Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I say it's a depopulation agenda. Now 5 dead in my court. I don't plan on changing my mind.

And everyone, Rutgers too, needs to stop calling this garbage a "vaccine". It isn't, it wasn't, it "ain't never gonna be." Call it what it is: gene modification that causes more problems than in solves. Is it deliberate? I think so. They had animal trials on mRNA in which all animals died. They knew.

Remember when people called us conspiracy theorists for saying doctors were getting paid to push this garbage? Me too. Conspiracy theorists still batting 1,000.

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And another problem is when this comes clear and people realise they've been poisoned- it'll scare them stupid which will also cause disease. Fear made them jump on the first poison, fear will finish them if the vax doesn't.

It doesn't have to be this way. It's so sad. So messy.

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Fear alone can absolutely make a person sick. The placebo and nocebo effects are documented.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

NEVER make decisions when you are fearful and feeling rushed to make a decision. Always make the decision when you feel at peace. remember jesus on the pinnacle and satan trying to entice him with everything to DO SOMETHING? what did Jesus do? he stayed calm...continued repeating Gods Word(reminding himself what is true/truth). Satan is always rushing you to DO SOMETHING ALREADY.....in the covid scam case SO WE CAN MAKE OUR EASY MONEY OFF OF YOUR WORTHLESS BODY....just hurry up and take the damn thing you imbecile, our agenda is far more important than what you are.

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So true KB! Exactly what I was telling my 30 something daughters....just WAIT. One worked in the service industry, the other nursing her daughter. Both highly pressured from everyone but their mother. The nursing mother trusted me for a time but her husband's family was relentless..." Don't you want to pass those good antibodies on to your daughter?" I was physically ill. It wasn't until she asked her NATUROPATHIC doctor about the shot and he said, " It's probably safe" that she went ahead and got 2. I contacted him to say he had no right to tell her that!

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Similar story here. So many well-meaning people were duped & captured by the prevailing sinister idiocy. I hope theyโ€™re ok. I applaud you for giving that naturopath a reaming. My daughter too. And Iโ€™d had hope that at least she would dissuade my daughter. Nope.


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RemovedApr 4
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wouldn't it be nice if life accommodated us like that?

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Life doesn't need to accommodate you for you to turn to God and find peace. If you are waiting for the world to suit you, you are likely also waiting for those snowballs to freeze in hell or those pigs to fly.


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The โ€œ placebo โ€œ is not a true placebo it is another vaccine, tis why there are always adverse reactions on the placebo side. Never will get another and never ever will trust any government official.

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Yep. A great turning is happening.

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This is very true. It is important to know whether the potential psychological harm to jab recipients was considered as it should have been if practicing in accordance with the ethical principles defined in the Belmont Report for research.

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Dr. Vandebosch says they should start taking antivirals as a preventative

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Here's the thing... doctors were giving out antibiotics like M&Ms in the 70s when I was a kid. The flu? Antibiotics. Bee sting? Antibiotics. Slight cold? Antibiotics. Every time I went to that evil man he pushed antibiotics for no reason. What do we have now? Antibiotic resistance. Don't we think the same would happen with anti virals?

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My family doctor would NOT give/prescribe antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.

I can hear him now saying โ€œgiving antibiotics for every cold, etc. & one day when you really need an antibiotic youโ€™ll be immune to them.โ€ Wise general practitioner.

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My mother thought it was a great idea for me to take tetracycline for acne as a teenager back in the 70's. I would say that this is a good possibility for why I pretty quickly developed inflammatory bowel disease.

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Perhaps, but vaccines cause this too, as per the work of GI doc Andrew Wakefield. Heโ€™s one of the good guys who was vilified by all, of course, but he was right. I have Crohnโ€™s and I believe it was caused by a 3-part jab for hepatitis I was asked (voluntarily) to get for work (Police station) during a winter Olympics in our city. Wish I had been smarter back then.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I heard one conspiracy that HepB given to the gays in san fran and LA in the late 80's gave them HIV....at this point who knows what was ever in any vaxx? could have been created special for desired outcome. Ppl truly were treated like lab rats! ALL OF US, not just tuskegee. Remember pfizer employees got a 'special batch' for their covid jabs. You can't even trust CVS to give you the correct vial...how many stories did you hear that they gave you covid jab when you went in for flu jab? Children were given adult doses of covid when they were there for flu jab. Human error....it'ts the highest percentage cause of death/disease....ergo.. limit your time around pfarma/medical of any kind

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I took 3 months of tetracycline for cystic acne in the 70s. It was all they had, and the only thing that worked..and every flare up, went on and off again. I developed IBS.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 5

I do know that every dentist I've ever been to has asked me if I took tetracycline for acne (I did, too), because of the color of my teeth...

sigh. I'm 67 and my teeth still work nevertheless.

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This is what Geert was alluding to when recommending antivirals.

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Thatโ€™s a good point but the antibiotics were, like you pointed out, given for everything so maybe they had no real function in the body except in severe infections, they were excess and thatโ€™s why we became resistant to them. The body doesnโ€™t recognize them as helpful.

But with ivermectin there is a purpose so they remain effective.

We can hope.

I am spitballing here, but it may be something to consider.

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Antibiotic use for nothing infuriates me. Not only are we becoming antibiotic resistant but it changes everyone's gut microbiome which is one of the reasons for more cancers.

More millenials have chronic stomach/ digestive issues than ever before.

Finally, the idiots of medical science have realized that all good

health starts in the gut.

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You got that right about the gut AND antibiotic use.

Well they just so happen to invent the very expensive new Biologics for the gut and it blocks the body from healing itself so THEN you get all sorts of stuff BUT FIRST you must take all your shingles and flu and other shots THEN what happens is you get cancer and all sorts of autoimmune diseases. That is what a GI doc said to me and no gut healing food change could help. I shit blood for 2 months and could not digest any food... severe ulcerative colitis caused by glyphosate... I have enough proof that convinced me but the doc denied that could have messed up my gut biome.

She is an indoctrinated FOOL.

I did it MY way and 100% healed 1 year this month with no issues.

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For all my life's 60+ years, when given antibiotics by doctors, I NEVER heard once that I should be taking PRObiotics as well, to help balance gut microbiome.... not UNTIL 2 years ago when I was seeing an acupuncturist, and mentioned antibiotics to him, and he promptly said ALWAYS pair antibiotics WITH PRObiotics. Since then, my husband has had oral surgery that required antibiotics, and I made sure to purchase the best PRObiotics I know of. But even his dentist didn't mention this to him when he prescribed the other...???

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Here is the most recent Geert Vanden Bossche interview where he advises exactly that.


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Has Vanden Bossche ever been right on any of his predictions? Not saying he won't be. Just that sometimes it seems like he's crying wolf. I hope he isn't right because his predictions are horrifying.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Thank you mimi, I completely agree. Constant fear is debilitating and devastating to people, and it doesn't matter if the fearmongering is coming from someone we happen to agree with. GVB is a smart guy and he was right on many of the vax mechanics, but his continuously wrong doom-mongering discredits him.

Ask yourself, why are so many of these people are hell-bent on scaring everyone to death about something THEY CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT? Be it people who took the shot are doomed as ticking time bombs, those who didn't take it are doomed from vaxxed people's shedding, or everyone is doomed from the coming vax-induced superbug, it never stops.

Reject all of this stuff and live your life. There's a good reason the Bible says "trust God and fear not" hundreds of times. There's no exception that says it's okay to fear if your politics happens to align with the fear-pushers.

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Jeff C - Thank you for this.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 4

Indeed! Trust God and fear not!

But, I think the point is missed. He talks about Ivermectin. He raises alarms for what weโ€™re already seeing. I find a few things I disagreed with in the first part, but, from about 22 mins on, he gets into the meat.

I think with this audience, thereโ€™s nothing new or reason to fear.

But Itโ€™s a good wake-up for my uniformed daughter (studying medicine!) & others in my family who consider โ€˜The Atlanticโ€™ & the like to be the word of enlightened truth or too busy to not just absorb the brainwashing marketing & news, & the CDC,et al & WHO . Theyโ€™re too arrogant to look behind, engage, know or see whatโ€™s happened & I gave up a while back for the sake of peace โ€” It was futile. They got into their delusion via fear; fear may get them out.

โ€ฆThis is for them.

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It was 20 years ago


Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play

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Very well said!

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Vanden Bossche was the scientist who said that vaccinating during the pandemic would create mutations in the virus and keep the virus from dying off. He was right.

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True. Many people said that. A non-sterilizing vaccine isn't a good idea either.

But GVB has predicted a lot of other things that have yet to come to pass.

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I tired of him still talking about covid when the real killer H7N9 flu was killing ppl 4 to 1 january 2020. Covid was the false flag to get you off of fauxci's trail Univ of Wisconsin...G of F bird flu released 2014 ish and took hold in 2018 and they let it boil worldwide as you see....may have been some other virus 'covid' but the flu was killing everyone and YES the Govt kept us completely oblivious while they knew it 100%...all while confusing with wet market pangolin BS...they need prison for 3x their lives.

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I hope so too, however I think it's better to have his advice than not.

At least he offers a cheap, easy to attain countermeasure along with his prediction.

I understand how people would rather discard his unpleasant theories altogether, but his scientific credentials are sound.

I guess we will see, in time.

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Agreed. No viruses exist.

Total fraud.

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Thanks for posting this.

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Yep. Iver.

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Anti virals are fraudulent too

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antivirals ARE NOT PFARMA PRODUCTS! He means zinc, quercetin, iverm, hydroxychloroquine etc.... do your homework...all of the FLCC drs published them for 3 yrs.

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I have also read that he recommends ivermectin, which is technically not an antiviral. It is an anti-parasitic that has broad spectrum antiviral properties, as you probably know.

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It is actually well-known now as an anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory. Interestingly enough, it has recently also been linked to profound results in treating various cancers.

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Yes, Iverm and phenben appear to destroy some cancers.

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No need for pharma antivirals โ€” Garlic, oregano, echinacea, olive leaf โ€ฆoh man! There are so many! Prolly right in your kitchen or garden. They have different mechanisms & work in tandem. Not to mention the many available to order or ready-made combos in alt medicine.

A web search will render many. For uninitiated, I link & send Dr Axe.

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Antivirals? Such as acyclovir? Where are people supposed to get them?

I'm sorry, but to me that just seems nuts.

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I thought that was anti parasitic, but then again, I still think "covid" is not a virus but a parasite. And I base that on nothing other than what seems to work to get rid of it. Herbals that work are all anti-parasitic; e.g. wormwood.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

what if the virus is being replicated in some bacteria... and "ivermectin" killed the bacteria... etc.... etc...

after all how they make the pseudo mRNA in some bacteria (e coli) or some such thing....

i'm not saying it is.... but...

they replicated the mRNA in the bacteria... why not the "virion"???

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Easy to treat if non existing.

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OK. Even that seems to still be difficult for people to come by but it makes sense.

Dr. McCullough has a protocol with stuff that can be bought pretty much anywhere.....seems to work pretty well for a lot of people.

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It can be difficult for people to obtain (by intent!) - more so in some areas than others - but it can be obtained. That said, it will cost far more than it did before it was intentionally restricted, primarily because the insurance companies typically wonโ€™t pay for it, most doctors wonโ€™t prescribe it (for fear, or out of blindness and deception), and many pharmacists wonโ€™t fill the prescriptions (out of fear, blindness and/or deception)โ€ฆ Even if you can find a source, youโ€™re likely to have to self-pay for it, and purchasing enough to use prophylactically - especially for a family - may exceed oneโ€™s available funds. God bless and keep us all, because only He can!

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FLCCC has excellent information available on their website alsoโ€ฆ

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Yes, I read that. What antivirals? That wasn't discussed. I know of one that the FDA has to stop complaining about.

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Ah the Big VDB.

Preventative for a non existent virus.

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This doctor (Dr Syed Haider) addresses that very idea on : What about those who are afraid of what the jab they took will do to them in the future?

From The Epoch Times' American Thought Leaders program:


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Apr 4ยทedited Apr 4

I donโ€™t think the good Dr virologist has the last word on the permanence of the immune disruption. Best to use real science and knowledge at this juncture to point to known remedies & find new ones. I know we can and we will. The very bad news is not the last chapter, as he predicts. These folks will need to go through the fire of reality & consequent fear, though, to get to the healing & hope.


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Thereโ€™s a reason the phrase โ€œThere are no conspiracy theories, just spoiler alertsโ€ has become a cliche, because itโ€™s true!

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Ethics. Is the NIH ethical to have financial incentives to push mandatory injection of their patented biotechnology?

Let's consult their ethicist. The NIH's Chief Bioethicist is Christine Grady. Who is Christine Grady to decide the ethics of this difficult question? She is also the Mrs. Anthony Fauci. And Mrs. Anthony Fauci, one of the top recipients of royalties through the NIH's injected biotechnology mandates, has declared the entire arrangement ethical.

So that's that. And how dare you question their ethics!?!?

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More about Mrs. Anthony Fauci, aka Christine Grady, and her/their idea of ethics:


Christine Grady, aka Mrs. Fauci, wrote about how ethical it is to mandate injections of experimental biotechnology!


The guidance paper in her own hand:


And anybody questioning Fauci's ethics or a conflict of interest with her work and his work is just a hater! They are above reproach, ethical beyond question!:


Just know that the Fauci's internal ethical compass isn't informed by God or any other higher authority. He has no use for God or any other higher authority:


Mrs. Anthony Fauci, aka Christine Grady's ethics are the Utilitarian variety, i.e. lies in service to a greater good - as they assert is good - are ethical! What atheists believe. Atheists will often hide behind the word term "humanist" for public consumption. The Fauci's actually publicly have declared, they're "good without god." Note the article's lower case "g" as an intentional irreverence:


There's even entire religions that are "good without god," like the interfaith ones:


We get the 'ethics' of God-less people when we allow God-less people into positions of authority over us.

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1st link - I read article. Hard to stomach the sycophant piece.

But this made me laugh:

โ€œJust before sundown, Grady shuts off her computer and slips on a face mask for her daily 4 mile power walk around the neighborhood.โ€

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Well, THAT tells you everything you need to know, now doesnโ€™t it?!?!

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Grady should not leave her mask on the floor.

That's downright dangerous. LOL

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Wait till you watch the fawning YouTube video. Have a barf bag handy.

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Better yet, an adult beverage.

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Right!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Thank you!!!

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Well said, Freedom Fox!!!

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

FourWinds, thank you for reminding folks that it is important to not use the word โ€˜vaccineโ€™ for these mRNA injections. This is not a trivial detail. The misuse of this word was a major component of the propaganda/marketing to convince people to comply. We all MUST refuse to use the V word!

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Indeed, Cathleen.

We must all be scrupulous in our use of language.

A wise priest I once knew famously said: โ€œVerbal engineering always precedes social engineering.โ€

Monsignor has been dead more than a quarter century. I think of his cautionary words still, decades later.

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Very wise words!

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I completely agree. I never use the word vaccine when it comes to the Covid shots.

No matter how much they try to normalize it do not cave in and if you are question, say you prefer to use the pre-Covid definition of vaccine

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I call all shots โ€œinjectionsโ€ which sounds closer to the sinister nature that they are. I refuse to have my children injected with any more vials of toxics. NO. MORE.

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They are transfections, NOTโ€”whatever definition they give to themโ€”vaccines.

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Yes! Especially now that we are finding out that the random bacterial plasma DNA is incorporating into cell lines in the laboratory. People have become genetically modified without realizing it. The first step in trans humanism. And lowering the birth rates for sure.

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It's good to call it a vaccine.

Emphasises that all vaccines are poisonous.

Let vaccine become a dirty word.

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Apr 4ยทedited Apr 4

Hey โ€” great point! I hadnโ€™t thought of that angle. We are, after all, in an all out narrative war for good, truth and beauty โ€” for Life. Words are powerful weapons & that hoists them on their own petard. Bravo, you outside-the-box thinker!


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Yes, I don't put speech marks around it.

Nice to get a Bravo.


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Apr 6ยทedited Apr 6

โ€ฆMaybe we should shout it: V A C C I N E S. Or use the melodious Cherokee typeface: แŒแฏแœแœแŽฅแŽฃแŽงแŽฆ

(โ€ฆa bit rusty on my Cherokee โ€”Tricky alphabet, that.)

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Use it as a swear word do you mean.

"Oh, vaccine it, I missed my train!"

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Shots. That how I refer to it.

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Yes! A problem infusing this interview, but mRNA addressed > about 20 mins. After that, redeemed, if not exactly in the preferred terminology.

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Jeff's Money Laundering-Power enhancing Cycle illustration leaves out all of the POLITICAL Class players who are in on it as well as the WEF associates who pal around with the individuals involved, and the Deep State players. This is everything now too; All media, internet, NGOs, Faith organizations, housing contractors, municipal and county level agencies; the shit stewing in the sewage lagoon gets everyone who swims there covered and mired in filth. Largest and deepest and most infected swamp ever encountered. We are screwed--Repent and prepare for tribulations and plagues that are being poured out upon the earth, the seas, the animals, and races and nations of mankind.

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May every cent of their blood-tinged money cause them sleepless nights and endless anxiety until they repent for their crimes against humanity. And may God have mercy on their souls. Iโ€™m still working on forgiveness ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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The Biblical book of Revelation appears to be coming to fruition in the not-so-distant future. Signs are everywhere.

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Oh you can bet they got their cut of the profits just like Facui (F head) and Collins (C head).

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And let us not forget to mention the intelligence agencies and the department of defense along with everything else you mentioned. Mike Benz calls it The Blob. Mostly referring to the โ€œbio securityโ€ defense apparatus. Which leave us neither secure, nor defended.

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I beg to differ on your conclusion.

Weโ€™re screwed if we give in to the notion that weโ€™re screwed.

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well, i didn't say to surrender or to comply; screw the screwers!

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until the "vaccine" kills all of them

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The WEF captured MSM is their main weapon.

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I had a Dr tell me that he doesn't understand how the money flows between Drs, hospitals, insurance, government. A DOCTOR! or SALESMAN doesn't know where his money flows from!! And I do. Oh please! Liars all!

After what my daughter had told me about banking lies and son about retail lies. You are crazy too if you think religion is gonna fix this. Most of humanity is in religion because it will make their lives better not because they are willing to suffer persecution. Don't try me but Thank God Jesus will hold me to Him and to Him Alone.

Y'all not understanding Christ. There is only one Name, one way, one truth, one Life whereby you MUST be saved from the wrath/judgement that is certainly to come. God is not slow... But patient with all.

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โ€œAnd there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.โ€โ€

โ€ญโ€ญActsโ€ฌ โ€ญ4โ€ฌ:โ€ญ12โ€ฌ โ€ญESVโ€ฌโ€ฌ

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Amen, Lisa.

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Truly, most drs have never given it consideration.

I mean, how many of US actually considered it, before 2020 when it was forced into our faces. I certainly didnโ€™t.

Additionally, the depravity required of our head government officials in order to perpetrate the stuff they do is beyond what many people are willing to entertain. I mean, I was never willing to consider that the USG (or some actors in it) was willing to kill 3,000 people on a day in September, just to further their own agenda, let alone start a WAR in the Middle East. Until I saw how they were willing to kill millions during The Plague. When I saw how adamantly they refused life-saving medicine to dying people, then the scales began to fall off my eyes.

This knowledge remains both sobering and, at times, terrifying.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

"I mean, how many of US actually considered it, before 2020 when it was forced into our faces."

I'll admit that I have. I have questioned the medical community for a long time.....since the '80s. I keep allopathic doctors around so I can get medical tests I want.

I have a book titled, "How Not To Die," copywrite 2015. In it, is a chapter on Iatrogenics, death by doctor or other medical establishment person, place or thing. Studies claim it's the 3d leading cause of death. It's probably gained in status now.

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I have always hated the medical profession, so I didn't have far to go when the scamdemic started. But I see why many were fooled at first. I hope they can see now, as you said, that they were killing millions and continue to do so. They have imported millions of built in slaves... most of these people come from countries where freedom does not exist, so they will have no concept of it when they lose it to be controlled by the government. In fact, they are already slaves. What else do you call someone who is entirely supported by, and therefore controlled by, another? A slave to their controller.

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True. But Itโ€™s apparent that our own non-slavery status has been an illusion for quite some time.

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Itโ€™s terrifying.

Sobering, too.

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I am curious why so many on here do not want to call the covid jab a vaccine. Why the differentiation? Vaccines have long posed many adverse health effects on people and we have simply turned a blind eye and accepted chronic illness to increase without making the correlation to vaccine increase. Covid jab has increased cancer incidents, but what is worse - cancer or chronic illness or autism or seizures or SIDSโ€ฆ? The old vaccines have merely been accepted with their ill effects on humanity and we are all the proverbial frog in the boiling pot. Covid vaccine roll out threw everyone in the pot at once. It opened a lot of eyes on different dangers of vaccines, but they are ALL dangerous. Pick your poison.

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Because it's not. It does not act like a classic vaccine. It neither helps stop transmission or illness, which vaccines are supposed to do. The definition of the word was changed to encourage compliance. Not just changed, but forced down our throats. I won't call it one because it is exceptionally dangerous and its dangers (heart attacks, strokes, cancers, etc.) are FAR worse than any "virus" it supposedly protects against. But, I agree with you all vaccines are very dangerous. I will never touch one. But someone would have to shoot me point blank in the face before I touched the "covid" "vaccine". I'm going to die, but I'll be dammed if it is due to big pharma.

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Read through past vaccines and youโ€™ll find your opinion of classic vaccines may be off. substack.com/@aaronsiri

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I think a lot of us here are of the old school thought (have been propagandized all our lives) that vaccines were mostly good with some adverse consequences, and actually vaccinated people against some diseases. Covid jabs were so prevalent to all in such a short period of time and so obviously (to critical thinkers) did not vaccinate against anything, that they deserved a special level of disdain.

Thanks in part to this substack community, I have evolved into being more discerning about all vaccines. To me now โ€œvaccineโ€ is kind of a dirty word. When I really look into past vaccines that were hailed as life saving like smallpox and polio, I have found that these diseases were actually on the decline when vaccines came out, and wonder if vaccines were even necessary. I have started reading Turtles, and am helping/encouraging some younger family members navigate not vaccinating their babies.

Long winded reply to your inquiry, but I think decades of vaccine propaganda will take time to undo in many people.

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Reading Turtles speeds up the process considerably. The whole "vaccine" enterprise is built on the backs of turtles all the way down.

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I have two cousins whom I never really knew because both died (approximately 70 years ago) of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Now I wonder: Did their vaccines take them down?

I am mindful that when doctors donโ€™t have explanations, the condition gets a vague โ€œexplanatoryโ€ name like โ€œsyndromeโ€.

We all bow our heads reverentlyโ€ฆ.

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Neither here nor there but Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was euphemized in the '60s. "Crib death" as I recall was what they called it before that time. Regardless, I agree that vaccines are highly likely as a culprit. In the '80s a family member had a 5 month old die in her crib. This relative has downed the kool aid. I have thought about it but I'm not sure making the association with vaccines will help her with this 40-odd year old trauma. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

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I think that it would help as she has been blaming her mothering skills.

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She had another child about a year after. She was so, so careful with him. He was coddled. Is now 38, divorced, two teenage girls and they all live at the family of origin homestead. She is a breast cancer survivor, happening about a decade after the death. Emotional landscape, I believe, plays a significant role in any dis-ease the body encounters. Complicated is an understatement. I just don't know about revisiting that trauma...

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Apr 4ยทedited Apr 4

I would say the same as Cairn. She likely still carries much guilt along with her grief. It may help to lift that sadness. Yes โ€” even after 40 years. I would skip talk & just leave a good, compelling article or discussion. Or send a link. Then let her see it in private, & let it percolate. I think it will.

No need to discuss anything. Best not to. Itโ€™s a very deep and private thing. If she later remarks on it, surely thatโ€™s a good time to talk.

Jmho ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’Œ

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Appreciate it. Replied to Cairn with additional thoughts FYI. Undecided...

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70 years ago there werent many vaccines. Maybe one? My husband (1954) had a friend a year older (1953)who had polio and was crippled like an old man for the rest of his life.

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I learned from reading Turtles All The Way down that what the friend had was probably not polio at all, it was pesticide poisoning. "Polio" the way we were taught to think of it (as a discrete virus), never existed.

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That was about the time I was born. It was โ€œlive better through scienceโ€. Modern mothers lovingly would bottle feed out of a can of sterile, disgusting baby formula. All 4 kids & most everyone else in the highly educated city of Palo Alto were fed this way.

Luckily, Momโ€™s Stanford Dr was down on drugs, but that says that others werenโ€™t so scrupulous. I havenโ€™t researched what all they gave mothers & babies at that time (itโ€™d be an interesting go), but they existed & were given. Recall the synthetic hormone, DES, widely given to prevent miscarriages & premies (1940-1960), which was linked to uterine cancer, breast cancer, infertility, spontaneous abortion, neonatal death, invasive breast cancer +++, in mother AND daughter (now suspected in granddaughters as well). And, of course, there was Thalidomide. Perhaps there is a culprit lurking in the wings yetโ€ฆ

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Because CDC literally changed the definition to conform to the shot. Itโ€™s not what was defined as a vaccine.

This article explains.


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Definition was changed for the majority of the vaccines on the current schedule. It just happened to occur right after covid vax roll out. Most vaxes do not provide full immunity.


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"I am curious why so many on here do not want to call the covid jab a vaccine. Why the differentiation?"

I believe the answer can be found in an essay written by Ben Hunt regarding the Common Knowledge Game. He states:

โ€œThe core dynamic of the Common Knowledge Game is this: how does private knowledge become -- not public knowledge โ€“ but common knowledge? Common knowledge is something that we all believe everyone else believes.โ€ โ€œBehavior changes ONLY when we believe that everyone else believes the information.โ€

He uses Harvey Weinstein as a VERY appropriate example.

So, until everyone else believes the โ€œvaxโ€ is NOT a โ€œvax," but a bioweapon of sorts, their behavior (and beliefs) will not change.

The essay is amazing and, sadly, is only available now behind his paywall: https://www.epsilontheory.com/?s=common+knowledge

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Do more research on past vaccines and propaganda.


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Let's use it as a verb for poisoning.


I ate some suspect clams last night and got so vaccined that I could not leave the house today.

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They had to change the "definition" of a "vaccine" specifically to encompass the COVID shot. Otherwise, the thing could not have been considered to be a "vaccine." Before the definition change, it was NOT a vaccine!

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If there werenโ€™t so many conspiracies, we wouldnโ€™t need so many theories.

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Last Friday, on Howard Kunstlerโ€™s podcast, this quote later made the rounds, which I find absolutely terrifying:

Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche last Friday: โ€œWhat I am predicting,โ€ he said, โ€œis a massive, massive tsunamiโ€ of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with dysregulated immune systems.

โ€œ You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks. . . is more and more cases of more serious long Covid. . . . They will start to replace the surge of the cancers. . . now we have a more chronic phase. It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave. . . Iโ€™ve been studying this now for four years. I know what Iโ€™m talking about. Iโ€™m probably the only person, in all modesty, who understands the immunology behind this. . . . (At 1:00:12) The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world. . . . It is very very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society โ€” financial, economic, social, you name it โ€” will be complete. And that is what Iโ€™m very clearly predicting. . . . Itโ€™s very strange for me to make such statements, but Iโ€™m not hiding it because Iโ€™m two hundred percent convinced that it will happen.โ€

Maybe heโ€™s the only leader willing to admit what is to comeโ€”the black swan event everyone is talking about.

Time will tell. I hope he is wrong.


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Or maybe, and more likely, he's completely full of s#!t.

And so what does he suggest we do about all this except live our lives in a constant state of fear waiting for society to collapse?

Take prudent measures to improve your health and strengthen your immune system. Go outside and enjoy the beauty of God's creation and the sheer joy of a nice day and fresh air. Give your kids and grandkids a hug and help them financially to get started in life. Read about new subjects and try new things to continuously exercise your mind. Go to church and give glory to God for the majesty of His creation and His love for us.

And don't think again about GVB's doom-mongering (which has been wrong over and over) as there is nothing you can do about it even if true (which it probably isn't based on his abysmal track record).

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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Someone said "fear is the mind killer" and it may have been from some movie, I don't know, but it's true. I, too, and so sick and tired of all the doom and gloom. OK, society may collapse. And exactly how can I stop that? I can't. I can worry until my hair falls out, and it is for other reasons, but that stops the society from collapsing how?

Some of the 'right' wing is as bad as the left in terms of doom. It's just a different doom. I'm tired of all of it.

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I was just thinking that this morning, that we live in a chronic apocalypse, and fear raises cortisol, and raised cortisol plummets the immune system. I like to listen to Rowan Williams, who is the Archbishop of Canterbury emeritus (not that freak trying to export pharma to Africa under the guise of "reparations"), and in his discussion of moral courage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koLTeGg2hvM&t=25s), he talks about a South African pastor who fought against apartheid, who told him that,in the end, he knew nothing could touch him, really, as his soul was eternal. Rowan Williams tells some funny stories about spiritual vanity too.

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Thank you. What isnโ€™t taught in schools is that thoughts are creative and when coupled with strong emotion they are very creative. In my opinion the fear and upset created through media on a mass scale affects even the weather. We are, after all, part of nature. Our thoughts and feelings generate energy, positive or negative, that has an affect. We transmit, whether we are aware or not. Iโ€™m focusing on focusing on goodness, gratitude, the good stuff. I feel much better when I do that and Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™m easier to be around! No mre fear, or, at least when I experience it, I turn my thoughts to God and say, no fear thank you.

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And that is what I like about Jeff. No doom or gloom!

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PK Dick's book Dune is where I first encountered that phrase.

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I hope he's full of sh.t .....and yes, focusing and agonizing over his gloomy predictions is definitely harmful for our well being, I agree. However he does offer possibly sound advice towards the end of this interview, which might prove to be effective, thereby worthy of note should his predictions come true.

Being well informed has benefits, as well as a downside, yes.


On a side note, your ending advice is, of course, how we should live our every day.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Great Reflect, but he is โ€œthe only person , in all modesty, who understands immunology behind thisโ€ฆโ€

Very non-humble statement


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I really hope and pray he is wrong.

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Sometimes true humility is all about announcing the truth.

Keep in mind some of the (to His listeners) โ€œoutlandishโ€ things Jesus said, including to Pontious Pilat (sp?).

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Not sure if thatโ€™s a good comparison to makeโ€ฆ.

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If he didn't continually give predictions on time - it will happen by month X - that then don't come true, I'd be more inclined to share his info. It's not that it could NOT happen, it's the timing that's the issue.

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Agreed! His timing is off - I would like to hear where he has been proven to be wrong (other than things that have not yet come to pass in his timeline.)

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This entire situation is totally horrendous! The fact that our own government was allowed and continues to do so, is reprehensible. The harm they did to the American people, doctors, and anyone else who stood in their way cannot be rationalized away. These people may be held accountable! And until they are, this garbage will continue! Their actions should have consequences. This is absolutely the lowest form of greed and evil!!!!

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

"...The mRNA jabs may have been a depopulation conspiracy, who knows. But if so, they made sure they would all get rich in the process."

Do NOT mistake money as the motive! Sure, it is the motive of BigPharma, the hospitals and the doctors who killed their patients. Money is not the motive of those behind the worst genocide in human history (other than God's Great Flood). Money is the lubrication for the entire Plandemic and genocide.

Listen to Dr. David Martin..........


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Yep, power is the motive. And murder is insurance that the people with the most power, will get to keep it. Pure evil.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Book: The Indoctrinated Brain by Dr. Brian Nehls

Tucker Carlson just interviewed Dr. Nehls. It is posted on YouTube also. Sorry I donโ€™t know how to link it. It is a must see and explains what โ€œtheyโ€ are doing to many minds for years up to now.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

One of the most informative, easy to understand, short, slide presentations around....highlighting and detailing the dangers of the mrna platform and the incredible lies told about it.

Meanwhile they continue to build mrna gene therapy manufacturing facilities despite the facts presented.

What are we supposed to think ??

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What are we supposed to DO, Wendy? Theyโ€™re putting it (or want to) in air, food, water, the skiesโ€ฆ.

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It turns out โ€œvaccineโ€ is not a noble term in itself โ€ฆ I now firmly suspect they are ALL bad, that the concept is very flawed.

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Impeach Biden!

Arrest Fauci !

Abolish the FBI and CIA !

Buy more guns and ammo !

Never use an MD except for the emergency room!

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Right, and I have to have a bone sticking out of me before I touch an OR.

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Guess what? They're still doing it. Every time a previous conspiracy theory of ours is proven to be true and we bother to remind them about their previous declarations and counter-accusations, they automatically repeat those magic words of accusation and marginalization, 'you're a conspiracy theorist'! Ring a bell, they (the rat) drools and presses on the bar, and a food pellet drops out. That's where the 'best and the brightest' minions of Hillary and Obama are these days. You're welcome for the update!

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I suspect that falling enrollment may, just may have contributed to their epiphany. Wouldnโ€™t be much of a stretch to wonder if academic institutions were also paid โ€˜per studentโ€™ percentages. Itโ€™s widely known that university R&D labs get pharma ๐Ÿ’ฐ.

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W.H.O. "Pandemic Treaty" needs to be stopped.

..."You only get to do this if you are in the WHO or the international pandemic set, and Member States pass the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the new Pandemic Agreement at the World Health Assembly this May. This is exactly what they are proposing.

It amounts to perhaps the most infallible wealth concentration scheme in history."...

[COVID Pandemic Made the Rich Even Richer โ€” Wait Till You See What the WHO Is Planning Next

Rather than fiddling around with sanitation, nutrition and the endemic infections that kill people, the WHO is focused on hypothetical but far more profitable stuff like Disease X โ€” the next pandemic โ€” guided by the corporatists who will benefit.

...imagine an infallible, risk-free business scheme in which you get to create the market, decide the product, manage its regulation and then have the power to confine people to their homes or remove their income until they submit to buying it.

And no one can sue you or take you to court if it all goes wrong.

...All this is being negotiated within the World Health Organizationโ€™s (WHO) pandemic documents to be agreed by your government in two monthsโ€™ time.

...So, imagine:

- Your organization will be a public-private partnership, so using taxpayer money but guided by the private sector.

- You spin a story that a series of plagues are about to engulf humanity, exponentially increasing in frequency and severity (your partners own the media, so donโ€™t be troubled by reality).

- Then use public money to set up a surveillance network guaranteed to find virus variants (i.e. go and find nature, you canโ€™t miss it).

- Governments have agreed ahead of time to give you the power to control healthcare policy when you decide these variants pose a threat (not harm, just a threat). They have agreed that this includes border closures, restrictions on the daily life of their citizens, and of course mandated vaccination (in return for them โ€œgetting freedom backโ€).

- Then transfer these virus variants to laboratories and pharmaceutical companies of your choice (your friends and supporters, who will in return give your organization some money).

- The pharmaceutical companies are ready: They have been receiving free billions from taxpayers annually under the same scheme, to keep their production lines ready to profit from the market you are about to create.

- Your Pharma-investor sponsors also sponsor disease modelers willing to produce the most fantastic death figures to shore up public compliance. They do this.

- You then use your powers to impose these lockdowns and insist that a 100-day vaccine must be rushed out to save hapless humanity and allow a return to an โ€œinter-pandemicโ€ period.

- Once your chosen companies rush out the vaccine, you get to control the regulatory bit (more money changes hands), bypassing pesky safety trials and those interminable ethics reviews.

- All the while, you can note any dissenting opinions that may reduce your market size; your governmental partners having already agreed to deal with them.

- Once you have the profit flowing, you get to decide when the profiteering can stop (think โ€œrespiratory virus vaccineโ€ and more sponsored modeling โ€” the rapid waning of efficacy so lots of boosters to keep humanity safe).

- All the while, you have ensured freedom from liability for your pharma partners and your regulatory process.

- You, of course, have no liability either โ€” you are above any national jurisdiction. You donโ€™t even have to pay tax to anyone!

Dream on.

You only get to do this if you are in the WHO or the international pandemic set, and Member States pass the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the new Pandemic Agreement at the World Health Assembly this May. This is exactly what they are proposing.

It amounts to perhaps the most infallible wealth concentration scheme in history. The general model proved itself during COVID-19, orchestrating the largest wealth transfer on a global scale, from poor to rich, the world has seen.]...SEE MORE:


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I heard Louisiana just passed something that essentially says they will not accept the authority of any such entity- WHO, WEF, UN, etc. Why is it so hot and humid there? Sounds like a great, common sense place to live.

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โ€But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,โ€œ

โ€ญโ€ญII Peterโ€ฌ โ€ญ3โ€ฌ:โ€ญ10โ€ฌ-โ€ญ11โ€ฌ โ€ญNKJVโ€ฌโ€ฌ


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1 Thessalonians 5:4-8 4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.

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Had this exact thought about Dawkins โ€ฆitโ€™s like he realizedโ€ฆitโ€™s a dark dark world without the ๐Ÿ’ก !!!

children of the day ! ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Yet he had to qualify his comments to state that he still didn't believe a word of the Bible.

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He's still very proud about rejecting such "ignorant superstitions", IMO, and didn't want to risk anybody thinking he was "foolish" enough to actually believe any of it.

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Yes !

He made a very convoluted statement.

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And think of him on Epstein Island...gives me the creeps!

All the ill gotten gains will be worthless. I wish someone would publish how much each doctor across the country was pain for giving the shot. I will never forget my PC's face when I said no....

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Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36.

Not only are we children of light and aware of what's happening, we will be protected.

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 - Faith, love, and hope - the opposite of fear, the protection from fear. (Hope in KJV means something more like "assurance of a future status" and not "wish". And saved/salvation means "made whole" or "made perfect", often specifically in heaven & with Christ)

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Interesting, I went to compare translations and pretty much every single english version on biblehub renders it "hope of salvation", only one or two add "confidence" or "confident assurance". I wonder how many footnote it with an explanation...

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There is truth in the Bible as there is in the other doctrines around the world. The difference between Christianity and say Sufi Islam or the Tao is that each have a path for those who are not capable of understanding metaphysics, which require an existing level of consciousness.

The Bible is a valid metaphysic or ESOteric path but it doesn't have an EXOteric doctrine in the same way Confucianism is an EXOteric path for those not ready for the ESOteric Tao proper. EXO = outward looking, ESO = inward looking.

It shouldn't be so hard to understand, and yet it clearly is.

Faith is vital, especially now, but part of ones Revelation might just be that the governments are up to all this business with vaccines, and they are ruled by the Bible/Torah/Talmud club.

Try to look surprised at least. It doesn't mean there is nothing there but we do need an upgrade in our general spiritual belief system.

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Iโ€™m complete with The Lord Jesus and His amazing Word.

He saved me, cleaned me, transformed me and gave me hope and a future! While Iโ€™m the world Heโ€™s enough and when I get to eternity, He still will be enough for me!

I highly recommend you to try Jesus for yourself and yours!

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2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป. Like you Ed I have been made complete in Jesus..

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The Gospel of The Lord is found in the WHOLE power of HIS RESURRECTION! Knowing this, if the Spirit of The Lord dwells in us, we shall be risen no matter what state we are in (dead or alive). We shall meet The Lord in the clouds.

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โ€ฆ.And what a glorious day that will be!

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There is only one Truth. True, there are many paths to โ€˜godsโ€™ , but there is only ONE True Living God, and He is not made of wood, marble, metalsโ€ฆ.or even โ€˜ideasโ€™. He made the wood, the metals, the marbles. And He has, not only a title. He has a Name. A Name that is ABOVE ALL names. His name is YHVH. The unpronounceable, ineffable Name of the Most High. The Creator of the heavens and the earth. And His Son Yeshua.

Only one Truth, only one narrow Path, only one Gate, only one Door.

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Thank you CStone! Iโ€™m with youโ€ฆone Truth, one God, one path to salvation and itโ€™s through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

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There is no truth except whatโ€™s in the Word of Almighty God, the Bible. Iโ€™m saying this because time is short and everyone needs to know the one true God, our creator and our redeemer.

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I study anthroposophy by way of Rudolph Steiner and his 100 year old work is helping me make sense of todays world.

He predicted vaccines would close us off from our soulsโ€”why? Because by changing our perfect bodies, we put them out of frequency from the Christ/Sun evolutionary path.

Jesus was a man who took the sun/Christ inside of himself which opened up the pathway for us to do the same โ€˜No man cometh unto the father/sun, except by meโ€™.

Anthroposophy is the esoteric half of Christianity. The inner teachings. I donโ€™t see any atheists arguing with someone versed in this part of Christianity.

We can predict the โ€˜end of the worldโ€™ or our age, by the gene manipulation of the human body.

This is not allowed by higher forces, so, as in the days of Noah, our age will come to an end to save the human body, โ€˜less these days be shortened, no man will surviveโ€™.

The more this agenda goes forward, the faster we will come to a โ€˜resetโ€™. See Atlantis for details.

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After what my daughter had told me about banking lies and son about retail lies. You are crazy too if you think religion is gonna fix this. Most of humanity is in religion because it will make their lives better not because they are willing to suffer persecution. Don't try me but Thank God Jesus will hold me to Him and to Him Alone.

Y'all not understanding Christ. There is only one Name, one way, one truth, one Life whereby you MUST be saved from the wrath/judgement that is certainly to come. God is not slow... But patient with all.

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Robin, didn't Steiner also think that AI - not called that then - was inevitable? He was a very interesting thinker. I know several people that incorporate his knowledge about planting times and gardening to great effect, and my benefit :)

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I sure hope some of the folks of faith have children and leave them completely unvaccinated!

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I am so grateful that my grandson and granddaughter are both firmly against any and all vaccines for their new babies...both of which are supremely healthy as a result. The youngest baby (7 months) just got diagnosed with RSV and was over it in less than 2 days, no big deal other than a high fever and a bit of temporary congestion. And the other one right after his birth, his mom got covid and he did not! My grandson and his wife have friends whose baby was born just a month after theirs, and that child has a highly vaccinated mother and she has gotten all the usual vaccines for her child (both children are nearly 3 now). The vaccinated child hasn't developed verbally nearly as fast as my gt-grandson, and he is also rather sickly and temperamental. It has been interesting to watch the two of them and how different they are.

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So often, the words of the religious texts are twisted to justify awful human behavior. My favorite guidance is โ€œBe still, and know that I am God.โ€ Try to take a walk and take the glory of nature, and try to make your mind quiet. Whatever works for you. Listening to music, gardening, walking on the beach, singing in church, working with your hands, painting, etc. it will strengthen your spiritual and biological immune system!

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THE Occultic Leftists HATE all of these doctrines or paths you've mentioned and want to own them or outright crush them; look at the Clubs they set up in comparison.

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I find the word totalitarian useful, because if you go too far to the left, or too far to the right, you end up at the same place.

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However, the pendulum swing to Right Wing Totalitarianism is actually far outnumbered by the Leftward gyrations; Hollyweird and the LEFT always portrays this through Commie Lenses so we incorrectly assume the boogeyman of the Right is always plotting and causing it all to occur, Salem, Haindmaiden's Tale, blah blah Fking Blah--Propoganda ALL. The (Center and) Rightist reactionary extremism (Franco's Spain) is nearly always simply a Necessary Reaction compelled upon Society due to Leftist Revolutionary action.

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I was thinking about this this morning. Jesus Christ brought compassion into the world on a person to person level, on a more active level than the Buddha. Christian culture, really Judeโ€™s Christian culture brought civilization, education, and actively has sought to propagate the moral and spiritual teaching of Jesus.

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Jesus exorcised all areas that became Christian from the ancient demon Gods that are making an ever increasing come back in a world that is rejecting the one true God.

Molech; the baby killer, the sex goddess known by many names in many cultures; Aphrodite to the Greeks.

Johnathan Cahnโ€™s book, The Return of the Gods is about this. We need to know what and who weโ€™re up against.

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lol. So Christians (and those of the religions you list above) are โ€œnot capable of understanding metaphysics, which require an existing level of consciousnessโ€? Wow. Iโ€™m hoping that you didnโ€™t just call us all too dumb (or unconscious) to understand metaphysics. Just because YOU define and study reality a certain way doesnโ€™t mean that youโ€™re the authority on reality and every else is just too dumb to understand you. It COULD mean that youโ€™re just as likely to be wrong and look down on everyone who doesnโ€™t agree with you. Not believing what you believe isnโ€™t equivalent with not understanding you. I understand you; I just think youโ€™re wrong. I wonโ€™t say that you donโ€™t have an existing level of consciousness, because that would be unkind, even though it sounded like you just said it about me and the huge numbers of people within the aforementioned faith groups. My faith wouldnโ€™t say itโ€™s ok to speak to or about others in such a disparaging manner.

Iโ€™m just hoping and giving you the benefit of the doubt that Iโ€™m misunderstanding your statement. Have a great day.

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Yes you are. You too.

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Level of consciousness. With ya. Keep at it. Somewhere, sometime, someone might get unstuck. I can't know, but suspect the well-meaning with open, loving hearts will receive the coming inpouring of light. Hope so. Instant upgrade!

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Been there, done that, lived to tell the tale.

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And what a time to be alive on planet Earth!

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What you're describing sounds like a form of Gnosticism, where one gets "salvation" by a deeper understanding of hidden spiritual truths. That idea has long been rejected by Christian believers, ever since it was first taught not long after the time of Christ.

It's not to say that deeper spiritual knowledge is a bad thing, only that it needs to be actual TRUE knowledge, and (at least according to Christians) it can't be true knowledge if it denies Jesus is God come in the flesh, which kind of rules out Islam, Buddhism, Taoism etc. I would just say to anyone seeking "spiritual knowledge", especially "outside religion" - God wants you to find him, but it's easy to be deceived, so be humble about what you think you know.

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Might I return your sage advice back upon you, friend.

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Well, of course.

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My mother was born in 1921 and taught school for many years. She said, with decades of teaching experience behind her, that Affirmative Action, the 1960s version of DEI, was a huge mistake and also the beginning of the downfall for education in America. I believe she was correct.

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I read this book years ago called โ€œGenerationsโ€ and it goes through US history based on the characteristics of each generation in charge. It explained why the generation of our founders was so perfectly positioned to do what they did, etc. Itโ€™s been 20 years, but if I remember correctly, one of his theories is that the 60s were foundationally destabilizing and would have ramifications for generations. I loved the book.

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Generations is from the same authors as The Fourth Turning. Strauss and Howe. Highly recommended for anyone to get a grounding in what we are going through presently, ie. a fourth turning! The good news is there is a first turning on the horizon, if we live through this!

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Yes but First Turnings don't always mean a positive one....it can simply mean a golden opportunity/age for totalitarianism as opposed to liberty.

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Oh interesting! Will definitely check it out. If I still remember their first book after this many years, this one will probably be worth the time too

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I just downloaded the audiobook

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The Turning books are on my wishlist!

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GENERATIONS sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks for letting us know about it.

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It was really interesting.

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Letโ€™s not forget about Critical Race Theory ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ theyโ€™ve tried to push this crap a thousand different ways, worse outcome each time.

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Definitely a toxic theory that helps no one! It traps, everyone and prevents growth and acknowledgment of improvements. History yes, CRT, no!

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Yeup! And the sexual revolution coupled with women going to work, leaving home.

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Back in the 1960s, granted I lived in a middle class neighborhood but not upper middle class, the great majority of the households had at least two kids, 11 in one case, only the father worked, everyone had two cars, and the stay at home moms covered the household. Everyone had two weeks vacation. It was like Father Knows Best or the Donna Reed Show. It wasn't much longer that things started turning to shit.

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Cloward Piven and Planned Parenthood took over ๐Ÿ˜ก

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Same for me in the 70s.

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It's called the Federal Reserve system. The value of a dollar has shrunk over 90% in the last 50 years. Ron Paul (it's his book title) and others are so right: End the Fed. Though it might come crashing down of its own unsustainable accord any minute now.

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We didnโ€™t have 2 carsโ€ฆthere were still a lot of women who didnโ€™t drive. Also, many couldnโ€™t afford 2 cars.

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And it amazes me that no one mentions the fact that, in order to attain a decent middle-class standard of living, it now usually requires two incomes- both parents. The middle-class would be completely nonexistent if women were not working. But of course this took a toll on child rearing. I grew up in a very nice middle-class neighborhood, and there were only a couple of families where the mom worked. Everybody had a nice comfortable house and a good car or two. Some managed to send their kids to college on that one income. itโ€™s no wonder, with $8,000,000,000,000 spent on wars since post Vietnam, until the present day, and countingโ€ฆ

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My husband's family were fire fighters...raised three kids and had a lake home...all on one income.

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Tuition at a large public university even in the mid 80s was 5 dollars per credit hour. Totally affordable for most people. Ten years later it was 50 dollars a credit hour. Still not too bad. Not sure what it is now.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

My husband and I started college in 1969, and financially it was easy to do in terms of tuition. We were living in student housing on campus ($112/month) and he had a $400/month GI bill from his Army service after serving in Vietnam for a year, and we were able to live just fine on that amount. We both worked odd jobs here and there to make ends meet. Gas was some crazy amount like 25 cents a gallon.

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I remember gas at 25 cents a gallon!

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John Dewey also had a hand in dismantling in education what the Founding Fathers gave us in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

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I remember in the 60โ€™s when dad came home and said the government was requiring them to hire a certain number of โ€˜coloredโ€™ men even if they werenโ€™t qualified. He was so angry and it wasnโ€™t a race thing for him it was a best man for the job thing. He worked for a large public utility in the Pacific Northwest. Bet they are all on board with DEI today.

Ha, women werenโ€™t even part of the equation yet, were they?

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Iโ€™m wondering if it might have been a good idea to use for a short period of time, but now it has outgrown its usefulness. I think about poor kids at inner city schools that are receiving a subpar education, but these kids might have great potential. Helping them get higher education where they had the chance to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, or generally productive citizens, might not have been a bad idea. I think this is very different than DEI. I see a big difference between equality of opportunity versus equity of outcome. And Iโ€™m talking about poor kids from lousy school of all backgrounds. Maybe it just shouldโ€™ve been called scholarships for kids with potential. But DEI is dangerous to society. We need to get back to a meritocracy.

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I agree with you, but there are white and Hispanic etc kids at these schools too.

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And what about poor rural (usually white) kids? They share many of the disadvantages of urban kids but without the violence issues. Certainly poverty is a factor in these areas.

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I was one of those. I benefited from a scholarship that rewarded academic excellence. No way would my poor rural peers have been robbing, stealing, lying and murdering because we were poor and didnโ€™t have things that others took for granted. We were brought up in churches and believed God knew us and our circumstances and would help us.

I got college degrees, but really, I had poor rural peers who went into trades and are actually better off financially than I. We didnโ€™t want what belonged to others. We wanted to get our own.

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I grew up in a very similar environment and also got college degrees. I didnโ€™t fit in when I was in school and didnโ€™t understand or appreciate my classmates much then. But as I have gotten older I have come to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the kinds of โ€œsalt of the earthโ€ people many of them have grown into. So many of them are โ€œsmarterโ€ and certainly less arrogant than people I know with college educations. There needs to be room for different kinds of learning and respect for different capabilities. Not everyone needs to or should go to college and those who donโ€™t are not โ€œless than.โ€ And the kids who might be interested and able to take advantage of the opportunity to get a college degree shouldnโ€™t be penalized because they are poor and rural. Hard work and willingness to learn should count.

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I kind of agree... giving disadvantaged people the opportunity to learn and get qualified is very different from giving someone a job they are unqualified for "because they were disadvantaged", and I support the former and oppose the latter.

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Sort of related to this observation, there are many on the right who say that Civil Rights Law, in practice, replaced our Constitution as our guiding legal force.

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I believe it was the infiltration of psychiatry in the schools and its bogus ADHD diagnosis putting untold numbers of kids on amphetamines.

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โ€œIt was always a government project.โ€

Ralph Baric at UNC.

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On Easter Saturday, my daughter (14) made the decision to follow Jesus and we both will be baptized this Sunday. There is hope and I pray that heaven is crowded. I had an awaking 5 years ago after my husband died from alcoholism. I'd love to hear your awakening story.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I'm fairly certain that Jeff told his story a couple of years ago (I think it was that long ago). I'm not sure how to search through only his Substack blogs to find it. Would you know how to do that? If not, perhaps Jeff would share his story again. And CONGRATULATIONS to you and your daughter!

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I don't know his conversion story and would love to read it if it's available, if he wants to share it.

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I have been curious about it too.

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Me too! Nothing beats a good testimony!

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Listened yesterday to this German doctor being interviewed with Tucker. Found this a minute ago on Epoch Times, where I don't think it is paywalled. Absolute must listen that connects a number of dots as to why the official narrative kept changing , how this affects the brains , thinking, and memories of the jabbed, and the ultiimate agenda. Also covers how depression has become the #1 disease in America. It was timely for me after the confrontation we had with my sister in law at Easter dinner (she has had 6 shots, or whatever the maximum is) . At the end, Dr. Nehls highly recommends taking lithium to reverse some of the damage from the jabs. My wife tried unsuccessfully to get our daughter to take it for her depression.


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Just read Nehlโ€™s โ€œThe Indoctrinated Brainโ€. It connects his brilliant knowledge of the brain with all aspects of the Plandemic (from the PysOps to the Spike in the mRNA jabs).

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Here is his slide presentation regarding 'The Indoctrinated Brain' for those who have not read his book. Extremely compelling.


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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I was just watching Tucker's interview of Nehls. Scary stuff-- it helps explain why the Dems are so deluded.


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Now add 5G bombardment of one's head to the mix, and PRESTO! Brain changes accelerated.

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Ironically I am going to listen to it on my phone. ๐Ÿฅบ

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It's worse than I thought. Thanks for the link.

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Welcome. I have no idea how to search this site for comments. Meaning, sorry, unsure which link I offered?

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The Childrens' Healthcare atricle warning about these dangers.

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Thank you! One more thing that sadly has no escape? Be well.

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Radio waves and the 1917 Spanish Flu pathogen origin theory?

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The best "alternative" theory I have so far read regarding the Spanish Flu fatality rate ascribes it to overprescription of Aspirin (which had just been invented and everyone was gung-ho about) leading to lung damage in the patients.

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I have read about that ... the first test run, perhaps.

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I am so ready to move to Antarctica, but they are probably there, too. At least I won't be hot.

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Buzz Aldrin returned from a visit there some years ago and reported on seeing something so terrifying there that he could not speak about it.

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rollandttg- yes! The video with Tucker and Dr. Nehls is a must listen.

It gave me more understanding as to what has happened to my brothers and their families.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Have a link? On Tucker's site, it's subscription only. Edit: I found it on Bitchhute. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7UHYGnR37RB6/

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No one should miss this interview with Tucker! This explains why some of us questioned everything from the beginning and others did not. And thatโ€™s just one tiny portion of what he discusses. Incredible interview!

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Thank you. I pulled it up

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Thank you for that link.

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Thank you!!

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Thank you for posting the link.

Dr. Nehls explains how the fear mongering imposed on us by governments and media were so destructive.

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Thank you I will check that out. Interesting about lithium. I remember the actress, Daryl Hannah, talking about taking hot baths with lithium, and she claimed it help balance out her mental health. Everybody jabbed needs to work very hard to replace their microflora as well, especially Bifido bacterium. Itโ€™s essential for our mental health as well. Most of your serotonin is made in the gut. As well as the basis of your immune system. Dr. Sabine Hazan, A well-known gastroenterologist, has done fecal implants (yes I know the thought is gross, but it is a small amount of that material being placed inside where that material comes from!) and she took the material from a Neurotypical sister of an autistic brother, and within three months, many symptoms of his autism improved, even more at the six month mark and beyond. She could prove on slides that the amount of harmful, bacteria reduced, and the good stuff increased in amount and variety, similar to his sister. The gut health is huge! And she took samples from her Vaxxed colleagues before, and after they took the jabs, and to her horror, the bifido bacterium completely wiped out, even at three months and six months later. This explains at least in part how people who have multiple jabs seem to have deficient immune response. If you are jabbed, please take a high-quality probiotic every day for the rest of your life.

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Depression is linked to poor gut health and microbiota.

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& Encourage probiotics perhaps.

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Thank you. Prayers for your daughter!

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So good, thank you!

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I think Tucker has gone a little overboard and donโ€™t watch/listen anymore. Borders on fear mongering. I canโ€™t let my self buy into the fear. Itโ€™s not good for my health.

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Thank you so much for sharing this, I listened to the 58 minute conversation while walking in the woods. And Iโ€™m so glad I did! Something everyone should listen to.

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In a healthy world they'd play either Phrygian or doric music to calm a depressed or manic episode. Still got a way to go to get there I guess.

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Jeff we need a complete study on MRna being put into food. Many believe that the bio weapon developed in Wuhan and elsewhere was not Covid 19 but the jab and now they want the farmers to add it to livestock and produce. This is mass murder. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/tennessee-lawmakers-pass-bill-targeting-mrna-vaccines-food

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Anyone here think TPTB is not considering cloud-seeding with mRNA? HA.

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Considering? It's quite likely it's already happening. Either/and they are putting it in food/water. How else is it getting into all of us?

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I think they already are doing it!

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Yes my thoughts also. Already IN food then, water. Appears no escape.

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The awesome power of the Lord can render poison harmless. In Acts chapter 28, Paul was bitten by a viper but it didn't even bother him. The locals actually thought he was a god because he didn't swell up and drop dead. Paul had great faith...that was the 'antidote.' This is a spiritual war, and the spiritual armor of God is essential for protection.

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This is true. Back in the 40s and 50s, two of my siblings were bitten in our back yard area by Pygmy rattlesnakes. We called them Ground Rattlers. Separate incidents. My Pentecostal mama sent my daddy to a wild persimmon tree for green leaves that she boiled and made into a poultice to draw the poison out.

Fast forward about 25 years and I was trying out a brand new zookeeper program at Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville. I told this story to the professors and they all but called me a liar. They insisted that those little rattlers are more deadly than the other varieties and my story was not possible.

With God all things are possible.

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Nanotechnology has been hijacked by the Satanists. A.I. too. Both are invisible technologies that are being weaponized to cull and enslave Humanity.

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& the industry is booming, in so many products!

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Yes, Jeff can you cover this? We all need to know where this trend is now and where it's headed.

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The brownstone Institute published a recent Substack, outlining how the definition definitions of informed consent have been altered in the laws, making it easier for them to sneak in some kind of awful mRNA either through the air or the food supply. Basically says that itโ€™s OK if these Drugs cause โ€œ minimal risk of harmโ€. Hah! we know the people who make those determinations and they have always lied to us.

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Yep; no informed consent necessary is there is โ€œminimal risk of harmโ€. Like the C jabs are safe and effective.

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And yet it is they who get to determine what those causes are, and how limited they are reported to be, which we all know will be fictional

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There is also a recent issue with trials in hogs, with 30% suffering death or near death symptoms, and elements of live virus being found in the meat afterwards.

Shop local, visit the farm yourself and don't hesitate to ask any and all questions about the farmer's production practices etc. Any hesitation in answering, walk away!

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Find local farmers who are raising their livestock and crops the right way and not injecting mRNA or chemicals in their products. We must support and encourage farmers doing things naturally! It tastes so much better than the junk at grocery stores.

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Yes please! Also, our researcher pointed me to this website: makesunsets.com

Cloud seeding / geo engineering is real. There are many other sites as well.

We are trying to find similar companies in Florida but that is much more tricky although cloud seeding is rampant and clearly visible here. Iโ€™m still thinking it is a military operation unfortunately.

Geoengineering already is a billion dollar industry.

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There was an interesting recent episode on the Highwire, which explained how all airplanes put out very toxic particulate matter substances in their exhaust. When they are purposely flown at extremely high altitudes, this particulate matter creates clouds. Some people believe they have been directed to do this, especially during the day, in order to address โ€œ climate changeโ€. And of course, all the stuff up there eventually comes down here. Believe me, I am not against flying in anyway. But the altitude makes a difference in clouds.

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Abortion Rights March - My Body My Choice

"Do you support the Covid vaccine mandates?"

uh that's different.... LOL


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Oh the stupidity! Oh the hypocrisy! Thanks for posting, Based Florida Man, as I don't have access to Xitter

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lol โ€œXitterโ€ !

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Not mine--I borrowed it.

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"it's always the ugly girls"

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I think their rage makes them ugly.

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It's so sad.

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That look.....when even these dimwits realize the absurdity of their positions. Priceless! Thanks, BFM.

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What a bunch of freaks.

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It takes a bit of courage to go around and ask that question, and it is exposes them for having double standards, and also being quite cowardly as exemplified by the answers, they chose to give

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That was pretty funny!

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And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. And the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many. Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, โ€œTruly this was Godโ€™s Son!โ€

โ€” Matthew 27:51-54 LSB

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Thankful to God that He tore the veil in two from top to bottom and we now have access to come before the throne of God. "Let us then draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in the time of need." Hebrews 4:16

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Itโ€™s one of those details one might skim over. But when you realize the significance of it, itโ€™s overwhelming! Such a wonderful Lord!

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I've also read that this was an action that reflected God's pain as He watched the death of His Son. Culturally, people torn their clothes when they were suffering great grief.

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Catholics need to understand it or is the Bible they use missing that verse. I know they miss the concept.

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I am so grateful I have access to the Father through Jesus Christ.

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Zombie Invasion!

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"All of the GroupMe's, all of the Slacks....." WTF are these? I laughed until I realized these clowns have nothing real in their lives at all. Get a life ,social media addicted snowflakes and do something meaningful with it. Holy cow do I feel like a very grateful dinosaur to be removed from this type of apparently contagious insanity .

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My addiction of choice is C&C substack

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That would be "echo chambers". I know our oldest was grousing about the DEI people going away and we had to have a good conversation about "excellence" vs "diversity". She eventually and reluctantly sort of agreed that the best person would be more valuable than a "diverse" person. She still wanted to have the idea of a diverse set of experiences. We explained they weren't exclusive - you just don't have those people as the main teachers. You bring them in as guest speakers.

It helps a bit that she's paid for her college directly so when she sees her money going to poor profs, she gets annoyed. :)

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Diverse experiences donโ€™t have to be tied to race or sex. You can have diverse experiences from different white people or different black people. I actually think people from similar socioeconomic groups have more in common than people from the same โ€œraceโ€ (the term that no one can really define precisely because it is based on so many nebulous criteria).

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So true. The Left, with no opposition from the Right, has reduced "diversity" to skin color. And somehow, RWingers are the problem?

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I feel very sorry for them. Truly. No phrase says it better than, "touch some grass."

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Slacks (and I assume GroupMe's) are just a group messaging apps. We use Slack at work to communicate. Could it be used as social media? I suppose, but it isn't designed for that exactly.

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Yes Iโ€™ve used one of them for a sports group (instead of texting information about practices etc).

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In regards to my buddy's story about diabetes in Monday's comments, another thing he learned about was the fact that the condition of diabetes (and it is NOT a disease) feeds into many other ailments, especially cancer. As the article below describes, people are successfully eliminating cancer with a simple treatment of ivermectin and metformin. Now, here's the kicker: the same results of metformin can be produced simply by fasting. You get rid of the sugar which is the cancer's fuel source, treat it with ivermectin and presto, you killed the cancer.


Ivermectin Squares Off in a New War on Cancer

Medical pioneers are putting their Covid treatment expertise to new uses. For two cancer patients, that meant 'complete clinical response.'


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Sugar is not necessarily the cancer fuel. Science shows we absolutely need sugars/glucose/carbs for energy production at the cell level. Our brain burns sugar. Producing all sugar/carb needs by gluconeogenisis and burning fatty acids supplies inadequate and suboptimal energy (keto and low carb nonsense) It just forces the metabolic system to basically cannibalize your organs especially the thyroid and soft tissue, bones. 10 years led to HBP, trashed thyroid, weakened bones, (2 bone surgeries in 3 years) anxiety and weight gain. Iโ€™m on month 7 trying to get off this. It Encourages undereating and low blood sugar (itโ€™s not the devil) It works for awhile and feels great but lowering your metabolism and using stress hormones of cortisol and adrenaline to feed all your energy is ultimately harmful. Think about itโ€”stress hormones. There are cases for fasting and such but normally no. I have learned my lesson and feel I have been conned big time by the likes of these docs and gurus. Iโ€™m eating fruit, lots of it, plus orange juice, potatoes and rice, cooked veg meat dairy and eggs. Iโ€™m enjoying eating again. 3 full meals a day improved my sleep 100% right away. I stay away from bread and all other seeds, nuts and grains Sorry, just my rant here๐Ÿ™‚. Lies in the keto low carb, fasting, IF space too. $$$. Iโ€™m pissed. Cheers. I would certainly go the IVM and fenben route with careful diet management if stricken. This is my story and discernment. You do you!

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Mercola has been posting about the problems with low carb diets.

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Mercola is now being advised by a shaman/psychic and I no longer listen to anything he has to say.

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Where did you hear this?

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Janet, if you would please, share the basic diet you used for those 10 years, leading to your issues. Using low carb since ca dx, but I do include lots of green vegetables, eggs, cheese, cream and some fruits like blueberries and apples. Thanks in advance!

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And Greek yogurt, and anxiously awaiting watermelon season! ๐Ÿ˜†

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Your diet sounds great to me! Very much how I eat, and the only way I can eat to feel good.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

If you're talking about the Randle cycle, Michael Eades MD (yes, he's a low carb advocate) says that Mercola has been getting the science wrong.


I don't understand how Mercola can think it's healthy for a person to eat a ton of watermelon in one sitting. You can get away with that when you're young, but for many of us, eating too much fruit will just make us fat.

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Look into Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist (kidney specialist) who has been promoting intermittent fasting for over a decade. There are many different ways to do it. Check his book โ€œThe Obesity Codeโ€ or search for his videos and interviews on YouTube. If you are already on insulin, you need to work with your doctor and adjust insulin doses, and use a CGM. The only way fasting โ€œencourages low blood sugarโ€ is if you are overdosing on insulin while doing IF. These doctors have gotten everyone so panicked over this stuff for decades that itโ€™s astonishing. I once told someone I was on day 3 of a fast and could not believe the response. Shocked horror, kept asking me if I was going to pass out. โ€œNo, actually, Iโ€™m on the way to the gymโ€ฆโ€

Fasting is in the Bible, people!

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Yes. Dr. Fung is one of the links I was going to post. Watch his videos.

Your statement about fasting and insulin I find confusing. I think you may want to revisit that issue with people like Fung. Extended fasting, only water, will reduce blood sugar. This is different from IF. The only thing insulin is doing is driving your body to store everything you eat as fat. This is why people on insulin always gain weight regardless of their diet.

When my buddy is on an 48 or 72 hour fast or a 7 day fast, he is exercising every day.

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I have watched Dr. Fung and read one of his books, great information. I experimented with fasting and found that a fairly natural fast period of dinner to breakfast works best. I tried a few 24 hours fasts and they were quite easy, a 36 hour fast was not something I wanted to repeat and I didn't see any advantage to it, frankly. But I eat dinner at 5 or 6 each day and then breakfast the next day at 9 or 10, so every day I get at least 12 to 16 hours of fasting and it works great for me and my husband. I also eat fairly low carb, no added sugars, and I have plenty of energy to hit the gym 4 or 5 times a week, as well as other strenuous activities. Once you shift to a fat-burning metabolism you are full of energy.

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Right. You are a good example. And once you get off the sugar addiction, the shift to a fat-burning metabolism is the basis for good health.

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I cannot another diet book! Nope...not one more penny to make me crazed!

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Itโ€™s not a diet book. But just go to YouTube and search for Dr. Jason Fung. There are some good interviews where he basically explains everything. Also videos of presentations he has given at medical conferences. Basically, to treat any disease, he says the first step should be trying water fasting before any other intervention.

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I never realized how many foods my body fought against until I did an Atkins diet back in 2003 because I wanted to lose 20 lbs. I learned that I functioned best on meat/chicken/fish protein, I did fine with green leafy vegetables, limited fruit such as berries, but that I got sick when I ate starches such as potatoes and rice, I couldn't eat corn, I had a hard time with dairy (a problem since birth, actually). I love things like a fruit salad and I love most fruits, but I have to be careful because the sugar in them makes me feel sick. I do best when I avoid all sugar, natural or otherwise. I limit my dairy to whole fat cream in my cappuccino each day and occasionally sour cream, but if I eat much more than that I get digestive issues very quickly. I easily reached my best weight and have maintained it since that first Atkins diet in 2003, which taught a more limited way of eating for life, a way to eat if I wanted to feel good. I learned that just because I CAN eat something, it doesn't mean I should.

I do realize that everyone is very different, every body is different. How I eat and achieve my best health works for me, but it's not necessarily for everyone. I am now 74, I take no meds, I mountain bike and ski in winter, and I don't have osteoporosis. I have plenty of energy. I haven't been sick in years. Everyone thinks I'm much younger than I am.

I do think the original Atkins concepts got expanded into some more extreme ideas such as zero carb, certain keto approaches and so on. Those are often too extreme for me. I just eat normally, but I don't eat processed foods, I severely limit dairy, I don't eat all vegetables. (nightshades are a problem, for example, as is corn..which is actually a grain), and I avoid pretty much all grains. I eat little to no sugar. I eat limited but not a lot of nuts. I absolutely can't tolerate beans, unfortunately. When I eat this way, I feel best and sleep best, and have plenty of energy to do whatever I want, and I just don't get sick.

But as I said, I recognize this might not work for everyone. What is regrettable is that everyone doesn't experiment and find out which foods work for them and which do not.

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You are a great example. I am 73 and in the same kind of condition and lack the usual problems "aging" people seem to have now days.

Now the story about my buddy fighting diabetes is not a permanent diet to follow but is a specialized diet, especially the frequent fasting, to reverse his diabetes. Once he has achieved his goal of reversing diabetes, his diet will become less strict. He thinks he will be there in 6 months.

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Iโ€™ve recently become aware of the dangers of seed oils and such. And reading labels, they are in just about everything! Curious, what do you eat for breakfast and if you eat no bread, what would you recommend in its place? Thanks!

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Seed oils are a killer and they put it in everything.

Breakfast is a modern invention pushed by the commercial food establishment. Now I don't include Hobbits in that! Back in the day, people didn't eat breakfast. They would get up in the morning and get going on the energy they had. By lunch time, they had healthfully used up their excess blood glucose and would have lunch and then a good dinner.

I will have a "breakfast" at lunch time, protein based, maybe eggs and sausage, with a bit of fresh or frozen fruit, unsweetened but I will start the day with a cup of black coffee. A couple times a month, I'll splurge and have a bowl of organic oat bran with bacon for lunch as I generally don't eat grains or such carbs. Eating out is very problematic as most meals are heavy with carbs and seed oils. My emphasis is on grass fed meats, fresh vegetables and a bit of tropical fruit. Two meals a day and no snacks. No sugar.

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Thanks for this great information! I like your routine in your way of eating. Sounds healthy and very balanced. Iโ€™m retired and I enjoy coffee with an occasional slice of almond bread that I makeโ€ฆand I always have it when reading โ€œCoffee and Covidโ€.! :-)

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I could kill for a slice of my mom's banana nut bread LOL

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I make a smoothie with spinach, berries, protein powder, avocado, flaxseed, cacao nibs and unsweetened almond milk. Then I make a coffee with whipped coconut cream and a bit of caramel steviaโ€ฆtastes like a caramel macchiato.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I use unsweetened coconut milk for my protein smoothie, which I often have for lunch/breakfast. If you look into it, I think you'll find that almonds are problematic due to the lectins the plants use to protect them from being eaten. They are dangerous proteins.

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Bacon (from pasture raised hogs) and eggs (from pasture raised hens).

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Trudy, Egg and avocado. Many sites with gluten free alternatives. Using almond flour for one instance. Also like chili , soup for breakfast. Changing life long habits, relearning-- annoying! Be well

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Thank you so much for your reply!!! I already use almond flour and make a breakfast bread with it. God bless!!

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Welcome. Greek yogurt and fruit? Steamed veggies? Some carnivores eat meat. Cheese if not dairy free? Read there is gluten free oatmeal, but is there really? Leftovers a favorite. Good luck. Lately doing intermittent fasting, often just skip breakfast. Easier.

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I have a hard time getting protein so I make a chai latte with collagen powder and a frittata (45g protein). Eggs, sausage or bacon or ham, greens, peppers, tomatoes, cheese- whatever I have on hand, start on the stove then put it in the oven on low broil to crisp the top.

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Can I ask what kind of collegen powder you use? And the frittata sounds delicious!

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Iโ€™m lazy- I use the 2 unflavored ones at Costco (vital proteins and ?) I know there are probably much better onesโ€ฆ.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I don't know what you did with your diet but you are obviously correct that you were doing something wrong. Moderation is key except for therapeutic periods of time if you are trying to mitigate a health condition like cancer or diabetes. People tend to go to extremes and throw the baby out with the bath water. I have seen lots of vegans and they are always unhealthy looking and malnourished.

Now, contrary to your statement, sugar is jet fuel to cancer. The typical American diet is loaded with added sugar. Look up how many pounds of refined sugar the average American eats and you will be floored not to mention all the refined carbs like breads and pasta the average American eats. Diabetes is epidemic because of this. The healthy human body produces all the sugar it needs for metabolism. The extra sugar contained in fresh fruit and berries is no problem but all the added refined sugar in the diet is making people sick.

The key is not to go from one extreme to another. Dr. Fung's videos are very instructive in this.

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Keto and low carb nonsense, huh?

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Also, the over-the-counter plant formula berberine works just like met Forman, and has anti cancer actions as well as blood sugar actions. There is another anti-parasitic drug called fenbendazole, which has also been added to existing cancer treatments, and helps cure the โ€œ incurableโ€ cancer at times. Much of this information can be found on the FLCCC website.

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All true! In fact, berberine is one of the nutraceuticals my buddy is using to supplement with and it is very effective at lowering blood sugar levels.

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Phil, I missed the many good links you provide while I was abstaining from commenting during Lent. Glad to enjoy them now.

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Metformin is not a good drug.

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Yeah, and doctors think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. In truth, all these diabetic drugs are synthetic toxins and the longer you use them the more they build up in your body because the body has no way of eliminating these synthetic toxins so they just get stored. Of course, the doctors don't want to examine what that does to people over the course of decades.

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Where to start . . . I'm a retired MD who practiced Emergency Medicine for 33 years. As a student, we had the "public health benefits" of vaccines drilled into us. We were taught that they were crucial. We trusted the CDC, NIH, et al. In the ER, my only real vaccine push was for tetanus when someone had a dirty wound, but even then it was to the primary care physician to administer them. However, upon retiring ten years ago, I came across an article on the prevalence and incidence of measles pre- and post- vaccines, and that article turned my understanding upside down. I took the time to research the vaccine literature and read hundreds of studies/articles. My understanding of why Big Pharma was indemnified by the feds made a 180-degree turn. I learned that the NIH/CDC held dozens of patents on vaccines and delivery tech and its scientists could claim royalties (ie, major conflict of interest). I saw that NIH, FDA, and CDC were revolving doors for scientists and execs from Big Pharma. Now, to be honest, I had already been developing a distrust of Big Pharma as I saw them pushing less-than-useful drugs and using marketing to make them "standard of care." But at that point, I saw greed as the main basis for their actions. That was also around the time the WEF, UN Agenda 21, and other global depopulation advocates captured Big Pharma. I believe that is a primary agenda today. I wrote about much of what I discovered in an article on my website in spring of 2019 and used it as a premise in my novel, The Khmer Connection.

Then came COVID. I saw right through the motivations of the NIH and CDC and gladly signed onto the Barrington Declaration. I recognized that the only way a "vaccine" could have been available so quickly was that the virus was planned. It was clear that the alleged vaccine was not a vaccine at all. Plus, not only were animal studies lacking, the so-called human trials were disastrous. Yet, the Centers for Disease Commercialization and Profits marched ahead. They called the tech "mRNA" and promoted it as messengerRNA when in fact it was modifiedRNA. MessengerRNA indeed degrades in minutes. ModifiedRNA does not and the handwriting was on the wall. Clearly a bait and switch.

Moving on to today, once again my understanding of the realities of this modRNA tech has grown with the clips shared in today's post. To learn that the tech originated in government labs does not surprise me, but it is truly dismaying. It was already known that the government sponsored UNC labs to work with the Wuhan labs on the gain of function work that produced COVID. Now it seems that work was the NIH looking for something to use its modRNA tech on--an "answer" in search of a "question." Indeed, a deadly answer.

Oh, and for the record, I am now fully anti-vaxx. Legit safety studies are not the answer. The healthiest kids and adults I know are the ones who are free or nearly-free from vaccines.

BTW, while its interesting to read of Dawkins' change to becoming a "cultural Christian" and maybe it does signify a western cultural shift, when he stands before Christ in judgment, he'll still be standing among the atheists. It takes more than accepting a lifestyle to avoid the eternity promised to those who don't believe.

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There were only 28 cases of tetanus reported to the CDC in 2022.

330 million people in the US.

I did the math...divided 28 by 330,000,000 and came to the realization that my chances of developing tetanus were .00000008 of 1%.


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Also, tetanus is now treatable, unlike in my childhood when "lockjaw" was a fear for anyone who stepped on a dirty nail in the dirt. Yep, today, tetanus shots have no real benefit.

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People need to be careful with taking the shingles vaccine.

It has a FDA black box warning on it for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.


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Another valid comment. That original vaccine came out around 2007-8. Shingrix, the latest, came out in 2017, so I have no experience with that one, other than turning it down every year at my annual physical. Prior to the original vaccine, shingles was clearly a problem for mainly those older than 60. After the vaccine came out, we began seeing it in younger and younger patients. By the time I retired, I had seen it in a few teens, with the youngest being 12. Prior to 2007, that would have been so rare as to warrant its own case study article in the medical lit.

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I had a appt. at the VA with a medical resident.

She suggested the shingles vaccine and I said "no" because of the black box warning.

She stated that Guillain-Barre was "treatable." I was stunned into silence.

If I had my full wits about me, I would have asked her what part was treatable.

Is the auto-immune part treatable?

Is the partial paralysis part treatable?

Is the complete paralysis part treatable where I end up in a nursing home wearing a diaper, eating mashed up food, and wishing for death to put me out of my misery?

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My 80 year old mother has refused the shingles vax because she said everyone she knows who got it ended up getting shingles.

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People also got shingles after taking the covid DeathVax.

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Yes...after covid as well. I think my husband had it, but was diagnosed with poison ivy. This was right after he had a double ear and sinus infection.

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I got shingles last year after being exposed to someone at a workout class who had just received the shingles vax! I am unjabbed of c19 and Shingrex. It was miserable, but the cure was a massive dose of IV vitamin C and glutathione, plus huge doses of Vitamin A (carefully spaced out and monitored) at my naturopathโ€™s.

Strange thing isโ€ฆ I have not seen that woman again since she was bragging about getting that shot. She dropped out of our studio classesโ€ฆshe used to be a regular.

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I hope she left for good reasons, but I doubt that's the case. So many people I know are always sick. Lots of cancer and or tumors and heart issues.

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Treatment does not guarantee absence of sequelae. T is one I might consider at age 7 when they can get Td. (The other is rubella if not immune for women entering childbearing years.) Lifetime of risk of difficult to clean wounds vs risk of limited immunization? Individual risk-benefit decision.

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Or survival, for that matter. Iโ€™ve seen cases of tetanus and itโ€™s not pretty; from Mexico, and treatment onset was delayed and a number of years ago.

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However, tetanus is ubiquitous in our environment, and the risk is artificially reduced by the lifetime immunity provided by the initial 3 shot series that nearly all of the population has received. Tetanus prone wounds are exactly those that are the most difficult to adequately clean. TBS (that being said), the current shot recommendations are patently ridiculous.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I came across a study done in Oregon that suggested a tetanus shot every 30 years after the childhood immunizations.

So, it would be done at 30 years of age, and then not until age 60.

Here is the link:


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Thank you! Had lost that in my files.

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Tetanus is actually only an issue if it is a rusty piece of metal that has been exposed to animal feces, and the wound does not bleed freely due to it being a puncture type wound. When we realize that tetanus is not found everywhere ( like the broken glass on my garage floor I got a tetanus shot for when I was 12 ) then we really start to realize how unnecessary these things are. There isn't mush of the population who is living on the far and keeping rusty metal near their manure locations...

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Incredible recounting of your evolving perspectives. Thank you!!!

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The distinction between mRNA and modRNA is crucial. So thanks for that and for the course in life which you have taken.

1) Speaking of mRNA/modRNA. I read or heard that China had no mRNA is its administered shots (it possibly was in a Dr. David Martin video, but I am not sure). In any event, China is somehow up to its neck if Covid Terrorism, but I don't see much 'out there' on this.

2) Also, and also as per yesterday's C & C use of the word, the United States now viewed by most of the rest of the world as being a 'pariah' state. It is likely that this word 'pariah' may intensify over time as all the criminality become more and more exposed. And we have not even begun to see the beginning of the anger over this.

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โ€œ I find that I like to live in a culturally Christian society, although I do not believe in a single word of the Christian faith.โ€

The poison and infiltration in American society and throughout the world.

Matthew 15:8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

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Dawkins should contrast his quaint enjoyment of a civil and polite Christianesque society to the ONE HE would create for us; social Darwinism, austere architecture, slavery, brutality, hedonism, law and rule of power, Fking Clowns always enjoy the benefits even as they bitch about it all and strive to tear it down around themselves. Jacobin bastards

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You know, I can understand Dawkins' old analysis that religion might be the source of our problems. The history of religion is enough to turn one to Dawkins---persecutions, crusades, wars, genocides, the Inquisition, the Vatican's rat lines sluicing Nazis out so they wouldn't be prosecuted, pedophiles, but Dawkins is a materialist, what is called a promissory materialist, who is sure everything will be explained someday in materialist terms. No soul, no God, no angels, no cosmos full of purpose. But there are very renowned and deeply scholarly scientists dissenting from that. I heard a cosmologist, looking at the Goldilocks principle, how somehow the very narrow constraints necessary for life to exist, say that you've got to have either a multiverse or a god. The cultural Christianity theme is coming from many evolutionary biologists. Bret Weinstein begged people to return to Judeo-Christianity and to the churches as religion is an adaptive metaphoric truth, without which we end up where we are now. So the real issue with the biologists is that they are materialists, and good science is the opposite of faith and poetry and imagination and music, as in good science you try to reduce, to get rid of hidden variables and confounding variables, whereas over in the right hemisphere of the brain, where faith and poetry reside, the more variables the better, the more symbols, more numinosity, more polyvalent riches, deeper and deeper, less articulable, more presences. Where what my friend the Sufi calls "the spiritual circuitry" is. Dawkins isn't a bad guy, just a materialist, and maybe if he went to a mountain top, with little water or food, he might be changed in an instant.

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perhaps he's never advocated for expungement of his non-materialist foes, just enjoyed the celebrity and $$$ for taking center stage to malign them; i agree, if NOT sold out to Evil, he is intelligent and could experience a mountaintop trans-material revelation of sorts to bring him down from his lofty polished perch. Religion is often human-constructed refinement over top of a deeper Truth knowledge and existence of humanity and one's place within the material and relation to the supernatural and Divine, it is a substitute form of something genuine less tangible. To Kill Religion as it isn't one's ideal panacea to the human condition (ie., your examples--which are NOT exclusive nor the Worst examples Humanity has perpetrated) and replace it with brutish Materialism is a Commie ideal, or at best Imperial Rome razing Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple to kill off the Overly Zealous non-compliant Jewish Religious Leaders.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

I believe the appeal of a Christian society is what we call common grace. Grace from those around you who are believers spills out onto you. Also, surely if you live amongst many Christians (although obviously not all act soโ€ฆ) you benefit from kindness and love.

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That Blue Cross incentive schedule enraged me! The local hospital group that my FORMER doctor's practice is affiliated with, is still encouraging the covid shots with lies on their website. Check out my Substack post or go directly to the website.



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I went to the dentist last week, and not only did I get the stupid โ€˜have you had any exposure to covid or the fluโ€™ text the day before, they TOOK MY TEMPERATURE when I got there. Still. In the Houston suburbs, where we barely played the Covid game at all, maybe 6 weeks at the beginning. AND theyโ€™d been closed the week before for Spring Break and the dentist had gone to Mexico w her family. Um, excuse me maโ€™am, were you exposed? Iโ€™d leave the practice but she doesnโ€™t require masks or anything, and I love her as a person, sheโ€™s just a germphobe and has high anxiety, so I just smile and let her marinate in her cortisol.

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Apr 3ยทedited Apr 3

Even my dentist in San Francisco has dropped all of it.

I rather enjoyed it when they asked me if I had gotten the vax and I said certainly not.

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I love the look on their faces when I give the same reply!

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Mee too ๐Ÿค—.

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How to fond the dentist un jABBed? Just ask? Trust truth? Wanting teeth cleaned, but what about that person....close!

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I suppose there may be some functional dentists who didn't get the jab, but I don't know how you would find them.

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There is power in resisting the narratives. We can walk taller than ever!

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I'd like to ask, how much are YOU getting paid to push that poison??

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In this case, I don't think it's that simple. My so-called city government insisted that people who work in dental offices get the vax. I remember having a brief conversation with one of the employees about it where I mentioned that they had not been given a choice. I have no idea how any of them felt about it individually, but I think they were put into a very bad spot.

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I'll be lifting "marinate in cortisol" for future use!

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Feel free! It paints an excellent word picture, doesnโ€™t it?

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Indeed it does!

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It's also very accurate!

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Very much so!

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"Were you exposed?"

I only expose myself in private...

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I suggest printing it out and confronting your doc on your next appt. His reaction will tell you whether you need to move your money and your potential life expectancy to another source of โ€œhealth careโ€ vs promoting the Militarized Medical Industrial Complex.

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Hi Cyn, did I miss this Q& A sheet? Where do I find that to print it?

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The Blue Cross statement to docs in Jeffโ€™s post today.

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And these incentives didn't even get up to the $400 per vaccinated child that pediatricians get annually for every fully vaccinated child in their practice. But only if at least 60%+ of the practice is fully vaccinated. Thus the need to kick out families who aren't vaccinating on schedule.

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It is infuriating! They might as well be advocating, drunk driving!

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That Q&A sheet is unbelievable!

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Something wonderful and beautiful is afoot. Amen.

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The Rand Paul stuff is all smoke and mirrors. He's had damning information for well over a year now about where the virus came from and that it was all covered up, yet many will act like he is some renegade hero or something. The fact of the matter is that there is not ONE single person in Congress who has truly fought back against the covid tyranny. And then you have Mr. Operation Warp Speed, who will do it all again if he is told to. He wasn't strong enough to stand up for what is right the first time, why do people think he will stand up and do the right thing this time. He has given ZERO indication that he will do so. Wake up folks. You are being played.

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Ron Johnson has done some good things on covid transparency

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Yes, he's been the best, but still falls woefully short considering it is the greatest crime committed against humanity in human history. Catherine Austin Fitts said she would take a bullet to the head on this issue. I wish our politicians would stand up and do what is right.

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Senator Johnson has held hearings, were all Congress people were invited, but none chose to show up. I think that he has tried very hard. At least he has on record the testimonies of the heroic doctors, scientists, and even an army flight surgeons.

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and how is it helping? what do we need to change in order to make these hearing have teeth or be more effective in having some outcome other than making people feel heard and validated?

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...and Congress was exempt from taking the covid DeathVax.

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trump is FIRMLY IN ISRAELS POCKET while those monsters DRAIN OUR POCKETS...trump is just going along with FAKE BIBLICAL "PROPHECY " which is a bunch of nonsense written by HUMAN MEN...but he just LOVES his new illegal housing development steal in the golan heights cuz it's got the trump name plastered on it!

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Isn't it great that Biden, Trump, and RFK are all Zionist bootlickers?

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Chuck Baldwin was told by a political 'insider' that criticizing Israel is off-limits if you want to be a successful politician. He ran for POTUS as an independent some years ago.

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TDS is strong in this one.

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TBH I think trump moved the embassy and related pro-israel stuff because it felt like the "right thing to do" and because it was an easy win to get israel on-side without any major downside, not because of any supposed prophecy or whatever. (Although the fact that it ALSO got him support from some of the more out-there US christian groups who do see prophecies about that sort of thing, was probably another motivation in favor of it.)

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I think he made a smart deal with Christian leaders to get them their judges on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, but I donโ€™t think Trump has a trace of honest Christianity or spirituality in his being. growing up in New York. I was very aware of him, never dreaming that he would become a politician. He was known for his wildlife style and for pissing off people in business transactions, from both sides of the aisle. He just knows how to manipulate PR very effectively. That being said, I would prefer him over Biden getting reelected. if the Democrats managed to keep RFK off the ballot, I would vote for Trump.

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The one exception is Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Heโ€™s been exposing the damage of the shots. I agree 100% about Trump. I know that many on here love him, but they need to come to grips with the fact that he is incapable of ever saying that he made a mistake. It is baked into his personality. how can we ever expect that he can protect us from these murderous psychopaths the Pharma industrial complex, when he canโ€™t even admit that it happened. I am not blaming him for the horrendous technology of the shots, but only for not, addressing the fact that we all know today. To me, the Republican party could have destroyed, the Democrats, possibly permanently, by saying that what we know now is that the jabs are toxic and deadly. It is the Democratic administration that has been covering this up. To me, it shows that almost all of Congress and both Biden and Trump are unwilling to confront big Pharma, as well as the DOD, which was behind operation, warp speed. Whether you intend to vote for him or not, the only one who is addressing these matters and has an understanding of the complexities, is RFK. To my pro-life fellow Americans, is

It not the most pro-life thing we can do, to stop this madness immediately?! When you consider that it is estimated that these jabs may have killed 17,000,000 already AND COUNTING! People dropping all over the world from heart attack, strokes, neurological diseases and cancer. Many new mRNA shots in the pipeline. Along with avoiding nuclear war, this is my number one issue.

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Great point re pro-life. Additionally, presidents don't get to write laws, so it doesn't matter if RFK or whoever is pro-abortion.

Us humans are so fallible. I have a hard time understanding why people are so tribal that they cannot see the forest for the trees. Trump was either complicit or got rolled. Either situation means he is not adequate to serve in the WH. That seems blatantly obvious to me, but some people get outright angry when I state these things, which seem obvious to me.

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Rand Paul may be genuine, but that Gary Peters, whom I call Gary Pfizer Peters, is here in Michigan with Governor Plump Lips Poisy Hat, who slurps at the trough of the WEF and is imposing social emotional learning (cult indoctrination) in preschools, and he's a total stooge. Maybe the Trojan Horse to throw the investigation.

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Is Rand being played or is he playing us?

How many investigative committees does it take to reach the conclusions that โ€œconspiracy theoristsโ€ have already established? Lol

How many tax dollars?

We all know what โ€œinvestigateโ€ means to the government.

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Discounting Senator Johnson [Wi]?

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If only the Germans and Japs and Italians and Axis pals had done a global bio-attack on us in 1942 the extent of the CoVid/Vaxxing... contrast the response in your heads for a moment--we have zero balls; all the conspirators would have been rounded up dragnet style and hanged (or given new employment to work for "our" side).

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Agreed. We are in such a dire state that instead of holding people like Trump accountable, the reasoning is "He didn't mandate it." I don't know if there is a single person in DC who deserves to be let off the hook.

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