Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

I am not willing to blame the Chinese alone for all of this bioweapon stuff. I would lay money on the table our government is in neck deep right along with them.

I am in that 10%. I will NEVER, ever, for any reason, trust anyone involved in the US government or its agencies. The CDC is corrupt as heck. There's no way trust in them will ever be restored, especially if they are trying to mess with 2A and this climate scam. I don't care what moron they put in charge of it, it will not happen.

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Agreed. And ask those who argue with you to explain the UNC Chapel Hill lab's original work on virus modification - work which was apparently offshored to China to dodge Congressional oversight.

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Precisely. I believe that is where it all started. Then, when gain of function research was declared illegal in the US, they moved the whole mess to Wuhan. You can't make this up.

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It began in the Ukraine before it happened in China.

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Kerry and Biden were in Ukraine 14 times in 2015!!!

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It is a shame they didn't stay there.

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๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ’ฏ

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The Ukrainian labs were ours as well.

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They were funded by us, not owned by us.

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Kindly prove their ownership by anyone outside of the Ukraine.

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Yes it started at University of North Carolina. Then went to Canada and then Wuhan. There is a paper trail.

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How is Canada involved - can you refer me to some info/data on this please. Thanks

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Peter Daszak was the intermediary, although I thought he was in UK.

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China learned the dangers of Bioweaponlabs in Wuhan and have now cleverly offshored it back to US?! BUT HomoLand Security, DOJ, FBLie, CLieA no one has a clue--sure, right. Like a surprise attack by rogue visiting Arabian jet pilots co-ordinated by a diabetic Jihadist in a cave. I nominate Reedly City Code Enforcement for a new National Security Agency--defund the rest of the rotten, lazy, corrupted, leftist complicit criminal conspiring overly funded bloated bureaucratic bozo agencies that are abetting this WARFARE on OUR soil within OUR Borders. "Learn from your enemies by feigning friendship, then destroy them by the knowledge of their weakness when suitable" (Shu Shyn--The Art of Divorce and War IV).

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Eleven adjectives! Iโ€™m impressed๐Ÿ‘

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thank you, i do try, as a plethorical panoply of (superfluous?) adjectives seem to erupt into my fingertips and perhaps it may slightly confound and frustrate the word-smithing and re-defining community, NPR aficionados types, those who endear themselves in disparaging their opponents (Us) in their condescending faux-sophistication, weaponizing descriptives and definitional stereotyping of mal-educated types like myself who actually did compliantly attend public and State schools; yet rather than reverencing their Fabian Socialist driven verbal and phraseological creativity, can only bring myself to mock it and disdain the imitational, self-pedestalizing superiorist attitudes behind it. I need a bit of valerian root and chamomile tea now, C&C Therapy is documented to reduce the harmful effects of Communist Ideology and Propaganda.

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Well done, good & faithful servant! You deserve a double portion of your tea here in the Coffee & COVID Commentary Parlor. ๐Ÿซ–โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‰

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Love it!!! You forgot Superfluous LOL

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Anyone who wants to hear this please listen! Jeff, I hope you donโ€™t mind. Please listen. Itโ€™s not king and SGAnon is so good and has the Intel to keep us abreast (just like you) with what is going on in the World!


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did not know that. thanks. For the record, I have always despised the University of No Class. Only ever met one alumni I thought was not a PoS.

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If UNC didn't kill you with their bioweapon, they surely will kill you with the "cure."

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Their trustees must be mighty proud.

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Not for long! They are being hung left and right!!

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How convenient that those responsible for the man-made virus also have the "cure" drug.

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And maybe a POTU$ that looked the other way.

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like obama

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Several years ago, our pastor mentioned that someone had asked him if he thought BO was the AntiChrist. His reply was, "No. But I think he KNOWS him." Just reflect on what Obama Bin Biden said on the night of his "installation" about the main objective of his reign.... to "fundamentally transform America" and "level the playing field". When I heard him utter those words, I knew we were in for a world of hurt. And the beat goes on... and on... and on. And now there are utterances that Michelle/Michael will be the next big push for the Democratic nomination for POTUS. And you all know what THAT means.... 4 more years of BO in the basement.

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Transform = Marxism

Level = Egalitarians/equity ... Marxism.

I think we always should use 'Michelle/Michael' when referring to the tranny whatever Joan Rivers said it was.

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.... and we all know what happened to Joan Rivers.

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With all this talk lately on Twitter about Michelle being trans, it's starting to make sense why Obama was focusing so hard on bringing up the trans issue and talk of which bathrooms people should go into, etc--

His administration seems to have kickstarted the whole thing.

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Barry was groomed by a female doctor and her husband over at leastl least a decade. I don't know who funded them--perhaps the Rockfeller Foundation, Bilderberg people, Gates, Soros--who knows. They cleaned up his image (and his teeth) and had a surrogate woman carry his 2 daughters in her womb...they are his children--not Michael/Michelle's. Michelle/Michael (whatever) is a rabid Marxist - even more so than Barry Boy. It will be hell on earth if he/she is touted as the POTUS OF THE DECADE. But ignoramu;s libbie white people will be IN LOVE with him/her! Christians and Republicans will be persecuted and driven underground...get ready to live a different life than you are now living--unless, of course, you are willing to "take the mark of the beast"--NOT I!!

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Makes perfect sense to me.

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Also known as 'Big Mike'. Was that who was paddle-boarding with the chef the other night?

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Hmm. I hadn't heard he had a companion, but the more exposed the darker the whole episode looks. Mainstream media's take?? Crickets.

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This news article mentions a "fellow paddleboarder"--but NO NAME is given. However, it DOES mention that the 2 Obama daughters left the island shortly AFTER the chef's body was discovered. So THEY were around when this all went down! HMMMM! https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/tafari-campbell-latest-police-nothing-051642485.html

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...who killed the drowned chef?

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the jab is my guess

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Didn't I read a former chef of the Clinton's died mysteriously several years back? Sounds like the "benefits" of that position might not be so great. Oh, wait. This sounds like ANOTHER conspiracy theory, and we KNOW those never go anywhere...... Right? Hmmm.

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Here's the W.H. chef for the Clintons AND "W" who died while hiking in rainy conditions in a mountainous region--not similar conditions--but he ended up in the same condition--D E A D! https://www.newsweek.com/tafari-campbells-death-has-eerie-parallels-clinton-chef-walter-scheib-1815122

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He must have gotten more of a glimpse of Michael than he should have!!!! Or Michael and Obama playing around and didnโ€™t notice they were not alone! You know they canโ€™t hide everything!!!

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Sure was! Leave to the dummy Cooper to let it all happen! I still say Forest won Governor of NC in 2022!! But on the other hand, NC had a very low % of Vax deaths. I sure prayed for that! My two dead asleep boys and a Grandson were all double vaxxed!! Talk about scared! Itโ€™s still scary though because that Graphene is no joke! I just heard the PCR tests up your nose and a needle in them that pricked inside your nose and got everyoneโ€™s DNA.

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Iโ€™m with you FourWinds. I will NEVER EVER NEVER EVER trust the government or itโ€™s demon agencies. Truth be told I didnโ€™t have much trust in them to begin with. It was only downhill from there. They can never restore what little trust I had anyway. There is nothing they can do that would change any of my disdain for them. The only good government agency is a defunded and prosecuted agency thatโ€™s never seen or heard from again.

And the percentage of people who donโ€™t trust the CDC are just more lies to downplay how hated they are. That number is way higher. Just talk to actual people and youโ€™ll find out. Those numbers are about as accurate as the made up poll numbers that politicians like to tout. Ppfffttt ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป

Sorry if I have a bit more meanness coming out today. Iโ€™m so sick and tired of being lied to about Every. Single. Thing. The Greece fires just threw me over the edge. They. Cannot. Stop. Lying!

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Yeah, I am tired of the absolute lying too. Just read AMDโ€™s recent post about why banks are debanking the COVID dissidents. Didnโ€™t make it past his discussion of the recent F D A approvals of new Alzheimerโ€™s drugs that almost barely work AND increase risk of brain bleeding and swelling. Even their own committee voted against it (๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ) but they still approved it.

My spouse is injured due to medical incuriosity/negligence (but everyone followed The Guidelines), and our kiddo is probably vacks injured, the more I learn about the damnable childhood shots, the more convinced I am that the chronic issues being experienced are not just bad luck but are bad toxins. I didnโ€™t know any better.

Of course you deal with this knowledge with your daughter, on an even more serious level, every single day.

God, please be merciful to all of us who were deceived and have suffered harms. Restore us to health. Help us find ways to help others. Amen.

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Please go to the Weston A. Price website and look up the GAPS diet. It has helped many heal.

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highly recommend their food shopping booklet.....everyone should get it

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Lynn - re: food shopping booklet = WAPs or GAPS Diet's booklet?

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they have an excellent where to buy healthy foods booklet for $5.00 on their website

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A friend sent this to me Copernicus. I would highly encourage everyone to sign up asap. This is how we help others avoid what you and I deal with in our families. They will send a link after you sign up. It actually started on Wednesday last week I believe. Each day when they post the next module (I think 8 altogether) you have 24 hours to view it. I finally was able to catch module 3 early this morning when I couldnโ€™t sleep at 3am.

Wowza! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿคฏ

Packed full of information from all the great warriors of our time.

Anybody that wants to know THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES past and present should sign up. Module 4 comes out sometime today, I think. And the entire series can be ordered digitally or DVD for later viewing. Not one minute is a waste of time. I already knew a lot. But there is so much more!


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Oh, man, I don't do well watching these multi-module, must-watch-in-24-hrs things. ๐Ÿคฃ. I've signed up for several recently.

Do they discuss how to treat injuries much?

I'm reading the book Crooked (refers to crooked faces/smiles of vacks injured, not the crooked pHarma), and he mentioned silica water (Fiji water) pulling aluminum out of the brain over time. I'd like to give ours a long course of liquid zeolite but I have a hard time getting it into him on a regular basis.

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Ya I donโ€™t either. I donโ€™t like the time frame deadline part. The name is Remedy. There was some remedy discussion for #3 but it didnโ€™t get super specific about regimen and dosing which I would like. It doesnโ€™t help much when they throw out names of things but donโ€™t give specifics. Iโ€™m hoping they will get more specific with remedies as it goes.

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Tell me HOW to use the thing(s) and for how long and when to know to stop and how to know if itโ€™s working.

We are working hard on gut health for our person right now, but experiencing some setbacks along the way.


And then when I complain, I feel badly because others have it much worse. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Thankfully, I *may* be convincing my sister to stop vacksine her kids. One of them has a (resolved) seizure disorder, and now that I know what I know, I would absolutely NEVER recommend injecting KNOWN NEUROTOXINS for what we now know are very dubious reasons. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ. Not into a kid (or adult) with a known neuro dysfunction.

Of course, now I wouldnโ€™t recommend it for neuro typical people either. ๐Ÿ˜‘

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FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth is loaded with silica and itโ€™s cheap. I think I got 3 pounds for less than twenty bucks. Thereโ€™s a lot of information online about the benefits of drinking a small amount in your water.

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Oh, thank you! I will look into this!!

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I did zeolite for a while with decent consistency and it didn't seem to help much. I don't want to spend the $ but I think working with a naturopath or some sort of natural practitioner to customize something for a given situation will be coming soon. I'm hoping to take a course on homeopathy in October to help with my family's issues. I should do gaps but man is it tough (especially when the rest of the family fights you on food already).

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

Our family already does low carb. We also have been using a fairly restrictive diet for the last few months to help w another matter. I am pretty sure we would not do GAPS at this point.

Best wishes with the homeopathy. Iโ€™m using it with partial benefit for my issues. Would probably be helpful to hire a trained homeopath to help w kiddo but homeopathy isnโ€™t an option on the table right now for that.

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Yes, I have watched all of them so far. Excellent information with remedies that have helped other people.

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God IS and WILL Honor what HIS Word Says!! Not one Word in His Book will return Void!! His word says By His Stripes we are Healed!! Stand on that Word honey!! That has to be your foundation right now! Donโ€™t give in to the enemy by ever saying their injured by that! I know itโ€™s so scary! I wasnโ€™t vaxxed and knew it was going to be bad! I havenโ€™t trusted Government for a long time. But right now what comes out of your mouth you are manifesting! So make sure your Words are the outcome you want! Just keep thanking God for healing them. No matter what! Just keep saying what your outlook will be for when itโ€™s all over! We will either have Med Beds to heal us or the Aliens will. Iโ€™ve heard they have been waiting to help us! Just know that your family is safe as long as we keep believing and having that Faith that What God says He will Do! I say a prayer over my body everyday that is all from the Bible and I have such a Strong Belief of being Healed. I vision myself Dancing again. Being able to work again! Nothing will ever change my mind!!

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Thanks. And my comment was in reference to the traditional childhood injections. I THANK GOD that he allowed us to be skeptical enough to decline the latest ones - and then we quickly began seeing the lies and manipulation.

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Agree. Agree. Agree! What us AMD?

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AMD refers to A Midwestern Doctor. He writes anonymously on Substack.

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agree 20000000% never will I trust the government again.

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Pretty much most of substack these days.

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...and these idiots obviously think WE are idiots. They have that SO wrong.

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"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." โ€• Ronald Reagan

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Nailed it ! ๐ŸŽฏ

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Truer words were seldom spokenโ€ฆ

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Lmbo!! Awesome one!! Me neither!! I think they just need to close every 3 and 4 letter anything!!!!!! Time to be Honest!!

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the Deep (st)HATE and media went after him like rabid rats after cheese...then the whole John Hinkley Jr. nearly killing him to "impress Jodi Foster? Hmmmm NOT buying it. Pope JP II also shot (by Bulgarian Commie?) Some interesting operations at play 1980s style.

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Conspiracies are often true. Reagan could have been a reluctant puppet. You you don't get to be pres if you are not compromised. He also supported NWO, and wasn't it his wife that consulted with witchcraft/fortunetellers/necromancers?

The secret societies of satan have been in power for millenia just as Jesus called them the synogogue of satan - the people who say they are jews but are not. God only knows the depth.

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yes and a bullet an 1/8 Inch from the aorta stops all the Ending Dept of Education and Dept of Energy talk

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I question even that because it just so happened that he survived? At the time, most of us didn't know about false flag events, but now many know.

The world is a stage and we are merely players... a Rush quote and you can see who their master is.

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That % who do not trust CDC seems low. If itโ€™s correct after what we just went through, the public is in big trouble.

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Poll my circle and itโ€™s much closer to 100%.

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I don't have access to the survey rankings, but it seems likely to me that there would be several categories such as (hypothetically):

Don't trust CDC at all. 10%

Mostly distrust them. 20%

Niether trust nor distrust. 30%.


My hypothetical point: it's likely a plurality, perhaps even a majority, of people surveyed are at best neutral on the agency, or view them with varying levels of distrust.

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Who really trusts surveys?!

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I trust them as much as I trust political polls.

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Not me. None of them. And every survey or poll Iโ€™ve ever participated in the past consisted of loaded questions. Designed to create a certain result. I never do them any moreโ€ฆwaste of time.

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or polls

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I would think that a breakdown by political party would be telling. Most democrats watch, listen to, and read only news reports from the MSM, which sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil about the CDC. So they are, for the most part, unlikely to even know why anyone would mistrust the CDC. Any truthful information is quickly labeled โ€œmisinformationโ€ they should ignore. Of course, there are plenty on the Right who drank the koolaid about Covid. And they also do not want to see or hear anything negative about the CDC, FDA, and NIH because the truth is frightening.

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You said โ€˜they speak no evil about the CDCโ€™ I think itโ€™s worse, they sing the praises of the CDC. They actually put a positive spin on all this crap. ๐Ÿ˜ก

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You are right!

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweetโ€ฆ

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what is the TRUST percentage? Remember, both Hillary and Carter were shoo-ins and lost big time. There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.

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And if they only polled Washington D.Cโ€ฆโ€ฆ

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If they're neutral they must be in the placebo-v@x-receiving group. When they get the REAL one, they'll join the 10%'ers.

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I donโ€™t see trust in the CDC returning anytime soon. Cohenโ€™s response in NC was to recommend everything that St. Anthony recommended for the country. Now sheโ€™s doubling down on more jabs?!?! ๐Ÿคก

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I think we will be better off without them! Just close them down!

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It is a lie. Like everything they spew out.

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I was a bit baffled by the comment "No, I donโ€™t want any more annual shots."

Any more? I want every "vaccine" absolutely obliterated and no more given to anyone, ever, until full transparent double blind studies are conducted.

And good luck finding human guinea pigs for those studies...

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Well, the volunteers would line up. Look how quickly they ran and begged for the experimental injection. We have a whole country full of willfully blind human guinea pigs. Just offer them a $5 gift card, a free donut, an extra day off work, or a button that brags they got their shotโ€ฆ.and they will come. ๐Ÿ˜–

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at least they are willing guinea pigs for the testing the pharmaceuticals don't want to pay for

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Or, the worst idea, a chance to win a million dollar lottery. At least you'll be able to afford a nice funeral.

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100% agree.

Yeah I would also not be at all surprised if there is federal government involvement in the labs.

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Fauci transferred the technology. Treason. Crimes against humanity.

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Bill Clinton transferred missile technology to China in the 1990s.

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Did we consider China the enemy in the 90s?

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Don't know.

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I think under Clinton we were "friendly" with both Russia & China. That was when we cut our space program & outsourced use of the space Station Mir. The Clinton/Romney/etc crowd made fortunes gutting the US economy & outsourcing manufacturing & "dirty work" to China & Russia.

They only became our "enemies" when we needed to unload our old weapons & contract shiny new ones to the MIC & to steal Russia's oil because ours is running out, we failed to steal Iraq's & now Russia is moving to stop us from stealing Syria's. And China's economy is getting so big they're crowding us out.

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Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Fauci hasn't met the test for treason.

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China is actively waging war against the United States daily. It's in the economic and cyber realms presently and hasn't turned "hot" yet as they are expertly adhering to a lot of the principles in Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". So yes, treason. Add Gen Milley and the Biden's along with various members of Congress to the list as well.

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The US government is waging war against US citizens daily.

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Yes they are. They have been completely weaponized.

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...and we are lulled into a false sense of security because we have the 2A.

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Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.

When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.

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Fauci was working for DARPA, which funded the research. DARPA is part of the military.

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Then why was he working in NIH buildings and drawing paychecks from NIH since 1968?

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Willful ignorance

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Why are there so many American warships cruising China's coast and none of theirs cruising ours?

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Because the US considers China to be an enemy.

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Substack can't return to the thread, so I can't follow it.

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Does "war against the US" mean against the Us government or the US citizens?

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The government, obviously.

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Technology transfer of how to make a genetically targeted bioweapon sure strikes me as "aid" and War against the US.


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I can't help your willful ignorance.

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Ad hominem attack suggests you have no legit response.

In what way is advanced weapon technology transfer to an enemy not treason?

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In the way that it is totally from your imagination until you prove it has ever happened.

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ok crimes against humanity.

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When are you going to refer them to The Hague?

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You raise a good question. Because recognizing the Hague as a jurisdiction is extra-legal to a constitutional government, states or federal.

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It is part of the UN system, which is anything but extra-legal.

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I believe Dr. Michael Yeadon already has.

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Substack doesn't return to the thread, so I don't know what you are talking about.

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So ... we have illegitimate pretend governments, federal and state, which appear to be foreign policy controlled and waging war on people both here at home and abroad.

Odd! Because Article 3, Section 3 assumes that we do have a legitimate Washington government in place ... and we don't even have that. Nonetheless, there must be treason somewhere no matter how habitually understated and/or perhaps never even thought of.

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Article 3, Section 3 is part of the Constitution that created the one that claims it as their founding document.

If you have bothered to read the entire post and understood it, you wouldn't be posting past it.

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I am posting past it to make a point which has seemed to have eluded you.

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Everything you say is going to elude me by being ignored, henceforth.

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wouldn't he corona virus be considered as war against the US?

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Obviously not, since it was created by our own government's actions.

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what about adhering to their Enemies?

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We have make ourselves China's enemy to make our hegemonic interests appear legitimate.

They don't have 800 military bases throughout the world as the US does.

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Our government funds the CCP more than any other government but the CCP.

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And that's just flipping insane!!

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American consumption of Chinese products makes it look tiny.

The Chinese outproduce us because our Congress gave tax breaks to offshore production.

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And funded the rise of Chinese industrialization by using imaginary money (US Treasury obligations) as trade settlement 'payment'. (monetary corruption)

The Chinese were happy to comply because they knew that the industrial base would remain and keep producing long after the imaginary money evaporates from whence it came. (China wins, we lose)

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Are you going somewhere worth being with all of this?

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People like Kissinger, Schwab, Galbraith, Kahn may have looked 'smart' some 50 some years ago with their policy projections. But this is not so. The above is an example of how 'smart cleverness' in some rather dumb thinking resulted in China becoming an industrial super-power and has left the United States in the historical dust bin.

You may find this history a bit interesting.


The above is a link found in the below:


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many of these tax breaks were given to support a poor economy. Is China still poor?

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Congress didn't give tax breaks to China.

Congress gave tax breaks to American corporations to move their production to China.

China has five high speed trains. How many does America have?

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but wouldn't the purpose of giving the corporations tax breaks be to assist the Chinese economy through the hiring of cheap labor?

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CDC has been identified as a very practical, convenient back door for corporations from many industries to get their way as a policy matter, because CDC does not follow the Administrative Procedures Act, which requires an extensive public consultation process, including subjecting the draft text of a proposed regulation to public comment. In addition, since the Reagan Years, โ€œmajor rulesโ€ with important economic affects must go through a cost benefit analysis run by OMB (office of management and budget.) Other agencies also have mandatory reporting and consulting requirements with Congress--not to mention certain rights in the inter-agency process.

So all these outside players and the Biden administration have figured out a nifty way in which CDC makes sweeping recommendations, and then everybody else is strong-armed into following them via a plethora of โ€œemergency declarationsโ€ --totally skipping the procedural safeguards against the federal bureaucracy that have been in place for 75 years.

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all regulatory agencies are nothing more than paid (ex and future) employees of the companies they purport to regulate. Whores and shills. Apologies to real whores.

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Like the weird rent control thing? I never could fathom where they got the power or authority to invade that sphere of contract law.

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Yes, sanctity of contract predates our constitution, and landlord- tenant is an area almost entirely reserved for the states and localities. The shock was that it went all the way to the Supreme Court before anybody did anything about it.

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Same here. China is just being used by the US to evade US laws and bio-ethics.

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"I am not willing to blame the Chinese alone for all of this bioweapon stuff. I would lay money on the table our government is in neck deep right along with them."

Well, duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Haven't you good folks listened to David Martin?? He's a patent fraud attorney, and a good one. He has proof that the patent for Covid19 virus was patented in 2006 and the vaccine for it was patented in 2007. The whole operation was a govmnt operation and Fauci and Pfyzer and Moderna jst ran cover for them. You owe it to yourself to look up David Martin PHd.

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You wouldnโ€™t happen to speculate that this lab might be a CDC CIA CHINESE FAUCI joint operation of some kind? Would you? That would seem to cover all the bases in my mind. But then I donโ€™t believe in conspiracy theories either.

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Considering the effort to force the jabs on all Americans, considering this is all planned, considering that all of Central and South America can flow across the border; invited and aided even and unjabbed, what are they seeking as the end goal in the U.S.?

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The end goal they seek for the US is a population that will beg for the tyrant they wish to install. The US, in its present form, is ungovernable under those conditions. Sabotage, in the form of bad policy, is being used to create the sort of chaos they need. Preparation of the battlefield, you see. They are conducting 5th generation warfare on their own population.

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Tom, agreed: Chaotic times = Desperate people = Tyranny welcomed.

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"The US is ungovernable..." Exactly! We can't govern ourselves out of this and we can't "election" ourselves out of it. It will require God's involvement and I believe God is in the Military Intelligence op known as "Q". Mark my words, it's real, legit, and will be involved in saving "US".

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I'm guessing you haven't seen the video of Flynn cribbing an entire speech from cult leader Elisabeth Clare Prophet.

Don't put your faith in men.

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No, Tom, I hadn't seen that. Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to check it out. Do you have a link?

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This ^^^

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That's easy. Same as the plan for Europe. Get rid of the current population, steal all of their assets, and replace them with Africans and Muslims, who are easier to manipulate. Seriously. it's no more complicated than that

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Thatโ€™s a very logical explanation.

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the destruction of the America that we grew up in.

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The big question is: Who in their right mind isn't in that 10%?

Seriously, Covid-19 wasn't big enough of a sham?

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its all in how you phrase the question

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Iโ€™m in that 10%+, too. My mistrust goes beyond the CDC to the entirety of the alphabet soup of government agencies: CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO, etc., etc., etc.

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The "government" we have now is a HORRIBLE JOKE!! This "secret warehouse/lab" is a prime example!!!

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I was going to mow my yard today, but I better clear it with the CDC.

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LOL, but not funny at the same time. Jeff said, "Try to follow Mandyโ€™s logic: Public health falls under the CDCโ€™s public health jurisdiction. Public health is a matter of national security. Everything is public health. Therefore, everything is a matter of national security and under CDC jurisdiction. "

3,000 years ago Plato said, "Such is the nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears, he is a protector." Memo to the CDC, it was a warning, not an instruction.

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good proof of Plato's theorem is Hitler and Brandon

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too much sunshine, too much fresh air, too much activity = "Dangerous", says CDC.

Followed quickly by "You Can Trust Us."

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Why in the world would you want to step out in Godโ€™s beautiful world if you could stay inside, sheltered, surrounded by processed junk food and watch Netflix reruns?

Sheesh โ€ฆ

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.........you forgot "wearing your mask", PZ ......... I mean, inside by yourself, and walking the dog on an empty beach, the tide washing over your feet - THOSE are moments JUST MADE for mask wearing, don't you think ? ๐Ÿ˜›

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forgot driving alone in the car

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YES! How could I forget that?

..........with the windows rolled up, on a nice, toasty, 75 degree day - when fools like us would likely roll down ALL the windows and enjoy the breeze. SUCH fools, we are ! ๐Ÿคฃ

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Yes, we need the guidance of all government agencies (throat clear) to pave the way for us plebs. They have a monopoly on the truth. We should be grateful for their loving hand.

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The CDC is not a government agency any more than the Federal Reserve is.

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They all fall under the "quasi-government" umbrella. The masses don't realize the difference.....or care.

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Thatโ€™s it, Eric! They donโ€™t care!

Makes one weep.

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They are all NGOs, which is a very disparate relationship for most.

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Interesting how that worked out.

Very interesting when you find out who's behind both organizations.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

The unelected agencies were created to get around the constitution and get away with crimes.

Our founding fathers wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect us from government but after 200+ years, the government has managed to ruin things.

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Our founding fathers wrote the Constitution to get around the benign Articles of Confederation, which had done the job of creating the nation.

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Good point, they seem to forget that as well.

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โ€œFreeโ€โ€” in other words, by your money laundered tax dollars ๐Ÿ˜‘

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lol. Yes. I suppose that makes it "Double Pen---" oh, never mind. Apologies, RL.


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More Pharmaceuticals, LESS activity and Nature. (Save Yourself, Save Our Planet)

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Sounds like a great recipe - for pfizer et al. Stat heard recently (maybe RFK Jr) - The USA has about 4.2 % of the world's population, yet accounts for approximately 50 % of the world's pharmaceutical sales...... yet still lags behind in overall health.

........Brought to you by PFIZER !

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HEALTH ALERT: Top 11 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes

Working for Amazon (or as a Czech diplomat), wearing bras, being happy, your gas stove, Menopause, passing exams, changing exam rooms, and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).


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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

Wearing bras? As a woman i can believe it but as a trans I refuse to! ๐Ÿคฃ

Menopause? As a woman i can....^๐Ÿ™„



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HEALTH ALERT: Top 10 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes

Napping, having s*x, exercise, some new mysterious unknown element just "discovered" in the atmosphere, climate change (again) and the (still) #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).


HEALTH ALERT: Top 13 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Causes

Gardening, solar storms, sleeping positions, Putin, going to the beach, living under flight paths, sock lines, being a lonely Karen, climate change and the #1 cause of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.


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Lonely Karen? Oh shit, Iโ€™m in big big trouble but since you donโ€™t mention Post Menopause Iโ€™m a point in the other direction. But yes, bras make me very very SADS.

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There should be: just click on the ... under your comment.

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I guess it just took a long time to up load it. Thanks.

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Actually looking forward to not have to mow the lawn in the future 15 minute City.

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You had a lawn? We should have been so lucky. Our family was so poor that our lawn was a single blade of grass, to support our flock of sheep, and we had to share the blade with the cows of the neighboring farm!

[Credit to the classic Monty Python skit "Four Yorkshiremen", viewable on Youtube.]

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Lawns were a symbol of genteel patriarchy for the Cracker-Class Racists who wanted a small piece of groomed property to dominate and subdue. Exerting colonial anti-indigenous impulses right outside their own doorstep. Can't we all just display our: This House Believes In... banners and turn lawns into outdoor camping for the underhoused community? A LAWN is nearly as bad as a burning cross or a Trump 2024 banner or a (Don't) Tread On Me flag to our Neo-Leftist Cultic neighbors

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Mao was so convinced lawns were capitalistic and bourgeois that he made everyone tear them out ๐Ÿ™„

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Well, in my town of Santa Maria, CA, our (new as of January) neighbors across the street ripped out what was left of the lawn and installed used Astro-turf (with vestiges of white lines from some football field). They then proceeded to use said โ€œforever green lawnโ€ as a parking lot because street parking was woefully inadequate for the number of people that were beginning to be stuffed into the house. The garage just got converted to a couple of bedrooms so there you go! The Californian sardine-packing industry is not dead--it just moved into single family residences.

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a chicken in every pot, a family in every room, a ballot in every hand

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Don't joke. My brother in law told me 2 days ago a local farmer he knows was visited by whatever beaurocracy it was and given a ream of paperwork, while being told he can no longer sell his fruits and vegetables to the public from the building he was using. Needs a separate building, permits, inspections, yada yada.

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where did this happen?

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A green lawn is an unmanicured one, grass absorbing more carbon dioxide than terrascaping.

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You might start a lawn wildfire with your lawnmower.... Be careful

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Thus you can get a lot not done ๐Ÿคญ

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โ€œCome to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.โ€

โ€” Jesus, Matthew 11:28-30 NASB19995

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MotherJones May 12, 2020:

"Anti-Vaxxers Have a Dangerous Theory Called 'Natural Immunity.'

Now It's Going Mainstream."

Oh no!

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There is also the dangerous idea that people have something they call "immune systems"

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Thatโ€™s why the Sputnik shot exists.


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....those doggone conspiracy theorists.

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Conspiracy analysts...

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MotherJones is always replete with dangerous theories about Dangerous Theories ๐Ÿ˜ It's called business model I surmise, and quite profitable at that.

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Although I never read MJ, I do read [UK] Financial Times. One of my favorite irreverent news aggregators sometimes posts the snarky comment (approx.) "FT is the Wall Street Journal of the UK -- If the WSJ had hired Mother Jones writers for its editorial staff."

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If it bleeds, it leads.

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Jeff, you really did not have to bother naming the three GOP Senators who voted against Cruz's amendment. That trio is already immortalized in granite on Mount RINO.

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I disagree: โ€œElectedโ€ representatives must be called out each and every time they betray the American people, especially those who โ€œelectedโ€ them. In fact, we need billboards showing their votes. Go here to check that information for yourself: https://www.govtrack.us

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and then, guess what? Theyโ€™ll be elected again by the uninformed masses.

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I have an Exhibit A for you on that one. In 2022, I spent 6 months knocking doors for a friend who was running for County Executive, as well as a slate of Conservative county legislators, warning them that the botched property tax reassessment debacle of 2019 was going to repeat itself if they did not vote for change. But, its a blue county - we won in Eastern Jack but lost every seat as deep blue KC has more population and overrides us. And the County Exec incumbent is a hall of fame former baseball player with name recognition off the charts and the backing of the D machines (Freedom Inc and unions)

Fast forward to today. People are LOSING THEIR MINDS over the prospect of property tax bills that could double depending on how the levys get set. (there is a constitutional provision that requires a levy drop when values rise, but it has loopholes) Property values getting assessed at double the value of the last reassessment County says avg increase is 30%, but some are seeing 100% increases or more as they sandbagged 2021 as bills came due in 2022, an election year. 43,000 appeals so far and the deadline is Monday. A FB group started by a realtor friend to share appeal strategies and offer help mushroomed to 6,000 members in two weeks. I have been helping her moderate a little bit. God bless her she is doing comps 12 hours a day for people for weeks, as are other realtor friends. Lots of folks holding forums to help others. Thousands packing in person meetings. It's an epic disaster. And the vast majority of these people paid ZERO attention to local government before this, and do not even understand that there are 2 parts to this - assessed value and levy rates, which are set at public hearings in September. They don't understand the role state statute plays in all of this. One friend who is a state rep in the eastern red part of the county has tried for 4 years in a row to pass reforms, but can't get traction in our totally dysfunctional yet super majority R legislature. Held lots of meetings to try to get people to help push his legislation, but they were poorly attended. Plenty of blame to go around. And hubby and I are likely going to have to come up with an extra grand in December.

Trying to educate the masses on all of this in that brief window that they are actually paying attention is exhausting. This was NOT how I planned to spend my summer. Heck some days I barely have time to even read C&C. It's that bad. But like the D's, we can't let a good crisis go to waste. Lots of us trying anyway, but all of these goons in the county are in there until 2026. Will the voters remember? Or will they vote for the D as they don't like Trump? Wish I had a dollar for every door I knocked where the first question was "Is she a Trump supporter?"

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It really irritates me how people will do nothing to inform themselves or work for the policies and changes they want to see and then expect others to do all the work. Then they cry and scream when because of their inaction and reliance on a very tiny group of active people who just donโ€™t have the reach and manpower to do it all themselves, they are personally harmed by the policies they couldnโ€™t be bothered about. You just want to shrug and tell them, well, thatโ€™s what expecting everyone else to do the work for you gets you ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ Suck it up now and pay for your laziness ๐Ÿ˜‘

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I have said that to people. Did you vote last November? Some have been honest and said, no. but I will next time. Hope they are honest and actually do it.

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Iโ€™m thinking voting is the least they can do. (And I know, some canโ€™t even be bothered to do that ๐Ÿ™„). But all of the protests/rallies, petitions, letters to lawmakers , attendance at school board or town meetingsโ€ฆ they donโ€™t do any of that. I know I could and should do more but I do way more than just vote. It irritates me when people canโ€™t bothered to make a phone call or send an email a few times but they benefit from all our work and complain when things aren't the way they want ๐Ÿ˜•

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Donna, I worked in a congressional campaign office so I COMPLETELY understand. Going door-to-door was eye opening!

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I actually love door knocking. The good conversations make it totally worth the jerks and people who are too closed-minded to listen. And I hate exercising, so signing up as a campaign volunteer forces me to do it anyway. A LOT of people in my neck of the woods have stairs to their front door, keeps me in shape.

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I enjoyed it as well, but it did make me understand how uninformed people are.

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Youโ€™re right โ€” uninformed voters vote stupidly and re-elect incumbents just because. Itโ€™s our job to help inform one another. Weโ€™re doing that here and we need to do that in every neighborhood and community in the country.

Iโ€™ve observed three main types of people (there are others, of course):

1. Those who are uninformed and willing to listen โ€” we can make inroads with them.

2. Those who are uninformed and unwilling to listen.

3. Those who are informed but just donโ€™t give a horse chip (to steal Mr. Childersโ€™ most excellent term) or who donโ€™t vote.

We canโ€™t do much about groups 2 and 3, but we sure can assist with group 1.

Sadly, thereโ€™s another group: Those who informed themselves, voted well, but whose votes were not counted โ€œsomehow.โ€ WE MUST FIX THIS or weโ€™ll never get our country back.

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You know it's not going to be fixed, right? But the election will be "fixed". The only way it can be fixed is to outlaw mail-in ballots, allow in-person votes only, and make elections hand counted only, no machines. That's not going to happen. The 2024 election will be a continuation of 2018, 2020 and 2022 - only worse.

At this point, the American people have been completely disenfranchised and they still don't even realize it. In reality, Americans have been disenfranchised ever since the two-party system morphed into the Uniparty, offering a choice to the American people that is, in reality, no choice at all.

Could the American people rise up and close ranks behind one outlier candidate and overwhelm the ballot cheat at the polls? In my wishful thinking, I'd like to think there is that possibility. What I see happening however is that the populist patriotic movement remains divided and bickering with each other. I now see voter loyalties being divided between Trump, DeSantis and Kennedy. I do not see the populist movement closing ranks. The only outlier that stands a snowballs chance is Trump (in fact he is the only outlier) and the Bolsheviks will do everything they can to sow division among conservative Americans. And that's assuming Trump doesn't catch a bullet or gets imprisoned under false kangaroo court charges and Epsteined.

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I have a fantasy, that paper ballots were so much safer, for actually counting. Perhaps, it is just a fantasy. I think you are probably 100% on the nose, which saddens me greatly, but I will continue to vote and pray.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

I dunno, I think in some circumstances, group 3 can be made to care, so not totally a lost cause. Although less likely to listen and more difficult to convince than group 1.

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I hope youโ€™re right. My experience with #3 hasnโ€™t been great, but Iโ€™m not giving up entirely.

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Like I said, some circumstances. I donโ€™t think they are easy to convince but some outside factor could push them to start to care. Donโ€™t lose hope/faith!

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Or manipulated voting machines. Nothing in politics is as it seems.

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like Brandon in 2024

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Every C&Cr living in the states those idiot rino representatives live in, should email them their displeasure. Yes! Call them out!

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they won't care, they have their voters and they know it. One even went as far as securing Republican nomination ...

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We should do it anyway.

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Agreed, every time their names put out there.

And what is it to them they they voted against it? Funny the party that wants to support our military and here you have 3 clowns voting against it

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So most of these forest fires are manmade. Can't blame global warming.

Kind of like covid. Can't blame bats.

Of course you were a conspiratorialist if you said it came from a lab.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

WHO KNEW!! ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ but I'm a conspiracy theorist since highschool.

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"What brought it on in High School" - asks an inquiring mind.

I wish conspiratorialist rolled off my tongue easier since I count myself among them. Long live the people with working eyes, ears and brains!

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

Being the child of teachers i was steeped in all things gov trust except one parent was Dem and one was Repub. My Grandfather only had an 8th grade education and was way smarter than me in hs. My Great Grandmother was teaching ALL grades at the age of 18 and if you think they were dumber back then then you should investigate the curriculum! After we married in '85 we started a rocky journey with medicine even though I had always expected to be a nurse but after three months in training I left to care for my Grandmother dying of cancer that they were wrong about everything they did and said to her. Then we homeschooled. If you REALLY WANT AN EDUCATION THEN YOU SHOULD HOMESCHOOL!!

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So by HS, as a child of parents with two opposing views you had sufficiently honed your examining all sides skills..

Isn't it fortunate that you took care of your grandmother. You saw first hand that med professionals were not only NOT the gods they profess to be, but were actual grim angels of death sometimes. Maybe unwittingly, nevertheless...

Ditto on home schooling. If you can feasibly make it happen in your home, it is a must.

Interesting what shapes the thoughtful human. Thank you for the reply.

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AMEN! I regret I only homeschooled my first two children (and only for 3 years) and sacrificed my third child to, first, Maineโ€™s public indoctrination and then Woke parochial school. I didnโ€™t even know, at that time, that Catholic parochial schools did not teach my faith! I constantly ask Godโ€™s forgiveness for not being observant.

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Many Catholic schools are not what they were back in the day. Vatican 2 pretty much messed them up, especially in the liberal loving US.

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My mom was way smarter than me, and often โ€˜wonโ€™ on Jeopardy. Studied Latin in high school which I guess was common then. Sheโ€™s still fairly bright at 89, and conservative, but sheโ€™s having a lot of trouble keeping up with todayโ€™s world. She asked me again โ€˜whatโ€™s Woke?โ€™

Sorry you had to live through your grandmotherโ€™s cancer.

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 29, 2023

Thank you. Sweet of you too say. Living thru hubbys now. Apparently they expect, and hope, that over 50% of us will die from it.

Pour on the Roundup!

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So sorry, those things tend to sharpen your focus on what really matters. Sending a prayer for both of you.

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Iโ€™m sorry ๐Ÿ˜ข

Youโ€™re right. The world is too populated for the elites.

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Iโ€™m so sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž Praying for you both ๐Ÿ™

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Reading โ€œAtlas Shrugged.โ€

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I gotta pick that up!

But my 'to read' stack is deep...

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I am seriously curious about what is on your reading stack. You show me your, I'll show you mine if you care to see it.

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I read Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead as a freshman in college. I wanted to know the basis of Ayn Rand's libertarian philosophy.

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It's a great novel with much wisdom. However, I hope you'll keep in mind that sadly, in the real world, the bad people are not always incompetent idiots. Also, there's more than a bit of science fiction technology in there. Those technical marvels don't exist and based on the science I know, are impossible. But, based on other reading I've had, Rand's projection of economic, social and government trends is more solidly supported by history.

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That'll do it. Or at least make the lemmincakes a bit more tart.

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Good line ๐Ÿคฃ Tart lemmincakes are the best.

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Saw this yesterday on Instagram:

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a "things aren't adding up and it's pretty obvious' theorist".

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Thatโ€™s a good one!

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One thing you will NEVER hear on the major media. I've lived in times and places (the Blue Ridge, 40+ years ago) where forest fires are an occasional problem. And guess what? In a dirt-poor region (the Appalachians) with chronic unemployment, the government will sometimes hire temporary workers to fight forest fires. No forest fires? Well, why don't we start some? Although I have no way of knowing how prevalent, I suspect the same perverse incentive is operative in Canada and Greece. Also, as a rule of thumb, people in large numbers are f-----g idiots: live cigarette butts and poorly planned campfires will account for quite a few of the fires too.

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I think the forest fires have been mainly set on purpose. They want to run everyone out of rural areas and into 15 minute cities. And by setting the fires, they can claim 'global warming'.

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Probably also a few malicious people who get a sick thrill out of doing it ๐Ÿ˜•

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Job security for many firefighters.

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at the risk of losing their life. I would shudder to think that firefighters start the fires

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Theyโ€™ve caught guys in the past here in Oregon.

They are putting many other lives in danger too, not just their own.

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Sounds plausible to me, S.D.

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The majority of forest fires and always been caused by lightning.

Human actions facilitate more forest fires by mismanagement than lightning does.

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and in the case of Southern California, the Santa Anna winds

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Which have nothing on the wind in Clark, Wyoming, just up the road from me.

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problem is every year (or at least every election year), there are man made fires. Can't really understand the logic behind that, much as I have asked any friends from Greece that would care to explain.

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It makes me sick to hear that so-called โ€œRepublicansโ€ (or even evil demorats) voted against reinstating the illegally discharged military personnel. According to the militaryโ€™s own legally binding policy, troops may not be compelled to receive drugs that are not FDA approved. The jabs only had โ€œemergency use authorizationโ€ and therefore were ineligible to be administered. The 8,000 or so troops that had them courage and fortitude to refuse an illegal order deserve reinstatement and so much more.

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Maybe we need a C&C email multiplier to send those POS senators a piece of our minds!!!

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Jul 29, 2023ยทedited Jul 30, 2023

Wish we could give the people who voted for them a piece of our minds too!

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Yeah wish I had kept a list of all the doors in KC I knocked where people were either indifferent or hostile to candidates just because they had an R by their name. I'd go back and ask, any buyer's remorse now? Haha. Tried to say there is really not much about county government that IS partisan. People were all wound up about the Dobbs decision and not wanting to support anyone with an R by their name. Frank White, sensing this, did throw a last ditch effort announcing county $ for people to travel out of MO for abortions.

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ask them the question Ronald Reagan asked the voters: are you better off now than four years ago?

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Have; the denial and TDS are impenetrable.

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and when the time comes multiply their primary challengers

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"Thatโ€™s why you have Coffee & Covid," says Jeff. "That's why we love you," we all say.

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She stopped short of saying that the CDC is "the science." Fauci probably trademarked that wagon load of horse chips.

Given "recent developments" I'm sticking with my current feelings on this wonderful institution:

CDC - Certain Death Coming.......That's an ideology you can trust. Ah, faith restored.

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My trust was little to begin with, or more like indifference. I didnโ€™t care what they recommended.

Now I consider doing the OPPOSITE of what they recommend. Is that distrust?

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No...that's smart. That's akin to the FDA. If there's an FDA disclaimer on your vitamins and supplements you know your taking some good shit.

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Theyโ€™re going to try to do away with all vitamins, supplements, herbs, homeopathy and natural remedies. Canโ€™t have you keeping yourself healthy or curing yourself from anything!

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There's no money in keeping people well.

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That's nothing new. There are (or at least "were") some friends of alternative health in Congress. That, in part, is why you see the statement on many altenative products "The FDA has not evaluated these claims....etc." But you're right, there clearly are powerful interest who'd rather see many products outright banned. But even here they could only go so far. OK, let's say they have banned all vitamins even. Will the sale of actual foods (e.g brewer's yeast) be outlawed, too?

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If the FDA hasnโ€™t evaluated it, thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m taking! ๐Ÿค“ Iโ€™ve been on the Holistic path for 44 years. I donโ€™t believe everything they say, and Iโ€™ve known about the criminal ways w/childhood injections for more than 30 years.

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I donโ€™t believe anything they say

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It is the absence of FDA approval that indicates beneficence.

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Yeah, I was going to say common sense which is lacking for many these days

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I just said yesterday that I am now at the point where anything a doctor recommends, I think I should do the opposite.

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There are a few of us that have not, are not drinking the Kool-aid. That follow HIS guidance, "Faith for Healing, Wisdom for Health."


Be Well & Blessed,


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you need to find a different md

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Well, yes, and I have, personally. but, as far as The Guidelines and anything that comes out of most drs' mouths.

And even the one I have, is not entirely enlightened as to all of the deceptions that abound. But, she is willing for patients to have freedom of choice.

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Again, There are a few of us that have not, are not drinking the Kool-aid. That follow HIS guidance, "Faith for Healing, Wisdom for Health."


Be Well & Blessed,


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I'd prefer that they'd stop doing anything at all.

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There are a few of us that have not, are not drinking the Kool-aid. That follow HIS guidance, "Faith for Healing, Wisdom for Health."


Be Well & Blessed,


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Thatโ€™s the safest bet!

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Itโ€™s wisdom

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Loved "wagon load of horse chips."

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Itโ€™s actually a wagon load of horse nuggets (balls?)or a wagon load of cow chips. I wish Jeff would get his shit straight! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope Jeffโ€™s having a great vacation!!!

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Oh Lawd! THIS has me ROLLING! Thanks for the belly laugh, Karen Bandy ๐Ÿ˜„

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๐Ÿคฃ Glad to help!

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Karen, not that it matters in the grand scheme of things but you have the shape of those animal droppings described much more correctly. In my neck of the woods we call those from horses Horse Biscuits, and from cows Cow Patties. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Pretty funny, I hadnโ€™t heard biscuits ๐Ÿคฃ

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I hadnโ€™t heard nuggets either, just kinda made it up ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Thankfully there were 667 fires in Greece. One fewer and there may have been Hell to pay.

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Excellent wit Jim! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

My mind went in that direction too.

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๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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Every person working in that covert lab needed to be handcuffed and thrown in the slammer! Thatโ€™s the only way to get to who is behind this!

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GITMO--interrogations, let XiXishe/he DEMAND their return and an apology

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Agreed, they are terrorists! Off to GITMO with them.

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Most are probably illegals.

Makes me kinda glad I never did that test. Wonder what those test kits might have been transmitting.

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I used to deeply study the Bible, but KJV of Luke 17:21 is different than modern translations. Is the kingdom of God in me or in my mist?. If you believe in the trinity and the omnipresence of God, you see that both are correct.

I believe The Bible has been translated into so many versions that contradict and distort. There are many great stories and wisdoms in the Bible, but It, like everything else, has been infiltrated by the dark side just as many pastors and church affiliations. Homosexuality is an abomination according to the Bible, but the Methodists are split on this issue as many denominations.

We moved to a new state and I searched for a church that wasn't giving the covid vax to kids. My beloved church in Atlanta refused to give religious exemptions. Something is VERY wrong in the church communities. I no longer subject myself to top down human dictates...pastors, presidents, doctors...time to not care about surveys and think and reason for myself...my God given intellect and knowing.

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Have you read Eric Metaxas book yet? Letter to the American Church.

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I think those โ€œat the topโ€ know exactly who is behind this, sorta like: Mystery company' buys $800M worth of land near Travis Air Force Baseโ€ฆ


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โ€œOne of Dr. Cohen's goals at the helm of the CDC is to restore trust in the agency.โ€

Aside from this statement being ludicrous and laughable, this quote came to mind.

โ€œWoe to the sinful nation, a people whose guilt is great, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the LORD; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him.โ€

Isaiah 1:4

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Operative word: "restore".

As in, put back together that which it has DESTROYED.

Good luck with that challenge Mandy.

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........ 10%'er, here.

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And another one here.

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Ditto here.

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Likewise ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Weโ€™re an esoteric group ๐Ÿ˜‚

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So the Lefties would have one believe, eh ?

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And so proud of it!

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Iโ€™m just relieved knowing some astute observer noticed that water was possibly being used on the wrong day of the week at that California lab and reported it. Iโ€™ll sleep better tonight for sure.

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Since they donโ€™t investigate violent crime or theft, it only stands to reason there is time to focus on the important stuff.

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Kind of ironic that the bureaucratic snitch system is what outed this lab ๐Ÿ˜›

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Yup. Climate hysteria for the win!

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Agreed. Act locally seems to have worked this time.

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Consider that the lab was only found because of a code violation that isn't even applicable in most states, there are probably 20 or 30 more in the US. At least.

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Yesterday's blog post about the Tonga underwater volcanic eruption in January of last year should be read by tens of millions of our fellow citizens. It drives a STAKE in the heart of the climate change scam!

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Yes โ€” EVERYONE on here needs to PASS it alongโ€ฆ!

PS โ€” please be sure and do some searches on Hunga Tonga articles while theyโ€™re still available. Goons-gle will be reprogramming its algorithms to keep it hidden. Even worse, any articles that โ€œhintโ€ at the additional 1.5 degrees Celsius rise in ocean temperatures as a result of the eruption will be eliminated. Download what you can NOW and PDF them for future reference. Believe me, I saved a bunch of URLโ€™s to Covid-Vaccines and articles which have been scrubbed. Grrrrโ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜ก

Examples: https://inthesetimes.com/article/ http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/GMIBlog/~3/zbrCNnw17-M/ (this one showed where โ€œWebMDโ€ gets the overwhelming majority of its funding. Now SCRUBBED โ€” gee, I wonder why)!

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I posted it on my favorite blog, but no one commented on it. Iโ€™m very disappointed.

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Iโ€™m going to show the Hunga Tonga story as a screen share in my weekly family zoom call.

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I love that you have a weekly family zoom call!

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We started it with my elderly father when CA was locked down. He and one sister died over a year ago but we continue every Monday! Itโ€™s good therapy. They loved the Hunga Tonga story and I emailed Jeffโ€™s article to them after. I encouraged all to subscribe!

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โ€œI would trust Generalissimo Idi Amin with my healthcare before Iโ€™d trust the โš ๏ธ CDC.โ€ ๐Ÿซก

This is hilarious and true all at the same time. ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Right??? ๐Ÿ˜†

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