☕️ JOE’S WAR ☙ Monday, December 23, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Heinous Biden pardons may signal something bigger afoot; new peer-reviewed study tears jabs a new one; Admin gives up on Title 9 and Loan Forgiveness; OMG exposé exposes secret spy war; more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday, the Eve of Christmas Eve. In some way, it seems fitting that this bonkers year scheduled Christmas for a Wednesday, right atop the middle of the work week. I think 2024 must be saying, “there’s still work to do.” Your Christmas Eve Eve roundup includes: Biden breaks more traditions and pardons the most heinous living criminals; new peer-reviewed study trashes the jabs top-to-bottom; the Administration throws in the towel on two of its signature policy initiatives; and the latest astonishing O’Keefe exposé may be much more than it seems, and it already seems like a lot.
The New York Times ran another explosive pardon story yesterday headlined, “Biden Commutes 37 Death Sentences Ahead of Trump’s Plan to Resume Federal Executions.” This morning — before 5am Eastern Standard Time!— Biden (if you believe that Biden was up working that early) or more likely Biden’s Autopen, either one, pardoned the country’s most dangerous, most abhorrent criminals; monstrous men and serial killers who committed unspeakable crimes. Biden cleared the bench, pardoning the entire federal death row but three.
Somebody needs to put that Autopen back in its box. The Pen —or the Cabbage, I suppose it’s possible he signed them himself— commuted the sentences of 37 men whose heinous acts were so horrifying that the New York Times did not describe or even name a single one. It offered no examples whatsoever, and to make it harder to research for ourselves, did not name the men who received presidential mercy. The Times described them only in reassuringly generic and racially fair statistics: all men, 15 white, 15 black, a token Asian and six Latin-exes, or Latin-‘X’, or however you say it. Hispanic.
Biden curiously made no public statement. He released a crack-of-dawn written statement cynically saying his heart aches for the victims’ families, but he was “guided by my conscience and my experience as a public defender.” In the statement, invisible Biden explained “his conscience” guided him to thwart President Trump: “In good conscience, I cannot stand back and let a new administration resume executions that I halted.”
So, he pardoned the Biden 37 out of spite. He didn’t even try to hide it. It was a terrible reason.
I won’t get into the hair-raising specifics of the forgiven crimes either, but only because describing them is so troubling that I refuse to ruin your Christmas Eve Eve. Trust me: the list is a monstrous catalog of depravity and pure evil. But apparently, the list is not newsworthy; apparently, the pardoned crimes are not even worth mentioning by the sycophantic invertebrates who edit the New York Times.
Curiously though, the cowards at the Times meticulously described each of the three men who Biden did not pardon, telling readers their names, ages, race (all white), specific crime, home town, favorite last meal, ball team, eye color, and dream date location. One is a white antisemite synagogue bomber, one is a white supremacist who shot up a black church in Charleston, and the third is one of the two radical Muslim Boston Marathon bombers (white).
Behold the moral flexibility of the progressive worldview: Biden, the New York Times, and progressive Americans are totally against the death penalty unless, like, the person really really deserves it. (And don’t get me started about all the progressive triumphalism over UnitedHealthcare CEO’s killing.)
The Grey Lady was quick to mention, and repeated the point several times as though trying to offset the unbearable psychic burden of the manifest weight of this injustice, that Biden didn’t actually free 37 human demons, not per se, he just commuted their death sentences so that they can live out the remainder of their lives in prison at taxpayer-funded expense.
(Presumably, the option of gender-bending and then transferring to a more convenient women’s prison will be off the federal menu starting January 21st, but I digress.)
The backstory the Times offered was that Biden pushed a bill to kill the death penalty but couldn’t even get the Democrat votes for it. So he’s come up with a game called how much damage can I inflict before the end? In case you wondered who supported pardoning the Biden 37, it was, apparently, race-hustling black lesbians:
CLIP: Blactivists call on Biden to pardon the 37 worst (1:00).
The Times’ article was the punchline to a bad joke about the death of journalism. The Nation’s leading newspaper failed to interview a single person who disagreed with or was troubled by the dramatic, unexpected rescue of the Biden 37. It didn’t quote a single victim’s family member. It forgot the death penalty is Constitutional and probably never even knew Biblical support for capital punishment exists. They turned off the comments.
In short, the Times was deeply embarrassed by Biden’s seemingly illogical partial pardon. But still they tried to make the best of it.
Like Hunter’s pardon, most sane Democrats probably disagree with this pardon. You can pile it on top of that unpopular Hunter pardon, and onto his unpopular group pardon of 1,500 inmates who already lucked into home confinement to avoid catching a cold. Now this. Joe Biden, or whoever is operating his animatronic dummy, seems to be pursuing a scorched-earth policy, bound and determined to do the most unpopular things possible before he is wheeled out of the office.
More on that intriguing possibility in a moment.
Last month, a quiet but blockbuster study was published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine titled, “Pharmaceutical product recall and educated hesitancy towards new drugs and novel vaccines.” The peer-reviewed study savaged the covid shots.
While on its face broadly critical of the entire pharmaceutical safety process, the study clevery situated the covid ‘vaccines’ within the broader history of botched pharmaceutical recalls and horrifying medical scandals. The authors drew parallels to other scandalous cases like Vioxx, Thalidomide, and the miscarriage drug DES. All the drugs were highly profitable, were marketed as “safe and effective,” eventually showed hair-raising long-term side effects, and for too many, the recalls occurred painfully slowly.
But, as the study proceeded, it specifically homed in on the covid jabs and on mRNA, which the authors called “gene technology.” The covid mRNA shot was the only drug discussed in the paper that is, in the researchers’ words, “yet to be recalled.”
Not yet.
Happily, the debate over whether the mRNA shots are actually “vaccines” is alive and well, even though it looked dead and buried. The authors primly dismissed the ‘vaccine’ label as straight-out misinformation:
Haha, synthetic viruses. Just as we lawyers have been saying for years.
The study authors challenged the “narrative” (their word) that the covid shots offer any protection against severe disease, dismissing that claim as “a narrative challenged by more recent data” and observing that “Official data from New South Wales during the omicron wave did not concord with the message that these agents prevent serious disease or death, and even suggested the opposite.”
It next turned to mandates and excess death, arguing through hard data. Without coming right out and saying it, the article strongly implied that political jab mandates murdered people who were at zero risk of dying from covid. The study was packed with ammunition for all of us who’ve never given up on proving the vaccines were a historic disaster far beyond the Titanic or the Hindenburg.
Truthfully, the scale of the disaster is better compared to previous horrific drug mistakes, which is exactly what this paper does.
Possibly my favorite part was when they put a logical chokehold on “vaccine hesitancy,” renaming it to “educated hesitancy.” The researchers supported their improved nomenclature by citing surveys showing that reluctance to accept the jabs was highest among PhDs —people most likely to understand the failures of medical literature— and healthcare workers, especially EMTs and paramedics — the people most likely to encounter adverse drug reactions firsthand.
“Educated hesitancy towards these products,” the researchers drily noted in the forgiving passive tense, “has been ridiculed.” We all know by whom. From there, they proceeded not only to show the evidence of great harms caused by the jabs, but they directly grappled with the lack of much serious scholarship about those harms, which they tied right back to the sordid history of other recalled drugs, some of which had encountered the same phenomenon.
This high-quality, peer-reviewed study was extremely well supported, with every claim upheld by multiple footnotes. You can safely send this study to anyone without fear of criticism about its quality.
Maybe most significantly, the study lacked any of the mandatory gatekeeping language we are used to seeing, a sentence sprinkled in here or there about how historic the covid vaccines were, or how many millions were saved, or how the benefits outweigh the risks, and so forth. It was just the opposite, actually.
Reading this study was rhetorically similar to watching a group of pit bulls rip apart an unsuspecting chicken coop. Being so well-supported by well-established data, the researchers’ logic was also difficult to argue with, as was their well-reasoned conclusion. I have included the study’s entire conclusion for your interest:
In other words, it appears we have entered a glorious new phase, where open criticism of the vaccines has now become permissible. The final step is next, the step from here into the major journals, signaling the complete surrender of those journals’ big pharma masters, which will only happen when continuing denialism is no longer viable.
Once that happens, it will be time for accountability. We are this close, and a skeptical Administration is just about to arrive.
Another encouraging story developed this weekend. NBC ran the article headlined, “White House starts scrapping pending regulations on transgender athletes and student debt.” The subheadline explained, “The Department of Education said it was withdrawing the proposal because of ongoing litigation over how Title IX should handle issues of gender identity.”
Late last week, the Biden Administration quietly withdrew two signature policy initiatives. President Veggie Tales abandoned a massive expansion of Title IX that would have allowed cross-dressing college men and school boys to be legally treated as women under federal law. But he scrapped his plan to force Americans who never attended college to pay for 38 million mostly progressive college graduates.
The official explanation for throwing in the towel was, again, Trump-structionism. Officials claimed that allowing Trump to inherit the unfinished rules would give him a chance to amend the rules to suit conservatives, and saving years of public notice and legal wrangling. Here’s how NBC described it:
So much for continuity of government. It’s perfectly reasonable to believe this was just another cynical reaction to try to stymie Trump’s first year. But then again, it could have been another way for Biden to punish progressives. I’ll get to that shortly.
Either way, it’s two fewer things Trump has to deal with, and it was more good news for conservative counter-revolutionaries.
Last week, James O’Keefe’s Media Group released the latest hidden-camera catfishing exposé video of the highest-level government employee to date. The unintentional leaker was Henry Appel, a spook and NSA advisor who reports directly to NSA Director Jake Sullivan and regularly speaks with Biden. But I smell a rat.
CLIP: James O'Keefe’s mind-blowing hidden video exposé (13:54).
Henry said all sorts of interesting things, most of which were critical of invisible Joe Biden and his vanishing mental acuity. Henry’s gabby disclosures were remarkably similar to this week’s Wall Street Journal’s Biden-Dementia exposé. For example, Chatty Henry admitted to his fake date, “Joe Biden is, like, dead. Not literally. Like, he, like, can't say a sentence.”
Not only was it suspicious that Henry was parroting corporate media’s latest anonymously sourced limited hangout, but … well, just look at Henry’s dating profile, provided by O’Keefe:
Let’s conduct a thought experiment. If you were trying to “catch” an O’Keefe citizen swiper catfishing, by pretending to be a lonely government employee, what would you write on your dating profile? Would it perhaps be something like, “oversharing on the first date?” Or “I talk too much for my own good,” or “Don’t tell me, I can’t keep a secret?”
Isn’t a first-date oversharer literally what the citizen swipers are hoping for? One and done?
Watch it for yourself. To me, it looks like a high-ranking spook caught himself a citizen swiper, and used her to publish the deep-state’s newest narrative, giving the new narrative more credibility as an accidental disclosure.
It may be time for O’Keefe to start training his volunteers in counter-counter-espionage. Spy vs. Spy:
Either way, it doesn’t matter. What is much more interesting to consider is why the deep state is so enthusiastically throwing Biden under the dementia bus, and so quickly, too. I’m just a lawyer and not a double agent. Obviously, I don’t know. But for entertainment, I’ll throw out a possibility.
The guiding assumption is that the deep state only acts to defend or expand its power. Any working hypothesis must be consistent with that fundamental premise.
Here it is: We may be witnessing a secret war, a kind of intra-party color revolution, between the Obama and Biden camps. Biden, enraged at having been sabotaged for his second term, is off the reservation. He’s slyly sabotaging the progressives. Note how Biden ensured his “impeachment protection” —Ms. Harris, the most disliked politician in modern history— would be the party’s nominee. Witness Jill Biden’s brilliant red dress on election day, Biden’s invitation for “fascist” Trump to visit the White House to promise a smooth transition, his egregious pardon of Hunter, the pardon of the 1,500 (which excused the pardon of the J6 political prisoners), and today’s pardon of the worst of the worst criminals in America.
Biden is stirring up controversy. He is adding acrimony and exciting argument among progressives. And he is keeping them in disarray. No clear alternative leader has emerged for Democrats. Think about that. So far as the public is concerned, who is leading the party? Biden.
He’s leading them in circles.
Joe Biden, in the twilight of his career and the fading sunset of his public life, has gathered the scraps of his flagging energies and roused himself to rebellion, to a final pugilistic brawl, a Joe’s War to settle the scores with everyone — including his former progressive allies inside the party.
What’s a deep state to do? As we’ve seen several times with Ukraine President Zelensky, one of the deep state’s early tricks for corraling rebellious leaders is to withdraw media protection.
Therefore, my working hypothesis is that, ever since Biden was overthrown during the summer campaign, he and his handlers have been taking passive-aggressive revenge against all the Democrats who overthrew him. Hell hath no fury. It’s perfectly consistent with his fighting Irish personality. Who knows how else Joe has been using his presidential powers to retaliate against his real and perceived enemies; we can only see the public parts. One’s imagination reels.
To get this spiraling situation back under control, the deep state needs rapid and irresistible pressure. So the deep state is allowing corporate media to do the tiniest part of its old job, and tell on Joe’s senior moments and slipups. But it could get worse. This could all be part of a carefully calibrated and conspicuous defenestration threatening to disembowel Joe’s entire legacy. We made you, and we can take you out anytime.
But it can all stop if Joe just cuts it out. And helps transfer intra-party power to a new Democrat figurehead.
If I’m right, I don’t think the deep state’s pressure campaign will work. First of all, Joe’s cognitive impairment is too little, too late. Second, Joe is a fighter. He won’t quit until everyone is bloodied. Joe’s War is escalating.
What do you think? Is my theory too elaborate? What else could explain it?
Have a magnificent Monday! C&C will be back tomorrow for a special Christmas Eve edition that you won’t want to miss. See you then.
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Back when the Covid Operation was just underway I was doing work with a group of local county schools. It wasn’t but 3 days when EVERY school had started receiving “six foot safe” floor stickers and pallets (literally) of assorted “don’t sneeze on your friends”.... “cough into the back of your kneecaps”....”mask up for safety”....“we’re all in this together”....”if your temperature is 98.7 stay home"...."sanitize or die" scary signage. 3 days??? Surely, this wasn’t all planned……was it? I remember bringing this up at the time……blank stares from the educationally gifted.
As a side note, the school district home office set up a kind of temperature taking honor system, leaving an unsupervised thermal thermometer and log in sheet at the front door. I can’t tell you how many times the temp would come back at something ridiculous like 65.8. I’d be sure to log it. When I was feeling particularly edgy and/or disagreeable about being “played” I’d focus the infrared beam on areas of my person that are best left to the imagination. I’m guessing those closed circuit images along with my refusal to comply with mask muzzling mandates led to my hasty dismissal. I was told later that an email had been sent out declaring me a "safety risk."
If Biden is not competent to stand trial, how can he be competent to give pardons? I do not understand this.