Feb 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As a physician, I have been present to my patients before, during and after covid 19, I did not allow my patients to miss any cancer screenings, yet my jabbed patients have had a noticeable increase in cancer, as compared to my patients who are unjabbed. The jabs have caused an increase in cardiovascular events (deep vein thrombosis, heart attacks, heart arrthymias, pulmonary embolism and stroke), metastatic cancers, and neurological disease (tremors, neuropathy, seizures, impaired memory). I am unjabbed and on the front lines.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you!!! If I knew where you practiced, I’d probably be your next new patient. I finished up radiation exactly one week before lockdowns began. My oncologists and surgeon did not stop seeing me but getting onto their offices was a was a bit like getting into Fort Knox. They weren’t overly excited that I wasn’t injected but three + years down the road, they are relieved that I am still cancer free.

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My wife was told she had Stage 2B breast cancer July 23 2021. She panicked and scheduled a mastectomy. An hour before she was to leave to have the radioactive dye tracer shot and 21 hours before surgery, divine intervention led her to cancel. We were guided by wonderful lightwarriors who pointed us in the right direction. For 7 months, we read nothing but cancer books. Real cancer books, not Rockefeller medical murder mafia sanctioned propaganda books. Long story short. We completely changed our lifestyles and treated her cancer holistically. And she has been fine for over a year. there are over 300 things that kill cancer, none of which an MD is allowed to tell you, if indeed they even know. Slash burn poison is all they can do and keep their license.. Slash is only called for if there is a life threatening blockage, skin cancer, and some uterine cancers. Otherwise, all you are doing spreading the cancer the body kindly bundled up for you while it tries to wake you the "F" up and fix whatever it is that caused healthy cells to mutate into cancer cells. Cancer is systemic. The tumor is not the problem,. It was formed to keep the cancer cells out of your bloodstream as much as possible so it does not get into your brain, the heart, or your lungs.

My wife swears the biggest thing she did that effected the cancer was start taking Fenbendazole 3 days after she found out. She felt significant improvement in 3 weeks. What is it? Safeguard,or Panacur C. Same thing. Made by Merk. Dog / dewormer. The lowest dose, 10 pound dog, 222 mg /day, with Vitamin E, and ideally, CBD., It is essentially a lower spectrum version of Ivermectin, and if you check the internet, you will find referenced to it and cancer. Joe Tippen had a website about his experience it. Don't know if it is still up, because he died recently, but he had previously gone the whole allopathic route. Our vet recommended it for our dog with breast cancer. Of coarse, the FDA profits its use for cancer, as they do B-17, GcMF, and pretty much everything else that actually works.

Do yourself a massive favor and go on line to order Bob Wright's book "Killing Cancer, not People". Bob is an incredible man. He has talked to us several times, and corresponded via E mail a number of times. I bought a case of his books and give them to anyone who acts like they will read it and wants to take responsibility for their own health. Will soon be buying a second case. Lots of other recommended books, but for another absolute jewel get Dr. Jerry Tennant's "Healing is Voltage". Can't say enough about it. A more difficult read, but absolutely essential knowledge. Bob reference;'s Dr. Tennant, and many others in his book. I went to see Dr. Tennant in Dallas a few months ago to holistically treat my hyperthyroidism, and it is getting better every day. He is probably the best holistic Dr in the World.

We can honestly say we no longer have any fear of cancer, because we know what it is, what it isn't , what cause it, and how to kill it. Educate yourself, and if the allopathic "treatments" you have taken to date have not done too much permanent damage to your immune system, you will know how to get and stay healthy.

hope this helps

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I too am not buying the delay in diagnosis bec of C19. I was diagnosed w stage 2 bc in November 2020, and elected surgery before I had really researched. Just wanted it out. But I did read all of the medical data ‘safety’ sheets of the toxins they wanted to pump me with and said NO. They didn’t like that at all. Went holistic. Still here, still healthy.

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Bravo ... and continued blessings to you.

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Wow. Roland. You have completely brought me to tears and I don’t even have cancer! Thank you for being a light to others and offering hope in a time of fear! Praise God for his intervention!

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Wow, what a wealth of valuable information! Thank you! I applaud you for taking control of your own health and healthcare. As a retired RN who practiced for 32 years, I’m disgusted with what’s happened to healthcare. It’s become profit driven and heavily regulated through the federal government and insurance companies (who are in lockstep with the feds) not to mention the corruption through Big Pharma. They’re no longer attracting the best and brightest people to go into nursing or medicine. I try to stay away and do what I can to stay healthy. God bless you and your wife! I hope you have many more years together.

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I got my LPN in 2013 and RN in 2017. I got 2.5 years of pre Covid ICU experience. Even then I could tell something wasn't right, but since Covid I have decided against any furthering of my education in the medical field. I am absolutely disgusted with it all.

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Want a job! I'm hiring!!

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I want a job! Would you consider a mental health practitioner with a doctorate in psychology who specialized in health psychology and behavioral medicine and is a national board certified health and wellness coach? I'm in southwestern Pennsylvania, but with telehealth, I could potentially work with anyone living anywhere.

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Tell me more...

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yeah - I worked 20 yrs in lab and have an MS in microbiology. Moved on to the IT field several years ago. I missed lab work, but now I'm so glad I'm not working in it.

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Thank you for a most encouraging story, and for so much valuable info. Blessings to you both.

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@rolandttg - Thank you for your fantastic testimony! Praise God for your wife's healing! We've been told so many lies since Rockefeller infiltrated the medical industry. We also follow Dr Lee Merritt, The MedicalRebel.com. She has some cancer protocols using invermectin and fenbendazole.

Just for any others reading about or battling skin cancer. I urge you to look into the old timey "black salve". Greg Caton was a pioneer alternative health care advocate and suffered greatly for it. Million dollar lawsuits, jail time and finally fleeing to Ecuador to escape persecution for helping people heal themselves from cancer. He has many videos on bitchute. In Dec, Greg suffered a "heart attack and passed. He was NOT jabbed but was very vocal about what's happening in the world. I don't know for sure, but it looks to me like he could've been another victim of speaking out against the machine. My husband has had numerous skin cancers pop up and, with insurance, it costs $500+ each time they are burned off, only to return a few months later. He used some of Greg Caton's black salve "Cansema" on 2 new, very weird looking "moles". Just as is described in Caton's books, these areas have gone through the escharing process and are now gone, healing up with no scaring. This stuff allows your body to recognize the cancerous cells and your body attacks it and eliminates it. I know that this also works on breast cancer and other internal cancers, according to testimonies. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, had Greg on his show a few times. Greg's wife, Catherine, still runs the business and responds quickly and informatively to emails.




Again, thank you for sharing your testimony! I believe God has great things in store for you and your wife!

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Thanks for the info Grammy. My husband has had numerous skin cancers removed. I’m going to look into this.

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It's amazing to watch the process of the body attack the invaders and then heal itself. We purchased Caton's "Black Salve" book first, in addition to scouring his websites. Some products ship from Ecuador so shipping is expensive and takes about 10 days. These now-healed spots were on his arms. We're fixing to start working on some that popped up on his back. Feel free to reach out to me or thier website, if you have questions. I sent pics of my husband's moles and they recommended which product to get. I also removed a 30 yr old plantar wart from my foot with their Bloodroot Paste.

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Roland, thanks for this great story. My daughter and son in law live in Dallas and he is currently treating his stage 4 prostate cancer with Fenben. The word is getting out and I pray that more people will wake up and realize that allopathic doctors only know - slash, burn, poison. They’ve been pushing my son in law to have surgery for months and he has resisted that. The only “traditional “ treatment he has taken is hormone, and that’s bad enough! We’re praying for complete eradication of his cancer. I sent them a copy of your comment with book and doctor references. I hope they might give Dr. Tenant a try.

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beinhealth.com they have answers--a church sponsored program. I know someone who was healed of same, applying these biblical principles--

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Just as we had to educate ourselves on the weapon that covid was and find what works, we need to do the same with cancer and many other diseases. Thank you for invaluable information.

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Thank you for this information!! I think people hear "cancer" and freak out! So glad that you and your wife are doing well!

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Roland, thank you for sharing your wife's story & your journey together. May you both be blessed with what-ever you need, today & every day. Prayer is powerful. <3

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Prayers for continued health for your wife and yourself. I'm an oncology RN for 25 years. My last job was at a large academic center in Tampa, FL. My last day on the infusion unit was literally the day before we moved to Louisville. I absolutely love patients and direct patient care. I did love patient education and advocacy but, these last few years have been hell. My place of employment counseled me and called me dangerous because I commented and shared a FB post raising concern about mandating shots for children. I'm now in Louisville and I miss being a nurse but, can't pedal poison anymore. I'm ordering the book right now. Have you sent one to Casey DeSantis?

Thanks for the information!

Praying there is a swell of interest that will create a true healthcare parallel system.

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Here is a January 18,2023 with a live Q&A with Joe Tippens https://mailchi.mp/947146d0509e/new-qa-session-mycancerstoryrocks-january-18th-2023-1100-am-cst?e=f23e775d91

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Safari says server cannot be found. Do you know how else to access this interview?

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In the event that his blog gets taken down I have archived it here: https://archive.ph/AlBOx

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Thank you Zelkova!

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

try clearing your cookies and cache, might have to disable something else. I am using Chrome and it came right up. Or go directly to YT.


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Got it. Thanks!

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Try duck duck go or brave servers.

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@Rolandttg A Physician colleague of mine here in Reno ( https://www.drforsythe.com/ ) has had great success treating/curing cancer. One suggestion switch to CBDa more potent and more bioavailable. Praying Wisdom for Health, Faith in JESUS for Healing. Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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I ordered it. I don’t have cancer but I’m convinced that there must be a cure out there that doesn’t involve chemo and radiation. My next door neighbor had chemo and now has neuropathy in her hands and feet. It’s painful to see her walk. I remember a doctor who lived in the US who was curing cancer with methods that mainstream medicine didn’t use or condone. He wound up opening a clinic in Mexico. If I do get cancer I want to go to his clinic. So much about modern medicine is suspect. I look forward to reading this book. Thank you.

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SO happy to hear you both went the holistic route. There are so many methods of stopping the spread of cancer in one's body based on nature. Fasting is another method of cleaning out the junk we pick up from the environment, fake food, stress and the list goes on. May you both be blessed with great health and continue your quest for knowledge on living your best lives!

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Did Joe Tippins really die? He did an update on Jan 18, 2023.


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Yours is one of the most inspiring, valuable and love-filled comments I’ve ever read here on Substack (and I’ve read a lot) Can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share so much usable and powerful info. I have Bob Wright’s book also and completely agree it’s fantastic. Bless you for buying multiple copies and sharing!!🙏🏻♥️. This book plus many others collected over the years have been mind-blowing and fascinating reading for me, it’s astounding how far the truth is from what you’ll hear on MSM or in your average doctor’s office.

The first book I read on the subject of medical fraud in general (and cancer specifically) was Outsmart your cancer by Tanya Harter Pierce. So long ago I can’t even remember how I came across it but it opened my eyes and blew my mind. It was a page-turner for me, I couldn’t put it down. Like most ppl, I have a strong aversion to being lied to. When you find out that not only have you been lied to by anyone and everyone in a position of power and influence in medicine, but that the magnitude and scope of (and reason for) those lies are beyond anything you could ever imagine in your worst, most cynical nightmare....it’s infuriating and life-changing. I’d already learned the hard way that every person is responsible for their own health (and their family’s health) and it’s a responsibility you have to take very seriously, it should never be blindly handed over to a medical professional or health agency, etc. But even knowing what I did about the sorry state of medical affairs, I was completely unprepared for the truths I found out when I dug in harder and started reading books like the ones you listed. Once you know the truth you will never be the same again (and that’s a GOOD thing :).

I, too, had breast cancer (5+ years ago) and used information I’d acquired from my reading to choose the path I wanted - avoiding radiation, hormonal drugs, etc. even avoiding the initial mammogram (known to increase BC risk) by opting for an ultrasound instead (not easy - it took 2 weeks to get past this first hurdle and finally get the doctor to agree to go directly to ultrasound without first doing a mammogram). It was difficult at times to insist on my plan over theirs but I never considered doing anything else and PTL I had my incredible husband supporting and backing me every step of the way. Long story short it’s 5 1/2 years since my diagnosis, I’m in my 60th year, cancer-free and healthier than I was before (like you say, the big C is a big wake-up call!)

Anyway...just wanted to concur and emphasize what you’ve already stated so well - do your own research and have the faith/courage to choose your own path and insist on it. Ideally you’ll thoroughly educate yourself well BEFORE you ever get that scary diagnosis because all it takes is those 3 little words from the doctor to completely derail your ability to think clearly and rationally, which leads to entirely abdicating your health care choices and unquestioningly following/believing whatever the doctor tells you to do next. Blind obedience is never the way to go. Even if you choose to go a more conventional route you must commit to being fully informed and intimately involved in every single decision regarding your care (personally,I knew from Day 1 of my cancer journey that I’d never go conventional, but everyone has to choose for themselves :). In my case, I fear that had I not done so much reading prior to my own run-in with cancer I too might’ve toppled in fear at the very beginning and gone the way of blindly allowing my doctor to direct everything.

I am beyond impressed by this example of courage and smarts shown by you and your wife in the face of her diagnosis - Bravo!!!

God bless you Roland for sharing your experience and giving so many others the tools and inspiration they need to follow your lead. Sending prayers for continued health and success to you and your wife both! 🙏🏻♥️♥️

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Thank you for your witness and another book to educate myself! 🥰

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Bless you Julie!🙏🏻💕

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Blessings to you for continued travel down the road of good health.

Have any of your practitioners connected the dots ... that link your UNjabbed status to your freedom from cancer?

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Not that any will admit!! 😳 But it would be nice if they did, wouldn’t it? Grateful for the brave doctors who are speaking truth!!!

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Utterly pathetic, that even a Doctor Who knows that you’re not jabbed, is afraid to admit that he knows or she knows that the jabs have caused problems and don’t work

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Susan, I love your story! Thank God you are cancer free and did not take the jab! Hopefully it will never come back.

I have a dear friend who was undergoing treatment for breast cancer when the shots came out, and of course her doctors recommended that she get it because of her increased “risk”. That’s now been two years ago and so far her cancer hasn’t returned, but I’m concerned that it will. She doesn’t look healthy and her hair has never grown back after losing it with chemo.

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I see so many clients that come in to my shop look grey to be fair we have an elderly population but I know 4 young ppl that are struggling with heart issues now

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Prayers for continued healing Susan. No one has a vaccine deficiency!

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Bless you !!

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One of the good doctors with integrity! Thank you! Cowardice seems to be the rule of the day (trying to give the benefit of the doubt, maybe it's just stupidity.)

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This is just my opinion, but to give my benefit of the doubt, I believe it's not stupidity but good old-fashioned GREED. Nonetheless, many thanks to the heroic physicians who actually have ethics and have fought against the medical corporations and regime. God bless them all for the sacrifices they have made in supporting the truth!

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you for being one of the good ones!

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I am having a difficult time EVER trusting ANY doctor again - especially any who administered ANY doses of the kill shot. Talk about delayed diagnosis. Simply cannot get over it. I pray for all doctors everywhere to find a way to fix this.

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I used to hold them in such high estesteem, and now I realize they are almost 100% pd actors for big Pharma. I have zero respect for them now.

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Since my wife's cancer diagnosis, we have switched almost exclusively to holistic doctors and biological dentists. What a difference. An easy way to tell is if they don't take insurance. Going holistic is expensive, but if you don't have your health, nothing else matters.

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YES! Thank you. I try to tell my husband this when our grocery bill is 2x what it would be because we buy organic 90% of time. Id rather pay now then pay for medical bills.

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Yes! 100%. I actually first saw Bob Wright’s book in the waiting room of my much-loved holistic dentist! I ordered myself a copy that very day. He was one of the bravest and smartest I’ve ever met, openly shared his vast knowledge with any who cared to hear. He recently retired and our family is heartbroken to lose him, so far not having any luck finding another holistic dentist nearby but still looking. Fortunately we still get to see our favorite dentist at church from time to time :).

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The primary focus for medical school is how to treat with drugs, a model created by the Rochefellers, which also wiped out other methods of healing. So we are left with a society that has no idea how to care for themselves, people totally disconnected from the wisdom of their bodies & a fundimental knowledge deficit in faith. God isn't stupid. The human body is truly an incredible healing machine, given it's best opportunity.

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You are not alone.

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Thank you for standing strong! You're a unicorn in the clown world.

A friend of mine- who has been in remission from lymphoma for 5 years- now has cancer in her femur... and, seems to be aggressive. (Only second hand information, but she's a pharma rep, so I'm certain she was jabbed to the hilt).

So, thank you, again, for doing the hard thing and actually taking care of people.

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Cancer in the femur. That just sounds horrible. I guess 2023 will reveal a lot of remissions coming back with a vengeance for people that complied with the shots.

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See Dr. Ryan Cole (Idaho pathologist who runs his own lab)--he was first, I think, to point out the 'sudden uptick' in cancers, in unusually agressive cancers, and in cancers returning to those in remission

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We’re seeing those returning aggressive cancers among our friends and neighbors. I can think of five or six in my relatively small circle of acquaintances.

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I notice a lot of people with new or returning cancer turning up on the prayer list at my church. Some are members while others are friends or work associates of members.

I can’t help but think if only our minister would have warned people at the start not to take the jab, as he and his young family didn’t, things might be different. But, then again, I tried my best to dissuade others I know in many different contexts and no one listened to or read what I forwarded them.

You still gotta try.

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Pretty much all of the cancers I have seen in friends, family or acquaintances recently have been recurring (or a new type for someone in remission from a different type) or extremely aggressive turbo cancers 😞

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So sad. 😢

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Yes, he IS a true hero

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Agreed. I hate it for her, but I'm afraid she's only one of many in the coming years. Lots of praying going on for those that were duped into the bioweapon.

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Dana I too have a friend who had been in remission from lymphoma of her femur for 15 years and had recurrence after jabbing. I think abt 3 months after. She went in for an MRI to get her knee replaced and they discovered it. Her doctor is a mask and jab monster. That cancer is rare BTW.

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I am so sorry to hear about your friend.

This friend of mine is a pharma rep, so, while we haven't spoken for a long time, I know she followed her doctors to the letter and every system in our area were big pushers. So infuriating!

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You are a true hero of Medicine!

(As opposed to that awful monster called “Healthcare.”)

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Thank you, Dr. Peck, for your courage and fidelity to your patients. Unfortunately I believe many physicians were deceived by the lies of the "experts." My own PC, a former military doctor used to taking orders, was shocked 2 years ago when I refused the jab. Still jab free and a Covid survivor even though I'm in 2 of the "vulnerable" categories.

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A lot of people were deceived, but I am unwilling to give doctors a pass for that. Surely they began to see that hospital protocols were not working and that people were being harmed by the shots. Since my husband and I are retired, I cannot fully appreciate how difficult it would be to face losing your job if you told the truth, but if doctors had banded together and spoken out, surely they couldn't fire everyone. There's a huge number of people with blood on their hands. As much as the good doctors and scientists have suffered, at least they have clear consciences.

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There are so many cases where if enough people had banded together, it would’ve been difficult if not impossible to institute any mandates.

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Very true. And if the police (especially), army, firefighters, EMT’s, pilots, etc. had all said no to this - especially those who were arresting noncompliant/peaceful protesters - this thing would have been dead in the water and the cowardly tyrants who planned this out would be running with their tails tucked in, looking for a rock to hide under (no disrespect to real mammals with functioning tails).

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Absolutely agree with you!

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And, in the end, if you do not have a clear conscience, you have nothing. What is a person without integrity?

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So true!!

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We are also jab free and naturally immunized from a REALLY bad case of the coronavirus. My daughter and I fit a few of the categories, also. But I’m not living my life in fear. I’m a big fan of Patrick Henry “Give me Liberty or give me death.”

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My thoughts exactly Susan. My life is in God's hands. He only will determine my time and manner of death. I refuse to cower in fear.

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God has already predetermined how long each of us will live and exactly how we will die. Our lives are truly in God's hands and I also will not live in fear!

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Many so-called 'physicians' seem to be shocked when their patients do not abide their every word.

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I was one who did whatever my doc recommended until 2020. Oh I had some questions now and then, but never really looked under the hood about just how corrupt HC has become. Now I question everything, and not sure I will ever blindly trust again. Probably better off that way anyway, but it is time consuming, not so much for me, but am a caretaker for my 84 YO mom and there are LOTS of issues with her docs.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 12, 2023

Just a footnote:

Mine, like most, has been a voyage by gradation. I now understand that there is not one single nook or cranny which is not corrupt. The system is so twisted and totally rigged and fabricated that is indeed, a virtual reality ... built with and held together by a cement of lies. The fairy tales and clown actors running the show daily blow my mind to smithereens. And they dare ask us to believe them! As though it were all on the up and up real!

Our moms did everything for us. It is a privilege to help them out at the end. And they so very much appreciate our aid and comfort. I know my Mom did, even though she never said a word to me. But she did to one of her friends, and that is how I know.

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RE: Your being a caretaker.

What a coincidence! I just started listening to Nurses Out Loud (recommended by a Substack commenter--not sure which one) and noticed this recent podcast (have not listened to it yet) https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-emotional-toll-of-advocacy/

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Wow, I love these ladies! Thanks for the recommendation!

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Dr., I am desperate to find someone in manatee/ Sarasota who is anti jab. I quit my long time physician because she was so pro jab we had words!! 😔

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Perhaps this:

Latitude Clinic

NP Concierge practice,

2831 Ringling Blvd
 Suite F220

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Thank you!

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bless you I wish I was near you. Started looking for an unjabbed doc after mine retired last month

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I am in Ormond Beach. Dr Joel Rudman, State Legislator, Dr John Littell and other docs from the Freedom Caucus of the Florida Medical Association will be developing a network of physicians who identify themselves with a moniker like "medical freedom physician" or the like so patients can readily choose those physicians of like mind

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

i already looked you up LOL. Thanks for the info, I have saved it. I am several hours away but if worst comes to worst I will do the driving. Also thanks for this update, I also saved Steve's link just in case !

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Awesome! I just received my Florida license and am looking for like minded colleagues! Be Well & Blessed, Phillip

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Phillip...am in Ormond. We need physicians and so does Dr Littel in Ocala.

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This thread has been amazing! Thank you for standing up. I’m in central Florida and can’t find a doctor here that isn’t part of the medical complex. I have a doctor for my special needs daughter who is on Medicaid and that doctor is covid crazy. I wish I didn’t have to take her to that doctor but she’s our only choice 😞. I just keep standing my ground and only take her when absolutely necessary. Ormond is a bit too far for us. If you know of anyone in the central area….polk county please let me know. Thanks again for all you are doing!

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let us know whereabouts you are !

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I'm still in Reno, and I'm part of a startup, a Virtual Health and Wellness Platform to launch in Florida prayerfully mid March '23. Drphillip@healthsixfit.com

Be Well & Blessed,


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Dr. Zinni, hoping you will join us in the red county of Volusia! Welcoming you (again) to the great state of Florida.

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thanks! found your page and will keep your note for later use !

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I’ve been hoping such would take place.

Parallel medical care: doctor reference plus some INDEPENDENT hospitals & surgical center.

I just had my new patient visit with my new internist who is awake not woke. Left my other one of over 10 yrs.

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Me too! That would be one of the beneficial effects of this whole pandem-mess. I need to find a new doctor too.

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That is extremely good to know! Thank you for being one of those doctors who has stood up to medical tyranny!

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This is just so awesome, I will keep an eye out for this network! We’re in Florida but a bit too far from Ormond Beach. Bless you and the work you are doing Rebecca

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Thank you! Learned of the "Medical Freedom Movement" in Maine from a stack commenter, and connected to them.

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Cool! I'm just down the road. Will look you up.

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That is excellent, what a great initiative!!

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Thrilled to see your posts, Doctor Peck, as I'm in Volusia County and have yet to find a trusted PCP after living here for two years. I'm still seeing my PCP in NJ, via telemedicine! Definitely need someone local. I'm going to call your office for an appointment tomorrow! Thank you for posting, and for standing strong!

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This would be fantastic!

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If you have any ideas of how to make the search, would you share them? I have been wondering/searching for a year and a half. Even more for an unjabbed dental practice.

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Steve Kirsch put together a doctor registry. This may help in your search.


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Do you know if Steve’s registry can be searched by state and county? It didn’t look like it when I looked at it when he first posted it. Haven’t looked since.

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Whatever you do, don't look for docs using your health insurance search function.

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i am just hearing by word of mouth. there are a few in Atlanta that I know of from a friend, but I have no names. I think lots of docs who knew the jabs were bad, have faked a jab for themselves. I would

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I can't find one.

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Maybe some aren't willing to advertise that they're not jabbed?

I'm guessing you will need to find one through word-of-mouth.

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Search their social media! It would take all but a millisecond scan of mine to determine my stance!

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Some have left social media, but otherwise, yes, should be easy to determine stance for those who are on it.

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I just commented elsewhere about the increase in conditions that you describe. I completely agree with you. I'm vaxxed x 2 and refuse to take any more of these shots. I'm experiencing a great degree of moral injury as a doctor right now, as I see how our profession harmed the population. I'm glad there are a few of us more level headed folks still out there!

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glad you woke up and hope you will be well

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It didn't take me long to wake up. After seeing so many covid patients who died in winter 2020, I was on board with shutting things down for 2 weeks as we sorted this out. By early April 2020, when we reached peak health care resource use and our field hospitals were dismantled yet our state didn't reopen, I knew something wasn't right and immediately joined "Team Reality." I was very reluctant to get vaxxed and was the last among my colleagues to do so. I chose to get it because of my covid exposures on the front lines and to set an example for the public. I didn't start seeing major adverse effects from the vax until May 2021, when I saw my first case of myocarditis in a teen. Right then I knew that there was no way in hell that I'd take more shots and that my kid wouldn't get any. I almost lost my job for publicizing local info about myocarditis.

I'm 2 years out from my second dose and I seem okay. Sure hope it stays that way!

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glad you saved your child from getting the jabs. I also read that lots of batches are less concentrated, some because of exposure to room temperature and others just seem to be off. I sure do hope you stay healthy and can treat patients. I also hope you don't have to see lots of damaged patients. I just bought the Cause Unknown book and I read Mark Crispin Miller's blog - it is very obvious that the jabs are unsafe and I don't understand people running for more.

Blessings !

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I lost two male family members in their 30’s within the last 1-1/2 years. Both died of seizures in their sleep; both were jabbed with the primary series. I can’t prove it was the “vaccines”, but I suspect as much. Thank you for all your hard work.

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Such a loss of life and potential. I am sorry for your loss. 😔

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So sorry for your loss. 💔🙏

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Im glad you have a conscious, but barring an axe wound or car crash, I'll never set foot in a doctor's office again. It isn't your fault, but your colleagues have turned the medical field into a profession that I trust less than used car sales.

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Oh, no offense taken. I completely feel the same way. I'm embarrassed now to tell people I'm a doctor. I'm trying to figure out how to retire before my next board exam. My field has been taken over by a bunch of wokies.

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Same here. I have found not worrying about healthcare costs totally freeing. I will never feed msm medical community or healthcare again. Spend my money somewhere else.

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I would love your thoughts on Ivermectin and if you have a recommendation for finding a good quality source for it.

You are proof that there are still some good physicians out there! God bless you!

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I know you weren't asking me, but we've used ivermectin prophylactically and when sick. My husband and I both had mild cases of covid or something, who knows? I recently found this site. https://www.ivermectin.com/

They're in the US and ivermectin is all they sell. We had previously ordered from another site, but last time our credit card company would not allow the transaction. We received the meds very quickly from the site linked above.

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Killing me with that price though! Yeah, it works but why the gouging?

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And this is why horse paste has worked fine for me for the the past two years. Big fan of the FLCCC!

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Do the require a prescription?

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No prescription needed.

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Thank you!

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We use ivermectin from the livestock feed store. 1% sterile injectable solution for cattle and swine. 1ml per 110 lbs, same as for cattle. Not the Pour-on ivermectin. We take the dose ORALLY in a small glass of juice or coffee. We've been doing this for over 2 yrs now. It's inexpensive and easy to obtain. I have purchased much more expensive "human pill" form from Kiwidrug and AllDayChemist. One order was confiscated by the PO, because they "said" the package was unsealed (probably after *they* opened it) and therefore not deliverable. The company reshipped my order and I did recieve it, albeit 4 wks later.

Imo, there's little, if any, difference between the human/animal versions, since the injectable is used in animals being used for meat production, the quality has to be quite high. I live in a farming/ranching community. Most everyone I know takes the animal version and we're all still alive! LOL!

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My husband has used that, but I'm willing to pay more for the other. My mantra is, the government is going to take all our money anyway, so I may as well spend it before that happens.

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We order our ivermectin from www.ivermectin.com also. Highly recommend.

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You're my kind of doc! Thanks for standing strong!

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A genuine medical professional. ✨️

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Saying a quick prayer for you and your parents rest of your family you are a true blessing

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I think others here would agree you are incapable of writing something uninteresting enough to drive people back to the Internet (even for cat memes 😸), Jeff, and we are always delighted to read your witty and provocative reflections, autobiographical or otherwise.

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Yes, Jeff, thank you for taking the time to write a Saturday update! I was pleasantly surprised to see it. As for the stupid, infernal mask signs and sad jab-injury story, nothing like a reminder that we live in an evil clown world to set the mood for a weekend getaway! God bless you and Michelle and kids!

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Yes I was so happy to see another article this morning… I admit that I am addicted to my morning Coffee and Covid! Thank you for taking the time to enlighten us again this morning! Hope you have a wonderful time this weekend!

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Me too :) I like a morning routine that provides Jeff’s info and incite with a ‘jab’ of wit and hope. As for Fetterman ….did anyone else notice the huge campaign lump on his neck seems to be missing?

Happy birthday weekend gratitude for your work Mr. C.

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Another great Freudian slip -> "Jeff's info and incite"

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Hardly Freudian. Incited to read the column and glean some insight.

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His Wikipedia page was changed 16 hours ago....

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I have to admit, a cup of coffee, log into my work computer, clock in and read Coffee and Covid. Sometimes slowly all day. Love it Jeff!

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I wasn't expecting it. Enjoy your time with your wife. 🥰 We will be here next week after your much deserved time relaxing.

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Me too!!!

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SAME!!! 😁♥️👍

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Every time we see one, we just bristle and want to rip it off...

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Or change it to where it says “Masks help prevent Covid to Masks DO NOT prevent Covid. Never quite know where cameras are lurking so I have to hold my hand back! 😏

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A couple times at a rest area in Michigan back a couple of years ago, I added a sticky note to a sign on the door that said, "Mask up. It's the law." My note said, "No it's not," and gave the web address of a campaign to recall Governor Whitmer.

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For a short time here in Puerto Rico I printed on 3x5 postcards five or six web links to columns that discussed the uselessness of masks, on one side in English and on the other in Spanish. I'd carry them and hand them out to anyone who told me to put on a mask (usually at the entrance to stores, or in stores if I'd made it past the Gestapo at the door).

Hardly anyone would take them. No one wants to think; they just want to be told what to do, and to obey. F'n sheep.

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Here's what we have to believe. If you saved one or two, a hand full or so, of people from adverse fallout, either ruined lives or death ... it is worth it. You may never know who, but they will ... eventually if not already.

Standing outside a store and handing things out is, or is like, faith in God. And we often don't see the 'result' or 'effect' until much, much later. Sometimes not at all.

You did a very good and brave thing. It takes guts to buck the trend.

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Thank you so much for trying. I wondered if educating people would have mattered, sadly based on your little study, it would not have. I just ignored anyone who wanted to say something, I did not have the patience like you did.

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'Hardly anyone would take them.'

Or hardly anyone wanted to be *seen* taking them. Probably would have taken them if you left them on a park bench, a cafe table, or in a restroom stall!

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Oh my, that’s awesome. We live in Michigan. Never wore one in a rest stop, my husband’s like the sign says....I’m like who’s hanging out in the rest stop? He followed my lead. 💪

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I'm here too, neighbor✋

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Great idea as so many were just ignorant that there was never a law passed. Here in commifornia at the height of the insanity (if there was such a time as perhaps it will always be crazy time in some places), my niece was verbally assaulted for entering a rest stop without a mask. Fortunately my sister could hear the yelling from a distance, most rest stops out here when you can find them are large with so much open space, and came in to stop the insanity. All she had to do was get close to the unbalanced person and they panicked and ran away screaming obscenities. So much evil and stupidity.

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Wow. Some people are just unhinged 😳

I think that in my state and some of the others I visited, a lot of the businesses were terrified of the health department shutting them down 😕 They’d just gotten back open and with more normal traffic and didn’t want to risk it. Bureaucratic agencies should NEVER have this much power since they lack any accountability!

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Yeah, it's usually the wimps who scream the loudest.

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Very cool

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That’s awesome, I love it!!

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I'm thinking of doing up a bumper sticker that says, "TAKE OFF YOUR F'N MASK, MORON!" Maybe sans the "moron" part.

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I like it. There must be something out there.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Done! Just like that. 8" x 5" vinyl window decal. $12.95. (The car's not part of the decal.)


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Keep it.

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Oh please do it!!

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I have the same feeling! In addition, whenever I see the signs our government puts up - "your tax dollars at work", I always want to stop and cross out work and replace with waste, but figure I would end up in prison for life as I do not fit any of the victim categories!!

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We actually do take them down here in San Francisco, whenever feasable. Those stickers at the B & B do seem like they'd be tough to remove, though.

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I would loooove to know which county that was seen in. Sadly (I am also in Florida here) certain counties went ALL in. It is very patch work as to how conservative the counties are... in my county I got to vote on the judges when I arrived during election time (wonderful if you have conservative voters, but subject to the 'manipulation' of the votes), and I'm taking special interest in who is/is not conservative now. Oh, and the great state of Virginia finally caught up to the fact I moved out and didn't cancel my voter's registration yet. Well past the election times of course.

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My bf and I travelled to Florida during the height of the lockdowns. I did a search thru each and every county to see who had mask mandates. We wouldnt stop/give our money to ANY that had mandates.

As an aside: There is a cool upside-down museum that I reallllly wanted to go to, but masks were required. Didnt go, and will never go. Screw them.

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I've discovered there are quite a few things I can live without now.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Ah, good observation. A lot of things got reprioritized since the Jabdemic.

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Nice word. I may use it and baffled my friends

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You have a special way with words! 😂

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Yet another example of how God purposes everything for the good of His people. Sometimes the biggest benefits we struggling humans receive arrive in the depths of our despair.

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Yes, I used to spend a lot of money on ballet, symphony and pro sports. All either embraced wokeness or required the jab so have learned to live without all that, and redirect funds to freedom loving venues. My hubby and I still love rock concerts and fortunately there are only 2 venues in my metro that we have to boycott. Although there are a few artists that we've crossed off the list.

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I had a long-held wish to purchase year-round RPO tickets for my husband and myself (one of my bucket-list items was to see a real opera at the New York Met - don't judge me). When they went all Team Covid, I had to retire the wish. And given the rhetoric employed about the unvaxxed, I can't ever give them money again.

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I feel the same about anything Disney

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You can come to Bay County, (Panama City Beach), no mask mandates and we have one of those cool upside down museums. We locals are free people, but we also get a bazillion visitors here with several masked sheep mixed in. Just ignore them, they will go away soon.

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That's where we were, and that was the museum. Wont ever go now, and we (God willing) hope to move there in the next few years.

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Currently snowbirding in PCB. Love it!

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Welcome to Florida ❤️

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My parents traveled to Florida during the latter part of the craziness and even though by then they had supposedly eliminated mask mandates, my parents had to miss out on a boat excursion because one of the *passengers* insisted everyone wear masks and they were accommodated so people who didn’t want to wear one couldn’t go 😡

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Wow, that is the height of pandering to the lowest. We want to go on another River boat cruise in a year or two. Small boats, 120-150 guests. All the big names that you've heard of, Viking, AMA, Tauk, all require Vax Passports!! Guess I don't want to go anyway, close quarters with vaxxed germ spreaders! 🤣

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Yeah it was terrible. It put a dark cloud over what had otherwise been a nice trip.

I know, most of the cruise companies have gone overboard (pun intended 😆) with the vax and mask stuff, it’s crazy. And they constantly have outbreaks of illness too—like you said, a bunch of germ spreaders!

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Still? Passports! What do they even look like! I can't believe it.

And I know! And It's like one is being pushed into the company of morons. Like what do you say? They have really savaged out world with their Evil. We've got a lot to work out from underneath.

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Our family did the same. If you required a mask and/or a shot, you were not getting our money. It really narrowed our places to go, but we managed. Hubby and our son were even denied water at a National Park store here in California after a hike as they did not have masks and the clerk behind the plastic shields would not take their money and kept telling/yelling at them that they had to leave since they had no masks on. It was/is all so surreal!

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That is insane 😳

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Oona Pilot- I, too am curious what county that is in. You are so right about Florida. I am in Sarasota and we had a mask mandate here, and to this day, many people are STILL wearing their masks in stores, restaurants, etc. I never realized what a liberal area this is until recently!

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I'd bet my retirement against a thousand bucks that 90 percent are demoncrats.

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Does that mean that you could have voted in Virginia AND in Florida? In the same election?

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Yes indeed I could have. I did not, being me do that. I'm honest. Also, the county I was in my vote didn't count, it got diddled in VA to make our county go blue (formerly red to purple, then this huge big grab to blue - majority there DID vote Trump or Red, despite what the polls said..)

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I moved down here too from Va last Oct. I voted here. I received a letter from Va to verify that I lived in Va or cancel my voter registration. Mailing the cancelation to them today.

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I got one of those notices when I moved from WA to ID & I just ignored it. For a blue state with mail in ballots they are all over it with removing registered R’s from the rolls. Voting for the first time in person in 20 years was a pleasure & knowing my vote actually counted made it even more satisfying.

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Any idea how Okaloosa Co is? We’ll be traveling there in early April. My guess is it’ll be as Covid never existed there...I hope I’m right.

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I live in Okaloosa Co. Big Trump/DeSantis area here. You may see a mask or two, it’s how we identify Democrats or morons, but I repeat myself. It is almost pre-covid here. The only sad exception is the stores and restaurants that didn't survive the lockdowns.

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Masks means mental illness so avoid or proceed with caution.

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Yes! Dan Bongino always says that he likes it when people wear masks, because that is how he can identify the morons!

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Glad to hear this...thanks!

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Very conservative here.

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Does anyone know exactly how many health care professionals were fired because they wouldn’t bow to the “Jab-Mandates?” I have a dear friend (RN) fired from a well known trauma center in the Pacific Northwest — curious if anyone knows exactly how many of these folks were kicked to the curb in total (USA)?

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Here in California we have a lawsuit in process for nurses fired from Kaiser. There are over 400 nurses in that group. Just from this region. Many more are out there. God Bless them all! Hardworking, caring, skilled people. https://ca.childrenshealthdefense.org/corruption/kaiser-permanente-faces-440-allegations-of-religious-discrimination-in-upcoming-lawsuit/

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WOW -- thanks for sharing. Much appreciated!

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Thank God you all are fighting!!! Please also fight the BS bill they want to lass to require vax for HPV for jr high sr high to be in school! Soon becoming a place I despise here - !

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Fight it! Steve Kirsch says the HPV was the most dangerous vaccine ever introduced, until the Covid shots came out and blew that away.

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We will be!

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I no longer work in the hospital but still have several friends that do, and I know they lost a significant number of nurses. I can’t give a number or percentage, but just as an example, where I work (a private ambulatory surgery center) we have approximately 50 staff (RNs, surgical techs, admin) and there were a dozen of us that were prepared to lose our jobs if they didn’t accept our exemptions. Thankfully they did, but you can see how significant that would have been...over 20% of their employees. That’s enough to really throw a wrench in things. Guess they knew what was good for them.

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My daughter is a RN (surgical circulator) at a hospital in Glendale, AZ. She managed to get a religious exemption (after much hassle and harassment of course), but told me many nurses were fired or quit due to mandate. The result was that almost all the critical thinkers are gone, replaced by sheeple nurses (the newbie nursing school graduates or others, who got jabbed).

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Those are the few that I still respect. We used to revere our nurses. Not any more. Now I just think of all of them dancing. All that down-time could have bsen spent on advancing their training/education. But nope. Dance is more important.

So little/no respect left. If you're one of the few "good ones" left? May wanna run if you havent already.

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As a Registered Nurse with 32 years of working in an acute care hospital I don’t believe those dance routines were done by nursing staff. First of all, there would never be the time to choreograph a dance let alone the time to record it in a hospital setting. Secondly, it’s beyond unprofessional and there WAS a code of conduct to adhere to while you’re on duty.

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I'm believing these "dancing hospital staff" are actors. There's no way that real medical professionals would act this way. I watched that video, then scrolled through the comments and found more videos from all over the globe and some were just sickening. One had dancing "staff" carrying a "dead patient" wrapped in plastic with COVID written in red on the bottoms of "dead patient's" feet. At the end they hold up a note that says STAY HOME. These videos scream PSYOP. All of these hospitals were empty! What did they do with all the patients? What did they do with all the patients that were dependent on hospital care? My guess is those poor people became covid death statistics. Bump up those covid death numbers. I'm so sickened and angry at all of this.

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Yeah, what would be your reaction if, as a patient, you in rolled up in front of that German hospital and saw "medical staff" doing a festive jig out front? Right?

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Good point !

And don’t forget:

Military grade psyop. Don’t blame the unsuspecting sheep. Blame the shepherd that herded the lambs to the cliff. Who would have known our leaders cannibalistic desires? Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. We now know their true colors.

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My SIL retired from a certain trauma center in Washington after a long career in nursing and management right before the plandemic. But she still practically swoons over a mention of Fauchi’s name. They visited last summer. If I said anything negative about masks or ivermectin she’d look at me with a blank braindead stare. It was spooky.

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Read an article a few days ago, "excess deaths in physicians up" And "experts" baffled. So besides the impending shortage based on "Quietly Quitting" we now have excess deaths. We will shortly see the phenomenon of survival of the fittest ie uninjected physicians. Praying Wisdom for Health and Faith in JESUS for Healing.

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Canada supposedly has over 90 DEAD DOCTORS. Most all of them were pretty young, 30-50. They think it's really more. Canadian government has lost their minds with MAiD. (Medical Assistance in Dying) - exploiting poor or depressed people for government assisted suicide. It's much closer to just flat out murder of the "diasadvantaged", they ones they claim they're helping.

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That would be an interesting statistic. Much respect for people that will live by and stick to principle.

Look at the Canadian health care system, doctors are dropping like flies and the system is in danger. You thought the waiting list was long before...

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I still have a hard time believing this Evil going on is on a scale same as the stuff I have read in the Bible. It blows my mind daily. And maybe the only thing this global in the Bible was the flood? Regarding the Evil, I think Jeff said it straight today ... and very out loud. I was glad to hear it said so forthrightly.

God bless and take good care of yourself and your family.

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I did have to hold coffee in my mouth with one hand at “the ‘first disabled U.S. Senator.’ Well, kind of.” 🤣

Jeff has been far better therapy for this psyop than masked, choreographed puppets, God bless him!

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We have one of the two, now in the US, ‘first openly lesbian governors’ here in Oregon. Funny how Kate Brown’s wife and husband situation was rarely mentioned when she was elected gov previous to Tina Kotek.

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Oregon is trying so hard to out california California.

As a side note Karen, Oregon has not had a Republican Governor since implementing vote by mail 25 years ago. Not that Republicans are much different than Democrats today. Point is, vote by mail and computerized tabulators are easily manipulated.

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You are so right on all counts. I think Oregon, Washington and California have a certain script or playbook, and they are doing their damndest to stick to it.

Interestingly, Christine Drazen really didn't 'loose' by all that many votes. Just enough to not get elected though. I wonder what the 'believable' cut-off is for the fraudsters? 3-4% loss? I am shocked that Jamie McCloud Skinner didn't win, the redistricting didn't work in her favor 👏 A small win!

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Yes, well said MAA!!

Thank you Jeff for taking the time to write this weekend round up, we very much appreciate your helping us get the day off to a great start with your always interesting, insightful and entertaining take!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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I love glimpses into a “normal” life!

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I love the fact that one of the heroes of sanity lives in the same stupid world as me. Sometimes I look around and think I am on an evil candid camera.

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Agree! ‼️‼️

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Q: How many people changed their bio emoji flags from UKRAINE to SYRIA or TURKEY after the massive earthquake?

A: None.

Why? Because they weren’t told to.

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A friend of mine, who is fully jabbed, boosted, and anything else, posted on social media how appalled he was by the deaths in the quake area.

I asked him about the many vaxxed injured and dead. Isn't that appalling.

He said the New York Times hasn't had any news about that....!!!

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Those who believe the jabs have been beneficial think that few are injured and they are just collateral damage. I have a (semi) friend who believes just that. After having her scold me and tell me I don't understand about EUAs and the fact that people had to be protected from unsafe meds like ivermectin, I find it hard to be around her. I keep sharing truth when I have opportunity, but I think she may one of those who will only believe if they are affected personally.

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Unfortunately, those who I have seen that have been "affected personally" never think it was the 4th or 5th shot. Heart, neurological issues in young people... doctors ARE NOT telling them the shots may be to blame. I have tried sending them FLCCC website. No responses. At the very least I tried.

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AJ, that's all we can do. Keep up the good work! I know I have helped at least one person, my niece, who was being pressured to get jabbed while pregnant! She resisted and has a healthy little boy.

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I couldn’t be around someone like that

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My friend count dropped dramatically. I can't look at them the same way.

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As did mine. I actually had only one, but at least I had one, who called, when it appeared our side was "right", to apologize for her behavior toward me. I truly appreciated it.

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Annie and Kate, this is a spiritual battle and division is one of the tools the devil uses. All of us have lost friends and relatives (some literally) to the psychology of C19 mandates. Those still living and willing to admit their mistake is a friend worth keeping, though maybe at a distance. This episode has been so cruel...

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It's a dilemma for me. She is a fellow Christian who attends my church, so I have to forgive and at least treat her kindly. I don't spend much time with her, however. Then there's the Bible study teacher I tried to awaken, by offering to lend him Dr. McCullough's book. He declined, saying there's so much division and he doesn't want to get involved. I was told he urged his class to get boosted, so he didn't mind getting involved in that way.

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A person I know just suffered a debilitating brain aneurysm. He is vaxxed. About 8 months ago his response to the vaxx fatalities and vaxx injuries was "I am fine. No problems with me and I took it." Such sympathy. . Sarc. I wonder if he feels the same way now. 🤔

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Another of my (semi) friends responded to my post about the dangers by commenting, "I had all my shots and I'm fine!" That's all that matters, I guess, who cares about all the other people who aren't fine.

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She may not even believe it after a personal experience!

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And even some who are affected personally still won’t believe it.

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I wish I could remember which substack article Katherine Watt did where she went over just how little is required of an EUA because in reality, they are supposed to be for small "emergency" use only when nothing else is available. I'm certain your "smart" friend doesn't know that. No record keeping, no follow up, no data retrieved from use, no informed consent required. I have the screen shot called "Comparison of Access Mechanisms" but don't know how to share it here. The chart shows what is required by Clinical Trial, Expanded Access, EUA. EUA is basically a free for all! "Like" this comment, substack notifies me (so I can find it again) and I'll look for that article.

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Yes, an EUA can't be given if an alternative treatment is known. That's why they had to suppress ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and persecute doctors who actually treated patients.

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Yes, and after doing all of this, they then said it was merely a suggestion not to use those particular drugs and that they never said docs couldn’t do so.

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Here ya go Anne. Not sure if you're familiar with Katherine's work. For a beginner's it's like walking into the middle of a very complicated war/political movie, but she's laid out a beginner's guide. The Access Mechanism Chart I was talking about with EUA's is about 7 scrolls down this article.


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I am not familiar with her, but I will check out her substack. Thanks.

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For my friends? It’s the Delaware State News!!! If it’s not in there, it’s not real. 🙄

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Yup MSM mis, dis, Mal, information that's been made legal by Gates et-al.

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OMG you’re play on Pepe le pew is hilarious I love it.

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Thanks. From the John Lennon school of poetic license.

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That is sooo sad. 🙁

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I didn’t even know there was a massive earthquake.

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There's no money in it, so our captive media dunt care.

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I don’t get it. I thought don’t know because I don’t pay attention to “captive media.”

Are they not reporting the earthquake?

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Well, I went to cnn.com (yikes) to see what a solid authoritarian news source was saying. There's a brief mention of the earthquake recovery effort. But it's mingled among weighty topics like:

- GOP plays right into Biden's hands

- This is why DeSantis is afraid of Black history

- Biden's economic populism needs a refresh

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

At this point in our history, who gives a rat's a$$ what "captive media" reports.

ZeroHedge is reporting it. Various YT bloggers are reporting it, with frequent cellphone video updates. Search for "Turkey earthquake" and see perhaps fifty videos.

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I know how to search, thank you.

Just making a point with the previous commenter, who kindly answered my question.

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The Epoch Times reported it

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Yeah, I clearly should be checking them out.

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Epoch is the BEST

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Read Wholistic by Stephanie Brail--I think I first heard of the quake from her stack

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Fox and Newsmax have both reported on it. While they are also “captive” to pharma because they take advertising $$, you may at least hear ‘something’ of world events instead of the 24/7 DC propaganda that you’ll get from MSM. I want to be informed of events like these…although it’s a terribly sad one. The latest death toll is 25,000.

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This is really my fault. Once in a while, I just check out completely.

I used to give Real Clear Politics a glimpse at least once every day. Guess I would have found out from there. Maybe I need to check back in. https://www.realclearpolitics.com

Oh! Besides the earthquake, look what I found on the front page of RCP!

Why Pfizer Sponsored a Satanic Ritual at the Grammys Sasha Stone, Substack https://sashastone.substack.com/p/caligula-at-the-grammys

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NBC world news with David Muir at 6:30 EST reports live from turkey every night for about half the broadcast (lots of air time). The scene is shocking. It’s the only fake news media show I watch, then I switch the channel to watch Tucker Carlson to find out what’s really going on. I just like to know what the fake news is reporting, what the masses believe. It’s so obviously biased. There is almost always a negative story about Donald trump. Not a day goes by. Usually I hit mute at that point and wait for it to pass.

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17,000 + dead, last I heard.

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It's over 20k now. Epoch Times reporting.

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I think I read somewhere that’s it’s now over 40,000....?💔💔💔 (I read too much in a day - can’t remember where I saw this). And on top of everything else these poor suffering ppl in the quake region are enduring record-breaking brutal cold as well. The thought of what they’re enduring is excruciating :(((.

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They will be turned back and be utterly put to shame,

Who trust in idols,

Who say to molten images,

“You are our gods.”

— Isaiah 42:17 NASB1995

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“Such a person feeds on ashes; a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, ‘Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?’” —Isaiah 44:20

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Gaye - I love that verse! I wrote a song that was inspired by it 10 years ago: https://wp.me/p37fqB-h4

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Very beautiful

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Janice...the words to your song were beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I was blessed and sent the words to a number of people.

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I found it interesting to read it again but with the perspective of what we have been through the last three years.

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God bless you, Connie. Thank you.

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All so true! This one thing: “They cannot deliver themselves.” Oh my how true. I understand there are people containing about the Jesus-focused Super Bowl ads saying the money could have been spent on “the poor.” They don’t know they ARE the poor! The think they can deliver themselves/ don’t need saving. Right.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Once they put up the signs that the vaccinated don't need a mask, I stopped wearing my mask. No one has ever approached me to see any vaccination card, and by the way, I had all of my childhood vaccines so in my mind I am fully vaccinated.

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The only time anyone (a casual acquaintance) whose business it was not asked if I was vaccinated, I answered that I was in the control group. No further inquiry was made.

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👍🏻 I used that also.

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I was going through training to be a volunteer at a horse rescue. We were all sitting outside, they were requiring masks and it was hot out, and an older woman loudly asked if I was vaccinated (she was just a volunteer). I said no, and she glared at me and moved to another table. There was silence. I stayed and went back a few times, but I could tell they weren’t my tribe. Besides that, I wanted to work with horses, not shovel shit 😉

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Sounds like most of the shit was inside of them. They were full of it. 😉 there are some charities I will never support again because they required you be vaccinated. Screw them.

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I am actually a registered member of the control group. I even have a membership card to prove it!!

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Is it the control group which originated in the UK?

I had been hoping to fly under the radar, and not be trackable, but I might register since electronic medical records now show status anyway and follow us around. Medical records are essentially a passport or passport enabler, since that data field can easily be copy and pasted into an involuntary health/good citizen passport.

As long as the control group cant be hacked and the people in it can’t be experimented on in the future. ... I’m not a fan of the Big Brother bully.

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I agree with your sentiment. The group you mentioned is the one I’m in. I also was concerned about that but on the other hand, I thought that being on record as “control” might work in my favor as well. We will see.

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Haha, that's exactly what I did! I'm "vaccinated" with natural immunity.

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Sounds like Aaron Rodgers (NFL QB) who said he was inoculated. Reporters: you mean vaccinated? "Uh, well, I'm inoculated." LOL

He finally admitted he was doing an ivermectin regimen.

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Yippie. I took mine off at the time they said the jabbed could. In blatant disregard of the fact I wasn't. I was not shy about it, and got called into the managers office for the 'it has come to our attention you may not be jabbed but you are unmasked'. I told them sweetly it was MYOB for that - maybe I had something from the doctor who was NOT part of the 'county' or 'state' database? And, yeah, were they actually tracking that? Then they shut up and left me alone as they were on uncertain legal grounds and KNEW I was one who could/would push it if it came to that (and I was likely NOT alone in being treated that way). If I had proof I'd had the disease ie antibody titers, I'd have flaunted it around. Today post Covid scares, I'm still unjabbed and never tested (well 1 x spit tested to get back to work after having what turned out to be RSV). And as far as I know? I have never never ever even had it! Go me. Or, the power of not testing every single sniffle with a dubious at best test...

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I still have people at work who are fully masked! And I know for a fact that have been vaccinated because that was all they talked about.

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I assumed all people I met masked were vaxxed. It’s the ultimate red flag …

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See, here's the problem. . . Ever wearing them at all. Why would you?

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And, sorry, Oona Pilot, for making it sound accusatory. . . I'm just frustrated by not being able to ask fellow freedom-minded individuals locally because they just WILL NOT answer one's question.

Three years into this mess and still not having worn one, I just wonder at those of my friends and acquaintances who HAVE. And not just for medical visits; they wore them for Walmart and the library and Wienerschnitzel, etc.

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The CDC redefined vaccine to be:

"A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose."

So, technically, Rodgers can claim to be vaccinated.

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I did that also. Nobody ever asked. Greeters at Walmart kept handing out masks anyway which I pitched with a friendly smile into the trash can right next to him/her.

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The more insistent mask distributor greeter there subsequently became disabled from a stroke requiring her 85 yer old mother to care for her. She was barely out of her 40’s. After vaxx of course. Sad.

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I guess the mask didn't save her? With 'covid' having a .1% death rate at best, she didn't need the shots either. Very sad.

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I’m looking forward to the late night plaintiff litigation commercials instead of Camp Lejeune victims and mesh failure victims.

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It’s very easy to just say yes. Unless they’re asking specifically what are you vaccinated for most of us have been vaccinated at some point so we’re not lying

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Further, using their own words against them, the covid jab is not a vaccine, but an experimental gene therapy. Thus you cannot be 'vaccinated' against Covid. My take: I have been immunized against Covid. My intention is to use this phrase, 5 times over if need be, the next time any healthcare person presses.

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It's funny because here in Canada everybody had to wear masks, jabbed or unjabbed. During the height of it I went to New York State and it was laughably relaxed compared to Chinada. I went to one restaurant where there was a sign saying you had to wear a mask if unvaccinated. As if!

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Illinois rural areas were more relaxed. Only my library threw me out even after gov PrickSter relaxed masks. I would go 5 miles to Wisconsin where it was more relaxed and gas was 40 to 60 cents cheaper as well. Win win. 😉

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I live in IL as well! I share your pain

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Allison...when people ask if I am vaccinated, I answer truthfully that I am. I, too, had my 7 required vaccinations as a child. We know this is NOT a vaccination; never has been, never will be.

Or I just reply, “got that covered.”

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Same. I thought to myself, they don’t need to know and I don’t need to tell them. Now any time I am asked about any vaxxes I decline to answer. Nobody’s business but mine.

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Or you can say, of course I am!! But vaccinated against what? They don’t need to know.

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On the other hand, I want to know if they had, and how many, the vaxxes--I want to steer clear of them. No sitting in church pew, no visit from brother and wife.

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As a healthcare provider I see medical care going in the toilet fast! Hospital says we are “limiting services” because the refuse to pay travel nurses anymore. The vaxxed staff is sick, we are working our tails off and still 2 month waiting period to even get in! Drs leaving, or dying, workers always on OT. It’s becoming third world medicine fast. Y’all need to take better care of yourselves, stay out of the hospitals. Especially the ones who use fauci’s remdesivir protocol. Try to get off your meds with diet and exercise. I have a feeling meds are gonna become the next eggs and baby formula disaster.

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Grow your own meds! Before there was pharma, there were herbs. Get a copy of Stephen Buhner's books (2 separate books): Herbal Antibiotics and Herbal Antivirals. His antiviral shingles protocol made my incipient case of shingles both mild and of short duration.

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Thank you for sharing! I will order today!

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You are welcome! We also use Buhner's protocol to successfully manage my husband's chronic Lyme disease (a separate book, Healing Lyme, by Buhner). Another good general herbal medicine book is Making Plant Medicine, by Richo Cech.

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Richo Cech’s “Strictly Medicinal” site is excellent! We bought seedlings and seeds for the key meds in his and Buhner’s books.

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Richo Cech is a pleasure to do business with, isnt he? He personally answers questions regarding his plants, via his website.

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Just ordered. Thanks!

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By all means, definitely get books. As censorship gets worse, I can’t help but believe that a lot of what we see on the Internet about herbs and natural medicine may not be true. I love my old herb books! Thanks for the info and I will order both of those too.

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Did you see Buhner’s recent writings?


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Thanks for posting this, he has some great stuff on there. I didn't even know he had a website.

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Thanks for the tip. I have spent the last hours immersed in his ‘On Aging, Eldering and Dying’.

I had not encountered him before but my curiosity has been aroused.

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Thanks for this. I ordered both.

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Definitely essential resources for the both preppers and natural health minded. Great suggestion!

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😩 I have no thyroid (due to cancer). There is No natural medicine for that. 😢

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Wish I would have had that! My shingles was wicked painful for about a week.

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Being here is no picnic

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He’s in heaven having a blast

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Oh! He did?? I am so sad to hear that. He was really a treasure.😔

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Absolutely true! My husband and I are 67, take ZERO meds (I take a natural thyroid pill). We exercise, limit carbs and eat unprocessed foods. Not to be macabre but I’d rather take care of myself with my Glock than move into any kind of nursing facility.

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YES, Mary!! It is so gratifying to hear this. I watch almost no TV and I happened to watch a bit yesterday -- I couldn't believe how every single ad was either for fast food or prescription meds - it was disgusting.

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Eat your Big Mac and take your pills. Great combination!

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If we follow, that advice will all be as healthy as the president

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As I cried in my truck after visiting a friend in a managed care facility, I swore I’d use my own Glock instead of getting left to die in a such a place. My friend is left in dirty diapers all day and all night, the caregivers are low-paid drudges, and the only thing these places do is make profits off peoples misery.

Friends ask why we eat so carefully and I tell them to go visit this friend.

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I’m so sorry for your friend! Exactly why we take care of ourselves NOW.

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Curious about your natural thyroid pill. Only medication I take is for Hashimoto’s Disease.

Would love to get off it!

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My functional medicine doc prescribed it after detailed blood tests. It’s called NP Thyroid. Here’s a link.


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Take a look at the book The Healing Kitchen. When I followed their way of eating, my Hashimoto's symptoms disappeared.

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My sis got rid of her Hashimoto’s with a strict GF (and vegan) diet reducing inflammation in the gut etc.

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Autoimmune Protocol--a lifesaver diet for Hashimoto's! I had over 60 symptoms and ALL GONE when I stick to this way of eating.

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Tell about your natural thyroid pill? I have taken levothyroxine (my only prescrip) for 30 years...a little concerned about being unable to get it as I did an experiment on self, perhaps 28 years ago--went cold turkey, and in 5 months learned that yes, I really really do need this stuff.

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My functional medicine doc prescribed it. Called NP thyroid. Here’s a link.


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There are several “natural“ thyroid medications. I’ve been on Armour for several years. You’ll probably have to find a Naturopathic/Holistic doctor to prescribe it. Very few allopathic doctors will write a script for natural thyroid. I think Armour is the oldest of this category…it’s a little more expensive but I’ve had better luck with it than with NP.

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Thanks Freebird. Yes, I looked into Armour back when I was first prescribed the stuff--this was before-the-internet so I don't even know how I discovered it.

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Couldn't agree more... our Healthcare system is currently third world. I had a UTI this week... literally had to call in a favor from a physician friend (which I hate doing) just to get a simple antibiotic. My gyn couldn't get me in for two weeks... for a UTI. This had never happened before.

Stay healthy everyone... we are on our own now.

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Please keep a bottle of cranberry concentrate in the fridge.

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At the first sign of a UTI, I start loading up on cranberry juice and it hasn't failed me yet. Take AZO for the pain until the cranberry juice works it's magic.

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Taking cranberry pills... Def helps!

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I’m talking about the liquid stuff, when you get that first sensation.

Drink up and blast your kidneys with a straight shot every 15-30 minutes.

Your stomach will hate you for it, but too bad. You’ll have avoided a round of antibiotics.

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As long as you don’t buy it from Amazon.

Jeff B will control supply in the end if you keep funding him.

Stop letting him know what you are curious about.

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Absolutely! I have cured quite a few UTI's of mine with just drinking cranberry juice. I get it organic with no added sugar!

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That's the stuff exactly!

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I’d rather use D-Mannose

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As long as it's fast-acting when you need it to be, sure, go for it. Probably makes your mouth pucker less!

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Dana- I had this same thing happen to me- I also recommend taking D-Mannose as well as the cranberry concentrate!

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Works great and is cheap.

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Absolutely! I think every woman should have those 2 things on hand, just in case!

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The homoeopathic remedy Cantharis will get you over a UTI in 24 hours. Antibiotics are as much a risk as the jabs

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Wise words, Jenny.

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Lots of meds are made in China. A few years ago there was an issue getting Losartan. My husband was taking it at the time. (He's since worked really hard to get off of his cholesterol and blood pressure meds). Recently I was speaking with the wife of someone high up in the military and government affairs. She mentioned that the USA needs to make all it's meds in country. Then she said that there had been an issue a few years ago with getting Losartan because it was found to have airplane fuel in it and the USA had to scramble to find another supplier (instead of China). I told her I remembered that because it impacted my husband.

I've also read recently that they've found that a thyroid med is not right......something about it's potency is off.

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Which thyroid med?

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Feb 12, 2023·edited Feb 12, 2023

I cannot find the article that I had originally read about the pill coming from China.....but I did read that is where it was made.

Voluntary Recall Announced for Levothyroxine Sodium Oral Solution for Hypothyroidism


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Thank you so much. And they always complain that the pig thyroid hormone, Natural Dessicated Thyroid, is not to be trusted 🤣🤣🤣

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I don’t think the pharmaceutical companies will allow drugs to be in short supply, but I can definitely see the media and pharma fear mongering about them being in short supply. Those companies will do anything to sell their poisons to the masses. By creating a false shortage, they’ll just drum up business.

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Workers better enjoy their OT pay now Jenny, because before long the lost trust in American medical care will mean nobody will be using their services.

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They already are. Adderall has been almost impossible to get for some time now.

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I work in a pharmacy part time and yes, Adderall is very difficult to get a hold of right now. We really haven’t had a problem with anything else. I’m not sure where that stuff is made, maybe China, who knows.

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Yesterday- I had acupuncture to help a sciatic pain that arrived. At any rate in Massachusetts they still have all medical 🏥 facilities keep signs up that say masks are required. Do not enter without one. Of course I entered without one because I don’t wear masks or follow the draconian rules!!!

At any rate, when I walked into the acupuncturist, she didn’t say one thing to me without my mask. Then when she took me in the room, she took off her mask and started to tell me how the pharmaceutical companies are the mafia of the day!!! She also mentioned that a very famous acupuncturist or holistic practitioner that she worked with, was doing such amazing things to heal people with cancer, stroke, you name it, then the pharmaceutical companies went after him, and since then she can no longer find out where he went!!! If that’s not the Mafia I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what is !!

On another note, I went out to dinner with my husband last night at a really nice restaurant. There was a family sitting behind us. When they were walking to the restroom, they put their mask on. Then when they sat down, they took their mask 😷 off. Then when they went to leave, they put the mask on. OY VEY !!!!

It’s incredible the stupidity of people in this world 🌎- I guess the pandemic has just made everything more obvious!! Have a great weekend everyone!!

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My husband and I say that the pandemic broke people. That family in the restaurant is broken.

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Paraphrasing the philosopher Epictetus, “Circumstances do not make people; they merely reveal them."

Those people in that restaurant were already broken. They just didn't know it -- and they still don't. That is another fact this Covid® crime has revealed.

P.S. Lived in and around the Boston area for nearly 30 years. If anything, that part of the world contains more "broken" people than anywhere else -- except maybe New York City where I'm originally from.

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And they are destroying their northern neighbor Maine.

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Many were suffering untreated mental breakdowns from 2016 already.

Orange Man shattered minds-then the C19 psy-op removed any sanity.

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That's true. Very good point, and the fact that 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 true gives insight into the state of mind (and character) already in place.

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We used to lock our crazy people up...

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This nightmare has shown me who of my family, friends & acquaintances I can trust if I ever need to go underground. Some are weak, some are just plain evil...but no doubt both would sell me out to save themselves.

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Agreed, and I think that that is part of the trauma (might be too strong a word) for many of us who stood firm and/or saw the crime for what it was. True friends and true loyalists to freedom have been revealed to us. Unfortunately, for so many, that excludes family. I'm just grateful that my husband and I are 100% on the same page.

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I agree. I hear far too many stories about the division of spouses, even in very long term marriages 30-40+ yrs. It's truly heartbreaking. One is awake and aware, the other is glued to CNN and waiting to be told when to get jabbed again. Not to mention, living with the shedding aspect. I'm not sure how long I could handle that and very thankful I don't have to worry about that, too.

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Sadly, we are a society of broken.

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Yeah, it's like the character maxim: tough times don't create character, they reveal them.

Likewise, the pandemic hasn't created the mentally ill, it's revealed and exposed them.

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Oh, Andrew! Forgive me--I missed your comment, but I just made the same exact point. Great minds, and all? ;)

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

The more, the better. Someone misses my comment but sees yours, Mission Accomplished! ;-)

I like your comment better, anyway. More eloquent, and the Epictetus reference is, well, Epic.

(Spent 35 years in NH; still go back for work, in fact next Sunday. So yeah, the Boston observation rings true.)

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I love this community! It would be so cool to just have our own state to reside in--the state of sanity! Only like-minded people allowed (or C&C certified people!). 😏

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Yup. :) I hear you! Lots of people hear you, Julie! 😉

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Thank you, and yes, very true re the comments.

The original quote: “Circumstances do not make the man; they merely reveal him to himself.” - Epictetus When using that exact quote, I would often times add on to the end -- "and everyone else."

Hubs is from the state formerly known as "Live Free or Die." Was very proud of that, but saw things going south for a while. When the Covid® crime was rolling out. we looked to see how NH would respond. They did the "distancing thing," but it was when that doofus, Sununu, issued his "mask mandate" in Nov (!) 2020 and Granite Staters complied that my husband was done.

If I may, here's the story, including how we ended up in Fortress Florida: https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/about-me

P.S. Hubs says the only way he'll ever go back to NH is if there's a death in the family...

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Thanks for the great quote!

And yes, NH should have a motto of “Curl up and Die”, Living Free is a forgotten concept there.

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Yeah NH has definitely gone downhill over the past two decades. Its last act of glory was giving its 4 EC votes to W, which prevented Algore from winning (271/267). They've crapped the bed every four years since. Influx of massholes, primarily.

I'm originally from upstate NY, settled in NH after college in Boston. My client base is primarily in NH.

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I try to understand it the way I try to understand what craving a cigarette is.

I'm a NUT about seat belts when driving. . . For me and my passenger. . . If I drive even through a parking lot without one, I feel uneasy and anxious. I'm so indoctrinated to the seat belt, I guess.

So maybe these mask-wears feel the same with a naked face.. . They're indoctrinated, and feel uneasy without it. There's not even a thought process, just driven by the lizard brain

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Maybe they have a “mistaken” sense of security akin to your seatbelt addiction. But there’s the huge difference that a mask has probably never saved a life. I can personally attest to the importance of seatbelts because I believe it most likely saved me from a serious head injury or maybe death. I had a cracked sternum, and a couple of cracked ribs from the seatbelt, but those were minor injuries compared to a head injury. So yes, I take seatbelts very seriously.

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I used to tell my kids the car wouldn't start until the seat belts clicked! 🤣

I've seen interviews of college kids about why they're still wearing a mask. Most said they just got used to it and it felt "safe". There's a bunch of psychology behind that, especially during "the "awkward" years and covering their faces (imperfect teeth, "large" nose, acne, etc) seems to "help" them outwardly, but severely damages them inwardly by preventing them from accepting they aren't "perfect" compared to movie stars and celebrities. It's all so jacked up.

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You might find the Gokhale Method site useful for the sciatica.

Glad you have a good acupuncturist. The good ones are gold!

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God is speaking to you J and M… your work is not done… enjoy your well deserved respite… and then get back at fighting this fight. HE chose you both to lead this fight.

I’ve been doing advocacy work against the pediatric vaccines for over 15 years… and just when I want to give up or feel like I can’t do it anymore… something always brings me back to the issue to continue to fight another day… I’ve decided it’s the work God has given me to do in this life.

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The corruption is the worst in the pediatric vaccines. As you can see here.


And all the bleed blue states will attempt to mandate them for school access… starting with CA, NY, CT, NJ will try…

We have the sickest generation of children in the history of mankind, and it all started with the increase in the pediatric vaccine schedule.

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I sat next to a Merck pediatric vaxx executive on a plane recently. He said they were seeing parents becoming reluctant to get ANY vaccines for their kids because of the disastrous policies (read: lies) of the whole public health establishment during this mess. So maybe there’s a tiny silver lining we’re beginning to see 🙏🏻

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I honestly believe that’s part of God’s plan… the only way to expose the pediatric injuries for what they are… was to show on a global scale the harms vaccines cause…. Because there has been very minimal progress on the advocacy of the pediatric vaccines since I began doing that work. And the push by pharma and government to collude… and restrict access to public school for kids unvaccinated has only ramped up.

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@Seeking Grace, I'm one of them, too. I recently apologized to my teenage children for having them vaccinated as babies. I try to engage them as much as they will tolerate about why they should make a different choice for their children some day.

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I agree. I vaccinated my babies, they were injured, and it is my life’s regret. But hopefully, the next generation of mothers will make a better choice for their babies, if we educate them about the risks. This could be (and hopefully will be 🙏🏻) a teaching moment for young men and women- who will eventually become mothers and fathers.

When the vaccines aren’t consumed, the profit is eliminated, and then, and only then, will the madness stop.

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People are realizing that they’ve lied about all vaccines, not just the Covid vaccine.

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Yes! 🙏🏻

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I’m one of them

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As a healthcare worker I was a vax apologist prior to COVID. Not anymore. Thank God my child was born during COVID so I got him the 2 month series (6-8 vaxxes bc they are combined) and then got red pilled

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Parents were sold an ideology that vaccines in babies equates to healthier babies- and that’s not what parents have gotten. They’ve gotten sicker babies with more vaccines.

I’m so happy your baby will be spared 🙏🏻

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And now the CDC (Center for Demons and Criminals) has officially added covid shots to the childhood schedule!!! Thank you for doing what you can to turn this around.

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That’s perfect demons and criminals

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If you haven’t read Turtles all the way down, I highly recommend it.

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My copy just arrived yesterday. My children are long grown, but hopefully I can educate a few young parents.

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It's been on my list; thanks for the rec.

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In my mind, the obvious response is: so don't sacrifice your children to those schools.

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But much like people who were strong armed into getting the vaccines to keep their jobs… a percent of parents are strong armed into getting the pediatric vaccines for access to daycare facilities and also public schools in creation blue states

Same playbook …

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How can they do that? Did Pfizer get full FDA approval? We know Comirnaty is available so how could they place a "vaccine" that's still under EUA on the schedule??

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Simple. They just do whatever they want to do, like our president and his administration. It's all corrupt. It was against the law to coerce or mandate that people take experimental shots also, but did that stop them? Pilots are not supposed to take experimental drugs, but they were forced to and now many are having heart problems. The FAA just changed their baseline for the tests they have to undergo to be able to fly. ICAN (The Highwire's legal arm) is preparing to sue them. They're supposed to be looking out for the flying public's safety.

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Ah, silly me! I keep thinking we have LAWS in this country to protect innocent people. I forget all that changed on JAN 20, 2021. Or at least, it became obvious then...

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I'll bet you thought we have freedom of speech too, didn't you? How about the right to bear arms? How could we be so stupid as to think we actually are guaranteed these things by an important document called the Constitution?

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Individual states will decide to put it on the schedule now…

I know here in CT they are giving it to babies… so if the pediatrician is promoting it… and the parents are not informed… babies will get it. And they are giving it close to the 12 month shots… which is terribly timed very close to the MMR and 13 month series… which causes a lot of problems in vulnerable babies already

So who knows what that damage will be… as that’s NEVER been trialed. It’s all an experiment.

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I'm going to get myself in trouble again by posting something about this on Nextdoor. Maybe a few people will see it and be informed before the brainwashed ones complain and it is taken down. This is life and death!

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Watch the infant SIDS rates… and see if we have a spike in infant crib deaths in states that add it to their pediatric schedules…

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I'm wonder if SIDS deaths are already spiking since they've been jabbing 6mo and up for a while now. It was SO telling that during lockdowns, SIDS deaths plummeted because there were no "well baby" visits and no on-schedule jabs. Pretty obvious, but I'm not a "doctor". 😏

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God bless you...truly!!

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Do you know why all those dancing nurse videos happened? Because the hospitals were empty in most places when they stopped elective procedures. Otherwise, I assure you, nurses do not have time for that crap.

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A nurse friend once said to me that during covid, "tumbleweeds were blowing through". They were sitting around bored with nothing to do.

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How they disgraced themselves -- and they don't even know it.

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Exactly. Am in healthcare, got laid off during the height of COVID due to them canceling elective surgeries and was wondering how that many nurses could be done free at one time to make a dance video. Have never ever seen that in any other time

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The problem is Western medicine is extremely myopic and limited, and what we saw here during the pandemic was that the institution itself is archaic. It’s great for emergencies and major trauma and serious illnesses at times, but overall Western medicine is puffed up and a business

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The next chapter in this hideous narrative has already begun: the heart- (and likely cancer-) related fall-out from the 💉 is being blamed on STRESS. I’ve seen it used as a reason in multiple places, from the medical community. No group has experienced more stress these past 3 years than the unvaxxed, but sure, go ahead and take that from us too.

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Seriously. Imagine how stressed I was when I was suddenly fired 2 months after getting employee of the year, we had to live on one income instead of two, we had to sell our house and land for a smaller house payment, and I had to start my own business because I couldn't find a job that wasn't discriminating against me. I haven't had a heart attack yet anyway.

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Your story is a good reminder to me to be thankful for mine and my husband's situation. We never were pressured to take the jabs. Though my office did not allow me to be physically present in the work place for several months, I was able to work from home and did not have to submit. My husband's boss was anti-shot from the beginning and said he would first close the business before making his employees take the shots. We were extremely fortunate, others were not as your story tells.

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Ironic. My husband IS the boss, anti-shot from BEFORE the get-go, but all his employees (and his partner) were eager to take the jab. One employee was not subtle about his not wearing a mask.

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My husband won an award at work and was “fired” a few months later for non-compliance. Honestly it is insanity! He did find a new job a few months later.

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You had a choice and you made the right one, with sacrifices.

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You're right. I'm still bitter as hell, but we've been blessed and I feel so fortunate that I followed the signs I received from God instead of listening to the static of humans.

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I'm still bitter about leaving my company as well. But those who complied with the mandates can have it. Good luck to them and their bi-monthly booster jabbies.

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I keep wondering whether those of you who lost employment from sticking to your convictions will be forming new companies, even new industries, in the next 5 years. So please, stay healthy! Your skills are likely to be needed. I 'retired' two years ago (public school teaching) as I could see the path ahead. Husband has his own business.

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I’m sure it was incredibly difficult! Your courage in doing what you knew was right is so commendable!! Hang tough. God bless you and your family. 😁♥️

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“Those who are conscientious objectors to vaccination should, of course, have the courage to face all penalties or persecutions to which they may be subjected by law, and stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction.”



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Wow. God bless you, TeaDrinker86! I pray that, like Job, He restores all that you lost, and more.❤

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Don't forget to pray for those who wronged you. (Tis better to forgive and move on, than to harbor ill will... )Just don't forget....

And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends. Job 42:10a

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

They have an answer for everything (maybe not always a good one, or a credible one, but nonetheless...) - the battle runs uphill, for sure.

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff you are my single source of news. I even weaned off NewsMax, so no. I’m in. Have a wonderful weekend.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

My hubby & I stayed at a nice hotel in Ft. Worth, TX last Fall and they still had the "6ft distance" stickers all over the lobby floor. In the elevators and on each floor, they had huge signs posted that said if one is unvaccinated, masks should be worn. They took the mask & virtue signaling charade even further by announcing their staff will be masked regardless. You know, to help people feel "safer". We didn't see one person, guest or staff, wearing a mask. Nor did we see anyone distancing. Upon checkout, I kindly suggested to the front desk person that they remove all the false & negative signage. I added it was clearly unscientific and unwelcoming. We have reservations at this same hotel in May. I'm anxious to see if all that nonsense remains or is gone. Surely, I can't be the only person to have said something. I was shocked this was Ft. Worth!! Austin, Houston, Dallas, and most likely San Antonio, I wouldn't be surprised but Ft. Worth? It's not the Ft. Worth I know & love.

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Do keep speaking up. 'masks don't stop nano-scale virus particles".

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And the jabs don't stop transmission either.

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And they are gross and unsanitary too!

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I’m curious how they responded to your suggestion. People in the hospitality business *usually* take guest input seriously, or at least they used to.

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She took it well....which is why we made a future reservation. Of course, she couldn't promise me anything because I'm sure it's a decision made by higher-ups. She didn't elaborate but I got the impression I wasn't the only person to bring it up.

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Those signs are in every state we’ve traveled. It’s sickening.

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In July 2020, in an Austin hotel,they refused to check me in until I donned the face diaper. I was furious. I did it long enough to swipe my card, and get the key, then threw it on the desk, them saying "ma'am, ma'am" as I walked off. Upon entering the room (I'd waited 3 hours for them to "clean") I found the prior guest's nasty crap, used kleenex, pens, a lanyard work badge, and glasses in the bedside drawer. I went NUTS! I mean, REEEEE!! 😱 WE'RE IN A DEADLY PANDEMIC!😱😱 LOL! They quietly apologized and tried to move me to another room but I was already unpacked and in my PJs. I walked all over the hotel, unmasked, after that and no one said a word!😊

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Go, Grammy, Go Grammy, Go Grammy, GO!

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"Keep Austin Weird" has been their city motto for as many years as I can remember. It's a joke that the city is mostly old hippies but I'm pretty sure they all turned into old Karen's. 😅

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We were Marriott platinum members. Then we switched it Airbnb. Highly recommend! automated check in and a whole house.

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We bought a car this week at a dealer in El Paso. Still Mandatory Mask signs on the door, but hardly anyone was complying and I think the ones who were were all staff. The salesman we first spoke with had one on but when I told him I couldn't understand what he was saying he took it off. Mixed messaging to the max.

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Wow. We're 3 years into this mess and it boggles my mind there are people still playing the mask game. We should have "fact cards" printed up so we can just hand them to people pushing the nonsense instead of wasting our breath.

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Yes. I am saddened when I go to my local casino (I know) because some staff members are still muzzled but most aren't. . . Which means I can SEE their should-be-private jab status right in front of me. Why the employees tolerate this exposure of their health history to the public is beyond me.

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I’m surprised at that in Ft. Worth as well. We were in Dallas last fall (November)and even the huge hospital where I had surgery had dropped the mask mandate! Maybe reconsider staying at that hotel chain? With most of those businesses, all that garbage comes down from the top. But kudos for speaking out LuAnne!

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The Jews were told, It's a shower to clean you up. We were told, It's safe and effective. In both cases, the people saying those things believed they were talking to less than human, useless eaters.

From now on when someone refers to The Holocaust, we're going to have to be clear which one.

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Brilliantly said. And yes, you’re right, we’ll have to refer to the correct Holocaust from this point forward.

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🎯 🗣️ 🎤 ⬇️

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The Big One

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has anyone seen my spaceship? i left it in alaska

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That's odd...I can't find mine as well. I am seeking a dimensional portal to escape.

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"Trying to protect the hospitals, they flattened the entire healthcare system instead"............

I would find it quite easy to believe if 'flattening the entire healthcare system' has not been an outcome desirable to those who are, for all intents and purposes, "making it happen".

Not hard to believe, at all.

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It has been happening to hospitals for the last decade - def. since Obomaination Health Care Act was passed. So no surprises anywhere there. No county can take care of ALL its citizens effectively with public health. You will have to limit v. expensive treatments. Ration etc and EVEN then, you get broke fast. See NHS and Canadastan's systems. And if 1/3 of your pop. is working and healthy weight and not sick, to support 2/3 who are oldeer overweight diabetic heart disease prone and full of cancers.. well, it is not good for the bottom line!

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Yes. I used to wonder why the hospitals didn't object to Obamacare and now I know. They were in on it because of the incentive structure built into it. Corporate health was always the end goal and we saw it writ large in Covid. Just pay off the Systems via big Pharm and all is well and they will do whatever you tell them to do.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Oona Pilot I agree with you. I worked in an inpatient rehab hospital for 20 years, and when "O'bama don't care" (as I call it) went into effect, it was chaos. We got more patients who were sicker (i.e. heart bypass, 2 days post op), not ready for intensive rehab, and patients went from an average 7 - 10 days of rehab, down to 2-3 days - ready or not, they were discharged. Many of them were truly NOT READY to go home. Whether no handicap equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, grab bars in the bathroom, etc.) or no handicap accessable modifications to their home, or homecare nurse/aide. And the families had no time to be trained how to care for their loved ones. We (patients/families/nursing staff) were ALL UPSET about that. We complained to the supervisors/administration, but it all fell on deaf ears. Patients were kicked out anyway. That's why I call it "O'bama DON'T care".

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All true. And yet my health insurance threatened to increase premiums on the unvaxxed! Talk about poor risk assessment. But it was actually about control and punishment, not risk.

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I joined a Christian healthcarre bill share organization several years ago, and they have been really good for me. I get discounts on most doctors or hospitals since they dont have to file insurance on me. I have to pay what I can up front, then submit an itemized bill to the home office. Some bills they don't cover can be submitted to the "prayer page" or their "brother's keeper" and otber members will chip in what they can if you don't have enough money. They have been really good to me.

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Probably the only way forward when the medical system eventually collapses... if you don't jab, accept the digital dinero, you will be out in the cold. No medical supplies, no access to care except of the most basic kind. This is where they want you... whom ever 'they' are. Sometimes I think that a level of evil that would do this, is not human. That it is in fact an AI that wants to destroy organic life, or Reptiloids that want the planet for themselves (terra form it in to a place suited to them NOT humans).... other times I remind myself why yes, humanity's capacity for outright sheer evil is unbeatable...

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Precisely. And the vaxxed may now get a premium increase from 'life insurance' companies...The unvaxxed will get no decrease in premiums however. Might be best to ditch the health insurance, pay fines or fees for being uninursed, and save the premiums for later. Tho of course if they get their Digital Currency we'll all be in the soup. Be a little like: here's you ration card, don't over spend, and oh, if you do manage to 'save' anything? We destroy it at the end of the month so you start back on zero again. Yes, just like the Company Store. St. Peter don't call on me, cause I ain't free to go, cause I sold my soul to the company store....

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Except that the hospitals were propped up by big payouts for cov diagnosis, use of remdesivir and designated death reason. They also reduced employment costs by firing non compliant workers.

They had plenty of cash to put in reserves.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Not sure that the financial health of the hospitals was the concern, long-term. The hospitals contributed greatly, doing their damage for profit - but now are overwhelmed (allegedly) by the number of cases exacerbated by tremendous staffing issues (for a number of reasons, which we know quite well).

Lots of sick people will be seeking unattainable medical care - only questions are HOW MANY ? / HOW SOON ?

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The well being of hospitals was likely not their concern but it meant bad actors could capitalize on the economic weakness. Hospitals jumped at the carrots to help them out. The cov conveniently explained away the excessive deaths. No med malpractice to see here folks!

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Yes, but that was why Covid was so great for them... they WERE failing before 2016, closing etc etc. Suddenly lots of subsidies, lots of cash incoming from the gov't think of it as the banking bailout for the hospital industry with a large dollop of cash for the pharma robber barons...and all their subsidiary allied industries... nursing, medical boards, doctors, pharmacies, researchers, medical literature, equipment manufacturers, professors!!, etc etc... Oh, and lest you think that crazy.. consider the Covid19 test kits were shipped in 2018 (OECD recorded such) and also that Covid19 tests were being looked into in 2015!! Hillary was supposed to be in charge of the great cull and civil rights stripping of the world. The collateral damages of the people were not even collateral, as this opened up a whole NEW set of 'patients' to be fleeced before death.

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Just as, “Coffee is for closers,” (Glenngary Glen Ross) so too is medical care and freedom for the ones’s that matter.

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My wife and I just finished watching this recent Dr. Drew interview with Naomi Wolf. Dr. Drew "wakes up" live in this interview. Dr. Wolf's ability to articulate all details, connect the dots and tie this back to China is so well accomplished. Watching (at the end) show producer Kaleb “wake up” in real time, did you see his face? Many people will watch this video and have the same awakening as we see with Kaleb. No more shots people. We are sharing this far and wide.https: //drdrew.com/2023/in-undercover-video-pfizer-director-admits-concerning-mrna-effects-on-womens-reproduction-w-dr-naomi-wolf-ask-dr-drew/

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Thank you for the link.

Will watch and pay it forward, along with your excellent commentary in quotations.

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Just WOW! This interview should be watched by everyone (and especially women). It is comprehensive and explosive.

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You are so right. Dr. Drew has been red pilled! To his credit, he remained open and objective!

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It's horrifying but the bottom line I see is that the birth rate, especially the US birth rate because we were targeted more so than the rest of the world, is going to drop through the floor. My big question is how many of our young women, ages 1 to 20, have been vaxxed and thus sterilized?

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You missed the part regarding male testes...

#NoAmnesty 💔💉☠

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It's gonna be like the movie "Children of Man" where all the ladies have been rendered barren and the world is in despair. . . Until one pregnant "Fugee", a BROWN lady, is discovered. In reality, the population recovery from this mess WILL come from less-vaccinated countries. .. Those in Africa, for instance.

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And she lays it all out and says the unthinkable that is lying right in front us in Pfizer own docs.

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