“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.””

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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He will not leave you nor forsake you is a repeated theme throughout the Bible. God knew that we would need this reassurance.

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From our Psalm (59) read at Mass today:

In part:

G-d is my refuge on the day of distress

O my strength! for you I watch;

for you, O G-d, are my stronghold,

As for my G-d, may his mercy go before me;

may he show me the fall of my foes.

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Why does God’s name get a hyphen? It’s not disrespectful to spell out.

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It follows a Jewish tradition of eliminating the vowels when referring to Him (e.g. YHWH) It's practice I do as my own personal reminder to always treat His name with respect and reverence.

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I knew people do that out of reverence for the Lord, but thank you for explaining why you do!

It is very good to remember not to use His name in vain. 🙏

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On using His name in "vain" long time ago, I agreed with myself, that those of us called Christians, yet living as the pagans do, were a clear example of using His name in vain.

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The spelling tradition is tied to the Hebrew oral tradition of never speaking the Lord's name aloud. Minus the vowels, YHWH is unpronounceable.

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And should not be pronounced with presumed vowels inserted. Only Modern Hebrew uses vowels. Traditional Hebrew words are root words. One should never presume vowels in a Hebrew root word.

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I see. Thank you.

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It's sort of like the written version of bowing our head at the name of Jesus.

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and isn't this mandated in the "B'Ezrat Hashem" saying? I've always understood that as "if He (whose name is not to be spoken) is willing"

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Good to know

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I sort of do this as well, only I just capitalize His pronouns (as much as I detest using that word these days! 😝).

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Good for you! 👍🏻👏🏻

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Why doesn't this god have a name?

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As He told Moses when Moses asked "who should I say sent me?" when preparing to lead the Hebrews out of Egyptian bondage, God replied "tell them I AM sent you". EX 3:14

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Sam I am?

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Yes he did!

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Excerpt from Isaiah 59 which is about lack of justice. Eerily similar to how the world is today:

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save,
nor his ear too dull to hear.

But your iniquities have separated
you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear.

For your hands are stained with blood,
your fingers with guilt.
Your lips have spoken falsely,
and your tongue mutters wicked things.

No one calls for justice;
no one pleads a case with integrity.
They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies;
they conceive trouble and give birth to evil.

Their deeds are evil deeds,
and acts of violence are in their hands.

Their feet rush into sin;

they are swift to shed innocent blood.
They pursue evil schemes;
acts of violence mark their ways.

The way of peace they do not know;
there is no justice in their paths.
They have turned them into crooked roads;
no one who walks along them will know peace.

So justice is far from us,
and righteousness does not reach us.

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I'm reading through Isaiah right now. The theme is clear: follow God and be blessed, or reject God and be judged.

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Rarely do we talk about the second part.

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Most Christians try so hard to not scare people away from knowing Jesus that we can forget to read the audience.

It’s also important how we say it. Is it out of love and a desire to see no one perish or out of self righteousness or fear/ anger? I ask God to give me the right words for each individual I encounter & He does.

Motives are important.

Pointing people to Him and telling the truth about Him are very important. 🙏

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As well as telling someone the Truth. Too many Christians and churches allow people to stay in their sin and by doing so help to lead them right into Hell. Which is more loving: to tell someone the Truth and the Holy Spirit leads them to salvation or coddle them in their sin and lead them to their eternal damnation and eternal separation from God? Too many are losing that today.

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Speaking the truth of God is vital to change lives. The distinction you raise is important to remember.

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Amen brother!!! This is wisdom. ❤️

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I always say you can't get to the good news of the gospel without realizing the bad news first.

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I have heard many pastors saying this. That is why it js “good” news. Its like how I explain to my child sad vs happy. You really wouldn’t know happy without experiencing sadness.

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It's not bad news. It is how the Lord purifies the church, to make it holy enough to be His son's bride.

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I believe Robin's point is you have to hear about God's judgement due to sin first. That IS the bad news first. Someone can only accept Jesus Christ and the free gift of salvation God offers by realizing their sinfulness.

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Suffering does purify the church and I am thankful for that.

The bad news to which I am referring is condemnation. Romans 3:23 For there is none righteous, no not one. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Mark 2:17 And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” People have to know they need a Savior before they can come to Him.

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And that is exactly where our country is. People don't want to believe we are under God's judgment right now, but the Bible says differently as you offered from Isaiah 59.

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God judges nations. After listening to Victor Davis Hansen on the evils of the Aztec empire, I'm sure that's why that empire is no longer with us. Listening to the accounts was like watching a horror show. Very demonic.

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I just read this passage this morning...and highlighted this section because it practically jumped off the page at me... "No one calls for justice;
no one pleads a case with integrity.
They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies;
they conceive trouble and give birth to evil."

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The passage did the same to me last night as I read it.

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See, God even thought enough of us to reference Fauci and Project Veritas and President-in-name-only-Cabbage,

thousands of years ago! 😜😜

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It seems that history repeats itself.

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After all King Solomon said there’s nothing new under the sun.

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ironically this is kn my reading plan today!

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It was in my reading yesterday. 😁

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Describing today to a T . Thank you for posting 🥰

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One of my favorites!

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A Scripture passage for all of us to utilize!

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Amen, Ed!

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Needed that today!

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Congrats on the victory! OMG is doing the real investigative journalism that MSM has abandoned. Hope we can stop the Venezuela style vote fraud this election.

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That's an open question, isn't it?

Venezuelans are PISSED....................It's amazing that it took this long after all the years of their Marxist gov't destroying the country.


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Maybe they finally realized no one was going to fix the problem for them least of all United States. Praying for the people to be victorious.

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Redacted had Anya Parampil on to discuss Venezuela. The "pissed" people are likely CIA backed - more of the same BS.

I think folks should give it a listen for some balance...go to 12:00 mark:


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Good point Johnny-O. It's very possible (frankly likely) that both sides are rotten but we've been conditioned to think the US government-supported side is good (freedom fighters) and the other side is bad (communists, islamists, terrorists, whatever). It happens over and over and people think they have to pick a side. They don't.

Maduro can be a Marxist thug AND the opposition can be CIA-backed globalist stooges. In fact that's likely exactly what's going on. And no one would give it a second thought if Venezuela didn't have oil reserves of 300 billion barrels.

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Good point. And the people get ground up between the two.

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Yup, they always do. And if there were riots against a corrupt regime in Cameroon or Burkina Faso would we be getting breathless updates on Fox News about the brave patriotic people fighting back? Nope, no one would care.

You would think after everything we've been through after the last five years people would be a little more suspicious of manufactured media narratives. But they still fall for them provided it reinforces their inherent biases. Here the narrative is freedom-loving people rising up against the evil communists so conservatives fall for it hook, line, and sinker. No consideration that maybe there's something more to it.

Maduro is scum and I'd shed no tears if he was toppled (and worse). But the fact that the worst people in the world (Blinken, Bolton, CIA, WEF-globalists, etc.) support the opposition ought to make people question this a bit more.

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Then "the people" would have be CIRCUMSPECT and CRITICAL THINKERS--face it, Jeff C. those kind of "the people" are rare gems! I have come to realize that most people are ASLEEP and follow the LOUDEST VOICES!! I prefer to listen to the "still, small voice" of my Lord & Savior, YESHUA--the only begotten son of JEHOVAH JIREH!

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People also have no realization the persecution Christians are undergoing around the world: most African countries due to muslims, SE Asia due to hinduism (they are not at all the peaceful religion that most believe), buddism and all the other -isms out there) and North Korea. Voice of the Martyrs has a monthly magazine keeping us informed of what is happening to our brothers and sisters as we sit in a country so spoiled and pampered.

I always want to go to these "african Americans" (thanks to the Clinton Administration who started the BS of hypenations) that you wouldn't last 6 hours in Nigeria, the Congo or most African countries out with the people who are barely surviving on the land. Not even 6 hours. But I would pay to send them on a one way ticket.

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So right. It is very hard to come to realize that the United States has both sides and even more of the evil today. Most of us who can have an intelligent thought and right intelligently were brought up to love our country and its' values. Realizing that the people we thought were and are doing good work are not, and is tough.

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Think Ukraine 2014

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Yes, hard to imagine the CIA on the right side of history. Seems like wherever there's turmoil and destruction, the CIA lurks in the shadows.

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The CIA operates with complete autonomy. They get fake oversight by politicians seeking contributions and "likes". They are held accountable by exactly no one, least of all a corrupt DOJ. They don't overthrow only govs outside the US...

I truly believe Trump has the absolute incentive to change all of that, if we can keep him alive and prevent them conducting another s_Election. Both are highly uncertain and likely to go wrong. Had Trump not had his head turned by the hand of God, it would already be over. Evil will not simply give up because they failed on that one.

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Need to remember that Trump already have 4 years. Surrounded himself with CFR members. I might give him a slight pass on the Pence treason, but please don't think anything is going to change. When will I give him more credit? Speak publicly about what happened in 2020. That hasn't happened yet.

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Yeah, you seem to forget all the great things Trump did in spite of the two faced losers like Pence - and sounds like you too.

But, you being a never Trumper will never see all the Tremendous things Trump accomplished.... are you voting for the worst VEEP in history then? You know, the one who helped conduct a coup of the Cadaver? What happened in 2020? Everyone knows, including you, the election was stolen from us. If you are that indoctrinated that you don't understand that by now, there is seriously no helping you. And for the record a Citizen never gets tired so you are a contradiction in terms. Can I suggest you get a cranial rectumotomy? I think you will see the world in a whole new light!!

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I Call BS on this Redacted. Soo Chavez/Maduro's Demoncrazy Thug "Communism" has been Good for Venezuela ??? and God Forbid mere "People" rise up to Demand GASP !!! "Honest Elections". Seems I heard once that the "Dominion" machines were first "Used" for Chavez's sElections ???

Maduro is reported to have Cuban bodyguards as well as "advisors" as We "all know" Cuba is such a Marxist Paradise that people get on rafts for a 90 mile cruise to Florida.

I swear people can not chew gum and walk at the same time. There Are Always Vested Interests.!!! Choose your Tyrants carefully. btw Venezuela once had a per capita income level Higher than the USA, just saying........

and with the Clown Show currently in the DC Coupist Feral gov. even Maduro's Clown Show may once again top the USSA's Clown Show!!!

But under No Circumstances let the CiA manipulate those MAGA "Deplorables" in the USSA for even thinking about the full wording of that dastardly 2nd Amendment.

Citizens just keep writing your "representatives" in DC, it's been working so well so far, Right??? "Hakeem" Johnson thinks so.

I Spit.

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So do I... BS.

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Pretty sure cia is backing maduro. Just like they backed the communist that stole brazils election. Bolsanoro couldn’t lose, just like trump.

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There was a post on X that they arrested Bolsanoro.. Sounds kinda like the very political prosecution that occurred during a special time in human history when the mass genocide of Jews was all the rage and it seems is happening in the US right now with an Orange Man!

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I twice listened to Anya Parampil (if that's her real name) on Redacted and I smell bullshit. Redacted laid the ground work by implying that we are the ones causing illegal immigration by interfering in these countries. While there is a grain of truth in that, let's be clear, the massive illegal immigration western countries are experiencing, especially in the US, is being solicited, promoted, organized and financed by the Marxist gov'ts in power in the US and elsewhere. Apparently, Anya's whole book characterizes the Marxist regime in Venezuela as a "democracy" without any reference to the fact that the Chavez/Maduro Communist regime is solely responsible for the collapse of Venezuelan society over the last 2 decades from one of the richest countries on the planet, where the average Venezuelan was better off than the average American, to an economy in complete collapse from hyperinflation where the people can't even find enough food to live on. As of Aug of 23, OVER 25% of Venezuelans, almost 8 million people, have fled from their homeland. And she calls this a democracy. And Redact wants us to believe that those people protesting the Maduro election are only a color revolution supported by the US/CIA! Seriously? How many "organized" gangs do you see in those videos? If a quarter of the population had to flee the country because of the conditions there, does anyone really believe that Maduro won the election. I smell something that stinks!

Furthermore, Anya goes on to imply that if the Maduro election is overturned by the people that this will plunge Venezuela into a civil war that will draw the USG into war there and will engulf the US in civil war. This is an attempt at fear-mongering on her part. The whole interview has the odor of controlled opposition. I'm not buying any of it.

Anya and Redact are acting as apologists for these Marxist regimes.

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I agree completely.

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This is exactly what I was thinking based on alternative media reporting. And also, since Milei backs the US government's position, this tells us who Milei is and quite possibly who is behind Milei in addition to the IMF and central banker establishment.

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THANKS for that link. I'm still not clear on the whole picture as my understanding of Venezuela is obviously incomplete. I don't understand how the country has fallen into complete chaos over the last - I don't know how many years. They should be one of the richest countries - and they were at one point - in the West. Things got so bad, they didn't even have enough to eat and many many Venezuelans have fled the country just to survive. Between the predatory practices of the USG, the multi-national corporations and their socialist gov't, the Venezuelan economy has been destroyed.

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I think it is real simple. One Marxist country (Venezuela) does not want to be beaten up (controlled) by another Marxist country (the nominal failing United States). And the US sees control over oil markets slipping out of its grasp and desperately needs to control access to resources. Also, the United States is under huge commercial threats from China in the Americas, including Mexico just south of the border. Plus Brazil's huge resource base is already positioned in 'the Global South'. Panic in Washington, maybe unstated or understated, has to be creeping in by degrees. For instance, the US sends its representatives around the world and they are largely laughed at for the utter foolishness which spews out of their mouths.

I believe the situation for the United States is much more fragile than most people want to or are capable of recognizing. We have a useless, now obsolete military gutted by Woke. And the financial strength of the United States has largely evaporated, what with people making all kinds of deals not possible before Covid assisted in destroying the last shred of credibility of the Collective West. That is, Covid did not so much cover up the Western financial mess but enlarged it by removing the last pretense of financial institutional prudence (we now have totally public source unrestrained spending).

I was thinking about the Byzantine Empire last night, how it had shrunk to just Constantinople and a bit or outlaying territory. And I thought that if the dollar collapsed, and the funding mechanism of fake financing collapsed with it, how quickly all that 'military presence' in 180 countries would have to close up shop due to no available 'money'. That's what happened to the Russians with the Soviet collapse. With no military though, the Russians still had nukes and launch vehicles ... and maybe that is what ultimately saved the Russian Federation.

Nobody in 1914 thought the Austrian Empire would be gone by 1918. The walls of Constantinople withstood 23 seizes until they were breeched in 1453. People never believe what is possible, and moreover inevitable, until they stand in the ruins.

I daily think ... ignore God's Law, lose everything.

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MORE PLEASE! That is spot on as the printing presses keep churning out fiat paper and the sick bullies keep diddling in other peoples business expecting our Sons and Daughters (and endless money) to back their coercion. It takes a long time for a giant to fall -or maybe not?

Later Jay

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It takes a long time for a giant to fall. The staggering goes on for years, for decades. I've seen it with my eyes my entire adult life. And every step of the way, I wondered if 'they' really could be this stupid (China most favored nation status, all the Kissinger deification nonsense, monetary destruction, commercializing the economy, off-shoring of everything, stupid wars like Vietnam, all the United Nations eco-sustainable stuff, etc.). The answer is that yes, they were that stupid. And they wrapped everything up in a pseudo-cloth of invincible pseudo-smarts. And the illusion of strength prevailed because Man cannot abide by too much reality. And he is very bad at checking his snowballing depravity.

The Ukraine Adventure is one of the final last straws because it exposed irrevocably for all time military impotence, syndicated grifting corruption, clown world political utterances and really how feeble the Collective West is. And all of this cannot be stuffed back into the bottle. Not only that, how depraved the West now is on display in spades with the recemt Olympic display ... as if we didn't need a reminder. In short, it is a civilization in utter collapse. And I wonder, is there maybe a chance for an Indian Summer? But not more than that barring a total restructure of the West from the moral foundation on up.

One past the point of no return, it's a quick thud and pop goes the weasel.

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I don't mean this disrespectfully, but please look up the information yourself. We have to be our personal research team. Never trust anything anyone says one either side without vetting it.

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That's it. The elite took all the money and enslaved the masses. Sound familiar?

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Great comments in this thread today. You just stated the fundamental nature of what is happening and we need more discussion like this.

And to complete your thought, America has ignored God's Law for generations and we are now in the process of losing everything. I am reminded of Deut 5:9, "I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation..."

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It seems pretty complicated, but it's probably not. My dad went there a lot in the '60's, and it was very prosperous . I went a few times in the '80's and '90's, and not so ,much then. My guess is "Diary of an Economic Hitman", (great, must read book BTW) is what happened.

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Yes. "Diary of an Econ. Hitman" opened my eyes in a whole new way.

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See my followup comment above.

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What role US sanctions?

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Doesn't matter. Socialists took control of that country, took the money and enslaved the masses. Just like Peron did in Argentina and ever since.

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If sanctions don’t matter, why impose them? For the pleasure of making innocent people suffer?

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The C_A are likely on both sides of this trade. They’re like the medieval border reivers in Scotland… they join a fight and then “turn their coat” (of arms) once they see who is going to win. The borderlands are where the terms “turncoat” and “blackmail” were invented. Amazing how so many modern crooks and traitors in our own country have Scottish surnames. McCain, McCabe, Graham, etc.

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Whoa Clayton! (from Redacted) Whose pockets are you in??? All I needed to hear was "democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro just WON re-election" It's been some time since I listened to the Morris Duo, but dear God in Heaven, either they've TURNED in a major way, or I must have missed some very big portions before!

Not only that but, "their own Iron Dome killed individuals in the Golan Heights" This is so NOT true! Hezbollah claimed responsibility for dropping a bomb until they realized they'd bombed DRUZE CHILDREN on a soccer field! AND bc of the huge Druze population in Lebanon, they recanted and blamed the Iron Dome...

Clayton, this is not journalism. Get your head out of your butt and stop talking S***!!!

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Brazilians were pissed too. But apparently not pissed enough.

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Not a good trend, is it? It seems every stolen election is unable to be overturned and the tyrannies continue to grow. The writing is on the wall for US.

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That was my thought… What will happen if they do it again here? If the fascists “install” cackling Kamala. 🔥🔥🔥

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Well, it's clear that 2020 will never be overturned and don't even ask me about the Arizona Gov election. No...the writing is on the wall. American's will overwhelmingly vote MAGA. But if the Marxists steal the election in spite of that then I think the Marxist control of America will be pretty much set in concrete.

I hate to say this but I think the only reason a Marxist steal of the election, if successful, could be overturned is because the Establishment elite billionaires who do NOT want America destroyed are organizing to push back against the Marxist coup. As a people, it appears to me that Americans - on their own - are incapable of pushing back even to the extent that the Venezuelans are protesting.

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Think about this:

"On 18 July 2024 von der Leyen was re-elected as President of the European Commission by the European Parliament with an absolute majority of 401 members of the European Parliament out of 720. Her absolute majority was strengthened by around thirty votes compared to her election in 2019.

Ursula von der Leyen - Wikipedia


Supposedly, Europeans don't like her so how? Did I miss something? These people are digging in like ticks so I do think the cackling hen has quite a chance. It's worrisome.

Later Jay

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"If?" People have very short memories today with our constantly changing 24/7 news. Many need to go back and revisit the night of the November 2020 election.

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Right?! The steal was in our face. We observed it in real time as the "count" was altered right in front of us on TV.

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I feel like if all of us patriots actually do push back… We will all be shot where we stand or thrown into the gulags just like the J6 people. Rock meet hard place… 🤦🏽‍♀️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Now there's the truth of it. And all the Marxists need to do is create a false flag event to give them the excuse.

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What do you get when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? A great deal of kinetic violence. The irresistible force is the MAGA movement. The immovable object are the Marxist usurpers.

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It's not the first time Maduro only counted his votes. The last election was like that too. In Brazil, the only votes counted were those in the province ruled by the cartel...

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Were their firearms confiscated before the Communists took over 25 years ago? Just wondering because the Liberals in Canada and the Dems in the USA have an unrelenting push to seize lawfully owned and licensed firearms but make NO effort to seize all the ILLEGAL ones. A real poser. Not.

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We can help register Republican voters in swing states. People are waking up and are energized, and we can capitalize on that momentum to try to get beyond the margin of cheating. This is Scott Presler's method of doing that, and he and his volunteers have already flipped Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Through the app, we can contact select people by text or postcard (or maybe email, I can't remember).


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Been sending text and postcards Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point Action has an app too. See Jeff even if I’m from Portland I can help🤪

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Are you really portland are people there really as crazy as they seem on on t v?

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Don't read too much into J. C.'s 'acrid bashing' of Portlanders...he's just dropping "dribbles of sarcasm" as he deems "appropriate"!! WE LOVE HIM anyway--and I'm sure you do as well, Barbara!

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Rush did the same with “folks in Rio Linda.”

His detractors never understood his humor.

He’d mention how humorless Lib-Lefties are.

So sour, dour, depressed & desperate.

“Be of good cheer” he’d say!

Miss Rush terribly.

Jeff is filling his shoes on a different platform.

News, commentary, excellent wordplay, wit, encouragement.

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Never listened to Rush Limbaugh--but millions did - (smile)!

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Awesome 😎

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What is an effective message to write on these postcards?

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I’ve been writing them for early vote. They have exactly what to write on the app.

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They tell you what to say.

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I cannot speak for the other swing states, although I suspect they have the same vote fraud which we do in Arizona.

In Arizona, mail in ballot fraud is the whole sale vote fraud necessary to steal elections. We just yesterday finished our primary election. The results are still not in, even though we have been counting mail in ballots for 27 days and the walk in vote, we are told, is computed immediately upon a ballot being put in the tabulator. The polls closed at 7 pm. We should have had a result with all the counting and automation by midnight. There will be no 100% hand count of the ballots to ensure everything is on the up and up. It's looking like Uniparty s_Wins. I will report the s_Election s_Results in Cochise County whenever they get around to finishing their s_Counting. Remember, we do not have chain of custody for mail in ballots, nor do we require mail in voters to prove their ID before they get their ballot - in fact they never have to prove their identity at any point during the election. But, on the other hand, a walk in voter, must present their ID to even get a ballot (from a stack of numbered, controlled ballots) and from that moment forward the chain of custody remains with the voter and the county ONLY - whereas mail in ballots get touched by the other family members, friends, helpers, people who buy ballots, NGOs who get illegal immigrant s_Ballots to vote, USPS contract and gov workers and others invisible to the process. ID of a mail in voter is eventually s_Determined by a county worker comparing a signature to multiple s_Signatures in their s_Database - which is fully integrated with the State s_Database ("no chance" of co-mingling voters and their data). You also have a clear 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause Violation which is unimportant to those who s_Run our s_Elections. They know this and they wont fix it, because to fix it would be an end to the rampant and wholesale mail in ballot fraud.

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A true horror movie

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I live in Mohave County and it seemed like hardly anyone came out to vote. I had to show my ID and they also looked at my signature. I will never use a mail in ballot

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When people dont vote, it leaves their vote to the thieves who WILL vote for them. its why they have set up networks during the "early vote" fraud period and the ePollbooks network during day of vote. There is only one reason for these netwroks to exist and that is to inform the thieves who has voted and therefore who hasn't, so they can vote for them. Its why they have no ID or chain of custody for mail in "voters". Wholesale fraud.

Me neither re mail in voting, at least until they put in verifiable chain of custody and ID.

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by that do you mean the US declaring as president someone that no one voted for?

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omega4america.com knows how to stop the Venezuela style vote fraud. The RNC won't listen or use their information.

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Same! I am worried though as it did not work in Brasil.

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Remember O’Keefe was shockingly fired right after his undercover video of Pfizer exec saying that Pfizer was doing gain of function work to generate more “vaccine” business. It’s not too hard to connect the dots of who is pulling the puppet strings of Project Veritas.

Jeff Childers and James O’Keefe are warriors against the evil left.

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Yes, Josie! Pfizer is very powerful, and they are on the wrong side of good and evil. It's scary! Daily prayers are needed for James O'Keefe and Jeff Childers, heros on the right side of history.

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They are not on the wrong side.


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Great comment. This 100%.

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We have Eagle Forum Action Groups in cities & towns across Alabama; started after the isolation & disconnect of covid. As Jeff says “work locally.” We offer top speakers on all sorts of topics - terrific information & education.

One of our speakers was an engaging whistle blower who’d worked for Pfizer. She is a petite powerhouse who shared her story. Yes, she connected with the truth teller of our generation! Know she’s pleased to hear this good news.

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Congratulations Jeff, O'Keefe has been such a big part the last few years of this "Great Awakening" that we have seen happening across the spectrum. So glad to be able to feel good about these wins.

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I love Yahweh, because He hears

My voice and my supplications.

Because He has inclined His ear to me,

So I shall call upon Him in all my days.

— Psalm 116:1-2 LSB

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God Bless James a true modern American hero.

Less musk please, the tw@tt$r logo is occultic trash, why do Christian sites propagate it?

I scroll past all musky quotes now since the aroma is endemic and ubiquitous.

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I still say Twitter, but confess I get info from people I trust there. Tho the true misinformation folks are nasty beyond words.

Prefer Truth Social tho the communist trolls have invaded now. Free speech & all.

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Looks like prayers for you and your trip to New York were answered! 🙌🏻🙏🏻☺️ Thankful for all answered prayers in these tumultuous times! And bravo to you, Mr. Childers, on your work!

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Love James and his work. It is so nice to know he has the best of legal teams fighting for him.

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Another spectacular hurdle, in the race to return sanity and dignity to all Americans.

And some think the Olympics is the only standard of Excellence?

"Coffee" time Gold Medal.

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Good morning, friends! Rejoice in the day the Lord has made!✨

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First off …. an Amen to Our Father , Son and the Holy Spirit ! And a shout out to Mr. o’ Keefe’s righteous Indignation. And praise again to Our Almighty for giving Jeff and his team the knowledge, wisdom and discernment to face evil head on . 🙌🏼💞🙏

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AMEN!! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

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Jeff - My wife is involved with election integrity in Georgia, which as you know, is rife with corruption.

United Sovereign Americans (USA) is in the process of raising funds to file suit in Fulton County. Might be worth checking out if you are not already aware of them. They are reporting over 29 million ineligible voter registrations from the 2022 general elections. See unite4freedom.com.

We have got to stop the steal!

United Sovereign Americans (USA) is a nonpartisan organization comprised entirely of thousands of grassroots citizen volunteers from across the United States working to ensure legally-valid elections that are fair, accurate, and trustworthy. Our teams have measured the effect of millions of instances of apparent election fraud—as defined by the US Department of Justice—on the 2022 midterm elections. We have put it all together into a comprehensive and easy to understand framework, that shows that our voting system is broken, and the intent of qualified citizen voters has been drowned out by error.

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29 million!!?? Wow!! 😠

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May God bless the efforts of your wife & others who walk the talk.

May he curse those whose evil deeds of darkness are trying to destroy this Land of the Free.

Only a few are the Brave.

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I don't know how they get their data or how much they have, but omega4america.com could probably help provide even more!

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What's really wild is that there are only 11+M living in the state (census 2023). What's up with that? Later Jay

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I took that to mean nationwide, which based on what I've read from many sources makes sense.

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My mind cannot wrap itself around the amount of EFFORT, HARD WORK and LONG HOURS that you and your team have been giving and continue to crank out in order to save our Democratic republic from a Venezuelan style chaos. Thank you!!! God called you, for such a time as this, three (or was it four?) years ago. And like Queen Esther, you (and your family) rose to the occasion. I suspected that it was you representing O’Keefe when I read that he was in Federal Court on Monday. And I prayed for you and him and everyone involved. I know it’s a little presumptuous, but after all these years, I feel like we are a special community and as a member, I was cheering you on!! The devil never sleeps. And apparently, neither do you!! ☺️

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This is why if you’re not a paid subscriber to C&C, you should be

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If you can be.

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That’s true, Ellen. Not everyone can. And we could not when we first started reading. But things have changed and FedUpinOr is right. Jeff and his team are tireless!! So I threw in my financial support. 🙂

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You are a hero, Mr, Childers.

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Enjoy that part of Westchester county..it is so pretty..my old neighborhood.

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I was surprised to see you’re defending OMG but very happy. Been a O’keefe fan and donor for years to him and his orgs. First Pv and now OMG. Had a company match donation to PV while he was heading it and stopped when they screwed him.

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Congratulations Jeff. I saw last night that your high profile client was James. Very grateful you are doing this! May God bless you every day

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Outstanding! Thank you for this little "peek" into the actual workings of one of these battles. You're amazing!

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Thank you is not sufficient Jeff, for all your amazing work. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13 NIV)

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