

— Conference on Little St. James was held in March 2005, not 2006. Epstein's first indictment was May 2006, a little over a year after the 2005 conference.

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Anyone else concerned about those landfills full of mRNA vax?

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How about we send the old mRNA shots to the moon and bury them like being proposed for burying humans?

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To the moon, Alice, to the moon!

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What a great comment. I'm old enough to recognize the phrase from a TV sitcom called The Honeymooners.

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I never liked Ralph Kramden's treatment of his wife - probably because I had an abusive father who treated my sweet, loving mother despicably. I will say this for my Dad though--Mom was bipolar for about 35 of the 51 years they were married, and he stuck by her through it all!

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I almost added that part. I always felt he was smarmy and abusive.

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To me it was always clear that Alice was in charge. He was all bluster.

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Never cared for Gleason - in anything he did!!

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Sounds like my childhood. Wasn’t it grand?

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Forgot "Bang zoom. Up to the moon "

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Dang you beat me to it! 🤣👍🏻

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GREAT idea! Beats the hell out of destroying our immediate environment here on earth!! That gets a "Thumbs-up" from ME!

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Yup saw that. My first thought ... "Water Supply". And I belive it's planned that way. "we'll get'em one way or the other"

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My thoughts exactly.

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Exactly. Thought that too. I thought “drugs” had to be properly disposed of - whatever that entails.

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Right. Just like the toxic waste from the East Palestine train derailment.

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The 'fun' never stops

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The rapture escape comes very soon

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And mine precisely.

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Good point that crazy WEF person did speak of the water and vaccines.

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They dispose of biohazards through incineration, autoclaves, irradiation, microwaves, chemical disinfection... But we're dumping "vaccines" with viruses into landfills. What could possibly go wrong? In 1000 years, maybe some intrepid scientist will discover all those discarded vials and open pandora's box for the new millennia.

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Wait, but I thought they had to be kept at very specific temperatures for the vaccines not to degrade? 🤔 They were probably lying about that too though 🤨

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AMD had an interesting aside on this as part of their recent Substack about decision making in uncertainty. They said the whoo-hop about freezing cold temps may have been a way to keep regulators off their backs re the DNA degradation, all the while knowing that it was degrading anyway… something about really bad quality control in manufacturing, or something like that.

They eventually loosened the freezer standards, which, yes, raised questions for people willing to think them and ask them.

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RunningLogic--I couldn't help myself; when were they not lying?

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That’s why I said “too” 😛

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I thought you were going to say "when their lips stopped moving".

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didn't see yours until after I clicked submit hahahaha

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When their lips weren't moving

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I had forgotten about that.

So many bits and pieces to keep track of.

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Pharmacies, doctors and clinics all over the US have no requirement to dispose of the “empty” vials anywhere but regular (not medical) waste. So, I would argue it’s already in the groundwater. 🤷‍♀️

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Scary reality. We live in hell. We live on a prison planet. I want off this sick rock. I didn't ask to be here. There is no god. The gods of this world are the psychopaths ruling us for the last six thousand years. They need to be extincted.

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I hear there's a job coming up for a lunar cemetery caretaker.

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Yet a little while and they will be extincted.

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Spike everywhere but this concoction needs to be kept at a certain temperature so maybe it will dissolve into nothing it’s fragile.

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That's what they say they do.

I bet they throw them in the recycling knowing that gets mixed with the regular trash 😞

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The surface of the Earth will be melted down and remade for the new millennium

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Jan 6Liked by Jeff Childers

We've all heard about how the mRNA vax is contaminated with DNA. The latest rumor on social media is that it's Epstein's DNA!! He said he wanted to spread his seed far and wide, maybe that's what those scientists were plotting.

It's nonsense of course as the DNA in the vax is plasmid DNA left over from manufacturing not human DNA. But it does show how little trust is left in the ghouls that pretty much anything is believable now.

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There's Simian DNA as well, SV40. Yum.

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...which causes the recipients to crave bananas.

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Oh no!!!! I love bananas😩

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Turbo cancer.

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While on chemo😪

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Maybe we should send them to the moon as well (apologies in advance to the Navajo Nation) in a space capsule that “accidentally” miscalculates feet vs. meters and buries itself 20 feet below the surface. Scratch that, aim for Venus instead and add Bill Gates, Fauci, Soros, and Klaus Schwab to the payload.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Pelosi, Biden, Trudeau, Angela Merkel, and all of the NWO, WHO, WEF people, too. Let’s not forget President Xi and a few others. Get them all out there with no way to return and way to make that happen.

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Lets add all those that swore to move to another country if Trump was elected in 2016, they still need to go.

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They’ve been threatening it for years. I’ve been waiting for years. They won’t move because the US is still one of the best countries to live in the world despite all of the BS currently going on.

I saw Oprah on the Golden Globes last night. (We watched it briefly. I’ve never cared for the award shows. I don’t know why anyone does except the people involved.) That woman is vile.

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Yep. This From Bard (The funniest is Misinformation and Vaccine Hesitancy 🤣🤣):

Burying vaccines in landfills is generally considered **unsafe and irresponsible** for several reasons:

**Environmental Concerns:**

* **Contamination:** Landfills are not designed to contain biohazardous materials like vaccines. If the packaging deteriorates or the landfill is not properly managed, there's a risk of the vaccine components, including adjuvants and preservatives, leaching into the soil and groundwater. This can contaminate the environment and potentially harm wildlife or human health.

* **Spread of disease:** While the likelihood of live viruses or bacteria remaining infectious in a landfill is low, it's not impossible. If animals or humans come into contact with buried vaccines, there's a small chance of them contracting the disease the vaccine was meant to prevent. This is especially concerning for communities with limited access to proper sanitation and healthcare.

**Public Health Concerns:**

* **Misinformation and vaccine hesitancy:** Burying vaccines can fuel misinformation and vaccine hesitancy. People might see it as evidence that vaccines are dangerous or ineffective, leading to decreased vaccination rates and increased risk of outbreaks.

* **Reduced access to vaccines:** Burying usable vaccines wastes a valuable resource and can deprive communities in need of access to life-saving immunizations.

**Alternatives to burying vaccines:**

* **Incineration:** Burning vaccines in high-temperature incinerators is the preferred method for disposal in most cases. However, this can also release harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.

* **Chemical treatment:** Some countries use chemical treatment methods to neutralize the active components of vaccines before disposal.

* **Return to manufacturers:** Some manufacturers offer take-back programs for expired or unused vaccines.

**Overall, it's important to properly dispose of vaccines according to established guidelines and regulations.** Burying them in landfills should be avoided due to the potential environmental and public health risks.

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What? Bard didn't say that unused vack-seens should be sent to Africa, "for the sake of the children?"

I think an algorithm update is incoming.

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*Return to manufacturers:* -- Wait, what? What do the manufacturers then do with them?!

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Why, they bury them in our landfills, of course.

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Donna, I wonder if they "repurpose" them?

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I'm sure they just change the expiration dates and send them back out... ; )

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I’m sure we’ll never know.

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They don’t seem too concerned about where the leftovers from wind turbines go or electric car batteries. So why would they care to dispose their bs they created properly? They put this in our bodies they don’t care in my opinion.

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Misinformation and vaccine hesitancy. That is the funniest part of it.

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YES! I know I have taken old meds to those 'drug take back' days and asked what they did with them and have been told they would be incinerated so as not have them contaminate the water supply.

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Incinerated...what happens to the gas or smoke that comes from the incineration?

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it becomes inert of course 😜

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that is where you find all the dopeheads and those who like blowing smoke(dope) up their arse

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Can you imagine the Rats that would come out of that dump? The (Bill)Gates Island of Dr Fouchie Moreau..........”Oh the things you shall see.....”(Dr Seuss)

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Oh no 😳

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Most likely dead within a few weeks, which is why they never did animal studies.

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They can catch those rats and send them to the zoos to replace all their "died suddenly" red pandas, etc...

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Absolutely, Sheryl. And Europe should refuse to take any more, contract or not.

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I think Estonia is suing to void the contract. Should - but won’t - be an easy victory.

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Estonia will probably be hit with an "earthquake" for their refusal.

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Poland as well

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I mean, they haven’t had any problems manipulating the courts for other reasons, why not just have the courts refuse to take the case if the manufacturers sue for breach of contract? 🤷‍♀️

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That’s admitting their wrongs.

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The governments’ wrongs?

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How about we put them in the water supply at the next WEF/Davos meeting?

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Water supply? I say go right for their water glasses! Wanna make sure they get an optimum dose.

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The final scene in Sahara where he fills the water glass of the bad guy with the well water…

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[recalling banquet scene from Fight Club]

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Yessss, my thoughts was how do they dispose of those and please let it not be in the ground and water forever. Oh my goodness

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this is one of the reasons why I am skeptical about "space" as a concept - IF we were capable of blasting waste and trash into space, we would be doing it. It is NOT because the parasitic psychopaths in charge are mindful of pollution, quite the contrary really.

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That was my first thought when i heard about that - what kind of disposal methods are they using?!

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I read that and thought "WTF?"

There were no disposal instructions in the contracts?

One can only pray that mRNA and DNA degrades in the landfill soup.

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Maybe "they" will just keep the mRNA vax around and a few years later announce: The Most Terrified Deadly New Disease just happened worldwide! But, we have the Vaccine for that !

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💯 this was my first thought, where are all of the climate change activists on this? Greta? Greta?

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Greta only talks about what her puppet masters want her to talk about 😑

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All of us should share Tucker’s interview with Bret Weinstein far and wide:


Per Bret:

“Humanity is depending on everybody who has a position from which to see what is taking place, to grapple with what it might mean to describe it so that the public understands where their interests are. It is depending on us to do what needs to be done if we’re to have a chance of delivering a planet to our children and our grandchildren that is worthy of them if we’re going to deliver a system that allows them to live meaningful, healthy lives – we have to speak up”

Bret goes on to say he is very hesitant to urge others to put them themselves or their families in danger.

Beautifully said Bret. I guess it all comes down to what hill we are all willing to die on.

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Agree! It is a fantastic interview and though could have exposed even more truth, IMHO, helps move the conversation forward to an even larger audience via Tucker's platform.

By the way, some may recognize Bret Weinstein from 2017. While still a Professor at Evergreen State College, he became a vocal critic of the college's day of absence, which demanded all white students to be off campus. He became a vocal critic, and was persecuted by students and the college. But, because of his stance, this occurred:

"The Evergreen State College professor at the center of campus protests this spring will receive $500,000 in a settlement that was announced Friday. Bret Weinstein and his wife, Heather Heying, resigned from their faculty positions effective Friday. The couple filed a $3.85 million tort claim in July alleging the college failed to “protect its employees from repeated provocative and corrosive verbal and written hostility based on race, as well as threats of physical violence,” according to the claim."


Now he has his Dark Horse Podcast and he is helping awaken more people daily. Bravo!

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AND they were both very left...think they’ve moved to the center quite a bit. It’s like the left loves to push so far it pushes people out of the party, never to return.

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Jan 6Liked by Jeff Childers

Many of us here (certainly myself) would have considered ourselves "very right" by the standards of thirty years ago, but no longer do. The traditional left-right divide doesn't really make sense anymore as "conservatism" has been coopted by crony capitalists and neocons.

Reagan's stances on business-friendly regulations and a strong defense have been completely perverted into giant multi-national corporations can do whatever they want and never-ending wars. I certainly don't support those things, but the shift happened gradually and many Republicans still think it's 1990. Paul Ryan, Nikki Haley, and Kevin McCarthy are the poster boys for this type of Republican, utterly corrupt while mouthing Reagan-sounding platitudes.

The left went completely nuts with communism, and the right was corrupted by cash. Those of us left in the middle realize we have a lot more in common with each other despite the old Democrat/Republican divide.

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I have nothing in common with the DemocRATS, new or old. They were racists from the moment that party was conceived. They were the party that was against women having the right to vote against freeing the slaves. They are STILL that same party of the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, destroying the family , destroying children through any means necessary.

To me the middle is just a bunch of hooey. Milque·toast folks, feeble, unwilling to really take a stand against ALL of the things the RAT Party has always stood for. Rats invaded the Republican Party by using ‘R’ language and then voting with the part they were actually a part of.

Those in the middle are simply sitting on the proverbial fence.

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Nothing is ever 100%, but I agree with much of what you post. But now that the Family has been decimated, Segregation is now pushed by Blacks, with Whites demonized .... all predictions of the KKK or John Birch Society or other "Racists", "Deplorables", etc..

Was Lincoln a "hero"??? or a "ProgreSSive" Tyrant ???

The Winners of Wars write the Histories. CW's are confusing, messy affairs and We/Me/You are now In It for sure.

btw, It will be the American Black Conservative Patriots that tip the balance to Save this Republic, if it is to be saved from the Rats.

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I like Jeff’s term “slavocrats” 😬

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WOW--well...I'm NOT feeble and I speak out against the Marxist idealogue and tyrannical government overreach every chance I get. You're being way too hard on "moderate" citizens, CStone!

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I’m sorry. I guess you’re right, but I’m so tired of double-minded people. I say ‘pick a side!’ I’m not much of a believer in the ‘gray’ of the center. To my mind it represents the mixture of good and evil. Things truly are black and white. Just like the fruit on the tree of knowledge......good and evil. I don trust a politician just because they have an ‘R’, many (if not most) are either cloaked Rats or libertarians. And the Libertarians I know wouldn’t fight for their freedom. They just want to ‘go along to get along’. At some point you have to pick a side.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Been a registered Republican since I was 18 and voted for Reagan. I don't think I've ever voted for a Democrat in my life. But if you told me today I had to choose between between post-stroke Fetterman and McConnel it's pretty easy. I'll vote for earnest and stupid over contemptibly corrupt any day.

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I like the authoritarian/anti authoritarian dichotomy better. At this point (imo) it is more about opposition between people and forces who want a strong government to make everyone live a certain way and those who want a minimal government so people can enjoy their God-given rights and freedoms.

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Agree and good terminology. I was thinking along the same lines but the only word I could come up with was libertarian, which isn't right as it implies no behavioral restraints.

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Not true. Libertarians live by the NAP - the nonaggression principal. Don't steal anyone's stuff, don't hurt anyone, etc. It is a very moral code.

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Yeah. As my husband says “Libertarians are just democRats turned sideways.” Lol. He’s a man of few words but calls ‘em as he sees ‘em’ kind of guy.

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This point is made clear in the excellent video, 'Overview of America,' which I found accidentally while looking for resources for a homeschool class I was teaching on the foundations of the Constitution.


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Thank you for this link Fla Mom!

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Fla Mom - are you familiar with this Biblical citizenship course?


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Papa CiA Bushie killed the Reagan Revolution ushering In the Clintoon, Bushie Jr., Obamaite-Bid-me-up Cartels.

CW's are Messy Affairs, especially with Jacobin-Bolshevik NWO Coupists.

Si vis pacem, para bellum

The "Middle" class must be crushed according to their/them Pogroms. (Plans)

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Had to look up your Latin quote. If you want peace, prepare for war.

Seen the latest Trump campaign video "Dream On" where he has from Dallas 1963 JFK in the limo and a red circle on what seems to be Bush 1 near the Book Depository building?

Ever wonder why Bush 1 named his offshore oil company Zapata? Or that the codename for the Bay of Pigs Invasion was Operation Zapata? One of the landing craft was named "Barbara".

Another set of coincidences: lawyer James Donovan was not a simple "insurance" lawyer as depicted in the "Bridge of Spies" movies but an old lawyer for OSS, an operative for it at the Nuremberg trials to help with coverups and later a top lawyer for the CIA who negotiated some Bay of Pigs diplomatic cleanups. Clandestine Wars are indeed messy. But they leave bread crumb trails.


People like the Bushes believe a combination of personal profits and Big Game string pulling leads to world peace to try to justify their machinations. But it's just a system of feudalism with a modern fascist spin.

I want to know for sure what was in the envelopes passed out at Bush 1''s state funeral which caused so many former US presidents and their wives to get upset. Envelope openings start about 2:40 at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLIJ69rVtqM

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Maybe you will "find out" what was in the envelopes and maybe not. So What "Difference, at this point,Does it make?" to quote Hilarity Rotten Clintoon at the Howdy Gowdy Benghazi Con-gressional Hearing.

Are you prepared to actually Fight, and Feed, for your survival, kith & kin for a minimum 6 months?

If not the notes in the envelopes are probably for we/me/you....... as no one is an island unto themselves. Tactical before Strategic, my friend. 2024 will decide our fate, for better or worse, with our own hands.

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Is that "Dream On" video still available? I was hoping to catch that red circle...

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I agree. They successfully infiltrated the Republican Party.

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I suspect that most of us are actually somewhere in the middle. The powers that be have a vested interest in trying to keep us far apart.

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I’d say many if not most of us here are rationally minded people who have common sense & use our critical thinking skills. Therefore aligned most with the R party candidates in the past though never “joined” a party other than when forced to declare an affiliation in order to vote in my state.

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I'm forced to "affiliate" with a party as well or I cannot vote in the primary elections (PA).

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Yeah, this is a good synopsis.

I have always considered myself a conservative Republican. And I thought that Republicans stood for small businesses (and that large businesses were not inherently evil), and that R’s stood for the little guy, and such.

And now, I have seen that generally, the Party of R’s stands for itself. Which is for money and power and prestige.

I’ve seen it right here in my allegedly red state. Where we can’t get common sense laws to protect from medical mandates. We can’t pass laws to keep sexually explicit (in words and pictures) out of public libraries, and where it took a gazillion citizen phone calls and e-mails to even get it out of our schools.

My red state senator tells us that the state lawmakers don’t wanna intrude on local politics by passing those kinds of laws. And yet he himself authored and got passed at least two laws last year that intruded on local politics in much less important matters. What a hypocrite.

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In other words, Rats ran and got elected as ‘R’s’ but vote as Rats. They never were ‘R’s’ in the first place. They were Trojan horses. And have done a good job of infiltrating

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I could name several local rats who ran as R’s but absolutely do not abide by our state R platform. 😡. Yet they are supported in whole by The Party.

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you must live in SC

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Careful there Jeff. You just mis-gendered Nikki Haley. Or did you?

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I've ALWAYS preferred the "middle" (probably because I'm a Libran--LOL!). More "balanced" to my sensibilities. I smelled the "uniparty" system about 20 years ago and it stinks to "high heaven"!

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Well said.

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Jeff C, excellent observation! I'm right there with you as I'm sure are many, many multitudes of others!

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It’s pushing us to an uglier place as a country as a whole.

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He and Heather saved my sanity during COVID. Bret was immediately skeptical of the whole scam.

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Jan 6Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff saved mine! God kept me from getting any vaccine by being lead to checkUS death rates in March of 2020...7700 a day in summer, 8,000 a day in winter. I need to do that again...

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Tucker had him on his Fox show after the Evergreen College situation. Then around May 2021 he had Malone & Kirsch on his darkhorse podcast to discuss the new C vaccines. I think that discussion kind of put Malone & Kirsch on the map.

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Feeling a bit cynical today, so here's my comment: We'll be working to save the planet for those grandchildren on college campuses that support the expulsion of "white students" from those campuses? The planet will be fine -- as George Carlin declared years ago. It's the morality of "the people" that needs saving.

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He is a hero, and a pro human deep thinker!

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Bret is a "bright light" for sure - courage under pressure - a "diamond" in the "darkness"!!

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IHMO should be locked up nationwide. Their models were bs , they drove the public health bus right over us on lies. Who the hell is public health? Who gave them this power... nut bags like the Bloomberg School at Hopkins. Leftist crazies. I have little empathy for these elites. Hopkins NC and Harvard with their thousand talents club etc. knee deep into this pandemic bs.

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Yes, but it would also be great if one of these guys would connect the dots of this death by injection master plan to our DOD and current administration. They know it but they never speak of it. The narrative, even on the correct side of things, is that pharma is to blame. It’s much bigger than that.

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They never ever say Bio weapon. Ever!

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Or “countermeasure” which is what our own DOD called the vaccines before they were manufactured.

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Rosalind, yes they do. Check out Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr David Martin .... just for starters.

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I first heard that word "bioweapon" used by a woman standing in line to get into our local area's "personal freedom" group (in August of '21). It resonated within me because I knew it was NOT a "vaccine". Now...I call the "C-19" the WU FLU and the "vaccine" is a "bioweapon jab"!

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They would undermine their arguments to claim bioweapon without concrete proof, and believers would laugh them off if they made huge leaps. They're gradually, incrementally shifting the Overton window. Baby steps.

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It’s in writing- the DOD contract with pharma calling the so-called vaccines “countermeasures” has been public record for sometime, so there is documentary evidence. The fact that they don’t have to be safe, or even tested is documented in our legislative history and executive orders. It’s far from “speculation” or opinion.

You would think at least one “good” guy would come out with this bombshell that has real teeth. And yet NONE of them will venture there.

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That word, 'countermeasures,' is imho misunderstood by most who claim it means the injection products are a diabolical military plot. They may be that, but I commonly used 'countermeasure' in briefing soldiers about using insect repellent, permethrin on clothing, tucking pants into boots, covering as much skin as possible with clothing, sleeping under a permethrin -treated bednet, and the like. A countermeasure is simply a *measure* taken to *counter* something bad.

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Prepared to be awestruck! The video was created by a freedom fighter MD: (Bring it to the beginning)


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Wow that’s a powerful video

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Then what bad thing is being countered by the mRna "vaxxes"?

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They were positing that the bad thing was the virus. It isn't necessarily true, but that's why it's called a countermeasure.

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Right, but when you are the creator of both the virus and the fake vaccine for a pre-planned pandemic, it naturally takes on a more sinister meaning.

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No, the facts are the facts, and there's plenty of sinister meaning in them. Pretending that a normal word means something else decreases (my) confidence in the sources who do it, as it makes them look ignorant.

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YYR, yes, and that's precisely how we got all the way over here to begin with. Do it the same way, back to sanity, while letting the other side hang themselves with over-reach.

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Too much money at stake it would take a miracle.

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How 'bout one of these Girls.....enter Sasha Latypova. Tucker should interview both Jeff and Sasha on the same interview.


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Sasha has such a clear voice and head

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There is a chance I am mistaken, but I believe Tucker has been made aware of Sasha's work. There are third rails, and there are third rails and then there are third..........................................................................................rails.

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I agree, AL

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True fact. And I'm gonna start my blame game with nanzi.

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I was not going to listen to this one because it seemed like "been there , done that", but I changed my mind and we just finished it. I agree with you completely. It was a gem, and I had never heard of Bret Weinstein

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He was a brilliant source of questioning and truth during the scamdemic. His Dark Horse podcast has some fascinating episodes.

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I was able to watch the episode with Dr Malone and Steve Kirsch. I copied the link so I could share it with some friends.

When I went back later to send out the link, it had been scrubbed (I may have gotten it originally from YT).

What was I to do? I wanted to share it, so I contacted Bret and he graciously sent me a link. No questions asked, he was so kind to do so. He and his wife are top notch.

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I agree. The fact that he and Heather had that whole situation with Evergreen prior to all this gave him more credibility in my eyes, also.

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Agreed. Watched it - and it is great, and needs to be watched by every lefty-loon while strapped to their rocking chair.

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A good friend introduced me to Bret and Heather. They offered such a calming voice during the height of the insanity in ‘21. My friend and I laughed that I, a quite conservative Christian, was finding solace listening to a couple of liberal (albeit in a more classic sense of the word than most) evolutionary biologists.

I remember listening with fascination and delight to their description of their change of thinking about the importance of the Second Amendment - the COVID crisis and mandates revealed to them precisely the reason for individual self-protection and defense. I sat thinking, “why, yes, of course, this IS exactly why we need it and what we’ve been saying all along.” It was quite beautiful. And also I valued their intellectual honesty and willingness to admit a change in their thinking.

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I can only access these when folks share the links. So thank you so much.

I remember Bret Weinstein and was so glad he and his wife won their lawsuit. And I am one of those people he mentioned who has no power, no platform with which to evoke change or even challenge the narrative. And I was bowled over by his wisdom and what he and those like Jeff Childers are bringing to the fight.

I am amazed at the demonic forces we are encountering. But I heartened by the last few sentences of the interview. What the enemy didn’t understand is that we now have the best and brightest on our side. What are they left with? The cowardly ones who just go around asking everyone to just ‘move along, mistakes were made, blah blah blah’, while we have absolutely the Bravehearts on ours. And it makes my heart glad.

The enemy just has a bunch of mealy-mouth cowards. We have deep thinkers and heroes on our side!!!!

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So true. But what we have to realize is that once they get through the election (by stealing it again), they are going to pull the gloves off and go full kinetic tyranny on us. They have achieved all they can through non-kinetic means and we are waking up. I've said it before. The mass migration across the southern border IS NOT A MIGRATION. It's an orchestrated invasion/recruitment! It's the first phase of a military campaign against the American people. They defunded the police to push out all the American in Blue and now they are going to replace them with immigrant non-citizens, give them guns and use them against the American people. DoD is actually recruiting the best of these immigrants, sending them to secret training camps to indoctrinate and train them into military units and when the time comes, they will be deployed against the American people to bear arms against us. Mark my words! This is happening right now as we speak.

Everything is connected and you can't see the picture if you don't connect the dots.

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I have thought this too. Men coming from S America, Africa and other war torn nations would have no trouble turning on the American public. Our own soldiers are born here and have families so there’s a moral reason they would not attack their own citizens. Not so with the millions that are here now. There’s enough where they could literally take over entire states. It seems like a Trojan Horse.

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Good analogy, the Marxist Trojan Horse. As far as I know, they are training 2 million men, perhaps more.

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I agree with everything you said.

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I need to add, if they cannot control the election and Trump is polling as the winner, they WILL take the gloves off sooner. For example, what would happen if Trump is killed while the votes are being counted. Election cancelled. Biden remains in power and I have no idea what happens after that.

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They can always declare war to stop the election...

AND now, your health insurance does not have to help you if you get sick from anything they deem war related declared or (vax maybe? undeclared warfare which it is exactly that).

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I believe we will be attacked from within this spring. Then people will definitely have to choose which side they’re on.

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"And I am one of those people he mentioned who has no power, no platform with which to evoke change or even challenge the narrative." Yes you and the rest of us who want to speak the truth to power.

To underscore your point, our local, two-bit, good-for-nothing RV Times (Medford, Oregon) will not publish any letters which challenge the consensus of climate change. [NOTE: The Oregon Constitution has a provision that no official narrative can be challenged in any way. It's called the Safe and Effective clause; don't kill grandma]

So what to do? Enter the T-shirt with a meme. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/time-for-a-laugh-these-cartoons-are or this one which has a link to get what you want printed. Or this one: https://sagehana.substack.com/p/merch-flying-monkeys-and-that-didnt

I had one made that I wore to home shows, Home Depot, Loews, Fred Meyer, but I'm thinking of doing one with the Pfellons committing Murderna. Mark Oshinskie has done at least two orders. https://markoshinskie8de.substack.com/p/new-world-order

Your back is your platform. I prefer the back to the front.

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I have not watched the interview yet.

Keep in mind the rich and famous all come from certain/satanic family bloodlines who torture their children to control them. These sociopaths become politicians, athletes, actors, etc. who control and influence the public. When you know, you see it.

How do you think they can live with themselves by pushing jabs, influencing debauchery, and not protecting the people they serve/influence?

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The one power we all have is the power to stand up and say NO. NO to jabs, masks, lockdowns, CBDCs, etc. NO!

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CStone - you are very welcome.

Beautifully said, my kindred spirit.

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I was just going to post that, oh well, lets share far and wide.

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I also recommend their book, A Hunter Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life (2021) by Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein.


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That video almost brought me to tears knowing so many love ones and friends got the jabs. My kids especially.

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I got them too, Jan. Prayers for your children.

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Excellent- Tucker’s interview with Epstein’s brother is very interesting. The discussion involves the details on his murder.

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*!*! Anyone with Instagram will be positively awe struck by this video made by an MD freedom fighter!


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Beautifully read aloud by Dr. Tess Lawrie from the UK and beautifully written by stack author Margaret Anna Alice 🥰🥰🥰

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Thanks, Laura. Great interview.

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Thanks for posting the link.

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bret W is a lying sack of TROJAN HORSE

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What a cogent argument you present! Certainly this comment of yours will convince others that it's worth their while to listen to your opinions!

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I don't know what you are using for a brain but everything he said is on point. He didn't say anything I didn't already know and more but I have to check myself and realize that most people are not aware of hardly any of this.

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I used to listen just to fall asleep. He isn’t trustworthy my opinion.

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He does have a voice that could soothe one to sleep. And I realize that he has deeply entrenched leftist opinions. But he has also brought a good many topics into the light for a wide audience, for which I am grateful. Plus, he saw firsthand with the downfall of his workplace Evergreen College the logical end result of DEI.

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Good points!

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Rev 13:9-10 He that has an ear let him hear. If anyone is for captivity, into captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he is to be killed. Here is the endurance and faith of the saints.

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Chillling. Come May the world will be force "vaxxed" due to a declared climate emergency which as the narrative may be caused the so called "virus" to mutate into covid-24.

I think we may be doomed.

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Weinstein dropped the most important truth bomb when he said America has already collapsed.

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“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to inhabit all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His offspring.’ Being then the offspring of God, we ought not to suppose that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the craft and thought of man. Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now commanding men that everyone everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He determined, having furnished proof to all by raising Him from the dead.”

— Acts 17:24-31 LSB

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Jan 6Liked by Jeff Childers

I remember an interview with Stephen Hawking before his death. Which, i do not have time to source currently. My apologies, here. He basically said, he didn't believe in the existence of God based on his lifetime body of scientific study and knowledge. But, had changed his mind towards the end of his life - and, basically said there now "room" for God to exist in his and everyone's beliefs. Perhaps, he was witness to the fact pure evil exists in this world. Personally, I consider what happened to "children" on his island to be pure evil and the pursuit of transhumanisum and the implications for removing the God particle via crispr technologies; and the abilities to change the human genome covertly just as evilly vile a scientific pursuit. Just because you can do a thing. Doesn't mean you should. Maybe, just maybe - the most prothetic quantum physicist of our generation felt the same way, too. I would rather be on the side of God and human beings than the side of pure evil and human 2.0 beings.

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"Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should."

Unless you are a Technocrat.

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Thanks Janice!

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Biblical cosmology should be of interest to all God fearing people. The earth is just as the Bible describes it. The stars, including the wandering stars, are angels. NASA vs God. Who are you going to believe? The moon and sun are within the firmament.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by Jeff Childers

Lots of hilarious stuff in this post. Thanks, Jeff! And now I will add my own entertainment; seen this morning on Nextdoor. "Whats wrong with people !?! Everyone is sick ! COVID , flu , no masks , my mother who survived these years is now n wake med with serios inflammatory disease . STAY HOME !!! Wear masks !!! You might think it’s ok but go ask my mom on a ventilator if it’s ok !!!" (Spelling and grammar mistakes are the author's, not mine. Also, can his mother respond while on a ventilator? Is she being given the euthanasia drugs that covid patients so often receive?)

I really, really wanted to reply, "What's wrong with people, you ask? They took the covid shots and destroyed their immune systems!!" I knew that wouldn't be approved by Nextdoor, so I posted a more measured response and am waiting to see if Nextdoor will remove my comment, while leaving up the original post, which, of course, follows the official "scientific" narrative.

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It saddens me when I see post like that... these people live in fear. They directly contributed to their poor health and I think the thought of acknowledging that is too great for them so they blame everyone else. What a horrible way to live.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

"Trust God and fear not" is in the Bible hundreds of times, and it's a direct command not a light-hearted suggestion. God doesn't waste time explaining Himself to us, He just tells us to knock it off.

It boggles my mind how much wisdom is in the Bible, and realizing it has solidified my belief over the years that it truly is the inerrant word of God. If people would just live their lives in accordance so much personal misery and suffering would be avoided.

I learned the lesson the hard way after years of self-destructive behavior. It finally got through my thick head that God gives us these commands because He loves us and knows these behaviors are harmful. Plenty of people think they are smarter than God though.

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100% agree!

Reminds me of Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Thanking Jesus for His sacrifice are just words, but obedience shows it. I say this and constantly sin... The battle is real.

The whole chapter is amazing... vs. 3 "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not."

NOW I realize why his own people rejected and crucified Him.

They were not His sheep. Only His sheep recognize His voice...

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So well stated!

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I see it weekly with my patients. So many regret getting any jabs including flu etc. They are blaming their ailments on the jabs, while others who are ok so far are waiting for the ball to drop. One patient had a very healthy his wife. She got the 2nd jab last year. Her heart went to a 21% injection fracture she’s at 41% now a year later. So sad.

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I dropped out of those ND conversations. Pardon my French, but it was just one big snitch and b!tch fest.

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I enjoy jerking their chains. If they suspend me (again) I don't care.

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I divorced ND a few years. Completely agree.

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They’ll simply block comments once the responses get “too close.”

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People are shockingly sad and uninformed. You can’t hide the %age that will Never Get It!!

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When you are intubated with a tube down your throat to attach you to a ventilator, they keep you sedated so you don’t fight the ventilator. To prevent infection, they generally do a tracheostomy after two or three weeks, and once the tube is through a hole in your throat instead of your mouth, they can try reducing sedation. I know this from experience.

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Unless they are following deadly covid hospital protocols, for which they were handsomely incentivized. It has been heartbreaking to hear the stories of family members who were isolated, refused the right to try ivermectin, given remdesivir against their will, and given toxic cocktails of drugs like fentanyl, propofol, morphine, etc. There are also cases (such as Grace Schara's) where an NDR was put into place without consent. If you mean when you say that you know this from experience, that you were intubated, I am glad that you survived and that you are okay now. Too many doctors and nurses became monsters during the covid years, and unfortunately, the murders are still happening, according to Grace Schara's mother (and others).

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We all know at least someone that happened to in the hospital or with turbo cancer or heart issues now... I know about 10 people.

Many don't even make the connection to the jab or hospital protocols because it is too heinous to comprehend mixed with the brainwashing...

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I survived the hospital protocols only by the grace of God. (Not expected to survive, 49 at time but w/comorbidity.) I was in the hospital 2 months, ventilated for 5 weeks, 2 days of Remdesivir before I refused any more and they actually complied. Ended up with sepsis, bacterial pneumonia. Forced my husband to sign a DNR before they would do the tracheostomy. It really is a miracle that I’m still here with all my mental faculties for my teenage kids. Hospital bill was $619,000, do they made their 20% Remdesivir bonus and other bonuses on top of that. Only bonus they were denied was the death bonus.

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Praise God your family still has you! ♥️

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Michelle, such a horrifying experience. My heart goes out to you. My husband was in the hospital for one month, refused Remdesivir and the ventilator and survived. He was blessed to be in a rural, conservative state that hesitated, although complicit, to push Fauci’s murderous protocols.

You survived when most people did not.

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I still require oxygen with exertion, two years out. I don’t have anything good to say about the doctors, but thankfully, most of my nurses were wonderful. Yes, they are still following the deadly protocols, but the bonuses have expired at this point.

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The “deep methane" lurking just feet below the permafrost is alarmist-fodder similar to the murky "long covid" term.

Both are sketchy and likely to be very expensive as $cience chases down Solutions.

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Long methane works for me.

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I’ll never sleep again worrying about that one. Just after I get done worrying about the moon burials along with the apaches. Now I’m off to synagogue to pray about all of this craziness.

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The lunacy is deep, very big boots are needed to walk among them.

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In Oregon, beans will be regulated as a controlled substance based on published research from Hollywood. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=fart+scene+from+blazing+saddles#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5fcc72e3,vid:jg7LuaKduoA,st:0

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Climate- Covid- Ukraine. Same playbook. We must spend billions of your money and restrict freedoms or the world is gonna end.

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Well, after 3 years, I now have covid. Atleast it gives me free pass without guilt for staying out of work.

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AngelaK, are you sure? How do you know??

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Suddenly got chills and 102 fever and had a very strange headache since the day before. Bought a new covid test from CVS because those free gvt ones expired.

I am on day 5 and it is a strange unfamiliar sickness...everything comes and goes, (headache, fever, scratch in throat) and in a way, except for the headache, all other symptoms feel much milder than when you have a cold or flu, yet you do feel sick..I do, however, feel extremely weak now.

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Best thing that could happen is that it does

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Probably just the BS from the climate cult leaking out.

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That BS is stinky for sure.

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@rainmaker1973 @tonyclimate and ethical skeptic all have posts on X (from at least last summer) dealing with methane and climate.

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I'm a "doomer" that's hung out on peakoil.com's message boards in the past, and the methane clathrates are very old news to me. It's hard to say how big a problem it will be, but I do agree, we can't really do anything to stop those clathrates from exploding.

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Always about money.

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Or normals will wake up and ealize the whole climate hoax is just that. A hoax. Because now we know methane is pumped into the atmosphere at a level we can't comprehend. Think of alm the rotting vegetation everywhere on earth and now coming g from glaciers! Lions and tigers and bears!

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Oh my!

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Trump & Epstein: The Truth Emerges

...Unlike the Clintons, Trump cut Epstein off after he heard about an inappropriate advance by Epstein toward a young woman who worked at the Spa at Mar-a-Lago, and Trump told security that Epstein was barred from the property. The Clintons continued to socialize and fundraise with Jeffrey Epstein after his state conviction. The Clinton Foundation actually took a donation from Epstein after he had a probable cause affidavit filed on him by Palm Beach Police in May of 2006. Trump cut Epstein off well before state charges were brought against the sex-trafficker.

The Clintons were desperate to distract from their own relationship with Epstein by trying to throw shade on Trump. Now, Trump's political opponents are recycling the same trash.

It was a smear in 2016 and it's a smear today.


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Yes, it drives me crazy that leftists connect Trump to Epstein without mentioning Trump's repudiation of Epstein as soon as he realized.

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This was in our local paper yesterday. The article was copied from USA Today and completely ridiculous. No mention of anyone else.

Clinton, Trump named in Epstein documents

Documents stem from 2015 lawsuit by victim of sex trafficking financier

David Jackson and Aysha Bagchi


WASHINGTON − Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are mentioned in newly unsealed Jeffrey Epstein-related court documents, but they are not accused of any wrongdoing involving the disgraced sex trafficking financier.


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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

Epstein’s tiè to “science” was likely no coincidence. Celia Farber just published an interesting article on Epstein’s ties to Ghislaine’s father, Robert Maxwell, whose place in deep state govt Epstein seemed to take over after Maxwell was killed— his sex ring being the least of his misdeeds.

“Having foreseen its importance in the modern world, the enterprising Maxwell made his bet on scientific information. This sphere became fertile ground for the intelligence services as well…Soon the publishing house became a leader in scientific-technical literature as well as history, politics and memoirs. This was also done with an intelligence objective.”

Celia says, “ I am going to say something new, perhaps bold: “Science” is a perfect breeding ground and sanctuary for what was once called “communism.” The most accurate new term it is somewhere in the vicinity of “trans-humanism,” (AI) but it will take time before this marriage is understood by scholars of either. Its Trojan horse is “Public Health;” Its most powerful weapon is the “Virus.”

Robert Maxwell’s cover was “science,” and it is simply never mentioned that he erected his first publishing empire, Pergamon Press, as a literal open bridge between the USSR and the West, to traffic high level “science” which is meant to float above nations like moral conscience itself. We are programmed to hear the word “science” and immediately believe it is something we must never—whatever else we may be against— be “against.””

It’s always been about the “science.”


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I had read something about Maxwell's publishing company but can't remember what. So I did a google search for the meaning of Pergamum and found this: "It's mentioned twice in the Bible, both times in Revelation, as the northernmost city of the seven to which the Apocalypse was addressed (REVELATION 1:11 and 2:12)."

I only mention this because what I had read before that I can't remember was talking about spiritual connections these people put into all their stuff. And the spiritual connections aren't accidental. They're into Ba'al worship but they dress it up for modern tastes.

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Celia is correct, but it's not a new thought. The Hillsdale College free online course Constitution 101 - The History and Meaning of the Constitution (or close to that) has a great lecture on the regressive "Progressives" and their 'modern' 'scientific' views, which said that only 'real experts' can run things these days.

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It’s just their updated version of Lenin’s “intelligentsia” 😕

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Didn’t Obama say that too?

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CStone, say that only scientists and 'experts' should run things? Probably; it's classic regressive "Progressive" philosophy.

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To these people, "science" is a way to say "I will be like The Most High."

This will not end well . . . for them.

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Yes, this was a fantastic article! So mind-opening. The more you dig at this stuff, the more you learn that its roots are way older than we assume. “Science” has been the target for these dark circles for a couple of generations now, and what we’re living through is either its fruition, or its ultimate blunder and takedown.

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Masha Gessen in his book, "The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia quoted Yugoslav Marxist dissident Milovan Djilas, "Science gradually yielded to propaganda, and as a result propaganda tended more and more to represent itself as science."

Boy, talking about if the shoe fits?

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Looks like a combo- hopefully the latter prevails!

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Interesting…we just watched the movie Oppenheimer last night. My take from it is that scientists have been communists for a long time. The two seem to fit hand in glove.

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The early great scientists were Christians, whose faith was strengthened by their discoveries. Others who were not yet Christian became Christian by what they discovered. I'm not sure what happened in the last century or so, but it's not good.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

I believe it started with the 'age of enlightenment' or the 'age of reason', when mankind started to think they were smarter than God. But my previous comment wasn't well thought out, because of course many scientist are Christians. In fact we had a very good friend that we met through church who was a brilliant man, PHD in Physics, and he was also a strong man of faith. He made yearly or bi-yearly trips to Los Alamos for work there.

Although a commonality among scientist is that so many, are of Jewish descent, so of course they are not Christians. The movie about Oppenheimer and his interaction with Einstein made me think about the fact that, as a race, the Jewish people are highly intelligent, so it makes sense that they dominate the scientific fields.

Our wonderful Christian friend passed away a few years ago, and as we watched the movie last night, my husband said more than once...I sure wish Wayne was still here - I'd love to hear his take on this. We rarely watch movies, because Hollywood is so corrupt, but this one was at least thought provoking and interesting.

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Thanks for sharing this great link!

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Here's an article regarding the beef between Aaron Rodgers and Jimmy Kimmel. Let's not forget that Jimmy Kimmel criticized and shamed the Unvaccinated on national TV. I'm team Aaron.


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100% Team Aaron! He’s an intelligent, independent minded thinker and had the courage to stand up against the NFL’s vax mandate. And for that he’s a hero in my opinion!

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Add Tyler Bertuzzi now of the Toronto Maple Leafs to the push back club against this non-sense.

From 2021 - Red Wings Tyler Bertuzzi remains unvaccinated


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Release the Jan 6th prisoners!

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

Here’s the timeline if you want to share on your substack. If you haven’t already 👍👍👍


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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

Worth watching

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I have so many quesitions.

WHY are we putting people's ashes on the moon? What kind of drugs were these people using when they dreamed this up?

"NASA’s Lunar Prospector mission, which in 1999 deliberately crashed a spacecraft into the moon carrying the remains of former astronaut Eugene Shoemaker." How much did THAT cost us taxpayers? What was the point of that?

Exhibit # 1,000,001 on we need a serious machete taken to all of these government agency budgets.

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I’m wondering if this is a response to the current trend of those saying the original moon landing never happened. I’m with the Navajo on this one.

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I'm definitely with the Navajo.

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These agencies and their bots are like babies unattended in a playpen, smearing and flinging their poo everywhere!💩🤡💩🤡💩🤡

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Or apes in a zoo.

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Jeff - would love your take on what might have happened in Miami. Police cars swarming the Bayside Mall. Over 60M views on this video as of this morning.


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More Cops on 4 blocks than we have Border Security along the 1,951 mile invasion-zone.

Over 60 cop cars to break up a teen brawl--how much will those poor oppressed children get in settlement $$$? Now, I'd understand if some of them were MAGA teens triggering the others.

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Really murky story. It's like there's an Internet block out on it. First it was 'active shooter' then it was just 'youths fighting'.

But one account had '7 to 10 foot' tall 'people' shooting at each other. Huge police response, airport closed, power out in some grids.

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Blue beam practice?

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That was my first thought when I heard the story.

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Geez. I just flew out of Miami yesterday late afternoon to return home from a cruise. Looks like I got out in the knick of time!

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Free donuts?

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Free Stanley travel mugs. Caused mobs worse than Black Friday.

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That's great; DENVER KOA radio runs these psyop 1 min "news" stories; Fraternal Order of Cops alarmed by the jump in attacks on cops in 2023...then splice in a former deputy director of Homoland Security pinning most of this on White Supremacists plotting, detailing and instructing how to do it. Creating Reality and News from fiction--the arbiters and dispensers of truth posing as journalists and experts. Looks like every agency from 6 cities, 4 counties, and every FED heading to get the chocolate glazed with sprinkles

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Haha...thanks for that. All I could think of was this song by Joe Diffie: Third Rock from The Sun (partial)

Cause and effect, chain of events

All of the chaos makes perfect sense

When you're spinnin' 'round, things come undone

Welcome to Earth, third rock from the sun

The kid guns the gas, car starts to swerve

Heads for a semi-truck, jumps the curb

Truck hits a bigboy in the Shoney's parking lot

Flies through the air, takes out the bank clock

Clock strikes a light pole, transformer sparks

Lines go down, town goes dark

Waitress calls the cops says she saw it all

Swears a giant alien has landed at the mall

Cops ring up the mayor, says, "There's panic in the street

Hate to wake you up, but we can't find the chief"

Mayor says, "Use your head, if he ain't in his car

He's hiding from his wife, down at Smokey's bar"

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Great ........here it is................


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Probably just Nephilim trying to get some Sbarro and an Orange Julius.

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The deeper you go, the worse it gets. Go through all the comments and links on this.

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That’s a bit excessive even for Miami!

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

I can't believe that with everyone carrying a cell phone with a camera on it (except maybe me) that there is not ONE, if not hundreds, of clear videos of that incident. Come on, people film and post fights in Walmart daily! Whatever it was, certainly it was serious enough to get airspace shut down... but then how did the drone get that video? You mean not one person is coming forward and saying what they saw? Hello? I smell cow patties. I don't know what it was, but as usual, makes no sense.

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FourWinds - my sister and I thought those very same things! I hope Jeff digs into it.

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After watching what the U.S. government did to American Indians, the Navajo have every right to protest misusing something they view as sacred, even if no one else sees any value in maintaining the moon as the Creator made it. Turning the moon into a landfill or wasteland of dead bodies seems... off from an energy perspective. That's my thoughts as a native (Osage/Omaha). Just another chance to screw up a natural environment. I see their point.

All of that waste from the discarded "vaccines" in landfills will wind up where, eventually? The water supply? The soils around the landfill, and thus the vegetation that people and animals eat (and the people who eat the animals that eat the contaminated vegetation)? This crap is like Styrofoam. You can break it down into smaller and smaller pieces, but does it really disappear, ever? Time will tell. I will give the EU credit for destroying them. We still have morons showing up at our pharmacy for "boosters". Forget cow farts or glacier farts, this stuff actually IS destroying life here.

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I'm with you, Four Winds. And no need to make fun of the Navajo for that. Disappointing.

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Also agreed: I don't always agree with our host on everything, but that last bit kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. Leave the moon alone. I'm not native (well, I'm 1/16 Shawnee but around here that's called "white"), but yeah, I don't like the idea of everyone being able to just dump crap on the boon. It just *feels* wrong, even if people don't disagree.

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"Forget about cows. Now the glaciers are farting."

Thanks Jeff -- I nearly spit my coffee all over the C&C screen. LMAO!!!

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I had the same reaction!! 🤣😂

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Oh yeah, fake global warming is another subject I ignore. I still eat plenty of meat, drive a gas car and will gladly help dig a giant landfill for all of big pharma's poison drugs, which by the way are an extreme environmental hazard, likely contributing to fake global warming. Whew, that's gonna be a whole lot of digging.

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Quick and brief on Methane. Cows eat grass and emit methane. Grass when dead, decomposes and releases methane. So not the cow's fault. I cut my grass, methane is emitted. Grass dies naturally, methane is emitted. A deer, goat, sheep, bison, bear or whatever eats grass, methane is emitted. Naturally, permafrost covered former grass covered plains, this dead grass emits methane. Glaciers simply release the trapped methane placed there by grasses.

Methane is gonna methane.

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Agree! I recall reading that wild bison herds used to roam our Great Plains. Until the white men slaughtered them all. One diarist wrote that a herd took days to pass by. How much methane did THAT produce?!

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So in short, grass is at fault? Guess Mao had the right idea then 😬😛 /s

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And, unfortunately, so do we. So we must be eliminated!!!

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