Dad passed on 12/31/22 from the booster. Dad was a true CPA, passing on the last day of the year so he could get his full 2022 tax deductions. πŸ™„

Dad got the booster mid-December 2021 at his assisted living facility in florida. As his healthcare POA, I did not approve him for the booster. He took it on his own. With in days of the shot dad declined rapidly loosing 24 pounds in 4 weeks. 3 months later he was completely bed bound. And 8 months later he passed.

You may wonder why such a long steady decline. Well, my grandfather served in WWII. Dad was 4 when he left. My grandmother gave dad a tablespoon of castor oil daily (pure vitamin D) starting at the age of 4 and throughout his childhood. She didn’t want dad getting sick so she could work and support the family.

I spent a lot of time with dad in his final weeks. His body gave out, but I’ll be damned if he didn’t have the strongest bones. He never broke a bone in his life and I only remember ONE time he was home sick with a fever despite taking mass transit his entire life into Manhattan.

He fought the good fight, but he was no match for the jabs. I pray for him and all the people who have died or are injured due to this horrible, inhumane shot. πŸ™

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MAGA supporter, Tom Renz writes an open letter to Donald Trump offering to educate him on the deadly vaccines Trump pretends not to know about. - "President Donald Trump & the WEF Jabs" - https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/president-donald-trump-and-the-wef

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VaXXX Death Jab is Trump's "Achilles Heel". Or is it Trump's inability to admit to making a mistake??? Which is a Character Flaw worse than a mistake.

This from a Twice Trump Voter, anti-Rino, Tea Party, UnReconcilable.


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It's going to be an interesting 2024 election for us former Trumpers.

Not that voting matters anymore.

'Voting harder' won't get us out of this jam.

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The Republican party needs to grow a spine and learn to fight πŸ”₯ with πŸ”₯! They need to stop their ridiculous push for same day voting and all the other old fashioned ideas...that ship has sailed in so many states now. Instead, they need to learn how to play the game if there's even a slight chance of Republicans ever winning the WH and gaining the majority in the house & senate. Especially in the swing states or any state that has whacked out voting rules like ballot harvesting, and mass mail in voting. They also need to get rid of Ronna and get someone in there that knows what the hell they're doing. Harmeet Dhillon might very well be a great choice. Do you know who Scott Pressler is? Check him out. He's doing some awesome nationwide work on this very subject.

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LuAnne, you may know this already, but others may not: There is no 'they' that are the Republican Party. If each person who wishes the Republican Party would do 'x' would become a Precinct Committeeman/woman (PCM/W) in his or her precinct, the Republican Party would have a much harder time *not* doing 'x,' because the PCM/W are the voting members of the Republican Party (in the *Party,* not in civil elections). In most counties, there are PCM/W vacancies waiting to be filled. If a small fraction of 1% of those who voted for Trump filled them, our side, whether pro-Trump or not, our rational, constitutional, America First side, would own the Republican Party. It's a small-r republican form of government, like the nation's, and like the nation's it will only work as intended if citizens are *active* in it.


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Thanks for the link. I live in a very β€œblue” city in a β€œred” state. The Republicans running the party here are not very effective, and I think it’s time for a change of leadership.

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Well said and you're 100% correct!

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We call it PCP in Oregon - Precinct Committee Person. And it's very strong in Southern Oregon.

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Harmeet Dhillon is my hero and has bigger balls than most men I know. I live 20 mins from her office and have let her know I support her 1000%. She is the sole reason many were able to keep their jobs and not receive the poison jab.

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Harmeet is fantastic, highly capable, very foused. I really hope she can replace Ronna McDaniel, whose prior leadership has not been effective.

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They don't play "the game" as well as the dems - and perhaps are too many moves behing by now. You're spot on.

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Sounds good. But there is the issue that what the left is doing is criminally prosecutable and when/if the right does it they WILL BE prosecuted. Two standards of justice are in full effect in this now secretly communist country.

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Trump can save himself by owning what happened and maybe explaining a few things. If he continues to pretend that the jabs are fake god's gift to the world, he will lose. I hope there will be a wild weed pulling in the Repub party. Regular people are tired of continually bending over.

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I wonder if it is Trumps ego or does he really know the truth and doesn’t want to further alienate himself from independent voters.

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Trump should know by now. Plenty of reliable and knowledgeable former associates/doctors have tried to tell him.

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Jen, you raise an interesting alternative thought. The only thing I have to argue against his knowing, but faking it for the I's is that he boosted. If you don't want to alienate ppl, you keep your trap shut. Sometimes I get the feeling that he thinks we are his lemmings. He is mistaken. We liked him because he spoke our language and then actually did what he said. When he stops doing that, he should go back to golfing. I hope he listens to people telling him that sh*t went South with that vax and how to fix it with his wise voters. : ))

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Deception runs deep. My evidence says Trump was a willing tool. - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/K97XUSR288Y/m/T6DJT-BmCAAJ

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I do not know but............ We have to remember that the cabal had the "vaccines" already to go long before Operation Warp Speed. In fact, before there even was a "pandemic". Indeed, Trump was used as a tool. I just doubt it was willingly. If Trump was fooled, he knows it now and if there's one thing I'm sure about, it is that he is one vindictive asshole when he is crossed. He may just be bidding his time. I'm waiting to see.

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You could be right, Phil. I hope you're right.

As a former New Yorker, I can tell you that there's an ethos (at least there used to be) around getting messed with. It went something like this -- and everybody knew it -- "You eff with me, I'll eff with you harder." I think that's in Trump's bones. At least I hope so, but right now, it's not looking too good. He has got to get off that vaxx train.

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I agree with you. My dad was a practicing Dr and he passed away 22 yrs ago. He left me with 3 pieces of advice. 1) Don’t trust the government 2) Go to the End of the Earth to find the TRUTH 3) Keep your legs closed until you get married

Trump and my dad were and are vengeful. My dad was just more discreet.

My dad tell me the 11th commandment was β€œDon’t Get Caught” and the 12th commandment was β€œDon’t get mad…get EVEN”

I think Trump needs to put his EGO aside and let DeSantis take the wheel and Trump can sit in the back seat.

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What would have happened if he said "we need to let the vaccine candidates run their natural course thru the approval process"? As the fake covid deaths piled up mind you. A bit of a catch 22 IMO. But his still touting them is a loser.

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I agree with this. I think if he makes a serious run for president, the media will suddenly start discussing vaccine deaths and injuries.

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You really think the media is looking for a reason to start exposing vaxxine deaths and injuries while their existence depends on revenue from PHARMA Vaxx Drug dealers and ads? Please explain

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Years ago cigarette ads were banned from television. IMO pharma ads should also be banned, but we all know that will never happen.

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ALL pharma ads should be outlawed. Most countries do outlaw them.

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Good point. All that revenue going to the Drugged Media is what keeps them lying to us while the list of side-effects to those advertised prescriptions are often as bad as the Covid Vaxx.

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Good questions. The whole dynamics of the current situation really makes me wonder what Trump (and DeSantis) is planning. Jeff raised a good point yesterday in that regard. I'm going to exercise patience, get some popcorn and see what develops. Tom Renz has thrown down the gauntlet to Trump. Let's see what he does with it. If Trump can bait them into blaming him for vaccine injuries, then he can turn the tables and say, "Oh, so the vaccine DOES cause injury?!" If they drop their guard that much that leaves them open to a right hook from Trump.

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I believe Trump’s son Barron could be on the autism spectrum… although never confirmed. When Trump went into office he was vaccine wary- and he WAS threatening an inquiry into the safety of vaccines.

i know this because all of us who were waiting for Justice for injuries from the pediatric vaccine schedule- were all watching it very closely- even then.

I’m paraphrasing …but Trump had posted a comment… something to the effect of- a healthy child takes x vaccines on one day and then changes- isn’t healthy Anymore’.

So that was his personal thoughts up until Bill Gates paid him a visit to the Oval Office and Gates told him an investigation into vaccines would be β€˜a very bad idea’.

Then Trump suddenly stopped talking about a vaccine inquiry and wanted to appoint Gates to a science position.

That was when I knew he’d abandoned the vaccine injured. Just like every other sitting president has.

Something fishy went down… during all of that - at the start of Trump’s term in the White House.

So Trump Knows!

All of it.

And he knew Way before Renz letter.

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Trump may be strong on vindictiveness but incredibly weak on recognizing a winning hand. Strong on the injection is not a winning hand. Appointing RFK Jr. to lead a vaccine-safety committee was a winning hand. It would have totally neutered the Democrats, Adam SchitHead, and likely derailed the mess we are in. The CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci, Francis Collins, could not have moved forward the way they did.

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Biden has completely demonstrated that "The President" can be just a FigureHead for the Deep State. The more inept and crooked the Better for the Deep State. Trump was irritating to the Statists so he was removed as was Nixon, and JFK. Has nothing to do with right or wrong, just "Cooperation", comrade.

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Wait till Biden is forced to step down and Kamala takes over. If possible, she has even less of an IQ than Biden. What a clown show, all with Ob.... pulling all the strings.

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That does put a whole different light on it. And it's not a good look. Though I doubt he would have gone along with it if he had any idea about the horrible outcomes the cabal had in mind which we are now seeing in real time. So to me, the question still remains, how is he going to react? This is his last opportunity to redeem himself.

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Posting soon today> genearly.substack.com

Sorry, I'm "almost" done with political jousting ; It's going to get much worse. "Recession or No Recession" discussions as an example are a joke.

It's a coming "1929" Depression (if We are lucky) that lasted, btw until outbreak of WW II in '41. That's 12 Long, Arduous Years endured by a Much More Resilient Robust populace.

Get some 5.56 or 7.62 and more food than anyone is currently imagining to be prepared for what develops. I apologize for my directness if it hinders your appreciation of my views, as my purpose is quite the opposite, but time draws nigh. I Do Yell Fire in the Theater, when it is on fire :-)

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...Antifa & BLM were/are democRat ProgreSSive "brownshirts" .in black flying their Commie Flag from the 1930's in Germany...

Anyone familiar with history will recognize that instantly! When you see the Brownshirts, you know what is coming. Ask anyone who has seen it before.

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I'm right there with you. A massive economic calamity is "in the pipeline" just as assuredly as our present energy problems are a result of Biden's first day in office when he cut off new energy production and supply. The Russians caused nothing. We have more energy resources IN THE GROUND than the rest of the world. Our resource problems are POLITICALLY caused by our marxist Gov't. Our power grid is so disabled by our Gov't mandated emphasis on so-called "renewable" energy that what happened in Texas when their grid failed during a deep-freeze winter storm IS GOING to happen nationwide when we have a deep-freeze winter across the nation that will break the power grid. It can't be avoided now. We now have no excess capacity in the power grid to handle such a scenario. This has happened because of a Gov't mandated curtailment of any build out of generating power with all new investment going only into solar and wind generation (just like what was done in Texas that lead to that failure). But guess what happens to solar and wind in a freeze. The wind turbines freeze and stop turning and the solar panels are nonfunctional because they are covered by ice and snow. Even if they weren't, they are too weak to handle any surge demand. Get prepared because when the national grid goes down just as it did in Texas, guess what happens in our major cities when they go dark and everyone is freezing. Texas was our warning for anyone who has two brain cells to think with.

And it isn't just the ability to heat your home. When the power grid goes black, the WHOLE ECONOMY simply stops. No trucks, no food, no utilities....everything fails. Then how do you think our Marxist government will respond? Simple. They cement their totalitarian control of America. There is a whole book in that last sentence.

Think it's not by design? The latest change in seasons with the whip-lash between extreme temperatures and freakish storms is being generated by the Gov'ts geoengineering. It's all by design. If the plandemic has taught us anything, it is that their megalomaniac designs are nothing short of total domination. Because they are the Science (tism).


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Thankful for your most kindred read. Any shortages are planned. We send billions to Ukraine, while our power grid is in great need of serious improvement. Work is out of fashion as 7.5 million men ages 19 - 54 won’t return to work and the average monthly check is 45k.

This is wasted resources. Yet, sadly our plandemic is crippling us. Desperate for new leadership. Good leadership.

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Agree totally! A collapse is coming like a freight train and Texas was our energy wake up call. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and understanding. Since these marxists have no fear of the Lord, they have no wisdom nor understanding as evidenced by their absurd decisions.

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Your reply made my day.

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So where do the oligarchs and billionaires go to in this scenario, assuming hell is not the first option? Or 535 members of Congress?

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Been preparing and waiting for 12 years now. My husband and I wonder how the hell the world is still up and running.

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Trumps EGO will be the death of him. It’s what kept him from taking the advice of Ivanka and now she’s done. The AMERICAN PEOPLE will be done too if Trump doesn’t admit to making decisions with minimal knowledge. I too voted for T twice even though my vote doesn’t really count in the wacky state of CA.

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Or is it that Trump's apparent ego is what keeps him ALIVE?

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I've also been saying this for over a year. Trump needs to own it and apologize bigly. Yes he was duped. It happens even to the best of us from time to time. They played him like a fiddle using his Achilles' Heel (his ego) against him. They knew he would absolutely want to take credit for a miracle that saved millions of lives. He swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Now he needs to own up and apologize. He would gain so much respect from millions of people.

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Absolutely! If he’d own up to his grave error and stop promoting a poison jab to the populace, I would consider voting for him, once again. But at this juncture, I cannot accept his complicity.

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So did all those that got VaXXXed "willingly". Humans are flawed, there are No Perfect Leaders, ...... or Followers.

God knows I've been Wrong many times, but learning does not come from being "Right" but from re-evaluating those times of Wrong decisions.

You may be absolutely Right, So what do you recommend from it? We need to go on Offense beyond Debunking, though debunking the lies is a neccesary ongoing step, but just not the only step.

So your input is vital, imo.

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Exactly. Why I'm waiting to see what they do.

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GenEarly, not to sound like Bill Clinton, but it depends on the definition of "willingly" is. I won't over simply, but one person I know framed part of her decision to get injected, was the endorsement by a serious anti-vaxxer good friend. Some just got pressure from a spouse. But the worst of the motivated succumbed to one or all of the social contract, civic duty, patriotic duty, you wouldn't want to kill grandma, crafted messages and 24/7 fear-mongering. Then..... they were "morally certain" of the righteousness of their decision began espousing unvaccinated should be denied health care.

They will be very, very slow in coming to terms with anything close to the truth of what was done to them and what they did to others.

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Well, that settles thenπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

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I’m afraid owning up to it won’t change a thing. The left will be apoplectic. The whole media cycle will implode and when it finally dies down we will be no further ahead. Then, we’ll still be left with a decision as to whom we will vote for. If we think for one short moment that this is all about Trump, we will be missing the whole picture. Trump is only one person and he won’t live forever. The entire swampish system has to be exposed, to be revealed for its manipulation and control over us and what has been happening over decades. Thanks to Trump, for whatever his flaws or inconsistencies and whatever else you want to apply to him, we are beginning to to see what the deep state has done and continues to do to us. The plan we’ve seen being implemented over the past 4-6 years - and Trump is undoubtedly a part of - is what I’ve heard said to be β€œthe biggest sting operation the world has ever seen.”

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β€œYou β€˜Conservative’ β€˜Pundits’ still don’t get it:

Donald John Trump wasn’t just our MAGA candidate in 2015, he was our murder weapon and the professional GOPe elite, the party system within the Republican club, was our intended victim.”


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β€œYou β€˜Conservative’ β€˜Pundits’ still don’t get it:

Donald John Trump wasn’t just our MAGA candidate in 2015, he was our murder weapon and the professional GOPe elite, the party system within the Republican club, was our intended victim.”


He isn’t a nice guy. Mitt Romney might be more to your taste. Oh, wait...here’s Pretty Boy DeSantis, all groomed up and promoted and ready for you.

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Even so, there is no way to get Trump back into office with the Bolsheviks controlling the elections. Without that, everything else is mute.

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Renz wrote a profound letter. I pray Trump reads it.

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If Trump doesn't know about his deadly vaccine by now, I pray for us.

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IMO, it doesn't matter if he knew it was deadly. He knew it flew in the face of any vaccine protocols allowed to date and he ignored that. I don't claim to know his reasons for ignoring what years of vaccine development had taught us but I suspect ego has a lot to do with it.

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and even these long term vaccines are not safe and effective. If they cannot do it in 20 years, how did they do it in 2 days? And remember there is not a vaccine on the market for colds, not after 100 years.

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He knows and that’s what’s criminal and immoral.

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Amen Harold

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Like Trump doesn't already know and hasnt known for many many months at this point. I'm sure he knew well before the roll out they were dangerous. None of these people are our friends.

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I pray he Gets to read it, and is Able to do something. Renzi's stated my sentiments exactly.

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Reminds me of that video where Trump says he's not heard of wikileaks or Julian Assange's plight. Clearly a lie and just Sad.

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Remember that Operating Warp Speed was Trump’s baby. He’s been such an obstinate bully on so many other issues but he dropped the ball and screwed us all when he backed down on hydroxychloroquine. He could have turned the nation’s focus to treatment instead of waiting on his β€˜miraculous vaccines’. This is unforgivable!

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I agree but he was out of his wheelhouse. He does not know science and medicine. They tapped into the businessman and his ego and played him like a fiddle. He should not have listened to Fauci and Birx. He did bring in Scot Atlas but far too late and by then he was already up to his eyeballs with bad info and on a path he had already traveled too far down. His ego will not allow him to admit he was wrong and he most definitely was wrong.

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Learning the ins and outs of this whole medical industrial complex is not in my wheelhouse either. But i took the time to learn and not cave to social pressure. I defended hcq and then ivm on Facebag early on as having potential and was attacked heartily for it. So what? I lost some β€œfriends”?

Real leadership does mean admitting when you’re wrong but it also means taking a stand for what is right.

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What a shrewd business man to surround yourself with the big pharma swamp. At best he was swindled, at worst he's complicit and part of it all. Neither conclusion puts you in a position in which you should be a leader of any kind.

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President Trump did not "back down" on HCQ. He was shouted down by Fauci, the Dems, DNC media and Big Pharma.

In fact, India said at the onset of the pandemic no HCQ exports would be allowed. They wanted to save it for their country. Trump got on the phone with Modi and convinced him to provide the US with HCQ.

The HCQ President Trump obtained from India was distributed to pharmacies and hospitals across the US. Once again, people are getting into their feelings and rewriting recent history. Sad.

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Shouted down, backed down ... he caved. What does it matter? He’s such a loud mouth ego tripper everywhere else; he doesn’t get a pass for not standing his ground.

And as i recall the US already had a national stockpile of hcq but access of this plentiful drug suddenly became very difficult πŸ€”

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But he did stand his ground. President Trump released HCQ to pharmacies and hospitals around the country.

Later, Dr. Zelenko of the famous Zelenko protocol couldn't prescribe HCQ in NY. Andrew Cuomo blocked all doctors from prescribing it.

People seem to forget how the Deep State worked so readily against President Trump. They have convinced themselves he was capable of everything against them. He was not and they eventually impeached, spied and forced him out with Election Theft 2020. We don't know how many assassination attempts they tried in addition to all the coups like the Russia Collusion Hoax.

HCQ is one part of THAT story against 45.

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Couldn’t agree more that he tried... to a point. And yes all those other factors were and are still in play. Still, he is not the β€œsavior” some would like to make him out to be.

Our country needs to let go of our obsession with dynasties and ego-driven masters. The Bush, O’biden, and Trump sagas should all be left to history. Time for a vibrant leader with much more integrity than all of them. How we get there in a sea of constant terrible choices, i have no idea.

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The Texas nurse, I think her name was Jennifer Bridges said that in the beginning HCQ was used in the hospitals and it was helpful. Then out of nowhere the doctors started saying there was a protocol change and they couldn’t use it anymore. I wonder who made the call. Fauci, Gates? They all were very invested in the shot.

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Right. And there never used to be such a specific β€œprotocol” that precluded doctors from using their own skilled judgment to treat β€” often using repurposed drugs. That is, until Cvd came along.

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Fauci and Collins specifically scratch them off the list as early as Oct 2020

Knowing these approved drugs were effective on other Covid viruses.

The docs in Texas, some missionaries use them and nebulizers in the field.

It was omitted and docs that prescribed …. Well the pharmacies had their orders not to fill. My script was torn up on suspicion . I’ve taken HCQ 25 yrs

For lupus and autoimmune. Epoch times covered it early. Docs lost their education channel.

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When the FDA shut it down, Trump got full force behind the shots and the rest is history.

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That’s the story.

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Here we go again. Did you read Jeff Childers’ excellent reasoning on this puzzling issue just yesterday? Here’s a part to refresh memories as we seem as a society not to be able to remember much past this moment. (Might explain all the jumping on the last shiny bandwagon people do)

β€œWhat I find most interesting is that there is a manifest upside to Trump’s stubborn recalcitrance. It is perfectly clear that, if Trump ever does attack the vaccines’ safety and efficacy, then the leftwing media will immediately, rabidly, and irrationally defend the jabs to the death. They would use Trump’s opposition to the jabs as evidence β€” in and of itself β€” that the jabs are the most brilliant invention since Alexander Fleming accidentally sneezed his prized fungus-spore collection right into his bacteria dish.

Trump’s opposition to the jabs would mean the democrats and the media would never back down.

So while it is vexing, it is also helpful that Trump defends the jabs. He is making it much easier for the truth to come out. It’s like he’s almost daring them to blame him for vaccine injuries.”

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Jeff is creative. I just don't agree that Trump is making it much easier for the truth to come out. Almost all the credit goes to the courageous whistleblowers, Ron Johnson, The substack army, Peter McCullough et al, and over 17,000 frontline doctors who lost their jobs to speak the truth.

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I read it and think Jeff has an interesting theory. It’s only a theory though so why is your tone so indignant? I personally don’t think any of the power brokers have a vested interest in the truth coming out. Only people like Harold mentions and all the rest of us who are tired of all the games.

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I'm typing. There is no sound. What kind of tone are you imagining?

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Sorry Harold, that comment wasn't directed at you. It was for Willing Spirit's sarcastic reply on Jeff's theories regarding Trump's responses to the jab as if they were proven fact.

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No offense taken. Cheers to all

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Easy for you to say. Are you signing up to be a Kamakazi Pilot VaXXXed & Boosted to help Trump get the nomination?

I refrain from expecting a Re-sElection in 2024 after 2020 & 2022.

Some People Lied, Other People Died.

or how about? One death is a tragedy, a million not so much to paraphrase Chairman Mao.

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As of November 2022, President Trump was still claiming the Spring 2020 lockdowns saved lives. Even some Democrats are saying lockdowns and school closures were mistakes.

President Trump has difficulty admitting mistakes.

Good leaders admit mistakes and change course when needed yet still stand firm when they are right.

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It's more than a "mistake'. Trump is signalling that he does not wish to be elected in 2024. The Covid scandal still has another year to mature.

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What I find most interesting is that there is a manifest upside to Trump’s stubborn recalcitrance. It is perfectly clear that, if Trump ever does attack the vaccines’ safety and efficacy, then the leftwing media will immediately, rabidly, and irrationally defend the jabs to the death. They would use Trump’s opposition to the jabs as evidence β€” in and of itself β€” that the jabs are the most brilliant invention since Alexander Fleming accidentally sneezed his prized fungus-spore collection right into his bacteria dish.

Trump’s opposition to the jabs would mean the democrats and the media would never back down.

So while it is vexing, it is also helpful that Trump defends the jabs. He is making it much easier for the truth to come out. It’s like he’s almost daring them to blame him for vaccine injuries.”

From our own Jeff Childers yesterday.

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I am so very sorry about your dad. These people that pushed this garbage are so evil. There are literally a million and a half people (1,499, 447 reports in VAERS as of 1/6/23) who have reported reactions ranging from mild to death due to the clot shots. This does not even begin to account for the heart attacks, strokes, turbo cancers, blood clots and other problems reported later. This genocide is pure evil.

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my dad, almost 89, has hardly ever been sick, except after the 5th shot. He has his second 'cold' that does not go away. The former lasted almost 6 weeks and did not seem to react to the meds. This one is on his 6th week. He now also had severe stomach and intestin problems. See how this goes. I warned him from the start, and every time again. His answer: I am old. Not really an answer.

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My mom's pancreatic cancer presented as extreme stomach pain (especially when she had any dairy). She was diagnosed with stage four in late January 2022 and died in March. Three shots, all with high markers in VAERs. 😒

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so sorry to read this Julie. I am afraid that, when dad were to pass away, no one will even think about the jabs. A brother in law of his died a few months ago age 74 from stroke. His hair dresser has 'water in the lung', connected to heart disease. And every day you read about healthy young people dying. Just read 3 on an Italian website again.

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It sure makes sense Ingrid, that if the elderly were more vulnerable to the virus that they'd also be more vulnerable to the jab. And as you rightly point out, because they're old few will make the connection, no matter how quick the demise occurs. Makes you wonder how many this concoction has truly brought to an early death.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. My friend’s husband- who was only 60… dx’d with pancreatic cancer and gone four months later. So much loss. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

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Yes. πŸ˜” But I believe we are getting closer to the point of "the living will envy the dead"... As much as I miss my mom, I am so glad she won't have to endure our world any more, you know?

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yes I understand that, too. Some days dad seems to loose the thread and then he sobs. One thing in the world I just can't have, is my dad crying. I do the best I can to get him upbeat again, usually the garden works. But now he is planning to give up gardening of all things. That will be the end of it, I am sure. At least he has had 88 healthy years!

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Ingrid, dad had very bad stomach issues. He stopped eating and the last 2 months and then stopped drinking any fluids the last 2 weeks. It’s so very sad. I still can’t believe he’s gone. He just turned 83. 😞

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oh Randi so sorry to read this ((((((xxx)))))

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A dear friend’s dad- same thing- in and out of the hospital now

Always healthy and robust prior to being fully Vaxxed and boosted

Now dealing with


Unusually huge Kidney stones

Eosinophilia GI disorder

And pneumonia

He might not make it. πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

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We old guys tend to get set in our thinking.

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And most go unreported. According to the Harvard study of VAERS, only about 1% of adverse events are captured by VAERS. That means VAERS under reports by a factor of 100 to 1, normally. But this was before covid and the massive pressure NOT to report adverse events about the "shot". As a result, I would guess that the under reporting for the "shot" now is AT LEAST one or two orders of magnitude greater than the Harvard study. Do the math for any of the VAERS figures. If 1.5 million events have been captured by VAERS then, just based on the Harvard study, that would represent actual total events of 150 million events! Now that's every event reported, even if it's just a sore arm. To make sense, you would have to apply the under reporting factor to each specific type of event. Then you start to see the real picture.

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Similar with my mom @ 88. I'd been her solid go to guy for anything from 86-88 yrs old.

Self-employment has such a benefit. So my lesson was to be the casual observer to her ailments as they chipped away at her ability to "thrive". You begin to see things differently.

The last Dr. apt was to determine she now had in-op cancer. We faced and graced the Dr.

On the way back to her place I asked what she planned to do about it. She smiled and looked me square in the eyes and said, absolutely nothing Rand, I'm not fighting anything this time.

Within a week she in fact had "strongly willed" herself to near death. We moved her to the place of her choice to check out. Her claim she was sick and tired of waiting for it to happen in her home. The comfort zone at the next "landing", had pain meds to speed the path to the open door and the "LIGHT". This was her check out strategy. A thing of real beauty to me!!

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Thank you for sharing randall. I'm sorry for your loss. It's wonderful that you could see the beauty in her passing into the hands of God.

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The greatest of unforeseen learning lesson. She got me to this planet. Showed me how to live. I the youngest of four boys got to be there to give us both undying comfort, In the art of Dying. And my new ability to cope with any loss that may befall me, as it did her.

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You are blessed. Thank you for this. So eloquent, beautiful and profound.

God bless you randall.

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Amen Laura, and for you and I and the rest it's one more day on this magnificent blue Orb!

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Randall Stoehr - She sounds like she was a wise woman - you can now carry on her legacy of owning life and living on your own terms. God's blessings on you as you navigate life without her earthly presence.

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I am so very sorry for your loss.

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In retrospect her actual claim was "sick and tired of being sick and tired"!!

Her humor was always one breath away and now she was facing death,

I will always jolly well remember her for that.

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I cannot put into words how sorry I am. Your story opened a flood gate. I am weeping for us.

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"For Whom the Bell Tolls". Life is "a Game" Play It to the final buzzer. That there are other and new games to play is another discussion.

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Another required reading in school.

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I’m so very sorry RandiG for your loss. I truly believe that God will see there is justice. We all must be willing to die on this hill.

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How about We Attack the Hill of Feral Gov Tyranny, of which this VaXXX is just one dagger into our lives? Let them die on the Hill of their Hubris & Treachery as We Vanquish Them.

I prefer Victory to Defeat but will Never Surrender, which is the Key to Victory btw.


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I’m sorry for your loss. So many have lost loved ones unnecessarily due to these shots. This is a horribly tragedy that no one deserves. Lives are being stolen by greedy elitists that will go to their graves without ever admitting the technology used in the development of these shots was flawed and dangerous. RandiG you are in my prayers.

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So sorry to hear about your dad. My dad passed in 2014, not jab related obviously but his last year of life was also marked by rapid decline - it's like mourning them while they are still living, as their life as they used to live it is gone long before the final end.

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Your dad sounds like an awesome guy. Must have been because he is mirrored in your writing.

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my precious dad was killed too... he fought to live but at 85 just weeks after "enforced" jab... well... 😒so terribly sad. I join you in your prayer for all who are suffering from this horror. πŸ™

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I am so sorry for your loss. 😒 Prayers for comfort and peace. (Just wondering, when enforced it? And why?)

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