So they locked the world down and censored and/or destroyed the careers and reputations of anyone who disagreed with it, and much of the world cheered.

Then with the release of the "cure" a new condition known as SADs spread like wildfire killing and maiming healthy folks in large numbers, and much of the world still cheered.

Some people wouldn't know tyranny if it:

Covered their faces ● Locked them in their homes ● Enacted the biggest wealth transfer in history ● Censored them ● Made them show papers, and ● Forced medicated them - billybobblog

Be Careful When You Follow The Masses... Sometimes the 'M' Is Silent. - TrufSerumX

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Speaking of censorship, the tyrannical dims can't stop themselves...hat tip to the author

Recently we saw a bizarre effort by a group of Democratic members of the House of Representatives to censor a House Judiciary committee meeting on censorship. More than 100 members of Congress signed a letter, asking the House Judiciary Subcommittee to withdraw an invitation to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to provide expert witness testimony under oath to Congress about federal agencies colluding with social media companies to censor speech. Kennedy has been identified in scores of federal documents as a target of censorship, and has filed multiple lawsuits against the federal government, Google, Facebook and others for blatant acts of censorship inflicted on him and his organizations. The letter was rife with lies about Mr. Kennedy. It was an attempt to keep him from testifying, under oath, about censorship.


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They're terrified of what he will say on the record

When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

― George R.R. Martin,

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Quick report from Down Under. Unlike the U.S. *both* major parties are completely infected with WEF types so the program gets zero pushback, and the pirates are using this Treasure Island as the front line. We have a *major* censorship bill coming in, and the regime already has deals with the social media companies for blocking speech. The bill exempts the govt and the mainstream media from "fact checking". But even in advance of the bill the social channels are getting heavily attacked, even Telegram. Yesterday there was an escalation, they blocked Sky News. The upshot is that the last remaining place where speech is happening is in the comment sections of regime social media, regime posts a YouTube or a TikTok and there are hundreds if not thousands of comments, 99% negative. So now many regime social posts are turning comments off, so it's pure Pravda Panopticon, regime tells you how it's going to be and the inmates can't even grumble about it.

Last week they dreamt up a bill on Monday, printed it up Tuesday, first and second reading and passed into law Wednesday, it takes down the last remaining barriers between the CIA/NSA and the local equivalent ASIO.

I read that centuries ago Protestants grew white cyclamen in their window boxes to signal to their brethren, not sure what the modern day equivalent would be...

But Australia is a lapdog to the US and will change when you guys do, so we are *counting* on you guys to *somehow* get Trump back in. CPAC Australia is this weekend so we will get a chance to see some hope. If you don't hear from me again, know that I intend to die standing up with my boots on>>>>Love to all Patriots

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Love to you back, AusYank.

Hearts and prayers going out to & for you and your countrymen.

Your report saddens me very much.

Please try to write some little word each day, so we'll know you still have this site at least and are well. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

MAGA goes for Oz too, and I share your hope the cavalry comes soon for you all. I have confidence that it truly will come. But it must feel like you’re in the tightening hold of a boa constrictor.

Your cyclamen story reminds me of the early Christians who would draw a fish with their foot in the dirt, kinda casual like, to see how the a stranger would respond. Or an arc in the dirt, if the other guy was a believer he’d do the same, meeting the arc’s line end at one end and intersecting it at the other forming a fish — Ichthus, an anagram for Jesus-Christ-of God-Son of-Savior (literal translation of the greek Iesous, Christos, Theou, Uios, Soter).

I hung a tray in the shape of a fish on my front porch wall. Purely decorative, mind you…Someday it might need to be the subtle message.

Stay strong. And — perhaps this will sound idiotic, but here’s my pep-talk — Find, know allies. Study the ways of the underground in the Vichy and Quisling WWII occupied countries and Geo Washington’s spies. Go low tech.

(codes, paper and chemistry were used-invisible ink, signals in colored laundry on lines & such, apparel like socks, messages on t-shirts…use old photocopy machines that don’t require the internet. Etc. )

Know your enemie. Know their strengths and weaknesses. Same with your friends. Use this knowledge.

Read (I’m sure you have) — spread —the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. These profound documents are for all you Ozzies too. For all men. Rights, sovereignty, does not come from government. It’s given by God to all men. Read the American founding patriots’ other words words. Spread them. Your own present patriots’ words too. Enough people can be inspired.

As this is not a war of guns, but of information, we all know how absolutely important that is. It’s much easier if you can grow and fire up an ever-widening group of patriots. Sadly, from what you’ve said in the past, so many just don’t seem to understand the threat or care about much. It may have to get a lot harder before they do. It must be pretty maddening and I hope that’s changing already and will end soon. You’ve all been through so much already.

Godspeed! Stay strong!

All hope, peace — and ingenuity to you.


Hmmm …onderway etherwhay ethway obotsray eadray igpay atinlay.

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Peace and love to you brother and thanks for the kind words they mean so much. The Covid tyranny woke quite a few people up here and networks are forming. I've got a long history of resisting, runs in my family, my Dad was from Holland and was underground during the war, wrote an anti-Nazi play and did time in Nazi prison. In most ways these fascists today are pikers by comparison but they do have some horrific tech advantages so we have to keep our thinking caps on. Best thing you guys can do is get El Donaldo in however you can manage, we'll be on the flank when we take the counter revolution worldwide. Solidarnosc, positive energy, and prayers, I think we got this but it's going to be a rough fight, Love to all fighters>>>

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Hey AusYank! How you doing?

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Same in New Zealand as well. Hard to know who to vote for, because both parties are wings on the same bird, and the other options are tiddly winks.

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At least the Nationals where you are are calling for a Covid Commission, finding out all of glamour-fascist Jacinda's doings would be a big help for starters, and might open quite a few eyes

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But Australia is a lapdog to the US

I would say it's the lapdog to China and

as are the deep blue cities in the US and most of Canada.

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-If you think things and bad now, you wont believe what they are going to do next you need to watch this visit....


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Others say USA is a laptop to Israel.

More American money has gone to Israel than to anyone else.


And a large group of our politicians are allowed to have Israel citizenship (and passports). (Yet in Israel it's forbidden to have dual citizenship. Such a large faction of another country is in control of our country. We're their lapdogs.

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Watched this 1:21 interview did with RFK Jr. yesterday. An absolute gem. Must listen. Share far and wide. Tucker hardly says anything. It's the only interview in 15 years where RFK Jr. does not mention vaccines.


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Tucker is becoming today's greatest arbiter of truth.

He is actually interested in what his guests has to say AND allows them to say it.

He's not afraid of stirring the pot either.

His "firing" was the best thing for him and for us. He is now unleashed and IMO it is a great thing.

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Speculation is that if Trump is denied the R nomination, he and Kennedy will run on an Independent ticket.

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That is exactly the ticket that Dr. Naomi Wolf thinks would be a real "dynamite" ticket (if you don't about her transformation from a lifelong classic "libbie Jewish woman" to a wholesome observer of the "conservative camp" - get on her Substack and check out her website as well. She and her thousands of volunteers are poring over the Pfizer documents released as a result of a FOIA lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch. Here's a link to her website: https://dailyclout.io/

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Woah! This is fascinating!

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I hope RFK Jr is not stupid enough to turn down any Trump offer... I doubt that Trump will be denied the R nomination... teh wave is just beginning to crest... MY worry is that Trump is looking a bit haggard.. I hope he takes care of himself... Vivek sounds great, but is he the real deal or a WEF wolf in sheep's clothing?

RFK would also make a fine head of the CDC, or HHS

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Did you see the one with the chief of capitol police during J6? Shocking. Tucker interviewed him initially at FOX and they refused to air it so he re-interviewed him. Sensational in every way.

I have only managed to fit in 30 or so of the RFK Jr. Interview. People of all striped should at least hear abt the secret service protection denial. Made me so mad and shocked. I look forward to listening to the rest!

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The secret service denial was especially egregious - especially considering that the appointment of secret service details was based on his own father's legacy.

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Hunter gets an SS detail.

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LL - Unbelievable!!

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It's interesting that the abbreviation for the "Secret Service" is the same as the strong-arm "police" force for the THIRD REICH!!

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As does John Bolton. Wth?

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I know! And some nutjob broke into his home. He said even Jimmy Carter OK'ed his murdering uncle for protection. They didn't like one another apparently. RFK, Jr. Gets death threats.r Clearly the man needs protection! Even the secret service thought it was a done deal. Despicable.

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According to Marty Armstrong, on his blog from yesterday, the "Rich Men North of Richmond" tune even went viral in CHINA!! Imagine that! Shades of "Tiannamen Square"--which if you mention the protest movement in China in 1989--the Chinese people will tell you, "it never happened"--because all of the student protestors have been silenced by death and/or fear mongering tactics. It happened--I saw it myself..will never forget the photos taken of that SINGLE MALE STUDENT standing in front of the HUGE Chinese Army tank (that killed him).

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Please tell folks you like and dis-like, to view what honest men look and act like!

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It was powerful and definitely worth a listen/watch

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It was an interesting piece but I noticed when any mention of the dangerous nature of the coronavirus research is mentioned, RFK Jr lays it all at Fauci’s feet and will not admit that the bioweapon research while admitted being taken over by the DoD, was not intentionally launched to screw with an election, but leaked unintentionally from a Wuhan lab. If he admitted that he would have to admit that the larger picture was overthrow of a popularly elected president and corrupting forever our election system. His border synopsis seems overly simplistic also. It is simply the Mexican cartels running our immigration system and that Biden and his administration are too inept to stop it. He will not touch the Holy Grail that is the Democratic Party.

Still he is the most honest of the political candidates out there. And I like that Tucker just lets him talk.

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They are inept in many ways but I do think they’re purposely using the border issues to protect and increase their trafficking activities. Disappointing that RFK has this take on the border, and also thinks it’s an accidental leak. He could at least question that idea even if he’s not convinced himself that it was purposely released.

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Good observations!

RFK Jr. just doesn't want to connect the dots that a big part, and likely the biggest part of convid was to boot Trump from office. That's a better handle on the scamdemic conspiracy.

And of course his take on the border invasion misses the whole White replacement underway.

But at least he shows scrutiny and peels back the first layers of these issues.

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This really was a fantastic interview.

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Yes! No attempts by Tucker to squelch an inconvenient message and no pHarma commercials!

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Thank you for sharing this.


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This was a very informative video. Thank you.

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thank you for the link

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From Zorro, the Gay Blade:

Captain Esteban: Arrest that woman! Now!

Charlotte Taylor Wilson: No, wait! Isn't this the village square, where according to law, everyone is allowed to speak his or her mind?

Captain Esteban: You're right, Señorita. [yelling to the crowd]: The woman is allowed to speak! But arrest anyone who listens.

Sorry, I could not resist.

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Loved that movie 😁

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I'd like to see that list of 100 morons in Congress who signed that censorship letter. Their names need to be out there publicly.

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They aren’t ashamed of themselves though...they are proud to be on the list

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Is that list around?

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Well, we know Debbie Washerwoman Schultz is on it.

...worse hair ever!

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She is a vile POS... but are not ALL Dems?

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We have a uni-party, with just a handful of true constitutional conservatives. Trust no one. And do not contribute.

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Precious, innit? Our contemporary life wayyyy outflanks most elaborate satire 😵‍

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Censoring a meeting on censorship??? Good Lord! Intolerance will not be tolerated!!!

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And he is speaking truth about the wide ranging effects of the vaccinations!

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Ironic, ain't it.

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Incredible. Why are they against this man? He speaks the truth. I read his book about Fauci and his "vaccines" debacle. I hope the Good Lord is taking all this into account.

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Methinks you answered your own question "he speaks the truth"


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They don’t want us to know the truth, either.

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Speaking truth to power => censorship

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Lori Yaccarino, the CEO of X(formerly twitter said this with a smug smile)

“We have Freedom of speech, not freedom of reach” in justifying shadowbanning and "deamplification" of "unapproved" messages.

This means you can say whatever you want, in solitary confinement.

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My friends were split into two camps, those that liked Elon and those that didn't. I was the former until he hired that woman...and even more so after hearing her speak. Now I'm on the fence and it won't take much to put me over.

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Elon is beholden to multi billion dollar interests.

If he is told to censor to protect his interests, he will censor.

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EM is beholden to Chyna. Without them he has nothing.

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Just do a little digging and it will be obvious who he is and works for. Wolf in Sheep's clothing is how I once discribed him but now the evidence is in your face.

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Could you share a link or two?

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I like that he said he was for free speech, but when you want to have the everything app with everyone on it, you have to get these free speech lovers back on. I hope for the best but…

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Just use Truth Social. :))

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Now there's a big city freeway billboard for the vast majority! A+

“We have Freedom of speech, not freedom of reach”

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Park it outside Twitter's headquarters.

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When do we start going after Facebook?

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Rule #1. How to know when you are being used as the "whipping boy by .GOV"?

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Jeff, when should we hear from 3 judge panel of Fifth Circuit Court following oral arguments a week ago on Missouri et al Vs. Biden et al?

***Watch RFK Jr Censorship Roundtable from last night here: ***


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“I am a cage, in search of a bird."

“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“

Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.

“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?"

(not sure where some of these quotes are from)

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It's gotta be 1984...because of Winston.

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Nice reminders eh?

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If you don't know 1984 go read it, it is a classic and an easy read and very poignant.

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I read it when I was a teenager. I tried to read it to my son, when we used to read together all of the time, but I just couldn't make it as exciting as our usual fantasy fare. I'm due to read it again, but I'm super excited to read The Truth That Killed by Georgi Markov full of keen social observations and anecdotes about communist times in Bulgaria. Along the same lines s 1984. Another C and C person recommended it. A long time ago I had read a bunch of books about the Great Proletarian Revolution in China, but I didn't keep a bibliography and can't remember what they were to find them again!

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I also really like Journey Into the Whirlwind about the Stalinist era.

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Wild Swans is a great one about China.

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I think I did read this one. Thank you for the recommendations. I actually will go after them, or at the very least keep the bibliography. I got into the Chinese cultural revolution at around 20, and I was not in the note-taking discipline then. It's all just paraphrased in my mind at this point, but it means a lot to me. When BLM race and woke was ripping through the people around me, I immediately thought of the cultural revolution and wished I could just open those same books again.

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It’s very useful to read these types of books, to help you understand when the same kinds of things are happening to you in your own country.

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Where have you been able to find the truth that killed? I have looked for it and have only found it used, and for a pretty high price.

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First I got it through inter library loan. I actually kept it overdue because I liked it so much and had not finished. I kept good conscience and returned it. Then I made a bad financial decision and bought it used, only to have the seller say they couldn't find it. Well, I kept thinking and thinking about, because, sometimes it feels like certain books save my life, and... Welllllll. I persisted and bought an expensive copy on ebay from abroad. I would offer to borrow it to you, but you'd have to come to my personal library and hang out. I almost never get books returned to me that people borrow.

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I'm carrying everywhere with me right now, like some kind of talisman.

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I am sure where your quotes come from. . 1984. End of the book

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Orwell could see it so clearly. Absolutely prophetic

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

🗨 If you can’t see this after three years of idiot panic over the coronadoom, you never will. You’ll surrender to each new ratcheting of the fear-wheel. Surrender often enough to this indulgence and you’ll soon find yourself ratting out friends and neighbors—in a vain effort to make yourself feel “safe.”

wmbriggs.substack.com/p/ns-lyons-on-the-shape-and-trajectory <-- kinda foyer on the way to seminal NS Lyons’ edifice 😇

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I think there are some who are honestly so sold to the scamdemic that they really can't see it. But then there are those who see it and choose not to give up their dying belief, because doing so may mean they have to admit they were wrong.Some people just can't do that.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Aside from iconic Monkey Business Illusion --> youtu.be/IGQmdoK_ZfY <-- ie, we largely see only what we're looking for—our psyches are jealous wardens of kinda Personal Overtons erected to safeguard our fundamental belief structure from crashing 🤔 ↓↓

🗨 We seem to have a psychological block that prohibits us from entertaining a class of “strange ideas” outside some personal, identity-based window of acceptable thinking. The block is emotionally fortified. It’s an intellectual gag reflex.

(h/t Mike Solana of Pirate Wires empire)

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It is one's level of consciousness. Are you ready to take responsibility for yourself and all your past transgressions and live a heart centered life? This is the stage we are at in our evolution. One can move upward or devolve. It's just that simple.

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You might enjoy reading Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter. I find her perceptions often get really close to articulating things I haven't yet found the words for. Sample: https://devanneykathleen.substack.com/p/the-in-between

Good news, too, from people who have had NDEs -yet another level of consciousness- and been shown probable events on earth (highly probable tho nothing ever set in stone) on exactly what you express. It's happening, the shift in consciousness, there's no going back. There are plenty of NDE reports online but as another sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7sTQKcelxQ

Thanks for posting. 💝

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Thanks for the link and I will check it out! Have a blessed day!

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WOW! 💞

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Sasha Stone wrote a great piece (8/5/2023) which I think fits in to today's C&C and your comment Four Winds--"they have to admit they were wrong." "Yes David Brooks You are The Bad Guys" https://sashastone.substack.com/p/yes-david-brooks-you-are-the-bad#details

David Brooks who writes for the NYT and appears on Propaganda Broadcasting System (PBS) every Friday evening.

Yes NYT and PBS--You Are The Malicious Bad Guys! Please leave.

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Mark Twain once said: "It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled."

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It seems those who are liberal-democratic relate anything outside the goodness of covid vaccines as far right, republicans or conspiracy theorists. So, then they would become a “traitor”. That is how much they are brain washed!!! Loyalty to their party seems related.

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A good metaphor for the people who continue to believe the government on the Scamdemic can be found in the Three Stooges episode A Plumbing We Will Go. Specifically the part where Curly continues to idiotically attach open ended pipes in order to stop a leak.

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That is far and away the best Stooges episode, absolutely hilarious. The cook (Dudley Dickerson) absolutely steals the show, just a masterpiece of physical comedy. The scene where they are watching Niagara Falls on TV is also great.

They don't make them like that anymore.

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I started watching Three Stooges episodes with my two boys a few years ago and my kids loved them!! There are also a lot of sly jokes that I know I didn’t catch when I watched them as a kid. I’m not usually a big fan of slapstick and physical humor but they are in a category by themselves. Masterful indeed!

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Dudley also accurately describes the 2023 White House in the episode.


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Kamala/Joe/Karine/? new Series starring in The 3 Goofezz.

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loved the stooges, and I remember that episode

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Which is interesting in itself.....I was making similar statements about 3 days into the "two weeks to stop the spread" line of horse chips. The gullibility needle is, apparently, perpetually pinned in the red.

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this rattling out MIGHT BE their ultimate goal here. it takes the censorship and monitoring away from them and puts it on the individual who believes the system/state is right and "reports" those straying away from it's laws:


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I will never forget coming into IAD Dulles in 2005 from somewhere, and seeing signs in the airport that said "If you see something, say something". I stopped walking and just stared, dumbfounded. Also saw them on I-81. Straight our of East Germany. No coincidence. HHS hired Marcus Wolfe as a consultant. right after the Patriot Act was signed . He was the former head of the East German secret police, the Stasi. if you want to see an absolutely incredible German film about the Stasi, watch "The lives of Others". I had it from Netflix for a year. Just never in the mood. When we watched it finally, we were blown away.

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We have that in the UK 'see it, say it, sorted'...blaring out of every station & train carriage

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I have seen that movie, it is good, this TV series is also very good. The Weissensee Saga. When I had MhZ I watched it at least 6 times, if not more. It covered lots of ground of life in East Germany. Great acting and story telling. I learned quite a bit about that time that I didn't know even though it was a TV drama.

Another series A French Village, fiction series based on non-fiction. Excellent story telling about Villiage in France during the occupation in WWII that brings things home.


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Tyranny is never implemented from a central source. One person cannot oppress millions. But, millions can oppress one or a few here or there. Tyranny is implemented by the people. When the people become so consumed with fear that they are willing to do ANYTHING to ease their fear. Then the people rat-out one another, or even kill one another to ease their own fears. Tyrannical leaders convince the people to control and harm one another.

When the people stop feeding their own fears and stop participating in tyranny. Tyrants have no power.

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Great piece! A keeper, for the words and books. Thanks!

It goes hand in hand with Political Ponerology.

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And worse - they're all set to do it again. Even now, some people still defend masking as "working" when all studies say masks don't work for this purpose. They willfully ignore any actual data about harms coming from the shots - even the reactions from some almost immediately. :(

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Agreed. On those masks: not only do they not work to prevent the spread of a virus, they are also incredibly harmful for both the mind and body. This is by design - just like everything else about the malovalent plandemic: https://c19science.info/COVID-19_Masks.pdf

They hate mankind with a passion and are doing everything they can to destroy our spirit, health, and wealth.

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Also, they hate themselves so much that they want to become something else.

This is the essence of transhumanism.

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They are so afraid of death, the great unknown, that they have to control everything in life. The controllers are as fearful as the controlled.

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Yep. But quick funny story: I wore my old face diaper at work for portions of the past two days. It is partially transparent it is so thin and does not restrict breathing. I put eucalyptus and a few other oils on it so I could breathe them in because we have a coworker who wears so much perfume that it has triggered two very serious asthma attacks in me. I don't use big pharma to control asthma and this works - the oils keep my breathing open and inflammation down. You would not believe the looks I was getting, though, like: You idiot! Stupid moron in a face diaper! She must be retarded! And a few looks of sympathy as if the creator shorted me more than a few brain cells. Believe me, there are a lot of people out there who see through the mask farce.

And before anyone asks, no one can control this worker and her overuse of cologne. HR and management are completely and totally useless.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Try a course of Ivermectim. That's what cured me of 40+ yrs of asthma! Had covid Dec 2022. Took 12 mg Ivermectin for 5 days....we got over covid in 48 hours but took the recommended course. My asthma is completely GONE. I had severe asthma, with two bad episodes 2-4x+ per year for all of those years...until December 2022... Parasites? Quite possible. I used to carry two inhalers 24/7. No more. No more prednisone either.

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That’s AWESOME!! Praising the Lord! I would love to pass this info on to one of my besties that suffers from Asthma but I fear she’d scoff and ignore the info. Maybe I just need to do it ANYWAY!! (prod, prod, nudge, nudge) 😇

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You might be my new, best doctor/friend! Thanks. Will try.

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Did you get a prescription? I have sheep drench but just rub on. We have asthmatics here and struggling without meds. Looking for a REAL independent Dr! No insurance at all. Cash pay. Hubby has cancer. Need advice please.

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Hubby wrote scripts, we bought at Publix, only pharmacy who would dispense.... $180. for a 5 day supply back then...

Since then we've ordered from Ivermectin.com, no prescription required. I've also used the 100% sterile solution purchased at friend's vet with syringes and mixed our own... just squirt into a shot glass with juice and drink... 100% safe! Dr. Grim, former pathologist for 45yrs at UF told everyone about it when our own govt kept us from the human form... We know lots of folks that use it because it is cheaper and easy to find...

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Praying for you and your hubby! It was/is a miracle for me! I have not used my inhalers since Dec 27, 2020. Diagnosed with covid 12/26/2020, took Ivermectin 24 hours later--- NO COVID SYMPTOMS, in 48 hours back to normal. Had covid again in early '23, cleared it uo with Ivermectin again. (We were buying my inhalers from Pharmstore.com in Canada, paid $47 each order for 3 month supply, that's 3 of each one. My insurance wouldn't supply more than a month at a time...and the cost was $97 each for one month! So, less than $100 for both for 90 days).

My pulmonologist is baffled!

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If hubby has cancer read up on Joe Tippens. Might, might not be helpful. Panacur (can be gotten off script for animals, same drug) which is Fenbendazole wormer, Curcurmin, Vit E, D, C and I think CBD oil. He's since refined the supplements to Berberine, Quercetin and Frankencense (sp) and then some component of CBD oil, and Fenbendazole. Also helpful for cancer an alkaline body and no sugars.

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Yup doing it all but the Fenbenz. That's next. I'll let you know.

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Yes, I know it’s called “drench”, but Sheep Drench is for oral use. It’s on the label. It’s just ivermectin and H2O. Use the dose as the label says re sheep, per your weight. Perhaps a little less if you want. Search online for specifics. Ivermectin needs some kind of carrier to be absorbed into skin.

The injectable iver used for animals should NOT be used by us!!

Read Labels Carefully!

!!⚠️And ivermectin should never be taken with or around alchohol, cannabis nor with HCQ!!


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Question: was that 12 mg per day for 5 days?

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Yes. It's by weight... .2 mg per kg...

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I see what another lovely C&C commenter pointed out. You have a decimal point before that 2. That was critical for me to observe, but I missed it. Hence, my silly response to your helpful info. Sorry and TY!

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That dose seems high for daily dose. Sounds like a weekly dose.

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For toxin prevention day 1 loading dose 12 mg no dose on day 2 on day 3 take 1 12 mg. Then rest for a fortnight (about 2 weeks). The repeat. This is for prevention not treating. If treating active infection, 5 days IVM no breaks.

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That’s amazing! And wonderful!

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Maggie Think of Me--Were you doing the rest of the FLCCC protocol or just the Ivermectin? Likely Omicron in December, 2022?

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Yes, HCQ, Zpak, Extra Zinc, Vit D and C. There is little doubt it was the Ivermectin...the anti-paracitic, anti-inflammatory... that cleared my asthma. Budesinide was a steriod inhaler that was suggested/prescribed...but I'm allergic so we didn't use it.

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That is so very cool and to think you cured yourself with out permission from pharma, the AMA, or any insurance company. Worthy of a case report in a medical journal. I'm sure they would love to hear about it, but its probably a criminal act. You could indicted. An insurection to cure yourself without approval.

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Holy smokes! 👍👍Curious, but I respect your freedom to not disclose medical. Any known antigen-induced asthma in your case? That's what happens here. 50y running. At least, the mind perceives oh so clearly that's what happens. But maybe the mind is less reliable than I'd like to think.

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They thought so, but never could point to what exactly what was setting me off... I had mild asthma by the time I was 20, in shape and underweight. It worsened slowly over 15 yrs.... Some seasons, spring and fall (that could stretch into January) were worse than others and sometimes, were horrible. I noticed when I had covid that my cough was starting to get heavier the first day I felt sick and had to increase my inhaler use. That was Christmas day 2022. By Sunday, 24 hours later we started the therapeutics. Within 3 hours my cough started to subside. The next day, Dec 27th, I had no more cough (2nd dose of therapeutics). I have not needed nor have I used my inhalers since 12/27/22! Haven't needed them. I was married to my inhalers! Many discussions with many physicians later... (touchy discussions because we angered quite a few just discussing Ivermectin use...) Most medical doctors agree with us that it was likely the Ivermectin. That is my feeling also. A lifelong cough is gone! Nearly 50 yrs of asthma...GONE.

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It's astonishing to read this.

Been able to point pretty much the whole time here. That said, no one defining exposure that set it off for the first time. What's clear is there's some mechanism in this body that is sensitized to those "antigens". Unclear is the mechanism itself. Not likely to have the inquiry taken down a preferred path by mainstream medicine. Ha! Hahahaha...! 😂😂😂

Your experience is food for thought. Thank you for sharing! Ivermectin testimonials. Probably an entire book, heck, a 5 volume series could be compiled given the billions of doses over the last 40y. I won't be the author.😉😅

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A huge thank you!!! I have already tried a full parasite cleanse and not much of a difference, so something else is up. Most definitely will check into it. I am SO glad you were able to get yours gone!!

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Huge blessing!

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Holy smokes! 👍👍Curious, but I respect your freedom to not disclose medical. Any known antigen-induced asthma in your case? That's what happens here. 50y running. At least, the mind perceives oh so clearly that's what happens. But maybe the mind is less reliable than I'd like to think.

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Holy smokes! 👍👍Curious, but I respect your freedom to not disclose medical. Any known antigen-induced asthma in your case? That's what happens here. 50y running. At least, the mind perceives oh so clearly that's what happens. But maybe the mind is less reliable than I'd like to think.

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"That's a lovely scent. But must you marinate in it?"

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That actually sounds like grounds for a lawsuit about an unsafe working environment, but glad you have something that can help a little bit to prevent horrible asthma attacks, even if it looks silly.

And I'll admit to more eye rolls than I should give when I see people wearing a mask. (To be fair, was around someone recently who was actually sick/symptomatic and trying to wear a mask to be around people and offer some protection, but ... )

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I’m sorry that you must endure this persons smell... but your comment is so relatable I couldn’t stop laughing 🤣

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It's all good. :) In a way, it's probably a mirror for me because I am SURE I give mask-wearers the same look.

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I put Eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser quite a bit in the winter, there is nothing like it!

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On a side note, would your oils possibly do the same for COPD? Could you reference info fir ne if you have time? Thanks!

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Here's a link that might be useful for you:


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Teri, thanks do much!!! 🤗

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

I honestly don't know about COPD much, so I am sorry, I just am not sure. But, the ones I was using were eucalyptus, lavender, frankincense, and some rosemary. Eucalyptus helps free up my breathing, lavender seems to help with inflammation (I would swell so badly I'd also lose my voice and lavender helped a lot), frankincense also helps with inflammation and calms me down - which is important because I'd really love to kick this woman in the teeth - and rosemary is an astringent that also seems to work well with clearing out my lungs. Rosemary also seem to help me with depression, as does frankincense, and I am depressed badly right now for too many reasons to go into. Traditionally, peppermint is used for inflammation, but I hate it so much I won't use it, so I go with lavender/frankincense instead. Halls cough drops "metho-lyptus" (or however they spelled it) was essentially peppermint and eucalyptus.

p.s - Good link Teri shared. Bergamot is AMAZING for uplifting spirits, IMO. Love that stuff!!!

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Four Winds, great info ... between you and Teri I can kick start my essential oils journey. It's very encouraging! Thanks so much!

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Tell her she stinks, or ask in a general question to everyone around what smells bad? Alinsky her.

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Everyone knows she stinks. She is part narcissist, part psychotic maniac. She vehemently attacks anyone who disagrees with her on anything. She terrorizes most of the young women who work there. Most people are scared to set her off. She needed to be fired the first week she worked there, but our manager has no guts to do so. Instead, they allows this person to emotionally torture anyone she pleases. It's really awful. I actually changed departments to get away from her, although that was most definitely not the only reason. I reported her for bringing 4 dogs into the store and putting them in the store room - totally illegal in Ohio - and they set off an asthma attack in me. Our company did nothing to her. Ever since then she has been bathing in perfume, and I honestly believe it is to trigger another asthma attack in me. I can't prove it. But, my mask stops all breathing problems AND makes the store smell better, so it's beating her at her own game and I am happy I can breathe. She enjoys harming others. This really is a terrible person. Oh, and she's a covidiot who takes all the jabs, but she's alive while 3 people I loved are dead from the jabs. It is not fair.

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The reasons why masks have to work is the reason why people stay in abusive relationships. If I admit the relationship is toxic, what does that say about me and what I am willing to endure? It also gets people to think they watedtheir life over the span of time they invested in the relationship, but they did not. Admitting a relationship is bad or masks don’t work means you learned an important lesson.

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I think it’s worse than that. They’d have to admit that the “big bad baddies” were right. My theory is people with TDS are people with a ring in their nose that can be led anywhere. They’d believe the sky is orange if you told them it was and only trumpers believe the sky is blue.

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Sad thing is, I was no more willing to mask and vaccinate when Trump or Biden did it

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Pridefulness—a lack of humility. Can’t admit they were wrong.

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Yes but I think there’s more than that. Speaking as a lifelong leftie, I found how far off track the left had become extremely disorienting. I hadn’t followed politics for years and even at beginning of Covid I was off-line. When I found out people I had known for years were for vax passports, I was shaken to my core for a long time. Not only would they have to admit they were wrong and the people they thought were the “bad” ones were right, but have to reorient to how they became so easily fooled. I’ve had this happen to me in a personal relationship (not seeing the truth because of being pathologically naive) and it took quite a while to recover.

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Some of it is also, I think, trust in the “expert class” and some of it is a fear of being outcast from their tribe if they don’t adhere to the narrative and support the latest thing they’re supposed to support.

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You know I remember growing up and associating Estée Lauder Youth Dew with my mom. She wore it --not too much--and I just loved smelling her. My husband used to wear a cologne scent that I associated with him--can’t remember the name and he doesn’t wear it anymore. Personally I was a Chanel #5 girl. But I started running into people like you who were allergic and who asked us (specifically in my church small group) to quit wearing perfume. I wasn’t offended in the least and was happy to comply. But some still persist. My granddaughter’s Sunday teacher at church wears enough perfume that Abbie smells like her teacher when I pick her up! 😆 No, I know it’s not funny to people who get migraines or asthma attacks from it. Maybe you could put out a sign or wear a T-shirt that says, “Masking bc I’m allergic to Ralph Lauren over there -->”

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I love how scents trigger memories. English Leather was my guy’s signature aftershave…

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When I was in high school in the late 1960's, all the guys wore a scent called "Jade East." I remember thinking it smelled cool, but I can't remember the scent now.

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The weird thing is, you can ‘t please everyone. If you appease the scent asthmatics you will also get others who wrinkle their noses and ask “what is that smell?”

Most people don’t know what they smell like. I asked a couple of people in the hospital if I stank and they said I ran at about a 2 or a 3 out of 10. Most of us who are fat have more places where stinkcan develop. If I have a choice between stinking and smelling like old spice, I’ll choose the latter.

I agree that some people mask for a variety of other reasons from not wanting to put on makeup, to being smell sensitive, and I am cool with those reasons as long as I don’t have to participate.

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I think this is amazingly perceptive. Bravo.

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Sadly we have begun to see many people using them again. I imagine those are the ones that continue to get their information from CNN, Good Morning America, and all the other propaganda machines.

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Does anybody have a short and succinct proof of the masks not working. I’d like to have something to share, since masks are making a comeback.

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Dig through this, you may find something the fits your requirements (it is image based for easy share-ability - just grab what works and send it): https://tritorch.com/Maskerade

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This is excellent! Thanks

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With all due respect, don't sign up for that class. It'll drag you into in endless blackhole of mindless circular reasoning. Masked zombies are not moved by facts. They desire to be establishment slaves. Life's a gamble......everyday. Best to get on with it.

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I have to disagree here. I get your point. However, I have a family member who just spends all day reading mainstream news headlines, and then just parrots them all the time. But she has no deep understanding or science to back it up. So when she starts going off on the N-95s and how well they work and how necessary they are, if I just calmly come back with a few stats to the opposite, while it doesn't change her mind, it does render her speechless and unable to come up with an educated retort -- and she ends up harshly saying something like, "Well, I know what kind of news you read" or some other such personal attack because she doesn't have a scientific response. At least for me, being equipped with that knowledge and that defense if need be helps her not walk all over me or endlessly criticize me for not muzzling my children. Her personal attacks kind of speak for themselves in that there's no intelligent data behind the mindless parroting and it really is worth it for me to have that data to stop the conversation cold -- even though it's not changing her mind.

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I get it....but that's kinda my point. Time is precious. I'm not wasting it on someone who, for all intents and purposes, has already made up their mind. If the point is moot why bother? I have little patience for people who try to shame me into their point of view. If it makes you feel better, go for it.

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It always makes me feel better to short circuit a pro-mask diatribe. Saves me tons of time in the long run. LOL.

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Personal attacks means she has conceded the argument.

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If you can smell perfume through the mask, it's not doing anything against that virus

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Exactly. The only reason I am wearing it is to put oils on it that free my breathing from asthma due to her perfume. When that little crappy person is not around, believe me, the mask isn't, either. It's so thin it's partially transparent.

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Sadly, there's not really anything that will work to prove anything to the true devotees. Even the Cochrane Report, which (when initially published) basically said "masks don't work", won't work ... mostly because the editors tacked on a big ol' disclaimer to it about it being inconclusive or some such. In a (paywalled) interview w/ one of the researchers who worked on the project, he said "masks don't work .. full stop" (or something very, very close to that). Unfortunately, that's not out there anywhere publicly to see, but I do remember the research team being a little frustrated that their whole project, released twice, had a disclaimer tacked on by a non-scientist.

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They take 20% of the oxygen from your brain...many cannot afford to lose any of their already weak minds!

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Buy a box of them and carry with you. Right on the package it says something to the effect of this mask will not provide protection from a virus. They are intended only for dust, pollen or similarly sized airborne particles. *I wouldn't waste my money but maybe ask a die hard friend to save the box for you lol

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They were actually EUA for Covid too.

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You could cite the Cochran report (Jan 2023)...which concludes that there is no evidence that masks are an effective measure for preventing transmission of viruses. If folks want to take a preventative measure for which there is not evidence of efficacy, fine. I may take a few of my own, but I’m just not into that one.

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Some in Oregon never stopped. Even today I see them at the outdoor growers market. They have been made to fear. Although I haven't been able to find it, there was a survey of perceived risk of death on infection of SARS-CoV-2 and Democrats thought there might be 50% risk of dying. Republicans might have been half that. My recollection could be off, but in any event we know except for older age and co-comorbidities there was 99% survivabilty.

The 24/7 fear campaign, scared a lot of people and I think scarred them as well. Maybe it scarred us too, to see the banality of evil of those who ask us to trust them.

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Think trying to keep mosquitoes out of your yard with a chain link fence. Not “proof” but great metaphor.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Not necessarily short and succinct but extremely well informed, look up industrial hygienist Stephen Petty and his videos on the subject. Also Rational Ground had several good articles by people like Megan Mansell.

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There is a video of guys spraying pepper spray in a enclosed area wearing different mask types.

Thing is, they don’t care about the truth.

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I think the NIH, which Fauci worships, has a study on their site that says they aren’t effective in containing viruses.

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Aside from the facts they leave red dents on your face and leak horribly on top and bottom sides. No, we have no dead folks with masks still on at the morgue.

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If you can smell a big fart, then you can catch a tiny virus.

More complex:

Would you walk into a room of asbestos particles floating around wearing that mask? Asbestos particles are 50x larger than viruses...

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What kind of mask is required for asbestos remediation?

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Thanks much, everyone.

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I do not think people will be so compliant next time!

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In the UK now...wear your masks again.

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That’s what I keep thinking about. It’s scary.

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“Still under Nazi control, the Reichstag passed a new law on March 21, 1933, that made it a crime to speak out against the new government or criticize its leaders. Known as the Malicious Practices Act, the law made even the smallest expression of dissent a crime. Those who were accused of “gossiping” or “making fun” of government officials could be arrested and sent to prison or a concentration camp.

Then, on March 24, 1933, the Reichstag passed what became known as the Enabling Act by a vote of 141 to 94. It ‘enabled’ the chancellor of Germany to punish anyone he considered an ‘enemy of the state.’ The act allowed ‘laws passed by the government’ to override the constitution. Only the 94 Social Democrats voted against the law. Most of the other deputies who opposed it were in hiding, in prison, or in exile.”


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Just weeks after Hitler was sworn in as chancellor, the German parliament building was set ablaze by arsonists. The VERY next day, by executive order, Hilter suspended the Constitution and all personal liberties until further notice and deputies who opposed it were imprisoned or driven into hiding and exile. The Nazis blamed the Communists for the arson but who benefited? I'll give you one guess as to who really set the fire.

Does all of that sound familiar? It should. The playbook never changes, only the rhetoric.

Understand, the Bolsheviks in power in DC will never willingly give up control of the apparatus of power they have taken. And there is nothing they will not do to retain power. This is not a civil contest and if they perceive they might lose, they will engage weapons that we can not even contemplate or imagine. This is war.

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This comes to mind: “Don’t want to be a 15-minute city? Okay.”

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Tritorch, your comment was on point, ‘based’ as the kids say. 💪🙏🏻

C&C as a whole, Jeff of course has made it possible, but the C&C army, the incredibly insightful, and wise commenters give me hope for the future on earth. Of course Jesus is the One that gives us hope on the grand scale and for eternity.

Still, as Jeff stated so eloquently, we are the grains of sand. Singularly small, but together, our numbers, our unified voices are massive. Thanks be to God!

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“Climate Change” is Covid all over again. It’s all about the money. They are trying to keep us under control once again. https://youtu.be/vVi01vJ4nxM

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Regarding the John Oliver clip in that excellent video: Michael Crichton on Scientific Consensus:

I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.

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A smart person by the moniker "Wyatt" posted this on Twitter:

They'll keep setting fires until you submit to their climate change agenda.

They'll keep instigating shootings until you submit to gun control.

They'll keep faking disease and pandemics until you submit to medical slavery.

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What a coincidence!! The FAA reduced medical requirements for pilots in January 2023

-- but it didn't have anything to do with mandatory shots... 😉


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And then the masses call it "bigotry or hate" when you tell them truths that make them afraid.

They label the advocating of pro-liberty policies "fascism" while supporting brown-shirts they call "anti-fascist."

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.....but Grandma is safe and sound - or not.

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Nah...she was killed in the nursing home after the covid death shot given to "protect" her.

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Yeah.... instead of 'or not', was tempted to write "sealed in her casket". Seemed inappropriate.

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While nobody was allowed to visit!

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Great post tritorch!!

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"Be Careful When You Follow The Masses... Sometimes the 'M' Is Silent." Couldn't be more true!

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"I work in back, I see no smiles"! (soup nazi episode Seinfeld)

"No cheer from me, I know dat game"! RS

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Tritorch 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌💥💥💥💥💥💥🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Thanks Tritorch! Most of your comment could be another verse to "Rich men north of Richmond "

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“Wish I could just wake up

And it not be true,

But it is, oh, it is.”

- Oliver Anthony

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"Livin' in a new world with an old soul." describes me to a tee. I've felt like this since I was a teenager. I don't feel like I fit in with 90% of the people I interact with. It's tough.

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Hang in Anthony. Many of us have felt like that and since the time of covid it's become more apparent. Personally, I have studied spiritual science which has helped me find answers to life's mysteries and comfort and direction. See if Rudolf Steiner resonates.

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You most likely have a heart of gold and a brain to match!

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Thank you. How sweet of you to say so. :)

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Amen bro.

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I watched almost like real time last week him go viral and knew he struck a chord but hadnt seen all those reaction vids, thanks. His story is what makes the song work. What a time to be alive!

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Apparently, I've been living under a rock for the past week. I saw hints of this song here and there, but hadn't heard it until I followed Jeff's link to the reaction compilation. I find it amazing the a simple resonator guitar and vocal melody can touch so many people. But, then, truth has a way with words.

Thanks, Jeff, for the inspiring finish after so many SADS reports.

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That’s what art is all about. Art can be dangerous to the establishment.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Next step will be SF telling the police to work from home…

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You win the internet today!

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Do you suppose the real estate developers have already prepared their bids....

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Precisely! Devalue then pillage. Doesn’t take much to purchase burned, devastated island front property. 🤬

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VVV - My first thought also when I ready about this!

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It's happening! Listen to this to the end...


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LoL... actually would not surprise me.

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I just saw something about how the entire police department of a small Minnesota town up and quit.

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Heck, they would be safer there!

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Spit take! Hilarious but they might as well.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff- please- when sharing pilot health, please include or even allude to the Oct24 2022 FAA ECG EKG parameter shift- an expanded allowable range for ECG EKG means readable heart arrhythmia are given a pass- a clean bill of health- go pilot 300 souls.

For decades that same clearly visible heart arrhythmia on the heart monitor would have resulted in the pilot being grounded and further heart centric tests performed.

Today, it's swept under the rug. Y'alls gonna be needing a bigger rug soon.

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The FAA lowered those standards since a large percentage of those vaxxed pilots would not have passed.

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Indeed. Throughout 2022, FAA saw unprecedented high failure rates for these annual physicals, leading to internal investigation. It's was heavily weighted heart arrhythmia, so, sweep it under the rug, widen the allowable range. The problem of excessive health screening failures now resolved!

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Proof again that tptb and their minions know It's the Vaxx!

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Curious if DOD has relaxed its standards. Huge amount of damaged pilots in the Armed Forces

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military readiness all around causes me to...take a deep breathe. Because choices have been made, things done that will not be undone, and at times, the best for me is to simply take a deep breathe, rest in His peace and promise, and figure/ do the Next Best Thing. Blessings to all with eyes to see and ears to hear.

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...military pilots fly Air Force One.

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Very true. And Marine pilots fly Marine One. I would imagine any military around the President are vaccinated.

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Reminds me of the line from Dirty Harry..."do you feel lucky, punk?"

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Cue the technological solution to this problem. Every pilot gets a pacemaker!

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Mostly 😳 bc it rings with truth...

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Not only the FAA but, in Canada, Transport Canada has the same power. Now, after many deaths and restrictions, medical tests for pilots and air traffic controllers have devolved to testimonials on the phone (seriously) and a relaxed time frame for medical checks...for pilots and air traffic controllers.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

holy cow - annual screenings for pilots and air traffic control is not a telemedicine appropriate visit! yikes

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Yep, my experience with one in family.

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Was recalling the very same thing months ago.

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I had forgotten this fact, so appreciate the reminder

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And those vax were mandated...wonder what will happen to the airlines as pilots get harder and harder to find.

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agreed.... crystal ball to me shows the ridiculous proposal of 'one pilot plus AI' becomes more attractive to a) those that crave money/power at any costs and b) those that believe manmade technology can replace/ replicate a human's mind and functions.

Enter a good long resetting deep breathe.

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Yes! Excellent point!

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Soon, we won’t be able to fly without masks and pokes anyway. Probably safer not to. The world has gone nuts.

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Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you,

And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you.

For the Lord is a God of justice;

How blessed are all those who long for Him.

— Isaiah 30:18 NASB1995

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“Welcome to 2023, where satirical websites like the Babylon Bee are forced to compete with real-life headlines that that one.”

If you think that headline’s tough to beat, get a load of this one from yesterday’s Gateway Pundit:

“Trans Muslim Woman Demands Ex-Lover Return Amputated Testicles from His Refrigerator” (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/trans-muslim-woman-demands-ex-lover-return-amputated/)

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Amputated Testicle....ouchy!...Now there's a good name for a death metal band.....or at least a metal band with a noticeable gimp. Gimp metal?

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MAA. I keep saying we are living in modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

We are no different now than when we were thousands of years ago. 😢

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At least it was limited to two towns then. Now it’s global and paraded in front of us 24/7 by the mainsleeze media.

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Ooh, how have I missed mainsleeze media?

Thanks Margaret Anna Alice! Another keeper.

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I just thought of it while writing that comment, but thank you for mentioning it because I realized I should add it to my running glossary of neologisms :-)

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Yes please do! Like Philanthropaths!

Can't wait for the glossary!

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And should I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take!

(my preference being a humor tumor, not mio-cardio heartbreak jabs.)

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I love that one too!!

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Yep, the "keeping up" people love fads!

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We sure ain’t got nothing on the Romans either. They were vile but we are giving them a run for their money!

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Yep, I said that 3 years ago before I even knew much about what was going on! 🤯

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Send it/tranny to a Muslim country. It won't ponder its amputated testicle during the fall from the building as the punishment for deviant behavior.

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Interestingly, Iran performs more trans surgery than anywhere else in the world.

Although the US is catching up...

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Iran...the #1 place to get your Vagina sewn closed by your father. Erebody knows Vaginas are the problem. Thanks Iran

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Because it’s not ok to be homosexual so gay and lesbians have to become the opposite sex to appear to be heterosexual.

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Provide a link please.

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I didn’t know this! Wow. How do they allow that in such a restrictive society?

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Muslims have a medical procedure for young girls, vaginal mutilation, Father's actually get to decide if they want this type of vaginal circumcision for their newborn daughters, it's covered by Medicaid. No joke, look it up.

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It is called a clitoridectomy which is the removal of the clitoris, also known as genital mutilation. It’s widely practiced in much of North Africa and the Middle East. As for transsexual surgery in Iran I read several years ago that the main driver of this is the theological decision of the highest Muslim clerics. Their reasoning is that, while homosexual acts between men are strictly forbidden and severely punished there is a “solution” to the dilemma which involves their belief that Allah sometimes places men in the wrong bodies and it is permissible to correct this mistake. The mullahs offer castration to the homosexuals as a way of avoiding a more severe punishment.

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Really? Wow. Where did you find that out?

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Look up female genital mutilation, which the old Left was against---Alice Walker wrote a novel about it, Possessing the Secret of Joy---which is part of what makes this trans surgery industry as touted by the Woke and monetized by the Pritzgers (who put Obama into power) so surreal. In Highland Park, a very poor black community near Detroit, the city itself bankrupt, now has the Ruth Ellis Center where they are doing trans surgeries on poor black kids.

In this area, where you have a huge Muslim and South Asian population, there have been lawsuits around female genital mutilation as it is a tradition in some cultures. The Woke, I think, have some garbled twisted rationale for not judging it on some culturally relativist basis or something. It is evil. A clitorodectomy.

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he's right. I've known about the removal of the clitoris in the Middle East for probably 50 years. They don't think women should get pleasure from sex, and this removes the temptation.

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Dang! I thought i ate the last 2 stuffed Olives! what the....

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Where's the emoji for coffee out the nose? 🤪🤪🤪

Not sure I'll ever look at an olive same again. 🤣

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I’m throwing my olives away. I don’t think I’ll be able to eat them now.

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"Her" testicles.

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I think somewhere I read this he-she-it planned to sue. Can you imagine this? Someone actually wasting the court's time on that? I would get kicked off the jury for calling both the tranny and the boyfriend complete morons.

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I was in a jury pool (for a male defendant) once where someone was released after she told the judge she is gay and doesn't like men. Worked for her - no jury time!!

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Huh....refrigerated. I always keep my nuts in the big freezer. Wow....Who knew right?

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Oh my word 😳😜 Now that is just beyond crazy!!

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Oh my, gotta go clean my keyboard. Come to think of it, that’s not a bad way to start the the day “in the new world.” Thanks for posting that…

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Yes!! Thank you, Jeff, for your encouraging write up of the Oliver Anthony effect. It is amazing how there remains a resilient remnant of people who, despite the on-going relentless assault on our minds and hearts, have maintained our bearings and recognize what is true, good and beautiful. May our numbers grow!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

“I still let Horsey and 2-N Benjaminn comment, so. (Just kidding, guys!)”

Thanks for the laugh. I have had a dreadful few days.

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I’m sorry, Dr. Linda. Prayers for you.

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Praying better days will be here for you very soon 🙏

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I loved that comment and Jeff’s fantastic sense of humor!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I am STILL laughing. Too much. Adored your poke at our 2 CIA Ukie trolls. Too much. Thanks for bringing that laughter into what has been a rough early morning. Started my day cleaning up dog poop in one place and an ocean of pee all over tiles and grout in another. Two 15 + year old ailing dogs require constant attention. And cleaning up crusted sticky crud from dozens of packets of liposomal glutathione packets after discovering 3 had exploded. All before dawn. then discovering I had not cleaned them up well enough after the sun rose. You made my day.

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I have 2 elderly dogs with pee pads too! They were my sister in law’s, the nurses bullied her into getting the vaccine even though she was in isolation for leukemia stem cell transplant. She lasted a month and a half. I’m glad we have her dogs but they are a lot of work.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

OMG. in isolation and still jabbed her. My frail cancer treated sister was given the shot. Didn’t make it to the second one. When, oh when, does payback begin. I guess we wait for the Lord in the long run.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Oh my gosh. I still cannot believe they pushed that jab on the ill and those with fragile immune systems. I know of a 7 yr old with crohns whose grandmother took him to get the jab as soon as it was approved..."because I had cancer and can't risk getting covid because I'll die...." but she recently had covid...and she didn't die... but at least her grandson is jabbed, so she won't die. A grandmother more concerned about herself, at 69, than her 7 yr old grandson....

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She’s not a “real” gma. Not in her heart and soul. That’s not how “real” gma’s behave or think. 😔

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

I said the same thing! I dare to contemplate her thoughts if something happens to him caused by the jabs he got at her insistence...for her health... #notmygrandma

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A friend of mine who is being treated for cancer caused by Agent Orange, was told by his cancer doctor to get the death shots.

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That is what they did! Sickening!! They excluded no one for any reason, something they'd never done before with vaxes...

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She literally pushed her grandchild in front of her as a shield for her old arse. Sickening. Smiled all over the place when the child was stabbed.

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They wouldn’t allow her to take ivermectin, or drink my organic smoothie, might interfere with her stem cell rejection medication. She was declared free of leukemia but only lasted 6 weeks after. Made plenty of money for Moffitt cancer center though.

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Yup. My sister didn’t get to ring any kind of bell at the C@ncer Treatment center.

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They like the bell ringing ritual. I’m sorry for your loss and for your sister.

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That’s so awful 😞 I’m so sorry.

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I’m so sorry for your loss 😞 Too many stories like these 😕

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I am sorry for your loss.

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😭 I’m so sorry for your loss. Makes me want to cry. So incredibly wrong 😞

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Thank you. (At least we are giving her beloved dogs a good life- my husband cooks for them. Small consolation.) I never heard back from Moffitt after I expressed my concern about the medical malpractice of pushing it on someone in isolation.sent statistics on the high rates of organ transplants rejection skyrocketing after the jab rollout. They let her go to aftercare and she couldn’t even stand up on her own. We had a crew of elderly friends helping her & it was a strain on my husband.

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Wow. Are you going to pursue what sounds like malpractice?

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No. That would be up to her sons. & I’m battling my own issues health wise, don’t have the energy or resources to persue it. She should have never been a candidate for the leukemia stem cell transplant because she had had stomach staples surgery years before. They sold her an impossible dream. But they’ll get more funding because she was declared a success.

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Wow. About your SIL (if I remembered that correctly).

I’m sorry you are having your own health battles. Much grace and blessings on you as you pursue healing.

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So sorry for your loss. I too am grieving the loss of my sister of Friday. Four months after leukemia diagnosis. Yes, jabbed twice.

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I gave up just replacing the carpet when my elderly dog is gone.

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I have health issues so we pulled out the carpet and haven’t been able to afford laminate yet so I go through a lot of pee pads. Tractor supply is a lot cheaper than Walmart.

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I’m so sorry for your loss 😢

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I am so very sorry. I used to admin a lymphoma support group after my husband was dx'ed with that. I stayed on after he died, always praying for God to give the others some of the years that we were denied. Along comes covid, and then the jabs. Lymphoma is essentially cancer of the immune system, right? Why would you introduce an apparent toxin into an impaired immune system? So I was imploring people to slow down and not get the jabs til there was some actual research done. A few, a very few, were of similar mind, but the rest...hoo boy, they couldn't get jabbed soon fast enough and of course, were pretty militant that EVERYBODY should submit, for THEIR *protection*. I kept pleading 'slow down'. I eventually left when so many, who had been in remission for many years, were hit with aggressive recurrences that killed them. So heartbreaking to watch that play out. I could belt their oncologists who insisted on it, too.

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Gotta admit the 2 CIA Ukie trolls are amusing.

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They cope harder than a horde of rain soaked sportsball fans.

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yep, those 15 year old dogs…worth every second spent cleaning and every smelly carpet i have tossed to the curb!

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I've finally (again) gotten my 15 year old pup's schedule down to a science. We'll see how many days this latest schedule lasts.

In the meantime, I now wakeup sniffing for poop at the slightest sound, & automatically at 1am.

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Check out this company for holistic products and good info for dog's health:


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There are also some great holistic pet groups on FB. I’ve learned so much!

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Many years ago I have a Bullmastiff (125#) who had something wrong that took a long time to diagnose. Unfortunately when the vets figured it out, it was bad news. Meanwhile he had diarrhea overnight for about 8 months. Every morning started off on a really unpleasant note. He was such a sweet dog, though, and it wasn’t his fault.

After that, no mess has ever really phased me and I’ve had several dogs and cats since then. Everything is smaller than Bullmastiff Diarrhea.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Buddy of mine was down in FL playing golf...half his body went numb. Glioblastoma...luckily, for now, he's cancer free after about 18 months, which is remarkable(Duke med/Mayo trips were expensive), but realizes it will probably come back. He got jabbed to travel and realizes how big of a mistake that was. He's since started some biomed company and trying to figure out how to treat/kill cancer cells. Has hired 5-6 scientists from all over the world with plans to add a few more.

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Check the substack on fenbendazole. Another horse medicine that was accidentally discovered to cure cancer when groups of glioblastoma research mice were treated for pinworms & the cancer group's tumors shrank & disappeared. It's now being tested on other types of cancer.

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2SG also referred to a quadri of Iver, Fenben, ascorbic acid and BAKING SODA (don't remember when posted)

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I think you probably know that ivermectin was a human medicine long before it was used on animals.

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Still is used for humans....

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Not true. It's 1st use was as a veterinary antiparasitic.

Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug.[5] After its discovery in 1975,[6] its first uses were in veterinary medicine to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis.


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They will never truthfully study it for cancer. Why shoot the golden goose?

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They'll study it, but keep it for themselves. Same as with covid & iver. Half or so of congress took iver, even while shoving remdesevir in our veins.

The studies & results are in the nih database. We just have to research ourselves cuz the journos never will.

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oh stop making stuff up, gov says that's fake news


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Research further the same NIH site has articles that say it works. Dive deep it is being buried but still there....

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Here's the money shot:

"The fenbendazole scandal was an incident wherein false information that fenbendazole, an anthelmintic used to treat various parasites in dogs, cured terminal lung cancer spread among patients. It started with the claim of American cancer patient, Joe Tippens, but rather became sensational in South Korea. It caused national confusion and led to fenbendazole being sold out at pharmacies across the country in South Korea. Contrary to what the people know, however, Joe Tippens was a participant in the Kitruda clinical trial at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, and his improvement was likely to be the effect of immuno-cancer drugs."

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True, but of all the trial participants Joe was the only one who survived. So the fenbendazole seemed to be the deciding factor in his case.

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"During routine animal studies, we serendipitously observed that fenbendazole, a benzimidazole antihelminthic used to treat pinworm infection, inhibited brain tumor engraftment."


"When their anti-GBM activity was examined, however, only three benzimidazole compounds, i.e. flubendazole, mebendazole and fenbendazole, potently and dose-dependently..."



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In this post above, I'm simply pointing out how the NIH people try to minimize Joe's fenben success. I'm not agreeing with their stance.

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No. The money shot is the NIH article I linked to below confirming what I posted above. That "it started" with a "serendipitous observation" in routine animal studies. And it continued with the additional NIH articles I posted of follow on studies of different cancers. There are additional links to other cancer studies at the fenben site I initially referenced above.

For me, "it started" with an msm article I read last summer in which one of the researchers involved described the events.

Surprised at you, FM, given the 3 years we just experienced of NIH lies which were also refuted in numerous their own articles. 🤷

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The room is reading me wrong. I guess my sarcasm didn't pass through.

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Phew! At first I assumed very dry sarcasm. Too out of character to not be. I posted article links so newbies not familiar would not be misled.

Then came "the money shot" post which (oh shit I just this instant got the double entendre!!! 🤣🤣🤣) left me wondering who kidnapped Florida Man!?!?

the money shot 🤣🤣🤣

(I need more sleep. I'm up half most nights waiting for my 15 year old dog to poop in his sleep!)

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My FIL was diagnosed with glio last April and died within 6 weeks after having undergone what was described as a "successful total resection." My belief is that the tumor quickly grew back. He had received 3 Covid shots and after the third one developed multiple, aggressive skin cancers and then glio. Very tough way to die. It was terrible to watch his rapid deterioration.

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My friends wife had been living with a glio for about 8 years. She was in a clinical trial - wore a cap with electrodes in it. I’m sure she was jabbed. Got a new tumor and died a few months later 😢

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Same with a close co-worker. No cancer history in his family whatsoever, he was the first and a believer of the bioweapon. Glio of the brain, all cap stuff and other treatment. Made it 17 months.

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R Kivenas - it's heartbreaking.

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Sad to hear.

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Same with a neighbor. Electrode cap and all. And fully vaxxed.

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Annie - are you in Ohio? So weird you also know someone that was in that clinical trial.

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No se Pennsylvania. And her brother was a top oncologist

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Sorry for your family's loss. The difficult and depressing end days of loved ones stick around in the mind for a while.

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Thank you, Angela. The quick demise was very difficult to process even though he was elderly. Still, prior to the glio, he was a pretty "with it" and vigorous man. His death was anything but peaceful or dignified.

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I’m so sorry. So many lives cut short, and in a very horrible way too 😞

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So very sorry to hear about that

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Keto diet, IV vita C, hyperbaric O2, and a myriad of immune boosting supplements. The protocols are known but not practices or encouraged and "not approved" or studied enough because those aren't going to get pharma $$$$$$$$$....

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IIRC, these were all successful treatments for COVID, and in some cases curative.

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Intravenous vitamin c worked on covid in a hospital somewhere in the midwest early on. The doctors and nurses, much to their frustration, were told to cease and desist.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Dr. Paul Marik. He lost his medical license for his successful IV vit C therapy.

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No sugar of any kind! Cancer loves sugar!

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Yup started keto three weeks ago. Thanks.

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And good luck trying to receive these treatments unless you are well connected and wealthy.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Totally. When someone gets a cancer diagnosis, start searching for 'treating cancer as a parasite with ivermectin and fenbendazole'. 'Joe Tippens protocol'.

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He's well aware of all of that. Was even on Fenben, but cancer still grew.

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The comment is for others to take value. Hope your friend recovers.

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Melatonin Therapy for cancer

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He should look into Ty and Charlene Bolinger’s The Truth About Cancer

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Had to look them up. LOL first hit. Big Pharma only, please.


Ty Bollinger (born 1968) is an American misinformation marketer and conspiracy theorist who promotes alternative medicine treatments for cancer and vaccine-preventable diseases. Bollinger has no medical training and has a history of disseminating misinformation about cancer treatments, anti-vaccine conspiracies, promoting ineffective or unproven cures, and other conspiracy theories on social media platforms. With his wife Charlene, he runs the website The Truth About Cancer and its associated social media accounts, where they sell books, videos, and nutritional supplements based on these ideas.-

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Note that the same could be said of Sir Bill Gates.

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That reads like a wikipedia hit, sort of like I would imagine they would say about RFK Jr. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of reading it.

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Well seeing as nowadays most of those WITH “medical training” don’t seem to know anything except pushing medications on everyone, I wouldn’t say that is necessarily a disqualifier 😑

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I sent the link to their website to a friend. I just learned her 24 year old daughter has thyroid cancer. I feel sure she was jabbed.

I prefaced it with - please do not google their names (Ty and Charlene).

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

You read and you research and you act as you deem right. I did do some further research on some of his suggestions and was disappointed that some information wasn't correct. We nearly bought into the CBD/THC and could have lost our right to own firearms!!!

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Bought. Yes. Thank you.

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Well my hubs got glio without the shots. Never got the shots. About 20 months and still going. Cancer inactive at the moment

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Prayers for your husband's complete healing 🙏

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Praying for his health and strength 🙏

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That's awful. At least he realizes it and hopefully whatever time is left to him, he lives joyfully with his family and loved ones. 🙏❤️

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There is some interesting data and real life stories about fenbendazole for cancer on the substack "Fenbendazole can cure cancer" There are references provided but the stories are the best. Also just read a great article on "Study Finds" an article titles "many cancer drugs may end up doing absolutely nothing for patients, study reveals" It is a sweedish study and highly critical of the new rules for our highly captured FDA regarding drug approvals.

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Check out this substack for amazing results from yet another animal wormer:


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High dose Melatonin Therapy

A game changer!!!

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High dose melatonin saved my life. I was extremely sick with gadolinium toxicity and it was a game changer for me.

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Is he looking into Fenbendazole and ivermectin? See this substack for more indepth info: (this particular stack only covers Ivermectin - search for posts covering cancer vs. Fenben/IVM. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/can-you-overdose-on-ivermectin-dr?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=400535&post_id=136172372&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Also check out Rife (invented by Ray Rife in the 1930s) machines... fascinating stuff. There's a cancer treatment center down in Tijuana that uses a combination of all of these cutting edge wholistic technologies to combat cancer that Big-Pharma-Owned docs say is incurable. It's where I'd go if faced with a cancer diagnosis...

EDITED to add: https://www.immunitytherapycenter.com/

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Link fixed!

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Thoughtful, that web address does not work.

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Fixed the typo! Thanks for the heads up.

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Kill the parasites

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There is actually a different kind of treatment that I saw on 60 minutes or 48 hours - one of those magazine shows. When nothing else has worked, they take a virus, like rabies, HIV, or even the common cold and inject it into the glioblastoma tumor. It is a bit like a hellish chemotherapy, but some people are saved by it. The virus destroys the tumor from the inside out. it does not seem to cause a systemic infection. Weird, I know.

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That is actually similar to a very old remedy and there was a lady in Australia or NZ who had to close up shop and move back to the US due to covid BS who was doing that type of therapy. It causes a high fever which is the goal. The treatment is called Coley's Toxins. The sub is The Mariachi Years

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Do you think we could come up with a term other than “right wing” to describe the vast majority of Americans who hold good old-fashioned republican values. I’m tired of being described with a word that’s considered a pejorative!!

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If you really want to laugh/cry at that epithet being used all over propaganda internet, look up Gateway Pundit on Google:

From Wikipedia:

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[34]

I think that all msm and friends like Google, Facebooketc. should be referred to from now on as FAR LEFT PROPAGANDA FAKE NEWS.

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Freaking Wikipedia is like the Guardian in that way, and they, like the Guardian, use the Betty Crocker marketing technique, in which it was learned that people who participate in a product become loyal to the brand, so Wikipedia and the Guardian are always asking for you to donate as it is "yours" or "reader funded" Right.

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CIA runs Wikipedia.

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...and all other forms of media.

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Oh wow. That's rich coming from wikipedia, the epitome of fake news and information.

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Yes, lol. Just like Snopes 'fact checkers'!

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I’m from the left and I don’t think of this stuff as left at all. It’s just bat sh** crazy.

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Common sense, love of God, country, and family, and the desire of freedom from tyranny is now ‘right wing’.

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I'm old enough to remember when that description meant "American"! ✔

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Still does.

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Questioning big pharma, the medical/industrial complex, the military/industrial complex, and big banks was “far left” in 90s and now its “far right”. I was so stunned when a friend of mine was telling me wanting freedom was fascist. All I could think of was Bob Marley singing “Freedom Songs” and wonder how did Bob Marley suddenly turn into a fascist.

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Right-wing as opposed to wrong-wing. Repeat as needed. Helped me.

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Individualism vs Collectivism

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Collectivism yes. Now it’s the Tower of Babel on steroids.

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I'm also interested in a better word than 'anti-vaxxer'.

Pro-science? Anti-pro-vax?

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Well I admit that sometimes I just announce that “I’m a proud antivaxxer” just to see the look on their faces.

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You sound like one of those election-denier types.

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I believe it is pro-God. He has given us everything we need. As a whole, many are lazy and want the easy way. We eat process food instead of growing what is good for us. We take medicine instead of food to heal or ailments. We don’t spend enough time with God instead of worrying. It is said 365 times in the Bible to Not Be Afraid and yet, most people are.

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Sane! Yes, antiestablishment is more specific.

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One is needed because it was a misnomer from the start.

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Substituting another word/phrase for "right wing" will likely result in the substituted phrase becoming a pejorative in short order.

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How about Patriot or American.... we love this country!

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I follow someone from Ireland who says they call people who don’t go along with the program far right even though there isn’t even a far right there. He thinks it’s equivalent to people being called commoners.

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Yes! You are soooo right!

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Frederick Douglass Conservatives

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Sometimes you have to maim a few people to get what you want" - Anthony Fauci

Fly the Deadly Skies

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As Dr. McCullough said - the vaxx is the cause of the cancer, illness, myocarditis and deaths until proven otherwise. Let the msm medical due the appropriate autopsy and diagnosis to establish the cause of death. Be honest in the affected person's vaxx status. But they won't. Gaslighting and misdirection is the norm. You know if these people were unvaxxed it would be the 1st thing mentioned.

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No mistakes were made. Equal opportunity killers. Soulless, heartless, black-eyed murderous bastards. They don't give a crap............... God, I could work for Hallmark!

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Yes, even compared to "background rates" of various medical conditions, the new post-jab rates are out of control.

But I want to draw people's attention to the fact that even pre-jab rates were not reflective of normal; pharmaceutical products and other toxins in our food and in the environment were to blame for so many of the chronic health conditions Americans were facing.

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We are discovering that all vaccines are not what we thought. Safe and effective is a lie. But since the clot shot rolled out, vaers reports and those happening now that aren't reported are off the charts.

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If there was a cure for vax-related injuries and deaths, we’d hear about it. And the cure would be expensive. I think this mRNA approach may be a permanent injury to the body, especially for those having taken multiple doses of this poison...

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Actually, there are some things that are helpful that you won’t hear about unless you look in the right places. FLCCC and other doctors have protocols that definitely help some people. They say they have never had so many patients, throwing their arms around their necks and sobbing and crying and thanking them. Everybody’s different, but they are learning it all the time Dr. McCullough even has a supplement formula that has several natural products that are found to degrade spike.

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Yes. I have a link in another comment today where the doctors researched and found that the spike proteins continue even with the treatments to remove it.

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RFK Jr mentioned CRISPER technology (again in the Tucker Carlson interview) for human gene modification. Trying to improve on God’s creation. He will not allow it.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

i like the cut of this bloke’s jib, thats why i read jeff everyday

Ray in the UK :)

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Slooping away.

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Kind of strange that Oprah and Jeff Bezos' properties in Maui were not touched by fire.

"it's a miracle"

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Sad that they are not helping the community that they have houses in!

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It's because they don't care about the community.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The compilation video at the end is EPIC. Only those having a cranial rectal impaction miss the memo that we are on the way down in almost every way. Thanks, Jeff, for your reporting, your diligent optimism, and for your hard work keeping C and C going for these 2+? 3? years. Not that there isn't a ton of material! And, I think you are completely correct. The pandemic blew the doors off the gangrene of our govt, politics, societal ills, and the corrupting of the minds of so many. Keep praying for the blinders to come off. That video at the end shows that young, old, black, asian, white, male and female--all kinds of ppl are WAKING UP. I pray it isn't too late. But, the end has been foretold: we are under God's judgment and He wins in the end. In the meantime, keep fighting for truth!!!

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I love the song too, but I cringe a little bit about the part about obese people and food stamps. Not because of fat shaming, but because if you have very little money, which applies to most people on food stamps, sometimes you feed your family on things like bread and pasta because they are filling and cheap. I have a friend who survives on disability, which is totally eaten up by his rent, and then food stamps, and a food bank. Early on the food bank had some healthy food like produce. But there are so many millions of families are using them at this point in time, the stuff that they gave him turned into bread, bagels, and pasta. Just saying, some people are doing the best that they can.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with the lyric which says, explicitly: if you are obese you shouldn't be taking my tax dollars to pay for your <fudge rounds>. That responsibility lies with the consumer. (Make better choices, even if it's moving to bagels from fudge rounds.)

It also implicitly acknowledges that the Rich Men North of Richmond are the authors of the tax code that incentivizes this government-controlled self-destruction.

Tax-paying Americans are largely fine with supporting the hungry in our population, but we'd prefer to do it through our faith or charitable communities (which somehow manage to include protein/nutrient-rich options on the menu), not the government.

Final thought: my children and I have volunteered at many food clinics and all the organizers says the same thing - the people that show up throw out (or don't take) the leafy greens and other healthy foods. They want the carbs and junk food (which in turn leads the organizations to buy more of that stuff and dispense with balanced offerings). I say those shouldn't even be offered.

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That bothered me too. All sorts of toxins are in foods, like high fructose corn syrup, and prenatal exposures can cause all sorts of lifelong problems. It is a kind of trope from the Reagan era, welfare queen talk. But now instead of teaching people how to eat and exercise to minimize the medical problems caused by poverty, they "celebrate" obesity and have university departments devoted to "fat studies". I was following what was going on with wokeness in the universities with an open mind, but what goes along with the WEF Kendi and D'Angelo anti-racist curriculum is the idea that hard work is white, nutritionism is white, exercise is white. That's genocidal. My hypothesis is that everything that gets "celebrated" is targeted for culling---feminism (destroy women's fertility) etc.

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I have to agree. The reference is harsh but necessary, because health degradation leading to obesity is by design. And if one is old enough to remember, back in the fifties and sixties ... and into the seventies or maybe longer, almost nobody was fat piggy obese and sloppy looking. It was a joy that it was so.

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So true; was in a restaurant w/ friends. One said, “look at that photo (framed hanging beside us). Notice anything unusual?”

At first I noticed everyone was dressed decently- women in dresses/skirts, men in slacks & collared shirts, etc. Just average daily attire in the early 1950’s.

NOT ONE OVERWEIGHT person in the crowd gathered.

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There is a delightful meme (apologies for not having a link handy) about the rise in sea level accompanied by pics from the beach from the 70's where everyone is thin, and from today with a bunch of obese people.

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And me too. I cannot remember but one or two out of hundreds overweight ... and none grossly obese. And thanks ... because it is nice to know that other people notice the same things.

How I long for that old world where no matter where you travelled, things were mostly polite and civilized ... AND CLEAN !!!

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Carbs are addictive. Trying to teach people to eat a healthy diet is hard, especially since the Standard American Diet pulls them right back down into the pit. And who is responsible for the SAD? Government/Big Agra partnership.

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I used to volunteer at a vegetarian food pantry.... long story. At any rate, we couldn't GIVE healthy food away. They wanted junk and crap and non-food like Crisco. That's one reason I've gone dumpster diving instead of going to a food bank, because generally I can find healthier food there than at a pantry.

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I can only speak for our local food pantry. And a couple of years ago they did have produce, but then it turned into nothing but products made with white flour, and sometimes some over ripe bananas. Dumpster diving is clever. It’s too bad anyone has to do that. The US needs to spend less money on it’s war machine for sure.

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My daughter help to start a community garden that was located in a very poor section of town. What I found to be amazing and thankful was they talked to the church nearby where they watched kids after school. My daughter and the other kids in her master’s class started teaching the kids how to garden. Once the food started growing, the kids were about to take it home. It has grow quite a bit and the community as a whole helps to keep it up and encourages kid’s camps to participate. One of my favorite saying is “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”.

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I agree. But, we can't have everything. As a heavy person, I can look back and see bad choices, but also the time and family I grew up in. So, obviously, nothing is perfect.

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Stand around at a grocery store where people are using EBT cards. They aren’t fat cause pasta Kathy. And they also don’t do shit but smoke weed all day. Maybe if we forced them to get a job they’d extend their life expectancy and raise their children to be contributors to society and not just leeches.

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They over-reached, the Dumb-o-cRats.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

100% right on Jeff, IMHO that is! Just heard Oliver's song this morning. WOW. Also watched that artist's reactions. Music unites people 🤗

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AJ, I've spent way too much time over the past few days getting sucked into the world of reaction videos, and the response to this song is amazing. It has clearly struck a chord with people of all races and ideologies and from countries across the world. I don't think we can adequately describe what is happening here, but I am so thankful to be present for it.

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I've been saying for many years if people across the world just realized what most of us have in common, putting food on the table, maintaining healthy relationships, providing for ourselves and our families, maybe we would stop fighting each other. But the elites work diligently to keep us DIVIDED. There are many methods and we are all aware of them. That is why I say music, a song that rings true, is truly a unifying thing.

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Divided, we are conquered. Keep singing!

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I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. I was up till 3am watching reaction vids last night. Gave me nice warm fuzzy feelings.

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I’ve been on vacation and turned off phone and news, so I just found Oliver’s song on YouTube yesterday. It brought me to tears, but what was most surprising was the comments section. It was filled with love from Australia, Brazil, Spain, UK, Germany, Philippines ... I couldn’t believe it and it was so heart-warming.

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Thanks! Good to hear of this!

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