Jeff have you seen this? Hilarious and so well done.


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Love it! "Official Medical Coincidence Partner of the NFL"

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You guys go to that website they show in the video (kaufmancoincidence.com) !!!!! hahaha

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Wow those are some great shirts. Funny as hell. May have to grab some merch.

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Two people to send Chemtrail T shirts to, my โ€˜nieceโ€™ 2nd cousin (whoโ€™s immediate family thinks sheโ€™s bat shit crazy) and a friend, heck, I need one too!

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Thank you for that....great!

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So nice to see you here on C&C, Sadie! ๐Ÿ˜˜

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It is where I get the daily washing of my brain! Lol.โ™ฅ

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The video is the best! Hilarious! - I need some tee shirts too!

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Omg the Klaus Schwab double album video is even funnier than the Kaufman coincidence one!

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Buy the double album, it's made of combustible cardboard .....93 btu's each.....too funny!

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Sadly, we have found this very approach to a cancer diagnosis. No questions about what could have precipitated it and certainly no advice or direction from the oncologist unless it is to take their poison and more pharmaceuticals.

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My fully vaccinated friend (except perhaps for the bivalent, since she's dying of cancer) is now going through a second round of chemo. She was diagnosed with diabetes, then very shortly after, with aggressive pancreatic cancer. She went through a grueling round of chemo and was going to have surgery, but was found to have tumors around her liver. I can't imagine a second round of chemo will benefit anyone except the medical providers. I have no doubt she is sick due to the jabs.

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I was at Bible Study yesterday and someone asked for prayer for a friend whose cancer had inexplicably returned after years of remission. I. Can't. Stand. It.

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I know one of those also, a young mother in her forties who had been in remission for about ten years. Her prognosis is poor. I feel as if I am in a permanent state of grief which is made worse because I know so many people are oblivious. This quote from Robert Malone's recent substack affected me deeply. "Innocence has been peeled away to the point where we may never be able to trust governments, our peers in the medical and scientific professions, or the corporate โ€œpressโ€ again.

But who will be left to stand up and speak for the dead and the damaged?"

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Anne, I concur with your feelings of perpetual grief. And the deep effects of the loss of trust. And, realizing that the trust was actually never deserved in the first place. Thatโ€™s quite something also.

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Good quote. These institutions have burned their credibility, but unfortunately not more than half the population realizes it.

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I donโ€™t believe itโ€™s as high as half the population. The brainwashing is too wide spread.

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Be wary of what is proffered to fill the manufactured void.

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They have nothing to offer me. I'm trusting Christ.

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"Permament state of grief"

Me too:'(

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Ah ha! Right-O! But we sure love PEOPLE who tell the truth over lying corporative looters.

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Several friends now have serious autoimmune disease. Blood abnormalities. One actually has noticed the amount of blood clots and heart attacks happening. Everyone I know is lining up for the bivalent. Lots of shingles. One has shingles in her eyeโ€”a horror I cannot even think about. My daughter now needs iron infusions. Iโ€™m very afraid of this scenario.

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This is not happy news ... but it is good that you tells us. We need to know the truth of our situation. Prayers for you daughter.

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I have a similar story. My friend (who didn't want the jab) and her husband (who convinced her to take the jab so they could travel) took an across the country vacay this summer. Her husband was in perfect health prior to the trip. During the trip, he started to have some stomach issues which they thought were possibly due to some bad food that they ate. They completed their trip, but his stomach pains persisted. He went to the doctor and had some tests done; stage 4 pancreatic cancer! I am sorry to say that I fully believe it was due to the jab. There are just too many stories just like this; sudden arise of aggressive cancers!

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I follow a alternative cancer therapy group (Iโ€™m a 19 year survivor) and there are so many new aggressive cancers showing up but Iโ€™ve noticed that there are on overwhelming amount of pancreatic cancers now. Also, so many of the first time posters to the group state that they (or their loved one) has a โ€˜rareโ€™ _____ cancer. But they arenโ€™t rare any more, are they?

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Are there good stats kept on cancer? We hear a lot about all cause mortality, which is certainly telling. I'm wondering if there are figures for all cause cancer. Have cancer diagnoses gone up since mid-2021? Have the mix of types changed? Has the average time from diagnosis to death changed?

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I forget where I read it, maybe Steve Kirsch, maybe even on C&C? But, someone has done exhaustive research and can prove they are burying the rise in cancer diagnoses/deaths.

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Ed Dowd, a former BlackRock investor consultant, publicized the insurance industryโ€™s all cause death stats. Breakdown for cancer may be in there. Of course he is now out of BlackRock.

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I think ethical


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You might find some answers from Dr Ryan Cole if you search (not google) for him. He's a pathologist and has spoken about this.

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Higher incidence of cancer is being dismissed as โ€œno one got tested or treated for cancer during 2020 and 2021โ€ so the rates are higher.

That does not address the super rare cancers.

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Dr. Ryan Cole, who is a pathologist, was the first I know of to mention this, many months ago. He has continued to do research. There are strange or rare cancers, such as cancer of the eye, and "turbo" cancers which are so aggressive they often cannot be treated. I think Dr. Cole first began to see an uptick in uterine cancer. This is an interview in which he talks about this, beginning around the 19 minute mark. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zfV6nDzO44Jl/

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I know that someone is keeping the stats on that because I have seen it on somewhere; just cannot remember where!

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its not just cancer it really is also the heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolisms (clots). My aunt died of a massive stroke and my moms BFF died if PE most likely - in her sleep.

What is especially tragic is my aunt was taking hydroxychloroquine for years for lupus. And I know she had to vaxd. UGH. 5 days after a stroke she died.

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Check out Ed Dowd's excellent book, Cause Unknown. It addresses the epidemic of sudden, unexpected deaths. One of the best books about this time, in my opinion, and one which I think could convince some unbelievers that the vaccines are harmful.

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So very sorry to hear that Lisa. It is absolutely heartbreaking!

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Very sorry to hear that. A number of people Iโ€™m close to have had significant health issues post vax, though in some cases making the connection isnโ€™t so clear. I say itโ€™s the shots until proven otherwise.

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So very sorry this happened to your friends.

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So sorry this has happened. I saw chemo degrade my sisters life. She died after her first shot.

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It's too much to bear, but we can't stop it.

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We NEED to try. I know it is nuts, but there are babies lives at stake. I have come to acceptance on the adults, but I cannot stand by while they adulterate and poison the most beautiful gifts we ever get, namely smiling baby faces.

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In my town of central Floridaโ€ฆ.DeSantis country, right? Women are desperately trying to find a pediatrician that will treat their babies without requiring the jab!!! Pediatricians are requiring to treat any age kids!!! Explain that to me! A woman recently reaching out on social media looking to get a circumcision done on her newborn but no doctor will do it unless he is jabbed!!! Florida! I get so angry. And yet can do nothing about it.

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Sunnydaze, I'm definitely not saying we should stop trying. I agree, when they came after the children and the babies, that pushed it to a whole new, more evil level. I posted on NextDoor about the covid vaccine possibly being put on the childhood schedule here in NC, wanting to let parents know what is happening. I was stunned that the majority of those who responded called me an idiot for being concerned. That hurt, not that they insulted me, but that they are so ignorant and so will put their children in harm's way.

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Can we begin to estimate the income being generated by all these illnesses. Useless eaters,cash cows. Obamacare being put to good use. Gotta drain us first because ya canโ€™t take it with ya and your surviving family wonโ€™t have needโ€ฆI hear they will own nothing and be happy. Iโ€™m so sorry for your friend. Just be there for her spiritually and take care of of your own emotions. xo

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My nextdoor neighborโ€™s dad survived covid (the hospital wanted to unplug) only to take shots later. 2 months ago texts showed cancer all in his midsection. No treatments would help. Turbo cancer. Buried him last week.

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Sorry to hear about this.

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I am so sorry! We were blessed to never have a doctor push the jabs on my husband after being diagnosed with cancer. Strangely we have had several family members have adverse reactions to from DTP (now DTaP) to the 'flu' shots, so we are VERY wary of any vaccines.

As for chemo, it is literally poison.

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Since so many of my senior friends have gotten shingles I am wondering if the jabs activate them even if they have had the shingles jabs. Iโ€™ll have to ask I guess.

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By "jabs" do you mean the Covid one? Yes, there are a ton of shingles adverse events in the VAERS data. I'm also on a couple of shingles groups and many there are reporting a recurrence (or new case) of shingles within a very short time of being vaccinated. Also just saw that the spike protein has been identified in shingles lesions - not sure where I saw that (someone's substack).

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I am curious if these shingles after Covid jabs came on even after they got the newer shingles specific jab series in the near past. Do those shingles jabs even work. Iโ€™ve not nor do I plan to even get those.

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Janet, the jabs put their immune systems in the tanker, and then the shingles shot, yes probably activated the shingles. If anyone knows, is the shingles shot a live virus?

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Iโ€™m curious also about the newer shingles jab. I donโ€™t intend to get it however.

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Supposedly dead. Spouse is jabbed and shingle shot. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธNo boosters tho. Finally woke up and regrets.

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I think you know the answer. Reputable experts are saying so.

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They do. I read that somewhere. The herpes virus is activated.

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I hate to say this but chemo saves lives also. My brother was diagnosed with stage 4 Colon cancer 10 years ago and died in 2019. He made it almost 9 years and without chemo I believe he wouldn't have lasted longer than a year. Another thing hard to say is I will be forever grateful that he wasn't here for this mess. He was a diehard lefty and would have definitely been jabbed. He believed in the government and the medical establishment. It would have killed me to see him getting the shot. I miss him. He died too young.

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Jan 11, 2023ยทedited Jan 11, 2023

The chemo is still poison. His youthful body was able to fight it. I would have to ask if the trauma of the chemo and the decressed quality of life would be worth it. I admit, 9 years seems like a good result. I think that is unusual so you/he were blessed. I'm not sure what I would do if I weren't just sitting on my couch writing about it, and had it myself. Sorry for your loss. (see following comment)

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Thank you.

He actually had a very good quality of life up until the last few months.

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Yes it does but in my sisters case she was terminal from the beginning. She wanted to continue but it was very very hard on her and her life was pretty miserable. But wanting to live is so strong

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My cancer came back a couple years ago (no vaccines of any kind since 2010). Fortunately, I am undergoing treatment that is less toxic than traditional chemo poison. Nevertheless, I am researching other options and just started learning about fenbendazole, a veterinary drug (donโ€™t immediately dismiss this; humans and other animals use a lot of the same drugs, such as antibiotics). Your friend might want to investigate it, too. Best wishes to you both.

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Maria, here is the Substack about fenben that Karen mentioned, in case you donโ€™t have it already. Blessings to you! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


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Thanks! Blessings to you and the rest of the world.

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Boom, I added this and a few other links from pubmed below.

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And I found this one, also. Planning to send to a family member battling cancer for years now, thankfully unvaxxed!


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Thank you Seeking Grace, i have another friend who needs to read it, and it might be in this thread โ€ฆ the friend who is in remission with lymphomaโ€ฆ. was ironically a veterinarian drug rep for almost 40 years! Heโ€™ll probably try to have me certified insane ๐Ÿคฃ

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I've heard about that research. The vet who mentioned it said, "If I came down with cancer, I'd take the drug. It couldn't hurt."

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Exactly! It canโ€™t hurt. Thanks for sharing.

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dr. ryan cole and dr. mercola did an interview on bitchute in june 22. they were raving about methylyne blue for cancer.

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Maria, Iโ€™m sorry about your cancer. There is a substack article on fenbendazole but I canโ€™t find it.

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Thanks for your sympathy and a lead on fenbendazole. All the best to you.

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Thank you for that information!

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This is the same kind of experience with jab induced turbo cancers I have seen. One co-worker who died last year (fully jabbed and boosted) recently had a negative cancer screening before the jabs and then was subsequently diagnosed on a routine doctor visit with a cancer in his neck. Died 3 weeks later. They found cancer in his spine, stomach and liver. These cancers spread like a out-of-control wildfire.

There is only ONE cause - VAIDS....Vaccine induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome caused by the mRNA shot.

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Family member had annual wellness exam with labs, and came back picture of perfect health, on paper. Diagnosed WEEKS later with stage 4 cancers all over their body, died weeks after diagnosis and a few chemo treatments. ALL of their family, except for my spouse and I, refuses to even remotely consider the two jabs this person got are to blame. It's MADDENING.

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I guess denialism is very controlling. And it is willfully enforced when they won't consider new information. In the end, it is a decision.

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Iโ€™m so sorry, that is terrible ๐Ÿ˜ž

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I am so very sorry this is happening to your friend. My prayers are sent for her.

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Anne, donโ€™t be so sure theyโ€™re not still pushing the jabs. A 68 year old friend whom is recently in remission from lymphoma (started in 2020 i think) has had covid 5 times and his doc tells him he... โ€˜has zero antibodies, but he really needs to get another booster!!!!โ€™ Oh, he now has tachycardia too. Thatโ€™s new since fall I think.

The disconnect is amazing. Iโ€™ve sent him a few things like an Epoch Times article, but he still doesnโ€™t get it. And no, heโ€™s not some silly lib, heโ€™s a conservative. ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿฅฒ

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I am defending a 40 year old transplant patient who was kicked off the transplant list for refusing the first series and this was this month.

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I canโ€™t freaking believe it.

I added an addendum to my Advance Directive just in case I am temporarily injured and unconscious. I put it there, not sure where else to put it. I basically said โ€˜no vaccines, no vaxed bloodโ€™.

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Good idea! I will have to add those in.

We also need an un jabbed donor list. An unmanned person getting a jabbed organ - yikes. Do they test the organs for spikes and all the other garbage?

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This also happened at Duke Hospital, Durham, NC a month or so ago. A 14 year old girl was treated the same way. I think her family may have found a hospital in Florida which will perform the transplant.

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It really has surprised me how many conservative folks have embraced the COVID nonsense. Among my friends, who are almost all conservatives, I find that they are quite willing to reject the Global Warming scam but are very resistant to coming to terms with the COVID vax scam. The only two things that they all seem to share in common is senior age and an almost entire dependence on their TV for information. So frustrating!

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Dependence on TV and their docs!

My parents say โ€˜yes, no more vaxsโ€™ they promise me, and they even read Epoch times, then go to their doc twice a year and he says โ€˜get your booster, theyโ€™re safeโ€™ so they do it.

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Maybe this can get through to them. TV is the modern day palantir. If you want to keep the evil eye out of your brain, turn it off and keep it covered. Re: Lord of the Rings.

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Yes!! I wonder where their Christian faith enters the picture as well. Conservative is just a thing people label themselves...it is the action that I see. Or that I don't see. And, I judge from there. Are they like me? Do they live their values? Or, are they just "not democrats or liberals"? Conservative Christian self-labeling means NOTHING in this day. I am so disgusted with my fellow man it tends to overwhelm me at times. This gargantuan creature of evil that has been created by men has colored every interaction I have had in the last 3 years. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I for one, am sick and tired of the TAINT. I am not wearing down...if anything, their BS is only making me stronger and more resolved to do the exact opposite of what these idiots want me to do. A giant Foxtrot Yankee.

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Janet Iโ€™m so sorry.

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Sorry to hear.

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We have a close family friend dying of "turbo' cancer. She was walking at least 5 miles a day for years, then one day in October 2022 she could not get out of bed. Found cancer in her brain, spine, lungs, and essentially all over. Of course she took all the jabs. I think that's what is killing her, but I'm no doctor. She is in hospice now.

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Jan 11, 2023ยทedited Jan 11, 2023

It's pretty much "which poison would you prefer?" In the past, the question of what caused the cancer never is directly addressed. They might mumble something about "your genes" or luck. The docs really don't want to talk about that because they would look ignorant and for such highly "educated" folks, that's intolerable. Docs that DO ask those questions have usually opted out of the system and are therefore more expensive. And they certainly don't want to talk about it today as that question might lead back to their own actions. The medical community as a whole has been so thoroughly compromised both morally and intellectually, I don't know how it can ever recover it's role embodied in the Hippocratic Oath.

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Pretty awful. With my husband's cancer diagnosis we dove in really hard with research and quite quickly came to understand that cancer is a metabolic disease, but the industry has themselves handsomely set up with the fear element of it's genes or back luck. They possess ALL of the control over the patients.... hmm where have we seen this before???

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Cancer Info Suppressed?

Review below if interested. Not sure how quality the info is.


https://fenbendazole.substack.com/ -- (FenBen Anecdotal cases)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6769799/ -- Mebendazole as a Candidate for Drug Repurposing in Oncology. (NIH 2019)

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30158-6 -- Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways (2018)

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/275868/ SR Burzynski -- Antineoplastins (yes he got skewered in the press. there is a documentary about his battles in court & w/ state med board)

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Thatโ€™s always been the reply for a cancer diagnosis unfortunately.

FYI Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Dr Nasha Winters gives some potential answers.

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After tons of research, we firmly believe that cancer IS a metabolic condition or malfunction and there is plenty you can do to help yourself, but don't count on your oncologist to help.

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Haha they treat โ€œsudden deathโ€

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Iโ€™d like to know just how many folks actually go to that website...

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lemmincakes, Harold's posted web site just above?

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Would be a lot funnier if it wasn't true...

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Yes so true and so sad

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Thatโ€™s hilariously SAD! Thanks for sharing!

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Or hilariously SADS.

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Freaking hilarious.

I made my appointment already

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Omigosh!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Loved it! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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After I watched this, I landed on this one, which is also funny!


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So glad you shared, hadnโ€™t seen that!! Thanks for the belly laugh! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

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I would like to get a copy of this funny video so I can share it with friends who donโ€™t use Twitter

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I am not on Twitter, but I have no problem seeing most of the Twitter posts people share. I just shared this one on Facebook. Of course, no one will see it, either because FB censors, or because people don't care about this kind of thing until it affects them personally.

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It's funny, I make a weekly post of S&U on FB, mostly screenshots from C&C. I get MAYBE 4 likes on the post. But the past 2 weeks I have had 3 different people private message me about how scary this all is and how people are dropping like flies. They still aren't brave enough to like my posts but it let's me know that people DO see them and are slowly but surely becoming awake.

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That's good to know. In my case, my niece saw what I posting and contacted me. She was being pressured to get the jabs while pregnant! She stood firm and did not. She's the only one in her immediate family who refused and she's the only one who's not repeatedly having respiratory illnesses. Plus, she has a beautiful, healthy little boy!

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Jenna Pierce, forgive me but whagts S&U?

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Sudden and Unexpected

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I send directly to friends and family in a text

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You can try clicking the link and sharing it; it seems that sometimes, at least, people without accounts can still view tweets.

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"right click" on any video and select "Copy Video Address"

Paste into any other platform/application and your friends will be able to view the vid.

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Thank you! Your comment made me recall my colleague's advice, decades ago: "Right click everything," lol.

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If you go to the website, thereโ€™s a link to the video on YouTube. Share it soon because it will probably be taken down.

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Take a picture with your phone or ipad to share it.

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that is what I did and posted to facebook, can't help but wonder if that will put me in jail. lol

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For as long as it lasts


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Michi Birk, which video?

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Who knew the apocalypse would be so funny?

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I love the rewritten headlines regarding DeSantis.

โ€œIf the NY Times cries but everyone ignores them, do they make a sound?โ€

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Well played, sir.

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All those headlines are true. And of course they make a sound. Libbie tears ๐Ÿ˜ข ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Please! Don't hijack that name too!

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My favorite was the last one ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†

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Hahahaha ok you made my morning, Based!

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Eggs straight from a nearby local farm is $4.50. Has gone up only 50 cents. The chickens are pasture raised, except for the winter months. I suggest finding a local farm you can buy from. Mine has a monthly buyer's club that I am a part of.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

My daughter-in-law sent me this meme, it saysโ€ฆ.

1 dozen farm fresh eggs (inserted picture of beautifully colored eggs). Will trade for 2015 or newer Jeep. Donโ€™t try to lowball me. I know what Iโ€™ve got.


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Lol. We have so many eggs we give them to our pigs. Move to a farm and learn to raise your own food, or know someone who does.

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Go local

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I've got four layers. They print money.

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And here I thought you were all complicated, like an ogre. :)

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In my town, it's legal to own six chickens within city limits. My neighbor has some and I get eggs from her......haven't convinced my husband that we need a flock, but working on it!

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I am considering chickens. My yard is completely free of pesticides, herbacides and every other poison ever since I owned it (over 16 years) so I'm betting the chickens will enjoy. My neighbors already hate me, one because I refuse to have a weedless yard and the other because I refuse to buy the political b.s. she supports, so keeping chickens should push them both over the edge!

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Lucky. My town doesnโ€™t allow chickens.

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I know. I get mine for $3. I always try to pay the farmer or business owner directly. And they taste so much better too. ๐Ÿ˜‹

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I have a friend who delivers them right to my door โค๏ธ

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You braggers! lol

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I checked up the road at a farm and they are $4.00. I would buy from them anyhow, not because of the price, but because the chickens are allowed to be outside and eat bugs (of course they have a henhouse and feed during the winter.) I worry about the health and welfare of animals in factory farms. I am sensitive to eggs so I can only use them in baking. Right now I'm glad I don't eat them regularly.

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Eat BUGS!?!?! They better enjoy their delicacies now bc mere chickens canโ€™t compete with Gates, WEF, et al scooping up bugs for all the new & improved bug products coming to a grocery near you.

Truly.. a friend saw flavored dried crickets in a grocery recently.

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Pru Leith from The Great British Baking Show recommended it even...after a gay Polish baker used it in one of his recipes. I quit watching after that episode. It was all I could do to hang on until that crap happened all in one show. Give me Yellowstone, 1883 or 1923. NOW.

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Dried crickets? To eat??? Gross!!! Yes, I've heard of this. No, I will never eat that garbage. Just like at the height of the scamdemic, many of our shelves were bare at the store, but the "beyond meat" was full in the freezer. People want real food and yep, we better hide those bugs for the chickens!

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My wife is an organicholic, and these damn eggs are killing me. Not to mention strawberries, blue and raspberries. The little ones at home eat them like their popping gummy bears but those damn fruits are out of control expensive! 6.99 for organic strawberries, 2.99 for non organic, like wth man!!!??? Highway robbery in attempts to eat healthier, and yes i understand that organic might just be another freaking label to get consumers like my wife to spend the extra money. Sigh

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Not getting any sympathy here. It's important to eat organic in certain food groups. You can look up the list of "clean" vs. "dirty" foods. For instance most fruits are listed as dirty, meaning that a lot of pesticides are used in growing non-organic fruits. It pays to know the quality of the foods you're eating. I'm saying kudos to your wife for being a good conscientious mom.

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We spend this same money to feed our littles. Itโ€™s expensive but many years ago I read they use dye to make non organic fruit look better. That and the pesticides keep me away. Plus, Jeff didnโ€™t mention WHY all the bees are dying and itโ€™s partially our insistence on promoting profit making GMOs. Iโ€™ll avoid those at all expense as well.

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Where in Florida do you live? Every time I go to my farmers market the eggs are already gone. The eggs pictured in the post are the kind that I buy but theyโ€™re only $7 at Publix. What a deal!

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Not in Florida....in Ohio.

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Lots of farm eggs around me as well.

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I would think one of the worst places to deliver mRNA coding for growth hormone to would be cancer cells.

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There you go with that fool logic and reasonable thinking again. Tsk tsk tsk.

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I remember clearly reading that gene therapy was a bust in cancer treatment a few years ago. The cancer hospital my sister was slowly killed at had replaced it with immunology treatment.

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Agree. It's like adding fuel to the fire.

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Exactly my thought! Now they've created HEART CANCER too???

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Well, Joe created "oil cancer", So....

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Good one Sheryl! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

His poor mother had to drive with the windshield covered in oil! ๐Ÿคฃ

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Holy crap! That was a good one, Sheryl!

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Didnโ€™t see these comment when I posted. But 100% agree.

Weโ€™ll be reading about more baffled doctors soon.

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Absolutely, what a horrifying thought!!

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GMO could now mean Vaccines in your food - Vaccines https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/Mizza7h-0MU

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They are also looking at vaccine mosquitos.

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And bees. I just read that. Of course, if the bees die, so do the crops.

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Actually this is not accurate. Corn is wind pollinated. Peas and peppers and tomatoes soy beans are self pollinating. So using insecticide doesn't hurt those growers. ๐Ÿ™„ Bees and killer wasps making a come back. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

As someone who has uncontrolled Acromegaly, a rare growth hormone disease ,I can tell you succinctly: No, you don't want growth anywhere and everywhere. Growth in cells,whether they be beneficial or Malignant. Extra tissue;skin,nerve,fat,bone etc... Just say No.

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I'm sure any patients developing acromegaly, it would NOT be attributed to the mRNA drug. It's officially safe and effective. Must be something else!

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It's global warming and gas stoves!

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I'm not saying they'd develop acromegaly via the vax, just that they effects might be likened to it. However, yeah...

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Iโ€™m a Registered Nurse who feels like it current healthcare system is slowly imploding. As far as the nursing demographics go, baby boomers had made up the largest cohort of the nursing population and 2020 had been projected to be the year when they would start retiring in large numbers, well as you can imagine COVID accelerated many of those retirements. Couple that with stress and burnout causing many to leave the profession and then throw on vaccine mandates on top of that forcing a smaller, but at this point a highly significant group of nurses out of the profession and you can see why staffing is so poor in many places.

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As a registered nurse, now retired, I agree completely. Not only is staffing a problem but the quality of nursing staff, physicians, and auxiliary staff, as well as government interference through the corrupted agencies, have also greatly affected the quality of care patients are receiving. Iโ€™m suggesting people avoid hospitals unless itโ€™s for life or death emergencies. It brings me no joy to have to say that about the healthcare system which I was formerly very proud to be part of.

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I think the computers are also a huge problem, I almost retired when they were forced on us.

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The hospital I worked at is short staffed, so I hear. However, new nurses just graduated from nursing school were coming in weekly all through the plandemic. I will say, and not being mean, but they are certainly not the same caliber of nurses a generation ago. Most are lovely, some are, well, not. I've been in healthcare since I was a teen (candystripper). Much has changed since and especially in the last 20 years. After this plandemic fiasco I've realized that for almost every doctor, especially in corporate owned hospitals, the hippocratic oath means nothing anymore. I retired last month, praise the Lord. And I've decided I will never go to a hospital unless I'm at deaths door or need an appendage reattached. And as far as medication goes, I'm now employing homeopathic and naturopathic alternatives. Did y'all know we could make antibiotics??? From fuzzy tree growing things (I seriously can't remember the name for that) and vodka??? All natural. Made by God. Chemicals are not our friends. God put on this earth everything we would ever need to live long, healthy lives. I no longer trust the medical industry to truly care and bring healing to us. Today, it's all about the money.

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I totally agree with you Shellie, I was a candy stripper also, but am still working. I am amazed at how backwards Science has gone. Might as well be in the dark ages. Take care, enjoy your retirement and if you find the recipe for vodka share it. :-)

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Good points. But haven't regular people always avoided hospitals except for life or death emergencies? I ain't going there for fun!

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Jan 11, 2023ยทedited Jan 11, 2023

No! Many people show up in the ER with various complaints as an excuse to get narcotics. Also people come in with vague complaints that should be dealt with in the office of a primary care provider but instead of taking the time to find a physician and planning a scheduled appointment they show up in the ER with all kinds of non urgent issues. Sometimes itโ€™s also homeless looking for a place to sleep.

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So many are sick and injured that you literally cannot get into a GP anymore. I asked mine what I should do, they said go to the ER! I have family all over the country saying the same thing.

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I probably wouldn't consider any of those regular people:)

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Knee replacements, hip replacements, eye surgery, concussions, lots to be in the hospital about. Ya gotta walk, sit, stand and see.

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Also contained in your comment as โ€œburnoutโ€ that you donโ€™t bring out is the systematic abuses nurses accept as a part of their jobs. The entire profession needs an overhaul so nurses can do their thing well.

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And TPTB avoid the truth (as they have for years).

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Wasnโ€™t Moderna around for 10+ years and NEVER able to get a product approved for humans? Now after COVID theyโ€™re going to unleash mRNA products for everything and get approval? Scary.

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Yep, never could get it approved for the masses because all the test subjects (i.e. animals) ALWAYS died. Yet, here we are.

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Well that's understandable! They finally found a use for all that death.....(sigh)

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GMO could now mean Vaccines in your food - Vaccines https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/Mizza7h-0MU

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"the mRNA does NOT shut itself off after a few hours or days after all, like the useless imbeciles at the FDA credulously believed." Hence we call them the Fraud and Death Administration.

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There are so many clever and witty people in the C&C family! I spend way too much time reading the comments after I read Jeffโ€™s blog! Thanks for yours!

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Same!! Love the comments here!

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Meeee tooo!!!

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Same here-it gives me hope.

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If I read it too early in the day, I have to come back later for the comments section.

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The comments are my 2nd favorite part! Seriously, though, everyone of you commenters are so insightful, and funny. I love reading ALL of them.

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They do help keep the sanity in check:)

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Same! It takes me all day during work breaks.

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And has now been shown that the mRNA inserts its code into human liver cells in vitro. No reason to believe it isn't happening in vivo with all cells, not just liver cells.

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Good one ๐Ÿ‘

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GMO could now mean Vaccines in your food - Vaccines https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/Mizza7h-0MU

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Oh good god, mayo is one of the few processed foods I eat. Crap! No gluten, no dairy, no pork ... now no mayo. This stinks!!! Thanks a lot Harold! Sorry, don't mean to shoot the messenger ๐Ÿคฃ

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Jeff nice post today. As a medical professional who retired early from hospital work in 2021 just prior to mandates but totally bullied to get the jab I totally understand why so many leaving. Hospital administration do NOT care how overworked, underpaid, safety of their workers, and mandating jabs affect care providers. But then again knowing how corrupt the whole health care system is I will do everything in my power to stay healthy and avoid hospital at all costs. Trust only those doctors who have stood up and cried foul when early treatment protocols where suppressed.

Came across an interesting Rumble video this week ...so check it out... DOD involvement

-- https://rumble.com/v24lca0-documents-dod-pentagon-listed-covid-injections-not-as-vax-but-as-counter-me.html

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Me too but unfortunately I was in an accident in September which required a hip replacement. But it was in my local small hospital that only did a quick test and did not ask about shots. No masking either. I prayed for Gods protection and I believe he sent me to this small hospital in my small town instead of the giant one I had my last surgery in. I knew members of the surgical staff personally and was treated with utmost kindness. I felt the presence of Gods protection.

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Our Heavenly Father takes care of his children.๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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Indeed. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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Iโ€™ve left my โ€œPharma Docsโ€ & have instructions to NEVER take me to any hospital. You confirm my decisions; thank you.

Thank goodness I know โ€œpatriot docsโ€ I can consult if need be. The rest??? Ugh

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That's it....Go local.

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Follow Catherine Watt.. Balliwick News on substack. Explains everything!!

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Jan 11, 2023ยทedited Jan 11, 2023

Sasha Latypova on Substack also.

Yes, follow them both.

David Martin uncovered all of this and more. He went thru history from way back to currentโ€ฆand evidence of patents & fraud. He informed us through his weekly Butterfly of the Week YouTubeโ€™s and on FB all throughout 2020-current.

Katherineโ€™s and Sashaโ€™s videos(a few out there now) sums a lot up in an hour or less.

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I wish someone would do local surveys on EMS companies on the number of call-outs they've had compared to pre-shot rollout. Should be easy to collect.

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A Midwestern Doctor/The Forgotten Side of Medicine (here on Substack) had a really interesting post yesterday about the mRNA jabs, the manufacturing process, and more. Your first segment and his tie together somewhat.

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We Now Have Key Evidence Pfizer Committed Fraud


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and yet...


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You are right.

Given the documentation/legal analysis in Katherine Watt's Substack and the supporting documentation/reporting in Sasha Latypova's Substack, it is likely that Pfizer can't be prosecuted for fraud. Ultimately, DoD appears to be in charge of the "operation" and acted within the confines of written law. However, just because something is legal doesn't make it right, and we need to keep searching for ways to prosecute...

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Love his posts, and living in the midwest I wish I could know his identity and if heโ€™s near me! I need a new doctor.

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There is a question however about the western blots and new computer technology used. Pfizer has 20 of those new computers. Still there is certainly fraud in the whole process.

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Read updates in his comments section regarding the blots.

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Yeah. That sort of cooled my jets. Jessica Rose has new posts on the western blots as well.

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GMO could now mean Vaccines in your food - Vaccines https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/Mizza7h-0MU

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The subtle change (as you predicted) from using the phrase โ€œdied suddenly and unexpectedlyโ€....to they are now using โ€œsuffered a medical emergencyโ€!

Watch for it!

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Iโ€™ve noticed that too. They simply state โ€œsuffered a medical emergency โ€œ as though thatโ€™s some sort of reasonable explanation. โ€œOh well, it was only a medical emergency. Those things happen. Look! A pony!โ€

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Just a coincidence.

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Or maybe โ€œexperiencedโ€ a medical emergencyโ€ฆbecause no one can possibly be suffering.

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Apropos of nothing in this article: Defund NPR.

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And PBS!

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An Air Force Academy cadet died on his way to class. When does it end?

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The horror has been unleashed and now we have to watch it play out, while the blind and brainwashed see no problem.

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No, actually they think it's due to climate change, taking hot showers, sleeping in the wrong position, swimming, eating potato chips, racism or some other nonsense that the media has been spewing. Anything but the death shot.

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Blind? Young adults who's parents have sent them to public schools vaccinated for generations and now just beginning their careers but now required vacx for finishing are blind? They were HIJACKED!!

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Yes. If I could only turn back time for my now adult kids. I have lots of regrets now. Thought I was a good parent. Itโ€™s all gone to sh*t. ๐Ÿ˜”

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๐Ÿ˜ž I'm sorry sister. We all have regrets but....God is Sovereign over all these things. He's doing what He has to to bring about salvation in those He foreknew. He won't lose one, not even one. Time will tell the full story. The end is yet to be told. The biggest surprise to me has been that i cannot/could not infuse into my children what i already knew/know. They must figure so much of life out for themselves. I hate that.

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RJ&JB, thank you for those words. I really needed to "hear" that.

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In a state of perpetual grief

(not my words but a fellow C&C commenter) watching family and friends get jabboosted.

โ€œThe shots are safe and effective. I feel fine, Iโ€™m safe.โ€ I hope so but seeing so many drop. Iโ€™d rather be wrong and everyone lives happily after.

In the meantime, working on making the world a better place anyway. Working against โ€œdivide and conquer.โ€

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Iโ€™m stuck between mad as hโ‚ฌll & grief

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Exactly Susan!

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Unfortunately we are in for a long sorry ride this next year. ๐Ÿ˜”

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A friend and I had this conversation last night. She was telling me the story of her 64 year old friend who has a stage 4 brain tumor return after years of being cancer free. We are going to see so many deaths and injuries. Our only consolation is knowing that God is still in control of this evil world.

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Amen. In God we trust and place ourselves in His hands. ๐Ÿ™

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Let's hope His patience wears out here pretty quick and He steps in to do some clean up.

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I posted above.

https://fenbendazole.substack.com/ -- (FenBen Anecdotal cases)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6769799/ -- Mebendazole as a Candidate for Drug Repurposing in Oncology. (NIH 2019)

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30158-6 -- Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways (2018)

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/275868/ SR Burzynski -- Antineoplastins (yes he got skewered in the press. there is a documentary about his battles in court & w/ state med board) or Search "pubmed & antineoplastins"

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I agree โ€ฆ I think 2023 is gonna be difficult for a lot of peopleโ€ฆ my 40 year old Couisn died of a heart attack and aneurysm already this yearโ€ฆ out of the blue.

Thereโ€™s a lot of uncertainty for everyone.

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I am sorry for your family's loss. ๐Ÿ˜”

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Iโ€™m so sorry, that is so sad ๐Ÿ˜ž

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Completely agree! I canโ€™t believe how many people just on my fb feed that r posting about loved ones passing. And I do know itโ€™s gonna get worse๐Ÿ˜ข. Iโ€™m eating right, taking vitamins and exercising. I wanna avoid a hospital at all costs!!!

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Add walking to class to bees, heavy gardening and climate change as one of the risk factors for dropping dead suddenly and unexpectedly ๐Ÿ˜ž

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Don't forget "died from joy." ๐Ÿ˜ง

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Oh yeah I had forgotten that one ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ™„

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He was just 21 years old! My God, still just a child really. He had so, so much life left yet to live.

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My son went there. Very SAD ๐Ÿ˜”

My heart grieves for his family.

The cadets probably KNOW. Wonder how many wonโ€™t come back next year for commitment day in the fall?

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A little background on Hunter Brown's death due to "medical emergency".

Air Force Academy struggled with some cadets, who applied for religious exemptions. All were denied, as was pro forma in the military. 14 cadets still refused to take the shots, but continued in school. At first, the AirForce threatened that they might be expelled. But they weren't.

Four of the refusenik cadets were seniors. There was debate over whether they would graduate in July 2022. One gave in and got vaxxed. The decision concerning the other three was that they would be granted diplomas, but no commissions, and they could only watch the ceremony from the bleachers. The Air Force was considering whether they would be required to repay the Air Force $thousands for the cost of their education.

There were 10 more refusenik cadets in the junior class. Maybe they are off the hook now, with mandate eliminated? Military does tend to be leery of independent thinking. Air Force has traditionally been more accommodating of a little free spirit, but a retired AF pilot once told me that today's AF has changed a lot from his times. He had some good stories.

Haven't seen follow up. I wonder whether, Congress' elimination the military mandate will allow the recent, unvaxxed graduates to be commissioned now?

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I live in Colorado Springs and have followed this story closely. What you say is accurate. The AF has treated its cadets shamefully.

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With all of todayโ€™s stories, you just want to throw your hands up and go ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ. Hereโ€™s yet another reason - https://nypost.com/2023/01/09/biden-administration-reportedly-weighing-national-ban-on-gas-stoves/

They are coming for our stoves.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

I think they're just gaslighting us.

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I see what you did there ๐Ÿ˜†

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Best comment! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Groaner Foul ๐Ÿ™…โ€โ™€๏ธ

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Ps.. Gaslighting? No pun intended right? Lol

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I hope so but who really knows?

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Apparently Gov. DeWine in Ohio just signed something that declared natural gas was "green energy" in Ohio. Brilliant move. In my book, he lost a lot of points for his nonsense during the scamdemic but gained nearly all points back with that move. I also understand months ago that a number of Ohio communities made laws that prohibited the banning of natural gas usage. Smart. I am thinking of buying a second gas stove now to have a backup. Unlike electricity, natural gas can't be turned off by flipping a switch remotely - someone has to physically come out.

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Thatโ€™s great! At least heโ€™s done something right! Wish our numbskull paid stooge Holcomb would actually do something useful for once ๐Ÿ™„

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Couldn't they turn off the gas for everyone at a central hub or source?

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I don't know. I do know that if the gas goes off in the area, like someone hits a line, then an urgent warning has to go out for everyone with a gas appliance with a pilot light. I have one - a water heater. Otherwise, when they turn the gas back on, anyone with an appliance that has an always-on pilot light risks filling their home with gas. That's obviously quite dangerous and poses an explosion risk, not to mention carbon dioxide. While I see the goal with the elites is to kill off as many "useless eaters" as possible (that is us in their minds), I think gas explosions won't be their tactic.

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I thought I remember reading somewhere that, besides the ban on gas cars in California, they will also going to be banning gas stoves in the near future for Californians.

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I just can't understand wanting to live in CA. Sure, it's beautiful in parts, but their government is either insane or flat out evil.

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Used to be called โ€œLand of fruits & nutsโ€

Now more like land of evil & insanity.

Perfect location for Harry & MM

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Iโ€™m sure they can be both evil and insane. California has certainly lost its appeal to me. So has Canada.

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Illinois? Dick Turban and The Fat Man? Corn and beans and airplanes dropping chemicals on you. Oh wait! That's just in downstate IL.

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โ€œDick Turbanโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚ Maybe Dick Turbine. He spins lies like nobodyโ€™s business. โ€œFat Manโ€? You mean Fred Flintstoneโ€™s lookalike?

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You should seriously see the acres and acres of turbines we are paying for in construction, maintenance and land leasing to the government and i can assure you we aren't making a dime on it but it's for the kids.

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Itโ€™s the frog in the bucket. Itโ€™s gradual. If you donโ€™t travel to other states you just donโ€™t know. You think itโ€™s this way everywhere. Iโ€™ve always planned to retire out of California. The decline has accelerated over the last ten years. We have about 18 more months and weโ€™re out.

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Hope you make it!

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There is a red vein or two in there, more than people realize. The faithful remnant.

Just straighten out the elections - pull the plug on voting machines, mail in votes, and clean up the voter rolls, and see what would happen.

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Jan 11, 2023ยทedited Jan 11, 2023

Four winds, Some of us are born and raised here in CA. Parents, extended family and businesses here also. Hard to just get up and move sadly.

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Just in time for electric grid destruction. Nice.

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That was my first thought too Janet. ๐Ÿ™„

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They are going to ban gas and diesel generators. That has the RV community in an uproar because many people like to boondock (off grid) and they need their genny for that.

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Done in CA. No new purchases.

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"Dr" Jill Biden was roasted on social media yesterday, for a post of her cooking on a gas stove. It was epic! Rules for thee, but not for me.


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Stove, then gas furnaces. We'll have to convert to electric heating (as using something like wood, for example, will be banned as well).

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I'd like the see them telling the Amish in rural Ohio about not using wood and see how that goes over. They don't use electricity, gas, or have telephones. I often think they are living better than most people, but that has to be a whole lot of work.

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The more I see the crazy in this world, the more I think we could learn a few things from the Amish about how to live in parallel societies.

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Iโ€™m thinking that their parallel society may be coming under more and more scrutiny by TPTB. They are beginning to be persecuted here and there. Since pacifism is a part of their religion they have usually simply fled to more congenial places, like South America or Canada but now where in the world would they go? Ironically, they would be welcome in Russia.

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Watch Little House On The Praire! If you listen carefully to that show, many truths revealed that they now hide.

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Solar for sunny states. Wind for others. Probably will need to buy your own.

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When was the last time you read a Holocaust biography? And when was the last time you were told that the D'm's weren't Nazi's or Commies or dictators....?

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They've already been talking about it.

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Itโ€™s all just so stupid.

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Worse than stupid; calculated Iโ€™m afraid

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Public health is the illusion of safety- to grab more power by government.

I think itโ€™s meant to destroy restaurants and small business owners โ€ฆ as if these businesses werenโ€™t harmed enough during covid lockdowns!

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We don't even have the Infrastructure for electric cars but want to ban our gas stoves. Insane!

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Already happening in CA. Laws being proposed.

Thanks Gov Newt, for banning gas emergency generators, cars, trucks, and so much more.

Huge budget deficit, 1/2 Billion left the state in the past few years.

And people want him to be president. NancyPโ€™s nephew.

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Can we saw CA off the continent? And New York too?

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Iโ€™m not a fan of gas stoves. Theyre a pain to deal with. Itโ€™s an extra bill to handle.

But banning them isnโ€™t the way. Freedom is scary.

Makes sense for some folks.

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My gas stove works during a power outage. I've had both over the years, and I much prefer cooking with gas. The temperature change is almost immediate.

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Gas rocks!

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When the rolling blackout didnโ€™t roll back on last year I was thankful for my propane cooktop to cook on. I wouldnโ€™t want everything electric, even now that we have a generator.

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My electric stove works during a power outage also.

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Well good for you!

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As a nurse of 40+ years I had to walk away a minute before commenting. The "pandemic" came at the same time the nursing shortage hit. We older nurses who actually started nursing during a time of shortage are retiring thus leaving gaps of bodies and knowledge.

What I have seen in the past few years has been awful. One of the worst things hospitals did was allow the bean counters to take over. Decisions are being made on paper without regard to patients' quality of care or nurses' working conditions. Some hospitals are corporate run which provide bonuses for administrators who save money. That translates into staffing with the least amount they can get by with- whether it be supplies or staff. Supplies are provided based on census.

If you have 10 patients today, you get supplies for 10 patients. If your census over night goes to 15-20 (which has happened), you only have supplies for 10. Oh and by the way- if there's a "national shortage" you're just really out of luck.

The other impact is the new generation of worker. They are unwillingly to work under these conditions. The shut down has created the monster of people working for the highest bidder. There is no job loyalty and they move on. I'm always amazed that a young nurse comes to a hospital that is open 24-7 and expects to work 8-5 with weekend and holidays off! SMH

Finally I am in the great state of Mississippi which has probably the lowest rate of reimbursement- regional hospitals are folding due to lack of revenue thus overburdening the hospitals in the cities.

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Absolutely. In addition to what you said, the new nurses donโ€™t seem think much on their own...they just do what theyโ€™re told. I know some of that comes with experience, but theyโ€™ve dumbed things down so much over the last 10 years and increased work loads, which doesnโ€™t leave much time for thinking.

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That's not just nurses, I think every industry is seeing similar issues. I'm a software engineer. Twenty years ago, I was scared I wouldn't have a job when I was over 50. Any friend I had whose parents worked in high tech were getting laid off and couldn't find another job. Today, companies are desperate for people like me because we know how to work, solve problems and get the job done whether it's 40 hours or 60+.

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I agree!

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This is so true. I had a CNO (chief nursing officer) tell me, that it was intentional to dumb down the staff. That was why "smart pumps" where being used, to replace actual "real nurses", who could critically think. That was over 10 years ago. I am sure it is much worse now.

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Didn't the bean counters take over a long time ago? Also, insurance has been in the middle of it for a while. It's a sticky wicket, don't want gov't run healthcare but also, if hospitals are for profit then they'll try to cut costs to increase the bottom line like any other company. Even in medical entities are nonprofit, those people at the top make a lot of money and I'm sure they'll make more if less is spent.

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Thorough explanation of whatโ€™s really happening

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

It's weird that anyone would suggest that DeSantis should meet with a media outlet headquartered in NYC to talk about running for or being governor of Florida. AFAIK, Trump is the only Republican who has declared his candidacy for 2024, and I don't see the NYT racing to interview him.

Also, for the first time ever, my package of chicken thighs was THREE thighs, down from four last fall, five about a year ago, and six during the Trump years. I now officially only have leftovers if I make a stew with three or four onions and a few potatoes in addition to the chicken. And I only have one kid.

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At least you have a kid. That increases your covid protection immensely. Which is pretty cool!

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Grandparents, gruncles, uncles and neighbors who hang out with kids qualify ;)

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