to grips with the fact that he blew it big time. Yes he listened to the "experts" but plenty of people were also saying at the time this was a huge mistake. He ignored them. He attacked Kemp in Georgia for opening too early, he also attacked Sweden for not locking down.

No one is perfect and a lot of stupid decisions were made during that time. However, has Trump said anything along the lines of, "I over-reacted and listened to the wrong people. I allowed myself to make decisions in fear rather than considering all the available information. It was a mistake, I learned from it, and I won't let it happen again". That's the type of things that true leaders say when they get it wrong, they take ownership and learn from it. If Trump has said anything remotely resembling that, I missed it.

The reason many of us are skeptical of a second Trump term is that he gives every indication he learned nothing from the first one. That won't cut it. Yes DeSantis locked down, but he also opened up much earlier than the other states, clearly admitted he made a mistake, and vowed Florida would never lock down again. That's leadership. We are waiting for Trump to do something similar (not just on covid, but on the deep state controlling his administration, horrible personnel decisions, and vax pimping). Without that, Trump looks vain, like he can't admit a mistake, and stuck in his ways.

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Well! You said it well! Maybe better than I!

Speaking to DeSantis, it might be better for him not to run for President in the next go-around. Really the only thing that can stand up to the Federal Monstrosity are the States ... that is if the states choose to reassert sovereignty, which is what DeSantis has done far better than any other Governor. More experience and more track record could do Governor DeSantis more good further down the line in a bid for national office.

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Agree. No contest.

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

Let me ask you this. How did I know that mRNA is not a vaccine? I have no medical training other than basic high school science courses (which is amazing because with this much knowledge and some reading, one can figure out most of the crap the 'experts' shove down our throats. So, I don't cut the Donald any slack here.

On the other hand, Trump did a lot for us. More than any president in my seventy-three years. And so, I was never a Trump cheer leader. Never a blind devotee. BUT even with poor little flawed Donald, there ought to be a weighing of the scales.

Ditto for Elon who can't keep a marriage together, uses women as screwing machines, little eugenics agenda Space X Elon who hangs out with some pretty loony maybe Satanic culty people. But even so, I am not going to throw the Twitter thing under the bus. Not if it helps us to move the goal post down field to where they belong.

Anyway, there's a lot involved here. I don't think we have to make excuses for people's bad behaviors. But if someone does me a good, no matter who they are, I will thank them for that much.

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That's my attitude as well.

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The enemy of the good is the perfect.

PDJT gave me half a loaf of bread.

The dems and biden have taken that half of loaf and are beating me over the head.

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The real test is the Flak Test. The Rule is that the good being done is usually inverse to the amount of flak expended. That is:

1) Both parties are in The System.

2) Most people in The System no matter the party are sellouts for personal gain.

3) A very few operating within The System have taken considerable flak (both parties).

4) Those doing good are not perfect people because there is no such thing.

5) Because there are no perfect people, one does not idealize people. Instead, one continually looks towards a Sovereign God, His Laws and Truth.

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Guess what, my expertise also isn't in health care, but I was able to figure this out early on. Quit making excuses for these people. They are our enemies, not allies. Any moron could figure out Fauci et al are part of the swamp...

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PDJT did what needed to be done.

He exposed the ROT at the CDC for all Americans to see.

Which is more than ANY President in history has done.

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I can understand Trump approving Operation Warpspeed. Just about any president would have at the time. His problem is that he took it personally, like he alone would have bravely made that momentous decision. "Thank goodness I was there!"

While in reality he got played by a bunch of duplicitous shysters playing to his ego. He continues to take Operation Warpspeed personally and still believes the experts when they tell him he saved humanity. πŸ™„

All he has to do is admit he got played and believably pledge to work to bring down the shysters and pharma grifters. I'd consider getting back on the Trump train if he made it right. Lots of people would.

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PDJT knew they were duplicitous shysters...

his mission was to expose them to the American people.

You don't know if he had the power to remove them from the DC alligator swamp.

It would have likely resulted in his impeachment.

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Yeah, as much as I want to cheerlead for DeSantis, I remember he is funded by big money who can't be trusted. I also can't recall the last time any high profile politician actually went to jail...so, yes, skeptical and cynical I remain...

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

Perhaps I should have been clearer but I 100% support DeSantis on this. I didn't mean to imply that DeSantis was doing this purely for politics, but that it has a political dimension, as does everything in public life. It will force Trump to defend his position or recant it, which is a good thing. Trump doesn't get a free pass.

Sundance (aka Conservative Treehouse) is a smart guy but he is blinded by his Trump love. DeSantis is directly going after Big Pharma on this which is public enemy number one on the multinational corporation, globalist, WEF love list. Can't wait to see the tortured explanation of how doing this is supposedly DeSantis being controlled by Wall Street money men. Either DeSantis is a globalist shill or he isn't, but this action clearly is against the globalist interests.

Edit: changed some wording to be more clear.

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Also, only a political entity the size of a state can exert this kind of political counter-thrust. And the office itself confers credibility which cannot be dismissed.

First political figure in the world to stick his neck out this far. THIS IS BIGGER THAN BIG!

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Well said re Sundance. I wonder about the endgame, creating two divisions in the conservative family, and putting them at each others' throats. My many decades of observing politics suggests that is a surefire way to ensure Democrat / Deep State government forever. "Divide and [be] conquer[ed]" ... a lesson taught us by Libertarian candidates in election after election.

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I support it too, don't get me wrong, I am just highly skeptical for various reasons... And this may simply be smoke and mirrors part of the big ongoing political theatre....

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Great comment! I will only add that what frustrates me about the controlled by big money argument is that most of these were contributing to Trump in 2016 and 2020. The first thing that upset Trump was when his supporters' money started drying up and he found out that they had moved to DeSantis PACs or were waiting for him or similar to announce.

Also, those that are upset that three "Mc"s did not give money to the Republican candidates in 2022 (which I was one) realize that money really does make a difference in winning. I do not think any of those candidates would have worried about where in the Republican party the money came from. The money gets not just advertising, but the ground and mail-in game going in those blue/purple states. To take the money does not guarantee you are "made" as they say in mobster movies, but not taking the money guarantees you will have a hard time winning.

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Operation Warp Speed? This was a fatal blot on the Trump legacy ... a bot his credibility. So! Was Trump taken in by the 'experts'? Was Warping Around at High Speed all too clever a political calculation? And what does any political figure do in the face of mass hysteria? All I can say is, "Trump ain't saying!"

As we know from our own personal experiences, countering the Zombie Army of the Compliant is no easy task, more like a Gordian Knot needing a Governor DeSantis type figure to slice through it all with several fell swoops.

Still, we must take the wins where we find them while pushing for where WE want to be by vigilance and the knowing of our own minds. And by the way, tell me if you see any Patrick Henrys or George Washingtons on the horizon. I don't --- which means WE slash US have a lot of work. We have to be the responsible ones!

There is no Patrick Henry

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It even goes beyond ignoring. Former friend and ally Alex Jones οΏΌ begged Trump to look at the disturbing Covid vaccine data with the deaths and injuries. οΏΌ Jones thinks οΏΌ Trump does not want to tarnish his claim to being the one bringing out the warp speed vaccine. Jones says Trump refuses to talk to him now. οΏΌ

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We need PDJT AND DeSantis.

Two warriors are better than one!

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Trump’s protest against Big Pharma would be fodder for the left. Trump’s strategy has always been to expose the rot so people can draw obvious conclusions

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Whether fodder for the left or not, ethically and morally, he should acknowledge his complicity in β€˜warp speed’ and apologize.

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This will win DeSantis the nomination for sure. I think it will be a hard fight to the WH, though.

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He’s up against the RINOS who’ve done all they possibly can to maintain the status quo.

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I so agree with you. Trump is in an untenable position but he must evolve on the ineffective and unsafe vaccines and Warp speed. Fauci lied to him along with others. I don’t blame him for that but it is high time to recognize that the vaccines are a failure and say so. If he doesn’t he is finished in my eyes!

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It will only win him the WH if that be the will of the Globalists. Indeed they may feel the new to lower the temperature of the water we’re being boiled in for the time being.

When people are actually arrested and held accountable, I’ll get excited.

Until then, looks like another whitewash.

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We need an alternative to Trump and DeSantis is the one! I certainly hope he is going to run for President. We all need DeSantis now!

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Trump is President now and will be President for a few more years. Maybe by then DeSantis will clean up the child sex trafficking going on in Florida. He knows about Adam Walsh kidnapping Megan Walsh’s children. Adam from missing children in the 70’s. Kids on milk cartons. That Adam Walsh, the one whose Son was kidnapped in the 70’s. Megan who is his Sister was young at the time. It took her a long time to come to terms with that her own father kidnapped his own Son. That’s why he started that show. Now Megan has 3 children, one is a baby. Her dad kidnapped her children. Megan is so smart and has been fighting that system in Florida! Why aren’t any of you talking about this! This has been going on in Florida through Disney! See the connection? All related to children. Why is Ron not helping more for the children that has been going on for way longer than Covid!!! Yes Covid needs attention and I am so happy for you Jeff and how excited you were in this newsletter!! I’m not taking away from that! But Sheriff Grady in Polk Co. Is bringing them in by the Hundreds. He is setting up stings all over. And maybe behind the scenes Ron is. But why when Megan’s kids have been gone for Months, why can’t she get any backing from him? Letters have been written by myself and a ton of other Moms. No response. And this has been happening to her long enough! She speaks about Ron’s wife on her videos and the comments are NOT good. I cannot quote because I don’t want to take away or add anything. Because by itself this is Pathetic!!! How many Moms in Florida, and so few standing with Megan!! If I lived in Florida, I would be there!! Megan is Strong, stronger than me because I’m in tears listening to her!! Put yourself in Megan’s shoes! So many interviews, go see if you can find her! She needs support. Oh she has lawyers, but she is fighting against her Dad and Mom. But her Dad is John Walsh! That is hard to get anyone to believe. God Bless us all!!

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β€œFor behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the Lord of hosts, β€œso that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall. You will tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing,” says the Lord of hosts. β€” Malachi 4:1-3 NASB1995

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Janice, as always, THANK you for taking the current situation and putting it parallel to the WORD!

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These days, just doing a word search on "wickedness" will land you on applicable passages. I had a different one lined up to post, but the Lord led me to this one from Malachi that really jumped out at me today. God bless you!

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"So it is Written, So it Shall be Done."

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I can't help but read that and think of the movie The Ten Commandments when that line was said. Classic movie.

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Henceforth, Anthony β€œI AM the Science” Fauci’s new nickname will be, β€œI AM the CHAFF”! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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He identifies as "science" but we know what he really is!

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Please God, please!!

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Janice-you always seem to find the perfect scripture for the day's C&C post. Today's is excellent! Thank you!

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This seems like a reality today, more than any time in the past when I read it.

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I am all for furnaces incinerating Cretin Miscreants as a righteous terror to Evil Doers. Fear of the Lord, the Sovereign God, is the beginning of wisdom.

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I'll settle for public hangings on live TV. That'll put the fear of something into them.

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

Ha! And places that do that restore good public order pronto quick!

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Yep! I think i’m Deuteronomy it tells us to hang people w/ a penchant for harming children in the public square. This tells the kids they will never be harmed by this guy again AND sends a message to those who may have those sick cravings. At least give them 2nd thoughts.

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And where we see zero wisdom, we know there is zero reverence for God.

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And that's why we are in deep doo-doo!

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It's another December and DeSantis has crossed the Potomac

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

Coincidental to your post, Washington died on this day in 1799 at Mount Vernon.

He was eulogized by Henry β€œLight Horse” Lee as being β€œfirst in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

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To honor this great moment, I shall make my own crossing of the St. Johns river today. (father in law is taking us out for a picnic).

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Many fond memories of the St John’s River!! Is Whitey’s Fish Camp restaurant still around? Awesome fried gator bites. Also am I in trouble for saying β€œWhitey’s” Fish Camp? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ should I rephrase to β€œcolonizer’s” fish camp? β€œCracker’s” fish camp? β€œCaucasianβ€˜s” fish camp? I’ll show myself out.

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"I'll show myself out" LOL. Best close ever!

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Agreed! β™₯

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LOL....seriously, right???? But good one. If we can't laugh at some of this ridiculous shite, what good is a brilliant witty mind?? β™₯

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That's more north of me, looks like a cool place! (still need to explore Jax!). Goes on my todo. https://www.whiteysfishcamp.com/

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Good news❣️

Praying more Governors will be as brave as DeSantis & do the same thing in their states???

Everyone should email, fax & write to their Governors, Senators & Congressmen to please stand with DeSantis & help us discover the truth?

God bless you all. πŸ™πŸΌ


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Hellooooo Texas Gov Abbott! Time to grow a pair and do something about the border besides posturing.

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Other governors are going to wait and see how this plays out first. If successful, then they'll jump on the train.

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Yes, while the invertebrates simmer in their cozy swamps, the more brave among us will continue to boldly repair and defend our Constitutional Republic.

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How true and how sad.

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Yes! EVERYONE should be constantly contacting ALL their state reps and leaders to get this done!

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😭 My (Colorado) Governor and legislatures would just put me on their "domestic terrorist" watch list. 😜

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That would be a badge of honor and should motivate us all the more to take bold action.

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HELLOOOOOOOO GOV KAY IVEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I’m a Floridian for the past 30 years but from Alabama... and I agree Kay Ivey needs to step it up!

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JEFF NEEDS TO READ THIS! -- Please contact me at 937-431-0801 or thomashaviland@sbcglobal.net. I am working with Steve Kirsch of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation to distribute an "Embalmer Blood Clot Survey" to state Funeral Director Associations around the country, asking embalmers if they have seen the large white "fibrous" clots as shown in the movie "Died Suddenly." I have already emailed a link to the survey to many state POCs over the last several days, INCLUDING to a Ms. Ruth Bedell (rbedell@ifdf.org, Phone: 850-222-0198) at the Independent Funeral Directors of Florida. I am asking Ms. Bedell to forward my email which has a link to the survey to all funeral directors/embalmers in the state of Florida so that the embalmers in her state can tell us whether or not they are seeing these white "fibrous" clots.

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This is so important IMHO. It truly gives a reason why people are dropping dead without warning. Thank you for your dedication to this subject.

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The embalmer data from the vaxx deaths is going to be hard to hide.

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This is the most important thing, IMHO. Please!! Embalmers speak up. We will have your back. Whatever it takes!

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Our blood supply is hosed. Or should I say we are hosed if we need a transfusion.

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Did you read that they want to start an "un-vaccinated blood" bank? Including for those who want to give and store their own blood for later? Almost 70% of the world has had one jab or more. I find that statistic hard to imagine!

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

Look into Safe Blood by Mr. Della Pietra.


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Thank you!!β™₯

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I don't know if it can be trusted considering its likely GMO blood....genetically experimented. They aren't differentiating unmolested blood like they should. No offense but it has to be said.

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022Liked by Jeff Childers

If substack would allow it, I would like this article a million times!

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You would have to go to PA to do that. I think there is a special drop box for them. No questions asked! And...no offense to those from the beautiful state of PA.

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None taken! We need everything we can get to laugh about.

I'd suggest the SE corner of the Commonwealth would be the easiest place to do so.

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Please pay it forward too! ❀

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Why just men under 40? These jabs are proven killers of humans of any age or sex. The recommendation should have been no vax, all people, all ages, end of story.

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Yes! I am a personal trainer and most of my clientele are women in their 70s and 80s. The shot has ripped through my people. οΏΌEveryone with arthritis οΏΌ experienced more severe pain. οΏΌοΏΌ Myocarditis, bleeding, diverticulitis, worsening, IBD, failure to heal from surgeries, new skin cancers, ruptured carotid plaque requiring emergency surgery, οΏΌand more. I had one client with one good οΏΌknee and one bad, who was going in for a knee replacement. She had her shot and the β€œgood knee” οΏΌ became so inflamed, that she asked her doctor if maybe they should operate on that one. οΏΌ She was fit and healthy going into the replacement, and it took six months to recover. Thank you spike protein. οΏΌ And of course they all got Covid at least twice, in spite of their shots. My only client, not suffering. These terrible things was unvaccinated!

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Seeing that around me too. One remarked about all the heart attacks. I know I should have said something but others were there too. From experience they will believe nothing I say but I can’t hold back much longer.

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Do it Janet: you have nothing to lose by pointing out the huge elephant in the room...

Except family and friends of course.

So be it, however it's been my own personal moral and ethical duty to shout the truth from the rooftops since this diabolical debacle began.

Chips fall where they may.


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Right??!!! Same here.

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Because this is where the injuries were showing up the most. Easiest to prove.

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Baby steps. Batacharia is still saying old people should get it, which is ridiculous. But it’s a start? If it’s poison for children it’s poison for all.

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Considering they are younger with most of their life ahead of them, giving them a potential killer or harmful jab that may affect their very life, jobs, families future seems more obviously a criminal egregious move forced on them by TPTB. It would make more sense to get to the bottom of this disaster. All life is precious but it seems this jab on people who don’t need them seems the more criminal and sinister. More may agree with that. That may be a more visible optic to more people. Just guessing.

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

I suspect it's because men under 40 are the ones most likely to have myocarditis mRNA injuries.

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They are killing off the most able to defend this nation, physically anyway. Do you see it?? A draft is going to be a moot point if this ever comes down to defending this nation. Section 8's, 4F or dead.

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That is coming! Patience

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Fauci claims to be a proponent of open discussion on these matters. Translation: "As long as everyone agrees with me, we can talk about it....anything else is just a "distraction." The word "distraction" is his new escape mechanism. It's like a major league baseball player signing a contract containing a clause that pitchers must soft toss to him. His numbers look good, but if you dig deeper....not so much. Once he faces a pitcher who says: "I spit on your contract," and possesses a wicked curve or slider he gets exposed.

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

I don't remember Trump firing Fauci. Did that actually happen?

Or is it more pro-Trump TDS wishful thinking, like "Trump refused to mandate the shots" SIC (after he was already out of office)?

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I really wish the Trump die hards could see the reality before them. Some go so far to claim he couldn't have known. BS. Morons like us with computers figured it out. I'm sure he heard plenty from folks like RFK Jr and had more than enough info to raise a huge huge red flag. But he kept all the usual suspects in place.

Political theatre. I honestly think it all is, even this move by DeSantis...The permanent state is moving to create a showdown b/t Trump and DeSantis, and you know who they will be backing...

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An aunt of my husband got charged with defamation or slander. She called a neighbor an a-hole to his face. (Note: He was a neighbor from hell type) He took her to court and the aunt lost. The judge told her next time to tell him quote: β€œI THINK you are an a-hole”-not you ARE an a-hole”. Big difference I guess. 🀣

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πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ good to know!

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I have always remembered that. Now people have the ability to take video of such confrontations.

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How about, "You act like an a@@hole"?

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Nope, you have to qualify that statement with, "In my opinion you act like an asshole." Or "I believe you are acting like an asshole."

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Dang, words are tricky!

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Yep, good advice. Always state that it is your opinion and not fact unless you have irrefutable evidence. It goes down to 1st Amendment stuff. Everyone can state their opinion freely. But stating things as fact is another that is not protected speech unless you have the evidence to back it up.

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Shouldn't things people say always be considered opinion UNLESS they back it up with evidence?

Beliefs and opinion are more common than facts. I have a lot of beliefs, but I feel like I don't know very much

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You can say whatever you want, but to be safe from successful prosecution/lawsuit, you need to state it as a personal opinion.

As to the president and et al, they need to be called out on what they say. That is why Fauci and the others tried to hide behind their government protections. The judge didn't buy that and so they had to actually tell the truth. Since they can't they just stated that the couldn't recall the lies they told.

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This freaks me out that the neighbor won. Shouldn't this have been tossed out as a frivolous lawsuit. . .or did the neighbor have friends in high places?

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Dec 15, 2022Β·edited Dec 15, 2022

Small rural county. The neighbor was a jerk and harassment occurred but that was not the charge the nasty neighbor leveled. He beat the aunt to the punch and leveled another harassment on her with slander but I guess fine points of the law said she was in the wrong. It was decades ago. Perhaps her evidence of his behavior was weak or uncorroborated I just remember what the judge told her and keep that in mind. πŸ€”. The last 3 years I’ve wanted to level verbal abuse onto many many people. 😈😑🀬

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Dec 14, 2022Β·edited Dec 14, 2022

This new announcement brought me to tears. You have played a major role in the advancement of accountability. And I'm so thankful! I know there are many others whose names we will never know. C&C has given me hope for quite a while now that we are moving in the right direction. I'm in CA where doctors are being muzzled by our State government. But there are many of us here fighting the battles in CA. Doctors, dads, moms, pastors, and a few politicians - its true lol. What is happening on Florida strengthens everyone in the battle. Thank you!

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All I have to say is THANK GOD FOR RON DESANTIS!

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He is the MAN!!!!

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In yesterday's article, Jeff indicated that other states would join Florida's efforts regarding the β€œPublic Health Integrity Committee”. Anything further on that? Enquiring minds want to know...

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Me too! I can't wait. I know it won't be mine, MN.

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Or mine, either - WA. I'm just waiting for the mask mandates to start up again.

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Ugh Washington. . .I love my home. . .but Washington State Government is horribly corrupt, this is not a representative government. It's rule by Inslee decree

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Or mine ~ VT! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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We need to be vigilant. I am hearing from a school nurse friend that masks are coming back in schools. And I am also hearing β€œthe hospitals are full/ overrun/ overwhelmed”. And now it’s Flu-Rona or Flu-Rona-RSV. Other friends are lining up for their boosters. We are going backward because the mainstream media is brainwashing the masses by not covering the Florida story.

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And we all know if they get the masks going again, they’ll double-down on the kids to get vaxxed.

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I agree, we need to stay vigilant. Thankfully, we flipped our school board in Charleston so we should not see the kids put back in masks (our prior board was a horror show...they defied the governors orders and we had to get AG Wilson involved so many times on awful things they did). But I am with you, we can't give an inch. Giving an inch is how they move the goalposts.

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Work with medical examiners to study autopsy results of all Floridians who died suddenly after receiving the covid-19 vaccine. The state will also work with the University of Florida to compare its research to studies from other countries.

Introduce a new bill over the next few weeks designed to protect physicians’ independent judgment, their First Amendment rights, and their independent right to dissent from orthodox narratives.

These last two points interest me the most here in Michigan. I came to C&C for the fight against covid and Jeff has led the way. I also stay to see how Florida will do in leading the way forward. Pfizer has a huge presence in Michigan which I have come to realize is why our elections went the way they did for the last 4 years. It is why for all the hue and cry about a Red Wave after the destruction blue state governors have caused with covid lockdowns and continued emergency orders, never happened. In Michigan it will be ugly come mid January. We can get out, pretend it’s not happening or so bad, or hunker down, stand firm, and fight on the local levels. The last is what I choose to do for now.

What Florida is doing at the state level, and much of their success is cleaning up the election laws in the state, having them done quickly and cleanly. It allowed for everything else to go forward. Good on DeSantis and crew.

This is really good news.

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Yes, Michigan is not looking pretty. Many other states look better and better by the day. πŸ˜” We hate to leave Michigan behind, but it may become our only option.

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If South Carolina doesn't immediately copy this plan, we'll be moving to Florida in 2023.

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If NYS doesn’t stop their Covid nonsense, we’ll be doing the same. There are kids involved and we’re just not gonna surrender their health to the schemes of the communists that want to mandate again. Oh - How they got off on that!

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Same with Commiefornia. I saw that Los Angeles county is back to the mask mandate again. Good grief people!

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China is the Puppeteer for these deep blue cities.

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I hope the other states get going. With places like twitter 2.0 allowing public dissent and discussion of the covid shots, there's more support for ending mandates and investigations of vax injuries. There's a lot of accountability to be had.

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