☕️ MEDIA MELTDOWN ☙ Tuesday, June 27, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Wagner Civil War story continues to beclown Western Media; signs of intel involvement; Russia castrates pedos; mouse study links turbo cancer to jabs; young athlete SADS deaths; and more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s Tuesday! I hope everyone’s week is off to a great start. Your roundup this morning includes: media’s great-big Wagner story keeps shrinking and getting smaller and smaller; thoughts on western intelligence involvement; Russia cracking down on pedos; mouse study links jabs to turbo cancer; young Mexican TV jab doctor dies SADSly at home; young ice hockey player dies SADSly at home; young rugby player dies SADSly in the car; Aggie coach dies SADSly at home; young basketball player, diagnosed with myocarditis, dies SADSly on the treadmill; 300 Canadian military sue for jab injuries; and a clip of John Kerry that you might actually enjoy.
🚀 Corporate media’s humiliation continued at a brisk pace yesterday as the Wager Civil War-slash-Rebellion story kept unraveling. Fox ran a story early this morning headlined, “Russia Drops Charges Against Prigozhin, Other Participants Of Wagner Group Rebellion.”
That was fast. Super fast.
According to Fox, Russian authorities announced late yesterday that a diligent, no-stones-left-unturned criminal investigation into the so-called rebellion led by Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has been closed. No charges have been filed against anyone involved. It’s been two days since the “rebellion” ended.
It’s really more of a media rebellion than a Wagner rebellion, if you think about it.
The Kremlin said it made a deal for Prigozhin to move to Belarus in exile, and receive amnesty, along with his soldiers. Nobody seems to know where Prigozhin is, except that a popular Russian warblogger on Telegram reported yesterday the Wagner chief was at a Belarusian hotel in Minsk. After studiously ignoring the Russian warbloggers for the last year, corporate media has suddenly anointed them reliable sources.
But nobody’s quoting Ukrainian warbloggers. It’s weird. It’s almost like, apart from fake news psyoperators, there is no depth of legitimate Ukrainian support at all.
Think about this data nugget. Russian media reported that Wagner offices in several Russian cities reopened yesterday, and the company is back to enlisting recruits. How about that? Basically, Wagner was only closed down on Saturday and Sunday. One weekend.
Western media has been diligently reporting that Wagner was shut down, the plug had been pulled, and it was to be collapsed into the Russian general army. So … why is the group still recruiting?
Our media is a laughingstock. You literally can’t believe anything they say these days. I feel like we should apologize to the Russians for mocking their Soviet-era newspaper ‘Pravda’ back in the day. Now we know what it feels like.
Russian President Putin gave a speech yesterday about the uprising. As usual it was credible and coherent. Unlike someone else’s speeches, but I digress. I’ll link it (it’s not too long), not because I “love Putin” but because our corporate media won’t print a single word. http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71528
Honestly, it baffles me that, after building Putin up into the ONE REASON for this entire conflict, our media proceeds to black out everything the man has to say about it. How can they possibly justify that? If everything Putin says is a lie, expose him as a liar every time he talks. The media’s ONE JOB is to inform us about newsworthy events, not carefully curate the information we are exposed to so that we won’t think wrong.
It’s a time of war and the government-controlled media is deliberately deceiving us. That’s arguably treason.
Anyway, Putin made this interesting comment during his speech:
“It was exactly this outcome, fratricide, that the enemies of Russia – the neo-Nazis in Kiev, their Western patrons and other national traitors – wanted to see. They wanted Russian soldiers to kill each other; they wanted the military and civilians to die; they wanted Russia to lose eventually, and our society to break up and perish in a bloody feud.
They were rubbing their hands together and dreaming of revenge for their failures at the frontline and in the course of the so-called counteroffensive, but they miscalculated.”
Now connect this next dot. Yesterday, video made the rounds showing Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov being questioned by a reporter. Unlike some other talking heads, Lavrov tends to be a pretty serious individual. In the clip, the reporter asks Lavrov whether there is any evidence that Ukrainian or Western intelligence services were involved in the Wagner uprising.
Lavrov replied, “I assure you we are already working on this.”
As I’ve said, Russia has nothing to lose to pin this whole thing on Western intelligence services. They won’t even need any evidence at this point, but it will hurt the West even more if they do find some actual evidence. If there were neurons still firing somewhere over at the CIA, if they were smart, the CIA would get in front of this story and just own it. You know, all’s fair in love and war, and so forth. Otherwise, once again, they will end up looking like mendacious insects.
I have a modest proposal. How about this? How about we end the era of the state secret. Maybe we need to decide, once and for all, that a huge undercover secret government military-industrial apparatus is antithetical to a ‘small-R’ republican form of government.
Look at it this way — we gave it a solid try, but it didn’t work out. Let’s move on.
🔥 Speaking of western intelligence involvement, I haven’t had the time to quite work this up yet, but dots are coalescing. I find very interesting the collective timing of the massive rush Saturday-morning rush by corporate media to label the Wagner uprising a “Civil War.” Nearly every corporate media outlet had at least one long-form piece ready Saturday morning when events had unfolded in Russia over Friday night.
Including outlets that don’t usually report breaking news, like The Atlantic magazine. How was all of that possible without outside coordination?
Remember, the New York Times had no fewer than SEVEN articles ready to go first thing Saturday morning, all written by different reporters. Then yesterday we found out that our intelligence agencies briefed Congress earlier in the week about the expected uprising.
The CIA and Congress knew about Wagner ahead of time. Which means corporate media knew ahead of time.
They wrote the Russian Civil War narrative AHEAD OF TIME.
It sure looks to me like Saturday morning’s media blitz was a CIA psyop on the American people. The goal perhaps was to help manufacture a color revolution in Russia on the strength of Prigozhin’s popularity, or at least, what the intelligence agencies believed about his popularity.
Boy, were they wrong. Nobody cares about Prigozhin.
I wonder what else we’ll discover going forward.
🔥 Meanwhile, Russia is cracking down on pedophiles. The UK Daily Mail ran the story, which has an interesting nexus to the so-called rebellion, headlined “Russia Considers Forced Chemical Castration Of Paedophiles Weeks After Wagner Fighter Raped Two Girls, 10 And 12, On Return From Ukraine Frontline.”
It’s not a law yet, it is in Russia’s version of a bill. It’s difficult to predict the politics over there. But we’ll see what happens.
🔥 That Russian castration story is part of some kind of trend. Whatever is left of America’s reputation as a ‘shining city upon a hill’ is being methodically destroyed by the democrat party. When I saw this meme posted by a Russian account, all I could think was, Ouch!
Seen online:
We have a lot of work to do, people.
🔬 A new jab-cancer study quietly published in Frontiers in Oncology last month:
The researchers injected 14 five-week-old mice with the Pfizer jab, in order to investigate vaccine-induced myocarditis. To their surprise, the day before they ‘harvested’ the mice, one of the cute little rodents died, suddenly and unexpectedly. It had been eating and running around fine the whole time and then — gaaack. There was no sign; it even weighed the same as its mousy peers. No symptoms.
Well, no symptoms till the bitter end, that is.
When the curious scientists opened the little guy up, they found it packed with enlarged organs and lots of cancer. The poor little guy practically burst open.
The study includes a photo of the autopsied animal, whose enlarged organs are obvious even to the untrained eye, including its liver, kidneys, spleen, lungs, and intestines. (They added an opened-up regular mouse for comparison, just in case.) Trust me, you probably don’t need to see the unblurred pictures.
I’ve blurred the gory parts, out of respect for the mouse, which unwittingly gave its life for science. You can find the unblurred versions via the study’s link, below, if you are so inclined.
Among other things, the mouse’s heart tissue showed some very unusual cells growing on the outer cardiac tissues. The odd cells had distinct features, such as “a large polygonal nuclei” and signs of cell division. Many of these cells were dying, and were present along with immune cells that seemed to have been attacking them. Similar atypical cells were found in the rodent’s liver and kidneys, causing changes to those organs, as well as in many other soft tissues.
I noted this interesting sentence from the abstract: “Our [mouse] case adds to previous clinical reports on malignant lymphoma development following novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccination[.]”
So I did a little — very little — digging. Sure enough! The new Frontiers study joined a steady drip of similar studies published. Here are a few recent ones:
💉 Mexican TV doctor, pop epidemiologist, TikTok phenom, and covid jab expert Alfredo Victoria, 42, who ran the website provaccines.com, and frequently injected media staff on air on the Mexico Today (“Hoy!”) show, suddenly and unexpectedly kicked the bucket Monday morning.
Of a heart attack.
At home.
While he was sleeping.
Don’t worry thought. It happens all the time!
Dr. Victoria had a big heart. Maybe a little TOO big, right there at the end. But you know what I mean. Even though his Facebook gallery shows his clear preference for the ladies, I bet he’d have vaccinated anybody. He was just like that.
Vaya con Díos, Alfredo.
💉 The Yorkshire news ran a story yesterday headlined, “Sheffield Steelers Alex Graham’s Sudden Death Prompts Heartbreaking Tributes From Club.”
The young British ice-hockey star, 20, shuffled off this mortal coil suddenly and unexpectedly over the weekend. Alex had just recently signed his first professional contract with the Steelers, after making 81 appearances since his debut in 2019.
All we know is that a spokesman for the Derbyshire police said “We were called by East Midlands Ambulance Service to a property in Dronfield, at around 2.50pm on Saturday, 24 June. A man in his 20s was pronounced dead at the scene. There are thought to be no suspicious circumstances and a file is being prepared for the coroner.”
Died AT HOME. No time to get to the hospital.
💉 Yorkshire had a tough week. The Yorkshire News ran ANOTHER story on the 23rd, headlined “Heartbreak As ‘Popular’ Yorkshire Rugby Player Ben Heaton Dies Aged 33.”
The Halifax Panthers announced in an emotional Facebook post that former player Ben Heaton, 33, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last week on Thursday night, June 22nd. Some unofficial sites reported he was involved in a fatal single-car accident.
He appears to have suddenly lost control of the vehicle. While driving. Couldn’t make it to the hospital.
💉 ESPN ran a story late last week headlined, “Texas A&M Defensive Line Coach Terry Price Dies At 55.” The article’s second paragraph stated bluntly, “No cause of death was given.”
Price, 55, coached the defensive line for 28 years in the SEC. He was a Texas A&M alum who returned to his alma mater in 2012 under Kevin Sumlin and has remained there under current coach Jimbo Fisher.
Off the field, Price was known for his big personality as well as his barbecue skills, manning the smokers himself each year for his Defensive-line cookout. He was well-loved by his players.
Texas A&M has now, for some reason, deleted its covid jab mandate page, which only returns a cute, dog-themed 404 error (“Reveille is on the hunt, but she can’t retrieve the page you’re looking for!”).
But I did find a November, 2021 tweet that quote the previous policy:
Godspeed, coach.
💉 OutKick ran a story late last week headlined, “Professional Basketball Player Dies Of Heart Attack, Previously Blamed Covid Vaccine For Myocarditis.”
Spanish basketball player Óscar Cabrera Adames, 28, died last Thursday of a heart attack while undergoing a stress test. Cabrera had previously been diagnosed with myocarditis, and in a translated Instagram post, he explained that it came from the jab:
“I got a damn Myocarditis from taking a f—ing vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me. But guess what? It was compulsory or I couldn’t work. I am an international professional athlete and I am playing in Spain. I have no health problem, nothing, not hereditary, no asthma, NOTHING! I suddenly collapsed to the ground in the middle of a match and almost died. I’m still recovering and I’ve had 11 different cardiology tests done and guess? They find nothing. I have no cholesterol, no fat, nothing! 7% body fat 93% muscle. When they give me the diagnosis, they tell me that I won’t be able to play for at least 5 months until my heart goes down again and they can’t give me that medicine.”
Another big-hearted athlete, taken too soon. Cabrera, we thank you for your honesty, and it will not be in vain.
💉 The Epoch Times ran an exclusive on the 23rd headlined, “Over 300 [Canadian Armed Forces] Members Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military for COVID Vaccine Mandates.”
More signs of life in Canada! On June 21st, 330 active or former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who allege they were harmed by jab mandates have filed a class-action lawsuit against high-ranking members of the Canadian military, seeking $500 million in damages.
The statement of claim from the service members’ complaint explained:
The CAF shirked its own purpose and rushed an untested product onto its members, mislabeled this experimental gene therapy a ‘vaccine,’ knowingly made false statements of safety and efficacy, and facilitated its mandate with no option to refuse except for mandatory permanent removal from service.
Alberta-based lawyer Catherine Christensen of Valour Law, which specializes in military law, filed the class-action lawsuit on behalf of the CAF members. She said the lawsuit amounts to approximately $1,000,000 for each of the plaintiffs, plus “extensive other damages; Essentially, a lawsuit for about $500,000,000.”
As far as I can tell, with my limited knowledge of Canadian military law, the complaint appears to be well and professionally drafted. Let’s see what the Canadian federal court will do with it. But it may have some legs. On June 15th, a Canadian independent military tribunal found that the military mandate violated the charter rights of service members who refused the jabs.
In particular, the tribunal concluded the vaccine policy was “arbitrary” and “overly broad.” Its report stated, “No room was left for consideration of any other factors, such as the member’s representations or the member’s service record. This process was fundamentally unfair towards the members.”
The tribunal’s findings are advisory in nature and non-binding, but are considered persuasive.
This tribunal’s recommendation might be the very first successful official proceeding with a favorable result against mandates. Presumably Ms. Christenson’s new lawsuit will use the tribunal’s findings to add weight to the lawsuit’s claims.
🔥 Finally, enjoy this clip of revolting disgrace John Kerry twisting in the wind after a French reporter pressed him to explain how Bush invading Iraq was any different than Putin invading Ukraine. The reporter insisted that the US invaded Iraq on a false premise — just like how Russia allegedly invaded Ukraine.
Kerry, face tragically frozen in a botox-induced Halloween mask, angrily stammered out that it was totally different when we did it! Because we were too stupid to realize we were invading Iraq over false pretenses. Somebody tricked us.
It’s a little hard to hear Kerry under the French translator’s voice over, but still. It is very satisfying.
Have a terrific Tuesday! I’ll catch you guys back here tomorrow for a delicious refill of Coffee & Covid.
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All these young deaths. Ugh. My daughter had a friend visiting this weekend and when my nice said something about how we all know the jabs don’t work this girl - very smart engineering major - says “wait, what do you mean they don’t work? I’ve had four!” I was twitching so hard I had to leave the room. Now I’m praying for her safety and hoping she is thinking about the conversation so she stops the injections. 😖
I usually don't get around to reading until afternoon or the next day... first time I've ever been here with no comments yet! So.... first comment... woohoo 😀! This is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!