Wagner Civil War story continues to beclown Western Media; signs of intel involvement; Russia castrates pedos; mouse study links turbo cancer to jabs; young athlete SADS deaths; and more.
All these young deaths. Ugh. My daughter had a friend visiting this weekend and when my nice said something about how we all know the jabs don’t work this girl - very smart engineering major - says “wait, what do you mean they don’t work? I’ve had four!” I was twitching so hard I had to leave the room. Now I’m praying for her safety and hoping she is thinking about the conversation so she stops the injections. 😖
Sadly - not likely to stop if she got four. But man, you'd think that the engineering types would be able to look at the real world data and the people actually _saying_ that the shots don't work, as well as the changing "requirements" and come to a conclusion. :(
Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers
As a Chief Engineer who's been in the business a long time, there are two types of engineers. The first type intuitively grasp complex topics because they can visualize the phenomena and are genuinely curious people. The second type ended up in engineering because some guidance counselor told them to because they were "good at math".
The second type are not productive as they'll take weeks to grind through equations to figure out something obviously intuitive to the first type. Plenty of brains but they just don't get it. Have to think she falls in the latter group.
35+ years as an engineer, first decade hardware for communications, the rest as a system admin for extremely complex systems. Can confirm the above description. The part I've locked onto is "genuinely curious." If they can easily ignore why an unexpected thing happens, they won't learn much with the years.
I saw COVID and the plandemic as a complex system with what looked like major problems and risks, but with a lot of data that didn't fit the conclusion or the historical models. So I did what I always do... gather real-time data, look for contradictions for my assumptions, learn more and more about the system particularly where the problems seem to be occuring, AND FIND EXPERTS THAT ARE HONEST. And that are curious and compelled to speak truth.
And THAT is how I ended up here. Amongst the curious and honest truth speakers. Thank you for all you do!
Yup. I work with a lot of test engineers and I tell them with every piece of data they need to be asking themselves: does this make sense, is it what I expected, and if not why not? You can spot the good ones almost immediately as they do this without being told to.
Same principal applies to pretty much everything in life but academia, the media, and government are working hard to stamp out what they view as a troublesome trait.
I seriously wish that I had written down all the things that happened over the past three years that made me say, “hmmmm”. That made me question what was going on. That made my BS meter go to 11. All these things didn’t just start happening in the past year. They were happening early in 2020. If I had kept a record of all of these it would surely be in the hundreds. Probably thousands. I can not comprehend all the supposedly intelligent, well educated people who never even once had a blip on their radar, causing them to question the narrative. It is one of my biggest frustrations.
My BS meter was off the charts in March 2020 when the world shut down. Took lots of notes from videos & podcasts from the beginning. But my questions from the beginning... how can they fast track a jab, why are they censoring the opposition, don't need masks but then changed their tune, 6ft, one ways on grocery store aisles, suppressing early treatment. I found America's Frontline Drs, The Highwire, the "dirty dozen Dr's" as referred to by the media and down the rabbit hole I went.
Sounds eerily similar to the scientific method. A tried and true, proven method for working through complex, technical issues. There is a concerted effort to remove the scientific method from being taught in schools - they indeed want to shut down any critical thought.
My opinion is that it was because people are both illiterate and innumerate, by design.
They could not understand the nuance of words, for example in those moments when the powers told us things like "we believe" and "we think".
And people could not work out what 99.98% survivability meant. Here in Australia early on they had a calculator, you entered your age, weight, health factors, and it spit out your chances of dying. Mine was 1 in 22,000 and that told me everything I needed to know. Needless to say they took down that calculator quicksmart
First class in pathopharmacology related to drugs: (1) is it safe and does it work? If you can't establish this you don't use. Second class re: development of medications (1) it takes 5-7 years to develop vaccines. It seemed that a whole generation of people, doctors and nurses, just had amnesia or slept through classes. As I self examined I often thought about teaching those classes, had anything changed to make me think the content was incorrect? Nope.
Check out Dr. David Martin, he has all kinds of info on the patons for these mRNA vaxxes dating back decades ago. This is not new tecknology. And they've been giving mRNA shots to livestock for many years now. And we've been eating this meat, not knowing what was in it.
Very true. I worked with a software developer who never really knew the right answer, but believed he’d find it if he tried enough times. He even got the “try it now” award at the company Christmas party. It was always embarrassing when we were on a call with a customer and he’s not really sure what the right fix was. I believe he fell into your latter description.
I remember reading about a Korean Airlines crash and how the cultural deference to your superiors led to mindless compliance on a culture wide basis. The co-pilot knew the pilot was making a potentially deadly error but said nothing to correct him because the pilot was of a higher status. The plane crashed as a result.
This story was in Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers."
Or watching Chinese people drown in a subway during a flood. Most were calmly looking at their phones as the water rose. I'll never forget seeing that.
I agree that their culture tends more to group compliance than does (or did) ours, but I served in S. Korea in the early '90s, and lots of folks wore cloth facemasks back then, too. Against the particulate air pollution, we thought.
Two years ago I was watching a movie from the 60's. For the life of me I can't remember which one it was, but they were in Hong Kong. There was a scene where someone had a driver for their car. The driver wore a white face mask. It kind of blew my mind. The 60's! I had no idea it went back that far.
Geography is interesting. We live in a rural fly over state. No one has practiced "mitigations," for at least a year except when I visit my nearby researching University. There you will see Asians masking while alone in the car or walking alone on a bright sunny day? Took a road trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul this weekend. The church we visited reserved the balcony for those who want to still mask and social distance (lest I be called racist again, there were no Asians, just confused caucasians)...of course they did come down and mingle with the unwashed for communion, even lowered their masks? I'm sure there was some sort of mystical protection.
Based Florida Man, they also come from a Communist country and listening to powers that be and respect for elders is beat into them. Many have compliant attitudes. Had I not told my husband no way were we getting it I think he may have.
Same about the husband. Retired military, used to taking orders. Fortunately I outrank Fauci in my house lol. However had work required it I don’t know how much he would have pushed back. I told him they would fire me before I complied. Now he’s grateful for his crazy wife lol.
In my city, it is the Asians as well who are the demographic most likely to be masked. The second is Blacks. Regarding the Asians, I have family members who attend a Chinese church. A sizable percentage of the congregation still wear masks. I asked a Chinese family member why this was so. She said that it was out of fear. They are still living in day to day fear even though most are vaxxed and most have had already had and survived covid. Their masks apparently provide a needed sense of security.
True, I live close to University of Miami and there are a lot of international students so I see Asian students walk alone outside and wear a mask while no one else does. I think it’s more of a cultural thing or they were traumatized by the media who called anyone without a mask a grandma killer
I've concluded that the absolute value of curiosity is highly underrated these days. Using myself as an example, I have from childhood been a very curious person who wanted to know about everything I didn't understand or know much about. Yet a joking and almost mocking observation I heard over and over throughout my life was "Why do you ask so many questions?" or alternately, "Boy you sure ask a lot of questions." At some point I began to realize with great surprise how many people simply did not question much of anything. They just accepted whatever narrative was handed to them.
Covid theater has shown me that the people who questioned and resisted the jabs were the questioners, and those who instantly accepted the covid narrative without any question whatsoever are the jabbed group who did not question anything they were seeing.
Due to my constant questioning that began in January 2020, my most recurrent thought was that none of what I was reading and hearing made logical sense from the get-go. Now I am extremely grateful for my questioning nature.
I get the same thing, plus "You think you know everything." I don't think I know everything, but I do know a lot. I purposely take the time to learn a lot because I want to understand what is going on in the world. Those same people always ask me if I heard about x or do I know about such-and-such, what happened, what it means. And I almost always do. When I don't and they ask, I go find out for them! They don't bother, but I do. That's why I know so much. Curiosity is such a gift. I don't understand how anyone could live on this marvelous planet and not have millions of questions.
Exactly! I read a book with an atlas at hand and look up words I don't know and one book leads me to a new book and all it takes is a sentence. I was more of a silent sponge in the corner and always asked questions when necessary, but I usually didn't need verbal confirmations of what my eyes were seeing. My Superpower is my Critical Thinking Ability. So grateful for my skeptical dad who passed along that particular trait.♥
I am the same, but I have to admit it is really annoying when I am on the flip side of the coin and someone is peppering me w/questions, I suppose it is all in the way a person does it. Genuine interest vs drilling for info.
I was good at math, but I _struggled_ in my engineering classes when we went through the "theoretical/equations" part. When it turned into "and this is where it hits real life", my grades looked like a hockey stick. My profs and classmates were trying to figure out where I'd come from because everything "clicked". But man those equations ... almost did me in.
Whenever some wiz kid presents something with pages of equations we jokingly refer to it as "taking their PhD out for a spin". I actually have a life and don't have countless hours to check their math. No one cares, tell me if it works and why it works. If an engineer can't do that in relatively simple terms it tells me that they really don't get it.
Reminds me of a good rule of software design.... "Make your code so simple that you can still understand and fix it when you're called in at 2am with a hangover because it unexpectedly broke."
And relatedly, "Write code comments that are good enough that someone who has no idea what this code does will be able to understand it. Because the person who has no idea what it does, will be yourself in two years time."
The dirty secret is that you don't have to work (or frankly even understand) these equations to do RF engineering, you just need to know and visualize how electromagnetism behaves. Big difference between the theoreticians and those who practically apply the principles.
BTW, I majored in EE because I liked circuits and such while being good at math. My counselor asked me if I liked chemistry when I originally (and naively) thought of chem engr, "Do you like chemistry?" Nope. But I did like curcuits. And I nixed my idea of a Physics degree when I realized I couldn't visualize 3D equations enough to apply the math. Without the visualization, no way to figure out how to solve the problem. So I sniffed out Jeff C's lesson early enough to avoid a bad career decision... very helpful. And lucky.
I have a long career as an ETO (electro technical officer) at sea behind me. Back in the day I dicussed 9/11 with many of them taking the strictly mechanical approach to the issue. For instance: Make a list of anything and everything you can find in an office building. Then you find the temperature when each object starts burning and put it in the list. Finally ask yourself these questions: At what temperature does steel melt? At what temperature does aviation fuel burn? What items on the list exceeds the temperature of melting steel?
You could literally see the cognitive disonance in their faces.
Doctors, engineers and other highly educated people aren't any smarter than your average milk man when it comes to covid, 9/11 or any of the other government fairytales the powers that shouldn't be push.
Ancient Navajo proverb: "It is impossible to awaken someone who is pretending to sleep."
An engineer who is, unfortunately, not able to connect the dots. We need to open CSU...Common Sense University, as well as Ivy League schools!!! Only thing necessary for enrollment? Check your pride at the door, and get over your overinflated sense of self importance! Now the dots are being numbered so there will be NO excuse!
I also see this as the differentiation between the "fundamental" scientists vs the "practical" scientists. The fundamental scientists tend to work at a very micro level, and then the practical scientists go more macro and do something with what the fundamental ones discovered.
Interesting! My husband, a civil engineer, must fall in the latter group as well. When I had Covid, 6 months after the jabs came out, he stood in my doorway and announced he was going to the drug store to get his jab. Let me just say, I was traumatized by this. After begging him to not make an emotional decision, he did anyway. To this day, I cannot fathom how such a seemingly intelligent person cannot connect the simplest of dots.
Our son is an optical engineer and dove into the data and mechanics of these bioweapon jabs early on. He has been so resolute to reject anti-science masks and jabs that he was fired from his first job when he commented about the masks not working against a virus.... He might have mentioned that as a laser engineer that when he doesn't recognize the 'real' data/science, people get hurt or die. :). We are really very proud of him!!
There are those of all professions and educational levels who either saw through the smoke screen or bought the lies. What it comes down to is common sense. God Bless the Canadian and US truckers who got loud against the mandates. The way you win is to not comply. Many were willing o be fired or gave up jobs they loved to say no. Imagine if more had.
Agree! God bless the truckers!!! Early on my husband heard someone say - You comply because you want it to end, because you comply it will never end. We urged others to not comply, but many 'good people' didn't want to offend others. We go by the motto that we don't live by lies and we don't support lies. If someone was offended because they were living a lie, I feel sorry for them, but I am not playing.
When the shots were introduced in a matter of months I had to stop myself. Wait, what? It usually takes lie 10 years to have sufficient data to prove they are safe & effective. I’m just a lowly nurse, taking it all in. Then I heard it was a mRNA based vaccine. Gene therapy😁! What could go wrong? Uh-oh! 🤨 no thank you! You’re not putting it in my kids either. When our pediatrician tried to jab my son at a sports physical appointment I was shocked. Ian’s said absolutely not. His response was “there was only a very small chance of developing myocarditis in children” I couldn’t believe what he was saying. We never went back.
How come millions and millions of people couldn’t make that same deduction? And what part of “vaccine mandate” caused people to say ok, then roll up their sleeve. I decided to quit my nursing job. We don’t have to participate in this psyop. We saw fear in everyone’s eyes. We know the rest of the story.
The only thing we should fear is fear itself & that comes from God.
Psalm 33:20 “We put our hope in the Lord, he is our help and our shield”
Thank you for staying awake in pharmacology class. I taught for nursing pharmacology and we were very clear that drugs needed to be demonstrated as safe and effective AND it takes 5-7 years to develop and test a vaccine. Clearly many MDs and RNs slept through those classes.
Exactly. Thank you for emphasizing that as a Nursing instructor. Some of us paid attention. But what was telling over the years was seeing pharmaceutical reps putting on “Lunch & learn” to hospital and clinic staff, awarding CME credits. & dinners at upscale restaurants to which you are a captive audience when they are marketing a new product or drug. Not much discussion of side effects and adverse reactions though. The amount of money behind the marketing is obscene! Seems that the philosophy behind “1st do no harm” was lost.
Free pizza, free pens and paper, free plastic cups, free umbrellas, the gadgets never ended. Every few months I had to clean out the back of my car to get rid of the junk they gave by the boxes to every office.
Totally agree...nurses always get asked..”you’re a nurse, what do u think about this?” Well when I told everyone my thoughts about the jab not following REAL science & that I wasn’t going anywhere near it & refused to even administer it to others, I got the deer in the headlights look. Most of them went in to get jabbed & I’m sure called me cray behind my back.
What really gets me is my friend (who refuses jab) has a newly graduated pharmacist son...who keeps getting the jab. I suppose they don’t teach REAL science anymore...just do as we say.
I hear you! Why? It seems critical thinking has been lost. Not many were born with that ability and it isn’t taught in school from what I can tell. Kids are spoon fed what they need to pass standardized tests used for school and teacher bonuses. By the looks of it it’s not taught in college either. They are too busy indoctrinating.
Oh! Don’t get me started on standardized testing! I refused to let my kids participate in that nonsense when they were in school. They were in AICE classes making A’s but the school wanted to put them in remedial reading bc they didn’t get a score on the state standardized. I asked if they thought it was possible for them to get A’s in AICE classes if they couldn’t read & perhaps THEY need to take a class in critical thinking. I said they will get “scores” for my kids when they take their SATs (which is also dumb). My kids have now graduated from college & are gainfully employed & not one person ever asked what they got on their state standardized test!
I have a couple of young friends who went through a top engineering program not many years ago, and they were constantly debating woke there. It's virtually all captured now. The best solution is creative destruction of so-called 'public' education, top to bottom. Also: be cautious about newly-designed engineered structures and functions; they may not work.
Our optical/laser engineer son, whom we homeschooled, has been steadfast against all of this crap, praise God! He dove into the data really hard and did his best to discreetly share with others, but the vast majority of his peers were like drones, unable to input anything other than the messaging. Sadly, now he is feeling like he will never find a wife because so many young women willingly compromised their bodies with no thought. Heartbreaking.
I have a 26 year old daughter and a 24 year old son. Both attractive, educated, conservative, faith based , critical thinkers, athletic and not vaxxed. Let me know. Maybe old fashioned match making or at least friends making. 🙂
Love it!!! Our son is also 26 and rock solid, with the same attributes you list, it is so painful to entertain him not being blessed with a wife and being a father some day. Surely the Lord raised him up for His good. Where are you? We are in FL. :)
Ah that is sad. I’ve prayed for my youngest daughter that God is raising a man right now for her that shares her values and will live her. I pray the same for your son right now.
So kind! Love to hear that there are other parents praying for their children's spouses being raised up in the Lord. Prayers for your daughter as well, many young men were also corrupted further during this time.
I prayed for good spouses for my children from the beginning and God heard and answered that affirmatively. All but one are approaching the 25 year anniversary mark. The straggler is my perfectionist son for whom all the factors have to fall in place. He married an awesome woman last November that I couldn’t be happier about. Now the prayer is for children for them. I could yet have more than the 13 running around already. Thirteen doesn’t seem complete.
He is trusting the Lord, and we are praying that the Lord is raising up a helpmeet for him to love and cherish that will respect and treasure him as well.
It isn’t easy. On the other hand, neither is the life of pagans. I should know.
They have to fill their lives with distractions that continuously drag them further down, while trying to look like the most fun person on the planet. It’s all illusion with no refuge to run to.
I am sorry for your daughter like the others who saw through the lies and stood on truth. We must keep praying for their courage, wisdom(from the Lord) and strength going forward. But as a mom, it is heartbreaking.
It seems like the liberals fell for the scam hook, line and sinker. I have found many of my conservative friends held out and didn't get the jabs. There are still a lot of conservative women out there, so there is hope for your son. (unless he's a liberal).
We homeschooled all the way, so we already distrusted that system generally, but this is where I learned more about the long history of the capture of "public" education:
The Origins of Government Education in the United States
"The system of K-12 government schooling that exists today clashes with the political, economic, social, and cultural traditions of the United States."
This piece is old (but excellent!), and his statement now extends to the post-graduate "educational" system as well.
At least now more people are aware of it. This scamdemic and the colleges woke crap opened my children's eyes more than my lecturing alone could have. If anything, they actually listen to me more and realize I am more often than not right about things.
I was really glad that unlike many of my peers, I valued my parents’ experience and advice. Why wouldn’t I take their thoughts into consideration when they’d lived to see far more than I had and loved me more than anyone else in the world so had good reason to give me sound counsel? It baffles me that so many kids roll their eyes at their parents’ advice 😞 I mean, they’re not perfect or omniscient but they do have so much valuable life experience to share!
My kids knew that a huge all encompassing fight was gonna happen if they thought they were getting the clot shots. My son was a definite no on the shots. My daughter hates shots so she was inclined to agree with me. We as a family are tighter than ever due to the scamdemic BS.
What a great and wise character trait on your part that you respected your parents' counsel. I have one teen who thinks most everything I say is stupid and one who actually listens (most of the time...). The one who rejects most of what I say (thankfully he did listen about most of the covid stuff) is my biggest source of stress. I just wish he could see my intentions and my life experience the way you describe.
Take heart, Jen. I had a similar situation with one of mine, easily caused the most stress of my three. But we just kept loving him and praying for him and being consistent with our discipline, and eventually he turned it all around. After he “came to his senses,” I would hear him quote something we had said during the time when I thought he was rejecting everything. So stay strong and don’t lose hope! They see how you live and what you say and they are absorbing more than you can imagine! 🙏🏻
Children have to honor their parents, the Bible requires it, if we call ourselves Christians then we don't have a choice.
However, not all parents are wise. Without getting too personal, my dad was quite foolish, couldn't control his temper, and was convinced he was always the smartest guy in room. He went with through numerous jobs when we were kids, always quitting because his boss couldn't see his brilliance. It was clear to me at a young age his achievements didn't match his self-alleged wisdom.
So I can certainly see why kids rebel, I know I did. But thankfully God has a way of using those less than desirable events to work all things for our good. I learned valuable lessons regarding self-sufficiency, gratitude, and the destructive nature of self-pity.
And I do honor my father, pray for him, chat with him, visit with the kids, and try to look out for him. I just don't take advice from him.
🗨 When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
What I have found is that the more degrees you have, the more you think that you know everything. My daughter has a master's and she thinks that she knows everything. Never listened to anything I said about the dangers of the vax.
That is too bad, hubris of youth. The more degrees I earned the more I realized what I don't know. Now officially old and have many more questions than answers.
🗨 There is a misconception that only “stupid” people get duped. Not true at all! There are methods to dupe highly intelligent people. There are methods to dupe the ones with pure hearts (“prey naivete”). There are methods to dupe people who are vain or insecure (especially those). There are methods to dupe the wounded and the pissed off. There are methods to dupe the poor, and methods to dupe the rich.
👌 You def should! The valiant robot-fighting lady is a sure deal: a rare beautiful combo of open eyes, keen mind and full heart 🙂 Russian born & raised artist, current NY urbanite with dramatic life story to tell.
Just follow the money trail, like Dr. David Martin did even before 1/2020, and you don't need ANY science knowledge at all to see what was really going on. $$$$$$
That's mind-blowing to me. The other mind-blowing category of people who fell for it all were so many of the natural and "alternative" health practitioners I know who had spent their careers teaching that mainstream medicine didn't have the answers and usually did more harm than good....And then they ran straight towards that same medical industrial complex to get jabbed up. What??
Seriously! What shallow characters they had, the opposite of their virtue signaling. That is human psychology for you. The more they advertise, the less secure they are. Shows they had no true understanding.
They will ask what is in their Vegan muffin down to the origin of the sugar cane ( which is ok ) and then when someone offers to Inject " something - who knows what the hell is in there " directly into their blood stream ( with no chance of stomach acids or enzymes while swallowing killing or disabling it , they say sure! "I would love to join the club".
Exactly! I admit I'm the type to research the origin of the organic sugar cane (not vegan, though! Also because I meticulously research...), but I am ALSO a hugely critical researcher of *anything* I put in my body-- most especially anything I would ever even consider injecting into my body-- which is exactly why I didn't get the jab OR give it to my kids (and why we avoid most mainstream medicine).
At the end of this thread on who took it and who didn’t it just makes me thankful for people who question! I was always the person who asked like 10 questions in class. My dad the same. I was the annoying kid who asked non stop WHY questions. It made me into a logical, strong questioning reaearcher. It has also lead me to regular honest questions and thinking behind anything. At the beginning of this stuff I immediately questioned everything and it didn’t add up. I was already questioning regular shots but then these.
I have a renewed dose of grace and patience for my daughters’ relentless questions!!! 😍🤔
We are all watching those around us either drop dead for no reason, or suffer with debilitating and life altering health conditions, or die slow horrible deaths.
I personally know two men (65, 79) both previously healthy die (one took a year and one took 26 days) from the jab. Two special needs adult women suffering with health issues that weren’t there previous to the jab. The doctors are baffled. 🙄 One of those has a mom that has had a heart attack and diagnosed with breast cancer within a month of each other. So far she survives. Not one of these instances are the people and/or family even considering it was the EXPERIMENTAL FOREIGN CHEMICALS THEY INJECTED INTO THEIR BODIES. Most of the family of the 79 year old knows full on it was the jab and tried to tell him, but since the “doctor” said it had nothing to do with it he believes the quack. After the jab, within months he got cancer, had kidney failure and on dialysis, heart attacks, numerous blood clots while bleeding out at the same exact time (explain that one “doctor quack!”) and lived going in and out of the hospital before dying a year after the jab!
A dear friend died from a stroke while riding a motor bike at age 50. A yoga teacher died suddenly of a stroke age 52. A family friend’s daughter died in her sleep away at college aged 19. A neighbor’s son died suddenly at age 22. A neighbor’s boss died suddenly of a heart attack aged 59. All of these cases in the last year were sudden. I’m connected to a nurse practitioner in TX who shared that the cancer diagnosis everyday is through the roof (probably good that mostly sheep remain in the health industry to keep that quiet). And nearly every day I see ambulances with lights only and no siren… who knows… the entire thing can be pinned on climate change being deadly and if this becomes too big to hide ‘aliens’ can always arrive via some global drone induced holographic event. People literally believe that a terrorist’s wallet was found intact in the wreckage of 911 but not a single plane engine or black box. How far back does the disinformation go???
A neighbor is an othverwise health 64 yr old - tall, well proportioned, not overweight and exercises every day. He looks exactly like the successful retired businessman that he is.
Until recently, he's always had a full head of white hair. About two months ago, it started falling out in clumps, and he's now noticeably balding.
His doctors ran all kinds of tests, but they're baffled. (Go figure.) Asked him the other day about his COVID vax history, and the look on his face told the story: he knows.
I agree and thank you for sharing. I wanted to do the math but have been heads down at work (in engineering funnily enough). Something I’ve been thinking about the past few days is how the construction of homes has not been any where near as exponential as the population growth. By a large margin, supply did not keep up with demand. Similar to Jeff’s logic, whenever I see something that seems illogical that usually is the starting point for things to unravel. Small example, why did the government advocate for the food pyramid to be based on grains despite ample data to the contrary? Similarly, many years ago I had friends in policy and mathematics who worked on the social security dilemma. Despite all the think tank and NGO efforts nothing was achieved to remedy the looming social security situation - but is that really to be believed?
Actually, there was a plane engine, or part thereof found at the WTC site nearby. Does anybody remember this? But guess what? 'They' planted the wrong engine part at the crime scene. The engine part did not match the airliners' engines said to have flown into the WTC towers that day.
I somewhat remember this. Many irregularities were raised by the International Review Panel out of Canada... they were censored if I remember correctly. To me it’s not whether or not there were planes in NYC but the implausibility of the wallet and certainly the media working to spread and validate psyop gospel rather than investigate. Not to mention the sensitivity around lives lost that day being used to censure discussion in a way not dissimilar to all that ensued in 2020
Argue planes and passengers is always a vicious circle of contention.
The Official Narrative (NIST Report) argues that 2 planes destroyed the two (2) Twin Towers in a mechanical collapse. However, seven (7) building were destroyed, three and a half (3.5) were largely reduced to dust (not suited to a mechanical mechanic). The satellite photos were still available On-Line last I looked.
Planting 'evidence' (the wallet and wrong jet engine parts) is a big tell of a PysOp/False Flag. Most of the intelligent world, including major intelligence agency in foreign countries, know that the 'Official Narrative' supplied by the US authorities regarding 911 is baloney.
My favorite personal story of mine is from an Colonel stationed at the Pentagon on that fine September day. I met her at an event we both were attending and I buttonholed her on the events of the day. She said that she was there that day and that after the blast she walking around the building, and ... "No airplane." Yeah! That's it. That's what she said, "No airplane."
Interesting, and disheartening. I know a therapist who treated the families of those lost that fateful day and her cases were all working within the towers or first responders 🙏🇺🇸♾️
I’m finding curiosity in wondering if the Pfizer jab was different in someways than the Moderna jab? Everyone I know who got the jabs are doing fine…they had the Moderna…
On https://howbad.info/ you can search for moderna; and you'll see he's got data separated by moderna and pfizer. I don't see where they are directly compared.
This is clear tho, that the deadliest batches were sent to conservative states:
https://howbad.info/states.html shows that KY has 11 times the deaths of NY, MD, MA, etc. Montana is 6x. The top 7 deadliest states include 6 'red' states.
This is what I’m saying. All these people are dropping, but in my very liberal setting, where I would have expected near 100% compliance in jab getting, it doesn’t appear to be happening. Church bulletin doesn’t show big increase in sick or more deaths than before plandemic.
No unusual increase in obituaries.
I don’t want to see those things, but I have to wonder why.
If I were part of an evil brain trust with a plan to take out billions of people, would I want to insure that some swaths of the population didn’t get poisoned? For one thing it keeps the danger questionable, when many people aren’t seeing the deaths and serious side effects happening around them. Just odd.
Dr Mark Crispin Miller substack records all the dead weekly with specifics.
Ed Dowd is a well known statistician formerly from Wall St who runs the Life Insurance pay out numbers for mostly working age population. All cause mortalities comparisons from previous years etc. Wrote the very informative book " Died Suddenly ". Ed is on Gettr, rumble.com, odysee.com and bitchute.com etc.
Also follow the Lots and Batches because there are patterns.
Ed wrote Cause Unknown. I highly recommend. I gave this book to two of my state senators and one of my county commissioners. Also my financial planner which I believed completed his red pilling.
Please understand I am not at all doubting this is happening. I’m just wondering about differences in different areas. Do you know of any breakdowns of the data that suggest saline was used some places?
I’m sure it’s far too early in the aftermath for that. Just my personal observations.
The ongoing Pfizer clinical trials, phases 1, 2 and 3, which ran simulatiously, showed they used different dosages in different lots.
At the beginning of the shot roll out a nurse from Spain posted about the lot numbers being used. Ending in 1 - saline, ending in 2 - 1/2 dose, enfing in 3 - full dose. She showed screenshots. Everyone tried to get more info from her but to my knowledge she never answered or posted again. This was on Dr Carrie Maderj original FB page.
I have the same questions because I am not personally seeing it but so many of you are. No sudden deaths or turbo cancer in my family (thank God). We are scattered geographically so I don’t know if differences are regional.
Yea, I don't see large numbers with problems either but I do know one guy who ended up with Guillain barre and I'm certain it was from the jabs. My brother and I also now believe his health problems were due to the jabs. He started having heart problems within 2 months of the 2nd jab. He's ok for now but he had a rough 18 months after the 2nd jab and he'll never get another one.
Moderna is not exempt. In a family member’s Moderna batch there is a 6% death rate.
As noted in this thread, howbadismybatch.com tracks anyone’s batch. The raw data is from VAERS. Medical professionals should still be entering data into VAERS. I think the input has dropped off, maybe due to fatigue.
But the jabs are is still in clinical trials until next month so request people to have the vaccine injury data entered and get the registration # as proof.
My brother and his wife got Pfizer (3 shots). My sister also got three. His daughter got one J&J. My sister in law got 3 Moderna, and she in particular is a poster child for bad and neglected health (probably at least 80 lbs overweight). So far as I know, none of them has had problems...yet. It's a curious thing how so many are affected, yet others are not. My relatives are in California except for my sister in Idaho. I have to wonder about where all the bad batches are geographically or if that's even an issue.
During the madness of early 2020 America they shut down gyms to stop the spread of covid when gyms were probably the one thing they needed to keep every legitly healthy
Right! I used to call it genocide. Those who reject that and instead call it democide, well ... that gets my vote. It's everybody ... and by multi-delivery systems, multi-purposed and over greatly protracted time. Sterilization built into the kill shots is also democide. These people are fanatical about the urgency of democide reductions.
For anyone who has not viewed it yet, Karen Kingston's revelations in Final Days are worth viewing. Some are already aware of this, but the scope of the kill shot is a much wider than previously thought. I, for example, figured I was safe by simply refusing 'their' fake mandated 'vaccines'. Not necessarily so ... and I find that unsettling. There is still much, much more work to do here.
Ask that " Doctor " how many Injections he/she got. I bet the true answer is 0.
Doctors got paid $ 125 per jab to inject. Called " incentives " paid through the Insurance provider and of the gov. Do the math on that! Two Ferraris a year! While they say, no thank you for themselves. It is an experiment.
" I know what that means ".
How many Doctors do you see dropping dead? Not many, except in Canada, sadly enough ( 110 just around Toronto - Dr Mark Crispin Miller substack ) where they are not too bright, generally speaking, they are followers and are employed by the Gov.
Don't see that in the US. Americans not as naive, generally speaking, again.
I must say that I've found the Canadian doctor death rate shocking, but have wondered why that seemed to be a specifically Canadian phenomenon. Even more shocking was the lacking of questioning and interest in it.
The docs got bonuses of $40k+ if they got a certain percentage of their patients vaxed. BCBS had the Vaccination Incentive Schedule posted on their website at one point. Might still be there, idk.
A friends husband went through this scenario almost exactly and passed away. Everyone lost friends Ann’s family. The coroners have been extremely busy. 💔
The "people" facilitating all this mayhem have no concern for all the suffering and death and will never die of a heart attack since they have no heart. Their brains think of nothing other than control so all the mayhem is a means to an end.
The struggle is real. It’s amazing to me how badly brainwashed the population is!!! Until we get control of the govt infused state media - we will continue to have so many brainwashed in the population. So many refuse to look to alternate sources of information. The CIA did a number on us back when they coined the term “conspiracy theory” and exploited everyone who had the will to question all of it. We are reaping what was sown and it isn’t good. 😞
Yes, Sunny and not only state media but universities! They captured them many years ago and haven’t let up. Just look at where Lori Lightfoot and Fauci are now! Continuing their lies with a captive audience.
I find it hard to believe people still haven’t realized they can’t trust the media, the Deep State, our elections and any of the bureaucratic agencies. Wake up people!
At it's root is a lack of curiosity, anyone who wants to know how these shots actually work can find the info easily. The days of needing to drive to a university library to look up medical journals are long gone.
Lack of curiosity is just plain old laziness, but mental sloth rather than physical. There are plenty of smart, lazy people. In fact they often use their intelligence to justify their laziness, they are so smart they think they don't need mental exercise.
Anyone who takes "experts" at face value after all we've been through at this point is a willing fool. It's not that someone deceived them, but they willingly decided to outsource their thinking to others. Like I said, old-fashioned laziness.
22 years later and many people still believe that 19 hijackers, hired by Osama bin Ladin, flew 2 aluminum jets into 2 steel skyscrapers and they "fell" because the fire was too hot from the jet fuel and a 3rd steel building (Bldg 7) just "fell" due to random office fires. Another phantom jet, not seen on any camera nor at the scene, flew parallel to the ground and crashed into the Pentagon in the exact place the money records were kept regarding the missing $2.3T that Rumsfeld announced on 9-10. Nothing left of the jet or passengers. And another commercial jet crashed in a field after the passengers decided to overwhelm the hijackers, after making a call hime first->"Let's Roll". Strange that there was absolutely nothing left at that crash site of this crash site either, just a burning scraped hole in the ground...no engines, no nose cone, no tail section, no wing parts, no scattered luggage or body parts. Strangest commercial airliner crashes ever! 😴 Yes, people still believe that story, too. My favorite summation of 9-11 in under 5 min.
All these young deaths. Ugh. My daughter had a friend visiting this weekend and when my nice said something about how we all know the jabs don’t work this girl - very smart engineering major - says “wait, what do you mean they don’t work? I’ve had four!” I was twitching so hard I had to leave the room. Now I’m praying for her safety and hoping she is thinking about the conversation so she stops the injections. 😖
Sadly - not likely to stop if she got four. But man, you'd think that the engineering types would be able to look at the real world data and the people actually _saying_ that the shots don't work, as well as the changing "requirements" and come to a conclusion. :(
As a Chief Engineer who's been in the business a long time, there are two types of engineers. The first type intuitively grasp complex topics because they can visualize the phenomena and are genuinely curious people. The second type ended up in engineering because some guidance counselor told them to because they were "good at math".
The second type are not productive as they'll take weeks to grind through equations to figure out something obviously intuitive to the first type. Plenty of brains but they just don't get it. Have to think she falls in the latter group.
35+ years as an engineer, first decade hardware for communications, the rest as a system admin for extremely complex systems. Can confirm the above description. The part I've locked onto is "genuinely curious." If they can easily ignore why an unexpected thing happens, they won't learn much with the years.
I saw COVID and the plandemic as a complex system with what looked like major problems and risks, but with a lot of data that didn't fit the conclusion or the historical models. So I did what I always do... gather real-time data, look for contradictions for my assumptions, learn more and more about the system particularly where the problems seem to be occuring, AND FIND EXPERTS THAT ARE HONEST. And that are curious and compelled to speak truth.
And THAT is how I ended up here. Amongst the curious and honest truth speakers. Thank you for all you do!
Yup. I work with a lot of test engineers and I tell them with every piece of data they need to be asking themselves: does this make sense, is it what I expected, and if not why not? You can spot the good ones almost immediately as they do this without being told to.
Same principal applies to pretty much everything in life but academia, the media, and government are working hard to stamp out what they view as a troublesome trait.
I seriously wish that I had written down all the things that happened over the past three years that made me say, “hmmmm”. That made me question what was going on. That made my BS meter go to 11. All these things didn’t just start happening in the past year. They were happening early in 2020. If I had kept a record of all of these it would surely be in the hundreds. Probably thousands. I can not comprehend all the supposedly intelligent, well educated people who never even once had a blip on their radar, causing them to question the narrative. It is one of my biggest frustrations.
My BS meter was off the charts in March 2020 when the world shut down. Took lots of notes from videos & podcasts from the beginning. But my questions from the beginning... how can they fast track a jab, why are they censoring the opposition, don't need masks but then changed their tune, 6ft, one ways on grocery store aisles, suppressing early treatment. I found America's Frontline Drs, The Highwire, the "dirty dozen Dr's" as referred to by the media and down the rabbit hole I went.
Sounds eerily similar to the scientific method. A tried and true, proven method for working through complex, technical issues. There is a concerted effort to remove the scientific method from being taught in schools - they indeed want to shut down any critical thought.
My opinion is that it was because people are both illiterate and innumerate, by design.
They could not understand the nuance of words, for example in those moments when the powers told us things like "we believe" and "we think".
And people could not work out what 99.98% survivability meant. Here in Australia early on they had a calculator, you entered your age, weight, health factors, and it spit out your chances of dying. Mine was 1 in 22,000 and that told me everything I needed to know. Needless to say they took down that calculator quicksmart
Like Ivor Cummins who used his engineering background and pivoted to understanding heart health and more recently Covid.
First class in pathopharmacology related to drugs: (1) is it safe and does it work? If you can't establish this you don't use. Second class re: development of medications (1) it takes 5-7 years to develop vaccines. It seemed that a whole generation of people, doctors and nurses, just had amnesia or slept through classes. As I self examined I often thought about teaching those classes, had anything changed to make me think the content was incorrect? Nope.
Check out Dr. David Martin, he has all kinds of info on the patons for these mRNA vaxxes dating back decades ago. This is not new tecknology. And they've been giving mRNA shots to livestock for many years now. And we've been eating this meat, not knowing what was in it.
We’ll stated! Similar to how I ended up here too.
Very true. I worked with a software developer who never really knew the right answer, but believed he’d find it if he tried enough times. He even got the “try it now” award at the company Christmas party. It was always embarrassing when we were on a call with a customer and he’s not really sure what the right fix was. I believe he fell into your latter description.
James M, sounds like a formula for a good and productive life. Good on ya!
Reminds me of many of the Asians that willingly comply with mask mandates. Smart as heck, but compliant as hell. Even if it makes zero sense.
I remember reading about a Korean Airlines crash and how the cultural deference to your superiors led to mindless compliance on a culture wide basis. The co-pilot knew the pilot was making a potentially deadly error but said nothing to correct him because the pilot was of a higher status. The plane crashed as a result.
This story was in Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers."
Or watching Chinese people drown in a subway during a flood. Most were calmly looking at their phones as the water rose. I'll never forget seeing that.
Great example.
I feel for them too. Those poor people are taught to submit from birth. It’s cultural. “The nail the sticks up gets hammered down”.
I agree that their culture tends more to group compliance than does (or did) ours, but I served in S. Korea in the early '90s, and lots of folks wore cloth facemasks back then, too. Against the particulate air pollution, we thought.
Two years ago I was watching a movie from the 60's. For the life of me I can't remember which one it was, but they were in Hong Kong. There was a scene where someone had a driver for their car. The driver wore a white face mask. It kind of blew my mind. The 60's! I had no idea it went back that far.
Geography is interesting. We live in a rural fly over state. No one has practiced "mitigations," for at least a year except when I visit my nearby researching University. There you will see Asians masking while alone in the car or walking alone on a bright sunny day? Took a road trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul this weekend. The church we visited reserved the balcony for those who want to still mask and social distance (lest I be called racist again, there were no Asians, just confused caucasians)...of course they did come down and mingle with the unwashed for communion, even lowered their masks? I'm sure there was some sort of mystical protection.
Based Florida Man, they also come from a Communist country and listening to powers that be and respect for elders is beat into them. Many have compliant attitudes. Had I not told my husband no way were we getting it I think he may have.
Same about the husband. Retired military, used to taking orders. Fortunately I outrank Fauci in my house lol. However had work required it I don’t know how much he would have pushed back. I told him they would fire me before I complied. Now he’s grateful for his crazy wife lol.
In my city, it is the Asians as well who are the demographic most likely to be masked. The second is Blacks. Regarding the Asians, I have family members who attend a Chinese church. A sizable percentage of the congregation still wear masks. I asked a Chinese family member why this was so. She said that it was out of fear. They are still living in day to day fear even though most are vaxxed and most have had already had and survived covid. Their masks apparently provide a needed sense of security.
True, I live close to University of Miami and there are a lot of international students so I see Asian students walk alone outside and wear a mask while no one else does. I think it’s more of a cultural thing or they were traumatized by the media who called anyone without a mask a grandma killer
And as we well know, that "smart/compliant" characteristic is not limited to Asians!
I've concluded that the absolute value of curiosity is highly underrated these days. Using myself as an example, I have from childhood been a very curious person who wanted to know about everything I didn't understand or know much about. Yet a joking and almost mocking observation I heard over and over throughout my life was "Why do you ask so many questions?" or alternately, "Boy you sure ask a lot of questions." At some point I began to realize with great surprise how many people simply did not question much of anything. They just accepted whatever narrative was handed to them.
Covid theater has shown me that the people who questioned and resisted the jabs were the questioners, and those who instantly accepted the covid narrative without any question whatsoever are the jabbed group who did not question anything they were seeing.
Due to my constant questioning that began in January 2020, my most recurrent thought was that none of what I was reading and hearing made logical sense from the get-go. Now I am extremely grateful for my questioning nature.
I get the same thing, plus "You think you know everything." I don't think I know everything, but I do know a lot. I purposely take the time to learn a lot because I want to understand what is going on in the world. Those same people always ask me if I heard about x or do I know about such-and-such, what happened, what it means. And I almost always do. When I don't and they ask, I go find out for them! They don't bother, but I do. That's why I know so much. Curiosity is such a gift. I don't understand how anyone could live on this marvelous planet and not have millions of questions.
Exactly! I read a book with an atlas at hand and look up words I don't know and one book leads me to a new book and all it takes is a sentence. I was more of a silent sponge in the corner and always asked questions when necessary, but I usually didn't need verbal confirmations of what my eyes were seeing. My Superpower is my Critical Thinking Ability. So grateful for my skeptical dad who passed along that particular trait.♥
I say the same, CMCM. Well said.
I am the same, but I have to admit it is really annoying when I am on the flip side of the coin and someone is peppering me w/questions, I suppose it is all in the way a person does it. Genuine interest vs drilling for info.
I was good at math, but I _struggled_ in my engineering classes when we went through the "theoretical/equations" part. When it turned into "and this is where it hits real life", my grades looked like a hockey stick. My profs and classmates were trying to figure out where I'd come from because everything "clicked". But man those equations ... almost did me in.
Whenever some wiz kid presents something with pages of equations we jokingly refer to it as "taking their PhD out for a spin". I actually have a life and don't have countless hours to check their math. No one cares, tell me if it works and why it works. If an engineer can't do that in relatively simple terms it tells me that they really don't get it.
And that nobody else will get it either.
Reminds me of a good rule of software design.... "Make your code so simple that you can still understand and fix it when you're called in at 2am with a hangover because it unexpectedly broke."
And relatedly, "Write code comments that are good enough that someone who has no idea what this code does will be able to understand it. Because the person who has no idea what it does, will be yourself in two years time."
Maxwell's equations were the death of me! LOL. That's why I didn't become an RF engineer.
I don’t even know what those are...lol. I never could get past x=y in Algebra.
Scroll through this page for some background, by about a third of the way down you'll have a serious case of MEGO (my eyes glaze over).
The dirty secret is that you don't have to work (or frankly even understand) these equations to do RF engineering, you just need to know and visualize how electromagnetism behaves. Big difference between the theoreticians and those who practically apply the principles.
I always had a problem with "figure out the unknown". Why do I need to know the unknown? LOL!
Geometry is where math ended for me...lol
Ha! I am an RF engineer (antennas and communication systems engineering) and I still don't fully get them.
After 6 years and a design engr, I finally went into sales as an apps engineer where the money was better!
Yeah, those were brutal. I still think of them every year or so, even kept the text book. Kind of a reminder of how badly it could have gotten.
BTW, I majored in EE because I liked circuits and such while being good at math. My counselor asked me if I liked chemistry when I originally (and naively) thought of chem engr, "Do you like chemistry?" Nope. But I did like curcuits. And I nixed my idea of a Physics degree when I realized I couldn't visualize 3D equations enough to apply the math. Without the visualization, no way to figure out how to solve the problem. So I sniffed out Jeff C's lesson early enough to avoid a bad career decision... very helpful. And lucky.
I have a long career as an ETO (electro technical officer) at sea behind me. Back in the day I dicussed 9/11 with many of them taking the strictly mechanical approach to the issue. For instance: Make a list of anything and everything you can find in an office building. Then you find the temperature when each object starts burning and put it in the list. Finally ask yourself these questions: At what temperature does steel melt? At what temperature does aviation fuel burn? What items on the list exceeds the temperature of melting steel?
You could literally see the cognitive disonance in their faces.
Doctors, engineers and other highly educated people aren't any smarter than your average milk man when it comes to covid, 9/11 or any of the other government fairytales the powers that shouldn't be push.
Ancient Navajo proverb: "It is impossible to awaken someone who is pretending to sleep."
You should know you don't need to melt steel to make it collapse.
My point was that there was yellow streams of hot steel pouring out of the two buildings before they collapsed.
An engineer who is, unfortunately, not able to connect the dots. We need to open CSU...Common Sense University, as well as Ivy League schools!!! Only thing necessary for enrollment? Check your pride at the door, and get over your overinflated sense of self importance! Now the dots are being numbered so there will be NO excuse!
I also see this as the differentiation between the "fundamental" scientists vs the "practical" scientists. The fundamental scientists tend to work at a very micro level, and then the practical scientists go more macro and do something with what the fundamental ones discovered.
Interesting! My husband, a civil engineer, must fall in the latter group as well. When I had Covid, 6 months after the jabs came out, he stood in my doorway and announced he was going to the drug store to get his jab. Let me just say, I was traumatized by this. After begging him to not make an emotional decision, he did anyway. To this day, I cannot fathom how such a seemingly intelligent person cannot connect the simplest of dots.
Our son is an optical engineer and dove into the data and mechanics of these bioweapon jabs early on. He has been so resolute to reject anti-science masks and jabs that he was fired from his first job when he commented about the masks not working against a virus.... He might have mentioned that as a laser engineer that when he doesn't recognize the 'real' data/science, people get hurt or die. :). We are really very proud of him!!
My engineer dad had the same reaction about the masks and was so irritated with doctors who pushed them 🙄
There are those of all professions and educational levels who either saw through the smoke screen or bought the lies. What it comes down to is common sense. God Bless the Canadian and US truckers who got loud against the mandates. The way you win is to not comply. Many were willing o be fired or gave up jobs they loved to say no. Imagine if more had.
Agree! God bless the truckers!!! Early on my husband heard someone say - You comply because you want it to end, because you comply it will never end. We urged others to not comply, but many 'good people' didn't want to offend others. We go by the motto that we don't live by lies and we don't support lies. If someone was offended because they were living a lie, I feel sorry for them, but I am not playing.
When the shots were introduced in a matter of months I had to stop myself. Wait, what? It usually takes lie 10 years to have sufficient data to prove they are safe & effective. I’m just a lowly nurse, taking it all in. Then I heard it was a mRNA based vaccine. Gene therapy😁! What could go wrong? Uh-oh! 🤨 no thank you! You’re not putting it in my kids either. When our pediatrician tried to jab my son at a sports physical appointment I was shocked. Ian’s said absolutely not. His response was “there was only a very small chance of developing myocarditis in children” I couldn’t believe what he was saying. We never went back.
How come millions and millions of people couldn’t make that same deduction? And what part of “vaccine mandate” caused people to say ok, then roll up their sleeve. I decided to quit my nursing job. We don’t have to participate in this psyop. We saw fear in everyone’s eyes. We know the rest of the story.
The only thing we should fear is fear itself & that comes from God.
Psalm 33:20 “We put our hope in the Lord, he is our help and our shield”
Also they say 'oh, it's just minor myocarditis'. Well, it's permanent. And takes years off your life.
No such thing as " mild myocarditis " per Dr. McCullough MD, Most published Cardiologist in North America.
20 % dead within 5 years per all Cardiologists.
Yep. Sadly.
Thank you for staying awake in pharmacology class. I taught for nursing pharmacology and we were very clear that drugs needed to be demonstrated as safe and effective AND it takes 5-7 years to develop and test a vaccine. Clearly many MDs and RNs slept through those classes.
Or got paid $$$$$
Bribery. Snake oil and some!
Exactly. Thank you for emphasizing that as a Nursing instructor. Some of us paid attention. But what was telling over the years was seeing pharmaceutical reps putting on “Lunch & learn” to hospital and clinic staff, awarding CME credits. & dinners at upscale restaurants to which you are a captive audience when they are marketing a new product or drug. Not much discussion of side effects and adverse reactions though. The amount of money behind the marketing is obscene! Seems that the philosophy behind “1st do no harm” was lost.
Free pizza, free pens and paper, free plastic cups, free umbrellas, the gadgets never ended. Every few months I had to clean out the back of my car to get rid of the junk they gave by the boxes to every office.
I’m still finding that garbage lurking in my desk. Maybe I should save it and put it in a time capsule. With a note on transhumanisim big pharma.
Right out of the script from Dopesick. 😖
What vaccines are truly needed, and are safe and effective?
Totally agree...nurses always get asked..”you’re a nurse, what do u think about this?” Well when I told everyone my thoughts about the jab not following REAL science & that I wasn’t going anywhere near it & refused to even administer it to others, I got the deer in the headlights look. Most of them went in to get jabbed & I’m sure called me cray behind my back.
What really gets me is my friend (who refuses jab) has a newly graduated pharmacist son...who keeps getting the jab. I suppose they don’t teach REAL science anymore...just do as we say.
I hear you! Why? It seems critical thinking has been lost. Not many were born with that ability and it isn’t taught in school from what I can tell. Kids are spoon fed what they need to pass standardized tests used for school and teacher bonuses. By the looks of it it’s not taught in college either. They are too busy indoctrinating.
Oh! Don’t get me started on standardized testing! I refused to let my kids participate in that nonsense when they were in school. They were in AICE classes making A’s but the school wanted to put them in remedial reading bc they didn’t get a score on the state standardized. I asked if they thought it was possible for them to get A’s in AICE classes if they couldn’t read & perhaps THEY need to take a class in critical thinking. I said they will get “scores” for my kids when they take their SATs (which is also dumb). My kids have now graduated from college & are gainfully employed & not one person ever asked what they got on their state standardized test!
I have a couple of young friends who went through a top engineering program not many years ago, and they were constantly debating woke there. It's virtually all captured now. The best solution is creative destruction of so-called 'public' education, top to bottom. Also: be cautious about newly-designed engineered structures and functions; they may not work.
Our optical/laser engineer son, whom we homeschooled, has been steadfast against all of this crap, praise God! He dove into the data really hard and did his best to discreetly share with others, but the vast majority of his peers were like drones, unable to input anything other than the messaging. Sadly, now he is feeling like he will never find a wife because so many young women willingly compromised their bodies with no thought. Heartbreaking.
I have a 26 year old daughter and a 24 year old son. Both attractive, educated, conservative, faith based , critical thinkers, athletic and not vaxxed. Let me know. Maybe old fashioned match making or at least friends making. 🙂
Maybe someone should start a conservative dating app for the un-vaxxed. :)
Check out thecovidblog.com they are going to start a dating site and will vett everyone. Waiting to reach enough people.
Expect a deafening hysterical cry reverberating in every cobwebbed corner of interwebz: DISCRIMINATIOOOON! 😁
Love it!!! Our son is also 26 and rock solid, with the same attributes you list, it is so painful to entertain him not being blessed with a wife and being a father some day. Surely the Lord raised him up for His good. Where are you? We are in FL. :)
Woohoo! The first(?) C&C-sponsored couple in the making! 🤸
PLEASE match make!!! There is no shame and I had wished people did it for me.
Florida as well with two eligible, beautiful, smart daughters (23 and 24). It seems like we’ll be ok. :)
Pennsylvania outside of Philly. But the world is a smaller place now. We can email each other if you like.
Annie you are joking but I’m pretty muchbthinking that’s how my daughter will have to marry. We will have to match make.
I think so. Matchmaking is as old as humanity. As long as it is not forced, I see no problem with it.
If you’re in NE, my 24yo Christian conservative athletic attractive non Vx daughter should meet your son!😂
We are in FL, he did NOT want to leave FL or us after all of this awfulness. If you are ever in C&C country, Gainesville, let us know for sure!
See! Now we know there are a lot of us out there. Hope and joy! 😊
My 20-year-old Christian, homeschooled, unvaxxed son would love to take part in a conservative dating app for people with critical thinking skills!
Ha! My children are in their forties now and some of us were talking match making potentials among our group back when they were in elementary school.
Ah that is sad. I’ve prayed for my youngest daughter that God is raising a man right now for her that shares her values and will live her. I pray the same for your son right now.
So kind! Love to hear that there are other parents praying for their children's spouses being raised up in the Lord. Prayers for your daughter as well, many young men were also corrupted further during this time.
Thank you Johnny man!!!! I had always hoped my dad and mom prayed for me for a spouse. It only took me an extra 14 yrs to marry.
I prayed for good spouses for my children from the beginning and God heard and answered that affirmatively. All but one are approaching the 25 year anniversary mark. The straggler is my perfectionist son for whom all the factors have to fall in place. He married an awesome woman last November that I couldn’t be happier about. Now the prayer is for children for them. I could yet have more than the 13 running around already. Thirteen doesn’t seem complete.
Tell him to take heart and be patient - they exist!
He is trusting the Lord, and we are praying that the Lord is raising up a helpmeet for him to love and cherish that will respect and treasure him as well.
I have a daughter who has the same concern… as a musician, she lost a lot of friends and work for her position on the vaxx and culture.
This life is not easy. Many heartaches as Christians.
Celebrate and hang with like minded. They will meet !
It isn’t easy. On the other hand, neither is the life of pagans. I should know.
They have to fill their lives with distractions that continuously drag them further down, while trying to look like the most fun person on the planet. It’s all illusion with no refuge to run to.
I am sorry for your daughter like the others who saw through the lies and stood on truth. We must keep praying for their courage, wisdom(from the Lord) and strength going forward. But as a mom, it is heartbreaking.
It seems like the liberals fell for the scam hook, line and sinker. I have found many of my conservative friends held out and didn't get the jabs. There are still a lot of conservative women out there, so there is hope for your son. (unless he's a liberal).
Thank you and he is a conservative Christian to the core! What has been so sad is so many of his conservative friends fell for the lies. :(
Strangely, el gato just had an article about this today...
We homeschooled all the way, so we already distrusted that system generally, but this is where I learned more about the long history of the capture of "public" education:
The Origins of Government Education in the United States
"The system of K-12 government schooling that exists today clashes with the political, economic, social, and cultural traditions of the United States."
This piece is old (but excellent!), and his statement now extends to the post-graduate "educational" system as well.
You probably don’t remember Goals 2000. Outcome-based education. School-to-work. They never run out of ways to indoctrinate.
I don't, but it sounds sort of like Common Core - educating people to be convenient, compliant worker bees for the elites.
John Dewey. The philosophical father of Randi Weingarten.
No, it started even before Horace Mann, who far predated Dewey. It's a very long-term project.
I knew I should have read all the comments before I posted the same link...
It is always good to repost great information as not everyone has the chance to read all comments. :)
At least now more people are aware of it. This scamdemic and the colleges woke crap opened my children's eyes more than my lecturing alone could have. If anything, they actually listen to me more and realize I am more often than not right about things.
I was really glad that unlike many of my peers, I valued my parents’ experience and advice. Why wouldn’t I take their thoughts into consideration when they’d lived to see far more than I had and loved me more than anyone else in the world so had good reason to give me sound counsel? It baffles me that so many kids roll their eyes at their parents’ advice 😞 I mean, they’re not perfect or omniscient but they do have so much valuable life experience to share!
My kids knew that a huge all encompassing fight was gonna happen if they thought they were getting the clot shots. My son was a definite no on the shots. My daughter hates shots so she was inclined to agree with me. We as a family are tighter than ever due to the scamdemic BS.
What a great and wise character trait on your part that you respected your parents' counsel. I have one teen who thinks most everything I say is stupid and one who actually listens (most of the time...). The one who rejects most of what I say (thankfully he did listen about most of the covid stuff) is my biggest source of stress. I just wish he could see my intentions and my life experience the way you describe.
Take heart, Jen. I had a similar situation with one of mine, easily caused the most stress of my three. But we just kept loving him and praying for him and being consistent with our discipline, and eventually he turned it all around. After he “came to his senses,” I would hear him quote something we had said during the time when I thought he was rejecting everything. So stay strong and don’t lose hope! They see how you live and what you say and they are absorbing more than you can imagine! 🙏🏻
Stick with it, do your best, he will likely come around at some point.
Funny enough I am constantly poling other " apparent good parents " about at what age their kids came around.
I’m not sure I can really take any credit, I think that is just my personality as God made me but I sure am grateful for it!
Yes, having kids who won’t listen when you have good solid experience based advice to offer us stressful for sure 😕
Children have to honor their parents, the Bible requires it, if we call ourselves Christians then we don't have a choice.
However, not all parents are wise. Without getting too personal, my dad was quite foolish, couldn't control his temper, and was convinced he was always the smartest guy in room. He went with through numerous jobs when we were kids, always quitting because his boss couldn't see his brilliance. It was clear to me at a young age his achievements didn't match his self-alleged wisdom.
So I can certainly see why kids rebel, I know I did. But thankfully God has a way of using those less than desirable events to work all things for our good. I learned valuable lessons regarding self-sufficiency, gratitude, and the destructive nature of self-pity.
And I do honor my father, pray for him, chat with him, visit with the kids, and try to look out for him. I just don't take advice from him.
You had a great deal of wisdom and discernment at a very young age!
It is hard when parents aren’t good role models 😕
Your comment made me remember that old saying "The older I get, the smarter my parents get." 😀
🗨 When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
(↑↑ Widely attributed to Mark Twain but sleuths don't think so --> quoteinvestigator.com/2010/10/10/twain-father)
What I have found is that the more degrees you have, the more you think that you know everything. My daughter has a master's and she thinks that she knows everything. Never listened to anything I said about the dangers of the vax.
Also, many 18 year olds just happen to know everything. Funny how that is. Funny how I know that.
Unfortunately the liberal centers of education(indoctrination) have done a really good job brainwashing our youth🤷♀️
I have zero degrees and at 22 I knew absolutely everything!
That is too bad, hubris of youth. The more degrees I earned the more I realized what I don't know. Now officially old and have many more questions than answers.
My son said about the university faculty he worked with, the more degrees the stupider they became.
Common sense is not learned; it is God-given.
🗨 There is a misconception that only “stupid” people get duped. Not true at all! There are methods to dupe highly intelligent people. There are methods to dupe the ones with pure hearts (“prey naivete”). There are methods to dupe people who are vain or insecure (especially those). There are methods to dupe the wounded and the pissed off. There are methods to dupe the poor, and methods to dupe the rich.
I had not heard the "prey naivete" but it applies to several folks I love.
OMG. Clicked on your link. ROFL at the 2d paragraph!
I might have to subscribe!
👌 You def should! The valiant robot-fighting lady is a sure deal: a rare beautiful combo of open eyes, keen mind and full heart 🙂 Russian born & raised artist, current NY urbanite with dramatic life story to tell.
Well said!
No. We've got several engineers in our family and they got shot up. And had their teen kids shot up too.
Sad 😔
It’s almost certain that her university required the jabs, since research universities by definition get millions in federal funding.
Direct funding for the poisonous jab always!
Just follow the money trail, like Dr. David Martin did even before 1/2020, and you don't need ANY science knowledge at all to see what was really going on. $$$$$$
Since the beginning of mankind.
Snake oil salesmen have been prowling around forever.
Yea I’m in tech and people who even teach critical thinking and decision making, basic risk/reward and logic fell into Covid hook line and sinker.
Anyone can believe lies.
That's mind-blowing to me. The other mind-blowing category of people who fell for it all were so many of the natural and "alternative" health practitioners I know who had spent their careers teaching that mainstream medicine didn't have the answers and usually did more harm than good....And then they ran straight towards that same medical industrial complex to get jabbed up. What??
Seriously! What shallow characters they had, the opposite of their virtue signaling. That is human psychology for you. The more they advertise, the less secure they are. Shows they had no true understanding.
They will ask what is in their Vegan muffin down to the origin of the sugar cane ( which is ok ) and then when someone offers to Inject " something - who knows what the hell is in there " directly into their blood stream ( with no chance of stomach acids or enzymes while swallowing killing or disabling it , they say sure! "I would love to join the club".
Exactly! I admit I'm the type to research the origin of the organic sugar cane (not vegan, though! Also because I meticulously research...), but I am ALSO a hugely critical researcher of *anything* I put in my body-- most especially anything I would ever even consider injecting into my body-- which is exactly why I didn't get the jab OR give it to my kids (and why we avoid most mainstream medicine).
At the end of this thread on who took it and who didn’t it just makes me thankful for people who question! I was always the person who asked like 10 questions in class. My dad the same. I was the annoying kid who asked non stop WHY questions. It made me into a logical, strong questioning reaearcher. It has also lead me to regular honest questions and thinking behind anything. At the beginning of this stuff I immediately questioned everything and it didn’t add up. I was already questioning regular shots but then these.
I have a renewed dose of grace and patience for my daughters’ relentless questions!!! 😍🤔
It’s the same peer review / group think elitist mentality that has captured all branches of science 😔
You don’t need an engineering degree, just some common sense to do your own research like I did for the last three years.
No, the engineering types are doing the work as promised for the DARPA and DOD grants that their professors have urged them to apply for.
I have many friends have gotten everyone and probably boast
Unless you are only exposed to crazy-mandate-jabs-work people!
We are all watching those around us either drop dead for no reason, or suffer with debilitating and life altering health conditions, or die slow horrible deaths.
I personally know two men (65, 79) both previously healthy die (one took a year and one took 26 days) from the jab. Two special needs adult women suffering with health issues that weren’t there previous to the jab. The doctors are baffled. 🙄 One of those has a mom that has had a heart attack and diagnosed with breast cancer within a month of each other. So far she survives. Not one of these instances are the people and/or family even considering it was the EXPERIMENTAL FOREIGN CHEMICALS THEY INJECTED INTO THEIR BODIES. Most of the family of the 79 year old knows full on it was the jab and tried to tell him, but since the “doctor” said it had nothing to do with it he believes the quack. After the jab, within months he got cancer, had kidney failure and on dialysis, heart attacks, numerous blood clots while bleeding out at the same exact time (explain that one “doctor quack!”) and lived going in and out of the hospital before dying a year after the jab!
This is depopulation working just as planned. 😠 😞
A dear friend died from a stroke while riding a motor bike at age 50. A yoga teacher died suddenly of a stroke age 52. A family friend’s daughter died in her sleep away at college aged 19. A neighbor’s son died suddenly at age 22. A neighbor’s boss died suddenly of a heart attack aged 59. All of these cases in the last year were sudden. I’m connected to a nurse practitioner in TX who shared that the cancer diagnosis everyday is through the roof (probably good that mostly sheep remain in the health industry to keep that quiet). And nearly every day I see ambulances with lights only and no siren… who knows… the entire thing can be pinned on climate change being deadly and if this becomes too big to hide ‘aliens’ can always arrive via some global drone induced holographic event. People literally believe that a terrorist’s wallet was found intact in the wreckage of 911 but not a single plane engine or black box. How far back does the disinformation go???
A neighbor is an othverwise health 64 yr old - tall, well proportioned, not overweight and exercises every day. He looks exactly like the successful retired businessman that he is.
Until recently, he's always had a full head of white hair. About two months ago, it started falling out in clumps, and he's now noticeably balding.
His doctors ran all kinds of tests, but they're baffled. (Go figure.) Asked him the other day about his COVID vax history, and the look on his face told the story: he knows.
Very sad. Still I try to be hopeful.
Only one mouse in Jeff’s story 🙏
1 mouse in 14 is 7%. 200 million people were jabboosted in the US. 7% of them = 14,280,000 people.
They are either walking cancer time bombs or played a form of Russian roulette. The pHarmas (and pFeds?) know who got the empty chambers.
The study begs the question, or just begs, for a follow on study related to regarding cancers.
I agree and thank you for sharing. I wanted to do the math but have been heads down at work (in engineering funnily enough). Something I’ve been thinking about the past few days is how the construction of homes has not been any where near as exponential as the population growth. By a large margin, supply did not keep up with demand. Similar to Jeff’s logic, whenever I see something that seems illogical that usually is the starting point for things to unravel. Small example, why did the government advocate for the food pyramid to be based on grains despite ample data to the contrary? Similarly, many years ago I had friends in policy and mathematics who worked on the social security dilemma. Despite all the think tank and NGO efforts nothing was achieved to remedy the looming social security situation - but is that really to be believed?
So far.
That is what people keep saying ! Stop. Everyone DOES NOT DIE AT THE SAME TIME! It would be too obvious!
Stop misleading people with this ridiculous comment.
Alopecia is another condition arising from the jabs. 😢
As far back as the creation of the FBI and CIA🤷♀️
Actually, there was a plane engine, or part thereof found at the WTC site nearby. Does anybody remember this? But guess what? 'They' planted the wrong engine part at the crime scene. The engine part did not match the airliners' engines said to have flown into the WTC towers that day.
I somewhat remember this. Many irregularities were raised by the International Review Panel out of Canada... they were censored if I remember correctly. To me it’s not whether or not there were planes in NYC but the implausibility of the wallet and certainly the media working to spread and validate psyop gospel rather than investigate. Not to mention the sensitivity around lives lost that day being used to censure discussion in a way not dissimilar to all that ensued in 2020
Argue planes and passengers is always a vicious circle of contention.
The Official Narrative (NIST Report) argues that 2 planes destroyed the two (2) Twin Towers in a mechanical collapse. However, seven (7) building were destroyed, three and a half (3.5) were largely reduced to dust (not suited to a mechanical mechanic). The satellite photos were still available On-Line last I looked.
Planting 'evidence' (the wallet and wrong jet engine parts) is a big tell of a PysOp/False Flag. Most of the intelligent world, including major intelligence agency in foreign countries, know that the 'Official Narrative' supplied by the US authorities regarding 911 is baloney.
My favorite personal story of mine is from an Colonel stationed at the Pentagon on that fine September day. I met her at an event we both were attending and I buttonholed her on the events of the day. She said that she was there that day and that after the blast she walking around the building, and ... "No airplane." Yeah! That's it. That's what she said, "No airplane."
Two words kind of says it all.
Are you familiar with this documentary? A huge time commitment at almost 5 hours long but it certainly is compelling and answers many questions.
Interesting, and disheartening. I know a therapist who treated the families of those lost that fateful day and her cases were all working within the towers or first responders 🙏🇺🇸♾️
Very, very far.
I’m finding curiosity in wondering if the Pfizer jab was different in someways than the Moderna jab? Everyone I know who got the jabs are doing fine…they had the Moderna…
On https://howbad.info/ you can search for moderna; and you'll see he's got data separated by moderna and pfizer. I don't see where they are directly compared.
This is clear tho, that the deadliest batches were sent to conservative states:
https://howbad.info/states.html shows that KY has 11 times the deaths of NY, MD, MA, etc. Montana is 6x. The top 7 deadliest states include 6 'red' states.
Wait, deadliest in regards to covid shots or deadliest in regards to covid?
Isnt' there a database with "bad lots" listend on it?
I live in Montana and I haven’t seen a lot of deaths especially of young people so who knows.
This is what I’m saying. All these people are dropping, but in my very liberal setting, where I would have expected near 100% compliance in jab getting, it doesn’t appear to be happening. Church bulletin doesn’t show big increase in sick or more deaths than before plandemic.
No unusual increase in obituaries.
I don’t want to see those things, but I have to wonder why.
If I were part of an evil brain trust with a plan to take out billions of people, would I want to insure that some swaths of the population didn’t get poisoned? For one thing it keeps the danger questionable, when many people aren’t seeing the deaths and serious side effects happening around them. Just odd.
Dr Mark Crispin Miller substack records all the dead weekly with specifics.
Ed Dowd is a well known statistician formerly from Wall St who runs the Life Insurance pay out numbers for mostly working age population. All cause mortalities comparisons from previous years etc. Wrote the very informative book " Died Suddenly ". Ed is on Gettr, rumble.com, odysee.com and bitchute.com etc.
Also follow the Lots and Batches because there are patterns.
Ed wrote Cause Unknown. I highly recommend. I gave this book to two of my state senators and one of my county commissioners. Also my financial planner which I believed completed his red pilling.
Please understand I am not at all doubting this is happening. I’m just wondering about differences in different areas. Do you know of any breakdowns of the data that suggest saline was used some places?
I’m sure it’s far too early in the aftermath for that. Just my personal observations.
It’s early yet. Who knows what’s coming.
The ongoing Pfizer clinical trials, phases 1, 2 and 3, which ran simulatiously, showed they used different dosages in different lots.
At the beginning of the shot roll out a nurse from Spain posted about the lot numbers being used. Ending in 1 - saline, ending in 2 - 1/2 dose, enfing in 3 - full dose. She showed screenshots. Everyone tried to get more info from her but to my knowledge she never answered or posted again. This was on Dr Carrie Maderj original FB page.
I have the same questions because I am not personally seeing it but so many of you are. No sudden deaths or turbo cancer in my family (thank God). We are scattered geographically so I don’t know if differences are regional.
Yea, I don't see large numbers with problems either but I do know one guy who ended up with Guillain barre and I'm certain it was from the jabs. My brother and I also now believe his health problems were due to the jabs. He started having heart problems within 2 months of the 2nd jab. He's ok for now but he had a rough 18 months after the 2nd jab and he'll never get another one.
I’m just trying to understand how finely designed and executed this may have been.
Moderna had a higher concentration. But, both inflict harm and/or kill.
Moderna is not exempt. In a family member’s Moderna batch there is a 6% death rate.
As noted in this thread, howbadismybatch.com tracks anyone’s batch. The raw data is from VAERS. Medical professionals should still be entering data into VAERS. I think the input has dropped off, maybe due to fatigue.
But the jabs are is still in clinical trials until next month so request people to have the vaccine injury data entered and get the registration # as proof.
My brother and his wife got Pfizer (3 shots). My sister also got three. His daughter got one J&J. My sister in law got 3 Moderna, and she in particular is a poster child for bad and neglected health (probably at least 80 lbs overweight). So far as I know, none of them has had problems...yet. It's a curious thing how so many are affected, yet others are not. My relatives are in California except for my sister in Idaho. I have to wonder about where all the bad batches are geographically or if that's even an issue.
During the madness of early 2020 America they shut down gyms to stop the spread of covid when gyms were probably the one thing they needed to keep every legitly healthy
They don't know what it is but they definitely know what it ain't.
Question is, do they even have suspicions at this point?
Right! I used to call it genocide. Those who reject that and instead call it democide, well ... that gets my vote. It's everybody ... and by multi-delivery systems, multi-purposed and over greatly protracted time. Sterilization built into the kill shots is also democide. These people are fanatical about the urgency of democide reductions.
For anyone who has not viewed it yet, Karen Kingston's revelations in Final Days are worth viewing. Some are already aware of this, but the scope of the kill shot is a much wider than previously thought. I, for example, figured I was safe by simply refusing 'their' fake mandated 'vaccines'. Not necessarily so ... and I find that unsettling. There is still much, much more work to do here.
Ask that " Doctor " how many Injections he/she got. I bet the true answer is 0.
Doctors got paid $ 125 per jab to inject. Called " incentives " paid through the Insurance provider and of the gov. Do the math on that! Two Ferraris a year! While they say, no thank you for themselves. It is an experiment.
" I know what that means ".
How many Doctors do you see dropping dead? Not many, except in Canada, sadly enough ( 110 just around Toronto - Dr Mark Crispin Miller substack ) where they are not too bright, generally speaking, they are followers and are employed by the Gov.
Don't see that in the US. Americans not as naive, generally speaking, again.
I must say that I've found the Canadian doctor death rate shocking, but have wondered why that seemed to be a specifically Canadian phenomenon. Even more shocking was the lacking of questioning and interest in it.
The docs got bonuses of $40k+ if they got a certain percentage of their patients vaxed. BCBS had the Vaccination Incentive Schedule posted on their website at one point. Might still be there, idk.
A friends husband went through this scenario almost exactly and passed away. Everyone lost friends Ann’s family. The coroners have been extremely busy. 💔
The "people" facilitating all this mayhem have no concern for all the suffering and death and will never die of a heart attack since they have no heart. Their brains think of nothing other than control so all the mayhem is a means to an end.
The money is just a delightful bonus.
Two-plus years later and still she says, "wait, what do you mean they don't work?"
Does she live under a rock...or, does she ONLY get her news (sic) from the alphabet legacy corporate propagandist media. (rhetorical question)
The struggle is real. It’s amazing to me how badly brainwashed the population is!!! Until we get control of the govt infused state media - we will continue to have so many brainwashed in the population. So many refuse to look to alternate sources of information. The CIA did a number on us back when they coined the term “conspiracy theory” and exploited everyone who had the will to question all of it. We are reaping what was sown and it isn’t good. 😞
Yes, Sunny and not only state media but universities! They captured them many years ago and haven’t let up. Just look at where Lori Lightfoot and Fauci are now! Continuing their lies with a captive audience.
I find it hard to believe people still haven’t realized they can’t trust the media, the Deep State, our elections and any of the bureaucratic agencies. Wake up people!
A friend at work told me they had been feeling bad even though they just got their latest booster. A very competent smart man.
I said “stop that! There’s so much data out now that shows the shots are bad.”
He said “really?”
No matter how long, there will always be people who have not heard and do not know.
That is deception in practice.
At it's root is a lack of curiosity, anyone who wants to know how these shots actually work can find the info easily. The days of needing to drive to a university library to look up medical journals are long gone.
Lack of curiosity is just plain old laziness, but mental sloth rather than physical. There are plenty of smart, lazy people. In fact they often use their intelligence to justify their laziness, they are so smart they think they don't need mental exercise.
Anyone who takes "experts" at face value after all we've been through at this point is a willing fool. It's not that someone deceived them, but they willingly decided to outsource their thinking to others. Like I said, old-fashioned laziness.
22 years later and many people still believe that 19 hijackers, hired by Osama bin Ladin, flew 2 aluminum jets into 2 steel skyscrapers and they "fell" because the fire was too hot from the jet fuel and a 3rd steel building (Bldg 7) just "fell" due to random office fires. Another phantom jet, not seen on any camera nor at the scene, flew parallel to the ground and crashed into the Pentagon in the exact place the money records were kept regarding the missing $2.3T that Rumsfeld announced on 9-10. Nothing left of the jet or passengers. And another commercial jet crashed in a field after the passengers decided to overwhelm the hijackers, after making a call hime first->"Let's Roll". Strange that there was absolutely nothing left at that crash site of this crash site either, just a burning scraped hole in the ground...no engines, no nose cone, no tail section, no wing parts, no scattered luggage or body parts. Strangest commercial airliner crashes ever! 😴 Yes, people still believe that story, too. My favorite summation of 9-11 in under 5 min.