Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

All these young deaths. Ugh. My daughter had a friend visiting this weekend and when my nice said something about how we all know the jabs don’t work this girl - very smart engineering major - says β€œwait, what do you mean they don’t work? I’ve had four!” I was twitching so hard I had to leave the room. Now I’m praying for her safety and hoping she is thinking about the conversation so she stops the injections. πŸ˜–

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I usually don't get around to reading until afternoon or the next day... first time I've ever been here with no comments yet! So.... first comment... woohoo πŸ˜€! This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

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The Russian memesters are really on fire. To be fair, America gives them plenty of material to work with. This anti-Woke commercial is hilarious, for instance:

β€’ https://www.bitchute.com/video/cJAU4y34wjv6/

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Can you please consider 1LT Mark Bashaw for a C&C Army Multiplier? He stood up to the DoD on all mandates in an honorable way and was savagely targeted for it. He became the target of none other than Yevgeny Vindman of the now notorious political hitmen twin brothers (his brother was the infamous whistleblower against DJT). It’s an incredible story.

1LT Bashaw has been forcibly separated via Court Martial and is preparing a legal battle from the outside in what could prove to be an extremely important challenge to all of the DoD’s (and government’s) unlawful actions during the plandemic. I can provide direct contact if you need to verify his story which is also published at his GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/MarkBashaw

This could be a historical case. Please consider it for a Multiplier!

Thank you!!

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It’s so sad that the $2Billion in government contracts is how the government got Texas A&M and no doubt many other universities to comply with this mandate. Our government is so incredibly evil beyond my wildest dreams

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β€œWhen we knew it was a lie people stood up and did the right thing” -John LIAR Kerry in the video regarding the war in Iraq.

Ummmm NO YOU DIDN’T! We spent how many years in Iraq spilling American blood???? Umm didn’t the Afghanistan war morph out from Iraq??? How many years did our American military have their blood spilled on Afghan soil?? WHEN WILL YOU CRIMINALS JUST STOP LYING!

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This fellow (Aaron Morrow @camorrow73) tweeted this recommendation for treating a bad reaction to The Jab. Throws all kinds of stuff at it. Interesting!

1. Do an Ivermectin course.

2. Hyperbaric oxygen tank.

3. Carnivore diet. LOTS of fat, NO shellfish or pork.

4. High doses of Vitamin B1, B6, and B12. Plus, B-complex 3x daily.

5. Intravenous Vitamin C. Multiple treatments 25-50grams.

6. Cannabidiol. High dose, full spectrum.

7. Red Light therapy. Buy pad. Couple of times per day.

8. High doses of Nattokinase, Bromelain, N-Acetylcysteine, and at least 15grams of glycine daily. This disables spike.

9. Quercetin, Oral Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Zinc, and Vitamin K2. Immune boost.

10. Wim Hof breathing method and cold therapy.

11. Methylene blue.

12. Sunlight, exercise, yoga.

13. Try binaural beats in the alpha wave length.

14. Fish oil (6-10 grams daily), Lion's Mane, Vinpocetine, and Huperzine A. Nootropics.

15. 1500mg of L-Tyrosine 3x daily. And mucuna pruriens as directed on the label. Dopamine restoration.

16. Dietary iodine supplement.

17. High dose alpha lipoic acid (ALA)

18. Water fast 2 days (48 hours) per week while taking 4 grams fisetin each day, to promote autophagy.

Consider nicotine gum for up to 3 months. It increases dopamine sensitivity and dopamine receptors.

God bless you to healing and recover in the Name of Jesus Christ.

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Please pray for Putin. The future of a multipolar world depends on an independent and strong Russia.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Well, since I called this whole scenario right with a slightly different ending for Prigozhin amongst my family and friends, I will use today's standard norm and refer to myself as an expert in Russian foreign affairs going forward. If the scientific community can do it, so can we in other communities right?!? πŸ˜‚ No fancy-fancy letters after my name though.

Thanks, Jeff, for shielding us from the mouse guts this morning...though I would much prefer these pictures over the ones from yesterday's post. πŸ˜œπŸŽ‰

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"Texas A&M had two billion $$$ in federal contracts at stake if they did not enforce the federal jab mandates."

And right there is the entire story of Covid in one sentence. Obey or go bankrupt.

This nation once was a constitutional republic. Now I'm not certain if it is a full-on criminal enterprise, or merely an oligarchy.

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If anyone out there is an Ayn Rand fan, I came across this series of short videos that tell the story of the book "Anthem" by Ayn Rand, which is the first book of her's I ever read. It was the smallest book on the school library shelf and I only had three days to write a book report for English class. I was so moved by this book in Grade 10 and I suppose that was the book that really started me thinking about the "control apparatus" of the government. It's worth watching the short videos because it really shows you what an Authoritarian Dystopia looks like. We must do every thing we can to stop the trajectory that the West is on. https://youtu.be/VYfDxkn-8YI

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

How about we end the era of the state secret. β€œMaybe we need to decide, once and for all, that a huge undercover secret government military-industrial apparatus is antithetical to a β€˜small-R’ republican form of government.”

Yes! Start by revoking the 16th Amendment. If there are no Federal income tax $ flowing into DC’s trough, the 3-letter federal agencies will be defunded, the military will have to carefully spend $ from States on actual defense for US, and each State can tax itself for what it needs, with local citizen oversight. Result: peace on Earth, goodwill toward man.

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Helluva column, Jeff, you’re on fire…Three takes: media is laughingstock; US women vs. Russian women; and the Klueless Kerry video are freakin priceless….hooray

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Without sarcasm, I am so sad for all those who lost their lives and for their families' loss. Day after day you report of people who were forced into vaccination and who have now lost their lives, many without the hope of heaven. It is tragic and completely STUPID. But, they want to depopulate...and they are. I pray for my four children who all went down the rabbit hole, two of whom have experienced heart symptoms repeatedly only to be told there is nothing wrong.

Jeff, do you have these SADS deaths in a post or folder all together? Maybe I missed it? It would be useful to have when trying to open people's eyes to their danger...if they would listen. Thanks!!

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff, good job digging on the Texas A&M website to find where they disappeared their vaxx mandate requirement. Can't have that there as the victims continue dying off.

I guess we can't expect to hold them accountable?

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

"The media’s ONE JOB is to inform us about newsworthy events, not carefully curate the information we are exposed to so that we won’t think wrong."

Uhhhhhhhhh..........is it?

(Thanks for another great post by the way)

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