Was the U-Haul driver Ray Epps?

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Right?!! Talk about a psyop! The Nazi flag just “coincidentally” falls perfectly flat on the ground just in time for the photo.. 🤨

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Just like the driver's license of the 911 hijackers that were magically found in the rubble

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Still looking for those black boxes though...weird.

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Probably in Cheney's safe in his basement

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I was not aware they were installed on tomahawks….good to know.

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You do a disservice to the people who died that day on 9/11/2001. The people who jumped, the people who saw with their own eyes the planes hit and heard them hit. We lost a good friend at the Pentagon. I have several friends who were eyewitnesses in Battery Park that morning. There is a lot that was wrong that day (the drivers license, building 7, CIA and FBI bungling and involvement but they sacrificed those people. May we never forget.

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Thanks for the link. For the occult symbolism behind this, I recommend this book: https://archive.org/details/mostdangerousboo0000bain

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Forgot about those Blackbox.

Just watched "the simulated attack on twin towers ".

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Right next to pristine copies of the Quran.

And don’t foget how theu caught McVeigh.. conveintly chose a getaway car with no plate.. uh huh.. sure

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ANd here I thought they were going to find all that missing explosive chemicals in there...

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That could explain where the missing ammonium nitrate (30,000 pounds (?) ot tons (?) has gone.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Aren't there nazi influences in Ukraine? Corn pop better launder more money and weapons to them.

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You haven't heard of the Azov brigade?

Most of it was captured at the steel mill in Mariupol months ago.

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Still plenty of Nazis in Ukraine. Just not in Bakhmut.

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Most of the stragglers are wannabes that didn't get away.

The Ukraine is becoming full of weapons that no one knows how to operate.

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Alexander Mercouris has a great analysis on this today.

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It was a "message" to Biden from Zelensky.

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🗨 All the World’s a Stage, and We Are Merely Victims 😊

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Once you realize that we are all participants in this giant Theater called life.

You'll never look at it any other way. All players have roles. All players have scripts.

Which one are you signing up to play? Villain? Victim? Casual observer? You get to choose. That is the amazing deciding factor. How many roles are you able to cast.

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Absolutely! We can choose to be victims, or actors/actresses, or directors, or scriptwriters, or people outside the theater waiting to buy a ticket to observe. lol! It is f'n amazing to be consciously aware of awareness, and the nature of 'reality'.

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Absolutely. Gandalf said that at times like these we can only choose what we will do with the time we have left. Choose wisely.

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Once you see this all is some how been scripted. You can not un-see it. It's all theater.

Try convincing someone who lives in a bubble of their own "Scripted" designed life style.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.

Joseph Campbell

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This all takes place outside the gilded cage, no? ; )

10 MetaZuckerbucks to the fan who recognizes it.

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Do you choose? 🤔 You just said...🙄

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Thoughts become things. Every moment of your life.

And I did indeed choose the theaters and good and bad actors of my youth .

I chose my level of my education and my vocation and my motivations to now serve others.

Didn't you?

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Shakespeare said we were players, not victims.

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😂 Ty, Captain Obvious! Much obliged 🤭

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We'd be much better off if all the woke books were replaced with Shakespearean plays.

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You mean... no more Gandalf quotes?

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I don't know any Gandalf quotes.

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No shite! Yet another no-brainer par excellence 🙂

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They might be a result of your inherent anencephaly.

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Be the Toto ....pull back that curtain. Oh my!

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Karol Markowicz from the New York Post says she has reliable info that the drivers name is Sai Varshith Kandula along with a photo. Not your typical "white supremist".


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We could ask DHS when he snuck across the southern border.

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He didn't have to sneak with the border patrol on duty.

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aka Timothy McVeigh

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Hahaha 😂 🤣😂

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Apps won’t replace men when you need a jar opened, engine oil or tires changed, or intruders dealt with

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Don't forget killing 🕷️

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🤣🤣🤣 My husband is afraid of spiders!

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He needs a handgun to deal with them.

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I couldn't respect a man who kills a tiny sweet spider👎

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Took me 6 months to get over a bite. Not so "sweet". It's survival of the fittest.

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I used to love spiders as they take out all the other little critters in the house. Until I was bit by one in the middle of the night and ended up at the clinic. Side of my head felt like it had been burned, developed a fever and my face swelled everywhere. Eyes, ears, nose , lips. Just a matter of time before it reached my throat. Finally had to go in for a steroid. Nasty bite. Now I'm paranoid and my husband has to save them as I won't go near them anymore. I keep a respectable distance.

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Me neither, but that goes for women, too. If it's not a brown recluse or black widow, it's ok in my book. However, most times they get relocated outdoors.

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My friends are black mud dauber wasps. They are docile and they scour the area for brown recluse spiders to pack in their nests as food for their young.

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I can!!!

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I hate spiders! Sorry.

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Don't think that I can't relate. I am scared to death of snakes. But I feel sorry for the poor wee spiders. It is not their fault that they have eight legs and more than two eyes und chase their prey or their mate across your livingroom walls....

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Until you get bit by one. 🥺

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Where I live there is only one species of spiders who bite und they are incredible rare. But people are still scared of spiders in general, like: yuck, creepy crawlies. A lot of senseless squashing und poisoning going on and stupid superstitions.

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I couldn’t respect a man who wouldn’t kill a spider! Or a snake. Or any other creepy insect inside my home!

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I refuse to kill when it is not necessary. I take spiders outside and release them. ( only kill when it is necessary-like black widows and fiddlebacks). Same with snakes except when they are killing or attacking the chickens.

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Actually I'd stop someone from trying to kill a spider in my house. 🤣🤣🤣 I relocate them to the garden instead.

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You must not live in TX!

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Yeah, Ohio, so there are not many around.... at least at my place. The birds outside get a lot of them and the cats get them inside.

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Lol. This grandma kills any 🕷️that are inside. The rule is - if they are outside they live, if they are inside call grandma.

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I have the same rule 😁 Although I will take daddy longlegs outside (but they’re not technically spiders anyway). And I am the jar opener in the family 😁 I have very strong hands although you wouldn’t know by looking at them!

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Boston Robotics enters the chat....

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There’s a lot of spiders in belgorod right now getting smashed.

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Nothing can replace real men..

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Or women...🙄

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nor can fake money replace the real thing. I was thinking that at the coin laundry. How would we operate the machine without real money? Even the card system needs the paper version.

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Except competent women.

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Hugs too from real people! What's a relationship without that?

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Or a nice kiss or a HOT kiss. Just saying cause it needs to be said.....

Later Jay

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Eugenia is depressed and mentally ill. An app or AI cannot replace reality. She needs counseling.

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It’s part of a larger issue- I see. These transhumanists want to distort everyone’s reality… changing definitions… men can be women, women can be men… you can fall in love with an AI app and have a ‘relationship’ with IT.

They’re distorting reality.

Quite intentionally!!!

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The whole point is to normalize insanity and consign rational, conservative thoughts and ideals to the dustbin or even characterize them as obscene and racist. Thus does the Marxist defeat us with our own language.

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I'd say they are distorting "perception" of Reality. Because they are not distorting Reality.

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No, it AI or App can only mess her up worse.

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Nothing can replace a real, good, strong, caring, responsible, intelligent, brave, and courageous man. ABSOLUTELY irreplaceable! (If he’s not all those things yet, he can work towards it!)

Humans crave human interaction. Nobody can thrive without it. The essence of life, love or relationships can never be automated.

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Or checking for ticks!!

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

My husband offers to do that after every hike …

So altruistic of him don’t you think ? Lol 😂

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But some women are unfortunately married to predators who disguised themselves as protectors and now they have to protect themselves and their children; change the tires, replace the oil, and deal with the intruders. That’s what happens when liberal ideology emasculates the men.

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And that’s the textbook definition of toxic masculinity.

Biblical masculinity does none of that.

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I think liberals are doing their best to change men into weak, pathetic, useless crybabies who can't handle their whittle feewings. Watch almost any current movie, TV show, or even commercial and you'll see a bunch of inept, stupid men who are almost always white. (Top Gun Maverick being an obvious exception, but nearly every other movie has been awful.) Children who watch enough of that garbage and have no strong roll model in real life will imitate that - boys will become like that and girls will want men like that. The goal here is to weaken men so they will not fight back.

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Exactly. Sinister. But effective.

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Never mind what kind of boyfriend is it if you can’t take him anywhere with you???? Uhh. No adventuring here.

It definitely seems like the devil once again deceiving Eve (err the ladies).

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or a Russian offensive to counter

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The Russian offensive started in the winter and accomplished destroying several brigades including the 155the naval infantry and killing ten thousand soldiers and hundreds of tanks and AFVs

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I remember a story. A friend of mine was pregnant. Her husband woke her up. Asked if she had "heard that?" No. A few minutes later he woke her again and asked if she "heard THAT?" No. He said it was a mouse and she needed to set the trap.

Trap set.....trap sprung.

He woke her.....did she "hear that?" No

Another trap needed to be set.........they travel in pairs.

What did she need him for? She was already pregnant.....ROFL

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Right....for that you need one of those creepy Boston Robotics dogs with the thumbs upgrade.

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"Thumbs upgrade" gold!

Later Jay

P.S. now you are gonna reply that BD has a thumbs upgrade, right???

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And the occasional 🐁 the cats bring in to play with 🤦‍♂️

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Or a real cuddle!

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They aren't much good for fertilizing eggs either.

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Only if you get the vaccinated ones, us unvaccinated boys are fertile bulls

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Unless they launched into andropause by way of celibacy.

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The snowboarder dig out story is definitely real. He was the luckiest guy on the mountain that day.

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Wow and the Newsweek story said the guy was back on the slopes a few weeks later. Good for him! I almost drowned on a float trip, and that was the last float trip I've taken. And never done back country skiing either, I stick to the groomed slopes. Gutless wonder I guess!

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I've crashed a motorcycle but still ride. I suppose snowists have the same passion that fear won't drive away...

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My son inlaw died in a motorcycle crash in 2019. He owned a nice collection of different motorcycles. Guess who loves to ride them? My 19 yr old grandson (son of my deceased SIL). Those bikes are his pride & joy and I think it's how he copes with the loss of his father. Who are we to deny him that? He's also a hunter, a fisherman, a survivalist camper, a football player, and is currently enrolled in a firefighter/EMS/EMT school.

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Condolences. That can indeed happen. It's happened to friends. Riding bikes has risks, and the whole point of riding and training is mitigating risks.

Unfortunately, one doesn't know when a soccer mom in a mini van, dabbing eyeliner while texting and shoving McDonalds to the back seat spawn, crosses a motorcyclist's path.

I want this on my gravestone: "While living, he lived."

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Living in fear of dying is not living at all. Its the reason some knew intuitively lockdowns were nonsense.

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So true.

I agree with Woody Allen's take on death:

"I'm not afraid of dying. I just don't want to be there when it happens."

I will say this: There is no time I feel more alive than when I'm on a moterpsychel doing a two-wheeled ballet through the twisties. It's like a symphony with high-def headphones and I feel "at one" with a machine...

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I got married and divorced, but still got married again...

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Thoughts to live by

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My husband almost died white water rafting and hasn't been since and said he never will go again.

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Or smart.

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Thanks for posting! This was at my local ski area. I saw this video a few months ago but never heard these details. I would say divine intervention was the order of the day 🙏🏻

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Thank you for this article link. The algorithm served me the original video of the digout the day it was posted and I watched it and shared it multiple times. I had recently returned from a vacation with similar types of risk involved and was riveted by the terrifying thoughts of having to be either one of them. I was yelling at him to use his shovel but he successfully rescued him anyway without wounding him.

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Awesome story!!!

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I wonder how long he was buried. So remarkable!!

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I think I remember they said he had about 15 minutes of air total, so less than that.

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He gave an interview on Good Morning America, he said he was buried at least 3 minutes but could have been longer. He was thinking about his fiance and how he wanted to tell her he loved her. He thought he was going to die.

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In my younger days I use to ski powder like that in Utah. I haven't read the articles but from the way the rescuer was talking, he could have been a ski patrolman looking for him if he had been reported missing. Similar event happened to me when I hit a big tree that literally grew up out of nowhere. My girlfriend reported me missing and it took a minute for the ski patrol to find me at the top of the mountain. Fractured my hip but that didn't stop me from skiing next year. But I was paranoid about trees.

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Wasn’t ski patrol, just a normal guy who was in the right place right time.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

He was better prepared than I was. Recreational skiers don't normally carry a backpack and a shovel in it. But I do miss the days of floating down the mountain side with your skis so deep in powder that you can't even see them.

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I was thinking that the snow seemed a little heavy, what once upon a time I would have called “heavy powder” as opposed to “fluffy powder”. In that “once upon a time” I landed in about 6 feet of fluffy powder, totally different scenario, trails hadn’t been groomed and this was in the trees about a dozen feet off the trail; but it took me only a minute to get back up - regular snow skiing...the rescued guy appeared to be really packed in there. Definitely a miracle that the rescuer was prepared and strong, and even saw the guy! Wow.

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Yeah, real powder is like skiing on a cloud. You can't even feel your skis making any contact. Makes you feel like you are skiing in slow motion even though you are moving down the mountain quite rapidly.

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If only I had ever had the courage to point my skis downhill, I bet I would have more fully appreciated that light powder. I loved what I experienced, though, when the mountain I skied in south-central BC was populated with one t-bar (or something like that, definitely no chair lift), and we skied all day with no lines for about $6/day. Lots of really good times. Lucky me.

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And I'm betting trees are paranoid about YOU, Phil--LOL!!

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I've been IN a tree well as well as helped someone OUT of a tree well. My situations were not as deep... 3-4 ft. This is absolutely terrifying. Just another reason why you NEVER ski alone...

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I've backcountry skied, and it is true that this is why you don't go alone. In basic avalanche training you practice so that you can use beacons to find a buried person. You poke down with special poles, or ski poles if needed, to verify where the body is and how deep. This guy started digging with his hands, but there was a shovel which can be quickly assembled in a backpack. The time frame is very short, as the snow packs around the person and cuts off air. If you've ever buried or lost anything in the snow or in the earth, you know that even if you know about where it is, it can be very difficult to find. If the guy had an idea where the body was, he could just poke around quickly.

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The guy had avalanche training and was certified, he even worked for the ski resort, and he definitely knew what to do. He knew he had 15 minutes max, and less because he didn’t know how long the guy had been under. It easy to say you would have done it better and faster, and would have known exactly when to pull the shovel, which had to be assembled, but clearly he knew exactly what he was doing and did it well. Clearly he was running on adrenaline and his brain was working as fast as it could to get to the face and his brain didn’t want to stop to unzip, unpack and assemble a shovel until the mouth was free. He did everything perfectly and pulled the shovel at the right time when he had a clear path.

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I hope you don't mean to suggest I thought I would do better, because I wouldn't. I have taken a very minor training on using beacons, doing avalanche rescue, aimed at regular skiers. I have a family member who is avalanche trained for professional purposes. I am not. My comment was to give a little more info on equipment and process, as, if you've never encountered this stuff, it could appear the guy was just lucky to dig the fellow out. It was a great video.

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Didn't mean to imply that - just a general comment... I noticed a lot of people on his Instagram were asking, why didn't he use the shovel right away. He said he didn't realize the head would be so low. amazing interview:

“Upside down. In the dark and in deeper snow that I’d ever been in my life.”

He could barely move.

During avalanche-survival training, instructors tell students the first thing they must do is create an air pocket around their mouth. Steger remembered that from the basic training he did years ago.

“I was able pull my jacket up over my face,” Steger said. “I had the space to breathe, but there was so much snow on my chest, the act of breathing was very difficult.”

Now he did the only other thing he could do.

“I waited for my friends to come dig me out,” he said. “What we always do. I waited and waited.”

His friends, of course, had no idea where he was. He tried not to think about that.

Then his two-way radio, attached to his backpack, crackled. He could hear a staticky voice.

“My friend said they didn’t see me come out of the trees,” said Steger. “They said they couldn’t see me anywhere.”

Steger couldn’t reach the button on the radio to respond. He knew his friends were down the hill from where he was stuck.

He remembered from training that a person has about 15 minutes of air while buried in the snow. Steger guessed he’d been there more than 5 minutes.

Then came the dark thoughts.

“I’d never see my fianceé again,” he said. “We got engaged in December.”

He thought of Bill Kamphausen, his snowboarding friend who died in late 2022 right here at Mt. Baker Ski Area when he suffocated after falling into a tree well. Someone finally spotted the tip of Bill’s snowboard sticking out of the snow, but it was too late to save him.

After Bill died, Ian's fiance hounded him to get their wills in order.

He remembered seeing the documents that very morning on the kitchen table, not yet signed.

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Oh my God! That is just incredible. I'm so glad you listened to all of that and shared it.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

@Barney Rubble

“The snowboarder dig out story is definitely real. He was the luckiest guy on the mountain that day.”

That day, or any day!!

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With all the “holy sh$t’s, fuks, and heavy breathing.. I knew it was real.

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I cant watch it. I am so incredibly claustrophobic that just thinking about it makes me gasp for air. Ugh!

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LMAO this morning over Replika! All the while thinking - Why don’t they just get a dog and pour their heart out to the dog. The dog won’t gather all your information and use it against you down the road! Is this due to Covid lockdowns? What the heck explains this to a rational person??

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

A generation ago any self-respecting man would have been too embarrassed to speak the drivel uttered by the guy in the Replika article, let alone have it quoted in print. He would have been to ashamed to do so. Now some grown men feel the need to emote like hysterical teenage girls that never grew up. It's an extremely unhealthy sign.

Who knew those 1980's high school bullies were serving an important societal function? Hooray for the Biff Tannen's of the world!

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"They" started de-masculinating men after WW2, knowing that the Great Reset would never work with real men in charge.

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An indication that the collective West has already collapsed, men that are not men.

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I knew that by all the men I saw wearing masks!

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Indeed, we dwell among a forest of the Walking Dead. I still cannot get over how down the toilet the Western World has become. And I don't see how we can recover anything without imploding first. I even hate to think about it.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Honestly, I would rather men like that text with an AI bot instead of real people. Any woman who has been on a dating app can tell you about the men there who only want to text over actually meeting in person. Nine times out of 10, the guy is married or otherwise unavailable and just looking for attention. If the guy won’t meet you for a date, cut him out. Maybe HE is an AI bot!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Awesome rescue! But honestly if you are looking for miracles, Jeff, look no further than into your children’s faces! If you think of all the things that have to come together for that little life to arrive here unharmed and intact that is a miracle! A true gift of God! His most common miracle given so many times every day of the year, day after day, year after year! It’s just so common we forget what exactly happened in those 40 weeks from conception to birth. It was my great privilege to be present at so many births and to care for all those babies and their families during my nursing career as a well baby and NICU nurse! It was an incredible an humbling experience! I saw God moving 100s of times every day I worked!

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AMEN!!! EVERY precious child is a God given miracle. Too many take this for granted .

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I can totally understand your sentiments! I worked in OB for 27 years (L&D, postpartum, nursery and NICU) and I was blessed to be part of thousands of deliveries! Every baby is a precious gift from God and a miracle! I never grew tired of being part of that beautiful experience and I agree that it is a privilege to take care of patients particularly at this very special time in their lives.

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Life itself is a miracle - everywhere all the time...

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I see miracles every time I look outside. I can't look at the natural world and not see them.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

why in the world would the police touch items in the van, disturbing an accident/potential crime scene? And no mention of finding the person(s) who were driving? This is utterly ridiculous.

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The driver was in the truck. Asian white supremacist, MO drivers license.

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But it's Asian Celebration Month YYR. Let's just keep it to white shall we?

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Missed that - absolutely crazy

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Expect similar incidents with increasing frequency in the future...

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Did you know that when a van crosses into DC they are monitored. They let him get all the way to the barriers. I mean he stealthily made his way there. Bearing nothing but his flag and empty van. Maybe he just dumped off a bunch of illegals. Maybe he just dumped off all that fertilizer that went MIA in WY! Maybe the empty UHaul was a symbol of his empty life. So poetic the young are. I bet it was the last one! Love and heart emoji.

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"Did you know that when a van crosses into DC they are monitored."

I did not know that. Makes it even more suspicious ~ 🤔

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The whole thing is suspicious... as usual.

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The FBI seems to be the laziest group of folks. They couldn't find themselves an actual white guy to do the quasi dirty? I thought their jobs had transformed into getting marginalized and insane dopes to do their bidding. Someone needs firing. And a Nazi flag? Cliche. How about an Azov Americans for Annihilation flag with an emblem of Biden handing over the national treasure. Now that would be a statement. Oh wait, maybe not. Bassackwards.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

The U-Haul photo-op is another “false flag” but who wouldn’t want Biden moved out for $39.95 One-Way?

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Only if the one-way part is guaranteed.

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I'd pay more than that to get him moved out!

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For behold, He who forms mountains and creates the wind

And declares to man what are His thoughts,

He who makes dawn into darkness

And treads on the high places of the earth,

The Lord God of hosts is His name.

— Amos 4:13 NASB1995

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I truly appreciate your quoting a lot of O.T. Scripture, Janice - so many "easy believing" Christians prefer to stay in the N.T. Jehovah is forever the Creator God of both the OLD and NEW Testaments.

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There are some treasures in there, especially when you read them with Jesus in mind.

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"In the beginning was the Word..."

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That video of the guy rescuing the snowboarder was better than any movie Hollywood has put out in the last 10 years. Wow. Edge of my seat. And I agree with you, Jeff, doesn’t seem to be staged, just really damn lucky that the guy saw him.

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Make sure you go see “Sound of Freedom” on July 4th. You can buy tickets now. I think this will be better than the Passion of Christ. Which is the same actor

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This is a must see !! Share with everyone you know .


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Thank you so much! God Bless you and your Family!!🙏🙏🙏❤️

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Nice tip, thanks!

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I am retracting my thoughts on sound of freedom Movie.

This guy and his friend Tim Ballard are thieves!!!! Do not go to this movie or give any money to this movie! The way he’s talking is a freaking act! All a damn act! He has dozens of lawsuits against him for stealing money. His Dad is a big wig in the government and they are rich as can be!! I am so mad that I ever promoted this movie!! DO NOT GO TO THIS MOVIE NOR DO YOU NEED TO GIVE ANY MONEY TO THESE THIEVES!! THEY ARE LIARS JIM CAVEZIAL AND TIM BALLARD HE IS GIVING MONEY BY THE MILLIONS TO POLITICAL CRAP TO BE THE NEXT WHATEVER!!!

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Do you know Tim Ballard is being investigated for fraud? Along with the AG of Utah? He doesn't have evidence of one rescued or rehabilitated child. He has not registered O.U.R as a non-profit company. He has taken in over $47M tax-free donation dollars from heartful people like yourself. It was hard for me to believe at first, until I looked into it. He is a conman, taking advantage of a highly emotional, sensational, topic.






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I'm not believing any of this garbage - but you believe what you need to. What I actually believe is the little children and innocents that Mr. Ballard has rescued throughout the world--although he's "high energy", he's also compassionate and committed to this mission that he was "God inspired" to undertake.

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I don't 'believe or not believe. I look at the evidence.

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I just did a research exercise online and found NO EVIDENCE - only "claims" of malfeasance and misappropriation of funds (none of the articles were recent--they were all in 2020). Sooo...if you have REAL EVIDENCE, by all means share it with us. I am going to see the movie about Tim Ballard and his OUR groups forays to save people from human trafficking enterprises in July - it premieres in theaters in our area on JULY 4th. Here's a link to the movie's trailer (I support it wholeheartedly and have always thought very highly of the actor, Jim Caviezel, who is a good friend of Ballard and portrays him in the movie): https://www.christianpost.com/news/jim-caviezel-calls-on-2-million-people-to-fight-child-sex-trafficking.html

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

I know the film premiers July 4, 3 years since it was finished... because of the investigation by the Utah AG. I've seen the trailer. I've seen his other films. I know Jim Caviezel plays Tim Ballard; I've seen Sound of Freedom. It was online 1-2 yrs ago. I've done my research. I know they will both make millions, tax free. Still, not one bit of evidence of one rescued or rehabilitated child.

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Holy shiznit!!! You are joking right? I haven’t gone to these links you provided yet, but I will get back to you. God keeps showing me his worn out face for some reason. Just this morning I was wondering if it’s possible it could be fake!! If this is True I will be on the floor crying!! I can’t take this crap anymore! I don’t know what to believe! I just said before I read your post that God cannot blame us right now for being confused! Thank you for these links. God Bless you.

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Tim Ballard isn't the first Mormon conman. There are plenty of people, young and old who are sexually abused. But according to these journalists, Tim Ballard has NOT rescued one child.

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I suspect this is a planned attack to destroy their credibility. I listened to Steve Bannon interview and they have been under constant scrutiny for years because the cabal doesn’t want the truth to be told . God bless & protect them .

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There are plenty of perps out there, but Tim Ballard is not taking Patriots' money and rescuing them, per the investigative journalists that are behind the link provided.

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It's interesting how many people run body mounted cameras. We get a lot of new vids from this.

Also, everyone with a car should install a dashcam; one forward and one pointing to the rear.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

Yup got one in my car, it was only $60 on Amazon. DIY installed it along with a back-up camera in about an hour.

I installed after I was tailed and harassed by a sheriff's deputy. Came out of my house and he was parked down the street, when I drove off he pulled out and followed me. Road my bumper in an aggressive manner as I drove on my errand including travelling well out of his patrol area. I got tired of it and when I got to a populated area I suddenly pulled over to challenge him. He hesitated, then he took off.

I have no idea what he was up to but I decided then and there I could not trust the police to be honest in a situation where it was my word against theirs. Nor could I trust others, particularly in this age of internet shock videos posted out of context. Had the camera installed within a week.

Have not yet needed it but I'm glad it's there. Very cheap insurance.

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Especially in NY!

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My son's friend is always wearing his Go-pro helmet when riding his bike.

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Really damn lucky? Nine-lives-needle-in-the-haystack miracle -- if sighting his board was random on an entire mountain? Perhaps the snowboarder had GPS/locator ON, and the rescuer was out in the area looking?

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May 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Kari Lake would not “make a great VP for someone.” We need her in her rightful place in the Governor’s mansion in Arizona. The sad sack, stupid little sorority sister, who was given the Governorship as payment for cheating in previous elections, needs to be arrested and removed IMMEDIATELY.

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When are Republicans going to stop trying to play by the rules? The AZ Supreme Court will NOT find in favor of Lake - they won't want to get involved. They won't rule that everything was ok, they will find some way to weasel out of making a real decision. Courts will always avoid any large scale voting fraud cases.

Cheating in elections is easy from what I've learned. Even cheating on a massive scale is easy. If you control the voting system, you control the counting. Dems have figured out that where they control the counting, they are free to do whatever they want. Republicans need to get in the game as it is being played, not how they want it to be played. If they don't, within another two or three election cycles, and with the exception of a few small states, conservatives will be toast.

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The social compact in the US has been broken - once again. The last time it was broken was 1860. Instead of resolving the issues peacefully, the USG under Lincoln decided to impose their rule by military force resulting in the most horrific bloodbath America has ever suffered. Since then, the social compact has resolved all differences through a political process of elections and compromise based on a two party system.

The two party system has evolved into a uniparty, unaware to most voters. Since 2000, communist ideology has taken over as the dominant political ideal among the elite and has completely captured the Democratic wing of the uniparty. Elements within the Democratic party, backed by billionaires with fascist inclinations, began building voter fraud schemes to rig the elections on a national scale and not just in local elections such as the west coast where the Democrats seem to control every election cycle. The switch from hand-counted, paper balloting to electronic balloting made this all possible. He who controls the balloting algorithm controls the election.

This became apparent in the 2018 election cycle. In 2020, the presidential election itself was massively overturned through nationwide ballot rigging in favor of a no-name, milk toast candidate no one knew who "campaigned" from his basement against one of the most popular sitting Presidents of all time and "won" by a huge landslide. In the 2022 election cycle, the ballot fraud became even more apparent in the Arizona governor race when the obvious and "in your face" ballot rigging against the popular Kari Lake swung the election to another no-name candidate Katie Hobbs who remained in her basement during the whole campaign.

The social compact is now completely shattered as thoroughly as it was shattered by the proto-nazi Lincoln in 1860. The Executive Branch of the Federal Gov't has been captured in a 2020 bloodless election coup installing a communist Bolshevik regime in the White House that is now in control of the apparatus of power in the USG. Having overthrown the election process, the Bolsheviks are now in the process of destroying the Constitution and the entirety of American civil liberty. This communist regime will never willingly relinquish control of that power and will do anything to remain in power. This is how communism works.

The mechanism for peaceful change through elections and compromise no longer exists. Even the courts have refused to get involved in election fraud issues. All we are left with is authoritarian rule and the tyranny of "mandates". The majority of the Republican party has been reduced to RINOs who are nothing more than enablers and fellow travelers to the Bolsheviks. The American conservative is left without representation and is disenfranchised.

The American populist movement is the outgrowth of traditional Americanism and is represented by two different camps: the Trump MAGA crowd and the DeSantis camp. This populist movement is the only opposition to the Bolsheviks who occupy the seats of political power. For this reason, the Bolsheviks want to keep the populist movement divide and at war with each other. To be effective, the populist movement will have to close ranks and present a united opposition front. If Trump and DeSantis formed a joint ticket thus uniting the two wings of the populist movement into one force for traditional Americanism along with disaffected traditional Democratic voters, then we have a chance of ousting the Bolsheviks from power.

But only a chance. If, after all that, the Bolsheviks still rig the vote to remain in power then the cheat will have become obvious to all. The only recourse at that point would be for the populist movement to energize the liberty states to band together in opposition to the Bolshevik regime in Washington and declare the Fed Gov't null and void in their states, separating themselves from the Fed Gov't and the blue states....1860 deja vu.

There will come a point where, unable to effect any influence or change at the Fed level, the liberty states will have no choice but to separate themselves from the communists. On the other hand, for the Bolsheviks' dreams of a NWO to be completed, they MUST consolidate their takeover of the USG and subjugate the American people to complete communist control. IF they are unable to finish their coup, they will completely lose their NWO and everything they have invested to construct this autocratic system. They have shown their hand and everything is on the table. There is no turning back.

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My personal opinion is that DeSantis should drop out of the race, endorse Trump and remain in Florida where he can have Trump's back at the state level. As the "nation's governor", DeSantis can lead the states to close ranks behind Trump. Trump should pick Kari Lake as his running mate for several reasons. Both Trump and Lake are adamant about closing the border and she would be the exact opposite of Kamala. Also, both Trump and Lake have been cheated by the Dem ballot rigging and would have a strong agenda to address that problem. They would make a fantastic team. But then, all of that is assuming they can actually get elected in a rigged election.

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The phrase, "The South shall rise again", has taken on new significance since 2020. Who would have thunk it?

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And the phrase “states rights.”

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You write like the Thomas Paine of our time, Phil--KEEP PREACHING IT, brother!

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I know, I am beyond disgusted with this. We cannot let them keep cheating.

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"I respectfully disagree with the judge. The judge didn’t have to create new standards; he could’ve ruled that less than one second is the wrong amount of time, regardless of what the right amount of time might be. I can’t imagine why he thought he had to tell anybody what the right amount of time is to do justice in this case."

I totally agree with you on this too, and this seems to demonstrate an attitude in the judiciary that they can or should legislate from the bench, which is not their purpose.

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"And, it IS always possible the NYT’s readers ARE that dumb." Add those who read the LA Times as well. Your column has now inched out Zerohedge as a go-to for a quick summary of news.

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Just saw this on Epoch TV. "Attorney Jeff Childers on How He Won Against Mask and Vaccine Mandates, and Inspired Other Lawyers to Do the Same." Looking forward to hearing your wit with Jan Jekielek who is such a greater interviewer. Three years ago, I was a bit embarrassed to support Epoch Times but I saw the propaganda in WSJ and local paper with Covid and wanted different coverage. Now I happily support them.

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The guy who convinced himself that he could be loved by imitating trans porn stars and the people who are so lonely in real life that they invent invisible companions, as some children do as toddlers, would seem to indicate that they have an absence of human connectedness in their daily lives, which is an awful thing. Aristotle said humans are even more social animals than are bees. There was a monograph written in the early 2000s called Hardwired to Connect, that made a similar point. People are desperate for love and connection in our modern society, and desperation is dangerous both to themselves and to those whose lives can be affected by the lengths to which they are willing to go to find something to fill their voids.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Great follow-up story. Thank you for the link.

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“I’m not quite ready to say these digital boyfriend apps are a way to erase men, but I’m intrigued by the idea. What do YOU think?” I think, why waste so much time and energy on nothing? Air? Something fake? Get outside. Go to church. PRAY!

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Because dealing with real people is "too hard". The AI only simulates a Yes-man relationship.

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True... I've actually tried that app, and I honestly found it a little annoying that the AI would always agree with everything you said and affirm your opinions, and it started to feel "fake" after a while - no real person would talk like that.

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Faked video from the black house. Ignore it as should be done with 98% of all media. Kari Lake is my write in candidate in 2024. At this point, I don't see any other names that excite me. I would consider RFK but haven't voted for a democrat in 50 years.

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RFK Jr is the most interesting candidate so far. I hope he helps cracks any remaining legitimacy of Vaccine Industry.

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Agree. That he can open more eyes to the evil cabal that is the msm medical community and its related agencies would be awesome.

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Do your due diligence on RFK Jr. Don’t forget he was the same guy pushing Climate Change, abortion and gun grabbing just prior to 2020.

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He may likely be controlled opposition. Do you think he really wants to fight the bad guys and meet the same demise as his uncle? The Vaccine Industry is one big profitable branch of Big Pharma. The Germ Theory is the cause to sell the cure. The entirety of The Medical Mafia has to go, including the germ theory, greatest hoax ever perpetuated on humankind. RFK Jr has been battling vaccines for a dozen years. Presidents don't change Pharma.

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Crixcyon...Think Kari Lake would be a GREAT VP. I’d vote for the GOP candidate who names her to his team.

Note to my wonderful governor RON DeSANTIS...I have much respect for Sarah Huckabee Sanders...but she is not ready for VP of the USA. Give her time to prove herself in Arkansas...like you did in Florida.

Note to President 45...Do not choose another Pence for VP. That guy is part of the deep state and helped do you in. Look seriously at Kari Lake. And, while you’re at it...come clean on the Covid 19 bioweapon. You do that...you’ll win for the THIRD time. Just sayin.

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Trump was my 1st ever GOP vote in 50 years. My 2nd one too.

Now I'll finally get a chance to vote for RFK. I was robbed of that choice ...

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Doesn’t his green new deal religion concern you? He will continue all of Biden’s energy policies. We will still be in that situation. No gas, electric energy only, power grids that cannot provide now will be so over burdened we will only be allowed to drive, wash clothing, use lights, open businesses, etc on certain days. I appreciate his attack against corrupt government and big pharma but will he take it to our military since all this vax stuff came from them? I have big concerns about him too.

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I do not believe that RFK Jr is in the same camp with the carbon footprint people who ban decent energy. He is more good stewardship of the earth person. Not allowing corps to pollute in the pursuit of bigger profits. We are slowly being poisoned by so many companies with chemicals and toxins which are everywhere and in everything, not to mention big pharma. He at least is the lesser of all evils amongst democrats. We cannot survive another 4 years of Biden. At least if he were the nominee and they steal another election, it would still be a win for the country. But I doubt TPTB will allow that.

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I don’t know what TPTB is. He has said some pretty radical things that fit the liberal agenda that Biden is working right now. I would be very concerned. I would love it if he was more like you are describing. He is into 15 minute cities too. We are trying to find someone to rescue us. No one can. People are sinners and the love of power and money is our downfall. Jesus is who we need to be looking for.

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If our collective sins become great enough, we will fall to an invasion from within or without..if history has taught us anything. God will *allow* it, as His protection will be removed.

The Roman Empire (invaded by the Barbarians), the Byzantine Empire (invaded by the Ottomans), Russia (1917), invaded by the Bolsheviks. are all examples.

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The Powers That Be

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Thank you for explaining that one👍

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Last time I looked, Jesus wasn't running for Prez. Please let me know when he makes his candidacy official.

Until then, best case RFK splits the dem vote. We specially if he decides to run as an indie.

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He won't be running per se. All things in existence are His. And there won't be a VP candidate. And he won't be running unopposed, but it will sure seem like it. But He WILL be coming with a double edged sword to strike down all the nations. No announcement necessary. He will make Himself known and every knee shall bow - including the ones gnashing their teeth and rending their clothes in mourning at His return.

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TPTB = the power that be

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Also RFK JR is happy with depopulation.

Altho I would not vote for him, he is correct on so much. I support some of his policies. He might even make a good department head or advisor.

Pray for his safety-Kennedys get knocked off except Ted-and that his candidacy will shed light into the dark corners of institutionalized evil, to remove it.

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