β€œFor there is no good tree which produces bad fruit, nor, on the other hand, a bad tree which produces good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush. The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.”

β€” Jesus, Luke 6:43-45 NASB1995

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Therefore by their fruits you will know them. -Matthew 7:20

Here are the fruits of the World Health Organization that is working overtime to gain the full surrender of our sovereignty in exchange for sorcery & enchantment (pharmakeia):

The WHO's logo is a serpent wrapped around a staff in front of the world divided into 33 sectors. This is a direct representation of the serpent wrapped around the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden imposing himself onto Eve - only in the WHO's case - this time the snake is imposing his dominance over the entire earth. Rather than an apple as it was in Genesis, the serpent's new offering is drugs and vaccines.

We're living in the book of Revelation: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/by-your-magic-spell-all-the-nations

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I still don't understand how people can deny the Bible as being TRUE. We're seeing it unfold right before our eyes!

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The Bible talks about that as well, "Because their eyes were blinded....." Jehovah will NOT always strive with humankind. We are still "under grace"--perhaps not for very much longer.

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

Just my thoughts when reading the book of Revelation - 'sorcery' = Big Pharma.

Nice to see others with similar thoughts.

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Sorcery or witchcraft is a translation from the Greek "pharmakeia". That's also (obviously) where we get the word "pharmacy" or "pharmaceutical".

Rev 18:23-24

23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: *for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.*

24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

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Agree!! Exactly!! And after the CV Crisis, it makes more sense than ever. The objective to to completely corrupt God's creation at a cellular level in my opinion. Pure evil and so many are completely asleep, blind or unaware. Makes me weep at how many are lost.

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I don't doubt that the WHO has questionable plans for the world. However, you are dead wrong in your interpretation. The serpent on a pole is an ancient symbol of medicine inspired not by the serpent in the Garden, but the one Moses ordered built to heal those bitten by snakes. A reading of Numbers chapter 21, especiallly verse 8, will be very informatiive.

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Do you believe that the bible is immutable and cannot be corrupted by man?

Millions, maybe billions, have come to accept the devil staring back at them as the symbol for medicine - as something good - because of a few key words translated from ancient biblical texts - by flawed men and women under the influences of who knows what.

The devil is deception, and the results of this deception speak for themselves, "Satan's Doorknob": When the masses cannot see the blatant truth staring them right in the face, when they see good as bad and bad as good, this is a victory for the adversary.

WHO Logo: https://tritorch.com/WHO.jpg

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The Bible in its original languages is incorruptible. That is why, unless one knows those original languages, it is imperative to use a solid word for word translation.

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Janice, I respect you greatly. But to be fair, that is exactly what I would want you to believe if I were the devil. Going to copy and paste something I wrote to Brandon is not your bro, this is not meant to offend:

If I were the devil and there were edits that I could influence a follower to make to the bible, getting Christians to stand down while I spread my evil would be priority one. Not only would that grant me a monumental advantage in my war with Good, it might also grant me the souls of those who did nothing to stop me.

My second priority as the devil would be to make Christians everywhere believe that the bible couldn't be edited. Combine these a_priories and you get where we are today: standing on the brink of a ruined world.

Too many good men and women did nothing - often because they believed they did not have to do anything, accepting Jesus was all that was needed to enter heaven - the incorruptible bible said so - and evil triumphed.

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What scripture tells us to β€œstand down” and allow evil to triumph?

Maybe if you were the devil you would tell people the Bible is not infallible.

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Funny. Long ago I remember medicines logo was a snack wrapped around a stick I seem to recall!!!

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Here is a more comprehensive explanation of the "serpent wrapped around a pole" used by the medical profession - it has NO relationship to the golden serpent that Moses was commanded by Jehovah to lift up on a pole so the children of Israel could "look and live" rather than die from a snake bite!


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Matthew has a little different way of expressing this same truth

β€œYe shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”

It doesn’t get any simpler than this.

Even the world has a similar take on this same issue β€œthe world say’s follow the money or forget what they say look instead to what they do...

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

Shortly following the words from Jesus which you posted, comes the warning that the vineyard owner will let the tares and fruitful vines grow together to maturity ... at which point the tares will be culled and burned.

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I wrote about that recently.

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Yes...very recently - and I shared the parable of "the goats and the sheep" being separated at the "White Throne Judgment".

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β€œThe tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” - Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

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I pray the Lord Jesus' agape love produces MUCH FRUIT in my life--whatever I have left--to live for HIS glory and gain! I always appreciate your Biblical "comments", Janice!!

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May 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Wow. Seeing those checks bring tears to my eyes. Good people make good things happen. Bittersweet, in a way, that these checks are needed in the first place.

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Garrett mentions C&C Army specifically in his discussion with Kyle Seraphin.

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Thank you for sharing! I never gave it a 2nd thought about donating to their multiplier. Happy to donate as I have others to support the effort to fight against injustice. In the last part of Garret’s interview, he discussed how he stayed true to his oath. On that note someone in another post mentioned that there are no notarized oaths of office to be found for Biden and his appointees. It would be interesting to find out if this true or not.

How would we find out?

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Garrett was on here in the comment section the day we did this. I interacted with him a few times. He is a good man, but they can't have any of those in there, can they?! Arrrgh.

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NAB thank you for sharing this!

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Yes. Money well spent. πŸ₯°

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

Jeff: Your C19 accountability project needs to consider where its database is stored: Who owns the servers. I produce audio and video programming for my PCA church (the PCA being perhaps America's most Biblically-true conservative denomination). We have been posting audio recordings of sermons to a Christian site called Sermon Audio; we have been posting videos to our channel on YouTube.

Over the past several months, Sermon Audio has built its own multi-terabyte storage facility and server farm on the campus of a well-known Christian university. SA's goal is to protect that content and ensure its global availability. SA has something like 8 million sermons stored there, all available for free listening and downloading by anyone worldwide who is interested.

I have recently noted a trend to incredibly slow upload speeds on YT for religious content - as opposed to quick uploads for non-church secular videos. I've also noted that some faith-based content has "disappeared" from YT altogether, and/or has become much harder to locate using standard search methods.

As of this week, I ceased uploading to YT and am relying entirely on Sermon Audio for archiving and distribution of our content.

Why do I mention this to you? Because all your team's work will be for naught, if your content triggers Big Tech censorship. It's one thing to deal with camouflaged searches, but it's another altogether to deal with content being removed and memory-holed.

Please find a way to store your data and reports on servers you can see and touch - NOT in the cloud. "The cloud is just someone else's computer", and that someone else may not want the world to share your knowledge about the SARS/Covid global grift. The secular world's hatred of Christianiity's message of truth is no different than TPTB's hatred of bright light shining into dark pharmaceutical corners.

May I suggest you run a multiplier to help fund a private, physical data repository and server farm for the C&C Accountability Project?

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Thank you for this! I agree. I’m consistently baffled at organizations creating an app or something else and then putting it on the social media servers and platforms after they blatantly censor and remove content. Why?!!! Why keep giving them control? Truth Social did it too! I was floored! Really? Put it on the App Store? So they can censor, control and delete at will. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Why are we so seemingly stupid with our strategy? Why are we always so ignorant of the enemy tactics? πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

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I’ve never understood why people use iCloud to store stuff. It is also known that Google uses gmail data for marketing at a minimum

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I’ve recently started switching to proton email account. I don’t trust the cloud.

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People are like "use Brave"! It is google in disguise. My computer doesn't lie. As the mouse rested on the address bar, it said "Chrome". Now, it says 'Brave'. But I saw it...!

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I'm tech challenged so knoweth thou where I'm coming from. I'd love to know if I'm clear on this.

My understanding is, that Chromium is an open source project: any developer from anywhere in the world can contribute to improve the "product". It did originate with Google but is available for any other browser developer to adapt and use. Chrome is the name of Google's browser: proprietary. Other browsers, Brave, Epic Privacy Browser, Ungoogled Chromium, Microsoft Edge (God forbid), et al use the Chrome-based-on-Chromium technology to build their own product, because Chrome-based-on-Chromium is supposedly a superior technology to others for browser purposes. Again, just my understanding, but just like "google" is now a verb, "Chrome" is so well known (because it is superior) that "Chrome-based" is the adaptation in our language for the Chromium technology that is used for all those other browsers.

Have I got that right gods of tech if you're hanging around these parts?

I can't say for sure that Google hasn't snuck some code in there that slips past other browser developers, something where all paths lead back to Google. I don't know. But... just because your browser is "Chrome-based" or says "Chrome" doesn't necessarily mean that it scours your machine and activity/behavior and give all your data to Google. I'm pretty tech naΓ―ve but I avoid Google as much as possible. My browser built for privacy warns in its literature (I use the term loosely) that if I use a Google product in the browser I should no longer consider my browsing as private. Like, you tube for instance. PITA.

Anyway, I'd love to hear from someone who actually knows something on the subject. Are all our "Chrome-based" *privacy* browsers b.s.?

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I worked in computers for many years, but cannot claim experise on the web.. But I do know enough (or perhaps, am just enough of a pessimist) to counsel you to NEVER assume you have privacy. I suppose a case can be made for the many ways that the big companies can legally (!!!) use your personal data (it should be disclosed in the user agreements), sell it to outsiders (including governments, etc.) I go further -- into paranoia land -- when I warn that even supposedly those services that tout privacy (Like Proton) cannot guarantee it. If you truly value privacy and/or have something to hide, it probably has no business being on the internet. Something approaching high security probably is possible, but unless you are a government spook, a computer genius, or both, the knowledge and tools are probably not within reach of most users, even most with a computer background like me. There have simply been too many known cases of failed security. Corporations will gladly hand over your most personal data to the Feds even without legal basis (just ask the J6 portesters languishing in jail going on three years). Governments routinely insert backdoors into nearly everything. If they want to spy on you, they will do it legally or otherwise.

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Words to browse by. Appreciate you dropping the wisdom.

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What about Freespoke?

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Good point. Andrew Torba did this so Gab wouldn’t experience the same fate as Parler.

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Sermon Audio is a treasure! It is loaded with features. I β€œattend” a Sunday evening service in GrandRapids since my PCA doesn’t offer one. It’s become my night time companion through SARadio as well.

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Just experienced 2 churches this week being locked out of their FB account because they were hacked by content very obviously not theirs, that violates FB terms. FB is not cooperating to restore their accounts, which are used to livestream services…

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Suggest to these folks to look at Sermon Audio as their new platform. Cost is under $30 per month for both sound and video uploads.

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Pastor Jack Hibbs at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, CA just started an entire network devoted to the Christian community called "RealLifeNetwork.com" which he started because YT kept fiddling with his sermons online, dropped off sermons as it was airing, and probably more. It is completely free and offers a Biblical worldview. "The Real Life Network has something for everyone. Choose from a wide range of categories, including culture, current events, faith in politics, and kids programming."-statement from their website.

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Love Sermon Audio!

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If you do not have an offline copy of your data, then your data is at risk of alteration or deletion.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Texas - the biggest explanation is that Speaker Phelan is the worst of the RINOs out there. He selects Democrats to lead key committees, pushes through all sorts of agendas that are NOT a priority of the state GOP, and refuses to bring up legislation that the party and its voters want. I have no idea how so many reps voted along with him this time around, but it's hardly surprising that he brought the impeachment charges. He needs to go and not just for his conduct on the House floor. The fact that he keeps getting elected because Democrats overwhelmingly vote for him says a lot.

Of course, we're now getting a special session called and I highly expect those virtuous Democrats will do their duty ... by fleeing the state yet again. Always amazes me how they get such praise from their constituents and the MSM for doing that but if the Republicans did the same, you'd never hear the end of the vitriol.

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TX Speaker Phlegm reminds me of the slimy Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Where's the promised J6 tapes, Kevin?

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Too many Feds in those videotapes.

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You know it!

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Am I remembering things wrong? Didn't the J6 tapes get delivered to Tucker and perhaps another person? I seem to remember Tucker saying they were going through 40,000 hours of tape...much of it non-activity in empty rooms, and I was sure he said he would present different findings all that week. On Monday he did the first show and we could see how laid back everything was as people walking through the halls, escorted by Capitol police, and then after that for the rest of the week, NOTHING more. And Tucker didn't say anything about the change of plans either. I immediately thought it was weird how suddenly he seemed to drop the whole J6 tape thing. I'm not sure how long after that he was fired, but it seems like Tucker was silenced after that Monday.

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Mc-art-thou RINO

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Good point Based!

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Yep. The rinos are in full force to push their power around. No Maga or Trump supporters. Also defend all rino interests even if it means the other half of their party, the demonrats, win. They are disgusting people. I call them republican'ts because the can't and won't put we the people first.

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It was always clear there were RINOs, and we knew who they were for the most part. But it seems like there are a lot more RINOs than we'd realized. I'd like to see a full list of the most obvious ones.

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They are a rino until proven otherwise.

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I was once a t-rump supporter. No more. He's a death jab salesman.

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The best thing that could happen is for TEXIT to pass by a landslide in the fall.

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Proof that socialists/communists/etc can infiltrate any party and kill it. Why can't we do the same? Be an infil_traitor.

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We’re too busy working to support ourselves and our families.

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The Dirty Truth is that the RNC and their state committee affiliates will deep six any person whatsoever that is effective and has the temerity to stand up for us ... even if it means electing a Radical Communist Democrat. The RNC is keen on perpetrating the Woke Maoist Revolution to conclusion in the once United States now Obama transformed. I've seen it time and again ... over and over. It makes me sick.

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Makes me wonder why he is a drunkard, but my guess would be that he can't stand the person he has become. He sold his soul and being drunk is the only thing to make him numb.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Love this-fell out of my chair: β€œWe have modern military geniuses like sniffy Joe Biden and Zelenskyy the comedic pianist.”

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Don't forget nasty Victoria Nuland. There's a genius. Sarc.

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Wherever Victoria Nuland shows up, death is sure to follow.

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She seems to have this particularly fanatical hatred for Russia. It’s her life’s work to destroy it. Very scary lady!

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Nuland is a murdering psychopath. Putin should put out an arrest warrant for her.

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A quick read of her recent ancestry is informative (I used Wikipedia.) I cannot quote you numbers, but there are a significant number of people of comparable ethnic and religious background in our Federal government. I don't deny that the ancestors of these people were sometimes mistreated by Russia or some other nation long ago. But I suspect having people in powerful positions who hold a grudge against Russia for crimes, real or imagined, a century or more ago is not conducive to rational foreign policy, miltiary and other government decisions.

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The modern military geniuses who wreck the Russian army and tie them down as the 2nd most powerful army in Ukraine?

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

"Governor Abbott has been silent" on Paxton's impeachment. Well, color me very very surprised. Use the purple crayon, please.

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Texas going purple has gotta be from the Californians who moved there. Like the Southern border invaders, people bring with them the crap they claim to be fleeing. They can't help it.

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Fortunately a lot of the Hispanic incoming are sticking to their Conservative roots and defying the Democrat regimes. That's delaying the lefty takeover of the Lone Star state.

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

We've been getting a lot of tree work done lately due to winter storm damage. Same with our neighbors. All the crews tend to be Spanish speaking immigrants/invaders from south of the border. I talk to them a lot, and every single one who has been here long enough to vote and have political opinions speaks against Democrats and almost all expressed strong support for Trump. I believe they see all to obvious parallels with the oppressive governments they left in our current government. They want to make successful businesses and do well financially, and they definitely see worrisome things going on. A fellow I spoke to just yesterday went on and one about how great things were under Trump and how Biden is wrecking the country. This is just anecdotal, but I have hope that the incoming Hispanic voters will NOT be automatic Biden voters. I'm in Northern California and there are a LOT of Spanish speakers here.

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They are strongly pro-trump, pro-democracy. They work hard and value family.

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Catholic roots. Like so many conservative leaders but their leader is not to be counted on but to change on a whim and the followers will follow.

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Catholic yes, but also conservative. A lot of the progressive nonsense like lgbt and gender morphing does not go down with them. I suspect they're vaxx skeptics as well.

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And/Or Soros investment seeding coming into bloom.

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Well, how does that happen? Soros has never offered me money, personally, to change my views. My price would be pretty high!

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Same, never even got an offer ;(

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Happened in Maine--'the way life should be'--with folks from away (notably Massachusetts) bringing in their toxic 'progressive' ideas.

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Happened in Vermont too. In the 80’s everyone on the Atlantic seaboard moved there or wanted to.

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My lefty cousin being one of them. A book arrived yesterday from her with a note about my not believing in evidence based science (umm, dear cousin, do you forget that I have been married to a research physicist for 51 years.....on what evidence do you decide that I do not follow 'evidence based science'....)

So, you are 'she who must be believed'? love that gerundive.

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What she actually meant was "opinion, uh, consensus based science". That is the only evidence to the Woke.

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Wow, and double wow considering your spouse's position !!!

In NYC we would say that takes a lot of chutzpah!

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Theorist or Experimetalist? Just curious.

Later Jay

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Industrial---fiber optic R+D

Aurora Optics

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VT is nearly socialist now- too close to Canada. I grew up there in the 70’s… it’s unrecognizable now.

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Yes but because many corporations moved to TX. Like Dallas and Austin. Look at Elon. Many moved for jobs not personal choice.

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The two families that we know who moved to Texas from Commifornia are righties.

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It's what ruined my hub's home state of New Hampshire. Moronic liberals from "the cradle of liberty," having wrecked it, moved to NH and proceeded to wreck it.

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WEFers are gonna WEF.

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Yep. We in Georgia are sooo pleased with Governor Kemp (WEF Davos attendee January 2023) and Brad "Dominion" Raffensperger (closed-door Zuckerberg CEIR conference attendee March 2023). With Republicans like these in control of GA, who needs Democrats?

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Pennsylvania cheats.

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Oh no, that’s not possible. Newsmax assured me there was no electoral cheating.

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Newsmax also took money from the Biden regime to push the covid death shots.

The CEO of Newsmax sold out a long time ago when he made a $1 million donation to the Clinton Foundation...also known as "Murder Inc."

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Yup I stopped reading their news after their Jan 6 coverage. Very telling.

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Also Newsmax mandated the death jab.


β€œTo ensure that we are in compliance, we require that all vaccinated employees submit a copy of their vaccination card,”

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Just thought of Fman doing 'the monster mash'

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Can't decide if he reminds me more of Lurch or Herman Munster.

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How about Fman is a one-off--so he can be a Lunchster combo?

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Thanks for this. I was unaware. I live in the NE Ga mountains.

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2023, huh? Thanks for keeping track of them!

Do you have a link to your WEF-tracker?! 😊

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Hard to believe......

RINOs -Democrats that comb their hair and wear ties. Egads...

Later Jay

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He is a nasty rino.

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About as mad as a hornet at Abbott!

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How was he re-elected with such a huge majority of the vote? Why no primary challenge for him?

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Remember that "dumb-assness" I mentioned yesterday? Some folks pull the level just cause it is Red. Obviously, Red doesn't always mean God, Guns and Guts, you know?

Later Jay

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Amazing work on that check and the volunteer page. I signed up for updates and will be happy to lend my talents to the cause.

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The third strike rule. Yup. My son playing baseball and my husband coaching taught me a lot about that. And I had to go back and watch closely to see the catcher dropped the ball. And to know the umpires got it right without replay technology! Good job baseball players who paid attention to their coaches and knew to keep running! Congratulations!

Now…today….I feel like the loosing baseball team. Life in America is very discouraging. Trump attacking people that we thought were fighting with us sucks. Chick FIL A going woke sucks. Not because I eat there, cuz I don’t. But because they were supposed faith based and closed on Sundays for obvious reasons. They stopped giving to conservative charities about 5 yrs ago so this shouldn’t be shocking, but it is. People all around us dying but we aren’t allowed to speak the truth of why. I know a special needs gentleman 65 yrs old fighting for his life on life support for 14 days now. Vaxed and boosted. But it’s all just normal to all the vaxxed around him. I don’t think he’s gonna pull through. I hope I’m wrong as he is a very kind man. Grocery shopping is discouraging. It’s getting harder to eat healthy because of prices. I’m shopping quality over quantity at this point and hoping for the best. My cucumber plants got diseased and I had to dispose of all four of them. That was a bummer. Hoping to save everything else I planted.

So to say I needed that video at the end is an understatement! I needed to see a come from behind - while they weren’t paying attention - WIN! There has to be a way to get on top of these evil demons set on destroying us.

For today, I’ll smile for the third strike rule no opposing team member was paying attention to. Hopefully Ken Paxton finds his third strike rule πŸ˜‰.

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"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the endβ€”which you can never afford to loseβ€”with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.” – ADM James Stockdale, USN, POW Vietnam, Medal of Honor.

We Are At War and Must Have that Mentality. Yesterday was the Only Easy Day. and We Are Totally Responsible for The Condition We Are In. There are No Victims.

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Yes, yes, yes! This is the attitude we must all cultivate and live by. It’s exactly the mind set of Christ. A spiritual truth that is very difficult for many to comprehend and can be very hard to follow, but we are called to do just that.

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Freak'in awesome Man!

Later Jay

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Come on SunnyDaze -you know you got this. Deep breath, keep moving forward.

Later Jay

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Thanks! Appreciate it. I’m not giving up. Just feeling a bit defeated today. Regrouping. πŸ˜‰

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Sunnydaze, how did I miss Chik Fil A going woke? What did they do? My husband loves that chain. (I only like the peppermint milkshakes that they have during the Christmas season)

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Ya they are doing the whole DEI agenda. I don’t think they came out publicly and made a thing about it. But the public is finding out. I think they were trying to do it under the radar. Probably to score their ESG points without causing their bottom line to drop and become another bud light and target. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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I am not surprised by the comment. Chik Fil A appears to have gone into retreat. It seems very hard for folks to put Faith ahead of $$$. One wonders.

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I don't know if this really fits in here but I got a nice sized shoe horn:


I get what he is saying but I don't get him having to virtue signal it out there. I think Uganda is a sovereign nation and that business about disrupting their government is flat-out wrong.

Later Jay

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It is significant that Uganda stands firmly against evil sodomite perversity while the churches, the vastly greater part of them in the collective West, stand with sodomites who are busy beavers in tearing down Christian moral virtue.

The individual in question tells me all I need to know about him ... and basically no spine, no virtue and a careerist politician. And the 'abomination' is the opposite of what is claimed. My vote is that Ted ought resign the Senate and take up sign painting. Rainbow colors, of course! And apparently his favorite.

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They stopped giving to charities that oppose same-sex marriage in 2019 and they hired a VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in ~2021. Apparently a tweet about the VP went viral, claiming they'd just hired him. My guess is they've been trying to improve their DEI score to improve their prospects as an attractive investment for big money.

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

They have a VP of DEI now. Many calling for boycott.

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Evidently they have a DEI statement on their website as do many large companies. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

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When it is actually

Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination...

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Yeah, the catcher didn't run down the batter or toss it to first. Did you notice 2 runners came in? I thought one was the batter. I thought 2 on base. Um... if the batter passed someone on base... problems.

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I saw both runners come in. It appears they already had a runner on but not on first is my guess. As long as no runner was on first it was legit. I couldn’t tell where the first runner was.

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If you listen to the play by play the announcer says so&so at bat with 2 on base...I had to watch the video twice and I think there are 3 who come across the plate. The last one being the batter who received the third strike. Watch the umps too. They kept waiting and watching the plate for the runs to score. Great lesson for all to not give up until the ump says you’re out!⚾️⚾️⚾️

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They didn't have two runners on?

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No. Not 2 runners on. A runner was on second. That runner scored. Then the batter scored because they were all out celebrating. So he ran the bases and scored the winning run.

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So I stopped being lazy (miracle PTL!) and relistened/watched. The announcer said 2 on. Only two came in, on being the batter. Rutroh.

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" People all around us dying but we aren’t allowed to speak the truth of why... There has to be a way to get on top of these evil demons set on destroying us."

When you are attacked by someone trying to kill you, the Law allows you to use lethal force to defend yourself. This is how men have always protected their families and their communities. But when a group of evil, demonic men execute a pogrom, a non-kinetic warfare, to destroy a society from within with the explicit purpose of killing as many people as possible through every conceivable means and impoverishing and subjugating the rest, we find ourselves defenseless to stop this or even to defend our neighbor because there is no specific identified individual who is kinetically attacking you. In spite of the mass violence being perpetrated against the community, we cannot respond with violence without being arrested as a lawbreaker. As in the Bolshevik revolution or the Nazi takeover in mid-20th century, whole societies simply submit to the murderous regime because the violent attack is unrecognized for what it is. There is no recognizable means of defense nor a recognized legitimate means to classify their pogrom as a direct attack.

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Jeff, I hope you don't mind that I'm a free subscriber but a repeat multiplier instead. Donating to these causes is a great feeling.

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May 31, 2023Liked by Jeff Childers

Thank you Mr. Child's for the Paxton news story.

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Those stories make me wonder if anything will change. Grrrrrr.

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Things will change.

A pessimist will say things will get worse.

An optimist will say "Oh yes they can!"


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An aware optimist will keep running the bases 'til they win the game.

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Ha! Perfect.

My take is that this is true….things will get worse, but it’s necessary for the course correct that comes after.

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I’ve heard that Jeb Bush was/is involved in the impeachment of AG Paxton. I have no reliable evidence but it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

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Haven’t we all had enough of the Bushes yet?

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You misspelled his name ... it is JEB! Never omit that ! at the end. Jeb!'s supporters paid millions for it, back in the day.

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Pls clap.

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β€œJabbers is a favorite of Floridians.

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Not this Floridian!!

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Exactly. And I meant J E BBERS. Although jabbers works too. One of my friends knew him personally. She would call him Jebbers. She is not the brightest lightbulb in the box about politics; she just has a lot of money and contributed bongo-bucks to the Rep Party. We had a parting of the ways when Trump began his campaign. She was in the tank for Mario. We didn’t speak until after the election. LOL

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Jeb? What about George W? He lives there.

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Praise God that the C&C army exists and we are, together, able to make a difference!! Praying for all those who want to do right and are currently being thwarted.

On yesterday's subject, in addition to snake venom, apparently the jabs also have Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoters tied to cancer development in humans: aka MONKEY DNA....


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Wasn't the Simian Virus also used in the old sugar cube dispensed polio vaccine in the late 50's?

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I was a military brat & took it in the 60s (Sabin I, II & III). Still have my shot record from back then.

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I took it also; only record is my memory

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I remember gagging on the red sugar cube. To this day I cannot eat one. My young primitive brain must have known it was wrong even back then.

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Dear Lord! Talk about scary!

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Check out this 80 sec video of Jim Carrey and Jenny Mccarthy on Larry King totally dissing the vaxxine industry and the corrupt doctors.


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I used to think Jenny McCarthy was kind of nutty. I am truly sorry for not believing her. I had no right to discount opinion from a mom who has an autistic son.

I am truly anti-vaccine to the max now.

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Me too. We didn’t listen back when we could’ve maybe stopped all this autistism vaxx injury.

My niece has a friend whose son is now 5. Diagnosis: Autism.

Before vax FINE! Walking, talking, normal behavior and development. After childhood vax, sits and stares, doesn’t walk, doesn’t talk. Autistic now. πŸ˜”

We didn’t listen. Now the population is brainwashed to think autism is genetic or the experts are baffled as to why. Even parents of autistic kids are brainwashed to think this just happens and it’s normal. It’s infuriating that we cannot see this for what it is. Just like everything else.

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Well, homosexuality is genetic, too, doncha know.

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Paste that β€˜anti-vax’ sticker on me. Proud to wear it!

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

The vaxx issue is what first woke me up to the fact that many so-called conservative "thought leaders" aren't conservative at all but simply corporate mouthpieces.

I've been following this for nearly fifteen years since my son experienced a serious adverse reaction to his toddler shots. The more I dug into it the more I realized folks like Jenny McCarthy and RFK Jr. (two liberals) were not only extremely well-informed on the issue, but exactly right. They knew at least ten times more about the subject than a typical pediatrician parroting "safe and effective".

But then the big-business lackeys (supposedly on our side) started trashing her as an airhead blonde using outright character assassination. These were the people at National Review, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and other "conservative" think tanks. Even worse, people on our side started mindlessly repeated this stuff because they heard it from people they wrongly trusted. How often did some uninformed blowhard spout off about how "these irresponsible hippy parents were putting us all at risk"? It was all the time and they still do it today but to a lesser extent thank goodness.

The pediatric vax issue was one of the first "the science is settled" issues and plenty of conservatives were all too happy to play along. Hopefully seeing the lies of the medical industry over the past three years will make them a little more circumspect before mindlessly repeating what they were told when they did zero firsthand research on their own.

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Ya because her son is vaxx injured. But J Carrey is a democRAT who is shameful and disgustingly vomitous. Is that a word? He has spent the better part of the past 6 years slamming and shaming anyone who supports Trump and Trump himself. If he has any new movies out (which I have no idea because I refuse to watch anything with him in it past or present) then he was vaxxed since that is the standard to be working in pedowood now. So if he was anti vax while dating Jenny….I doubt he continued that after they were caput. IMO

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Yeah he's a jerk and who knows if he really believed it, but he was right on this one and spoke out about it when so many others were afraid to. He get's credit for that from me.

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One of my favorite words! Getting lots of use lately too...

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Wow! Some years ago...right on...wish I had heard something like this when my boy was getting his vaccines in the late 1980s.

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Wow, this is an old clip, before the drugs and wokeness contaminated Jim Carrey. I wonder if he felt the same about the Covid jab? Or did Fauci mesmerize him too.

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There's a strong herd mentality in Hollywood in particular. Your job depends on that.

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Love this! Do you know when this was aired originally?

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Not sure on the date. There's this info here, but it may be a different interview. But likely in the general timeframe.


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β€œWill the House cut the bottom out of the FBI’s purse, or uselessly move on?”

If they don’t uselessly move on, I’ll be stunned. No group is better at kabuki theater than Republicans. I’d love to be stunned.

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Exactly! Look what they did to us regarding the debt ceiling negotiations.

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By now, we ALL know someone who has suffered more than a minor medical crisis from getting jabbed. My first cousin has β€œturbo” leukemia and has had to get 2 transfusions since Feb of this year. He is at home now with monitors that beep in the background (I hear them when I call him), while his wife has to do everything for him! (No - he’s not being a big baby). Another first cousin has GBS since getting her 2nd jab, but got her 3rd jab anyway - not putting the pieces together. Her neuro doctor flat out asked her why she got the booster when she was suffering already and couldn’t walk! It’s because she listened to the β€œscience”! A close friend died suddenly in his sleep the night before Thanksgiving last year. He walked every day and was fit as a fiddle! And then there’s friends who have heart problems and they’ve been in and out of the hospital - some even having heart attacks while in the hospital. It is overwhelming. Just in the small circle of friends that 6 out of 10 are so debilitated with serious health issues and death. This is no joke and evil is on the menu. Jamie Fox is a serious casualty as are many others. Just that he’s famous and one cannot deny that he suffered at the hands of β€œscience”. I truly wish that his family would make an honest statement about him, but they’ve probably been paid off big-time. After-all, for the rest of his life, he will need care and medical attention that will add up to millions of dollars. We know all this. Same as some of us knew not to take the jab. But cognitive dissonance is their way of making us feel as if we don’t know anything. Fine. But I will still have my belief system and you can keep yours....

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Crystal01681...You're right, WE all know someone who has suffered more than a minor medical crisis from getting jabbed. The problem is that most of these victims (or their family members) don't seem to know that it's from the jab.

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They don’t want to believe the depths of evil that went into planning the demise of millions of people. My cousin who has the leukemia is a psychiatrist. He suspects it. He’s in serious shape. I am worried about him…..My other cousin with GBS, her doctor is on board that she was injured by the vax and they’ve filed paperwork to report it.

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Pittsburgh VA hospital still pushing covid shots and boosters.

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So is Mayo Clinic in Rochester. They won’t see unvaxxed patients.

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OMG...what horrible people!

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Discrimination! Where are the Southern Poverty Law Center & other civil rights groups?

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Is this about β€œshedding”?

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They were compensated greatly by the pharmaceutical companies and federal government to push the vax.

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You can never be too safe.

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My dad got sepsis in the Des Moines VA. It was a problem the rest of his life with open wounds and infections. Eventually a sudden heart attack and stroke killed him. Which was a blessing actually. That was in the 90’s.

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

Janet, I’m so relieved my parents died before all this covid evil.

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May 31, 2023Β·edited May 31, 2023

The VA actually seemed to be improving under President Trump. Now it has gone back to the same stupidity and indifference.

Pittsburgh VA hospital still forcing veterans to wear a mask...or entry and medical care is denied.

How is denying medical care to veterans humane?

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We sure know the answer to that. Yet sick lifelong smokers and drinkers are treated. But you can’t β€œcatch” smoking. Jury is out on the drinking thing, IMO.

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It's not humane but it' the same old same old. We've always been treated like crap.

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Janet, I have said for a long time we should (1) turn the VA hospitals into drug and mental health facilities (to replace all those that were transitioned into something else when the government stopped reimbursing in the 1970’s) and

(2) give all Vets free access to all medical care anywhere they want to get it. I am thinking that would be a better use of the $55.6 BILLION budget, and certainly take care of many social issues.

Department of Veterans Affairs, is a system of approximately 1,700 hospitals, outpatient clinics, counseling centers and long-term care facilities that provides care to nearly 9 million veterans annually. Congress has appropriated $55.6 billion

The veterans' health care system was first developed in 1919 with the enactment of P.L. 65-326, which authorized the Public Health Service to provide needed care to veterans injured or sick as a result of military service.


From 2009 to 2011, states cut mental health budgets by a combined $4 billion- the largest single combined reduction to mental health spending since de-institutionalization in the 1970s.


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I've been in favor of doing away with the VA system and substituting another level of Tricare for those who left military service before retirement. That will likely never happen, as politicians spend money on the VA system to look good and so buy votes that way. You can't pose for a photo or issue a press release with a transparent system that allows patient autonomy.

Thanks for the info about mental health budgets. I read an article, in the '80s, I think, maybe in The New Yorker, telling about the deinstitutionalization debacle.

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Privatize the VA

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Kathleen, have they finally given up on the masks? I am still waiting for our local hospitals to end the practice. Can you believe it??

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Pittsburgh VA hospital still forcing mask wearing.

Even though VA headquarters in Washington, DC put out a news release on 3 March 2023 stating that masking requirements would be relaxing. Pittsburgh is in Allegheny County. I receive updates from the county's health department every Thursday and transmission levels are low.

Pittsburgh VA hospital will deny entry and medical care to veterans not wearing a mask.

How is denying medical care to veterans humane?

Here is the link to the news release from VA headquarters from March 2023...guess Pittsburgh VA hospital didn't get the memo.


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Sorry to hear, Kathleen. It would be pure torture for me.

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I have pulmonary problems from my military service. During my last PCP appointment, the nurse asked me if my oxygen levels are always so low at 93.

Duh...those idiots demand that I wear a mask.

Probably a good thing I wasn't in the ER. Some over zealous person would have pumped me full of Remedesivir and put me on a vent...to die.

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Every time I read your comments on this, I am infuriated and saddened. Isn’t there something we can do as the C&C Army???

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I'm going to strongly suggest you take a course of Ivermectin! I had asthma since my early 20's. Every year I would have at least two major asthma attacks. I was using 2 inhalers every day for all of those years. Along came covid and I started taking a low dose...noticed my asthma was fading away. In December 2022 I came down with covid and increased the dose for 7 days. I take a 3mg tablet once a week now. My asthma is completely gone! It is easy to take, is safe, and works for many ailments! If I were you, I'd give it a try. My lifelong chronic cough is also completely gone.

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I don't even know what to say anymore.

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If you deny care to the 'right' kind of veterans, you get rid of even more 'noncompliant' people. How's that for a guess?

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Or, some Adim get a bigger bonus. It's a 2 for 1 sale!

Later Jay

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I will not comply; fool me once....

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It’s horrible 😒 So many people affected by the shots, so many deaths and disabilities resulting from trusting the government and Pharma 😞

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I feel very blessed that my mostly vaxxed large family has had no medical issues from their choice, most did not continue past 1 boost.

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Those check pics so warmed my heart. They will make an enormous difference in their lives and we had direct help in that. But they are the true heroes!

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Pray for Paxton!

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