Fla's pair of Supreme Court abortion decisions; NIH identified as mRNA maker; CDC Dir. Redfield says covid came from science, not bats; Rand Paul covid origins committee; cancer clusters; lots more.
I say it's a depopulation agenda. Now 5 dead in my court. I don't plan on changing my mind.
And everyone, Rutgers too, needs to stop calling this garbage a "vaccine". It isn't, it wasn't, it "ain't never gonna be." Call it what it is: gene modification that causes more problems than in solves. Is it deliberate? I think so. They had animal trials on mRNA in which all animals died. They knew.
Remember when people called us conspiracy theorists for saying doctors were getting paid to push this garbage? Me too. Conspiracy theorists still batting 1,000.
And another problem is when this comes clear and people realise they've been poisoned- it'll scare them stupid which will also cause disease. Fear made them jump on the first poison, fear will finish them if the vax doesn't.
It doesn't have to be this way. It's so sad. So messy.
NEVER make decisions when you are fearful and feeling rushed to make a decision. Always make the decision when you feel at peace. remember jesus on the pinnacle and satan trying to entice him with everything to DO SOMETHING? what did Jesus do? he stayed calm...continued repeating Gods Word(reminding himself what is true/truth). Satan is always rushing you to DO SOMETHING ALREADY.....in the covid scam case SO WE CAN MAKE OUR EASY MONEY OFF OF YOUR WORTHLESS BODY....just hurry up and take the damn thing you imbecile, our agenda is far more important than what you are.
So true KB! Exactly what I was telling my 30 something daughters....just WAIT. One worked in the service industry, the other nursing her daughter. Both highly pressured from everyone but their mother. The nursing mother trusted me for a time but her husband's family was relentless..." Don't you want to pass those good antibodies on to your daughter?" I was physically ill. It wasn't until she asked her NATUROPATHIC doctor about the shot and he said, " It's probably safe" that she went ahead and got 2. I contacted him to say he had no right to tell her that!
Similar story here. So many well-meaning people were duped & captured by the prevailing sinister idiocy. I hope they’re ok. I applaud you for giving that naturopath a reaming. My daughter too. And I’d had hope that at least she would dissuade my daughter. Nope.
Life doesn't need to accommodate you for you to turn to God and find peace. If you are waiting for the world to suit you, you are likely also waiting for those snowballs to freeze in hell or those pigs to fly.
The “ placebo “ is not a true placebo it is another vaccine, tis why there are always adverse reactions on the placebo side. Never will get another and never ever will trust any government official.
This is very true. It is important to know whether the potential psychological harm to jab recipients was considered as it should have been if practicing in accordance with the ethical principles defined in the Belmont Report for research.
Here's the thing... doctors were giving out antibiotics like M&Ms in the 70s when I was a kid. The flu? Antibiotics. Bee sting? Antibiotics. Slight cold? Antibiotics. Every time I went to that evil man he pushed antibiotics for no reason. What do we have now? Antibiotic resistance. Don't we think the same would happen with anti virals?
My family doctor would NOT give/prescribe antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.
I can hear him now saying “giving antibiotics for every cold, etc. & one day when you really need an antibiotic you’ll be immune to them.” Wise general practitioner.
My mother thought it was a great idea for me to take tetracycline for acne as a teenager back in the 70's. I would say that this is a good possibility for why I pretty quickly developed inflammatory bowel disease.
Perhaps, but vaccines cause this too, as per the work of GI doc Andrew Wakefield. He’s one of the good guys who was vilified by all, of course, but he was right. I have Crohn’s and I believe it was caused by a 3-part jab for hepatitis I was asked (voluntarily) to get for work (Police station) during a winter Olympics in our city. Wish I had been smarter back then.
I heard one conspiracy that HepB given to the gays in san fran and LA in the late 80's gave them HIV....at this point who knows what was ever in any vaxx? could have been created special for desired outcome. Ppl truly were treated like lab rats! ALL OF US, not just tuskegee. Remember pfizer employees got a 'special batch' for their covid jabs. You can't even trust CVS to give you the correct vial...how many stories did you hear that they gave you covid jab when you went in for flu jab? Children were given adult doses of covid when they were there for flu jab. Human error....it'ts the highest percentage cause of death/disease....ergo.. limit your time around pfarma/medical of any kind
I took 3 months of tetracycline for cystic acne in the 70s. It was all they had, and the only thing that worked..and every flare up, went on and off again. I developed IBS.
That’s a good point but the antibiotics were, like you pointed out, given for everything so maybe they had no real function in the body except in severe infections, they were excess and that’s why we became resistant to them. The body doesn’t recognize them as helpful.
But with ivermectin there is a purpose so they remain effective.
We can hope.
I am spitballing here, but it may be something to consider.
Antibiotic use for nothing infuriates me. Not only are we becoming antibiotic resistant but it changes everyone's gut microbiome which is one of the reasons for more cancers.
More millenials have chronic stomach/ digestive issues than ever before.
Finally, the idiots of medical science have realized that all good
You got that right about the gut AND antibiotic use.
Well they just so happen to invent the very expensive new Biologics for the gut and it blocks the body from healing itself so THEN you get all sorts of stuff BUT FIRST you must take all your shingles and flu and other shots THEN what happens is you get cancer and all sorts of autoimmune diseases. That is what a GI doc said to me and no gut healing food change could help. I shit blood for 2 months and could not digest any food... severe ulcerative colitis caused by glyphosate... I have enough proof that convinced me but the doc denied that could have messed up my gut biome.
She is an indoctrinated FOOL.
I did it MY way and 100% healed 1 year this month with no issues.
For all my life's 60+ years, when given antibiotics by doctors, I NEVER heard once that I should be taking PRObiotics as well, to help balance gut microbiome.... not UNTIL 2 years ago when I was seeing an acupuncturist, and mentioned antibiotics to him, and he promptly said ALWAYS pair antibiotics WITH PRObiotics. Since then, my husband has had oral surgery that required antibiotics, and I made sure to purchase the best PRObiotics I know of. But even his dentist didn't mention this to him when he prescribed the other...???
Has Vanden Bossche ever been right on any of his predictions? Not saying he won't be. Just that sometimes it seems like he's crying wolf. I hope he isn't right because his predictions are horrifying.
Thank you mimi, I completely agree. Constant fear is debilitating and devastating to people, and it doesn't matter if the fearmongering is coming from someone we happen to agree with. GVB is a smart guy and he was right on many of the vax mechanics, but his continuously wrong doom-mongering discredits him.
Ask yourself, why are so many of these people are hell-bent on scaring everyone to death about something THEY CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT? Be it people who took the shot are doomed as ticking time bombs, those who didn't take it are doomed from vaxxed people's shedding, or everyone is doomed from the coming vax-induced superbug, it never stops.
Reject all of this stuff and live your life. There's a good reason the Bible says "trust God and fear not" hundreds of times. There's no exception that says it's okay to fear if your politics happens to align with the fear-pushers.
But, I think the point is missed. He talks about Ivermectin. He raises alarms for what we’re already seeing. I find a few things I disagreed with in the first part, but, from about 22 mins on, he gets into the meat.
I think with this audience, there’s nothing new or reason to fear.
But It’s a good wake-up for my uniformed daughter (studying medicine!) & others in my family who consider ‘The Atlantic’ & the like to be the word of enlightened truth or too busy to not just absorb the brainwashing marketing & news, & the CDC,et al & WHO . They’re too arrogant to look behind, engage, know or see what’s happened & I gave up a while back for the sake of peace — It was futile. They got into their delusion via fear; fear may get them out.
Vanden Bossche was the scientist who said that vaccinating during the pandemic would create mutations in the virus and keep the virus from dying off. He was right.
I tired of him still talking about covid when the real killer H7N9 flu was killing ppl 4 to 1 january 2020. Covid was the false flag to get you off of fauxci's trail Univ of Wisconsin...G of F bird flu released 2014 ish and took hold in 2018 and they let it boil worldwide as you see....may have been some other virus 'covid' but the flu was killing everyone and YES the Govt kept us completely oblivious while they knew it 100%...all while confusing with wet market pangolin BS...they need prison for 3x their lives.
antivirals ARE NOT PFARMA PRODUCTS! He means zinc, quercetin, iverm, hydroxychloroquine etc.... do your homework...all of the FLCC drs published them for 3 yrs.
I have also read that he recommends ivermectin, which is technically not an antiviral. It is an anti-parasitic that has broad spectrum antiviral properties, as you probably know.
It is actually well-known now as an anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory. Interestingly enough, it has recently also been linked to profound results in treating various cancers.
No need for pharma antivirals — Garlic, oregano, echinacea, olive leaf …oh man! There are so many! Prolly right in your kitchen or garden. They have different mechanisms & work in tandem. Not to mention the many available to order or ready-made combos in alt medicine.
A web search will render many. For uninitiated, I link & send Dr Axe.
I thought that was anti parasitic, but then again, I still think "covid" is not a virus but a parasite. And I base that on nothing other than what seems to work to get rid of it. Herbals that work are all anti-parasitic; e.g. wormwood.
It can be difficult for people to obtain (by intent!) - more so in some areas than others - but it can be obtained. That said, it will cost far more than it did before it was intentionally restricted, primarily because the insurance companies typically won’t pay for it, most doctors won’t prescribe it (for fear, or out of blindness and deception), and many pharmacists won’t fill the prescriptions (out of fear, blindness and/or deception)… Even if you can find a source, you’re likely to have to self-pay for it, and purchasing enough to use prophylactically - especially for a family - may exceed one’s available funds. God bless and keep us all, because only He can!
I don’t think the good Dr virologist has the last word on the permanence of the immune disruption. Best to use real science and knowledge at this juncture to point to known remedies & find new ones. I know we can and we will. The very bad news is not the last chapter, as he predicts. These folks will need to go through the fire of reality & consequent fear, though, to get to the healing & hope.
Ethics. Is the NIH ethical to have financial incentives to push mandatory injection of their patented biotechnology?
Let's consult their ethicist. The NIH's Chief Bioethicist is Christine Grady. Who is Christine Grady to decide the ethics of this difficult question? She is also the Mrs. Anthony Fauci. And Mrs. Anthony Fauci, one of the top recipients of royalties through the NIH's injected biotechnology mandates, has declared the entire arrangement ethical.
So that's that. And how dare you question their ethics!?!?
And anybody questioning Fauci's ethics or a conflict of interest with her work and his work is just a hater! They are above reproach, ethical beyond question!:
Just know that the Fauci's internal ethical compass isn't informed by God or any other higher authority. He has no use for God or any other higher authority:
Mrs. Anthony Fauci, aka Christine Grady's ethics are the Utilitarian variety, i.e. lies in service to a greater good - as they assert is good - are ethical! What atheists believe. Atheists will often hide behind the word term "humanist" for public consumption. The Fauci's actually publicly have declared, they're "good without god." Note the article's lower case "g" as an intentional irreverence:
FourWinds, thank you for reminding folks that it is important to not use the word ‘vaccine’ for these mRNA injections. This is not a trivial detail. The misuse of this word was a major component of the propaganda/marketing to convince people to comply. We all MUST refuse to use the V word!
I call all shots “injections” which sounds closer to the sinister nature that they are. I refuse to have my children injected with any more vials of toxics. NO. MORE.
Yes! Especially now that we are finding out that the random bacterial plasma DNA is incorporating into cell lines in the laboratory. People have become genetically modified without realizing it. The first step in trans humanism. And lowering the birth rates for sure.
Hey — great point! I hadn’t thought of that angle. We are, after all, in an all out narrative war for good, truth and beauty — for Life. Words are powerful weapons & that hoists them on their own petard. Bravo, you outside-the-box thinker!
Jeff's Money Laundering-Power enhancing Cycle illustration leaves out all of the POLITICAL Class players who are in on it as well as the WEF associates who pal around with the individuals involved, and the Deep State players. This is everything now too; All media, internet, NGOs, Faith organizations, housing contractors, municipal and county level agencies; the shit stewing in the sewage lagoon gets everyone who swims there covered and mired in filth. Largest and deepest and most infected swamp ever encountered. We are screwed--Repent and prepare for tribulations and plagues that are being poured out upon the earth, the seas, the animals, and races and nations of mankind.
May every cent of their blood-tinged money cause them sleepless nights and endless anxiety until they repent for their crimes against humanity. And may God have mercy on their souls. I’m still working on forgiveness 🙏🏻
And let us not forget to mention the intelligence agencies and the department of defense along with everything else you mentioned. Mike Benz calls it The Blob. Mostly referring to the “bio security” defense apparatus. Which leave us neither secure, nor defended.
I had a Dr tell me that he doesn't understand how the money flows between Drs, hospitals, insurance, government. A DOCTOR! or SALESMAN doesn't know where his money flows from!! And I do. Oh please! Liars all!
After what my daughter had told me about banking lies and son about retail lies. You are crazy too if you think religion is gonna fix this. Most of humanity is in religion because it will make their lives better not because they are willing to suffer persecution. Don't try me but Thank God Jesus will hold me to Him and to Him Alone.
Y'all not understanding Christ. There is only one Name, one way, one truth, one Life whereby you MUST be saved from the wrath/judgement that is certainly to come. God is not slow... But patient with all.
Truly, most drs have never given it consideration.
I mean, how many of US actually considered it, before 2020 when it was forced into our faces. I certainly didn’t.
Additionally, the depravity required of our head government officials in order to perpetrate the stuff they do is beyond what many people are willing to entertain. I mean, I was never willing to consider that the USG (or some actors in it) was willing to kill 3,000 people on a day in September, just to further their own agenda, let alone start a WAR in the Middle East. Until I saw how they were willing to kill millions during The Plague. When I saw how adamantly they refused life-saving medicine to dying people, then the scales began to fall off my eyes.
This knowledge remains both sobering and, at times, terrifying.
"I mean, how many of US actually considered it, before 2020 when it was forced into our faces."
I'll admit that I have. I have questioned the medical community for a long time.....since the '80s. I keep allopathic doctors around so I can get medical tests I want.
I have a book titled, "How Not To Die," copywrite 2015. In it, is a chapter on Iatrogenics, death by doctor or other medical establishment person, place or thing. Studies claim it's the 3d leading cause of death. It's probably gained in status now.
I have always hated the medical profession, so I didn't have far to go when the scamdemic started. But I see why many were fooled at first. I hope they can see now, as you said, that they were killing millions and continue to do so. They have imported millions of built in slaves... most of these people come from countries where freedom does not exist, so they will have no concept of it when they lose it to be controlled by the government. In fact, they are already slaves. What else do you call someone who is entirely supported by, and therefore controlled by, another? A slave to their controller.
I am curious why so many on here do not want to call the covid jab a vaccine. Why the differentiation? Vaccines have long posed many adverse health effects on people and we have simply turned a blind eye and accepted chronic illness to increase without making the correlation to vaccine increase. Covid jab has increased cancer incidents, but what is worse - cancer or chronic illness or autism or seizures or SIDS…? The old vaccines have merely been accepted with their ill effects on humanity and we are all the proverbial frog in the boiling pot. Covid vaccine roll out threw everyone in the pot at once. It opened a lot of eyes on different dangers of vaccines, but they are ALL dangerous. Pick your poison.
Because it's not. It does not act like a classic vaccine. It neither helps stop transmission or illness, which vaccines are supposed to do. The definition of the word was changed to encourage compliance. Not just changed, but forced down our throats. I won't call it one because it is exceptionally dangerous and its dangers (heart attacks, strokes, cancers, etc.) are FAR worse than any "virus" it supposedly protects against. But, I agree with you all vaccines are very dangerous. I will never touch one. But someone would have to shoot me point blank in the face before I touched the "covid" "vaccine". I'm going to die, but I'll be dammed if it is due to big pharma.
I think a lot of us here are of the old school thought (have been propagandized all our lives) that vaccines were mostly good with some adverse consequences, and actually vaccinated people against some diseases. Covid jabs were so prevalent to all in such a short period of time and so obviously (to critical thinkers) did not vaccinate against anything, that they deserved a special level of disdain.
Thanks in part to this substack community, I have evolved into being more discerning about all vaccines. To me now “vaccine” is kind of a dirty word. When I really look into past vaccines that were hailed as life saving like smallpox and polio, I have found that these diseases were actually on the decline when vaccines came out, and wonder if vaccines were even necessary. I have started reading Turtles, and am helping/encouraging some younger family members navigate not vaccinating their babies.
Long winded reply to your inquiry, but I think decades of vaccine propaganda will take time to undo in many people.
Neither here nor there but Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was euphemized in the '60s. "Crib death" as I recall was what they called it before that time. Regardless, I agree that vaccines are highly likely as a culprit. In the '80s a family member had a 5 month old die in her crib. This relative has downed the kool aid. I have thought about it but I'm not sure making the association with vaccines will help her with this 40-odd year old trauma. 🤷♀️
She had another child about a year after. She was so, so careful with him. He was coddled. Is now 38, divorced, two teenage girls and they all live at the family of origin homestead. She is a breast cancer survivor, happening about a decade after the death. Emotional landscape, I believe, plays a significant role in any dis-ease the body encounters. Complicated is an understatement. I just don't know about revisiting that trauma...
I would say the same as Cairn. She likely still carries much guilt along with her grief. It may help to lift that sadness. Yes — even after 40 years. I would skip talk & just leave a good, compelling article or discussion. Or send a link. Then let her see it in private, & let it percolate. I think it will.
No need to discuss anything. Best not to. It’s a very deep and private thing. If she later remarks on it, surely that’s a good time to talk.
70 years ago there werent many vaccines. Maybe one? My husband (1954) had a friend a year older (1953)who had polio and was crippled like an old man for the rest of his life.
I learned from reading Turtles All The Way down that what the friend had was probably not polio at all, it was pesticide poisoning. "Polio" the way we were taught to think of it (as a discrete virus), never existed.
That was about the time I was born. It was “live better through science”. Modern mothers lovingly would bottle feed out of a can of sterile, disgusting baby formula. All 4 kids & most everyone else in the highly educated city of Palo Alto were fed this way.
Luckily, Mom’s Stanford Dr was down on drugs, but that says that others weren’t so scrupulous. I haven’t researched what all they gave mothers & babies at that time (it’d be an interesting go), but they existed & were given. Recall the synthetic hormone, DES, widely given to prevent miscarriages & premies (1940-1960), which was linked to uterine cancer, breast cancer, infertility, spontaneous abortion, neonatal death, invasive breast cancer +++, in mother AND daughter (now suspected in granddaughters as well). And, of course, there was Thalidomide. Perhaps there is a culprit lurking in the wings yet…
Definition was changed for the majority of the vaccines on the current schedule. It just happened to occur right after covid vax roll out. Most vaxes do not provide full immunity.
"I am curious why so many on here do not want to call the covid jab a vaccine. Why the differentiation?"
I believe the answer can be found in an essay written by Ben Hunt regarding the Common Knowledge Game. He states:
“The core dynamic of the Common Knowledge Game is this: how does private knowledge become -- not public knowledge – but common knowledge? Common knowledge is something that we all believe everyone else believes.” “Behavior changes ONLY when we believe that everyone else believes the information.”
He uses Harvey Weinstein as a VERY appropriate example.
So, until everyone else believes the “vax” is NOT a “vax," but a bioweapon of sorts, their behavior (and beliefs) will not change.
I say it's a depopulation agenda. Now 5 dead in my court. I don't plan on changing my mind.
And everyone, Rutgers too, needs to stop calling this garbage a "vaccine". It isn't, it wasn't, it "ain't never gonna be." Call it what it is: gene modification that causes more problems than in solves. Is it deliberate? I think so. They had animal trials on mRNA in which all animals died. They knew.
Remember when people called us conspiracy theorists for saying doctors were getting paid to push this garbage? Me too. Conspiracy theorists still batting 1,000.
And another problem is when this comes clear and people realise they've been poisoned- it'll scare them stupid which will also cause disease. Fear made them jump on the first poison, fear will finish them if the vax doesn't.
It doesn't have to be this way. It's so sad. So messy.
Fear alone can absolutely make a person sick. The placebo and nocebo effects are documented.
NEVER make decisions when you are fearful and feeling rushed to make a decision. Always make the decision when you feel at peace. remember jesus on the pinnacle and satan trying to entice him with everything to DO SOMETHING? what did Jesus do? he stayed calm...continued repeating Gods Word(reminding himself what is true/truth). Satan is always rushing you to DO SOMETHING ALREADY.....in the covid scam case SO WE CAN MAKE OUR EASY MONEY OFF OF YOUR WORTHLESS BODY....just hurry up and take the damn thing you imbecile, our agenda is far more important than what you are.
So true KB! Exactly what I was telling my 30 something daughters....just WAIT. One worked in the service industry, the other nursing her daughter. Both highly pressured from everyone but their mother. The nursing mother trusted me for a time but her husband's family was relentless..." Don't you want to pass those good antibodies on to your daughter?" I was physically ill. It wasn't until she asked her NATUROPATHIC doctor about the shot and he said, " It's probably safe" that she went ahead and got 2. I contacted him to say he had no right to tell her that!
Similar story here. So many well-meaning people were duped & captured by the prevailing sinister idiocy. I hope they’re ok. I applaud you for giving that naturopath a reaming. My daughter too. And I’d had hope that at least she would dissuade my daughter. Nope.
wouldn't it be nice if life accommodated us like that?
Life doesn't need to accommodate you for you to turn to God and find peace. If you are waiting for the world to suit you, you are likely also waiting for those snowballs to freeze in hell or those pigs to fly.
The “ placebo “ is not a true placebo it is another vaccine, tis why there are always adverse reactions on the placebo side. Never will get another and never ever will trust any government official.
Yep. A great turning is happening.
This is very true. It is important to know whether the potential psychological harm to jab recipients was considered as it should have been if practicing in accordance with the ethical principles defined in the Belmont Report for research.
Dr. Vandebosch says they should start taking antivirals as a preventative
Here's the thing... doctors were giving out antibiotics like M&Ms in the 70s when I was a kid. The flu? Antibiotics. Bee sting? Antibiotics. Slight cold? Antibiotics. Every time I went to that evil man he pushed antibiotics for no reason. What do we have now? Antibiotic resistance. Don't we think the same would happen with anti virals?
My family doctor would NOT give/prescribe antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.
I can hear him now saying “giving antibiotics for every cold, etc. & one day when you really need an antibiotic you’ll be immune to them.” Wise general practitioner.
My mother thought it was a great idea for me to take tetracycline for acne as a teenager back in the 70's. I would say that this is a good possibility for why I pretty quickly developed inflammatory bowel disease.
Perhaps, but vaccines cause this too, as per the work of GI doc Andrew Wakefield. He’s one of the good guys who was vilified by all, of course, but he was right. I have Crohn’s and I believe it was caused by a 3-part jab for hepatitis I was asked (voluntarily) to get for work (Police station) during a winter Olympics in our city. Wish I had been smarter back then.
I heard one conspiracy that HepB given to the gays in san fran and LA in the late 80's gave them HIV....at this point who knows what was ever in any vaxx? could have been created special for desired outcome. Ppl truly were treated like lab rats! ALL OF US, not just tuskegee. Remember pfizer employees got a 'special batch' for their covid jabs. You can't even trust CVS to give you the correct vial...how many stories did you hear that they gave you covid jab when you went in for flu jab? Children were given adult doses of covid when they were there for flu jab. Human error....it'ts the highest percentage cause of death/disease....ergo.. limit your time around pfarma/medical of any kind
I took 3 months of tetracycline for cystic acne in the 70s. It was all they had, and the only thing that worked..and every flare up, went on and off again. I developed IBS.
I do know that every dentist I've ever been to has asked me if I took tetracycline for acne (I did, too), because of the color of my teeth...
sigh. I'm 67 and my teeth still work nevertheless.
Ivermectin is an anti-viral. Just saying, lol.
This is what Geert was alluding to when recommending antivirals.
That’s a good point but the antibiotics were, like you pointed out, given for everything so maybe they had no real function in the body except in severe infections, they were excess and that’s why we became resistant to them. The body doesn’t recognize them as helpful.
But with ivermectin there is a purpose so they remain effective.
We can hope.
I am spitballing here, but it may be something to consider.
Antibiotic use for nothing infuriates me. Not only are we becoming antibiotic resistant but it changes everyone's gut microbiome which is one of the reasons for more cancers.
More millenials have chronic stomach/ digestive issues than ever before.
Finally, the idiots of medical science have realized that all good
health starts in the gut.
You got that right about the gut AND antibiotic use.
Well they just so happen to invent the very expensive new Biologics for the gut and it blocks the body from healing itself so THEN you get all sorts of stuff BUT FIRST you must take all your shingles and flu and other shots THEN what happens is you get cancer and all sorts of autoimmune diseases. That is what a GI doc said to me and no gut healing food change could help. I shit blood for 2 months and could not digest any food... severe ulcerative colitis caused by glyphosate... I have enough proof that convinced me but the doc denied that could have messed up my gut biome.
She is an indoctrinated FOOL.
I did it MY way and 100% healed 1 year this month with no issues.
For all my life's 60+ years, when given antibiotics by doctors, I NEVER heard once that I should be taking PRObiotics as well, to help balance gut microbiome.... not UNTIL 2 years ago when I was seeing an acupuncturist, and mentioned antibiotics to him, and he promptly said ALWAYS pair antibiotics WITH PRObiotics. Since then, my husband has had oral surgery that required antibiotics, and I made sure to purchase the best PRObiotics I know of. But even his dentist didn't mention this to him when he prescribed the other...???
Here is the most recent Geert Vanden Bossche interview where he advises exactly that.
Has Vanden Bossche ever been right on any of his predictions? Not saying he won't be. Just that sometimes it seems like he's crying wolf. I hope he isn't right because his predictions are horrifying.
Thank you mimi, I completely agree. Constant fear is debilitating and devastating to people, and it doesn't matter if the fearmongering is coming from someone we happen to agree with. GVB is a smart guy and he was right on many of the vax mechanics, but his continuously wrong doom-mongering discredits him.
Ask yourself, why are so many of these people are hell-bent on scaring everyone to death about something THEY CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT? Be it people who took the shot are doomed as ticking time bombs, those who didn't take it are doomed from vaxxed people's shedding, or everyone is doomed from the coming vax-induced superbug, it never stops.
Reject all of this stuff and live your life. There's a good reason the Bible says "trust God and fear not" hundreds of times. There's no exception that says it's okay to fear if your politics happens to align with the fear-pushers.
Jeff C - Thank you for this.
Indeed! Trust God and fear not!
But, I think the point is missed. He talks about Ivermectin. He raises alarms for what we’re already seeing. I find a few things I disagreed with in the first part, but, from about 22 mins on, he gets into the meat.
I think with this audience, there’s nothing new or reason to fear.
But It’s a good wake-up for my uniformed daughter (studying medicine!) & others in my family who consider ‘The Atlantic’ & the like to be the word of enlightened truth or too busy to not just absorb the brainwashing marketing & news, & the CDC,et al & WHO . They’re too arrogant to look behind, engage, know or see what’s happened & I gave up a while back for the sake of peace — It was futile. They got into their delusion via fear; fear may get them out.
…This is for them.
It was 20 years ago
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play
Very well said!
Vanden Bossche was the scientist who said that vaccinating during the pandemic would create mutations in the virus and keep the virus from dying off. He was right.
If it existed.
True. Many people said that. A non-sterilizing vaccine isn't a good idea either.
But GVB has predicted a lot of other things that have yet to come to pass.
I tired of him still talking about covid when the real killer H7N9 flu was killing ppl 4 to 1 january 2020. Covid was the false flag to get you off of fauxci's trail Univ of Wisconsin...G of F bird flu released 2014 ish and took hold in 2018 and they let it boil worldwide as you see....may have been some other virus 'covid' but the flu was killing everyone and YES the Govt kept us completely oblivious while they knew it 100%...all while confusing with wet market pangolin BS...they need prison for 3x their lives.
I hope so too, however I think it's better to have his advice than not.
At least he offers a cheap, easy to attain countermeasure along with his prediction.
I understand how people would rather discard his unpleasant theories altogether, but his scientific credentials are sound.
I guess we will see, in time.
Agreed. No viruses exist.
Total fraud.
Thanks for posting this.
Yep. Iver.
Anti virals are fraudulent too
antivirals ARE NOT PFARMA PRODUCTS! He means zinc, quercetin, iverm, hydroxychloroquine etc.... do your homework...all of the FLCC drs published them for 3 yrs.
I have also read that he recommends ivermectin, which is technically not an antiviral. It is an anti-parasitic that has broad spectrum antiviral properties, as you probably know.
It is actually well-known now as an anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory. Interestingly enough, it has recently also been linked to profound results in treating various cancers.
Yes, Iverm and phenben appear to destroy some cancers.
No need for pharma antivirals — Garlic, oregano, echinacea, olive leaf …oh man! There are so many! Prolly right in your kitchen or garden. They have different mechanisms & work in tandem. Not to mention the many available to order or ready-made combos in alt medicine.
A web search will render many. For uninitiated, I link & send Dr Axe.
Antivirals? Such as acyclovir? Where are people supposed to get them?
I'm sorry, but to me that just seems nuts.
I thought that was anti parasitic, but then again, I still think "covid" is not a virus but a parasite. And I base that on nothing other than what seems to work to get rid of it. Herbals that work are all anti-parasitic; e.g. wormwood.
what if the virus is being replicated in some bacteria... and "ivermectin" killed the bacteria... etc.... etc...
after all how they make the pseudo mRNA in some bacteria (e coli) or some such thing....
i'm not saying it is.... but...
they replicated the mRNA in the bacteria... why not the "virion"???
Easy to treat if non existing.
OK. Even that seems to still be difficult for people to come by but it makes sense.
Dr. McCullough has a protocol with stuff that can be bought pretty much anywhere.....seems to work pretty well for a lot of people.
It can be difficult for people to obtain (by intent!) - more so in some areas than others - but it can be obtained. That said, it will cost far more than it did before it was intentionally restricted, primarily because the insurance companies typically won’t pay for it, most doctors won’t prescribe it (for fear, or out of blindness and deception), and many pharmacists won’t fill the prescriptions (out of fear, blindness and/or deception)… Even if you can find a source, you’re likely to have to self-pay for it, and purchasing enough to use prophylactically - especially for a family - may exceed one’s available funds. God bless and keep us all, because only He can!
FLCCC has excellent information available on their website also…
Yes, I read that. What antivirals? That wasn't discussed. I know of one that the FDA has to stop complaining about.
Ah the Big VDB.
Preventative for a non existent virus.
This doctor (Dr Syed Haider) addresses that very idea on : What about those who are afraid of what the jab they took will do to them in the future?
From The Epoch Times' American Thought Leaders program:
Can’t link but thanks
I don’t think the good Dr virologist has the last word on the permanence of the immune disruption. Best to use real science and knowledge at this juncture to point to known remedies & find new ones. I know we can and we will. The very bad news is not the last chapter, as he predicts. These folks will need to go through the fire of reality & consequent fear, though, to get to the healing & hope.
There’s a reason the phrase “There are no conspiracy theories, just spoiler alerts” has become a cliche, because it’s true!
Ethics. Is the NIH ethical to have financial incentives to push mandatory injection of their patented biotechnology?
Let's consult their ethicist. The NIH's Chief Bioethicist is Christine Grady. Who is Christine Grady to decide the ethics of this difficult question? She is also the Mrs. Anthony Fauci. And Mrs. Anthony Fauci, one of the top recipients of royalties through the NIH's injected biotechnology mandates, has declared the entire arrangement ethical.
So that's that. And how dare you question their ethics!?!?
More about Mrs. Anthony Fauci, aka Christine Grady, and her/their idea of ethics:
Christine Grady, aka Mrs. Fauci, wrote about how ethical it is to mandate injections of experimental biotechnology!
The guidance paper in her own hand:
And anybody questioning Fauci's ethics or a conflict of interest with her work and his work is just a hater! They are above reproach, ethical beyond question!:
Just know that the Fauci's internal ethical compass isn't informed by God or any other higher authority. He has no use for God or any other higher authority:
Mrs. Anthony Fauci, aka Christine Grady's ethics are the Utilitarian variety, i.e. lies in service to a greater good - as they assert is good - are ethical! What atheists believe. Atheists will often hide behind the word term "humanist" for public consumption. The Fauci's actually publicly have declared, they're "good without god." Note the article's lower case "g" as an intentional irreverence:
There's even entire religions that are "good without god," like the interfaith ones:
We get the 'ethics' of God-less people when we allow God-less people into positions of authority over us.
1st link - I read article. Hard to stomach the sycophant piece.
But this made me laugh:
“Just before sundown, Grady shuts off her computer and slips on a face mask for her daily 4 mile power walk around the neighborhood.”
Well, THAT tells you everything you need to know, now doesn’t it?!?!
Grady should not leave her mask on the floor.
That's downright dangerous. LOL
Wait till you watch the fawning YouTube video. Have a barf bag handy.
Better yet, an adult beverage.
Right!! 😂
Thank you!!!
Well said, Freedom Fox!!!
FourWinds, thank you for reminding folks that it is important to not use the word ‘vaccine’ for these mRNA injections. This is not a trivial detail. The misuse of this word was a major component of the propaganda/marketing to convince people to comply. We all MUST refuse to use the V word!
Indeed, Cathleen.
We must all be scrupulous in our use of language.
A wise priest I once knew famously said: “Verbal engineering always precedes social engineering.”
Monsignor has been dead more than a quarter century. I think of his cautionary words still, decades later.
Very wise words!
I completely agree. I never use the word vaccine when it comes to the Covid shots.
No matter how much they try to normalize it do not cave in and if you are question, say you prefer to use the pre-Covid definition of vaccine
I call all shots “injections” which sounds closer to the sinister nature that they are. I refuse to have my children injected with any more vials of toxics. NO. MORE.
They are transfections, NOT—whatever definition they give to them—vaccines.
Yes! Especially now that we are finding out that the random bacterial plasma DNA is incorporating into cell lines in the laboratory. People have become genetically modified without realizing it. The first step in trans humanism. And lowering the birth rates for sure.
It's good to call it a vaccine.
Emphasises that all vaccines are poisonous.
Let vaccine become a dirty word.
Hey — great point! I hadn’t thought of that angle. We are, after all, in an all out narrative war for good, truth and beauty — for Life. Words are powerful weapons & that hoists them on their own petard. Bravo, you outside-the-box thinker!
Yes, I don't put speech marks around it.
Nice to get a Bravo.
…Maybe we should shout it: V A C C I N E S. Or use the melodious Cherokee typeface: ᏌᏯᏜᏜᎥᎣᎧᎦ
(…a bit rusty on my Cherokee —Tricky alphabet, that.)
Use it as a swear word do you mean.
"Oh, vaccine it, I missed my train!"
Shots. That how I refer to it.
Yes! A problem infusing this interview, but mRNA addressed > about 20 mins. After that, redeemed, if not exactly in the preferred terminology.
Jeff's Money Laundering-Power enhancing Cycle illustration leaves out all of the POLITICAL Class players who are in on it as well as the WEF associates who pal around with the individuals involved, and the Deep State players. This is everything now too; All media, internet, NGOs, Faith organizations, housing contractors, municipal and county level agencies; the shit stewing in the sewage lagoon gets everyone who swims there covered and mired in filth. Largest and deepest and most infected swamp ever encountered. We are screwed--Repent and prepare for tribulations and plagues that are being poured out upon the earth, the seas, the animals, and races and nations of mankind.
May every cent of their blood-tinged money cause them sleepless nights and endless anxiety until they repent for their crimes against humanity. And may God have mercy on their souls. I’m still working on forgiveness 🙏🏻
The Biblical book of Revelation appears to be coming to fruition in the not-so-distant future. Signs are everywhere.
Oh you can bet they got their cut of the profits just like Facui (F head) and Collins (C head).
And let us not forget to mention the intelligence agencies and the department of defense along with everything else you mentioned. Mike Benz calls it The Blob. Mostly referring to the “bio security” defense apparatus. Which leave us neither secure, nor defended.
I beg to differ on your conclusion.
We’re screwed if we give in to the notion that we’re screwed.
well, i didn't say to surrender or to comply; screw the screwers!
until the "vaccine" kills all of them
The WEF captured MSM is their main weapon.
I had a Dr tell me that he doesn't understand how the money flows between Drs, hospitals, insurance, government. A DOCTOR! or SALESMAN doesn't know where his money flows from!! And I do. Oh please! Liars all!
After what my daughter had told me about banking lies and son about retail lies. You are crazy too if you think religion is gonna fix this. Most of humanity is in religion because it will make their lives better not because they are willing to suffer persecution. Don't try me but Thank God Jesus will hold me to Him and to Him Alone.
Y'all not understanding Christ. There is only one Name, one way, one truth, one Life whereby you MUST be saved from the wrath/judgement that is certainly to come. God is not slow... But patient with all.
“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.””
Acts 4:12 ESV
Amen, Lisa.
Truly, most drs have never given it consideration.
I mean, how many of US actually considered it, before 2020 when it was forced into our faces. I certainly didn’t.
Additionally, the depravity required of our head government officials in order to perpetrate the stuff they do is beyond what many people are willing to entertain. I mean, I was never willing to consider that the USG (or some actors in it) was willing to kill 3,000 people on a day in September, just to further their own agenda, let alone start a WAR in the Middle East. Until I saw how they were willing to kill millions during The Plague. When I saw how adamantly they refused life-saving medicine to dying people, then the scales began to fall off my eyes.
This knowledge remains both sobering and, at times, terrifying.
"I mean, how many of US actually considered it, before 2020 when it was forced into our faces."
I'll admit that I have. I have questioned the medical community for a long time.....since the '80s. I keep allopathic doctors around so I can get medical tests I want.
I have a book titled, "How Not To Die," copywrite 2015. In it, is a chapter on Iatrogenics, death by doctor or other medical establishment person, place or thing. Studies claim it's the 3d leading cause of death. It's probably gained in status now.
I have always hated the medical profession, so I didn't have far to go when the scamdemic started. But I see why many were fooled at first. I hope they can see now, as you said, that they were killing millions and continue to do so. They have imported millions of built in slaves... most of these people come from countries where freedom does not exist, so they will have no concept of it when they lose it to be controlled by the government. In fact, they are already slaves. What else do you call someone who is entirely supported by, and therefore controlled by, another? A slave to their controller.
True. But It’s apparent that our own non-slavery status has been an illusion for quite some time.
It’s terrifying.
Sobering, too.
I am curious why so many on here do not want to call the covid jab a vaccine. Why the differentiation? Vaccines have long posed many adverse health effects on people and we have simply turned a blind eye and accepted chronic illness to increase without making the correlation to vaccine increase. Covid jab has increased cancer incidents, but what is worse - cancer or chronic illness or autism or seizures or SIDS…? The old vaccines have merely been accepted with their ill effects on humanity and we are all the proverbial frog in the boiling pot. Covid vaccine roll out threw everyone in the pot at once. It opened a lot of eyes on different dangers of vaccines, but they are ALL dangerous. Pick your poison.
Because it's not. It does not act like a classic vaccine. It neither helps stop transmission or illness, which vaccines are supposed to do. The definition of the word was changed to encourage compliance. Not just changed, but forced down our throats. I won't call it one because it is exceptionally dangerous and its dangers (heart attacks, strokes, cancers, etc.) are FAR worse than any "virus" it supposedly protects against. But, I agree with you all vaccines are very dangerous. I will never touch one. But someone would have to shoot me point blank in the face before I touched the "covid" "vaccine". I'm going to die, but I'll be dammed if it is due to big pharma.
Read through past vaccines and you’ll find your opinion of classic vaccines may be off. substack.com/@aaronsiri
I think a lot of us here are of the old school thought (have been propagandized all our lives) that vaccines were mostly good with some adverse consequences, and actually vaccinated people against some diseases. Covid jabs were so prevalent to all in such a short period of time and so obviously (to critical thinkers) did not vaccinate against anything, that they deserved a special level of disdain.
Thanks in part to this substack community, I have evolved into being more discerning about all vaccines. To me now “vaccine” is kind of a dirty word. When I really look into past vaccines that were hailed as life saving like smallpox and polio, I have found that these diseases were actually on the decline when vaccines came out, and wonder if vaccines were even necessary. I have started reading Turtles, and am helping/encouraging some younger family members navigate not vaccinating their babies.
Long winded reply to your inquiry, but I think decades of vaccine propaganda will take time to undo in many people.
Reading Turtles speeds up the process considerably. The whole "vaccine" enterprise is built on the backs of turtles all the way down.
I have two cousins whom I never really knew because both died (approximately 70 years ago) of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Now I wonder: Did their vaccines take them down?
I am mindful that when doctors don’t have explanations, the condition gets a vague “explanatory” name like “syndrome”.
We all bow our heads reverently….
Neither here nor there but Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was euphemized in the '60s. "Crib death" as I recall was what they called it before that time. Regardless, I agree that vaccines are highly likely as a culprit. In the '80s a family member had a 5 month old die in her crib. This relative has downed the kool aid. I have thought about it but I'm not sure making the association with vaccines will help her with this 40-odd year old trauma. 🤷♀️
I think that it would help as she has been blaming her mothering skills.
She had another child about a year after. She was so, so careful with him. He was coddled. Is now 38, divorced, two teenage girls and they all live at the family of origin homestead. She is a breast cancer survivor, happening about a decade after the death. Emotional landscape, I believe, plays a significant role in any dis-ease the body encounters. Complicated is an understatement. I just don't know about revisiting that trauma...
I would say the same as Cairn. She likely still carries much guilt along with her grief. It may help to lift that sadness. Yes — even after 40 years. I would skip talk & just leave a good, compelling article or discussion. Or send a link. Then let her see it in private, & let it percolate. I think it will.
No need to discuss anything. Best not to. It’s a very deep and private thing. If she later remarks on it, surely that’s a good time to talk.
Jmho 🙏🏼💌
Appreciate it. Replied to Cairn with additional thoughts FYI. Undecided...
70 years ago there werent many vaccines. Maybe one? My husband (1954) had a friend a year older (1953)who had polio and was crippled like an old man for the rest of his life.
I learned from reading Turtles All The Way down that what the friend had was probably not polio at all, it was pesticide poisoning. "Polio" the way we were taught to think of it (as a discrete virus), never existed.
That was about the time I was born. It was “live better through science”. Modern mothers lovingly would bottle feed out of a can of sterile, disgusting baby formula. All 4 kids & most everyone else in the highly educated city of Palo Alto were fed this way.
Luckily, Mom’s Stanford Dr was down on drugs, but that says that others weren’t so scrupulous. I haven’t researched what all they gave mothers & babies at that time (it’d be an interesting go), but they existed & were given. Recall the synthetic hormone, DES, widely given to prevent miscarriages & premies (1940-1960), which was linked to uterine cancer, breast cancer, infertility, spontaneous abortion, neonatal death, invasive breast cancer +++, in mother AND daughter (now suspected in granddaughters as well). And, of course, there was Thalidomide. Perhaps there is a culprit lurking in the wings yet…
Because CDC literally changed the definition to conform to the shot. It’s not what was defined as a vaccine.
This article explains.
Definition was changed for the majority of the vaccines on the current schedule. It just happened to occur right after covid vax roll out. Most vaxes do not provide full immunity.
"I am curious why so many on here do not want to call the covid jab a vaccine. Why the differentiation?"
I believe the answer can be found in an essay written by Ben Hunt regarding the Common Knowledge Game. He states:
“The core dynamic of the Common Knowledge Game is this: how does private knowledge become -- not public knowledge – but common knowledge? Common knowledge is something that we all believe everyone else believes.” “Behavior changes ONLY when we believe that everyone else believes the information.”
He uses Harvey Weinstein as a VERY appropriate example.
So, until everyone else believes the “vax” is NOT a “vax," but a bioweapon of sorts, their behavior (and beliefs) will not change.
The essay is amazing and, sadly, is only available now behind his paywall: https://www.epsilontheory.com/?s=common+knowledge
Do more research on past vaccines and propaganda.
Let's use it as a verb for poisoning.
I ate some suspect clams last night and got so vaccined that I could not leave the house today.