☕️ MONUMENTAL WITCHCRAFT ☙ Thursday, June 29, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Hypocritical Hill hit piece exposes a woke-occult connection in a wide-ranging essay; Madonna tour cancels from mystery illness; NBC admits pride marchers are groomers, sort of; and much, much more.
Good morning, C&C, it’s already Thursday! One more day to go and then it’s weekend time. In today’s roundup: a hypocritical Hill hit piece exposes a woke-occult connection in a wide-ranging essay; Madonna suddenly and unexpectedly hospitalized and on the ventilator; NBC admits Pride marchers are groomers, sort of; another Disney employee arrested on shocking child porn charges; and Joe Biden just says the darndest things while liberals go wobbly on Ukraine.
🪖 I noticed in the comments yesterday someone asked about a good video to send to a new mother friend who was considering starting her newborn on the vaccine schedule. This next clip from a recent Town Hall with RFK might be a good place to start. Under skeptical questioning, the presidential candidate makes logical, reasonable arguments for better testing of childhood jabs.
🔥 The Hill unknowingly walked into the Coffee & Covid propeller blades yesterday. The top political news rag ran a minor hit piece about an unknown state representative headlined, “South Dakota Lawmaker Calls Mount Rushmore Demonic Portal For Communism.”
So that’s where communism comes from!
Haha, just kidding. The article itself is unremarkable, typical corporate media claptrap, but it connects to a shocking new woke movement that, and I am not making this up, implicates a massive woke occult movement, a liberal witchcraft generation, and lefty experiments in demonology. All of which was exposed by the Hill’s hypocrisy, as I will show you.
The article makes clear that, for some reason, the Hill became incensed by and focused on a few random, unorthodox statements by a newly-elected, unknown-outside-his-district, Republican state house member from South Dakota named Joe Donnell.
Donnell had appeared on a small, unknown Christian podcast called “Now Is The Time.”
In brief, on the podcast, among many unremarkable comments, Mr. Donnell said he believes our country is in a spiritual war, and that nearby Mount Rushmore is really a freemason altar used in witchcraft and other occult Black Hills ceremonies and rites. He thinks the monument is a portal opened to demonic entities, who among other nefarious things, spread the self-destructive ideology of communism throughout the country.
And somehow, his podcast remarks resulted in a nearly hysterical, full-length Hill éxpose article.
To give you an idea of the microscopic size of the inch-deep puddle in which The Hill is fishing, the annual salary of a state house member in South Dakota is only about $12,000. It’s a part-time job, at most. Furthermore, first-timer Donnell, who was only just elected to the South Dakota House in 2022, is a member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate tribe. But Donnell’s minority-status political armor was instantly defeated by his Christian beliefs, which to the left means that he is fair game.
For what it’s worth, I did a little digging and the theory about the occult significant of the famous South Dakota monument has been around for a while. Donnell didn’t make it up. Mount Rushmore is located in a spiritually-hot area of the Black Hills known to local indian tribes as Paha Sapa, or “the heart of everything that is.” (For some poorly-explained reason, the U.S. government built the monument on tribal lands, and endless litigation continues.)
On the other hand, I suppose rock carving artists can’t just use any old spot. So who knows.
Still, it’s weird the Hill was so interested. Why should The Hill, a national political magazine, focus so intently on a brand-new, part-time state house rep who said something the Hill thought was outright bonkers? Why single out Mr. Donnell?
After all, there’s no shortage of far more important politicians saying dumb things. Saying dumb things is practically a national pastime. At the federal level, Les Aspin — the former democrat SECRETARY OF DEFENSE — once said “We will not close any bases that are not needed.” Democrat Sidney Yates, Illinois Congressman, once asked hispanic high-schoolers, “Do you own sombreros? Do you know the Mexican hat dance?”
Democrat Representative Ocasio-Cortez, shall we say, presents a particularly target-rich environment. She once said, “We need to invent technology that’s never even been invented yet.” And, “If we work our butts off we can take back all 3 chambers of congress…..uh…..rather all 3 chambers of government. The presidency, the senate, and the house.”
BRANCHES. “Branches” was the word she was searching for in vain. Three branches.
At the state level, moronic examples are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Democrat Texas state representative Frances “Sissy” Farenthold once famously announced, “I am working for the time when unqualified blacks, browns and women join the unqualified men in running the government.” Which would have been pretty funny, if she’d meant to make a joke, which she didn’t.
Why is The Hill now so very interested in this random Illuminati theory mentioned by a part-time South Dakota house representative? Are they trying to make some kind of point about Republicans and conspiracy theories? If so, they’re barking up the wrong tree. In a 2022 study, researchers found that Republicans and democrats were equally likely to believe conspiracy theories, just different ones. It’s science:
On an aside, the study included this highly-entertaining chart listing all the different conspiracy theories from both sides of the political aisle, and ranked them by political belief:
If the Hill was worried about part-time Republican Donnell believing in secret societies and occult forces, maybe instead it should worry a lot more about millions of democrats who are all-in for the occult these days:
Thirty billion views! The #WitchTok hashtag on TikTok returns literally hundreds of thousands of video tutorials — mostly by young women — teaching folks how to cast spells and summon pagan deities, interspersed with healing crystal “hauls” (shopping sprees) and vlogs (video blogs) about their latest otherworldly encounters.
There are dozens, if not hundreds, of post-pandemic liberal news reports glowingly describing the “WitchTok” phenomenon.
Thirty billion is whole a lot watched witchcraft videos. And going out on a limb, I will assume that there aren’t very many Republicans watching those videos. It’s a woke liberal phenomenon.
In fact, witchcraft has become so popular on social media that it is even causing problems between the witches. One self-declared witch, Alexa, regretfully informed the UK Courier she has social media envy: “And then on Instagram you have all these beautiful, lovely altars that always look gorgeous – meanwhile mine looks like a mess 90% of the time!”
Without any skepticism or irony, the Courier explained that Alexa, 32, was taught the practice of folk magic by her grandfather, and has been practicing since she was eight years old. Alexa said she first became interested in witchcraft watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on TV, and when she mentioned her interest to her grandfather, he started showing her the ropes.
Another recent headline worried that, what with ChatGPT and other AI technologies on the horizon, occult practices could lose their “personal touch:”
The author of the ‘AI Gurus’ article explained that, all of a sudden, post-pandemic, witches and occultists are practically leaping out of the “woo” closet:
According to a 2017 Pew Research report, 25% of American adults consider themselves spiritual, not religious. When I first began my astrology practice eight years ago, coming out of the “woo” closet was still taboo, especially while juggling my corporate media day job. Fast forward to today and now every other Los Angeles-based lifestyle influencer touts some variation of intuitive coaching, with packages starting at $3,000 minimum.
So, the Hill’s complaint can’t possibly be that Mr. Donnell believes in demons. Tons of liberals believe in demons too. They just don’t believe in Judeo-Christian demons. Liberals claim to have the same encounters and experiences, but they tend to euphemistically refer to demons as “evil spirits” or “negative spiritual entities.”
Here’s just one recent headline from August 2022 in the UK Critic:
In this article, the author easily connects the recent rapid rise of witchcraft and occultism to woke politics and the culture wars:
… it is quite possible that the witches of TikTok are deliberately tapping into these fears to provoke those conservative evangelicals whom they so despise. Much of WitchTok is polemically charged against Christianity, belonging to a particular subset of the culture war which pits radical, feminist, indigenous spiritualities against conservative, patriarchal, white religion. In this context, we might see their claims to have invoked demonic spirits as purely performative, a way of trivialising that which their political opponents fear.
The Critic’s author did some deep diving into the world of WitchTok and other even more sinister hashtags people — often teenagers — are using, like #demonolatry. The "literature," if you can call it that, is replete with claims of encounters between practitioners (witches) and evil spirits.
In one disturbing Instagram example, a young lady documented her decision to quit occult spirituality with a series of disturbing images. Her video is captioned, “You were so into spirituality, what happened?”
Call it the ‘dark side’ of WitchTok. I offer no argument about whether the young lady’s experiences were real, imagined, or hoaxed. That misses the point. The point is, her one Instagram video has over three thousand likes, and it takes very little searching around to confirm that lots of other WitchTokers also believe in “negative spiritual forces,” i.e., demons.
So, getting back to the Hill’s hypocritical holy war against State Representative Donnell, whose beliefs in the Illuminati and government-designed portals seem tame compared to the exploding liberal occult scene — what makes Donnell categorically worse than any of these others?
Is the Hill’s point is that there should be a sanity litmus test before people can take ANY political office, even a $12K per year part-time state house job?
If that is the Hill’s argument, then I am ALL FOR IT. Let’s have a sanity test before people can run for office. And if we’re doing that, how about we require folks to pass basic literacy tests, or, and I know this sounds crazy, entry-level economics and civics knowledge?
Somehow I don’t think that’s the Hill’s argument. I think they are just trying to score points on the GOP by highlighting one unorthodox thing that a minor, new state representative said someplace. And I will bet there’ll be more than one person in the comments who agrees with Mr. Donnell.
The real story, the much bigger story, is not how a single part-time South Dakota house representative believes in secret societies and occult portals. The real story is how wokeism — facially political beliefs— is leading millions of left-leaning people into ancient occult beliefs, witchcraft, and demonology. And it’s not just happening here. It clearly appears to be a worldwide phenomenon.
Maybe somebody should cover THAT story.
💉 The New York Post ran an article yesterday headlined, “Madonna Intubated In ICU After Being Found Unresponsive In NYC.”
According to Page Six, the pop star, 64, was found unconscious at home on Saturday and immediately taken to the hospital, where she was promptly put on the ventilator. Her agent said her current tour (I didn’t know) is now on pause, and the singer has been diagnosed with a mysterious “bacterial infection.” Her agent didn’t even hint at what kind.
The good news is, the mystery infection can’t possibly be covid, because Madonna was jabbed to her slimy gills. She even helped develop the jabs:
Fortunately, although Bill Gates swallowed up her giant donation without developing any covid vaccine, it appears Madonna took the Moderna shots:
Not least because Madonna doesn’t talk about the shots much, celebrity media outlets are already circling the wagons with dumb headlines like this one:
Unsolicited opinions? Are they actually arguing now that social media is a place where people SHOULDN’T post unsolicited opinions? Or is it only when it comes to the jabs?
As you’d expect, the bots and other usual suspects are pushing back by shaming vaccine speculation, saying it is “disrespecting” an arguably real person who is barely clinging to life, and it’s “not the time” to discuss the mysterious causes of her illness (and it never will be), and by the way, how dare you push your awful anti-vaccine ideology at a time like this, when the nation should be pulling together to support the raunchy, occultic pop phenomenon? It’s time to put aside our differences, celebrate our shared humanity, and stop pointing the finger of blame.
Or something like that.
Certainly, we pray that Madonna has a complete recovery and trust she will receive the best possible treatment. And we pray for a change of heart on certain things, but that’s beside the point.
They can’t start picking and choosing which epidemic requires public disclosure of health information. We’re in the middle of a SADS epidemic and celebrities’ privacy must take a back seat to the interests of the community. Isn’t that how it works?
🔥 You might already have seen this next unbelievable story making the rounds. It all began with a few independent folks reporting online that New York City Pride parade marchers were ominously chanting “we’re coming for your kids.”
The fact-checkers promptly started carpet-bombing those reports, calling it fake news, how dare they, trans people aren’t groomers, everybody knows that. But the number of videos kept growing, and ultimately denying it ever happened became untenable.
Then this ridiculous NBC headline appeared:
Oh. Well, never mind then.
Compare the following paragraph from the NBC article with all the denials you’ve heard from the left about how trans people aren’t groomers and there is NO EVIDENCE of that at all, it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with kids, it’s juts about free adults in a democratic society making their own way and living how they want, in private, not bothering anybody, but preferring not to have a bunch of crazy, judgmental religious fundamentalists oppressing and harassing them.
Here’s what NBC reluctantly admitted:
The “coming for your children” chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists, who said it’s one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people…. Last year, Gothamist reported, people at the Drag March chanted, “Ten percent is not enough: Groom! Groom! Groom!”
FOR YEARS. In other words, it should have been trivially easy for the fact-checkers and reporters to have found the “evidence” that children were involved, to some extent, in the “movement.” But somehow they couldn’t. Call it confirmation bias if you want to.
The current narrative, that these chants are only jokes meant to lampoon conservative critics, rings hollow. Try to think of one single time that the corporate media ever gave that kind of charitable interpretation to something a Trump supporter, or even the President himself, ever said.
That’s what I thought.
🔥 Speaking of things that apparently don’t happen but actually do happen, Polk County arrested yet another Disney employee this week and charged him with 540 heinous child pornography crimes. Florida superstar sheriff Grady Judd featured the revolting criminal in one of his famous press briefings.
Warning: the next video clip contains descriptions of just how awful the pornography was. It included pictures and videos of children as young as three weeks old who were restrained in infant-sized S&M gear before being sexually battered by adults. The clip is only for people with strong stomachs.
The arrested Disney employee, Paul Vile, I mean Viel, 40, recently moved to Polk County — in order to work at Disney. He was assigned to Cosmic Rays’ Restaurant.
Sheriff Judd explained:
“These videos and photographs are some of the most horrific my detectives have ever seen - images of children being forced to expose their genitalia and raped. Each time one of these monsters upload and share child pornography, they are feeding a child exploitation pipeline and they are victimizing children over and over again. Parents, this is another stark reminder of why it is important to get all in your child’s business when it comes to their gaming stations, cell phones, and other electronic devices.”
As if that weren’t bad enough news for Disney, Sheriff Judd then reflected on an old quote attributed to notorious bank robber Willie Sutton. Investigators are said to have asked the infamous bandit, “Willie, why do you rob so many banks?” And Sutton is supposed to have answered, “Because that’s where the money is.”
“Why do people like Paul Viel work at Disney?,” Sheriff Judd asked rhetorically. “Because that’s where the children are,” he answered.
Presumably Judd dropped that remark out of frustration with the media giant for failing to do a decent job of basic background checking. But just a couple years ago, even Sheriff Judd might have been more circumspect about linking the corporate behemoth Disney to a notorious pedophile.
But now, he’s not reluctant at all. Progress.
🔥 Yesterday, the United States’ alleged commander in chief confirmed that Russian President Vladimir Putin, personally, “is clearly losing the war in Iraq.” Iraq! Too bad about the Ukrainians though.
Or, Biden is clearly losing the war against dementia, the silent killer.
Meanwhile, the literal personification of democracy himself, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has suspended elections in that Eastern European outpost of freedom, Ukraine:
Maybe that explains this headline from two days ago in The Hill, published AFTER the exciting Russian Civil War:
Have a terrific Thursday! Coffee & Covid will be back tomorrow morning so we can wrap up the work week together.
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The only thing funnier than Madonna's bloated covid face is this quick rant by Dana Carvey and David Spade, who DESTROY Dr. Fauci. 50sec vid
(note: where were they when this was going down?)
Robert Kennedy Jr on the 2nd Amendment:
"Anyone who tells you that we can end the violence to our children that’s going on now by removing people’s guns is not being truthful with you.”