I say it's a depopulation agenda. Now 5 dead in my court. I don't plan on changing my mind.

And everyone, Rutgers too, needs to stop calling this garbage a "vaccine". It isn't, it wasn't, it "ain't never gonna be." Call it what it is: gene modification that causes more problems than in solves. Is it deliberate? I think so. They had animal trials on mRNA in which all animals died. They knew.

Remember when people called us conspiracy theorists for saying doctors were getting paid to push this garbage? Me too. Conspiracy theorists still batting 1,000.

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”But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,“

‭‭II Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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My mother was born in 1921 and taught school for many years. She said, with decades of teaching experience behind her, that Affirmative Action, the 1960s version of DEI, was a huge mistake and also the beginning of the downfall for education in America. I believe she was correct.

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“It was always a government project.”

Ralph Baric at UNC.

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On Easter Saturday, my daughter (14) made the decision to follow Jesus and we both will be baptized this Sunday. There is hope and I pray that heaven is crowded. I had an awaking 5 years ago after my husband died from alcoholism. I'd love to hear your awakening story.

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Listened yesterday to this German doctor being interviewed with Tucker. Found this a minute ago on Epoch Times, where I don't think it is paywalled. Absolute must listen that connects a number of dots as to why the official narrative kept changing , how this affects the brains , thinking, and memories of the jabbed, and the ultiimate agenda. Also covers how depression has become the #1 disease in America. It was timely for me after the confrontation we had with my sister in law at Easter dinner (she has had 6 shots, or whatever the maximum is) . At the end, Dr. Nehls highly recommends taking lithium to reverse some of the damage from the jabs. My wife tried unsuccessfully to get our daughter to take it for her depression.


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Jeff we need a complete study on MRna being put into food. Many believe that the bio weapon developed in Wuhan and elsewhere was not Covid 19 but the jab and now they want the farmers to add it to livestock and produce. This is mass murder. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/tennessee-lawmakers-pass-bill-targeting-mrna-vaccines-food

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Abortion Rights March - My Body My Choice

"Do you support the Covid vaccine mandates?"

uh that's different.... LOL


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And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. And the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many. Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, “Truly this was God’s Son!”

— Matthew 27:51-54 LSB

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"All of the GroupMe's, all of the Slacks....." WTF are these? I laughed until I realized these clowns have nothing real in their lives at all. Get a life ,social media addicted snowflakes and do something meaningful with it. Holy cow do I feel like a very grateful dinosaur to be removed from this type of apparently contagious insanity .

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In regards to my buddy's story about diabetes in Monday's comments, another thing he learned about was the fact that the condition of diabetes (and it is NOT a disease) feeds into many other ailments, especially cancer. As the article below describes, people are successfully eliminating cancer with a simple treatment of ivermectin and metformin. Now, here's the kicker: the same results of metformin can be produced simply by fasting. You get rid of the sugar which is the cancer's fuel source, treat it with ivermectin and presto, you killed the cancer.


Ivermectin Squares Off in a New War on Cancer

Medical pioneers are putting their Covid treatment expertise to new uses. For two cancer patients, that meant 'complete clinical response.'


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Where to start . . . I'm a retired MD who practiced Emergency Medicine for 33 years. As a student, we had the "public health benefits" of vaccines drilled into us. We were taught that they were crucial. We trusted the CDC, NIH, et al. In the ER, my only real vaccine push was for tetanus when someone had a dirty wound, but even then it was to the primary care physician to administer them. However, upon retiring ten years ago, I came across an article on the prevalence and incidence of measles pre- and post- vaccines, and that article turned my understanding upside down. I took the time to research the vaccine literature and read hundreds of studies/articles. My understanding of why Big Pharma was indemnified by the feds made a 180-degree turn. I learned that the NIH/CDC held dozens of patents on vaccines and delivery tech and its scientists could claim royalties (ie, major conflict of interest). I saw that NIH, FDA, and CDC were revolving doors for scientists and execs from Big Pharma. Now, to be honest, I had already been developing a distrust of Big Pharma as I saw them pushing less-than-useful drugs and using marketing to make them "standard of care." But at that point, I saw greed as the main basis for their actions. That was also around the time the WEF, UN Agenda 21, and other global depopulation advocates captured Big Pharma. I believe that is a primary agenda today. I wrote about much of what I discovered in an article on my website in spring of 2019 and used it as a premise in my novel, The Khmer Connection.

Then came COVID. I saw right through the motivations of the NIH and CDC and gladly signed onto the Barrington Declaration. I recognized that the only way a "vaccine" could have been available so quickly was that the virus was planned. It was clear that the alleged vaccine was not a vaccine at all. Plus, not only were animal studies lacking, the so-called human trials were disastrous. Yet, the Centers for Disease Commercialization and Profits marched ahead. They called the tech "mRNA" and promoted it as messengerRNA when in fact it was modifiedRNA. MessengerRNA indeed degrades in minutes. ModifiedRNA does not and the handwriting was on the wall. Clearly a bait and switch.

Moving on to today, once again my understanding of the realities of this modRNA tech has grown with the clips shared in today's post. To learn that the tech originated in government labs does not surprise me, but it is truly dismaying. It was already known that the government sponsored UNC labs to work with the Wuhan labs on the gain of function work that produced COVID. Now it seems that work was the NIH looking for something to use its modRNA tech on--an "answer" in search of a "question." Indeed, a deadly answer.

Oh, and for the record, I am now fully anti-vaxx. Legit safety studies are not the answer. The healthiest kids and adults I know are the ones who are free or nearly-free from vaccines.

BTW, while its interesting to read of Dawkins' change to becoming a "cultural Christian" and maybe it does signify a western cultural shift, when he stands before Christ in judgment, he'll still be standing among the atheists. It takes more than accepting a lifestyle to avoid the eternity promised to those who don't believe.

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“ I find that I like to live in a culturally Christian society, although I do not believe in a single word of the Christian faith.”

The poison and infiltration in American society and throughout the world.

Matthew 15:8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

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That Blue Cross incentive schedule enraged me! The local hospital group that my FORMER doctor's practice is affiliated with, is still encouraging the covid shots with lies on their website. Check out my Substack post or go directly to the website.



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Something wonderful and beautiful is afoot. Amen.

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The Rand Paul stuff is all smoke and mirrors. He's had damning information for well over a year now about where the virus came from and that it was all covered up, yet many will act like he is some renegade hero or something. The fact of the matter is that there is not ONE single person in Congress who has truly fought back against the covid tyranny. And then you have Mr. Operation Warp Speed, who will do it all again if he is told to. He wasn't strong enough to stand up for what is right the first time, why do people think he will stand up and do the right thing this time. He has given ZERO indication that he will do so. Wake up folks. You are being played.

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