Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

DeSantis is about done for 2024. But he could try something bold.

He should declare that the Florida Surgeon General has confirmed Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for many illnesses and should be available over the counter in all pharmacies in Florida. Enforced by state law.

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If he did that, I would take a road trip to buy some.

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Kathleen - get it without a script from pharmacyonair.com. 75 cents for a 12 mg pill. I’ve ordered from them many times. HCQ, pred and doxycycline too

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During the peak of the pandemic, I got an ivermectin prescription from an internet doctor. My local pharmacist filled it, but he charged me $75 for 28 tablets, and I had to come to the backdoor of the pharmacy (in the alley) where he delivered it to me. I couldn't find any other pharmacy at the time to fill it. How crazy was that.

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I was on a cruise that stopped in Mexico a couple of years ago. I went looking for some in one of pharmacy’s at the port. I forget exactly how much they were asking for a just a few tabs but it so expensive I passed. Plus I didn’t trust them

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I would trust a Mexican doctor and pharmacist over a US one and Ive been a pharmacist for 54 years! You could buy Ivermectin from vending machines in airports in Mexico! Its not particularly cheap but what prescription drug is??

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A Mexican Pharmacy selling a drug literally illegal in America to a gringo during a pandemic? It was wise you passed on that.

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And that's worse than a 'legitimate' pharmaceutical company selling a 'cure' in the US or wherever?

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Right Now ... I’m having (my husband’s ) doctor blocking my prescription provided by PUSH-HEALTH, which I used back in 2020-21 . Doctor/ Insurance are both blocking this prescription. I wish I would have found Laura’s site to order direct.

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Equine ivermectin is used successfully by people and is a whole lot cheaper

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I got some online so I would have it if anyone needed it, and the price was outrageous. Price gouging in an “emergency”

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Well If anyone died whose family had a script for Ivermectin which some pharmacy refused to fill I would sue their asses off!

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Another source, also from India, is AllDayChemist.com. Price is nominally higher but shipping is less (or included if order is above $150) making the pricing roughly equivalent. I don't know how to determine authenticity, short of testing what is bought ourselves. I wonder whether the fact PayPal hasn't shut down pharmacyonair.com is a reason to be suspicious of them?

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Another source is the Wellness Company: https://www.twc.health/products/emergency-preparedness-kit?ref=diD-0ZG4Yu40Rj

Associated with Dr. Peter A. McCullough. You don’t have to join to order meds.

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Do you have to pay a consult fee in order to get orders filled??

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No. The fee includes the consultation.

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I have purchased from AlldayChemist.com as well. You do have to give your banking information (routing/account number) as the only method of payment. I was skeptical of that at first but friends that ordered had no issues so I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised. My order was here in perhaps 10 days even though they said up to 30 days.

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I ordered a few times from AllDayChemist.com too. They accept credit cards now. I usually send them a check. Takes longer but I feel safer. (Probably silly but...?)

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I have used alldaychemist for quite some time. The shipping sometimes is more expensive ($15) than the med.

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Greg - I've ordered from pharmacyonair many times and so have my friends and family - no orders seized by customs, but we make sure our orders are less than $300. The IVM pills are in a blister pack - vs. when you get a script filled at a compounding pharmacy they are capsules filled with white powder.

When you pay with PayPal, they ask you not to say what it is that you are purchasing.

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Used alldaychemist many times. I figured all our pharmaceuticals are made in China or India anyway. I have used them for other products also like retin-a. Very professional.

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One of my orders got “lost” and they shipped another. I received that one. I do worry about it being confiscated and possibly having FBI show up at my door.

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Austro (brand sold by Alldaychemist) Ivermectin was tested ( I’ve since lost the article about it from 2020), I can’t give you the reference but it was in the top three verified pure ivermectin in the study/test. My family has used it for the past two years. Seems authentic. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Thanks, Elizabeth! That's good to know. I've been buying from AllDayChemist for two years now and never have had a problem. Others I trust previously had vouched for them, too.

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This is what I got when I searched AlldayChemist:



The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) includes this site on its Not Recommended list. We recommend you learn more and verify your pharmacy before making online health purchases. The FDA has more information at BeSafeRx - Know Your Online Pharmacy.

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I have used alldaychemist.com many times. With bank transfer . About a 20-day turnaround with shipping from India. I like to stock up on various. No official prescription required, just requested. Professional customer service.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Thanks Laura, my supplier is being shut down. There is no payment system to support them.

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Dr. Linda - you can pay thru PayPal with pharmacyonair. I ditched PayPal so I send a bank wire.

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I ditched them too, but you can use them for one time expenses without creating an account. I wish gabpay was more widely accepted.

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I gave them up more than a year ago. So a wire for me as well. Thanks fir the heads up.

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Dr. Linda - My orders have always been under $300 - less likely to get flagged in customs. I'm fortunate that my bank does not charge me for wires.

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Thank you for the link and your seal of approval.

I did get some IVM from India at the height of the pandemic but it did take some time to arrive.

Thanks again for the link and I will order some more from this company.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

I find it funny that so many of us, myself included, were more comfortable giving our information to a company in India than taking the jab.

Now about that windfall in Nigeria . . .

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The VA would send me blood pressure meds and they were either made in Israel, India, or China.

Which one should I trust?

I changed BP meds and the current Rx is manufactured in Bangladesh.

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Thing is, "vitamin i" is so inexpensive, that it doesn't seem like it would be worth it to counterfeit. Saving half a penny to make sugar pills, and then lose all your future business?

I was fairly comfortable, given that the Indian manufacturer was a big supplier of the German market.

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not China. Read all IV sold at pharmacies in the US comes from China

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Kathleen - last time I ordered, it took 10 days to reach Ohio via USPS.

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That is really quick. When I ordered IVM from another company, it took about 4 weeks.

So thanks again for the info.

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Slightly off topic, does anyone have that link to check vaccine”lot” numbers. I thought I bookmarked but can’t locate. I have a friend, Michigan state employee, jab or walk situation, now having what sounds like injury symptoms. I just wanted her to see what her lots are famous for. Thanks

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I feel like there is also another site that does something similar.

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I used Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquin during 2020-21 at 3mg strength and it worked great . I’m wondering if I should up the mg’s 6 or 12 . I’m 72 female and about 30 over weight .

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

For preventive use, FLCCC recommends 0.2 mg IVM / kg weight. I weigh 140 lbs: Divide 140 by 2.2 [lbs / kg] to get 64 kg. Multiply 0.2 by 64 to get 12.8 mg. I take one 12 mg tab once a week.

One division problem; one multiplication problem; round off answer to nearest number divisible by 3.

Second example: For a person who weighs 170 lbs, divide 170 by 2.2 to get 77 kg. Multiply 0.2 by 77 to get 15.4 mg. Take one 15 mg tab - or a 12 + a 3 (or five 3s), whatever adds up to 15 - once a week.

For early exposure / initial symptoms, FLCCC recommends 0.4 mg IVM / kg weight. If you already know your preventive dose, double that number. Mine would be 24 mg / day. Or calculate as above.

Do NOT divide dose. Take full dose all at once. That is, if I'd been exposed, I would take 24 mg in the morning, w/ or after a meal. [I would NOT take 12 mg in the morning and 12 mg in the evening.]

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Can’t thank you enough!!!!! 🥳

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Christine - you should be dosing using the FLCCC's protocol:


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I forgot about looking at FLCCC’s protocol 🤯 Thank You !!!! On the chart for calculating dosage from weight it doesn’t give 12mg on chart .

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Christine - it will give you the total number of mg that you should be taking for your weight. The 12mg pills are cheaper than the 3mg. So just try to get close to the recommended dosage. You can use your fingers to break a 12 mg into two pieces. Don't use a pill splitter - it will just crumble.

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You have to do the maffs.

Also, 6¢ per mg is a decent price. The compounders rake you over the coals (at least in my local-to-NE-FL experience).

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I have read that iver must not be taken WITH HCQ. They can be separated doses, i.e. iver in the morning & HCQ in the evening, but not at the same time. Both must be accompanied by zinc.

(Will try to find saved link)

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I can't answer that, but I do know for a fact that a friend who got transverse myelitis from the jab is following her doctor's recommendation for 20 mg per day. BTW, found out a few week's ago he is also Dr. Robert Malone's Dr., so... Obviously, not much risk of OD'ing on IV.

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Thank you! I’ve had trouble finding Ivermectin, HCQ etc!

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Just order the horse paste online or pick it up from your local feed store - have had no issues and it’s cheaper than the pills - stuff I get is manufactured in Canada and distributed out of MO, doesn’t really taste bad either.

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My friend had covid early on & so he would take care of friends who got it later. I asked him where he got his IVM. He said he said Tractor Supply. (He raises horses)

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Indeed! TractorSupply got me through covid, too! Tastes nasty, but does the job. I recently got the human stuff via https://www.virex.health/

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Sheep Dip. Farm store. Oral liquid , just Iver & water. Same proportions as w/ sheep is dosage, by weight, but for duration I’ve read 1 dose/ day for either 2 or 5 days. It should be researched & use your best discernment. Taken with fat. (I.e. w/ meal, or, I use it in coffee w/ coconut oil &/or raw gf milk cream) Take zinc with. (& the other FLCCC’s supps.)

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Can also be purchased through Dr Stella’s website. Through a Texas pharmacy.

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Thanks, was going to ask for some OS (overseas) suggestions as I know we discussed this a week or two ago, but forgot the names/options.

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You are an answer to prayer! My “woke” PCP here in Florida has refused to write a script for us. Thank you for sharing this information.

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Prayer certainly changes things doesn’t it! Happy to help Elise!

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Hubs uses myfreedoctor.com and we pick up the prescription at a our local compounding pharmacy. Prior to this local pharmacy, a pharmacy here in FL whose name escapes me now would accept the myfreedoctor prescription and ship nationwide.

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I just found out they ship to UK. Thanks for the connection!

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Happy to help Oscar!

They have been an excellent company to deal with. They have told me how grateful they are for the business.

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That website is from India. Are you confident the meds are legit?

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India handed out kits during the pandemic which contained IVM and cut Covid deaths severely . To millions of people. I’m sure it was Indian IVM. It think it’s India that deworms the population every year using IVM. A billion people. I would trust India over China any day.

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I did just that; took a road trip to Tennessee!

Hopefully in 2024 Alabama will pass a law making IVM OTC.

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Would be nice to be able to get it OTC in Florida.

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Tylenol is toxic, ivermectin is not😀

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No Dr. It is only some pharmacies who have chosen to participate. You get a form from the pharmacist and fill it out. It is screening for the few contraindications to Ivermectin.Obviously no big box pharmacies chose to participate.I got mine from Village Pharmacy and they are very helpful.

Here is the list I just posted above. https://tn.childrenshealthdefense.org/ivermectin/

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Went to TN this Summer, forgot all about getting anything while there. I was so impressed, gladdened, overjoyed, to see pharmacies that were NOT Walgreen's, Walmart, or CVS. Seriously, there are no independent pharmacies in my area at all.

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Thank you for posting this link and info! I didn't know how it worked having only moved here recently.

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These replies do not always seem to end up under the place one is replying to!

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When a lot of people are commenting at once, that will happen.

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Curious too - we went on vacation in TN last year and went in a CVS we were walking by and asked for IVM. NO ONE in the store knew what it was!? The pharmacist did, but said they didn't carry it?! Did not look anywhere else, but surprised that they were not hawking it on street corners, lol, this was a tourist area.

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I get mine in TN at a compounding pharmacy. You get higher doses that way vs. the boxed version at chain pharmacies.

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Me too! Pharmacy Care of TN. They will ship to anywhere in the U.S. if you have a prescription and will connect you with a doc to get one if you don't.

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What pharmacy please?

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Did you need a script? I was told they do not sell to non residents

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No big box sell it. See above list for the (mostly) compounding pharmacies that sell it.

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I figured that, I was just surprised that not one of the employees in the store even knew what it was!?

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Pls toss your tylenol. Aspirin / ibuprofen is way better. Pediatric tylenol

is awful, too. TOSS.

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I’ve heard the opposite. I’ve heard that Ibuprofen is associated with heart attacks but that Tylenol is safe(r). Am I misinformed?

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2nd Smartest Guy in the World offers iver, fenben, doxy at bottom of every single post.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Yes! His reports about the success of fenben on cancer are encouraging.

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I buy mine from his site, too.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

The package shows its for the pets?

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My husband and I use 1% sterile solution from Tractor Supply. 1 ML/100# body weight

Have recovered quickly from Covid twice with it

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That’s what I use. I put it in grape juice and you can’t even taste it.

As a plus, I get the 500 cc bottle for about $80 and can worm the cows with it too. 🙂

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I picked up a 500ml of that on Amazon.

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36.00 for 50 ml at feed store ( for cattle)

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Many friends use it

When covid is on rise or in winter….we take it every Mon morning

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I got the same at Tractor Supply but am wondering what the 99% solution is...not noted on the bottle.

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Ruta- It’s not legal to sell the human version of iver without prescription. And the human one simply costs many times more. Like Fenbendozole and mebendozole they are almost chemically identical. I’ve been taking fenben for several months to hopefully keep my cancer from returning. So far so good. But I buy the Safe Guard brand by Merck that the Joe Tippens protocol recommends. He also recommends Panacur C. But I prefer the liquid. It’s about half the cost of the one sold by “2nd Smartest Guy in America”. He booted me from his group for pointing that out. 🤔 I just don’t like to see people get ripped off.

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Sorry for my ignorance, but who is the "2nd Smartest Guy in the America"?

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As Queen H said, he's a Substack writer -- and an excellent one!

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He’s a substack writer.

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Cheeky - what is half the cost of the one sold by 2SGA? Ivermectin? If so, where do you purchase it?

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Tractor Supply. fenben (goat wormer liquid) and iver (cattle wormer liquid).

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I bought from there. The order form says Petmectin but it's Ivermectin...package is labeled Ivermectin.

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I also bought the Petmectin and is labeled Ivermectin in 10 tab blister packs.

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Human grade ivermectin and fenben. I’ve ordered consistently from 2nd Smartest Guy and take the ivermectin 2X/week as a preventive. I used to get colds so easily that turned into bronchitis but I haven’t been sick in a couple years now.

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Mary, so you take 24mg per week? Is that a good dosage for 137 pound female? Thanks!

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Susie - My functional medicine doc recommended the 24 mg twice weekly as a preventive. I weigh more, closer to 170 pounds but don’t know if it makes a difference. You may want to research some more. If you get sick I would use the formula of your weight/2.2 X .2 or .4 or .6 to determine the dosage in mg that you need. Its subjective to you and your body...lowest amount to highest depending on how ill you are. Hope this helps! Virex.Health is the site I order from linked by the 2nd SG. Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

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is he a pharmacist? Wonder how he sources it. How much is it IVM?

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The 2nd SG has links to Virex.Health for ordering.


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Good question. I've had some strange replies from SSGITW to my comments on various substacks authored by certifiable truth warrior authors, can't tell what he is.

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I’ve bought from them. Good experience.

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Ivermectin can be had mail order for pennies per 12 mg tablet from various foreign mail order sources. Most are reliable and trustable - but caveat emptor.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

The fact the IVM is so cheap makes what Fauci did to us mass murder.

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I just took some a few days ago for my latest "man made head cold" in accordance with the latest FLCCC guidance. I could feel a huge improvement within a couple of hours.

What they did was a crime against humanity.

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No kidding.

I was watching Children Health Defense interview videos of people who had family members that were murdered by the Fauci/NIH hospital protocols.

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The horror of what truly happened is astounding.

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He and his compatriots should all be hanged, drawn and quartered, including the CEOs of Big Pharma.

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And every media outlet who took $$$ to push the covid death shot.

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You can get it from American company at

Ivermectin.com. It arrives quickly.

Allfamilypharma.com offers combo packages.

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What are the reliable sources?

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I used this last year. They've been around a long time.

You can also get hcq from them. But keep IVM on its own order in case it gets stolen by the feds. That happened to me. Vendor simply reshipped using a Singapore office.

I used my WellsFargo account for payment. Just keep a couple thou there for things like this.


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I used the same site...was pleased.

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I’m not comfortable using the C&C Substack to be linking commercial websites, especially foreign. The land of the Taj Mahal tends to host the most common go to sources.

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I bought from the Wellness Company. Lots of stuff.

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Anyone have experience with it for blepharitis? I would love your input ...

I tried as a paste daily for my blepharitis (demodex mites) but didn’t work. Now I’m taking 12mg orally twice a week. Hoping it will work.

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Best thing I ever used for my blepharitis was a tree tea foaming eyewash. Unfortunately it got pretty expensive over the past 3 years, so I switched to using mostly baby shampoo. But here’s the description off Amazon:

Eye Eco Gentle Formula Tea Tree Eyelid and Facial Cleanser – Non-Irritating, Foaming Face Cleanser with Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile & Shea Butter – Helps Skin Feel Clean and Healthy – 50mL

My ophthalmologist also recommended either hot water wrung out washclothes over my eyes for 10 minutes or so, twice a day OR this cool microwaveable moist eye mask. Helps keep the eyelash pores from getting clogged up with gunk. For some reason they now only offer single eye masks (like a pirate!) or bundles of 2 or more that actually cover both eyes at once.

Bruder Moist Heat Eye Compress | Microwave Activated | Eye Mask | Reusable, Washable, and Non-allergenic | Fast Acting and Effective Relief for Dry Eye and Other Eye Irritation |(Pack of 2)

Hope this helps! It’s an annoying condition, to say the least.

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I was told to use a diluted solution of baby shampoo.

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My friend who has CF was told by her specialist to use 1 tsp of baby shampoo in her nasal/sinus rinse. I have been doing that and am no longer on allergy meds and I never got the vid. If that virus sits in the nasal passages for a while it gets flushed out with the sinus rinse every night and morning.

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How quick was the shipping?

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Ordered last week and expect delivery this Wednesday.

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OK, thanks for the details. Good info for people to know.

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I ordered the covid kit primarily for the inhaler and ivermectin. But other good stuff and kits.

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All day chemist and ReliableRX are both options. Not sure on the cost because I have not purchased IVM recently but I’ve used both for over 10 years with zero issues.

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I used AllDayChemist for IVM and was pleased with their service.

Thanks for your good words for both companies.

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I got my ivermectin plus Hydroxychloroquine and a bunch of antibiotics with instruction how and when to use them in my Wellness Company kit. Worth every penny of $300.

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where does wellness company source from? state country?

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Yes...at least the hospital won't kill you with the Fauci/NIH protocol.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Ivermectin is available on Amazon.

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I got my IVM paste from Amazon.

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It’s still for sale down here.

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Try a compounding pharmacy to fill those Rx's -



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I can't find a local doc to write a Rx.

I will keep using online Indian pharmacies.

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Just order it from the online vet supply

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Do you need a Rx?

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No and you can get big 250ml bottles. I order syringes, to extract it, from Amazon.

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Oh OK, I didn't realize you were referring to the liquid.

Thanks again.

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I get my IVM from a compounding pharmacy in FL. My CA doctor gave me the connection to the Compounding Pharmacy and wrote the prescription for multiple refills over the last year.

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You were lucky.

Lots of us can't even find a doc to write a Rx. That is why I purchased IVM from an online Indian pharmacy.

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My PC doctor has always been on the ‘fringe’ of things and sadly recently retired in his mid 60’s after having a 40 year independent private practice. The CA Medical Board came down on him for some COVID related ‘medical exemptions’ to the Vaxx that he wrote for some immuno-compromised patients of his in the early days of the Jabs rollouts. They had him on their ‘radar’ for years, because he never pushed vaccines or statins and offered IV treatments and ‘alternative’ therapies for his patients. After COVID and the Scamdemic, he had had it with The System, and called it quits this past summer. The IVM he prescribed was a 16 mg dose.

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Epoch Times has a link that will get you what you need. The link is awkward, but typing in the address works.


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Thank you for sharing that info.

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Tennessee has already made Ivermectin over the counter - so great! I hope other states follow.

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😮 OC???!!?!!!

I buy sheep drench. It's about $36/60 12ml doz.

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I use horse paste. Amazon. Cheaper than dirt.

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Local feed stores have it, too!

Support local when you can 🙏🏻

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Tractor Supply keeps it in a locked case, at least that is the last time I checked. With a warning sign {sigh}.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Oh interesting. I didn’t notice last time I was there but I try to go mom and pop when I go and no locks there 🇺🇸

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Me too

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me2 and i have been an RN forever!

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Don’t use the drench. Buy the 1% sterile injectable and take it orally. 1 cc per 100lb body weight.

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I googled and I see it! How do you administer to humans? Not by drenching, I assume.

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Not sure about the paste, but I get one percent sterile solution from the feed store. Mix it with water and drink it and it is 1 mL per hundred pounds of bodyweight.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Actually theres never been a documentation of overdosing. Hubby has/had? Cancer and took everyday for six weeks, 15ml/#175+, DD 12 ml/#<120

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I take a pea-sized dose on a spoon with juice. Tastes fine.

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Good to know. Thanks!

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If there is or ever was a Superman in my lifetime, it is Elon Musk - and he is surrounded by a League of Justice but also a band of Kryptonite wielding bad guys who are truly trying to kill Superman.

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If you can find it. We stopped in Tennessee at a Kroger and a Walmart a few months ago only to be told they don’t carry over the counter Ivermectin even though it was legal. Pharma and government can still withhold treatment when they make up their minds to. Big chains were too willing to follow the narrative.

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Earlier poster shared this link of pharmacies in TN carrying Iver: https://tn.childrenshealthdefense.org/ivermectin/

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Yep, likely need an independent pharmacy. Oh wait, they went out of business in 1989 when Walmart came to town!

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Oh that is just awful.....

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I think they repealed that? I had a bottle from a pharmacy there. Some months later they emailed me that if I wanted more I better order it, because they were no longer going be selling it without prescription.

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Florida Based Man - And while he is at it, how about declare the shots are dangerous and deadly.

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Florida's Surgeon General Dr Ladapo has done just that. https://www.floridahealth.gov/_documents/newsroom/press-releases/2023/10/20231023-booster-covid19.pdf

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Barbls - this document only suggests that those under 65 not get the booster. What about us old people? Steve Kirsch has shown than we are at even higher risk of dying from the shots.

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This document was revolutionary. It requires jab-givers to go through the potential effects of these shots with anyone considering them so that patients give truly informed consent. That includes the over 65 cohort. Who in their right minds is going to consent once they know what the truth is?

From the press release:

Individuals 65 and older should discuss this information with their health care provider, including potential concerns outlined in this guidance.

Providers and patients should be aware of outstanding safety and efficacy concerns:

• Studies across geographic regions have found that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are

associated with negative effectiveness after 4 to 6 months. As efficacy waned, studies

showed that COVID-19 vaccinated individuals developed an increased risk of infection. This is not found in other vaccines, including the flu vaccine.

• The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines present a risk of subclinical and clinical myocarditis, and other cardiovascular conditions among otherwise healthy individuals.

• There is unknown risk of potential adverse impacts with each additional dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; currently individuals may have received five to seven doses (and counting) of this vaccine over a 3-year period.

• Elevated levels of spike protein from the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine persist among some individuals for an indefinite period of time, which may carry health risks.

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Barbls - it's a great start. But my concern is that there are still many doctors recommending the Covid shots. And instead of reading this document thoroughly, they will just defer to their willfully blind doctor.

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Willfully blind people do, in fact, defer to their willfully blind doctors. That cannot be fixed with mandates.

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Their willfully blind docs are getting paid for shooting up ppl :-(

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VA still recommending covid shots.

...and they recommend taking it the same time as the flu shot.

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Any idea if there is a penalty for doctors if they do NOT go through this with patients? Early on at work I asked a coworker what adverse events were divulged in the informed consent she was given before the shot, and she was clueless. They didn't tell her and she didn't even know it was a thing to ask about (informed consent).

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I do not know. But there is contact information on the link, and I suppose you could write or call Ladapo's office to ask about enforcement.

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Laura, in this interview with Del, https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/fl-surgeon-general-advises-against-covid-boosters/, Dr. Ladapo said the following: At the 7:35 mark, "Not a product, based on its safety, really, that anyone IMO should be taking." Then at the 14:17 mark, "These are really terrible products that absolutely shouldn't be in human beings."

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Yes. I watched that interview (I watch Del every week).

If only Ladapo would have said the same thing in that document.

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No one should be taking the shots.

I get so annoyed when they use over-65 as the age that you should be taking it.

Only if you want to kill grandma.

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Surgeon General Ladapo all but said that very thing...NOT RECOMMENDED for anyone.

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Why? He's proud of his creation. He's the father of it.

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Hope he's rolled up a sleeve for several doses......but doubt it !

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Who are you talking about?

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After 14 months of long Covid, I got some ivermectin and was fine within 15 minutes of taking it. It was a miraculous recovery.

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I've cured early detected cold sores overnight by using a tiny smear of apple flavored horse paste - also almost immediately relieves pain of wasp stings and other bug bites.

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Whaaaaat?? I am trying that next time I get a cold sore. Abreva works, but is so expensive!

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CHop - you gotta get it on there as soon as you know you have one coming on. Rub it in good. Don't eat it. Leave that to the horses!

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Exactly what is the name of the ‘apple flavored horse paste’ and where to buy?? Thanks

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Durvet Ivermectin paste 1.87%, apple flavored. Available on Amazon, comes in a syringe you squirt out the amount you need and down the hatch.

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Barnhart.biz/ivermectin will give dosing info

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Same after a bad covid bout. (They assumed that's what it was - I wouldnt allow them to test me.) I was crying almost constantly, brain fog, tired, etc etc. Was very close to suicidal.

One ivm pill and...wow! Very close to instant success. By bedtime I was feeling back to normal.

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I like the sterile solution marketed as a pig and cow injectable. 25 drops is about 1ml. Take it with little fav drink and some olive oil. I'm 57, healthy as a horse and the body of a 25 year old😄

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I heard the injectable wasnt to be taken orally.

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It even helps you to recover quickly from the common cold- max 2 days sick

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Desantis should focus on Florida and building a coalition for like minded governors/states to take on the nasty swamp creature called the federal government.

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Doug Casey on the Collapse of Trust in American Institutions

...The ultimate consequence of all of this? The breakup of the large conglomeration called the United States. Its citizens used to share more or less common religious values, culture, traditions, and trust in its institutions. They no longer do. It’s going to fly apart.

It’s an excellent bet that the US will cease to exist in its current form. Certainly in a hundred years, probably in 50 years, maybe even less than that. Very possibly through secession and civil war. Financial and economic collapse are in the cards. Probably WW3 as well. It’s going to be unpleasant and inconvenient. The same is true for most countries in the world, to a greater or lesser degree. I think we’re looking at generalized chaos for at least the rest of this decade.

If we were still America and still had solid traditions and trustworthy institutions, I wouldn’t be too worried. But we’re not. We’ve devolved into a degenerate empire. The US of the 21st century is looking a lot like Rome of the 5th century.

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But not to worry! Our Speaker of the House will still be sending billions to Israel and other countries.


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Yes, and have serious discussions about forming a new country with all red states via secession.

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100%, Annie. The fact that DeSantis chose to thumb his nose at the voters who gave him a landslide in 2022 was bad enough. More importantly though, IMO, was what it revealed about DeSantis in terms of his understanding of what is actually going on the country and the States' role in defending against it.

That he instead chose to run for capo di capi showed a lack of real understanding of how this republic was meant to operate and how freedom, peace, and prosperity could be brought back by doing exactly what you've described. He had the vast majority of Floridians behind him -- and he tossed it away and won't end up as head of the swamp either. Way to go, Ron.

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He should ban all vaccines in the state of Fla.

Also, should make all 'essential' medicines on the WHO's list: they actually compiled a list of essential medicines all countries should provide to their populations, make them all all Over the Counter.


The government agencies charged to ensure the products we use are safe and effective, have horribly failed us. They actually prevented access to safe and effective products.

I think they're deliberately trying to kill us, and get rich doing it.

It would be refreshing for a state to fight back. It could wake everyone up.

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For what it's worth: Checking in on the DeSantis Grand Jury


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This recent article shows some of the legal debate. It didn't go well since it's in a Dem state, but it shows growing support.


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He should VETO the quarantine camps they made a law to create...DO NOT TRUST DISANTIS

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I think DeSantis has done some things really well. So I’ll give him credit for those things… speaking out about the vaccine injures have been critical and the overall lack of safety of the vaccines. I’ll always be grateful to him for that on a national stage. That’s been important work. And exposing Disney for their dark agenda and the threats to our children in schools… that was all very important.

But I have really wondered WHY he allowed Gates to release those GMO mosquitoes into FL… that’s a seriously bad idea!!

and some digging around has revealed DeSantis is in bed with Gates in rebuilding and reinvigorating Tampa… which is slotted to become a Smart City…

So that may have been a quid pro quo …


and DeSantis has strong Israel business ties in FL now… in Tampa… which is a pro war industry … which is probably why he has come out so strong in support of Israel


Jeff’s right. There’s no Superman. I’m going to evaluate every candidate like I would any man I meet. I like some of his actions. And I dislike some of his actions.

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I think I understand your gist...but the time for a veto has passed.

Lobbying the FL legislature for a change would be a way forward. There are several groups you can join (generally Republican Liberty Caucus, rlc.org; specifically DefendFL defendflorida.org; there are more local groups outside of DefendFL's aegis that also regularly show up) to organize and lobby. The second set of committee days just passed, but there's another opportunity in January.

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Iowa voted already? Huh....missed that.

I do know DeSantis is way ahead of Ted Cruz with caucus commitments and has DOUBLE the Iowa volunteers as Cruz.

And it's interesting how Trump is continuing spends on negative adds (ONLY AGAINST DESANTIS). Haley just spent her whole 10 million wad on negative adds (AGAINST DESANTIS). Curious how the guy that's down 70 points and in third place is the target for every candidate and the alleged front Runner only attacks the guy allegedly in last.🤔.

Regarding Iver, nothing can move a fanboy/girl from voting Superman er....I mean Trump.

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Your heart will be broken in primary season, or even sooner when DeSantis folds. Have tissues ready.

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It's Superman cult that will be crushed when your fake poll drip gets cut off. God bless!

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Fake POLLS, eunuch. There are many. All fake? LOL!!

Which one shows RINO Ron in front, loser?

He can't even beat Judas Haley, neocon warmonger snake!

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Come on...this is exactly what Jeff is talking about today.

Let's not own-goal. Neither Trump, nor DeSantis is perfect. And there isn't a poll out there that isn't some form of the 80s push-poll nowadays.

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True... Ron, compared to ANY Demoturd... is a great guy.

But he needs to drop out and get on board the MAGA train... he is damaging his future political potential, IMO. He needs to also come out and strongly condemn the WEF, Deep State, MIC, Big Pharma, Big Legal and all RINOs...

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I second the motion. Everyone needs watching, but nonetheless Florida has been the best success story out there. And this would not have happened had DeSantis not appointed a 'tell it like it is' state General Surgeon like Joseph Ladapo.

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Love and peace back at you, TDL.

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Again, eunuch, Which one shows RINO Ron in front?

Love and peace to you too.

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Correct. Not one state has actually voted yet. Until Jan/Feb, it's all hot air.

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Yes ... this is interesting. And suggestive that 'they' well know who is the Deep State's greatest threat presence. All I can do is repeat a line from an old perhaps now forgotten TB show, "Will the real Ron DeSantis please stand up." (Or the real anybody else for that matter!)

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Anyone hearing about that severe resp illness in dogs? My dog got sick with this, I gave him ivermectin dosed by weight. (I have been holding/hoarding some for other illnesses) She was better in 5 days. Possibly vet would prescribe having NO OTHER ANSWERS at this time.

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I've been wondering if this is spread by the Gates mosquitoes. It's a little strange how this new illness in dogs just 'shows up' out of nowhere.

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Wow that’s great information!

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I agree about the IVM. I’m not ready to give up on DeSantis president. We don’t deserve him but I still think he’s the best candidate.

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Trump was polling worse at this point in 2015. Agree with bold moves though.

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"Worse", yes, but still, ahead of the rest of the gaggle of 16 GOP primary candidates, no?

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He should also be bold and declare the shots for what they are. And call out Trump for pushing them.

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Tennessee did this so I had my brother get me some.

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And while doing that, Dr. Ladapo should announce that in conjunction with the FL AG, he is recommending the removal of the modRNA injectable junk from the FL market.

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It’s available at equine shops

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I’m giving C&C 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️this morning. Happy Thanksgiving to Jeff & family. We are thankful for you 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

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Agree! Thankful for this blog is an understatement!

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Leslie - me too, sissy!

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Couldn’t agree with you more. Amen!

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Jeff, this is one of your best! And this is why I read every day. I appreciate your Christ centered and balanced views, while always considering each person's mental, emotional, spiritual and eternal views. I know you are not Superman either. LOL But I do appreciate your candor and wit... and your gentle exhortation....we all need that.

Thank you.

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He always knows what to say at the right time. Jeff is not Superman, but pretty close! 😉

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Totally agree. Can't love this enough!

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Anything but

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I couldn’t agree more! Very well said.

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And when they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves.

And one of the criminals hanging there was blaspheming Him, saying, “Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!” But the other answered, and rebuking him said, “Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for what we have done; but this man has done nothing wrong.” And he was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!” And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”

— Luke 23:33-33; 39-43 LSB

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

The repentant thief on the cross represents you and me...we deserve eternal death but through repentance, faith and trust in the completed work of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we, too, will be with Him in Heaven for eternity!

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Funny that I was thinking about how ppl need a Sman because they are too lazy to do what it takes themselves and they fear they don't have the S powers that so easily gets a messy job done. It's what's wrong with human nature and it doesn't get fixed by confessing Christ as your personal inside Sman, that only gets forgiven. Perfection happens after death and then we certainly will be more forgiving. God help US.

Thanks again J. ♥️

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As a word of encouragement, though, anyone who has set their mind on following Christ, WILL become a better person, though never fully perfect, even in this life.

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Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible"... will do you good.

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That's a nah from me, but thanks!

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Love and peace back at you, TDL.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, good talk. I took the Argentina news with a grain of salt. I was quite happy about Louisianna turning red if for no other reason than knowing that James Carvell is blue in the face, choking on his own rabid saliva.

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Yeah. Love seeing Carville pitching a hissy. Pass the popcorn 🍿. 😂😂

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Anything to get his blood pressure up. He’s insane. Wonder how he’s survived this long. Im sure he must be quadrupled vaxxed.

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He is a nasty and hideous person.

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He’s a maggot.

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I was really distressed when Carville said, “Conservatives really believe this s**t”, meaning the Gospel and that we want to make this country into a “theocracy”. This man has gone crazy.

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That was the best...And, I am also like "He is still alive?" Just like when I hear about all these bands touring, like 3 Dog Night? Are you kidding me? Old fossils who don't know when to pack it in. Like democrats.

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Old guys rule. I saw Jackson Brown- 75 years old-in concert this past summer. He played for almost 3 straight hours and his voice sounded great! A better concert than when I saw him 40 years ago. Don’t count out the old folks, you’re going to need us.

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Haha..I am old! Yes, some are still good and some are total bullies as well. Our music is still the best. It was genuine and the real deal. Not some computerized BS.

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So rude of me, but didn’t he look like a shriveled up ET? And wearing a dirty shirt???

A woman who looked like him would have been crucified in the media.

The video stopped about 3/4 through, I was pissed, I really wanted to listen to his rant. 🤣

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I was walking out the lobby of a hotel in Sacramento when a Gollum-looking bitter gnome on a cellphone stood up and followed me out the door, on my push, without so much as a nod my direction. It was Carville. Had I known he was behind me, I wouldn’t have slammed the door on him. I would have stayed in a different city.

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Well put, "James Carvell blue in the face and choking on his own rabid saliva" 🤣

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I bet ivermectin could cure that rabid saliva, but he probably won’t take it.

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Great mental image on Carville. Thanks.

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His best feature....NOT trans-ing into a chick. Thank You Lord

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

"The good news was that their elections evidenced the emerging conservative counter-revolution among regular voters. Regular voters are getting more conservative."

I reject the premise. No one is "getting more conservative." Nothing has changed--all of us have had common sense since Day 1, save for a few lunatics. What has changed is the establishment media, including social media and the direct efforts to fool the people by lying to them about who candidates are. They have systematically campaigned their agents as "center or "right-wing" or conservative when they are anything but that. Deceptive campaigns (RFK is another one).

Milei is a bona fide member of WEF. A wolf in sheep's clothing--another Trudeau. And yet the good people of Argentina voted for him! How long do you think it will take them to figure out that he is diabolically working against them--even to their deaths--before they figure out what they have done?

Sorry, Jeff, I can't celebrate this. And this is hardly a revolution. Voting a deep state operative/puppet into office is a sad revolution if that's what you call it.

Putin is a WEF member too--they took him off their website because it was too much of a giveaway.

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Disagree... while you're partly correct - opportunists are pretending to be conservative because that's what the people want - it's also the case that people in general are losing trust in "establishment media", and you just have to read even the C&C comments here for a while to discover people who used to vote Democrat, trust the media, and so forth, who say they will now never do that again after the COVID debacle.

As to leaders, as Jeff said - judge them by their fruits. If this Milei guy is a stooge but still does what the people elected him to do for a while, just to make sure he doesn't get voted out again, then it's still a win for the people. And if he doesn't do what the people elected him to do, then they should dump him and find someone else.

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Can’t know for sure but The WEF connection is probably a lie. They put Vivek Ramaswamy on their roster simply to destroy his cred with conservatives. He had to threaten a lawsuit in order for them to remove his name. They did but quietly. But damage was done. The left will lie, cheat, steal & kill to destroy what they feel is a threat to their ideology.

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You might want to check out this episode. It’s all good but Jump in at around the 21:25 minute mark and hear about Vivek.


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40 years ago, I was an exotic dancer, who encouraged men to stick dollars in my G-string. Now I am an attorney, Mom and joyful Granny. Maybe we should leave past connections and proclivities in the past, right?

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God bless you Nancy, from a 35 year sober drunk/drug addict that's now a chief engineer looking forward to retirement. Christ truly can transform people.

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Amen, sister.

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Have you seen Kat von D

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She’s made a major prodigal return turn around

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Or pay more attention to them. They removed Putin from the WEF website too because they need him to play a particular role--weffie would ruin that. People around the world are given the choices the ruling mafia gives them. No real candidate even gets a seat at the table.

Congrats to you personally--while I agree that we should not judge people by pasts they've left behind--I think this is different. Milei hasn't changed--it’s at least possible that he just put a mask on like the RINOS in the US.

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or maybe he really went off the rails. I never saw Tulsi Gabbard the same after I saw her WEF pic. I'm rooting for off the rails crazy train myself.

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Or maybe they removed him because he's standing up against them and it's embarrassing to admit one of their "graduates" has turned on them? Or it's "virtue signalling" because he's currently #1 Bad Guy of the World?

Judging people's motives at a distance is risky.

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How exactly is getting hundreds of thousands of birthing age men and women considered winning?

He’s now 640 something days into a war he declared victory on during day 2

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Who said anything about "winning"? The conversation was about the WEF's motives for scrubbing Vladdy from their website.

Perhaps if you restricted your trolling to posts that are genuinely debating your pet topics rather than merely tangential to them, there might be a small chance somebody would take you seriously...

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Jeff always crows about how good the Russians are doing but he’s been rather silent lately. Losing another warship and ten thousand men to only not accomplish conquering the city of avdiivka wasnt a victory either.

But Jeff won’t report that at all.

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It's not just Jeff, everybody's ignoring the Ukraine war now. Israel is suddenly more interesting. 🙄 And that's the problem. Ukraine can't beat Russia on their own, but everybody else is losing interesting and/or decided they found a better use for their money/arms/political-capital.

And none of this has anything to do with the comment by AL (and reply by me) about Putin being on the WEF website and then removed.

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For my own part, I would not have thought anything at all about the WEF or its members before C-1984. Is it possible that some of the historic members had a change of heart? Or could it be that, al la Reagen and the demoncrat party, the organization itself changed over the years? I'm not suggesting we trust any of these people. The mere quest for power suggests a willingness to be corrupted. Still, we can use the more recent past and current actions as our means of discernment. Of this we may be reasonably certain, if there is a D after the name, there will be nothing with which we agree.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you so much. We need to be reminded not to put our hope and trust in man but only in Jesus who is the one that saves.

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Thank you Jeff for pointing us to Jesus again! I needed this clarification today! I see the hope now! I’m very thankful for your blogs! God bless you and your family! 👐🏼👑👐🏼🦋🙏

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Perspective—- it’s a big part of the deal, and Jeff, i appreciate your perspective. Let’s keep these recent events in the “win” column, for now and maybe in the future.

Thank you!

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Absolutely! We need to celebrate the wins & support the tide turning

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Javier may not be Superman but a chainsaw seems like a good start to cutting through the morass of socialist underbrush in a once thriving capitalist country

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Argentinian Chainsaw Massacre (of Communism)

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I heard about this video on the radio, could not find one with subtitles and don't know Spanish, but still got a huge kick out of it - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hP1od2SRh-Y

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Pretty easy to follow though. Getting rid of half the “ministries” and keeping only the ones that are the usual federal responsibilities.

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Watch the Tucker interview with Javier if you want to hear is views. Smart guy.

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Yeah. To cut through the swamp growth.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Very well said, Jeff! Savor the victories with the knowledge that "all is not lost." Our rag-tag fleet of ships is making an impact on the enemy, and we are gaining in strength and numbers everyday as more people awaken to see that there is a successful way to "push back" on the evil empire. Stay the course. Don't lose faith. Savor the good, the true, and the beautiful. Encourage your fellow warriors. Discard the deeds of darkness, and put on the Armor of Light!

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Yes and amen! I heard Cardi B ranting about dems actions in cutting services in NY. Since she has a huge audience I will take it as a W.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Amen to that!!

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You have nailed it ~ 🎯. Thanks for the encouragement!

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Amen partner!

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" the government’s halfhearted efforts to sell a few more defective vaccines"

I was on Hulu last night and an ad came on featuring Travis Kelce of the KC Chiefs all smiley and happily getting vaxxed for both covid and flu. What a moron.

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Either Taylor or Pfizer will break his heart.

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Ok that is some good dark humor!!

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Maybe both!

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Global warming, setting your clock back, experiencing joy, gardening, and now Taylor Swift.

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Taylor's all-in on the jab's too. How's she gonna write the song about her heart being broken if it happens suddenly and unexpectedly????

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There was a video clip up on Twitter where Taylor was struggling to breathe while in stage in Rio (I think).

Not sure if the hot weather did it or those pesky white fibrous blood clots did it.

Scary if she is pushing it...considering all those young female fans hang onto every word she says.

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I saw the video of TS struggling for breath. She looked quite frightened (as she should be.)

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It was scary...I think it was more than just the heat.

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I think it was global warming, not enough water, too much water. <sarc> Then again, maybe it wasn't too much water because she didn't have convulsions like Brooke Shields did when she (Brooke) drank too much water. 🙈

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That might be a big enough event to break the fog of war, so to speak. If, and it's a big if of course, anyone significant in her inner circle or doctors questioned the shots.

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An example of a greedy athlete using his fame to further enrich himself without a thought to the consequences of promoting that product. He’s an idiot who has sold his soul for $$$$.

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A super bowl star like that would undoubtedly demand hundreds of thousands or possibly a million dollars to do an ad like that.

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Reports I read today say he received $20 million.

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He's too dumb to understand that anyone who gets vaxxed due to his encouragement and then has any adverse reaction up to and including death can blame him. Maybe even sue him directly.

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Lew--excerpts from a 2004 article: https://www.espn.com/espn/sportsbusiness/news/story?id=1927023

Though the alliance between athletes and pharmaceutical companies has become commonplace, leading health experts chide athletes for not exploring possible risks before they endorse medicinal products. At stake, they warn, are the very lives of consumers.

"The people that do these commercials and do these promotional campaigns, they are just interested in selling the drug," said Dr. Eric Topol, department chair of cardiovascular medicine for the Cleveland Clinic and an opponent of consumer marketing of prescription drugs. "They are not interested in the science of what is behind the drug."

In an article for the Journal of the American Medical Association three years ago, Topol called attention to the health risks of Vioxx, an arthritis drug endorsed by former Olympic champions Hamill and Bruce Jenner.

..............."It's extremely unlikely that Dorothy Hamill will ever have to pay out money in these cases, but there's no way she's going to skate through this without being affected," said Papantonio, who expects to file a class-action lawsuit against Merck on behalf of approximately 2,000 former Vioxx users.

"I think the cop-out by individual athletes or professional associations is 'If it's good enough to be approved by the FDA, it's OK by me,' " Wolfe said.

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Poor Bruce got investigated when he appeared on the Wheaties cereal box after he won the decathlon. Our illustrious feds actually snooped around to see if he ate Wheaties in training. Turns out he really did?🤪

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Wow, thank you, very interesting, how in the world did you dig this out from 2004? Great job!

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Disgusting. Gag me with a shovel...

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Mr. Pfizer was well paid for those ads.

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He is a stooge and toady. What a jerk.

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Did anyone else read that last sentence in bugs bunny's voice?

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"Ehhhhhhh, (chomps on carrot), what a maroon (points thumb at Travis, continues chomping on carrot). This dope makes Fudd look like a genius (champ chomp)."

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Maybe with his love life and business pursuits he should promote and get the MPox Vaxx and the HPV Vaxx just can't be TOO safe in case one is compelled to throw caution to the wind and participate in off the field intimacy. Could really cash in while the fanz are awed by Trav and Tay

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Along with no longer using RINO, I wish people would stop using “far right” (and ok) “far left.” As far as far right, I don’t even know what that means.

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Far right now means any conservative or republican who is not of the go-along, get-along variety. It's a pejorative used to smear people on our side that actually stand for something.

I have no idea what far-left means as it's never used. Have you ever heard the media call anyone far left?

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All dems are far left because anything other than complete adherance would not be possible. Very few dems have left the party which I find unbelievable due to what has been perpetrated upon the American people...the waste of resources, the destruction of of cities, the censoring, the cheating...the list goes on. Their spell binding has reached far into their minds. But then again, I cannot fathom why so many took even one shot.

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Far left= lacking critical thinking, easily manipulated especially by fear, certain they are right. Think California, Oregon and Washington.

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45%+ of our fellow American occupants (PLEASE ADD IN at least 20% of the the fake immigrants from at LEAST 2001?) will watch or participate in stealing, destroying, killing/abducting/raping/enslaving the rest of us. Take away OUR RIGHTS? F-k off DementiaCrats--you hateful horrid Commie-Cult freaks are NOT to be trusted with watching an infant, a school classroom, an election, anything--you bring a curse to everything you touch and you call it a blessing and success.

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Actually, no I haven’t but it drives me crazy when someone who I know is conservative uses the descriptor “far right. ” I agree, it’s a pejorative.

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Passionate Patriots, Christian Nationalists, White Men, Stay at Home Moms, Grassroots, these are ENEMIES of the Commie Left and MUST be trash-talked and disparaged per Saul Alinsky and his mentors; Robespierre, Stalin, Mao. Commie Cult Kooks are dangerous when they treat us all like commune cult members that need to be properly programmed, controlled, or Gulag'd.

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yeah, anyone taking "pride" in leading a sexually deviant lifestyle...pride is the FIRST DEADLY SIN and should be abolished...try HUMILITY instead. Have you seen those DISGUSTING "pride" "parades"? That's your "FAR LEFT" and anyone who supports that nonsense...also the MILLIONS OF BABY KILLERS...

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They made inroads for generations...their momentum is shocking to us but it has been steadily building and miring the conditions we were born into for over 100 years. Who could be against an oral contraceptive that's required to be covered by Health Insurance? Is it really a big deal if someone is divorced 2 or 3 or 5 times?

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I describe people as pro freedom or pro tyranny.

Me? Pro freedom.

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Yes, the terms are subjective unless someone invents a metrology tool to measure on a scale!

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Elon Musk posted a stick figure graph in his early twitter acquisition days that did a good job of that. Wish I could find a link!

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Far right def.: much further to the right, so much further it makes dimocraps tremble and weep.

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It’s called conservatism.

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One part of “far-xxxxx” being an issue is we don’t even know what the spectrum. Is it freedom vs tyranny? Or 1950s vs 2023? Or 1980s vs 2023? Or Republican vs Democrat? Christian vs Secular? Everyone is trying to fight something different and conserving something different which makes the terms meaningless.

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True--and now they are getting millions of "conservatives" to think the deep state puppets they have voted in are doing good work. Give the media time. Eventually they will convince millions of true conservatives that their fake conservative representatives who are really working for the ruling class mafia, are doing great work for them.

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we've all been New Dealed; nothing will ever be rolled back, a cut to a program is a 2% reduction on the 7% increase. It's FkDiculous. But RESISTING COMMUNIST GLOBALISM certainly seems like a good cause and worth defining and participating in. Although my Hungarian neighbor says Americans are mistaken to equate Democratic Party with Communists. (NO they are Progressive Neo-Socialists who have taken a subtler path to achieve the goals of the Manifesto).

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Absolutely. Disagreements over "what spectrum are we using?" is part of the reason why there are incessant arguments over whether the Nazis were "far-right" (in the 'authoritarian' spectrum) or "far-left" (in the 'statism/socialism' spectrum). For that reason I prefer more descriptive labels like "libertarian social-progressive" or "authoritarian social-traditionalist fiscal-libertarian". Except they are a mouthful to say!

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Far right = Constitutional conservative

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Excellent explanation Jeff! Thank you for the uplifting news. We have to stay positive and unified

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff - thank you for reminding us of this scripture:

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand." Matt. 12:25

C&C army:

Cody Hudson, who has a severe injury from the shots, was just recently released from a hospital in Florida.

For those who are able, please donate to Cody and his family.


A blessed Thanksgiving to my C&C family.

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kirsch should support him himself or EXPOSE the fraudulent "INJURY COMPENSATION " lie...all of YOU NEED TO PREP for the disaster that is coming quickly. There are too many injured to help so pfizer and murderna need all assets taken including the people running things...LEAVE THEM NOTHING...not even their underwear

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Kirsch continually exposes the fraudulent injury compensation lie. There are not too many to help. Do what you can. You can help an individual. God will save the world.

Luke 10:30-35 - Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion, 34 and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii[a] and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’

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Barbis, Well referenced. He was "a man." No reference to the man's religion, beliefs, nationality, etc. Simply a man in need. The priest responded to his humanity, his soul.

Matthew: "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

Childers: "There are only real people with messy thoughts and lives just like the rest of us. "

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Lol! Don't know if I want to see the "no underwear " thing 🤔.

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yeah, i admit i don't either. I talk a lot about my dream of winning the lottery...oh no not money...the lottery I win that gives me the GLORY of killing GATES, SOROS, the fat pig that runs the BIS, Dimon, SCHWAB, HARARI, etc. When i win i say this...STRIP THEM DOWN NAKED, TIE THEM ONTO POLES AND THEN LEAVE...i will bring my own tools. ( and since i've been an RN for 56 years i have loads of "tools"...a what a glorious, fulfilling day and night that will be...and , btw, I will need numerous electrical outlets!

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🤣🤣🤣 wow! ....* making a mental note * not to get on your bad side. 🤔

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I agree almost completely with you today, Jeff, and I argued against the 'woe is me' brigade yesterday. However, I also commiserated with my anti-RINO brethren re the Louisiana outcome. I would argue that the Democrats moving left is what has driven some to change their voter registrations and votes to Republican, not so much that the voters are more conservative or that the R Party has finally decided to *act* on the principles in its own party platform. Comparing a politician's actions and votes to the Republican Party Platform is how we can legitimately call someone a Republican in Name Only - they don't support the principles of the platform, which echo the principles of the Declaration and the Constitution, but rather want to act as mini-kings and -queens, making up laws as they go along, because they like what they think should result from them, reality notwithstanding. My opinions on this issue are based on my observation of Republican Party officials at state level for a few years now, combined with my lifetime's observation of them nationally. Did you know that they'll run candidates in a primary purely to split the conservative vote, in order to allow the RINO candidate to win? Yes, they do; not officially, as the Party, but because the people in it, at state level, are also political consultants, PAC owners, and lobbyists. [Edited to add: Another way they do this is through the House and Senate Republican Campaign Committees, at both state and congressional levels. Who runs them? The insider elected officials and their colleagues. Who do they support? People who won't challenge them, but instead will pay to play. I've added some links below to related stories for background.] If we don't push them from within, calling them out for what they are, pointing out that they don't even support the principles of the platform, the Declaration, and the Constitution, then they will not change their spots; they will continue to sup at the swamp trough. Look at Rep. Ken Buck as an example: early in his House career, he wrote the excellent book Drain the Swamp: How Washington Corruption is Worse Than You Think. He is now on the list of people you encouraged us to call, about their horrible votes. A radio reporter said about him the other day, regarding Buck's announcement that he is not running for re-election, that he may be going to CNN. The Swamp has a way of dragging even people who see it for what it is into itself, and we need a *very* strong pushback inside the Republican Party to help remind them who they're supposed to work for. It's an accurate name and they hate it, so I will continue to use it.




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These politicians we call (or called) RINOs are people who, once elected, get captured by all the money, power, and DC cocktail parties which they become too enamored of.

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Almost all of them, definitely. Many are probably enamored of all that already and decide to run based in part on it. It's the best argument for term limits, but then we often want to keep certain effective legislators and so would be disappointed if they were forced to leave. I've not been in favor of term limits because it leaves permanent congressional staff to be the only ones with institutional knowledge, who could then manipulate the 'temporary hired help' (the electeds), but perhaps there would be a way to term-limit staff as well.

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Watching this, I'd say that 'these politicians' were captured every step of their way up the holding office ladder. These people know that 'they won't get promoted' by the Big Wig Apparatus unless they hew the line and play ball every step of the way. This said, I've seen some which were so stupid as stones as they did not needs much corralling. But these usually don't get beyond local and state assembly elected office because they are too stupid to coordinate larger ... let's just call it operations.

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The only tiny argument I have with Jeff’s C&C today is the question of election integrity. I don’t know what makes Democrats act so lock step in line, but I have friends who are union men who voted forever Democrat, but voted quietly for Trump in 2016 and again in 2020. I don’t believe Fetterman or the WH resident were legitimately elected and that will remain the stumbling block in many state and all National elections going forward.

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Some of the ways they cheated in 2020 have been corrected, but not all, of course. As in Argentina (and here in 2016), we need to have turnout that exceeds the margin of cheating. We can only do that if everyone on our side, from RINOs to constitutionalists, *work* to educate, register, and turn out voters. The best way to do that is to join either one's local county Republican Party or a Republican club or local chapters in such organizations as the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida, the Florida Republican Assembly, or a local election integrity group. In warfare, you assess what your enemy knows and has done in the past and try to figure out what he is likely to do in the future, and you adapt and overcome (at least, Americans do). That's exactly the mindset we need now. The election isn't over. Just as during the dark days of the American Revolution, we pray, but we *work* toward victory.

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THAT's the ticket, Mom. Well said.

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Mom, are you working in elections?

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In this sense:

I work with my county Republican Party to educate, register, and turn out voters.

I have been a poll watcher.

I applied to be a poll worker, but was not selected (yet, at least).

I'm active in the Republican Party at state level as well.

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The good news is that they failed in both LA and Argentina. You know they tried to rig those elections too and just didn’t pull it off.

At some point, a handful of corrupt people with lots of money still can’t buy everyone. They can’t control everything.

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Great respect, Queen H--but perhaps, if Milei is truly a WEF member which I believe he is--they didn't HAVE to cheat. They convinced the public that he was a staunch Trump-like conservative, when in reality, is he? (Funny, he's painted as a little crazy just like Trump). If the deep state/ruling class mafia can't take the chance of actually cheating with ballots then maybe they just place their weffies in office a different way--by lying about who they are. The are great actors and great salesmen. In the end, they are still our rulers, so I just can't see how that means we are "winning."

To this end, I have considered that Trump is also merely playing a part, based on his close history with the Clintons, Soros, his continued stance on the "vaccine" and all of the deleterious executive orders he signed during his presidency. No real candidate ever gets a seat at the table and he has been front and center DAILY since 2015.

A "handful of corrupt people with lots of money" have been in charge of the world for at least a century and likely much longer. Don't underestimate them.

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Serious question: Is everyone who attends a WEF event a globalist drone? It would be foolish to gamble that they aren’t, but it is wise to keep one’s enemies close. E.g., I went to all the corporate seminars and parties, but I was never a “company man.” I did learn a lot about which cliques to watch out for and which policies I needed to resist.

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They hedge their bets all the time, so Plan B or C pops up...no worries we just do steps 1, 2, 3, and.... Hillary can go do "charity" work and Trump gets worked over like a chump who didn't pay off the mafia protection fast enough and with a smile.

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That was my first thought: how did they not cheat? Go President Chainsaw!

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One has to see it 'from the inside' in order to see how dirty these people really are who occupy the alpha and even beta functionary slots. And RHINO as a label can easily mean Democrat in point of fact with both wings of the Uni-Party being Woke Marxist and with a perpetual 'globalist' spin. I.e. and the proof is that they all attend, both parties, the same international coordinating forums ... and both parties have been duplicitously promoting the Same Agenda for at least seventy years.

Your post brings some even keel back into 'the considerations' at hand. It's the Golden Nugget Post of the Day !!!

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Thanks, that's quite a compliment!

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Very much deserved.

(And by the way, did you notice now that the West seems to have pivoted away from Project Ukraine ... and walking it back ... that the Trolls just Puff vanished?)

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What trolls?

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Yes, you're right. Used to fill the comment feed.

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What trolls?

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That’s why we need a new party, a constitutionalist party of conservatives, that will eventually eliminate the Republican Party. And the uniparty. It’s got to start somewhere.

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My problem with that solution is that parties, to be effective, have to have an organizational presence from local to national levels, in pretty much every county in the nation. That's difficult at best. I think the lesson we should take is from The Squad and their fellow socialist/communist Democrats, who are not starting a new party, but instead are taking over their own party from within, bit by bit over time, the same way they've invaded all of our institutions - "the long march through the institutions." Each of our current major parties has universal name recognition, exactly that organizational structure I mentioned, and big budgets funded by their fundraising activities. They're absolutely worth taking over. We need more constitutionalists to step up and run for office and serve in the Republican Party starting at county level, so they can eventually be elected at state level (inside the state Republican Party) and then national (the RNC, the Republican National Committee).

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Exactly. And that’s how you can call it a new party. Because it will sure as hell not be like the grand old party.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

devoalan, I couldn't agree more! And the Constitution is the only foundation any new "party" should be built on. It wasn't that long ago, in the wake of the 2008 presidential election loss (and the years of Obama tyranny that followed) that a counter-movement did rise up, a true grassroots initiative -- it was called the Tea Party. Except that (of course) it wasn't an actual party. To this day I proudly identify with my fellow Americans who were part of that movement, and still are -- perhaps it will rise again. And remember the establishment Republican (RINOs, if you will) party response to us demanding adherence to the Constitution and conservative values? John McCain in particular called us "wacko birds." I still spit that he was the alternative presidential nominee that year. Ditto for Mitt Romney in 2012.

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Mega MAGA Dittoes. And further back, there was the Contract with America that supposedly balanced the budget under a Democrat president. Conservatives fail miserably at eternal vigilance, but we can get up on our hind legs and make an important difference now and then.

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Yep, went to tea party rallies myself, caused a pretty big change in NYS, when the dems hadn’t perfected the cheat yet. And I agree,, we need that same thing again, only I’m thinking we need to start showing up en masse armed.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Ken Buck is a perfect example of why we shouldn't go full Pollyanna Mode.

Another was a pol known personally to me, Jim Bridenstine-R OK of the 1st Dist of Oklahoma (former Congressman, became NASA Admin, and now moved on to lobbyist.) Same goes for former Rep. Steve Largent, who held the same seat and now holds the same occupation.

At some point I had to face the fact that despite my best efforts as a GOP activist (along with hundreds of similar people I've known, the whole thing is a scam. We have a systemic problem. The Uniparty is completely real, unlike fantasies about our golden boy congressmen making any damn progress at all. Ken Buck, Jim Bridenstine, and Steve Largent are merely a few examples - could cite a hundred.

Voting harder (or getting more involved) ain't gonna do it, Chief. Sorry.

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We elected a congressional Representative when we voted out our Blue Dog Democrat who voted for Obamacare, contrary to the very clearly expressed wishes of his constituents. He'd been disguised as a Good Ol' Boy Farmer for a long time. Anyway, our new Rep. came to our county and told a small group that the situation was worse than he'd thought - our own side was the enemy; that John Boehner was the enemy. When he left Congress, to become a lobbyist, he was singing John Boehner's praises.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

Exactly. We have a revolving door in which we elect these earnest, well-meaning young men and women to Congress, only to see them exit 3 terms later to go get their millions as lobbyists. THAT is one thing that needs to be stopped.

As to Leonora below, the realistic answer is I don't know. But I do know that what we've been doing since the Progressives took over at the turn of the 20th century IS NOT WORKING.

We need DEEP and RADICAL systemic changes to our system. We need to move power back to the states, as it was before the Civil War. We need to stop allowing corporations to fund our politicians. (Did you know that before 1865, most people elected to Congress didn't even finish their terms because there was no power to be had at the federal level, constitutionally? When I was an intern in the US Senate, I did a paper on this topic.)

I agree that local, local, local needs to be our focus now. But at minimum we also need a Constitutional Convention to stop lobbyist moneys from corrupting our representatives. And although I appreciate what Donna from Mo has said, we are going to need strict term limits. Let them have 3 terms in the House; 3 terms in the Senate (and repeal the 17th Amendment to remove popular election of the Senate and return to the states.)

We also need to return to the original design wherein the Electoral College had the real power of selecting our President. And while I'm at it, let's also return to the system by which the presidential runner up took the Vice President's office. That would weaken the two-party duopoly.

We need to think more radically about what has gone wrong, and how we can return to the vision of the Founders.

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Good points, Fred - especially re: corporations funding politicians. I'm utilizing the phrase: the millitary-industrial-banking complex a lot lately. To focus really locally, as in personal/individual, we need to address polarization and civility.

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Fred: "We have a systemic problem." Well, yeah - we're dealing with fellow human beings here! "There are only real people with messy thoughts and lives just like the rest of us."

Sooooo, the way onward that you recommend is...?

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Leonora - a great question. See some possible answers above in my reply to Fla Mom

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Buck flips off his supporters and opines about how crass and stupid they all are...he's so very savvy and high browed and undervalued by the MAGA Nuts. Buck off Buck, please let the door hit you in your As- when you go get your gravy train job where you're paid big $$$ to malign decent people.

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In TN, we have open primaries. So Democrats often vote for the more moderate Republican to prevent the true conservative from holding office. I agree, the article missed the mark at least in terms of my comment yesterday. My opinions are based upon several elections cycles and state legislative sessions closely observing the state politics in TN. We don't even have enough conservatives here to form a Freedom Caucus!

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I love your response! You are the kind of patriot I wish I had been when younger (now almost 76). Thank you for your work for our nation, I am afraid it is lost, unless a miracle happens. I am personally watching for the rapture any second. Hard to have hope these days, especially after Oct.7th and resulting war in Israel. But we have been instructed to hold on and keep doing what we have been to glorify Jesus.

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Thank you, what a lovely compliment! God worked such that our Founders won the Revolutionary War to establish our nation, and that seemed to take more than one miracle; I pray He finds at least the remnant among us worthy of saving, as he did for the righteous in Sodom:

23Abraham stepped forward and said, “Will You really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24What if there are fifty righteous ones in the city? Will You really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous ones who are there? 25Far be it from You to do such a thing—to kill the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike. Far be it from You! Will not the Judge of all the earth do what is right?”

26So the LORD replied, “If I find fifty righteous ones within the city of Sodom, on their account I will spare the whole place.”

27Then Abraham answered, “Now that I have ventured to speak to the Lord—though I am but dust and ashes— 28suppose the fifty righteous ones lack five. Will You destroy the whole city for the lack of five?”

He replied, “If I find forty-five there, I will not destroy it.”

29Once again Abraham spoke to the LORD, “Suppose forty are found there?”

He answered, “On account of the forty, I will not do it.”

30Then Abraham said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak further. Suppose thirty are found there?”

He replied, “If I find thirty there, I will not do it.”

31And Abraham said, “Now that I have ventured to speak to the Lord, suppose twenty are found there?”

He answered, “On account of the twenty, I will not destroy it.”

32Finally, Abraham said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak once more. Suppose ten are found there?”

And He answered, “On account of the ten, I will not destroy it.”"

Genesis 18

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I just read that portion of Genesis yesterday! God rarely ever changes his mind, however, there are a few instances where He did! He is truly a God of miracles which we can read throughout the entire Bible. One of the most outstanding is when he caused the sun to go back ten steps (on the steps of Ahaz) as a sign from the Lord to King Hezekiah that he would be healed of a fatal illness. 2 Kings 20:1-11.

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Oh yes, name calling and affixing pejorative labels to people is very popular.

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Yep!! Jeff will find out as his state turns more red. He will see also a troop of politicians who say they are Republican merely to get elected.

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We've had Democrats in our county switch to Republican, purely because since about 2008-9 when people got so angry at Obamacare, the trend to register as a Republican in the formerly Solid South has been so extreme that there are almost no elected Democrats in our county and sometimes no Democrat candidates for office, but for select county commission seats.

The other problem is that they have such a big margin of Republican votes that the conservative Republicans lose power, since their votes aren't needed to pass legislation. We could all see how powerful just a few conservative Republicans have been in the fight over the congressional Speaker. With a larger margin, they wouldn't have been.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The comments for CDC post, hysterical 😂🤣😂🤣😂

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It’s satisfying to read these comments.

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Gosh durn it...I don't have X so I can't read the comments.

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Honestly its worth a X account…. just yo view stuff. Just dont ever post a thing.

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I'm not on X either, but links open to specific posts. Maybe it's a twitter miracle.

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Yes, the links open but I can't read the comments. Maybe I will check browser setting. Could be in Big Brother Mode.

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Ah. I get only the post too. Looks like the whole danged world has gone into Big Brother Mode.

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It is - gives you hope that many people are waking up

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