Since many have asked, we use https://www.celebrateprimarycare.com in Gainesville — a terrific team.

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Thanks for sharing. (I live in Wisconsin, and see a functional medicine MD who doesn’t accept insurance.). Your provider has a good model, which hopefully will keep catching on more and more across the USA. I can’t help saying that they should lose the ‘mask’ photos on their home page.

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Exactly!!! That’s one of the questions to ask Doctors you are interviewing to hire as your physician. How did you treat anybody “suspected” of having a “COVID” viruses. How much do you trust PCR tests & why. Are you familiar with cycle thresholds, if not, why? Do you suggest sunscreen creams, etc., etc..

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We knew scientifically over 40 years ago that those masks have no effect on preventing the spread of any virus, or for that matter even most bacteria, which are 20 times larger. What an embarrassingly stupid era in our medical facilities. I would never see a doc that required them, and I've never allowed anyone in or around my house with them. Most people with half a brain were relieved to hear that from me during that time, as repair folks and others felt compelled to do it but didn't like it or believe in it either. It was kind of an Emperor's New Clothes test - we just needed more people to speak the truth and say NO..

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I see one in illinois. I feel safe there. She never vaxxed.

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Here’s a site (provided by a doc in KY that I connected with on substack) to find a direct primary care practitioner in your state:


I only found one in central Illinois, but am hopeful!

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THANK YOU MOMinator for sharing! Found a doc right in my hometown!🤗

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That's what we did this year. Our functional holistic doctor is a gem, but he does not do hands on if you need it, so we got on a waiting list for a local direct primary care practice that I have received wonderful feedback about. We are in and set up now.

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That information is from 2021 on this website, so not current. However, I found this article that is quite helpful.


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Thank you for this! So helpful.

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Doesn’t seem to work on my cell. I’ll email myself the link to check on my laptop later. Thank you!

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Thank you so much for the link!

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That’s very interesting, I had never heard of DPC before. I have ChristianHealthcare so it’s kind of like catastrophic care, as you pay for all your Dr appointments, but like as if you’re a cash patient, so it’s cheaper. Then if you had a medical “incident” it would be $1000. Ea, which isn’t terrible, as it’s only about $265 per mo. If you have the time, could you explain this type further?

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https://chministries.org/ this is what I use.

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Thank you! I found 3 within 30 miles. Will keep these in mind. I see a functional medicine doctor but she is quite expensive. I would like to have a GP as alternative.

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I found one close to me, but when I click on the green dot it doesn’t give me any information???

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What do you do in the event you need hospitalization?

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Still can get hospitalization. Carry major medical insurance to cover that sort of thing, or procedures or specialists.

Most primary care docs no longer see their patients in hospital anyway, unfortunately. The sad rise of hospitalist physicians. Yet more fragmentation of true medical care.

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But that is going back to the first problem. You can't get "catastrophic" health coverage. I couldn't find anything available at a reasonable cost so it feels like I would still be paying high premiums AND concierge prices for a doctor that I barely see.

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Exactly as AL said. Obamacare changed that all out. Either you have insurance or you don’t. Used to be you could get catastrophic insurance really cheap, no longer

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Funny how they made sure that happened.

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Only the Dems could name astronomically higher priced healthcare “Affordable Care” and get away with it; it’s Opposite Day with them EVERY day.

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I think we’re long past the “Dem/Rep” game. They’re all bought and paid for. The rest is an illusion promoted to make you think that’s where the fight is. It’s not.

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https://chministries.org/ check this out

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What happens if one of you needs something like an orthopedic surgery, or even a stent? Both can run over $100,000

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Still have to carry health insurance. Or use a cost-sharing program like Medishare.

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I don't know about other insurance, but using direct primary care does not preclude you from going to another doctor ie. an orthopedic doctor and using medicare with them.

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Tell me about it. A hemi hip replacement after a fall was an eye watering cost. Insurance and Medicare paid almost all, so I would have to be covered.

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Hold up..PRIVATE health insurance? It's supposed to be unaffordable and out of reach of everyone, thus why we need obamacare.


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We are giving https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/ a try. Low premiums, we cover basics. Max is capped so we self-insure the horriblest accidents. But it allows us 75% savings (invest the difference) for that ugly possibility. See who we want. Pay cash. Haven’t had a claim yet though.

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Not all direct primary care is the same. I thought my mom’s was doing things for her best interest, but I got a little jaded after taking her to many appointments.

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But...how does this work outside of your locality?

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Omg I just asked the same question lol. Thanks!!!

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“The jury can find Trump “guilty” in a general sense without specifically defining the crime.”

That’s insane! Guilty of something but who knows what it is.

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I think the quote below aptly describes the Trump trial....

"Give me the man and I will give you the case against him."

- Quote attributed to the Stalinist-era Soviet jurist Andrey Vyshinsky, or the Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria.

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I agree, that is exactly what is happening here 😕

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“- Quote attributed to the Stalinist-era Soviet jurist Andrey Vyshinsky, or the Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria.”

Or any Soros D.A.!

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I had been a doctoral student and personally witnessed DEI students copied directly from borrowed books from the Library.

Wonder how Soros's D.A. passed their Bar Exam ?

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And what makes you think the demon craps that run NYC are any different?

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It depends on whether they are partying together or separately.

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The democrat panic & desperation is becoming obvious. New Yorkers and fed up with the democrat bullsh*t and are going to turn the state RED. And if they believe a Trump guilty verdict will change our votes, GFY!!

I enjoy wearing this in front of dems: https://t.co/jhM0aRfLef

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New york will never go red..mark my words.

It's simply beyond the state. Trump was a New Yorker, even.

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The absolute liberal BS must be overwhelming a whole bunch of Dem voters by now.


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Remember it’s not "It’s not who votes that counts," Stalin supposedly said. "It’s who counts the vote.

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Remember he was found guilty of "raping" that woman that he had never met! All things are possible today, unfortunately.

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@Alison Smith and then she tweeted once that “The Apprentice” was one of her favorite shows! Who watches a show starring their “rapist”?! What a very odd woman she is.

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She’s not “odd”, she’s insane!

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💯💯💯 Recently said that she finds rape sexy.

The woman is sick.

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and couldn't even remember which year the rape supposedly occurred - but the jury didn't find him guilty of rape but of defamation when he protested the absurdity of the claim

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Right! How Dare Trump be allowed a defense! Because his secretaries would know Exactly where he was at any given time!

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Her Twitter/X post history is beyond insane.

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Is she in jail?

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She imagined being raped by him, and the thought became the deed.

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As to health insurance and health care, it’s another example of usurpation of powers by the federal government. Eliminate the unconstitutional Department of Health and Human Services, all its subagencies, Medicare and Medicaid and give the power back to the states and the people where it rightly belongs. Health care costs would plummet like a Russian dissident falling out of a hotel window.

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Note they always claim rape by some wealthy guy…never a poor or middle-class schmo.

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I want to try that! I’d do it for less than 80 million even!

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Acquiescence becomes acceptance.

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I cannot even read most of Jeff's wonderful blog today, because I feel my blood pressure going up about this whole Trump thing, and especially about the mere mention of despicable FJB, otherwise known as our current President.

My emotions are approaching sinful levels, so....

This interesting article came to my attention yesterday, however:


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This is and will continue to backfire. I predict a Trump electoral landslide, if we can keep,the balloting legal.

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They’re running out of options to keep him out…what’s left? “Postponing” the election due to some catastrophic event or JFK-ing him? He’d better pick a VP that they’re just as afraid of as they are of him. It’s his only protection against option 2!

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That would be Steve Bannon!

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"if we can keep,the balloting legal."

That's like saying "I'm jumping off this skyscraper, and I predict a soft landing - IF we can suspend the law of gravity."

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It wasn't the balloting where the problem was, but in the duplicative counting of the ballots.

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No fingers on the scale

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that Buyden would give an address shows what a disgusting individual he is

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I was talking to my grandson and referred to the guy living in the Senior Living Center in D.C. He laughed his head off!

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Yay! There’s hope for the younger generation after all (just kidding, I know a ton of younger folk who have completely woken up!)

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I know it's sinful, but I struggle with hating Biden. Struggle implies I am trying not to hate. I need to struggle harder.

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I'm in that boat with you. I find myself praying the imprecatory Psalms (wishing God to punish him) rather than praying for him to repent. Only God can change him.

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Fret not over evil does for they shall be mown down like grass... Psalm 37

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King David prayed God would smite his enemies plenty



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I just read in Hosea today how God HATED a certain people. He gets it. It’s in either Hosea 10 or 11, KJV.

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I feel sorry for him. He is a senior citizen who is being used and abused by his "handlers" He obviously has Dementia and He should be in a rest home being cared for by trained caregivers.

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Yes, but he has never been a good man, even in younger days.

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His past 50 years have been despicable. I don't care if he has dementia now, he has an evil past. Besides all this, others are obviously running the show behind him and we should worry about that.

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He’s never held an honest job as far as I can tell. Ever.

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I think his wife is awful to let him be abused this way, but he's still evil in my eyes. I hate what he has done to destroy this country and to destroy so many lives. On some level, I think he's willing to be used because he likes the power and prestige of being the so-called leader of the free world. He doesn't seem to care for people at all.

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I still say this is all White Hat theater to wake up the normies who are reachable and also to enter into official court records information the NSA has but cannot use unless it becomes public record. This is a psyop war like no other, many levels deep and wide. Nothing is as it seems, so don't despair. As Clif High says, the goal is to survive '25.

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And look how far we have come! Getting close now!

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"My emotions are approaching sinful levels...." There's a pill for that.

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Yes, it is a pill called not having Joe Biden as President! 😉

And for me as a Christian, the ancient Jesus Prayer..

'Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. have mercy on me a sinner'. 🙏

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We’re allowed to have righteous anger and at this point …

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There is a vaccine for that…

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I know what you mean. I have to frequently keep myself from hating Joe Biden because of all the despicable things he has done and is doing currently. Especially with this show trial junk.

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Biden isn’t doing anything.

The power is elsewhere. He’s just a symbol - a very feeble one.

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Agree but he is also not a good person. "No one messes with a Biden", says it all. He isn't a mafia don, but those words which he said not very long ago, sound like he thinks he is.

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He's a disgusting human being and always has been. He has 50 years of non-achievement behind him, and all he has ever done is be a racist and block civil rights legislation. He has always been underestimated and has flown under the radar of most people. For the 2020 election, he was just a manipulable, useful idiot to those really running things. His increasing dementia was an advantage to them.

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Hating a puppet makes no sense…. It’s ok to hate the evil agenda of the Puppeteer!

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It must be taking an awful toll on him.

Even if he’s acquitted, the Dems have kept him tied to the court, hassled him terribly, put pressure on his health through the stress.

They play VERY dirty.

I hope (real) voters punish them badly for this staging this SHOW TRIAL.

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Exactly… My prayers are keenly focused on protecting both Trump & RFK, Jr. For all people speaking the truths & really caring about what is happening to others…

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I had similar feelings

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Kafkaesque indeed.

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Yes it truly is an appropriate adjective here 😕

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Like! The mass insanity of life in Clownworld might as well be call “Pride and Pretending.” The thickening fog of stuff people have to pretend not to know along mixed withe the proudful denial of having fallen for so many propaganda con(s) is life in the asylum. God help us.

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It took one crazy judge to convict him of that. Are there 12 crazy jurors that will do the same? Anything is possible in NYC. If that happens, my bet would be that it was set up from the start. Just another day in this crazy world we live in.

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I wonder if the jurors know that they will be a target if they don’t vote to convict him. It would be a legitimate fear.

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Exactly! I think that corrupt judge is counting on that.

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Pawns typically do not know they’re being used as pawns- until afterwards

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Like the one who accused Kavanaugh - with a load of baloney - proven lies - and said she’d been so-o traumatized by an “assault” decades ago, in a house she couldn’t identify, didn’t remember who was there or how she got home... Said she would fight on - blah blah - the minute she picked up her million $$$ no one heard from her again.

What a surprise.

The justice system should nail these liars to discourage what has become a routine dirty trick.

As a woman, I DETEST these liars. They just go after CASH & everyone knows it.

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he wanted to rape her, she felt assaulted afterward and violated by his nearness

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She’s really a piece of work 😕

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Anyone who has been to Bergdorf Goodman knows that this entire story had to be made up.

Where are the witnesses?

Men don't generally go into women's fitting rooms without being noticed, and on rare occasion, if they do, they are usually a boyfriend or husband, and will ask permission of the sales person.

I honestly don't know how Trump and his family are keeping their peace and their cool infront of all this demonic, sovietesque garbage these manipulated, threatened, coerced, or paid players are throwing at him.

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@AngelaK I’ve said that from the beginning! You want me to believe a man as famous as Trump was, even back then, walks into the highest of high end stores in Manhattan, and no clerk was around to wait on him? Much less in the lingerie department! The whole thing was cooked up by left wing lunatics and financed by that sicko billionaire. If there is any justice in this world, which is more questionable every day, she shouldn’t see a red cent of that ridiculous “award.”

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We’re seeing a lot of evil people being rewarded for a lot of wrongdoing.

We have to start to turn the tables.

The wickedness must stop.

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yeah over the top "She Too!" claim from a grifter and whackjob enabled by a Marxist Legal System

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Right?? 😕

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Well said.

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Not raping, battery, is what he was ''convicted'' of, right? I'm pretty sure that he was cleared of ''rape''...

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No, he was found “guilty” of defaming the accuser when he said it was ridiculous and denied it.

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Well, Biden has his hand up under Tara Reide's skirt and his fingers were where they should not be so I would call that a definite sexual assault, but when Tara spoke up she was targeted for ruin by Biden's people and she ended up having to flee to Russia for safety.

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Like Jimmy Carter, I'm sure the Donald mentally raped her, so that should count

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What, you never saw Minority Report?

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Remember that it's been a year since the FBI went after Ken Paxton. If you missed his interview with Tucker Carlson, watch it. He fought back and won, but it was an extremely hard road. Those who hate our constitution have always gone after those who love it. I'm reminded of Clarance Thomas who is an originalist and the lies that they perpetrated against him to try to stop his appointment to the Supreme Court. Make no mistake. Those who hate this country will lie, cheat, steal to destroy this country. They have no morals and no boundaries and they are a god unto themselves.

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Right. And now we have a SCJ who can't define a woman.

The USA is devolving.....at first slowly.....now suddenly.

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When we look hard at the decline, it's been going on for longer than we thought, but the decline is definitely picking up speed. People just didn't want to notice and kept pushing down the obvious that was happening right under our noses. My godmother repeatedly told me that her father left the Democrats during the Goldwater years. He was an attorney and high up in Democrat circles in Kentucky at that time. He told her that there had been drastic change in the Democrat party and he could no longer be a part of it. Apparently, he was never more specific than that. She would also tell me that schools changed with Dewey. She had an education degree and had graduated in the early 50's. It's always interesting to get perspective from a previous generation.

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Correct. For example, the town council of Berkeley CA have been raving woke lunatics since at least 1989, 35 years ago.. This insanity did not happen in a few years, or even a few decades, so why do people think we can restore the Republic and sanity in a few years?

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