Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

The toppled Christmas tree is God’s illustration of the Biden administration. He always did like parables.

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First thing I thought too. God is saying something. Much like the George Floyd mural that lightning just happened to hit and destroy. In the end God will have the final say. That helps me sleep at night.

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Don’t forget the earthquake that cracked the steeple on the National Cathedral.

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Or the lightening that struck the top of the Vatican after Benedict's forced resignation. That he lived another 10 years speaks volumes. https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/feb/12/lightning-vatican-peter-basilica-video

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Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

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God will not be mocked, that’s for sure.

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Thought the same thing. I almost literally saw God's hand in the big topple.

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White House Christmas Tree--Build Back Better in action.

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You bet me to it!

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Or, great minds think alike.

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Resident Biden falls over on a regular basis so this was apropos πŸ˜‚

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He needs to have a meeting in hell with Kissinger!

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Why do these horrid beings live so long!

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Maybe it is actually God's grace, knowing this is as good as it will be for them. Life is a vapor. Then the judgment. I will admit to agreeing that I'd like to see more goodness and justice in the land of the living, too.

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In one of his more sardonic moods, Martin Luther said married Christians must not get divorced, but it should be allowed for the unsaved because they’ll be suffering for an eternity and shouldn’t have to start early.

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Oh, yeah, infusions of fetus blood, their fountain of youth. Hillary should be good for 250 years.

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In addition to sex w/ children

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Our nation is every bit as evil as Judah in the days of Josiah, the reformer king. He cleaned up things up, there was revival for a time. But after his death, the people reverted to evil and were shortly thereafter brutally conquered by the Babylonians.

The Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Kahn is an excellent read for the days we’re living in.

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Bill would want a rope and a stool!

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Two things Hillary forbids having in the castle. He shall not have an easy out!

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No no no! 😩

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My opinion is that God gives them more time to repent. Doesn't seem to be working. Some will remain lost.

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And as someone said, maybe it’s God grace to them as this is all the life they’re going to get. But some Scripture seems to indicate that a long life is for the righteous.

In any case, it’s God’s business, not mine.

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I have a t that says: I run better than the government!

This one: t.co/lZyxoFnaLk

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I'm really glad your short posts have similar wording referring to your t-shirts, so your continual changing of your name (or opening new Substack accounts) never tricks me into opening your link.

Spam spam spam

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"I'm having Spam, Spam, Spam, baked beans, Spam, Spam, and Spam!"

"Spam! Spam! Spam! Wonderful Spam!"

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resident ! what a good idea Cindi!

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πŸ˜‚πŸ«ΆπŸ» Ingrid! I can’t take credit tho; I’ve seen that elsewhere

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Namely Jeff in C&C

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Kind of like in 1 Samuel 5 where He knocks over the Dagon statue. These giant xmas trees are just idols.

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No one worships the tree. the Jewish Holiday Tu bShavat also celebrates the fruit bearing trees and spring blossoms which is brought into the home as a decoration in Israel as well as around the world. The celebration in Christianity with a tree was a Victorian decoration. So just calm down and know: it’s just a decoration. This holiday is a Christian take on the Festival of Lights called Chanukah. The reason behind both holidays are very different though. But the simple connection is hope and charity to bring light of G-d Hashem to the world. Jesus was a Jew after all and if he lived at all he was symbolically teaching the non Jews at the time the messiah concept. Hence we are all waiting for a savior now. Indeed whether it’s the first or the second coming is anyone’s guess ❀️

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And, if memory serves, the Christmas tree itself is a German tradition (Tannenbaum).

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Queen Vitoria was of German heritage.

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it actually has to do with the pagan Yule celebration. Which has to do with the winter solstice and the shortening days .

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It has to do with the diminishing of light because of the shorten days. That idea is a reflection of a natural occurrence and thus the symbol of lighting a candle to bring light into world on Chanukah and increasing the lighting of candles as the light gets more and more bright is actually to signify that the days are getting longer and that God will always shed supernal light onto our lives as long as we try to be a decent person, and recognize that the Creator of everything the ONE God of all is always with us and even in darkness He is there for us. Hope should be prominent and this all ties into the Christmas story and the birth of the messiah which Christian’s call Jesus a jewish belief that world knows about and is looking forward to their version of the same thing. Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas to everyone ITS ALL GOOD FOLKS....

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β€œ...if he lived at all...” Really? Of course, early historians recorded his existence and importance. Of course, the Bible’s New Testaments are just that: proof and history of His existence and teachings. I’m surprised to read the words of a doubter in here, especially a defender of a Christmas tree.

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Yes of course, but only in faith and believing the unseen is what allows you to know who He is. Jesus importance is the fact that He brought light and hope into a very dark world and now is the time to honor that idea. Do you go to church and pray and are charitable and caring even to others you might not care about? Understanding that as a saved soul one must continue to live a life dedicated to the idea of kindness and justice and belief in a better world. It requires one to step outside his comfort zone and help others in any way that one can...and to extend that ideal to the world one encounters as an ongoing activity.

I wish you and your family a VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY CHRISTMAS

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That is very sweet and kind of you, Cat. Thank you. I did not intend any unkindness when I reacted with shock to those words that doubted that Jesus lived. I believe in every line I pray almost daily in The Apostles Creed. Familiar?

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It was written during the first ecumenical conference around the year 1000. It was a declaration of the universal church beliefs. Something like oath one uses when reciting the pledge of allegiance in the U.S.

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It's not my understanding that this is a Christians-only Substack. No mention of that is made in the subscription process.

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Same here. I don’t believe any POVs are restricted, which is good.

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None of this is true. There are no contemporaneous historical accounts of Jesus.

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Is this close enough?

β€œBesides the gospels and the letters of Paul, works that are considered sources for the historicity of Jesus include Antiquities of the Jews by Jewish historian Josephus (dated circa 93–94 CE) and Annals by Roman historian Tacitus (circa 116 CE). Virtually all scholars agree that a Jewish man named Jesus of Nazareth did exist in Palestine in the 1st century CE.”

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None of the gospels were written contemporaneously in Jesus's time.

None of gospels agree with one another on basic details of resurrection.

Many scholars do not believe in the historicity of Jesus.

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Well it seems that the concept was part of the timeframe after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, there were Jews that lost their world when they lost their place of worship. So there is the story that Jesus came into Jerusalem and spoke harshly to the people selling and exchanging money in the temple during the Passover holiday and this story speaks to the action of pointing out that the desecration of the temple was a sin and they should honor their own laws. But of course we all know that Jewish temple was destroyed by Romans. The people that wrote about the story of Jesus is somewhat clouded as far as time because most of New Testament was written by Paul an avid follower of the Jesus story but he never met Jesus.

However the Christian religion became the Holy Roman Empire, centuries after Jesus died and mostly because the Roman Empire died out and A Roman emperor from 306-337, Constantine had a dream about a battle he was having at the time and made a deal with God that if he was victorious he would become Christian. He won the battle and did convert to Christianity (312 CE). Hence the Christian religion became recognized worldwide beginning at that time.

However Christianity was given to non Jews by God and it basically was to uplift the level of understanding of one God, expressed in a trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as having three expressions of One God. It believes in the concept of a Messiah in an after life, in the Bible Old Testament (Torah) and New Testament about the story of Jesus and the end of times in the Book of Revelation, in going to worship in a church, have religious rites called the seven sacraments, and corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Like any man made religion it becomes corrupt in time and unless carefully guided it disintegrates. Hence the Vatican became corrupt and captured by the NWO. But not to fear because there will always be religion and ways to worship God. The good Christians, Jews and Moslems the world over are much greater in number than the dark side within the religions. The Christian faith has some of the most charitable and wonderful people on earth. Goodness will prevail. The Messiah will return as promised. Merry and Happy holidays for all good people on earth.

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You cant say it really isn’t true because it has been around for two thousand years and therefore it is real. It has given comfort to millions for generations. All religions have a dark side and no one can say that it doesn’t exist too. But remember that the goodness that exists in all religions must be practiced and increase the goodness and light instead of the darkness of evil. It’s up to free will and we all have the ability to stand up for the good in this world especially in the time of extreme darkness. We must stick to the God that represents connections and not separations.

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The bible has not existed for two thousand years in the form most people are reading now.

It has been translated, edited, retranslated, reedited, things were taken out, bits were added.

Parts are based on historical events, parts are fables, and parts are allegorical.

None of it makes a case for a historical Jesus.

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Josephus. Let's start there.

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Josephus was born after the supposed crucifixion,

and his brief mentions of Jesus came decades later.

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Nothing changes. Jeremiah 10

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But hope faith and charity is what gives light to our world. It changes the world into a better place.

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And I thought tree worship was a Druid thing.

By the way, the winter solstice which happens near Christmas was a pagan religious rite. Chanukah celebrates a miracle that occurred in the Jerusalem temple.

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That Druid system is where we get β€œknock on wood β€œ. for good luck. But I don’t think Christmas decorations were the thing at that time...(wink wink) and forget about the electrical lights

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‭Jeremiah‬ ‭10:2‭-‬5‬ ‭AMPC‬

[2] Thus says the Lord: Learn not the way of the [heathen] nations and be not dismayed at the signs of the heavens, though they are dismayed at them, [3] For the customs and ordinances of the peoples are false, empty, and futile; it is but a tree which one cuts out of the forest [to make for himself a god], the work of the hands of the craftsman with the ax or other tool. [4] They deck [the idol] with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers so it will not fall apart or move around. [5] [Their idols] are like pillars of turned work [as upright and stationary and immobile as a palm tree], like scarecrows in a cucumber field; they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it possible for them to do good [and it is not in them].

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Exactly! It represents the bloated, too expansive to stand government. Anything that gets too large eventually implodes.

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Sort of like how the Vatican was struck by lightning twice hours after the (coerced) shocking resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, that opened the gates to the rule of pervert Bergoglio, who claims to be Pope Francis.

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To say nothing of the tree having nothing to do with Christmas.

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Just can't make this stuff up.

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Jeff's sayings are making the rounds. I notice several substackers are using this sentence, and last week I saw one write 'so'

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That’s generally how I write, so....

Has nothing to do with Jeff.

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The β€œSo.” as a standalone sentence to punctuate or emphasize something is pretty unique to Jeff though. I have seen lots of people use β€œso” but not quite in that way.

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I like, "So. There's that anyway." It's a sarcastic way of writing. "But I digress." is another. I think it's one of the reasons I enjoy this blog so much: Jeff speaks my language.

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I'd bet Jeff is hilarious in person. And old friend used to begin change-the-topic or off-the-wall comments with β€œSo....” Kind of an opening flourish. I like it. Jeff’s seem more like a conclusion pending further evidence, like you say, β€œSo. There’s THAT.” Nifty style. So, that’s enough of my over-analyzing for one day.

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Every time I say "so" I think of Jeff. Every time I say "anyway" I think of the resident in chief, who often says that when he mind lets him down and he can't finish his thought.

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My kids toss off a "That's no joke" and a "You know the thing" now and then. Then they smirk. I'd use "malarky" more often, but it makes me sound like an Irish gangster from the '30s.

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Good one.

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It’s so perfect!!!

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God’s hand was definitely evident in the lightning strike that toppled the Georgia Guide Stones!

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Nailed it!!

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β€œEnter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

β€” Jesus, Matthew 7:13-14 LSB

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

"β€œIf you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus

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I am the way, the truth, and the life: via, veritas, vita sum.

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Sadly, β€œChristian” churches throughout this country are also into doing the β€œfeel good” rather than teaching God’s Word. I find it a rare site to see a church not flying a rainbow flag; the rainbow, a symbol God gave to mankind he would never again wipe out humanity with a flood. In the next coming judgment the elements will burn with fervent heat. We now have the ability to self-inflict God’s prophetic judgment. 2 Peter 3:9-12

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My mom’s Methodist church voted to split & stay traditional. Not many but a few. & they went full mask and booster cult at the church before the split.

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The "Methodist" part of the Body in our area also split from those teaching non-Biblical untruth's. They are believers in the Word and like all true believers, Spirit led.

β€œNot everyone who says to me, β€˜Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, β€˜Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, β€˜I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ Jesus-Matthew 7:21-23

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I understand welcoming all to a church, but what is with the flags? I am in idaho and their are churches here doing this too. My friend just dropped out some of her daughters bake sale because the church that was sponsoring it insisted on putting out all this pride stuff.

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It is great to belong to a church body that is teaching God's word AND PREPARING us for what's coming next!

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Only one way out of this mess and it's easy but most don't even care. 2 Chronicles 7:14

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For those not near their Bibles:

2 Chronicles 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


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Always pray for the evil to turn to God and change their ways.πŸ™πŸ™

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This scripture is directed to BELIEVERS - His people- those called by His name.

So... it’s β€œon us”

WE must humble ourselves- pray - seek His face - turn from our wicked ways.

THEN He will do what He says He will.

Hopefully THEN the non-believers will recognize the difference & come to Him in repentance & belief.

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Yep, God's waiting on us to do that first part. πŸ™

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And Matthew answers the riddle of being broad-minded. I love you Janice.

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A mind that is too open invites demons and deception.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Just so we’re keeping score: The Biden DOJ is suing SpaceX for not hiring refugees, the DOJ and SEC are investigating Tesla, the EEOC is suing Tesla, the FTC told Musk to hand over internal Twitter communications, and the SEC is investigating Musk’s purchase of Twitter. These are not coincidences.

The left remains obsessed with the fact that Twitter (X) is no longer in their control. Here's why:


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All I can say is I bet Elon has a lot more respect for Trump now understanding all he has gone thru. I’m also glad that the focus is Elon , maybe Trump will

catch a breather.

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We must stand with both Musk and Trump!

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Because if they can do this to Trump and Musk, what can’t they do to us little people?

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Just ask the J6 political prisoners

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Musk is not our friend. Partnered with Curevac. Monies and collaboration with DARPA. Brain chips. Wake up folks. Smoke and mirrors...

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It’s possible to not like Musk, to not trust him, to know he has his hands in stuff that is not good, and to even know his Tesla is part of the climate change garbage that has made him a crap ton of money while not actually doing anything for the environment since the whole thing is a giant money making scam….and yet still be delighted at the meltdown of the left because he won’t be blackmailed by them and he doesn’t obey their orders.

All of that can still be true, while not knowing the whole truth of who he is or what his motives actually are.

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Y'know, same with Trump for me. He irritates me as much as he delights me but you can't beat Trump and Elon for poking leftist sacred cows in the eye.

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Haha well said. They are both stinky yet effective against extremely crazy people. Guess you have to be crazy to fight crazy on this modern culture war.

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Imagine what they could do if they had a little humility

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If you don't have some level of ego you will get destroyed in politics. Not saying it's a good or bad thing but it is the nature of the beast. I know a couple of folks who ran for office and ended up dropping out due to the ugliness. Very nice, humble people but somewhere on the continuum a level of ego is good armor.

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And sometimes quite deserved.

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They would immediately be eaten alive as it would appear a sign of weakness. Besides, neither one of them are bragging. They have achieved far more than the rest of us can ever dream of doing. They’re just sharing what the media will never tell us.

Try and imagine what you would do in their shoes.

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Well, Elon alludes to this in the full length interview, paraphrasing, but talks about those who get caught up in the 'ring of power'. There is a fuzzy line between ego and megalomania. Suppose it's somewhat a function of personality. My daughter was a 'give her an inch and she takes a mile' from the get-go, while my son was generally a more compliant kid. Constant power struggle with her even to this day.

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I thought of Trump also while reading about the current Musk "persecution." It seems the more that the powers that be go after Trump that the more people clamor for him. I'm wondering if the public skewering that Musk is receiving will have the some of the same effect on his popularity as it has with President Trump. . .

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@Truth 101 - 100% - yer another psy-op.

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EM didn’t pay $44m for Twitter. He paid $44m for free speech. Whatever else he does pales in comparison.

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Well, he also mentioned in the long form interview when the conversation turned to AI - he said 'data is worth more than gold' (~43 minute mark - https://rumble.com/v3ypixv-full-interview-elon-musk-tells-advertisers-to-go-fuck-themselves-cnbc.html ) Did he buy Twitter, or did he buy a gold mine to train his AI?

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Interesting take.

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Mine was, glad I am not on Twitter. I just log on to my hubby's account to watch/read. :-)

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Twitter is still censored! Many do not have their accounts back. He is censoring for the fascist Nuttyahoo. Trump is censored, etc.

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Musk and Trump are not perfect, none of us are. That said, I’m working on not sacrificing GOOD because it’s not GREAT. Trump and Elon do GOOD

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Musk wants to turn us into transhumans. I'm sorry, but that cancels out anything "good" he may be doing. We need to realize this is all part of a big narrative to manipulate us. I highly encourage you to watch this short talk on transhumanism. One of the best I have seen:


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Everything related to clean energy is a scam. Lithium batteries create much more damage to the environment than drilling for oil. Fracking isn't good either, but lithium mining is horrific. I've read about the minors working to mine lithium in unsafe environments. Windmills would have to spin consistently for 4 years to turn a profit. The blades will start breaking in 4 to 7 years. The amount and different types of oil used in these is ridiculous. These also develop leaks. The amount of energy and resources alone to build just 1 isn't worth it. Then it has to be maintained and serviced. Solar panels are also toxic to the environment. They are useless when covered in snow. One large solar farm lost 14k solar panels in NE. Another one in TX. The output drastically drops in cloudy/overcast days. The biggest solar panel farms are in CA, AZ, NV, and TX. Notice these are located in mostly sunny areas. The largest windmill farm is in TX. This didn't help TX when they had the snowstorm almost 2 years ago. The windmills froze up because there were no heaters which needs energy. And the solar was useless when the panel were covered in snow. Plus, they took down one nuclear reactor and throttled another one. When you step back and take a look at everything going on, where is it all leading to?

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Exactly! When I said climate change scam all this was included but decided not to go into details. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting! πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Nailed all of it 🎯

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First US wind farms were constructed as tax dodges to offset profits elsewhere with their building and land acquisition costs. Then, blades and gears break down as soon as they might become profitable for tax reasons. Just a corporate shell game all around. Sweetheart legal gifts of tax dodge laws and power company handouts paid by ratepayers to green robber barons. Greased along by constant dollops of the chattering class' virtue signaling.

I watched one of those first ever big wind farms be built at Altamont Pass in N. Calif. Within 7 years abut 1/4th to 1/3rd were in broken runs in situ or not turning as new ones were built right next to them. Heaps of dead bird carcasses under them, too. Broken or too degraded to use blades made of forever chemicals are too toxic to bury in USA but at expensive hazardous waste landfills.

Where is this all "leading to?" Just another political grift game which will eventually end leaving a few winners but mostly losers as minds and technology change as they always do given enough time. Just like the USA Railroad Robber Barons of the Gilded Age got run over by the automobile industry. Then WW1/2/Cold War it was the military-industrial complex game. Now the big money game is pharm/spy profiting off individual people's health and minds using data mining and A.I. A house of fake cards which will collapse as soon as enough people wake up.

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It's called artificial intelligence for a reason. Its artificial. WE HUMANS are the intelligent ones. We don't need this sh*t.

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Yes, Sunnydaze to all you have said. It's puzzling to continue to read any praise of EM. There is sooooo much hypocrisy in his statements that people jumping to his defense or even taking pleasure in a reaction of it is beyond the pale. His recent trip to Israel was about securing the area for more smart cities and further electrifing the sky. People should be paying more attention to his AI bent which will be the demise of humanity as we know it. He is evil and is being used as a cover to sway people to support him. Just another Pied Piper.

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Yes yes yes!

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But I’m okay with the β€œgood” for now. While not worshipping him as a savior.

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Check out this fantastic short talk on transhumanism, which Elon thinks is the future:


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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

Spot on, Sunnydaze - the man is an enigma. He is a clever fella, no doubt, and entertaining as heck, quite often........ but, clever like a fox ? Hmm....

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Excellent point.

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Sure, but at the end of the day, in my opinion, he is part of the kabuki theatre to manipulate the narrative and thus all the rest of us. Here is a fantastic short speech on transhumanism (of which Musk is an ardent supporter)


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I agree with this!

I personally don’t trust him, why would I, but I get a kick out of watching/listening to him.

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The thing about Elon is his earnestness. It's almost childlike, his seemingly simple beliefs about right and wrong.

While you or I may disagree with what he believes, I don't think he's coming from a place of malice. That's his appeal.

Is speech 100% free on X? No, but it's immensely better than prior to his takeover.

The brain chips and curevax? He seems to genuinely believe that those can and will be used in a manner that benefits humanity. Can they be used for evil? Of course.

I'd ask you to show me one invention in all of human history that wasn't used for evil at some point.

While many things happening have been designed by malicious people, not every single thing fails into this category. Thinking it does can paralyze people from taking positive action.

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You, I believe, have characterized Musk's good qualities very well. My child, who has been diagnosed with ADHD & Autism displays these same characteristics and the black & white view of things cause me to believe Musk is not set out to be evil but to do things that he values as good. He has, like my child, a real aversion to ideals originating in the "upside down" where wrong is right and right is wrong.

That said, God can use him (Musk) to further His goals whatever they may be.

In the end, I'm just very glad there is someone who wants to stand up and push back in a very deliberate, intentional way.

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Yes this is kind of how I view him too. Everything doesn’t have to be black and white, all good or all evil. I think Elon is very excited and intrigued by technology and is kind of naive in a way about the potential for misuse.

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NONE of us are 'all good' or 'all bad'. We are human - we screw up. I watched the long form interview with Musk, and whatever he is, he does make me think. One of his remarks, in the part of the interview when talking about his existential crisis in his youth over the meaning of life - was along the line of "We aren't asking the right questions - that is the hard part-If you can properly frame the question, the answer is the easy part." ~17min mark https://rumble.com/v3ypixv-full-interview-elon-musk-tells-advertisers-to-go-fuck-themselves-cnbc.html He then goes on as though he does not have faith in God, which is problematic for me, as I don't think a full range of consciousness is the purview of man, it is the purview of God. But as someone who does secondary research (for business) the idea that asking the right questions is one I do grapple with, as often, what people THINK they need to know is not really the core issue, or what they NEED to know.

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I agree, it’s frustrating to me when people categorize some as good (they themselves always being on the good side) and some as evil with no nuance. All people have potential for both. Elon also makes me think and I appreciate that.

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Out of countless inventions, there have probably been some even intended for evil that did some good. An imperfect example is nitroglycerine. Explosives are a tool. They can do great damage (e.g. war, terrorism). But they can also do much good, if construction and mining for example are considered benefits. As an explosive nitro is rarely used due to being dangerous to handle. Long ago it was replaced by safer alternatives. But did you know that the same early explosive was accidentally found to benefit men who suffered from angina? And today, well over a century later, it remains a primary treatment for that and perhaps other forms of heart disease.

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Great example.

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God can use anyone for His purpose, whether they realize it or not. Musk is hard to trust completely for the reasons mentioned above, but perhaps God favored him for such a time as this and this is why he owns X now.

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I have always been on the fence about Elon but I tend to agree with your assessment. But my mantra "trust no one" will always be in my back pocket.

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Yes, we can always be wary and not just accept anything and everything someone says uncritically.

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Mark, sorry but it looks like you drank the Kool-Aid.

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Unlikely. I've never been a fan of Kool aid.

As just one example, I was listening to Alex Jones live on the Art Bell show way back in the day. Long before Jones was even close to famous.

If you think that Jones and Art Bell are/were part of the network that is currently in power, you're probably too far gone down the paranoid rabbit hole.

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It is correct to be wary of Musk. There is almost always some hidden agenda. It may be easy or difficult to spot. Most don't even bother to look, so the thought never even enters their mind to question the authenticity of a person/group/idea. Musk bought Twitter about a year ago. Is this an authentic turn to conservativism, or is it some deceptive game? Consider also that there have been similar high-profile figures in the news very recently: Kadlec and Sachs to name but two. These are usually thoroughly Establishment figures with decades of career in/near the Swamp, and they’re saying things like they admitted covering up early information during the Pandemic, or that they’re resigning from the Democratic Party and counsel viewers to not trust anything the government says anymore. To repeat, is this all some elaborate theater? Perhaps, but in my experience it very rare that those in power admit, β€œWe were wrong” and/or ask for forgiveness. If there is some secret agenda and these are limited hangouts, it still is highly risky if the goal is propaganda, to name the elephant in the room.

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Agree. But problem I see is β€œgovmint” seems to always step in & take over from there.

For years we have relinquished true liberties little by little.

I’ve been the proverbial frog on the warm water - covid jarred me awake.

I started truly looking at every aspect of our lives differently & seeing regulations, stipulations, directives, directions to follow, etc.

Ummm..... these light bulbs, not THOSE. These toilets not THOSE.

Look around - we have state & local agencies, boards, commissions & the like regulating this, requiring that. And we pay these folks w/ our taxes! Vicious circle.

Medical insurance ceased to be true insurance w/ choices such as Major Medical. At THIS age one has to sign up w/ govmint Medicare NOW or never. Even if working full time & paying for decent insurance (even if not major medical which was wiped off the board).

*Major Medical- term younguns probably don’t understand.

It’s a policy that covers major medical events/crises/hospitalizations - the really costly ones.

An individual paid for their own doctor visits & prescriptions. Costs were fair & stable bc of market forces. The patient basically set prices

with their freedom of choice. Doctor charge outrageous price for check up or sick visit? Change doctors. Pharmacy charge off chart prices? Switch to another pharmacy.

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While that MAY be true, it doesn't change that facts stated above nor invalidate the conclusions that are drawn from them.

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Yes, yes it does actually. He is not allowing free speech on his platform, for instance. People have been so brainwashed to fight against the other side (left v right) that now Elon is a darling of the right and devil for the left. Its laughable.

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No, no it doesn't. There are many more people capable of understanding that almost no one is either all good or all bad, and can figure out when they are either.

Your approach to evaluating this is an example of the very thing you seem to claim is the problem.

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Just made a similar comment bfore seeing yours. Astonishing how people can't see Musk is no different than Gates. They just use a different playbook.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

He claims to have done more for the environment than any single person on the planet via Tesla. Hmmmm. Apparently, out in the middle of nowhere (Canada, I think) there is a charging station for electric vehicles. Back within the tall trees adjacent to the charging station is a diesel generator that makes the charging station function. Also, I read about a Tesla owner who was pulling a diesel generator behind his car that he used to charge is electric....zero carbon.....Tesla.

So, what.....zero + diesel generator = zero???? Woke math!

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I agree it is ridiculous that he has done more for the environment that anyone for the reasons you stated. I find the funny part is that this is what the people losing their minds over would normally be agreeing with.

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More than the atmosphere, I worry about all this unrecyclable material from turbines, solar panels and batteries being put into the earth. It’s a sure fire way to deplete the land and poison the waterways.

CO2 is life. It feeds the food that feeds our food. Man will have zero impact with all this force fed β€œgreen” energy.

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An EV charged with a diesel generator is still more

efficient than running a diesel powered c.ar.

Not saving the planet, but an improvement.

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A couple of cases of β€œapparently” and β€œI read somewhere” out of ~5 million Teslas on the road.

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Have you seen the cobalt mines in the Congo? Men and children spend their days digging this stuff out of the ground, many times, with their bare hands. They get a few bucks a day to do so. The women wash the chunks in their rivers, poisoning their water supply. Yes, it's SO good for the environment, not to mention these people, exposing them to cobalt poisoning. We do have cobalt available in the US but the climate freaks use legislation to stop it from being mined SAFELY in the US.

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Elon has more government contracts than any other contractor. He's made billions from our tax money with government subsidies and tax abatements. I forsee Elon and his "Everything" app will be the vehicle to begin the mandatory digital ID process to access this WeChat look-alike, quickly followed by digital voter ID, digital health pass and CBDC. They're pushing hard to get rid of internet anonymity, ya know -> to stop "terrorism" and "hate speech". Nikki Haley has already said this. Elon is a Trojan Horse.

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Persecution by prosecution. Our justice system has been conquered by evil. Evil they call good and good they call evil, indeed.

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I worked for a federal contractor and you has to be a US citizen to work there. They are basically going after him for following their own rules.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As a Michigan resident, we need to get rid of Whitmer's policies. I'm worried about our state. People complaining about the high costs of items while defending Biden saying it is not his fault. We are in trouble!

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

And it's not like the sun shines a whole lot in Michigan during the winter to justify solar panels.

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Agreed. The dark days start in November and last until May. Whitmer and ilk total psychos. Makes no practical sense.

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I think Whitmer and her cronies are bought and paid for. Ford and GM moving away from failing electric vehicles so we'll see how they react to her tyranical views.

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My beautiful state of Michigan is being destroyed by Whitmer, and the lovely, historic community of which I'm a part is the site of the new Ford Blue Oval EV battery plant. Ford already cut the number of jobs from 2500 to 1700, but they've resumed building. The state and complicit local officials (signing non-disclosure agreements) have slated 3000 acres to be heavy industrial, so Marshall, which is best known for its historic home tour, will be a bedroom community to that monstrosity. They took prime agricultural land and Kalamazoo River frontage for the Ford plant, about the worst choice they could make. They're expanding the road into Marshall from two lanes to four, so I know people who are losing their homes and businesses to eminent domain. And all the surrounding agricultural land (because we are really an agricultural community here) is being taken up for solar farms. It's pathetic. I live in fear that we'll have a wind farm around here in the near future because, as Jeff wrote, local communities or townships have no say over zoning anymore. We're fighting the Megasite and Ford plant, trying to get a referendum, but they have a lot of Whitmer and Ford money to fight us.

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I am so sorry to hear about your state, Natalie. My husband and I briefly considered moving there because of our love for Hillsdale College and we thought "if a school like that can exist there, it can't be all that bad." But Whitmer, like my governor (Hochul) is insane. I don't know how else to explain her policy choices. One thing we know, she and her ilk will not suffer one minute from the soon to be disastrous consequences. SOLAR ENERGY GRID in MICHIGAN?? That plan would be equally cataclysmic where I live in upstate/western NY.

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This has inspired me to develop a beachfront resort right here in my home state of Oklahoma!

If Whitmer and Hochul can get into solar power in their legendarily dreary climes, then why the heck not!

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Yes, Hillsdale College is one of the bright spots in Michigan. I live just 45 minutes away, and two of my children attended there.

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It’s not insanity, but by complete design, step by step. Whitmer was installed in 2018, became a dictator in 2020, vetoed 137 pieces of legislation in 2020 alone. Managed to make deals with corporations run mostly by Chinese funding, under the table, took over the Michigan legislature in 2022, and has been ramming home legislation detrimental in every sense to Michigan. No one believes any of this will help this state and the Liberals in this state just vote D without having any idea the sweeping plan in place. This was all planned years ago. Not just Michigan but the whole of the Midwest, Whitmer’s just the poster child for the new Marxist regime.

This will be fought in court but every time I go down I-65 in Kentucky and see the huge battery plant I near Elizabethtown being built I shutter. Those who can move will and the farmland will go for pennies on the dollar to China.

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I vote evil rather than insane.

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Hochul wants to put you in a camp.

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That’s horrible, so sad, frustrating and infuriating.

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So sorry.

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It’s OUR money and she’s handing it out like Halloween candy. The end result, from all this business and jobs she says she’s creating are a lie, just like the layoffs you mention. But the money keeps going out.

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Ultimately, it's all about the Benjamins. And you can bet Whitmer and her cronies have their fingers in all kinds of pie....

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Which supports Elon's comment that Tesla produces more EV's than all other US firms combined--now and (with Ford, GM giving up) future.

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It’s that β€œlook good” while doing evil. I’m afraid Illinois will get the same ideas.

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Already here...Chicago run now by a complete race baiting stooge!

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Well yes. I live nearby. But it’s pretty red otherwise. The big stink comes from Chicago, it’s infected β€˜burbs, and Springfield. PRICKSter is a disaster so I don’t hold much hope.

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"But it's pretty red otherwise." Not sure that's true anymore. My (formerly) Red DuPage County is nearly all Blue now due to the misfits from Chicago streaming west.

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Pritzker can't wait to begin the domino drop, I think.

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She’s over the top nuts. PRICKsrer is more stealth, IMO.

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Stealth. Because he ate all the evidence?

Sorry. I had to say that. Compelled if you will.

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She's like a demon witch lady so seems par for the course.

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It's always in the eyes. Look at her and look at Hochul. Always the eyes.

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Yep, same with Hillary

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Yes all three of them are evil.

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Same with Nikki Haley

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Want to make herself rich! I bet she has stocks in solar panels.

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And writes large checks to UNICEF for those Congolese children involved in mining cobalt. A form of guilt 'write off'.

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Those child miners need to dig faster. /s

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And what happens to solar panels when they are covered with snow?

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Same thing that happened in TX during the great winter snowstorm a couple of years ago. They didn't do a damn thing. Some solar farms have been decimated with hailstorms. The largest windmill farm in the US is in TX and it froze up. And they were useless. The reason for the energy crisis during this time.

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By design...

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No doubt it was by design and a theft of money. If we had to pay our electric bill for the energy we used for those 4.5 days, it would have been over 12k even with the rollouts. Our Coop picked up the tab since they had the money in reserves. It was 40m dollars. They raised our rates an additional $7 per every 1k watts used. Even the manager of the Coop was keeping everyone up to date on FB. He knows it was a load of crap. Everything they're doing is to destroy the nation. Many of us out here are getting ready for it. We see what's happening out here.

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Are they also geoengineering the sun away in Michigan ...as they are in every state and city that I visit or ask about, as well as around the world?

Geoengineering...Dumping tixins on people, animals, plants, and soil, harming food growing potential.

Why ISN’T this an enormous conversation???

(And by the way nature/God doesn’t make β€œclouds” that look like this mess!)

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Yes, I follow this! But the evidence is outside my windows ...wherever I am!

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Out my window, in my sky, on my windshield, and in my lungs.

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I’m glad I am not the only one noticing this. I feel like I’m going crazy under the criss cross hazy sky

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Graphene & the Skynet Grid Control

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I’m in Northern Mi - the sun came up this morning and I thought , woah! I haven’t seen that in a long while!

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The sun doesnt shine tgat much in the summer there, either.

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They are going to use flashlights on them at night and daytime when the sun don't shine.

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Or Michigan never has tornadoes and golf ball sized hail.

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If MI republicans were smart (a very big if), advertising for the next election cycle would center on the graphic images of child exploitation and environmental destruction wrought by this new legislation. Show the voters of MI what their elected representatives are supporting. Make the feel the implications of their votes on their children.

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It’s hopeless. Witless should have been toast after some of the worst WuFlu policies in the country. And I say this from New Mexico which was a close 2nd. Our road whore got re-elected too πŸ€¨πŸ€”

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I believe she was re-elected partly because of voter fraud, but the abortion ballot proposal brought out all the single-issue voters. There was no way she was going to lose with abortion on the ballot. I am 100% pro-life and have worked in my church and with a pregnancy care center for years, but abortion is an issue that will bring out progressives. I've heard that the Dems are bringing abortion ballot initiatives to a number of swing states, like Nevada and Arizona, so the Republican party better figure out how to deal with the abortion issue or all of those states will be lost.

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I continue to be confronted with the bloodlust of a large percentage of our population and its desire to kill innocents. Some will say they are ignorant or don't really understand the reality of abortion which I could just about buy 20 years ago. But the tone has changed. Women "shout" their abortions and weak men support the killing so as to be spared any consequences of an unplanned child. We all KNOW what is growing in a woman's womb and it isn't a zucchini. Our culture has decided that killing an inconvenient person takes precedence. We have to come to terms with that mindset and figure out a way to combat it. Sadly, the church seems reluctant to really confront the evil and uses mealy-mouthed excuses. Regardless, I'll continue to support life and defend it when I can.

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You're right, and the death cult marches on with assisted suicide of poor and/or mentally ill in Canada and the insane belief of an increasingly number of people that humans are parasites on the earth, and we should be eliminated.

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Hey, Cosmopolitan magazine is now promoting satanic ritual abortions. They aren't even hiding it anymore.


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I hope that every woman that supports abortion never, ever gets pregnant.

Barren for life, since they are so willing to murder a baby.

These are the same "progressive" women who wanted to force the covid death shot on me against my will.

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β€œIf a mother can kill her own child - what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me - there is nothing between.”

― Mother Teresa

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Yes Kathleen, idiot Repugs should have been throwing the lunatic left’s β€œmy body, my choice” lingo back in their faces from Day 1 of the mandates. And they didn’t. And still don’t.

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They don't know how to fight like hell.

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Natalie, I saw a comment by someone in recent weeks that I thought was quite good. Similar to Neil's suggestion, it was to focus on 'the abortion industry' and its results - rapists never prosecuted, child sex exploitation, excessive profits, selling baby parts, mental health harms, etc. Republicans don't do that much, because we're The Stupid Party (TM).

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Yes, the Republican National Committee is currently more interested in installing anybody but Trump as the nominee instead of figuring out how to win this ultra-important election.

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There are a few candidates running to replace Florida's National Committeewoman because she was on the pro-Ronna side in the recent RNC election and because Ronna isn't leading to win elections.

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Right? I mean if Gretchen Whitmer got reelected post Covid then there's nothing she can do and not get reelected.

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Do you really believe these are accurate election β€œresults”?

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The New Mexico gov is besties with MI gov. I was wondering if NM gov would pursue this same thread. A huge part of our economy is oil/gas. I can’t imagine what that might look like here in NM if she tries to pursue this.

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She IS. Cutting off her nose to spite her demonic, abortion-loving face. Has already made decrees about how many gov & maybe private vehicles have to be β€œgreen” by some 2030s date when bitch long out of office. Trying to crush oil & gas here in SE NM when that funds 40-50% of this pathetic state’s budget.

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Our MI Republicans are weak, unfortunately. God help us.

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...it ain't just Michigan. And yes - lots of help required!

But WE better start the ball rolling.....no need to wait on - what was it Jeff? SUPERMAN?!

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Unfortunately, Republicans are purposely stupid.

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You have to believe in the principles expounded in the Republican Party Platform (the current version of which largely reflect the principles in the Declaration and Constitution, along with traditional understanding of the family, of sex (i.e., M-F), etc.) in order to explain and defend them, and many, possibly most, Republican candidates and elected officials don't.

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They need new blood that gets things done

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I still don’t understand how the queen of lockdowns got re-elected. More than likely, Michigan voters are wondering the same. Here in Kentucky it doesn’t make sense that tyrant Beshear got re-elected while all the down ticket winners were republicans? Real head scratcher. But what to do?? We’re Venezuela now. Michigan just going first since y’all elected a democrat super majority. At least KY will take a little longer to be completely radicalized with it’s Republican super majority (rinos are increasing in number).

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Whitmer seems to be campaigning to be Newsome’s VP or Regional Governor in the New World Order.

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Fossil Fuel Ban - what a joke. These morons evidently don't get that nearly everything they use daily, including most of the parts on their beloved electric cars, are made from petroleum by-products. Building materials, carpet, packaging, computers, furniture ... the list is endless. Most pharmaceutical products too.

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I know, it’s a bang your head again the wall level of stupid.

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Coal is a fossil fuel too. That powers most of our electricity grid.

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Inflation and war and ruination; It's obviously the fault of the Jews, if Musk had just come out and given a Pro-Palestine, position while feeding the Pro-Israelis enough of an apology as adeptly as Biden and Blinken have been able to then he'd be fine. The Dem Party gets to play both sides ALWAYS and they mock and disparage those who aren't so savvy and adroit at the fake virtuing gymnastics and shame-blame-games they always pride themselves in. ABORTING an Embryo IS Healthcare after all--ALWAYS and in EVERY Circumstance it is...unless some conservative woman or family member has one then it is amusing and political ammo to attack. The Green Policies as Jeff labelled them; are the new goldrush so it won't be stopped and the Rep leaders in your state will join in or be buried. Where the $$$ goes the politicians do follow.

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Yep. The policies of the left are so nefarious and evil that even normie half awake people at this point notice. So, let's flood the West with immigrants and make them voters or at least get their ballots to ensure continued rule by Gretchen Whitmer and the like.

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This is the sad reality.

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Just like trans surgery is β€˜healthcare’.

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Clearly Michigan can't be 100% green energy unless they build nuclear power stations. I would bet they're not on her list. In the end if she continues down this path, she and her cohorts may be the next Ceausescu-es.

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They are not on her list.

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As a mid-westerner, I love the state of Michigan, and once entertained thoughts of retiring there and enjoying its nature and beauty.

Not anymore. More broken dreams, courtesy of government crazies, left and right.

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This. I was born and raised in West Michiganβ€” most beautiful place on earth as far as I’m concerned. Have considered moving back, but after the last few years I think I will stick to rural Indiana, which has been something of a bastion of sanity in these troubled times.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

This solar panel invasion seems to be part of a larger legislative racket, at the state level, centralized by some business group of lobbyists. We have seen the same ugliness in West Virginia recently. And I suspect elsewhere. Along with gratuitous installation of cell towers at a concentration that might benefit northern California (where many miles of road have zero connection), but make no sense in the Midwest unless a lot of money is passing hands.

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So, if so many Michiganders recognize this bad policy, and are not happy why is she still in office? There is voter recall available and this issue is so huge why is there no political will to remove her. The corruption of the vote is one of the biggest problems we must solve to have good governance.

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Spineless republicans in our state. Who even knows if she actually won the election - after all, we were one of the states with the 4AM spike for Joey. And we did strip away her endless emergency extensions.

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A popular statement in the media these days is, β€œthe President doesn’t set gas prices.” πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

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I do seem to recall that he, personally, shut down the pipeline - hard to refute that having anything to do with gasoline prices.

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Yes and people stupidly repeat this. His policies certainly affect and influence the prices even if he doesn’t set them directly.

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If I’m not mistaken, he openly declared a β€œwar on fossil fuels” during his candidacy.

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Yep, promised to eliminate them.

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Someone oughta tell the media that ' the fish stinks from the head down ... '

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She would be happy to move into the WH with Gavin. They have similar goals and policies.

G-d forbid.

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It seems Michigan has sunshine about 50% of the time per google search. Perhaps the wind that knocks out power in storms throughout the year will be contained to pick up the slack when sunlight is lacking.

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Hi green dot Carrie- I did my residency in Michigan (Mount Clemens), and worked there several years thereafter, I have lots of friends there. That Whitmer broad is a real hitleresque piece of work!

Love, orange dot Carrie

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Ha ha. Hi Orange dot Carrie -

Yes, I'm in not too far from Mt. Clemens. We have the trio of Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson. They are working together to destroy the great state of Michigan and doing a good job of it, sadly. Glad you escaped Whitmer's tyranny. ~ Green dot Carrie (Lol)

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Carrie you have my sympathy.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Someone had sent me the Musk interview early this morning, and I had listened to it right before opening C&C. You gleaned the key line at the end just as I did. I too quoted it back to the person who sent it, and said I have been saying that for years , and that has how Western society has crumbled to the point I now have to regularly watch 2 guys kissing on a Big Pharma ad when in my childhood, a married couple could not be shown in bed together and get past the censors. Kudos.

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I am so sick of the pharma ads. At least 2 in every commercial break. F'ers

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I don't watch TV hardly at all but my mom was in a NH for rehab back in January and spent a lot of time there - she is one of those who keeps the TV on all day long 'for noise' and I swear over half of daytime programming ads were pharma. It occurred to me at that point NO WONDER the networks are not pushing back on the jabs, and not just the covid ones. Pharma is literally propping up most of the crap on television. Huge mistake for Congress to pass legislation allowing direct to consumer advertising (wonder why RX drugs are so expensive - what is the ad budget!!?) but suspect half the channels would go belly up if the plug got pulled on it now!

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Not only all the pharma ads but a ton of other ads that, are quite disgusting. There's an ad by an extremely obnoxious woman who pushes her new deodorant that drives me insane. She wants people to know her deodorant can be used for arm pits, under boobs, crotch, men's packages, etc. Another ad from a woman who wants the world to know that women poop (she's literally sitting on a toilet), several ads with kissing gays (always pushing an hiv drug), a womens razor ad that literally shows her shaving "sensitive" areas, and many more disgusting commercials I won't gross you out with. As a society, there's no such thing as modesty or imagination any longer and its why so many on the left are ugly and everything they touch become ugly (art, music, etc).

Another thing...based on TV commercials, they want viewers to think black people make up the majority of the country's population, not the 13-14% they actually are. I refuse to buy any of these products.

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I don't own a television and ignore it if I'm forced to be somewhere that has one - restaurants, airports, and the like, but I've seen those ads you refer to on a few YouTube channels. I hate them! They are crude, vulgar, boorish and insulting. I appreciate the skip button on YouTube and I'm very fast on the trigger!!

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Lol. I record several shows and I use that handy-dandy skip feature too!

Do you notice how all the vulgar & crude commercials are geared towards women? Except for the hiv medication ads, all the others are for women. You'll never see a half naked man modeling depends underwear or a man sitting on a toilet. I've been saying for years that there's a war against women going on! Abortion on demand, trans people invading women's spaces (sports, locker rooms, bathrooms, pageants, sororities, etc), and now all the crude TV commercials.

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I agree, but I'm not sure that war against women isn't somewhat warranted considering the loud-mouthed, whiny, screaming, self-involved, virtue signaling hypocritical, perverted feminists who can't be found when it comes to protecting real honest to goodness females from the likes of abortion proponents, bathroom and sports invasion by men pretending to be women, and all the other ways feminists and parasitic progressives, male and female, war on women. Those maladapted women are the worst enemies of normal women:(

The ads I really hated were those Dr.Squatch commercials. I even commented on that website that I would never buy their products sole because of the commercials. Frankly, the less I see or hear about men's or women's private parts, the better. They're named

"private" for a danged reason!

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Gosh, I am around the TV a lot, hubby and my mom are both 'tv as noise' people although hubby usually has it on something sports related, but pretty rare I am actually watching it. Never seen any of those, thank goodness!!

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We have dishtv so that's probably why we see so many of the commercials. We're about to get rid of it though and utilize some streaming services that don't have all the garbage ads.

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Yes, we have Dish too. Our ancient TV is not smart so can't do streaming, but then again we don't want a TV that spies on us so hubby insists it is something we NEED, big sports fan, and not a hill I am going to die on. Mom has whatever her assisted living place pays for these days, think it is a version of satellite. As long as she gets the Hallmark channel and local news she is good.

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You hit the nail on the head! I will never buy those products either!

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I wonder what the revenues were for covid jabs, they made a ton of money from big pharma to run jab ads, and from the government to run public service ads warning us to get the shot. I’m sure the networks, even the tiny local network stations made tons of money during the rollouts and beyond. Here in Oregon the jab public service announcements ran thru the middle of this year!

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Yes, inquiring minds want to know...who spent more on jab ads -pharma or US (the taxpayers)??? I tune them out best I can but think there are still stray ones running on my local radio stations.

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Yep, and hard to tell sometimes on the radio if they’re US taxpayer ads or pharma.

Isn’t that ironic that we, thru taxes, are paying to kill our friends and families.

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The American taxpayers paid BILLIONS of dollars to buy ad space to push the covid jabs in the media.

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I agree!

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Radio ads too! I don’t have a TV but hear the ads on the radio when I’m listening in my car and it drives me bonkers 😑

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The PSA's for things like buckling seat belts, don't drink and drive, emergency preparedness and the like from the 3 letter bureaucrats - nanny state spending our tax dollars!

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Ugh yes!!! πŸ™„ So over these ads too!

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Me too. It's awful. I wish there was a way to opt out of all of their evil ads.

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You can get a Hulu upgraded subscription that blocks ads. Worth the money? I’m not sure, you still have to buy wi-fi thru the cable companies, and then get all the subscription services. It’s a hassle if you ask me, I’m not very tech savvy though.

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yup, I mainly see them when we watch football. Seems there's no way to get out of those ads.

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Yep! If I see that obese person dancing for Jardiance one more time I’m gonna puke! Notice what colors she wears, Ukraine. (I can’t take credit for that observation, I think that was from Imaginary Hobgoblin).

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I laughed out loud reading your comment about the Jardiance ad! 🀣

It's also on my offensive ad list. Every time I see it, I yell "if you would lose 50lbs, you wouldn't need jardiance!". Lol.

I never noticed the Ukraine colors but now that you mention it....πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦. πŸ˜…

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lol, couldn't agree more! So much cringe.

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And yet, Musk buys in to the climate change nonsense. Success of Tesla probably in some part depends on the masses believing in it so there's probably some bias in his reasoning.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Re the DNA contaminated vaxx story: Do note that ZeroHedge, as an aggregator, reposted an original article from Epoch Times. Epoch has been one of the leading sources for well-researched stories on the entire biowarfare saga. Ironic, ain't it, that a Chinese-run news service is running exposes on the viruses and the vaxxes.

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I wonder if that affected my coworker. He had a stroke two days ago and is off work now. I broke down when they told me at work and everyone told me not to be upset or worry, but I am. I don't see why they are not upset. He's my buddy but is all jabbed and boosted. I'm trying to remember how many people I know who have died or been injured by the jabs, and it occurred to me I need pen and paper because I could not count them all in my head. Prayers/positive energy for Mark are appreciated.

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It's crazy. I know of 5 people who died in the last 2 weeks (3 were elderly, 1 was in his 40's, and one was a miscarriage at 28 wks). It is highly unusual but when I mentioned it to some relatives on Thanksgiving they just chalked it up to getting older and how you will hear it more and more because of your "age". Of course, they are both vaccinated. I can honestly say I have never learned of so many people passing in such a short period of time. And sadly, I think it is a harbinger of things to come.

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One of the saddest parts for me is the number of children left as orphans or with only one struggling parent. In the mid-age spectrum, many have not yet secured their financial future. (I see the irony in my statement, but Jeff gives me hope.)

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Miscarriages at 28 weeks are so rare (well, used to be before mRNA injections).

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People keep saying this but the number and frequency are not normal at all.

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There needs must be satisfactory compensation for the millions injured, maimed, or outright killed by this for-profit, for-power biowarfare. If not in this life, then on the other side, in eternity.

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Compensation would be great......... but some guy walking around with a hatchet named Hammurabi would suffice.

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There isn’t enough money in the world to compensate for what they’ve done. My friend who died in her sleep on Tuesday was desperately needed by her daughter.

The daughter has 5 children, including a set of twins, 6 years old and under. She needed her mama and the babies needed their grandma. And grandpa need her too.

They were already wealthy. They don’t need money. They need her. And she was murdered.

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That's a tragedy, truly so. Prayers enroute for you and for them. Let's hope there is some solid emotional hope and support available - either from their church or a secular agency.

We may none of us live to see justice for these crimes, but remember: Vengeance is a dish best served cold.

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I am so sorry, and you are right - it is murder, plain and simple. I am so very sorry.

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Agreed 100%, although nothing can bring back the dead and make up for the losses I am sure we all have at this point. I admittedly want justice in this lifetime but sure hope there is justice in the next realm for those who have done this.

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Received word a few days ago that a good friend of my wife's - a single mom with a child of about 2yrs - has had two MORE strokes while she was in rehab for the 1st one.

Lord have mercy.

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I just heard today of a 56 yo friend who went to sleep and didn’t wake up on Tuesday.

My son’s 45 yo former Royal Rangers commander died this week. His obit doesn’t list a cause of death. I’m not asking.

Another friend just posted on Facebook that his son died. I’m guessing 25, but no obit yet, so I could be a little off. Military guy. No information on how he died.

This morning, another friend requested prayer for her 24 yo niece who is going to Mayo for heart tests.

This is just terrifying for those of us who love someone who was coerced into the poison.

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"Terrifying" is a good word for it.

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Praying for Mark!!

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Chinese dissidents. Clarification.

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Agreed, and they know how to research and find what they're looking for.

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Been an Epoch Subscriber for several years. Highly recommended. Used to go to RT a lot, but that has been watered down most of the time. Still better than the alternatives.

Wife just said Henry Kissinger died. My response was not appropriate.

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Evill takes forever to die.

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A really bright C&C commenter, and I'm sorry I can't remember who now, said something to the effect that Satan leaves his minions here for as long as possible to do as much collateral damage as possible. I believe it.

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So true...

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Re: George Soros

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Sorry Roland, our church instructs us to pray for the soul of someone who has died regardless of our feelings towards that person. While Kissinger may have been many (mostly nasty) things, I would rather say God rest his soul than anything nasty

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I apologized to God as soon as I said it. it was simply a natural impulse reaction to a lifetime of observing the evil he has rent upon the world

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...and the huge amount of deaths he caused.

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understandable sentiment

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The near death researchers, in a book called After, and in other places, report that survivors experience what they call a life review, in which the newly deceased experiences every harm they've inflicted from the point of view of the victim. It is theorized that Kissinger was the architect of the Cambodian genocide, but whether that is true or not, think of the Vietnam vets and Vietnamese he was instrumental in destroying. He also mentored Klaus Schwab.

There is a Holocaust story, in which 2 prisoners of the Reich, at a concentration camp, are there with a vicious, sadistic camp guard, and one of the prisoners (probably a Jew) falls to his knees and begins thanking God. The other prisoner says "what the H can you possibly be thanking God for?" and the one praying says "I am thanking God I am not him" pointing to the guard.

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I type this with no judgement on Mr.Kissinger.

And GOD has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

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I did both: first prayed for mercy on him; then remarked he's probably gonna need it for all the people he's murdered on behalf of the NWO.

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Mine was unprintable.

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It has come to the point when one cannot find "unbiased" (that is honest, not left leaning news) unless one goes to foreign news. At least we have Coffee and Covid that has sifted the chaff out for us. Thank you Jeff

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47Yinzer, I liked your comment about The Epoch Times until the last sentence, which I think is misguided.

"[O]ur stories strive to reestablish Truth and Tradition as the essential pillars of authentic journalism. Telling the truth is the cause which prompted a few Chinese Americans in an Atlanta basement to found The Epoch Times. We’ve grown into a well-respected institution while sticking to our roots, delivering you news and information that you're unlikely to see from our colleagues in the legacy media. ...

"Since our humble beginnings at the dawn of the 21st centuryβ€”when we hand-assembled our first newspaper issue in an Atlanta basement, we have been targeted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for our reporting on its crimes against humanity. Our reporters have been attacked, jailed, and defamed. Our Hong Kong press was set on fire in 2019, and they’ve assaulted our staffers and vandalized our newsstands beyond China’s borders. But we continue to overcome routine censorship, deplatforming, and targeting by the legacy media, big government, and big tech. We are stronger today than we were over two decades ago. ...

"Our 2004 editorial series β€œNine Commentaries on the Communist Party” inspired a grassroots movement for Chinese to quit the CCP. To date, about 410 million have quit. Despite being banned in China, The Epoch Times is the premier news source for millions of Chinese who use VPNs to circumvent the Great Firewall. Our dedication to the truth has earned us a network of underground informants in China who relay accurate information to us, especially when the CCP is violating the rights of Chinese citizens. In spite of the force of an entire party against us, The Epoch Times has become a multinational media that spans 35 countries and 22 languages."

And here are the folks who run it; not predominantly Chinese ethnicity, which you implied.


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Yep ☝. Been a subscriber for years. Epoch times has been wayyyyy ahead of the curve on most issues. Highly recommend.

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Agree. I’m a paid subscriber, including print. Well worth it.

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I've been a subscriber for two years now and also highly recommend. Enjoy their health articles and have learned a lot. Lots of news that you just won't see on MSM.

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The Vax came well before the virus. The virus was invented to market the vax.

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I frequently read Epoch but as with may sites there is a limit to how many free articles one can read. I read more at Zero Hedge, not the least for the reason that you can read some articles sourced from Epoch. By all means pay for those you like (as I do at C&C and a few more).

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I finally subscribed to Epoch (it's the only news service outlet I pay for). In addition to print articles, they also produce some very informative documentaries and the American Though Leaders series is one of my favorites. Well worth what I consider the minimal fee.

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Its my understanding that leadership of epoch times is hard stance anti ccp.

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They’re Chinese dissidents though aren’t they? Not pro CCP at all.

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What Chinese-run news service are you talking about? You seem to be misinformed there.

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Epoch Times. Run by Chinese and Vietnamese folks affiliated with Falun Gong.

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That would explain the frequent ads/articles about Falun Gong.

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Oh wait...I just noticed this.

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Epoch Times

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β€˜Splain please. πŸ€”

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My understanding is that the Epoch Times is based in China and has something to do with the Falun Gong sect, who are not well liked by the CCP....

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Yes mine as well. Those who despise communism.

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I’m getting the β€˜Poor little hottie all kitted up’ nothing to do with communism though….

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No, I believe they are based in the US - not in China at any rate, or they'd be shut down - and were founded by ethnic Chinese who left china and have a beef with the CCP over their repression of Falun Gong, as well as anything else immoral the CCP is doing.

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Really. Interesting. I’m aware falun gong is much prosecuted. But not totally believing that.

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Yes chinese run but not prc.

Chang kai shek lives 80 years after being deep sixed by usa leftists also k own as the demcommie party!

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Thank-you for bringing this up. It kinda blows my mind that Jeff, a lawyer, continues to ref Zero-Hedge as legit news. I've found more garbage in its pages than truth. You have to do your own fact checking there--they will publish trash if it will get clicks. Remember, this was the site that took iqfy seriously--or else was in on the psyop.

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Ironic indeed.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I watched several clips of that Musk interview (he said the f-word several times) and I was cracking up! 🀣 I'll shamefully admit I watched it 5 times. At one point, the interviewer (a journalist) was speechless and who doesn't love a speechless journalist? I'm not a huge Musk fan but I will admit he isn't your typical power hungry billionaire. And, I don't believe for a second that money is his driving force...at all. If you watch his body language & listen to him carefully, it's clear his brain is loaded with intellect & creativity. So much so, he struggles to translate those thoughts into words. I think he's experiencing the Trump-like treatment. An outsider who doesn't bend to the narrative. And, he's not having it! Stay humble Elon!

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Agree, it was exhilarating to see f-ing journalist be so uncomfortable and speechless. They like to ask gotcha questions, but when someone comes back with a good reply and they don't have their "talking points" they look like what they really are

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That’s why I love watching Vivek Ramaswamy and Pierre Poilievre so much when they talk to the media 😁

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Listening to the recent biography by Walter Isaacson was greatly illuminating. He was gravely bullied at school and by his own father. It’s made him a fighter and someone who cannot abide further abuse either by government or media, etc. That combined with unmatched genius makes him a very big target once he decided to resist. I mean who else on earth could have turned Twitter cash flow positive in under a year? He wants to expand its options and reach (think banking and streaming). THAT is what they are truly afraid of. An informed public with freedom to chose.

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Your spot on!!

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Yes, I was thinking the same thing watching him. His brain just works differently. He must be an interesting person to spend any amount of time with. I bet he is one of those who's always on the move.

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I read somewhere he has aspergers or, a form of it to some degree. I don't know if it's true or not but I do know people with aspergers are highly intelligent.

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It does present like that...his speaking style, etc. I really hope people aren't that mean to him over this interview. I can see all this shock over what he said and how he just blurted it out, but that looked to me like real anger and frustration. It's natural to feel what he's feeling with all that he's seen. I hate that we're never allowed to express that anger at the narrative spinners though. Trump got in trouble for the same things during he reelection campaign when he had just had it up to here with those monsters. It takes a lot of strength to battle those swamp creatures. I wouldn't want to do it. I see why people get angry.

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Luanne. . . Love a speechless journalist .... wish they’d all become exactly that.

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It makes me think tofurkey If one truly is bothered by the killing of turkeys to eat why would they eat tofu that is named after turkey. False compassion

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Saw in my local grocery today--Bell and Evans chicken 'raised on vegetarian diet!' Chickens require animal protein: think bugs. Vegetarians aren't going to be buying chicken. So what on earth?

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Baffling..you can't keep a chicken from eating bugs and snails. And if you feed them veggies, how were those veggies fertilized? Bone meal, blood meal?

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The parameters for these chickens/eggs "labeling" are all jacked up. Like cage-free, free-range, organic, etc. It's usually not what you think it is. Cage-free can mean an entire warehouse of chickens packed tightly together, but they aren't in individual cages. It doesn't mean the chickens are actually treated better but it gives that impression. The vegetarian chickens/eggs just means THEY don't feed them any meat products. It's usually combined with "free-range" where they cannot guarantee that the chickens don't eat bugs, worms, mice or even each other! Chickens can be quite cannibalistic!

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I laughed at Jeff's 'adult language'--the phrase so common among middle-schoolers.

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I’m sure you’ve heard the joke about the little boy who raised his hand when his teacher asked if anyone spoke French.

Come to find out, when his dad said, β€œPardon my French,” he was not really speaking French.

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No, I hadn't--thanks!

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I wasn’t able to comment on the UFO discussion yesterday, but I felt that I needed to today....

Life as it’s known by Our Christian faith comes from God, we can read the accounts of Moises in the book of Genesis and understand that the creation is God’s design and what we know took place in the Garden of Eden, as having the discussion with my 11 year old daughter she said: β€œThe Bible says that the elements created by God took place on earth, as far as the earthly things goes”. I replied to her: You’re absolutely right!

So, we cannot add more to it. The creation by faith involves all the elements we see with our own eyes.

But there are angelic beings, which we cannot establish the time of their creation, we also know that some of these beings felt from the divine habitat into darkness by their own failure when trying to take over God’s kingdom (Isaiah 14:13-15); they’re are known as demons which main objective has being to destroy God’s creation, more specifically men. These demonic beings can transform themselves into anything, even an angel of light, they do have some powers to deceive and imprison as many as they can to be judged by their works. So with this in mind, they are in conjunction with the angels of the Lord, the only extraterrestrial life we know, anything else beyond that, it’s another trap of the kingdom of darkness to keep people from believing the truth.

There are many biblical Scriptures that back up my stand.

Also, I need to let you know that the main news after Jesus’s return for His church, will be :”We have been invaded by UFO that are powerful enough to take our identities and the government will require everyone on planet earth to take on an special mark to identify who is who”.

Let’s seek JesusChrist now, while we can, read the most updated book in history called The Holy Bible, pray, worship The Lord, repent, be baptized in Jesus’s name for the remission of your sins, be filled with the Holy Ghost of the promise and live a life for God. Time is ticking and we are so close to the greatest event of the Human existence: Jesus will come for His Bride, but the world will suffer the most deceitful act, Satan will take over and lord of acts will occur to keep men and women from joining Jesus’s Kingdom!

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I do believe we are seeing something demonic with the whole UFO thing. I also believe it could be used to explain the taking up of God’s people at some point. If Angels can appear among us why can’t demons, right. People can be demonically possessed. What makes us think with all the good and evil we are seeing, blatant evil, that demons aren’t real. And why is it every time we β€œsee” a description of an β€œalien” it is ugly, creepy, dark, disfigured, shaped weird, and just down right demonic looking? That should say it all. If God had put life on other planets why would He make them demonic looking? It goes against everything He has created this far. Well, mostly. πŸ˜‚ Except for wasps and poisonous snakes and creepy spiders. In which case we stay away from them. πŸ˜‚

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They use the UFO news as a distraction from the crimes they are committing.

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You forgot yellow jackets. I call them little devils.

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Straight from the pits of hell. Can’t wait for them to be thrown into the lake of fire for good.

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I actually thought of those. πŸ˜‚ There was a lot of yucky bugs and things to add to that list too. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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Ya up here in the sticks the wasps don't come after is much but the little devils have no boundaries. Lost count of how many stings happened this summer while we were minding our own business. In about a month I have 3 or 4 nests to dig up and eliminate. If I could be paid for how many I caught in my traps this year I would be richer than Elon musk.

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πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Someday I’ll ask God β€œwhy those things”. πŸ˜‰

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Oh yesssss

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I think ET was kinda cute. πŸ‘½

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It's notable that reported abductees very often say that the "aliens" offer a false gnostic gospel.

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I feel certain the "abductees" are victims of government experiments.

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β€œFor in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭30‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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I don’t believe such a thing.

β€œSexual inter-course between an angel/demon and a human being”, given the results of a super human...

That’s the interpretation of many around the passage: Seeing the sons of God that the daughters of men were pretty....

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Book of Enoch sheds more light on this. You can just Google it and read it. The book of Enoch has been considered by all as solid. Good reading, not Canon but worthy of your time nonetheless. Jude even quoted from it. Much can be learned from it.

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There many books to illustrate the topic from a personal perspective, but when it comes to spiritual principles, I stick to the 66 books included in the Bible.

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The 66 books are Canon. But you should know the book of Enoch was hotly debated when the canon was being put together whether to be included or not. And as I recall it barely lost out. But even the church fathers who didn't think it should be in there admitted that it was valuable to read and was not a gnostic heresy like the gospel of Thomas. Again, Jude quoted from it. And it appears that the early church did read it. The reason it didn't get included was that the Jewish rabbis who did revere the book did not consider it to be canon so the early church adopted that view.

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You're missing out. King James had the Bible translated for political reasons. Unlike others before him, like Willam Tyndale, who just wanted everyone to be able to read the Bible or the Geneva Bible. I've personally always questioned how they ended up with only "66" books. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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May I recommend a book: "The Unseen Realm" by Michael Heiser. Conforms neither to Catholic nor Reformed theology, but offers some ideas worthy of consideration.

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Thank you Ed for saying this. As I read your comment I have such peace knowing this too is what I believe and God’s word is TRUE. I made the β€˜same’ comment about UFOs and Christ’s rapture. πŸ’•

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The coming of the Lord is imminent and whatever we have left to do, we need to commit ourselves and do it.

We don’t too much time left.

Blessings in Jesus’s name.

Follow and obey Acts 2:38.

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Each morning, on waking, before rising, I thank Him for another night of rest, and another day in which to serve Him. One of the benefits of being 'retired' is the temporal freedom to lie abed and pray.

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The UFO phenomenon is 100% demonic. Regarding the last days, perhaps. Every generation for 2000 years was able to make a case that they were the last generation and we're very much convinced that they were. It is no different today. I became a Christian in 1990 and I thought for sure it was going to be in the next 5 years, If not the next year. Y2K, thought that was time.... on it goes. So, be ready always but remember we don't know when He returns.

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There won't be ANY "main news" after Christ returns for his Church, because it will be the Final Judgement. People need to get this "rapture" nonsense out of their heads and focus on following the Lord instead of speculating about the future.

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John 10:16: β€œAnd I have other sheep that are not of this fold..."

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The demonic spirits are a result of angels mating with humans. When these half-half entities died, their spirits became demons. The angels remained angels, even though they were fallen. The leader, Abbadon, Apollyon, says....whatever he is called in other languages, decided he would assail and β€œ.....sit on the mountain of the moedim”.....and he has, and still does.

The Mountain of the moedim are the β€˜Appointed Tines of the Lord’, often called the β€˜Feasts of the Lord’. Appointed times when He promised to meet with His people.

Satan took over the moedim, and changed the times and the seasons. He changed Passover into easter (Ishtar). He changed Sabvsth to Sunday, he changed Sukkot to Christmas. He twisted each and every moedim.

The real calendar began in the spring and ended with winter, which makes sense. Our calendars makes zero sense.

At some point Yeshua HaMoshiach will put the calendar back in proper order.

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Really, in Michigan solar energy? I went to college there, the four coldest years of my life. I do not remember it being particularly sunny in the winter. And isn't Detroit called "motor city"? How will they run cars? Once again rabid folk not thinking things through sufficiently. Batteries? Wind? Solar? How will these be created, if not through more energy and more mining? Oh, I get it, they will import them from China, where they don't enforce "clean" laws. I thought the earth is spherical and a closed system, I guess the MI politicians know better

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Speaking of which....during my morning dose of NPR, they spoke of consumer confidence in e-cars dropping due to ...get this, them having 80% more problems than ICE cars!!!

Also: look at the battery sticker shock

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GE is halting production because people aren't buying. Toyota also halted. There could be more, but I don't keep up with all of it. I think it's great though.

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That's great! It's even crumbling with the massive dealership incentives and tax rebates. Thousands of EV's just sitting their rusting away. Priceless! The comments are gold too.

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Schadenfreude can be delicious!

Not long ago (I swear I'm not employed by ZH) Ford announcing similar halts.


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I saw a dealer who said even with $22k subsidies and $7.5k tax credits, EVs are just clogging up their lots. They have a 12 mo plus inventory. He said he has a brand, new Ford F150 with 25 miles that's just $7,000 and NO ONE will buy it! πŸ₯΄

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What’s ICE car? I can’t figure out what that stands for πŸ˜…

Will any of these people be in power by the end time of their policies? Our idiot, I mean Governor plans to be all electric by 2030. But he announced he won’t be seeking re-election so …

I’m sure the DS has a replacement that might be worse 😭

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πŸ˜† Thank you, I was trying to put Gas in there and was coming up with Zero LOL but it’s early and the caffeine obviously had not kicked in yet.

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Internal Combustion Engine 😎

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I have also heard that in the far far north, it is a vehicle made entirely from frozen water, but that’s just a rumor

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SS, I think we live in the same state… the Idiot will leave but his destructive policies remain… and yes his replacement could be even worse. All in the name of virtue-signaling and bowing to the global green agenda rather than meeting the real needs of the people in this state.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

I’m sorry 😣 but nice to know there are a few people here in their right minds!

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They are already obsolete as tge big three announce their H2 cars. That will be the future. And then there will oodles of cash made on adapting current poisonous cars to it. And tgen the ability to create it from air. Oooh.

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Not only that, but they will need to spend hours clearing the solar panels from the snow they get there

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I seriously considered panels twice in last 15 years. In second consideration (Feb. '21) thought of leaves falling on roof panels, leaving sticky residue which would have to be cleaned. And the black walnuts falling---wind-sent missiles on a stormy day--capable of cracking the glass? They sure make dents in our car roofs--we have to park at bottom of driveway for about 6 weeks each fall. Cost of annually hiring someone to climb up to third storey roof to clean panels? No thanks.

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No to mention there is more detrimental waste from making solar panels than could ever be gained by using one in its lifetime. Just another money laundering scheme IMO

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We wasted a pile of money on solar hot water for our house and pool. The panels "lasted" all of ten years... the solar panels for the pool constantly sprang leaks that had to be repaired. At $40 a pop until gas prices increased, then it became $120! less than a year after installation for each leak!!! And, one had to climb up on the roof and put a screw in the leak... Screws cost $.30 initially, but increased to $.80 within a year. It was a racket!! Hubby took over leaks and we saved $$$ in short order. The hot water solar panel for the house quit working and was irreplaceable for less than 8k and even then, we'd have to change the configuration because the new pipes wouldn't fit the ten year old design! What cost 20k in 2012 skyrocketed to over 45k in 2022! We took it all down this year! Gave up hope that we could make it work without losing our shirt! It was trouble free for less than 2 years!

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Wow! Thank you so much for this first-hand info!

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My car windshield was broken by a dropped hickory nut.

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Thank you for this supportive anecdote!

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ugh... I really hate cracked windshields. It's like the bane of my existence living in a rural area.

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The trees that share my house in the summer are worth way more than solar panels. Especially since I heat with wood.

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I hope someday autocorrect and AI duel to the death.

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With you on that. Husband has iPhone, I am on de-Googled Pixel. His AI is aggressive--hence very annoying to scary.

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I hear that insurance companies don't want to insure roofs with solar panels installed. Anyone know if that's true?

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Same in northern Illinois where these things are sprouting up. I can’t even get any useable vitamin D from the sun, even if exposed, until late March and April. Crazy.

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Ugh, I couldn’t live there. No sun and too cold. Wouldn’t survive it.

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I hear ya, Kim. It’s gloomy and raining today. I’m an outdoor painter and photographer so I try to see the beauty in winter. With snow , sun and cast shadows it’s achingly gorgeous sometimes. But too many days-arrrrgh. πŸ˜–.

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It’s not particularly sunny in winter. Clouds reign pretty often during those months. We have car overload here in Michigan as public transit isn’t really much of a thing. I often look at all the cars on the road and say there is no way everyone in Michigan will change. They can’t even afford to change to EV! And it’s cold here several months of the year. We are lucky when our gas powered vehicles work in the cold, these EV’s will be useless here. Idiots!!

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When I read this part of C&C out to my husband he burst out laughing saying, "Does Whitmer not know the sun's path - when it is shining, that is - during winter in Michigan?"

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Not that I'd ever defend Governor Poisy Hat, the Davos CCP camp follower, but my friend insists solar doesn't actually need sunlight anymore, it can draw through cloud cover. I don't know what his epistemology is. We have a friend who scouts MI locations for solar panels now, but the issue is that no one has any choice, it is all by totalitarian edict. And even if that particular fascist diktat isn't as insane as it sounds, the rest of the decisions are. Bike lanes for one thing, with seven months of winter, no one a bike rider, save for a few Center for Urban Transformation Schwab employees. They just got a lot of money to gentrify this park near us, and they paved the road and split it so there is a bike lane. They left a huge mountain of dirt with chunks of concrete at the bottom, which will no doubt get covered in snow, and kids will try to sled on it and slam into the concrete. But these people do not give a flying about that as they are deeply anti-human. As the workmen leave, the brothel and pharmacy functions return, and the new paving allows the crackheads to speed through more effectively. Every single MI politician is sucking off the teats of pharma and the globalist agenda, and no doubt Governor Poisy hat is salivating at getting to roll in the snow with Larry Fink and Mckinsey or BlackRock as she heils to the WEF and the pedophilic UN.

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I read somewhere recently, Cynthia, that the bike lanes are intentionally designed to make commuting with cars frustrating and difficult with the ultimate goal of dissuading car use. That makes sense in the big picture.

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Absolutely true. Austin, TX has many bike lanes, making traffic even worse. City council has written a big bank check for a rail system. They've already spent millions, yet there's absolutely nothing to show for it. Even if they do get it completed (in 10 yrs?) the homeless and lawless will keep normal folks from using it, like the metro busses now.

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My sweet daughter lives in Michigan. Even in May, I freeze! Solar panels? So I can freeze more? I think I will have to let her and the family visit me in the South where one day it is freezing and a couple days later it’s a nice warm up!! 😊

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And can you imagine what that would do to your power grid if all the cars were EV? You would have glorious black out … not to mention a baby boom next year!

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15 min cities incoming. No one's gonna be driving personal cars anyway. Hegelian Dialectic. (Create) Problem - (Manage) Reaction - (Provide) "Solution".

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I think the people who re-elected that moron are brain dead, low IQ and low information. Obviously not all residents voted for her. But after the stunts she pulled during the scamdemic, how could they do that? I just can't understand.

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some of them would rather vote D no matter who is the standard bearer. Senator Lurch for example, and President Brandon. Then again, isn't it the vote counters that decide and not the voters?

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I'd sure say so. They can count whatever they want.

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Many are not brain dead, just plain dead.

The 2000 Mules movie is an eye opener.

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Grew up in the foothills of the Berkshires, western Mass. Winter mornings so cold that cars wouldn't start. My father --having a garage, with electricity, eventually bought and used an engine block heater. Husband and I, newlyweds, had no garage. Every morning was a bit scary--would this be the day when the car won't start?

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First: β€œMusk’s exact quote suggested an anatomically-impractical solo maneuver” Best description yet for the particular invitation!

So MI’s governor is vying with other western states (CA, WA) for the clean/green β€œleadership” crown… trying to outdo one another in a race to economic suicide and destruction. Yeah, that’s going to work out well:


Just like Al Gore and all the other climate-change hucksters, no one will ever be held accountable when their predictions and proclamations and utopian visions fail, but it won’t matter because the damage to real Americans is always done in the near-term. Unless and until they are replaced by a β€œtotal energy” policy (including nuclear) that will assure powering EVERYthing needed for people’s health and livelihoods, these sanctimonious bastards will utterly destroy us and make it easier for our enemies to eventually conquer.

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reminds me of the old Beatles song "I Am a Walrus" : "sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun to come, if the sun don't come you get to tan from standing in the English rain". Lots of help the solar panels will do you!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, how could you forget the most obvious proof that there IS DEFINITELY a boycott of Disney going on? Have you seen the box office attendance numbers for Disney's two latest movies, "The Marvels" and "Wish?" The numbers are through the floor! For example, "The Marvels," which cost $250M to produce and another $250M to advertise, is on pace to make less than $100M domestically. This is a disaster for Disney. They are going to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on these films, just like they have on the last several ones like "The Eternals" and the last Indiana Jones movie. Americans are tired of Disney's woke agenda, replacing of men with women, and lack of any creative story-telling. So America is pulling a "Bud Light" on Disney, bigtime!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I said this before, but Columbus still has their drive in open. I went last weekend to see "Thanksgiving" along with "Napoleon", although I did not stay for Napoleon. On the other screen, they were playing Disney garbage, "Wish" and "The Marvels". My side was rather well attended considering it was 32 degrees by 8:30 p.m. I drove out and the Disney side had all of 4 cars. This tells me something.

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This is more due to the movies being woke garbage, boycott or not.

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You know, I just got into a bit of a debate with my husband over Disney again this morning. He (like so many others) doubts that there's a real boycott going on and thinks its just because people are sick of the movies. Nonsense - Encanto was huge and that was just a couple of years ago. It was also released thanksgiving just like Wish. It's the woke garbage. People are sick of it. And he told me there was another Frozen coming out, to which I said if they make a prominent gay character in it with a kissing scene I can guarantee you it will bomb. And he said no way, Frozen will dominate the box office no matter what. What do you guys think? Who's right on this?

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My bet is that the box office for Frozen 2 will be WAY DOWN from the success of the first movie. The "girl power" thing wasn't as "in your face" then as it is now. People are just sick of it, and they will make their voice heard by NOT going to this movie. If you still have stock in Disney, then you might want to think about dumping it now.

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Yup, I think you're right. This would actually be Frozen 3. Frozen 2 came out end of 2019 and it actually did more at the Box Office than the first one. But there really wasn't anything in there for parents to get upset about. I remember rumors at the time that they were going to give Elsa a girlfriend, but that never materialized. I'll be interested to see if they are so bold as to bomb Frozen 3. That would really be something, wouldn't it?

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Frozen 2 was good because it focused on Anna who didn't have magical powers and just had to be brave and do what was right as an ordinary girl (albeit a princess, of course), and the characters all came across as "real" (well, except for that irritating snowman - the Jar Jar Binks of Frozen).

They should make the third one focus on Kristoff, but there's no chance in hell they would actually do that.

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Or if they do, they'd give him a boyfriend or something. Maybe he and Anna could now be one of those polyamorous couples or something. What do they call those? A throuple? All kidding aside, I really am wondering if Disney is going to dare mess with their golden goose like this.

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Ugh, that would be "out there" even for Disney, but would sure be a GREAT way to tank it.

I too wonder if they are wise enough to resist the temptation to mess with it. Signs point to "nope", though... maybe Angel Studios can buy the rights to it after Disney goes bust? (lol)

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Speaking of Bud Light, did anyone see how Forbes has Dylan "I'm a better woman that you" Mulvaney" on the recent cover and declared him a "go-getter" of the year? Well, if destroying a historically successful beer brand is "go-getting" I guess the title fits.

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I say, "It's time to boycott Forbes!" Let these woke companies "feel the pain in their wallets" every time that they support this evil woke agenda.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

I love this report! Any numbers on the wish?! And I hear another comic character is coming out with role reversal? I bet that is Disney too and will flop!

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Just do a Google search on "Disney Wish box office Mojo" and it will take you to Mojo's site where they track any film by each day's box office receipts. Click on the "Domestic" link if you just want to see USA box office numbers. Take a look at the numbers for Disney's "Wish," then go look at the numbers for "Super Mario Bros." It's night and day. Take a look at the numbers for "The Marvels," then go look at the numbers for "Top Gun Maverick." Again, it's night and day. Disney is losing their shirts with this woke agenda! Americans are "speaking" by keeping their wallets shut.

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Wow you are not going to believe this! I looked up the info and saw 33 mil domestic. Looked up mario broa. Then I went and googled what Disney spent on it- 200 mil. Went back to the site to look it up….. and now it wont come up!!! It has censore it. I even tried typing in Disney the wish. Nothing!!!!🀯😳

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Consider: the more woke movies they create, the faster the company falls.

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I always feel like ABC and espn and sports will save them.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

That quote about the reality of doing good vs the appearance of doing good is worth remembering and calling attention to. Musk is right about that one - there are so many "appearances" of doing good that just aren't. (See the Michigan climate law nonsense or CA's war against gas-powered vehicles.) Add in the bowing down to the alphabet army's nonsense of letting men beat women in sports or worse. All of this "looking good" for whatever the current social trends are, but actually doing evil/harm in the long run. :( It's no wonder that struck a chord. Even die-hard leftists have to pause for a second to consider "am I the bad guy". Sadly, they then rationalize their behavior and ignore the long-term effects yet again.

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Very interesting revelation/interjection by Sorkin right after that was: β€œSome people say [Elon] owning X to begin with is a problem.”Therein lies the reason for all the agencies investigating. They want it back, as many here have said.

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So, if Bezos or Gates had bought it, we'd be fine?

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That quote jumped out at me too. The human intellect, will and emotions were made to respond to reality. Feelings become disordered when we respond to a faulty picture of reality. It seems to me that much of what we see going on even at high levels of government and other institutions literally is ruled by disordered emotion. Hence the chaos and dysfunction.

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Pete Buttagieg knows himself 'a better person' for having wed Chasten (how ironic, that name), and presumably, for having acquired two tiny humans [a form of chattel slavery--as presumably some money changed hands with the females incubating these humans?]. Let's not consider his failure to visit E. Palestine in the course of his job.

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Describes Newscum and DeSantis to a tee. Tonight's debate between the two should be interesting. I hope DeSantis mops the floor with him.

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They'll find a way to rationalize their way out of it like those who now know the CD19 are nothing more than kill shots.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

C&C with my coffee. Perfect!!

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Yes, except for the coffee part. Yuck. 😝 Am I still allowed to be here? 😁

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Yes, you can still be here. But your morning beverage must be held in a coffee cup or mug. :)

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My morning water is in a coffee mug this morning, lol. One with a β€œDanger: Radioactive Materials” logo. A gift to our son a few Christmases ago. πŸ˜†. He was very much into studying atomic bombs at the time.

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Janice - I’m not a coffee drinker either. I hope Jeff doesn’t hold that against us. πŸ˜‚

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You didn’t used to be an early riser either β˜€οΈ πŸ˜‚β˜€οΈ

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I didn’t drink coffee until my early 60’s but love having it 3-4 days a week now…..soon with my C&C!

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He's secretly making a list to ban all of you in the near future. LOL

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I don’t drink coffee either but I recently read an article that says strong black coffee helps protect against Covid....not sure of the actual reasoning behind the claim but I have to say that my husband, who took the first set of 2 Pfizer jabs against my advice, drinks 3 large cups of strong coffee every day and hasn’t had Covid. So.....p.s. He wioke up and hasn’t had any further jabs since the first 2.

p.s.s. He still hasn’t apologized for not heeding my advice!

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My mom drinks 2 pots a day...not black but brewed. She has been on 2 trips to Biloxi with my cousins. Both times they came back and the cousin she slept came back with covid. One trip, all 3 of the cousins got it. My mother hasn't gotten it, in spite of being on close quarters with infected. She was living with my niece until recently, the house had covid 3 or 4 times. She is diabetic and not particularly healthy BUT for SOME reason she hasn't succumbed. Could it be the coffee? Maybe, but she definitely has some immunity to it.

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My 93 year old mom, who lives in an independent senior complex, never took a vaccine in her life, never stopped socializing or going out in public, no mask and drinks several cups of black coffee every morning has never had Covid either. There might be something to it!

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Yes. Coffee would be safer and more effective against 'covid' than the Shots. Same with booze and cigs. A whiskey sour or a gin and tonic are superior to the Fauci Ouchi.

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"Fauci Ouchi" GOOD ONE, I'll need to remember this

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Bring on the gin and tonic!

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Yay! The first ever cocktail courtesy of British Army officers of the Raj new way of drinking their mandatory weekly anti-malaria doze of bitter quinine powder. Chloroquin., hydroxyquin, are just modern big pharma's more expensive versions of the same Peruvian chinchona tree bark's quinine extract. [FWIW: I like the Fever Tree brand of tonic water with real quinine.]

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

Also alzheimers; I posted a link to the paper a few days ago

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I’ll have to look for that article, Linda!

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Thank you Linda! You made that very easy for me!

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

I'm a big fan of peppermint tea that I drink throughout the day. But I start my day with two cups of joe tho!

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I like green tea and chamomile…

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lol. Most definitely!!!!!!

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Of course! It wouldn’t be the same without

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Iced tea for me, Janice!!!

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Mostly tea drinker, here.

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I am bi, both coffee and tea : )

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Ha ha - guess I’m bi as well πŸ˜‚

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: )

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I like the way you put that …

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Thank you! Smart Ass here

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

Absolutely Janice! IF I drink coffee it must be decaf which isn’t good for you either. But I have (almost) learned to like chickory. I need something to put my daily collagen in, and chickory has many health benefits besides being a coffee wannabe! πŸ˜‚

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Just coffee? No covid. LOL!

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Jeff posted yesterday or the day before. It was a small study.

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"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." https://rumble.com/v3ynskd-operation-m.o.a.r-mother-of-all-revelations.html Accountability is long overdue.

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Watched and ripped it this morning since YouTube is removing this video. 30% is horrific. The pendulum is slowly swinging back. People are getting past angry. I've been seeing threats. A GOP mayor resigned in Kansas after receiving threats because she was wanting to implement a mask mandate. I've seen several memes about making politicians fearful of starting their cars again. The rhetoric is off the charts and rapidly growing by the day.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I can't wait for the "green energy" to blow up on those woke idiots. Wait until people have no electricity half the time, I believe the pitch forks will start flying, Whitmer better have a vacation home. The Christmas tree falling over is a sign God sees all and He ain't happy with the morons in the WH. As for Elon and his F-off comment, he better be ready for a fight because he just rattled the "woke" chains of the nut jobs. The bioweapon injections have now killed around 30 million or more world wide so even if they were all incinerated it's too late, the death count will rise beyond any jabs going into arms. Thanks Jeff, love your posts every morning.

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Oh she does. The governors mansion on Mackinac Island, but it’s a summer home. Why you ask? Because it’s on an island on Lake Huron where it gets brutally cold.

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No cars there if I remember correctly. I seem to also remember the ferries stopped running after a while. Hard to do if there is ice on the lake.

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Correct, no cars on the island.

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Maybe she’ll have to hitch a ride on a UFO to get out. For the likes of her, there will be a special Lyft service. Up up and away in her beautiful ,her beautiful tin cannnnnnnn. 🎢🎢🎢🎢Please, take her now, little β€œgreen” men.

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Funny, isn't it--they were always little 'green' men, not blue, not orange. Just way ahead of their times.

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lol Yes, beam her up. My godson works for SpaceX and I've asked him a few times to ask Elon to send all the evil WEF, UN, corporate evildoers, globalists, oligarchs and philanthropaths to an asteroid where they could fight it out amongst themselves ala The Hunger Games. He keeps promising to tell him lol.

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Linda Yaccarino is a WEF member.

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Yep. Germany is feeling the pain of its insane energy policies and starting to back track on many of them. You can follow eugyppius on Substack for more details.

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Elon's 'anti-semitic' comment was agreeing that the attack on White/western culture is sponsored by Soros-led Media Matters. Nothing egregious.

For this they make the worlds Richest Dude do a humiliation tour in Israel to demonstrate that dissent against The Narrative is not allowed.

If they succeed against him, surely substack, rumble and other 'free' sites and their user bases will be criminalized and de-platformed and worse. Censorship about the vaccine industry and those behind it will reach new levels.

Will we stay strong, or is this another step in turning off more platforms of dissent and discussion?

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Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to JEFF CHILDERS' heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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