Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

I love the breakdowns and analysis of each and every single phrase, tone, and verbiage to show how these journalistic slights of tricks are used to persuade the masses. I’ve found that lawyers are exceptionally well at doing this. You should teach a course on this!

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Agreed, great job as usual from Jeff Childers.

At this point it's clear that virtually all corporate media is a lie and is not intended to inform. It's job is to enforce a narrative intended to drive behavior. The only real question is how long has this been going on? Seems like it's been since just after WW2 to me.

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Also, PR firms are sometimes hired to craft this devious messaging, especially when it comes to government policy and political attacks.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

I've gradually come to the conclusion that many people in PR are sociopaths. Their entire career is based on persuading people through deception to not act in their own best interests, but in that of their client's. Yet it's taught in universities as some sort of noble profession.

This has a long history but it really took off with Edward Bernays. He normalized lying and manipulating people to make a buck.

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The American Academy of Pediatrics is publishing their every so many years update of their Red Book, a bible of infectious diseases and relied upon by pediatricians. They have new/updated chapters on Talking with Families and Patients About Vaccines.

I looked at my husband and said, yeah, I bet they do. More ways to manipulate and persuade the unwilling and newly awakened.

The propaganda is relentless.

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It is relentless. My heuristic is that whenever someone says I must do something for my own good, for the good of my family, or for society's good, then it's almost certainly a lie. It's actually for them to acquire wealth and/or power.

That's my starting position until proven otherwise, and it's been shown to be correct over and over. People acting in good faith don't attempt to manipulate other people's behavior through emotional guilt, which is exactly what this "for your own good" stuff is. People acting in good faith will present the issue rationally, and truthfully put forth the pros and cons in an unbiased fashion.

Instead these sociopaths always attempt to manipulate people's emotions. "How would you feel if your child died from a vaccine preventable disease?" while completely hiding the fact the risk of that is infinitesimally small. It works though as people don't think critically, and a rational risk assessment requires both an assessment of consequence *and likelihood*. Instead, these people scare people to death through an obsessive focus on consequence while ignoring, or flat out lying about, likelihood.

I have to tell you I'm getting to the point where people like Ben Shapiro (as example of someone who uses almost nothing but guilt-based manipulation persuasion techniques) genuinely look demonic to me, even if I happen to agree on an issue. It may sound grandiose, but it really seems as if God has lifted the scales from my eyes regarding the evil that dwells among us.

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That is a good heuristic to have.

I admit that I have a history of being a person who (unknowingly and without intentional malintent) used such ways of persuasion because I was so convinced of a point of view. And, having been raised with those methods of persuasion, I also didn’t know of another way.

I’m embarrassed to admit that now. And grateful to be learning new ways of being in the world.

You are absolutely correct that those acting in good faith without self-interest are not going to use emotional guilt.

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And entire divisions of major law firms called "Government Relations," aka lobbying. When an acquaintance told me decades ago that's what she was working in, I nodded but had no idea what she was talking about, because my father was a normal attorney who just practiced law.

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can't remember Edward Bernays or when he lived, but how about the early 1800's when all those potions, elixirs, tablets, etc were floooding the market especially in the cities? Any ailment, real or perceived, had an hundred "cures" most of which were neutral thus ineffecive, and many were downright harmful.. mercury compounds were common, and lethal in larger doses. Yt the general public, eager to "cure what ail's em" gobbled them up in bith senses of the word. I think it was P.T. Barnum declared "there's a sucker born every minute", and the bible declares they are soon parted with their money.

Madison Avenue have mererely taken those two truths and put a thin gloss of gentility and faux respect upon them, and made $Bns.

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There’s a name for that. Conmen.

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"I've gradually come to the conclusion that many people in PR are sociopaths. Their entire career is based on persuading people through deception to not act in their own best interests, but in that of their client's."

Substitute Marketing for PR.

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Isn’t that JUST LIKE China?? All

media is propaganda

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The Medium is the Massage

Marshall McLuhan


I have a very different understanding of this now

Than I did when studying it in college/mid-'70s

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Before WWII. J Edgar Hoover. He started it long ago. Read his biography.

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maybe since at least the War of Norhern Aggression? I've read considerable accounts of that "conflic" written by some of those who seceded.... Dabney, Jackson, etc.

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Started during the war. You can go back earlier to WW1 and dejure narrative control of US media under Wilson's Committee on Public Information.

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“Within 55 minutes of the attack, the US spokesperson said ‘Ukraine wasn’t involved.” Another tactic reminiscent of all headlines the morning after the 2020 election: “There was definitely no election fraud!” I wondered how they could print that when the ballots had not yet been fully counted.

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Remember almost immediately after the second plane hit the twin tower a "man on the street" wearing a baseball cap, most likely FBI or CIA, was asked by a reporter, "Who do you think was behind this terror attack on American citizens?" He immediately replied that it was obviously Osama Bin Laden. Or how about the cargo ship taking down the FSK bridge? FBI almost immediately claims it wasn't a cyber attack.

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Yup steering the narrative. I guess it still works pretty well on the masses.

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You mean the sheep being lead to slaughter. 😢

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Getting ahead of the narrative!

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So like everything else we hear from government/ media apply the opposite rule . If they say one thing it’s a lie and believe the opposite. 🙌🙌🙌

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I think what the Federal Investigation Bureau flack meant to say was "We have no information indicating it was a cyber attack, and we know everything. And we always tell the truth."

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Everyone on the street they interviewed on 9/11 was a media plant spouting

the 'official narrative'.

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And: «we don’t know what caused this vaccinated person to drop dead but it certainly wasn’t the vaccine. »

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well, cone ONN now, this is a true statement. It was never "da vaxx", it was always and ever the body's reaction to it. That is a distinction without a difference. Les genteely known as "a lie".

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And if you listened to Mike Benz on Tucker, you know that they started censoring any online discussion of methods and tactics that people could be questioning, about seven months before the election.

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Yes that is a great interview.

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they'll be counting and finding ballots into March 2025 to get Biden's second term.. a more difficult cheat this time hopefully

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Difficult, maybe, but fraud will be the order of the day(s).

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Believe the opposite of any headline within 55 minutes!

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My thought exactly. You beat me to it!😂

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Great minds think alike. So MANY great minds here at C&C, Jeff being the greatest of course 😀.

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I was put in mind of what kids say, right away, when they did actually do the thing they know their parents suspect them of doing. Fits both scenarios.

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And the Baltimore Francis Scott Key bridge wasn’t terrorism.🤔

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Unless you count the terrorists in DC.

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Re: the attack in Moscow, this article is an essential read:


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I wouldn’t have caught them and I’m a writer. Maybe newspapers have hired lawyers for journalists so they can cover their future lawsuits.

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Maybe Hillary Clinton and her team submit copy to every captured media editor on these stories. The editor just assigns it ti someone to make a few minor changes. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Hillary writes and is the head planner of all of the narratives and all of the evil going on in the world. She is a lawyer so she’s got the skill and expertise and she’s also evil so it comes naturally. Met her once in person, around 1998 to 2000 even shook her hand, I was a democrat then, but I could feel her negative energy very very strongly and left feeling perplexed, it was such a bad experience. I didn’t find out the truth about her for at least 10 years after that!

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A lot of us noticed it quite early on. We always wondered how the Democrat faithful didn't quite see it yet.

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I’m sure there’s an entire team/task force around this. It takes a village 😂

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You give her WAY too much credit. The Clinton's are grifters, Bill the smarter of the two.

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The thing is, the more these "news" outlets do this, the more they erode trust in their own reporting. Even people on the low end of the IQ curve can tell when their own personal, physical safety is at risk. So, when the MSM says "don't believe your lying eyes," it really just damages their credibility. If I could give them advice, Id say please keep going with that strategy.

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Where can I sign up for this class - actually they teach journalists how to implement these tricks in their writing in college - seems there should be a counter class right?👏🏼

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Yes...and it can lead to unspeakable evil.

Lenin developed a special way of writing that made it possible to establish the ‘formula-slogan’ in the mind of the reader or listener . . . Then, as the most important compositional element, there is the use of repetition, by means of which a rectangle is formed which concentrates the attention, narrows the field of possibilities, and squeezes thought into a tight ring from which there is only one exit . . .

Total power over the Word gives the Master of the Word a magical power over all communications. Soviet speech is always a monologue because there is no other party to talk to. On the other side is the enemy. In the Soviet language there are no neutral words – every word carries an ideological burden . . . That is why in Soviet language the same words are repeated over and over again, until they become a signal that acts without any effort of thought.

The effect of set phrases and slogans is also assured by their always being repeated in absolutely the same form . . . The Soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than the state wished . . . Soviet speech lost its freedom.

The language was put together out of slogans and quotations from the Leader [Stalin] . . . The crushing, unquestioned authority of the Leader’s word is the result to a large extent of his right and power to name the Enemy . . . The word that signifies the enemy must be striking, easy to remember, implying condemnation by its very sound, and always imprecise, so that everyone who at a given moment does not please the Leader can be included under it rubric . . . "

- Mikhail Heller (Cogs in the Wheel: The Formation of Soviet Man)

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It's to eliminate history. For example how many people know that the definition of herd immunity and vaccine were changed in the still of the night?

They seek to eliminate history by eliminating reference

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I once debated in school the premise, "The pen is mightier than the sword" - I took PRO - I won!! How many wars have been instigated by the POWER OF POLEMIC WORDS!! Too many to enumerate.

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Jeff does a pretty bad job on this one.

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I feel you need to change your brand of coffee. Or brew type. Organic beans? Cold brew? Less acid in the cup.

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He seems like a Black Rifle Coffee type of guy. Liberal Jewish owner who trashes Kyle Rittenhouse and Trump, and donates to ActBlue.

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Please please please ignore it. Do not acknowledge it exists. Zero to be gained by replying or even saying anything about it.

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Is Black Rifle Coffee a RINO group? I heard about them but haven’t looked into it.

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So basically yes. Total scumbags. I refuse to buy any of their coffee and my wife loves their stuff. I only buy her coffee from actual pro-American companies now.

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Leftists who do leftist things but portray themselves as being "hard gun owners".

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This confused me as well. Veteran owned/operated with some proceeds going to help veterans transition to civilian life? Bass Pro Shop and Cabella stores carry it. Also have brick and mortar stores aside from large internet/website sales. I went in one in Savannah.

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Robert Barnes @barnes_law

You were #NeverTrump while pimping for #BlackRifleCoffee when it through Kyle Rittenhouse under the bus. Quit pretending you're some bold defender of anybody except the GOP establishment.

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I don't like Coffee in general. I refuse to support BRCC.

But hey, you can make pretty bad ASSumptions if you want :)

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2 N's must have a couple of other substack accounts because, who would like 2 N's comments. I mean really?

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I believe there is at least a couple people that follow Jeff just to see what people they don't like , are saying. Months ago someone on the comments had a private comment for me and said they only follow to know what the other side is thinking. I did not respond😏

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I came here because my job was at stake and I risked losing 15 years of time in service to an illegal and immoral shot mandate. I was super stressed. I'm current Army.

Now I stay because I need something to laugh at. The war coverage is abysmal and you can tell who was actually in the military and who wasn't.

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My son is army guard. My brother and his wife are retired air force. Nephew gets to fly Airfoce 2 around. His sisters husband is in army and works on the helicopters. My dad was navy as was my father n law. Russia sucks, as well as Ukraine. We should not be sending money over there. We don't have the money. One might disagree about Russia, Ukraine, Israel , and gaza, (what a mess) but I feel he is often spot on about most of what he posts.

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Thanks. I suppose it is no different than me voting for Dean Phillips just to mess with the Biden vote numbers. 😉

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Not everyone is as woke and brain dead as you.

Some people have seen the light and changed.

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I follow a couple of substacks here.

Ryan Mcbeth (Superb)

Sarcastosaurus (Okay, does go very indepth)

Edward Slavsquat (Covid related)

and this one.

Jeff's covid coverage was on point. His war coverage is subpar, on par with the efficiency and safety of the covid vaccine.

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I don't do coffee, period. I tried it a long time ago and it was just nasty. It's like an IPA-not my thing.

You don't have a relative in the Marine Corps, do you? We had a guy with the same last name at our unit.

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Hard to say. Buchholz is uncommon on some places but Minnesota, Dakota's there are more. A Prussian name

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His first name was Zachary and we were in North Texas.

It was uncommon enough when I saw your comment I was like "hey...that sounds familiar". He was always a cool dude.

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Did he pronounce it with a 'k ' sound? Ours sounds like Beukalz. Some pronounce theirs beuhallz. In the army they nicknamed my son Buck.

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Coffee is a lot like beer. It needs to be quality beans. iPA is awful. But on earw occasions I will have a dark frothy beer.

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All for you!

It's an acquired taste. I gave up on trying to acquire it.

On rare occasions I will enjoy Mexican beer like Dos Equis. That's delicious.

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Then you owe it to us to point out exactly where he could have done better.

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I've posted numerous times. Jeff has deleted comments in the past.

His coverage of covid is pretty good.

his relentless parroting of the worst Russian propaganda talking points is laughably bad.

Even the Iranians are more right than he is.

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I hope one day your soul finds the joy you need. Have a blessed, Happy Easter. ✝️

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Facts are hard for the pro Soviet mind to grasp.

Why did russian fsb officers do nothing? Why did they not heed the warnings given?

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Thank you for covering nyc. While the 3 dem stooges were raising millions at radio city music hall, trump visited the slain NYPD officers family. A decade of progressive demoralization has destroyed our greatest city: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/escape-from-new-york-gaza-favela-2024

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It was the greatest city in the greatest country - past tense. Now even the banking industry is fleeing NYC to Miami. Wall Street will follow. Lawlessness (woke Marxism) will drive business out of a city and out of a country.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 31

Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank has sounded the alarm regarding using “ law fare” against Trump and the devastating effects it will have on NY.

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Yessss!! I am so glad he has! He is uber conservative whereas Mark Cuban is a liberal. Cuban was also heavily pushing jabs.

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Cuban also has an online pharmacy. That man has a real nose for cash flow.

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He is aligning himself for one world pharmacy.

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And his pharmacy grab business

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Trump lawfare?

Or Trump, lawfare, and ……..?

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How many ways to destroy NYC: 1) Normalize anarchy through carefully scripted media. 2) Normalize government tyranny in the name of public safety. 3) Enable Anarchy through compromised government officials (elected and bureaucrats). Adams is just performing his role.

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Plus, they seem to have some blackmail material on him.

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I would use the word “selected” rather than elected) 😳

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Liberaly sprinkle lawless illegals.

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they are "Experts" and agents of The Revolution indeed

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Sounds pretty much like spring/summer of 2020.

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That’s how many of us Oregonians feel about the Rose City, Portland. Destroyed beyond recognition by the DemonDems. 😢

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And as a WAState native (who moved to Kalifornistan in 1984) I mourn for Seattle & Tacoma, too..the entire Left Coast is being destroyed by the Dhimmicrat contagion. 💔

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I went to Portland many, many years ago to visit an equipment manufacturer for work. I remember thinking, “This is a beautiful place. I think I could live here!” I’m so glad I never seriously looked for a job out there. And I have zero desire to go back to the west coast.

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And it is contagious even to the southern boarder.

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I was there recently for work and couldn't believe how awful it was. I never liked it b/c too big, too loud, too obnoxious, etc., but it's immediately obvious it's dying or dead now.

Nothing works, the streets are an open drug use zone, all the streets, not just some. People smoking crack in the middle of the day on a busy sidewalk, for example. The buildings and infrastructure are crumbling and decaying. They look old, dirty, and gross.

It's just an embarrassment of a s**thole. I'm ashamed it's in America.

What Jeff didn't cover is the subway system itself is a threat to safety. It's like it hasn't been maintained, much less upgraded, in 20 years. It's rumbling, creaking, groaning, screeching like the cars are about to fall apart or fall over. Huge cracking sounds when you're in the car, like it's going to snap apart. Like a house cracks during an earthquake.

Compare all this to what you see in thriving places in the US and abroad and it's pretty clear what leftist politics causes. And it's pretty clear NYC is a past-tense entity. Good riddance, IMO.

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For a real eye-opener, watch videos of the Moscow Metro. Its stunning.. And while you're at it, watch videos on the Streets of Moscow. Where are the drug addicts, homeless people, trash and graffiti? The city is spotless. Also notice the people. They are generally nicely dressed, and behave respectfully towards others. Why is Moscow so different from New York? Russia is also, and always has been, multicultural. I continue to pursue the answers.

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Because they punish criminals and they don't listen to Western academic "leftists" who claim to have discovered a better way of doing things by reading (and plagiarizing) a bunch of crappy, outdated books.

It's a direct relationship between crime and decay and the willingness of leadership to punish those who step out of line. And I mean punish, not just "sentence" them to community service.

They also don't have modern, "Marxist" academic clowns informing their policies. These people who claim "the Science says" when what they mean is their ideas are informed by 1960s political gibberish that runs 100% counter to actual science. Instead of giving them high 6-figure sinecures in policy roles, the Russians laugh at those types of idiots. Like when Putin gives a speech to the WEF and calls them all perverts and pedophiles.

If you really want to be wowed, check out Dubai. That is what happens when capital flees hostile environments like Europe to seek out a place where it is appreciated.

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RU, both you and Faulkner hit the nail on the head. The contrasts are stark and point directly to the causes, that you explained so well.

In the absence of consequence, crime, degeneracy and perversion will grow exponentially, like mold on moist cheese.

The other half of this dysfunctional coin is the incestuous, codependent relationship between the establishment (read governing regimes) and crime. The regime (in this case NYC and State) are dependent on the criminal chaos, in order to capture and maintain totalitarian power (legislative/financial). The criminals are dependent on the half measures of the regime, to allow them to flourish and grow, unhindered and unfettered. As you pointed out, they know if caught, they will be released and allowed to wreak havoc again and again.

We as a society have ceded our responsibility in maintaining a safe and sane population, each time we allowed an incremental erosion of the


It was a trade off the prols made - hand over your responsibility, sovereignty as a citizen, freedom and liberty, in exchange for comfort, convenience and entertainment.

No need to worry about pesky politics, bills, legislation and laws anymore, you have MUCH MORE important things to focus on like say...Taylor Grifts new song or insta post; the new Netflix special; the Doordash coupon in your social media; social media and your "likes" count; anything sports; anything hollyweird; hitting that cannabic shop for the 10th time in 24 hours; the 23.5 hour online porn binge; the 23.5 hour online gaming binge...all critical to your happiness and survival....right??

And most Americans live exactly like that, all the while bitching about how bad things have gotten.

I always marvel at the cognitive dissonance and stupidity of the people I speak with, about the various issues we are facing.

They think the rapes, beatings, murders, drug dealers and corruption are way beyond out of control, yet they push for defunding the police and reform of the Criminal justice system (no requirements for bail. no prosecution of some crimes, and releasing offenders in the name of human rights) and of course the ever popular 2A abolishment.

None have the balls to say we need to execute those violent offenders and ones who are destroying society (drug dealers and organized crime), but they will bitch and complain about the state of things, especially when the murders and chaos arrive at their doors.

I've shared this before, the only thing that ever kept me from eliminating hundreds of people that deserved it, was the pending consequence of giving up my freedom to a jail cell. I had too weigh the decision and in all cases came to the conclusion that the scumbag I wanted to get rid of, was not worth my freedom. Had that equation never been a factor, many would be gone now.

An eye for an eye, worked so well, because like my example above you knew what hung in the balance. There were no slights of hand or deals- but it only worked up until the consequences were perverted and watered down. From that point on, we were building to what we see before us, today.

Last thing, while I am no fan of China, that is another country, where you see none of the shit you see in almost every major American city today. The reasons are the same...for better or worse, they know if they commit crime there, they will quickly pay the price, which is quite often beyond extreme.

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I think reason that NYC is so screwed up is cultivation of resentment.

The way the left "works" is by telling every group except straight white men of Christian origin (call them SWMCs, archetype being Daniel Penny, or even Trump) that they have been oppressed and exploited by SWMCs.

Most people are at least somewhat insecure about their own abilities, and this embarrassment is painful. So the left can get massive political support by taking away that pain and sanctioning an enjoyable blame in its place. The leftist leadership gets votes, and the leftist pawns get to enjoy a masturbatory anger instead of doing the work of self-reflection and self-improvement.

I think the right response is:

1. an accurate understanding of leftist psychology, as I'm trying to work out here

2. calm and sincere explanation to the pawns that they have been used, and exactly how this happened

3. encouragement of the pawns to rely on their own abilities

When people have an optimism that they can improve their lives through their own abilities and hard work, they drop leftism, recognizing it as a disease which destroys everything.

The Russians, having lived through Communism, are well aware that leftism is a disease, and that is why Moscow is on the upswing while NYC continues downhill.

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please post them if you find the answers

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20 years? Try 40. Now they are going to charge an extra toll for vehicles inside the Downtown and Mudtiwn areas. No mention who gets the $$$...

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Sounds like London

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They arrest & jail criminals.

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And this is precisely why, last fall, we didn't venture into NYC when we were an hour upstate. Oh how we wanted to go explore. But our two families with 7 kids,ages 6-14, just didn't feel like it was safe enough. Mind you, we'd already hit up DC, Boston & Philly, walking their streets and using their metro systems - but NYC just didn't feel safe whatsoever. Stories like this and comments like yours confirm our gut feeling to stay away (sadly!)

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Why did you venture into those other shitholes. They all suck, really bad.

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What do you think Frank would have to say now about his beloved city?

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First agenda, take the beautiful cities and turn them into 3rd world countries. Even Portland was beautiful at one time. Then the 3rd world-ness spreads.

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I live outside of LA... Years ago, I commented on FB that it was starting to look like a 3rd world country in some areas. Some nut job from Scotland, who has probably not been here recently, if at all, said "You don't know what a 3rd world country looks like!" Okay, so what do you call it when the homeless are putting up tents along the highway and throwing trash everywhere?

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it is far easier to destroy than to build up

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The Byzantine Empire was took over a thousand years to build but was destroyed in a day!

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Ah...but don't worry...we'll all come together again in the bread lines

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Happy Easter RG

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God bless you BINYB! He has risen!

Best handle on the stacks my friend

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God Bless you and your family RG

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NYC persistent subway murder is a new symptom of mental and spiritual illness. More police and military goes after the symptom not the root cause. Leaders there are not effective.

Anyway, the poor people that rely on public transportation are not really free. They are captured and reliant, so adding military/police is the next logical step.

They will never know the freedom of heading out the door down the highway on their own motorcycle or car, Jeep or truck. They are trapped.

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I notice you didn’t include a Tesla because that can be made null & void by simply flipping a switch to our electricity. Which is the plan.

Sincerely, your conspiracy truther 😉

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EV is a short leash for sure. The car rental companies are figuring that out the hard way.

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Just like the ship that hit the Key Bridge.

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You do realize that if they shut off our electricity, you can't get gasoline either.

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But can go 300+ miles on a tank + carry and store fuel. This allows getting away from a local disaster. And you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to repair a gas engine. I’ve had to repair on trips before but EV technology requires special training and tools. I couldn’t be self reliant with EV.

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It is possible to create electricity at home and charge a EV.

It is possible to have an off grid situation and run a EV.

You are not likely to refine your own gasoline at home.

I agree that EV's currently are not the answer for the average person,

hybrids are the best option for the infrastructure we have now.

Basic EV technology is very simple and maintenance free.

The problem is that the EV's people are buying today are all very high-end cars with ultra-sophisticated computer systems. It is possible to have a very efficient EV conversion with basic golf cart technology.

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And pray for temps that aren’t freezing. Indeed EV has a way to go yet. Agreed.

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My little Fiesta can get close to 450, and 500 gets us to the destination.

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But you might die in a pothole. Lol

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Fair enough. I'm not arguing for (or against) EVs. They are remarkable, particularly Teslas, but have shortcomings.

I'm merely pointing out that if the power goes out, the vast majority of people are screwed, no matter the vehicle.

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At least we can privately store gasoline. 😉

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I have feared this for years and years.

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Jeff, your discernment of vocabulary employment and tactics by The New Yuck Times makes me contrast their "reporting" and storied narratives with Yellow Journalism and Pamphleteering. and Conspiracy Theory. Perhaps we could term their muddled, double speak and Newspeak as RAINBOW Journalism?. Whatever event or occurrence or statement made by anyone everywhere must be held up to the prism of Rainbow ethics, Rainbow ends, Rainbow means to those ends. The prominent, flashy Rainbow symbol of not being universally drowned due to hedonistic hateful selfish pursuit of pleasure, violent brutality, utilitarian exploitation of the downtrodden and innocent, ignoring and/or recrafting of god and creation into whatever needed to justify one's or society's mal- and dysfunctions.

Rainbow Journalism is whatever color it needs to be for whatever purposes its' purveyors require the desired spinformation and effects it will have upon readers, it also permanentizes the record of delusional wrongs in a manner the masters of delusion are comfortable with. Belief-Masters and social-malinfluencers from the Gvt-Corporate inner brain require the Media Mouth and Sleight of Handing to arbitrate the Truth and malleableize information and facts for proper categorizing into permissible and non-favored status

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I understand what you are suggesting but I still see the rainbow as a symbol of God’s promise to never again bring a flood to wipe out mankind.

I hate that it was co-opted hy the alphabet faction of our society.

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Do you realize the rainbow they use has been altered for their perversion. The rainbow itself is over the Throne of God in Revelations. It represents the 7 Spirits of God, which are describe His character and how He moves. The LMNOP group has removed the dark blue from their version of the rainbow, which symbolizes the Spitit of the Glory of God. It's not surprising or a coincidence that the enemy of our souls has goaded his followers into removing the Presence of God from HIS own rainbow!

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So it is that pastel and colorful eggs and candies are to be the New Inclusive Easter symbols; Trans-Visibility Day to be held each Easter Sunday starting this year. Perhaps killing a bunny and reading entrails would be appropriate in the pagan-White House. Christians co-opted the festivals with Christ anyway, so the pagans want it back apparently; maybe "the Church" should go back to the Jewish lunar calendar and divorce itself from the Neo-Pagans who're reasserting themselves through perverted gender-blender false religion?

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Agree WP! The majority of Christians have no idea on why or how holidays (derived from the words Holy Days) such as Christmas and Easter were 'established' by the 'church'. Easter is full of pagan symbols, what do rabbits and eggs to give two examples, have to do with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ? NOTHING! They are FERTILITY idols!

Why did 'the Church' separate the Resurrection of Christ from the TRULY symbolic and several thousand year old tradition of Passover? The Passover tells the story of our redemption through Christ and is FULL of symbolism to this day.

As for Christmas one of the most common symbols seen today is the 'Christmas Tree' but read this summary of its roots: The Asherah tree, a symbol of fertility in ancient times, was worshipped by many civilizations in the Middle East. The Canaanites and Phoenicians viewed the tree as a symbol of male fertility, while wreaths were always made in a circle to represent female fertility.4 The last reference to Asherah worship in the Bible is 2 Kings 23, during the reign of Josiah (r. 640 to 609 BCE). Christmas trees became popular in Europe starting in Germany in the 1500s, and there is no historical or cultural connection to the practices within Judah.12 The Asherah poles, or Judean pillar-figurines, have no historical connection to Christmas trees.3 The modern-day Christmas tree finds its origin in the Asherah tree or pole, which is condemned over 40 times by God in the Bible.

I encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to look up the true roots of Christmas and Easter. Be aware of the deception, it has been going on for over a thousand years.

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the Orthodox Christians only use red eggs. They symbolize the Christ's blood that dripped on the stones below the Cross. All other colors are purely decorative

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Read yesterday (on Patrick?) that Cadbury's Easter eggs are now "Gesture eggs"--and at a whopping pricepoint.

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I did not know of the rainbows in Revelation but I found them! Thank you.

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It's been co-opted. But a natural rainbow IS a beautiful natural phenomenon.

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It used to be that every VW bug had a rainbow sticker on the rear window.

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My thoughts exactly while I was reading WP.

His premise is spot on; just needs a better term describing it. Like Black Journalism- oh wait! That won’t do. I give😳

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third rail owch

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Why did your god want to wipe out humanity the first time?

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Bryan: from the Book of Genesis 6:1-8

“The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The LORD regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the LORD said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them. ” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.”

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Why would your god kill millions of innocent babies and animals?

That does not sound just and wise.

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Read the account in Genesis. I believe people can become so entrenched in evil that it affects DNA and even the offspring is forever lost.

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Why wasn't the ancient Chinese civilization aware that they were wiped out in a worldwide flood event? Why didn't the aboriginal natives of Australia or Africa notice that their continents were submerged?

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I like that term! Yep.

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Not everyone who uses the subway is poor. I'm not poor and I use it. It is mostly fast and convenient, compared with driving in this city. I know that freedom, and also the expense and headaches of maintaining a car. Anyway, different strokes, etc.

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I get this thinking, but at some point don't people ask themselves if it's worth sacrificing their safety, and even human dignity, to be a part of this? I saw a video yesterday of some crazed mentally-ill black guy (and yes the race is relevant) terrorizing a bunch of non-blacks on a NYC subway with completely deranged and physically threatening behavior. They all sat there pretending not to see him. Nobody moved or took any protective posture as they didn't want to attract his attention and have his wrath turned on them. Plus they no doubt knew the lunatic was a member of the protected class.

This type of behavior is soul-crushing. Whether people realize it or not, they are sacrificing their own dignity in the hopes some lunatic won't pick them as their next victim. They are accepting that some guy who's skin color is currently in vogue has a right to physically abuse them. No one has to live like this, they can leave a city that tolerates this insanity.

People have become so beaten down by some really strange collective guilt that they think they have to put up with this. You don't, you can leave at any time, no one has a gun to your head. Yes, it may not be easy and may require sacrifices in other areas. Yes, it may require a new job. Yes, it may require leaving family members behind who are too brainwashed to take their own protective action. But it certainly can be done.

Yet people continue to place themselves, and their loved ones(!!), in this dangerous and soul degrading environment. Plus if something happens to you what is going to happen to those who depend on you? It's some sort of really strange Stockholm Syndrome is the only thing I can figure. People think they somehow brought this on themselves and deserve no better. It's not true.

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Similar to a crop of obnoxious kids cursing, spitting, talking about oral sex in front of old women on a park bench, or families in a restaurant, this is enabled by the weak and diminished and corrupted souls of men, and encouraged by Marxists; this impolite and insane behaviour needs to be choke-holded wherever encountered.

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Jeff C, I hereby request that you run for office of some kind, or at a minimum become someone's speech-writer.

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I've got far too much dirty laundry in my past for public office. Most of what I know resulted from lessons learned the hard way (which I'm attempting to help my teenage boys avoid). God can do amazing things though, particularly with knuckle-headed individuals like myself.

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These days, sweetie (if I can be so bold as to call you that; I'm a little old lady, so it's a term of affection, not a come-on nor meant unkindly), I don't think that's a bar, and for true Christians, it never was - we're not perfect people, as my former pastor pointed out in a sermon once; we shouldn't be pretending to be so, either. We're sinful people who admit our failures and tell others about our rescue. That's a powerful story, and it's the story John Newton told in his hymn Amazing Grace.

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After the ‘cage of asparagus’ time the country went through, this is sadly true of many of us.

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One of these days, someone will stand up to one of these lunatics. I look forward to that day.

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His name is Daniel Penny. His trial starts in October.

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Many have stood up and wound up in jail.

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Daniel Perry did and now is fighting for his freedom. Another reason to not defend ourselves or help the weak.

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problem is with the lib DA's and judges, the criminal is set free without bail, but the law abiding citizen is held without bail and sentenced straight to jail

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Years ago we had Bernard Getz. That was a wild story, and many NYers cheered him!

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NY won’t let people carry pepper spray or mace. Maybe knives, not sure. But who wants hand to hand combat if it can be avoided? Even Byrna air guns are banned from shipping to NY. The people there cannot defend against criminals.

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I think ignoring some verbal lunacy and (non-violent) bizarre behaviour can be appropriate in many circumstances. Not making eye contact is part of that. Taking a “tough” stance is more likely to be “punching down”. It’s a bit like ignoring some of the “noise” on Twitter/X - but with more important consequences.

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In the very rare instance my family is confronted with something like this, I agree. My first priority is to get my family safe and if that means placating a nutjob while we move to safety then that's what I do.

However, it's very rare for us as I've deliberately structured our life to avoid mentally deranged people. We live in a nice area, we are picky about where we spend our time. We don't venture into crappy, crime-ridden neighborhoods just because there's a good restaurant or some other triviality. We don't go to huge events likely to attract thugs or with open, promoted alcohol consumption. These events draw degenerates like flies to poop.

There's a huge difference between acting passively to mayhem in a rare, tactical situation as opposed to doing it as a way of life. It's the latter I'm talking about as it crushes people's spirit.

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As a society, I believe we have unconsciously chosen self-destruction b/c it is the logical conclusion to the materialist ideology. We cannot justify our existence

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I knew someone would say this! Haha. Don’t be insulted. I mean “ poor” in that I feel bad and have sympathy. The people I know who live in big cities without personal transportation are in fact much richer than me. Words have many meanings.

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Yes, having a car in a very large city is often more trouble than it’s worth.

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The helicopter class is unaffected and will make a nice profit on the subway upgrades

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Demonic possession of these random acts of violence for me is a given. However, strict laws need to be enforced even on these entities occupying bodies: lock them up in institutions, jails, psychiatric hospitals, etc.They have no business on the streets.

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We need to bring back insane asylums. Not like in One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest, but an actual hospital like setting that gets these people off the streets until they can be rehabilitated. And if they can’t? Oh well. They stay out of society.

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I remember the left fighting hard to close down the mental hospitals. The movie Chatahoochee was part of their arsenal.

I believe in demonic possession. Not at all easy to deal with in an institution and now they walk among us.

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Ironic that Rudolph Steiner said that vaccines would cut humans off from their soul. I think he meant all pharmaceuticals. This was 100 years ago.

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And, actually execute prisoners who are on death penalty.

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I’m so distressed that the Catholic Church has brought death row inmates under the Pro-life tent. There is a big push to abolish the death penalty, which I find unscriptural and to be a huge mistake. Right behind this push, should the Supreme Court find the death penalty to be unconstitutional, comes the push to find ‘life without parole’ to be ‘cruel and unusual punishment’. The anti-pope Francis changed the wording in the Catechism to invalidate capital punishment. He changed the teachings of Pope John Paul II.

I believe they are using the babies for this horrid scheme. People will donate to save the babies. Let them try using the mugshots of convicted murderers and see how much money they can raise.

I fear, that like cancer, the Catholic Pro-life movement has become an industry that may be tempted to perpetuate itself.

May God have mercy on our souls!

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When Francis changed the catechism of the Catholic Church, he said the death penalty was "inadmissable", whatever that means. He knows he can't forbid the death penalty because he has no authority to do so. Just like many of the other things he is doing. I had worked in the prolife movement for many years to save the millions of babies brutally murdered, and nothing would get my goat more than when people would say, "what about the death penalty?" When people are so obtuse that they can't understand that one is a penalty for heinous crimes, and the other is murder of the most innocent, I can't help them.

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I know what you mean! I can’t believe that most Catholics are so stupid, weak minded and naive that they were threatened by that idiotic argument.

It’s just insulting.

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Just 3 cents worth here, maybe the real purpose of "protecting all criminals" movement pushed by DEMS/LIBS and $Big Money$ behind them, is to generate more deadly crimes? Also, to

1. Close down human serving street level stores, banks, and restaurants.

2. Create more chances to "Depopulate" the general public.

3. Also, it is another hit job on Capitalism and freedom.

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All the above, I’m sure.

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but you must not upset the crybabies

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In a few short weeks congestion pricing goes into effect, many New Yorkers and commuters will be forced to use the subway system and buses (which are slightly safer than the subway) since driving into Manhattan will be too costly. I pray that I am wrong, but I’m not sure this once great city can rebound this time.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

Had been unfamiliar with this, had to look into it......CRAZY!

"Passenger and commercial vehicles will now pay $15 once they enter the "congestion relief zone," which is below 60th Street in Manhattan. During the overnight hours when there is less traffic, the toll drops to $3.75. The charge will only happen once a day"

.........Pretty sure they need the revenue ...... gotta feed/shelter the illegal immigrants - OOPS! , I mean, the homeless.

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Can anyone imagine Sinatra belting out "New York, New York" today? Of course, not just NYC. Every major U.S. city is degrading, from San Francisco to Portland to Baltimore, and now invading small town America. One might almost wonder if this was planned all along.

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Of course it is planned

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I have actually heard the Governor Hugh Carey of NY belt it out once. Did a great job signing it

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

”Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.“

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭37‬-‭39‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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Amen. So thankful for this truth.

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So thankful for the Word of God and it’s truth during these dark times.

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🙌 Amen !!!!!!!!

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Shared this passage with a friend just yesterday!

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I just read this passage last night! (Again).

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The Lord speak to us!!!! We just need to respond back accordingly.

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That’s the reason for no trust in government - no matter what happens they try to shape the narrative for political or strategic.

The Baltimore Bridge collapse is a great example - before anyone was even on site to investigate the government announced there is no reason to suspect terrorist involvement - who do they even say that? Why not just say we don’t know what happened and we will find out.

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The new guy in charge of the FBI Baltimore office, only arrived at that position the day before.

He announced less than 8 hours later that it was not terrorism.

Fastest investigation ever.

Now...if the FBI could only find that pesky J6 pipe bomber...still "looking" for 3 years.

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Yeah, amazing, isn't it? The government moves at the speed it wants to. Baltimore bridge and "covid" were instant knowledge, but Medicare billing has been down in my pharmacy for a solid month or more (frankly, I've lost count), potentially because of a security issue, and they STILL can't fix it? Give me a break. If we were still giving out "covid" "vaccines", I bet you a 20 bucks that system would be running just fine.

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VA still giving out covid DeathVax to veterans.

They have an extra "dose" for veterans 65 and over.

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My daughter and her family have a special needs man living with them. Getting the meds he is required to take has been a nightmare this past year.

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I'm sorry, that is very difficult. We have had a few shortages in the pharmacy. Mostly they are resolved in a day or so, but some generics are not to be found. We've been out of weight loss drugs for a while, although IMO those are not nearly as important as other drugs.

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What is the implication of that for everyone else?

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Instant Government Assessment to a catastrophic event, is the first “Tell” of a Government cover up. It’s much easier to identify the holes in the Government narrative, when you instantly suspect a cover up.

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It IS openly their POLICY and procedure; that way no MATTER the cause or actors involved, THEY OWN the narrative, facts and truth belong to them as matter of law in essence, no one can allege or speculate to others and we all wait until the official expert investigation has concluded...see how it works? IN 20 years time we may get the Nashville Trans-Killer's Manifesto; redacted, edited, and only a digital copy. They OWN the TRUTH

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I wonder who P. Diddy failed to pay off or mistakenly tried to blackmail. Poor bastard, they make you, they break you he's finding out. Patsy Rap and music labels makin da Money and gettin tha Honey for decades but silence is best managed with violence.

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P. Diddy's legal problems are a "warning shot" for others to stay in line.

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Diddy knows where the bodies are buried. I doubt he'll have any consequences for whatever he's done - but I hope I'm wrong.

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he's likely to get epstein'd don't you think?, how does he allow such a disgraceful dust-up to threaten his owners and cause distraction and worldwide attention in open view for all to see? (thas right, he likely ain't never been nothin but a well washed purtied up slave doin what he told and livin' large an payin' it up to massa). You know what they did to Toby in Roots when he dun run off like that?!

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It was Diddy’s ex employee Lil Rod who sued him for 30 Million that set off the investigation. Real name is Rodney Jones I think. He filed one month before the raid on the houses, and a few days after Diddy settled with Cassie the ex girlfriend. After Diddy settled with Cassie, a handful of others came out to also sue Diddy and that opened it up.

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Or indict Ray Epps?

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And Bydone will pay for it! Can’t have those pesky insurance investigators poking around!

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Because insurance companies know that discovery is our friend.

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Now when catastrophic infrastructure demolition occurs, I don’t assume it’s accidental. That bridge was there 47 years without incident like this and technology has multiplied since. One would think technology makes things more repeatable, but perhaps it opens more doors to tampering. 911, Maui. Palestine, all the farm, granary and forest fires... I will always be skeptical since the investigation details are never fully available.

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There is NO EXCUSE that this bridge did not have safeguards installed for it from 2002-2024 is there? Except that those "experts" in charge DID NOT WANT safety and security upgrades put into place on this key bridge.

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Makes me wander about other bridge safeguards...

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The excuse is that our money is sent to Israel to kill Palestinians and to Ukraine to prop up a failed Nazi State.

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I have no idea how much of our money goes to Israel. DeSantis put out some figures comparing what has gone to Israel over decades with what has gone to Ukraine in just a few years and the amount for Ukraine was about 60 times as much. I would want to see Israel cut ties with the U.S. Certainly with the communist left in this country.

And Israel has every right to defend itself. If a nest of poisonous vipers surrounds your home and threatens your family, you would want them all removed, not just diminished.

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Palestinians = Christians Jews Druse & Arabs. Which one are you referring to?

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More doors to tampering…bingo.

I’ve been suspicious and hesitant about technological advances particularly as it relates to everything having computer chips and “smart” everything. The smart appliances are the dumbest. They all foul up constantly, cost a fortune to buy and to repair, and I definitely don’t want anything that can be hacked, or shut off remotely by anyone. Like smart electrical boxes, which are also hazardous to your health.

People laugh at me for not wanting to use the cloud. It’s always been off and I recently had to activate it to transfer files from an obsolete Mac to a new one. The same weekend a bank account debit card I rarely use was used by someone to play apple computer games, stealing $400 from me before the bank caught it. I don’t believe in coincidence. Apple didn’t want to refund me after the obvious fraud either so my bank did and proceeded to fight apple for it.

The more we progress the more trouble I see. Everything including baby monitors can be hacked now and people can listen to your conversations through most of these devices, many have hidden cameras as well, including smart TVs. But people keep buying every dumb “smart” thing on the market. No thanks!

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

Yup, same thing the morning after the 2020 election. Millions of ballots still uncounted and the headlines were “There was no election fraud!” Of course, I thought there must be because they couldn’t possibly know that one way or the other. Similar to “safe and effective” based on no real clinical trials.

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Safe & Effective voting😉

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The most secure election ever, don't you know?

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They truly don’t want us to know what happened, and are hoping that we will move onto the next disaster, and not put too much thought into it.

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Well, it also doesn't help that these infrastructure and supply chain "accidents" have been happening with regularity for years. We all know this rate of "accidents" isn't normal. Though the liars tell us it is. They want us to view each one as an isolated incident instead of looking at the broader pattern.

We have to ask why did multiple government entities allow so much illegal invasion for so long? R and D entities, both. Are we to believe that was just an accident or that all of them just happened to be populated with the stupidest people at the same time? And if they all were populated with the stupidest people at the same time, how did THAT happen? Jeff sometimes writes as though Soros is a conspiracy theory, he doesn't exist, and he doesn't influence what happens here. (Reminds me of how people used to talk about Epstein.)

Regardless of who allowed the influx and why, we have to consider that our enemies have certainly snuck across special forces and spies. If I were Putin or Xi, that's what I would have done. It wouldn't be too hard for them to start a few fires, sabotage some vehicles, etc.

So, yeah, when they jump out and say "NOTHING TO SEE HERE" in record time, it really just confirms the suspicions. They are lying again. One would have to be incredibly naive to think all these events are just random, unconnected accidents and mistakes by the dumb people.

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We’d like someone to explain the huge cloud of diesel smoke above the ship before impact. Certainly looked like it was under power.

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Some of the shipping engineer types have, in various places (links provided the day after, in these comments, I think); I think one said it was from a generator re-starting.

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NPR and FBI call that tactical "pre-Bunking" a device to quash unfounded misinformation and conspiracy theory. It isn't premature, it is actual policy so that only experts can analyze and conclude what occurred and how to view it contextually and correctly. This is SOP in EVERY situation everywhere all the time.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

Have a Happy Easter everyone ✝️

I was dismayed at work yesterday… a conversation was started with my young coworkers (25-30 yr olds) “What actually is Good Friday?” they were asking. “I think that’s when that rock was rolled away” one responded. “No that would actually be Easter” I interjected. ☹️ “Wait, so what is Easter again?” They really were that clueless. And there were many of them. I don’t know why I’m still so shocked. I know many people don’t practice Christianity or attend church on a regular basis but are you telling me that upcoming generation knows nothing about the Bible or religion?? We are definitely doomed. I pray they find God and asap.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

I think it’s also God’s timing. I didn’t know much about Easter when I was 30 years old either, even though I always considered myself a Christian. sad but true. I went to Sunday School at a Methodist church as a child but I didn’t remember much. Then I went to church again on my own in my 20s but must not have been paying much attention. I married a Jewish guy and further got lost, forgot everything. It wasn’t until Covid that I was quickly snapped awake one day. It was God’s timing. No doubt. He suddenly lifted my veil and everything He wanted me to know quickly found it’s way into my brain! I also found the right people, this blog, the right church, a new husband, it all came together! He definitely had a plan. Praise the Lord!!

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At least they had you there to help educate them. You planted a seed. ✝️

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Where I worked, we were a team of 10, mostly younger and older baby boomers of different ethnic ancestry, (and one of sexual orientation) and who would mention in passing that they had 'just attended mass', or 'will ask for Good Friday off', or 'will pray for you for xyz reason', etc.

The general manager was a millenial, raised in a former communist country, and heard our words of prayer support, and our requests for time off to observe. She claimed that she did not believe in God.

She observed Christmas and Easter in the secular way.

I pray and hope that one day, the seeds of belief which our words planted will bloom in her heart.

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Invite them to your Church/Bible Study! If they are asking questions, answer them with a Bible nearby!😇Happy Easter🌅✝️🇺🇸☕️

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Blame their parents. Society was a good baby sitter teaching religion, values, morality for a while, but when society decided to change, parents went along with the change.

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Last night at Good Friday service, our pastor described Good Friday as "the best worst day of the year"

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I have had many such experiences. We are dealing with 2 or 3 unchurched, Biblically ignorant generations. No wonder we are falling apart.

Several decades ago, being a speech therapist in the public schools, we were dealing more and more with young children starting school and lacking the ability to sit still for any period of time. I thought about how so many of them had never experienced a Sunday School class, which was prime training for sitting and listening. I have been in mourning for this nation for some 60 years now.

But surely the fields are ripe for harvest! The lost ones must feel the emptiness and yearn for fulfillment. We need to pray so hard for revival.

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purposely done in school (and now in the White House): No Christian symbols will be allowed during this year's EASTER egg roll. Brandon has finally done it!

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In the 'egg art' contest, at least. I'd love to see the eggs that were selected as winners. I looked this morning, but didn't see any images on a brief search.

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yet it is being held as an EASTER EGG ROLL. Oh well, our devout catholic Brandon wants keep the trannies happy by calling this Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility

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I agree with you, I'm just being pedantic in pointing out that the eggs that get rolled aren't the eggs in the contest in which religious art is forbidden. For the contest, kids had to submit ideas before a date in January. Professional artists would then paint the winning designs onto real eggs for display, on Easter Sunday, I think. Religious themes were not the only topic forbidden. The contest was for kids of National Guardsmen to show aspects of their personal lives (barring their religion, presumably!).

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What does an Easter egg have to do with Christianity?

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If you asked what an egg has to do with Christianity, I could understand the question. The fact that it is an “Easter” egg kind of narrows it down to something to do with Christianity, doesn’t it?

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No it doesn't. Easter gets its name from Eostre the goddess of Spring.

The celebrations stem from observation of the Vernal Equinox.

They have nothing to do with a resurrection which there are no dates for.

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Great question- nobody wants to answer. For that matter, what do flowers and rabbits have to do with Jesus either?

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Symbolizes rebirth. The red is Jesus’ blood

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I don't recall seeing many red Easter eggs.

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You haven’t been to an Orthodox Easter, that’s why

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I am not involved in any cannibalistic death cults, that's why.

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Yes..I had that experience with someone years ago. Took me by such surprise. We are in a post Christian time now.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Hang on, Sunday is coming! May the Easter message of Hope fill your hearts. That while it’s always darkest before the dawn and while we may cry in the night, joy is coming in the morning. That while we may weep at 3 in the afternoon “My God, My God why have you forsaken me” Sunday is coming! That message that God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish!!

Sunday IS coming!! Happy Easter to all. 🙏🏻

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With regard to not only the subway situation but so many other problems today, if the consequences for bad behavior were actually enforced, life would be much better across the boards.

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Such a simple concept isn't it. Yet somehow it escapes those in charge of blue areas of the country who created this mess. Bad actions require bad consequences otherwise chaos ensues.

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How dare you refute messrs Cloward and Piven?!

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Very well said C Rabbit.

I’d dub yours the BINGO! comment 🤗.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Staying Alive In the Subway, A Primer.

Don’t be staring at your phone. Keep a look-out for minority (sorry) men with crazy eyes roaming the platform, looking to engage with someone. Move away from such people, stealthily. Don’t linger on the edge of that platform, especially when the train is coming near. (You can see the lights on the tracks before the train comes in.) Maybe hug one of the poles or stay to the inside of it. But always BE ALERT!

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

Situational awareness is really in short supply.

Most people have their heads down immersed in their phones.

It's really bad while on the road...so many drivers are preoccupied with their stupid smartphones.

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Or people walking/jogging with headphones on. Gets me every time.

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Especially women...they can't hear someone coming up behind them.

So dangerous.

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Seems as though the female punched in the face victims are usually texting/ fiddling with their phones.

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Trilby - I appreciate your comments which are always thoughtful, but do you realize what you are saying? Wouldn't much better advice be to tell people to not ride the subway and leave a city that tolerates this mayhem?

I'm always cautious (head on a swivel) but I made the decision long ago to ensure my family lives, goes to school, works, goes to church, has fun, etc. in places that are safe. I owe them (and frankly myself) this. Adopting behavior reminiscent of US Soldiers watching out for the Viet Cong just to live one's life is not normal and soul crushing.

People don't have to live like this, but it's become gradually normalized and they have become conditioned to accept it.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

I appreciate your comment, but NYC is my home, born and raised. The overwhelming majority of NYers get through their day with no tragedy, no scary stuff. We know the dangers and what to avoid. I wouldn't advise people to visit here, now, cause they don't know what's safe and what's not. We're going through a terrible time here, with morons in charge. But we once had Giuliani! I left the city in '81, moved around, had kids etc., moved back under Giuliani and the difference was amazing. Anyway, some are leaving, I'm staying put.

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Well, exactly. This is how I rode the subway back in my Boston days, twenty some years ago. Anyone remember the Combat Zone? Yeah, that was where my husband was going to grad school because that's where Tufts had put their med school. It'd gotten much better by the time we were there, but only by a couple of years. There were LOTS of crazy people around, but we stayed out of their way because we paid attention!!!

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Bring on the body scanners - which play right into Gates' plan of irradiating everyone with millimeter wave 5G UWB radiation: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/breastimplants

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That's one of the reasons I stopped flying. If it wasn't enough to have TSA pawing through my stuff and having to take off 1/4" sole flip flops, now I have to choose between someone seeing me naked or feeling me up. NO. Hard pass! But then again, pilots keep having heart attacks and airlines keep hiring DIE, so maybe it's good I never see another flight.

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I hear you - well I'll take a potential creepy feel over the microwaves - I'm all about making someone's day (:

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I had a female boss who was pretty good-looking. She and I had a good relationship, so we discussed things rather freely. She said that she never went thru TSA and didn’t get “extra attention”. She had a pretty resilient attitude about the whole thing. And she could chew your ass politely. (An amazing skill…) So she handled it. And that was back in the 2000s.

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All intentional actions in taking our FREEDOM one step at a time …

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And then murder us

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Always good to have a ….erm, terminal finisher

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"Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G"


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And they said we were conspiracy theorists.

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I wear the "conspiracy theorist" badge with pride. Turns out we're right a lot of the time. Maybe not always, but a lot.

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More like a conspiracy realist.

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Conspiracy Analyst - hat tip to Gore Vidal.

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I kinda want a sash to wear. “Proud Conspiracy Theorist” aka “Proud Critical Thinker”. I might have to make one. 😉

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I always tell my husband, well I haven’t been wrong yet … 🤣

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The joke's on them! Turns out our tin-foil hats keep us safe!

Order your hats and EMF blocking underwear: https://tinfoilcap.co/

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I saw where PA courts did a good thing the other day!!! Yay for PA!!!

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anything the WOKE crybaby lefties don't like they call "conspiracy theory" just to dismiss it

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You mean a conspiRACIST?

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Thanks Florida Man - it's where influenza got its name, the "influence" of the stars / electromagnetic forces of our world:


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Lest we forget the 11years solar flare cycle that began Covid and will return during UN2030. Why is National Guard arriving for the April eclipse? That also causes "Influenza".

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Regarding April 8 eclipse, take a listen to Lance Wallnau podcast … very interesting ! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-lance-wallnau-show/id1376106678?i=1000650749093

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Ahhh. So now we’ll have an outbreak of a virus that needs a new & improved 💉which will of course degrade our health further, which leads to a new pharma cure for the symptoms.

Nicely played, evil ones. 👏🏻

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Surprised it wasn't retracted.

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One of the papers reviewers made this senseable comment regarding 5G deployment:

"It also provides evidence that the Precautionary Principle would call for more study before continuing the widespread deployment of 5G towers across the world, as well as the release of satellites that are envisioned to surround the planet. While bringing Internet access to the world’s population seems to be a good thing (in providing information to the societies that lack it now), we need to consider the Law of Unintended Consequences. The plans are for 5G to blanket the world, leaving no place without this new exposure to this Microwave and Milliwave radiation, and potentially effecting all life on earth, with the exception of beings that live in lead-lined shelters, or Faraday cages. Based on this paper alone, it indicates the need for further studies, before this is widely deployed."

Elon Musk should read the paper.

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Arthur Firstenberg has been writing about this: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/where-have-all-the-insects-gone/

This is very frightening, but I don't see the end. People will not give up their cell phones.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

Natilie, you are so right and I have been ignoring Arthur, because I don't see a way out.

I used to joke to myself that there would be something like an Apocalyptic type of event, but society would assemble to rebuild. The first act in the rebuilding came from the dental community--we have to add fluoride to the drinking water.

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What a joke.

Not the study or its findings. But that TPTB are so dumb as to think adding novel energy patterns to an energy-based system would not disrupt said system.

We just read in our biology book the process of extracting ENERGY from glucose. ENERGY.

And they went and dabbled with it (to put it politely) via their wireless communications. And messed it all up. And tried to call us stupids.

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I worked for a city maintenance yard, at that time communications were via radio, in our small office we had 10 radio base stations and an antenna directly above us on the roof. I still think stress, office politics and EMF made it impossible for me to reach full retirement age. I was diagnosed with the nebulous fibromyalgia. What I struggle with is that most people care more about having a strong cell connection than they do about having bees.

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Awesome! My first red flag was a brief glimpse of a slide in a podcast video that stated 5G affected latent viruses.

Second red flag was the map of world hot spots of CV compared to where 5G was clustered.

Now there is a paper on it! Woohoo! Thank you!

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Based. Am I reading correctly. Affected if had jab, I get that. But is this saying people also affected in this same way if suffered the c flu? Thank you.

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Well the authors are Trying to make a link. The missing link is injectable not mentioned. I agree that wireless has its hazards, but linked to CB19 alone.

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The City officials are fine with problems that more $$$ and more legislation is required to "solve"; the political donors, asset class, the controllers, and the contracts are the mother's milk of modern politics and corporate partnerships; this IS THE Cycle of Money and Control; cracking down on criminals too harshly or sensibly within the existing budgets and power structures IS NOT what Progressive-Commies do. What we see at Every Turn to garner Grants, Secure infrastructure, Constrain the populations ARE the Goals and Ends they want, and are self-perpetuating with no resolution and always yet another crisis to infest themselves in by "investments".

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"Progressive-Commies" I like that description you used!

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yes, Progressive and progressivism are only half-labelling; Progressing toward "what"? is the key component. Progressive Communist IS the correct term, as even Progressive Socialism is acknowledged as a stepping stone to a higher goal of the Revolution (inspired and initiated in ancient times by Satan some say). Communism is the aim; a Slave Planet of humanity who are contented and resigned to their lot to serve the Master Class who themselves may contend and spat like gods on Olympus, but who are never challenged by the livestock herd of humans who serve and exist at their pleasure and whim.

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Yeah none of this is confusing when you realize they really don't mind killing us.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

I knew this was going to be a good roundup as soon as I saw the title... I thought ‘oooh, Jeff is in a mood this morning!’

The subway story, and ‘tamping’ to minimize the lack of leadership on root causes of problems... we’re seeing this all over from Democrat politicians, like Biden talking about how evil corporations are for shrinking bags of chips while he’s busy sending billions of dollars to Ukraine, billions to net zero goals, etc and therefore being the one who is devaluing the dollar to begin with. Bastards. I hate that so many people don’t see it.

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"What if the problem is they are really that stupid?"

To answer that I will invoke Sheftall's Razor: Never ascribe to stupidity what can be explained by malice.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Think of how dumb the average person is, then you have to realize that half the people are dumber than them....-George Carlin

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This made me recall 2 things.

1. at most places of work, 20% of the employees do 80% of the work.

2. founder of Khan academy explained that in math, if you get an 80, which is average, that means you didn't understand 20% of the material. Math is a cumulative science. If you don't understand 20% today, after the next test, you probably aren't going to understand 30% since concepts build on each other. Etc.

Applying those 2 ideas to the "how dumb the average person is" I can quickly see how we got here...not to mention that I find the average person is mostly interested in staying uninformed. Until, something affects them...

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Frightening... and sad.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30


Much of the last 4 years takes forethought. However malice and incompetence are often bedfellows.

Violence can be a confession of terrible incompetence. It may have started as incompetence but it has turned into a slow-roll mass murder to cover up the incompetence.

Malice and incompetence can be inextricably linked. They don't have to be mutually exclusive in order for harm to be rendered. I would argue this doesn't violate Occam's razor....or Sheftalls razor.

Often the most dangerous situation is, when people are participating in small actions that brush with evil, but don't breach it, and think they are doing "good"., i.e., the way children were treated during covid...in particular with the masks...or with the depravity being normalized at school these days.

This can be applied to myriad situations, because this type of evil has a long arc and is not easily detected by normal people...until sometimes too late.

They can not see that each brush leads, if given enough time, to a critical mass, in which the aggregate of each individual action can lead to unspeakable evil.

IMO, there is no reason evil and incompetence can't coexist. In fact evil can and has emerged as a byproduct of systems/organizations self-arranged by unthinking utter incompetence.

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It turns out it’s pretty easy to use the “safety & well-being “ of our children in order to control normal, good people to step over the line. At least now, mainly because of the COVID lockdown,mandate experience, many more are aware of the fear & manipulative tactics being used by the ignorant & evil ruling class to control every aspect of our daily lives. It’s a slow realization & impossible for most that they want to harm / kill you. Good news - Louisiana just banned WHO from controlling their state.

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When you open the door to evil spirits, you set yourself up for more to enter until they take over. Jesus casted out demons every where he went… just imagine how many demons people have inside them because they have not protected themselves. Those who can see the evil going on around them must have a tremendous amount within them. This is a spiritual warfare and prayer is so important.

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It's quite amazing when you think about it; that which never had to be said because everyone agreed was the obvious morally right choice, became unrecognizable - even when told directly and given examples that were unassailable prior to covid.

In fact, when you tried to point this out to people it's like it actually made the obvious more illusory - as if the common knowledge of every prior generation had never existed.

The door to evil appears appealing from the outside and is well greased so that it is silent once opened. Disturbing.

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This is so true. We must be so vigilant!

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Definitely, evil and incompetence often coexist. Witness the USG's record of "wars on" things, which without fail produced more of everything they were supposed to prevent: poverty, racism, crime, terrorists. And evil contains the seeds of its own destruction, because at bottom it's incapable of building or creating anything. It can only destroy. So it's often impossible to distinguish between evil and stupidity. Fortunately it's not necessary, because to oppose one is to oppose both.

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Spot on

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However, those who are higher up with malicious intention can use those who are lower and too stupid to know that are being used.

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In the case of Mayor Adams (and others), stupidity is appropriately ascribed. Higher level malice put him/them in governing positions.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

We live in a secular, pagan and increasingly, deranged society.

Modern celebrations of Easter and Christmas have no connection to Jesus. The attempt to remove God from ‘religious’ celebrations is not only alarming but displays the devil’s hands all over it. Pick some other day to celebrate a frivolous festival, but leave our faith-filled ceremonies alone.

I will celebrate Easter for its significance; an affirmation of my joy in the resurrection of My Lord and Savior.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Lifelong subway rider here! These horrible, senseless subway crimes are happening because crazies are not in secure mental facilities where they belong and are allowed to roam our streets and subways because the powers that be refuse to do that. They capture them and then let them roam free! It IS scary, and NYers want something to be done about it. Every subway push is followed by some subway riders’ wishes that we had barriers to stop this from happening-- barriers along the platforms-- but that would mean rebuilding the whole system, and it’s not happening anytime soon! It’s impossible. So the next best thing is to lock up the crazies!

There’s this theory that fare-beaters are criminals because they don’t pay the fare. OK. So these people who are petty criminals in that one instance will then be criminal enough to push an innocent commuter onto the tracks. There’s something to that, but it wastes a lot of manpower on fare-beaters who just don’t wanna, or can’t, pay the fare.

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In-patient Psychiatric hospitals, which were still operating in the 70’s, and possibly the 80’s, provided excellent care that kept these patients from harming themselves and others in a safe, clean environment where they were fed, given their meds and taken care of. It was much better than allowing these people to live on the streets where they can harm others and subject themselves to harm, filth and squalor without any help in managing their psychiatric illness.

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Psychiatric hospitals were sued because, apparently, the mentally I’ll have a right to live on the street, untreated and in squalor. My son had mental issues and trying to get help for him was like beating my head against the wall. Any time we thought we found an avenue of progress the government had perplexing rules and really just wanted him labeled as a criminal. Under Obama administration somehow mental health money was commingled with jail deterrent programs and now it’s mainly used to keep people out of jail. In the system, just not in jail. My son was turned down for many programs because he wasn’t a convicted felon. The one program he got into he didn’t like because it was full of people who should have been in jail. He wasn’t a criminal, he had mental problems. At the end of the day,sadly, nothing worked. Lessons learned.....

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I’m so sorry to hear your story Emumundo. That’s tragic when there was a way that could help mentally ill patients and treat them with respect and dignity but now they’re left as prey for criminals. Someday soon God will make all things right.

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Thank you. Once you try to navigate the system you see how awful it is- for people with mental health issues as well as convicts.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

It certainly is and only continues to decline. There is also a lack of compassion which is why I believe they don’t differentiate between those suffering from mental health issues vs criminals.

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It’s insane (pun intended) that these institutions are gone. I see mental patients here in the streets disrupting traffic and shouting at the sky almost every day. There should be Due Process to have someone admitted to a facility to treatment. I sometimes think the crazies and drug insane are used as weapons to make law abiding hard working people’s lives harder.

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The chaos craving communist left couldn’t have that. I remember the campaign they mounted against Psychiatric hospitals. They went down very quickly.

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The brilliant leaders of our town have decided that it’s not equitable to make anyone pay for the bus system. So now our oversized homeless population is riding the buses around town for free all day turning the backs of the buses into homeless encampments. The liberal idiots will never figure it out.

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So NY public busses are turning into mobile homeless camps?

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I think she is talking about Kansas City not NYC

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Ah, the Kansas user name. It’s sad in any location.

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Worse than that- Lawrence, Kansas. Home of the Jayhawks.

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Well, somewhat. Many riders get on through the rear door and the drivers look the other way, which is wise for them. I've never seen anyone actually camped out on a bus.

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Same in Denver

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Aren't fares racist and classist? why shouldn't mass transit that sublimates Climate Change be free for all to use?

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There has been the thought that our subways should be free. Because it takes drivers off the streets, which are crowded! And streets are supported by taxes-- why not our subways. But it will never happen, and that's probably a good thing, overall.

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Until voters start voting for sane, competent leaders, it is only going to get worse. You open the door to evil people who hold the door open to all the evil ones behind them.

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The answer seems obvious to me. But, no one seems to have the will or spine to do what needs to be done. One way or another, though, we need to come to terms with the fact that we in the US - across the entire country - are on the very far left when it comes to criminal justice and punishment. This did not happen by accident. But, there is an entire sea of options to the right of where our policies currently lie. And we need to explore those b/c what we're doing clearly isn't working and cannot work.

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I was just in the United Kingdom and they had extra barriers at half the stations. I can tell you that all they did was slow everyone down. Half the time they didn't work and you were let through without proving anything to the officer who came to fix the machine. He knew it malfunctioned so frequent he just let you through. Made us miss one of our trains... we had enough time till the machines didn't work and 2/3 of us were waiting for the officer to fix the machine. he didn't fix it in enough time. had to wait another 40 minutes. and that caused us to miss seeing Hadrian's Wall. :( My kids were really disappointed.

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In NYC, I can guarantee that 3/4 of the time they wouldn't work! And trains would have to line up with gates perfectly, which would be different in all the different stations. Oh, you mean at turnstiles? That's a separate issue. Some people think we need fences across every platform to keep thugs and crazies from pushing people onto the tracks. Will never happen for the above reasons and more.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

In fairness to the PR firm charged with spiffing NYC Subways: After the new fare-jumper barriers have been installed, riders will have the comfort of knowing that they were not pushed onto the tracks by a "criminal fare-evader".

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I mean, if you can’t enforce the border because it’s racist and unkind then maybe it’s also racist and unkind to enforce subway entry barriers 😑

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Fabulous. RunningLogic on target 🎯👏👏👏🤣

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Living up to your name, Running"Logic"!

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mmm, that does sound like liberal logic.

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Mar 30Liked by Jeff Childers

Throughout my career in a federal, safety-related occupation I’ve witnessed the outcome of poor hiring practices. How did the agency deal with individuals so incompetent that they posed a danger to public safety? They were promoted to management positions. I see a similarity here with the Administration’s Cabinet positions. Trump could rightfully claim that he’s fired more qualified individuals from his show, “The Apprentice”.

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The Peter Principle.

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Dilbert was hilarious because it was so true.

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A certain demographic is way over represented in government jobs and dealing with them very often ranges from a joke to a disaster.

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I like your take on the wording, Jeff, and you are right. "Police said" means next to nothing. That could be something a policeman said 20 years ago about another incident, since it's my understanding people have been pushed before, and this reporter is using a true event out of context. But it also could be a flat out lie, since when has the media been honest? Anyhow, this is along the lines of "experts say" and "doctors recommend". Yeah, really? None of that means anything. Word play has become too common and most readers won't pay enough attention to see it.

The only way to stop that kind of invasion of privacy - scanners - is to flat out refuse them. I spent about 6 months (collectively) in NYC in 1998 and 99 and New Yorkers are a feisty bunch. I'm sure they can pull it off. I have to believe none of them are happy with the mess NYC has become.

Also, where did NYC get the money? Aren't they spending it on housing illegal aliens?

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The experts who failed to secure a key bridge will now make it up to us all by securing NYC Subways.

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Great point on experts say, physicians agree...

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